Erudition Brochure - 2011

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Challenges and Opportunities

16th Annual Convention

Situated in the picturesque setting of the North Campus, Delhi University, the Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics (DSE) is an ideal place to study in. It was formally set up as a separate entity in 1967. It has imbibed the DSE tradition of exploring new frontiers of knowledge and innovation along with academics. In its history spanning four decades, it has redefined commerce education in the country. The department has the legitimate claim and pride of being the premier institution in India, where commerce as a discipline stands for business analysis. The rapid growth of the Department of Commerce is reflected in its expansion as well as novelty of its academic programs. As a response to market imperatives, the Department of Commerce initiated two new posts graduate professional programs in 1995, namely, Master of Human Resource and Organizational Development (MHROD) and Master of international Business (MIB). In a short period of thirteen years, these courses have made a mark in contemporary areas of Human Resource and International Business.



Challenges and Opportunities
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness... we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way - Charles Dickens The aforementioned lines sum up aptly the economic and business developments of the last decade. Battered by contracting markets and frozen credit, many businesses today are fighting for survival. Indeed, the global financial crisis in recent times provides a mandate for restructuring. But survival is not the end goal. Change is coming anyway, so leaders need to take control. The only difference today is that uncertainty and risk are not just tied to the business opportunity you are pursuingyou also must identify and manage risk that is tied to the global economy. Challenges and business go hand in hand. As we come into 2011 the economic prospects inevitably look uncertain, with a number of indicators not looking too helpful; inflation remains rather stubbornly high, consumer demand is muted, and substantial planned cuts in public expenditure are in prospect. A smooth sea, they say, never makes a skilled mariner. A crisis is always an opportunity for revival. But this depends on how you take this opportunity. Cutting back and hunkering down may get you through the short-term crisis but will not position you to be a leader in the future. That's why you need a mindset that says: "I'm not just going to surviveI'm going to thrive." Obviously, you must be realistic about what you need to do to survive in the short term, but the trick is to do those things in a way that moves your strategy forward. Even leaders who need to make very deep cuts can think strategically about where the business will be and how they might build for the future. Erudition'11, 16th annual convention of MHROD and MIB, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, is an attempt to identify these very Challenges and Opportunities that lie inherent in the tumultuous times in which we subsist. We invite you to be the part of this convention and enlighten us with your rich knowledge and experience.

Day 1: September 16th 2011

9:00 am to 10:30 am- Inaugural Session Lighting the lamp Address by the HOD Address by Chief Guest Key Note address 10:30 am to 10:45 am- Tea and networking 10:45 am to 12:20 pm- Panel Discussion 1: FII in the Developing Economy: A Reason to Rejoice or a Disaster in Disguise? As rapidly growing economies like ours continue to attract foreign investments into their capital markets, they have also entrenched policy makers and economists in these countries in a situation of a profound strategic impasse. In a dilemma like this, what should a growing economy which desperately needs more investments to sustain its growth, do- accept the Faustian bargain of FIIs and catalyze its growth, or reject these investments and move on a slower yet safer path? 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm- Lunch and networking 1:40pm to 3:00 pm- Panel Discussion 2: Does consumer choice lead to consumer satisfaction? From fascinating electronic gadgets to your restaurant's gourmet options, no product or service comes today without offering the modern consumer a plethora of choices. While this superfluity of choices is both fascinating and magically attractive, whether or not it leads to greater consumer satisfaction is a question that has gathered much importance and weight in modern marketing scenario. 3:00 pm to 3:20pm- Tea and networking 3:20pm to 4:45 pm- Panel Discussion 3: Dollar What next?The Global Financial Crisis of the past decade shook the basis of many such established doctrines and institutions of modern economic system which the world had earlier considered immaculate and sacrosanct. As a new financial and economic order unfolds post recession, monetary experts around the globe are now contemplating whether the US Dollar, which had become the unquestioned champion of global trade in our recent past, would continue to retain its position in the coming future.

Day 2: September 17th 2011

9:00 am to 10:15 am- Key Theme Presentation 10:15 am to 10:30 am- Tea and networking 10:45 am to 12:20 pm- Panel Discussion 1: Infinite diversity in infinite combinations The modern workforce is an amalgamation of diversity, in terms of age, gender and demographics. It is not bound by territorial, cultural or national identities. Diversity is shaping organizational structure in myriad ways. However, infinite possibilities beget infinite challenges. It will be a challenge to develop an organizational culture which embraces diversity and harnesses its full potential. This session will attempt to shed light on the techniques that present day organizations are using. 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm- Lunch and networking Panel Discussion 2 1:40pm to 3:00 pmChange is not only likely, its inevitable The concept of change has not been easily accepted by the human civilization. The dominance of the giant transnational organization was challenged with the emergence of an entrepreneurial spirit which led to the development of a new organizational segment referred to as the small and medium sized organizations. When the concept of choice became more robust for employees, organizations embraced a sense of greater flexibility in order to retain the best and brightest. Finally, the last decade has been witness to the staggering influence of social networking and organizations have had to adapt accordingly. Therefore this session will attempt to argue that embracing change wasn't, isn't and never will be a matter of choice. Tea and networking 3:00 pm to 3:20pmPanel Discussion 3 3:20pm to 4:45 pmProtector and screener to trusted advisor The name of the game today in business is Human Capital. We have come a long way from munimji to planner and change agent and now to strategic advisor and business managers. Now Human capital managers are not just mere talent protector and screener, they play important role in M & As, Succession planning, Organizational Development and moulding Industrial Relation according to the business. 4:45pm to 5:00 pm- Felicitation and Vote of thanks

Key Takeaways

the current trend within organizations toward greater awareness of societal realities, and of the organization's impact within larger systems.

Network with delegates from corporate houses. Interact with the brightest minds of the student

Engage in open dialogue. Draw out a prepared plan of HR and OD functions for

your organization and understand the key issues attached to the framework.
Understand various approaches to designing and

implementing novel competency frameworks.

Understand how a synergy of ethics, a cohesive society

and asustainable global economy where markets, labour and communities are able to function well together.
Explore path breaking ideas responsible for removing

barriers in global operations.

List of Speakers at Past Conventions

The past editions of Erudition have had the pleasure of playing host to some of the ost distimguished and brightest minds from the corporate world, the academia, and policy think-tank agencies. Few of them who have made each of the sessons memorable include :

International Business
S D Saxena, Director- Finance, BSNL Mr. Vijay Bhatnagar, Ex VP, Arcellor Mittal Mr. Raman Roy, CMD, Quattro Mr. Anand Singh, Director(Marketing), Coca Cola Mr. P N Vijay, MD, PNVF Mr. Vivian Singh, CEO, Strontium Technology Mr. Subeer Gokarn, Chief Economist, S&P Mr. Harpal Singh, Chairman, Ranbaxy Mr. P.K Choudhary, Group CEO, ICRA Mr. Kensaku Konishi,CEO, Canon India Mr. Josh Felman , senior Representative, IMF India Mr. Pankaj Vaish, Head, Equities and Liquid markets, Lehman Mr.

Sanjeev Sanyal, Chief Economist, Deutsche bank Mr. Himali Arora, Group CEO,GE Ms.

Human Resource
Dr. Udai Pareekh, Distinguished Visiting Professor, IIHMR K. K. Sinha - Director HR - Jindal Steel Mr. Sushil Baveja Head HR DSCL Mr. Sandeep Tyagi - Vice President HR - Haier India Mr. Mukul Rastogi - Head (BD & LR), ITC Ms. David Lobo - Director HR, GE India Mr. Dinesh Kumar Executive Director Personnel, Airport Mr. Authority of India
Anupma Babbar Sr. VP (HR), Aricent technologies Ms. Pawan Chaudhary CEO Vygon India Mr. Vishal Sehgal Co founder and Director Lava mobiles Mr. Shrikant Lonikar Former EVP and chief people officer Wallmart Mr.

Ashish Anand Executive VP HR Religare Enterprise Mr.

Sponsorship Slabs for Erudition11

The event presents a perfect platform for your business as a means of promoting it to not only the biggest representatives from the corporate sector, but also the students who would eventually move on to being those names tomorrow. Please find below the various options available :


Status of associated and exclusive partner for the convention. Company's name and logo on the souvenir. Company's name and logo on the backdrop in a prominent size. Screening of Corporate Movie during the breaks. Company's name and logo at a prominent place on the delegate

bag and convention folders.

Seven complimentary delegate passes. full page (double spread) advertisement in the souvenir. A2 Company's name will appear on all the advertisement and

promotional material of the conference like posters, banners, fliers etc. Sponsor may distribute their literature or free samples at the registration counter. Special recognition at the end of each session.


Company's name and logo on the souvenir. Company's name and logo on the backdrop. Company's name and logo at a prominent place on the delegate

bag. Company's name will appear on all the advertisement and promotional material of the conference like posters, banners, fliers etc. Sponsor's name and logo on the invitations cards. complimentary delegate passes. Five A full page advertisement in the souvenir. Recognition at the end of each session.



Company's name and logo on the souvenir. Company's name and logo on the backdrop. Company's name will appear on all the advertisement and

promotional material of the conference like posters, banners, fliers etc. Three complimentary delegate passes. A half-page advertisement in the souvenir Recognition at the end of each session.



Company's name and logo on the souvenir. Company's name and logo on the backdrop. complimentary delegate passes. Two A half page advertisement in the souvenir. Recognition at the end of each session.


BACK COVER INSIDE COVER FRONT INSIDE COVER BACK DOUBLE SPREAD NORMAL FULL PAGE HALF PAGE BOOK MARK (16cm height x 6.5 cm width) Rs. 50.000 Rs. 35,000 Rs. 40,000 Rs. 60,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 12,000 Rs. 15,000

(Overall size 11 x 8.5, Print area Full page 9 x 7)

ELECTRONIC MEDIA SPONSORS India first (ZEE NEWS) Doordarshan NDTV Metro Nation Radio Mirchi Financial Express Business Standard Business World The Indian Express The Pioneer The Mint (Hindustan Times) SHRM India Pagalguy MBA Universe Buzz in Town Shiksha ONGC State Bank of India Penguins Books India SAIL The Princeton Review Punjab National Bank CII Coca Cola Indian Oil LIC LG NDPL Oriental Bank of Commerce




Erudition'10 - The 15th Annual Convention of the Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi was a huge and resounding success. The Annual Convention, a joint venture by the students of the Master of Human Resource and Organizational Development (MHROD) and Master of International Business (MIB) programs, was held on the 17th and 18th of September, 2010 at the sprawling Paintal Memorial Golden Jubilee Auditorium, V.P. Chest Institute, Delhi University. The event, themed, Constructing Corporate Conscience: Introspecting the Resurgence witnessed in course of these two days, the brightest minds from the corporate arena, governmental organizations, foreign dignitaries, academia along with the distinguished faculty members and the students coming together and discussing about the most pertinent issues that had been affecting the business world. Prof K V Bhanumurthy, the Head of Department, welcomed the distinguished speakers and delegates. The event had the pleasure of playing host to Honorable Minister of Corporate Affairs, Mr Salman Khurshid and His Excellency, Mr Julio De La Guardia, Ambassador of Panama, who had graced the event as the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively. Souvenir, the annual journal of the twin courses, published under the aegis of the Department of Commerce, was also launched on the occasion. The Convention also acted as a meaningful platform for us to celebrate the success of our alumni, who have greatly contributed to their field of work through their insights and unflinching integrity. The action that followed in the span of the Convention left everyone enthralled as distinguished speakers from various facets of the corporate and academic spheres delved into an enriching discussion on eclectic range of issues pertaining to the contemporary business world. Keeping in mind the backdrop of the global economic scenario in which the world was struggling with the aftermath of the financial crisis and economic meltdown, Erudition 2010 gained an even more far reaching significance, in that each speaker shared their ideas, experiences and perspectives on the changing economic system in which global economic institutions, financial system, organizations and countries were experimenting with new designs and models to evolve and beat the after effects of the crisis. While the first day saw new paradigms emerging on such topics as exploiting chaos for inspiring innovation, building organizational sustainability and resilience, and the centrality of people in business organizations; the second day acted as a potent forum for discussing issues such as gains from corporate social responsibility, the financial lessons for organizations from the recent meltdown and the ethical implications of lobbying in international corridors. The Convention was rich and comprehensive in its coverage and depth and concluded with a great sense of accomplishment and fulfilment for the organizers and has etched as a saga of intellectual extravagance in the minds of everyone who witnessed it.

Message from Team Convention

The successful fructification of one's efforts into end results is always a matter of immense pride for anyone. It feels even better when the end result is seen and appreciated as a mega event, both in terms of the value addition to the students as well as a worthwhile exercise for the participating speakers. Erudition- the Annual Convention and the flagship event of the Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, is primarily a student initiative with due support from the faculty at the Department. And year after year, the bar is set a little higher, the scope broadens, and the expectations rise, giving the Team a challenge to do better. In being a student initiated and organized event, Erudition becomes the materialization of the Team Convention's year-long endeavor. It is an attempt to more learning which a little further is from the realms of the classroom teaching. It involves student liaisons with the who's who of the corporate world; and requires the students to work in tandem with each other to ensure that the event is a success. Apart from the Team Convention, the efforts of the student volunteers cannot and should not be ignored.

Erudition 11
16th - 17th September 2011

Venue :

Time :
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Registration Fee
Delegates - Rs. 5000 Academecians - Rs.1000 Alumni - Rs.3000 Students - Rs.800

Delegate Response Form

Name: .............................................. Designation and Department: ..........

Payment Details

Amount Rs. ......................................... .......................................................... Cheque / Draft No................................ ........................................................ ............................................................. Organization: ................................... ............................................................. ......................................................... Dated : .............................................. Address for Correspondence: ......... Drawn on Bank : ................................. ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... Drawn in Favour of IBF-SPHERE, ....................................................... payable at Delhi. (Payment can also Telephone: ....................................... be made in cash on the spot at the E-mail: ............................................. registration desk)


My organization/ institute would like to participate in Erudition '10 as a/an ........................................................................... ........................................................ Sponsor. Organization/Institute: ........................................................................ Contact Person: ................................................................................. Designation & Department: ................................................................ Address for correspondence: ............................................................ Phone: ............................................................................................... Fax: .................................................................................................... E-mail:................................................................................................. Mobile: ................................................................................................ Payment Details: ................................................................................. Amount Rs............................................................................................ Cheque/Draft No. ................................................................................ Dated ................................................... Drawn on Bank: ....................

Drawn in favour of IBF-SPHERE, payable at Delhi.

Please send across your delegate/sponsor response form to:

Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics

University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 Ph: +91 (11) 27662608 * Fax: +91 (11) 27666781 Mob. : +91 9718890902,+91 9971885134 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Website:,



Challenges and Opportunities
Day 1 : September 16, 2011
8:30 - 9:00 am

Day 2 : September 17, 2011

8:30 - 9:00 am

9:00 am - 10:30 am

9:00 am - 10:30 am

Inaugural Session
10:30 am - 10:45 am

Key Theme Presentation

10:30 am - 10:45 am

Tea Break & networking

10:45 am - 12:30 pm:

Tea Break & networking

10:45 am - 12:30 pm

Panel Discussion 1: FII in the Developing Economy: A Reason to Rejoice or a Disaster in Disguise?
12:30pm - 1:30 pm

Panel Discussion 1: Infinite diversity in infinite combinations

12:30pm - 1:30 pm

Lunch & Networking

1:30pm - 3:00pm

Lunch & Networking

1:30pm - 3:00pm

Panel Discussion 2: Does consumer choice lead to consumer satisfaction?

3:00pm - 3:15pm

Panel Discussion 2: Change is not only likely, its inevitable

3:00pm - 3:15pm

Tea Break & Networking

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Tea Break & Networking

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Panel Discussion 3: Protector and screener to trusted advisor

Panel Discussion 3: Dollar What next?

Contact Us
MIB Bibek Rathi +91-9718890902 MHROD Ashutosh Kumar +91-9971885134

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