2023-2024-Class XII-Physics-Part 3-AW

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A magnetic field is a region or space around a current carrying conductor or a magnet where a magnetic
force can be experienced.

Biot- Savart’s Law

Consider a conductor AB carrying current ‘I’. Let ‘dl’ be the small section of the conductor at a distance ‘r’ from
point ‘P’, ‘dl’ making an angle ‘x’ with OP.
dB α I dl Sin x/r2
dB= μ0 I dl Sin x
4 π r2 where dB is the magnetic field at point P due to segment dl.

μ0 is the absolute magnetic permeability of air or vacuum.

μ0= 4 π x 10-7 Tm/ A
Case 1: x= 900, dB is maximum.
Case 2: x= 0 0, dB is minimum.
Ampere’s Circuital Law states that the line integral of magnetic field around any closed path in free space is
equal to μ0 times the net current passing through the closed path. ∫B.dl= μ0 I

Magnetic Lorentz force is the force experienced by the charge q moving with velocity v in magnetic field B
such that v makes an angle ‘θ’ with B F= q (v x B)
Case 1: When charge is at rest v= 0, F= 0
Case 2: Charge is moving parallel to the direction of the magnetic field, θ= 0, F= 0
Case 3: Charge is moving perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, θ= 90 F= qvB= mv2/r takes

a circular path with radius r = mv/qB

Time period of the charged particle is T= 2 πm/qB
Cyclotron Frequency, ν=qB/ 2 πm

Torque on a current loop in a magnetic field. τN = NIAB Sinθ

Moving coil galvanometer is a device used to detect/ measure small electric current.
Principle: when a current carrying loop or coil is placed in the uniform magnetic field, it experiences a torque.
Sensitivity of a galvanometer.
Current Sensitivity can be defined as the deflection produced in the galvanometer per unit current flowing
through it.
Current Sensitivity= α/ I= NAB/k

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Voltage Sensitivity of a galvanometer is defined as the deflection produced in the galvanometer per unit
voltage applied to it. Voltage sensitivity= α/ V= NBA/kR

Conversion of galvanometer into ammeter

A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by connecting a low resistance called shunt S parallel to
the galvanometer. S= Ig G/( I - Ig)

Conversion of galvanometer into a voltmeter.

A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by connecting a large resistance R in series to the
galvanometer. R = V/ Ig - G

Cyclotron is a device used to accelerate positively charged particles (like protons, α- particles, deutron etc.) to
acquire enough energy to carry out nuclear disintegrations etc.
Principle: When a positively charged particle is made to move time and again in a high frequency electric field
and using strong magnetic field, it gets accelerated and acquires sufficiently large amount of energy.

Coulomb’s Law In Magnetism states that the force between two magnetic poles of strengths ‘m1’ and ‘m2’
lying at a distance ‘r’ is proportional to the product of pole strengths and inversely proportional to the square of
distance between their centers.

Magnetic Dipole is an arrangement of two magnetic poles of equal and opposite strength separately by a finite
Magnetic dipole moment (M) is numerically defined as the product of the one of the pole strengths and the
magnetic length of the magnet is called magnetic dipole moment.
It is a vector quantity, and its direction is from South pole to North pole.
Unit of magnetic dipole moment is Am2

Properties of magnetic lines of force

-Magnetic field lines are continuous and closed curves traveling from North pole to South pole outside the
magnet and from South pole to the North pole outside the magnet.
-The tangent at any point on the magnetic field lines gives the direction of the magnetic field (B) at that point.

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-Two magnetic field lines of force do not intersect or cross each other. If they cross each other, then at the point
of intersection there will be two directions of the magnetic field which is not possible.
-Widely spaced magnetic lines of force represent weak magnetic field and closely spaced lines of force
represent strong magnetic field.

Torque on a bar magnet in uniform magnetic field τ = MB Sinθ

Potential energy of a bar magnet placed in a magnetic field. Work done in rotating a bar magnet in uniform
magnetic field U = MB (Cosθ1 – Cosθ2)

Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron [Atom as a magnetic dipole]

In an atom, electrons revolve around the nucleus and as such the circular orbits of electrons may be
considered as a small circular loop. Due to this, an atom possesses magnetic dipole moment and behave as
magnetic dipole. M= - (e / 2m)L

Bohr magneton: The magnetic dipole moment associated with an atom due to orbital motion of an electron in
the first orbit of hydrogen atom.
1 Bohr magneton, μB = eh/ 4πm μB= 9.2 x 10-24 Am2

Gauss law in magnetism ∫ B. ds= 0

Terms relating to Geomagnetism

Geographical Meridian is the vertical plane with passes through geographic axis .
Magnetic meridian is the vertical plane which passes through magnetic axis is called magnetic meridian.
Magnetic elements of the earth
The physical quantity which determines completely the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field of the
earth at that place.
a)Magnetic Declination ‘θ’: Angle between the geographic meridian and the magnetic meridian.
b)Magnetic inclination or dip ‘δ’: Angle between the direction of total intensity of magnetic field of earth and
the horizontal component of B

c)Horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field: The component of total intensity of magnetic field of earth
in the horizontal direction in magnetic meridian.
Horizontal component, BH = B Cos δ
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Vertical component, BV = B Sin δ

Tan δ= BV / BH

Permanent Magnets: Steel is a common material used to make permanent magnets because,
It has high retentivity.,
high coercivity.

Electromagnets: Soft iron is used to make electromagnets.

High retentivity.
Low coercivity.
The hysteresis loop is thin and long which shows during magnetization and demagnetization, energy loss is

Retentivity: The value of intensity of magnetization (I) of the magnetic material, when the magnetizing field
(H) is reduced to zero.
Coercivity: The value of reverse magnetizing field, which has been applied to the magnetic material so as
retentivity (residual magnetization) becomes zero.
Curie’s Law: Magnetic susceptibility of material is inversely proportional to absolute temperature. χm α 1 / T,
χm = C / T Where C is known as Curie’s constant. Curie Temperature: The temperature for a ferro- magnetic
substance above which it behaves as a para- magnetic substance.

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Properties of magnetic materials

Sl. No Ferro- Magnetic Material Para- Magnetic Material Diamagnetic Material

1 They are strongly attracted by They a weakly attracted by a They are weakly repelled by
a magnet. magnet. a magnet.
2 A freely suspended A freely suspended para- A freely suspended
ferromagnetic rod quickly sets magnetic rod slowly sets itself diamagnetic rod quickly
itself along the direction of along the direction of external sets itself at right angle to
external magnetic field as magnetic field as shown the direction of external
shown . magnetic field as shown

When they are placed in a When they are placed in a When they are placed in a
3 magnetic field, most of the magnetic field, the lines of magnetic field, the lines of
lines of force prefer to pass force prefer to pass through force do not prefer to pass
through them them through them

B >> H B>H B << H

4 B / H >>1 B / H >1 B / H <<1
μ >> 1 μ>1 μ << 1
Flux density (B) inside a ferro- Flux density (B) inside a para- Flux density (B) inside a
5 magnetic material is much magnetic material is larger diamagnetic material is less
larger than in air. than in air. than in air.
6 The sample gets strongly The sample gets weakly The sample gets weakly
magnetized in the direction of magnetized in the direction of magnetized in the direction
magnetizing field. magnetizing field. opposite to the field.
7 Intensity of magnetization (I) Intensity of magnetization (I) Intensity of magnetization
has large positive value. has small positive value. (I) has small negative value.
8 Susceptibility has large Susceptibility has small Susceptibility has small
positive value. positive value. negative value.
9 They obey Curie’s law. At a They obey Curie’s law. They They do not obey Curie’s
certain temperature i.e, Curie are badly affected with the law. Normally their
point ferromagnetic rise in temperature they lose magnetic properties do not
properties disappear and magnetic property. change with temperature.
material starts behaving as
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Iron, Steel, Nickel, Cobalt etc. Aluminum, Chromium, Gold, Silver, Water, Alcohol,
Manganese, Platinum, Air, Zinc, Lead, Bismuth,
Antimony, Sodium. Mercury, Glass, Helium,
Argon, Hydrogen.

Liquids and gases do not If a paramagnetic liquid in a If a magnetic liquid in a

show ferromagnetism. If a watch glass is placed on watch glass is closely
finely powdered closely spaced magnetic poles spaced magnetic poles and
ferromagnetic material in a and then widely placed then widely placed
watch glass is placed on magnetic poles the effect is magnetic poles, the effect is
closely spaced magnetic observed as shown in figure. In observed as shown in
poles and then widely placed the first case there is a rise in figure. In the first case there
magnet poles the effect is the middle but in the second is a depression in the
observed as shown It shows case. middle but in the second
that such material move from There is a depression in the case.There is a rise in the
weaker to stronger magnetic middle. It shows that such middle. It shows that such
field. material move from weaker to materials move from
stronger magnetic field. stronger to weaker
magnetic field.

Ferromagnetic Paramagnetic Diamagnetic

Curve Material Material Material
susceptibility (x)-
temperature (T)

Magnetisation (M)-
Magnetic moment

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Magnetization --
(M) Magnetic
Intensity (H)

S.No. Question Details Marks


1. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30 degrees with a uniform magnetic field of 1
0.35 T. A torque of 0.055 J is experienced by the magnet. The magnetic moment is:
b) 0.41J/T
2. The plane of the coil of a tangent galvanometer is vertical and perpendicular to the 1
magnetic meridian. When a current is passed through the coil of the galvanometer, the
magnetic needle deflects by:


b) 1800

c) 600

d)either 00or 1800

3. Examples of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials are respectively. 1

a) copper, aluminum, iron

b) aluminum, copper, iron

c)copper, iron, aluminum

d)aluminum, iron, copper

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4. Electromagnets are made of soft iron because sof iron has : 1

a) low susceptibility and low retentivity

b) low susceptibility and high retentivity

c) high permeability and low retentivity

d) low permeability and low retentivity

5. In a certain place, the horizontal component of magnetic field is 1/ √3times the 1

vertical component. The angle of dip at this place is


b) π/3



6. A proton and an alpha particle having the same initial speed enter a region of uniform 1
magnetic field and describe circular paths. If the radii of the circles are R1 and
R2respectiely, the ratio R1:R2 is

a) 1:1

b) 1:2



7. 1
A proton, a deuteron and an α−particle with the same kinetic energy enter
a region of uniform magnetic field moving at right angles to B. What is the
ratio of the radii of their circular paths?

a)1: √2: 1

b)1: 1: 1

c)2: 1: 1

d)√2: √2: 1

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8. 1
A shunt resistance required to allow 4% of the main current through the galvanometer

of resistance 48Ω is

a)1 Ω

b)2 Ω

c)3 Ω

d)4 Ω

9. Biot _Savart law can be expressed alternatively as: 1

a) Coulomb’s law

b) Ampere’s circuital law

c)Ohm’s law

d)Gauss’ law

10) If the number of turns in a moving coil galvanometer of current sensitivity C and 1
voltage sensitivity V is doubled, then

a) C remains unchanged, but V is doubled

b) Both C and V are halved

c)Both C and V are doubled

d)C is doubled and V remains unchanged

11) A galvanometer of resistance G is converted into an ammeter using a Shunt of 1

resistance R. If the ratio of the heat dissipated through the galvanometer and shunt is
3:4, then R equals:




d)9/16 G

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12) 1
A single turn circular coil is connected to a cell as shown. Magnetic field at the centre

O of the coil is:

a) 2πI/r

b) 2πIr


13. To protect galvanometer from possible damages due to large current, which of the 1
following is connected to its coil:

a) low resistance wire in series

b) low resistance wire in parallel

c)high resistance wire is series

d)high resistance wire in parallel

14. A circular loop of magnetic moment M is in an arbitrary orientation in an external 1

magnetic field B. The work done to rotate the loop by 30∘about an axis perpendicular
to its plane is:
a) MB
b) MB/2
c) √3 MB/2
d) zero
15. Biot -savart law indicates that the moving electrons (velocity v) produce a magnetic 1
field B such that
a) it obeys inverse cube law
b) it is along the line joining the electron and point of observation

1. The earth’s magnetic field at the equator is approximately 0.4G, the earth’s diploe 1
moment is ………...

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2. The relative permeability of a substance is 0. 9999.The nature of the substance will be 1


3. The suspension wire in a moving coli galvanometer has ……. torsional constant 1

4. At a place, horizontal and vertical components of earth’s magnetic field are equal. The 1
angle of dip at that place is ……….

5. SI unit of magnetic pole strength is ……. 1

6. The resistance of the ideal ammeter is ………and ideal voltmeter is………. 1

7. When a coil carrying current is set with its plane perpendicular to the direction of 1
magnetic field, then torque on the coil is…….

8. 1
A moving charge is a source of ……as well as …….
9. The magnetic field induction is ……for a point on the surface of a solid cylinder 1
carrying current and is ……. for a point on the axis of the cylinder

10. Ampere’s law is applicable for …………. current distribution whereas the Biot 1
Savart’s law is applicable for ………. current distribution

Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b),
(c) and (d) as given below.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A 1
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false and R is also false
1. Assertion: Free electrons always keep on moving in a conductor
even then no magnetic force act on them in magnetic field unless a
current is passed through it.
Reason: The average velocity of free electron is zero.
2. Assertion: A proton and an alpha particle having the same kinetic
energy are moving in circular paths in a uniform magnetic field. The
radii of their circular paths will be equal.
Reason: Any two charged particles having equal kinetic energies
and entering a region of uniform magnetic field B in a direction

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perpendicular to B, will describe circular trajectories of equal radii.

3. Assertion: A charge, whether stationary or in motion produces a
magnetic field around it.
Reason : Moving charges produce only electric field in the
surrounding space.
4. Assertion: To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter a small
resistance is connected in parallel with it.
Reason: The small resistance increases the combined resistance of
the combination.
5. Assertion: Ferro-magnetic substances become paramagnetic above
Curie temp.

Reason: Domains are destroyed at high temperature.


1. Why do magnetic lines of force form continuous closed loops? 1

2. A solenoid tends to contract when a current passed through it. Justify the given 1

3. An electron does not suffer any deflection while passing through a region of uniform 1
magnetic field, what is the direction of magnetic field?

4. Equal currents are flowing through two infinitely long parallel wires. What will be the 1
magnetic field at a point midway when the currents are flowing in the same direction?

5. Why are the field lines repelled when diamagnetic material is placed in an external 1
uniform magnetic field?

6. Mention two characteristics properties of the material suitable for making the core of 1
the transformer?

7. What is the nature of magnetic field in a moving coil galvanometer? 1

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8. In what condition a charged particle moving through a magnetic field follow a circular 1

9. 1
The magnetic field lines prefer to pass through the iron bar. Why?
10. 1
A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane, orients itself vertically at a certain

place on earth. what are the values of horizontal component of earth's mag field and

angle of dip at that place?

11. 1
A current I flows in a conductor placed

perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Indicate

the direction of the magnetic field due to a small

element d at point P situated at distance from

the element as shown in the figure.

12. What is the magnetic field intensity due to a current carrying toroidal solenoid (i) 1
inside the toroid and (ii) outside the toroid?
13. How will the magnetic field intensity at the center of a circular coil change, if the 1
current through the coil is doubled and the radius of the coil is halved?

14. A charged particles enters into a uniform magnetic field and experiences an upward 1
force as indicated in the figure. What is the charge sign on the particle?

15. State two properties of the wire used for suspension of the coil in a moving coil 1

16. What is the magnetic field intensity due to a current carrying toroidal solenoid (i) 1
inside the toroid and (ii) outside the toroid?
17. A proton and an electron travelling along parallel paths enter a region of uniform 1
magnetic field, acting perpendicular to their paths. Which of them will move in a
circular path with higher frequency ?
18. An ammeter and a milliammeter are converted from the same galvanometer. Out of 1
the two, which current measuring instrument has higher resistance?

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19. Which one of the following will describe the smallest circle when projected with the 1
same velocity v perpendicular to the magnetic field B (i) -particle ,and (ii) -
20. What is the angle of dip at a place where the horizontal and vertical components of earth’s 1
magnetic field are equal?

21. A bar magnet (AB)is cut into two equal parts .One 1
part is now kept over the other ,so that C2 is above
C1. If M is the magnetic moment of the original
magnet, what would be the magnetic moment of
the combination so formed ?

22. Two wires of equal lengths are bent in the form of two loops. One of the loop is 2
square shaped whereas the other loop is circular .These are suspended in a
uniform magnetic field and the same current is passed through them. Which loop
will experience greater torque?
23. In the figure, the straight wire AB is fixed while 2
the loop is free to move under the influence of
the electric currents flowing in them. In which
direction does the loop begin to move?
Give reason for your answer.

24. A charged particle, having a charge q, is moving with a speed v along the x-axis. It 2
enters a region of space where an electric field E(= Ej) and a magnetic field B are
both present. The particle, on emerging from this region, is observed to be moving
along the x-axis only. Obtain an expression for the magnitude of B in terms of v and
E. Give the direction of B.
25. Two identical circular coils, p and q each of radius r, carrying current 1 a and √3 a 2
respectively, are placed concentrically and perpendicular to each other lying in the xy
and yz planes. find the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field at the
centre of the coils
26. An electron and a proton, moving parallel to each other in the same direction with 2
equal momenta, enter into a uniform magnetic field which is at right angles to their
velocities. Trace their trajectories in the magnetic field.

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27. A neutron, an electron and an alpha particle 2

moving with equal velocities enter a uniform
magnetic field directed into the plane of the
paper as shown. Trace their paths in the field
and justify your answer

28. A magnetic needle free to rotate in a horizontal position orients itself with its axis vertical at 2
a certain place on the earth. What are the values of (i)angle of dip and (ii)horizontal
component of earth’s field at this place? Where will this place be on earth?
29. The susceptibility of a magnetic material is -0. 085.Identify the magnetic type of the material 2
kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. Draw the modified field pattern.

30. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 0.9 JT-1, is placed with its axis at 450 to a uniform 2
magnetic field .If it experiences a torque of 0.063 joule,(i)Calculate the magnetic field and
(ii) When orientation of the bar magnet corresponds to the stable equilibrium in the
magnetic field ? [B= 0.099 T]
31. What should be the orientation of a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field so that its 2
potential energy is (i) maximum and (ii) minimum?

32. How does the (i) pole strength and (ii) magnetic moment, of each part of a bar magnet 2
change, if it is cut into two equal pieces transverse to its length?
33. A coil of 200 turns has a cross sectional area 900mm2. It carries a current of 2 3
ampere. The plane of the coil is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field 0.5 T.
Calculate (i) the magnetic moment of the coil and (ii) the torque acting on the coil.
[0.36 Am2,0.18Nm]
34. A current carrying conductor PQ of 3
length 1 m, mass4.4x10-3 kg and
resistance 50 milli-ohm is kept in a
uniform magnetic field of 1.8 mT as
shown in the figure. A) State the rule for
finding the direction of the force
experienced by the conductor in the
magnetic field. Indicate the direction of
the force on PQ.
B)Calculate the potential difference V
that must be applied to the conductor
PQ so that it remains in equilibrium in
the magnetic field.[1.2V]

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35. A current ‘I’ enters a uniform circular loop of

radius ‘R’ at point M and flows out at N as
shown in the figure. Obtain the net magnetic
field at the centre of the loop.

36. Find the magnitude and direction of the net

magnetic field at the common centre of the
two coils.

37. Two very small identical circular loops, (1) and

(2), carrying equal currents I are placed
vertically (with respect to the plane of the
paper) with their geometrical axes
perpendicular to each other as shown in the
figure. Find the magnitude and direction of
the net magnetic field produced at the point

38. The figure shows three infinitely long straight

parallel current carrying conductors. Find the
(i) magnitude and direction of the net magnetic
field at point A lying on conductor 1,
(ii) magnetic force on conductor 2.

39. State the principle of a moving coil galvanometer? Prove that the current flowing 3
through the coil of a moving coil galvanometer is directly proportional to its

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40. A long straight wire AB carries a current of 4A. 3

A proton A travels at 4x106 m/s parallel to the
wire,0.2 m from it and in a direction opposite to
the current as shown in the figure .Calculate the
force which the magnetic field of current exerts
on the proton also specify the direction of the
force.[2.56x10-11N away from wire AB]

41. A square loop of side 20 cm carrying current of 3

1A iskept near an infinite long straight wire
carrying a current of 2A in the same plane as
shown in the figure.Calculate the magnitude
and direction of the net force exerted on the
loop due to the current carrying conductor

42. A current loop ABCD is held fixed on the plane 3

of the paper as shown in the figure. The arcs BC
(radius = b) and DA (radius = a) of the loop are
joined by two straight wires AB and CD. A
steady current I is flowing in the loop. Angle
made by AB and CD at the origin O is
30o.Another straight thin wire with steady
current I1 flowing out of the plane of the paper
is kept at the origin. The magnitude of the
magnetic field (B) due to loop ABCD at the
origin (O) is

43. 3
A particle of mass m and charge q is in motion at speed v parallel to a long straight

conductor carrying current I as shown below. Find magnitude and direction of electric

field required so that the particle goes undeflected.

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44. 3
State the Lorenz’s force and express it in vector form. Which pair of vectors are

always perpendicular to each other ? Derive the expression for the force acting on a

current carrying conductor of length L in a uniform magnetic field ‘B’.

45. A beam of alpha particles and of protons, enter a uniform magnetic field B at right 3
angles to the field lines. The particles describe circular paths. Calculate the ratio of
the radii of their paths, when they enter the field with the
a) same momentum
b) same kinetic energy?
46. State Ampere’s circuital law expressing 3
it in the integral form, (ii) Two long co-
axial insulated solenoids and S2 of equal
length are wound one over the other as
shown in the figure.A steady current /
flows through the inner solenoid Sx to
the other end B which is connected to
the outer solenoid through which the
some current / flows in the opposite
direction so, as to come out at end A. If
nx and n2 are the number of turns per unit
length, find the magnitude and direction
of the net magnetic field at a point
(a)inside on the axis
b)outside the combined system

47. How can a moving coil galvanometer by converted in to an ammeter? To increase the 3
current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer by 50% , its resistance becomes
twice its initial resistance. By what factor does its voltage sensitivity change?
48. A square shaped plane coil of area 100 cm2 of 200 turns carries a steady current of 3
5A. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.2 T acting perpendicular to the plane
of the coil. Calculate the torque on the coil when its plane makes an angle of 60° with
direction of the field. In which orientation will the coil be in stable equilibrium?
49. A galvanometer of resistance ‘G’ can be converted into a voltmeter of range 3
(0-V) volts by connecting a resistance ‘R’ in series with it. How much resistance will
be required to change its range from 0 to V/2 ?
50. A galvanometer of resistance G is converted into a voltmeter to measure upto V volts 3
by connecting a resistance R1 in series with the coil. If a resistance R2 is connected in
series with it, then it can measure upto V/2 volts. Find the resistance, in terms of R1
and R2, required to be connected to convert it into a voltmeter that can read upto 2
V. Also find the resistance G of the galvanometer in terms of R1 and R2.
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51. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 6 J/T is aligned at 60dgree with a uniform external 3
magnetic field of 0·44 T. Calculate (a) the work done in turning the magnet to align its
magnetic moment (i) normal to the magnetic field, (ii) opposite to the magnetic field, and (b)
the torque on the magnet in the final orientation in case (ii).
52. (a)An iron ring of relative permeability r has windings of insulated copper wire of n turns 3
per meter. When the current in the windings is I, find the expression for the magnetic field in
the ring. (b) The susceptibility of a magnetic material is 0·9853. Identify the type of magnetic
material. Draw the modification of the field pattern on keeping a piece of this material in a
uniform magnetic field.
53. A coil of 400 turns has a cross sectional area 100mm2. It carries a current of 4 ampere. The 3
plane of the coil is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field 1 T. Calculate (i) the magnetic
moment of the coil and (ii) the torque acting on the coil.
54. The following figure shows the variation of 3
intensity of magnetization versus the
applied magnetic field intensity, Hj for two
magnetic materials A and B:a) Identify the
materials A and B. (b) Why does the
material B have a larger susceptibility than
A for a given field at constant temperature?
55. With the help of a neat labeled diagram, state the principle of moving coil 5
galvanometer? Show that the current in the coil is directly proportional to the
deflection of the coil?
A galvanometer with a coil of resistance 12 ohms shows a full scale deflection for a
current of 2.5mA. How will you convert the galvanometer int an ammeter of range 0
to 7.5A? [s= 0.004 Ω connected in parallel to the galvanometer]
56. (a)State Biot-savart law. 5
(b)Two parallel coaxial circular coils of equal coils of equal radius R and equal number
of turns N carry equal currents I in the same direction and are separated by a
distance 2R.Find the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field produced at
the mid-point of the line joining their centers.
57. (a) Write the expression for the equivalent magnetic moment of a planer current
loop of area A, having N turns and carrying a current i. Use the expression to find the
magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
(b) A circular loop of radius r, having N turns and carrying current I, is kept in the XY
plane. It is then subjected to a uniform magnetic field B = Bx i + By j + Bz k. Obtain 5
expression for the magnetic potential energy of the coil-magnetic field system.

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58. Distinguish the magnetic properties of dia-, para- and ferro-magnetic substances in terms of 5
(i) susceptibility (ii) magnetic permeability and (iii) coercivity. Give one example of each of
these materials. Draw the field lines due to an external magnetic field near a (i) dia-magnetic
(ii) paramagnetic substance.

59. Ampere’s law gives a method to calculate the magnetic field due to given current 4

distribution. According to it, the circulation of the resultant magnetic field along a
closed plane curve is equal to µ 0 times the total current crossing the area bounded by the
closed curve provided the electric field inside the loop remains constant. Ampere’s law is
more useful under certain symmetrical conditions. Consider one such case of a long Straight
wire with circular cross-section (radius R) carrying current I uniformly distributed across this

(i) Find the magnetic field at a radial distance r from the center of the wire in the region
r >R
(ii) The magnetic field at a distance r in the region r <R
(iii) A long straight wire of a circular cross section (radius a) carries a steady current I and
the current I is uniformly distributed across this cross-section. Draw a graph
which represents the variation of magnitude of magnetic field B with distance r
from the centre of the wire?
A long straight wire of radius R carries a steady current I . The current is uniformly
distributed across its cross-section. Find the ratio of magnetic field at R/2 and 2R.

[Type here]

60. Magnets A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field 4
is invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet which is a force that
pulls on other ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, etc., and attracts or
repels other magnets. An everyday example is a refrigerator magnet used to hold notes on a
refrigerator door.
Magnet’s magnetic moment (also called magnetic dipole moment and usually denoted by m)
is a vector that characterizes the magnet’s overall magnetic properties. For a bar magnet,
the direction of the magnetic moment points from the magnet’s south-pole to its north-pole
and the magnitude relates to how strong and how far apart these poles are.

(I) A magnetic dipole which is the arrangement of two magnetic poles of equal and
opposite strength separated by some distance is placed in a uniform magnetic
field. What will be the net magnetic force on the given dipole?
(ii) A magnet of magnetic moment M and pole strength m is divided in two equal parts
shown below, then what will be the magnetic moment of each part?

(iii) What is the magnitude of net magnetic flux passing through a hypothetical closed
surface enclosing a bar magnet ? justify your answer
Derive the expression for the magnetic moment of an electron orbiting in a circular orbit of
radius r with a speed v


1 2 3 4 5 6


7 8 9 10 11 12


13 14 15



1 2 3 4 5

[Type here]

1.05 X 1023Am2 Diamagnetic low 450 Ampere metre

6 7 8 9 10

Zero, infinite Zero. Electric field, Maximum, zero Symmetrical:

magnetic field asymmetrical


1 2 3 4 5

b c d c a


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