Vds 2815en

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Fire Protection Leaflet

Interaction of Water Extinguishing

Systems and Smoke and Heat
Exhaust Ventilation Systems (SHEVS)

This Leaflet is intended for installers, architects, specialist planners and experts for the
planning and/or inspection of structural fire protection, in short: for all those developing fire
protection concepts, doing specialist fire protection planning and specialist planning for the
installation and design of SHEVS and fire extinguishing systems.

This is intended to ensure optimum interaction between SHEVS and fire extinguishing
systems as early as in the planning phase. This Leaflet does not cover legal requirements,
relevant technical standards and does not replace any documentation by the system
manufacturers which are necessary to draw up a concept which meets the requirements of
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the building authorities, contractual requirements and liability requirements.

For choosing the appropriate fire protection measures, the corresponding information can
be found in VdS 3429 (Guidance Document for the Selection of Fire Protection Systems).

Regulations and recommendations missing from this Leaflet do not entitle anyone to
determine any provisions without prior consent by VdS.

The interactions described in this Leaflet only apply to those systems installed in
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accordance with the applicable VdS guidelines.

Fire protection objectives

Fire protection serves the purposes of life safety, protection of property and
environmental protection. In order to do justice to this idea of comprehensive fire
protection, it is necessary to define protection objectives.

Fire protection systems such as water extinguishing systems and SHEVS have different
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effects and thus make different contributions to achieving the protection objectives.

Water extinguishing systems use water as the extinguishing agent to limit fire spread by
cooling and surface wetting of the burning material and to extinguish the fire. This way
they assist the firefighting of the fire brigade.

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Interaction of Water Extinguishing Systems and SHEVS VdS 2815en : 2018-05 (03)

By contrast, SHEVS act differently: They draw off smoke when the fire starts. When the
fire develops and becomes a full fire, a temporary thermal relief of the components can
be achieved by heat exhaust. Furthermore, a SHEVS creates and maintains a low-smoke
layer so as to enable the rescue of persons and allow the fire brigade to fight the fire
more quickly and in a more targeted manner.

Generally, a combination of water extinguishing systems and SHEVS is advantageous.

However, their combination is limited by various influencing factors.

Working mechanisms, application areas and

3.1 Working mechanisms of water extinguishing systems
The extinguishing effect of a water extinguishing system is achieved by cooling down the
seat of fire through heat exhaust, i.e. as a result of the heat absorption capacity of the
water. In part, local inerting of the immediate fire zone can be achieved by evaporation of
the water.

Since water is heated and evaporated from the surface of the droplet, a larger surface
area ensures faster heating and evaporation. Smaller droplets are therefore more
effective than a water jet. However, it should be borne in mind that large droplets more
easily penetrate the rising fire gases and thus more easily reach the seat of the fire.

Wetting neighbouring areas by spraying water droplets beyond the seat of fire limits the
fire spread.

The sprinkler system is a selectively acting extinguishing system in which nozzles are
activated by release elements (glass bulb or fusible link) via the convection heat
component of the smoke and fire gases.

In contrast to the selectively acting sprinkler system, the water spray system
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simultaneously supplies a whole extinguishing group or section. Any detectable fire

characteristic can be used to trigger the water spray system.

All the above water extinguishing systems (WES) contribute to limiting fire spread, to
reducing heat release by cooling the surroundings of the seat of fire, to reducing the
formation of dangerous fire gases and pollutants, and to shielding heat radiation by direct
firefighting and immediate activation of the system so as to protect persons and property.
Usually, these WES also generate an automatic alarm to facilitate self-rescue and
considerably reduce the response times of the fire brigade.
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3.2 Application areas and limits of water extinguishing systems

Fixed water extinguishing systems are able to extinguish and/or control fires as required
by the protection objective.

Since sprinkler systems are released as a function of temperature, a sufficiently rapid

temperature rise at the sprinkler is necessary. This is usually generated by thermal
convection currents of smoke gases (plume). Therefore, fires with high smoke generation
and low heat generation are disadvantageous in terms of early release. A prerequisite for
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successfully extinguishing a fire is that the water from the sprinklers reaches the seat of

VdS 2815en : 2018-05 (03) Interaction of Water Extinguishing Systems and SHEVS

Due to this functionality, it is only with restrictions that sprinkler systems are suitable in
very high rooms with exclusive ceiling protection. When used in high rack storage,
additional rack sprinklers ensure adequate protection.

ESFR sprinklers (Early Suppression Fast Response) use higher pressures and higher
design densities than conventional sprinklers. Due to their fast response, the water is
supposed to reach the seat of fire in the early development phase so that the fire can be

Water spray systems can be used in high rooms, in areas with rapid fire spread and in
bulk storage areas.

Water mist systems generate small water droplets, which improves heat absorption. In
addition, there may be local inerting of the seat of fire by evaporation of the water
droplets. It should be noted that, due to the very small droplets, these systems may not
have any extinguishing effect, or only a limited one, if there are significant air flows.

3.3 Working mechanisms of SHEVS

SHEVS remove the fire products smoke and heat and thus create a low-smoke layer in the
protected area. The basis for natural smoke control are thermal convection currents of
smoke gases (plume), which occur due to the lower density of the hot smoke gases in
relation to the colder ambient air. The heat generated by the fire causes smoke gas to flow to
the ceiling of the room. The pressure difference between the room and the ambient air is the
drive for both the smoke gas flow through the smoke and heat exhaust devices and the air
flow through the air inlet openings.

Powered smoke exhaust systems have the same functions as natural smoke exhaust
devices. However, the low-smoke layer is not only achieved by thermics, but also by
extracting the smoke gases by means of fans. Powered smoke exhaust systems shall be
activated by smoke detectors 1 immediately after the outbreak of fire or by permanently
present and instructed personnel. The advantages of powered smoke exhaust systems
include the fact that the full volume output is available within a short time and the
efficiency is ensured even with cold smoke. The disadvantage is that the mass flow
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conveyed by the fans is lower if the smoke gases have higher temperatures. At high
temperatures, the efficiency of a powered smoke exhaust system is therefore lower than
that of a natural smoke exhaust.

Smoke protection pressure systems ensure that rooms defined according to the fire
protection concept (e.g. staircases, vestibules, corridors, escape tunnels) are kept
smoke-free by creating excess pressure, e.g. by fans.

Impulse ventilation systems are usually installed to extract smoke from or ventilate
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underground garages.

It is possible to use smoke detectors as well as multi sensor detectors which also
respond to other characteristics such as heat, in addition to smoke, provided that their
response behaviour is not less favourable than that of detectors which only detect
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Interaction of Water Extinguishing Systems and SHEVS VdS 2815en : 2018-05 (03)

For this purpose, fans (“jets”) are mounted to the ceiling and, in case of fire, give the fire
smoke an impulse and direct it to a defined area of the garage from where it can be
extracted in a controlled manner by smoke gas fans. The system is usually activated by a
fire detection and fire alarm system.

3.4 Application areas and limits of SHEVS

In case of fire, SHEVS are used to convey the smoke and heat from the inside of the
building to the outside. In the initial phase of fire development, the focus is on smoke
removal. If the fire continues or in case of a full fire, heat dissipation is an additional task,
which can reduce the impact of temperature on the load-bearing structure.

In rooms > 1,600 m², a division into smoke compartments by smoke curtains is required
to ensure optimum functioning of the SHEVS.

Natural smoke exhausts are used in one-storey buildings and in rooms of multi-storey
buildings where the ceiling is also the roof. Smoke exhaust via the side walls is an
alternative. For this purpose, a control system with integrated wind detection shall ensure
that in case of fire only the supply and exhaust air openings facing away from the wind
open (see planning information in VdS Leaflet 3530).

In general, natural smoke exhausts can be triggered in different ways: pneumatically or

electrically, and a combination of both is also possible. Pneumatic systems are usually
triggered by means of thermal release elements (glass bulbs), electrically driven systems
can be triggered by smoke detectors or heat detectors or a combination of both. If smoke
detectors are used, activation in coincidence detection is recommended.

It should be noted that with the height of a room and the size of the smoke compartments,
the smoke gas temperature decreases due to the addition of ambient air.

Powered smoke exhaust systems develop their full efficiency even with moderately warm
smoke. They are particularly suitable if the ceiling of the room is not also the roof of the
building (multi-storey buildings, rooms below ground level).
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Early triggering of powered smoke exhaust systems is ensured by a fire detection and fire
alarm system. If smoke detectors are used, activation in coincidence detection is

In order to be functional, smoke protection pressure systems shall be installed in areas

free of fire loads. As a rule, these are not protected by extinguishing systems. Smoke
protection pressure systems are therefore not dealt with any further in this Leaflet.

When planning impulse ventilation systems, special attention shall be paid to the flow
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conditions in the application area. In addition, it shall be noted that the area behind the
seat of fire in the direction of the impulse will be completely filled with smoke within a very
short time after activation. Organisational measures shall ensure that no persons are
present in this area at that time.

Assessment of the installations according to

protection objectives
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The following tables show the positive contributions of water extinguishing systems and
SHEVS to the achievement of specific protection objectives. It was assumed that the
systems would be used appropriately, i.e. taking into account the application areas and
limits specified in Cl. 2.

VdS 2815en : 2018-05 (03) Interaction of Water Extinguishing Systems and SHEVS

4.1 Protection of property

Water extinguishing systems SHEVS

Limitation of fire spread and

reduction of heat release by
direct firefighting upon Convection heat dissipation and
Damage due to immediate activation of the limitation to the smoke
fire heat system compartment
Cooling of surroundings of the
seat of fire

Exhaustion of fire gases and

Damage due to Reduction of fire gases and
limitation of smoke spread by
smoke pollutants by firefighting
smoke compartmentation

4.2 Protection of life

Water extinguishing systems SHEVS

Reduction of heat released by Convection heat dissipation and

Damage due to
the fire, reduction of fire spread limitation to the smoke
fire heat
rate in the room compartment

Containment of fire and fire

Securing escape spread Providing a low smoke layer
and rescue routes Reduction of pollutants by facilitates self-rescue

Secondary fire Reduction of pollutants by Indirect contribution by supporting

products firefighting fire brigade measures
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Direct firefighting by early

activation of the system; fire Low smoke layer facilitates fire
containment and support of fire brigade measures
brigade measures

Reduction of fire gases Dissipation of fire gases

hazardous to persons by hazardous to persons and
firefighting provision of a low smoke layer
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Interaction of Water Extinguishing Systems and SHEVS VdS 2815en : 2018-05 (03)

Combination of system types

5.1 Principles
When combining system types, the question of mutual influence arises. A possible
influence essentially depends on the type of activation of the systems.

Sprinkler systems are activated as a function of temperature. In addition to the operating

temperature, the response sensitivity of the sprinkler (RTI value) also influences the
release behaviour. Water spray systems are released in response to the detection of
various fire characteristics (smoke, heat, radiation).

In combination with the various activation options for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation
(smoke detector, thermocouple, manual activation), the activation sequence is
determined. Accordingly, different protection objectives are achieved.

If smoke exhaust is to start early, the SHEVS can be activated before the extinguishing
system, e.g. by smoke detectors.

In order to avoid a corridor effect, i.e. a deflection of the hot fire gases from the sprinkler
nozzles above the seat of fire, the current regulations shall be observed.

If the focus is on the protection of property, the SHEVS should only be triggered
selectively and individually by smoke detectors in combination with a sprinkler system. In
this case, an automatic triggering of SHEVS groups is not recommended.

An almost simultaneous activation of both systems is possible, for example with the
combination water spray system and powered smoke exhaust system or SHEVS with
smoke detectors, provided that the powered smoke exhaust system is triggered by the
water spray valve station or via a coupled release with smoke detectors.

In case of manual activation, the time of actuation is not defined. With water mist systems
and ESFR systems, manual activation shall be initiated by authorised persons only
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(usually the fire brigade).

In case of powered smoke exhaust systems which are always released by FDAS, care
shall be taken to avoid a corridor effect.

In case of powered smoke exhaust systems, the hot fire gases are removed from the
room via fans and ducts. The resulting air velocities are higher than those caused by
natural smoke exhausts. This air flow can impair the effectiveness of the extinguishing
system. If there is a powered smoke exhaust system, it should be activated manually by
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the fire brigade. If automatic smoke exhaust is required, it should be activated by the
sprinkler system. If it is triggered by a CIE, it is important to note that this can be an
impairment. Should this be part of the overall concept, it shall be included in the fire
protection concept and coordinated with the leading fire insurer.

With smoke protection pressure systems and sprinklers, no high air velocities are to be
expected. Therefore, a combination is not viewed critically.
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VdS 2815en : 2018-05 (03) Interaction of Water Extinguishing Systems and SHEVS

In impulse ventilation systems, the fans generate air flows of sometimes high velocities,
which may have a negative impact on the spray pattern of the sprinklers or activate the
wrong sprinklers or – around the seat of fire – activate too few sprinklers. This shall be
taken into account when planning an impulse ventilation system. In addition, it is highly
probable that in the suction area, sprinklers are activated outside the fire area, which can
impair the effectiveness of the sprinkler system. The building geometry and the ceiling
fixtures also have an influence on the air flow. So far, no appropriate fire tests have been
witnessed by VdS, so that no concrete statements can be made. If this combination is
planned, impulse ventilation should be activated manually by the fire brigade, unless the
effectiveness of automatic sprinkler activation has been demonstrated. From a VdS point
of view, an impulse ventilation system is not an adequate replacement for an
extinguishing system or structural separations.

With ESFR extinguishing systems, a negative impact by smoke exhausts cannot be ruled
out. If an installation is planned, the boundary conditions specified in 5.3 shall by all
means be adhered to. Powered smoke exhaust systems should be activated manually by
the fire brigade only.

The combination of a water mist system and SHEVS is critical. The proof of effectiveness
of VdS-approved water mist systems does not yet include any fire tests in combination
with SHEVS. This combination involves the risk of the air flow deflecting the small
droplets and thus significantly reducing the effectiveness. Whether the combination of
water mist systems and SHEVS is permitted, is specified in the respective system
approvals. The combination is permitted with manual activation of the SHEVS. In this
case, it should be the fire brigade that manually activates the SHEVS. Exceptions can be
made in individual cases with appropriate proof of effectiveness (e.g. fire tests).

5.2 Influence of water extinguishing systems on the effectiveness of

Upon activation of a water extinguishing system, the upward hot gas flow is attenuated to
a certain extent by the water distribution in the immediate vicinity of the seat of fire. For a
thermal release of SHEVS and a natural removal of fire gases, it is important to what
extent the fire gases are cooled down, especially in the area near the ceiling.
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The cooling rate of the fire gases depends on the spray pattern of the sprinklers or
nozzles. The spray pattern is determined, among other things, by the droplet size and
velocity of the individual droplets falling through the rising hot fire gases. The droplet
movement is counteracted by air friction and thermal lift of the fire gases. Depending on
the droplet size, operating pressure and nozzle geometry, the initial impulse is
attenuated. Due to heating and evaporation, the droplet constantly changes its mass and
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When using nozzles with a downward spray pattern and the usual droplet size, the fire
gases above the nozzles are cooled down less. A sufficiently large heat flow penetrates
through the droplet clouds to the ceiling area in order to thermally release smoke and
heat exhaust devices in a timely manner and to maintain the convection of the fire gases
via the SHEVS.

In water mist systems, small droplets with high discharge velocity and small mass are
quickly decelerated. The resulting water mist causes a significant cooling of the fire gases
in the immediate vicinity of the ceiling and prevents a possible thermal release of the
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smoke and heat exhaust device. Cooling of the smoke gases leads to a reduction in
volume, which can be beneficial for the effectiveness of the powered smoke exhaust

Interaction of Water Extinguishing Systems and SHEVS VdS 2815en : 2018-05 (03)

The following table lists the possible combinations for standard applications, taking the
above aspects into account.

5.3 Table of possible combinations

Sprinkler ESFR Water spray Water mist

SHEVS Combination Combination not Combination
effectiveness by
Automatic possible1,2 permitted possible3
fire tests

Powered Combination Combination

SHEVS Combination possible2 Combination possible2
Manual possible2 Activation by fire possible Activation by fire
activation brigade only4 brigade only4

Natural SHEVS
Detection by Combination Combination not Combination
effectiveness by
smoke possible1 permitted possible3
fire tests

Natural SHEVS possible Prove
Combination Combination
Activation by Coordinate effectiveness by
possible possible
thermocouples activation fire tests

Combination Combination
Natural SHEVS
Combination possible Combination possible
possible Activation by fire possible Activation by fire
brigade only4 brigade only4
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1 Install sprinklers 15 cm max. below the ceiling or use sprinklers of response

sensitivity “quick”.

2 Sprinklers shall have a minimum distance of 0.5 m from exhaust openings of powered
smoke exhaust systems.

3 Detection shall be in accordance with VdS 2095. Smoke exhaust and extinguishing
zone shall be identical, activation of powered smoke exhaust system via water spray
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alarm valve station, detailed analysis of the specific case at hand will be necessary, if
the total area of operation of the extinguishing system consists of several group areas
of operation, or if different extinguishing systems are installed in the same area, e.g.
sprinkler system and deluge system.

4 For example, by key switch

5 For example, automatic smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems may be used if
their activation temperature is at least one level higher and the RTI of the release
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element is at least one level slower than that of the sprinklers.

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