Study 09 Lydia of Thyatira (Read-Only)

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6. Lydia's faith showed itself in good works.


F. W. Dixon
She was not saved by good works, because no one is Study 9
saved in that way, as is made perfectly clear by
Romans 3:20; Ephesians 2:8-10 and Titus 3:5. It is LYDIA OF THYATIRA
true, however, that faith without works is dead, look Scripture Reading: Acts 16:1-15
up James 2:20; and where there is true faith there will
be works to demonstrate the reality of that faith. The story of Lydia's conversion is contained in two verses
Lydia's open home was the evidence of her opened only, Acts 16:14-15. It is told with simplicity, and there is
heart. Zacchaeus' restitution was the evidence of his a sublime beauty about it. Paul evidently felt just as happy
conversion, look up Luke 19:8; the jailer also gave in ministering to a few God fearing women as to a great
evidence of his conversion, look up Acts 16:33-34, crowd in the synagogue. In all probability there would
and compare 1 John 3:14. have been no synagogue in Philippi, a gentile city, so here
by the riverside at Philippi these women met for prayer at
7. Lydia's one desire was to be faithful to her Lord. regular times. Paul recognized a God given opportunity for
preaching the gospel to them. One of these women who
This is clearly stated in verse 15. She longed to be true met for prayer was Lydia; of her we read, "whose heart the
to the One Who had done so much for her. Is this our Lord opened". When the jailer was converted there was an
consuming desire just to be faithful to Him, at all earthquake; when Lydia came to know the Lord it was a
costs? Look up Revelation 2:10. silent, unemotional movement of the Holy Spirit in her
heart. God works very differently with different kinds of
people. He understands our background and our tempera-
ment, and He knows just how to meet our deep need and
the way to approach us in our need. Some people are
suddenly converted, others come gradually; some come
publicly and some privately; some come with great
emotion and others without much motion. The important
thing is to know that we have been converted, even if we
do not remember the time or the place when the great
transaction took place. Are you trusting the Lord Jesus
now, and able to say now, 2 Timothy 1:12? Has the Lord
opened your heart and entered in? Look up
2 Corinthians 13:5.

1. Though Lydia was a very obscure and humble

woman, it was through her opened heart that God
passed into Europe.

She was a native of Thyatira and a seller of purple.

She was a business woman, but her name would not
have hit the headlines in Holy Scripture had it not been
for God's gracious dealings with her, look up
1 Corinthians 1:26-29. God delights to choose the words that Paul spoke, it means that she gave her
ordinary people and use them for His glory. The full attention to his presentation of the Gospel. She
significant thing for us to notice here is that when God heard him declare the truth of John 3:16; Acts 4:12
wanted to enter into a new continent so that multitudes and Romans 1:16; she heard about the Person and the
of people in that continent might be saved, He chose Work of Christ, and as she listened her heart was
Lydia as the channel through whom He would work opened and the Lord Jesus entered in. It was not only
just as He chose Carey when He wanted the message her mind which was opened, but her heart, look up and
of the gospel in India, or Livingstone when He wanted compare Romans 10:9-10. She not only believed about
to demonstrate His power in Africa. Lydia's opened the Lord Jesus and His power to save her, but she
heart was the vantage ground for a forward movement received Him and trusted Him to be her Saviour.
for the gospel in Europe. Think what God can do
through one life when He gains complete control of it! 4. Lydia lost no time in confessing her Lord.
Think what God can do through your life if it is fully
yielded to Him We are told that she was baptized, and all the members
of her household were baptized as well. So here again
2. Lydia was a worshipper of God before the Lord we have the scriptural order, believe on the Lord Jesus
Jesus entered her heart. Christ and be baptized; receive Him as Saviour and
confess Him openly as Lord, look up and compare
We are told that she was at the prayer meeting. She Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 2:41. Here is God's
was obviously quite sincere in her religious ordained method for confessing openly that we have
observances, but she was not born again, look up John trusted Christ as our Saviour. What a wonderful
3:3; she had not been saved through faith in Jesus service it must have been when Lydia was baptized!
Christ, look up John 5:24; her heart had not yet been Her public baptism, which may have taken place in the
opened to welcome the Saviour, look up John 1:11-12. river, just near to the spot where she was converted,
How many people there are just like this! They are must have been a testimony to many people.
described in 2 Timothy 3:5. They are sincere and they
regularly attend church, but they are not Christians; for 5. Lydia's testimony was blessed to those in her own
the one thing which makes a man a Christian is the home.
presence of the Lord Jesus in his heart and in his life,
look up Revelation 3:20. It is not enough to believe in She was not the only one to be baptized. The members
God; we must believe in, trust in, the Lord Jesus as of her household were baptized also which means, of
well, look up John 14:1. Is it possible that your faith is course, that they also believed on the Lord Jesus and
"vain" faith? Look up 1 Corinthians 15:1-2. their hearts were opened to receive Him as their
Saviour, and thus they confessed Him openly by
3. Lydia listened to the Gospel, and the Lord saved baptism. In Psalm 68:6 we read that "God setteth the
her. solitary in families". What does this mean? Lydia is an
example of this statement. God saved Lydia, and
Here we have an illustration of Romans 10:17 in through her the members of her household came to
action. Lydia heard the message of the Gospel, and as know the Lord. This is His plan and intention in
she listened faith become operative in her heart. This saving you, that through you, those who are loved by
is the way God works. He is sovereign in the salvation you and known by you should hear and receive the
of a soul, and when we are told that Lydia "attended" Gospel.

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