ARQ-Current Electricity

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Chapter–3: Current Electricity



(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the reason is correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and reason are true, but Reason is not correct explanation of
the Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) If Assertion is false, but the Reason is true.
SL. Questions
1 The questions given below consist of an Assertion and a Reason. Use the following key to choose
the appropriate answer.
1. Assertion: In a wire of uniform area of cross-section, the current is same everywhere.
Reason: The current in a wire is due to drift of electrons along the wire.
2. Assertion: When a wire is stretched to double of its length, its resistivity doubles.
Reason: R= The current in a wire is due to drift of electrons along the wire.

3. Assertion: A meter bridge can have a wire of any length.

Reason: Greater the length of the wire, greater is the accuracy of the metre bridge.
4. Assertion: It is necessary for a current-carrying wire to have a potential drop across it.
Reason: If potential drop is zero, the resistance may be zero.
5. Assertion: If potential difference between two points is zero and resistance between those
two points is zero, current may flow between the points.
Reason: Kirchhoff’s first law is based on the law of conservation of charge.
6. Assertion: Fuse wire has high resistance and low melting point.
Reason: Fuse wire is for small current flow only.

7. Assertion: Electric appliances with metal body has three electrical connection but an
electrical bulb has two electrical connection.
Reason: Three pin connections reduce chance of electric shock.

8. Assertion: The resistance of superconductor is zero.

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Reason: superconductors are used in electrical power transmission.

9. Assertion: A high resistance is connected in series with the galvanometer of meter-bridge.

Reason: As resistance increases, current also increases.
10. Assertion: Meter-bridge wire is generally made from constantan.
Reason: Constantan has very low temperature coefficient of resistance.
11. Assertion: Conductivity of metals is much higher than that of an electrolyte at room
Reason: Free electron density in metals is much larger than the density
of ions in electrolytes and also free electrons have greater mobility than ions.
12. Assertion: Potentiometer measures the correct value of emf of a cell.
Reason: No current flows through the cell being balanced at the null point of
13. Assertion: A balance point is obtained on the potentiometer wire if the fall of potential
along the potentiometer wire due to driving shall is greater than the EMF of the cell to be
Reason: It measures the EMF of a cell very accurately.
14. Assertion: EMF of battery increases with time.
Reason: Internal resistance increases with time.
15. Assertion: The relaxation time is nearly independent of applied electric field whereas it
changes significantly with temperature .

Reason: The relaxation time depends on the velocities of electrons and ions.The applied
electric field brings a very insignificant change in the velocities of electrons whereas on
varying the temperature the velocities of electrons and ions are changed very significantly .


16. Assertion :The resistivity of a semiconductor increases with temperature.

Reason :The atoms of a semiconductor vibrate with larger amplitude at higher temperatures
thereby increasing its resistivity.

17. Assertion : In a simple battery circuit the point of lowest potential is positive terminal of
the battery
Reason :The current flows towards the point of the higher potential as it flows in such a
circuit from the negative to the positive terminal.
18. Assertion : The temperature coefficient of resistance is positive for metals and negative for

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p-type semiconductor.
Reason : The effective charge carriers in metals are negatively charged whereas in p-type
semiconductor they are positively charged.
19. Assertion : In the following circuit emf is 2V and internal resistance of the cell is 1  and R
= 1, then reading of the voltmeter is 1V.
Reason : V  E  ir where E = 2V, i  2  1 A and R = 1 

20. Assertion : There is no current in the metals in the absence of electric field.
Reason : Motion of free electron are randomly.

21. Assertion : Voltmeter is connected in parallel with the circuit.

Reason : Resistance of a voltmeter is very large.

22. Assertion : Ohm’s law is applicable for all conducting elements.

Reason : Ohm’s law is a fundamental law.

23. Assertion : An electric bulb becomes dim, when the electric heater in parallel circuit is
switched on.
Reason : Dimness decreases after sometime.

24. Assertion: The 200 W bulbs glow with more brightness than 100 W bulbs.
Reason: A 100 W bulb has more resistance than a 200 W bulb.

25. Assertion: Fuse wire must have high resistance and low melting point.
Reason: Fuse is used for small current flow only.

26. Assertion: The I-V characteristics of a resistor is observed to deviate from a straight line for
higher value of current.
Reason: For higher value of current, the resistor gets heated and consequently its resistance
27. Assertion : A bulb becomes dim when another bulb of same power is connected in parallel
circuit is switched on.
Reason: Current through each bulb is different in both bulbs.
28. Assertion: In potentiometer driving cell emf should be greater than the emf’s of the primary
Reason: It is so to obtain balance point on potentiometer wire.

29. Assertion: Kirchhoff’s junction law follows from the conservation of charges.
Reason: Kirchhoff’s loop law follows from the conservation of energy.
30. Assertion: Two non ideal batteries are connected in series. The equivalent internal
resistance is smaller than the either two internal resistances.
Reason: The equivalent emf is larger than either of the two emfs.

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31. Assertion : Potentiometer is used to measure the e.m.f. of a cell.
Reason : Potentiometer is preferred over voltmeter to measure the e.m.f. a cell since it
does not draw any net current from the cell.

32. Assertion: A high resistance is connected in series with the galvanometer of meter bridge.
Reason : As resistance increases, the current also increases.

33. Assertion :Connecting wire is generally made of Constantan.

Reason (R): Constantan has a very low temperature coefficient of resistance.

34. Assertion (A): The same amount of current flows through the filament and line wire. But
more heat is produced in filament.
Reason (R): Filament is made of material having high resistance and high melting point.

35. Assertion (A): Kirchhoff’s voltage law indicates that the electric field is conservative.
Reason (R): Potential difference between two points in a circuit does not depend on the

36. Assertion : Though the direction of electric current is well defined, yet it is treated as a
Reason : Electric current does not follow the laws of vector addition.

37. Assertion : In a meter bridge , the length of wire can vary from 1 m to several meters.
Reason : Greater the length , better is the accuracy.
38. Assertion : The effective resistance in parallel combination decreases.
Reason : In parallel combination , effective area of cross-section increases.
39. Assertion : When a wire is stretched to three times its length, its resistance becomes 9
times .
Reason : R = .(l/A).
40.Assertion : In a simple battery circuit the point of lowest potential is positive terminal of
the battery.
Reason : The current flows towards the point of the higher potential as it flows in such a
circuit from the negative to the positive terminal
41. Assertion: A domestic electric appliance working on a three pin, will continue working if
the thick pin is removed.
Reason: The thick pin is used only as a safety device.

42. Assertion: Conductivity of a metal is much higher than that of an electrolyte at room
Reason: Free electron density in metals is much lesser than the density of ions in
electrolytes and also free electrons have smaller mobility than ions.
43. Assertion: When Wheatstone bridge is balanced, the current through the cell depends

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on the resistance of the galvanometer.
Reason: In balanced condition, current through the galvanometer is very high.
44. Assertion: The value of temperature of coefficient of resistance is positive for metals.
Reason: The value of temperature or coefficient of resistance is negative for
45. Assertion: When identical cells are connected in parallel to an external load, the
effective emf increases.
Reason: All the cells will be sending unequal currents to the external load in the same
46. Assertion:: Heat is generated continuously is an electric heater but its temperature becomes
constant after some time.
Reason: At the stage when heat produced in the heater is equal to the heat dissipated to its
surrounding the temperature of the heater becomes constant.

47. Assertion:: Electric appliances with a metallic body; e.g. heaters, presses, etc, have three-pin
connections, whereas an electric bulb has a two pin connection.
Reason: Three-pin connections reduce the heating of connecting cables.

48. Assertion:: A domestic electrical appliance, working on a three-pin will continue working even if
the top pin is removed.
Reason: The third pin is used only as a safety device.

49. Assertion:: In practical application, the power rating of resistance is not important.
Reason :Property of resistance remain the same even at high temperature.

50. Assertion:: Through the same current flows through the line wires and the filament of the bulb
but the heat produced in the filament is much higher than that in line wires.
Reason: The filament of bulbs is made of a material of high resistance and a high melting point.

51. Assertion: An electrical bulb starts glowing instantly as it is switched on.

Reason: Drift speed of electrons in a metallic wire is very small.

52. Assertion : Terminal voltage of a cell is greater than the emf of a cell during charging of the

Reason: Terminal voltage is always less than emf

53. Assertion : The effective resistance in series increases.

Reason : In series combination, the effective length increases.

54. Assertion: Potentiometer is based on null deflection method

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Reason: Relaxation time can be changed by changing temperature.

55. Assertion: The resistivity of the alloy increases rapidly with increase of temperature

Reason: Alloys usually have much lower temperature coefficients of resistance than pure metals.

Answer Key:-

Q No Ans Q No Ans Q No Ans Q No Ans Q No Ans

1 b 13 c 25 c 37 d 49 d
2 d 14 d 26 a 38 a 50 a
3 d 15 a 27 d 39 b 51 b

4 c 16 d 28 a 40 d 52 c

5 a 17 d 29 b 41 a 53 a

6 c 18 b 30 c 42 c 54 b

7 a 19 a 31 a 43 d 55 d

8 b 20 a 32 c 44 b

9 c 21 b 33 a 45 d

10 A 22 C 34 A 46 A
11 A 23 B 35 B 47 C
12 A 24 A 36 A 48 a


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