Solar PVStorage
Solar PVStorage
Solar PVStorage
Keywords: Integration of solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery storage systems is an upward trend for residential sector to
Battery energy storage achieve major targets like minimizing the electricity bill, grid dependency, emission and so forth. In recent years,
Solar photovoltaic there has been a rapid deployment of PV and battery installation in residential sector. In this regard, optimal
Optimal planning
planning of PV-battery systems is a critical issue for the designers, consumers, and network operators due to high
Grid-connected residential sector
number of parameters that can affect the optimization problem. This paper aims to present a comprehensive and
critical review on the effective parameters in optimal planning process of solar PV and battery storage system for
grid-connected residential sector. The key parameters in process of optimal planning for PV-battery system are
recognized and explained. These parameters are economic and technical data, objective functions, energy
management systems, design constraints, optimization algorithms, and electricity pricing programs. A timely
review on the state-of-the-art studies in PV-battery optimal planning is presented. The challenges, trends and
latest developments in the topic are discussed. At the end, scopes for future studies are developed. It is found that
new guidelines should be provided for the customers based on various electricity rates and demand response
programs. Also, several design considerations like grid dependency and resiliency need further investigation in
the optimal planning of PV-battery systems.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Khezri).
Received 25 August 2020; Received in revised form 27 September 2021; Accepted 12 October 2021
Available online 20 October 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
Fig. 3. Technical roadmap of this review study on PV-battery optimal planning for grid-connected residential sector.
• A review of the latest research developments on optimal planning of future trends for further studies in the field. Finally, section 6 concludes
PV-battery for GCRS. at the end.
• An outlook of the future research scopes in optimal planning of PV-
battery for GCRS. 2. PV-battery optimal sizing overview
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 ex A general schematic diagram of a GCRS with solar PV and BES is
plains the PV-battery optimal planning problem formulation. This sec demonstrated in Fig. 4. The role of energy management system is to
tion also explains important parameters for the planning of grid- monitor and control the energy flow between the PV, BES, grid and
connected residential sector. Section 3 classifies the existing studies on GCRS based on the data from forecasting, smart meter, and available
optimal planning of PV and BES in GCRS. Section 4 discusses the recent loads for demand response. The effective parameters on optimal plan
developments on PV-battery optimal planning. Section 5 describes the ning of PV-battery for grid-connected residential sectors are discussed in
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
this section. used for electricity consumption, solar radiation, and ambient temper
ature. The periodic data can be realistic data or probabilistic data. The
2.1. Input data periodic data can be collected for very-short-period (e.g., one day of
each season), short-period (e.g., one year) and long-period (e.g., ten
The input data for optimal planning of PV-battery system in GCRS years). The data can be arranged hourly or high temporal resolution (e.
are illustrated in Fig. 5. Three groups of input data are needed: (1) g., 5 min).
financial data, (2) periodic data, and (3) technical data. Technical data involves PV, BES, and grid data. The grid technical
Financial data contains the installation costs of PV and BES, interest/ data is mostly associated with the limitations on export/import power
discount and escalation/inflation rates, as well as the electricity rates. In to/from the main grid. The components’ technical data are related to
most of the cases, all these parameters depend on the country of the lifetime, efficiency and other data of PV and BES. The array tilt angle,
study. The electricity rate depends on the policies of the countries. system efficiency, temperature coefficient, and insolation at standard
Since the optimal planning is a long-term problem, periodic data is test conditions are among the important factors of technical data for
Fig. 5. Important input data for optimal sizing of PV-battery systems in grid-connected residential sectors.
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
Table 1
Specifications of different solar PV technologies [41].
Generation First generation Second generation Third generation
Feature Cristal silicon solar cells Thin film solar cells Perovskite, organic, multi-junction solar cells
Type Mono-crystalline cells Multi-crystalline cells CdTe cells Amorphous silicon cells CIGS cells Multi-junction solar cells
Efficiency 18%–25% 17%–21% 18%–22% 13.4% 20%–23% 45%
Price High Low Medium
Discussion accounted for 89.6% of commercial production in already entered into the commercialization stage nearly 10 still in progress
2007 years ago
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
Table 2
Characteristics of four types of battery energy storage technologies available in the market [42–44].
Energy storage Capital cost Power rating Discharge Power density Energy density Efficiency Lifetime Lifetime
technology ($/kWh) (MW) time (W/l) (Wh/l) (%) (years) (cycles)
Fig. 6. Applicable objective functions for optimal sizing of PV-battery system in grid-connected residential sectors. Autonomy. The autonomy of the GCRS is divided into two renewable factor (RF) can be efficiently used to minimize the air
types of power autonomy and energy autonomy. The power autonomy pollution [60].
(P A ) is defined as the grid-independency of the GCRS from the active ( ∑T )
power [53]: f11 = max(R F ) = 1 − ∑t=1
P im (t)
× 100 (14)
( ) t=1 P p (t)
1 ∑T
P im (t)
f6 = max(P A ) = 1 − × 100 (9)
T t=1 P g (t)
2.3. Design constraints
where P g is the active power consumption of the GCRS.
Energy autonomy (E A ) is defined as the grid-independency of the Fig. 7 demonstrates the applicable design constraints for optimal
GCRS from the energy [54]. planning of PV-BES systems in GCRS. The most important constraint is
Eg − Eim the power balance between generation and consumption sides of the
f7 = max(ЕA ) = × 100 (10) GCRS [61]. The import/export power from/to the main grid is generally
limited in distribution networks [62]. As a realistic example, the
where Eim is the total energy imported from the main grid. single-phase and three-phase GCRSs are not allowed to export more than
5 kW and 30 power, respectively, to the main grid using rooftop solar Dumped energy. The dumped energy (DE) is the wasted elec PVs in South Australia [63]. The constraint associated with the battery is
tricity of the renewable energy resources [55,56]. The DE is calculated the state-of-charge (SoC) level that should deviate between maximum
based on the excess electricity from the PV after feeding loads, charging and minimum rates [64]. The rooftop availability to install the solar
BES, and exporting electricity to the grid.
f8 = min(D Е) = Ep − Ech − Eex − Eg (11)
where Ep , Ech , and Eex are the total electricity generated by the PV, total
energy charging of BES, and the total exported energy to the main grid,
respectively. Loss of power supply. The loss of power supply (LPSP) is the
failure probability of electricity supply by the imported power from grid,
output power of solar PV (P p ) and discharging power of the BES (P dis )
P g (t) − P im (t) − P p (t) − P dis (t)
f9 = min(L P S P ) = t=1 ∑T (12)
t=1 P g (t) Carbon emission. Most of the world’s grid energy comes from
large-scale fossil fuel generators. Hence, the carbon emission factor is Fig. 7. Applicable design constraints for optimal sizing of PV-battery systems
measured by the imported power from the main grid to the GCRS. The in GCRS.
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
panels is another constraint for the optimal planning of GCRS [65]. In 2.6. Optimization algorithms
fact, the maximum capacity of solar PV should be selected based on the
rooftop availability of the residential building. The budget limit for the Fig. 9 exhibits the optimization algorithms for optimal planning of
component’s investment is the next constraint. The optimization model solar PV and BES for GCRS. The applied optimization algorithms are
should consider the maximum budget to obtain the capacity of the probabilistic, artificial intelligence, iterative, analytical, sensitivity
components [66]. The countries policies for installation of rooftop solar analysis, and intuitive approaches. The probabilistic methods can
PV and BES should be considered as a constraint in the optimization observe the stochastic model of uncertainties and then solve the problem
model. The renewable factor is considered as a constraint for the optimal analytically [78]. The artificial intelligence methods can efficiently
sizing problems where higher load supply from the solar PV is expected overcome the nonlinearities of the optimization model [79]. These
[67]. Resiliency and flexibility are two new metrics that can be methods can be used for single-objective and multi-objective optimiza
considered as constraints. The resiliency constraint is used to boost the tion problems. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) method and genetic
robustness of the GCRS system with PV and BES against extreme events algorithm (GA) are two worthy examples of single-objective artificial
with low probability and high impact [68]. The other metric is to in intelligence approaches [80,81]. The multi-objective (MO) artificial
crease the operation flexibility of the power system to manage the intelligence methods solve the problem in its nature by considering all
variability of renewable energies [69]. objective functions and producing set of Pareto-fronts [82]. The
non-sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and multi-objective particle
2.4. Electricity pricing programs swarm optimization (MOPSO) are some substantial examples of these
approaches [83,84].
Electricity pricing program can highly affect the profitability of a PV- In optimal planning by the iterative methods, the optimization
battery system. Fig. 8 illustrates five types of electricity pricing pro problem should be repeated multiple times by random initial conditions.
grams: (1) flat price, (2) TOU, (3) stepwise tariff, (4) critical peak The methods based on sensitivity analysis can achieve the most sensitive
pricing, and (5) RTP. Using the flat rates, the import/export power is capacities to the objective functions [85]. In classic mathematical
charged by a constant price [70]. In the TOU pricing, the electricity rates methods, the computational model of the system is used for the opti
are usually divided into two or three time periods during a day [71]. mization [86]. These methods ensure the convergence of the solution to
Higher rates are assigned to peak load times of the day. In the stepwise the optimal result. The intuitive methods are useful when exact infor
tariff, the electricity rate is increased by increasing the electricity con mation and data about the system are not available [87]. The optimi
sumption of the GCRS [72]. The critical peak pricing is based on the zation algorithm should be selected based on the defined objective
wholesale market [73]. Once the utilities anticipate critical events in the functions and the system model.
power market, they may call for high prices during a time period (e.g., 2
p.m.–5 p.m. on a hot summer day). In RTP, the electricity rate is changed 2.7. Software tools
dynamically in an hourly basis [74]. This means that the electricity rate
is assigned by the operator based on the market price. The type of Software tools can be used for operation analysis, techno-economic
electricity pricing in the system is very important to develop the energy analysis and optimal sizing of PV and BES for GCRS. Some of the use
management to make the highest profit. ful software tools are: HOMER [88], TRNSYS [89], RETScreen [90],
HYBRID2 [91], iHOGA [92] and Sunny Design [93] that can be used for
2.5. Home energy management systems sizing of PV and BES in GCRS. A comprehensive review on software tools
is provided in Ref. [94]. The advantages and disadvantages of software
Energy management system (EMS) is essential to monitor and con tools are discussed in Ref. [95].
trol the power flow between generation and consumption sides in a PV-
battery GCRS. The main target of the EMS is a safe power supply while
minimizing the electricity cost [75]. The EMS monitors the electricity
rates, existent appliances for demand response, forecasted solar PV
generation, battery’s SOC and loads of the GCRS [76]. Then, based on
the monitored data, the EMS decides efficient power flow control [77].
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
3. Present status and technical challenges in PV-battery optimal optimized alongside the BES capacity optimization. The software
planning simulation tools were not used for battery optimal sizing. Most of the
studies developed the optimization code using MATLAB or GAMS. In
The present status of the existing studies and technical challenges in Ref. [109], a multi-objective optimal sizing was developed by consid
PV-battery optimal planning for GCRS are investigated in this section. ering NPV and self-efficiency ratio as the objective functions. In
Ref. [120], the optimal planning of PV and battery was examined for
three types of batteries known as lead-acid, lithium-iron-phosphate, and
3.1. Present status: review of the existing studies
lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt. The results of their study showed that
the lithium-iron-phosphate has the best economic results for GCRS if the
A review on state-of-the-art studies on optimal planning of PV-
consumer use 6 kW solar PV and a load demand of higher than 6 MWh
battery for GCRS are investigated in this section. The studies are clas
per year. In Ref. [123], various objective functions were optimized using
sified into three groups: (1) optimal planning of only solar PV system, (2)
NSGA-II. The constraints of power balance and SOC of battery were
optimal planning of only BES, and (3) optimal planning of PV and BES.
applied in most of the studies. Unlike the studies for only PV optimal
Each group is investigated based on the objective function, design
sizing (Table 3), the TOU pricing program was frequently used for BES
constraint, optimization method, type of electricity rates, input data,
capacity optimization. The studies mostly conducted for developed
and the country that the study was conducted. The first group is
countries like Australia, Germany, etc. Optimizing the battery capacity,
important for the households that are not equipped with solar PV. The
technology, and its replacement year was investigated, simultaneously,
second group of studies represents the optimal capacity of BES for the
in Ref. [124] to minimize the total scheduling cost. In Ref. [126], a
households who already equipped with PV panels. The third group of
demand side management strategy was developed to investigate its ef
studies presents the optimal sizing of PV-battery for the households
fect on optimal planning of battery. It was found that the demand side
without any renewable resources and BES.
management achieved around 50% capacity reduction for the BES.
According to the literature review, more than 80 studies were
deployed on optimal sizing of PV and BES for GCRS in all journals and
3.1.3. Optimal planning of PV-battery system
conferences. Fig. 10 shows the number of publications per year from
Table 5 lists the characteristics of studies on optimal planning of PV
2008 to 2020 in PV-battery optimal planning for GCRS. As illustrated in
and BES for GCRS. A few studies considered the optimization of oper
Fig. 10, the number of publications has increased from 2016. In 2017, 13
ation [127], dispatch [128], energy scheduling [129] and energy flow
studies were published as the highest number per year. The main reasons
[134] alongside the PV-battery optimal sizing. Genetic algorithm was
for increasing the number of publications are awareness of the resi
used as the optimization algorithm in Ref. [131]. The PSO algorithm was
dential consumers about the emission, falling cost of the solar PV,
only used in Ref. [148] for optimal sizing of PV-BES system in a GCRS.
technology maturity, and governments’ subsidies.
Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) was frequently used for
optimal sizing. While financial objective functions were used in most of
3.1.1. Optimal planning of only solar PV system
the studies, maximizing the amount of power fed back to the grid was
Table 3 lists the reference number, optimization method, objective
considered as the objective function only in Ref. [135]. Various design
function and design constraints, as well as the electricity tariff and the
constraints such as power balance, battery and grid limitations, as well
studied country for optimal planning of only PV in GCRS. Several studies
as renewable factor were conducted in the existing studies. The flat and
optimized the PV capacity and the other factors associated with the solar
TOU were the most applied electricity pricing programs. Again, most of
PV system. Various factors such as tracking system [96], inverter type
the PV-battery optimal sizing studies were conducted for developed
[100], inverter capacity [103] and tilt angle [102–104] were optimized
countries. Different combinations of Flat and TOU electricity tariffs for
along with PV capacity. HOMER software, as the most used simulation
import and export electricity prices were examined in Ref. [150]. It was
tool, was employed by four studies to optimize the capacity of PV [96,
found that using TOU for the import electricity, and Flat for the export
98,102,103]. Other software tools like TRNSYS [97] and Sunny Design
electricity is the best option that GCRS can use to minimize the NPV. In
[105] were also used for optimal sizing. Although the NPV was used as
Ref. [152], a spatial analysis was combined with techno-economic
the objective function by most of the studies, a few papers used COE
optimization to achieve a robust design of PV-BES system.
[97], IRR [107] and PV system energy [100] as the objective function.
The flat electricity pricing program was considered in most of the
3.2. Technical challenges
studies. TOU and stepwise electricity pricing programs were only used
by Refs. [96,98], respectively.
Although several papers have studied optimal planning of PV and
BES for grid-connected residential sector, there are still multiple tech
3.1.2. Optimal planning of only BES system
nical challenges in the present status. Fig. 11 demonstrates the technical
Table 4 lists the characteristics of studies on optimal planning of only
challenges of existing studies in terms of electricity rates, EMS, objective
BES for GCRS with PV. In Refs. [109,110], the system operation was also
functions, battery degradation model, input data, and optimization
The flat and TOU electricity rates were frequently used by most of the
studies. The stepwise electricity rate was employed only in two studies
[98,137]. The RTP was used only in Ref. [137]. It is notable that
application of stepwise or RTP pricing is not a challenge alone. But new
energy management systems should be developed to control the power
flow in the GCRS based on the electricity price variations. For example,
in a RTP program, the electricity price changes hourly or half-hourly.
Hence, new EMSs should have the capability to receive the forecast
data of solar insolation and load consumption to achieve the most effi
cient operation. The optimal planning of PV and BES for GCRS under
stepwise, dynamic, and critical peak pricing tariffs should be adequately
analyzed. The energy management systems were developed in several
Fig. 10. Number of publications per year from 2008 to 2020 in PV-battery studies. A few considered the demand side management [109,127,146].
optimal planning for GCRS. The load shifting and curtailment as well as incentive demand response
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
Table 3
Characteristics of studies on optimal planning of only solar PV for GCRS.
Ref. Decision Variable Optimization Objective Function Design Constraints Electricity Country
Method Tariff
[96] PV capacity and its tracking system HOMER Net present value Power balance, PV Time-of-use Saudi Arabia
[97] PV capacity TRNSYS Cost of electricity Energy balance Flat United
[98] PV capacity HOMER Net present value Not specified Stepwise Malaysia
[99] PV capacity GA and PSO Net present value Power outage Flat Lebanon
[100] PV module technology and inclination, the inverter type and Energy approach PV system energy Not specified Flat France
the location
[101] PV capacity PSO and GA Net present value Not specified Flat Greece
[102] PV capacity and slop of array HOMER Net present value Not specified Flat Australia
[103] PV array and inverter size HOMER Net present value Not specified Flat Saudi Arabia
[104] Number, tilt angle and arrangement of PV modules, and GA Net present value Not specified Flat Greece
inverters Payback period
Internal rate of
[105] PV capacity Sunny Design Net present value Not specified Flat Morocco
[106] number, tilt angle and placement of PV modules MOPSO Net present value Not specified Flat Greece
[107] PV capacity Self-developed Internal rate of Not specified Flat Austria
[108] PV capacity Weighted Sum Net present value Budget and rooftop Not specified South Africa
Payback period limits
Energy saving
Table 4
Characteristics of studies on optimal planning of only BES for GCRS.
Ref. Decision Variable Optimization Method Objective Function Design Constraints Electricity Country
[109] BES capacity and operation NSGA-II Net present value Power balance, SOC of battery Time-of-use Sweden
Self-sufficiency ratio
[110] BES capacity and Charging/ Stochastic mixed integer Annual electricity cost Not specified Flat Not specified
discharging regime nonlinear programming
[111] BES capacity Not specified Internal rate of return Not specified Flat Germany
[112] BES and converter capacities Not specified Self-consumption Not specified Flat Germany
[113] BES capacity GAMS Net present value Power balance, SOC of battery Time-of-use United States
[114] BES capacity Mixed integer linear Net present value SOC and energy of BES, peak Time-of-use United States
programming CPLEX shaving limit
[115] BES capacity Self-developed in MATLAB Net present value Not specified Flat Italy
Switzerland UK
[116] BES capacity Convex programming in Net present value Power balance, SOC of battery, Time-of-use United States
MATLAB import/export power
[117] BES capacity Self-developed in MATLAB Net present value Power balance, SOC of battery, Time-of-use Australia
purchase/sell power
[118] BES capacity Stochastic simulation using Lifecycle cost Not specified Not specified United
Monte Carlo Kingdom
[119] BES capacity Off-line linear programming Return of investment Power balance, SOC of battery, Not specified Not specified
in MATLAB import/export power
[120] BES capacity Dual-simplex algorithm in Net present value Power balance, SOC of battery Flat Germany
[121] BES capacity Mixed integer programming Annual net payment Power balance, SOC of battery Flat Luxembourg
[122] BES capacity Mixed integer programming Total annual cost Bidirectional power flow and SOC Flat Time-of- Australia
with CPLEX-MATLAB of BES use
[123] BES capacity TRNSYS and NSGA-II Net present value CO2 Power balance, SOC of battery Time-of-use China
emission PV efficiency
Load cover ratio
[124] BES capacity, technology, Mixed integer linear Total scheduling cost Energy, discharging power, and Flat United States
replacement year programming in MATLAB number of cycles of battery
[125] BES capacity and energy Self-developed Total life cycle cost – Flat Greece
management within the grid
[126] BES capacity Self-developed Daily energy cost and SOC of battery Flat Australia
annual cost
need further investigations. Several objective functions like grid de resolution (e.g., 5 min) was not addressed. A high-resolution data can
pendency, dumped energy and customer satisfaction were neglected by assist the designers to not only examine the planning but also validate
the existing studies. Battery capacity degradation model in optimal dynamic performance to achieve the most practical results. A good
planning is an important factor that was not adequately studied in the example of such studies is [69] where the optimal planning of a stand
literature. Most of the studies are conducted based on hourly arranged alone system was done, and the dynamic performance of the system was
yearly data. Investigations of long-period data (e.g., 10 years) or high validated through high resolution data. The robust optimization
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
Table 5
Characteristics of studies on optimal planning of solar PV and BES for GCRS.
Ref. Decision Variable Optimization Method Objective Function Design Constraints Electricity Country
[127] PV-BES capacity and Mixed integer programming with Net present value Power balance, charging/ Flat Not
operation CPLEX-GAMS discharging and SOC limits of specified
[128] PV-BES capacity and NREL’s Renewable Energy Life cycle cost Power balance Time-of-use United
dispatch Optimization (REopt) model States
[129] PV-BES capacity and Mixed integer programming, Net present value Not specified Time-of-use Australia
energy schedule CPLEX
[130] PV-BES capacity Mixed integer programming, Net present value Not specified Flat Australia
[131] PV-BES capacity GA Net present value Numbers of PV and BES Not specified Australia
Renewable factor
[132] PV-BES capacity Mixed integer programming, Net present value Not specified Time-of-use Australia
[133] PV-BES capacity HOMER Cost of electricity Not specified Time-of-use India
[134] PV-BES capacity and Mixed integer programming, Net present value Power balance Budget Time-of-use Australia
energy flow Python Germany
[135] PV-BES capacity Probabilistic-based sizing tool Maximize amount of power Not specified Not specified United
fed back to the grid States
[136] PV-BES capacity Self-developed in MATLAB Cost of electricity SOC of battery Budget Not specified United
[137] PV-BES capacity DICOPT solver in GAMS Annual operation cost Power balance SOC of battery Time-of-use China
Import/export power Stepwise
Real time
[138] PV-BES capacity Not specified Self-consumption Not specified Flat Germany
Annual electricity cost
[139] PV-BES capacity Direct search method Net present value Not specified Time-of-use Australia
[140] PV-BES capacity Sensitivity tool Life cycle cost Not specified Not specified Turkey
[141] PV-BES capacity Mixed-integer linear optimization Operating and investment Power balance SOC of battery Flat Germany
[142] PV-BES capacity Stochastic mixed integer Operating and investment Power balance, charging/ Time-of-use United
optimization in GAMS costs discharging and SOC limits of States
[143] PV-BES capacity Hybrid MILP and a heuristic Electricity cost Power balance SOC of battery Flat Germany
optimization algorithm
[144] PV-BES capacity Self-developed in MATLAB Annual electricity cost Power balance, SOC of battery, grid Flat Not
limits, renewable factor specified
[145] PV and BES capacity Not specified Life cycle cost SOC of battery Flat United
[146] PV-BES capacity NSGA-II Annual net profits and PV Power balance SOC of battery Time-of-use China
consumptive rate
[147] PV-BES capacity Robust optimization Net present value Power balance SOC of battery Time-of-use Australia
[148] PV-BES capacity PSO Net present value Power balance SOC of battery Flat Australia
[149] PV-BES capacity Sensitivity tool Annual profit Not specified Flat Australia
[150] PV-BES capacity PSO Net present value Power balance, battery SOC, grid Flat and Time- Australia
constraint of-use
[151] PV-BES capacity GA Self-sufficiency and payback Power balance, battery SOC Time-of-use Egypt
[152] PV-BES capacity HOMER Cost of electricity and SOC of battery Flat Algeria
Fig. 11. Technical challenges in existing studies on the optimal planning of PV-battery systems for GCRS.
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
methods and novel metaheuristic approaches were not examined for 4.2. Robust optimal planning
PV-battery optimal sizing in GCRS. The new metaheuristic methods with
the capability to reach global optimal results is useful to solve the In [153], an adaptive robust optimal planning and operation was
planning problem with nonlinearities. Providing guidelines for the proposed for PV-BES in grid-connected homes. The polyhedral sets were
consumers is an important factor that was also overlooked. used to model the uncertainties of solar PV generation and load con
sumption. The developed robust planning was based on the worst-case
4. Recent developments in optimal planning realization of uncertain parameters. The optimization problem was
solved by an outer min challenge known as “here-and-now” decisions for
Recently, several research developments have been done on PV- PV and BES sizing, and an inner max-min challenge to determine the
battery optimal planning for grid-connected residential sector. Fig. 12 operation variables known as “wait-and-see” decisions. It was approved
demonstrates the recent developments in terms of guideline for cus that reliability and tractability are the main features of robust optimi
tomers, robust optimal PV-battery sizing, multi-objective optimization zation over conventional methods like scenario generation, Monte Carlo
considering the autonomy of GCRS, detailed battery lifetime model, PV- simulation, K-means data clustering and probability distribution func
battery optimal sizing by considering the operation of water heater, tions. The robust optimization approach solves the planning problem
virtual power plant, multi-year stochastic programming, and multi-type based on bounded interval of uncertainty sets that eliminates the
BES. requirement of scenario generation. Robust planning of PV-battery
system based on the uncertainty in RTP was not studied in the literature.
4.1. Guideline for consumers
4.3. Multi-objective optimal planning considering the autonomy
In [152], a guideline was provided for the consumers in Australia to
purchase the optimal capacity of solar PV and battery. A flat electricity In [154], the MOPSO methodology was used for multi-objective
rate was considered for import/export energy from/to the main grid. optimal planning of PV and BES in grid-connected households. Energy
The developed guideline was based on the available rooftop area and the autonomy, power autonomy, payback period and lifetime capital cost
average daily electricity consumption of residential households. It was were considered as the objective functions. The methodology achieved
shown that as the daily electricity demand of the household increases, the optimal azimuth angle of PV panels and capacity of PV and BES. The
the optimal capacity of PV increases. However, it is not beneficial to use lifetime of battery was estimated based on the total capacity fade. Such
more than 9 kW solar PV for the GCRS even with 30 kWh electricity multi-objective studies are very useful for the customers to not only
demand per day. This is because of the grid constraints in Australia that consider the cost as an objective function, but also check the autonomy
limits the consumers to export less than 5 kW at any time. Based on the of the system operation for various capacities of PV and BES.
guideline, it is understandable that the recent BES price is not
economically efficient for integration in the grid-connected households 4.4. Detailed model of lead-acid battery lifetime estimation
in Australia. Such guidelines are very helpful for consumers to render
the most economic capacity of PV and BES for their households in urban In [155], the optimal design conducted for a residential microgrid
area. Guidelines based on other electricity rates such as TOU or RTP are with lead-acid battery and PV by minimizing the COE. The decision
neglected in the literature. variables were selected as the number of BES and PV panels, as well as
the optimal value of battery depth-of-discharge (DOD) and the tilt angle
of the PV panels. This paper deployed a detailed model of lead-acid BES
based on the battery voltage, current and SOC performance. The
developed model then considered the replacement of BES in the project
lifespan based on the discharge current, SOC impacts, acid stratification,
number of cycles and the sulfate-crystal structure. This study considered
an annual loss of power supply based on the grid-interruptions to
maximize the reliability of the designed PV-battery system. Optimal
planning problem is a long-period challenge; hence such studies are very
useful to achieve an accurate lifetime of BES. Based on the estimated
lifetime of battery, more accurate economic analysis can be achieved for
the project.
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
optimal sizing resulted in lower cost of the VPP with mitigating the PV-battery system for a GCRS by considering the NPV and customer
uncertainties of renewable generation. satisfaction is strongly recommended.
4.7. Multi-year stochastic programming 5.2. Dynamic electricity rates and optimal planning
A multi-year stochastic programming was proposed for optimal Dynamic electricity rate (i.e., RTP) forces the consumers to develop
planning of PV and BES [158]. The uncertainties of load and PV gen efficient energy management systems [166,167]. In this case, demand
eration were considered in the model. A new financial model was response and charging/discharging of battery are the important aspects
developed based on the multi-year operation that eased the cash flow in the energy management [168]. The main aim is to maximize the
analysis. The main features of the developed model were to consider the profits by monitoring and controlling the energy flow of the GCRS based
aging of the battery and a long-period uncertainties in the optimal on market prices [169,170]. This trend completely affects the optimal
planning. capacity of PV and BES for residential sector. A bi-level optimization
model is recommended to optimize: (1) the capacity of PV and BES, and
4.8. Multi-type battery energy storage (2) the operation (energy management system) of the system.
In [159], an ε-constraint methodology was used to solve the 5.3. Resilient PV-Battery planning
multi-objective optimal planning problem by considering a multi-type
BES. Three types of battery (LA, LIB, and NaS) were aggregated to be A resilient PV-battery optimal planning is an opportunity to
used with PV panels. The system total cost and the output power strengthen the load supply probability using the PV-battery system in
smoothing index were considered as the objective functions. It was grid outages [171]. Natural disasters are the main reasons for grid
found that changing the configuration of the BES has more effects on the outages that can jeopardize the resiliency of the network [172]. Since
power smoothing index rather than the system cost. the natural disasters are mostly unpredictable, considering probability
distribution functions based on the type of the disaster can be integrated
5. Direction for future works into the optimal planning problem [173]. This can be considered as a
grid outage in the optimization model [174]. This can enhance resil
Based on the aforementioned technical challenges and recent de iency of the designed PV-battery system [175]. New design factors like a
velopments, the directions for future work are discussed in this section. limitation for the maximum load supply during the grid outage can be
Fig. 13 illustrates various trends for future scopes in optimal sizing of PV used for the resiliency of GCRS with PV-battery system.
and BES for GCRS.
5.4. Grid dependency in optimal planning
5.1. Demand response and optimal planning
The consumers would like to decrease their dependency on the main
Demand response is an impressive factor in optimal planning of a PV- grid by the installed PV-battery system. In such condition, grid de
battery system for GCRS. Forecasts of solar insolation, load consumption pendency (GD) can be identified as a new objective function. Grid de
and electricity rates should be available to render useful insights for the pendency is the fraction of imported electricity from the main grid over
demand response action. Efficient demand response programs can the total electricity demand by the residential sector. It is notable that
effectively decrease the capacity of the PV and battery, and hence when the GD is zero, the GCRS operates as a standalone system with PV
decrease the cost of the system. However, the DR programs are not and battery. Increasing the capacity of PV and BES can decrease the GD
favourable for customers [160]. Objective functions like customer of the GCRS; however, this increases the system costs. Hence, a trade-off
satisfaction (i.e., user’s convenience/comfort level) are very helpful to between the cost of electricity and grid dependency is important from
be considered in the optimal planning with a DR framework [161,162]. the consumer point of view.
The CS objective function indicates the satisfaction level of customers by
the demand response program [163–165]. To achieve a maximum CS in 5.5. Distribution network considerations in optimal planning
GCRS, three strategies can be conducted; (1) the time for load shifting
should be minimized, (2) the amount of load curtailment should be Increasing the number of solar PV panels in low voltage distribution
minimized, and (3) the incentive payments for contribution in DR pro feeders may cause new challenges [176]. One of the main challenges is
gram should be maximized. A multi-objective optimal planning of voltage increase [177], which may result in restriction of the PV’s
Fig. 13. Future scopes in the optimal planning of PV and BES for GCRS studies.
R. Khezri et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111763
hosting capacity by the distribution feeders [178]. The BES and PV can • Practical guidelines would be useful for the customers in residential
be optimally integrated in distribution networks to mitigate the prob sector to purchase the optimal capacity of PV and battery based on all
lems [179]. Efficient battery management and demand response pro practical factors. However, only one practical guideline was pub
grams are some solutions in GCRSs for distribution network problems lished in the existing studies that provided the guideline based on flat
[180,181]. Therefore, optimal planning of PV and BES by considering electricity price. More guidelines should be generated by the re
the voltage increase crisis in distribution network is a new trend for the searchers for the customers with other electricity prices.
future studies. • While several studies have been published on optimal planning by
considering Flat and TOU electricity prices, the variable tariffs have
5.6. Aggregator viewpoint optimal planning been rarely investigated. By the advancement of smart grid facilities,
optimal planning of PV and battery needs careful investigation under
Aggregators have facilitated the participation of small-scale PV- real time pricing for electricity exchange between the consumer and
battery system (e.g., in households) in electricity markets [182]. In this grid.
case, customers are needed to control their power consumption based on • Practical demand response strategies would be useful for consumers
the aggregator’s requirements for demand response [183]. In some to reduce the capacity of PV and battery and hence the costs of the
cases, aggregators may encourage the consumers in a localized area to system. This would be possible by load shifting or curtailment of
use a central battery storage [184]. Based on the contracts with the controllable loads such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
aggregators, the optimal capacity of PV and BES may be changed in (HVAC) loads at home.
GCRS. • Optimal planning of the grid-connected consumers with electric
vehicle would be a potential topic for the researchers. This is a major
5.7. Strategies for planning in households with EV implication because of the growing penetration level of EVs in the
residential sector.
Recently, electric vehicles (EVs) have become popular transportation • New factors like grid dependency, distribution network limitations,
fleet due to environmental concerns. The EVs could be charged at home. and resiliency are among the new topics. The consumers would like
This would increase the electricity bill of the residential consumer. to see how much autonomy could be achieved by different capacities
When the EV is charged at home, the energy management system and of PV and battery in their household. In addition, which capacity of
subsequently the optimal planning of PV and BES are affected [185]. PV and battery could achieve a resilient system against grid outages.
Since the EV arrives home at evening time, the PV generation is not The distribution network faces several challenges due to high pene
available and hence the BES can be discharged to not only supply the tration of rooftop solar PV systems. This needs critical strategies to
home loads but also charge the EV’ battery [186]. Hence, a larger ca create limitations and guidelines to the consumers to control the
pacity of the BES may be required for the residential households with voltage and frequency.
EV. In addition, a higher capacity of PV may be needed to charge a large
battery. On the other side, the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) [187,188] and
vehicle-to-home (V2H) [189,190] capabilities of EV may increase the Declaration of competing interest
profitability of the PV-battery system in the GCRS. This makes the EMS
of the household with EV more complicated. Therefore, the future The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
studies can examine smart charging of EVs in the household while interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
implementing the optimal planning of PV and BES. the work reported in this paper.
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