Lecture W12 20232

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General Material Balance

Differential & integral

OUTLINE material balances for
unsteady state system

CO3) Balances on single well –
mixed process unit

Energy balances on single

phase non-reactive
• Transient (unsteady-state):
• Conditions at which the value of any
system variable changes with time.
• Process systems:
• Batch system (no input and output
streams) – always transient

• Semibatch system (has input

INTRODUCTION stream but no output stream or
vice versa) – always transient

• Continuous system (have input

and output streams) – always
transient when they are start-up,
shut down or become transient at
other times due to planned or
unexpected changes in operating

• When system is not at a

steady state and there
is accumulation in the
ON ?

Focus on the
material and
energy balance of
an unsteady state.
General Material
Balance Equation
• Accumulation = Input + Generation - Output - Consumption

• Two forms of general balance equation;

1.Differential balances
• Relate instantaneous rates of change at a moment in

2. Integral balances
• Relate changes that occur over a finite time period
MB of unsteady state system
• Transient processes involve time differences;
therefore, knowledge of differential and integral
balances is important.

• This is when the relationship between material

balance and time change is considered
Differential Balances
⚫ Step 1: Write a general balance equation

Accumulation = input + generation - output-consumption

⚫ Step 2: Let’s consider the following terms of

species A
(kg/s) : inlet mass flow rate (kg/s)

: outlet mass flow rate (kg/s) :

: rate of generation (kg/s)

: rate of consumption
Differential Balances (cont’d)
•Step 3: Write a balance on A for a period of time from t to
t + ∆t (suppose ∆t is small enough), we get

•Step 4: Suppose the mass of A in the system

changes by an amount ∆M (kg) during the
small time interval. ∆M is the accumulation of A.
Differential Balances (cont’d)
•Step 5: Divide by ∆t and let ∆t approach 0. The ratio
∆M/ ∆t becomes the derivative of the M wrt t (dM/
dt). The differential balance equation

where M is the amount of balanced quantity in the

system and the four terms on the right side are the
rates that may vary with time.

•Step 6: Write the complete balance equation in

expression for M(t)
t = 0 (initial condition) , M = … or
simply M(0) = …
Accumulation = M (kg)
Input = (kg/s)
Output = (kg/s)
Generation = (kg/s)
Consumption = (kg/s)


Mass balance during small time interval

EXAMPLE 10.1-1
Example 10.1-1
Example 10.1-1
Integral Balances
•Remember differential balance equation:

•Step 1: Write the equation in form of

•Step 2: Integrate from an t to t to form integral

0 f
balance equation:

where left side is the accumulation and right side is

the amount of balanced quantity in the system
Integral Balances (cont’d)

• For a closed (batch) system, thus the integral balance equation becomes:

Initial input + generation = final output + consumption

11.1b Integral Balances
Based on the differential balance, integral balance
can be used to determine the change of mass
with time.
tt tt tt tt tt
∫ dM = M(t f ) − M(t o ) = ∫ m in dt + ∫ rgen dt − ∫ m out dt − ∫ rcons dt
to to to to to
EXAMPLE 10.2-2
EXAMPLE 10.2-2
11.2c balances in well-mixed unit

Balances on Single Well-Mixed
Process Units
Procedure for writing and solving a transient material balance
1. Eliminate terms in the general balance
equation that equal zero
□ Exp: input and output for batch systems, generation and consumption for balances on total
mass and nonreactive species.

2. Write an expression for the total amount of the

balanced species in the system.
□ Exp: [V(m3)p(kg/m3) for total mass, V(m3)C A (mol A/m3) or n total (mol) xA (mol A/mol)
for species A]

Differentiate the expression wrt time to obtain the

accumulation term in the balance equation.
Balances on Single Well-Mixed Process
Units (Cont’d)
3. Substitute system variables into the remaining terms
(input, generation, output, consumption) in the balance
equation. Make sure that all the terms have the same units
(kg/s. lb-mole/h, etc).

4. If y(t) is the dependent variable to be determined (e.g.,

the mass of the system contents, the conc of the species
A, the mole fraction of the methane), rewrite the
equation to obtain the explicit expression for dy/dt.

Boundary condition:
for specified time :t=0
can be expressed as : t = 0, y = y0
or simply : y(0) = y0
Balances on Single Well-Mixed Process
Unit (Cont’d)
5. Solve the equation by
 analytically
 numerically
6. Check the solution using:
(a) Substitute t = 0 and verify that the known initial
condition [y(0) = y0] is obtained.

(b) Find the long-time asymptotic (steady-state) value of

the dependent variable, solve the resulting algebraic
equation and verify.

(c) (c) Differentiate solution to obtain an expression dy/dt,

substitute, and verify.
7. Use your solution to generate a plot or table of y versus t

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