Enterprise Fellowship Programme (EFP) Application Form - FINAL

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Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

Introduced in 2021, the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) is the third pillar of university assessment alongside
the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and the Research Excellence Framework (REF) to inform and assess the
knowledge exchange and enterprise ac�vi�es at an ins�tu�onal level. Knowledge exchange, enterprise & innova�on
are a fundamental part of the University Vision2030, linking to our Impact in the outside world and presen�ng an
opportunity via the KEF to quan�fy and celebrate the diverse range of transforma�onal business and community
interac�ons and knowledge exchange prac�ces across the University. To support the development and drive the
con�nuous improvement of knowledge exchange and enterprise ac�vi�es, the Department of Enterprise &
Engagement has launched the Enterprise Fellowship Programme providing academic staff with a pla�orm to
enhance engagement with the business and the wider community, opening the door to poten�al collabora�ons,
commercialisa�on and funding opportuni�es.

Programme Overview
The Enterprise Fellowship Programme (EFP) is a new, funded programme open to all academic staff, providing them
with a range of opportuni�es to engage with enterprise ac�vity and enhance the value of their collabora�ons with
external partners through a structured programme of learning and development and access to ini�a�ves and other
tools. The EFP has three component programme parts offering three routes to enterprise impact:

1. Individual Level: Learning & Development

2. Project Level
3. Ongoing Ini�a�ves

Programme aims & objectives:

The aim of the programme is to develop, nurture and accelerate enterprise ac�vity in order to:

• Create the enabling condi�ons for enterprise to thrive, where interdisciplinarity and collabora�on are
• Foster high-performance research and enterprise cultures in which staff are supported and mentored
• Enable the sharing and flow of knowledge and exper�se between fellows and their stakeholders, partners
and beneficiaries with the aim of genera�ng impact from enterprise ac�vity, projects and ini�a�ves in the
priority enterprise areas iden�fied by Facul�es

Programme Structure
Three routes to enterprise impact:

Open to all academic staff/all career stages


Two pathways of learning and Applica�on through Enterprise Ongoing BAU ini�a�ves such as
development support focusing on Escalator for support and resources Innova�on Vouchers, consultancy
building enterprise capabili�es and from the University to pump, prime and Boost Your Business Scheme
to enhance value of collabora�ons and scale-up commercially viable running throughout the academic
with external partners and sustainable projects year
Two channels: Thema�c & strategic
projects delivering impact

Part of a 10-month learning and Applications open throughout the academic year
development programme

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023
Open to all academic staff at all career stages at CCCU, the Individual Learning and Development Pathway will offer
training, coaching and structured ac�vi�es aimed at building the knowledge, skills and confidence required to engage
and collaborate with external stakeholders. Furthermore, it will provide an opportunity to build a network and join a
community of prac�ce of fellows that share an appe�te for crea�ng impact through high-quality, enterprise ac�vity,
projects, and ini�a�ves.

Pathway Structure
The individual level pathways (Pathway A 1 & 2) are ten-months in length. Developed by the Department of
Enterprise and Engagement and star�ng in September 2023, different individual pathways are available to provide
the best fit for your role and workload, with a minimum of 20 hours training to be completed:

Please note that time allocation will be based on the existing model in place for research and enterprise

Key Benefits
Signing up to the ten-month Individual Learning and Development Pathway will offer the following rewards and

• An opportunity to develop your personal and professional skillset, which in turn will benefit your CV
• Opportuni�es to take part in addi�onal training outside the core, internal training ac�vi�es based on
individual needs and requirements
• Work on projects that could lead to REF impact case studies and/or KEF narra�ve impact case studies
• Develop new approaches or solu�ons through interdisciplinarity and collabora�ve working methods
• Receive funding towards training, a project and group sandpit event
• Strengthen and grow your network and develop new rela�onships with external stakeholders
• Enhance the value of your collabora�ons with external partners by crea�ng social and economic impact in
your research and enterprise ac�vi�es
• Become part of an enterprising culture and join a community of prac�ce of fellows for enterprise and impact

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

• Celebrate success: atend a celebratory event at the end of the course (for those enrolled on Pathway A1 or

Dura�on and commitment

The Fellowship Programme will run for 10 months during term-�me from September 2023 to June 2024.

Fellows that sign up to be part of Pathway A (1 or 2) will be required to par�cipate in face-to-face (where
appropriate) mentoring, structured ac�vi�es, internal and bespoke training.

You will require support and approval from your line manager and Head of School to par�cipate in the Learning &
Development Pathway A (1 or 2).

Successful applicants onto the programme will be required to:

• Ac�vely engage with the programme and ac�vi�es – atending a minimum of six internal training courses
offered during the ten-month programme and a total of 20 hours training (internal and bespoke training
combined) by the end of June 2024
• Par�cipate and play an ac�ve role in the team building and sandpit ac�vi�es
• Atend the end-of-programme celebratory event
• Commit to spending �me working with an external organisa�on and/or on an industry-based project as part
of the programme (Pathway A1 only)
• Provide feedback to Enterprise & Engagement as part of the evalua�on of the programme to support future
programme improvements

Learning and Development Timetable*

Those signed up for Pathways A (1 and 2) will be required to complete a minimum of 20 hours’ training (both
internal/external training). Academic staff who have not signed up to Pathways A will be able to book onto individual
training modules subject to availability as per Pathway B.

The internal training that will be provided during 23/24 is illustrated in the following table:

Month Training
SEPTEMBER: • Fundamentals of Knowledge Exchange, Including Consultancy (1 hour, Charlote
Goode, Knowledge Exchange & Engagement Manager)
20th Sep 1.00 – 2.00pm and 26th Sep 2.00 – 3.00pm

• Enterprise Escalator and Innova�on Ini�a�ves – genera�on and progression of

ideas (for Project Level and Initiatives) 1 hour, Gary Horton, Enterprise Development
18th Sep 12.00 - 1.00pm and 29th Sep 1.00 - 2.00pm

OCTOBER: • Working with Industry/ External Partners (1.5 hour, Caroline Demetriou, Employer
Engagement and Skills Development Manager)
9th Oct 12.00 – 1.03pm and 20th Oct 10.00 – 11.30am

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

• Confident Conversa�ons Around Finance and Budge�ng (1hour, Charlote Goode)
11th Oct 1-2pm and 24th Oct 2.00 -3.00pm

NOVEMBER: • Public & Community Engagement & Working with Third Sector (1 hour, Lucy
Woodward, Public & Community Engagement Manager)
9th Nov 11.00am – 12.00pm and 29th Nov 12.00 – 1.00pm

• Elevator Pitch and Networking (1 hour, Charlote Goode)

15th Nov 12.00 – 1.00pm and 21st Nov 2.00pm – 3.00pm

DECEMBER: • Commercialisa�on and IP (1 hour, Gary Horton)

8th Dec 10.00 – 11.00am and 13th Dec 12.00 – 1.00pm

JANUARY: • Innova�on Canvas (1.5 hours, Charlote Goode)

17th Jan 12.00 – 1.30pm and 23rd Jan 2.00 – 3.30pm

• Team Building Exercise (impact, communica�on, engagement)

Date TBC - 12.00 – 3.00pm

FEBRUARY: • Wri�ng a Successful Innovate UK Proposal (1 hour, Charlote Goode)

14th Feb 12.00 – 1.00pm and 20th Feb 2.00 – 3.00pm

MARCH: • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (2 hours, Charlote Goode)

13th March 12.00 – 2.00pm and 19th March 12.00 – 2.00pm

MAY: • A1/A2 cohort to organise, facilitate and atend cross-faculty sandpit event. See UKRI
Sandpits for more informa�on.
15th May 12.00 – 3.00pm

JUNE: • End of programme celebratory event with lunch/ awards

12th June 12.00 – 3.00pm
Organised by the Department of Enterprise & Engagement

Non date specific Industry level (A1 only)

• Working with an external partner or on an industry-based project (ongoing) during
ten-month period.

*Please note that training content, dates and �mes are subject to change. Further repeats of the training may take
place later in the academic year subject to demand/ capacity.

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

For individuals interested in par�cipa�ng in the Learning & Development Pathway A, the below diagram illustrates
the process and �meline for applica�on.

Complete an applica�on form (Appendix A) for individual level learning and development (Pathway A) by Friday 30th
June, 2023. Endorsed and approved applica�ons should be emailed to [email protected] by Friday
28th July, 2023.

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

Who is the programme aimed at? The programme is open to all academic staff at all career stages at CCCU that want
to develop their enterprise skills and engage in more knowledge exchange/impact work.

How do I apply? For the Individual Learning & Development Pathways A (1 & 2) please complete the applica�on form
at the end of this prospectus and email to the Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Manager:
[email protected]

What is the closing date for applica�ons? Please complete the applica�on form by Friday 30th June, 2023.
Applica�on forms must then be fully endorsed/approved and returned to [email protected] by
Friday 28th July, 2023.

When does it start? The programme starts in September 2023. The learning and development pathway element lasts
10 months. The other two elements – projects and ini�a�ves - are ongoing and open to all academic staff.

How is the programme funded? The programme is funded by CCCU and with most elements provided internally.

How will my department cover my �me? Your Head of School will discuss this with you before agreeing to endorse
your applica�on for the programme. Your �me will be signed off as part of your applica�on.

How will this add to the research work I am undertaking already? See Key Benefits sec�on above.

How does this fit with my research allocated �me? Those eligible for Pathway A1 will receive 320 hours in WAMS
and those eligible for Pathway A2 will receive 160 hours in WAMS (in addi�on to the 320 hours for SRIR in their
AWLP). For those atending training on Pathway B, up to 70 hours can be used for personal and professional training
or consultancy work per academic year.

Will comple�ng the programme contribute to career progression? Among other considera�ons, the programme will
form part of those conversa�ons.

How do I source any external training needed? It is your responsibility to source any addi�onal training you need
(within the programme budget), signed off by your Head of School. Please remember to ask suppliers whether
training includes or excludes VAT in the cost.

How do I book onto the training courses? All internal training can be booked through Staff Learn.

Do I need to complete an applica�on form for Pathway B? No. Training will be adver�sed through StaffNET and via
email - you can book whichever training sessions you choose through Staffspace.

What if I am signed up for mandatory training but I cannot make some of the training dates? Please talk to
Enterprise and Engagement about alterna�ve op�ons.

How will training be delivered? All training courses will be delivered face-to-face for the benefit of developing the

Will I need to find my own project and /or external partner for industry level working? Yes. Exis�ng business
contacts can be considered, however, the Department of Enterprise and Engagement can help to link you to relevant
contacts if needed.

What can the £1,000 funding cover? With Head of School agreement, you can claim for networking events, external
training, conferences or enterprise ac�vi�es with an enterprise / knowledge exchange focus.

How do I claim the expenses? All expenses and receipts should be sent through to the Senior PVC directorate office
by emailing [email protected]

Need to know more? Atend one of our webinars (dates to be released soon on StaffNET) or contact:
[email protected] or Liz Silk, Knowledge Exchange Coordinator, [email protected]

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023
Project Level
Open throughout the year, individuals and groups can apply for funding at project level via the Enterprise Escalator
for support and resources from the University to pump, prime and scale-up commercially viable and sustainable
projects. The Enterprise Escalator is a six-step process to support the internal development of enterprise ac�vity and
drive the commercialisa�on of projects, as illustrated below:

Image: Enterprise Escalator

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

We welcome applica�ons for project ideas at both a thema�c and strategic level based on the following criteria:

Ongoing Ini�a�ves
Open all year round, individuals can apply for funding such as Innova�on Vouchers to support with knowledge
exchange and consultancy ac�vi�es.

Catapult Innova�on Vouchers

Providing match-funding up to £5,000 excl. VAT

Our Catapult Innova�on Vouchers are designed to promote industry-university collabora�ons and to encourage
businesses (small to medium-sized) to access exper�se outside their organisa�ons to develop new understanding
and to accelerate growth. The vouchers enable them to harness the University’s cu�ng-edge academic exper�se and
state-of-the-art facili�es through tailored advice and support. This gives them and us the chance to cul�vate closer
�es so that a partnership can iden�fy new opportuni�es for both par�es.

For an academic, this is a personal development opportunity to foster a collabora�on that could lead to bigger
projects that have economic or societal impact. It’s also a chance to work on a real-world business project as well as
to earn addi�onal personal income.

The kind of ac�vi�es that the vouchers can be used to fund include:

• Problem solving

• Engaging in feasibility studies

• Exploring a new business ini�a�ve, product, service or process

• Access to facili�es and specialist equipment

• Knowledge transfer

A voucher can provide up to 50% of the total value of a project (maximum £5000, excl. VAT), with the business
funding the remaining 50% (minimum). Projects must be completed during contracted hours. Staff will be
remunerated (see individual consultancy policy for more details) from the non-voucher por�on paid by the business.
This can be taken as a personal payment or channelled to your School or department to go towards non-salaried
ac�vi�es such as conference atendance (with the later op�on providing a tax benefit).

Applica�ons for Catapult Innova�on Vouchers will be considered, talent-matched and funded as and when they arise,
subject to eligibility and availability of remaining funds.

For more informa�on on the Catapult Innova�on Voucher scheme and an applica�on form, please contact: Gary
Horton, Enterprise Development Manager, [email protected]

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

APPENDIX A: Applica�on form for Learning & Development Pathways A (1) & A (2)


FOR ACADEMIC STAFF EE Staff to complete:

OUR REF: EFP / / /

☐ Sec�ons 1 & 2 to be completed IN FULL by the academic applying for the programme

☐ Sec�on 3 to be completed by HoS/HoD and School RKE Director

☐ Sec�on 4 to be completed by the Senior PVC (Research, Enterprise and Business Development)

Sec�on 1: Your Details

Saluta�on (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Mx, Dr, Prof, Other) First name

Last name Full Job Title

School/department and Faculty

Contact telephone number Email

Are you an ECR, AEC or SRIR? Are you applying for Individual Pathway A1 or A2?

☐ ECR ☐ Individual Pathway A1 (without SRIR

status, receiving an alloca�on of 320 hours)
☐ Individual Pathway A2 (with SRIR status,
receiving an addi�onal 160 hours)

If you have any access requirements for the programme, please contact Liz Silk (Knowledge Exchange Coordinator):
[email protected]


Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

Sec�on 2: Reason for Applica�on

Before comple�ng this sec�on, please read the EFP prospectus and then outline why you feel you should
be accepted onto the programme. Please describe the skills you would like to build on and how this will
posi�vely impact your work. (300 words max)

For those applying for Pathway A1 ONLY:

Do you have any ideas at this stage for an industry project and/or working with an external organisa�on?

☐ Yes ☐ No

If you answered ‘no’, would you like Enterprise and Engagement to help you find a project?

☐ Yes ☐ No

If you answered ‘yes’, please provide more details (e.g. company/contact name; nature of the project;
an�cipated length of project; desired outcomes/impact)

In order to build a bespoke training plan based around your individual needs and aspira�ons, please
outline what kind of individual enterprise/knowledge exchange training you will be seeking alongside the
confirmed programme of training. Please include details of examples if applicable (what, when, where).

Please note that it is the individual’s responsibility to source and arrange external training.

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

Sec�on 3: Endorsement from HoS/HoD and School RKE Director
Line manager/HoS/HoD �tle and full name:

Full job �tle:


I confirm that I support this applica�on to take part in the Enterprise Fellowship Programme for

☐ Individual Pathway A1 (without SRIR status, receiving an alloca�on of 320 hours) OR

☐ Individual Pathway A2 (with SRIR status, receiving an addi�onal 160 hours)

If accepted, the respec�ve hours stated above will be allocated for programme training and ac�vi�es within

Signed: Date:

School RKE Director full name:

I confirm that I support the endorsement for nomina�on onto the Enterprise Fellowship Programme.

Signed: Date:

Sec�on 4: to be completed by the Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research, Enterprise and

Business Development)
The applica�on is approved:

☐ Yes

☐ Yes, subject to addi�onal checks/informa�on:

☐ No, for the reasons stated below:

Signed: Date:

Please return this form to [email protected] by Friday 28th July, 2023.

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

Enterprise & Engagement April 2023

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