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CHAPTER 5 Magnetic Field Lines

 The magnetic field lines of a bar magnet is

MAGNETISM AND as shown in figure

( Prepared By Ayyappan C, HSST Physics, GHSS
Udma, Kasaragod)


 Chinese sailors employed magnets as

Properties of Magnetic Field Lines
navigational compasses approximately
900 years ago.  The magnetic field lines are continuous
 Electric generators, simple electric closed loops.
motors, television sets, cathode-ray  Two magnetic field lines never intersect.
displays, tape recorders, and computer  The number density of field lines in a
hard drives all depend on the magnetic region gives the intensity of magnetic
effects of electric currents. field.
 The tangent drawn to the field line at any
The Bar Magnet point gives the direction of the field at that
Difference between electric field lines and
magnetic field lines

Properties of a Magnet

 When a bar magnet is freely suspended, it

points in the north-south direction.
 Like poles of the magnet repels and unlike
poles attracts.
 If a bar magnet is broken into two halves,
we get two similar bar magnets with
somewhat weaker properties.
 Magnetic monopoles do not exist.
 It is possible to make magnets out of iron
and its alloys.
 Magnetic strength is higher at the poles.
 If a magnet is cut longitudinally into two
halves pole strength and magnetic
moment become half.
 If a magnet is cut transversely in to two
equal halves pole strength does not
change but the magnetic moment
 Magnetic field lines are continuous
closed loops.
 But electric field lines do not form
closed loops.

Expression for the magnetic field on the

axial line of a bar magnet

Where m - magnetic moment , r –

distance to the point

Expression for the magnetic field

on the equatorial line of a bar
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Magnetic dipole

 Two equal and opposite magnetic poles

separated by a distance is called a  Frequency,
magnetic dipole

Magnetic Dipole Moment (m)

 Magnetic dipole moment is the product To find the magnetic field at a place
of pole strength and distance between
 B can be determined by oscillating a
the poles.
magnetic needle of known magnetic
m = P × 2l where ,P - the pole strength moment (m) and moment of inertia I.

 The S.I unit of pole strength is Am.

 The SI unit of magnetic dipole moment is
 Magnetic dipole moment is a vector  Using the above equation, we can
quantity. calculate the magnitude of the external
 The direction is from South Pole to North magnetic field ‘B’.
Potential energy of a magnetic dipole in an
Magnetic dipole placed in a uniform magnetic external uniform magnetic field
 The magnetic potential energy is given by

Special cases:-

 When θ = 0 degree , Um = -mB cos 0 = -

 The torque on the needle is τ = m × B mB (PE is minimum) - this is the most
 If I is the moment of inertia , then the stable position
restoring torque is given by  when θ = 180 degree ,Um = -mB cos 180
d 2 = -mB × -1 = mB (maximum) -this is the
I = - mB sinθ most unstable position.
dt2 Comparison between Electrostatics and
 For small values
2 of θ in radians, sin θ ≈ θ Magnetism
d 

I 
 Thus dt2 = - mBθ

 Then the magnetic dipole executes simple

harmonic motion(SHM)
 The time period is given by
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Gauss’s Law in magnetism  A vertical plane passing through the

 The law states that “the net magnetic flux magnetic axis of a freely suspended
through any closed surface is zero” magnet is called the magnetic meridian.

Geographic Meridian

 The vertical plane passing through a place

and the geographic north and south poles
is called the geographic meridian at that

Elements of earth’s magnetism

Earth’s Magnetism The three elements of earth’s magnetic field are

 Earth has an immense magnetic field Angle of declination (D)

surrounding it and is of the order of 10-5 T. Angle of Dip or inclination (I)

 The location of the north magnetic pole is Horizontal component of earth’s

at latitude of 79.740 N and a longitude of magnetic field (BH)
Magnetic Declination
71.80 W, a place somewhere in north
 The magnetic South Pole is at 79.74 0 S,
108.220 E in the Antarctica.

Source of Earth’s Magnetism – Dynamo Effect

 Earth’s magnetism is due to the electric

currents produced by the convective
motion of metallic fluids (consisting
mostly of metallic iron and nickel) in the
outer core of earth. This is known as  The angle between the geographic
meridian and magnetic meridian is called
Dynamo Effect.
the angle of declination.
 The magnetic declination is different at
different places on the surface of earth.
Magnetic Meridian  The declination is greater at higher
latitudes and smaller near the equator.
 The declination in India is small, it being
0041′ E at Delhi and 00 58′ W at Mumbai.

Dip or Inclination

 Dip is the angle that the total magnetic

field B E of the earth makes with the
surface of the earth.
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 The angle of dip is maximum (90 degree) Some Important Terms

at the magnetic poles and minimum (0
Magnetistion or Intensity of Magnetisation (M)
degree) at the magnetic equator.
 At other places its value lies between 0  Magnetisation M of a sample is the
degree and 90 degree. net magnetic moment per unit
volume, when the sample is subjected
to magnetizing field.

 M is a vector with dimensions L-1A and

is measured in a units of A m-1.

Magnetic Intensity or Magnetising Field (H)

 When a magnetic material is placed in a

magnetic field, magnetism is induced in
 In most of the northern the material. It is known as induced
hemisphere, the north pole of the magnetism.
dip needle tilts downwards.
 The field which induces magnetism in a
 In most of the southern material is called magnetizing field and
hemisphere, the south pole of the the strength of that field is called
dip needle tilts downwards magnetic intensity (H).
Horizontal Component of earth’s magnetic field  Its SI unit is ampere/ metre
 The magnetizing field is given by
 The total magnetic field at P can
be resolved into a horizontal
component BH and a vertical
component B V. where, B – net magnetic field, M – Magnetistion,
μ0-permeability of free space

Relation connecting B , M and H

 The total magnetic field B is written as ,

B = μ0 (H + M)
Relation connecting M and H
Relation Connecting Horizontal component and
 The dependence of M on H is given by
vertical component
M= χH, Where χ – Magnetic susceptibility
 We have BH = B cos I and B V = B sin
Magnetic susceptibility
 Thus tan I = B V/ BH  Magnetic susceptibility is a measure of
 Also how a magnetic material responds to an
external field.
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 It is small and positive for paramagnetic Classification of Magnetic Materials

On the basis of the behavior in an external
 It is small and negative for diamagnetic magnetic field materials can be classified as
 Diamagnetic materials
Relation connecting B , μ and H
 Paramagnetic materials
 We have B = μ0 (H + M)
 Substituting M= χH , we get  Ferromagnetic materials
B = μ0 (H + χH) = μ0H(1+χ) ,

 Thus 
 where μ r = 1 + χ, is a dimensionless Diamagnetic materials
quantity called the relative magnetic
permeability of the substance.  These are substances which experiences
 The magnetic permeability of the weak force of repulsion in a magnetic
substance is μ and it has the same field.
dimensions and units as μ 0   The atoms or molecules of a diamagnetic
μ μ = μ 0 μ r = μ 0 (1+χ) material have no magnetic moments in
the absence of external magnetic field.
Magnetic permeability (μ)  The diamagnetic substance develops a net
magnetic moment in direction opposite to
 It is the ratio of magnetic field to the that of the applied field and hence
magnetizing field repulsion

 When freely suspended in a magnetic

 Its unit is tesla meter/ampere (TmA )-1 field it aligns perpendicular to the
magnetic field
Relative permeability of medium
 Egs:- bismuth, copper, lead, silicon,
 Relative permeability of medium is the nitrogen (at STP), water and sodium
ratio of permeability of a medium (μ) to chloride, glass, marbles, diamond, gold,
the permeability of air or vacuum (μ0) mercury, silver, zinc, alkali halides etc.

A diamagnetic substance kept in a magnetic

 Also μ r = (1+χ) field

Magnetic Flux (φ)

 It is the number of magnetic field lines

passing normally through a surface.
 The SI unit is weber( Wb)
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Superconductors  In the presence of an external field B0 ,at

low temperatures, the individual atomic
 These are materials, cooled to very low dipole moment can be made to align and
temperatures which exhibits both perfect point in the same direction as B0.
conductivity and perfect diamagnetism.
 For a super conductor χ = –1 and μ r = 0. Curie’s law
 Superconducting magnets are used in
 The magnetization of a paramagnetic
magnetically levitated superfast trains
material is inversely proportional to
Meissner effect the absolute temperature T.

 The phenomenon of perfect

diamagnetism in superconductors is called  The constant C is called Curie’s
the Meissner effect. constant.
 Or
Paramagnetic materials
, since M= χH
 These are the substances which
 As the field is increased or the
experiences a weak force of attraction in a
temperature is lowered, the
magnetic field
magnetisation increases until it reaches
 Paramagnetic substances are those which
the saturation value Ms, at which point all
get weakly magnetized when placed in an
the dipoles are perfectly aligned with the
external magnetic field.
field. Beyond this, Curie’s law is no longer
 The atoms or molecules of a paramagnetic
substance have a certain magnetic
moment in the absence of external Ferromagnetic materials
magnetic field.
 Ferromagnetic substances are those
 In a non-uniform magnetic field, they tend which gets strongly magnetised when
to move from weaker to stronger part of
placed in an external magnetic field.
the field.
 When freely suspended in a magnetic  In a non-uniform magnetic field
field, it aligns parallel to the magnetic
ferromagnetic material tends to move
from weaker to stronger part of the field.
 When freely suspended in a magnetic
 In a uniform magnetic field, a weak
field, a ferromagnetic material aligns
magnetisation is induced in the direction
parallel to the magnetic field.
of magnetic field
 In a uniform magnetic field, it acquires a
 Egs: aluminium, sodium, calcium,oxygen
large magnetization in the direction of
(at STP) and copper chloride, chromium , field.
lithium, Magnesium, niobium, Platinum,  Egs:- iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium,etc.
 The individual atoms (or ions or Origin of Ferromagnetism
molecules) of a paramagnetic material  The individual atoms (or ions or
possess a permanent magnetic dipole molecules) in a ferromagnetic material
moment of their own. interact with one another and align
themselves in a common direction over a
macroscopic volume called domain.
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 Each domain has a net magnetisation. Magnetic Hysteresis

 Typical domain size is 1mm and the
 When a ferromagnetic sample is placed in
domain contains about 10 11 atoms. a magnetising field, the sample gets
 The lagging of magnetic induction (B)
behind the magnetic intensity (H) is
called magnetic hysteresis.

Hard ferromagnetic materials curve of a ferromagnetic material

 The ferromagnetic materials the

magnetisation persists even after the
removal of external magnetic field are
called hard ferromagnetic materials.
 Egs: Alnico, an alloy of iron,
aluminium, nickel, cobalt and copper
 Hard ferromagnetic materials are used
to make permanent magnets.

Soft ferromagnetic materials  The closed curve abcdea which represents

a cycle of magnetisation of a
 Materials in which the magnetisation ferromagnetic sample is called its
disappears on removal of the external hysterisis loop.
field are called soft ferromagnetic
materials. Retentivity or Remanence
 Eg: soft iron
 The value of magnetic field B at
Temperature dependence of ferromagnetic magnetizing field H = 0, for a
materials ferromagnetic substance is called
retentivity or remanence. 
 Ferromagnetic materials lose their  The magnetic induction (B) left in the
magnetism with rise of temperature. material, when the magnetic intensity (H)
 The temperature at which a is reduced to zero is called retentivity or
ferromagnetic substance gets converted residual magnetism.
into a paramagnetic substance is called
Curie temperature or transition Coercivity
 The value of magnetizing field H at
 The susceptibility above the curie
magnetic field B=0 is called coercivity.
temperature ie, in the paramagnetic
 The magnetic intensity (H) that must be
phase is given by
applied in the opposite direction so as to
cancel the residual magnetism is called
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Area of the Hysterisis Loop  High coercivity

 Large area for hysteresis loop
 The area within the B-H loops represents  High permeability
the energy dissipated per unit volume in  Eg: steel, Alnico, cobalt steel, ticonal.
the material when it is carried through a
cycle of magnetization. Electromagnets
 BH = B ( B/ µ) = B 2/ μ 0 μ r  Electromagnets are used in electric bells,
Importance of hysterisis loops loudspeakers and telephone diaphragms.

 A study of hysterisis loop provides us  Giant electromagnets are used in cranes

information about retentivity , coercivity to lift machinery, and bulk quantities of
and hysterisis loss of magnetic material. iron and steel.

 It helps in proper selection of materials

for designing cores of transformers and
electromagnets and in making permanent

 Area of the hysteresis loop gives an idea

about the energy loss.

 Helps to select materials used for making

core of transformers, electromagnets,
permanent magnets etc.
Properties of electromagnets
Hysteresis loops of soft iron and steel
 Low retentivity
 Low coercivity
 Small area for hysteresis loop
 High permeability
 Eg:- soft iron


Permanent magnets

 Substances which at room temperature

retain their ferromagnetic property for a
long period of time are called permanent

Properties of permanent magnet

 High retentivity

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