User To Keyword Evauation V4
User To Keyword Evauation V4
User To Keyword Evauation V4
Determining whether a
What is the ultimate goal?
Training the algorithm to detect
the relationship between the
OK, how do I perform it well?
to Keyword
particular user would be user’s current interests and options based on the user’s current
interested in things related to the keyword. interests and the keyword.
the keyword. Use this infographic as a mental
model while determining whether a
Evaluation Hmm, but why?
particular user would be interested
To be able to improve relevancy in things related to
of advertiser keywords and satisfy the keyword.
user’s current interests.
In the entrance exam, you will
be asked to solve example
tasks of this type! Use the live page for rating if a
cached page is not available.
Open user’s current page by clicking on the
User’s Current page You may also see an Open
The webpage a user is currently
Open cached page HTML cached page image button.
visiting. button
The main content of the page is The main content of the page is The main content of the page The main content of the page contains
primarily focused on a divided among consists of very little or no text.
single topic or a small number several or many different topics. fictional (non-real) material.
of topics.
There is no reason to believe that the The keyword captures products, The keyword represents or captures The keyword
user might be interested in things concepts, or services weakly related products, concepts, or services represents or captures products,
related to the keyword more than any to the user’s current interests. related to the user’s current interests, concepts, or services the user is
random internet user. It is unlikely that the user is or that may appeal to the user given currently interested in.
There is no connection at all interested or would become their current interests; and/ or:
between the user’s current interests interested in things related to the It is plausible that the user might
and things related to the keyword. keyword, but there is still a weak become interested in things related
connection. to the keyword, perhaps impulsively,
even though the connection with the
keyword is somewhat weak.