Encyclopedia of Social Work in 1971 Has

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The publication process took two years.
The volume was initiated by the editor,
The publication of the first Philippine Leonora de Guzman, Chief, National
Encyclopedia of Social Work in 1971 has Planner, Social Development Branch,
been considered a milestone in the color- Office of National Planning, National
ful history of social work in the Republic Economic Council of the Philippines.
of the Philippines. Some 35 scholars and The main emphasis in the choice of
practitioners of social work, including a papers for the volume is relevance to
few social scientists in the fields of cultu- national development. The encyclopedia
ral anthropology, sociology, and psycho- has six interrelated parts : historic per-
logy, have contributed articles to this 440- spectives; biographical profiles of selected
page monumental publication sponsored eminent social workers; social work
by the Philippine Association of Social methods, fields of practice and related
Workers (PASW). Leticia Generoso, the topics; social welfare statistics; and a
1971 PASW President, sums up the directory of registered social workers.
crucial importance of this volume : In the reviewers' judgement, this ency-
"This is the first attempt to put toge- clopedia is not only a record of the
ther in one volume, authoritative infor- magnificent achievements of Filipino
mation about social work and social social workers; it is likewise a gold mine
welfare in the Philippines. It is the of basic information in many related
partial answer to the growing clamor fields of knowledge — cultural anthropo-
for the publication of social work logy, sociology, psychology, economic and
literature indigenous to this country. social development, planning, among
This compilation of articles, biographi- others. Cultural anthropologists, for ex-
cal sketches, social welfare data, and ample, who for years have been doing re-
social welfare agencies is for the searches on the ethnic minorities of the
benefit of all who are concerned about country may perhaps profit from reading
social welfare problems and involved the chapter dealing with the integration of
in their alleviation and prevention. The Philippine minority groups, with special
social work practitioner or the agency reference to the role of the Commission
administrator, the policy-maker as well on National Integration (CNI) and the
as the man who makes the decisions, Office of the Presidential Assistant on
the volunteer or the professional, the National Minorities (PANAMIN) in pro-
donor or the recipient of social welfare grams to uplift the depressed minority
services....". communities of the country. Sociologists

* Dr. Mario D. Zamora is Visiting Professor of Anthropology, College of William and

Mary, Williamsburg. Virginia, U.S.A.; Kenneth Cline is a serious scholar of Philippine
society and culture from the College of William and Mary.
**A review of Philippine Encylopedia of Social Work edited by Leonora S. de Guzman,
Philippine Association of Social Workers, 1971. Manila: Philippines, 440 pp. No price

dealing with mental health and illness, The last three parts contain basic data
drug abuse, and correctional services may on statistics in social welfare (with tables
do well to consult this encyclopedia. and charts), a directory of social welfare
It is instructive to discuss and summa- agencies in the Philippines (child and
rize the contents in order to gain an idea youth welfare agencies, family welfare
of the scope and limitations of this pub- agencies, agencies for children and adults
lication. The volume is divided into six with special needs, correctional and re-
parts. Part 1 is concerned with historical habilitation services, welfare agencies in
perspectives. Among the chapters in this the field of health and community welfare
section are : the development of social agencies), a directory of registered social
work as a profession in the Philippines; workers (as of August 31, 1971). The ap-
social welfare in the Philippines; Philip- pendices on the Code of Ethics for Filipino
pine Association of Social Workers; Social Workers and two laws governing
Schools of Social Work Association of the social work conclude the book. The ency-
Philippines; and finally, Board of Exami- clopedia has a good index.
ners for Social Work.
Part 2 is concerned with the biographi- II
cal sketches of five outstanding social
workers/heroes who have made significant The reviewers' general impression has
and enduring contributions to the Philip- been that the field of social work in the
pines : Josefa Llanes Escoda, Jose Fabe- Philippines, is, to a great degree, concerned
11a, Josefa Jara Martinez, Irene Ellis with the problem of national develop-
Murphy, and Asuncion A. Perez. ment. There is great stress in this volume
The third section discusses social work under review with developmental mecha-
methods and fields of practice. This is the nisms and the need for reforms of these"
most extensive section because of the vast mechanisms to achieve a much more
and varied topics covered : administration balanced societal structure in which the
of social welfare agencies; child welfare; poor and uneducated can expect as great a
citizen and volunteer participation in share of the rewards of life as the wealthy and
social welfare; community centers; com- educated elite. The vehicle for this trans-
munity organization; correctional services; formation is social welfare. Social welfare
cultural minorities; disaster relief program means (1) services provided to those who
and operations; drug addiction, narcotics need them (the traditional approach) and
etc.; education for social work; family (2) the attempt to restructure the mecha-
welfare services; financing of social wel- nisms of society itself. In the first one, the
fare agencies; social work in the field of Philippines had made great advances but,
health; housing and squatter relocation; as would be obvious, there is a limit to
mental health and illness; mental retarda- the number of services that can be provi-
tion; public welfare; research in social ded by an underdeveloped economy. The
work and school social services; sectarian second part sees the need for basic change
social services; social action; social case- in society before a country can lift itself
work; social development, social group out of underdevelopment. The problem is
work; social planning for national de- that this often means a temporary setting
velopment; social policy; staff development aside of "pure' economic development;
for social work; supervision in social work; China is a good example of this. Within
vocational rehabilitation and youth services. the democratic framework of the Philip-

pines, is social development possible ? do exist. This would seem to be what

We gather from this encyclopedia that social work, as a profession, is all about.
many social workers think so. There is The contributors to this massive volume
optimism in their faith in the two-pronged tend to have confidence in the ability of
approach of (1) governmental action, and their profession, along with government
(2) "voluntarysm". action, to 'make a difference" in Philip-
pines society. We wonder if the confidence
Through the years, the Philippine gove- is misplaced. Does community organization
rnment has made tremendous strides in really amount to the mass mobiliza-
assuming responsibility for the welfare and tion that is needed? In the end,
social advancement of its people. Along we think government must acquire
with the numerous government agencies within itself and its support blocs
involved in social problems the clearest inside the society, the power and the will
manifestation of this concern is the drive to achieve fundamental changes. Viewed in
for land reform. But, as many leaders have this light, martial law seems plausible and
discovered, revolution cannot be imposed desirable because no amount of planning
solely from the top. Governmental pro- manifestos, scholarly studies, and un-
grams and policies tend to flounder in the enforced laws can achieve a revolution. The
societal miasma. That is why, as Soledad past two years under martial law in the
A. Florendo pointed out, "voluntarysm" is Philippines — notwithstanding criticisms of
essential in a free society, because volu- suppression of civil liberties — demon-
ntary 'agencies and groups can mobilize strated the power, the vision, and even the
people and resources, where government is courage of government itself to advance
unable to do it, or it can lend vital sup- the cause of social work and social
port to government programs, where they welfare in the Philippines.

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