Effect of Sweep On Cavity Flow Fields at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds

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Effect of Sweep on Cavity Flow Fields at

Subsonic and Transonic Speeds
Maureen B. Tracy, Elizabeth B. Plentovich, Michael J. Hemsch, and Floyd J. Wilcox, Jr.
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

May 2012
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Effect of Sweep on Cavity Flow Fields at

Subsonic and Transonic Speeds

Maureen B. Tracy, Elizabeth B. Plentovich, Michael J. Hemsch, and Floyd J. Wilcox, Jr.
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Langley Research Center

Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199

May 2012
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The initial draft of this paper was written in the early 1990s and was based upon wind tunnel tests,
which were a part of a cavity flow research program. However, work reassignments of the authors
prevented the timely publication of the paper. Because of the unique cavity configurations that were
tested, the authors believe it is important to belatedly publish these data, although data analysis in the
paper is limited.
In the time since this paper was drafted, researchers have continued to study cavity flows. Progress has
been made experimentally, computationally and theoretically. Some recent results are reported in
References 1–12. Of particular relevance to this paper, Lada and Kontis [2] report success in improving
pressure gradients in closed cavity flows using leading edge and trailing edge swept inserts separately.

Table of Contents
Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................................................. vii
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................1
Cavity Flow Field Types for Supersonic Speeds .......................................................................................................2
Cavity Flow Field Types for Subsonic/Transonic Speeds .........................................................................................3
Experimental Method ....................................................................................................................................................4
Model Description .....................................................................................................................................................4
Wind Tunnel and Test Conditions .............................................................................................................................5
Instrumentation, Measurements and Data Reduction ................................................................................................ 6
Surface Static Pressures .........................................................................................................................................6
Fluctuating-Pressures .............................................................................................................................................7
Colored-Water Surface Flow Visualization ...........................................................................................................8
Results and Discussions.................................................................................................................................................8
Presentation of Data ...................................................................................................................................................8
Effect of Lateral Cavity-Floor Position on Static Pressures ..................................................................................8
Effect of Streamwise Location on Fluctuating Pressures ......................................................................................9
Static-pressure Data Including New Flow Type ........................................................................................................9
Effect of Sweep .....................................................................................................................................................9
Effect of l/h in Swept Cavities ............................................................................................................................. 10
Effect of M in Swept Cavities ............................................................................................................................ 10
Fluctuating Pressure Data ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Surface-Flow Visualization Data ............................................................................................................................. 12
Summary of Results..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Concluding Remarks ................................................................................................................................................... 14
References ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix A: Supplemental Static Pressure Tables................................................................................................... 128
Appendix B: Supplemental Fluctuating Pressure Data ............................................................................................. 161
Appendix C: Supplemental Flow Visualization Figures........................................................................................... 169

List of Figures
Figure 1. Typical cavity flow field sketches at supersonic speeds (adapted from References 38 and 46). ...........28
Figure 2. Representative cavity floor pressure distributions for flow field types at subsonic and transonic
speeds [17]. ............................................................................................................................................29
Figure 3. Flow fields for rectangular cavities for a range of l/h and M [17]. .......................................................30
Figure 4. Cavity model assembly. .........................................................................................................................31
Figure 5. Rectangular cavity insert to square cavity leading-edge corners. Linear dimensions are in inches. ......33
Figure 6. Cavity block inserts. Linear dimensions are in inches. ..........................................................................34
Figure 7. Layout of static pressure orifices and fluctuating pressure transducers. Coordinate locations are
presented in Tables 1 and 2. ...................................................................................................................36
Figure 8. Effect of AOA on flat-plate pressure distributions. ................................................................................38
Figure 9. Static-pressure measurements at three lateral positions on the flat plate, AOA = 0º. ............................39
Figure 10. Nomenclature used for calculating average boundary layer height approaching swept leading edge
cavities. ..................................................................................................................................................39
Figure 11. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distributions along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 1,  = 65°. .......................................................................................................................40
Figure 12. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distributions along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 2,  = 55°. .......................................................................................................................44

Figure 13. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distribution along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 3,  = 45°. .......................................................................................................................48
Figure 14. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distribution along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 4,  = 35°. .......................................................................................................................52
Figure 15. Effect of transducer location on fluctuating-pressure spectra in rectangular cavities. ...........................56
Figure 16. Effect of transducer location on fluctuating-pressure spectra in swept cavities. ....................................57
Figure 17. Effect of sweep on cavity floor centerline pressure distributions. ..........................................................58
Figure 18. Effect of l/h on cavity floor centerline pressure distributions. ...............................................................78
Figure 19. Effect of M on cavity floor centerline pressure distributions. ..............................................................82
Figure 20. Effect of sweep on fluctuating-pressure spectra from transducer 1. Symbols indicate predicted
Rossiter frequencies for rectangular cavities. .........................................................................................86
Figure 21. Spectral peak frequencies (divided by free-stream velocity) observed in cavities with  = 65
and 55. ................................................................................................................................................105
Figure 22. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 0°. .........................................................106
Figure 23. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 65°. .......................................................110
Figure 24. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 55°. .......................................................114
Figure 25. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 45°. .......................................................118
Figure 26. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 35°. .......................................................122
Figure 27. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization for longer cavities;  = 45°, M = 0.4. ........126
Figure 28. Summary of flowfield types suggested by static-pressure distributions shown in Figures 17 and 18.
(Note: Characteristics of the new flow type can be observed superimposed on otherwise known
distribution types.)................................................................................................................................127
Figure B-1. Oscillation frequencies (divided by free-stream velocity) observed in swept cavities. ........................161
Figure C-1. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,  = 0°, M = 0.2. ..............170
Figure C-2. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,  = 0°, M = 0.4. ..............174
Figure C-3. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,  = 0°, M = 06. ...............178
Figure C-4. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,  = 0°, M = 0.8. ..............182
Figure C-5. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.2........................186
Figure C-6. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.4........................190
Figure C-7. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.6........................193
Figure C-8. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.8........................197
Figure C-9. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.2........................201
Figure C-10. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.4........................205
Figure C-11. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.6........................209
Figure C-12. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.8........................212
Figure C-13. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 45° (configuration 3), M = 0.4........................216
Figure C-14. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 45° (configuration 3), M = 0.6........................221
Figure C-15. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 45° (configuration 3), M = 0.8........................225
Figure C-16. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 35° (configuration 4), M = 0.2........................229
Figure C-17. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 35° (configuration 4), M = 0.4........................233
Figure C-18. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 35° (configuration 4), M = 0.6........................237

List of Tables
Table 1. Orifice locations. (See Figure 7.) ...........................................................................................................21
Table 2. Transducer locations. .............................................................................................................................25
Table 3. Estimated boundary layer thickness (range Re = 1  4 × 106 per foot). ...............................................25
Table 4. Accuracy of static-pressure measurements. ...........................................................................................26
Table 5. Nondimensional frequencies from modified Rossiter Equation [24]. ....................................................26
Table 6. Observed nondimensional resonant frequencies in rectangular cavities. ...............................................27
Table A-1. Table numbers for corresponding Mach number. ................................................................................128
Table A-2. The nomenclature used in the data tables. ............................................................................................128

Table A-3. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1). ..................................129
Table A-4. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1). ..................................131
Table A-5. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1). ..................................133
Table A-6. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1). ..................................135
Table A-7. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2). ..................................137
Table A-8. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2). ..................................139
Table A-9. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2). ..................................141
Table A-10. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2). ..................................143
Table A-11. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3). ..................................145
Table A-12. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3). ..................................147
Table A-13. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3). ..................................149
Table A-14. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3). ..................................151
Table A-15. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4). ..................................153
Table A-16. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4). ..................................155
Table A-17. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4). ..................................157
Table A-18. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4). ..................................159
Table B-1. Observed oscillation frequencies in swept cavities. .............................................................................162
Table B-2. Transducer 1 x/l values. ........................................................................................................................168
Table C-1. Figure numbers for corresponding Mach number. ...............................................................................169

Config Configuration number
AOA Angle-of-attack, degrees
dB Decibel
ESP Electronically-Scanned Pressure
FPL Fluctuating Pressure Level (root-mean-square of measured fluctuating-pressure normalized with respect
to q), dB
HST High Speed Tunnel
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
SPL Sound Pressure Level (root-mean-square of measured fluctuating-pressure normalized with respect to
2.9 × 109 psia), dB

Cp Pressure coefficient, Cp = (p  p)/q
f Frequency of observed mode, Hz
fm Frequency of Rossiter mode, Hz
h Cavity depth, inches
l Cavity length, inches (measured in free-stream direction)
k Empirical parameter, ratio of shear layer and free-stream velocities, a function of M
m Rossiter mode number
M Free-stream Mach number
p Measured surface static-pressure, psia
p' Measured fluctuating-pressure, psid
p Free-stream static pressure, psia
pt Free-stream total pressure, psia
q Free-stream dynamic pressure, psia
Re Free-stream unit Reynolds number, per foot
Tt Free-stream total temperature, K
U Free-stream velocity, fps
w Cavity width, inches (see Figure 10)
x Distance in streamwise direction, inches (see Figure 7)
xmax Maximum length from leading edge of flat plate to leading edge of swept cavity, inches (see Figure 10)
xmin Minimum length from leading edge of flat plate to leading edge of swept cavity, inches (see Figure 10)
xp Distance from flat plate leading edge to cavity leading edge, inches (see Figure 10)
y Distance in spanwise direction, inches (see Figures 4 and 7)
y' Distance in spanwise direction for the port side wall, used for estimation of ave, inches (see Figure 10)
z Distance normal to the flat plate, inches (see Figure 4)
 Empirical parameter related to phase between instabilities in the shear layer and upstream traveling
pressure waves, a function of l/h


 Calculated boundary layer thickness at cavity leading edge, inches

ave Averaged calculated boundary layer thickness across cavity leading edge, inches
max Maximum calculated boundary layer thickness at cavity leading edge, inches
 Ratio of specific heats
 Sweep angle, degree (see Figures 6 and 10)

An experimental investigation was conducted in the 7 × 10-Foot High Speed Tunnel (HST) at the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center to study the effect of
leading- and trailing-edge sweep on cavity flow fields for a range of cavity length-to-depth (l/h) ratios.
The study included two experiments designed to characterize the flow fields in rectangular and swept
cavities, respectively. The free-stream Mach number (M) range was from 0.2 to 0.8. The unit Reynolds
number (Re) varied between 1 × 106 and 4 × 106 per foot and the boundary layer approaching the cavity
was turbulent with an estimated thickness of 0.25 inches. The cavity had a depth of 0.5 inches, a width of
2.5 inches, and a maximum length of 12.0 inches. The same model was used in both experiments. The
leading- and trailing-edge sweep was adjusted using block inserts to achieve leading edge sweep angles of
65, 55, 45, and 35. (The fore and aft walls were always parallel.) The aft wall of the cavity was
remotely positioned to achieve a range of length-to-depth ratios. (The maximum l/h depended on sweep
angle.) Fluctuating- and static-pressure data were obtained on the floor of the cavity. The fluctuating
pressure data were used to determine whether or not resonance occurred in the cavity rather than to
provide a characterization of the fluctuating pressure field. Qualitative surface flow visualization was
obtained using a technique in which colored water was introduced into the model through static-pressure
orifices. A complete tabulation of the mean static-pressure data for the swept leading edge cavities is
Results for cavities with sweep angles of 35 and 45 showed that static pressures did not vary with
lateral position and in general sustained pressure distributions similar to those observed in rectangular
cavities. However, for cavities with sweep angles of 55 and 65, static pressure varied with lateral
position and a new type of pressure distribution was observed along the centerline in the streamwise
direction. Sweep appeared to have a strong effect on the static-pressure gradients in the vicinity of
reattachment of the shear layer and near the cavity aft wall. While no clear relationship appeared between
sweep angle and the changes in the reattachment pressure gradient, the static-pressure approaching the aft
wall decreased monotonically with increasing sweep. The effect of varying l/h and M in swept cavities
was generally similar to those observed for rectangular cavities.
Fluctuating-pressure results indicate that rectangular cavities for which open and transitional flow
existed supported resonances of the type described by a modified Rossiter equation. Although spectral
peaks were apparent in some swept cavity data, they did not indicate a longitudinal Rossiter-type cavity
Flow-visualization results were consistent with the static-pressure data when a known flow field type
was indicated. Furthermore, flow visualization for the swept cavities indicated the flow characteristics
that follow. (Note that the port side of the cavity was always farther upstream.):
1) inflow on the port side and outflow on the starboard side;
2) a turning of incoming flow to approach a perpendicular with the swept leading edge of the
cavity (more pronounced for higher M);
3) a vortex appearing along the leading edge which appears to remain confined forward of the
reattachment line;
4) a similar vortex along the starboard side for cavities with sweep angles of 65 and 55; and
5) a third vortex along the aft wall for closed flow conditions.

Carrying weapons internally has aerodynamic advantages in flight. Cavities in aerodynamic surfaces,
however, can generate both steady and unsteady disturbances in otherwise uniform flow. Many
investigations, both experimental (References 13-46) and computational (References 47-56) have been
conducted to study the flow fields in rectangular cavities. Changes in the cavity flow field can result in
large pressure gradients and in unsteady flows which can generate self-sustaining oscillations which, in
turn, generate acoustic tones that radiate from the cavity. Both the steady and the unsteady flows can
present difficulties for store separation from an internal weapons bay. The former can generate large nose-
in pitching moments and the latter can induce structural vibration. To insure safe separation, it is
necessary to devise methods to alleviate these problems. One simple approach is to modify the geometry
of the rectangular cavity typically used.
The objective of the study described herein was to determine the effect of leading- and trailing-edge
sweep on cavity flows for a range of l/h values. Two experiments were conducted in the 7×10-foot HST
at free-stream Mach numbers (M) of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. The unit Re varied between
1 × 106 and 4 × 106 per foot and the boundary layer approaching the cavity was turbulent with an
estimated thickness of 0.25 inches. The cavity had a depth of 0.5 inches, a width of 2.5 inches and a
maximum length that depended on sweep angle. (The maximum length of the rectangular cavity was 12.0
inches) The first experiment was designed to study rectangular cavities and the second, swept cavities.
The leading- and trailing-edge sweep angle was adjusted using block inserts to achieve sweep angles of
65, 55, 45, and 35. The aft wall of the cavity was remotely positioned to achieve a range of length-to-
depth ratios. Fluctuating- and static-pressure levels within the cavity and colored-water flow visualization
on the model surface were obtained.

Flow field types for transonic speeds have been identified based on a detailed evaluation of static-
pressure measurements [17] which reference established flow field types for cavities in supersonic flows
[14, 3638, 46]. The flow field types identified for supersonic speeds are defined below and are used for
reference because off-surface flow visualization and extensive computational studies are available for
validation. A description of the flow field types identified for subsonic and transonic flows will also be
provided in a subsequent section.

Cavity Flow Field Types for Supersonic Speeds

The first cavity flow field type identified for supersonic speeds generally occurs when the cavity is
‘deep’ (with a small value of l/h), as is typical of bomber aircraft bays, and is termed open cavity flow
(Figure 1). Open flow occurs in cavities with l/h values 10. For this regime, the flow essentially bridges
the cavity and a shear layer is formed over the cavity. This produces a nearly uniform static-pressure
distribution along the floor of the cavity which is desirable for safe store separation. However, when
open-cavity flow occurs, a cavity resonance can be sustained. The mechanism that produces this
resonance is understood to be the reinforcement between instabilities in the shear layer and upstream-
traveling pressure waves generated at the aft wall by the time-varying impingement of the shear layer.
These oscillations can generate high-intensity acoustic tones that can induce vibrations in the surrounding
structure, including the separating store, and lead to structural fatigue [45, 57]. The frequencies at which
these tones occur can be predicted using a semi-empirical equation known as the modified Rossiter
Equation [24].
l m 
fm 
U 1
    1 2  2 1
M  1   M   
  2   k

Here, fm is the frequency of a given acoustic mode, l the cavity length, U∞ the free-stream velocity, m
the mode number, M∞ the free-stream Mach number, and  the ratio of specific heats. There are two
empirical constants in the equation;  which is a function of l/h and is related to the phase between the
instabilities in the shear layer and the upstream traveling pressure waves; and k which is a function of M
and is understood to be the relative speed of the instabilities in the shear layer to free-stream velocity. The
modification [24] of the Rossiter Equation [22], equates the cavity sound speed to the stagnation sound
speed to accommodate high-speed flows.
The second type of cavity flow identified for supersonic speeds occurs for ‘shallow’ cavities (with large
values of l/h), as is typical of missile bays on fighter aircraft, and is termed closed-cavity flow (Figure 1).
Closed flow occurs for cavities with l/h values 13. In this regime, the flow separates at the forward face
of the cavity, reattaches at some point along the cavity floor and separates again before reaching the rear
cavity face. This produces a mean static-pressure distribution with low pressure in the forward region, a
plateau in the attached region and high pressure in the aft region. Impingement and exit shocks are
observed. In closed-cavity flow the flow entering the cavity and impinging on the cavity floor can cause
the separating store to experience large pitching moments that turn the store nose into the cavity. Acoustic
tones do not occur for closed-cavity flow at supersonic speeds because there is no free shear layer
traversing the cavity and supersonic flow in the cavity prevents pressure waves from traveling upstream.
The third and fourth cavity flow field types defined for supersonic speeds are termed transitional
(transitional-open and transitional-closed) and are flow fields that occur for cavities that have values of
l/h that fall between closed- and open-cavity flow, i.e., values of l/h between approximately 10 and 13.
Transitional-closed cavity flow (Figure 1) occurs when l/h is decreased from a value corresponding to
closed-cavity flow. The change in flow field type is signaled by the collapse of the impingement and exit
shocks into a single shock and the disappearance of the plateau in the mean static-pressure distribution.
The shock signifies that the flow has impinged on the floor. Similar to closed-cavity flow, large static-
pressure gradients occur along the cavity floor and can contribute to large pitching moments that turn the
store nose into the cavity. With a very small reduction in l/h from the value corresponding to the
transitional-closed cavity flow, the impingement-exit shock wave abruptly changes to a series of
compression wavelets, indicating that although the shear layer no longer impinges on the cavity floor, it
does turn into the cavity. This type of flow is referred to as transitional-open cavity flow (Figure 1). For
this type of flow field, longitudinal pressure gradients in the cavity are not as large as for transitional-
closed cavity flow, and consequently, the problem of store nose-in pitching moment is not as severe as for
closed-cavity flows. The acoustic fields for the transitional-closed and transitional-open flow fields have
not been determined.

Cavity Flow Field Types for Subsonic/Transonic Speeds

Figure 2 gives the characteristic static-pressure distributions for the various flow field types defined for
subsonic and transonic speeds. As with supersonic flow, open- and closed-cavity flows occur. For the
range of l/h between those for open and closed flow, there is a gradual change from open to closed flow
and thus a single transitional type flow is defined (rather than transitional-open and transitional-closed as
for supersonic flow). In this regime, the flow turns into the cavity and may or may not impinge on the
cavity floor before turning out and exiting. At transonic speeds, flows with static-pressure distributions
similar to the supersonic transitional-open and transitional-closed bound the transitional flow regime as
indicated in Figure 2. The characteristics of the static-pressure distributions used to define the flow types
in Reference 13 are summarized and given below.
Open-cavity flow has a uniform pressure distribution (Cp  0) for values of streamwise distance-to-
length (x/l) up to approximately 0.6. Aft of that point, the pressure distribution increases with increasing
x/l and has a concave up shape. Open-cavity flow at subsonic and transonic speeds can sustain a cavity
resonance, as discussed in the previous section, Cavity Flow Field Types For Supersonic Speeds. For

subsonic and transonic speeds the acoustic frequencies are estimated from the modified Rossiter equation
using  and k  0.57, (values were obtained by Rossiter [22] for a range of conditions).
The change from open- to transitional-cavity flow (as l/h increases) is identified by a change in
pressure distribution from concave up to concave down in the aft portion of the cavity. (This distribution
is similar to that for supersonic transitional-open flow.) The concave down pressure distribution for
x/l 0.6 is typical of transitional-cavity flow for transonic speeds. As l/h increases, the distribution
gradually changes to one marked by a uniform increase from negative values near the front face to large
positive values near the aft face (similar to the supersonic transitional-closed distribution). The flow
becomes closed (with increasing l/h) when an inflection point occurs in the pressure distribution at
x/l  0.5. With further increase in l/h, the inflection point becomes a plateau (a distribution typical of
closed-cavity flow observed at supersonic speeds). With still further increase in l/h, a dip in pressure
develops aft of the region of level pressure and forward of the aft pressure rise. The maximum value of
the closed pressure distribution remains approximately the same as that observed at the boundary with
transitional flow. Again, it is noted that the boundaries between the flow types are approximate, limited
by the spacing between measurement locations and the increments by which l/h was changed.
The occurrence of the various flow field types was found to depend on M, cavity l/h and also cavity
width-to-depth ratio (w/h). A sketch from Reference 13 showing this dependence is provided as Figure 3.
The flow field types that occurred for each combination of M and l/h are indicated for four
configurations each with different w/h values. Boundaries have been drawn delimiting the flow field types
for each configuration. At transonic speeds, as seen in Figure 3, open flow occurs in cavities with l/h
values up to a maximum value between 6 and 8 and closed flow occurs for cavities with l/h values down
to a minimum value between 9 and 15. Consequently, transitional-cavity flow can occur for a range of l/h
values as narrow as 1 (w/h = 1 and M = 0.2) and as broad as 7 (w/h = 8 and M = 0.95). The effect of
these flow fields on the store carriage and separation characteristics is similar to that observed at
supersonic speeds for like pressure distributions [39].

Experimental Method
Model Description
The model was originally designed and fabricated to study cavity flow fields at supersonic speeds [14].
Sketches and a photograph of the cavity model assembly are shown in Figure 4. The model consisted of a
sting-mounted splitter plate 41.9 inches long and 34.0 inches wide that housed a cavity with a forward
face being located 10.4 inches downstream of the flat-plate leading edge. Because the model was
designed for supersonic speeds, the outboard leading edges were swept 30 to decrease the plate planform
area and thus decrease the supersonic tunnel starting loads on the support sting. In addition, the outboard
leading edge sweep positioned supersonic tip vortices downstream as far as possible to minimize their
effect on the flat plate flow field. The impact of the supersonic model design on the flat plate at subsonic
and transonic speeds is discussed in the Wind Tunnel and Test Conditions section. The effect on a
rectangular cavity at subsonic and transonic speeds is addressed in the Discussion of Results section.
The rectangular cavity was constructed with slightly rounded forward corners (0.16-inch radius) to
facilitate fabrication of the cavity box. In order to facilitate computational modeling of the cavity the
forward cavity corners were squared using a small rectangular block mounted on the forward wall of the
cavity as seen in Figure 5. The cavity had a width of 2.50 inches and a depth of 0.50 inches. Cavity length
was remotely controlled with a sliding-block assembly that formed the rear face of the cavity (see Figure
4(a)). Cavity width and depth were fixed with w/h = 5 for all cavity configurations. The rectangular cavity
had a maximum length of 12 inches and could be fully closed. A flat plate configuration could also be
tested by positioning the cavity floor flush with the flat plate with the aft wall fully retracted.

As the sliding block moved forward, the space where the sliding-block drive screw was located was
uncovered creating a second cavity downstream of the test cavity. At supersonic speeds, the second cavity
was not a concern because disturbances do not feed forward; however, this was a concern for testing at
subsonic and transonic speeds. To eliminate the cavity, a thin plate was mounted over the space that
housed the drive screw for the sliding-block assembly. This plate can be seen in Figure 4.
Four sets of blocks were used to create sweep angles (ψ) of 65, 55, 45, and 35, configurations 1
through 4 respectively as shown in Figure 6. Blocks were placed in the forward and rearward sections of
the cavity to create parallel leading- and trailing-edge swept surfaces with the sweep initiating on the port
side of the cavity and the starboard side being downstream. (The insert used to square the rectangular
cavity was removed for the swept geometries.) The rear block was attached to the aft wall of the cavity to
allow the cavity length to be remotely controlled. An o-ring was placed between the blocks and the cavity
floor and side walls to minimize flow under the blocks. The maximum lengths for the swept cavities were
6.64 inches, 8.43 inches, 9.5 inches, and 10.25 inches for ψ = 65, 55, 45, and 35, respectively.
The leading-edge block changed the position of the cavity leading edge relative to the plate leading
edge, resulting in a change in the x-coordinate origin position for each swept leading edge cavity. The
effect this had on the boundary-layer thickness approaching the cavity is described in the Wind Tunnel
and Test Conditions section of this report. Cavity x/l was measured from the trailing edge of the forward
block. (Since the forward and aft walls are always parallel, x/l could be measured from any lateral
The model was instrumented with 84 static-pressure orifices and with three fluctuating pressure
transducers. The majority of the static-pressure orifices were located along three longitudinal rows on the
cavity floor since longitudinal pressure distributions are essential in characterizing flow fields. Three
fluctuating-pressure transducers were expected to be sufficient as the intent of the experiment was to
determine whether or not resonance occurs rather than obtain a detailed characterization of the
fluctuating-pressure field throughout the cavities. A sketch of the static-pressure orifice and fluctuating-
pressure transducer locations are shown in Figure 7. Tables 1 and 2 give the orifice and transducer
coordinates, respectively, for each configuration. Some pressure orifices and pressure transducers were
covered by the blocks used to shape the cavity for each configuration. The static and fluctuating pressure
locations that are covered by the blocks are shown in Figure 7 and indicated in Tables 1 and 2. The data
from the covered and partially-covered pressure orifices and transducers were considered invalid and are
not included in the analysis.
Wind Tunnel and Test Conditions
The test was conducted in the NASA Langley Research Center 7 × 10-foot HST, which has since
closed. The 7 × 10-foot HST was a closed-circuit, single-return continuous-flow atmospheric wind tunnel
capable of testing from M = 0.1 to 0.94. Additional details on the tunnel can be found in References 58
and 59. The tests were conducted at M = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 and at Re between 1 × 105 and 4 × 106 per
The effect of the splitter plate planform on the flow in the region of the cavity at transonic speeds was
assessed by a comparison of the pressure distributions of the three longitudinal rows of orifices for the
model configured with the cavity floor positioned flush with the surface of the flat plate, i.e., no cavity. It
was found that the pressure distributions on the three rows of pressure orifices compared well indicating
that the flow over the cavity at transonic speeds is essentially uniform. Oil flow images that are not
included in this report supported this conclusion.
A boundary-layer transition strip was applied near the leading edge of the splitter plate to ensure fully-
developed turbulent flow on the plate surface entering the cavity for all test conditions. To fix transition, a
strip of No. 60 grit was distributed over a width of 0.1 inches, approximately 1 inch aft of the leading
edge, in accordance with the recommendations in References 60 and 61.
At the beginning of the test, a limited study was conducted to determine the effect of plate angle-of-
attack (AOA) on the pressure gradient over the cavity region of the splitter plate. The instrumented cavity
floor was positioned flush with the flat plate surface (no cavity) and static-pressure data were obtained for
AOA equal to -1.2, 0, and 1.2. In theory, the pressure coefficient (Cp) distribution along a flat plate at
0 AOA should be a straight line with a slope that does not necessarily have to be zero. This relationship
is observed to be true in the data presented in Figure 8. (The effects of varying the plate AOA included
changes in the slope and intercepts of the Cp curve as well as a slight deviation from linearity.) The
static-pressure measurements at the three lateral positions on the flat plate at AOA = 0 are presented in
Figure 9 to demonstrate the uniformity of the flow field across the cavity region (note that the scale of
Figure 9 is much larger than the scale of Figure 8). Thus the test was conducted with the upper surface of
the splitter plate positioned on the tunnel centerline, at 0 AOA and 0 yaw relative to the tunnel
centerline. A correction has been applied to the static pressure data which will be discussed in the next
Measurements of the boundary layer profile were not obtained during this test. The boundary layer
thickness was estimated from the following equation obtained from Reference 62.

 
1/ 5
  0.37 x p Re /12(x p )

This equation was derived for a turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate assuming incompressible
flow. For this equation,  is the estimated boundary layer thickness; xp is the distance from the leading
edge of the flat plate to the cavity leading edge; and Re is the free-stream unit Reynolds.
For the swept leading edge cavities, xp varies from a minimum of 10.4 inches (xmin) to a maximum
(xmax) that depends on the cavity sweep angle (see figure 10). An average boundary layer thickness was
estimated as follows:

xmin  y ' tan   Re /12  xmin  y ' tan   5 dy '

1 w 1
 avg  0.37  
w 0
Table 3 gives the average boundary layer thicknesses as well as the maximum boundary layer thickness
approaching the cavity for each configuration over a range of free-stream Reynolds numbers from 1 to 4
million per foot.

Instrumentation, Measurements and Data Reduction

Surface Static Pressures

Each static-pressure orifice had a nominal inner diameter of 0.030 inches. Measurements of static
pressure were made using electronically-scanned pressure (ESP) transducers. Each ESP had a full-scale
range of ±5 psid and used the tunnel static pressure for reference. It is believed that the dominant source
of uncertainty in Cp is due to the repeatability (and calibration) of the ESP modules. That uncertainty was
estimated to be no more than 0.15-percent full-scale (the quoted accuracy of the ESP) or ±0.008 psi.
Table 4 gives this uncertainty in terms of Cp values (uncertainty in Cp being equal to the uncertainty in the
pressure measurement divided by q).
ESP measurements were made at a rate of 20 times per second. Two seconds of data were averaged to
obtain the mean static pressure at each orifice location. Since variations could exist in individual orifice
characteristics, a (very small) correction, described in the next paragraph, was applied to the data.
Potential sources of variation in orifice characteristics include: differences in orifice installation and
fabrication; and differences in model contour and finish between locations [63, 64].

The correction to the static pressure data was determined by configuring the model as a flat plate (i.e.,
the cavity floor was moved level with the plate surface and no cavity was present). The pressure
distributions for the flat plate at repeat 0 AOA points show that the measurements repeat well, but there
are local perturbations in the pressure measurements. For a flat plate at 0 AOA, in theory, the Cp
distribution should be a straight line with a slope that does not necessarily have to be zero and with
minimal deviation about that line. It is known that orifice installation, orifice fabrication, model contour
and model finish quality can induce errors in the measured pressure, [63, 64]. Because there are
significant repeatable deviations from a straight line faired through the points, it was assumed that the
orifices and/or the model had manufacturing imperfections that induced bias errors into the measurement.
To correct the bias errors three values were taken at each M at 0 AOA for the model configured with no
cavity. The three values were averaged for each pressure tap on the model. A least squares fit was applied
to the averaged data to generate a straight line for each of the three longitudinal rows of orifices on the
cavity floor.
The difference in Cp at each pressure tap, between the averaged data and the least squares generated
curve, was calculated to be the correction to be applied to all measurements at a given tap and M. The
correction was then applied to each tap for each M. The corrections applied to the data are very small
relative to the scale to be used in data presentation; the corrected Cp plots are smoother than the
uncorrected Cp plots.

The fluctuating-pressure measurements were made using miniature (0.15-inch diaphragm) flush
mounted fluctuating-pressure transducers. The transducers were piezoresistive with a full-scale range of
5 psid and a resonant frequency of 85,000 Hz. In order to utilize the maximum sensitivity of the
transducers, the static component of the pressure measurement was removed. This modification was
accomplished by installing the transducers in a differential configuration with local static pressure as a
reference (orifice 20 was connected to the back of the diaphragm with 10 feet of 0.020-inch flexible
tubing) and by alternating current coupling the instrumentation. An antialiasing filter was applied at
5 kHz and data were digitized at 12.8 kHz using a workstation-based 24-channel parallel signal processor.
The processor had 16-bit analog-to-digital conversion which gave a dynamic range of 90 dB (signal-to-
noise). Analog data were also recorded as a backup on a 28-channel frequency modulation (FM) tape
recorder using wide-band format at 7.5 in/sec (modulation band of 0 to 10 kHz with 50 dB dynamic
range). A sine-wave calibration was applied to each fluctuating-pressure transducer several times
throughout the test.
Digitized data were divided on-line into 52 blocks of 1024 points each. Blocks were Fourier analyzed
using a Hanning window and the resulting spectra were averaged. This process produced spectra with an
upper frequency of 5 kHz, resolution of 12.5 Hz, and a 95-percent confidence interval of less than 2.5 dB.
This confidence estimation is based on a chi-square distribution which assumes an ergodic Gaussian
random process and independence of the sample blocks (see Reference 65).
Data are presented in sound pressure level (SPL).
 prms 
SPL  20log  
 2.9  10 psia 
 
It is possible to convert SPL representation to one that uses q as a reference as follows:
 2.9  109 psia 
FPL  SPL  20log  
 q 
 

Colored-Water Surface Flow Visualization

Unsteady surface flow visualization was achieved using a method in which colored water is passed
through pressure orifice tubes to the model surface. Reference 66 gives details of this technique and
describes the advantages over conventional oil flow and tuft methods: the low viscosity of the water
allows imaging of rapidly varying flow phenomena and the availability of many orifices and different
dyes allows tailoring the visualization to elucidate particular features of the flow including the origin of
vortices and mixing flows.

Results and Discussions

Presentation of Data
The volume of data obtained in this study requires that only selected representative data be presented in
this report. Selected surface static-pressure distributions and fluctuating-pressure spectra from one
transducer are represented graphically and representative photographs and sketches of the flow
visualization are included in the body of this report. A complete tabulation of static-pressure data and
black and white photographs of flow visualization are provided in the appendices. Except where noted,
static-pressure distributions are given along the center-line of the cavity floor and fluctuating pressure
data are presented from a single transducer. Note that while static and fluctuating pressure data were
acquired at the same time, they were recorded using different systems and there are instances (of l/h and
 values) for which both types of data are not available.
After the static-pressure data, fluctuating pressure data, and the flow-visualization photographs are
presented individually; an analysis of all the data considered together will be presented as “Summary of
Results” at the end of this section. It should be noted that w/h = 5 for the model tested. For configurations
where values of l/h < w/h there is the potential for significant cross flow which should be factored into
data analysis.
Effect of Lateral Cavity-Floor Position on Static Pressures

The data in this section are presented to show the effect of lateral cavity-floor position on static-
pressures for swept cavities. Lateral static-pressure data for the rectangular cavities were consistent with
that published in Reference 13, and are not shown in this report.
Three rows of orifices were spaced across the floor as seen in Figure 7. One row was located on the
centerline (y = 0 inches) and one on either side of the centerline, positioned midway between the
centerline and the sidewall ( y    0.63 inches). There were 46 orifices along the centerline and 16
each along the rows at  .
For the rectangular cavity, no variation was observed in pressure gradients measured at y = 0 and  .
Comparisons of the pressure distributions at the three lateral locations for a selected set of
representative l/h values are given in Figures 11 through 14 for configurations 1 through 4 respectively.
The data for ψ = 65 and ψ = 55, Figures 11 and 12, show significant variation of the pressure
distribution with lateral position. For ψ = 65, this variation is consistent over the M range tested. For
ψ = 55 the variation is consistent over the range M = 0.2 through 0.6 and decreases at M = 0.8. (One
exception is for l/h = 9, which has reduced variation at M = 0.6.) For ψ = 45 and ψ =35, Figures 13 and
14, the three pressure distributions are very similar.
Note that for ψ = 55 (Figure 12) there is a lower pressure in the front portion of the port side
(y = 0.63 inches) of the cavity for all M and l/h than is seen at the other values of ψ. For ψ = 65 data
were not available just downstream of the leading edge at positions off of the centerline. For ψ = 45 and
ψ = 35, the static pressure downstream of the leading edge is nearly constant across the width of the
Effect of Streamwise Location on Fluctuating Pressures

Figure 15 shows typical fluctuating-pressure data obtained at various locations in rectangular cavities.
(Recall that Transducer 3 is the furthest upstream followed by 1 and then 2, as seen in Figure 7, and that
transducer x/l depends on l/h.) Results for a resonant rectangular cavity, presented in Figure 15 (a) agree
with results published in Reference 27: resonant peak amplitudes vary (depending on the location relative
to mode wavelength) and broadband noise increases with x/l. Figures 15 (b), (c) and (d) give comparisons
of spectra obtained at three locations in nonresonant rectangular cavities.
Figure 16 gives typical data obtained at two locations in swept cavities. In Figures 16(a), (b) and (c),
there is evidence of sustained oscillations in the forward region that decay or disappear with increasing
x/l. Also, broadband levels decrease with increasing x/l, which differs from the data shown in Figure 15(a)
for a resonant rectangular cavity. As in Figure 15, Figure 16 (d) shows comparable broadband levels from
transducers located in the regions of reattachment and separation near the aft wall.
In the following sections results for Transducer 1 will be presented whenever it is available. For cases
when it was not exposed (for rectangular cavities with l/h values of 3, 4, and 5), data from Transducer 3
will be used.

Static-pressure Data Including New Flow Type

Effect of Sweep

The effect of sweep on centerline static-pressure distribution is shown in Figure 17 for each value of
M and l/h up to 20. For many cases, the pressure distributions are similar to those sketched in Figure 2
suggesting that the flow types described for rectangular cavities in Reference 17 are applicable to swept
cavities. In general, static-pressure distributions for swept cavities had lower Cp values in the forward
portion of the cavity than those observed for rectangular cavities. For low cavity l/h values, distributions
were often observed that indicated open-cavity flow (see Figure 17(c) for l/h = 3 and ψ = 65, and
Figure 17(e) for l/h = 5 and ψ = 35,) and distributions varied with sweep angle. As cavity l/h was
increased, the pressure distribution more closely resembles that of closed-cavity flow for a rectangular
cavity (see Figure 17(o), l/h = 15 for ψ = 45) and variability with sweep angle decreased.
For cavities with ψ = 35 for l/h from 4 to 7, (8 for M = 0.8) and with ψ = 45 for l/h = 5 and 6
(through 8 for M = 0.8), the distribution resembles that of a rectangular open-cavity flow and for l/h > 8,
the pressure distribution for all values of sweep resemble that of a rectangular cavity with transition to
closed flow. While no clear relationship appeared between sweep angle and the changes in the
reattachment pressure gradient, the static-pressure approaching the aft wall decreased monotonically with
increasing sweep. There was a new static-pressure distribution observed in some swept cavity
configurations that was characterized by a distinct departure from the distributions observed in
rectangular cavities. This new distribution could produce a store nose-in pitching moment at reduced l/h
as compared to rectangular cavities. Specifically, this new pressure distribution was distinguished by a
sharp decrease in pressure followed by a sharp increase in pressure in the forward portion of the cavity; it
varied with M, l/h and ψ, and it could influence pressure distributions that otherwise would suggest
classical open-, transitional- or closed-flow types. Features of the ‘new distribution’ were observed for
most cavities with ψ = 65 and 55. Exceptions include ψ = 65 for l/h = 3 (with open flow as seen in
Figure 17(c)) and ψ = 55 for intermediate l/h values (l/h = 614 for M = 0.8, l/h = 711 for M = 0.8
and l/h = 8 for M = 0.4, with transitional flow as seen in Figures 17(f) through (n), (g) through (k), and
(h), respectively). Dramatic examples of the ‘new distribution’ (with Cp increases over 0.425) were
observed for cavities with ψ = 55 for l/h = 5, 6 and 7 (for M = 0.2–0.8, 0.20.6 and 0.2–0.4,
respectively), with ψ = 45 for l/h = 3 and 4 (for M = 0.2–0.8, and 0.20.6, respectively), and with
ψ = 35 for l/h = 3 (M = 0.2–0.6).
Effect of l/h in Swept Cavities

Rectangular cavity data were consistent with that published in Reference 17; the flow field gradually
progressed from open flow for low values of l/h, through transitional flows, to closed flow for large
values of l/h. Because these cavity data were consistent with previously published results, they are not
shown here.
For swept cavities, the effect of varying the cavity length while holding cavity width and depth constant
is shown in Figure 18. Selected data are presented to illustrate the change in pressure distribution over the
range of l/h tested for each cavity shape. The tabulated data for all configurations tested can be found in
Appendix A, Supplemental Static Pressure Tables.
Cavities with ψ = 65, Figure 18(a), show a gradual change in pressure distribution. For l/h = 3, the
flow appears to be open. For l/h = 4 and 5 (reference Figure 17) the flow becomes open with features of
the new distribution. For l/h = 6 through 13, the flow appears transitional with features of the new
distribution. Closed cavity flow is not obtained for  = 65 over the range of l/h tested.
The flow fields in cavities with ψ = 55 (Figure 18(b)) gradually progress from the new type flow
(l/h = 3) through transitional flow or transitional flow with new features (for M = 0.2 - 0.4) to closed-
cavity flow or closed-cavity flow with new features (for M = 0.2 - 0.6). The pressure rise in the forward
cavity region for the ψ = 55 cavity appears to be one of the most dramatic (occurring over a very short
range of x/l) and persistent (effecting flows that resemble open, transitional and closed types).
For ψ = 45 and ψ = 35 (Figures 18(c), and (d)), the pressure distributions are similar to those shown
in Figure 2 for a rectangular cavity and show a gradual change from distributions representative of open-
to closed-type flows with increasing l/h. Exceptions are noted in the previous section for low l/h values
for which the new flow type occurs.
This new flow type behavior near the leading edge is reminiscent of leading-edge vortex development
on delta wings, which is dependent on sweep angle, M and probably boundary layer thickness
(References 67 and 68).
Effect of M in Swept Cavities

Results for the rectangular cavities were consistent with those published in Reference 17 and will not
be shown here: increasing M had an effect similar to decreasing l/h.
A representative sampling of the data is provided in Figure 19 to illustrate the effect of M in swept
cavities. While there is little change in static-pressure distribution with M for the range 0.2 through 0.6,
there are consistent changes for all configurations as M is increased to 0.8. The pressure distributions
observed for a given configuration at M = 0.8 are typical of distributions that would occur for lower
values of l/h; the same result was observed for rectangular cavities.

Fluctuating Pressure Data
Fluctuating-pressure results are given in Figure 20 for each value of l/h and M. For reference, Table 5
gives the nondimensional resonant frequencies ( f m l / U  ) predicted by the modified Rossiter Equation
for longitudinal modes in rectangular cavities. Those frequencies are indicated on the plots in Figure 20
by the solid symbols. For rectangular cavities, the occurrence of resonance is seen to depend on l/h and
M and is consistent with previously published results [27]. There is evidence of resonance (peaks in the
spectra) for rectangular cavities with l/h values up to 11 for M = 0.8 (Figures 20(a)-(i)), for l/h values up
to 10 for M = 0.6 (Figures 20(a)-(h)), and for l/h = 4 and 5 for M = 0.4 (Figure 20(b) and (c)). Figure 17
reveals transitional- and open-flow distributions for the rectangular cavity at these conditions. (The
pressure distributions corresponding to the spectra in Figure 20 referred to above are: 17 (c)-(k),
17 (c)-(j), 17(d) and 17(e), respectively. The pressure distributions in figures 17(d) and (e) indicate open
flow and those in figures 17(j) and (k) indicate transitional flow.) No resonant peaks were apparent for
any configuration for M = 0.2, nor for any configuration for l/h = 3. Table 6 lists the observed
nondimensional frequencies for rectangular cavities. There appears to be good agreement between the
observed and predicted resonant frequencies. The small discrepancies may be because single values were
used for    and k(M).
Spectral peaks are also observed in the data from swept cavities. The most distinct peaks were observed
for  = 55 and 65 and will be discussed here. Appendix B provides a listing of all the peak frequencies
observed for swept cavities (including those with very low amplitudes). Several observations can be
1) While the frequencies observed for swept cavities appear to depend on M, they do not depend on
l as prescribed by Rossiter-type equation. This is illustrated in Figure 21 in which f/U is plotted
against l/h. While nondimensionalizing the observed frequencies by l would introduce rather than
remove trends in the data, a smaller length scale depending on  is suggested by the differences
observed between the frequencies for  = 65 and the first mode (lower) frequencies for  = 55.
A length scale less than l could be associated with a local oscillatory phenomena in the vicinity of
the transducer (forward portion of the cavity).
2) Only cavities with  = 55, sustained two modes of oscillation. The ratio of the frequencies of the
two modes was not constant for the range of l/h values studied.
3) Peaks observed in rectangular cavities generally have higher amplitudes than those observed in
swept cavities: See Figure 20(d) to (g) (l/h from 6 through 9) for M = 0.6 and 0.8. There are
cases, however, for which peak amplitudes in swept cavities can be comparable to or higher than
those in rectangular cavities: See Figures 20(b) to (c) for l/h from 4 and 5 for M = 0.6 and 0.8.
4) At M = 0.2 through 0.6 for ψ = 55 and l/h from 10 to 17, cavities sustained oscillations whereas
rectangular cavities with the same l/h values did not. Above l/h = 18, no large spectral peaks are
It is important to remember that the position of the transducer relative to the length of the cavity varies
inversely with l/h. The reader may wish to consider whether or not the transducer was located in a region
of attached or separated flow. This can be determined by referring to Figure 17 and Table B-2, which lists
transducer x/l for each  and l/h value.

Surface-Flow Visualization Data
A method to observe surface flow characteristics was developed by Floyd J. Wilcox, Jr. and is
described in Reference 66. This technique used a pressure differential to draw water, colored with food
coloring, through tubes connected to the model static-pressure orifices. The water is then introduced into
the cavity through the static-pressure ports. Black and white photographs and sketches of surface flow
visualization are presented in Figures 22-26 for cavities with l/h values of 4, 8, and 12 for the rectangular
and all swept cavity configurations. Figure 27 provides photographs and sketches of surface flow
visualizations for larger cavities (l/h = 11, 14, and 19). A complete set of black and white photographs
obtained is provided in Appendix C, Supplemental Flow Visualization Figures.
Flow visualization for the rectangular cavities was consistent with the pressure data, indicating open-,
transitional- and closed-type flows. Open flow is characterized by reverse flow throughout the cavity and
closed flow is characterized by separated flow in the fore and aft cavity region with attached flow
between. Figure 22(c) includes typical examples of open (l/h = 4), transitional (l/h = 8) and closed flow
(l/h = 12).
Flow visualization for the swept cavities indicated the following:
1) inflow on the port side and outflow on the starboard side;
2) centerline incoming flow turns towards the perpendicular to the swept leading edge (more
pronounced for higher M);
3) a vortex appearing along the leading edge which appears to remain confined forward of the
reattachment line;
4) a similar vortex along the starboard side for cavities with sweep angles of 65 and 55; and
5) a third vortex along the aft wall for closed flow conditions.

Summary of Results
Considering the complementary flow visualization, static-pressure and fluctuating-pressure results
together provides additional insight. For reference, Figure 28 has been compiled to summarize the
suggested flow field types in swept cavities based on static-pressure distributions. It is important to note
here that the pressure distributions in swept cavities often contained elements of multiple flow field types
and the assignments made for Figure 28 depend on one set of criteria (open-to-transitional flow is
signaled by a change in distribution from concave up to concave down and transitional-to-closed flow is
signaled by the appearance of an inflection point as seen in Figure 2.) Different assignments could be
made using different criteria (such as sign and magnitude of Cp values).
In the earlier discussion a new distribution was noted where a sharp decrease in pressure (velocity
increase) in the forward region of the cavity was followed by a sharp increase in pressure (velocity
decrease) as x/l increased. Depending on the length of the cavity, the pressure could plateau or experience
a gradual decrease (velocity increase). To gain insight into these phenomena, it is first necessary to
consider swept cavities that appear to sustain flow fields similar to rectangular cavities. Figure 26(c)
provides flow visualization images for cavities with ψ = 35, for l/h = 4, 8, and 12 at M = 0.6. These
images correspond to static pressure distributions that suggest open, transitional and closed cavity flows,
respectively. While not aligned with the free-stream flow, the surface flows in these swept cavities have
characteristics similar to those observed in rectangular cavities: reverse flow throughout the cavity for
open flow, flow out from a region of impingement for transitional flow and attached flow downstream of
impingement for closed flow. One significant difference between the flow images for these swept cavities
and those for rectangular cavities in Fig. 22(c), occurs at the base of the rearward facing step that forms
the leading edge. In swept cavities, flow appears to be entrained and travels with an upstream component
in this region, contributing to the formation of a vortex in the leading-edge corner (on the port side) of the

swept cavity. In rectangular cavities, flow pools along the base of the leading edge and vortices occur on
both sides of the centerline. In cavities that experience the new distribution, flow appears to be entrained
along the base of the swept leading edge and travels with a downstream component. (If a vortex occurs in
the leading edge corner, it is small and not fed by flow from across the cavity.) Examples are seen in
Figure 23(c) (ψ = 65 and M = 0.6) for l/h = 4 (open flow with new features), 8 and 12 (transitional flow
with new features) and in Figure 24(c) (ψ = 55 and M = 0.6) for l/h = 4 (new flow), and 12 (closed flow
with new features). (Note l/h = 8 appears to sustain transitional flow with the flow along the leading edge
traveling in both directions.)
The pressure distributions in swept cavities appear consistent with flow visualization. Flow observed
along the base of the leading edge in swept cavities with downstream components (increased velocity)
produce lower pressures than flows with upstream components (decreased velocity). In general, swept
cavities appear to have higher velocity flows downstream of the leading edge and upstream of the trailing
edge than rectangular cavities and thus lower pressure in these regions. Increases in pressure downstream
of the leading edge in cavities experiencing the new distribution may be due to the swept leading edge
impeding the reverse flow upstream of the impingement region on the cavity floor.
A possible explanation for the new distribution involves vortex formation and can be seen using
Figure 24(d), l/h = 4 (ψ = 55, M = 0.8) as an example. In this photograph, flow is seen to enter the
cavity approximately normal to the swept leading edge and also from the port side. External flow is
deflected near the leading edge on the starboard side indicating flow exiting from the cavity. A small
vortex is observed to form in the leading-edge corner (on the port side) of the swept cavity. This vortex
appears to be entrained along the base of the rearward facing step that forms the leading edge of the
cavity. This again would show as a decrease in pressure or an accelerated region of flow. Downstream of
the cavity leading-edge vortex the flow is attached (resulting in a decrease in velocity or increase in
pressure) and indicates a direction toward the aft starboard corner. It appears that the majority of the flow
rolls-up in this corner and flows out of the cavity and downstream. This vortex flow could be the source
of the non-Rossiter type pressure oscillations discussed above. l/h = 5, ψ = 55 provides an example; non-
Rossiter type double peaks are observed in Fig 20(c) and dramatic new pressure distributions are
observed in Fig. 17(e). Corresponding photographs illustrating vortex flow near the leading edge are
found in Appendix C: Figs. C9(c), C10(d), C11(a) and C12(d).
More insight can be gained from cavities that appear to demonstrate open-cavity flow. An example
configuration from Figure 28 is ψ = 45 and l/h = 8 at M = 0.8 and the corresponding flow visualization
photograph in Figure 25(d). For this flow there appears to still be a vortex on the forward left-hand corner
of the cavity, but it does not drive the incoming flow. As can be seen in the photo, the incoming flow to
the side of the cavity is not pulled into the cavity. Figure 13(d) also confirms that the pressures on the
floor of the cavity for ψ = 45 and M = 0.8 are nearly constant across the leading edge of the cavity for
the range of l/h values shown. The forward corner flow does appear to be driving the flow within the
cavity; however, as can be seen in the photograph all the surface flow in the forward region of the cavity
is turned upstream (toward the forward cavity wall) and appears to pool in the forward port corner. A
small portion of the flow in the aft section of the cavity rolls-up in the aft starboard corner where it exits
the cavity and flows downstream. For this flow condition the pressure gradient shows a Cp to be nearly
zero over much of the cavity floor with a gradual rise at the aft end of the cavity.
Another point of interest for the swept-cavity flows that resemble closed-flow conditions is that as the
cavity length is increased, the flow in the forward portion of the cavity does not change (see Figure 27).
As the cavity length is increased a vortex forms in the aft region of the cavity, parallel to the aft wall, and
serves to entrain the flow and direct it toward the aft starboard corner where the flow exits the cavity. The
formation of this downstream vortex appears to coincide with changes in the pressure distribution to more
closely resemble that of closed-flow observed in rectangular cavities (Figures 17 (k-s)).

For low enough sweep angles, the separation off the leading edge creates a weak roller that is
essentially two dimensional. With increasing sweep, the roller becomes a vortex with origin roughly at
the upstream corner, depending on boundary layer thickness, thereby changing the character of the inflow
completely. The vortex probably grows in size and strength from the upstream corner of the leading edge
to the downstream corner of the leading edge. This new flow type behavior near the leading edge is
reminiscent of leading-edge vortex development on delta wings, which is dependent on sweep angle, M
and probably boundary layer thickness (References 67 and 68).
In summary, the data obtained during this test suggest the following effects on store carriage in and
separation from swept cavities:
1) A store is likely to experience a strong nose-in pitching moment due to the roller/vortex that
can be generated at the leading edge
2) Unlike a rectangular cavity, there will be cross flow which may affect store roll and yaw
3) Longitudinal cavity resonance, a source of potential damage to stores with rectangular cavities,
does not appear to occur.
4) It may be possible to manipulate the various influencing factors (i.e., leading edge sweep,
boundary layer thickness, M, l/h, etc.) to obtain more benign cavity flows than with a
rectangular design.

Concluding Remarks
An experimental investigation was conducted in the 7 × 10-foot High-Speed Tunnel (HST) at the
NASA Langley Research Center to study the effect of leading- and trailing-edge sweep on cavity flow
fields for a range of cavity length-to-depth (l/h) ratios. The study included two experiments designed to
characterize the flow fields in rectangular and swept cavities, respectively. The M range was from 0.2 to
0.8. The unit Reynolds number varied between 1 × 106 and 4 × 106 per foot and the boundary layer
approaching the cavity was turbulent with an estimated thickness of 0.25 inches. The cavity had a depth
of 0.5 inches, a width of 2.5 inches, and a maximum length of 12.0 inches. The leading- and trailing-edge
sweep was adjusted using block inserts to achieve sweep angles of 65, 55, 45, and 35. (The fore and
aft walls were always parallel.) The aft wall of the cavity was remotely positioned to achieve a range of
length-to-depth ratios. (The maximum l/h depended on sweep angle.) The width and depth were fixed and
w/h = 5. Fluctuating- and static-pressure data were obtained on the floor of the cavity. Qualitative surface
flow visualization was obtained using a technique in which colored water was introduced into the model
through static-pressure orifices.
Static-pressure distributions exhibited by swept cavities often appeared similar to those observed in
rectangular cavities. A ‘new pressure distribution’ was also observed which suggests the formation of a
vortex parallel to the cavity leading edge that entrained the flow along the base of the rearward facing step
that formed the leading edge of the cavity. The new distribution exhibited a sharp decrease in pressure in
the most forward portion of the cavity, followed by a sharp increase in pressure caused by the vortex
formed at the cavity leading edge, followed by the flow reattaching downstream of the vortex. The
distribution was most consistently found at ψ = 55 where strong lateral gradients were also observed.
The highest values of sweep tested, ψ = 65, produced encouraging results. For these cavities, the
pressure distribution was more benign, similar to a rectangular open- or a transitional-open-cavity flow;
however, there were no cavity-induced resonant tones.
Fluctuating-pressure results indicated that rectangular cavities for which open and transitional flow
existed supported longitudinal resonances of the type described by the modified Rossiter Equation.

Although spectral peaks were apparent in swept-cavity data, their frequencies were not dependent on l as
prescribed by the modified Rossiter equation.
In summary, the data obtained during this test suggest the following effects on store carriage in and
separation from swept cavities:
1) A store is likely to experience a strong nose-in pitching moment due to the roller/vortex that
can be generated at the leading edge.
2) Unlike a rectangular cavity, there will be cross flow, which may affect store roll and yaw
3) Longitudinal cavity resonance, a source of potential damage to stores with rectangular cavities,
does not appear to occur.
4) It may be possible to manipulate the various influencing factors (i.e., leading edge sweep,
boundary layer thickness, M, l/h, etc.) to obtain more benign cavity flows than with a
rectangular design.

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Table 1. Orifice locations. (See Figure 7.)
x, in. x, in. x, in. x, in.
x, in.
Orifice Conf. 1 Conf. 2, Conf. 3, Conf. 4, y, in.
ψ = 0º
ψ = 65º ψ = 55º ψ = 45º ψ = 35º
Orifices Forward of Cavity
(1)a -2.188 -4.6815 -3.786 -3.250 -2.877 0.000
(2)a -1.688 -4.1815 -3.286 -2.750 -2.377 0.000
3 -1.188 -3.6815 -2.786 -2.250 -1.877 0.000
(4)a -0.688 -3.1815 -2.286 -1.750 -1.377 0.000
Orifices on Cavity Floor Centerline
11 0.063 covered covered covered covered 0.000
(12)a 0.313 covered covered covered covered 0.000
13 0.563 covered covered covered covered 0.000
14 0.813 covered covered covered 0.125 0.000
(15)a 1.063 covered covered covered 0.375 0.000
16 1.313 covered covered 0.250 0.625 0.000
17 1.563 covered covered 0.500 0.875 0.000
(18) 1.813 covered 0.215 0.750 1.125 0.000
19 2.063 covered 0.465 1.000 1.375 0.000
20 2.313 covered 0.715 1.250 1.625 0.000
21 2.563 0.069 0.965 1.500 1.875 0.000
22 2.813 0.320 1.215 1.750 2.125 0.000
(23) 3.063 0.570 1.465 2.000 2.375 0.000
(24) 3.313 0.820 1.715 2.250 2.625 0.000
25 3.563 1.070 1.965 2.500 2.875 0.000
26 3.813 1.320 2.215 2.750 3.125 0.000
(27) 4.063 1.570 2.465 3.000 3.375 0.000
28 4.313 1.820 2.715 3.250 3.625 0.000
29 4.563 2.070 2.965 3.500 3.875 0.000
30 4.813 2.320 3.215 3.750 4.125 0.000
Orifice pressure tap leaking or pinched, data not shown in Appendix A.

Table 1. Continued.
x, in. x, in. x, in. x, in.
x, in.
Orifice Conf. 1 Conf. 2, Conf. 3, Conf. 4, y, in.
ψ = 0º
ψ = 65º ψ = 55º ψ = 45º ψ = 35º
(31)a 5.063 2.570 3.465 4.000 4.375 0.000
32 5.313 2.820 3.715 4.250 4.625 0.000
33 5.563 3.070 3.965 4.500 4.875 0.000
34 5.813 3.320 4.215 4.750 5.125 0.000
35 6.063 3.570 5.032 5.000 5.375 0.000
36 6.313 3.820 4.715 5.250 5.625 0.000
37 6.563 4.070 4.965 5.500 5.875 0.000
38 6.813 4.320 5.215 5.750 6.125 0.000
39 7.063 4.570 5.465 6.000 6.375 0.000
40 7.313 4.820 5.715 6.250 6.625 0.000
41 7.563 5.070 5.965 6.500 6.875 0.000
42 7.813 5.320 6.215 6.750 7.125 0.000
43 8.063 5.570 6.465 7.000 7.375 0.000
44 8.313 5.820 6.715 7.250 7.625 0.000
45 8.563 6.070 6.965 7.500 7.875 0.000
46 8.813 6.320 7.215 7.750 8.125 0.000
47 9.063 6.570 7.465 8.000 8.375 0.000
48 9.313 covered 7.715 8.250 8.625 0.000
49 9.563 covered 7.965 8.500 8.875 0.000
50 9.813 covered 8.215 8.750 9.125 0.000
51 10.063 covered covered 9.000 9.275 0.000
52 10.313 covered covered 9.250 9.625 0.000
53 10.563 covered covered 9.500 9.875 0.000
54 10.813 covered covered covered 10.125 0.000
55 11.063 covered covered covered covered 0.000
Orifice pressure tap leaking or pinched, data not shown in Appendix A.

Table 1. Continued.
x, in. x, in. x, in. x, in.
x, in.
Orifice Conf. 1 Conf. 2, Conf. 3, Conf. 4, y, in.
ψ = 0º
ψ = 65º ψ = 55º ψ = 45º ψ = 35º
(56)a 11.313 covered covered covered covered 0.000
57 11.563 covered covered covered covered 0.000
Orifices Left of Cavity Floor Centerline
111 0.063 covered covered covered covered -0.625
114 0.813 covered 0.108 0.375 0.562 -0.625
117 1.563 0.410 0.858 1.125 1.312 -0.625
120 2.313 1.160 1.608 1.875 2.062 -0.625
123 3.063 1.910 2.358 2.625 2.812 -0.625
126 3.813 2.660 3.108 3.375 3.562 -0.625
129 4.563 3.410 3.858 4.125 4.312 -0.625
(132)a 5.313 4.160 4.608 4.875 5.062 -0.625
135 6.063 4.910 5.358 5.625 5.812 -0.625
138 6.813 5.660 6.108 6.375 6.562 -0.625
(141)a 7.563 6.410 6.858 7.125 7.312 -0.625
144 8.313 covered 7.608 7.875 8.062 -0.625
147 9.063 covered covered 8.625 8.812 -0.625
150 9.813 covered covered 9.375 9.562 -0.625
153 10.563 covered covered covered covered -0.625
156 11.313 covered covered covered covered -0.625
Orifices Right of Cavity Floor Centerline
211 0.063 covered covered covered covered 0.625
Orifice pressure tap leaking or pinched, data not shown in Appendix A.

Table 1. Concluded.
x, in. x, in. x, in. x, in.
x, in.
Orifice Conf. 1 Conf. 2, Conf. 3, Conf. 4, y, in.
ψ = 0º
ψ = 65º ψ = 55º ψ = 45º ψ = 35º
(214)a 0.813 covered covered covered covered 0.625
217 1.563 covered covered covered 0.437 0.625
220 2.313 covered covered 0.625 1.187 0.625
(223) 3.063 covered 0.572 1.375 1.937 0.625
226 3.813 covered 1.322 2.125 2.687 0.625
229 4.563 0.729 2.072 2.875 3.437 0.625
232 5.313 1.479 2.822 3.625 4.187 0.625
235 6.063 2.229 3.572 4.375 4.937 0.625
(238) 6.813 2.979 4.322 5.125 5.687 0.625
(241) 7.563 3.729 5.072 5.875 6.437 0.625
244 8.313 4.479 5.822 6.625 7.187 0.625
(247)a 9.063 5.229 6.572 7.375 7.937 0.625
250 9.813 5.979 7.322 8.125 8.687 0.625
253 10.563 covered 8.072 8.875 9.437 0.625
(256)a 11.313 covered covered covered 10.187 0.625
Orifice pressure tap leaking or pinched, data not shown in Appendix A.

Table 2. Transducer locations.
x, in. x, in. x, in. x, in.
x, in.
Transducer Conf. 1 Conf. 2, Conf. 3, Conf. 4, y, in.
ψ = 0º
ψ = 65º ψ = 55º ψ = 45º ψ = 35º
1 2.313 0.491 1.162 1.563 1.844 –0.313
2 5.813 3.991 4.662 5.063 5.344 –0.313
3 0.813 covered covered covered 0.344 –0.313

Table 3. Estimated boundary layer thickness (range Re = 1  4 × 106 per foot).
Configuration Sweep xmax , in. δave, in. δmax, in.
1 65º 15.76 0.30 - 0.23 0.35 - 0.26
2 55º 13.97 0.28 - 0.22 0.32 - 0.24
3 45º 12.90 0.27 - 0.21 0.30 - 0.22
4 35º 12.15 0.27 - 0.20 0.28 - 0.21
rectangular 0º 10.59 0.25 - 0.19 0.25 - 0.19

Table 4. Accuracy of static-pressure measurements.
M Cp
0.20 ±0.020
0.40 ±0.005
0.60 ±0.003
0.80 ±0.002

Table 5. Nondimensional frequencies from modified Rossiter Equation [24].

Predicted Nondimensional Frequencies ( f m ), for -
M U
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5
0.2 0.384 0.895 1.407 1.918 2.429
0.4 0.347 0.810 1.273 1.736 2.198
0.6 0.316 0.737 1.158 1.579 2.000
0.8 0.288 0.672 1.056 1.440 1.824

Table 6. Observed nondimensional resonant frequencies in rectangular cavities.
Observed Nondimensional Resonant Frequencies ( f ) in
l/h M
Rectangular Cavities, for
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5
4.0 0.4 0.800
5.0 0.4 0.790 1.222 1.654
6.0 0.4 1.255
7.0 0.4 1.226 1.663
8.0 0.4 1.164
3.0 0.6 0.730
4.0 0.6 0.729
5.0 0.6 0.711 1.127
6.0 0.6 0.286 0.683
7.0 0.6 1.071 1.501
8.0 0.6 1.064 1.463
9.0 0.6 1.466
10.0 0.6 0.614 1.398
3.0 0.8 0.300 0.703
4.0 0.8 0.304 0.693
5.0 0.8 0.284 0.684 1.067
6.0 0.8 0.281 0.660 1.063
7.0 0.8 0.250 0.646 1.051 1.452
8.0 0.8 0.612 1.019 1.823
9.0 0.8 0.620 0.994 1.419 1.850
10.0 0.8 0.578 1.384
11.0 0.8 0.572

Figure 1. Typical cavity flow field sketches at supersonic speeds (adapted from References 38 and 46).

Figure 2. Representative cavity floor pressure distributions for flow field types at subsonic and
transonic speeds [17].

(a) w/h = 1.

(b) w/h = 4.

(c) w/h = 8.

(d) w/h = 16.

Figure 3. Flow fields for rectangular cavities for a range of l/h and M [17].

Top View

Side View
(a) Drawing. Linear dimensions are in inches.

Figure 4. Cavity model assembly.

(b) Photograph of model mounted in the LaRC 7 × 10-foot HST (92-08369).

Figure 4. Concluded.

Top View
Figure 5. Rectangular cavity insert to square cavity leading-edge corners. Linear dimensions
are in inches.

(a)  = 65° (Config. 1).

(b)  = 55° (Config. 2).

(c)  = 45° (Config. 3).

Figure 6. Cavity block inserts. Linear dimensions are in inches.

(d)  = 35° (Config. 4).
Figure 6. Concluded.

(a)  = 0°.

(b)  = 65°.

(c)  = 55°.

(d)  = 45°.

Figure 7. Layout of static pressure orifices and fluctuating pressure transducers. Coordinate locations are
presented in Tables 1 and 2.

(e)  = 35°.
Figure 7. Concluded.

Figure 8. Effect of AOA on flat-plate pressure distributions.

Figure 9. Static-pressure measurements at three lateral positions on the flat plate, AOA = 0º.

Figure 10. Nomenclature used for calculating average boundary layer height approaching swept
leading edge cavities.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 11. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distributions along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 1,  = 65°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 11. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 11. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 11. Concluded.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 12. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distributions along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 2,  = 55°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 12. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 12. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 12. Concluded.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 13. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distribution along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 3,  = 45°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 13. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 13. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 13. Concluded.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 14. Comparison of longitudinal pressure distribution along cavity floor at three lateral positions.
Configuration 4,  = 35°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 14. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 14. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 14. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 6, M = 0.8. (b) l/h = 13, M = 0.6.

(c) l/h = 15, M = 0.6. (d) l/h = 20, M = 0.4.

Figure 15. Effect of transducer location on fluctuating-pressure spectra in rectangular cavities.

(a)  = 65°, l/h = 12, M = 0.8. (b)  = 55°, l/h = 16, M = 0.2.

(c)  = 55°, l/h = 16, M = 0.6. (d)  = 45°, l/h = 11, M = 0.4.

Figure 16. Effect of transducer location on fluctuating-pressure spectra in swept cavities.

(a) l/h = 1.

Figure 17. Effect of sweep on cavity floor centerline pressure distributions.

(b) l/h = 2.

Figure 17. Continued.

(c) l/h = 3.

Figure 17. Continued.

(d) l/h = 4.

Figure 17. Continued.

(e) l/h = 5.

Figure 17. Continued.

(f) l/h = 6.

Figure 17. Continued.

(g) l/h = 7.

Figure 17. Continued.

(h) l/h = 8.

Figure 17. Continued.

(i) l/h = 9.

Figure 17. Continued.

(j) l/h = 10.

Figure 17. Continued.

(k) l/h = 11.

Figure 17. Continued.

(l) l/h = 12.

Figure 17. Continued.

(m) l/h = 13.

Figure 17. Continued.

(n) l/h = 14.

Figure 17. Continued.

(o) l/h = 15.

Figure 17. Continued.

(p) l/h = 16.

Figure 17. Continued.

(q) l/h = 17.

Figure 17. Continued.

(r) l/h = 18.

Figure 17. Continued.

(s) l/h = 19.

Figure 17. Continued.

(t) l/h = 20.

Figure 17. Concluded

(a) Configuration 1,  = 65°, l/h = 3, 6, 9, 12.

Figure 18. Effect of l/h on cavity floor centerline pressure distributions.

(b) Configuration 2,  = 55°, l/h = 3, 6, 9, 12, 16.

Figure 18. Continued.

(c) Configuration 3,  = 45°, l/h = 3, 6, 9, 12, 18.

Figure 18. Continued.

(d) Configuration 4,  = 35°, l/h = 3, 6, 9, 12, 20.

Figure 18. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 3.

Figure 19. Effect of M on cavity floor centerline pressure distributions.

(b) l/h = 6.

Figure 19. Continued.

(c) l/h = 9.

Figure 19. Continued.

(d) l/h = 13.

Figure 19. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 3. Transducer x/l = 0.327 ( = 65o), 0.774 ( = 55), 0.542 ( = 0, Transducer 3).

Figure 20. Effect of sweep on fluctuating-pressure spectra from transducer 1. Symbols indicate predicted
Rossiter frequencies for rectangular cavities.

(b) l/h = 4. Transducer x/l = 0.246 ( = 65), 0.581 ( = 55), 0.782 ( = 45),
0.407 ( = 0, Transducer 3).

Figure 20. Continued.

(c) l/h = 5. Transducer x/l = 0.196 ( = 65), 0.465 ( = 55), 0.625 ( = 45),
0.325 ( = 0, Transducer 3).

Figure 20. Continued.

(d) l/h = 6. Transducer x/l = 0.163 ( = 65), 0.387 ( = 55), 0.521 ( = 45), 0.614 ( = 35),
0.771 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(e) l/h = 7. Transducer x/l = 0.140 ( = 65), 0.332 ( = 55), 0.447 ( = 45), 0.527 ( = 35),
0.661 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(f) l/h = 8. Transducer x/l = 0.123 ( = 65), 0.291 ( = 55), 0.391 ( = 45), 0.461 ( = 35),
0.578 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(g) l/h = 9. Transducer x/l = 0.109 ( = 65), 0.258 ( = 55), 0.347 ( = 45), 0.410 ( = 35),
0.514 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(h) l/h = 10. Transducer x/l = 0.098 ( = 65), 0.232 ( = 55), 0.313 ( = 45), 0.369 ( = 35),
0.463 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(i) l/h = 11. Transducer x/l = 0.089 ( = 65), 0.211 ( = 55), 0.284 ( = 45), 0.335 ( = 35),
0.421 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(j) l/h = 12. Transducer x/l = 0.082 ( = 65), 0.193 ( = 55), 0.261 ( = 45), 0.307 ( = 35),
0.386 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(k) l/h = 13. Transducer x/l = 0.076 ( = 65), 0.179 ( = 55), 0.240 ( = 45), 0.284 ( = 35),
0.356 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(l) l/h = 14. Transducer x/l = 0.166 ( = 55), 0.223 ( = 45), 0.263 ( = 35), 0.330 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(m) l/h = 15. Transducer x/l = 0.155 ( = 55), 0.208 ( = 45), 0.246 ( = 35), 0.308 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(n) l/h = 16. Transducer x/l = 0.145 ( = 55), 0.195 ( = 45), 0.231 ( = 35), 0.289 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(o) l/h = 17. Transducer x/l = 0.137 ( = 55), 0.184 ( = 45), 0.217 ( = 35), 0.272 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(p) l/h = 18. Transducer x/l = 0.173 ( = 45), 0.205 ( = 35), 0.257 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(q) l/h = 19. Transducer x/l = 0.165 ( = 45), 0.194 ( = 35), 0.243 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(r) l/h = 20. Transducer x/l = 0.184 ( = 35), 0.231 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Continued.

(s) l/h = 21. Transducer x/l 0.176 ( = 35), 0.220 ( = 0).

Figure 20. Concluded.

Figure 21. Spectral peak frequencies (divided by free-stream velocity) observed in cavities with
 = 65 and 55.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 22. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 0°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 22. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 22. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 22. Concluded.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 23. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 65°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 23. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 23. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 23. Concluded.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 24. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 55°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 24. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 24. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 24. Concluded.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 25. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 45°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 25. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 25. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 25. Concluded.

(a) M = 0.2.

Figure 26. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization,  = 35°.

(b) M = 0.4.

Figure 26. Continued.

(c) M = 0.6.

Figure 26. Continued.

(d) M = 0.8.

Figure 26. Concluded.

Figure 27. Photographs and sketches of surface flow visualization for longer cavities;
 = 45°, M = 0.4.

Figure 28. Summary of flowfield types suggested by static-pressure distributions shown in Figures 17
and 18. (Note: Characteristics of the new flow type are sometimes superimposed on otherwise known
distribution types.)

Appendix A: Supplemental Static Pressure Tables
Tabulated static pressure coefficients for the swept (leading and trailing edge) cavities are presented in
this Appendix. Table A-1 contains an index for the tabulated data. Table A-2 defines the nomenclature
used in Tables A-3 through A-18. Pressure coefficient values in the tables are set to 9.9999 when the
pressure orifice was covered.

Table A-1. Table numbers for corresponding Mach number.

Cavity Sweep,  Table for Table for Table for Table for
M = 0.2 M = 0.4 M = 0.6 M = 0.8
65 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6
55 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10
45 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14
35 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18

Table A-2. The nomenclature used in the data tables.

Run run number
Point point number
 sweep angle, deg (see Figure 6)
Config. configuration number (see Figure 6)
M free-stream mach number
R free-stream unit Reynolds number, per foot
p free-stream static pressure, psia
pt, free-stream stagnation pressure, psia
q free-stream dynamic pressure, psia
Tt, free-stream stagnation temperature, degF
l/h cavity length-to-depth ratio
cpX pressure coefficient for orifice number X (orifice numbers are shown in Figure 7
and Table 1). Pressure coefficient values are set to 9.9999 when the pressure
orifice was covered.

Table A-3. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

8 177 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.41 51.8 1 0.0395 0.0015 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 176 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.41 51.7 2 0.0898 0.0201 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 175 65 1 0.20 1.43 14.39 14.80 0.40 51.5 3 0.0818 0.0252 0.0209 0.0505 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 174 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.41 51.5 4 0.1101 0.0455 -0.0230 0.0025 0.0568 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 173 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.38 14.80 0.41 51.4 5 0.0998 0.0471 -0.0347 0.0145 0.0653 0.0813 0.0894 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 172 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.38 14.80 0.41 51.3 6 0.0714 0.0268 -0.0566 0.0025 0.0842 0.1163 0.1337 0.1289 9.9999 9.9999
8 171 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.41 51.2 7 0.0429 0.0014 -0.0771 -0.0112 0.0896 0.1283 0.1510 0.1545 0.1465 0.1422
8 170 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.41 51.2 8 0.0228 -0.0189 -0.0923 -0.0249 0.0896 0.1333 0.1613 0.1680 0.1669 0.1574
8 169 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.41 50.9 9 0.0077 -0.0343 -0.1111 -0.0421 0.0793 0.1301 0.1615 0.1767 0.1756 0.1711
8 168 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.40 50.8 10 -0.0008 -0.0445 -0.1248 -0.0558 0.0673 0.1202 0.1548 0.1769 0.1809 0.1796
8 167 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.41 50.8 11 -0.0075 -0.0496 -0.1332 -0.0626 0.0604 0.1118 0.1445 0.1700 0.1757 0.1745
8 166 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.40 50.6 12 -0.0143 -0.0566 -0.1437 -0.0714 0.0518 0.1036 0.1345 0.1585 0.1641 0.1647
8 165 65 1 0.20 1.44 14.39 14.80 0.40 49.9 13 -0.0194 -0.0549 -0.1506 -0.0715 0.0484 0.0986 0.1311 0.1501 0.1540 0.1547

Run Point cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135

8 177 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1143 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 176 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1109 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 175 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0663 0.1000 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 174 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0101 0.1409 0.1082 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 173 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0670 0.1388 0.2032 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
8 172 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1033 0.1119 0.2357 0.2272 9.9999 9.9999
8 171 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1227 0.0852 0.2259 0.2525 0.2377 9.9999
8 170 0.1350 0.1462 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1314 0.0727 0.1987 0.2420 0.2754 9.9999
8 169 0.1547 0.1531 0.1126 0.1020 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1403 0.0637 0.1802 0.2050 0.2596 9.9999
8 168 0.1638 0.1717 0.1393 0.1225 0.1086 0.1214 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1457 0.0602 0.1700 0.1785 0.2185 0.2621
8 167 0.1655 0.1750 0.1499 0.1394 0.1421 0.1314 0.0853 0.1357 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1473 0.0584 0.1631 0.1624 0.1771 0.2780
8 166 0.1569 0.1686 0.1484 0.1449 0.1508 0.1485 0.1230 0.1360 0.0792 0.1271 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1512 0.0548 0.1583 0.1520 0.1522 0.2607
8 165 0.1462 0.1569 0.1414 0.1415 0.1492 0.1536 0.1350 0.1566 0.1255 0.1289 0.1171 0.1293 -0.1513 0.0567 0.1567 0.1485 0.1397 0.1999

Table A-3. Concluded.
Run Point cp138 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

8 177 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0153

8 176 9.9999 0.0250 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0153
8 175 9.9999 0.0125 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0173
8 174 9.9999 0.0232 0.0502 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0223
8 173 9.9999 0.0197 0.0396 0.0638 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0239
8 172 9.9999 0.0214 0.0309 0.0638 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0239
8 171 9.9999 0.0214 0.0204 0.0604 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0257
8 170 9.9999 0.0197 0.0134 0.0570 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0257
8 169 9.9999 0.0143 0.0063 0.0518 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0292
8 168 9.9999 0.0072 0.0011 0.0448 0.1537 9.9999 -0.0275
8 167 9.9999 -0.0035 -0.0024 0.0413 0.1396 9.9999 -0.0292
8 166 0.2147 -0.0125 -0.0131 0.0326 0.1293 9.9999 -0.0276
8 165 0.2638 -0.0179 -0.0201 0.0309 0.1188 0.1620 -0.0259

Table A-4. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

7 161 65 1 0.40 2.43 13.19 14.73 1.48 95.8 1 0.0287 0.0137 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 160 65 1 0.40 2.43 13.19 14.73 1.48 96.4 2 0.0789 0.0323 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 159 65 1 0.40 2.43 13.19 14.73 1.48 96.8 3 0.0720 0.0379 0.0201 0.0526 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 158 65 1 0.40 2.43 13.18 14.73 1.48 97.2 4 0.1000 0.0629 -0.0267 0.0029 0.0500 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 157 65 1 0.40 2.44 13.17 14.73 1.50 97.6 5 0.0875 0.0626 -0.0373 0.0161 0.0549 0.0742 0.0951 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 156 65 1 0.40 2.43 13.18 14.73 1.49 98.1 6 0.0611 0.0414 -0.0641 0.0035 0.0799 0.1144 0.1423 0.1414 9.9999 9.9999
7 155 65 1 0.40 2.43 13.18 14.73 1.49 98.6 7 0.0355 0.0184 -0.0798 -0.0053 0.0916 0.1322 0.1664 0.1704 0.1579 0.1534
7 154 65 1 0.40 2.42 13.18 14.73 1.49 99.1 8 0.0112 -0.0076 -0.1008 -0.0245 0.0895 0.1361 0.1752 0.1870 0.1814 0.1675
7 153 65 1 0.40 2.41 13.19 14.73 1.48 100.1 9 -0.0031 -0.0244 -0.1193 -0.0406 0.0779 0.1315 0.1749 0.1941 0.1927 0.1846
7 152 65 1 0.40 2.41 13.19 14.73 1.48 100.8 10 -0.0114 -0.0338 -0.1310 -0.0519 0.0652 0.1215 0.1679 0.1923 0.1942 0.1907
7 151 65 1 0.40 2.40 13.18 14.73 1.48 101.4 11 -0.0178 -0.0421 -0.1438 -0.0635 0.0552 0.1108 0.1570 0.1847 0.1889 0.1882
7 150 65 1 0.40 2.40 13.18 14.73 1.49 103.1 12 -0.0246 -0.0493 -0.1536 -0.0713 0.0476 0.1024 0.1469 0.1714 0.1770 0.1778
7 149 65 1 0.40 2.39 13.18 14.73 1.49 103.9 13 -0.0311 -0.0573 -0.1643 -0.0793 0.0405 0.0938 0.1367 0.1567 0.1608 0.1604

Run Point cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135

7 161 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1224 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 160 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1165 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 159 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0643 0.1080 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 158 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0146 0.1481 0.1081 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 157 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0778 0.1456 0.1984 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 156 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1149 0.1181 0.2338 0.2387 9.9999 9.9999
7 155 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1304 0.0960 0.2273 0.2677 0.2546 9.9999
7 154 0.1432 0.1424 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1437 0.0796 0.1970 0.2563 0.2866 9.9999
7 153 0.1685 0.1520 0.1272 0.1043 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1509 0.0709 0.1770 0.2177 0.2714 9.9999
7 152 0.1789 0.1724 0.1599 0.1183 0.0935 0.1182 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1539 0.0660 0.1668 0.1881 0.2288 0.2847
7 151 0.1797 0.1773 0.1714 0.1420 0.1334 0.1240 0.0763 0.1346 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1580 0.0620 0.1615 0.1719 0.1882 0.2927
7 150 0.1711 0.1719 0.1706 0.1482 0.1470 0.1480 0.1235 0.1311 0.0704 0.1228 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1595 0.0590 0.1575 0.1619 0.1624 0.2770
7 149 0.1536 0.1568 0.1580 0.1399 0.1429 0.1490 0.1338 0.1526 0.1221 0.1172 0.1117 0.1329 -0.1629 0.0546 0.1514 0.1527 0.1458 0.2103

Table A-4. Concluded.
Run Point cp138 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

7 161 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0046

7 160 9.9999 0.0316 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0045
7 159 9.9999 0.0164 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0092
7 158 9.9999 0.0340 0.0551 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0101
7 157 9.9999 0.0291 0.0419 0.0847 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0145
7 156 9.9999 0.0296 0.0362 0.0900 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0183
7 155 9.9999 0.0315 0.0286 0.0910 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0155
7 154 9.9999 0.0286 0.0186 0.0840 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0189
7 153 9.9999 0.0228 0.0099 0.0771 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0209
7 152 9.9999 0.0144 0.0046 0.0705 0.1484 9.9999 -0.0200
7 151 9.9999 0.0032 -0.0035 0.0618 0.1348 9.9999 -0.0204
7 150 0.2247 -0.0089 -0.0126 0.0527 0.1260 9.9999 -0.0212
7 149 0.2709 -0.0211 -0.0246 0.0427 0.1159 0.1617 -0.0241

Table A-5. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

7 147 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.52 14.71 2.92 116.6 1 0.0311 0.0192 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 146 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.52 14.71 2.92 116.5 2 0.0716 0.0291 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 145 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.52 14.71 2.92 116.6 3 0.0725 0.0425 0.0162 0.0474 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 144 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.52 14.71 2.91 116.6 4 0.1021 0.0660 -0.0284 -0.0004 0.0362 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 143 65 1 0.60 3.19 11.54 14.71 2.90 116.6 5 0.0918 0.0695 -0.0329 0.0203 0.0507 0.0704 0.0816 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 142 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.52 14.71 2.91 116.6 6 0.0611 0.0475 -0.0588 0.0101 0.0817 0.1197 0.1490 0.1300 9.9999 9.9999
7 141 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.50 14.71 2.93 116.6 7 0.0343 0.0220 -0.0745 0.0011 0.0941 0.1373 0.1742 0.1784 0.1658 0.1402
7 140 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.51 14.71 2.93 116.5 8 0.0075 -0.0072 -0.1003 -0.0210 0.0910 0.1428 0.1841 0.1970 0.1943 0.1798
7 139 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.51 14.71 2.92 116.6 9 -0.0075 -0.0249 -0.1196 -0.0421 0.0767 0.1359 0.1828 0.2027 0.2048 0.1962
7 138 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.51 14.71 2.92 116.8 10 -0.0164 -0.0353 -0.1317 -0.0557 0.0621 0.1236 0.1736 0.2000 0.2051 0.2002
7 137 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.50 14.71 2.93 116.8 11 -0.0221 -0.0417 -0.1420 -0.0637 0.0529 0.1133 0.1628 0.1918 0.1987 0.1974
7 136 65 1 0.60 3.20 11.52 14.71 2.92 116.9 12 -0.0307 -0.0502 -0.1554 -0.0748 0.0424 0.1018 0.1493 0.1757 0.1831 0.1843
7 135 65 1 0.60 3.19 11.53 14.71 2.91 117.1 13 -0.0346 -0.0549 -0.1626 -0.0790 0.0398 0.0975 0.1422 0.1633 0.1690 0.1694

Run Point cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135

7 147 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1321 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 146 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1110 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 145 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0474 0.1182 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 144 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0355 0.1534 0.1180 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 143 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0923 0.1512 0.2057 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 142 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1293 0.1231 0.2436 0.2460 9.9999 9.9999
7 141 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1441 0.0989 0.2351 0.2744 0.2662 9.9999
7 140 0.1539 0.1319 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1578 0.0803 0.2021 0.2656 0.2979 9.9999
7 139 0.1809 0.1646 0.1323 0.0969 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1654 0.0699 0.1816 0.2236 0.2843 9.9999
7 138 0.1893 0.1829 0.1686 0.1215 0.0882 0.0979 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1696 0.0651 0.1707 0.1916 0.2393 0.3014
7 137 0.1891 0.1862 0.1798 0.1467 0.1399 0.1271 0.0683 0.1096 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1712 0.0635 0.1656 0.1747 0.1960 0.3061
7 136 0.1784 0.1794 0.1762 0.1500 0.1502 0.1518 0.1224 0.1305 0.0605 0.1086 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1771 0.0587 0.1592 0.1624 0.1675 0.2897
7 135 0.1641 0.1677 0.1676 0.1462 0.1507 0.1574 0.1384 0.1628 0.1236 0.1167 0.1113 0.1131 -0.1789 0.0580 0.1569 0.1565 0.1530 0.2250

Table A-5. Concluded.
Run Point cp138 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

7 147 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0011

7 146 9.9999 0.0253 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0083
7 145 9.9999 0.0156 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0104
7 144 9.9999 0.0292 0.0559 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0147
7 143 9.9999 0.0287 0.0445 0.0868 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0161
7 142 9.9999 0.0327 0.0417 0.0943 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0188
7 141 9.9999 0.0357 0.0351 0.0947 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0174
7 140 9.9999 0.0332 0.0232 0.0883 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0208
7 139 9.9999 0.0277 0.0137 0.0816 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0225
7 138 9.9999 0.0178 0.0083 0.0746 0.1467 9.9999 -0.0225
7 137 9.9999 0.0070 0.0030 0.0677 0.1350 9.9999 -0.0214
7 136 0.2324 -0.0075 -0.0090 0.0562 0.1237 9.9999 -0.0247
7 135 0.2825 -0.0178 -0.0181 0.0493 0.1190 0.1660 -0.0238

Table A-6. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 65 deg. (Config. 1).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

7 133 65 1 0.80 3.71 9.66 14.70 4.31 126.0 1 0.0193 0.0094 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 132 65 1 0.80 3.73 9.65 14.70 4.31 124.4 2 0.0808 0.0322 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 131 65 1 0.80 3.74 9.65 14.70 4.32 123.3 3 0.0964 0.0654 0.0154 0.0283 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 130 65 1 0.80 3.75 9.64 14.70 4.32 121.8 4 0.1171 0.0779 -0.0317 0.0007 0.0249 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 129 65 1 0.80 3.75 9.64 14.69 4.32 121.5 5 0.1023 0.0816 -0.0303 0.0381 0.0672 0.0888 0.0972 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 128 65 1 0.80 3.78 9.64 14.70 4.32 119.2 6 0.0649 0.0545 -0.0600 0.0250 0.1008 0.1487 0.1858 0.1729 9.9999 9.9999
7 127 65 1 0.80 3.79 9.62 14.70 4.33 117.4 7 0.0279 0.0196 -0.0822 0.0061 0.1056 0.1618 0.2061 0.2127 0.2053 0.1812
7 126 65 1 0.80 3.80 9.65 14.70 4.31 115.3 8 0.0019 -0.0095 -0.1039 -0.0201 0.0950 0.1615 0.2146 0.2285 0.2262 0.2103
7 125 65 1 0.80 3.81 9.66 14.70 4.30 113.8 9 -0.0109 -0.0248 -0.1186 -0.0425 0.0730 0.1454 0.2068 0.2353 0.2373 0.2272
7 124 65 1 0.80 3.83 9.66 14.70 4.30 112.2 10 -0.0209 -0.0368 -0.1315 -0.0599 0.0462 0.1195 0.1841 0.2251 0.2333 0.2285
7 123 65 1 0.80 3.85 9.63 14.70 4.33 110.4 11 -0.0303 -0.0470 -0.1452 -0.0725 0.0290 0.0986 0.1618 0.2061 0.2192 0.2199
7 122 65 1 0.80 3.87 9.63 14.70 4.32 107.9 12 -0.0357 -0.0532 -0.1553 -0.0803 0.0212 0.0892 0.1486 0.1893 0.2033 0.2074
7 121 65 1 0.80 3.96 9.65 14.70 4.32 98.2 13 -0.0430 -0.0617 -0.1659 -0.0885 0.0150 0.0818 0.1359 0.1703 0.1810 0.1842

Run Point cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135

7 133 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1225 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 132 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0855 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 131 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0067 0.1666 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 130 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0947 0.1825 0.1499 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 129 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1561 0.1735 0.2457 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
7 128 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1982 0.1347 0.2813 0.2777 9.9999 9.9999
7 127 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2220 0.0997 0.2657 0.3014 0.2945 9.9999
7 126 0.1878 0.1625 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2328 0.0806 0.2258 0.2904 0.3233 9.9999
7 125 0.2110 0.1946 0.1609 0.1131 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2329 0.0721 0.2014 0.2418 0.3105 9.9999
7 124 0.2160 0.2089 0.1917 0.1472 0.1026 0.1103 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2376 0.0645 0.1897 0.2040 0.2613 0.3299
7 123 0.2116 0.2099 0.1996 0.1639 0.1611 0.1515 0.0663 0.1118 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2451 0.0595 0.1817 0.1815 0.2060 0.3253
7 122 0.2025 0.2049 0.1989 0.1676 0.1691 0.1721 0.1439 0.1557 0.0558 0.1017 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2449 0.0582 0.1793 0.1720 0.1767 0.3160
7 121 0.1808 0.1870 0.1846 0.1592 0.1644 0.1702 0.1471 0.1735 0.1305 0.1236 0.1133 0.1333 -0.2484 0.0543 0.1733 0.1631 0.1586 0.2445

Table A-6. Concluded.
Run Point cp138 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

7 133 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0121

7 132 9.9999 0.0148 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0164
7 131 9.9999 0.0034 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0192
7 130 9.9999 0.0197 0.0619 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0251
7 129 9.9999 0.0307 0.0491 0.1240 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0250
7 128 9.9999 0.0337 0.0579 0.0972 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0272
7 127 9.9999 0.0312 0.0428 0.1042 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0302
7 126 9.9999 0.0317 0.0281 0.0995 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0319
7 125 9.9999 0.0315 0.0207 0.0900 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0299
7 124 9.9999 0.0194 0.0157 0.0746 0.1750 9.9999 -0.0310
7 123 9.9999 0.0023 0.0103 0.0609 0.1461 9.9999 -0.0330
7 122 0.2320 -0.0091 0.0024 0.0526 0.1358 9.9999 -0.0318
7 121 0.3054 -0.0212 -0.0091 0.0410 0.1261 0.1921 -0.0343

Table A-7. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

9 254 55 2 0.20 1.39 14.40 14.81 0.41 66.8 1 0.0049 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 253 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 67.0 2 0.0149 0.0511 0.0594 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 252 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.81 0.41 67.3 3 -0.0409 -0.0598 0.0225 0.0955 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 251 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 67.3 4 -0.0814 -0.1083 0.0075 0.0988 0.1889 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 249 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 67.7 5 -0.1288 -0.1656 -0.0211 0.1056 0.2446 0.2434 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 248 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 68.0 6 -0.1590 -0.1897 -0.0445 0.0937 0.2646 0.2721 0.2121 0.2127 9.9999 9.9999
9 247 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 68.2 7 -0.1507 -0.1725 -0.0730 0.0431 0.2581 0.2724 0.2450 0.2113 0.2049 9.9999
9 246 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 68.4 8 -0.1440 -0.1569 -0.0848 0.0058 0.2244 0.2468 0.2398 0.2263 0.2339 0.1971
9 244 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 68.8 9 -0.1547 -0.1696 -0.0974 -0.0126 0.1997 0.2251 0.2197 0.2134 0.2326 0.2329
9 243 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 69.2 10 -0.1701 -0.1837 -0.1110 -0.0227 0.1865 0.2067 0.1943 0.1838 0.2058 0.2282
9 242 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 69.5 11 -0.1856 -0.1996 -0.1212 -0.0296 0.1801 0.1968 0.1723 0.1591 0.1772 0.1949
9 241 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 69.8 12 -0.1955 -0.2133 -0.1311 -0.0312 0.1782 0.1933 0.1601 0.1407 0.1533 0.1612
9 240 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 70.1 13 -0.2054 -0.2234 -0.1393 -0.0362 0.1730 0.1863 0.1480 0.1356 0.1345 0.1342
9 239 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 70.6 14 -0.2112 -0.2309 -0.1453 -0.0393 0.1707 0.1839 0.1423 0.1319 0.1256 0.1153
9 238 55 2 0.20 1.38 14.40 14.82 0.41 71.1 15 -0.2180 -0.2379 -0.1504 -0.0377 0.1674 0.1806 0.1339 0.1236 0.1155 0.1003
9 237 55 2 0.20 1.37 14.40 14.82 0.41 71.9 16 -0.2216 -0.2416 -0.1539 -0.0394 0.1676 0.1791 0.1323 0.1204 0.1105 0.0937

Run Point cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48 cp49 cp114

9 254 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1209
9 253 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0755
9 252 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0286
9 251 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0480
9 249 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1081
9 248 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1679
9 247 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2457
9 246 0.2180 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2563
9 244 0.2134 0.1919 0.2125 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2616
9 243 0.2373 0.2322 0.2022 0.1937 0.2191 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2638
9 242 0.2107 0.2276 0.2291 0.2324 0.2071 0.1471 0.2010 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2643
9 241 0.1734 0.1923 0.2024 0.2289 0.2334 0.2146 0.1858 0.1722 0.2051 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2606
9 240 0.1412 0.1537 0.1615 0.1887 0.2068 0.2161 0.2174 0.2268 0.1881 0.1751 0.2082 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2603
9 239 0.1188 0.1248 0.1257 0.1481 0.1622 0.1766 0.1900 0.2243 0.2243 0.2216 0.1847 0.1787 0.2285 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2556
9 238 0.1021 0.1032 0.0994 0.1166 0.1254 0.1346 0.1585 0.1814 0.1925 0.2183 0.2215 0.2181 0.2048 0.1790 0.2094 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2557
9 237 0.0921 0.0917 0.0836 0.0967 0.1009 0.1027 0.1204 0.1402 0.1472 0.1746 0.1971 0.2183 0.2373 0.2284 0.1864 0.1556 0.2162 -0.2507

Table A-7. Concluded.
Run Point cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

9 254 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0102
9 253 0.2087 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0103
9 252 0.1327 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0809 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0154
9 251 0.1654 0.3278 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0383 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0188
9 249 0.1361 0.3405 0.3679 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0205 0.1397 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0222
9 248 0.0980 0.3008 0.3761 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0152 0.1200 0.2424 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0239
9 247 0.0031 0.2581 0.3082 0.3832 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0045 0.1059 0.1989 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0239
9 246 -0.0487 0.2295 0.2452 0.3372 0.3661 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0079 0.0917 0.1674 0.2136 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0239
9 244 -0.0449 0.2211 0.2099 0.2543 0.3693 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0183 0.0789 0.1474 0.1952 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0254
9 243 -0.0295 0.2142 0.1881 0.1983 0.2790 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0307 0.0648 0.1302 0.1713 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0271
9 242 -0.0106 0.2110 0.1765 0.1686 0.2027 0.3622 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0432 0.0524 0.1112 0.1473 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0272
9 241 0.0014 0.2072 0.1696 0.1544 0.1562 0.3441 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0538 0.0436 0.0972 0.1265 0.2376 9.9999 -0.0272
9 240 0.0083 0.2053 0.1644 0.1437 0.1329 0.2606 0.2826 9.9999 -0.0608 0.0347 0.0832 0.1074 0.2304 9.9999 -0.0288
9 239 0.0135 0.2027 0.1621 0.1396 0.1201 0.1731 0.3047 9.9999 -0.0675 0.0293 0.0725 0.0915 0.2139 9.9999 -0.0286
9 238 0.0152 0.2010 0.1571 0.1327 0.1095 0.1202 0.2011 9.9999 -0.0728 0.0241 0.0639 0.0761 0.1863 0.2198 -0.0303
9 237 0.0204 0.2012 0.1572 0.1310 0.1060 0.0956 0.1331 0.2734 -0.0747 0.0223 0.0587 0.0675 0.1604 0.2217 -0.0304

Table A-8. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

9 234 55 2 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.80 1.50 79.4 1 0.0024 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 233 55 2 0.40 2.54 13.24 14.80 1.50 80.2 2 0.0111 0.0458 0.0583 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 232 55 2 0.40 2.54 13.24 14.80 1.50 80.5 3 -0.0427 -0.0702 0.0096 0.0965 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 231 55 2 0.40 2.54 13.25 14.80 1.50 80.8 4 -0.0861 -0.1210 -0.0033 0.1058 0.2057 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 230 55 2 0.40 2.53 13.25 14.80 1.49 81.1 5 -0.1312 -0.1787 -0.0270 0.1206 0.2679 0.2576 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 229 55 2 0.40 2.53 13.25 14.80 1.49 81.6 6 -0.1667 -0.2076 -0.0531 0.1091 0.2895 0.2874 0.2167 0.2296 9.9999 9.9999
9 228 55 2 0.40 2.53 13.24 14.80 1.50 81.8 7 -0.1519 -0.1777 -0.0807 0.0482 0.2773 0.2838 0.2511 0.2254 0.2157 9.9999
9 227 55 2 0.40 2.53 13.24 14.80 1.50 82.5 8 -0.1115 -0.1183 -0.0693 -0.0006 0.1815 0.2070 0.2175 0.2190 0.2254 0.2006
9 226 55 2 0.40 2.52 13.25 14.80 1.49 83.0 9 -0.1475 -0.1628 -0.1002 -0.0145 0.2009 0.2197 0.2196 0.2247 0.2410 0.2381
9 225 55 2 0.40 2.52 13.25 14.80 1.50 83.4 10 -0.1749 -0.1918 -0.1197 -0.0214 0.2020 0.2139 0.1973 0.1999 0.2161 0.2378
9 224 55 2 0.40 2.52 13.24 14.80 1.50 83.9 11 -0.1911 -0.2109 -0.1324 -0.0281 0.1964 0.2049 0.1766 0.1730 0.1849 0.2032
9 223 55 2 0.40 2.52 13.25 14.80 1.49 84.4 12 -0.2021 -0.2231 -0.1399 -0.0311 0.1925 0.1982 0.1617 0.1536 0.1600 0.1676
9 222 55 2 0.40 2.51 13.25 14.80 1.49 84.9 13 -0.2151 -0.2384 -0.1504 -0.0362 0.1912 0.1941 0.1505 0.1382 0.1410 0.1368
9 221 55 2 0.40 2.51 13.24 14.80 1.49 85.4 14 -0.2200 -0.2448 -0.1549 -0.0380 0.1892 0.1902 0.1439 0.1295 0.1294 0.1175
9 220 55 2 0.40 2.50 13.25 14.80 1.49 86.1 15 -0.2263 -0.2527 -0.1597 -0.0394 0.1885 0.1886 0.1394 0.1237 0.1216 0.1052
9 219 55 2 0.40 2.51 13.24 14.80 1.50 86.6 16 -0.2316 -0.2595 -0.1658 -0.0432 0.1865 0.1862 0.1344 0.1181 0.1150 0.0950

Run Point cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48 cp49 cp114

9 234 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1355
9 233 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0860
9 232 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0301
9 231 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0610
9 230 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1149
9 229 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1842
9 228 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2585
9 227 0.2169 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2302
9 226 0.2162 0.1972 0.2208 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2677
9 225 0.2473 0.2376 0.2036 0.1927 0.2269 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2779
9 224 0.2217 0.2360 0.2406 0.2344 0.2051 0.1363 0.2103 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2816
9 223 0.1837 0.1989 0.2134 0.2329 0.2434 0.2158 0.1846 0.1635 0.2073 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2785
9 222 0.1483 0.1578 0.1685 0.1910 0.2155 0.2215 0.2303 0.2254 0.1700 0.1860 0.2067 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2786
9 221 0.1242 0.1275 0.1316 0.1489 0.1705 0.1797 0.2037 0.2276 0.2285 0.2355 0.1705 0.1703 0.2336 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2736
9 220 0.1081 0.1071 0.1056 0.1212 0.1335 0.1373 0.1587 0.1855 0.2001 0.2376 0.2289 0.2308 0.1992 0.1816 0.2297 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2726
9 219 0.0961 0.0920 0.0863 0.0978 0.1045 0.1021 0.1175 0.1392 0.1485 0.1906 0.2023 0.2295 0.2442 0.2353 0.1881 0.1551 0.2203 -0.2707

Table A-8. Concluded.
Run Point cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

9 234 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0039
9 233 0.2127 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0081
9 232 0.1351 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0937 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0113
9 231 0.1678 0.3366 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0522 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0151
9 230 0.1377 0.3544 0.3864 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0406 0.1567 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0151
9 229 0.0968 0.3140 0.3981 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0338 0.1320 0.2489 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0189
9 228 -0.0204 0.2668 0.3121 0.3870 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0193 0.1158 0.2060 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0192
9 227 -0.1196 0.1753 0.2268 0.3254 0.3480 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0285 0.1114 0.1656 0.2070 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0188
9 226 -0.0909 0.2154 0.2062 0.2584 0.3726 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0040 0.0899 0.1546 0.2076 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0212
9 225 -0.0544 0.2195 0.1878 0.2050 0.2878 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0223 0.0719 0.1359 0.1861 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0230
9 224 -0.0326 0.2165 0.1761 0.1755 0.2078 0.3767 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0367 0.0577 0.1179 0.1616 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0247
9 223 -0.0135 0.2143 0.1702 0.1597 0.1636 0.3597 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0466 0.0481 0.1026 0.1399 0.2362 9.9999 -0.0244
9 222 -0.0031 0.2109 0.1647 0.1492 0.1383 0.2759 0.2714 9.9999 -0.0587 0.0380 0.0874 0.1187 0.2335 9.9999 -0.0268
9 221 0.0044 0.2094 0.1614 0.1438 0.1246 0.1835 0.3185 9.9999 -0.0645 0.0317 0.0764 0.1011 0.2190 9.9999 -0.0268
9 220 0.0096 0.2091 0.1602 0.1401 0.1164 0.1332 0.2099 9.9999 -0.0699 0.0268 0.0683 0.0875 0.1940 0.2258 -0.0268
9 219 0.0111 0.2060 0.1574 0.1365 0.1105 0.1040 0.1358 0.2705 -0.0761 0.0210 0.0600 0.0744 0.1630 0.2298 -0.0284

Table A-9. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

9 215 55 2 0.60 3.34 11.58 14.79 2.93 99.5 1 0.0015 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 214 55 2 0.60 3.34 11.58 14.79 2.93 99.7 2 0.0095 0.0458 0.0633 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 213 55 2 0.60 3.34 11.58 14.79 2.93 99.9 3 -0.0405 -0.0722 0.0107 0.1047 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 212 55 2 0.60 3.34 11.56 14.79 2.95 100.0 4 -0.0794 -0.1171 0.0029 0.1179 0.2199 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 211 55 2 0.60 3.34 11.57 14.78 2.94 100.2 5 -0.1325 -0.1814 -0.0195 0.1341 0.2824 0.2727 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 210 55 2 0.60 3.34 11.56 14.79 2.94 100.6 6 -0.1493 -0.1807 -0.0416 0.1130 0.3022 0.2993 0.2258 0.2386 9.9999 9.9999
9 209 55 2 0.60 3.33 11.57 14.78 2.94 100.8 7 -0.0849 -0.0878 -0.0496 0.0129 0.1758 0.2024 0.1972 0.1858 0.2099 9.9999
9 208 55 2 0.60 3.33 11.58 14.79 2.93 101.0 8 -0.0956 -0.0946 -0.0598 -0.0036 0.1540 0.1845 0.2025 0.2068 0.2164 0.2047
9 207 55 2 0.60 3.33 11.58 14.78 2.93 101.2 9 -0.1094 -0.1093 -0.0747 -0.0212 0.1338 0.1643 0.1907 0.2041 0.2232 0.2221
9 206 55 2 0.60 3.32 11.58 14.78 2.93 101.5 10 -0.1202 -0.1219 -0.0845 -0.0298 0.1233 0.1515 0.1750 0.1899 0.2132 0.2350
9 205 55 2 0.60 3.32 11.59 14.78 2.92 102.0 11 -0.1429 -0.1476 -0.1009 -0.0365 0.1285 0.1495 0.1577 0.1684 0.1868 0.2131
9 204 55 2 0.60 3.32 11.57 14.78 2.94 102.4 12 -0.1801 -0.1972 -0.1325 -0.0418 0.1754 0.1866 0.1602 0.1585 0.1667 0.1801
9 203 55 2 0.60 3.31 11.58 14.78 2.93 103.1 13 -0.2027 -0.2228 -0.1466 -0.0413 0.1884 0.1927 0.1519 0.1435 0.1453 0.1450
9 202 55 2 0.60 3.31 11.58 14.78 2.93 103.7 14 -0.2152 -0.2380 -0.1551 -0.0421 0.1921 0.1940 0.1464 0.1343 0.1325 0.1230
9 201 55 2 0.60 3.30 11.58 14.78 2.93 104.3 15 -0.2278 -0.2518 -0.1640 -0.0447 0.1921 0.1916 0.1391 0.1251 0.1212 0.1059
9 200 55 2 0.60 3.29 11.58 14.78 2.93 105.4 16 -0.2326 -0.2574 -0.1660 -0.0434 0.1925 0.1908 0.1357 0.1204 0.1152 0.0957

Run Point cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48 cp49 cp114

9 215 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1267
9 214 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0679
9 213 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0538
9 212 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0977
9 211 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1788
9 210 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2496
9 209 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1776
9 208 0.2123 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1857
9 207 0.2026 0.1961 0.2056 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2022
9 206 0.2400 0.2287 0.1968 0.1991 0.2129 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2194
9 205 0.2305 0.2396 0.2412 0.2311 0.1974 0.1405 0.2032 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2527
9 204 0.1977 0.2138 0.2280 0.2430 0.2521 0.2210 0.1836 0.1740 0.2083 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2962
9 203 0.1569 0.1667 0.1794 0.2032 0.2266 0.2304 0.2392 0.2326 0.1616 0.1960 0.2097 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.3100
9 202 0.1299 0.1334 0.1393 0.1596 0.1813 0.1898 0.2163 0.2406 0.2373 0.2436 0.1578 0.1794 0.2419 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.3151
9 201 0.1094 0.1080 0.1075 0.1224 0.1379 0.1411 0.1662 0.1952 0.2070 0.2482 0.2356 0.2352 0.1942 0.1874 0.2343 9.9999 9.9999 -0.3206
9 200 0.0971 0.0926 0.0879 0.0981 0.1080 0.1043 0.1235 0.1468 0.1543 0.2019 0.2147 0.2418 0.2541 0.2418 0.1850 0.1613 0.2240 -0.3210

Table A-9. Concluded.
Run Point cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

9 215 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0018
9 214 0.2220 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0066
9 213 0.1277 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1073 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0092
9 212 0.1617 0.3489 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0669 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0114
9 211 0.1233 0.3663 0.3987 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0577 0.1672 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0169
9 210 0.0025 0.3186 0.4062 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0598 0.1455 0.2476 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0152
9 209 -0.1276 0.1019 0.2471 0.3358 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0677 0.1281 0.1757 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0140
9 208 -0.1343 0.0852 0.1997 0.3082 0.3455 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0649 0.1329 0.1675 0.1968 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0139
9 207 -0.1458 0.0836 0.1719 0.2395 0.3456 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0478 0.1239 0.1630 0.1832 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0177
9 206 -0.1526 0.1017 0.1649 0.1959 0.2833 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0313 0.1135 0.1589 0.1790 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0171
9 205 -0.1564 0.1422 0.1676 0.1692 0.2094 0.3667 9.9999 9.9999 0.0033 0.0888 0.1420 0.1685 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0214
9 204 -0.1278 0.2044 0.1756 0.1625 0.1694 0.3687 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0291 0.0604 0.1178 0.1544 0.2406 9.9999 -0.0233
9 203 -0.0989 0.2123 0.1705 0.1532 0.1432 0.2865 0.2783 9.9999 -0.0417 0.0474 0.0988 0.1309 0.2400 9.9999 -0.0263
9 202 -0.0787 0.2134 0.1681 0.1483 0.1298 0.1922 0.3312 9.9999 -0.0504 0.0397 0.0858 0.1114 0.2262 9.9999 -0.0264
9 201 -0.0667 0.2102 0.1637 0.1422 0.1189 0.1362 0.2174 9.9999 -0.0598 0.0308 0.0736 0.0926 0.1995 0.2272 -0.0297
9 200 -0.0561 0.2096 0.1622 0.1395 0.1136 0.1072 0.1390 0.2756 -0.0640 0.0274 0.0663 0.0800 0.1712 0.2362 -0.0292

Table A-10. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 55 deg. (Config. 2).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29 cp30 cp32
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

9 197 55 2 0.80 3.81 9.68 14.77 4.35 117.6 1 0.0020 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 196 55 2 0.80 3.81 9.66 14.77 4.36 117.6 2 -0.0004 0.0492 0.0640 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 195 55 2 0.80 3.81 9.66 14.77 4.36 117.7 3 -0.0659 -0.1078 0.0047 0.1405 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 194 55 2 0.80 3.81 9.67 14.77 4.35 117.9 4 -0.0669 -0.1255 -0.0464 0.0806 0.2526 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 193 55 2 0.80 3.81 9.67 14.77 4.35 118.0 5 -0.1407 -0.1916 -0.0261 0.1495 0.3500 0.3446 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
9 192 55 2 0.80 3.80 9.69 14.77 4.34 118.7 6 -0.0665 -0.0811 -0.0687 -0.0176 0.1223 0.1590 0.1798 0.1991 9.9999 9.9999
9 191 55 2 0.80 3.79 9.66 14.77 4.36 120.1 7 -0.0786 -0.0867 -0.0759 -0.0309 0.0885 0.1210 0.1404 0.1600 0.2036 9.9999
9 190 55 2 0.80 3.73 9.67 14.76 4.34 126.7 8 -0.0904 -0.0963 -0.0847 -0.0423 0.0733 0.1078 0.1459 0.1580 0.1852 0.2181
9 189 55 2 0.80 3.75 9.70 14.76 4.32 123.4 9 -0.1025 -0.1072 -0.0949 -0.0543 0.0593 0.0940 0.1455 0.1704 0.1986 0.2081
9 188 55 2 0.80 3.76 9.68 14.76 4.33 122.0 10 -0.1099 -0.1152 -0.1040 -0.0646 0.0506 0.0856 0.1376 0.1656 0.1980 0.2317
9 187 55 2 0.80 3.78 9.67 14.76 4.35 120.1 11 -0.1223 -0.1287 -0.1175 -0.0774 0.0433 0.0760 0.1244 0.1503 0.1821 0.2230
9 186 55 2 0.80 3.79 9.69 14.76 4.33 118.7 12 -0.1362 -0.1437 -0.1318 -0.0914 0.0379 0.0704 0.1114 0.1331 0.1601 0.1952
9 185 55 2 0.80 3.81 9.67 14.76 4.35 117.2 13 -0.1437 -0.1519 -0.1397 -0.0998 0.0391 0.0722 0.1072 0.1253 0.1469 0.1719
9 184 55 2 0.80 3.84 9.70 14.75 4.32 112.5 14 -0.1518 -0.1603 -0.1458 -0.1059 0.0414 0.0740 0.1034 0.1172 0.1336 0.1477
9 183 55 2 0.80 3.87 9.68 14.75 4.34 109.4 15 -0.1602 -0.1682 -0.1524 -0.1127 0.0408 0.0739 0.1003 0.1116 0.1250 0.1319
9 182 55 2 0.80 3.89 9.69 14.75 4.33 107.0 16 -0.1676 -0.1764 -0.1591 -0.1187 0.0403 0.0731 0.0970 0.1061 0.1171 0.1186

Run Point cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48 cp49 cp114

9 197 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0569
9 196 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0250
9 195 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0982
9 194 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1454
9 193 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2493
9 192 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1218
9 191 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1280
9 190 0.2262 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1371
9 189 0.2143 0.2219 0.2217 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1485
9 188 0.2383 0.2262 0.2096 0.2244 0.2275 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1570
9 187 0.2411 0.2484 0.2467 0.2388 0.2022 0.1650 0.2111 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1722
9 186 0.2154 0.2293 0.2398 0.2498 0.2501 0.2213 0.1834 0.1868 0.2045 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1881
9 185 0.1884 0.2002 0.2123 0.2294 0.2443 0.2409 0.2441 0.2414 0.1834 0.2146 0.2097 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1975
9 184 0.1603 0.1664 0.1734 0.1886 0.2064 0.2129 0.2301 0.2483 0.2413 0.2540 0.1855 0.1945 0.2454 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2076
9 183 0.1389 0.1404 0.1420 0.1530 0.1650 0.1702 0.1891 0.2144 0.2230 0.2584 0.2443 0.2483 0.2235 0.2049 0.2404 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2172
9 182 0.1230 0.1207 0.1171 0.1246 0.1311 0.1291 0.1442 0.1666 0.1750 0.2187 0.2257 0.2499 0.2635 0.2525 0.2135 0.1752 0.2266 -0.2277

Table A-10. Concluded.
Run Point cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp3

9 197 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0059
9 196 0.2507 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0104
9 195 0.0275 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.1328 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0154
9 194 0.0066 0.3484 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0559 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0183
9 193 0.0042 0.4027 0.4753 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0777 0.2177 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0185
9 192 -0.1044 -0.0013 0.1657 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0465 0.1067 0.1825 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0163
9 191 -0.1065 -0.0264 0.1006 0.2783 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0466 0.1071 0.1517 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0184
9 190 -0.1135 -0.0409 0.0752 0.2130 0.3530 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0352 0.1132 0.1552 0.1831 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0181
9 189 -0.1239 -0.0497 0.0622 0.1721 0.2974 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0226 0.1140 0.1647 0.1795 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0200
9 188 -0.1318 -0.0519 0.0600 0.1513 0.2558 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0100 0.1105 0.1715 0.1917 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0179
9 187 -0.1458 -0.0560 0.0586 0.1382 0.2093 0.3815 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0040 0.0978 0.1646 0.1931 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0203
9 186 -0.1608 -0.0583 0.0610 0.1302 0.1699 0.3595 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0180 0.0813 0.1489 0.1815 0.2228 9.9999 -0.0253
9 185 -0.1689 -0.0555 0.0691 0.1291 0.1514 0.2995 0.3109 9.9999 -0.0260 0.0717 0.1373 0.1686 0.2265 9.9999 -0.0243
9 184 -0.1778 -0.0515 0.0755 0.1270 0.1371 0.2116 0.3363 9.9999 -0.0324 0.0615 0.1219 0.1468 0.2143 9.9999 -0.0263
9 183 -0.1857 -0.0500 0.0792 0.1252 0.1282 0.1571 0.2332 9.9999 -0.0393 0.0536 0.1102 0.1280 0.1998 0.2410 -0.0288
9 182 -0.1951 -0.0480 0.0818 0.1225 0.1205 0.1242 0.1544 0.3124 -0.0473 0.0460 0.0983 0.1096 0.1780 0.2370 -0.0321

Table A-11. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

10 336 45 3 0.20 1.32 14.37 14.79 0.41 88.7 1 0.0079 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 335 45 3 0.20 1.32 14.38 14.79 0.41 89.1 2 0.0786 -0.0629 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 334 45 3 0.20 1.31 14.38 14.79 0.41 89.7 3 0.0129 -0.1705 0.0775 0.2281 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 333 45 3 0.20 1.31 14.38 14.79 0.41 89.9 4 -0.0345 -0.1916 0.0709 0.2253 0.2810 0.2956 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 332 45 3 0.20 1.31 14.38 14.79 0.41 90.2 5 -0.0480 -0.0512 -0.0742 -0.0155 0.0665 0.1163 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 331 45 3 0.20 1.31 14.38 14.79 0.41 90.8 6 -0.0547 -0.0426 -0.0641 -0.0276 0.0263 0.0589 0.1545 0.1979 9.9999 9.9999
10 330 45 3 0.20 1.31 14.38 14.79 0.41 91.2 7 -0.0718 -0.0599 -0.0728 -0.0260 0.0314 0.0709 0.1566 0.1762 0.1981 9.9999
10 329 45 3 0.20 1.31 14.38 14.79 0.41 91.6 8 -0.0902 -0.0786 -0.0878 -0.0328 0.0297 0.0708 0.1681 0.1980 0.2150 0.1923
10 328 45 3 0.20 1.30 14.38 14.79 0.41 92.1 9 -0.1056 -0.0941 -0.1014 -0.0433 0.0247 0.0674 0.1615 0.1914 0.2238 0.2259
10 327 45 3 0.20 1.30 14.38 14.79 0.41 92.6 10 -0.1191 -0.1095 -0.1115 -0.0502 0.0196 0.0640 0.1497 0.1760 0.2031 0.2075
10 326 45 3 0.20 1.30 14.38 14.79 0.41 93.0 11 -0.1272 -0.1178 -0.1230 -0.0604 0.0130 0.0606 0.1410 0.1621 0.1769 0.1771
10 325 45 3 0.20 1.30 14.38 14.79 0.41 93.5 12 -0.1327 -0.1267 -0.1319 -0.0659 0.0096 0.0573 0.1312 0.1505 0.1550 0.1508
10 324 45 3 0.20 1.30 14.38 14.79 0.41 94.0 13 -0.1390 -0.1348 -0.1398 -0.0725 0.0063 0.0572 0.1275 0.1416 0.1408 0.1321
10 323 45 3 0.20 1.30 14.38 14.79 0.41 94.7 14 -0.1426 -0.1419 -0.1435 -0.0761 0.0046 0.0589 0.1243 0.1350 0.1290 0.1273
10 322 45 3 0.20 1.30 14.38 14.79 0.41 95.1 15 -0.1479 -0.1489 -0.1487 -0.0780 0.0045 0.0606 0.1227 0.1300 0.1170 0.1190
10 321 45 3 0.20 1.29 14.38 14.79 0.41 95.8 16 -0.1465 -0.1476 -0.1490 -0.0799 0.0045 0.0624 0.1229 0.1302 0.1155 0.1142
10 320 45 3 0.20 1.29 14.38 14.79 0.41 96.3 17 -0.1515 -0.1561 -0.1557 -0.0850 -0.0005 0.0590 0.1229 0.1233 0.1068 0.1058
10 319 45 3 0.20 1.29 14.38 14.79 0.41 97.0 18 -0.1521 -0.1566 -0.1563 -0.0819 0.0011 0.0608 0.1232 0.1219 0.1037 0.1027

Run Point cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48

10 336 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 335 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 334 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 333 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 332 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 331 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 330 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 329 0.2185 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 328 0.2460 0.2266 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 327 0.2358 0.2587 0.2560 0.2347 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 326 0.2029 0.2379 0.2537 0.2694 0.2578 0.2383 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 325 0.1744 0.1997 0.2154 0.2415 0.2531 0.2758 0.2704 0.2224 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 324 0.1484 0.1638 0.1759 0.1956 0.2063 0.2415 0.2608 0.2691 0.2529 0.2311 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 323 0.1333 0.1387 0.1457 0.1590 0.1623 0.1917 0.2099 0.2339 0.2450 0.2665 0.2657 0.2319 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 322 0.1198 0.1186 0.1221 0.1306 0.1269 0.1500 0.1623 0.1798 0.1916 0.2334 0.2557 0.2696 0.2610 0.2277 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 321 0.1131 0.1086 0.1070 0.1140 0.1058 0.1233 0.1289 0.1410 0.1583 0.1820 0.2018 0.2274 0.2544 0.2714 0.2685 0.2357 9.9999 9.9999
10 320 0.1029 0.0967 0.0934 0.0972 0.0862 0.0998 0.1022 0.1069 0.1180 0.1351 0.1457 0.1694 0.1943 0.2228 0.2615 0.2785 0.2622 0.2146
10 319 0.0980 0.0902 0.0869 0.0890 0.0757 0.0866 0.0865 0.0868 0.0948 0.1070 0.1086 0.1255 0.1417 0.1766 0.2020 0.2329 0.2462 0.2670

Table A-11. Concluded.
Run Point cp49 cp50 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244

10 336 9.9999 9.9999 0.0997 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 335 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1938 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0455 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 334 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2556 0.3002 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0630 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 333 9.9999 9.9999 -0.3005 0.3079 0.4818 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0281 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 332 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0762 -0.0673 0.1073 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0246 0.1242 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 331 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0656 -0.0655 0.0338 0.1952 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0211 0.1153 0.1893 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 330 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0906 -0.0762 0.0482 0.1752 0.3406 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0300 0.1351 0.1648 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 329 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1133 -0.0881 0.0553 0.1732 0.2761 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0440 0.1474 0.1895 0.2100 9.9999 9.9999
10 328 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1347 -0.0968 0.0625 0.1648 0.2374 0.3164 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0563 0.1439 0.1896 0.2242 0.2310 9.9999
10 327 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1523 -0.1038 0.0715 0.1545 0.2001 0.2842 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0669 0.1368 0.1790 0.2120 0.2344 9.9999
10 326 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1678 -0.1087 0.0768 0.1474 0.1713 0.2191 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0755 0.1223 0.1644 0.1940 0.2183 9.9999
10 325 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1772 -0.1125 0.0841 0.1444 0.1522 0.1731 0.3442 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0810 0.1119 0.1505 0.1735 0.1945 9.9999
10 324 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1871 -0.1155 0.0893 0.1405 0.1394 0.1422 0.2880 0.3562 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0859 0.1028 0.1341 0.1503 0.1662 9.9999
10 323 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1928 -0.1158 0.0912 0.1373 0.1308 0.1245 0.2030 0.3315 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0897 0.0958 0.1236 0.1348 0.1422 0.2633
10 322 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2000 -0.1159 0.0966 0.1357 0.1238 0.1120 0.1461 0.2377 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0950 0.0887 0.1148 0.1209 0.1197 0.2495
10 321 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2005 -0.1161 0.1004 0.1360 0.1222 0.1050 0.1142 0.1656 0.3729 9.9999 -0.0953 0.0871 0.1096 0.1123 0.1042 0.2167
10 320 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2092 -0.1195 0.1003 0.1308 0.1150 0.0978 0.0909 0.1184 0.3227 9.9999 -0.1005 0.0799 0.1025 0.1000 0.0885 0.1762
10 319 0.2766 0.2224 -0.2100 -0.1165 0.1024 0.1311 0.1136 0.0945 0.0786 0.0915 0.2270 0.3223 -0.1009 0.0801 0.0991 0.0950 0.0800 0.1416

Run Point cp250 cp253 cp3

10 336 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0098

10 335 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0133
10 334 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0151
10 333 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0186
10 332 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0117
10 331 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0100
10 330 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0135
10 329 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0152
10 328 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0186
10 327 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0203
10 326 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0236
10 325 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0238
10 324 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0253
10 323 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0254
10 322 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0272
10 321 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0273
10 320 0.2598 9.9999 -0.0289
10 319 0.2535 0.2503 -0.0291

Table A-12. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

10 316 45 3 0.40 2.39 13.22 14.78 1.49 105.7 1 0.0107 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 315 45 3 0.40 2.39 13.23 14.78 1.49 106.1 2 0.0997 -0.0915 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 314 45 3 0.40 2.38 13.23 14.78 1.49 106.7 3 0.0273 -0.1875 0.0808 0.2355 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 313 45 3 0.40 2.39 13.22 14.78 1.49 106.8 4 -0.0245 -0.2096 0.0733 0.2351 0.3033 0.3247 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 312 45 3 0.40 2.39 13.22 14.78 1.49 107.1 5 -0.0443 -0.0596 -0.0720 -0.0155 0.0598 0.1252 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 311 45 3 0.40 2.38 13.23 14.78 1.49 107.4 6 -0.0538 -0.0538 -0.0640 -0.0294 0.0196 0.0667 0.1661 0.2043 9.9999 9.9999
10 310 45 3 0.40 2.38 13.23 14.78 1.49 108.0 7 -0.0724 -0.0721 -0.0719 -0.0280 0.0255 0.0742 0.1671 0.1806 0.2010 9.9999
10 309 45 3 0.40 2.38 13.23 14.78 1.49 108.3 8 -0.0922 -0.0918 -0.0867 -0.0365 0.0219 0.0751 0.1790 0.2038 0.2197 0.2012
10 308 45 3 0.40 2.37 13.22 14.78 1.49 109.3 9 -0.1090 -0.1088 -0.1020 -0.0496 0.0122 0.0662 0.1698 0.1959 0.2281 0.2390
10 307 45 3 0.40 2.38 13.22 14.78 1.50 109.3 10 -0.1204 -0.1222 -0.1134 -0.0581 0.0058 0.0624 0.1599 0.1822 0.2095 0.2237
10 306 45 3 0.40 2.37 13.23 14.78 1.49 110.2 11 -0.1317 -0.1351 -0.1252 -0.0677 0.0003 0.0583 0.1473 0.1653 0.1817 0.1921
10 305 45 3 0.40 2.37 13.22 14.78 1.50 110.8 12 -0.1364 -0.1445 -0.1350 -0.0750 -0.0033 0.0569 0.1406 0.1538 0.1602 0.1658
10 304 45 3 0.40 2.36 13.23 14.78 1.49 111.1 13 -0.1416 -0.1531 -0.1411 -0.0801 -0.0061 0.0547 0.1350 0.1454 0.1437 0.1457
10 303 45 3 0.40 2.36 13.23 14.78 1.49 111.8 14 -0.1483 -0.1608 -0.1486 -0.0854 -0.0094 0.0538 0.1305 0.1380 0.1316 0.1298
10 302 45 3 0.40 2.36 13.23 14.78 1.49 112.3 15 -0.1492 -0.1640 -0.1500 -0.0856 -0.0065 0.0569 0.1297 0.1349 0.1247 0.1204
10 301 45 3 0.40 2.35 13.23 14.78 1.49 113.1 16 -0.1549 -0.1703 -0.1566 -0.0924 -0.0125 0.0533 0.1262 0.1308 0.1163 0.1123
10 300 45 3 0.40 2.35 13.23 14.78 1.49 113.9 17 -0.1563 -0.1741 -0.1576 -0.0908 -0.0089 0.0561 0.1246 0.1274 0.1119 0.1056
10 299 45 3 0.40 2.34 13.23 14.78 1.49 115.0 18 -0.1597 -0.1780 -0.1601 -0.0920 -0.0103 0.0551 0.1221 0.1249 0.1065 0.0996

Run Point cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48

10 316 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 315 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 314 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 313 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 312 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 311 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 310 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 309 0.2283 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 308 0.2520 0.2334 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 307 0.2461 0.2709 0.2648 0.2366 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 306 0.2121 0.2483 0.2666 0.2774 0.2709 0.2354 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 305 0.1809 0.2082 0.2291 0.2507 0.2679 0.2811 0.2765 0.2070 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 304 0.1554 0.1714 0.1863 0.2028 0.2207 0.2457 0.2716 0.2773 0.2688 0.2252 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 303 0.1368 0.1429 0.1521 0.1626 0.1728 0.1932 0.2195 0.2408 0.2654 0.2848 0.2702 0.2345 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 302 0.1253 0.1251 0.1300 0.1343 0.1380 0.1515 0.1701 0.1855 0.2107 0.2435 0.2682 0.2901 0.2695 0.2272 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 301 0.1152 0.1104 0.1130 0.1137 0.1124 0.1242 0.1331 0.1402 0.1582 0.1858 0.2073 0.2467 0.2664 0.2884 0.2853 0.2307 9.9999 9.9999
10 300 0.1084 0.1000 0.1012 0.0988 0.0942 0.1024 0.1062 0.1070 0.1187 0.1387 0.1502 0.1853 0.2033 0.2408 0.2747 0.2924 0.2801 0.2118
10 299 0.1013 0.0911 0.0913 0.0872 0.0805 0.0867 0.0872 0.0837 0.0910 0.1047 0.1073 0.1367 0.1499 0.1766 0.2094 0.2446 0.2715 0.2867

Table A-12. Concluded.
Run Point cp49 cp50 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244

10 316 9.9999 9.9999 0.0973 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 315 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2204 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0698 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 314 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2670 0.3078 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0683 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 313 9.9999 9.9999 -0.3095 0.3143 0.5021 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0397 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 312 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0821 -0.0664 0.1152 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0262 0.1404 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 311 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0728 -0.0681 0.0399 0.1936 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0249 0.1276 0.2002 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 310 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0976 -0.0781 0.0512 0.1726 0.3395 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0365 0.1447 0.1739 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 309 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1217 -0.0899 0.0556 0.1683 0.2776 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0514 0.1549 0.1963 0.2176 9.9999 9.9999
10 308 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1421 -0.1014 0.0569 0.1572 0.2381 0.3145 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0646 0.1511 0.1977 0.2295 0.2447 9.9999
10 307 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1592 -0.1093 0.0652 0.1495 0.2016 0.2956 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0741 0.1422 0.1888 0.2216 0.2520 9.9999
10 306 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1750 -0.1152 0.0697 0.1414 0.1733 0.2261 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0849 0.1284 0.1716 0.2024 0.2330 9.9999
10 305 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1861 -0.1206 0.0755 0.1369 0.1541 0.1787 0.3485 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0918 0.1174 0.1556 0.1809 0.2092 9.9999
10 304 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1956 -0.1234 0.0825 0.1359 0.1429 0.1493 0.3092 0.3733 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0970 0.1075 0.1410 0.1594 0.1814 9.9999
10 303 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2040 -0.1283 0.0841 0.1323 0.1338 0.1298 0.2167 0.3553 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1034 0.0993 0.1289 0.1399 0.1530 0.2671
10 302 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2073 -0.1260 0.0898 0.1324 0.1276 0.1197 0.1582 0.2525 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1040 0.0957 0.1213 0.1271 0.1308 0.2607
10 301 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2143 -0.1323 0.0894 0.1302 0.1219 0.1095 0.1228 0.1721 0.3925 9.9999 -0.1099 0.0880 0.1127 0.1143 0.1115 0.2255
10 300 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2169 -0.1299 0.0930 0.1291 0.1178 0.1038 0.1011 0.1223 0.3462 9.9999 -0.1118 0.0862 0.1075 0.1059 0.0970 0.1833
10 299 0.2803 0.2012 -0.2218 -0.1316 0.0938 0.1271 0.1148 0.0978 0.0868 0.0919 0.2465 0.3341 -0.1159 0.0827 0.1020 0.0986 0.0850 0.1457

Run Point cp250 cp253 cp3

10 316 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0018

10 315 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0066
10 314 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0051
10 313 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0069
10 312 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0036
10 311 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0042
10 310 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0075
10 309 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0107
10 308 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0130
10 307 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0148
10 306 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0181
10 305 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0194
10 304 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0205
10 303 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0229
10 302 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0214
10 301 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0242
10 300 0.2693 9.9999 -0.0243
10 299 0.2660 0.2444 -0.0257

Table A-13. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

10 296 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.57 14.76 2.92 128.2 1 0.0115 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 295 45 3 0.60 3.13 11.56 14.76 2.92 128.0 2 0.1149 -0.1047 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 294 45 3 0.60 3.13 11.57 14.76 2.92 128.3 3 0.0333 -0.1921 0.0711 0.2418 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 293 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.58 14.76 2.91 128.1 4 -0.0172 -0.1889 0.0403 0.2101 0.2910 0.3249 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 292 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.57 14.76 2.92 128.4 5 -0.0428 -0.0565 -0.0713 -0.0264 0.0379 0.1032 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 291 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.56 14.76 2.93 128.7 6 -0.0511 -0.0549 -0.0652 -0.0370 0.0037 0.0514 0.1540 0.1943 9.9999 9.9999
10 290 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.57 14.76 2.92 128.7 7 -0.0666 -0.0698 -0.0736 -0.0390 0.0077 0.0588 0.1497 0.1686 0.1955 9.9999
10 289 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.57 14.76 2.92 128.5 8 -0.0878 -0.0910 -0.0888 -0.0469 0.0047 0.0595 0.1656 0.1934 0.2088 0.1956
10 288 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.56 14.76 2.93 128.8 9 -0.1056 -0.1084 -0.1047 -0.0597 -0.0035 0.0526 0.1613 0.1902 0.2259 0.2385
10 287 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.57 14.76 2.92 129.2 10 -0.1200 -0.1227 -0.1172 -0.0697 -0.0113 0.0470 0.1532 0.1783 0.2104 0.2267
10 286 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.57 14.76 2.92 129.2 11 -0.1296 -0.1334 -0.1282 -0.0789 -0.0166 0.0437 0.1461 0.1671 0.1901 0.2028
10 285 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.56 14.76 2.93 129.2 12 -0.1409 -0.1455 -0.1413 -0.0884 -0.0226 0.0387 0.1358 0.1531 0.1666 0.1746
10 284 45 3 0.60 3.11 11.58 14.76 2.91 129.5 13 -0.1480 -0.1547 -0.1481 -0.0929 -0.0253 0.0376 0.1305 0.1445 0.1495 0.1530
10 283 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.56 14.76 2.93 129.6 14 -0.1540 -0.1624 -0.1551 -0.0983 -0.0274 0.0358 0.1265 0.1380 0.1365 0.1370
10 282 45 3 0.60 3.11 11.57 14.76 2.92 129.9 15 -0.1612 -0.1704 -0.1625 -0.1049 -0.0317 0.0333 0.1224 0.1316 0.1261 0.1246
10 281 45 3 0.60 3.12 11.56 14.76 2.93 130.1 16 -0.1628 -0.1732 -0.1638 -0.1065 -0.0317 0.0337 0.1210 0.1282 0.1201 0.1167
10 280 45 3 0.60 3.11 11.56 14.76 2.93 130.3 17 -0.1666 -0.1773 -0.1679 -0.1087 -0.0329 0.0330 0.1194 0.1258 0.1148 0.1106
10 279 45 3 0.60 3.11 11.57 14.76 2.92 130.5 18 -0.1706 -0.1819 -0.1716 -0.1114 -0.0354 0.0302 0.1163 0.1220 0.1095 0.1048

Run Point cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48

10 296 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 295 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 294 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 293 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 292 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 291 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 290 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 289 0.2305 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 288 0.2532 0.2416 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 287 0.2506 0.2748 0.2662 0.2420 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 286 0.2249 0.2620 0.2800 0.2878 0.2793 0.2439 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 285 0.1910 0.2212 0.2423 0.2623 0.2796 0.2895 0.2852 0.2070 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 284 0.1638 0.1812 0.1987 0.2155 0.2341 0.2579 0.2846 0.2857 0.2738 0.2299 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 283 0.1439 0.1514 0.1622 0.1713 0.1835 0.2047 0.2304 0.2522 0.2744 0.2936 0.2752 0.2386 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 282 0.1291 0.1294 0.1360 0.1393 0.1441 0.1593 0.1786 0.1933 0.2198 0.2542 0.2780 0.3007 0.2757 0.2285 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 281 0.1198 0.1150 0.1187 0.1178 0.1173 0.1272 0.1395 0.1455 0.1654 0.1939 0.2140 0.2562 0.2767 0.2961 0.2918 0.2323 9.9999 9.9999
10 280 0.1123 0.1042 0.1058 0.1021 0.0986 0.1043 0.1117 0.1115 0.1244 0.1460 0.1562 0.1956 0.2172 0.2526 0.2866 0.3026 0.2896 0.2122
10 279 0.1056 0.0952 0.0953 0.0899 0.0842 0.0874 0.0914 0.0866 0.0947 0.1105 0.1113 0.1455 0.1591 0.1879 0.2229 0.2589 0.2869 0.2970

Table A-13. Concluded.
Run Point cp49 cp50 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244

10 296 9.9999 9.9999 0.0619 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 295 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2310 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0681 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 294 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2561 0.2773 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0736 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 293 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2722 0.2444 0.4851 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0239 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 292 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0690 -0.0670 0.0750 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0286 0.1379 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 291 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0696 -0.0668 0.0209 0.1644 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0283 0.1253 0.1927 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 290 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0902 -0.0752 0.0279 0.1429 0.3247 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0379 0.1394 0.1714 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 289 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1163 -0.0898 0.0314 0.1467 0.2623 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0541 0.1520 0.1966 0.2145 9.9999 9.9999
10 288 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1351 -0.1037 0.0307 0.1411 0.2328 0.3073 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0685 0.1516 0.2032 0.2334 0.2477 9.9999
10 287 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1524 -0.1138 0.0360 0.1363 0.2041 0.2947 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0784 0.1421 0.1957 0.2286 0.2581 9.9999
10 286 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1658 -0.1217 0.0415 0.1345 0.1805 0.2356 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0870 0.1324 0.1830 0.2151 0.2474 9.9999
10 285 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1805 -0.1306 0.0454 0.1303 0.1605 0.1874 0.3581 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0966 0.1193 0.1641 0.1918 0.2246 9.9999
10 284 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1911 -0.1349 0.0526 0.1297 0.1476 0.1572 0.3188 0.3753 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1032 0.1096 0.1487 0.1685 0.1939 9.9999
10 283 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1982 -0.1393 0.0539 0.1275 0.1386 0.1377 0.2257 0.3623 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1096 0.1014 0.1362 0.1485 0.1645 0.2739
10 282 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2068 -0.1455 0.0540 0.1251 0.1310 0.1239 0.1644 0.2610 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1156 0.0938 0.1247 0.1315 0.1379 0.2672
10 281 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2096 -0.1455 0.0579 0.1253 0.1267 0.1154 0.1286 0.1763 0.3939 9.9999 -0.1171 0.0889 0.1173 0.1195 0.1178 0.2339
10 280 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2136 -0.1480 0.0584 0.1244 0.1233 0.1097 0.1066 0.1257 0.3601 9.9999 -0.1209 0.0864 0.1121 0.1105 0.1024 0.1930
10 279 0.2837 0.1966 -0.2186 -0.1508 0.0585 0.1222 0.1191 0.1034 0.0911 0.0944 0.2612 0.3333 -0.1249 0.0813 0.1056 0.1019 0.0892 0.1541

Run Point cp250 cp253 cp3

10 296 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0026

10 295 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0007
10 294 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0040
10 293 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0084
10 292 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0026
10 291 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0044
10 290 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0062
10 289 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0102
10 288 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0130
10 287 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0145
10 286 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0147
10 285 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0192
10 284 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0204
10 283 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0222
10 282 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0250
10 281 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0244
10 280 0.2772 9.9999 -0.0253
10 279 0.2768 0.2496 -0.0281

Table A-14. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 45 deg. (Config. 3).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28 cp29
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

10 276 45 3 0.80 3.62 9.69 14.75 4.33 140.3 1 0.0015 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 275 45 3 0.80 3.62 9.68 14.75 4.33 139.3 2 0.0933 -0.1105 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 274 45 3 0.80 3.64 9.69 14.75 4.32 137.4 3 0.0316 -0.2113 0.0263 0.2580 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 273 45 3 0.80 3.66 9.66 14.75 4.34 135.9 4 -0.0235 -0.1115 -0.0813 0.0347 0.1565 0.2800 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 272 45 3 0.80 3.66 9.68 14.75 4.33 134.9 5 -0.0466 -0.0580 -0.0773 -0.0555 -0.0143 0.0433 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 271 45 3 0.80 3.67 9.68 14.75 4.33 133.4 6 -0.0489 -0.0531 -0.0668 -0.0608 -0.0442 -0.0100 0.1022 0.1594 9.9999 9.9999
10 270 45 3 0.80 3.68 9.67 14.75 4.34 132.3 7 -0.0547 -0.0581 -0.0667 -0.0617 -0.0482 -0.0202 0.0586 0.0926 0.1631 9.9999
10 269 45 3 0.80 3.69 9.68 14.75 4.33 130.8 8 -0.0657 -0.0684 -0.0760 -0.0689 -0.0528 -0.0211 0.0621 0.0866 0.1204 0.1477
10 268 45 3 0.80 3.71 9.66 14.75 4.35 129.4 9 -0.0862 -0.0884 -0.0944 -0.0834 -0.0609 -0.0229 0.0750 0.1065 0.1526 0.1641
10 267 45 3 0.80 3.73 9.70 14.75 4.32 124.8 10 -0.1031 -0.1038 -0.1082 -0.0940 -0.0655 -0.0236 0.0838 0.1174 0.1714 0.1952
10 266 45 3 0.80 3.74 9.71 14.75 4.31 123.8 11 -0.1221 -0.1225 -0.1253 -0.1098 -0.0764 -0.0301 0.0838 0.1170 0.1687 0.1908
10 265 45 3 0.80 3.76 9.69 14.75 4.33 121.9 12 -0.1355 -0.1349 -0.1375 -0.1203 -0.0848 -0.0358 0.0817 0.1141 0.1594 0.1789
10 264 45 3 0.80 3.78 9.68 14.75 4.33 119.6 13 -0.1494 -0.1498 -0.1510 -0.1331 -0.0949 -0.0433 0.0768 0.1064 0.1462 0.1608
10 263 45 3 0.80 3.80 9.68 14.75 4.33 117.7 14 -0.1579 -0.1578 -0.1594 -0.1404 -0.1004 -0.0476 0.0746 0.1035 0.1365 0.1479
10 262 45 3 0.80 3.82 9.69 14.75 4.33 114.7 15 -0.1651 -0.1643 -0.1664 -0.1469 -0.1065 -0.0524 0.0703 0.0981 0.1267 0.1359
10 261 45 3 0.80 3.84 9.70 14.75 4.32 112.5 16 -0.1722 -0.1715 -0.1733 -0.1536 -0.1131 -0.0577 0.0666 0.0932 0.1187 0.1258
10 260 45 3 0.80 3.87 9.68 14.75 4.33 109.4 17 -0.1789 -0.1770 -0.1792 -0.1589 -0.1182 -0.0625 0.0629 0.0896 0.1120 0.1183
10 259 45 3 0.80 3.90 9.69 14.75 4.33 106.2 18 -0.1745 -0.1736 -0.1755 -0.1551 -0.1129 -0.0567 0.0681 0.0930 0.1136 0.1183

Run Point cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47 cp48

10 276 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 275 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 274 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 273 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 272 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 271 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 270 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 269 0.2074 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 268 0.1769 0.2370 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 267 0.2204 0.2311 0.2221 0.2531 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 266 0.2181 0.2580 0.2732 0.2736 0.2438 0.2590 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 265 0.2019 0.2387 0.2598 0.2784 0.2927 0.2970 0.2673 0.2150 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 264 0.1795 0.2049 0.2230 0.2404 0.2603 0.2835 0.3027 0.2969 0.2713 0.2452 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 263 0.1625 0.1768 0.1895 0.2004 0.2146 0.2373 0.2629 0.2811 0.3027 0.3149 0.2794 0.2638 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 262 0.1468 0.1520 0.1605 0.1653 0.1724 0.1880 0.2090 0.2256 0.2535 0.2859 0.3041 0.3229 0.2879 0.2546 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 261 0.1337 0.1338 0.1375 0.1372 0.1383 0.1491 0.1615 0.1703 0.1925 0.2231 0.2461 0.2881 0.3067 0.3209 0.3099 0.2574 9.9999 9.9999
10 260 0.1242 0.1198 0.1205 0.1164 0.1128 0.1193 0.1256 0.1256 0.1413 0.1636 0.1782 0.2199 0.2439 0.2803 0.3149 0.3268 0.3129 0.2304
10 259 0.1231 0.1161 0.1155 0.1092 0.1028 0.1065 0.1090 0.1031 0.1134 0.1291 0.1326 0.1691 0.1865 0.2175 0.2560 0.2899 0.3178 0.3249

Table A-14. Concluded.
Run Point cp49 cp50 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244

10 276 9.9999 9.9999 0.0447 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 275 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2187 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0804 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 274 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2503 0.1996 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1188 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 273 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1204 -0.0727 0.4120 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0896 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 272 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0660 -0.0663 0.0041 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0442 0.1097 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 271 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0629 -0.0524 -0.0438 0.0855 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0396 0.0801 0.1841 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 270 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0677 -0.0535 -0.0469 0.0192 0.2394 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0440 0.0637 0.1250 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
10 269 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0791 -0.0634 -0.0467 0.0289 0.1057 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0514 0.0664 0.1313 0.1706 9.9999 9.9999
10 268 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1040 -0.0832 -0.0511 0.0379 0.1320 0.2131 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0658 0.0751 0.1572 0.1876 0.2284 9.9999
10 267 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1236 -0.0984 -0.0498 0.0476 0.1440 0.2434 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0766 0.0834 0.1723 0.2190 0.2266 9.9999
10 266 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1450 -0.1166 -0.0549 0.0507 0.1427 0.2241 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0915 0.0806 0.1724 0.2232 0.2515 9.9999
10 265 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1586 -0.1280 -0.0561 0.0540 0.1390 0.2004 0.3267 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1008 0.0753 0.1659 0.2142 0.2473 9.9999
10 264 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1738 -0.1422 -0.0611 0.0538 0.1315 0.1737 0.3393 0.4232 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1129 0.0659 0.1522 0.1933 0.2248 9.9999
10 263 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1829 -0.1499 -0.0616 0.0565 0.1282 0.1560 0.2568 0.3858 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1204 0.0601 0.1410 0.1743 0.1972 0.2966
10 262 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1904 -0.1567 -0.0639 0.0569 0.1233 0.1424 0.1925 0.2926 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1260 0.0529 0.1302 0.1547 0.1681 0.2938
10 261 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1980 -0.1636 -0.0660 0.0558 0.1186 0.1315 0.1485 0.2017 0.4494 9.9999 -0.1328 0.0459 0.1196 0.1380 0.1405 0.2638
10 260 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2035 -0.1690 -0.0680 0.0554 0.1149 0.1237 0.1204 0.1386 0.3879 9.9999 -0.1386 0.0419 0.1123 0.1252 0.1196 0.2221
10 259 0.3077 0.2217 -0.2004 -0.1655 -0.0618 0.0610 0.1179 0.1233 0.1094 0.1102 0.2969 0.3590 -0.1342 0.0434 0.1123 0.1221 0.1105 0.1855

Run Point cp250 cp253 cp3

10 276 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0108

10 275 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0139
10 274 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0182
10 273 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0125
10 272 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0134
10 271 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0128
10 270 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0132
10 269 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0140
10 268 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0182
10 267 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0178
10 266 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0212
10 265 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0218
10 264 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0264
10 263 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0270
10 262 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0293
10 261 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0320
10 260 0.3057 9.9999 -0.0342
10 259 0.3051 0.2858 -0.0291

Table A-15. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.2 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp14 cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

11 429 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.38 14.80 0.41 68.8 1 0.0195 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 428 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.38 14.80 0.41 69.0 2 0.1177 -0.1045 0.0875 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 427 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.38 14.80 0.41 68.9 3 0.0350 -0.1950 -0.0861 0.3184 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 426 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.38 14.80 0.41 69.0 4 -0.0216 -0.0804 -0.0740 0.0091 0.0922 0.2104 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 425 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.38 14.80 0.41 68.9 5 -0.0183 -0.0420 -0.0419 -0.0413 -0.0076 0.0442 0.0843 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 424 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.38 14.80 0.41 68.8 6 -0.0234 -0.0420 -0.0351 -0.0413 -0.0214 0.0159 0.0372 0.1893 9.9999 9.9999
11 423 35 4 0.20 1.37 14.39 14.80 0.41 68.8 7 -0.0360 -0.0528 -0.0477 -0.0471 -0.0184 0.0242 0.0527 0.1318 0.1679 9.9999
11 422 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 68.8 8 -0.0602 -0.0781 -0.0699 -0.0537 -0.0079 0.0427 0.0781 0.1756 0.2053 0.2009
11 421 35 4 0.20 1.37 14.39 14.80 0.40 68.5 9 -0.0865 -0.1022 -0.0976 -0.0608 -0.0062 0.0563 0.0936 0.1829 0.2144 0.2482
11 420 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.40 68.0 10 -0.1040 -0.1194 -0.1133 -0.0642 -0.0028 0.0614 0.1005 0.1779 0.2043 0.2311
11 419 35 4 0.20 1.39 14.39 14.80 0.41 68.0 11 -0.1191 -0.1356 -0.1298 -0.0696 0.0010 0.0657 0.1060 0.1655 0.1862 0.2022
11 418 35 4 0.20 1.39 14.39 14.80 0.41 68.1 12 -0.1312 -0.1474 -0.1418 -0.0713 0.0010 0.0657 0.1043 0.1555 0.1694 0.1750
11 417 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 68.3 13 -0.1398 -0.1559 -0.1486 -0.0797 -0.0041 0.0641 0.1010 0.1455 0.1576 0.1546
11 416 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 68.6 14 -0.1467 -0.1643 -0.1554 -0.0797 -0.0024 0.0658 0.1027 0.1388 0.1475 0.1375
11 415 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 68.7 15 -0.1504 -0.1662 -0.1591 -0.0816 -0.0042 0.0642 0.1011 0.1323 0.1392 0.1257
11 413 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 69.3 16 -0.1509 -0.1684 -0.1596 -0.0836 -0.0008 0.0626 0.1047 0.1326 0.1395 0.1260
11 412 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 69.5 17 -0.1540 -0.1698 -0.1627 -0.0851 -0.0042 0.0626 0.1029 0.1291 0.1360 0.1173
11 411 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 69.6 18 -0.1561 -0.1702 -0.1648 -0.0870 -0.0043 0.0593 0.0997 0.1259 0.1311 0.1124
11 410 35 4 0.20 1.38 14.39 14.80 0.41 70.2 19 -0.1594 -0.1751 -0.1680 -0.0835 -0.0042 0.0643 0.1047 0.1225 0.1259 0.1037
11 409 35 4 0.20 1.37 14.39 14.80 0.41 70.6 20 -0.1631 -0.1787 -0.1700 -0.0870 -0.0025 0.0626 0.1031 0.1176 0.1226 0.1004

Run Point cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47

11 429 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 428 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 427 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 426 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 425 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 424 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 423 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 422 0.2261 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 421 0.2485 0.2565 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 420 0.2386 0.2704 0.2869 0.2750 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 419 0.2055 0.2378 0.2778 0.2996 0.3093 0.2854 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 418 0.1725 0.1990 0.2294 0.2560 0.2861 0.3031 0.3192 0.2944 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 417 0.1444 0.1670 0.1844 0.2057 0.2296 0.2521 0.2894 0.3121 0.3216 0.2722 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 416 0.1295 0.1433 0.1509 0.1637 0.1797 0.1957 0.2279 0.2559 0.2897 0.3037 0.3153 0.2781 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 415 0.1230 0.1265 0.1260 0.1336 0.1449 0.1518 0.1765 0.1964 0.2226 0.2459 0.2959 0.3172 0.3182 0.2848 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 413 0.1233 0.1268 0.1263 0.1322 0.1435 0.1504 0.1736 0.1934 0.2215 0.2398 0.2933 0.3146 0.3174 0.2820 0.3370 0.1736 9.9999 9.9999
11 412 0.1149 0.1165 0.1093 0.1135 0.1183 0.1202 0.1367 0.1491 0.1689 0.1779 0.2233 0.2518 0.2831 0.3168 0.3177 0.2911 0.3550 0.1588
11 411 0.1067 0.1082 0.0977 0.1002 0.1018 0.0991 0.1102 0.1193 0.1303 0.1448 0.1705 0.1847 0.2107 0.2505 0.2803 0.3122 0.3300 0.2872
11 410 0.0967 0.0962 0.0826 0.0816 0.0800 0.0743 0.0784 0.0822 0.0829 0.0897 0.1039 0.1019 0.1242 0.1343 0.1597 0.1889 0.2171 0.2420
11 409 0.0918 0.0912 0.0759 0.0749 0.0717 0.0655 0.0702 0.0700 0.0695 0.0731 0.0841 0.0783 0.1006 0.1010 0.1185 0.1395 0.1559 0.1825

Table A-15. Concluded.
Run Point cp48 cp49 cp50 cp51 cp52 cp53 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp150 cp217

11 429 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0207
11 428 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1223 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0543
11 427 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1957 0.3354 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0434
11 426 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0586 -0.0321 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0047
11 425 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0360 -0.0494 0.0343 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0113
11 424 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0395 -0.0391 -0.0084 0.1679 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0203
11 423 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0543 -0.0501 0.0093 0.1113 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0207
11 422 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0790 -0.0691 0.0290 0.1488 0.2155 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0368
11 421 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1059 -0.0850 0.0453 0.1646 0.2374 0.2848 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0568
11 420 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1238 -0.0921 0.0561 0.1630 0.2162 0.2940 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0695
11 419 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1408 -0.0972 0.0680 0.1591 0.1904 0.2402 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0823
11 418 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1513 -0.1023 0.0716 0.1541 0.1676 0.1924 0.3316 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0930
11 417 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1602 -0.1075 0.0716 0.1474 0.1519 0.1587 0.3123 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1020
11 416 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1672 -0.1075 0.0787 0.1423 0.1396 0.1357 0.2293 0.3545 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1038
11 415 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1727 -0.1094 0.0788 0.1408 0.1345 0.1216 0.1695 0.2689 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1075
11 413 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1732 -0.1098 0.0808 0.1394 0.1313 0.1201 0.1664 0.2642 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1079
11 412 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1765 -0.1114 0.0825 0.1376 0.1276 0.1111 0.1272 0.1920 0.4543 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1113
11 411 0.3436 0.1524 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1804 -0.1116 0.0826 0.1344 0.1242 0.1041 0.1026 0.1401 0.3488 0.1977 9.9999 -0.1133
11 410 0.2817 0.3215 0.3322 0.2665 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1819 -0.1132 0.0861 0.1326 0.1189 0.0933 0.0759 0.0843 0.1820 0.2948 9.9999 -0.1167
11 409 0.2033 0.2507 0.2941 0.3021 0.3285 0.2804 -0.1857 -0.1134 0.0862 0.1294 0.1155 0.0899 0.0671 0.0700 0.1272 0.2200 0.3533 -0.1187

Run Point cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp253 cp3

11 429 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0080
11 428 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0064
11 427 0.0120 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0063
11 426 -0.0332 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0079
11 425 -0.0263 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0080
11 424 -0.0281 0.1276 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0080
11 423 -0.0357 0.1412 0.2135 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0100
11 422 -0.0479 0.1767 0.2133 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0117
11 421 -0.0640 0.1878 0.2299 0.2652 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0169
11 420 -0.0764 0.1880 0.2194 0.2707 0.2854 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0186
11 419 -0.0871 0.1766 0.1987 0.2443 0.2882 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0214
11 418 -0.0959 0.1661 0.1758 0.2115 0.2556 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0248
11 417 -0.1029 0.1556 0.1548 0.1803 0.2126 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0265
11 416 -0.1099 0.1468 0.1389 0.1526 0.1730 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0282
11 415 -0.1118 0.1417 0.1285 0.1337 0.1422 0.3177 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0283
11 413 -0.1139 0.1420 0.1270 0.1323 0.1408 0.3168 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0301
11 412 -0.1172 0.1383 0.1198 0.1182 0.1165 0.2972 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0301
11 411 -0.1192 0.1350 0.1129 0.1079 0.0993 0.2403 0.3334 9.9999 -0.0284
11 410 -0.1209 0.1313 0.1039 0.0939 0.0768 0.1444 0.2997 0.3070 -0.0301
11 409 -0.1246 0.1279 0.1005 0.0888 0.0682 0.1114 0.2438 0.3145 -0.0302

Table A-16. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.4 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp14 cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

11 406 35 4 0.40 2.56 13.23 14.79 1.50 77.2 1 0.0135 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 405 35 4 0.40 2.56 13.23 14.79 1.50 77.2 2 0.1276 -0.1138 0.1010 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 404 35 4 0.40 2.56 13.24 14.79 1.50 77.3 3 0.0341 -0.1891 -0.0971 0.3223 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 403 35 4 0.40 2.56 13.24 14.79 1.49 77.3 4 -0.0251 -0.0785 -0.0815 0.0130 0.0992 0.2122 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 402 35 4 0.40 2.56 13.24 14.79 1.50 77.4 5 -0.0251 -0.0374 -0.0478 -0.0394 -0.0061 0.0396 0.0938 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 401 35 4 0.40 2.56 13.23 14.79 1.50 77.5 6 -0.0321 -0.0415 -0.0441 -0.0412 -0.0183 0.0164 0.0505 0.2020 9.9999 9.9999
11 400 35 4 0.40 2.56 13.24 14.79 1.49 77.6 7 -0.0473 -0.0560 -0.0587 -0.0464 -0.0137 0.0260 0.0639 0.1477 0.1734 9.9999
11 399 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 77.8 8 -0.0727 -0.0817 -0.0843 -0.0547 -0.0085 0.0433 0.0870 0.1844 0.2078 0.2033
11 398 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 78.1 9 -0.0963 -0.1049 -0.1073 -0.0594 -0.0057 0.0520 0.1009 0.1966 0.2210 0.2552
11 397 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 78.1 10 -0.1179 -0.1233 -0.1273 -0.0693 -0.0067 0.0539 0.1030 0.1892 0.2081 0.2389
11 396 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 78.3 11 -0.1312 -0.1368 -0.1404 -0.0737 -0.0057 0.0566 0.1051 0.1782 0.1918 0.2102
11 395 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 78.5 12 -0.1447 -0.1505 -0.1538 -0.0804 -0.0090 0.0567 0.1038 0.1661 0.1744 0.1809
11 394 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 78.7 13 -0.1521 -0.1582 -0.1611 -0.0832 -0.0084 0.0570 0.1035 0.1577 0.1622 0.1597
11 393 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.23 14.79 1.50 78.9 14 -0.1608 -0.1676 -0.1697 -0.0858 -0.0084 0.0560 0.1011 0.1488 0.1504 0.1413
11 392 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 79.1 15 -0.1649 -0.1725 -0.1747 -0.0883 -0.0089 0.0570 0.1013 0.1435 0.1432 0.1293
11 391 35 4 0.40 2.55 13.24 14.79 1.49 79.2 16 -0.1687 -0.1758 -0.1780 -0.0892 -0.0094 0.0584 0.1017 0.1399 0.1376 0.1209
11 390 35 4 0.40 2.54 13.24 14.79 1.49 79.4 17 -0.1710 -0.1781 -0.1803 -0.0927 -0.0119 0.0539 0.0982 0.1365 0.1342 0.1145
11 389 35 4 0.40 2.54 13.24 14.79 1.49 79.7 18 -0.1738 -0.1813 -0.1836 -0.0927 -0.0104 0.0557 0.1001 0.1341 0.1300 0.1089
11 388 35 4 0.40 2.54 13.24 14.79 1.49 80.0 19 -0.1755 -0.1835 -0.1848 -0.0945 -0.0113 0.0557 0.0986 0.1317 0.1276 0.1051
11 387 35 4 0.40 2.53 13.24 14.79 1.49 80.4 20 -0.1775 -0.1849 -0.1872 -0.0966 -0.0143 0.0530 0.0984 0.1311 0.1255 0.1024

Run Point cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47

11 406 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 405 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 404 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 403 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 402 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 401 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 400 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 399 0.2369 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 398 0.2627 0.2562 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 397 0.2533 0.2783 0.2938 0.2864 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 396 0.2204 0.2433 0.2913 0.3130 0.3176 0.2917 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 395 0.1852 0.2027 0.2420 0.2700 0.2989 0.3189 0.3213 0.2979 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 394 0.1587 0.1704 0.1957 0.2174 0.2422 0.2690 0.3001 0.3297 0.3299 0.2791 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 393 0.1363 0.1443 0.1574 0.1716 0.1876 0.2064 0.2333 0.2696 0.3032 0.3239 0.3303 0.2724 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 392 0.1224 0.1269 0.1315 0.1409 0.1495 0.1598 0.1779 0.2054 0.2321 0.2632 0.3031 0.3300 0.3333 0.2769 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 391 0.1120 0.1144 0.1131 0.1188 0.1225 0.1264 0.1377 0.1572 0.1738 0.1967 0.2295 0.2645 0.3060 0.3279 0.3332 0.2986 9.9999 9.9999
11 390 0.1044 0.1057 0.1000 0.1037 0.1035 0.1034 0.1137 0.1232 0.1325 0.1468 0.1708 0.1929 0.2300 0.2621 0.3066 0.3354 0.3376 0.2947
11 389 0.0980 0.0983 0.0903 0.0922 0.0902 0.0864 0.0936 0.0995 0.1033 0.1116 0.1280 0.1392 0.1687 0.1894 0.2263 0.2664 0.3095 0.3334
11 388 0.0934 0.0931 0.0833 0.0842 0.0801 0.0752 0.0803 0.0830 0.0829 0.0877 0.0997 0.1026 0.1263 0.1411 0.1634 0.1932 0.2285 0.2648
11 387 0.0900 0.0896 0.0779 0.0779 0.0733 0.0666 0.0699 0.0715 0.0687 0.0710 0.0826 0.0773 0.0968 0.1047 0.1198 0.1401 0.1644 0.1897

Table A-16. Concluded.
Run Point cp48 cp49 cp50 cp51 cp52 cp53 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp150 cp217

11 406 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0190
11 405 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1480 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0824
11 404 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2003 0.3389 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0512
11 403 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0685 -0.0317 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0088
11 402 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0391 -0.0528 0.0338 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0117
11 401 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0438 -0.0443 -0.0032 0.1636 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0229
11 400 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0598 -0.0572 0.0129 0.1119 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0357
11 399 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0873 -0.0750 0.0319 0.1462 0.2165 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0542
11 398 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1119 -0.0884 0.0456 0.1594 0.2438 0.2868 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0724
11 397 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1336 -0.0991 0.0535 0.1570 0.2207 0.3047 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0894
11 396 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1481 -0.1049 0.0608 0.1534 0.1951 0.2503 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0994
11 395 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1615 -0.1113 0.0648 0.1480 0.1717 0.2008 0.3240 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1109
11 394 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1699 -0.1150 0.0700 0.1439 0.1571 0.1675 0.3331 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1167
11 393 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1788 -0.1172 0.0728 0.1395 0.1440 0.1420 0.2451 0.3775 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1239
11 392 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1835 -0.1184 0.0754 0.1365 0.1355 0.1266 0.1795 0.2832 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1266
11 391 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1878 -0.1203 0.0768 0.1346 0.1302 0.1159 0.1378 0.2010 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1295
11 390 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1903 -0.1230 0.0755 0.1326 0.1261 0.1083 0.1118 0.1443 0.3709 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1323
11 389 0.3294 0.2965 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1931 -0.1230 0.0765 0.1302 0.1217 0.1019 0.0943 0.1087 0.2815 0.3087 9.9999 -0.1353
11 388 0.3076 0.3379 0.3281 0.2752 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1954 -0.1238 0.0779 0.1297 0.1192 0.0980 0.0821 0.0865 0.1963 0.3252 9.9999 -0.1361
11 387 0.2233 0.2667 0.3050 0.3320 0.3373 0.2941 -0.1979 -0.1265 0.0780 0.1290 0.1175 0.0947 0.0740 0.0718 0.1369 0.2313 0.3641 -0.1390

Run Point cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp253 cp3

11 406 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0020
11 405 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0020
11 404 0.0008 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0006
11 403 -0.0385 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0012
11 402 -0.0317 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0007
11 401 -0.0336 0.1376 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0030
11 400 -0.0414 0.1534 0.2192 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0053
11 399 -0.0562 0.1858 0.2168 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0095
11 398 -0.0702 0.1990 0.2383 0.2702 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0119
11 397 -0.0854 0.1952 0.2283 0.2781 0.3007 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0162
11 396 -0.0947 0.1851 0.2079 0.2536 0.3061 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0170
11 395 -0.1059 0.1732 0.1834 0.2186 0.2734 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0208
11 394 -0.1121 0.1630 0.1630 0.1865 0.2295 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0211
11 393 -0.1182 0.1527 0.1449 0.1573 0.1859 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0243
11 392 -0.1227 0.1461 0.1330 0.1370 0.1511 0.3235 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0249
11 391 -0.1251 0.1413 0.1228 0.1208 0.1247 0.3083 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0258
11 390 -0.1279 0.1382 0.1163 0.1096 0.1050 0.2513 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0264
11 389 -0.1298 0.1338 0.1100 0.1000 0.0903 0.1940 0.3210 9.9999 -0.0273
11 388 -0.1321 0.1322 0.1060 0.0933 0.0798 0.1485 0.3130 0.3039 -0.0273
11 387 -0.1339 0.1301 0.1033 0.0887 0.0714 0.1139 0.2568 0.3188 -0.0283

Table A-17. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.6 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp14 cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

11 384 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 87.7 1 0.0074 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 383 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.60 14.79 2.92 87.8 2 0.1173 -0.1035 0.0904 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 382 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.60 14.79 2.92 87.6 3 0.0358 -0.1758 -0.1044 0.3168 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 381 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 87.6 4 -0.0290 -0.0691 -0.0780 0.0030 0.0842 0.2014 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 380 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 87.5 5 -0.0279 -0.0389 -0.0494 -0.0401 -0.0089 0.0351 0.0903 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 379 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.60 14.79 2.92 87.6 6 -0.0344 -0.0418 -0.0466 -0.0430 -0.0205 0.0102 0.0442 0.1976 9.9999 9.9999
11 378 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 87.5 7 -0.0451 -0.0511 -0.0562 -0.0487 -0.0214 0.0135 0.0502 0.1330 0.1628 9.9999
11 377 35 4 0.60 3.44 11.58 14.79 2.93 87.5 8 -0.0673 -0.0733 -0.0786 -0.0566 -0.0187 0.0263 0.0690 0.1682 0.1903 0.1950
11 376 35 4 0.60 3.44 11.58 14.80 2.94 87.7 9 -0.0926 -0.0980 -0.1032 -0.0680 -0.0213 0.0307 0.0781 0.1819 0.2072 0.2458
11 375 35 4 0.60 3.44 11.58 14.79 2.94 87.8 10 -0.1138 -0.1193 -0.1236 -0.0756 -0.0200 0.0370 0.0868 0.1841 0.2057 0.2419
11 374 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.58 14.79 2.94 87.9 11 -0.1333 -0.1387 -0.1424 -0.0874 -0.0254 0.0358 0.0854 0.1742 0.1907 0.2144
11 373 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.58 14.79 2.94 87.9 12 -0.1467 -0.1521 -0.1555 -0.0928 -0.0254 0.0367 0.0859 0.1649 0.1765 0.1887
11 372 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.58 14.79 2.94 87.9 13 -0.1555 -0.1614 -0.1642 -0.0965 -0.0278 0.0367 0.0856 0.1578 0.1642 0.1669
11 371 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 88.0 14 -0.1625 -0.1680 -0.1709 -0.1014 -0.0295 0.0353 0.0845 0.1507 0.1547 0.1494
11 370 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 88.0 15 -0.1685 -0.1754 -0.1774 -0.1038 -0.0295 0.0363 0.0841 0.1449 0.1469 0.1361
11 369 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 88.0 16 -0.1726 -0.1793 -0.1814 -0.1045 -0.0305 0.0363 0.0848 0.1416 0.1412 0.1270
11 368 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.58 14.79 2.94 88.1 17 -0.1771 -0.1833 -0.1857 -0.1099 -0.0336 0.0321 0.0810 0.1375 0.1361 0.1197
11 367 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 88.0 18 -0.1808 -0.1876 -0.1898 -0.1129 -0.0364 0.0305 0.0792 0.1340 0.1321 0.1135
11 366 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.59 14.79 2.93 88.1 19 -0.1825 -0.1893 -0.1913 -0.1132 -0.0361 0.0309 0.0799 0.1328 0.1299 0.1098
11 365 35 4 0.60 3.43 11.58 14.79 2.93 88.1 20 -0.1835 -0.1903 -0.1927 -0.1159 -0.0384 0.0281 0.0770 0.1313 0.1284 0.1074

Run Point cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47

11 384 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 383 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 382 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 381 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 380 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 379 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 378 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 377 0.2376 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 376 0.2504 0.2388 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 375 0.2572 0.2813 0.2859 0.2886 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 374 0.2280 0.2521 0.2980 0.3160 0.3133 0.2962 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 373 0.1961 0.2151 0.2543 0.2813 0.3080 0.3290 0.3253 0.3021 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 372 0.1691 0.1810 0.2070 0.2310 0.2547 0.2828 0.3126 0.3386 0.3326 0.2844 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 371 0.1483 0.1549 0.1689 0.1843 0.2003 0.2226 0.2490 0.2860 0.3192 0.3388 0.3382 0.2770 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 370 0.1321 0.1353 0.1404 0.1502 0.1586 0.1711 0.1910 0.2179 0.2483 0.2809 0.3202 0.3427 0.3394 0.2825 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 369 0.1205 0.1220 0.1202 0.1269 0.1297 0.1351 0.1484 0.1668 0.1851 0.2113 0.2449 0.2810 0.3228 0.3408 0.3404 0.3080 9.9999 9.9999
11 368 0.1120 0.1118 0.1056 0.1094 0.1087 0.1093 0.1178 0.1302 0.1405 0.1586 0.1830 0.2052 0.2450 0.2795 0.3237 0.3498 0.3452 0.3055
11 367 0.1048 0.1034 0.0943 0.0962 0.0928 0.0903 0.0956 0.1034 0.1080 0.1198 0.1368 0.1480 0.1805 0.2036 0.2416 0.2833 0.3265 0.3490
11 366 0.1003 0.0984 0.0872 0.0881 0.0827 0.0784 0.0816 0.0861 0.0862 0.0938 0.1057 0.1083 0.1350 0.1479 0.1753 0.2072 0.2453 0.2833
11 365 0.0975 0.0948 0.0822 0.0819 0.0754 0.0695 0.0725 0.0738 0.0711 0.0756 0.0836 0.0807 0.1030 0.1083 0.1279 0.1510 0.1759 0.2040

Table A-17. Concluded.
Run Point cp48 cp49 cp50 cp51 cp52 cp53 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp150 cp217

11 384 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0190
11 383 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1332 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0814
11 382 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1814 0.3036 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0463
11 381 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0586 -0.0383 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0076
11 380 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0406 -0.0509 0.0262 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0137
11 379 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0456 -0.0445 -0.0075 0.1555 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0255
11 378 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0577 -0.0530 0.0003 0.0931 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0356
11 377 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0809 -0.0685 0.0133 0.1271 0.1924 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0519
11 376 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1082 -0.0859 0.0215 0.1398 0.2276 0.2857 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0723
11 375 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1277 -0.0976 0.0314 0.1466 0.2184 0.3039 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0879
11 374 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1479 -0.1099 0.0351 0.1446 0.1970 0.2572 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1041
11 373 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1620 -0.1159 0.0411 0.1429 0.1771 0.2104 0.3255 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1149
11 372 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1707 -0.1212 0.0443 0.1405 0.1628 0.1769 0.3471 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1220
11 371 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1782 -0.1255 0.0466 0.1381 0.1517 0.1530 0.2619 0.3884 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1280
11 370 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1843 -0.1284 0.0484 0.1357 0.1429 0.1362 0.1932 0.2997 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1330
11 369 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1883 -0.1296 0.0508 0.1338 0.1362 0.1242 0.1485 0.2136 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1368
11 368 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1934 -0.1332 0.0501 0.1318 0.1314 0.1157 0.1199 0.1518 0.3874 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1405
11 367 0.3390 0.3053 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1969 -0.1368 0.0484 0.1292 0.1273 0.1087 0.1003 0.1132 0.3018 0.3164 9.9999 -0.1442
11 366 0.3261 0.3506 0.3350 0.2770 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1979 -0.1381 0.0484 0.1284 0.1242 0.1041 0.0877 0.0892 0.2110 0.3450 9.9999 -0.1461
11 365 0.2410 0.2849 0.3249 0.3475 0.3447 0.3038 -0.2004 -0.1393 0.0491 0.1281 0.1227 0.1013 0.0794 0.0734 0.1486 0.2476 0.3811 -0.1469

Run Point cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp253 cp3

11 384 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0023
11 383 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0014
11 382 -0.0033 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0009
11 381 -0.0349 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0004
11 380 -0.0312 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0005
11 379 -0.0339 0.1348 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0021
11 378 -0.0416 0.1403 0.2187 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0030
11 377 -0.0544 0.1727 0.2064 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0065
11 376 -0.0714 0.1866 0.2336 0.2555 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0110
11 375 -0.0847 0.1919 0.2337 0.2801 0.3007 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0129
11 374 -0.0994 0.1832 0.2159 0.2616 0.3103 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0176
11 373 -0.1094 0.1736 0.1920 0.2314 0.2839 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0198
11 372 -0.1167 0.1642 0.1722 0.1984 0.2437 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0205
11 371 -0.1233 0.1555 0.1547 0.1700 0.1997 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0217
11 370 -0.1284 0.1484 0.1406 0.1462 0.1626 0.3324 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0234
11 369 -0.1311 0.1432 0.1297 0.1287 0.1335 0.3214 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0241
11 368 -0.1360 0.1381 0.1219 0.1157 0.1119 0.2683 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0257
11 367 -0.1398 0.1345 0.1155 0.1053 0.0952 0.2074 0.3304 9.9999 -0.0273
11 366 -0.1407 0.1321 0.1105 0.0977 0.0834 0.1582 0.3267 0.3131 -0.0274
11 365 -0.1432 0.1306 0.1079 0.0932 0.0751 0.1212 0.2740 0.3307 -0.0276

Table A-18. Pressure Coefficients at M = 0.8 for Cavity with sweep = 35 deg. (Config. 4).
Run Point  CONF M R×10-6 p pt, q Tt, l/h cp14 cp16 cp17 cp19 cp20 cp21 cp22 cp25 cp26 cp28
deg per ft psi psi psi ºF

11 360 35 4 0.80 3.90 9.69 14.79 4.35 107.3 1 -0.0114 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 359 35 4 0.80 3.89 9.70 14.79 4.34 108.0 2 0.0431 -0.0701 0.0471 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 358 35 4 0.80 3.89 9.69 14.79 4.36 108.7 3 0.0221 -0.1236 -0.1026 0.2340 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 357 35 4 0.80 3.88 9.69 14.79 4.35 110.0 4 -0.0349 -0.0553 -0.0672 -0.0260 0.0370 0.1521 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 356 35 4 0.80 3.87 9.70 14.79 4.35 111.1 5 -0.0332 -0.0344 -0.0455 -0.0498 -0.0337 -0.0060 0.0533 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 355 35 4 0.80 3.86 9.69 14.79 4.35 112.5 6 -0.0377 -0.0364 -0.0422 -0.0517 -0.0460 -0.0360 -0.0063 0.1617 9.9999 9.9999
11 354 35 4 0.80 3.84 9.67 14.78 4.36 114.9 7 -0.0396 -0.0383 -0.0436 -0.0508 -0.0433 -0.0328 -0.0076 0.0561 0.1007 9.9999
11 353 35 4 0.80 3.77 9.68 14.77 4.35 123.0 8 -0.0467 -0.0459 -0.0512 -0.0572 -0.0496 -0.0371 -0.0090 0.0561 0.0784 0.1253
11 352 35 4 0.80 3.69 9.69 14.75 4.33 131.3 9 -0.0617 -0.0614 -0.0665 -0.0697 -0.0585 -0.0419 -0.0097 0.0716 0.1022 0.1379
11 351 35 4 0.80 3.72 9.66 14.75 4.35 127.9 10 -0.0800 -0.0804 -0.0853 -0.0844 -0.0666 -0.0440 -0.0068 0.0903 0.1233 0.1736
11 350 35 4 0.80 3.73 9.66 14.75 4.34 126.8 11 -0.1053 -0.1052 -0.1103 -0.1016 -0.0776 -0.0468 -0.0030 0.1056 0.1388 0.1898
11 349 35 4 0.80 3.73 9.68 14.75 4.33 125.5 12 -0.1289 -0.1288 -0.1333 -0.1193 -0.0905 -0.0528 -0.0035 0.1099 0.1420 0.1851
11 348 35 4 0.80 3.74 9.67 14.75 4.33 124.3 13 -0.1429 -0.1423 -0.1469 -0.1290 -0.0977 -0.0557 -0.0037 0.1122 0.1410 0.1753
11 347 35 4 0.80 3.76 9.67 14.75 4.34 122.5 14 -0.1602 -0.1591 -0.1640 -0.1438 -0.1100 -0.0639 -0.0100 0.1069 0.1330 0.1574
11 346 35 4 0.80 3.77 9.68 14.75 4.33 121.0 15 -0.1650 -0.1646 -0.1688 -0.1476 -0.1119 -0.0640 -0.0080 0.1069 0.1309 0.1489
11 345 35 4 0.80 3.78 9.69 14.75 4.32 119.1 16 -0.1692 -0.1695 -0.1735 -0.1514 -0.1142 -0.0644 -0.0088 0.1059 0.1274 0.1404
11 344 35 4 0.80 3.82 9.65 14.75 4.35 116.5 17 -0.1738 -0.1752 -0.1778 -0.1550 -0.1164 -0.0655 -0.0099 0.1044 0.1256 0.1348
11 343 35 4 0.80 3.83 9.66 14.75 4.34 114.2 18 -0.1859 -0.1881 -0.1902 -0.1665 -0.1274 -0.0754 -0.0187 0.0961 0.1166 0.1235
11 342 35 4 0.80 3.85 9.67 14.75 4.34 112.2 19 -0.1859 -0.1880 -0.1902 -0.1660 -0.1257 -0.0730 -0.0165 0.0973 0.1165 0.1212
11 341 35 4 0.80 3.87 9.68 14.75 4.33 109.8 20 -0.1831 -0.1851 -0.1875 -0.1622 -0.1224 -0.0686 -0.0128 0.0995 0.1174 0.1210

Run Point cp29 cp30 cp32 cp33 cp34 cp35 cp36 cp37 cp38 cp39 cp40 cp41 cp42 cp43 cp44 cp45 cp46 cp47

11 360 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 359 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 358 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 357 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 356 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 355 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 354 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 353 0.1999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 352 0.1464 0.1765 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 351 0.1948 0.2164 0.2171 0.2788 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 350 0.2122 0.2387 0.2787 0.2869 0.2577 0.3029 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 349 0.2029 0.2258 0.2684 0.2935 0.3152 0.3287 0.2990 0.3145 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 348 0.1872 0.2055 0.2370 0.2593 0.2833 0.3099 0.3357 0.3557 0.3325 0.3006 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 347 0.1652 0.1783 0.1968 0.2133 0.2308 0.2521 0.2801 0.3145 0.3445 0.3598 0.3490 0.2982 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 346 0.1529 0.1614 0.1688 0.1793 0.1895 0.2027 0.2226 0.2515 0.2810 0.3148 0.3542 0.3724 0.3660 0.3161 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999
11 345 0.1412 0.1463 0.1450 0.1511 0.1554 0.1620 0.1743 0.1941 0.2148 0.2418 0.2794 0.3147 0.3576 0.3754 0.3697 0.3420 9.9999 9.9999
11 344 0.1343 0.1357 0.1300 0.1317 0.1314 0.1325 0.1405 0.1530 0.1649 0.1834 0.2124 0.2386 0.2824 0.3188 0.3625 0.3865 0.3757 0.3449
11 343 0.1215 0.1212 0.1115 0.1111 0.1076 0.1047 0.1088 0.1163 0.1209 0.1329 0.1537 0.1676 0.2054 0.2306 0.2737 0.3196 0.3625 0.3861
11 342 0.1176 0.1163 0.1037 0.1016 0.0962 0.0910 0.0924 0.0960 0.0955 0.1024 0.1169 0.1201 0.1513 0.1665 0.1975 0.2356 0.2760 0.3194
11 341 0.1169 0.1153 0.1004 0.0975 0.0909 0.0834 0.0834 0.0845 0.0804 0.0845 0.0943 0.0898 0.1167 0.1231 0.1446 0.1721 0.2024 0.2342

Table A-18. Concluded.
Run Point cp48 cp49 cp50 cp51 cp52 cp53 cp114 cp117 cp120 cp123 cp126 cp129 cp135 cp138 cp144 cp147 cp150 cp217

11 360 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 0.0179
11 359 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0798 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0642
11 358 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1319 0.1629 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0574
11 357 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0502 -0.0448 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0036
11 356 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0432 -0.0420 -0.0136 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0205
11 355 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0463 -0.0352 -0.0457 0.0889 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0298
11 354 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0478 -0.0359 -0.0385 0.0064 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0343
11 353 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0565 -0.0431 -0.0412 0.0137 0.0850 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0422
11 352 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0724 -0.0571 -0.0460 0.0267 0.1095 0.2171 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0541
11 351 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0939 -0.0727 -0.0473 0.0421 0.1343 0.2111 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0693
11 350 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1226 -0.0952 -0.0474 0.0552 0.1513 0.2287 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0896
11 349 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1470 -0.1144 -0.0478 0.0639 0.1543 0.2176 0.3246 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1078
11 348 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1614 -0.1256 -0.0475 0.0699 0.1529 0.1978 0.3643 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1194
11 347 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1794 -0.1409 -0.0525 0.0689 0.1435 0.1710 0.2899 0.4127 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1348
11 346 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1844 -0.1452 -0.0508 0.0733 0.1411 0.1570 0.2239 0.3333 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1393
11 345 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1881 -0.1479 -0.0495 0.0753 0.1375 0.1448 0.1729 0.2456 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1425
11 344 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1928 -0.1517 -0.0489 0.0768 0.1356 0.1376 0.1413 0.1801 0.4241 9.9999 9.9999 -0.1468
11 343 0.3724 0.3376 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2053 -0.1628 -0.0581 0.0697 0.1260 0.1245 0.1126 0.1272 0.3378 0.3551 9.9999 -0.1587
11 342 0.3628 0.3860 0.3675 0.3076 9.9999 9.9999 -0.2047 -0.1627 -0.0556 0.0711 0.1249 0.1207 0.0990 0.0996 0.2399 0.3817 9.9999 -0.1586
11 341 0.2746 0.3184 0.3605 0.3838 0.3755 0.3413 -0.2024 -0.1597 -0.0507 0.0754 0.1262 0.1201 0.0915 0.0835 0.1685 0.2827 0.4151 -0.1557

Run Point cp220 cp226 cp229 cp232 cp235 cp244 cp250 cp253 cp3

11 360 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0091
11 359 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0098
11 358 -0.0230 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0102
11 357 -0.0420 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0070
11 356 -0.0441 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0069
11 355 -0.0450 0.1039 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0093
11 354 -0.0469 0.0771 0.2050 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0077
11 353 -0.0524 0.0823 0.1183 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0089
11 352 -0.0627 0.0924 0.1549 0.1678 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0122
11 351 -0.0767 0.1096 0.1834 0.2278 0.2750 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0131
11 350 -0.0965 0.1254 0.2003 0.2528 0.2904 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0170
11 349 -0.1146 0.1295 0.1981 0.2476 0.2998 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0223
11 348 -0.1258 0.1304 0.1888 0.2284 0.2776 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0225
11 347 -0.1427 0.1213 0.1706 0.1976 0.2350 9.9999 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0294
11 346 -0.1471 0.1200 0.1602 0.1755 0.1975 0.3612 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0283
11 345 -0.1507 0.1166 0.1489 0.1546 0.1631 0.3528 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0282
11 344 -0.1541 0.1135 0.1412 0.1412 0.1382 0.3045 9.9999 9.9999 -0.0283
11 343 -0.1656 0.1040 0.1288 0.1237 0.1122 0.2363 0.3653 9.9999 -0.0364
11 342 -0.1656 0.1042 0.1255 0.1165 0.0992 0.1805 0.3631 0.3508 -0.0352
11 341 -0.1623 0.1047 0.1242 0.1133 0.0916 0.1371 0.3088 0.3688 -0.0314

Appendix B: Supplemental Fluctuating Pressure Data
A complete listing of all spectral peaks (including those with very low amplitudes) is provided in Table
B-1. Figure B-1 illustrates all f/U values plotted with respect to M and cavity l/h. The raw frequencies
are proportional to M and appear to depend on  rather than on cavity length (as is the case for
oscillations described by the Modified Rossiter Equation). Dividing by U largely removes the M
dependence. Several attempts were made to find a characteristic length with which to nondimensionalize
the frequency without success.

To allow comparisons between static pressure plots and fluctuating pressure data, Table B-2 provides a
listing of the transducer x/l for each  and l/h value.

Figure B-1. Oscillation frequencies (divided by free-stream velocity) observed in swept cavities.

Table B-1. Observed oscillation frequencies in swept cavities.

Frequency (f), l f
 l/h M U, fps
U U

65º 6.0 0.2 220.7 825.0 0.934 3.738

65º 7.0 0.2 220.7 837.5 1.107 3.795
65º 8.0 0.2 220.7 887.5 1.341 4.022
65º 9.0 0.2 220.6 937.5 1.593 4.249
65º 10.0 0.2 220.6 937.5 1.771 4.250
65º 11.0 0.2 220.6 925.0 1.922 4.193
65º 12.0 0.2 220.6 925.0 2.097 4.194
65º 13.0 0.2 220.4 962.5 2.366 4.367

55º 3.0 0.2 224.1 675.0 0.376 3.012

55º 4.0 0.2 224.1 587.5 0.437 2.621
55º 5.0 0.2 224.2 450.0 , 575.0 0.418, 0.534 2.070,2.565
55º 6.0 0.2 224.3 425.0 0.474 1.895
55º 7.0 0.2 224.3 1825.0 2.373 8.136
55º 8.0 0.2 224.4 712.5, 1587.5 1.059, 2.359 3.176, 7.076
55º 9.0 0.2 224.4 712.5, 1600.0 1.190, 2.673 3.175, 7.129
55º 10.0 0.2 224.5 750.0, 1675.0 1.392, 3.108 3.340, 7.460
55º 11.0 0.2 224.6 737.5, 1800.0 1.505, 3.673 3.284, 8.015
55º 12.0 0.2 224.6 725.0, 1912.50 1.613, 4.257 3.227, 8.513
55º 13.0 0.2 224.7 762.5, 1987.50 1.838, 4.791 3.393, 8.845
55º 14.0 0.2 224.8 775.0, 1937.50 2.011, 5.027 3.447, 8.618
55º 15.0 0.2 224.9 737.5, 1937.50 2.049, 5.384 3.279, 8.615
55º 16.0 0.2 225.1 787.5, 2037.50 2.332, 6.034 3.498, 9.052
55º 17.0 0.2 225.3 775.0, 2037.50 2.437, 6.407 3.440, 9.045

Table B-1. Continued.

Frequency (f), l f
 l/h M U, fps
U U

35º 15.0 0.2 224.4 175.0 0.487 0.780

35º 16.0 0.2 224.6 175.0 0.519 0.779
35º 19.0 0.2 224.7 175.0 0.617 0.779
35º 21.0 0.2 225.0 162.5 0.632 0.722

65º 6.0 0.4 455.7 1675.0 0.919 3.676

65º 7.0 0.4 455.8 1775.0 1.136 3.894
65º 8.0 0.4 456.1 1912.50 1.398 4.193
65º 9.0 0.4 456.5 1862.50 1.530 4.080
65º 10.0 0.4 456.8 1912.50 1.744 4.187
65º 11.0 0.4 457.1 1912.50 1.918 4.184
65º 12.0 0.4 457.8 2012.50 2.198 4.396
65º 13.0 0.4 458.1 2012.50 2.380 4.393

55º 3.0 0.4 448.5 1387.50 0.387 3.094

55º 4.0 0.4 448.6 1212.50 0.451 2.703
55º 5.0 0.4 448.7 912.5 0.424 2.034
1162.50 0.540 2.591
55º 6.0 0.4 448.9 850.0 0.473 1.894
1150.0 0.640 2.562
55º 7.0 0.4 449.0 3475.0 2.257 7.739
55º 8.0 0.4 449.3 1112.50 0.825 2.476
55º 9.0 0.4 449.5 1350.0 1.126 3.036
3075.0 2.566 6.841

Table B-1. Continued.

Frequency (f), l f
 l/h M U, fps
U U
55º 10.0 0.4 449.6 1487.50 1.378 3.308
3337.50 3.093 7.423
55º 11.0 0.4 449.8 1500.0 1.528 3.335
3562.50 3.630 7.920
55º 12.0 0.4 450.0 1475.0 1.639 3.277
3787.50 4.208 8.416
55º 13.0 0.4 450.3 1537.50 1.849 3.414
3775.0 4.541 8.383
55º 14.0 0.4 450.5 1600.0 2.072 3.552
4087.50 5.293 9.074
55º 15.0 0.4 450.7 1512.50 2.097 3.356
4100.0 5.685 9.096
55º 16.0 0.4 451.0 1537.5, 4087.5 2.273, 6.043 3.409, 9.064
55º 17.0 0.4 451.3 1537.5, 4025.0 2.413, 6.318 3.407, 8.919

35º 12.0 0.4 447.6 350.0 0.391 0.782

35º 13.0 0.4 447.7 362.5 0.439 0.810
35º 14.0 0.4 447.8 350.0 0.456 0.782
35º 15.0 0.4 447.84 350.0 0.488 0.782
35º 16.0 0.4 447.9 362.5 0.540 0.810
35º 17.0 0.4 448.0 350.0 0.553 0.781
35º 18.0 0.4 448.1 350.0 0.586 0.781
35º 19.0 0.4 448.2 350.0 0.618 0.781
35º 20.0 0.4 448.4 350.0 0.650 0.781
35º 21.0 0.4 448.6 350.0 0.683 0.780

Table B-1. Continued.

Frequency (f), l f
 l/h M U, fps
U U
65º 6.0 0.6 681.8 2450.0 0.898 3.593
65º 7.0 0.6 681.8 2650.0 1.134 3.886
65º 8.0 0.6 681.8 2725.0 1.332 3.997
65º 9.0 0.6 681.8 2925.0 1.609 4.290
65º 10.0 0.6 682.0 2925.0 1.787 4.289
65º 11.0 0.6 682.0 2950.0 1.983 4.326
65º 12.0 0.6 682.0 2912.50 2.135 4.270
65º 13.0 0.6 682.1 2975.0 2.362 4.361

55º 3.0 0.6 671.8 2025.0 0.377 3.014

55º 4.0 0.6 671.8 1825.0 0.453 2.716
55º 5.0 0.6 672.0 1325.0, 1662.5 0.411, 0.515 1.972, 2.474
55º 6.0 0.6 672.1 1162.50 0.432 1.730
55º 7.0 0.6 672.3 1400.0 0.607 2.082
55º 9.0 0.6 672.6 1237.50 0.690 1.840
55º 10.0 0.6 672.7 1400.0 0.867 2.081
55º 11.0 0.6 673.0 1700.0 1.158 2.526
55º 12.0 0.6 673.3 1987.50 1.476 2.952
55º 13.0 0.6 673.7 2225.0 1.789 3.303
55º 14.0 0.6 674.1 2312.50 2.001 3.430
55º 15.0 0.6 674.5 2312.50 2.143 3.429
55º 16.0 0.6 675.1 2375.0 2.345 3.518
55º 17.0 0.6 675.7 2400.0 2.516 3.552

45º 4.0 0.6 688.7 600.0 0.145 0.871

45º 5.0 0.6 688.8 625.0 0.189 0.907

Table B-1. Continued.

Frequency (f), l f
 l/h M U, fps
U U
45º 9.0 0.6 689.1 587.5 0.320 0.853
45º 10.0 0.6 689.4 600.0 0.363 0.870
45º 11.0 0.6 689.4 550.0 0.366 0.798
45º 15.0 0.6 689.8 450.0 0.408 0.6524
45º 16.0 0.6 690.0 475.0 0.459 0.689
45º 17.0 0.6 690.0 500.0 0.513 0.725
45º 18.0 0.6 690.1 475.0 0.516 0.688
45º 19.0 0.6 690.6 462.0 0.530 0.669

35º 13.0 0.6 664.4 500.0 0.408 0.753

35º 14.0 0.6 664.5 512.5 0.450 0.771
35º 15.0 0.6 664.5 412.5 0.388 0.621
35º 16.0 0.6 664.5 525.0 0.527 0.790
35º 17.0 0.6 664.5 525.0 0.560 0.790
35º 18.0 0.6 664.5 525.0 0.593 0.790
35º 19.0 0.6 664.6 525.0 0.625 0.790
35º 20.0 0.6 664.5 512.5 0.643 0.771
35º 21.0 0.6 664.5 525.0 0.691 0.790

65º 9.0 0.8 884.1 3512.50 1.490 3.973

65º 10.0 0.8 882.9 3750.0 1.770 4.247
65º 11.0 0.8 881.5 3837.50 1.995 4.353
65º 12.0 0.8 879.5 3800.0 2.160 4.321
65º 13.0 0.8 871.8 3687.0 2.291 4.229

Table B-1. Concluded.

Frequency (f), l f
 l/h M U, fps
U U
55º 3.0 0.8 887.4 2675.0 0.377 3.015
55º 4.0 0.8 887.4 150.0, 2100.0 0.282, 0.394 1.690, 2.367
55º 5.0 0.8 887.4 1512.50 0.355 1.704
55º 15.0 0.8 880.7 362.5, 1512.5 0.257, 1.073 0.412, 1.717
55º 16.0 0.8 878.7 437.5,1562.5 0.332, 1.185 0.498, 1.778
55º 17.0 0.8 876.8 337.5, 1650.0 0.273, 1.333 0.385, 1.882

45º 4.0 0.8 901.1 662.5 0.123 0.735

45º 12.0 0.8 890.4 687.5 0.386 0.772
45º 13.0 0.8 888.7 650.0 0.396 0.731
45º 14.0 0.8 887.2 687.5 0.452 0.775
45º 15.0 0.8 884.8 612.5 0.433 0.692
45º 16.0 0.8 883.1 637.5 0.481 0.722
45º 17.0 0.8 880.6 612.5 0.493 0.696
45º 18.0 0.8 878.2 587.5 0.502 0.669
45º 19.0 0.8 875.8 612.5 0.554 0.699

55º 13.0 0.8 892.3 500.0 0.304 0.560

55º 14.0 0.8 891.0 575.0 0.377 0.645
55º 15.0 0.8 889.7 575.0 0.404 0.646
55º 16.0 0.8 888.3 575.0 0.432 0.647
55º 17.0 0.8 886.2 587.5 0.470 0.663
55º 18.0 0.8 884.4 562.5 0.477 0.636
55º 19.0 0.8 882.9 550.0 0.493 0.623
55º 20.0 0.8 881.0 562.5 0.532 0.639
55º 21.0 0.8 878.9 600.0 0.5973 0.683

Table B-2. Transducer 1 x/l values.

65º 55º 45º 35º

3.000 0.327 0.775 1.042 1.229 0.542*

4.000 0.246 0.581 0.782 0.922 0.407*

5.000 0.196 0.465 0.625 0.738 0.325*

6.000 0.164 0.387 0.521 0.615 0.771

7.000 0.140 0.332 0.447 0.527 0.661

8.000 0.123 0.291 0.391 0.461 0.578

9.000 0.109 0.258 0.347 0.410 0.514

10.000 0.098 0.232 0.313 0.369 0.463

11.000 0.089 0.211 0.284 0.335 0.421

12.000 0.082 0.194 0.261 0.307 0.386

13.000 0.076 0.179 0.240 0.284 0.356

14.000 0.070 0.166 0.223 0.263 0.330

15.000 0.065 0.155 0.208 0.246 0.308

16.000 0.061 0.145 0.195 0.231 0.289

17.000 0.058 0.137 0.184 0.217 0.272

18.000 0.055 0.129 0.174 0.205 0.257

19.000 0.052 0.122 0.165 0.194 0.243

20.000 0.049 0.116 0.156 0.184 0.231

21.000 0.047 0.111 0.149 0.176 0.220

* Transducer 3 used since transducer 1 was covered

Appendix C: Supplemental Flow Visualization Figures
Colored water surface flow visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity and the swept cavities
are contained in this Appendix as Figures C-1 through C-18. Table C-1 contains an index for the images.

Table C-1. Figure numbers for corresponding Mach number.

Cavity Sweep,  Figure for Figure for Figure for Figure for
M = 0.2 M = 0.4 M = 0.6 M = 0.8
65 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8
55 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12
45 C-13 C-14 C-15
35 C-16 C-17 C-18
0 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4

Although the surface flow visualization technique used colored water, the photographs of the flow
fields are presented as black and white images.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 4.

(c) l/h = 6.

Figure C-1. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,
 = 0°, M = 0.2.

(d) l/h = 7.

(e) l/h = 8.

(f) l/h = 10.

Figure C-1. Continued.

(g) l/h = 12.

(h) l/h = 14.

(i) l/h = 16.

Figure C-1. Continued.

(j) l/h = 18.

(k) l/h = 20.

(l) l/h = 24.

Figure C-1. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 4.

(c) l/h = 6.

Figure C-2. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,
 = 0°, M = 0.4.

(d) l/h = 7.

(e) l/h = 8.

(f) l/h = 10.

Figure C-2. Continued.

(g) l/h = 12.

(h) l/h = 14.

(i) l/h = 16.

Figure C-2. Continued.

(j) l/h = 18.

(k) l/h = 20.

(l) l/h = 24.

Figure C-2. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 4.

(c) l/h = 6.

Figure C-3. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,
 = 0°, M = 06.

(d) l/h = 7.

(e) l/h = 8.

(f) l/h = 10.

Figure C-3. Continued.

(g) l/h = 12.

(h) l/h = 14.

(i) l/h = 16.

Figure C-3. Continued.

(j) l/h = 18.

(k) l/h = 20.

(l) l/h = 24.

Figure C-3. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 4.

(c) l/h = 6.

Figure C-4. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for the rectangular cavity,
 = 0°, M = 0.8.

(d) l/h = 7.

(e) l/h = 8.

(f) l/h = 10.

Figure C-4. Continued.

(g) l/h = 12.

(h) l/h = 14.

(i) l/h = 16.

Figure C-4. Continued.

(j) l/h = 18.

(k) l/h = 20.

(l) l/h = 24.

Figure C-4. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 4.

(b) l/h = 5.

(c) l/h = 6.

Figure C-5. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.2.

(d) l/h = 7.

(e) l/h = 8.

(f) l/h = 9.

Figure C-5. Continued.

(g) l/h = 10.

(h) l/h = 11.

(i) l/h = 12.

Figure C-5. Continued.

(j) l/h = 13.

Figure C-5. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-6. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.4.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-6. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-6. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-7. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.6.
(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-7. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-7. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

(k) l/h = 12.

Figure C-7. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-8. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 65° (configuration 1), M = 0.8.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-8. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-8. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

Figure C-8. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 3.

(b) l/h = 4.

(c) l/h = 5.

Figure C-9. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.2.

(d) l/h = 6.

(e) l/h = 7.

(f) l/h = 8.

Figure C-9. Continued.

(g) l/h = 9.

(h) l/h = 10.

(i) l/h = 11.

Figure C-9. Continued.

(j) l/h = 13.

(k) l/h = 17.

Figure C-9. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-10. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.4.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-10. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-10. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

Figure C-10. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 5.

(b) l/h = 6.

(c) l/h = 7.

Figure C-11. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.6.

(d) l/h = 8.

(e) l/h = 9.

(f) l/h = 10.

Figure C-11. Continued.

(g) l/h = 11.

(h) l/h = 13.

(i) l/h = 17.

Figure C-11. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-12. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 55° (configuration 2), M = 0.8.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-12. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-12. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

(k) l/h = 13.

Figure C-12. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-13. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 45° (configuration 3), M = 0.4.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-13. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-13. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

(k) l/h = 12.

(l) l/h = 14.

Figure C-13. Continued.

(m) l/h = 19.

Figure C-13. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-14. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 45° (configuration 3), M = 0.6.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-14. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-14. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

Figure C-14. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-15. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 45° (configuration 3), M = 0.8.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-15. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-15. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

Figure C-15. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-16. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 35° (configuration 4), M = 0.2.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-16. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-16. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

(k) l/h = 12.

Figure C-16. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-17. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 35° (configuration 4), M = 0.4.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-17. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-17. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

(k) l/h = 12.

Figure C-17. Concluded.

(a) l/h = 2.

(b) l/h = 3.

(c) l/h = 4.

Figure C-18. Surface water flow-visualization photographs for  = 35° (configuration 4), M = 0.6.

(d) l/h = 5.

(e) l/h = 6.

(f) l/h = 7.

Figure C-18. Continued.

(g) l/h = 8.

(h) l/h = 9.

(i) l/h = 10.

Figure C-18. Continued.

(j) l/h = 11.

(k) l/h = 12.

(l) l/h = 16.

Figure C-18. Concluded.

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01- 05 - 2012 Technical Memorandum

Effect of Sweep on Cavity Flow Fields at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds 5b. GRANT NUMBER



Tracy, Maureen B.; Plentovich, Elizabeth B.; Hemsch, Michael J.; Wilcox, 5e. TASK NUMBER
Floyd J., Jr.

NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-2199


National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
Washington, DC 20546-0001
Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category 02
Availability: NASA CASI (443) 757-5802

An experimental investigation was conducted in the NASA Langley 7 × 10-Foot High Speed Tunnel (HST) to study the effect of leading-
and trailing-edge sweep on cavity flow fields for a range of cavity length-to-height (l/h) ratios. The free-stream Mach number was varied
from 0.2 to 0.8. The cavity had a depth of 0.5 inches, a width of 2.5 inches, and a maximum length of 12.0 inches. The leading- and
trailing-edge sweep was adjusted using block inserts to achieve leading edge sweep angles of 65 deg, 55 deg, 45 deg, 35 deg, and 0 deg. The
fore and aft cavity walls were always parallel. The aft wall of the cavity was remotely positioned to achieve a range of length-to-depth ratios.
Fluctuating- and static-pressure data were obtained on the floor of the cavity. The fluctuating pressure data were used to determine whether
or not resonance occurred in the cavity rather than to provide a characterization of the fluctuating pressure field. Qualitative surface flow
visualization was obtained using a technique in which colored water was introduced into the model through static-pressure orifices. A
complete tabulation of the mean static-pressure data for the swept leading edge cavities is included.

aerodynamics; cavity flow; cavity flow fields; static pressure measurements; swept cavity; transonic speeds

a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE PAGES STI Help Desk (email: [email protected])
19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)
U U U UU 251 (443) 757-5802
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18

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