Doreal, 1940, Great Seal

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Dr.] ii. Doreal




0}.'iginal Copyright #313, 933


Sedalia, Colorado.
F O t< E '1YOR D
- 0 <=>
This message be a revelation
of great importance to every American
interested in theideals, hopes and
aspirations of the founders of the United
, states. It will be found especially in-
teresting to those who have· wondered
abou t the outcome of tb .e present world
conditions and the future of the Ameri-
can people.

To say that the early American

founders did not dream of establishing a
republic that would endure and eventually
grow into the ideal state of the Golden
Rule would not do them justice nor would
it. display an understanding of human na-
ture. Any close student of man or his-
tory knows that man has always . dreamed.
of living someday in a Golden Haven of
Peace, a Shangri-La. With out the belief
that such a kingdom wil l eventually
arise man would have little incentive to
pioneer strange lands, build cities and
esta blish law and order to ~ttain great-
er civilized privilege s.
There is much evidence, but greatly
grossed over, that our nation was found-
ed around t~1is ideal. And it is quite
evident that t he founders were inspired
by their vision of a Golden Age in which
. infinite ju stice would rule, and from
this vision formed a governmental plan
to serve as a foundation upon which a
higher civilization could mat e rialize.
Ar ou nd t i-,.e ti me of our nation I s
f orma tion a nu rr.b er of OCCUL'I'IST S had
set t led in . th e .New En gl a nd St a tes who,
wit h th e ir gr e a t spi r it ua l wisdom, help-
ed to· formµlate. a pl ~n of the New Re-

If one is tr a i ne d
in the Ancient
Lor e of Ar ca ne Wi sdo m, and ca n read the
s ymbolism . of t 1:.1 e · M;,rstic s , the occult
st ory of th e·· f o r mj_ng . of th e Union and
the pur•pose for which our Gove rnment was
founded, can b e easily ,. read. The v:i . sion
wh:Lch th e f ou s of t he n ati o n sa w has
been aptly recorded in t he symb ols of
the Gre a t Sea l .
Th e tim e is n ow pr ou iti ous f or the
Americ an p ~op l e to see a g a1 n t he vision
which pl ay ed . s u ch a n i rr.1
)or t arit part i .n .
the form a tion o ( our go vernm en t. There-
fore, 5.n due humili t _y, we _pr e sen t .this
v on as it may b,e re ad . in t :ie s:vmb ol
of t he eag le wh ich ad orn s t he Gre at Se al
6f the United States. ·

0 F,
0 F T .H E U N I T E D S T A T E S

The Great Seal of the United States

is of peculiar interest to the occultist
becci.use of the ni..u:n
ber of mystical and
occult symbols involved.
Soon after> the wa:.:>, Benjamin Frank-
lin, Jorin 1~dams and Thomas Jefi'er .son,
were appointed as a committee to pr epare
a Great Seal for t he ne w. repu blic· and
t hey employed a French ·west Indian., De
Simitiere to furnish the design and also
sketch·any desi gns s~g g ested by the com-
mittee. On one of th e or i g inal de signs
there was dtsp layed on a shield the
armorial enstgns of the ~everal nations
who had peop l ed Ame:r>i ca ~ On one side
was Liberty wit h her cap , ·a n the other
side q rifleman in uniform; with rifle
i n one hand and a tomah~wk in the other.
Fr an klin propbsed for the device
Moses li fting his wand dividing the R~d
Sea and Pharoah • and b:is host overwh elmed
by the wa t er , . and f0r a motto t h e wo,rds
of Cromwell , i!Rebell ion to tyrants is
obedience to God. 11
Adams proposed Hercules l~ an in g on
his c lu b , \~irt ue pointing to a rugged
mountain on one si de , and Slo th , glanc-
in ~ at h er flo wery paths of pleasure,
wantonly reclinins on the ground with
Virtue displaying h er ch arm s to seduce
Jefferson pro po sed the children of
Israel in the V';il.J~rness, led by a c l ::>nd
by clay and a p il l n r of fire by night:,
and on the rev erse,_ Hengist and Horsa,
the &ax on chiefs fro~·whom we cl aim des-
ceht, and whose politica l pr inci ples and
form ofgover'nJnent we ha ·.;e assumed.
Franklin and Adams then requested
Jefferson to comb ine t li.eir ide as in a
compact description '.)f the pro posed Great
Seal, which he did , and this paper is
now in the office of the Secretary of
s .tate a t · V!ashin 6 ton.

A number of other devices was sug-

gested but for some reaso1 1 or oth er were
Af t er vainly trying to perfect ~
seal which would meet· with the app roval
of con gress, Thomson, Secre tary of Con-
gress, finally · rec e iv ed from John Adams,
then in London, a simple and approp riate
device, suggested by Sir John Prestwich,
who ·was a warm friend of America and an
accomplished anti -qu a rian. It met with
ge ne r al appr ~val , a nd in June 1782 was
adopted as the Great Seal. Leaving ou t
all ref erence to symb olism it may be
descrlbed thus:
It c on sists of an escutcheon with
thirteen stripes, red, white an d blue,

- 6-
spang l ed with thirteen stars pl sce d on
the breast of an American ea gl e· without
support to denote self - rel i ance . In the
eagles ' b eak a sc roll · with the words, "E
Pluribus Unum". As :=i. cr es t over the
head of the eagle _ a gol den gl ory break -
ing through a blue c loud with t h irteen
go ld en sta1"s . In its ri ght talon an
ol iv e branch and in its left thirteen
arrows .


A py ramid shed, in the Zeni th
an e ye in a tl''ian gl e , sur:r·ound ed with
a glor·y, over the eye the words , "Annuit
Coeptis" ( God has favored the under-
takin g ), on the base of the py r amid the
Roman l e t ters " MDCCLX: Xltr (17' ?6 ) and 1J11-
de r !...1.-0
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( A new series of ages .)
'l'he i".meri ca n eagle is a bird pecu-
liar to th i s continent en d therefore
showed wha t country the sea l wa8 speak --
i ng of.
The Sh i e ld wt th the thirteen stripes
represented the t 'r irte en co l onies, the
protection of funsri ca .
Th e cloud of GloI':f wj_ th the t' ..,_ irteen
Gol de n ~Har· s re p 1 e sente d the mystica l

li ght w;:lich su1'roun:d.ed the forming of

the Uni ted St8.tes , 8. f ulfillm e nt of
pr op h e cy.

Th e arrows held i n the 1°j_ght cla w

represented the power 0f war wh ile the
olive brapch re presented peace , to be
Qsed imp artially.
, The symbolism of the Great Seal is
of int er .est to every citi~en of the
Uni ted St ates fo r in it is conce a l ed
s ome of the kJ.10Wl$dge of the ea rly , ,oc-
c~lt or g~n izati on s in America. · ·

The shie ld . with thirteen

stripes •
meant not only th~ t h irteen
states, but a l so Jesus and the twelve
discip l es who acted as a shield to the
states, which had been fo rmed in the
c1.ame of God.

The thirte en stars OD a blrie field

th a go lde n glory
·N.i b rea king through ·a
oloud, show the li gh t . of God ·shining
throu gh the thirteen representatives of'
God (J ~ s us and the t wel 7 e a postl es ) upon
the ea gl e bearin g the shield.
The eagle , with its win g s spre a d ,
is·the messenger between earth a nd Heav-
en, carryin g the prayers of the ne w na-
tion -r;o t he c lou d. of gJ ory, r ep r o.senting
God. In its l ef t · talon is an olive
nranch represe nt ing the p e ace desired by
the nntion, but in tl1e ri ght talon is a
bundle of thirt e en arrows represent ing
the forces and powefs of protecti on ot
Jesu s end the t wel v e .
'Ehe scroll i ns cr ibed , u I r: God V!e
?rust", in t he ea gle's b ea k represents
the po wer of God, which t he new nation
oe li e·re d pro tec t ed and u ph e l d therri . On

the reverse side, the unfinished pyramid
· represents the unfin:i .. shed nation which
was dedicated to God, · and which, under
the eye in a triangle e.nd surrounded by
the glory, would eventually re ~ml t in a
ne _w perfected Age .~ On the base of the
pyramid the words, "Novus 01 do Seclorum., 11

( w series of a ges), which · signify

the be g innin g of a new period in the
manifestation of man.
The worcls, "Annuit Coeptis" {God
has favored the undertakin g ), show that
God was l~ader and director of the new
The . eye represents the ' All-seeing
eye of the God-]pan, ilfhich woul J be open-

ed j_n the new age when the pyra mid had

been completed by the triangle or unity
of' .the body, mind and soul . of the na-
tion. When the eye is opened th e glory.,
or Light of Goel; ·shines t11I·ough man.
The _mo st vital symbol to 1Js now is
the unfinished pyramid of thirteen steps
or stages. In the original de~ign it
was intended for thirteen stones to be
shown in each ste p . If we multiply
thirteen by thirtee11. we have · one hundred
and sixty nine. The beginning of this
nation was 177 6 ; add 169 to 1776 and we
have 1945, the year when this nation
will h av e reached as hi gh as it can go
under theold order. In 1945 .America
will be confronted with grave decisions~
On the outcome rests t he fate of the na-
tion. It will either fall into oblivio:.:i
through materi a lism or ascend to the
triangle s us pe nd ed above in which shin es
the Li ght of Hoa, the Anc i e nt of Dnvs.
If t his h a ppens the,n a great sph~j _tual
nation will be evolved to l ead the rest
of the wor ld from the darkness of n ega -
tion into which it V:iill have fa llen.

Each and every one c an do their

part to bring about the descent of the
Gr ea t Spiritual Light, ·

Aia in There are t h irteen st~ps ·

ih the pyram id and thirteen original
s t ates . Th e states !11ultiplied by th e
steps g ive us the same si gnifican t 169.

There is no question but tha t the

y ea r 1945 wi ll be of great sign5-ficance
to th e Amer ican peop l ·e . Oux• J'l:'r,10cracy
0 111 stand or f a ll by our a ttit11 de ~nd
actions in tha t year . Le t us i:i: o forward_
sti"ong in t he f'ai th of our ._, founders,
t h a t Ame r ica and h e r princ i p les shall


The Ea gle was my s tically ch osen to
represent the formation of our democ ratic
li fe . In the Ancient l eg ends the eagle
is the mat e rial r ep resentative of the
s p iritu al bird, the Phoentx, t he symbol
of Immort"E•.l Life. In the Great Seal of
the U.S.A . we find the eagle represent-
in e this li fe , as the carrier of the
banners of Pea ce, Power, Uni t y and Lib-
erty into the Age of' Universal Hap p iness.
The spreading wings of the eagle
represents the life of the American
Sp i r it. They are so sho wn to represent
that the sole purpose of t he e ag le is,
that it shall fly, when the pro pe r time
come s, from t he old or d er into a new.
The ea gl e wear s an escutcheoned
shiel d , upon which is the insi gn a of his
ne w b irth. The thirteen bar~ on the
shield represen t s the t h irteen Original
Colo n i e s, and i n the ir Uni on t he life of
lhe e ag le begaD.
I n t h e eag l e 's ri g~ t cla w is sh own
an oli v e br anc h, a Dymbol of peacc 1 whic h
he hol d s as a power ' in the world t he t
th e Spi rit of Lif e mi ght gro w . In his
left claw he clasps a bunch of arro ws, B
symbol of po wer in ~ ar, which he wi~l ds
to protec t the weak Urn.t they m:i.ght gro F
and become strong. Th~re are t td rte en
arrows arid thirteen l~aves on the olive
branch. °Thus it is shown that there
will be thirteen times thirteen periods
(years) · of time in which the New Repub-
li~ must grow before ent~ring j_nfo the
Greater Life.
The white head nn d the nin e white
feathers in t he eagles ta il are symbolic
of tne ten Sephiroth _of the Anc:L8nt 'Kab-
balistic i.rJisdom represe1:it:tng the Spir:..
itual Treeof Life. The nine feathers
:r:'ep:resents the formulatj _ve princ1.ple of
cre~tiori, and the head . the spiritual in-
telligenc ·e which shall guide the Repub-
lic through the V:·drteen stages of its
growth and preparat:i.on for th~ Spi.ri tual
Kingdom; shown as a Heavenly Glory above
the . ~agle 1 s head.
· . ' The scroll . inscribed,· . "In God We
·t 11 , in the . eagle's beak, represents
by whos e power, it was bel ieved, that
the ri.atlon vvas formed and would be pro-
tected •
.The earrle•s head is
turned to the
right toward the cardinal
d:i.fectlon of
the mid-day sun. The ea gle is thus shown
with· his wings spr e ad, r ea dy t9 fly when
the sun reaches the meridian.

The Cloud of Glory of thirteen

Golden stars, w.i th t vve1 'Je fo1°ming an
inter-l~ced triangle around the thir-
teenth, resembles the Great Seal of Solo-
mon. It h a s b een said t ha t this repre-
sents the of the Mac1•ocosrnic
an d the Microcosmic worlds of creation
within en infi nite ctrcle . We can see
·:.'i thin th is b rj_l J.i o:J.t 'l y - L:_lumi n ed cloud
he pr•omised Clid_ ;:1i:;-Ki1' 1°:cJor:1 of t welve
stat ;s c ente re d around o~ e head.

It is curiou r:~ to no te hov i often the

numbo r t h irt ee n Bppear' s n.s 2.n tr rportant
par t in t h is s ..riifc.clis m. It rs evident
tba t the 1J. u::i11ber t 1-lirte e n :1mst c ontain
s0m e mystic or spiritual re l Ation to the
order ar1d mo veme nt o f' the U1,i ve rse, We
observe th nt Je su s h a d twelve ~isciples,
f orm i n g thirt een ; Ocl5.n bro :1_ght t welve
pri e sts or godars t o Europe from Asia.
There were twel v e st on e s i n the hrea st-
plnte of th e h igh - priest of T.sriael, the
stones and plate forming thirteen-; the
t wel v e houses of the z odiac controlled
by the sun, forming a:u the numb 0r
thirteen . Manv more c o~ ld be ci ted but
th e se a r e suffi;ient to sui ~e st the Mys-
tic. t ::lirt e en v:'.dc h had a s i -:,:n if j_can t
part in the f orm i n g of the u.s . i .
New, h a vin g l earned t h e int e r preta-
tion of th ese symbo ls an d ha vi n g ga :i.ned
s omething of t he ir mea n ing, we may re-
co n struct th e vi sion as it i s re pres ent -
ed by t h e symbo ls of th e Great Am0rican
Sea l and r ea d its mes s a c e in the follow-
in g manne:r.·.

rrFr·cm the a sh es cf the I!::11:

Phoenix there a0 µeared a baby eag le ,
Thirteen t wigs were r a ll ec ted t oge ther
to f o rm t1i.e' ·eag .Lc 1 s ne;:;t . And i n the
wa1•mth of the mor•nin g sun the eagle
thri ve s and bec o~ es s trong , Rnd the twi gc
be c ome a sturdy tr0 e of ;an y branches.
P,nd when the sun ar ri ves a t the meridian ,
the Lmnortal Spirit wi ll b e revived and
the eagle will fly into the Sun .

<::> -0 <=>
You may help in establishing the
Christ-Kingdom in America by en.listing
in the army of Li .';ht · in its vvar against
darkness and negation. Your lndividual
efforts are needed in the building of
the new Kin gdom. And its citizens will
be those who prepare for its coming and
ai d in its establishment.

If you desire to help build the

Christ-Kingdom and aid in the establish-
ment of the Brotherhood of man on earth
y ou should b e interested in t he New
Truth Movement founded by Dr. Doreal~
He, having contact with the G1•eat White
Lodge, t he Elder Broth e rs of man, is an
agent for the f oundatj_on and the Great
Sp iritu al Kingdom of the Coming Golden
Age . · In ~rd e r to contac t and i n struct
the Tr uth Stud ents. of Amer:Lca in· th e
coming of th e Chr-ist-Li ?'.ht t he B:rothe:r·-
hood o f the White Temple Church vrns form-
ed ~ The Church i s inte n ded to br in g
toget;her al :i sincere se elrn rs ·vho de sire
to establish the Golden Ag e of the
Chr i st-Kin Rdoru on earth . We know that
t h is can on ly GOillG about When men create
an inn er har monJ a nd und er st and in g , ~nd
reflect the Christ -l ight int o the out er
mat erial world.
Do1°E~2l, founder• :.)f the Broth .erhood ,
has foI ' In.2.n·y ye2o.r,·s mac]e an · :L11tensive
study of th e Hebrew Kabbala , ancien t
s :tIJ1bolism and related sub j eots. . . H8 has
studied both the Old and New Testaments
i n the o:i:·ig ln a l a nd fou n d man y errors in
translat io n a nd int er pre tation. Bv au ~.
p ly .in·g hi:] kn o,.vlecl g·e . o_f the Kat,b .al~;
Heb r ew , Gr•eek ~ ancient Rymbolism , e tc.,
t o th e Bible, :he h as been l:!ble to arrive
at unti~e ly ne w int erpretetions of a
vast num be r o f mos t important pa s sag es .
By this int erpret a tion all of th e hidde-r 1
myst eri e s of the .S ecret ·Te a chin g s of
J~sus are · made clear an d one be com es
abl e to li ve th6 true Chiist -li fe .

With a c orrect inte r pr eta tion of

the great truths - o f t h e Christian B ible
a clear · u nde rst and i~g o f t h e Los t ~Mys -
.te ri es v.1J:..ich J ,_ )sus t a1:: .ght h is dis ci p les
is ob t ain e d and one : is :able to live the
t1•ue ChI·ist - lii' e ; · L:i3ing the Chris t-
~l ife i~ clud e s a w6~ki ng kno wl edge of the
ope r a ti ve l aws ~ 1ich J esus tau~1t his
d isci ples but did not teach t he mul ti-
t u de, . I n Mitth ew , Cha p t er 13 , ve r ses 1 1
-1 6, J e s us says :
"Bee a use it j_s ~ i ven .nt e> y o u to
know t h e mysteries of the · kin ,4 to m of
heRven, bnt to them it is n:-it . n;i'Jen . 11
:rPor wh osoever ' hath, to i-nm sh a ll
he ;;:r.iven , and. h e shall ha'ie more abun -
d a r,ce: tut v,;1-,os oe v e 1° hath 21ot , from hi m
shall be ta!rn!i avay even th a t h e h& th. 11

n,l'h erefoi>e speak I to t hem in par -

-l f3-
ables; be 9a1.1so they seeing .see not; and
h ea rin g . they hea r not, ne ith er do t he y

" And in them is fulfj_lled the proph-

ec y of Es sias, which saith, By hearin g
he shall hear, and shall n0t understand:
and seeing ye shall not u-11de:··s 'ca nd; and
! s ee in g y e shaL ;_ s ee , and shal'l not per-
"For. t hj_s people 's hear,_t . is waxed
e;r o s s , i:lnd their ears are dull of hear-
in g, an d t he i'l" eye s th3 y have closed;
lest a t any ti~e t hey shou ld s ee with
the ir eye s, and hear ~ith their ears,
and shoul d be converted, an d I should
he a l th em."

"But blessed H:i:'e your eyes , for

they see : and ynu r ears, for they hear.n
He are tb..1.t1-tol cl t1:1at J esus taught
in two mF.1. n ners, a';r fo-r
the initiated, ana a s im pl e, e t hical
code for the mass who were un abl e to
comr-rehend the mys teries.

Th e Brotherhood believe s tha t t he

time has 110 1-"! come for the E1ysteries t ,)
b e revealed to t he mas~ , and for t h is
reason has fo Pmed the Chu 1'ch a-s a medium
t11ro1.i.'.sh which the thing s hi n ted at in
the Bi b le may be revealed . Each wor d
uttered by Jesus h&d two meaninss , one
open , the other c0nceaJ.ed . ,i}hen we a re
ab le to understand th a t the cc ~ cealed i s th0 import&nt one, 'Ne have 6.r
incent i ve to attempt its un der standing.

:-17 .._.
Dorea l kno ws that the t i me is at
hand for the estab l ishing of the Brother-
hood of Man a nd t h e Chr i st - Kin gdom o n
earth. The sec ond coming of Christ wi l l
only man i fest when man est ablishes a
ha r mony of pur po se, which will create a
v i bration attuned t o the Christ Con -
s c iousness .

The Broth erh oo d of the rlhi te Temp l e

Church was founded to a id in bringing
about this condition of harmony of
t hou gh t and consciousness. Our desire
is· to bring to man a plan of life t h rou gh
wh ich all go od t h in gs c a n manifest in
h i .s life and e liminat e t~1e chaos whi ch
manifests a s ne ga tion , disorder, inhar -
mony, poverty, war and hatred. It de -
sir- e s to brin g ab o ut the h ar mon y of p ur· -
pose which is the man ifest a ti on of the
. trtie Brotherh oo d of Man a nd oneness of
purpose With God ' s pla n.

Pov ir t), sickn es s, inh a r rnony an d

ha t e are all man if esta tions of ~he lack
o f understan tlj _ng of God's Laws . Th e true
workin g s of t he se la ws will enable each
of us t o take our pl ace in the ChI'ist -

The Church is founded for one rmr -

pose only - to enable the individual to
arrive a t a ~reate r und erstanding of the
Divine Law s o that he may take his place
as a member of the Christ - Kingdom on
earth .
If you ·t' is h t o ga in a grea t er under -
standing of the Di vine Laws of Chr ist's

-18 -
Kingoom anH learn His inner and deeper
teachings, write and ask what you might
ao to help in this Great Work. Write to:
M. Doreal, Spiritual A<1visor
Brotherhoon of the White Temple Church

! h__f\f\ ESS.A <~

The time ls at hantj for a Spiri,tual
Revoluti ·on to t.ake . place in America," a nd
the Brotherhoon is . preparing to assume a
prominent place in the ne ·w orner which
will emerge from the present chaos.

The Brother.hood of the White Temple,

a channel of the Masters, has been c_hosen
as -one of the paths through which sin-
cere, .selfless seekers, who are willing
to dedicate their lives to the service
of mankind, may prepere themselves for
the coming of the Christ Kingnom.
It is s a ir'l that "many are . cnlled,
but few are chosen, tr for only the few
are willing to labor in the Spiritual
King0om, perh a ps scorned l;)y many, but
always holding f a st to the Divine Prin-
ciples of Truth. For those who do the
i work of the Divine a place will be pre-
pareo in this New Age, the seventh Cycle.
The time has c~me to prepare - let
us light our lamp so the bridegroom ma y
be guinea to our inner SP~~itual chamber,
- 19 -
our ~olJ of Holtes.
·ri is not necessary that yciu be an
aa vance t"J student of Truth. Remember "It
is not you that ~pe nketh but the Spirit
of tne . F a ther that spe a keth in y;ou. II
Every effort you put forth to ain some
struggling bro t her your own growth.
The Brotherhoon ·h a s been · given the
commc:..nd by 'the Gre a t One_s who guide us,
to call all those who are willing to de- 1
vote their life to the service of man-
kjnrJ. an n the Divine Principle.
! ' . . . ' ·; .

·The· invi t a tiort is 0xt e no e a; will
you · grasp ··it? Jesus sai n ; · nBehcla r
stanr( at the noor a na knock, _ ·1.r any hear
me let him open a ricf I will come in. II

· Will you a nswer? It mak es no r'j:i,.f-

ference whether you :1re y oung or old,
man . or woman; there is a pl a ce f or y ou
iri .. the Pl an. Th~ efforts of ·~11, · working ·
in harmony will br i ng gl oriotis Spiritu a l·
Power and I'.,~ght to the World .
. Write me, telling me Etbout yourself,
your s t un ies, your t rainin g_, your de s ire
a nd you wj_ll receive instructions as to ·
how you ma y be come one in the Christ
Kingdom. ·Do . NOT DEL AY. Re membe:i.", _IIMa ny
are ·- call e i:1, . but f e w are ·cho s en. 11 Work ·
whf°l e th e r :3 is light an r'I th E: way is open.
~n Cosmic Harm6ny,
nore a l

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