Galois Theory 4th Stewart Solution Manual

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The document discusses factorisation of polynomials and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. It also examines the relationship between the real and imaginary parts of a cubic polynomial graphically.

The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra states that every polynomial of degree n with complex coefficients has n complex roots, counting multiplicity.

The real and imaginary parts of a cubic polynomial are each composed of 3 lines intersecting at the origin. When graphed together, their intersections correspond to the roots of the cubic polynomial.

Galois Theory 4th Stewart

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to solve the third equation for s in terms of r. Finally, substitute all of this into the
fourth equation:
−2c + a(b + r 2 − a 2/4) 2
((b + r 2 − a2 /4)/2)2 − ( ) −d= 0
and multiply by r 2 to remove denominators. This yields
1 6 b 3a2 3a4 a2 b2 ac
0= r + − r4 + − + + − d r2
4 2 16 64 4q 4 4

a6 a4 b a2 a3 c abc c2
+ − + − − + −
256 32 16b2 16 4 4
which is a cubic in r 2 .

1.14 (a) F. (b) T. (c) T. (d) T. (e) F. (f) F. (g) F. (h) T. (i) F. (j) F.

2 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

2.1 Use induction on ∂p. If p has no rational zeros then q = p and we are done. Otherwise,
p has a zero α1 ∈ Q. By the Remainder Theorem, (t − α1 )|p, so p(t) = (t − α1 )s(t) with
∂s = ∂p − 1 < ∂p. Inductively,

s(t) = (t − α2 ) · · · (t − αr )q(t)

where a has no rational zeros and the αj ∈ Q.

Clearly p(β) = 0 for rational β if and only if β = αj for some j, since q has no rational
For uniqueness, suppose that also

p(t) = (t − β1 ) · · · (t − βs )Q(t)

where the βj ∈ Q and Q has no rational zeros. Then

(t − α1 ) · · · (t − αr )q(t) = (t − β1 ) · · · (t − βs )Q(t)

Cancelling any common linear factors we can assume that the αi and βj are distinct.
If r > 0 then
0 = p(α1 ) = (α1 − β1 ) · · · (α1 − βs )Q(α1 )
so Q(α1 ) = 0, a contradiction. Therefore r = 0. Similarly s = 0, so q = Q and the result
2.2 As an example, we prove the commutative law for addition. By definition,

(an ) + (bn ) = (tn ), where tn = an + bn

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(bn ) + (an ) = (un ), where un = bn + an

Therefore un = tn for all n, so (an ) + (bn ) = (bn ) + (an ).

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The associative law for addition is similar. The commutative law for multiplication
follows from:
(an )(bn ) = (tn ), where tn = an b0 + · · · + a0 bn
(bn )(an ) = (un ), where un = bn a0 + · · · + b0 an
Therefore un = tn for all n, so (an )(bn ) = (bn )(an ).
The remaining laws can be checked in the same manner.
Next, observe that
θ(k + l) = (k + l, 0, 0, . . .)
= (k, 0, 0, . . .) + (l, 0, 0, . . .)
= θ(k) + θ(l)

θ(kl) = (kl, 0, 0, . . .)
= (k, 0, 0, . . .)(l, 0, 0, . . .)
= θ(k)θ(l)
Finally, θ(k) = 0 if and only if (k, 0, 0, . . .) = (0, 0, 0, . . .), which is true if and only if
k = 0. Therefore θ is an isomorphism between C and θ(C).
Identify a ∈ C with θ(a), and let t = (0, 1, 0, . . .). Then t2 = (0, 0, 1, 0, . . .), t3 =
(0, 0, 0, 1, . . .), and inductively
tN = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . .)
for all N ∈ N. Therefore

a0 + a1 t + · · · + aN tN = (a0 , a1 , . . . aN , 0, . . .) = (an )
since an = 0 for n > N .
2.3 Use similar calculations but express them in the standard notation a0 +a1 t+· · ·+aN tN
for polynomials.
2.4 Let f (t) = t + 1, g(t) = −t. Then ∂f = ∂g = 1, but ∂(f + g) = 0.
2.5* Follow the hint. Consider the zj as independent indeterminates over C. Then D is
a polynomial in the zj of total degree 0 + 1 + 2 + · · · + (n − 1) = 21 n(n − 1). Moreover, D
zj = zk for all j = k, and these linear polynomials have no common
vanishes whenever (zj − zk ).
factor, so D is divisible by j<k

The total degree in the zj of this product is also 12 n(n − 1). Therefore j<k (zj − zk ) =

kD where k ∈ C. The main diagonal of D contributes a term 1.z2 .z 23 · · · z n−1

n to D. Group
the factors of j<k (zj − zk ) as:
(z1 − z2 ) ×
(z1 − z3 )(z2 − z3 ) ×
(z1 − z4 )(z2 − z4 )(z3 − z4 ) ×
(z1 − zn )(z2 − zn ) · · · (zn−1 − zn )

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The coefficient of 1.z2 .z 23 · · · z n−1
n is clearly 1.(−1).1.(−1). . . ., where there are n−1 factors.
So this product equals (−1) . Putting it all together,
D = (−1)−n(n+1)/2 (zj − zk )

2.6 Suppose that f (t) = a0 + a1 t + · · · + an tn and f (t) = 0 for all t ∈ C. Substitute

t = 1, 2, 3, . . . to get
a0 + a1 + · · · + an = 0
a0 + 2a1 + · · · + 2n an = 0
a0 + 3a1 + · · · + 3n an = 0
a0 + na1 + · · · + n an = 0

Consider this as a system of n linear equations in n unknowns aj . The determinant is

11 1 ··· 1
12 4 ··· 2n
13 9 ··· 3n
. . . .. .

. . . .
1 n n2 · · · nn
which is nonzero by Exercise 2.5. Therefore all aj = 0.
2.7 Let f (t) = t3 + pt2 + qt + r where p, q, r ∈ R. (Without loss of generality the leading
coefficient is 1.) There exists M > 0 such that
t < −M =⇒ f (t) < 0
t > M =⇒ f (t) > 0
Since f is continuous, the Intermediate Value Theorem implies that f (a) = 0 for some
a ∈ (−M, M). Therefore f (t) = (t − a)(t2 + αt + β) for some α, β ∈ R. Now use the
quadratic formula to write t2 + αt + β = (t − b)(t − c) for b, c ∈ C.
2.8* There are at least two ways to answer this question.
(a) Use Cardano’s formula to find at east one complex root, and then argue as in the
real case by factoring out that root to get a quadratic. (Or use Cardano’s formula to
find three complex roots.) You will need to prove that every complex number has a cube
root. This can be done using DeMoivre’s Formula
(r(cos θ + i sin θ))3 = r 3 (cos 3θ + i sin 3θ)
or equivalently
√ θ θ
r(cos θ + i sin θ) =
r cos + i sin
3 3
(b) The second, which probably resembles what Euler had in mind, is to analyse the
curves in the plane defined by the vanishing of the real and imaginary parts of the cubic.
Where the curves cross, we obtain a root.


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We sketch the method, which is topological. Intuitively plausible features of the
geometry will not be verified here. (I am not claiming that these verifications are trivial!)
By scaling z to make the polynomial have leading coefficient 1, and using a Tschirnhaus
transformation to remove the quadratic term, we can without loss of generality start with
f (z) = z 3 + pz + q where p, q ∈ C. Define z = x + iy, so that

z 2 = (x2 − y 2 ) + 2ixy
z 3 = (x3 − 3xy 2 ) + i(3x2 y − y 3 )
p = a + ib q = c + id

g(x, y) = Ref (z) = x3 − 3xy 2 + ax − by + c

h(x, y) = Imf (z) = 3x2 y − y 3 + bx + ay + d

and we want to prove that the curves

R = {(x, y) : g(x, y) = 0} I = {(x, y) : h(x, y) = 0}

in R2 must intersect. Any such intersection point corresponds to a zero (x, y) of f .

Figure 3: Asymptotic form of the curves.

If |z|2 = x2 + y 2 is very large, then the behaviour of g and g is dominated by their

highest order terms, the cubic terms ĝ(x, y) = x3 − 3xy 2 and ĥ(x, y) = 3x2 y − y 3 . So the
curve R is asymptotic to the curve

R̂ = {(x, y) : ĝ(x, y) = 0}
√ √
which consists of three straight lines through the origin: x = 0, x = 3y, and x = − 3y,
shown by the solid lines in Figure 3. Similarly the curve I is asymptotic to the curve

Iˆ = {(x, y) : ĥ(x, y) = 0}

which consists of the three dotted lines in Figure 3.


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Figure 4: Curves defined by real (left) and imaginary (centre) parts of cubic polynomial. When they
are superposed (right) it can be seen that they meet in 3 points.

Each of these sets of lines cuts any circle C in 6 points, which alternate between R̂
and Iˆ round the circle (black and white dots).
If the circle is large enough, we can drop the hats: R meets C in 6 points very close
to those to R̂, and I meets C in 6 points very close to those to Iˆ. Figure 4 shows a
typical case. Here a = 20, b = 10, c = −80, d = 12. The curves R, I meet in three points,
corresponding to the three zeros.
We claim that whatever the values of a, b, c, d may be, the corresponding curves R, I
must have at least one point of intersection. The argument is topological.
By general properties of two-variable polynomial equations, R consists of a finite set
of continuous curves, each of which joins two of the associated 6 points, plus (perhaps)
other isolated curves inside the circle C. These curves can cross each other, and may have
cusp points, but the important property is continuity. Ignore any isolated close curves
inside C, and consider one of the curves that constitute R. Call this A. It must join
some two of the six black dots, and there are three possibilities, shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Topology of the intersections.

The curve A divides the interior of the circle C into two regions, one of which contains
either 1, 2,or 3 white dots. If the number is odd (1 or 3) then at least one dotted


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curve emanating from one of these dots does not terminate at the other,and hence must
intersect A. If the number is even (hence 2) then those two white dots are joined by a
curve B. Either B meets A, or it is entirely contained inside the region cut off by A. In
the latter case, there is a single black dot inside the region cut off by B, and the curve
emanating from that dot must meet B.
Therefore R and I must intersect in at least one point (x, y) ∈ R2 ≡ C, and this point
gives a zero x + iy of f .
2.9 (a) F. (b) F. (c) F. (d) F. (e) T. (f) F.

3 Factorisation of Polynomials
(a) q = t4 − 7t + 1, r = 49t + 12.
(b) q = 1, r = 1.
(c) q = 2t2 − 272 t + 1374 , r = − 6974 .
(d) q = t2 − 1, r = 0.
(e) q = 13 t2 − 13 t + 13 , r = −t − 1.
3.2 (a) 1. (b) 1. (c) 1. (d) t2 + 1. (e) t + 1.
3.3 (a)
2401 6 588 5 144 4 16807 3 343 2 84 23501
a= t − t + t − t + t − t++
821825 821825 821825 821825 164363 164363 164363
2401 2 588 144
b=− t + t−
821815 821815 821815
a=1 b = −1
4 8 2 54 137
a=− b= t − t+
697 697 697 697

a=1 b=0
1 1 1
a=1 b = − t2 + t −
3 3 3
√ √
3.4 (a) Reducible since t + 1 = (t + 1) − 2t = (t + 1) − ( 2t)2 = (t2 + 2t + 1)(t2 −

4 2 2 2 2 2

2t + 1).

(b) Irreducible since the two quadratics t2 ± 2t + 1 have no rational zeros. (If they

did, 2 would be rational.)
(c) Irreducible by Eisenstein’s Criterion with p = 11.
(d) t3 + t2 + t + 1 = t2 (t + 1) + (t + 1) = (t2 + 1)(t + 1), hence reducible.
(e) t3 − 7t2 + 3t = 3 vanishes when t = 1, so t − 1 is a factor. Reducible.

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