Rubrics For Business Research Proposal

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Criteria Excellent Good (4) Average Below Poor (1) Score

(5) (3) Average

Research Research Research Research Research Research
question and question is question is question is question is question is
significance well-defined clear and clear but vaguely poorly
and significant significant lacks defined or defined and
significance lacks lacks
significance significance
Literature review Comprehensive Thorough Adequate Incomplete Inadequate
and synthesis literature literature literature literature literature
review with review with review with review with review with
clear synthesis clear some little synthesis no synthesis
synthesis synthesis
Methodology Clear and Clear Adequate Incomplete or Poor
and data appropriate methodology methodology inappropriate methodology
collection methodology with with some methodology with no or
with adequate data with irrelevant
comprehensive data collection insufficient data
data collection collection data collection
Analysis and Clear and Clear analysis Adequate Incomplete Poor analysis
interpretation of appropriate with analysis with analysis with with no or
results analysis with appropriate some limited inaccurate
insightful interpretation interpretation interpretation interpretation
Contribution to Significant Substantial Some Little No
the field and contribution contribution contribution contribution contribution
originality and originality and some and limited and limited or originality
demonstrated originality originality originality demonstrated
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
Clarity, Writing is clear, Writing is Writing is Writing is Writing is
organization, and well-organized, clear and generally unclear and poor, unclear,
writing and free of organized clear and disorganized and
proficiency errors with few organized with frequent disorganized
errors with some errors with
errors numerous
Summation of Scores
Percentage of Scores
Rubrics for the Business Proposal for ABM students

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