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The New Dimension

in Digital Mammography
IMSGIOTTO develops, manufactures and markets advanced
technology systems for the mammography imaging

IMAGE 3DL 04/2021

Via Sagittario 5 - 40037

Sasso Marconi - Bologna - Italy
Phone: +39.051.846851 - Fax:
e-mail: [email protected]
Data subject to change
© IMS GIOTTO SPA. All right reserved.
Experience and Innovation
Perfect image quality
Easy and fast workflow
Excellence in early detection of breast cancer

More than 40 years in x-ray imaging and 18 years exclusively dedicated With the new GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL we are proud to introduce an
to the early detection of breast cancer: this is the background of the outstanding mammography unit which combines the Giotto traditional
development of the latest digital GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL. Years spent ring shaped gantry for better access to the breast with the most
working together with radiologists and radiographers with the aim of advanced version of detector technology.
improving image quality, simplifying the procedures and thus giving
them the right tools to successfully achieve their goals. Early detection
of breast cancer is now an achieved goal and makes your work more More than 2 million women all over the world have been examined
convenient and safer. using the Giotto FFDM technology conceived, designed and carried out
in IMSR&D laboratories. Excellent image quality, full dedication to the
common task for early detection of breast cancer, designed for patient
2003 was the year when IMS introduced the first digital Full Field Digital
comfort, with continuous technological advance, along with attention
Mammography unit Made in Europe! And the Giotto family grew: 24x30
to requirements of radiologists and radiographers are some of the
cm detector, Full Field Digital Biopsy, Low Dose version using Tungsten
reasons for the success of this amazing mammography unit.
anode tube.

Clear lines, smooth shapes, rounded edges and a unique circular Eleven years of experience with mammography, dedicated direct
gantry;an elegant design to help women approach this sensitive conversion detectors (Amorphous Selenium) and 6 years of
examination without anxiety. The 3-D movement, a unique feature of production and development of Full Field Digital Mammography
the GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL, helps in the visualization of retro mammary Systems. These are the features that contribute to the superior
tissue, increases the patient’s comfort, adapting the tilting angle of the performance of GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL with optimized workflow and
circular gantry to her anatomy. enhanced comfort for the best achievable diagnostic results.

The daily fight for early detection of breast cancer is a must: it requires
excellent image quality and optimal contrast to visualize the fine
details. GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL provides the best quality achievable in the
world market today being equipped with the most advanced
components and superior software developed by IMS.

• The elegant circle gantry is the perfect ergonomic design for both your
patients and your radiographic staff
• Innovative in technology, innovative in design
• Optimum image quality

The motorized movements of GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL with isocentric height Radiographic staff find the user interface, Raffaello®RWS, intuitive and
control and the preset customizable automatic sequences of views convenient to use. GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL has been designed for high
speed-up your examination. After each exposure, with a single touch, volume workflow: immediate image display, minimal waiting time
the systemis pre-programmed to move for the next exposure. between exposures, ease of positioning, automatic preset view sequen-
ces and motorized isocentric movements. These are just some of the
many advanced fea-tures of the unit.Working with GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL is
GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL is equipped with a fully automatic AEC able to
fast and easy. It fully meets the demands of busy mammography
optimize the image quality, providing the highest contrast with the
departments with high patient throughputs, such as screening units.
lowest dose.This leads to the best results independent of breast size or
view: the entire detector surface is a sensitive area and the computer
Four control panels placed in strategic locations on the unit make it
is able to disregard the area not covered by the breast.
possible to control manual and automatic movements from any


Positioning with GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL is more comfortable and more flexible
than positioning with any other mammography unit. Who else givesyou a
choice in positioning? You can use the conventional mode, positioning the
patient from the side. As an alternative, GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL is the only
mammography unit that offers you face to face positioning: you might find
it faster and more effective. Use one or the other depending on the
patient’s anatomy: the aim is to optimize image quality quickly and

The human body is 3-D and so is GIOTTO! The circle gantry provides the
most achievable flexibility in suiting any woman´s anatomy. Women in
wheelchairs take advantage of this unique characteristic: Giotto inclines
towards the patient for easier exam positioning.

The inclined gantry of GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL means more comfort for the
patient as they lean into the bucky. This position allows the pectoral muscle
to be relaxed and more breast tissue can be compressed and visualized,
allowing more breast tissue to be visualized for diagnosis.

GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL is not provided with handles. Gripping on handles

causes muscle contraction which in turn causes breast retraction: gravity
lessens this effect.


Direct conversion technology a-Se detector
Tungsten anode & special filter for low dose levels
Raffaello: the most complete & intuitive user interface

At IMS we know that perfect image quality is a pre-requisite for the early Raffaello, named after the famous Renaissance artist well known for his
detection of breast cancer. This is why, in 1998, we have chosen and passion for detail, is also the name of the GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL user interface
developed our FFDM unit based on the no.1 detector in the market: with the able to clearly demonstrate the smallest detail of breast tissue. It makes
most advanced generation of Amorphous Selenium technology. GIOTTO use of a very advanced Tissue Equalization Software designed by IMS
IMAGE 3DL provides 85 micron pixel size chosen by physicists because it R&D,able to highlight the smallest lesion even when situated in dense
represents the best possible compromise between the highest spatial glandular tissue. This is achieved by an intuitive and simple tool
resolution and the lowest noise. management: Raffaello is a sophisticated advanced reading software
which is easy to use.

Dose (mGy)



Mo/Mo W/Rh


2 3 4 4,5 5 6 7 8

Breast Thickness (cm)

Radiation exposure dose to the patient and image quality are competing The optional CAD, the multi-modality monitor and several other options
factors in mammography. IMS has been the first to introduce a special are available to complete your diagnostic mammography system. Total
solution for FFDM: a combination of Tungsten anode tube with a Rh filter. connectivity is guaranteed by full DICOM conformance. Sharing,
The result is a significant decrease in the dose delivered to the patient. retrieving, printing and archiving images is easy with GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL.

The Raffello Review Workstation (RWS) with two High Resolution monitor
is the powerful reading workstation for your daily work. The dedicated
screening keypad, the fully automatic AEC able to select the parameters
based on the radiological breast density are among the factors able to
provide an incomparable image quality and optimal productivity.


After the diagnostic examination, if a biopsy exam is required, the same The conversion to prone unit is quick and easy. The stereotactic device
GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL will be used for this application. GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL “Biopsy Digit” simply slides in replacing the bucky. With a gentle
shows its uniqueness: it’s the only mammography system also able to movement the gantry tilts up to the horizontal position.
perform stereotactic biopsies with the patient in a prone, upright or
lateral decubitus position.



It is easy for the patient to get on the Mammobed: with a lower height of Thanks to the four wheels, the Mammobed can be quickly positioned and
only 74 cm there is no need for additional steps. Push buttons placed on the breast centred using the floating table top. Once positioned and the
both sides of the Mammobed allow it to raise to the desired height. brakes applied you can start the stereotactic biopsy procedure safely.


Biopsy with lateral, straight and inclined holders
360° access to the breast
Prone biopsy & Mammography with the same Selenium detector: unique

Giotto Image + Stereotactic Biopsy = versatility: The lateral arm is provided with double inclination: on X and Y axes. This
innovation enables the needle to reach any part of the selected
360° needle access to the breast. breastarea. The Raffaello Biopsy software calculates the exact target
Ability to choose the best possible approach to the breast using the position in relation to the gun-holder selected, the needle characteristics
dedicated gun-holders: frontal, frontal inclined and lateral guarantees and the double X-Y inclination of the needle holder.
that no area of the breast is inaccessible with the Biopsy Digit.
Ability to choose the optimized angle for needle access to the breast at
any stage without moving the patient. Lateral access is particularly use
ful in the case of small breasts and/or lesions placed in the inferior part
of the breast, very close to the skin surface.

Prone Biopsy is by far the preferred stereotactic breast biopsy modality But GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL has yet another uniqueness: it is the only one able
of radiologists all over the world. There are unquestionable advantages to guarantee that the lesion visualized during the mammography exam
for the patient and for the user, and above all, for the quality of the will also be visible during the biopsy. This comes from the fact that it uses
diagnostic result. Giotto Image allows a 360° access around the breast, the same unit, same detector, same geometry and x-ray source for both
enabling the radiologist to choose the shortest way to the lesion. Mammography and prone Biopsy examinations. This solves a frequent
problem well known by radiologists.


Upright, prone, and lateral decubitus biopsy: unique

Biopsy Digit: the most precise stereotactic tool
Raffaello Biopsy drives you safely toward the optimum result

GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL the most versatile tool: you are free to choose the Biopsy Digit is compatible with all kinds of commercially available biopsy
best biopsy positioning for each patient and case. Only GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL devices: all brands of Vacuum Biopsy, Core Biopsy and also fine needle
gives you the freedom to choose the biopsy procedure you select for any aspiration (FNA) for cytology.
specific case. Prone, upright or lateral decubitus: there is no limit to the
versatility of the Giotto Image.

Using the GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL you can position a breast marker with the
patient in any chosen position.

Biopsy Digit, the stereotactic device equipping GIOTTO IMAGE 3DL, has the The graphic interface, Raffaello Biopsy, is sophisticated and user friendly
ability to be the most precise available on the market, maximum software assisting the radiologist safely step-by-step to a successful
deviation from the target does not exceed 0.5 mm. It is fully automatic, result. Raffaello Biopsy is an error proof software, it allows an unlimited
computer driven, motorized in X, Y and Z axis and is provided with a marking modality, mark on scout, and the original “Virtual Needle
remote control for fine manual movements. Biopsy Digit makes a Positioning”. This useful tool enables the radiologist to decide whether to
complex procedure, like stereotactic biopsy, easy, fast and safe. Wire modify the access to the breast or the type and length of the needle
marker localisation, cytological and histological biopsies are possible without moving the patient. This is an extremely valuable time-saving
with Biopsy Digit. tool.

Larger field
of view

Vir tual Needle Position

Optimize Patient Positioning
and Procedure Planning


Automatic Motorized Movement

of the Needle Holder


A comprehensive solution provided by a single piece of equipment

Versatility and ease of use
Total customer care

Giotto Image FFDM represents the most advanced innovation in Digital Customer care is, at IMS, an absolute priority and we serve our
Mammography in the market today. However, new digital technologies customers all over the world with continuous technical training courses
are now under investigation to further improve small lesion visibility in made to in crease the skill and the experience of the authorized after
dense breasts. sales service of our exclusive Distributors. Constant monitoring of the
service activity aims to achieve a fast response eliminating, wherever
The main philosophy of IMS is full dedication to Mammography and the possible, any down-time.
Advanced Research in the field represents our main task today and for
the future. Providing advanced technologies and solutions, is the way Users can benefit from the IMS Remote Service able to remotely monitor
forward with our customers. your system, upgrade the software, check parameters quickly and
efficiently direct from IMS labs in Italy.


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