830 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 7042568 tx_bad 8428
rx_good 14208846 tx_retry 2350281 tx_retry_times 0
06-12 20:07:35.222 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 7420884 tx_bad 8428
rx_good 15404927 tx_retry 2458651 tx_retry_times 0
06-13 17:44:25.845 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 661572 tx_bad 1 rx_good
1217587 tx_retry 208849 tx_retry_times 0
06-15 17:19:52.503 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1415604 tx_bad 122
rx_good 4920884 tx_retry 210490 tx_retry_times 0
06-15 20:57:21.098 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1726049 tx_bad 127
rx_good 5620884 tx_retry 253409 tx_retry_times 0
06-16 13:27:57.694 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2088438 tx_bad 127
rx_good 6934694 tx_retry 296999 tx_retry_times 0
06-16 13:28:00.717 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2088457 tx_bad 127
rx_good 6934712 tx_retry 296999 tx_retry_times 0
06-16 19:08:18.311 1038 1038 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 2522073 tx_bad 127
rx_good 9208849 tx_retry 364623 tx_retry_times 0
06-17 00:17:48.560 20884 20884 E m.facebook.orc: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-17 00:17:48.622 1484 1543 E JNITool : L479 jni createProcessGroup
pkg=com.facebook.orca, pid=20884, uid=10215
06-17 00:17:49.444 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:49.444 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:49.472 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:49.473 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:49.571 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: MessengerApplication
06-17 00:17:49.573 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 31ms:
FirebaseInitCustomProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 34ms:
MessengerLoggedInUserProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 35ms:
FbContactsContentProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 35ms:
MessengerPlatformProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 35ms: FileProvider
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 39ms:
MessagesDbContentProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 39ms:
FamilyAppsUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms:
ThreadsDbPropertiesContentProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms:
ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: PlatformProviderBase
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms:
FamilyAppsUserValuesProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.574 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: MmsFileProvider
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 43ms: SecureFileProvider
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 46ms:
InitializationProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 63ms:
DecryptedAttachmentProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 63ms:
QuickExperimentContentProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 63ms: TamAttachmentProvider
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 63ms:
SecureMessagingKeyContentProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 63ms:
EverythingTogetherContentProvider instantiating…
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 684ms: MqttServiceV2
06-17 00:17:49.575 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
726ms in the background starting with MessengerApplication
06-17 00:17:49.672 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[D
SqliteError]MCISQLiteErrorLogCallback(1642)=>(283) recovered 418 frames from WAL
file /data/data/com.facebook.orca/databases/msys_database_100041360029655-wal
06-17 00:17:50.231 20884 21042 E msgr.UltralightMultiBind: Null item returned while
injecting bindingId 9192
06-17 00:17:50.488 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:50.488 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:51.489 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:51.489 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:52.452 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[D
SqliteError]MCISQLiteErrorLogCallback(1642)=>(17) statement aborts at 40: [CREATE
TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS not_presented_notifications( notification_id TEXT NOT
NULL, displayed_timestamp_ms LONG_INT, timestamp_ms LONG_INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
title TEXT, subti
06-17 00:17:52.496 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:52.497 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:52.687 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:17:53.505 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:53.505 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:54.524 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:54.525 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:54.625 20884 20884 E msgr.ForegroundServiceTracker:
startForegroundService: com.facebook.messaging.chatheads.service.ChatHeadService
06-17 00:17:55.082 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1786466462[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:17:55.288 20884 20954 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
06-17 00:17:55.417 20884 21184 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
06-17 00:17:55.494 20884 21177 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyFrameComplete error:
undefined symbol: fbcNotifyFrameComplete
06-17 00:17:55.495 20884 21177 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyNoRender error: undefined
symbol: fbcNotifyNoRender
06-17 00:17:55.539 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:55.539 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:55.686 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: ChatHeadService
06-17 00:17:55.686 20884 20884 E msgr.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
1059ms in the background starting with ChatHeadService
06-17 00:17:56.156 20884 21197 E msgr.BackgroundLocationManager: PERMISSION_DENIED
06-17 00:17:56.539 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:56.539 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:57.546 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:57.546 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:17:58.557 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
06-17 00:17:58.557 20884 20995 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
06-17 00:18:02.791 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for
binding to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 158
06-17 00:18:02.801 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: Fbns AIDL request got
06-17 00:18:02.801 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager:
android.os.RemoteException: AIDLService is not bound
06-17 00:18:02.801 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at
06-17 00:18:02.801 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at
06-17 00:18:02.801 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at
06-17 00:18:02.801 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at
06-17 00:18:02.801 20884 21201 E msgr.FbnsAIDLClientManager: at
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl:
MsysGlobalColorFilterSettingManager.fetchGlobalSetting() failed
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Table contained no rows for this user
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
X.4e5.onCompletion(Unknown Source:35)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
X.1gm.run(Unknown Source:12)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
X.1fy.execute(Unknown Source:0)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
X.1gq.onCompletion(Unknown Source:6)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
X.1ex.CLz(Unknown Source:7)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
com.facebook.msys.mca.MailboxObservableImpl.runCallback(Unknown Source:21)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
com.facebook.msys.mca.MailboxObservableImpl.setResult(Unknown Source:49)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
com.facebook.msys.mci.Execution.nativeStartExecutor(Native Method)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
X.1gY.run(Unknown Source:32)
06-17 00:18:04.015 20884 21050 E msgr.ColorFilterManagerImpl: at
06-17 00:19:52.825 20884 21167 E msgr.msys: E[N mccw.liger]onEOF(515)=>read/eof
06-17 00:19:52.826 20884 21053 E msgr.msys: E[N
WA]_WCCXMPPStreamDisconnectHandler(221)=>xmpp/disconnect: Error
Domain=MCCWLigerStream Code=4
06-17 00:20:58.842 20884 20884 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150939131; UID 10215; state: ENABLED
06-17 00:21:01.194 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:21:40.453 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:21:41.947 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1390430539[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:23:22.876 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1447150154[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:23:31.856 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:23:31.879 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:23:42.598 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1329549846[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:23:52.046 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:23:52.096 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:26:02.597 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:27:24.326 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1367026692[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:27:33.458 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:27:38.545 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:27:43.963 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1367836000[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:28:22.831 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1415809923[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:28:32.220 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:28:32.261 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:28:32.274 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:28:41.593 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1324705231[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:28:59.628 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:29:01.175 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1341439615[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:29:10.664 20884 21050 E msgr.msys: E[I
evaluating notification configuration
06-17 00:29:21.157 20884 21082 E msgr.msys: E[ADNSUCTIMH
stats]_MCIStateLogSprocInfoIfTooLong(4442)=>Sproc (functionId =
5853805439077962385) took too much time, latency = 1399995769[ns], app_state = 0,
enter_app_state = 0, leave_app_state = 0
06-17 00:30:06.883 697 798 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
pack:com.facebook.orca, act:com.facebook.orca, state:3, pid:20884, uid:10215, fps:-
06-17 00:30:06.883 697 798 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
pack:com.facebook.orca, pid:20884, STATE_DEAD