Assessment of Permit Holder

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Q. What is Permit? (Is permit a written document?)

A. Permit is a written document which authorises certain people to carry out

specific job at certain time and place. It is a legal document.

Q. What is PTW system?

A. PTW system is a formal documented system used to control the potentially

dangerous job.

Q. Aim off PTW system? (Objectives of PTW system)

A. to ensure proper planning and precaution are taken with the hazards to
control the risk of a particular job.

Q. Why we use PTW system?

A.To protect the peoples, environment, Assets, reputation of company and to

do the job safely.

Q.Why Permit is a legal document?A.If I follow the rules and procedures and
something go wrong it will save me, otherwise I can go jail.

Q. Principle of Permitry?

A. It is a process use to determine whether a job needs a permit or not.

Types of permit
Class A

Class B

Task SOP

No permit job

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Class A permit: required for high risk work.
Three copies of A class permit

1) Red for P.H 2) Green for Area Authority 3) White for Responsible Sup

 72 hours notice expect emergency.

 Job HSE plan.
 Work site examination by Responsible Sup and Applicant before
authorisation by Responsible Sup.
 Daily validation by area authority.
 Tracking in work tracking system.

Class b permit: required for medium risk work.

Three copies of B class permit:

1) Blue copy for P. H 2) Green for Area Authority 3) White for Responsible

 48 hour notice except emergency.

 Job HSE plan.
 Authorisation by Responsible Sup.
 Daily validation by area authority.
 Tracking in work tracking system.

Note: Authorisation period is 28 days and validation time is 12 hours.

Access Permit: Used for site visit only.

Q. No permit Job form:

If we want to work in non hazardous area we use no permit job form

authorised by PDO responsible Sup and it is valid for 28 days.

Task SOP Permit

Validity 7 days for routine jobs

Daily suspension

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How many persons signed a permit?
 Production coordinator (for A class).
 Responsible Sup.
 Area authority.
 Isolation authority.( if required)
 Other effected custodian( if required)
 Applicant.
 Agt.
 Permit holder.

Q. How many documents attached with the permit?

1. Permit
2. Job HSE plan.
3. HRA.
4. Certificates if required.
5. Job content agreed.
6. Copy of drawing.
7. PTW check list
8. TRIC.

Q. When we suspend a Permit?

1. An unsafe situation develops.

2. Reportable incident occur at site
3. Oil or gas leak.
4. Work is delayed or interrupted more then 4 hours.
5. Permit holder changes.
6. Validation period is expired.

Q. When we cancel the Permit?

1. Work is complete.
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2. Work is not complete but new permit is required.
3. Work is different from description.
4. Authorised period is expired.
5. All available validation spaces have been used.

Q. PDO HSE policy?


 To protect the health and safety of workers.

 To protect the environment.
 Save the interest of local community.
 Empower the employ to stop the unsafe work.

Certificates and procedures

Q. what is certificate?

A. It is written permission to provide additional authorisation for specific job.

Q. When we use Excavation certificate?

A. When we do excavation more then 30 cm.

Q. Why we use Excavation certificate?

A. To find out underground services.

Q. How many persons and who signed the excavation certificate?

A. 1) Applicant 2) Pipeline sup 3) Telecom Sup 4) Electrical Sup

5) Instrument Sup 6) Geomatic Sup 7) Responsible Sup 8) PTW Holder


After reached at site conduct tool box talk.

 Check drawings.
 General observation.
 Check sign boards, route markers.
 Use detectors.

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 If have any doubt dig trail pits (maximum distance 3 meters )

Precaution (document id 1002, 3.1.3):

 Heavy machinery excavation may only carry out up to 1 meter from

flow lines and shall apply banks man.
 On no account shall permission be given such excavation less then 1
metre from live lines.
 Excavation is essential at a distance less then 1 meter from live lines to
ensure the line is isolated and depressurised.
 Breaking of hard rock’s held pneumatic (jack hammer) tools may
proceed within 1 meter of live lines and depressurised lines provided
that tool bit is visible all the time.

Q. What is Confined space?

A. Any area having depth more than 1.5 meter and minimum way of access.

Q. Why we need (use) confined space certificate?

A. Whenever we want to enter in confined space.

Note: its authorisation period id 12 hours.

Q. Who and how many persons sign confined space certificate?

A. 1) Applicant 2). Responsible Sup or Area authority 3). P.H


After reached the site,

 Conduct tool box talk.

 Conduct gas test and continuously monitoring and mentioned on gas
testing sheet.
 Check the area with long stick for reptiles before entrance. #
 All members should have H2s monitor.
 Use buddy system.
 Record in and out time of each person.

Q. When we use OHL certificate?

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A. Whenever we work within 15 meters of OHL.

Q. Who and how many persons sign OHL certificate?

A. 1) Applicant 2) Permit holder 3) AEP( Area Electrical Sup)


After reached the site.

 Conduct tool box talk.

 Erect the goal posts (Maximum height 5.5 meter) 15 meter both side of
 Must have CEP (competent electric persons) at site before start work
under OHL.
 Must lock the boom of Excavator or JCB with chain.
 Maintain min distance from OHL is 3 meter.

Q. Certificates related to Civil?

1) Excavation certificate.

2). Confined space certificate.

3) OHL certificate.

Q. What are the civil activities?

A. Excavation, back filling, installation of foundation and sleeper,

New well pad with cellar, septic tank, soakage pit,

Grading and levelling of road, shuttering and Rebar,

Installation of fence, Block work, concrete poring.

Q. HEMP? (Hazards risk assessment)

A. Hazards and effect management process.

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A critical element of principle of permitry and PTW preparation stage is an
assessment of hazards, threats and Risks associated with the work.

Indentify: Understand the hazards

Assess: Recognise the risk.

Control: Necessary measure to manage the risk.

Recover: Event if control break down.


A. As low as reasonably practicable.

It is a process in which we try to minimise the risk involve in the work.


A. Above Below Behind Inside.


A. Safety Observation Training Program.

The basic principle of stop is that all injuries and occupation illness can be


A. Health Risk Assessment.

It is a process in which we evaluates and indentify the hazards to the health

at work site.


A. Risk is combination of effects.


A. Hazard is a thing which has potential to cause harm.


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A. People Environment Assets and reputation of the company.


A. Lost time injuries (must know the latest LTI of PDO).

Q. RTA? (What is the common hazard in PDO?)

A. Road Traffic Accidents.

Q. what is HOT work?

A. It is an open flame, Production of spark and any other source of ignition.

Q. What is CCR?

A. Central Control Room


A. Safe Handling of Chemicals.

It is a written document from manufactures, in which they informed us the

properties of the chemical and control masseur if miss used.

Q. what is FOC?

A. Fibre optic cables. (Depth up to 70 cm).

Q. What LV?

A. Low Voltage. (Depth up to 70 cm).

Q. What is HV?

A. High Voltage (Depth upto 1meter).

Q. What is WINDROW?

A. Materials placed in longitude Axis of pipeline in tri angular shape.

(Minimum height 1 meter and base width 1.5 meter).

Q. what is Buddy system?

Minimum 2 persons are required for the job.

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A. Self Contain Breathing Apparatus

It is used in high H2S areas for breathing.

Q. What is Mercury and its effects?

A. It is a silver colour liquid, when it comes in open air evaporates very rapidly
and directly affect the nervous system, headache, stomach pain.

Q. What is Job HSE plan?

A. Combination of task, hazards, their control and who is responsible to take

these controls on work site in one document.

Q. What is TRIC?

A. Tool Box Risk Identification card.

It is a site risk assessment in which we will focus on the hazards at the work
site when we carry out the job.

Tips of affected tool box talk:

 Simple language.
 Tow way communication.
 Positive behaviour.

Q. Conduct tool box talk with your crew.

A. Aslaaam o Alikum ......Good Morning.

Discuss golden Rules, House rules and life saving rules.

Tell them about today’s job. For exp: we are going to do excavation. In
excavation there are some hazards ,like underground services heavy
machinery, poisonous reptiles ,slip trip ,sun light ,dehydration.etc and there
controls. Inform about latest LTI and PDO emergency number.

Q. What is difference between TRIC and Job HSE Plan?

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A. In Job HSE plan we assess the Hazards when we are planning the job and in
TRIC we assess the hazards at the time of implementing the job at work site.

Q. what is Dynamic risk review? (Check and pause).

A. When work is in progress at site, conditions changes( or weather)

we stop the work then hazard, risks and controls must be reassessed.

Q. What NORM?

A. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials.

It is deposited in the form of uranium (238), Thorium (232).it’s found in safety

valves, well head and storage cells.

NORM Restricted Areas:

1) Saih Rawal 2).Ramlatul Rawal 3). Zuliah 4) Huwaisah.

Precautions of NORM?

 Limited number of persons.

 Wear disposable cover alls and PVC gloves.
 No eating, no drinking, no smoking.
 Wash the body with water before leaving the site.
 Monitoring with dose meter.
 All the contaminated tools cover with the polythene.
 All the garbage should properly disposed off.

Q. what is H2S?

Hydrogen Sulphide is a highly toxic, flammable and invisible killer. Found

in confined space, pipelines, process facilities and hydrocarbon areas.

Classification of H2S:

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Locations of work
Q. How many Types of Fields?

A. Green field and brown field.

Q. What is process facility?

A. the area within the boundary fence of any hydrocarbon process

facilities including,

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 Gathering and pumping stations.
 terminals
 Storage and processing areas.
 Level area around the live well head.

Q. What are hydrocarbon areas?

A. Area outside the boundary fence of process facilities where hydrocarbon is

or has been present.

 Area outside the process the process facilities but within 50 m of

 Area within 50 meters of flanged joint.
 Area within 10 meters of interfiled gas pipeline.
 Area within 24 meters of SOGL or main Oil line.
 Area within 100 meter from drilling Rig.

NON hydrocarbon areas:

These are the areas where hydrocarbon will never be present.

 Area of land outside the process facilities and hydrocarbon areas.
 Construction sites for new facilities.
 Electric switching station and power distribution systems.
 Administration, recreation and accommodation.
 Labourites and medical facilities.

Q. What is ZONE?

A. We classified the area according to hazards.

Zone 0: where explosive atmosphere always present because of

operational necessity (e.g. Tanks, vessels )

Zone 1: where explosive atmosphere likely to occur (E.g. compressor

nearby, valves, rotating seals).

Zone 2: Where explosive atmosphere unlikely to occur. (Leakage of

pipelines in far away areas etc)

Q. Can we execute or work in Zone 0?

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A. NO. We can only work in zone 0 by converting it into zone 2.

About Permit Holder

Q. Who is permit holder?

A. A person has a valid and authorised Permit to work license.

Q. Who is AGT?

A. A persons have a valid Gas testing card and permit to work licensed.

Q. What will Permit Holder do when we take permit from Applicant?

A. I will take briefing from Applicant about job, location and requirements of
job HSE plan then I will check the description, activities, type of permit and
attached documents. If everything is complete and correct, I accept the
permit and go for validation.

Q. Responsibilities of Permit Holder?

A. Before start job on permit.

1. Understand the work and requirement of Job HSE plan.

2. Conduct the tool box talk and Brief the work party.
3. Get daily validation by area authority.

During work:

1. Permit is displayed at site.

2. Ensure that Job HSE plan and TRIC controls are in place.
3. Stay at work site and supervise the work party.

Before suspending Permit:

1. Ensure that work site and equipment are safe.

2. Stop all the work and move all the crew to a safe
3. Return the Permit to area authority after suspension.

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Types of Lifting

Routine & Non routine

Routine lift:

The lifting activity below 5 tons is considered as routine lift.



Method statement (Signed by Discipline engineer, AP & Competent Rigger)


Non-Routine lift:

The lifting activity above 5 tons / Tandem lift, lifting near live lines, lifting
during night shift, Use of man basket.



Method statement (Signed by Discipline engineer, AP & Competent Rigger)

Lifting plan (Prepared by AP and approved by PDO lifting engineer.)

Risk assessment.


Presence of lifting supervisor at site.


4 point check assurance and accountability program

PDO has identified 11 critical activities, for each activity there are 4 points to
be checked just before starting the job.

Toll free no: 80069999

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Q. What is AIPSM?

A. Asset integrity Process safety Management

Q. Definition of AIPSM

A. Keep the hazards under control inside the equipment, pipes & vessels
designed to handle them safely.

Q. What are the elements of AIPSM?

A. Design Integrity, Operating integrity, Technical Integrity, People and


Q. What is Tier 1 & Tier 2 Incidents?

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Q. What is PSM?

A. PSM is refer to managing hazard is associate with process industries and is

intended to reduce the frequency and severity of chemical leak, toxic gas and
other energy sources.

Q. What are the Process safety Fundamentals?

PSM is refer to managing hazard is associate with process industries and it is

intend to reduce the frequency and severity of chemical leak toxic gas and
other energy source

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TPE- Temporary portable equipment

MOC- Management of change

Confined space two types-

1) Containing Process Fluids

2) Not Containing Process Fluids

Emergency procedure
Q. In case of emergency what are your responsibilities?

A. What kind if emergency sir? 1) H2S 2) Fire

1) Due to H2S leak: (Responsibilities are.....

1. I will stop the job and equipments.

2. Hold the breath
3. Wear the BA set
4. I will check the wind direction.
5. I will tell all my crew to go to assembly point against wind direction by
brisk walk.
6. Head counting and check log book.
7. Inform to area authority. If he is not there I will call the PDO emergency
Number 2438-5555 , 2467-5555.

2) Fir emergency: (Responsibilities are ......

1. I will stop the job and equipments.

2. Remove the workers from site.
3. Check the fire and try to extinguish the fire.
4. If not possible then we will go to assembly point through nearest
escape route.
5. Head counting and check log book.
6. Inform the area authority.

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Q. If someone fall in the station then what we will do?

A. We consider it H2S emergency and will follow H2S emergency procedure.

Q. IF anyone fall in trench what will u do?

A. I will stop the job and equipments if trench deep more then 1.5 meter I
conduct gas test if there is no gas, we will bring him out and take him on a
safe place open his cloth and shoes and give him 1st aid. If area authority is
not nearby I will call the PDO emergency.

Q. What I tell at emergency number?

A. My name and number, my location, type of emergency, what kind of help

we need and will not disconnect the call until he tells me.

Important SP / PR

1. PR 1172 (Rev 11) & SP 2329 - PTW Manual

2. SP-2273- Lifting planning and Execution.
3. SP-2275- Certification of lifting equipments
4. PR 2282- Vacuum Tankers for Hydrocarbon Service
5. SP 1207- Specification of vacuum tanker
6. PR 1148 – Confined space
7. PR 2020- Flange Management.
8. GU 694- Electrical Safety operation.
9. GU 982- Electrical Safety operation procedure (Supplement to ESR -PR 2331)
10. SP- 2000- Road Transportation
11. SP 2001- Load safety and restraining.

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PTW Life Cycle
Applicant PTW coordinator Responsible Sup Applicant Area authority P.H
Apply for PTW Authorise Brief the Accept
permit Quality permit P.H permit

Hold Tric

Area authority P.H P.H P.H

Revalidatio Accept Hold Carry

n permit permit Discussion out


authoris NO

Responsible Sup P.H/Area authority Yes Suspend

Work permit
Archive Cancel Finish
Permit Permit ed

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