Detailed - Lesson - Plan - in Entrepreneurship
Detailed - Lesson - Plan - in Entrepreneurship
Detailed - Lesson - Plan - in Entrepreneurship
The learners…
1.1 Implement the business plan.
1.2 Operate the business.
1.3 Sell the product/service to potential customers.
>Prayer “Shall we all stand for a prayer. May I request “The student will lead
(student) to lead us the prayer?” the prayer.”
>Reading of the House Rules “As young adults, I want to you behave and act like
ACTIVITY “Ok class after you watch the video, the question is “The student will
What are your insights after seeing the video? What answer the question in
are the characteristics and values you should have to the front of the class.”
be a successful entrepreneur?
“I will give you five minutes to write on a piece of
paper then explain your answer in the front of the
“Thank you, students, for your participation and I’m
happy to hear that you have the interest to run a
UNDERSTANDING “Ok class let’s move on, and let’s discuss our lesson “Yes Sir”
for today, I need everyone to participate, attentive
and focus for this day.” Is it ok?
>Reading of the objectives “For the objectives. At the end of the lesson, you will
be able to:
Implement the business plan.
Operate the business. (The student will
Sell the product/service to potential answer based on their
customers. knowledge or
School: Sapang Palay National High School Grade Level: Grade 12
Teacher: Benjamin S. Andaya Learning Area: Entrepreneurship
Date: Quarter: Fourth
(Facilitator read the introduction of the topic and
question to the students)
“Then the next is close the sale. There are many ways
styles and methods of closing a sale, but one of the
most effective is the mnemonic, ABC: “Always Be
Closing”. Confirm the prospective buyer’s interest in
the product by meeting the needs.”
APPLICATION “Ok class this time I want you to showcase your “The student will
talents by doing a demonstration or make a simple create a simple
business plan or a plan on how you start and operate business plan and it’s
a simple business.” execution.”
EVALUATION (The teacher will be having a quiz, but this time the “The students will
quiz will be in the form of stating what he / she answer the quiz based
remembered in the discussion and explaining what on his/ her
the importance of business plan is to operate a understanding.”