Session 9 - Advanced Practice-24616334143

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PRACTICE (Advanced level) A: No, I don't. I just have ___ smartphone, but unfortunately, ___
battery is dead. What am I going to do? I need to be there at ___
COMPLETE THE GAPS USING a, an, the, or X (nothing).

1. B: Do you know ___ name of ___ restaurant?

Most people outside ___ United States have never heard of ___
Great Serpent Mound in ___ Adams County, Ohio. One of ___ A: No, I don't. I remember it's ___ Italian restaurant. Oh, wait ___
most mysterious monuments in ___ America, ___ mound is ___ minute, I have ___ name written down on ___ piece of paper in
ancient Native American construction built to look like ___ snake. my wallet. (Checks wallet.) It's called DeVino's.
While there are ___ mounds built in many parts of ___ Midwest
and ___ South, not many look like ___ animals. Researchers refer B: Oh, I think you're headed in ___ wrong direction. DeVino's is

to this type of mound as ___ "effigy mound". near ___ Time Square. If you are in ___ rush, you should take ___
Over 1,348 feet long, scientists agree ___ it's very impressive 7.

monument, but there is ___ disagreement over who built ___ I just received a postcard from ___ Robinsons, a family I met last

structure. Some people think ___ Adena people built ___ mound; year. It made me start thinking: When was ___ last time I actually

others think it was ___ Fort Ancient culture. sent ___ letter or ___ postcard to someone? It's strange, ___
postal service has been part of ___ daily life for ___ centuries.
3. And suddenly, within ___ single generation, ___ postal system is
Sometimes, ___ names can be confusing in ___ different on its way to becoming ___ thing of ___ past. These days, ___
languages. Much to ___ confusion of many ___ English learners, few people send ___ letters.
___ Europa is not the name of ___ continent, but rather ___ moon
which orbits ___ Jupiter. And although many people have never Today, ___ email is ___ far more common way to communicate

heard of it, it is ___ especially important moon. Scientists have with ___ friends and ___ family. It's also ___ faster and cheaper

discovered that ___ surface is entirely covered with ___ ice, but way to communicate. When I send ___ email to ___ friend in ___

researchers hope that beneath ___ frozen layer lies ___ ocean. distant country, ___ friend will receive ___ email almost

Nobody knows if ___ center of the moon is frozen solid or if it is immediately. What's more, I can attach ___ photograph, ___

___ liquid water. video, or ___ MP3. And I don't even have to buy ___ expensive
If some vast, undiscovered ocean does exist, it would be ___ cold 6.

and harsh environment; however, some scientists believe that ___ Dear Judy,

life might exist there just like it does at ___ bottom of Earth's Sorry that I didn't email you earlier to tell you about ___ trip, but

oceans. Some say that ___ only way to find out is to send ___ I've had ___ bunch of things to do since we got back. We had ___

probe to drill down into ___ ice and see what's there. Such ___ fantastic time in ___ South Africa. Although this is ___ first time

mission would be ___ expensive project indeed. I've ever traveled to ___ foreign country, I feel confident saying
that it's one of ___ most beautiful places on ___ planet.
5. We began ___ trip in ___ Cape Town as you suggested. It's such
A: Excuse me, do you know if there's ___ subway station around ___ beautiful city. And I'm so glad you recommended that we take
here? I'm supposed to meet ___ couple of friends at ___ ___ cable car up ___ Table Mountain. While we were taking in
restaurant near ___ Chrysler Building. ___ spectacular views, we met ___ man who runs ___ lodge just
outside ___ Kalahari National Park. He invited us to stay in ___
B: Actually, ___ closest subway station is ___ little far from here. lodge for free, so we rented ___ car and slowly drove up ___ West
Do you have ___ map? Coast to ___ park and spent our time exploring ___ Kalahari
Desert. What ___ adventure!

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