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Clear identification of fundamental idea of Nakamura's technique and its


Article · January 2000


305 207

1 author:

Yutaka Nakamura
The University of Tokushima


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A method which employs microtremor has been introduced for estimating dynamic characteristics of surface
layers, in early 1950. Then usage of this method has received lots of criticism considering uncertainty about
source of microtremor. After an introduction of the Nakamura’s technique (H/V or QTS technique;
Nakamura, 1989), many people have paid a renewed great attention for estimating dynamic characteristics of
ground and structures using microtremor, since clear and reliable information was provided by very simple
and inexpensive noise measurements.
In recent years, although several researchers claimed that theoretical ground of this technique is not clear and
consensus based on experiment couldn’t be reached, there have been many successful experimental studies
based on these technique. Many theoretical studies have been performed, for explaining the amount of types
of waves included in microtremor and checking the applicability of the QTS technique. And some of them
are suggested that the peak on H/V ratio can be explained with the fundamental peak of Rayleigh waves.
From the output of these researches, explanation of microtremor with Rayleigh waves caused some confusion
between users and the author decided to clear out this problem.
The basic idea and the main goal of QTS technique are tried to be re-explained in present paper. The author’s
explanation about the effects of contents of Rayleigh waves in microtremor is also given. Other possible
usage of products from QTS technique (predominant frequency and amplification factor) for hazard
estimation is also given. As it is well known, occurrence of earthquake damage depends upon strength,
period and duration of seismic motions. And these parameters are strongly influenced by seismic response
characteristics of surface ground and structures. This reality makes investigation of vulnerability of ground
and structures an important issue, before the earthquake occurs. For this purpose, vulnerability indices called
K values were proposed by Nakamura (1996). K values are simply derived from strains of ground and
structures. Formulation of K values for ground (Kg) and some application examples are also given in present
paper. These new values give a chance to estimate vulnerabilities of all types of structures and ground, before
the real damage occurs.


Damages caused by the recent earthquakes are concluded as a direct result of local geological conditions
affecting the ground motion. Best approach for understanding ground conditions is through direct observation of
seismic ground motion, but such studies are restricted to areas with relatively high rates of seismicity. Because
of these restrictions in other methods, such as high rates of seismicity and the availability of an adequate
reference site, non-reference site methods have been applied to site response studies. Microtremor is a very
convenient tool to estimate the effect of surface geology on seismic motion without needing other geological

H/V (or QTS, Quasi-Transfer Spectra) technique fits very well to this description and it has received great
attention from all over the world with its simplicity together with quick information about dynamic
characteristics of ground and structures. Although several researchers claimed that theoretical background of
this technique is not clear, there have been many successful experimental studies performed. Method is
attractive since it gives the ease of data collection and it can be applied in areas of low or even no seismicity.

System and Data Research Co. Ltd., 3-25-3 Fujimidai, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo, Japan [email protected]
H/V technique was developed by author with relating bore hole investigations together with strong motion
records analysis, on the various geological site conditions. It was hypothesized that the vertical component
of ambient noise keeps the characteristics of source to sediments surface ground, is relatively influenced by
Rayleigh wave on the sediments and can therefore be used to remove both of the source and the Rayleigh
wave effects from the horizontal components. It is effective to identify the fundamental resonant frequency
of a sedimentary layer, with implied amplification factors that are more realistic than those obtained from
sediment to rock site ratios. It has been shown by many researchers (ex. Ohmachi et. al., 1991; Lermo et. al.,
1992; Field and Jacob, 1993, 1995) that how such H/V ratio of noise can be used to identify the fundamental
resonant frequency and amplification factor of sediments.

Looking to the examples in the study of Nogoshi and Igarashi (1971) which compared H/V of Rayleigh wave
with that of microtremors and concluded that microtremor was mostly composed of Rayleigh wave, some of
theoretical studies (Lachet and Bard, 1994; Konno and Ohmachi, 1998; Bard, 1998) suggested that the peak on
H/V can be explained with the fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves. If we think that this approach is true,
microtremor should be considered to consist of only Rayleigh wave. On the other hand, if we check the
examples given on Nogoshi and Igarashi (1971) carefully (which will be discussed later), we can clearly see
that, at the peak frequency of H/V of Rayleigh wave, the energy of Rayleigh wave is very small, nearly close
to the zero. Rayleigh wave has its maximum energy at near trough frequency of H/V. Because of this, peak
of H/V cannot be explained by Rayleigh wave energy. As it is explained by Nakamura(1989), H/V of
microtremor at peak frequency range can be explained with vertical incident SH wave.


Many observations and experiences on microtremor records show that microtremor consists of both body and
surface waves, but there is no established theory concerning what kinds of wave motions the microtremor is
made up from. In Nakamura (1989), the purpose of the author was the estimation of the amplification factor
caused by multiply refracted vertical incident SH waves. For this purpose, Rayleigh wave contained by
microtremor was considered as noise and eliminated inside the H/V process.

Seismic experiences shows that strong motion at the rock site in horizontal and vertical components does not
show much differences. Also if we take the H/V ratio on the record measured simultaneously at the ground
surface and basement, we can see that maximum acceleration ratio is consistent as shown in Figure 1.

Maximum Acceleration of H Component

Atami / Izumikoshi Ha / Hi

UD Izumikoshi
Max. Acc. of Atami (Surface)

Weathered Rock

Fresh Rock

Strong Motion Observation Site

Izumikoshi Tunnel
Geological Cross-section

Max. Acc. of Izumikoshi (Basement) Maximum Acceleration of V Component Atami Ha/Va

Figure 1. Relation of Maximum accelerations on surface and basement (Nakamura and Saito, 1983)

Figure 2 shows the difference in records caused by difference in earthquakes and observation sites. As we can
follow, records in different stations even for the same earthquake are different because of the different site
characteristics. On the other hand, for different earthquakes same site gives almost same type of records. In
other words, it may be said that, affecting dynamic characteristics, the effect of surface layer is most critical
among the other factors.

For the investigation of dynamic characteristics, boring is one of the most accurate method, but it is costly and
time consuming and is not available all the time. If we measure both at surface Hf and basement Hb and take
the ratio we can get the transfer function. Method which employs microtremor is well known and there may
be some cases that transfer function calculated from Hf/Hb ratio and from velocity model of boring data show
some differences. The reason for this is basically the evidence of surface waves. In practice Rayleigh wave
should be eliminated to estimate transfer function correctly. H/V method (Nakamura, 1989) was introduced

for this purpose and verified with both strong ground motion and microtremor data.

Figure 2. Difference in Accelerogram due to difference in earthquake and observation stations

(Nakamura, 1989)


Nakamura (1989), gives theoretical definition of

the H/V technique with multiple refraction of SH
waves. On the other hand, there is a group of
researchers who try to explain the peak of H/V
ratio with the evidence of Rayleigh waves. As
it is mentioned before, microtremor consists of
many kinds of waves. Link to the surface
waves is based on the assumption that noise
predominantly consists of surface waves.
Under this assumption Bard (1998) explains that, hvofmt
many researchers are agree on following two 0.4 Å
arguments; First, H/V is basically related to the 0.3
v This figure, Fourier Spectrum of

ellipticity of Rayleigh waves because of the 0.1 H and V with linear frequency
predominance of Rayleigh waves in vertical 0 axes, is derived from the above.
0 5 10 15 20
component. Second, this ellipticity is freq in Hz
frequency dependent and exhibits a sharp peak Å-----Æ
around the fundamental frequency for sites H and V of
displaying a high enough impedance contrast Rayleigh
between the surface and deep materials. This wave
approach, simply comes from the similarity of 0-Level of Amplitude 0-Level of Amplitude

the figures of H/V ratio of microtremor and H/V Å0-lineÆ

of fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves, but just
looking to this similarity this conclusion cannot
be reached.

Nogoshi and Igarashi (1971) gives examples on

different sites. Figure 3 shows two of these
examples for the microtremor records in
Hakodate, Japan. It can be clearly seen from
these figures that, energy of Rayleigh wave does
not appear on the peak of H/V of Rayleigh wave.
We can easily see that there is no energy around
the peak frequency of H/V and amplitude is Figure 3. Relation of H, V and H/V for microtremor
almost zero for horizontal and zero for vertical and for Rayleigh wave (Nogoshi & Igarashi, 1971)
components of Rayleigh waves. On the other hand, Rayleigh wave 10

energy gets its maximum on later frequencies at minimum group

velocity of Rayleigh wave and this is nearly equal to trough frequency
which is almost two times of the H/V peak frequency.

H/V of Rayleigh wave

For different wave-lengths, Ohta (1962) calculated H/V and phase
velocity of Rayleigh waves for two layers model for various impedance
ratio (varying between 1.2-4.5) and Poisson’s ratio (varying between 1

0.25-0.49) both in sedimentary and basement layers.  By using these

calculation results, H/V of Rayleigh wave versus frequency is drawn in
Figure 4 to show the relations between impedance, peak and frequency.
And frequency in this figure is normalized with Cs/4h, Cs is S wave
velocity and h is depth of sediment. Group velocities calculated from
phase velocities are normalized with S wave velocity and drawn with
the frequency normalized with Cs/4h. Figure 5 shows the distribution 0.1 1 10
of group velocity versus frequency. As we can follow from this figure,
if impedance ratio is less than two, energy of Rayleigh wave distributes Frequency in unit Cs/4h
to the lower frequencies. Figure 6 shows the change of impedance Figure 4. H/V of Rayleigh wave
ratio for frequencies of trough and peak of H/V and minimum group for two layered ground
velocity of Rayleigh waves. For trough and minimum group velocity

Group Velocity in unit Cs

(for almost all impedance ratio values) frequency changes between 1.5- 1
2. On the other hand, only for the peak frequency varies in a wider
range for different impedance ratio. The energy of Rayleigh wave is
almost zero at peak frequency of H/V, and at the trough frequency of
H/V the energy becomes to maximum. When the impedance ratio is
greater than 2.5, Rayleigh wave does not affect to the H/V peak of
ground motion . And on the other hand, when the impedance ratio is
less than 2.5, Rayleigh wave affects to the H/V peak of ground motion.
It is consistent with the experience of many researchers measuring
microtremor. Figure 7 shows the change of H/V ratio of peak and
trough of Rayleigh wave versus impedance ratio. In this figure, for
impedance ratio around two, there is not a big difference in the H/V of 0
Rayleigh wave. For the impedance ratio bigger than two, H/V ratio 1 2 3
for peak of Rayleigh wave increases immediately. It seems impossible Frequency in unit Cs/4h
to estimate the impedance ratio from the H/V peak of Rayleigh wave.
Figure 5. Group velocity of
All these examples prove that, as it was explained by Nakamura(1989),
H/V peak is mostly related with SH wave and cannot be explained with Rayleigh waves
the Rayleigh waves.
Relationship between Characteristics of 1 0 .0
Rayleigh Wave and Impedance Ratio
Peak, Trough of H/V of Rayleigh Wave

trough frequency of H/V

Frequency of Minimum Group Velocity
Peak and Trough Frequencies of H/V,

2.5 peak frequency of H/V

freq. of min. group velocity

in unit Cs/4h

1 .0

1 Peak of H/V
Trough of H/V


0 0 .1
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 10
Impedance Ratio I m p e d a n c e R a tio
Figure 6. Relationship between characteristics of Figure 7. Relationship between peak and
Rayleigh wave and impedance ratio. trough of H/V of Rayleigh wave
and impedance ratio

Figure 8, shows the typical geological structure of Outcrop of Rock

sedimentary basin. Definition of ground motions and their Hr, Vr = Hb, Vb
spectra at different places are defined in following lines.
Here microtremor is divided into two parts considering it Hf, Vf
contains Rayleigh wave and other waves. Then, horizontal
and vertical spectra on the surface ground of the sedimentary Basement
Surface Ground
basin (Hf, Vf) can be written as follows. Ground

H f = Ah * H b + H s V f = Av * V b + V s (1) Hb, Vb
H V Figure 8. Typical geological structure of
f f
Th = Tv = (2) sedimentary basin
H b Vb
where Ah and Av are amplification factor of horizontal and vertical motions of vertically incident body wave.
Hb and Vb are spectra of horizontal and vertical motion in the basement under the basin (outcropped basin). Hs
and Vs are spectra of horizontal and vertical directions of Rayleigh waves. Th and Tv are amplification factor of
horizontal and vertical motion of surface sedimentary ground based on seismic motion on the exposed rock
ground near the basin. In general, P wave velocity is more than three-four times of S wave velocity. In such
sedimentary layer, vertical component cannot be amplified (Av=1) around the frequency range where horizontal
component receives large amplification. If there is no effect of Rayleigh waves, Vf ≅ Vb. On the other hand, if
Vf is larger than Vb, it is considered as the effect of surface waves. Then estimating the effect of Rayleigh
waves by Vf/Vb (=Tv), horizontal amplification can be written as,

Hf Hs   Hs 
 Ah +  where , Ah + 
T Vf QTS  Hb  H f Ah * Hb + Hs Hb  Hb 
Th = h =
= = (3) QTS= = = ⋅ (4)
Tv Hb Hb  V Vf Av *Vb +Vs Vb  Vs 
Vb Vb  Av + s  Av + 
 Vb   Vb 
In equation (4), Hb/Vb ≅ 1. Hs/Hb and Vs/Vb are related with the route of energy of Rayleigh waves. If there is
no influence of Rayleigh wave, QTS = Ah/Av. If amount of Rayleigh wave is high, then second term in above
formulation gets dominant and QTS = Hs/Vs and the lowest peak frequency of Hs/Vs is nearly equal to the lowest
proper frequency Fo of Ah (see, Figure 6). In the range of Fo, Av=1. QTS shows stable peak at frequency Fo.
Even when influence of Rayleigh wave is large, Vs become small (which results in a peak of Hs/Vs) around the
first order proper frequency due to the multiple reflection of horizontal motions. And QTS = Ah, if
microtremors of the basement Vb is relatively large comparing to the Rayleigh wave. Briefly, QTS represents
the first order proper frequency due to multiple reflection of SH wave in the surface ground layer and resulted
amplification factor, regardless of the influence degree of Rayleigh waves.
Figure 9, shows a schematic comparison of
Horizontal (Hf), Vertical (Vf), Hf/Hb (spectral Vf=Av*Vb+Vs
Amplitude/Amplification Factor

ratio of sediment site to the reference site) 14

and Hf/Vf (H/V technique). As it can be 12
followed QTS is smaller than the theoretical
transfer function. Since Hf includes the
effects of Rayleigh waves, Hf/Hb is bigger 8
Hf=Ah*Hb+Hs, HH=Hf/Hb
than the theoretical transfer function. 6
Ah: Transfer Fanction of SH
If influence of Rayleigh wave becomes
larger, QTS<1 in the wide range of 2 Hb
frequency and if influence is small, QTS 0
locally expected to be smaller than one, in 0 1 2 3 4 5
the narrow frequency range at frequency Frequency in unit Fo
Figure 9. Schematic comparison of Horizontal (Hf),
several times higher than Fo, because of the
Vertical (Vf), Hf/Hb (spectral ratio of
influence of vertical motion.
sediment site to the reference site)
Main waves consisting of microtremors are either body waves or Rayleigh waves, or depending on the location
and other conditions can be mixture of both waves. For such microtremors, if we calculate QTS, first order
proper frequency by multiple reflections of SH wave in the surface layer and its amplification factor can be
calculated correctly. More explanation regarding Rayleigh waves can be found in Nakamura(1996).

From above discussions we can now

conclude that peak of QTS is caused by
multiple refraction of S waves and
QTS(Quasi Transfer Spectrum) represents the
meaning coming from its name. On the
other hand, here it should also be addressed
the depth of the basement related with QTS.
The frequency Fo related with QTS is;
(5) F0 =
and the amplification factor A for this

Depth in km
frequency is related with impedance ratio.
If densities for basement and surface layer are
same then,
A0 = (6)
and depth of basement h is,
h= (7)
4 A0 ⋅ F0
Cb is S wave velocity of basement.
estimated depth by QTS method
meacured depth of basement ground
Figure 10, shows the depth of basement along
a Shinkansen line estimated from
microtremor for the case of basement velocity Distance along the Shinkansen in km
Cb=600m/sec. The comparisons of these
calculated values are compared with boring Figure 10. Estimated depth from microtremor
data and results showed that, alluvium- measurement along a Shinkansen
diluvium contact line is the basement of QTS. (Nakamura et. al., 1990)


Figure 11(a), shows H/V of strong ground motion of two earthquake different earthquake recorded at the same
station. Although waveforms look different, when we take H/V, they look similar. Another example can be
found also in a recent study of Okuma et. al. (1999) which is given in Figure 11(b). Results again shows that


H/V (QTS) of Strong Motion Acceleration


(a) Osaki (Nakamura et. al., 1989) (b) Miyazaki (Okuma et. al. , 1999)
Figure 11. H/V of strong ground motion for different earthquakes recorded at the same station.

H/V gives similar characteristics for the different earthquakes recorded at the same stations. If we think that H/V
of earthquake record can be explained by Rayleigh wave, we should see same characteristics for all directions of
the station, but this is out of practice and it is proper to think that QTS of earthquake motion indicate the transfer
function of local surface ground, as same as QTS of microtremor.


K values have been proposed by Nakamura(1996) for accurately

estimating earthquake damage of surface ground and structures. Ag x d
Here in this paper, only the formulation of Kg, K value for
ground, will be given as an example of application of outputs
from QTS method. For calculating Kg, shear strain of the
ground is considered. Figure 12 simply shows the shear
deformation of surface ground. Vs

γ = Ag ⋅ (8) d Basement Ground Vb
where Ag is amplification factor of surface layer, h is thickness
of surface layer and d is seismic displacement of the basement.
Figure 12 . Surface ground deformation
Putting the S wave velocities of the basement and surface layer
(Cb and Cf) natural frequency F of the surface layer can be
expressed as,

Fg = (9)
4 Ag ⋅ h Marina District in San Francisco, U.S.A.
Acceleration α in the basement can be written as Reclaimed Land: Severe Damage
Kg-value for Surface Ground

Ag ⋅ α b Fg 100
γ = ⋅ 4 Ag ⋅ (10)
(2πF ) g
Hill side Area:
α 10
= ⋅ 2b No Damage
Fg π C b 5
= c ⋅ K gα Damaged Area
αb = (2πFg) d and shear strain γ is expressed as follows,
where, 0. 5
2 0 500 100 1500 m
1 Ag
c = 2 ; K = Distance from Coast line
π ⋅ vb
Figure 13.
Kg values calculated for Loma
c is expected to be almost constant for various sites. Prieta earthquake (Nakamura et.
Effective shear strain defined by e % of equation (8) al., 1990)
becomes to nearly equal to the product of Kg and αb,
under the assumptions of e = 60% and Cb = 600m/s. Kg is a value corresponding to the site and can be
considered as a vulnerability index of the site, which might be useful to select weak points of ground.

K values for various types of structures and some application examples can be found in Nakamura (1996),
Nakamura (1997), Nakamura and Gurler (1999).


It is proved in the present paper that peak of H/V ratio (QTS), either for microtremor of for earthquakes cannot be
explained with Rayleigh waves, since Rayleigh wave energy is very small for the peak frequency but high on the
trough of H/V ratio. Author’s explanation in Nakamura (1989) is correct for explaining this peak with SH waves.
Vulnerability index, K value for ground which gives a chance to estimate the earthquake damage before the
earthquake occurs is also briefly explained


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