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The text discusses the structure and purpose of experimental research reports and factors that influence second language acquisition.

The purpose of an experimental research report is to explain to others in the field what the objectives, methods, and findings of a completed research study were.

Typical sections included in an experimental research report are the introduction, method, materials, results, discussion, and abstract sections.

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Experimental Research Report Writing

for Students of English

Robert Weissberg and Suzanne Buker

Prentice Hall Regents Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

To Sarah and Matthew
to the many international students,
past and present,
whose research interests enrich our
knowledge and our lives


.itoriaI!production supervision and interior design: Louisa B. Hellegers

Iver design: Photo Plus Art PREFACE iv
mufacturing buyer: Ray Keating
To the Teacher v

To the Student vi
©1990 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.

~ A Division of Simon & Schuster
. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632

~ THE INTRODUCTION: Establishing a Context 20

rights reserved. No part of this book may be
roduced, in any form or by any means, :3l THE INTRODUCTION: Reviewing Previous Research 41
lout permission in writing from the publisher.
<Ql THE INTRODUCTION: Advancing to Present Research 65
lted in the United States of America
9 8 7 6 543 2 1
BN 0-13-970831-6
{/ RESULTS 136
ltice-Hall International (UK) Limited, London
ltice-Hall of Australia Pty. Limited, Sydney ~ DISCUSSION 160
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different fields of study as possible in the excerpts. Students should be advised [
that they need not be familiar with every word in every model or exercise in [
order to recognize the conventions being studied or to understand the instruc-
tional point being presented. [

An Instructor's Guide is available. It includes lesson suggestions for each

chapter as well as answer keys to the exercises. It also includes notes on varia-
tions found across disciplines for some of the conventions covered in the text.
Finally, we hope that this book adequately fills an important need for you
and your students: a straightforward and readable guide to the conventions
English-speaking researchers follow when they write up their work.

This book is designed to help you learn to use the most important features of
technical and scientific English in writing about research in your field. The prin-
cipal type of writing treated here is the experimental research report, but the
information in this book is also relevant to writing research proposals, literature
reviews, summaries, abstracts, and especially theses and dissertations.
Many of the expressions and grammatical structures presented in these
chapters may not be new to you. What will be new are the specific uses of
these items in technical writing. These uses are called "conventions" because
they are commonly followed by authors in most fields of research. Technical OVERVIEW
writing in English is very conventional. That is, when you have learned the con-
ventions presented in this book, you will be able to write an acceptable report An experimental research report is a paper written by an investigator to
about almost any research project that you may carry out. describe a research study that he or she has completed. The purpose of the
Examples from published research articles in various field are included in report is to explain to others in the field what the objectives, methods, and find-
each ~hapter. These show you how scientists use the language forms you are ings of the study were. The report may be published in a professional journal, it
~tudymg when they write up their research. Sometimes these examples will may appear as a monograph distributed by a research institution or publishing
mclude technical vocabulary that is new to you. Try not to be distracted by company, or it may be written in the form of a thesis or dissertation as part of
these terms; they should not interfere with your ability to understand the exam- the requirements for a university degree.
ples or to. appreciate the way these writers use the language conventions you We use the term "experimental research" here in a very broad sense, re-
are studymg. We hope, in fact, that you will find these excerpts to be interesting ferring to various kinds of studies. One typical kind is the controlled Scientific
examples of research in many different fields. experiment, where the researchers conduct empirical tests while identifying and
. In working through this book, you will be asked to find examples of pub- controlling as many factors as possible that may affect the outcome of the study.
hshed research in your area of interest. This is done because we believe that the Another common kind of research is correlational, in which the investigators
m?~e you read, the better you will write. You will also be asked to carry out an compare two or more different variables to determine if any predictable rela-
ongmal research project to put into practice the conventions you are studying. tionships exist among them. Other kinds of studies may deal with information
Through these activities of reading, writing, and research practice, you will obtained from survey questionnaires or from case studies. Still other studies use
soon master the language of the experimental research report. computer-generated models that attempt to explain or predict phenomena ob-
served in the laboratory or in nature.
Robert Weissberg and Suzanne Buker
New Mexico State University
All these kinds of studies share some common characteristics. First, they are
:lesigned around a research question. As a possible answer to the research ques- I ABSTRACT I Chapter 9
·on, the researcher formulates a hypothesis and then designs the study in such a
ay as to reject or support the hypothesis. Also, such studies are usually quanti- INTRODUCTION Chapters 2, 3, and 4
atiue-that is, they deal with numerical data obtained in carrying out the study.
hese data are usually treated with one or more statistical tests to determine how
eriously the results should be taken.
I METHOD I Chapters 5 and 6

The reports written to describe these different kinds of studies also have
uch in common. Normally, a report includes descriptions of the purpose,
ethod, and results of the study. Complete results are usually presented in tables
~ Chapter 7

nd graphs. Such a report contains references to other published works in the / DISCUSSION \ Chapter 8
arne area of study. A bibliography (a list of references) listing these works, along
ith all the information needed to find them in a library, is always included at the
nd of the report. Finally, a brief summary or an abstract covering the most im-
ortant information in the report is usually attached. FIGURE 1.1 Typical sections of the experimental research report.
The organizational format for all experimental research reports is basically
the same, regardless of the field of study in which the author is working. Some of
the research fields treated in this book are listed here. The Experimental Research Report-An Example

To help you understand the basic format of the experimental research report,
we present here a report originally published in a profeSSional journal. The re-
port describes a study carried out in the field of agricultural education. The
Education Management Biology Sociology study evaluates the effectiveness of using microcomputers to teach economic
Economics Chemistry Psychology Engineering principles to university students in a graduate course.
Agronomy Animal Science Language Business


The purpose of this chapter is to show you the basic format writers in these
fields use to report the findings of their studies and to give you practice in recog- Norman F. Rohrbach, District Supervisor
nizing the components that make up the format. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Jefferson City, Missouri

Bob R. Stewart, Professor

Agricultural Education
University of Missouri-Columbia

Abstract-Although microcomputers are now common in classrooms

throughout the United States, it is not clear what their most effective role is
INFORMATION CONVENTIONS in the teaching-learning process. This study compared the effects of micro-
computer-assisted instruction and traditional lecture-discussion on the
The following diagram illustrates the major sections of a typical experimental performance of graduate students enrolled in an agricultural education
course. Students in the control group performed significantly better on a
~esearch report in the order in which they are usually presented. The diagram
written test than either of the two treatment groups. Students having pre-
~Iso shows the chapters in this book that deal with each of the sections. vious experience with computers did not perform significantly better than


those new to computer-assisted instruction. Further research needs to be
conducted to determine the most appropriate place for computer-assisted Method
instruction in agricultural education.
~he study was conducted as a three-group controlled pre-
During the past 40 years, the United States has experienced expenment following the static-group comparison design (Campbell
the integration of the computer into society. Progress has been ~ Sta~ley, 1963). It involved the use of three experimental groups,
made to the point that small, inexpensive computers with ex- rncludrng a .control Group A, a treatment group consisting of begin-
panded capabilities are available for innumerable uses. Many ner-I.e~el mlc~ocomputer users Group B, and a treatment group
schools have purchased and are purchasing microcomputers for conSISting of rntermediate-Ievel microcomputer users Group C (see
Table 1.1).
infusion into their directed learning programs.

Most individuals seem to agree that the microcomputer will Table 1.1 Design of the Study
continue to hold an important role in education. Gubser (1980) and A B C
Hinton (1980) suggested phenomenal increases in the numbers of Control Treatment Treatment
computers both in the school and the home in the near future. There n = 21 persons n = 25 persons n = 16 persons
are always problems with a sudden onslaught of new technology. Lecture-discussion Microcomputer- Microcomputer-
Like any new tool that has not been fully tried and tested, the role of technique assisted instruc- assisted instruc-
the computer is in question. How should the computer be used in the 2 two-hour class tion (no experi-
sessions tion (intermediate
classroom? Should the computer be the teacher or used as a tool in ence) experience)
Evaluation by writ- Maximum of 4 hours
the classroom in the same way as an overhead projector? Can ten tests Maximum of 4 hours
for instruction of instruction
teachers do a better job of teaching certain types of materials with Evaluation by writ- Evaluation by writ-
the microcomputer than with conventional teaching methods? Will ten test ten test
the microcomputer have different effects on students with varying Record of actual Record of actual
levels of experience? Schmidt (1982) identified three types of micro- time used time used
computer use in classrooms: the object of a course, a support tool, Population
and a means of providing instruction. Foster and Kleene (1982) cite
four uses of microcomputers in vocational agriculture: drill and . The population for the study consisted of graduate students in
practice, tutorial, simulation and problem solving. ~~ncultu:al education at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Par-
ticipants rn the ~tudy were enrollees in courses offered through agri-
The findings of studies examining the use of various forms of cultural education at the University of Missouri-Columbia during the
computer-assisted instruction (CAl) have been mixed. Studies by summer of 1983: T~is provided 21 students for control Group A, 25
Hickey (1968) and Honeycutt (197 4) indicated superior results with ~tudents ~or begrnnrng microcomputer Group Band 16 students for
CAl while studies by Ellis (l978), Caldwell (1980) and Belzer (l976) rntermedlate microcomputer Group C. The assumption was made
indicated little or no significant effect. Although much work has been tha~ the participants represented a sample of graduate students in
done to date, more studies need to be conducted to ascertain the agncultural education. Therefore, the findings and implications of
effects of microcomputer-assisted instruction in teaching various the study sho~ld. be generalized to the extent that future groups of
subjects in a variety of learning situations. students are Similar to the participants.

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of using . The 21 students designated as the control group were taught
microcomputer-assisted instruction as compared to a lecture-discus- usrng a lecture-discussion technique. Forty-one students were di-
sion technique in teaching principles and methods of cost recovery :ided i~to two treatment groups to receive microcomputer-assisted
and investment credit on agricultural assets to graduate students in rn~tructlon. The class consisted of two sections with placement deter-
agricultural education (Rohrbach, 1983). This topic was identified as ml~~d by previous microcomputing experience. Students with the
being of importance to teachers in providing them the necessary ablll~ to run and edit software programs were assigned to the inter-
background to teach lessons in farm records. mediate-level group, and the remaining students were assigned to
the beginners group.
Demographic data were collected from all subjects in relation tion in farm management and a graduate research assistant in farm
to age, teaching experience, and knowledge and use of principles management.
and methods relating to cost recovery and investment credit. Prior
The evaluation instrument used in the study was developed to
experience with the information was calculated on a nine-point
measure the attainment of concepts in the learning package. The
written evaluation was subjected to the Kuder-Richardson 20 test
Before receiving instruction, each group was introduced to the which yielded a reliability coefficient of .89. Validity of each question
study by giving them the same orientation to the procedures to be was established by a panel of experts with experience in teaching
used. It was explained that the learning sessions would be followed the concepts related to the material. There were 29 questions on the
with a written evaluation on the material presented. They were told test which were worth one point each.
that the evaluation score would not count toward their grade in the
Null hypotheses were developed to test the research questions
course, but that it was important that they do as well as possible.
of the study. A one-way analysis of variance was used to test the first
The classes comprising the control group were organized into null hypothesis of no difference in performance among the groups
two-hour class sessions. The instructor used two-hour sessions on (Ho l ). Differences were isolated using the Scheffe post hoc proce-
two consecutive days for teaching using a lecture-discussion tech- dure. A Pearson correlation coefficient was used to ascertain the
nique. The written evaluation was given during the first hour of the relationship between time spent on microcomputer-assisted instruc-
third day. tion and student performance (H0 2). Demographic data were exam-
ined to ascertain the homogeneity of the control group and experi-
The treatment groups were given general instructions about mental groups. An alpha level of .05 was used in testing the
operating the microcomputer learning program and were told they hypotheses. The data were analyzed with the Statistical Analysis
could spend a maximum of four hours in the laboratory working System library computer package at the University of Missouri-Co-
with the microcomputer-assisted instruction. The instructor who lumbia (Ray, 1982).
taught the control group was in the microcomputer laboratory to
respond to questions and monitor student progress. Students were
given two days to complete the task, were asked to keep a record of The age, teaching experience, prior experience with materials
the amount of time used, and were given the written evaluation and time on task varied somewhat among groups as shown in Table
during a one-hour time period of the third day. 1.2. Time on task was held constant at 200 minutes for the control
group, but ranged from 30 to 221 minutes for Group B and from 45
Development of Materials and Instrument to 180 minutes for Group C.
The materials used in teaching principles and methods in cost recov- Table 1.2 Characteristics of Participants
ery and investment credit with the lecture-discussion method have
been in place for three years and were the basis for writing a com-
puter teaching program. The microcomputer learning modules, Teaching Experience
written in BASIC Language for the Apple lie microcomputer, con- Experience with Time on Task
tained the principles, methods, examples, objectives, problems and Age (years) (years) Materials in Minutes
so forth to be learned by students in the segment of the class de- N Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
voted to cost recovery and investment credit. The modules were Control
designed to present the concepts using the same problems and ex- Group A 21 29.8 22-53 5.9 0-25 4.29 0-9 200 200-200
amples used in the lecture discussion procedure. All teaching materi- Treatment
als and related microcomputer learning modules were checked for Group B 25 33.0 22-44 8.4 0-17 4.08 0-9 112.2 30-221
technical accuracy by a professor of agricultural economics respon-
Group C 16 35.6 24-50 11.4 1-24 4.81 0-9 90.4 45-180
sible for preparing inservice materials related to tax law changes, a
professor of agricultural education responsible for inservice educa- Total 62 32.6 22-53 8.3 0-25 4.34 0-9 136.3 30-221


To help explain differences in student scores, correlational Table 1.5 Analysis of Variance for Differences among Control and
coefficients were calculated to ascertain if there were significant Treatment Group Scores
relationships between scores on the test and the subjects' age, prior
Source df SS F PR<F
experience with material, and years of teaching experience. As
shown in Table 1.3, there was a significant positive relationship be- Model 2 578.990 9.29 0.0003
tween prior experience or knowledge of the material and test scores Error 59 1837.598
(i.e., more prior experience influenced a higher test score). When Corrected Total 61 2416.597
prior experience scores (from Table 1.2) were compared on a
group-by-group basis, Group A was not found to differ significantly
The F value of 9.29, reported in Table 1.5, indicated a signifi-
at the .05 level from Groups Bor C (+ values of .212 for A-B and
cant difference in group mean scores. The Scheffe test was used to
4.93 for A-C).
isolate more specifically where those differences occurred. There
Table 1.3 Correlation Coefficients for Test Scores with Prior Expe- was a significant difference between the control group and each of
rience with Material, Age and Years of Teaching Experience the CAl groups. There was not a significant difference found be-
tween the two CAl groups. The test scores from the control group
Years of were higher than from either treatment group.
Prior Experience Teaching
with Material Age Experience A Pearson correlation coefficient of - .016 indicated no signifi-
(n) (r) (r) (r) cant relationship between time spent with the microcomputer-as-
Control Group A 21 .639 -.522 -.447 sisted instruction and test scores of students.
Treatment Group B 25 .670 .166 .239
Treatment Group C 16 .658 -.102 .040 Discussion
All Students 62 .563 -.242 -.162
Our first hypothesis, that there would be no significant differ-
Note. Critical value at the .05 level of significance = .25. ence among group mean scores, was rejected. However, our sec-
ond hypothesis, that there would be no significant relationship be-
Each experimental group was given the same written test after tween the amount of time utilized by the students with
being subjected to the lecture-discussion or microcomputer-assisted microcomputer-assisted instruction and students' test scores, was
instruction sessions as outlined in the design and procedures of the not rejected.
study. Mean scores and general results from each of the three
groups are presented in Table 1.4, and the results of the analysis of The following conclusions are subject to the conditions and
variance test are reported in Table 1.5. limitations of this study: (a) the lecture-discussion approach was
more effective than the microcomputer instruction in teaching the
application of principles and concepts; (b) experience with the mi-
Table 1.4 Test Scores of Control and Experimental Groups
crocomputer had no effect on test scores, so it appears that the mi-
Mean Standard Low High crocomputer-assisted learning modules were as easy for the begin-
N Score Deviation Score Score Variance ners to use as for the intermediate-level users; and (c) the amount of
Control time spent by students subjected to the microcomputer-assisted in-
Group A 21 21.19 4.996 11 28 24.962 struction did not significantly affect their scores when given freedom
Treatment to select the amount of time spent.
Group B 25 14.16 5.080 7 26 25.807
Treatment The influence of prior experience with the subject matter was
Group C 16 16.25 6.923 7 29 47.933 examined in two ways. As expected, there was a positive correla-
All students 62 17.08 6.294 7 29 tion between experience and student scores. However, there was
not a significant difference for prior experience between Group A


and treatment Groups Band C. Therefore, it does n~t appe~r th~t Gubser, l. (1980). Schools of education-a time for revolution (ERIC
prior experience with subject matter was a confounding vanable In Document Reproduction Service No. ED 195524).
this study. Hickey, A. E. (1968). Computer-assisted instruction; A survey of the
The findings indicated that the lecture-discussion method of literature. Newburyport, MA: ENTELEK.
teaching was more effective than the microcomputer-assisted tech- Hinton, J. R. (1980). Individualized learning using microcomputer
nique in teaching the principles and concepts presented under the CAl (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 196409).
conditions described. Given a choice, students in the microcomput-
er groups spent less time than did the students in the control group. Honeycutt, J. K. (1974). The effects of computer managed instruction
Students in the control group were taught during regular hours on content learning of undergraduate students (ERIC Document
while the treatment groups participated during laboratory time. Reproduction Service No. ED 089 682).
Ray, A. S. (Ed.). (1982). SAS user's guide: Statistics. Cary, NC: SAS
Since most studies indicated that students using CAl have
generally performed as well or better than students under conven-
tional instruction, the implication is that the difference in perform- Rohrbach, N. F. (1983). Microcomputer use in teaching graduate
ance found in this study should be carefully evaluated. The findings students in agricultural education. Unpublished doctoral disser-
might have been different if all students had spent a minimum of tation, University of Missouri-Columbia.
four hours using the computer program. Additional studies should
Schmidt, J. R. (1982). Computer utilization of resident instruction at
compare groups using a mix of traditional instruction and CAl and
the land grant university. Unpublished manuscript, North Cen-
should require groups to spend a specific amount of time on task.
tral Computer Institute, Madison.
The challenge for agricultural educators is to better utilize the ca-
pabilities of microcomputer assisted instruction in the learning
Belzer, T. J. (1976). A comparative study of a traditional lecture WHAT HAVE YOU OBSERVED?
method and a group paced, multimedia, non-lecture method
used in teaching college biology (ERIC Document Reproduc- 1. How many major sections does this experimental research report contain?
tion Service No. ED 133 026). Are all of these sections indicated by headings? Which major section does
not have a heading?
Caldwell, R. M. (1980). A comparison of using computer-based 2. What kind of information does each major section contain? Do any major
education to teach literacy and numeracy skills to CErA and sections have more than one kind of information? Which ones? .
non-CErA participants enrolled in programs of adult basic 3. How does the format of this report compare with the general model in
education (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 194 Figure 1.1?
Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. C. (1963). Experimental and quasi-
experimental designs for research. Chicago: Rand McNally. Formulating a Research Question
Ellis, J. A. (1978). A comparative evaluation of computer-managed Although it rarely appears in the final report itself, the research question is the
and instructor-managed instruction (ERIC Document Repro- basis on which the study is planned and carried out. After researchers have fo-
duction Service No. ED 165705). cused on a specific topic of investigation, they formulate a question that ad-
Foster, R., & Kleene, M. (1982). Opportunities with computer as- dresses a specific aspect of the topic in which they are interested. For example, if
sisted instruction. The Agricultural Education Magazine, a researcher is interested in studying the effect of industrial pollution on plant life
54(7), 12-14. in a particular area, he or she she might formulate a question like the following:


RESEARCH QUESTION: What are the effects of increased concen- EXERCISE 1.2 Analysis
trations of sulfuric acid in the atmosphere
on production of grain sorghum? A complete research report from the field of psychology is reproduced he
as it appeared in a journal article. However, the headings and spaces tha
Asked another way, the same topic could be addressed through a different
separated the original article into its major sections have been omitted.
question: Read the report carefully and decide where each major section begins ar
RESEARCH QUESTION: Do increased concentrations of sulfuric ends. Then label each section with the appropriate heading.
acid in the atmosphere lead to significant
decreases in the production of grain sor-
Formulating a Hypothesis
Thomas J. Lipscomb
In formal research work, it is necessary to formulate a statement of expected Hunter A. McAllister
results. This is called the hypothesis. The hypothesis is a possible response to the Norman J. Bregman
Department of Psychology
research question. For example, a hypothesis based on the research question in Southeastern Louisiana University
the previous section might look like this:
One of the three representations of a staged automobile collision was
HYPOTHESIS: Abnormally high concentrations of sulfuric acid in s.hown to 180 students from introductory psychology classes. We then ques-
tioned the students about details of the accident, using either marked or
the atmosphere have no effect on the production unmarked modifiers. Half the students were questioned immediately after
of grain sorghum. 5 viewing the stimulus material and half after a 20-min delay. The results
indicated that estimates of the magnitude of a number of aspects of the
When the hypothesis is stated in this negative way, it is called the null hypothesis collision were significantly greater when unmarked modifiers were used in
(H o). The purpose of the experiment is to determine whether the hypothesis can phrasing the relevant questions. Students who were questioned after the
20-min delay gave significantly greater estimates of monetary damage
be rejected or not. We take a closer look at how the research question (and the 10 than the students who answered immediately after viewing the representa-
hypothesis) is presented in the research report in Chapter 4. tion. The nature of the stimulus material had inconsistent but significant

EXERCISE 1.1 Analysis

In recent years, there has been a dramatic proliferation of research
Look back at the previous report on microcomputers in teaching. Determine concerned with the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness reports.
the research question and locate the hypotheses. Then write them out in the 15 This research has documented the importance of a number of varia-
following spaces. bles of which one of the most interesting and powerful is exposure to
postevent information, which includes all additional related informa-
1. Research Question: _
tion to which a person is exposed after witnessing an event. Loftus
and Palmer (1974) reported that the nature of questions asked a
2. Hypotheses: _ 20 witness could systematically affect the report of details of that event.
Subjects viewed films of automobile collisions and subsequently
were quizzed about the speeds at which the vehicles involved were
traveling. Speed estimates varied with the verb used in the interrog-
atory sentence. Specifically, estimates of the magnitude of speed
Are the hypotheses stated as null hypotheses? 25 were altered when the verbs smashed, collided, bumped, hit, and
Yes No _ contacted were employed. These verbs were apparently interpreted
(Remember that in many journal articles the hypotheses are not often stated ex- as implying different degrees of contact and caused the different
plicitly, as they are in this article.) estimates. Similar results have been obtained by varying the adverb


employed (Lipscomb, Bregman, & McAllister, in press). Loftus and A 2 x 2 x 3 between-subjects factorial design was employed.
Palmer have consistently argued that these effects are the result of A Sony video-cassette recorder/player (model SLO-340) and a 19-
an alteration of the memory of the witnessed event produced by the in, black and white video monitor were employed to present three
introduction of postevent information. Although such an explana- representations of an automobile accident described previously by
tion is consistent with available data, so too is a somewhat more 5 Bregman and McAllister (1982). The complete version lasted for 12s
parsimonious explanation. and depicted two automobiles colliding at an intersection. The se-
The effect of postevent information embedded in the phrasing quence showed a station wagon (Car 1) striking a compact car (Car
of the question may produce a response bias independent of mem- 2) in the right rear panel and the compact spinning around from the
ory alteration. This simpler explanation is tenable as the result of a impact. The sequence was followed by a close-up view of the dam-
study reported by Harris (1973). Harris obtained responses to ques- 10 age sustained by both cars in the collision. (At impact, both cars
tions that varied according to whether a "marked" or "unmarked" were traveling approximately 25 mph.) The sounds of engine accel-
modifier was employed. An unmarked modifier implies that a prop- eration and the impact of the collision were clearly audible. The
erty such as height or length possesses an indefinite upper limit. The abbreviated 8-s version showed the cars accelerating and colliding
marked modifier carries no such implication. Harris asked subjects and contained the audio-only stimulus.
15 to give numerical responses to a set of 32 questions employing 16 15 We recruited 180 students (90 males, 90 females) from intro-
pairs of marked and unmarked adjectives and adverbs. For exam- ductory psychology classes. The students were divided into groups
ple, subjects were asked, "How heavy was the set of weights?" of three and were exposed to one of three types of stimulus mate-
(unmarked) and "How light was the set of weights?" (marked). For rial. They were questioned and debriefed individually. Half the stu-
14 of the 16 modifier pairs, the subjects' mean numerical estimates dents were questioned immediately after being exposed to the stim-
were in the predicted direction. These were hypothetical questions, 20 ulus material, and the other half engaged in a filler activity (reading
however; no concrete stimuli were involved, and therefore, there a Reader's Digest story) for 20 min prior to questioning. The students
was no possibility that memory was involved. were asked to estimate the speed at which each of the cars was trav-
Other research by Loftus, Miller, and Burns (1978) has re- eling at impact on a 5-point scale (from very fast to very slow) and to
vealed that a further variable affecting the reliability of eyewitness provide an estimate in miles per hour. The phrasing of the questions
accounts is the time lapse between the event and the introduction of 25 varied with the experimental condition; half were questioned using
postevent information. Therefore, one might expect that modifiers a marked adverb (slow) and half with an unmarked adverb (fast).
used in a question introducing postevent information would have Students then completed a parallel questionnnaire in a Likert-type
more influence on the eyewitness after a time lapse than modifiers format requiring responses on an ll-point scale. There were 13
introduced immediately after the event. questions, including some that related to physical damage, mone-
A final issue relevant to the present study is the nature of the 30 tary damage, and personal injury. Each question employed either a
stimulus material itself. Although voluminous studies of memory marked or an unmarked adverb.
document the importance of this variable, little has been done to The data, analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance, re-
determine how the nature of stimulus material might affect eyewit- sulted in significant effects for stimulus, F(26, 314) = 1.93 p < .005,
ness reports. It is reasonable to propose, however, that information and for modifier, F(13, 156) = 3.124, p< .001. Separate analyses
presented in a more complete format would be less vulnerable to 35 of variance were then performed, yielding several significant ef-
contaminating effects than material that was partial in nature. fects. Estimations of the speed of both cars were significantly greater
The present study examined the role of three variables on esti- when the unmarked adverb fast was employed as compared to the
mates of details of an automobile collision. These variables were (a) marked adverb slow (see Table 1.6). Similarly, estimates of the ex-
the adjective used in phrasing a question (marked vs. unmarked), tent of damage, skidding, noise, and harm to occupants were all
40 (b) the format of the stimulus material (a complete videotaped se- 40 significantly greater when the relevant questions were phrased with
quence or an incomplete videotaped sequence or an audio stimulus unmarked as opposed to marked adverbs (see Table 1.6). Students
only), and (c) the delay interval (immediate or following a 20-min who were questioned after the 20-min delay estimated greater mon-
delay). etary damage to both cars than those who were questioned immedi-


ately following exposure to the stimulus material, F(1, 168) = 5.5, Results of the present study represent the most complete documenta-
p< .02, for Car 1; F(l, 168) = 8.93, p < .003, for Car 2 (see Table tion to date that in obtaining estimates of aspects of a complex event
1.7). The speed of Car 1 was estimated to have been significantly from witnesses, the way a question is phased can dramatically affect
greater by students who were questioned immediately following the estimates. In the present study, the use of unmarked adverbs,
exposure. Exposure to the complete version of the stimulus exerted 5 implying no upper limit, resulted in higher estimates of the extent of
significant but inconsistent effects on estimates of damage to Car 2, property damage, personal injury, noise, and skidding. In fact, the
F(2, 168) = 3.36, p< .037; noise, F(2, 168) = 4.71, p < .01; and unidirectional nature of this effect and the fact that it occurred
skidding of Car 2, F(2, 168) = 7.17, p < .001. across such a broad range of dependent measures is striking. The
implication for the legal system is clear. Phrasing of questions by
Table 1.6 Mean Estimates and Analysis of Variance Summary as a
Function of Adverb Employed 10 officers of the court may significantly affect various aspects of wit-
nesses' verbal reports. The issue of whether this effect is the result of
Question and unit an alteration of the memory of the event, or due to a response bias
of measurement Modifier M F p operating independent of memory alteration remains unresolved.
How was Car 1 Fast" 36.20 23.7 <.0001 But our results suggest that this effect is the result of a response bias
going? (mph) Slow 27.50 15 because no interaction between delay interval and the manner in
How was Car 1 Fast 3.62 b 3.93 <.05 which the question was phrased or between delay interval and stim-
going? (scale) Slow 2.56 b ulus format was obtained.
How wasCar2 Fast 39.76 5.86 <.017 The results of the present study suggest two dimensions that
going? (mph) Slow 35.25 might profitably be addressed by future researchers in the area.
How was Car 2 Fast 3.52 b 4.08 <.05 20 First, the delay employed in the present study was quite short (20
going? (scale) Slow 3.3P min). The use of longer delay intervals-days or weeks-might pro-
How damage was Much 6.27< 9.43 <.002 duce quite different results. Second, a more definitive test of whether
done to Car 1? Little 5.40< effects of the manner in which a question is phrased are due to alter-
How were the skid Long 5.04< 11.20 <.001 ation in memory or are simply the result of response bias would be
marks made by Car 1? Short 3.88<
25 to include conditions in which no stimulus was present. If an effect is
How noise occurred Much 7.44< 7.62< <.006 obtained with no stimulus, clearly that effect could not be due to
as a result of the accident? Little 6.52<
memory alteration.
How bruises do you Many 5.22< 13.16 <.0001
think the driver of Car 1 Few 3.85<
How bruises do you Many 5.27< 5.35 <.022
think the driver of Car 2 Few 4.47< Bregman, N. J., & McAllister, H. A. (1982). Eyewitness testimony:
suffered? The role of commitment in increasing reliability. Social Psychol-
ogy Quarterly, 45, 181-184.
°Unmarked adverb is reported first for each comparison. bValues
could range from 1 to 5. <Values could range from 1 to 11. Harris, R. J. (1973). Answering questions containing marked and
unmarked adjectives and adverbs. Journal of Experimental
Table 1.7 Mean Estimates of Speed and Monetary Damage as a Psychology, 97, 399-401.
Function of Delay Interval Lipscomb, T. J., Bregman, N. J. & McAllister, H. A. (in press). A
developmental inquiry into the effects of postevent information
Estimate Immediate Delay on eyewitness accounts. Journal of Genetic Psychology.
Speed of Car 1 5.2 0
4.6 0
Loftus, E. F., Miller, D. c., & Burns, H. J. (1978). Semantic integra-
Monetary damage to Car 1 $659.27 $1,041.19 tion of verbal information into a visual memory. Journal of
Monetary damage to Car 2 $688.96 $1,104.11 Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 4,
°Values could range from 1 to 11. 19-33.


J. C. (1974). Reconstruction of automobile a. A survey of the most common adjustment problem encountered by
& Palmer
Lo ft us, E. F. , . b I different groups of international students on an American university
destruction: An example of the interaction etween angua.ge
Herbal Learning and Verbal BehavIor, campus.
an d memory. J ourna I 0 f VI
b. An analysis of the most important language skills needed by
international students at an American university (as perceived by
students and/or their professors) .
c. An inventory of the kinds of language errors considered most serious
by professors in the written English of their students.
EXERCISE 1.3 Library d. A determination of the kinds of factors international students take into
account when they select a university to attend in a foreign country.
1. Find the name of a professional journal in your field of study that 2. Write a research question that focuses on one aspect of your topic.
publishes reports of experimental research. 3. Formulate a hypothesis that is a possible response to your research
2. Go to your library and locate this journal in the list of serial holdings. question.
Write down the library call number for the journal. 4. With the help of your instructor, design a study that will permit you to
3. Find a recent issue of the journal and locate in it an article reporting on a answer your research question.
topic that interests you and that you can understand. Photocopy the 5. Determine the type of materials you will need in order to carry out your
complete article and write down all the bibliographic information: name of study.
journal, year, volume number, and page numbers. 6. If necessary, ask an experienced researcher to check the hypothesis and
4. Examine your article in terms of its general format. Is the format similar to design of your study, and to determine what kind of statistical analysis
or different from the diagram in Figure 1.1 on page 3? In what ways does should be done to interpret your data.
it differ?
5. Read the research report carefully and answer the following questions:
a. What research question were the authors trying to answer?
b. Can you formulate a hypothesis that would answer this question? CHECKLIST FOR CHAPTER 1
c. What type of study did they design: controlled experiment,
correlational study, survey questionnaire, or some other kind? RESEARCH REPORT FORMAT
6. In your opinion, is the report well organized and easy to read?

XERCISE 1.4 Writing Up Your Own Research Discussion.

The best way to benefit from this book is to conduct an actual experimental re- STEPS IN BEGINNING THE RESEARCH PROCESS
search project and then to write up the results. Perhaps you are currently in-
volved in a research project. If you are not, the following exercise will help you Select an area of interest.
get practical experience in carrying out and writing up experimental research. Focus on one aspect of the area.
Write a research question.
1. By yourself, or with a group of classmates, choose an area of interest that
you would like to research. Limit this area to a specific topic that will Formulate a hypothesis.
produce numerical data. Following are some examples of possible Design the study.
research topics.


The Five Stages

In order to better understand the function of Stage I, the setting, let us begin by
briefly looking at all five stages of an introduction. Following is the introduction
to the research report about computers in education that we saw in Chapter 1.
Notice that it contains five distinct stages.


Establishing a Context During the past 40 years, the United States has experienced
the integration of the computer into society. Progress has been
made to the point that small, inexpensive computers with ex-
Stage I
panded capabilities are available for innumerable uses. Many
schools have purchased and are purchasing microcomputers for
infusion into their directed learning programs.

Most individuals seem to agree that the microcomputer will

continue to hold an important role in education. Gubser (1980)
OVERVIEW and Hinton (1980) suggested phenomenal increases in the num-
bers of computers both in the school and the home in the near
n this and the next two chapters we focus on the first part of the experimental future. Schmidt (1982) identified three types of microcomputer use
'esearch report, the introduction. The introduction serves as an orientation in classrooms: the object of a course, a support tool, and a means
'or readers of the report, giving them the perspective they need to understand of providing instruction. Foster and Kleene (1982) cite four uses of
he detailed information coming in later sections. Stage II
microcomputers in vocational agriculture: drill and practice, tuto-
The introduction can be divided into five parts, or stages. In Stage I, the rial, simulation and problem solving. ....ti~~(t~W~ &
Nriter establishes a context, or frame of reference, to help readers understand ~'--+~
10W the research fits into a wider field of study. We examine and practice Stage
The findings of studies examining the use of arious forms of
, the setting, in this chapter. computer-assisted instruction (CAl) have been mixed. Studies by
Hickey (l968) and Honeycutt (1974) indicated superior results with
CAl while studies by Ellis (1978), Caldwell (l980) and Belzer
I I (1976) indicated little or no significant effect. Although much work
has been done to date, more studies need to be conducted to as-
Stage III certain the effects of microcomputer-assisted instruction in teaching
various subjects in a variety of learning situations.

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of using

microcomputer-assisted instruction as compared to a lecture-discus-
Stage IV sion technique in teaching principles and methods of cost recovery
[ and investment credit on agricultural assets to graduate students in
FIGURE 2.1 The setting (Stage I). agricultural education. This topic was identified as being of impor-
EXERCISE 2.1 Analysis
I tance to teachers in providing them the necessary background to
Stage V L teach lessons in farm records. Following .is a~ ~xample of an introduction from the field of psychology.
After reading It, Identify which sentences correspond to four of the five
stages we have discussed. -

1. What do you think is the purpose of each of the five stages in this PI. 5ji+i~'" Vr"tl~any motor skills require action based on rapid change in
introduction? 1 ... fvh' the envir~nment. 20 ne such skill is baseball batting. 3The baseball
2. Why do you think the writers put the five stages in this particular order? tVt-' Ii' L batter relies most heavily on vision for pertinent information.
3. Do you think this order of information could be used for writing 4Moreover, a good pitcher will attempt to give the hitter mislead-
introductions in other fields, or is it valid only for education? ing cues during the wind-up and delivery. 5Visual-search strategies
4. Which stage is the longest? Can you see any reason for this? must be used by a batter to sample relevant locations in the visual
display so response can be made at the proper time.
/ti5f);>r / 6Research has shown that visual-search patterns can be gov-
erned by a variety of factors including experience. 7Mourand and
Ordering your Information Rockwell (l972) examined the visual-search strategies used by six
l ~olAc,e
The preceding example is typical of introductions to experimental research re- novice and four expert drivers. 8Novice drivers sampled their mir-
C&ivtfJ) rors and instruments more frequently than did expert drivers. 90 n
ports in many different fields in terms of (1) the kinds of information it provides
to the reader and (2) the order in which the information is sequenced. Figure the freeway, novice drivers made smooth pursuit movements while
the experts made only eye fixations.
2.2 illustrates this sequence.
10Bard, Fleury, Carriere, and Halle (1980) examined the
visual-search patterns of expert and novice gymnastic judges.
FIRST STAGE: General statement(s) about a
11They found that the expert judges had 27% fewer fixations than
field of research to provide the reader with a . .IU d ges. 12E ye f"Ixatlons a Iso d'ff
novice I ered for novice and expert
setting for the problem to be reported
basketball pl~. 13Bard and Fleury (1976) showed slides of
GENERAL SECOND STAGE: More specific statements typical offensive basketball situations to players and recorded their
about the aspects of the problem already eye movementslfixations. 14Expert players made fewer fixations
studied by other researchers than novices.
15The informational content of various portions of a base-
THIRD STAGE: Statement(s) that indicate the
ball's trajectory from pitcher to batter has been debated but most
need for more investigation
of the research has focused on the terminal portion of the ball
FOURTH STAGE: Very specific statement(s) flight. 16The purpose of the present study was to examine the vis-
SPECIFIC giving the purpose/objectives of the writer's ual-search strategies of expert and novice baseball players during
study the preparatory phase (wind-up and release of the pitch) of base-
ball hitting. 17A second goal was to document the existence of an
FIFTH STAGE: Optional statement(s) that
give a value or justification for carrying out eye-movement reaction time prior to the eyes tracking the pitch.

the study
FIGURE 2.2 The fives stages of the introduction.
Sentence(s) _ EXERCISE 2.2 Analysis
Stage I (the setting):
Stage II (already studied): Sentence(s) _
Following is an example of Stage I from the introduction to a research re-
Stage III (investigation needed): Sentence(s) _ port about waste-water treatment. Read the selection and then answer the
questions which follow.
Stage IV (purpose): Sentence(s) _

Stage V (value) does not appear in this report.

Writers do not always arrange the stages of their introductions in this exact THE USES OF DUCKWEED IN WASTE-WATER TREATMENT
order. Sometimes a writer interrupts one stage with another, and then returns CrAb
to the earlier stage. Sometimes Stage II (usually called "The Review of Litera- 1 Clean watJr is a basic human need. 21ts discovery, trans-

ture") is completely separate from the rest of the introduction. (In theses an~ port, and systematic renewal have always been crucial to all but
dissertations, for example, it is often written as a separate chapter.) Stage V IS the least densely populated societies. 31ncreasing population and
often omitted entirely, as we saw in the preceding example. However, the gen- industrial wastes, together with diminishing sources of easily avail-
eral plan given here is very common and is the easiest for the beginning re- able energy with which to manage them, are converging to em-
search writer to use. phasize that all the earth's resources are finite. 4But the supply of
clean water, though also finite, is at least infinitely renewable.
5Among the various approaches to improving present tech-
nologies for waste-water treatment, several involve the use of
plants, which can remove pollutants and provide materials useful
Inventing the Setting as animal feeds or energy sources. 6Various aquatic plants are
being proposed in such approaches, and the duckweeds in particu-
You should write the setting (Stage I) of your introduction so that it provides
lar, an essentially unique group of higher aquatic plants, might be
your readers with the background necessary to see the particular topic of your especially advantageous in such systems.
research in relation to a general area of study. In order to do thiS, start with
obvious, generally accepted statements about the area in which you are work-
ing. Then, step by step, move the reader closer to your specific topic. You may
do this in just a few sentences or in several paragraphs.
You can think of this stage as a process of first, establishing a "universe" 1. Which sentences in the preceding introduction make obvious statements
for your readers; then, isolating one "galaxy" within this universe; and finally, or statements that would be accepted as fact concerning the general area?
leading your readers to one "star" in the galaxy. That "star" is your specific
topic. In the example about baseball, the universe is "motor skills," the galaxy is 2. Which sentence focuses on one subarea of the general area of study?
"baseball batting," and the star is "visual-search strategies of batters."

3. Which sentence indicates the authors' topic?

STAGE I: The Setting

1. Begin with accepted statements of fact related to your gen-

eral area (your "universe") .
Linking Ideas through Old and New Information Order
2. Within the general area, identify one subarea (your "galaxy" To lead readers smoothly through the ideas in Stage I, writers link sentences by
which includes your topic) . making use of old and new information. This is done by placing old informa-
3. Indicate your topic (your "star") . tion-that is, information already known to the reader-at the beginning of
sentences and placing new information at the end.
C. _ _ _ The solid phase of water takes many forms.
OLD/NEW INFORMATION ORDER D. _ _ _ Water is one of the most important substances on
Plants obtain atmospheric CO 2 required for photosynthesis by
Qiffusion through open leaf stomates. E. Solid forms of water range from small snowflakes to
immense polar ice caps.
F. _ _ _ Water makes man/s survival possible and supports his
transportation needs.
Vvhile this is taking place, water in the leaf parenchyma
tissues evaporates into the sub-
stomatal cavities and diffuses
through the open stomates into
3. Now go back and underline the old information in sentences 2 through 6.
the atmosphere.

l'his process can create large water potential EXERCISE 2.4 Library
differences between the leaves
and the soil surrounding the In the library, locate a journal article, thesis, or dissertation reporting re-
roots. search findings in your area of interest. Find Stage I of the introduction (the
setting), photocopy it, and analyze it by answering the following questions:

1. Does the introduction contain a Stage I? How many sentences does it

23 A na IYSIS
. consist of?
2. Does the Stage I contain the types of statements we have discussed here?
~he/oll~wing statements are adapted from the setting (Stage I) of an intro- Identify which sentences in your example correspond to the kinds of
p~~SIO~ '0a research report about ice on rivers. The sentences are not
en ~d in their correct order. Do the following: 3.
statements shown in the box on page 24 depicting Stage 1.
Do any of the sentences in your Stage I contain a reference to another
~r~tnber the sentences in the order you believe they appeared in the 4. Does the author use old information at the beginning of sentences to link
l~inal introduction, using old information and level of generality to guide ideas? Find some examples and underline them.
2. F .
<:>~ each sentence, indicate whether it makes a statement about the
ge'\~ral area, a subarea, or the author's topic. LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS

General and Specific Noun Phrases

As we have seen, Stage I of the introduction usually begins with factual state-
_ _ _ Water regularly changes back and forth from liquid to ments about the general area which includes your specific topic. When you
write these kinds of general statements, it is conventional to use nouns that
gas to solid.
refer to objects or concepts at the highest possible level of generality. English
River ice constitutes a small fraction of the total quan- offers several ways to construct these general nouns, which we examine in this
tity of ice in the world. section.
A Stage I selection is given here from the field of geology. Fill in the blanks
with an appropriate word. Some blanks do not require filling in. EXAMPLE: Alluvial diamonds are of consistently higher quality
than diamonds recovered from source kimberlites.
EXAMPLE: A new diamond mine may take several years before
coming into full production. (singular, meaning "any

lin the late 1940s, production of diamonds from alluvial

sources represented about 40 percent of the world total. 2Thirty When the noun you want to use is uncountable, you can make it generic by
years later, alluvial diamond had
omitting any article. (Of course, uncountable nouns never take a plural -s.)
more than doubled, and despite development of major
new kimberlite mines, it still represented more than 30 percent of
the total natural diamond production. 3 economic impor- GENERIC NOUN PHRASES: Uncountable Nouns
tance of alluvial is thus considerable,
and it is further emphasized by the fact that alluvial dia- EXAMPLE: Thirty years later, alluvial diamond production had
monds are of consistently higher quality than diamonds recovered more than doubled. (meaning "all alluvial diamond
from source kimberlites, and also because certain countries (e.g., production")
Sierra Leone, Central African Republic), are economically depen-
dent on production of - - - - - - - - - -

EXERCISE 2.5 Analysis

Look. at the first two sent.ences of a report from the field of psychology. Indi-
c~te If each of the genenc noun phrases underlined is countable (plural or
slng~lar) or uncountable by placing a C or U above the phrase. The first
Generic Noun Phrases one IS done for you.
Statements in the setting of an introduction tend to be general in nature. In-
stead of referring to specific things, they often refer to entire classes of things.
When you write sentences that contain nouns referring to an entire class of
things, you should use generic noun phrases to carry this meaning. Generic U
noun phrases refer to all members of a particular class of living things, objects 1 Happiness is one of the six human emotions said to be universally
like "alluvial diamonds," or concepts like "diamond production" in the previous present and understood. 2A smile, one of the expressions of emo-
example. tion that appears to be universally exhibited and understood~
In English there are different ways to write generic noun phrases. If the thought to be sensitive to social context and to be shaped by social
noun is countable, you can make it generic by adding the plural marker -s and factors. --
omitting any article, or by using it in its singular form with the indefinite article a
or an.

In a dd Itlon, Eng \.IS h h as a fourth way of forming generic nouns you. should
. d A countable noun in its singular form sometimes SPECIFIC NOUN PHRASES: Pointing Back to Old Information
earn to recogmze an use. . . . . k' d f
arnes t e genenc meamng when used with the defmlte
. h . . . . article the. This 10.. 0
. h ' ft used when referring to hvmg creatures or famlhar EXAMPLE: New Mexico Solar Energy Institute is developing
enenc noun p rase IS 0 en
a computerized diagnostic assistant for solar domes-
achinery and equipment.
tic hot water systems. The computer-implemented
assistant will be used at naval shore facilities
throughout the world.
GENERIC NOUN PHRASES: Countable Nouns with the

EXAMPLE: The hummingbird can be found in all areas of North

America. (meaning "hummingbirds in general") 3. Pointing forward to specifying information. Use the definite article the
when the specific meaning is made clear in a following phrase or clause.
EXAMPLE: The United States has experienced the integration of
the computer into society. (meaning "computers in
general") SPECIFIC NOUN PHRASES: Pointing Forward to Specifying
Specific Noun Phrases EXAMPLE: The gas which is produced in the western states is
used primarily for home heating.
We have seen that the first part of Stage I, the setting of the introduction, usu-
ally contains a large proportion of generic noun phrases. Later in the setting,
you will probably find it necessary to refer to specific items and concepts in or-
der to move the reader from the general area toward your specific topic. This
requires the use of specific noun phrases-that is, nouns that refer to particular, EXERCISE 2.6 Analysis
individual members of a class rather than to the class as a whole. In English,
nouns with this meaning can be written in several ways. Look at this Stage I from the introduction to the study about river ice. Some
of the specific nouns are underlined. For each underlined noun, identify the
1. Referring to assumed or shared information. Use the definite article the if preceding or the following information which makes the meaning of the
you assume your readers share knowledge of the specific thing you are noun specific. Do this by drawing an arrow from the specifying information
referring to. .to the noun. The first sentence is done for you.

SPECIFIC NOUN PHRASES: Referring to Shared Information

In recent years the growth of desert areas has been
accelerating in the world. ---..
1Water is one of the most intriguing substances on the earth.
2Not only is man dependent upon it for life, but it also has the
interesting property that its freezing point is within the range of the
2. Pointing back to old information. Use the definite article the when earth's surface temperature variation for significant parts of the
referring to a specific thing which you have already mentioned (the first year. 3Thus its state regularly changes back and forth from liquid
mention usually uses the indefinite article a/an). to gas to solid. 4The solid phase takes on a myriad of forms, from


small, fragile snowflakes to the imm~nse masses of the ~reenland EXERCISE 2.7 Completion
and Antarctic ice caps, which contam 95% of the world s fresh
water. 50f particular interest is that part of the world's ice which
FolloWing is Stage I from a report in mechanical engineering. Fill in the
occurs on rivers.
blanks with the articles a, an, the, or the plural-5 where necessary. Some
of the blanks do not require filling in.

Guidelines for Marking Generic and Specific Noun Phrases

If you are having difficulty determining which, if any, article to use ~efore a
noun or noun phrase, ask yourself the following sequence of questions:
1. Is the noun meant in a general or a speCific sense? If it is specifiC, use
1 Recent concerns about expenditure of energy_
"the" before the noun. If it is general, ask yourself a follow-up question:
for human transportation_ have accentuated need for
2. Is the noun countable or uncountable? If it is countable, use a or an
more efficient passenger vehicle_ . 2The result has been an un-
(singular) or -s on the end (plural). If it is uncountable, use 0 (no article or
precedented increase in use of lightweight structural
-s ending).
materials in manufacture of automobile_ in
United States. 3Another result has been increased pop-
ularity of bicycle_ for practical transport.

4With large interest in bicycle transportation,
research has been conducted at University of

.. /
.. ..
California, Davis in recent years to develop _ lightweight alu-
1. GENERAL? SPECIFIC? minum bicycle. 5 _ _ Aluminum_ was chosen because prelimi-
nary calculation_ showed that weight could be reduced while

.. ..
increasing frame efficiency. 6 _ _ Efficiency_ indicates
2. UNCOUNTABLE? COUNTABLE? the (add -5 if plural) ability of a frame to absorb as small an amount of en-
ergy as possible from total usable effort during pedal-
ing. 7Hence, _ highly efficient frame delivers almost all usable
0 alan (singular) rider effort to the drive train with very little energy going into
-5 (plural) distortion of frame.


xpressing Old Information
here are various ways you can state old information to connect back to the
nformation in a previous sentence. One way is to simply repeat a word or to EXAMPLE: Curly top virus can be a serious problem in toma-
use a derived form of the word. toes. The incidence [of curly top Virus] varies from
year to year.

EXPRESSING OLD INFORMATION: Word Repetition EXAMPLE: Withholding or Withdrawing life-supporting treat-
and Derivation ment is one of the most important ethical issues for
medicine in the late twentieth century. At least six
EXAMPLE: Approximately three years ago, an apparently new physicians have been accused of murder [to give
and unexplained disorder called acquired immune you one example of the ethical consequences in-
deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was recognized. Char- volved in Withholding or withdrawing treatment] this
year alone.
acteristically, AIDS is associated with a progressive
depletion of T cells.

EXAMPLE: Of interest is that part of the world's ice which occurs

on rivers. Although river ice forms only a fraction of EXERCISE 2.8 Completion
the total quantity of ice in the world, it has signifi-
cance. Following is an excerpt from Stage I of a student thesis in civil engineering.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate old information.

Another way you can indicate old information is to use pronouns and pointing


EXPRESSING OLD INFORMATION: Pronouns 1 Hydrology is based on the water cycle, most commonly
and Pointing Words called the hydrologic cycle. 2 is visu-
alized as beginning with the evaporation of water from the oceans
EXAMPLE: Water is one of the most intriguing substances on and continental lands. 3The resulting
earth. It has the interesting property that its freezing is condensed to form clouds, which in turn may result in precipi-
point is within the range of the earth's surface tem- tated water, or precipitation. 4 which
perature variation for significant parts of the year. falls upon the land is dispersed in several ways. SA large portion is
temporarily retained in the soil near where it falls and is ultimately
EXAMPLE: Ice forms when water is cooled to O°C and con- returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration of
tinues to lose heat. Generally, this happens when plants. 6 of the precipitated water,
the air temperature falls below a°C. called runoff, finds its way over and through the surface soil to
stream channels, while penetrates
into the ground to become part of the earth's groundwater supply.
Sometimes you can assume the reader knows the old information without your
haVing to state it explicitly.


a rain are known until it is over. 3This problem is particularly seri-
EXERCISE 2.9. Identification
ous in arid and semiarid area_ where pre-
Read the setting (Stage I) from an introduction to a report about t,he pro- cipitation_ is infrequent and erratic. 4With rainfall
cess of simulating rainfall in arid lands. Then go back and un~~rhne each
simulator_ , investigator_can control the frequency,
noun phrase. Underline generic noun phrases once and specifiC noun
rates, and intensities of rainfall in his studies,
phrases twice.


EXERCISE 2.11 Reconstruction
1 Field research on the interactions between soil and water
commonly depends on natural rainfall or on some form of simu- The same setting you have been practicing with is again given here, but
lated rainfall. 2Dependence on natural rainfall limits research be- this time sentences are indicated only by lists of key words. Without refer-
cause neither the timing nor the characteristics of a rain are known ring to the original, try to reconstruct one sentence from each list. Add all
until it is over. 3This problem is particularly serious in arid and necessary words and word endings and write each group out as a com-
semiarid areas w,here precipitation is infrequent and erratic. 4With plete sentence in the spaces provided. The key words are grouped and
a rainfall simulator, an investigator can control the frequency, listed in the correct order.
rates, and intensities of the rainfall in his studies.

1, field research 3. particularly serious problem

interactions between soil and water semiarid, arid areas
EXERCISE 2.10 Fill-in commonly depend precipitation
natural rainfall infrequent, erratic
The Stage I paragraph about rainfall simulation is given below again. This some form of simulated rainfall
time, without looking back at the original, fill in each blank space with the
plural marker -5, a or an, or the where necessary. Some of the blanks do 2. dependence on natural rainfall 4. rainfall simulator device
not require filling in. limit research researcher
because timing, characteristics of a rain control frequency, rates, intensities
not known rainfall
it is over his studies


1 Field research_ on the interactions between soil and

water_commonly depends either on natural EXERCISE 2.12 Library
rainfalL or on some form of simulated rainfalL . Refer back to the Stage I example that you found for Library Exercise 2.4.
2Dependence on natural rainfalL limits research be- In it, underline all generic noun phrases once and all specific noun phrases
cause neither timing nor characteristic_ of tWice. Circle(old information)and then answer the following questions.


1. What was the approximate ratio of generic noun phrases to specific noun Stage II: Information already reported by other authors:
phrases in your selection? FAO Reports from 1965, 1975, and 1985.
2. Which of the generic nouns you found were countable? Which ones were Stage III: Information still needed:
uncountable? World food supply predictions for the next 10 years.
3. Of the countable generics, how many were written in the plural form? Stage IV: Purpose of your study:
How many were written in the singular form with a or an? Did you find To determine the location and severity of potential
any countable generic nouns that were marked with the? food shortages around the world in the coming decade.
4. For each specific noun phrase in your example, find the reference either
before or after the noun, or implied, that makes the noun specific. 4. In your setting (Stage I), you should establish a frame of reference for
5. Did the author use implicit old information? your readers, an orientation that will give them the perspective needed to
understand your report. Some of the related ideas are listed here.

import/export balances climatic changes

food: essential for human life new technology
food shortages population growth
INTEGRATION social unrest rich and poor countries

EXERCISE 2.13 Guided Writing

Select and sequence some of these ideas or add others of your own.
So far in this chapter we have seen how to organize information in the in- 5. Now write your Stage I. Remember, the general tendency in an
troduction to an experimental research report. We have also seen how the introduction is to move from general to specific ideas by progressing from
first stage of the introduction, the setting, is written and what some of the a general area to a subarea to your topic. Also, remember to use old
language conventions are. In this exercise you will write your own Stage I. information as a linking device between sentences. Limit your setting to
Your topic will be World Food Shortages in the Next Decade. one or two paragraphs.

1. Imagine you are a researcher working for the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. For the last year, you have EXERCISE 2.14 Writing Up Your Own Research
been gathering statistical data that will allow you to predict the location
and severity of food shortages for the coming decade. Your data include: Now that you have practiced writing the setting for the introduction to a
research report on a topic of general interest, apply what you have learned
per capita income ~ in this chapter to the topic you selected for your own research project in
gross national product from selected countries of the world for the Chapter 1. Write a setting (Stage I) for the introduction to your study.
food production figures past 20 years
export and import figures Before you start writing, think about how you can best orient your readers
to your specific topic. Remember, the setting should give them a frame of refer-
2. You must now write a report to be published by the U.N. stating your ence that will allow them to see how your topic fits into the wider "universe" of
findings and making your predictions. your general area. Restrict your setting to one or two paragraphs. To help you
3. Suppose you have already organized and outlined the information for the plan this section, consider the organization and language conventions we have
other stages of the introduction to your report except Stage I. The other studied in this chapter. Refer to the following checklist to help you remember
three stages will include the following information: these points.



Introduction: Stage I

Move from general to specific statements.
Begin with generally accepted statements of fact about an area of
Identify one subarea within the general area which includes your
topic. Reviewing
Arrange ideas in logical sequence.
Use old information at the beginning of your sentences.

Mark generic noun phrases appropriately:

plural -s;
a or an;
no article;
In Stage I of your introduction you establish a setting for your research topic. In
Mark specific noun phrases appropriately:
Stage II you review the findings of other researchers who have already pub-
the. lished in your area of interest. For this reason, Stage II is often called the re-
view of literature. It is essentially an organized collection of references, or
Indicate old information by using repeated or derived words, pro- citations, to other works which are listed in a separate section at the end of your
nouns, or pointing words or by implying old information. report.
The review of literature serves three important functions. First, it continues
the process started in Stage I of giving your readers background information
needed to understand your study. Second, it assures your readers that you are
familiar with the important research that has been carried out in your area.
Third, it establishes your study as one link in a chain of research that is devel-
oping and enlarging knowledge in your field.


5There have been few studies of litter distribution and/or soil
fauna in any of the world deserts (Wallwork, 1976). 6Wood (1971)
surveyed the soil fauna in a number of Australian arid and semi-
arid ecosystems. 7Wallwork (1972) made some studies of the
Stage II microarthropod fauna in the California Mojave desert and Edney

CJ et al. (1974/1975/1976) studied abundance and distribution of

soil microarthropods in the Mojave desert in Nevada.
--t-18 MEt- ) CJ Sin the Chihuahuan desert, Whitford et al. (1975/ 1976/
1977) described the spatial relationships for many groups of orga-
J0 +U~-h I.
/ \ Stage III
nisms/ but soil microarthropods remain unstudie . 9Th~ack o~
such inkfrmation reRresents a gap in our know e 0 esert eco-

systems. 10 As part of our continuing program of studies of the
structure and dynamics of Chihuahuan desert ecosystems, we
FIGURE 3.1 Literature review (Stage II). designed the study reported here to understand the relationship
Stage IV between litter redistribution and the spatial distribution and compo-
sition of the soil microarthropod community.

The following introduction is from a report in the field of ecology. Notice how
Stage II supports the background information presented in Stage I.

1. Notice that the writers of the preceding literature review cite other authors
in two different ways. What are the two ways?
SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF LInER AND MICROARTHROPODS 2. What do you think determines a writer's choice between these two forms?
IN A CHIHUAHUAN DESERT ECOSYSTEM 3. What do you think determined the order of the citations in the preceding
literature review?
lin most deserts of the world, transitions between topo-
graphic elements are abrupt and watercourses which are dry most
of the time tend to dissipate their occasional waters within local
basins. 20 ccas ional torrential rainfall, characteristic of most desert Citation Focus
regions, washes loose debris into watercourses or transports this
Stage I material, depositing it in and along the shores of ephemeral lakes. When you cite the work of other authors, you may choose to focus either on
3These physical processes result in a redistribution of dead plant the information provided by that author, or on the author him- or herself. The
material (Iitter), affect the distribution of soil water and create a first focus we call information prominent because the information is given pri-
heterogeneous biotic community. 4Therefore, before the dynamics mary importance. The author's name(s) and date of publication are parentheti-
of desert ecosystems can be adequately understood, the spatial cally attached at the end of the sentence. More complete source information is
relationships must be clarified. found in an alphabetical list of references at the end of the paper.



Information + I Reference Last name Date or

of author + reference number + Information

In most deserts of the world, transitions

between topographic elements are abrupt (Smith, 1968). Leopold (1921) listed foods, but
gave no quantitative
The literature on teaching effectiveness has data.
established few theoretical grounds to guide
the selection of meaningful variables (Doyle, 1978). Allen and Reiner (1) described graphi-
cally the differences
between the various
vibration scales.
An alternate type of information prominent citation uses numbers between
the parentheses (instead of author's name and date). The number refers to the
alphabetical and numbered list of references at the end of the paper. EXERCISE 3.1 Analysis

III Look back at the article about desert ecosystems at the beginning of this
chapter. For each sentence (5 through 8) in Stage II, indicate whether the
writers used information prominent or author prominent citations.
Sentence 5 _
Information + I Reference number
Sentence 6 _
The introduction of high strength, Sentence 7 _
high flexibility materials has raised
Sentence 8 _
the need for a dynamic approach to
floor design (1,2,8,9) .
Order of Citations

It is possible to arrange your Stage II citations in order from those most distantly
Information prominent citations are commonly used to signal the begin- related to your study to those most closely related, as in the article on desert
ning of Stage II, where the citations refer to research in the general area of your ecosystems. In addition, there are other ways to order your citations. For ex-
study. (They may appear in Stage I as well.) ample, in a literature review describing the history of research in an area, you
As the literature review continues, the citations refer to studies more may arrange your citations in chronological order. Or, if you have a large num-
closely related to your own. In this kind of citation, the author's name is given ber of citations to include in your literature review, as in a thesis or dissertation,
more emphasis. It serves as the subject of the sentence, followed by the date or you can group them according to the different approaches to the research prob-
citation number in parentheses, and then by the information. This kind of cita- lem taken by different authors. The citations within each group can then be
tion is called author prominent. ordered chronologically or from general to specific.

e>\ '<i~
(Anderson, 1943), initiating structure-consideration (Hemphill,
ORDERING OF CITATIONS 1957), directiveness-warmth (Dunki & Biddle, 1974) task oriented-
supportive (Cruikshank, 1976), and teacher structuring-praise
Citations grouped Citations (Soo, & Soo" 1976). :)
by approach ordered
(One approach) .
_ _ _ (earliest)
Order of citations in example A:__C""---...r_L"'-- _
(Another approach)
Still another

approach The economic literature which discusses mobility and makes

some attempt at measurement broadly falls into two categories. In
~Iementary statistical techniques and indices such as the-
rank correlation coefficient are used to evaluate the changes in
relative positions (6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 22). the second category,
measures of mobility are a by-product of simple stoc as i ifF-
EXERCISE 3.2 Analysis cations of changes over time (1, 9, 10).

Look at each of the following examples of Stage II. Indicate if the method
of ordering citations used is distant to close, chronological, different ap-
Order of citations in example B: ----~l:--l------::::).-L:.------------
proaches, or a combination of these methods. Read the title carefully to
determine the specific focus of the author's own study.

A. PROVIDING DIRECTION AND BUILDING COMMITMENT: Little literature has been published on subsurface irrigation
TEACHING AS INSTITUTIONAL LEADERSHIP and fertilization through line emitters. Earl and Jury (4), Keng et a!'
(5) and others have examined water movement patterns and root
The conception of teaching as institutional leadership was first development associated with trickle irrigation but in all cases emit-
proposed by Waller (1932) who paid explicit attention to the orga- ters have been placed at or near the soil surface. Williams and
nization of schools and the roles of teacher and student as defined Hanson (1) placed perforated plastic tubing 25 to 30 cm below
by the organization. Recent literature on teacher leadership has cotton rows and over a 3-year period were able to achieve a 10%
not really followed Waller's approach of considering the roles of yield increase when compared to flood irrigation. Phene (9) de-
teachers and students in school organizations but has more closely scribed the use of line emitters for high frequency irrigation of
resembled what Waller referred to as "personalleadership". sweet corn. Yield was 10% higher than obtained with sprinkler
The literature on classroom leadership has also suffered from irrigation with the use of 50% less water. Mitchell et a!' (7) irrigated
problems other than the tendency to deal with personal leadership. field corn with perforated plastic tubing. Over a 3-year period
There has been a great deal of conceptual confusion about the yields with subsurface irrigation averaged 68% more than the non-
dimensions of teacher behavior to be examined. Different investi- irrigated control plots. ~

gations have used a variety of variables such as authoritarian-
democratic (Lewin, Lippett & White, 1939), dominant-integrative Order of citations in example C:


D. ON THE TIME CONSISTENCY OF OPTIMAL POLICY found that teachers have almost no influence on their stu-
IN A MONETARY ECONOMY dents' food habits.

The time-consistency issue is by no means a new one in eco-

C. JJ Studies of the food habits of young school children
have shown that the diets of grade school children are often
nomics. Strotz (25) appears to be the first one to have raised it in
relation to an individual consumer. More recently, however, deficient in ascorbic acid, calcium and iron~
Kydland and Prescott (15) have discovered a family of models 1.?58 ; Patterson,.1966). W~~ .L. _A-f::,V
exhibiting time inconsistency where the source of the problem lies D. Ji) A review of the literature indicates that food h~~ vv vv
in the technology and in the assumption that people hold rational
expectations. Although they briefly touch upon a monetary econ-
st~nts from a variety of (
studies have been conducted with
omy, the central results of their remarkable paper are given in a diGBnt age groups. Cr ~l S~-le.h-efl.f ({,. vJf ftz- ~ ~
context where money plays no central role. E. J Young (1965) etcfmined the nutrition habits of a
In the monetary literature, Auernheimer (2) appears to be the group of young school children and found that their mothers
first one to have noticed that time inconsistency could arise if the
lacked information about the importance of milk and foods
government attempts to maximize the revenue from money crea-
tion ... (etc.) r~orbic acid.
F. tudies done with adolescent children report similar
Order of citations in example D: _~ChJ)~_ . .[j)=l,L- _ findings (Ohlson and Hart, 1970; van de Mark and Under-
w~ VvevL 4t/1k!;l;-
G. ~ A~ber of st~s ~ n conducted using
both male ~nd female college stuJents as subjects. f e ~.
EXERCISE 3.3 Arrangement

The following citations are taken from Stage II of the introduction to a re-
search report from the field of nutrition. The citations are given here in
'4 &F-

scrambled order. Number the citations in the order you feel they should
appear in the literature review for this report.
EXERCISE 3.4 Library

I.}~~ t 1 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , In your library locate a journal article, thesis, or dissertation reporting re-
search in your area of interest. Find Stage II (the review of literature), pho-
v _If''( tocopy it, and answer the following questions:
~NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY 1. Is Stage II written inside the introduction, as shown in our diagram (Figure

A. ~ You n9 0 nd S'o,vkk (19701 ,u,veyed 'he food hob;', 2.

3.1), or is it placed in a separate section?
What is the ordering system of the citations (distant to close,
chronological, different approaches, or a combination)?
of 595 college freshmen in Oregon and found that the men
3. Look at each citation and determine if it uses author prominent or
ge~lIy had better diets than the women.
information prominent focus. Does the author's choice of focus follow the
B. ~ Litman et al. (1975) reported that green and yellow conventions we have discussed in this chapter?
vegetables and liver (all nutritionally desirable foods) were 4. Which reference system is used in the Stage II citations: reference
not liked b~ Minnesota public schools. They also numbers, or author's name and publication date?


negatively related to achievement. 8Likewise, Abramson (1974)
and Schaller (1976) both (report) that
mobile students had lower academic performance.
9Researchers (also study) the
Citation Focus and Verb Tense
relationship between mobility and classroom adjustment ....
As we have seen, your decision whether to focus Stage II citations on the infor-
mation or on the author determines the citation form you use. Similarly, this
decision also helps to determine the verb tense you will use in each citation.

Tense in Information Prominent Citations

When the focus of your citation is on the information, you should write the
In the following literature review from a report in the field of education, citation in the present tense. The present tense is used when the information
choose the best tense for each verb given in parentheses. Then write each you are citing is generally accepted as scientific fact.
verb in the tense you have chosen in the blank space provided.


I Topic I + (present) + I Fact I + I (Reference)
1 Movement of families from one area to another is an ac-
Stage I [ cepted part of modern life (U.S. Census Population Reports, 1974). Nutrient is a common (Kramer, 1979).
2The influence of this mobility on school achievement and adjust- resorption phenomenon
in forest trees
ment (be) the focus of several studies.
3Yet findings concerning its effects upon school achievement so for The factors that are poorly known (1).
(be) inconsistent. 4Bourke and Naylor control the concen-
(1971), in an early review of the literature, (find) - - - - - - tration of aluminum
in seawater
that 11 previous studies (report) no
effect of mobility on academic achievement, while 12 studies (find)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iower achievement. 5More recent stud-
ies (note) similar inconsistencies. NOTE: Some publications use only this citation form to credit sources.
Stage II 6Goebel (1975) (ascertain) that the
rate of mobility (be) not a significant
Tense in Weak Author Prominent Citations
factor in determining either short- or long-term academic perform-
ance. 7Benson, Haycraft, Steyaert, and Weigel (1979) studying The present perfect tense is used in citations where the focus is on the research
sixth graders (determine) mobility to be
area of several authors. This kind of citation is called weak author prominent.


Tense in Author Prominent Citations
Later in Stage II, you use author prominent citations to report the findings of
individual studies closely related to your own. In these citations the simple past
(present perfect)
+ I Topic I + I (Reference) I tense is used in the verb of report.

Several have studied the relationship between

researchers classroom adjustment and AUTHOR PROMINENT: Findings from Specific Studies
mobility (Madsen, 1980;
Biggs, 1983; Randall,
Verb of
1985). + report (past)

Verb Allington (1983) found that teachers

+ ~ent perfect)
+ I Author I + I (Reference) I showed allocated
reported equal time
The has been studied by several noted to all groups.
physiology authors (3,7,13). observed
of annual

As you can see from these rules, the progression of verb tenses in your
literature review follows the progression shown in the diagram below.
General Statements about the Research

The present perfect tense is also used in general statements that describe the
level of research activity in an area. These statements are often written without
Citation form I I Tense I
GENERAL STATEMENTS: Level of Research Activity
Beginning citations: Simple present
Information prominent and
Verb Weak author prominent present perfect
+ +
(present perfect) General statements

Little research has been done on topic development

in ESL students'
Later citations:
Author prominent Simple past
Information prominent citations, weak author prominent citations, and general
statements are usually written at the beginning of Stage II, or at transition points
at the beginning of new sections within Stage II. FIGURE 3.2 Progression of tenses in Stage II.


Attitude and Tense in Reported Findings
EXERCISE 3.5 Fill-in
In the following example from the field of psychology, fill in the correct We have seen that the focus you choose helps to determine the tenses of the
tense for each Stage II verb given in parentheses. verbs in your literature review. Similarly, in author prominent citations your
attitude towards the findings of the researchers also affects the complement
verb forms in your Stage II sentences. You may feel that:

1. the findings of a particular study are generally accepted as fact;

LISTENING COMPREHENSION: THE EFFECTS OF SEX, AGE 2. the findings of a particular study are limited to that study, but are not to be
PASSAGE STRUCTURE AND SPEECH RATE accepted as true in all cases;
3. the author(s) of the study you are citing may themselves feel tentative
lThe learning of verbal information is a two-stage process. about their findings; or they may not be reporting findings at all but only
making suggestions or proposals.
2First of all the student must understand the meaning of the sen-
tence he has just heard and then, secondly, he must relate the in- Depending on which attitude you take towards the findings of the re-
formation it contains to what he has learned earlier and which is searchers you cite, you may use the present tense, the past tense, or various
now stored in memory. 3A number of authors (advance) modal auxiliaries.
this active view of learning (Bartlett,
1. When you believe the findings you are citing are fact, use the present
1932; Ausubel, 1968; Haviland and Clark, 1974; and Clark, tense in the complement verb (that is, the verb in the part of the sentence
1976). 40ther writers (show) that giving the findings) .
this two-stage process operates at the level of sentences. 5Barclay
and Franks (1972) (show) that when
two or more sentences contain information about the same subject,
the learner abstracts the information from the sentences and tends
to integrate it into a whole.
6Riding (1975) (find) that after
listening to a prose passage in which some related details were in

Reference number
or date +
Verb of
adjacent sentences, while others were separated by other senten-
ces, ten-year-old children recalled the closely positioned details
better than the more distantly positioned ones. 7Kieras (1978) Sillen (1) showed that aluminum in
seawater is
(study) reading time in adult subjects
regulated by a
using short paragraphs as the learning material. SHe (note) thermodynamic
that reading time was less when a balance.
sentence was preceded by those containing related information
than when one or more unrelated sentences intervened between
directly related ones.
2. When you believe the findings are restricted to the specific study you are
citing, use the past tense in the complement verb.


ATTITUDE TOWARDS FINDINGS: Results Limited to One Study

Reference number
or date +
Verb of
reported findings as fact or only tentative. Then rewrite each excerpt.so
that it indicates the opposite attitude.

a. Several studies have shown that oats produce more

forage than other winter cereal grains (4, 7, 13).
Abramson (1974) reported that mobile students
b. I The regulation of body temperature places demands
had lower academic
performance. on the respiratory system which exceeds the needs for gas
exchange (Huffaker 1980).
Henderson and (7) found that 34.6 kg of nitrogen c. S The magnetic field may affect both the velocity and
Harris were cycled internally
temperature distributions of a conducting fluid between two
by trees.
parallel disks (Battaiah et aI., 1979).
d. ? A recent survey suggested that the public may be
3. Finally, if the findings you are citing were seen by the original authors as willing to consider the use of solar systems largely because of
tentative, or were only suggestions or proposals rather than findings, use
their low operating costs (3).
tentative verbs for the verb of report, and a modal auxiliary with the
complement verb. e. ! Heimeann (1961) reported that sodium applications

.. ..
cause an increase in potassium uptake.

AUTHOR PROMINENT: Tentative Findings

Reference Verb of Tentative findings

number report (modal duxiliary + verb)
EXERCISE 3.7 Identification

Van Bennekom (5)

Read the following literature review from the field of finance. Identify all
proposed }
suggested that
aluminum may be common verbs-both verbs of report and complement verbs. Underline present
in diatom residues. tense verbs once, past tense verbs twice, and present perfect verbs three
times. Circle any<lentative verb$orCmodal auxllianes)that you find.

Notice that in all three of these cases, the verb of report is always in the past
tense, while the verb tense in the "findings" part of the sentence varies accord-
ing to the author's attitude.
EXERCISE 3.6 Transformation
1 Several authors have evaluated the performance of mutual
Each of the following excerpts is taken from Stage II of a different experi- funds. 2Keynor (17) and Sharpe (15) developed performance mea-
mental research report. In each case, determine if the author views the sures for establishing relative rankings for such funds. 3Treynor


with the fluctuations which may exist in the risk-return relationships
and Mauzi (18) devised a statistical test for determining whether
mutual funds can anticipate major fluctuations in the stock market. for such funds. (13).
4Jensen (7) proposed that an absolute measure of mutual fund
performance could be used to determine whether mutual funds
earn higher or lower returns than those expected for the level of
risk associated with their portfolios. 5Although these studies have
examined mutual fund performance, none has employed an ana-
lytical framework for dealing with the fluctuations which may exist EXERCISE 3.9 Reconstruction
in the risk-return relationship for such funds (13).
The same literature review you have been practicing with is again given
here, but this time the sentences are indicated only by lists of key words.
Without referring to the original, reconstruct one sentence from each list.
Add all necessary words and word endings, and write out each group as a
complete sentence. The key words are grouped and listed in the correct
EXERCISE 3.8 Fill-in order.
The literature review about mutual funds is given here again. This time,
without looking back at the original, fill in each blank with an appropriate
verb or modal auxiliary. Select your verbs and verb tenses according to the
rules you have studied in this chapter.
1. several authors 4. Jensen (7)
evaluate propose
performance of mutual absolute measure of mutual
funds fund performance
PERFORMANCE 2. Keynor (17), Sharpe (15) determine whether
develop mutual funds earn higher or
1 Several authors the performance performance measures lower returns than those
of mutual funds. 2Keynor (17) and Sharpe (15) _ establishing relative expected
rankings for such funds
performance measures for establishing relative rankings for such
5. although all of these studies
funds. 3Treynor and Mazuy (18) a sta- 3. Treynor and Mauzi (18) examine
tistical test for determining whether mutual funds _ devise mutual fund performance,
anticipate major fluctuations in the stock market. 4Jensen (7) pro- statistical test none
determine whether employ
posed that an absolute measure of mutual fund performance
mutual funds analytical framework
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be used to determine whether mutual
funds earn higher or lower returns than those expected for the major fluctuations
level of risk associated with their portfolios. 5Although all of these stock market
studies mutual fund performance, none
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an analytical framework for dealing


EXERCISE 3.10 Library

Reread the literature review example that you used for the previous library
exercise. In it, underline the verbs of report and the complement verbs in DIFFERENTIAL GAIN RATES IN INTENSIVE ESL PROGRAMS:
each sentence. Identify the tense of each verb you find and explain why WHO GAINS THE MOST?
the author(s) chose it. Determine if your author(s) followed the language
conventions we have studied for Stage II. Students entering intensive English as a second language
programs at various proficiency levels may make comparatively
greater or lesser gains in proficiency over the same period of train-
ing. The problem of predicting rates of progress is particularly
EXERCISE 3.11 Analyzing Bibliography Conventions interesting for teachers and administrators in intensive programs
Stage I
where some of the students have had little or no previous instruc-
There are several different conventions for constructing a bibliography (list tion in English language skills, but where all students are preparing
of references). To learn the one you should use, go to the library and find a to take university courses in English after a brief period of language
journal in your field. Photocopy the reference page from an .arti~le an~ instruction. The organization and teaching strategies of such a
analyze the order of information elements and the punctuation (including program are crucial to the future academic success of the
capitalization) that is used. Analyze one bibliographic entry for each of the students.
following types of references:
Stage II Literature Review
1. a journal article;
2. a book; A. Several studies-individual characteristics of language learn-
3. an edited volume. ers, environmental variables (classroom,
school, community)
You may want to check with a professor in your department or with the 1. CARROLL: Affective variables of students-predict success
graduate school at your university to see if a particular bibliography style is in foreign language learning?
required. Findings: a. motivation-yes
b. aptitude-yes
c. IQ-no
2. FATHMAN: External variables-affect the successful
learning of English as a second language?
INTEGRATION Findings: a. class size-yes
b. school size-yes
c. school location (urban/rural)-
EXERCISE 3.12 Guided Writing yes
B. Other studies-use standardized English language tests to
Here you are given a background paragraph (Stage I) from the introduction
predict students' academic success
to a research report about students learning English as a second language.
The final part of the introduction (Stages III, IV, and V) is also given. Stage II, 1. MASON: Compare students' initial scores on Michigan
the literature review, is represented in outline form. Using the information in Test of English Language Proficiency with stu-
the outline, write a literature review appropriate for this introduction. Refer dents' grade point average (GPA) after one
to the list of references at the end of the outline for your citation year
information. Findings: Michigan not a good predictor


2. MORAN and ERION: Use Comprehensive English Lan- Marton, F. 1972. The tenth year of English: review of a project
guage Test (CELT) as a possible concerning second language learning at university level. Higher
predictor of students' academic Education 1:93- 109.
success in university classes Mason, C. 1971. The relevance of intensive training in English as a
Findings: CELT predicts GPA- second language. Language Learning 21: 197-204.
no Moran, R. and J. G. Erion. 1978. Predictive validity of the CELT.
CELT predicts number TESL Reporter 11 (3): 1-3.
of credits earned-yes Nevo, B., D. Sim and M. Bensousan. 1977. The rich get richer and
C. Effect of students' initial proficiency on later progress in the poor get poorer. System 5:33-37.
English-few studies

1. NEVO, SIM and BENSOUSAN: Non-intensive English pro-

gram, Middle Eastern
Findings: Students with higher initial scores on proficiency EXERCISE 3.13 Writing Up Your Own Research
test-more progress than students with lower
scores Now that you have written the Stage II (literature review) for the introduc-
2. MARTON: Non-intensive English program in Scandinavian tion to a research report about students in an English language program,
university apply what you have learned in this chapter to your own research topic.
Findings: results similar to Nevo et al. Write a Stage II for the individual or group research project you chose to
conduct in Chapter 1. Follow these steps:
However, little information is available in the literature on
Stage III predicting success of students enrolled in intensive English pro- 1. Visit your library and find at least six sources that relate to your proposed
grams in this country. study. Your teacher or the reference librarian can help you locate
This study was carried out in order to determine if students' appropriate sources.
scores on two standardized tests of English language proficiency 2. Write down on note cards relevant information from the sources you have
Stage IV found. Include the research topic and the findings from each study and
could serve to predict whether they would make greater or lesser
progress in English during a one-year intensive program. It was any other information you consider important. Also note all bibliographic
hoped that a systematic analysis of relative rates of progress information you will need to include in your list of references.
among beginning, intermediate and advanced students would 3. Decide how you will order the citations in your Stage II (for example,
indicate if the program was benefiting some types of students more distant-to-close, chronologically, different approaches (or a combination
Stage V
than others. Significant differences in progress, if found, would of these), and organize your note cards in this order.
indicate the need for a thorough re-examination of program orga- 4. Using these notes, write your Stage II. Do not copy directly from your
nization and instruction. sources; paraphrase the authors' ideas. Refer to the following checklist to
help you remember the conventions for Stage II we have studied in this

Carroll, John B. 1962. The prediction of success in intensive foreign When you have finished writing your Stage II, put it together with the
language training. In Training Research and Education, R. Gla- Stage I you wrote in the previous chapter. You may want to make some
ser (Ed.). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. changes in the setting based on the information you have added in the litera-
Fathman, A. K. 1976. Variables affecting the successful learning of ture review. Show these first two stages of your introduction to your instructor
English as a second language. TESOL Quarterly 10:433-441. or research team members to get their reactions.


Introduction: Stage II


Use a logical plan to order your citations.

Use information prominent and weak author prominent citations at
the beginning and at transitional points in Stage II. Advancing to
Use author prominent citations to report specific findings later in
Stage II. Present Research

Use verb tenses correctly:

present tense for facts;
present perfect tense for weak author citations and general
statements about the research; OVERVIEW
past tense for author prominent citations and results limited After you have presented a contextual setting and discussed the previous work of
to a single study. other researchers, you use the final part of the introduction to focus the attention
Use tentative verbs of report for suggestions or proposals. of the reader on the specific research problem you will be dealing with in the
body of your report. This is done in three additional stages, which we designate
Use modal auxiliaries in the complement to indicate tentative as III, IV, and V. Stage III indicates an area that is not treated in the previous liter-
findings. ature, but that is important from the point of view of your own work; Stage IV
formally announces the purpose of your research; and Stage V indicates possible
benefits or applications of your work.


1. What is the function of sentence 5?
~////////////7 2.
How does sentence 5 relate to the previous sentences in this introduction?
What connection exists between sentence 5 and sentence 6?
CJ 4. What is the author trying to suggest about the research in sentence 7?

CJ Ordering your Information

/ \ The kinds of information contained in Stages III, IV, and V are sequenced in
order to move the reader logically from the literature review to the purpose of
your study. We examine each stage individually to see how the information is
FIGURE 4.1 Advancing to present research (Stages III, IV, and V).

Writing STAGE 11/: Missing Information

INFORMATION CONVENTIONS Stage III serves to signal the reader that the literature review is finished. It sums
up the review by pointing out a gap-that is, an important research area not
Look at the following model introduction, taken from a report in the field of investigated by other authors. Usually Stage III is accomplished in only one or
home economics. Notice that Stages III, IV, and V have been indicated by two sentences. Here are three alternatives you can choose from in writing your
Stage III statement.


1 Food expense is one of the largest recurring items in the 1. You may indicate that the previous literature described in
budgets of most families. 2Today, food purchases take more than Stage II is inadequate because an important aspect of the
one-sixth (17.8%) of the total consumer disposable income in the research area has been ignored by other authors.
United States (3). 3This expenditure includes money spent for meals
2. You may indicate that there is an unresolved conflict among
away from home as well as for food bought for use at home. 4Many
the authors of previous studies concerning the research topic.
demographic factors affect food-buying decisions, including age,
This may be a theoretical or methodological disagreement.
Stage III education, income, and experience (10). 5However, student wives
are a specialized population group about which little is known. 6The 3. You may indicate that an examination of the previous litera-
purpose of this study was to learn more about the food-buying prac- ture suggests an extension of the topic, or raises a new
Stage IV [
tices of wives of university students. 71t is hoped that information research question not previously considered by other workers
from this study may be useful in identifying areas of weakness or in your field.
[ lack of knowledge to those who are responsible for planning courses
and programs in consumer education.
In indicating some kind of gap left by earlier studies, Stage III prepares the
reader for your own study.
would lead to the acceptance of greater financial risk, reducing the
STAGE III: Missing Information effects of the diminished business risk on total risk.
7While most of the literature on risk and risk response treats
+ I Research topic only production and price risk (i.e., business risk), we intend to intro-
duce the notion of financial risk explicitly into the decision-making
process. Sin this paper we present a conceptual framework for link-
ing production and investment decisions to the financing decision via
However, few studies have the effects of computer a risk constraint.
reported on assisted instruction.

But there is little information the air flow rates on

available on simple flat plate solar

1. Which sentence in the preceding introduction contains Stage III?

EXERCISE 4.1 Analysis Sentence 7

2. Does the entire sentence correspond to Stage III, or only part of the
An entire introduction from a research report in the field of business and
finance is reproduced here. First read the introduction, then answer the
questions that follow. All _ Part ---1t,,£L'------
3. What word helped you recognize the beginning of Stage III?

lThere is considerable current interest in methods of limiting Writing Stage IV: The Statement of Purpose
the business risk to which farmers are exposed. 2S ome approaches
to business risk modification involve insurance, government pro- Stage IV serves to state as concisely as possible the specific objective(s) of your
grams, weather modification, and innovations of individual research report. This stage, the statement of purpose, thus follows directly from
farmers. Stage III because it answers the need expressed in Stage III for additional re-
31t is recognized that the introduction or modification of risk in search in your area of study.
the production process affects the pattern of resource allocation and You may write the statement of purpose (Stage IV) from one of two
in turn the level of production (Dillon 1979, pp. 102-48; Just, alternative orientations:
Wiens, and Wolgen 1980). 4We suggest that there is also a
financial response to business risk modification. 5The difference is 1. The orientation of the statement of purpose may be towards the report
important in that business risk and financial risk may well be trade- itself-that is, it may refer to the paper (thesis, dissertation, or report) that
offs in the risk behavior of farmers. 6Th us, a decline in business risk communicates the information about the research.


2. Now look at each of the Stage IV examples that follow. Each is taken from
STAGE IV: Statement of Purpose a different research report. Determine whether each excerpt is an example
Report Orientation of research or report orientation. Then write the word "research" or
"report" in each blank space, depending on the orientation of the excerpt.
IReport orientation I + Research question

The purpose of
The aim of
this thesisJ
the present paper
is to determine whether an auto-
matic measurement system can be a. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This paper describes the results of
The objective of this report applied to educational settings. aerial surveys and interviews conducted in Honduras to deter-
mine the distribution and status of manatees in that country.
b. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In this paper we present a concep-
2. Or the orientation of the statement of purpose may be towards the
research activity, in other words the study itself, rather than the written tual framework for linking production and investment decisions
report. to the financing decision via a risk constraint.
c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The present study was made to de-
termine whether or not genetic differences in germination at low
STAGE IV: Statement of Purpose temperature exist in pepper species, and to establish the magni-
Research Orientation tude of such differences.

l Research orientation + IResearch question I

d. - - - - - - - - - - The research reported in this paper
was an attempt to develop an alternative analytical approach
to machinery selection problems.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether
e. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The purpose of this article is to give
this investigation I or not genetic differences the most direct answer possible to the direct question of how
this research > in germination exist at low
the research reported here temperatures in pepper long advertising affects sales.

EXERCISE 4.2 Analysis

Writing Stage V: The Statement of Value
Do the following tasks.
In Stage V you justify your research on the basis of some possible value ~r b~n­
1. Look at the introduction about business and financial risk in Exercise 4.1 efit the work may have to other researchers in the field or to people workmg 10
and identify the sentence that contains Stage IV, the statement of purpose. practical situations. We can call this stage the statement of valu~.
Is its orientation towards the report or the research? Stage V is not included in every introduction. You should mclude Stage V
in your introduction when you write a thesis, dissertation, or a thesis pro~osal.
Sentence Orientation The statement of value is also commonly included in research reports wntten to


describe a project conducted with money from outside sources. In reports writ- EXERCISE 4.3 Analysis
ten up as journal articles, Stage V is often omitted.
You may write Stage V from either of two alternative points of view. Do the following ta~ks.

1. The statement of value may be written from the point of view of the 1. Look back at the introduction about the food buying habits of student wives
practical benefits which may result from applying the findings of your at the beginning of the chapter. Indicate the sentence that contains Stage V.
research. Sentence _
2. Look back at the introduction about business and financial risk in Exercise
4.1. Is there a Stage V included in this introduction?
STAGE V: Statement of Value
Practical Orientation Yes No _
3. Sometimes Stage V is combined with Stage IV in the same sentence. In
EXAMPLE A: This research may provide an alternative to the each of the following sentences, draw a slash (/) to indicate where Stage IV
problem of manually demonstrating instrumenta- (the statement of purpose) ends, and Stage V (the statement of value)
tion principles in classroom environments. begins.
EXAMPLE B: The results of this study could be useful to educa-
tors responsible for planning course work in con-
sumer education.
a. This paper describes some demographic factors that might be
important for a better understanding of rural-to-urban

2. Or you may write the statement of value to emphasize the theoretical migration in developing countries.
importance of your study in advancing the state of knowledge in your b. The aim of this investigation was to study groundwater condi-
specific area of research. tions in order to aid in evaluating the general hydrologic
situation in the area under study.
c. The purpose of this study was to learn more about the food-
STAGE V: Statement of Value buying habits of student wives so that areas of weakness or lack
Theoretical Orientation of knowledge could be exposed to those who are responsible
for planning courses and programs in consumer education.
EXAMPLE A: Both of the factors under investigation in this study
may be of importance in explaining the irregular d. The effect of soil temperature on Verticillium wilt disease in
occurrence of this disease. peppers is discussed in this paper, as is varietal susceptibility of
the pepper host, both of which may be of importance in ex-
EXAMPLE B: Results of this study may suggest a broader hy-
plaining the irregular occurrence of the disease in California.
pothesis for further research into the effects of
atmospheric chemicals on rubber.


EXERCISE 4.4 IdentificationlArrangement EXERCISE 4.5 Library

The following sentences are taken from an introduction to a research report Find the introduction to a study in your field from a thesis, dissertation, or
in the field of environmental engineering. Identify the stage that each sen- journal article in your library. Identify Stages III, IV, and V. Also, indicate:
tence represents (from I to IV), and then number the sentences in the order
you believe the authors used when they wrote the report. You may find more 1. which orientation (research or report) the author used in Stage IV;
than one sentence for each stage. 2. which point of view (practical or theoretical) the author used in Stage V;
3. what research question the author(s) had in mind when they designed the



a. Very simply, a rock filter consists of

a submerged bed of rocks through which the lagoon effluent is Signal Words and Verb Tenses in Stages III, IV, and V
passed horizontally (1).
As we have seen, when you write each of the last three stages to your introduc-
b. However, previous research on tion, you have several choices in determining the kind of focus you wish to give
rock filters has not fully identified the basic algal removal to your information. The choices you make in each case will determine the
mechanism or developed a rational design method based on vocabulary and grammatical structures you will need in order to write these
this mechanism.
c. Aerobic stabilization lagoons are
commonly employed by small cities and isolated industrial
plants for wastewater treatment.
d. The objective of this project was to The following introduction is taken from the field of agribusiness. It
discusses the problem of making good decisions in selecting farm machin-
confirm that sedimentation is the primary removal mechanism
ery. Fill in each blank space with any appropriate word.
operating within rock filters.
e. To remove algae from lagoon efflu-
ents, a variety of techniques has been proposed including
microstraining (2) and chemical coagulation and sedimentation
f. An additional promising alternative
for the removal of algae from lagoon effluents is the rock filter lThe machinery selection decision confronting agricultural
(6,7,8,11,12). producers is recurrent, complex, and important. 2Machinery
selection is complicated by many interrelated factors which jointly
determine the final impact of a particular machinery decision on


farm profitability. 3Among the more important factors that must be
considered in the selection of machinery are (a) weather conditions, STAGE III: Signaling Missing Information
(b) the effect of timeliness of operation on yield, (c) availability of
labor at crucial times of the year, and (d) the farmer's goals and Gap
Signal word + + Research topic
attitudes toward risk. 4The interaction among all these factors has a (present or present perfect)
considerable influence on crop planning and machinery selection,
and therefore these two decisions must be considered
simultaneously. ~ However, l
few studies have been done on
little literature is available on
J the effects of air flow rates on
5The importance and complexity of the machinery selection i But ~ {
very little is known about simple flat plate solar collectors.
problem has resulted in numerous efforts to develop analytical no work has been done on
models which will either yield generalizable selection guidelines or
be useful directly by the farmer as a decision aid. 6The approaches
that have been used are (a) calculator-type programs (17); (b) simu- Subordinating conjunctions like although and while can also be used to
lations (3, 10); and (c) mathematical programming approaches (4,
signal Stage III. If you use these kinds of signals, you must write a complex sen-
tence, using modifiers like some, many, or much in the first clause, and modifiers
11). 7To date, many sophisticated models have been developed. like little, few, or no in the second clause.
8 , to the authors' knowledge, only
linear programming approaches have had extensive application
and farmer use (2). STAGE III: Signal Words (continued)
9This paper an attempt to develop
an alternative analytical approach to machinery selection problems.
Previous work
10This alternative approach provide
Signal word +
(present or present perfect)
+ I Gap + Topic I
agricultural advisors with a reliable means to help farmers make
good decisions in selecting their machinery.
Although l some literature is available on X,
many studies have been done on X,
little information is
1 While ~ {
much research has been devoted to X,
available on Y.

Notice that nouns like literature, research, and work are uncountable and are
therefore followed by singular verb forms.

Stage 11/: Signal Words

EXERCISE 4.6 Fill-in
Special signal words are commonly used to indicate the beginning of Stage III.
Connectors such as however are used for this purpose. The connector is fol- The next two excerpts are taken from different introductions, and each con-
lowed immediately by a gap statement in the present or present perfect tense, tains an example of Stage III. Fill in each blank space with an appropriate
which often contains modifiers such asfew, little, or no. signal word.


choose the research orientation you should use the past tense, because the
research activity has already been completed.
Research Orientation
... Thus, the research literature suggests that computer
assisted instruction (CAl) is somewhat more effective than
conventional instruction in promoting student achievement, improv- Main verb
Research orientation + + Research question
ing student attitudes, and decreasing the amount of time needed for
instruction. , there is very The purpose of this study was to investigale the effect of com-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ research that reveals how CAl affects puter-assisted instruction on the
students' knowledge or feelings about computers. computer literacy of fifth grade

On the other hand, if you choose to use the report orientation, use the
present or future tense.

... A recent study (1) of the failure of rubber strips due to

repeated stretching has indicated that the process is caused by STAGE IV: Verb Tenses
gradual tearing. The tear begins as a small flaw and then Report Orientation
gradually increases until catastrophic failure occurs. This simple
theory is remarkably successful in predicting the fatigue life of strips Main verb
Report orientation + + Research question
of soft vulcanized rubber (1,2). there (present or future)

is some evidence that chemical processes may also contribute to

rubber fatigue, there is literature avail- This paper describes ~ the results of surveys conducted in

able concerning this possibility. 1presents \ Honduras to determine the distribu-

tion of manatees in that country.

This thesis
deal with f the implementation and operation of
discuss an automatic measurement system
appropriate for classroom and labo-
ratory demonstrations.

Stage IV: Orientation and Tense

Notice that in both research as well as report orientation, phrases like this
We have already seen that Stage IV, the statement of purpose, can be written study and the present paper reinforce the fact that Stage IV refers to your work,
from either of two points of view, a research or a report orientation. If you not the work of the other authors mentioned earlier.


XERCISE 4.7 Transformation STAGE IV: Implied Questions in the Statement of Purpose
ewrite each of the Stage IV statements given here, changing the orient~­ Yes or No Questions
ion from research to report, or vice versa. Make any necessary changes In
ord choice and verb tense.
Research question Purpose (implied question)

Is an automatic measurement system The purpose of this thesis is to determine

1. This thesis develops and explains a digital computer simulation suitable for classroom and laboratory if an automatic measurement system
capable of accompanying both symmetrical and asymmetrical demonstrations? would be suitable for classroom and
mutual coupling between parallel circuits. laboratory demonstrations.
2. The aim of this investigation was to study the groundwater
conditions in the closed Animas Basin to aid in evaluating the
hydrologic conditions of the area.
3. The experiment to be described below was an attempt to provide
some further data on the role and position of a summary in a
research report, using natural materials. When the implied question is an information question, if/whether is omit-
4. The purpose of this research was to further investigate and char-
ted and an infinitive or noun phrase is used.
acterize the Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory reactor
5. This paper will discuss some demographic factors which might be
important for queen rearing in African honeybee colonies.
STAGE IV: Implied Questions in the Statement of Purpose
Information Questions

Stage IV and Your Research Question

I Research question I I Purpose (implied question) I
Your statement of purpose (Stage IV) should be directly related to the research What is the distribution and status of This paper reports the results of surveys
question upon which you based your study. Although you may not need to in- manatees in Honduras? and interviews conducted in order to
clude the research question explicitly in your report, the statement of purpose determine the distribution and status of
should be written so that your reader can infer the research question behind your manatees in Honduras.
This paper reports on the distribution and
If the implied research question is a yes or no question, the connecting
status of manatees in Honduras.
words whether or if are used in Stage IV, and a modal auxiliary like would or
could accompanies the verb.


ERCISE 4.8 Transformation Selecting the Best Modal Auxiliaries for Use in Stages IV and V

ere you are given several research questions implying different experi- Selec~ing the most appropriate modal auxiliary is often a problem because the
lental purposes. Convert each question to a Stage IV statement of meanmgs of some of these words differ only slightly from one another. Use the
urpose. Practice using both report and research orientation. chart below to help you choose the best modal auxiliary when you are writing
these stages. The modals are listed here in order of their degree of
L. What are the groundwater characteristics of the Animas Basin in Colorado?
~. Do bacteria counts differ under transient and steady-state conditions using
the direct microscopic count method?
t What is the optimal engineering design method for rock filter systems? MODAL AUXILIARIES: Degrees of Tentativeness
l. Can alluvial diamond deposits be analyzed as systematically as any other (SURE)
geological phenomenon?
). How long does advertising affect the sales of a particular product? EXAMPLES:
no doubt about the future
The data contained in this report
will supplement that presented in
tage V-Model Auxiliaries and Tentativeness
our earlier publication.
tage V, the statement of value, is usually written in a way that suggests an
:titude of tentativeness or modesty on the part of the author. When reporting no doubt about the future, assuming The purpose of this study was to
)ur own study, you should not sound too sure of the benefits, either practical certain conditions
determine if the use of home com-
r theoretical, of your work. It is conventional to sound more cautious. This is puters would improve the math
:complished in Stage V by using modal auxiliaries, principally may. scores of third grade children.


STAGE V: Statement of Value Using Modal Auxiliaries reasonable expectation about the This alternative method should
simplify the analysis procedure.
some doubt about the future Both of the factors studied here
I Your research I + I Modal auxiliary I + may be of importance in explaining
the occurrence of this disease.
The application of the ~ may ~ increase the proportion of more doubt about the future
Results of this study could have
strategies described here 1 should f drug abusers who can be considerable impact on estimates of
identified. land values.
The system described here could serve as the basis for a
study of automatic mea- (TENTATIVE)

surement systems in an
instrumentation course.

This study may lead to a better under- EXERCISE 4.9 Fill-in

standing of phosphorus in
natural systems. Fill in an appropriate modal auxiliary in each blank space in the following
Stage IV and V statements.


anyone who has used manual methods of collecting and analyzing
data. 2However, the superiority of automatic analysis has not yet
been demonstrated in an educational environment. 3The greatest
1. The study reported here was made to determine whether solar
realization of these advantages comes when the two methods are
space-heating and domestic hot-water systems for single-family
compared side by side. 41t is the purpose of this thesis to outline the
residences be economically com- implementation and use of an automatic measurement system for
petitive with conventional gas systems. classroom use. 5This is done with the hope that it may provide an
2. The study reported here examined patterns of health-care use. alternative solution to the problem of manually demonstrating prin-
ciples and theories in an educational environment. 6Additionally,
It attempted to determine if public health education programs
the system may serve as a basis for the study of automatic measure-
for low socioeconomic level consumers _ ment systems in an instrumentation course. 7The simplicity of imple-
result in increased use of the service. mentation and operation should enable the student to observe
3. The purpose of this study was to learn more about the food details required in all systems without the usual problem of having
to learn complex operating and programming procedures.
buying practices of university student wives so that areas of
weakness or lack of knowledge be
exposed to those who are responsible for planning course
work and programs in consumer education.
4. This report compiles the history of locally owned retail clothing EXERCISE 4.11 Fill-in
stores in the Southwest. The perspectives of the successes and
The introduction paragraph about computers in the classroom is given here
failures in this retail sector be of again. This time, without looking back at the original, fill in each blank with
use to those who are considering entering the market in this an appropriate verb, modal auxiliary, or signal word.

1 The advantages of an automatic measurement system over manual

EXERCISE 4.10 Identification methods of collecting and analyzing data should be apparent to
anyone who has used manual methods of collecting and analyzing
The following excerpt is the final paragraph of an introduction to a thesis in
data. 2 , the superiority of automatic
the field of computer science. Underline the verbs, modal auxiliaries, and
signal word in Stages III, IV, and V, and notice the degree of tentativeness analysis not yet been demonstrated in an educational
of each modal auxiliary. el,vironment. 3The greatest realization of these advantages comes
when the two methods are compared side by side. 41t _
the purpose of this thesis to outline the implementation and use of an
automatic measurement system for classroom use. 5This is done with
PROGRAMMABLE MEASUREMENT FOR the hope that it provide an alternative solution to the
problem of manually demonstrating principles and theories in an

1 The advantages of an automatic measurement system over manual

educational environment. 6Additionally, the system _
methods of collecting and analyzing data should be apparent to serve as a basis for the study of automatic measurement systems in


an instrumentation course. 7The simplicity of implementation and EXERCISE 4.13 Library
operation enable the student to observe
Using the same sample introduction you obtained for Library Exercise 4.1,
details required in all systems without the usual problem of having to do the following tasks.
learn complex operating and programming procedures.
1. Identify the verb tenses, modal auxiliaries, and signal words used by the
writer(s) in Stages III, IV, and V of the introduction.
2. Determine if the author's choice of tense and modals in your example
follows the rules you have learned here.
3. Explain why the writer chose these particular tenses and modal auxiliaries.
EXERCISE 4.12 Reconstruction

rhe same introduction you have been practicing with is again given here,
:>ut this time the sentences are indicated only by lists of key words. Without INTEGRATION
·eferring to the original, reconstruct one sentence from each list. Add all
lecessary words and word endings, and write out each group as a com-
:>Iete sentence. The key words are grouped and listed in the correct order.
EXERCISE 4.14 Guided Writing

Following is the introduction to a research report in the field of psychology.

The Abstract, Stage I, II, and the first part of III are given in their original
1. advantages 4. done form. The rest of Stages III, IV, and V are given in outline form. Using the
automatic measurement hope information in the outline, complete the introduction by writing out Stages
III, IV, and V.
system provide alternative solution
apparent problem
anyone manually demonstrating
use manual methods principles, theories
collect, analyze data educational environment
2. superiority 5. simplicity
automatic analysis operation, implementation Abstract. A historical survey of more than 5000 years of art works, includ-
not demonstrate enable student ing 1180 examples of paintings and drawings showing humans using tools
educational environment observe details or weapons, revealed no systematic trends in hand usage. The right hand
was used in an average of 93% of the cases, regardless of which historical
without period or geographical region was examined.
3. purpose learn complex operating,
this thesis programming proce- Stage I It is common knowledge that contemporary man prefers to use
outline dures
his right hand when performing tasks requiring one hand. Basically,
implementation, use
there are two types of theories that attempt to explain the develop-
automatic measurement
Stage II ment of right hand preference in man. The first maintains that there
are physiological predispositions, possibly inherited, which lead to
classroom use
the preference of one hand over the other (1). The second type of
theory suggests that social or environmental pressures (or both) lead
to the high incidence of right hand preference in man (3). This


theory is supported by human and animal studies that have attempted When you finish writing these stages, put them together with Stages I and II of
to alter hand preference through behavioral manipulation (4). your introduction. You may want to make some changes so that each stage leads
Stage III Unfortunately, these theories are difficult to test since written smoothly and logically to the next. There should be a direct and obvious relation-
references to the distribution of hand preferences throughout history ship between each of the five stages and the next.
are rare. There are, however, other sources which can be used to NOTE: Although the introduction appears first in the report, many
investigate historical trends in the distribution of hand preference. researchers carry out their studies and consider their results before writing this
Nearly all cultures have art forms that depict human beings en- section.
gaged in various activities. We might expect that such drawings and
paintings would imitate the distribution of hand use that the artist
actually observed in his culture.
This possibility: CHECKLIST FOR CHAPTER 4
Stage III already suggested (5)
(continued) no systematic studies yet

Stage IV This study: Introduction: Stages III, IV, and V

1. examine works of art-various cultures
-various periods of history
2. describe history of hand preference, 5000 years
Include all three stages in their proper order.
Stage V May clarify:
two theories of hand preference-which valid? Indicate a gap in the research in Stage III.
-physiological theory Choose research or report orientation for Stage IV.
-social pressure theory
Choose theoretical or applied perspective for Stage V.


EXERCISE 4.15 Writing Up Your Own Research

Use appropriate signal words and modifiers in Stage III.
Look back at the introductory material you wrote in Chapters 2 and 3 for
Use present or past tense in Stage IV, depending on orientation.
the individual or group study that you chose earlier in this book. In those
chapters you wrote a Stage I and II for the introduction to your study. Now, Use modal auxiliaries to indicate tentativeness in Stage V.
complete your introduction by adding Stages III, IV, and V. As you write
each of these stages, remember to:

1. sum up the literature review by including a statement indicating a gap in

the work of other authors (Stage III);
2. clearly announce the objective(s) of your own study in a statement of
purpose (Stage IV);
3. claim some value for carrying out your study, either on practical or
theoretical grounds, or both (Stage V).


The main part of the method section is a description of the procedural steps
used in your study and the materials employed at each step. However, other
elements are commonly described in this section as well. In the following exam-
ple from the field of bilingual education, notice the elements that have been
included under method.


1A bilingual group and a monolingual group, each com-
overview [
prised of 30 children, were compared. 21n each group there were
six subjects at each of five different age levels. 3The subjects were
OVERVIEW sample [ selected from seven day care centers in Houston. 4These centers
accept only child~en from below poverty thr~shold; th.us, compara-
After the introduction, the second major section of the experimental research restrictions [ ble socioeconomic status among the test sublects was Insured.
report, often labeled method, describes the steps you followed in conducting
5The bilingual subjects were selected from the 99 Mexican-
your study and the materials you used at each step. The method section is use-
American children in a previous study (Carrow, 1971) on the basis
ful to readers who want to know how the methodology of your study may have sampling
of performance at age mean or above in both languages on a test
influenced your results, or who are interested in replicating or extending your technique
[ of auditory comprehension. 6This criterion was employed to assure
basic understanding of both languages.
In this chapter we first look at the general kinds of information included in
7The test instrument employed in this study was a revised
method; then we focus on the part of the method section that describes proce-
version of the Auditory Test for Language Comprehension (Car-
dural steps. In the next chapter we examine materials.
row, 1968), which permits the assessment of oral language
. materials comprehension of English and Spanish without requiring language
expression. Sit consists of a set of 114 plates, each of which
contains three black and white line drawings representing 15

\ 7 grammatical categories.
9Both groups were tested by the same examiner, a Mexican-

~ American fluent in both languages. 10The children were brought

individually to a test area where they engaged in spontaneous

CJ procedure conversation. 11 For the bilingual children, conversations were

conducted in English and Spanish to determine the language in

/ \ FIGURE 5.1 Method.

which each child appeared more fluent. 12Each bilingual subject
was tested first in the language in which he demonstrated less
fluency so that learning would not be a significant factor in

subsequent performance when the test was administered again in EXERCISE 5.1 Analysis
I the second language.
13The test required the child to indicate his response by point- Read the following example of a method section from the field of wildlife

treatment [
l ing to the picture which corresponded to the examiner's utter~n~e.
14A score of one was given for each item passed. 15Test admInIs-
tration required 30 to 45 minutes in each language for each child.
16A 2 x 5 analysis of variance was used to test for age and
language group differences.
science. The study investigated the blood chemistry of bears and its
relationship to seasonal changes in bears' activity. Identify the information
elements you find in each sentence of the selection. (NOTE: Some senten-
ces may contain more than one element.)


1. What elements other than procedures and materials did the author
include in this section?
2. Why do you think the author chose to order the elements in this way?
3. Did you find this procedural description clear and easy to understand?
lOur 3-year study of changes in the ratio of serum urea to
serum creatinine in Colorado wild bears began in the winter of
Ordering your Information 1981 and ended in the fall of 1983. 2The investigation was per-
formed in the Black Mesa-Crystal Creek area in west-central
The elements included in the method section and the order in which they are
Colorado. 3The study area has three major vegetation bands: a
presented are not fixed. However, the list in the following box is conventional
mountain shrub community at lower elevations (2235 to 2330 m),
and provides you with a good model.
large aspen forests at elevations between 2330 and 3330 m, and
mixed forests of Engelmann spruce and fir at higher elevations. 4A
total of 76 blood samples were obtained from 27 female and 21
INFORMATION ELEMENTS INCLUDED IN METHOD male bears. 5Bears were captured with Aldrich spring-activated
foot and lower leg snares. 6Snared bears were immobilized with a
Overview of the Experiment (Design) combination of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochlo-
Population/Sample ride. 7 A six-foot pole was used to administer the drug. Sin winter
Location the bears were located with a radio signal emitted by the bears'
Restrictions/Limiting Conditions collars. 9The samples were cooled, serum was separated from red
Sampling 1echnique blood cells, and urea and creatinine concentrations were deter-
• Procedures mined. 10Statistical analysis of changes in blood parameters was
• Materials done with Scheffe's comparison because seasonal values could not
Variables be considered either independent or dependent.
Statistical Treatment

(. always included)

INFORMATION ELEMENT INFORMATION ELEMENT c. Twelve women from one of these villages were offered
supplementary food 6 days a week. The remaining ten women
Sentence 6: _
Sentence 1: from the other two villages were unsupplemented.
Sentence 2: Sentence 7: _ d. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body weight for
Sentence 3: Sentence 8: _ each woman were measured approximately every 6 weeks

Sentence 4: Sentence 9: _ during pregnancy. Subjects were asked not to eat or work

Sentence 10: _ beforehand. After the subject had lain quietly in an air-condi-
Sentence 5:
tioned room for 30 min, RMR was measured by open-circuit

Writing the Procedural Description e. Twenty-two pregnant women ages 20-32 years from
three villages in a remote rural area of Gambia, West Africa,
The description of the steps you followed in conducting your study should be were investigated.
written clearly so that a reader in your field could accurately replicate your pro-
f. The subjects breathed through a respiratory valve and
cedure. Of course, the best way to describe a procedure is step-by-step, or
chronologically. expired air was collected into a Douglas bag. The volume was
measured with a large capacity wet-type gas meter (Alexander
Wright Co Ltd, London). Oxygen and carbon dioxide concen-
EXERCISE 5.2 Arrangement trations were measured with a Servomex OA580 oxygen
analyser (Taylor Instrument Analytics Ltd, Crowborough,
The method section from a research report in the field of medicine is given
Sussex) and a model SSI carbon dioxide analyser (Analytical
here with the sentences in scrambled order. Rearrange and number the
sentences in a more conventional order, as you think the authors originally Development Co Ltd, Herts).
wrote them.


RURAL GAMBIAN WOMEN Read each of the following sentences, or groups of sentences. They are all
taken from method sections of different published studies. In each case,
Method determine which element is represented.

a. In other respects the supplemented ten women were

similar to the unsupplemented. All received the same clinical
and prenatal care. 1. The abdomen was closed and the
b. At the time of birth, the weight, head circumference, electrodes were connected to two Disa stimulators (Disamatic,
and gestational age of the babies were assessed as described Inc.) so that the costal and crural parts could be stimulated
previously (Lawrence et aI., 1983). separately.

2. - - - - - - - - - The study areas were established LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS
.. the southeast slopes of Mt. Summer-
on a waters he d d raining
ford on the Dona Ana rcnge on the University Ranch, 40 km Choosing Verb Tense and Voice in Procedural Description
NNE of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico.
Several grammatical conventions govern the method section. In this chapter we
3. - - - - - - - - - - Three gibberellic acid combina-
concentrate on those conventions governing the procedural description. These
tions, 0, 500, and 1000 ppm, were used in a factorial concern choosing the correct verb tense and verb voice.
combination of treatments replicated 10 times in a completely
randomized design.
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The ocean depth in the area under
The following procedural description is taken from a report in the field of
study is 2000 m. civil engineering. It describes a construction project in which a special
5. The subjects were 116 students of technique was used in bUilding a dam to stabilize the ground under the
English as a second language enrolled in the Continuing structure. Fill in each blank space with any appropriate word.
Education Program at Queens College, New York.
6. A proportionate, stratified,
random, cross-sectional sample was employed. The number of STABILIZATION OF SOILS BY MEANS
workers from each trade included in the study reflected the
proportion of the construction population represented by that Procedure
7. Analyses of variance were used to 1 An earthen dam was constructed across the West Branch of
detect significant differences among varieties or locations. the Mahoning River in northeastern Ohio. 2Three spillway conduits
Duncan's multiple range test was used to separate means. at the base of the dam monitored for deformation
during construction of the embankment. 3 Just prior to completion
of the embankment, large deformations _
4The top of the embankment subsequently moved,
and piezometers were installed. Sit was _
EXERCISE 5.4 Library
that the piezometric levels in the clay were extremely high. 6Stabil-
In the library find a study in your field (either a journal article, a thesis, or a ity analyses that the piezometric levels
dissertation). Locate the section or chapter corresponding to method and needed to be immediately lowered, and electro-osmosis was
make a photocopy of the section. Then answer the following questions.
- - - - - - - -_ _ as the most suitable method for this
1. Is the section (or chapter) in your report labeled "method"? If not, what is purpose.
it called? 7Electrodes were positioned at the bottom of the clay deposit,
2. Which of the elements from the list on page 92 can you find in your along the central 1OOO-ft long portion of the embankment. 8Eight
example? In what order are they presented?
rows of electrodes installed along the top of the
3. Read the part of your example that describes the procedure used in the
study. Is it written clearly enough so that you can easily understand the embankment, and six rows placed along both the
sequence of steps that the experimenters describe? upstream and downstream sides.


9The power was by 14 generators system. The excerpt includes much information not directly related to the
with capacities ranging from 90 to 300 KW. IOWhen fully method used in the study. Identify those sentences that specifically deal
with the procedure used in conducting this study.
operational, the generators about
14,000 amps. lIThe total elapsed time from the beginning to the
end of the treatment about 10 months.



Choosing the Correct Verb Tense in Procedural Descriptions IThe determination to locate a route underground is a basic
factor in the cost of the fixed facilities of the transit system. 20 nce
The procedures you used in carrying out your study should usually be described the decision is made to build underground, the general station
in the simple past tense. Sentences included under method that are not locations are selected. 3Design and construction costs then become
written in the past tense usually do not refer to the procedures used in the study controlled by station configuration, site considerations, geotechni-
being reported. Instead, they may describe standard procedures that are com- cal conditions, station size, and system depth. 4These factors
monly used by others. indicate the large potential range of construction costs for under-
ground subway stations. 5 To illustrate this range, several transit
systems were visited, and seven typical station designs were devel-
oped as a representative range of acceptable solutions (see Figure
Past Tense
6The first five types are open cut, and the last two are mined.
7Types 1 and 2 are very shallow or at platform level. 8Stations
Surveys were sent to student health services at 180 colleges.
such as those are common to most systems, and particularly to
The study was carried out on a marine laboratory research Mexico City. 9Type 3 is a low-height train room with the mezzanine
vessel. underground, separated from the main train room. I 0The Toronto
stations are examples of this type. II Type 4 is a station with
The generators supplied about 14,000 amps when fully
platforms stacked one above the other. 12Although this station is
not often used, it has advantages in narrow or constricted areas.
13Type 5 is a station with the mezzanine inside the train room.
14Many systems are adopting this type of station. 15Type 6 is a
NOTE: In a few fields of study, procedural descriptions can sometimes be single-chamber system, and Type 7 is constructed with multiple
written in the simple present tense. You should check journals in your field (see chambers. 16Type 6 is not widely used, but Type 7 is used exten-
Exercise 5.11) or ask professors in your university department to determine sively, e.g., in London.
which convention to use. 17Cost estimates were prepared for these various stations at
different depths of cover, assuming that ground conditions, utilities,
adjacent structures, and other controls were constant over the
EXERCISE 5.5 Analysis range of estimates. 181n order to standardize estimates and permit
comparison of cost factors, station Type 5 was used as the refer-
Read the following excerpt and examine Figure 5.2, both taken from ence station. 19The cost for this station with 20 ft of cover was
another report in the field of civil engineering. This study investigated calculated and established at 1.00-the basis for comparative
possible construction designs for the underground stations in a subway estimates.

Cut-and-Cover Box
Choosing the Appropriate Verb Voice-Active or Passive
Mezzanine Separate ~
"",ruM You can use either the active or the passive voice when you describe the proce-
from Trainroom and at ~
1 Street Level
Side Platform
dure used in your project. Examples of both voices are given in the following
box. Notice that the formation of the passive voice requires the be auxiliary +
Cut-and-Cover Box the past participle of a verb.
Structure Sl

M"uoi" 8<",.,"" ~
2 from Trainroom and at
Platform Level

Side Platform - --~
.2 Sl
C"'-ood-Co~, B"
u Mezzanine Separate

)( III

3 w
from Trainroom and
Above Platform Level Q
I Agent I +
Main verb
+ I Object I + I Complement I
Side Platform (active)
0 C"'-.od-Co~'
B" '
Mezzanine Separate
Q We stress to the rubber segments in
4 from Trainroom and
Above Platform Levels
Stacked Platforms Q
gradually increasing incre-
Cut-and-Cover Box Sl

Mezzanine within

5 Trainroom and Above

Platform Level
Center Platform Main verb
I Subject I +
+ I Agent I + I Complement I
M,,,d Sio", A"" ~
Mezzanine within
c: Trainroom and Above
6 .2
Platform Level
Center Platform Q

Q Stress was applied (by the investigators) to the rubber segments . . .

W Sl
Mined Twin Tubes
M=ooi" sep"." ~
from Trainroom and
i Your decision whether to use the active or passive voice in procedural
7 Above Platform Level
Center Platform and
statements should be made with the following considerations:

1. The passive voice is conventionally used to describe procedure in order to

depersonalize the information. The passive construction allows you to
FIGURE 5.2 Subway station types.
omit the agent (usually "I" or "we"), placing the emphasis on the
procedure and how it was done.

EXAMPLE A: For reasons related to personal safety, the test

facility was constructed (by us) in a remote area 4
Sentences describing procedure: _ miles from the main road.


EXAMPLE B: Tests were conducted (by me) with four different N~
types of reactors.

However, your professor or editor may specifically ask you not to use the ( \ v;,,~O ~'''-
passive voice because he or she prefers a more personal style with fre-
"ou>r.O \
s. -_~ ...
• ~-210_

quent use 0 f t he pronouns " Ior" " "

we. c 0 " d a r 'I
---------- ~
-----i:2to=r.rr:r.~~~'g11~/TIrr~'\"\ ..,. ~
2. In addition to questions of style, your choice of the active or passive voice
should place old information near the beginning of the sentence and new
information at the end. The old information is italicized in each sentence ~
~~~~~~~~~::~?~~~~~=-:.... Bullnss

in example C. A.lfi. _

EXAMPLE C: The four reactors we tested in the work reported

here all contained a platinum catalyst (ACTIVE).
Each reactor-catalyst configuration will be de-
scribed separately (PASSIVE). The quartz reactors FIGURE 5.3 Reinforced concrete structure.
were manufactured by the Wm. A. Sales Com-
pany of Wheeling, Illinois (PASSIVE).

Using Short Passive Forms to Describe Procedure

EXERCISE 5.6 Transformation In technical and scientific English, there is a tendency to shorten certain kinds of
passive constructions. Three such kinds of sentences are commonly used in
he following methodology description was taken from a report in the field procedural descriptions. The first type is a compound sentence with two identi-
f civil engineering about a highway construction project. It has been al- cal subjects and two or more verbs in the passive. To shorten this kind of sen-
ered so that the writers of the report are mentioned as agents in each sen- tence, omit the subject and the be auxiliary in the second part of the sentence.
ence. Rewrite the description in a depersonalized form.


Same Subjects

Method Past
+I CONJUNCTION 1+I Subject! 1+B + Past
participle 2
1 We started construction of the reinforced concrete structure
in July, 1976, and completed it by May, 1977. 2We built standard
sections of forms for the casting of the concrete. 3We used The data were collected and they were analyzed.

concrete of the B225 type, in accordance with government regula-
tions. 4At the two ends of the structure we constructed wingwalls,
and we installed three side openings on the downhill side to
provide enough daylight to render the use of electric lights The data were collected and analyzed.


The second type of sentence is also compound, but in this case there are EXERCISE 5.7 Analysis/Transformation
two different subjects, each with different verbs in the passive voice. To shorten
this kind of sentence, omit the be auxiliary before the second verb. The following sentences are taken from the method section of a report in
the field of horticulture. For each example, indicate if the passive voice is
used in a compound sentence or a which clause by writing es or we.
Then rewrite each sentence in its short form. If no short form is possible,
Different Subjects


+I CONJUNCTION 1+ I Subject 1+ G:l
U + participle

1. Herbicides were applied before planting at various

The data were collected and correlations were calculated.
dosage levels to plots consisting of one 30-ft row which was
planted on 0 36-inch bed.

The data were collected and correlations calculated.

2. The preplant treatments were sprayed on the surface
of the prepared beds and they were incorporated into the soil
The third type of sentence has a which clause containing a passive verb
by double-discing.
form. In this case, you can shorten the clause by dropping the conjunction
which and the be auxiliary.
3. The plants were seeded by hand into the beds to

SHORTENING "WHICH" CLAUSE SENTENCES obtain between two to five plants per hill which were spaced at
IN THE PASSIVE VOICE 3-ft intervals.

4. _ _ _ The variety which was seeded each year was
I Subject I+I CONJUNCTION I+B + Past
+ I Verb I + I Complement I Espanola No.1.

The data which were obtained were subjected to an 5. _ _ _ A randomized block design was used each year with

analysis of three replications in 1966 and 1968.

6. _ _ _ Weed counts were made and records were kept of the
time which was required to remove weeds from one 30-ft row.
The data obtained were subjected to an
analysis of

EXERCISE 5.8 Identification
Read the following selection describing the procedures used to carry out a 1A mathematical model developed for the
study in the field of economics. Underline all examples of the passive
evaluation of alternative natural gas policies. 2The model is based
voice. Also, underline any short forms of the passive that you recognize.
upon a simplified energy-demand function which relates the quan-
tity of energy consumed to price. 3This relationship _
not by a statistical procedure. 4Rather,

AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF NATURAL GAS parameters specified which, on the basis of previous
POLICY ALTERNATIVES studies, were to approximate market
Procedures SEnergy consumption was defined to include natural gas, oil,
1A mathematical model was developed for the evaluation of and electricity in the residential, com-
alternative natural gas policies. 2The model is based upon a mercial, and industrial sectors. 6Fuels used for transportation and
simplified energy-demand function which relates the quantity of oil for industrial feedstock were
energy consumed to price. 3This relationship was not estimated by
------- because natural gas is not generally
a statistical procedure. 4Rather, parameters were specified which,
on the basis of previous studies, were thought to approximate used for these purposes. 71t is used to produce anhydrous
market behavior. ammonia, but this use was also _
SEnergy consumption was defined to include natural gas, oil, 8The supply and price of natural gas and the prices of
and electricity used in the residential, commercial, and industrial potential natural gas substitutes specified for each
sectors. 6Fuels used for transportation and oil used for industrial
policy option. 9The model was then to
feedstock were excluded because natural gas is not generally used
for these purposes. 71t is used to produce anhydrous ammonia, but calculate the price of energy, the quantity of energy, and the quan-
this was also excluded. tities of natural gas substitutes that would consumed.
8The supply and price of natural gas and the prices of 10From this information, policy alternatives evalu-
potential natural gas substitutes were specified for each policy
ated by comparing the consumer expenditure _
option. 9The model was then used to calculate the price of energy,
the quantity of energy, and the quantities of natural gas substitutes with each policy.
that would be consumed. 10From this information, policy alterna-
tives were evaluated by comparing the consumer expenditure
associated with each policy.

EXERCISE 5.10 Reconstruction

Part of the procedural section you have been practicing with is given again,
EXERCISE 5.9 Fill-in but this time the sentences are indicated only by lists of key words. Without
looking back to the original, reconstruct one sentence from each list, using
The procedural description about natural gas policy is given here again. passive voice verbs or short passive forms wherever possible. Add all nec-
This time, without looking back at the original, fill in each blank space with essary words and word endings and write out each group as a complete
any appropriate be auxiliary or past participle. sentence. The key words are grouped and listed in the correct order.


involved the use of black and white film to produce a color image. This was
done with camera filters and projector lamps of different colors. The proce-
3. model dure adapted from one of his experiments is shown here in diagram form.
l. mathematical model
then use Notice that the procedure consisted of three main steps. Assume that you
calculate are Edwin Land and that you are writing a report on this experiment. Using
alternative natural gas price of energy the information contained in the diagram, write the procedural description.
policies and In order for your description to be clear, you must provide all of the
quantities of natural gas pertinent details for each step.
2. supply, price substitutes
natural gas would be
and consume 1.
potential natural gas
for each policy option
4. from this information
policy alternatives
compare the cost
Slide #2

Image of bottle
on screen

EXERCISE 5.11 Library Slide #2 (Black & white

film in both
Using the same example of experimental procedure that you found for
Library Exercise 5.4, answer the following questions.

1. What verb tense is used in the description of experimental procedure? 3.

Can you find any exceptions to the tense rules we have studied here? If
so, can you explain the exceptions?
2. What is the proportion of active voice verbs to passive verbs in this
section? Does this proportion result in a personalized or depersonalized
style of description?
3. What examples of short passive forms can you find in your selection? (]
Image of bottle
su peri mposed

EXERCISE 5.12 Guided Writing

Before he invented the Polaroid Camera, Edwin Land conducted many

experiments on color vision and color photography. One of his experiments FIGURE 5.4 Color photography experiment.


EXERCISE 5.13 Guided Writing - different trade unions (carpenters, electricians,
Following are the introduction and metho~ section~ to a study in the field of - 30 percent of the members of each trade union
engineering management. First, read the ~nt~oductlon to the study. Then,
from the outline that follows, write a descnptlon of the procedures used to Procedure
carry out the study.
1. Envelopes - send to local business manager of each union
- contents: cover letter
postage paid return envelope

Introduction 2. Union business manager - request:

) select workers from his union
Job outcomes can be directly related to the experience of 1
send envelopes to selected workers
performing a task, or they can be allocated by others as a function
of performing a task. Outcomes that are directly related to per- 3. Workers - fill out questionnaires
forming a task are termed intrinsic outcomes, while those allocated - mail completed questionnaires to investigators
by others are called extrinsic outcomes. For example, performing a (use postage paid return envelopes)
task that requires the worker to make full use of his/her skills and
abilities provides intrinsic outcomes. Pay based upon the quality of Material
one's work qualifies as an extrinsic outcome.
The anticipated satisfaction that one associates with specific Questionnaire - modified version of Michigan Organiza-
job outcomes is a major influence on worker motivation (1). Satis- tional Assessment Package
faction is a function of the job outcomes desired and expected by - 703 completed questionnaires returned
the worker, and those actually received (2, 3). Workers who
receive the outcomes they expect or desire from their work will Statistical Treatment
tend to be satisfied with their work. Satisfied workers exhibit lower
absenteeism and file fewer grievances (4). If managers are able to Multiple regression-1. measure: overall satisfaction with
make job satisfaction dependent upon the performance of required job
tasks, the results should be increased worker motivation and 2. identify: most important job out-
satisfaction. comes
A study of construction workers was carried out including 3. correlate: ~ job outcomes
workers from various trades in the industry to determine how job 1 job satisfaction
satisfaction was related to job outcomes among these workers.
Results of this study may suggest ways in which construction work-
ers can be motivated to greater productivity by ensuring that they
receive the outcomes they expect from their jobs.

EXERCISE 5.14. Writing Up Your Own Research
Sample - stratified, random, cross-sectional In previous chapters you have begun writing up an original research pro-
- 2800 construction workers, major midwestern city ject. You have already written the introduction, including a literature review


(Chapters 2,3, and 4). Now, carry out your study. Plan and follow a series
of procedural steps as determined by your purpose and your re~earc~ de-
sign. Develop and use any instruments (such as sur~eys, questionnaires,
tests, and so on) you need in order to collect data. Fm~lIy, when you have
completed all the steps and collected all your data, wnte a procedural de-
scription of the methodology you used. Before you write, remember:

1. Procedural descriptions are arranged chronologically.

2. The past tense is usually used to indicate the procedures which were used
in the study.
3. The passive voice and short forms of some passive constructions are
commonly used in this section of the research report.

Describing Experimental Procedure

Although the second major section of the experimental research report is often
called "method," it is sometimes titled materials and method. This combined
Include all information necessary for someone to replicate your pro-
title indicates that researchers generally describe these two aspects together
cedure. wh~n they write up their research. That is, they simultaneously describe any
Describe the procedure chronologically. equipment or other materials they used with each step in their procedure. In
this chapter we examine materials description in detail and learn how to inte-
grate it with the procedural description.


Use the past tense to describe procedure.

Use the passive voice to depersonalize procedural descriptions and to
keep old information at the beginning of sentences.
\ /
Use short forms of the passive voice to reduce compound sentences ~
and which clauses.
FIGURE 6.1 Experimental materials.
/ \
.........-........ -
INFORMATION CONVENTIONS of a film of transparent Polyvinyl Chloride (P.V.c.) which provided
a screening effect against ultra violet light, thus reducing photo-
By materials we mean any items used to carry out a research project. They degradation of the drying product. 9 All of the internal parts of the
may fall into any of the following categories: dryer were coated with a flat black paint. laThe drying frame was
function tilted during operation so that it faced east during the morning and
west during the afternoon.

laboratory equipment
field equipment
human or animal subjects
natural substances
fabricated materials
surveys, questionnaires and tests
computer models
mathematical models

Read the following selection taken from a report in the field of solar technology
which describes a design for a solar food dryer. Notice the types of information
the writer has included in this materials description, and the order in which the
information is presented.


lThe see-saw dryer was developed for the drying of coffee

and cocoa beans. 21t was intended for small-scale drying operations FIGURE 6.2 Solar food dryer.
and could be easily operated. 31t was designed for use in tropical
overview 4The dryer was operated in two positions along a central axis
of rotation running north-south. 5This see-saw operation permitted
the drying material to face the sun more directly during both morn- WHAT HAVE YOU OBSERVED?
ing and afternoon.
6The dryer consisted of a rectangular wood frame divided 1. In what sentence does the physical description of the dryer begin?

lengthwise into parallel channels of equal width, and crosswise by
means of retaining bars. 7The bottom of the dryer was made of
bamboo matting painted black. 8The cover of the frame was made
What is the function of the sentences before that sentence?
What type of material is described in this example, based on the
categories listed in the previous box?

Ordering Your Information sampling and measuring the rate of runoff. 6Power is supplied by
a 1O-horsepower gasoline engine which drives both a centrifugal
If the materials you used are well known to researchers in your field, it is con- pump ond 2-kw electrical generator. 7Water from the tank truck is
ventional to identify them only. However, if you used specially designed or un- supplied to the apparatus by the centrifugal pump (Homart
conventional materials in your experiment, it is common to write a detailed 736.25). 8The pressure of the output from the pump is controlled
description of them in the report. In this case, you should include the following by an adjustable bypass pressure regulator valve plumbed to
information, in the order given: return the excess water to the tank. 9The output from the regulator
is connected to the spray assembly by 100 feet of 3/4 -inch hose.
10This moving spray assembly applies water to the plots through
DESCRIBING SPECIALLY DESIGNED MATERIALS: Three Steps eight nozzles (Spraying Systems 80100), mounted as specified by
Meyer and McCune (2). llThe assembly is moved back and forth
A. Overview: This step consists of one or two sentences that give a olong aluminum I-beams by lh-inch roller chains (see Figure 6.4).
general idea of the material and the purpose for which it is in-
B. Description of principal parts: Here, each major part or character-
istic of the material is described in logical sequence.
C. Functional description: This last step shows how the various fea-
tures described in Step B function together.

EXERCISE 6.1 Analysis

Read the following materials section from an article in the field of soil
science. It describes a piece of field equipment used to simulate natural
rainfall. Identify Steps A, B, and C in the selection (see previous box).



lThe device described here applies water to an approximately

16 X 20 foot area with kinetic energy approximating that of natu-
ral rainfall. 21t samples and records the rates of runoff in such a
way that sediment production can also be measured accurately.
3Maximum error of 1 % in application and in runoff measurements
was a goal in the design, as were ease of assembly and transport.
4The apparatus is patterned partly on that described by Meyer
and McCune (2), but it is simpler and more easily transported.
5The major components (Figure 6.3, top) consist of: 1) a 1500-
gallon tank truck for transporting water, and (2) a framework and
moving spray assembly for applying water, and (3) a device for FIGURE 6.3 Rainfall simulator.


EXERCISE 6.2 Analysis

Read the following method section from a study about international stu-
dents in an intensive English program. Then indicate where the description
of materials begins. Finally, find Step B (the description of principal parts)
and determine what type of arrangement plan is used, spatial or functional.


lThe study employed a pre- and posttest design. 2The
FIGURE 6.4 Spray assembly.
Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency (MTELP) was admin-
istered to the students once at the beginning of the program and
again 10 months later at the end of the academic year. 3The
Step A. Overview: From sentence to sentence _ MTELP is a standardized measure designed to predict academic
Step B. Description of principal parts: From sentence _ success of international students at American colleges and universi-
to sentence _ ties. 4The test consists of 100 items and is divided into three parts.
Step C. Functional description: From sentence to sentence _ SPart I contains 40 questions on grammar; Part II contains 40
questions on vocabulary; and Part III contains 20 questions testing
reading comprehension.
Ordering the Description of Principal Parts-Step B
6Students were given an alternative form of the test at the
In Step B you describe the principal features of the material used in your study. second administration (posttest). 7The sample was stratified into
There are two main organizing plans that you can use in this step, depending three general proficiency groups based on the pretest scores,
on your material. which we labeled Low, Middle and High. 8Each group consisted of
21 students, the Low group including students with initial scores of
45 and below, the Middle group with scores falling between 46
ARRANGEMENT PLANS FOR DESCRIBING PRINCIPAL PARTS and 55, and the High group including pretest scores of 56 and

1. Spatial arrangement: Describe the features from top to bottom,

front to back, left to right, from the center to the outside, or in
some other spatial way. This arrangement is especially useful for
describing equipment consisting of various connected parts.
1. The materials description begins with sentence _
2. Functional arrangement: Describe the principal features in the
order in which they function, from beginning to end. This ar- 2. Step B (description of principal parts) includes sentences and
rangement is best for describing parts that operate in a fixed
3. The arrangement plan of Step B is _

11R U.6.TFAI.6.1 ~
Integrating Materials with Procedure EXERCISE 6.3 Analysis

The materials used in a study are sometimes described separately from the The method section given here is taken from a report in the field of marine
procedures. This arrangement may be used when several different pieces of geology. It is written in integrated form-that is, the materials are described
conventional laboratory equipment are used to carry out a routine procedure. together with the procedure, step by step, in each sentence. After you read
This can be seen in the following example from the field of chemistry. the selection, fill in the blanks in each column to indicate each procedural
step and the material used in that step.

All the aromatic compounds used were commercially available CONTROL BY BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY
materials without further purification. 2-propanol was distilled from
sodium metal. The instrumentation used included an HFT-80 and Procedures
NT-300 spectrometer, a Hewlett Packard 5980-A mass
lTo investigate seasonal and annual variations in physical,
spectrometer, a Waters Associates HPLC Instrument, Model 600A,
chemical and biological properties of a portion of the Mediterra-
and a Varian Aerograph 1400 GC instrument with a 1O-ft column
nean Sea, a standard oceanographic station location 12 nautical
containing 15% Carbowax on Chromosorb W.
miles (22 km) west of Calvi, Corsica, has been occupied by the
Stareso Marine Laboratory research ship Recteur Debuission at
irregular intervals since 1974. 2The ocean depth is 2000 m.
3Water samples for aluminum (AI) and nutrient analysis were col-
More commonly, however, materials and methods are described in an lected there from various depths. 4Temperature of the samples was
integrated form, often with both elements mentioned in each sentence. Notice determined by reversing thermometers.
this arrangement in the following section from the same chemistry experiment. SAil the samples for AI and nutrient analysis were filtered
(The material mentioned in each sentence is underlined, and the procedure through 0.45-J.tm Millipore filters immediately after collection. 6The
is~ircled·D filtered samples were kept at 4°C in polyethylene bottles for later
analysis. 7To prevent further biological activity, one or two drops
of chloroform was added to each sample. 8The samples were
B. analyzed for AI 2 weeks after collection, using lumogallion as the
chelating agent.
1 Aqueous sodium hydroxide (30 g, 185 mL) ~as cooled)in ice
in a 500-mL beaker, ~tirred magnetica!!Y)while 5 g of nickel-alumi-
num alloy ~as adde{Din several small portions, and gradually
&armeC1)to 100°C as required to maintain the hydrogen evolution. PROCEDURAL STEPS MATERIALS
2The ~ was then allowed to settle and the liquid&as decanted)
3After ein washe with 5% fresh sodium hydroxide and distilled 1. collect water samples 1. from research ship
water until neutral, the nickel suspension ~as filtereCDwith a glass
2. determine temperature 2. reversing thermometers
funnel and then finally(washecpwith 100 mL of 2-propanol. 4The
catalyst&as transferreCDwith small amounts of dry 2-propanol to a 3. 3.
glass-stoppered bottle. 4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

In the library find a study in your field (a journal article, a thesis, or a disser-
tation written by a student in your field). Locate the section of the report
that describes the materials used in the study. Make a photocopy of this
section and then do the following tasks.
1. Identify the materials used in the study.
2. Determine whether each material mentioned is conventional or specially 1Twenty-five sons of alcoholic fathers were tested. 2The boys
designed. _ _ _ _ _ between the ages of 7 and 13, and a
3. If any of the materials are given an extensive description, find the mean age of 11.9 (standard deviation, 2.1). 31n each case the
sentences in the descriptions that correspond to Step A (overview), Step
father diagnosed as alcoholic and at
B (description of principal parts), and Step C (functional description).
4. If there is a step B, identify the arrangement as spatial, functional, or one time or another had been treated for alcoholism. 4We
some other arrangement plan. excluded the boys whose mothers alcoholic, who had
5. Determine whether the procedures and materials in your selection are been alcoholic during pregnancy or who _
described in an integrated form or separately.
excessively after giving birth. 50nly boys without medical
problems and without exposure to alcohol or
other substances of abuse _
in this study.

LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 6The 25 normal control (NC) subjects were boys who were
matched for socio-economic status and age to the high-risk (HR)
subjects. 7The NC group a mean age of 12.5 years
Choosing Verb Tense and Voice in Describing Materials (standard deviation, 2.4) and not differ significantly
in age from the HR group. 8They were _
In the first part of this chapter we looked at some conventions for organizing
in the study only if they had no exposure to alcohol or substances
information about the materials used in your study. There are also some gram-
matical conventions you should know in order to describe materials clearly in of abuse, and no history of alcoholism or other
your report. These conventions mainly involve choosing the correct verb tense psychiatric disorder in first- or second-degree relatives. 9 All
and voice.
subjects paid volunteers.


Choosing Verb Tenses-Samples and Populations
The follOWing method section is taken from a report in the field of psychia-
try. It deals with the potential risk for alcoholism in the children of alcoholic Sentences describing the subjects or materials used in a study require either the
fathers. The subjects are described in this section. Fill in each blank space past or the present tense. Notice that the boys described in the preceding exam-
Nith any appropriate word. ple were specific individuals selected to take part in the study. In other words,


experimenters to represent an entire popu- EXERCISE 6.5 Fill-in
h ey were a samp Ie se Iec t e d by the . d
ation of high risk boys. When we describe the sample used In a stu y we com-
only use the past tense. The following excerpt is taken from a study about the English-language
proficiency of university students in Cairo, Egypt. In each blank space, add
an appropriate verb in the past or present tense, depending on whether the
sample or the larger population is being described.

Main verb
I Sample Description
between the ages of 7 and OF EGYPTIAN EFL STUDENTS
The boys were
The men interviewed were primarily from St. Louis, Mo.
The subjects were 18 Arabic-speaking students lThe Michigan Test scores of the 18 students in our sample
attending classes at the Amer- ranged from 71-77%, thus placing them in the upper level English
ican University in Cairo. courses. 2Students in this range of scores generally _
English skills adequate for communicative purposes, but they still
_ _ _ _ _ serious mistakes with tenses, articles, prepositions,
However, when describing the general population from which the sample sub-
and word order. 3These 18 students to us from semi-
jects were selected, the present tense is normally used.
private Language Schools, where the medium of instruction
_ _ _ _ _ typically either French or English, in addition to
DESCRIBING POPULATIONS: Present Tense Verbs Arabic. 4For most students from these schools, English _
the second rather than the first foreign language. 5The 18 students
in our study highly motivated, both to remain at the
Main verb
I Population I (present)
I Description I American University of Cairo and to improve their English

All students who apply take the Michigan Test of

for admission to the English Language
American University of Proficiency.
Use of Tenses with Conventional and Specially Designed Materials
They enter the English Language We have seen previously that verb tense can be determined by whether you are
Institute where they fol- describing a general population or a sample selected from a population. We
Iowan intensive program find a similar convention determining verb tenses when we describe other mate-
of English language train- rials. If you use equipment in your study which is standard or conventional in
ing. your field and probably familiar to most other researchers, you should describe
it using the present tense.
familiar to most people in the field) or specially designed for the study being
DESCRIBING CONVENTIONAL MATERIAL: Present Tense Verbs reported. Then write C or SD in each blank.

Conventional Main verb Descriptio!)

material (present)
1. The heater consists essentially of a bundle of
The Auditory Test for permits the assessment of oral parallel tubes, the ends of which are expanded into tube sheets.
Language Comprehen- language comprehension
2. The greenhouse air surrounding the treatment
sion (Carrow, 1968) of English and Spanish.
chamber was heated in winter by steam pipes. In summer, the

A typical chemical includes a helical, tube-in-tube greenhouse was cooled by pulling outside air through water-
reactor heat exchanger. saturated pads on the south end of the building.
3. Air enters and leaves the solar collector pipe
through the air release vacuum breaker valves mounted at the
highest point of the system.
On the other hand, descriptions of specially designed materials with which 4. The JPL reactor was more heavily instrumented
other workers in your field may not be familiar are usually written in the past than the others for purposes of testing. In addition to inlet and
tense. Common devices that you modified in some special way for use in your
outlet gas temperature measurements, 21 thermocouples were
study are also sometimes described in the past.
located in and on the converter.
5. The quartz reactors tested for this work are fab-
ricated by the Wm. A. Sales Company of Wheeling, Illinois.
Both quartz reactors are configured as six-turn flat spirals,
tube-in-tube, over the entire length.
Past Tense Verbs
6. Liquid from the wall of the column was directed
to the holding chamber and then was carried to the boiler via
Modified Main verb Description a liquid level controller which was specifically designed for this
material (past)
For the testing program was protected from weather
this collector by an outer window of
.10 mm tedlar.
Using Active and Passive Voice in Describing Materials

Both active and passive voice verb constructions are used in describing experi-
mental materials. Your decision to use active or passive voice depends partly on
EXERCISE 6.6 Identification whether the verb is transitive or intransitive. Only transitive verbs can be used in
the passive voice. (Your dictionary will tell you if a given verb is transitive or
Each of the following excerpts comes from a different report. Read each intransitive. )
one and determine if the material described is conventional (assumed to be If the verb is transitive, follow these rules to determine which voice to use:

1. The passive voice is usually used when a human agent (the experimenter) EXERCISE 6.7 Sentence Construction
is manipulating the materials.
Following are two lists, one of verbs and the other of nouns. Match each
verb with an appropriate noun and write a sentence using these two words
that might occur in a description of materials. Use either the active or pas-
sive voice, depending on (1) whether the verb is transitive or not; and (2) if
transitive, whether you wish to indicate that a human agent was involved in
EXAMPLE A: The temperature inside the chamber was increased from the action.
0° to 20°C. (The researcher increased the tempera-
EXAMPLE B: Four thermocouples were monitored hourly. (A temperature design
researcher monitored them.) questionnaire control
students test
air pressure select
generator produce
2. The active voice is usually used when no human is directly responsible for solar collector rise
manipulating the materials-that is, when the materials operate "by sample decrease
themselves." growth rate measure
population enter
water consist of

EXAMPLE c: A 200 hp generator provided power to the piezometers. EXERCISE 6.8 Identification

EXAMPLE 0: Control gauges monitored air pressure inside the Read the section here describing the design of a solar hot water system.
chamber. Refer to the accompanying diagram. Underline all examples of verbs in the
active voice once. Underline passive voice verbs twice. Also, determine if
the material described is conventional or specially designed.
In examples C and D, the use of the active voice indicates that the experi-
menters were not directly involved in the functioning of the equipment.


3. The passive voice may be used to describe an action involving a
nonhuman agent, but a phrase must be included to indicate the agent.
1 Solar systems designed to heat water are now common in
private homes in many parts of the country. 2A typical domestic
water heating system consists of three principal parts, which are:
NO HUMAN AGENT INVOLVED: Passive Voice (A) roof mounted solar collectors, (B) a solar storage tank, and (C)
an existing water heater. 3Water is pumped through the south-
EXAMPLE E: Power was supplied by 14 generators with capacities facing collectors by a circulation pump (D). 4As water passes
ranging from 90 to 300 KW. through the collectors, it acquires heat and returns to the storage
tonk. 5When hot water is needed, it is taken from the existing

• "0
water heater (C) and replaced by solar heated water. 6An elec- EXERCISE 6.9 Fill-in
tronic control turns the pump on only during those hours when
usable solar energy can be collected. 71t also activates the drain- The description of the solar system is given again here. This time, without
down valve (E) to drain the system when the collectors sense a looking back at the original, fill in each blank with an appropriate active or
freeze, or when the storage tank is completely charged with passive verb or auxiliary in the correct tense. Refer to the figure if neces-
thermal energy. sary.
8The existing water heater serves as a back-up unit during
long periods of cloudy weather, or when demand is unusually high.
90therwise, its energy consumption is eliminated as long as the
solar water temperature is higher than the existing water heater's
1 Solar systems designed to heat water now
thermostat setting.
common in private homes in many parts of the country. 2A typical

_ _ _ conventional equipment _ _ _ specially designed equipment domestic water heating system of three
principal parts, which are: (A) roof-mounted solar collectors, (B) a
solar storage tank, and (C) an existing water heater. 3Water
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ through the south-facing collectors by a
circulation pump. (D) 4As water _
through the collectors, it acquires heat and returns to the storage
tank. 5When hot water is needed, it taken from the
existing water heater (C) and replaced by solar heated water. 6An
electronic control turns the pump on only during those hours when
usable solar energy can be . 71t also
activates the drain-down valve (E) to drain the system when the
collectors a freeze, or when the storage
tank completely charged with thermal energy.
8The existing water heater as a back-up unit
during long periods of cloudy weather, or when demand is unusu-
ally high. 90therwise, its energy consumption _
eliminated as long as the solar temperature higher
than the existing water heater's thermostat setting.


EXERCISE 6.10 Reconstruction

FIGURE 6.5 Solar water heating system.
The same materials description you have been practicing with is again
given here, but this time the sentences are indicated only by lists of key


words. Without referring back to the original, write out one sentence from INTEGRATION
each group, using active or passive constructions for the verbs as needed,
in the correct tense. Add all necessary words and word endings so that
each group forms a grammatical sentence. The key words are grouped
EXERCISE 6.12 Guided Writing
and listed in the correct order.
The accompanying diagram shows two domestic hot water heaters run by
electricity. The heater on the left is a conventional model co"mmonly used in
most homes. The heater on the right is an experimental model, modified
1. solar systems 4. when hot water with several features to save energy. Assume that you have conducted an
now common need
experiment to test and compare the energy efficiency of the two models.
private homes take
Now write up the materials section of your report and briefly describe the
many parts existing water heater
modified heater in relation to the conventional design. Be sure to consider
the following questions:
country replace
solar heated water
2. typical
1. What kinds of information will you include, and how will you order them?
solar hot water system 5. existing water heater 2. What verb tenses will you need to describe the materials?
three principal parts serve
3. What voice will you use for each verb?
solar collectors back-up unit
existing water heater cloudy weather
3. as water demand OUTLET====~~ ~

circulate unusually high

through collectors
acquire heat
return .
storage tank

RESERVOIR 3 inches

EXERCISE 6.11 Library

From the photocopied materials description you obtained for Library Exer- INSULATING
cise 6.4, choose one paragraph and analyze all the sentences. Answer the HEATING 1 inch
following questions: UNIT
1. What verb tense(s) is used to describe the material? 1Y, inch

2. What voice is used for each main verb (active or passive)?

3. Do the choices of tense and voice made by the author of your selection
follow the conventions you have studied in this chapter? FIGURE 6.6 Conventional and experimental hot water heaters.


EXERCISE 6.13 Guided Writing Before you write, remember the following points:

The following outline describes a questionnaire used in the study of job 1. Materials are described differently depending on whether they are
satisfaction among construction workers that you wrote about in Chapter 5 conventional or specially designed.
(see Exercise 5.13.). Using the information contained in the outline, write a 2. When describing specially designed materials, the order of information
description of the questionnaire as if you were the researcher, describing follows a three-part sequence.
materials in a report about this study. (The questionnaire was modified 3. The description of principal parts may be arranged functionally or
from one used in previous studies.) spatially.
4. Verb tenses are determined by the kind of materials being described.
5. Verb voice depends on the specific verbs you use and whether or not you
are referring to a human agent.

Questionnaire: Modified version of Michigan Organizational
Assessment Package

A. Develop: Institute for Social Research, University of Describing Materials

B. Ask workers: indicate level of importance attached to 28
selected job outcomes (for example, salary, safety, benefits,
skills learned) _ _ _ Integrate the materials description with the procedural description.

C. Use 7-point scale (from 1, "Not Very Important," to 7, _ _ _ Briefly identify conventional materials.
"Extremely Important" _ _ _ Use three-step order for describing specially designed materials.

1----1----1----1----1----1----1----1 _ _ _ Choose spatial or functional arrangement when describing principal

1234567 parts.
D. Ask workers: consider each question in context of present


_ _ _ Use past tense when describing the sample.

EXERCISE 6.14 Writing Up Your Own Research _ _ _ Use present tense when describing the larger population.
_ _ _ Use past tense when describing specially designed materials.
In previous chapters you have been conducting and writing up an original
research project of your own. You have already completed the introduction _ _ _ Use present tense when describing conventional materials.
and described the procedures you used (Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5). Now _ _ _ Use active voice if the verb is intransitive and the action happens "by
write about the materials that you used. Include a description of the sample itself ."
you used, the population it represents, and any equipment, apparatus, or
measurement tools you used. Finally, determine whether to integrate this _ _ _ Use passive voice if the verb is transitive and a human agent is involved
materials description with the procedural description you wrote previously. in the action.

The results section of the report presents the findings of the study in both
figures and jn wri~ Figures (graphs, tables, and diagrams) pr~sent the
c~ete finC!fri'gSTn numerical terms, while the accompanying text helps the
reader to focus on the most important aspects of the results and to interpret
them. In this chapter we concentrate on the text, which usually consists of three
main information elements. In the following selection from the field of foreign
language education, these three elements have been identified for you.



1-Ni; (htvv).1 f YMwti
of [ 1 ~~yS the mean percentile scores on the four
results ~ubtests fo~ non-im e si.on and. immersion French students. ~ jj~L
Students In the French ImmerSion programs perform~
cantly better than their non-immersion peers on all four Modern
most Language Association tests by more than two to one in terms of
OVERVIEW important scores attained on each of the subtests. 3For example, in the listen-
findings ing subtest, immersion students scored at the 80th percentile, while
In this chapter we examine the third major section of the experimental research
non-immersion students scored at the 14th ercentile. 4Clearly, the
report, called results, in which you present the findings of your study and
findings indica at the amount of exposure to a foreign lan- :fl
briefly comment on them. Some writers call this section "results and discus-
sion," thus indicating more extensive comments on the findings of the study.
guage has a positive effect on student performance. Sit ipea~"':::>
that the intensity of immersion programs (an average of 5% of
However, in this chapter we follow the convention of including only brief com- comments total instruction per week in French compared to approximately
ments focused on the statistical analysis, reserving the more general comments
10% for non-immersion) and use of the foreign language to study
for a later section. Before you write this part of your report, check with your
basic subjects results in substantial differences in performance in all
professor or editor to find out which organizational format you should follow.
four skill areas of the MLA test.

\ / I41Jhn;y

~ ~~~~-tj
FIGURE 7.2 Mean percentile

/ \ FIGURE 7.1 Results.




1. Which sentences in the example present the actual results of the study?
2. How are the results of the study described in the first of these sentences? DEXTROAMPHETAMINE: COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL
3. Which findings from this study are described numerically in the text? Why EFFECTS IN NORMAL PREPUBERTAL BOYS
do you think the authors chose to mention these particular data?
lThe children left the testing center 3 hours after medication
or placebo had been administered; parents were asked to keep a
Ordering Your Information diary record of behavior during the afternoon and evening.
2Behavioral and cognitive effects during the drug session are given
The example just shown is typical of results sections in research reports in many in Figure 1 and Table 1.
fields. As you can see, this section consists of three basic elements of 3Behavioral ratings showed both immediate and delayed
information. effects which differed from each other. 4Amphetamine administra-
tion in comparison with placebo was associated with decreased
motor activity combined with generally improved attentional per-
formance (faster reaction time, superior memory and improved
attention) and decreased galvanic skin response. 5After drug
RESULTS: Three Information Elements administration, the children appeared unusually inactive, not simply
,/ less restless. 6There was an increase in task-related descriptive
V ELEMENT 1: a statement that locates the figurers) where the speech and a decrease in speech not task-related, such as ques-
results can be found tions (Table 1). 7These results are entirely consistent with those
v- reported for hyperactive children on stimulant medication in
I....-/' ELEMENT 2: statements that present the most important findings previous studies (12).
J ELEMENT 3: statements that comment on the results

1. Which sentence locates the figure where results can be found? _

EXERCISE 7.1 Analysis 2. Which sentences present the most important results? _
Read the following results section from a report in the field of child psychol- 3. Which sentence comments on the results? _
ogy. It describes the effects of a drug on boys who are overactive. Identify
4. What is the function of the first sentence in the example? _
the sentences that correspond to the three elements listed in the preceding


Alternate Short Form 5None of the fungi strains was able to grow in culture media with
500 to 5000 mg L-1 of anionic surfactant. 6An inhibitory effect on
Another ordering system for the results section is a short form of the ordering fungal growth and activity might be expected from the anionic
system we saw in the box on page 138. As you can see, in this alternative the surfactant level found in the ponds (Tomlinson and Williams,
three basic elements are reduced to two kinds of statements. 1975).


Sentence 3: Element
ELEMENTS statements that present the most important results Sentence 4: Element
1 AND 2 and that indicate in parentheses the figurewhere Sentence 5: Element
(combined) : they can be found; Sentence 6: Element

statements that comment on the results.

Caffeine was somewhat more potent than

What is the function of Sentence 1 in this example?

NOTE: As we can see in the preceding example, an author may use both
the three-step format and the shorter two-step alternative in the same results

theophylline in preventing leaf-eating (Figure 1).

In contrast, caffeine has been reported elsewhere section.
to be ten times weaker than theophylline as an
adenosine antagonist (8). Commenting on Results-Two Patterns
There are two possible ways to order your comment statements (Element 3).
You may put a short comment (one or two sentences) after each significant
EXERCISE 7.2 Identification result you mention, or you may leave your comments until all the results have
been mentioned. The following box illustrates these two ways of ordering your
The following results section is from a paper in the field of civil engineer- comments.
ing. It describes the types of organisms found in waste water treatment
ponds. Identify which information elements are found in each sentence.
ALTERNATING PATTERN: R) + C); R z + C z; R3 + C 3

Results R = Results (Element 2); C = Comments (Element 3)

1A total of 53 samples were examined. 2Direct microscopic

examination of the samples showed 20 different fungal strains,
which were isolated by culture and identified to the level of genus
and/or species (Table 1). 3These findings show that fungi can toler-
ate adverse environmental changes in the vegetative form. 4Table
2 shows the results of the psychological tests applied to the isolates.


EXERCISE 7.3 Analysis

Look at the two results sections that follow, both from the field of educa-
tional psychology. Decide whether the authors used the alternating pattern B. P 1- FEARS OF SENEGALESE SECONDARY
or the sequential pattern in commenting on their results. Alft.&v-t\A.tll\~ l Ol,+ent' SCHOOL STUDENTS
The findings for the whole sample are summed by sex and by
socioeconomic level in Table 1.
A. A COMPARISON OF HEMISPHERIC PREFERENCE Family (7.7%). Students entered the following items: fear of
BETWEEN HIGH ABILITY AND LOW ABILITY my parents (2.9%), fear of my father (4.2%) (when he beats me,
1.5%; when he is furious 1.4%; when he chides me, 1.3%). That
fathers should have such a high score results from the fact that
Results Wolofs are an ethnic group reputed for the severity with which
children are brought up (18). This severe education of the child
Results indicated that children in the high ability group seems to be mostly the responsibility of the father (20).
responded as having significantly greater integrated hemispheric Imagination, supernatural phenomena (6.4%). Under this
responses than did the low ability group [t(68) = 5.34, p < .01]. heading were entered sorcerers, evil genii, evil spirits, ghosts
The low ability group responded with a significantly greater prefer- (4.1 %), God (2.1 %) and nightmares (.2%). A close comparison
ence for right hemispheric responses [t(68) = 2.55, p < .01] than between the answers in the present questionnaire and those in
did the high ability group. In addition, the low ability group also Bariaud et al. (3) reveals that fear of nightmares (3.1 %) is greater
displayed a significantly greater preference for the left hemispheric with the French sample than with ours. Conversely, fear of supersti-
responses [t(68) = 4.87, p < .01] than did the high ability group tions seems to be greater in Senegal. A tentative interpretation
(see Table 1). might be that in Senegal the supernatural seems to be part and
The data from the two sub-categories measuring left or right parcel of everyday life, and nightmares are just one vehicle among
hemispheric preferences suggest that the children who are display- several others expressing it. For the French students, on the con-
ing learning problems and who are not achieving up to the norm in trary, the supernatural seems to boil down to irrational and naive
school-related subjects are depending on one hemisphere and its superstitions that science and technology will soon eradicate.
mode of thought. Whether the dominance is on either the left or Nightmares, therefore, serve as the last socially acceptable outlet
right cerebral hemisphere, the cognitive development of the low for all the fears and superstitions that have resisted scientific
ability students is not adequate as evidenced by the placement of processing.
these children in special learning disability or educable mentally Animal (5.9%). This item remains important even for older
handicapped classes. students, which contradicts Bamber's (2) and Mauer's (13)
findings ....

Pattern in example A: _
Pattern in example B: _

Functions of Comments EXERCISE 7.5 Library

The comments (Element 3) in results sections may serve a variety of different In your library locate the results section of an experimental research report
functions. Some of the most common functions are listed in the following box. in your field. Make a photocopy of the section and analyze it by answering
the following questions.

1. Which element of information is represented by each sentence in your

Comments may: 1. generalize from the results;
2. Which order is used to present the information elements: the three-step
format or the shorter two-step alternative?
~ 2. explain possible reasons for the results; 3. Are comment statements (Element 3) included in the results section? If
3. mmpare the results with results from other not, look at the report again to see if comments are presented in another
studie;- section instead. If so, what is that section called?
4. If comments are written together with results, are they arranged according
to the alternating pattern or the sequential pattern?
EXERCISE 7.4 Analysis 5. What functions do the comments serve?

Each comment given here comes from a different research report. Deter-
mine the function of each according to the list in the preceding box.
The language conventions we look at in the results section of the report will help
you to choose the appropriate verb tense or modal auxiliary for each element of
information. We also examine some special words and expressions you can use
a. ( These data indicate that performance of Rhizobium
to report different types of findings.
japonicum strains is likely to be better under irrigated
b. 1 This difference in perceived time available for youth SEE WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW Pretest
related activities is likely due to the additional amount of time
~ Following is the results section from a report in the field of public health.
spent on the job by divorced mothers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of toxic chemicals
c. ) These findings accord with trose from a larger study on the birth weight of children born near a waste disposal area. Fill in each
in which the same supplementation program increased blank with any appropriate word.
birthweights by an average of 224 g in the months July to
January (11).
d. L The reasons for this erratic pattern could be the age
distribution o~ldren or the relatively small number of INCIDENCE OF LOW BIRTH WEIGHT AMONG LOVE CANAL
women in the sample with three or more children.
e. 3> Up to this point, these results ~h those Results
of Chapman and Hutcheson (1982).
lThe proportion of low birth weight infants among all live
births was established for the entire study area, the swale area,
and the area abutting the canal. 2Results shown in E
iii Swale area
Table 7.1 and Figure 7.3. 3Among the 617 children born in the ~ 40 Rest of Love Canal
entire study area, 53 (8.6 percent) low weight birth. - Upstate New York
ii 30
41n the houses abutting the canal there 124 live
'0 20
births with 8 (6.5 percent) low birth weight infants, and among the

174 live born infants in the swale area, 21 (12.1 percent) ~ 10

_ _ _ _ _ low birth weights. 5For the period of active Q;
a. OL-.--..I..- .....i..:.:.----1'..-
1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1978
dumping, the swale area's percentage of low weight births
Year of birth
_ _ _ _ _ higher than in upstate New York (z test, P < 0.0001)
and the rest of the canal (P < 0.012) (see Figure 7.3). 6Although it
FIGURE 7.3 Five-year moving averages for percentages
is clear that human exposure to a specific toxic agent _ of low birth rates.
result in an adverse reproductive outcome, it is exceedingly difficult
to define exposure in multi-chemical settings such as Love Canal.
70ther variables, for which there are no objective data,
_ _ _ _ _ influence the frequency of these outcomes.

Choosing Verb Tenses for Results

In using the three-step format to write your results section, you should observe
Table 7.1 Total Live Births and Children Born with Low Birth Weights
the following verb tense conventions. In Element 1, use the present tense to
Number of births locate your data in a figure.
Swale Rest of canal

Low Low
birth birth
Present Tense
History Live weight Live weight P
All live births 174 21 (12.1) 443 32 (7.2) 0.027 EXAMPLE: Results of the t-tests are presented in Table 1.
Never smoked 70 7 (10.0) 174 7 (4.0) 0.035
25 (9.4) 0.175 EXAMPLE: Table 4 summarizes the test results on precontamina-
Smoked 102 13 (12.7) 265
Household education ted insulators.
< 12 years 41 6 (14.6) 105 3 (2.9) 0.004
12 to 15 years 124 14(11.3) 285 24 (8.4) 0.179
~ 16 years 7 1 (14.3) 44 0(0.0)
Notice in the examples in the box above that locational statements can be
The P values are based on one-tailed z tests for two proportions. Numbers written in either the active or passive voice, but in both cases the present tense
in parentheses are percentages. is used.


When you report your findings (Element 2), use the past tense. In your Element 3 comments you may also use tentative verbs in the
present tense instead of modal auxiliaries to generalize from results.


Tentative Verbs
EXAMPLE: As a group, divorced mothers spent over twice as
much time in employment as married mothers (Figure appears}
2). EXAMPLE: It seems that hyperactive children are generally
{ . I'k I responsive to amphetamines.
IS ley
EXAMPLE: The coefficient of correlation was found to be signifi-
cant at the .001 level. EXAMPLE: These results suggest that children who display learn-
ing problems are depending on only one cerebral
NOTE: In some fields such as engineering and economics, authors may
present their findings in the present tense.

When commenting on the findings (Element 3), it is conventional to use

the present tense or modal auxiliaries. EXERCISE 7.6 Analysis

Read the following excerpt from the results section of a report in the field of
ELEMENT 3: COMMENTING ON THE RESULTS applied psychology. Underline the verb(s) in each sentence and complete
Present Tense and Modal Auxiliaries the chart that follows.

When the comment compares your results with the results of

other studies, use the present tense.
EXAMPLE: This is consistent with earlier findings suggesting that SKILL JOBS IN AN APPLIED SETIING
personal characteristics are not related to attrition and
teaching. Results

When the comment gives a possible explanation for the results, lTable 3 presents the data for workers holding skill jobs. 2The
use a modal auxiliary. overall piece rate was $6.03 per hour and the correlation between
age and earnings was .26 (p < .001). 3The older workers
can surpassed the younger ones and earned higher wages. 4These
EXAMPLE: These results be explained by considering
may results appear to reject the assumption that younger and older
the voltage distribution on 230 kV insulators during workers show equal productivity on skill jobs. 5Forty accidents
freezing conditions. involving skill workers were reported for the calendar year (Table
3). 6The reported cases were evenly split among workers younger
When the comment generalizes from the results, use may. than 45 and those age 45 and older. 71n this case, the prediction of
equivalent accident rates between age groups appears to be con-
EXAMPLE: Hyperactive children may be generally responsive to firmed.


VERB(S) TENSE FUNCTION 2. In other studies the findings show the tendency of a variable to fluctuate
Sentence 1 _ over time. To report these kinds of results, use expressions of variation or
special verbs of variation in your Element 2 statements.
Sentence 2 _
Sentence 3 _
Sentence 4 _
Sentence 5 _
Sentence 6 _

I Variable I Verb I Phrase of I Time period

Element 2: Presenting Different Types of Findings variation

There are three different types of findings that you may need to report, Prices showed a tendency to over the three-
depending on the kind of study you do. Specific words and expressions are increase year period.
used in writing about each type. The percentage tended to decline in the second half
of female of the decade.
1. In some studies the findings involve a comparison among groups, often students
one or more experimental groups with a control group. In these cases
Element 2 statements are often written using comparative or superlative
expressions. I Variable I I Verb of variation I Time period I


The concentration of over the period
I Group 1 I I Comparison I I Group 2 I decreased
sulfur dioxide studied.
remained constant
The professional had faster eye move- than our other sub- declined
athletes ments jects.
Quartz I reactors had a higher mass than Quartz II.

I Superlative I I Group 1 I
The highest incidence of Otitis was found among Australian 3. Findings of a third type show the relationship of one variable with another,
Media Indians. or relationships among variables. When you report these kinds of results,
it is common to use verbs of correlation or association in Element 2.


B. FIGURE 7.4 Enrollment in an intensive English program

I Variable X I I Verb of correlation/association I Variable Y I

Choice of loca- was

correlated with
negatively correlated
1 marital status.

tion { with
associated with C
.s 15

Dry weight of
top growth was not
related to total nitrogen.


EXERCISE 7.7 Interpretation O-+----.----r-.,....--.----.-----,-..,...--,----,--r---r----.-----.------,

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Look at each of the following figures. Decide whether the type of findings Years

"epresented in each figure is comparison, variation, or correlation/associa-

:ion. Then write an Element 2 statement (or statements) indicating the most Type of finding in example B: _
mportant results in each case. Poss:ble Element 2 statement: _

c. Table 7.3 Correlations between Age, Experience,

A. Table 7.2 Community Hearing Test Data
Hourly Rate and Absenteeism for Workers
Number Overall Number Number Percent Percent in Skill and Speed Jobs
Age Tested Percent Passed Failed Passed Failed
Speed Skill
0-19 26 6.5% 26 0 100.0% 0.0%
(n = 212) (n = 455)
20-29 89 22.1% 89 0 100.0% 0.0%
30-39 85 21.1% 79 92.9% Age x Experience .69** .61 **
6 7.1%
40-49 64 15.9% 59 7.8% Age x Hourly Rate .33** .26* *
5 92.2%
50-59 52 12.9% Experience x Hourly Rate .47** .46**
33 19 63.5% 36.5%
60-69 62 15.4% 31 31 50.0% 50.0%
70-79 20 5.0% 7 13 Age x Absenteeism - .24 ** -.14*
35.0% 65.0%
80-89 5 1.2% Experience x Absenteeism - .26** -.25**
0 5 0.0% 100.0%
Total # 403 100% 324 79 *p < .01. **p < .001.
Type of finding in example C: _
Possible Element 2 statement:
Type of finding in example A: _
Possible Element 2 statement: _


EXERCISE 7.8 Identification EXERCISE 7.9 Fill-in

Read the following results selection from a study in psychology which was The results section from the study about space flight is given again here.
carried out to investigate the effects of space flight on astronauts. These This time, without looking back at the original, fill in each blank space with
results report the effect of weightlessness on the astronauts' eye move- any appropriate verb or auxiliary.
ments during sleep. Underline the verbs in each sentence and identify their
tenses. Be sure you understand why each tense is used.



Observations. 1 During the first sleep period (night 0) in space, the Observations. 1 During the first sleep period (night 0) in space, the
number of eye movements increased dramatically compared with number of eye movements dramatically
any of the pre- or post-flight nights, but it returned to normal by compared with any of the pre- or post-flight nights, but it
night 1 (Figure 7.5). 2Similar fluctuations were seen in the percent-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to normal by night 1 (Figure 7.5).
age of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep as a function of total
sleeping time. 30 n night 1, REM sleep increased to 50 percent, 2Similar fluctuations seen in the percentage of rapid
whereas it is normally between 20 and 25 percent of total sleeping eye movement (REM) sleep as a function of total sleeping time.
time. 4This abrupt increase is not pathological. 51nstead, it reflects 30 n night 1, REM sleep to 50 percent,
a temporary imbalance of the REM mechanisms which include
whereas it normally between 20 and 25 percent of
other autonomic variables such as heart rate and blood pressure.
total sleeping time. 4This abrupt increase not patho-
61n pathological conditions, REM sleep decreases rather than
increases. logical. 51nstead, it a temporary
imbalance of the REM mechanisms which include other autonomic
20 variables such as heart rate and blood pressure. 61n pathological
conditions, REM sleep rather than

~ 10


r---------!'---- EXERCISE 7.10 Reconstruction

28,29 23.24 23 28,29 10.12

The selection about space flight is given here again, but this time the sen-
July September November December
tences are indicated only by lists of key words. Without looking back at the
original, reconstruct one sentence from each list, using the correct verb
FIGURE 7.5 Number of eye movements per 40 seconds
tense in each case. It is not necessary to change the order of the key
of sleep at various times.
words; however, you will need to add some words and word endings to
make complete, grammatical sentences.

l. during 3. on night 1
first sleep period (night 0) REM sleep EXERCISE 7.12 Guided Writing
space increase
number of eye movements 50 percent Suppose that you have carried out a three-year study in the United States
increase to determine people's attitudes towards education and specifically their
4. abrupt increase willingness to finance public education projects through increased taxes.
not patholonical You have collected your data <;ind have presented it in the figure below.
return to normal
night 1 Now write the text to accompany this graph. Include all the types of infor-
Figure 7.5 5. in pathological conditions mation that are conventionally included in a results section.
REM sleep
2. similar fluctuations
rather than 100
percentage of REM sleep increase
function 90
total sleeping time


60 59
C 52
XERCISE 7.11 Library Q)
Q; 50
c.. 45
sing the results example from the library that you photocopied for Library
Exercise 7.5, analyze each sentence for the following features:
1. Verb tense
a. What verb tense is used in each sentence? 20
b. Explain why this particular tense is used. .
c. Do the tenses used in your library example follow the conventions 10
you have learned here?
1983 1985 1986
2. Element 2 statements
a. What type of findings are presented-comparison among gro~ps,
fluctuation of a variable over time, or relationships among vanables?
b. What special verbs and phrases do the authors use to express these FIGURE 7.6 Percent of U.S. population favoring higher taxes for public
education (1983-1986).
different types of findings?

EXERCISE 7.13 Writing Up Your Own Research LANGUAGE
In previous chapters you designed and carried out your own research pro-
ject. You should now have the data necessary to begin writing up the Use present tense to locate findings in a figure.
results section of your report. Follow these steps.
Use past tense to indicate the most important findings.
Use present tense or modal auxiliaries to comment on the
1. Arrange your data in some convenient form for analysis, such as a large findings.
grid or table. ~se c~mparative and superlative expressions to report findings
2. Apply any statistical procedures appropriate for your data and mvolvmg a comparison among groups.
experimental design. If you do not have much background in inferential
statistics, you might simply calculate totals, means, and percentages. Use verbs and phrases of variation to describe variables that
3. Construct a graphic (or graphics) in the form of tables or figures to fluctuate over time.
illustrate your results. Use verbs of effect or association to report findings that involve
4. Write a results text to accompany your graphic(s) following the relationships among variables.
conventions we have studied in this chapter. Consult the checklist which
follows to remind yourself of these conventions.


Describing Results


Include three elements of information in presenting results, in

either long or short format.
Write comments after each important finding, or put a general
comment after the results.
Write comments for various functions, depending on your

As the shaded area representing discussion in Figure 8.1 suggests, this section
moves the reader back from the specific information reported in the methods
and the results sections to a more general view of how the findings should be
Look at the following discussion section from a research report in the field
of applied psychology. In this study the productivity of older and younger
factory workers was compared. Notice the kinds of information that are in-
cluded in this example.


lThe decremental theory of aging led us to infer that older
OVERVIEW workers in speed jobs would have poorer performance, greater
hypothesis [
absenteeism, and more accidents compared with other workers.
In this chapter we look at the fourth section of the experimental research 2The findings, however, go against the theory. 3The older workers
report. Usually titled discussion, it is the last major section of the report, fol- findings generally earned more, were absent less, had fewer accidents,
lowed by the list of references. In the discussion section you step back and take and had less turnover than younger workers. 40 ne possible
a broad look at your findings and your study as a whole. As in the introduction, conclusion is that the requirements of the speed jobs in the light
researchers use the discussion section to examine their work in the larger con- explanation manufacturing industry under study do not make physical demands
for on the older workers to the limits of their reserve capacity. 5The
text of their field. findings
Sometimes this section is called "conclusions" instead of "discussion." In competence and experience of the older workers in these specific
either case, the writing conventions reflect some common features. jobs may have compensated for their reduced stamina ...
6This study has taken a step in the direction of defining the
relationship between age, experience, and productivity in one
particular industry. 71t is possible of course that other industries
limitations with a different complex of speed jobs and skill jobs may produce
entirely different results. Sin addition, it is important to emphasize
that methodological problems in the research design limit our
9The approach outlined in this study should be replicated in
need for other manufacturing plants, as well as in other occupational areas
further in light, medium, and heavy industries in order to construct a typol-
research [
ogy of older worker performance in a variety of jobs.

FIGURE 8.1 Discussion.

NOTE: The order of discussion elements shown here is not strictly followed
by all authors. However, the progressive move from specific to more general
1. What did the authors of this study find out about their original hypothesis? information elements is conventional.
2. Why do you think the authors ordered the information in their discussion
in the way shown here? What does the shape of the shaded area in Figure
8.1 indicate about this order?
3. What other kinds of information do you think the authors could have
EXERCISE 8.1 Analysis
included in this section?

Ordering your Information Read the following discussion section from a report in the field of manage-
ment. The study was carried out to determine if management by objectives
The information that you include in this section depends greatly on the findings (MBO) practices would improve the quality and quantity of work and level
of your study; however, the specific-to-general movement indicated by the of satisfaction of employees in a human services agency.
shape of the shaded area in Figure 8.1 is a convention that most writers follow.
The kinds of information that you can include in your discussion section are not
fixed. However, the first elements are typically those that refer most directly to
the study and its findings. They include:
Specific Reference to the Study Discussion

1. A reference to the main purpose or hypothesis of the study; 'The results of the satisfaction questionnaire were mixed.
2Sa tisfaction with supervision significantly increased after
2. A review of the most important findings, whether or not they implementation of the MBa program, and there was directional
support the original hypothesis, and whether they agree with (but not significant) support that work satisfaction improved.
the findings of other researchers; 3These results are consistent with previous research (Steers, 1976;
3. Possible explanations for or speculdions about the findings; Tosi et aI., 1976). 40 ur findings thus lend support for the hypothe-
sis that MBa leads to a satisfaction improvement, at least over the
4. Limitations of the study that restrict the extent to which the
short term (lvancevich, 1976). 5Reliance on these measures must
findings can be generalized. be tempered, however, because a control group was not available
and only two measures were taken (before and after) in assessing
As the discussion section continues, the writer moves the reader's atten- changes in satisfaction.
tion away from the specific results of the study and begins to focus more 6Because a high degree of variability was found in the data,
generally on the importance that the study may have for other workers in the it would be beneficial to replicate this study on larger and different
field. populations. 71t would also be interesting to measure satisfaction
over several periods of time instead of for one pre- and one post-
LATER INFORMATION ELEMENTS IN DISCUSSION: intervention. 8The limitations in field experiments not withstanding,
General Statements about the Study this study suggests that MBa may have a favorable impact on
performance and satisfaction in public sector agencies. 9 Reinforce-
5. Implications of the study (generalizations from the results); ment of the MBa process and continuous reinforcement while
using the system should aid in its acceptance and use.
6. Recommendations for future research and practical applica-

EXERCISE 8.2 Analysis
Now identify the elements of information in the example that correspond to
those listed in the boxes on page 162. Each of, the foll~wing statements comes from a different research report
Determine the .lnf~rm~tion el~ment e~ch sentence represents (see the fi~st
Sentences 1, 2, 3, and 4: Information element - - - - - - - - -
two boxes earlier In this section) and Indicate the element in the blank
Sentence 5: Information element - - - - - - - - - spac,e ~efore each statement. Also underline the part of each sentence
that indicates the author's position towards the information.
Sentences 6 and 7: Information element - - - - - - - - -

Sentence 8: Information element - - - - - - - - -

Sentence 9: Information element - - - - - - - - -

1. . The present study offers clear

eVldenc~ that "h.ands-on experience" is not sufficient for the
Researcher's Position towards the Findings productive learning of computer programming by novices.

In the discussion section more than any other place in the report, researchers 2. . . These findings lead us to believe
make explicit their own views on the study and its findings. The researcher may that more dl~l.cult materi?ls ~ho~ld be used in order to give ESL
~tuden~s additional practice In discerning implicit relationships
take a position with respect to the explanations, implications, limitations, or In English texts.
applications of the findings (Elements 3, 4, 5, and 6).
3. _ _ _-;--_--,--- What explains this larger than
~xpected gap.bet:-veen the two groups? It may be that dictat-
In~ to a machine IS faster than writing-at least for letters of

4. . We readily acknowledge that our

I Position I I Information element I res~a~ch IS exploratory and that there are problems with the
statistical model.

One possible explanation is that speed jobs do not tax older workers 5. . From our results, we suggest that
to their limits. (explanation) the optimal level of indentation for a computer program is 2-4
We can no longer assume that it is satisfactory to seek explanations
only in economic factors. (implication) 6. . . This finding is of considerable
Im~ortanc~ since it su.ggests that the "resetting" of the meta-
We acknowledge that other industries may produce differ- bolIC machinery (25) IS not confined to a single homeostatic
ent results. (restriction) compartment.

Clearly, this technique has promise as a tool in

evaluation of forages. (application)
EXERCISE 8.4 Library
EXERCISE 8.3 Arrangement
~n your lib~ary, find an experimental research report in your field (either a
The discussion section from a research report in the field of sociology is
given here, with the sentences in scrambled order. Rearrange and number Journal article, a thesis, or a dissertation). Locate the final section of the
the sentences in the order that you think the authors originally wrote them. report and photocopy it. Then answer the following questions.
Refer to the boxes on page 162, which show the typical sequence of infor-
1. Look at the title of the last major section of the report. Is this section
mation elements.
labeled "discussion"? If not, what is it called?
2. Identify each information element contained in the final section of your
example. Use the boxes listing information elements for reference.
3. Do any of the sentences in the discussion indicate the author's position
towards the information presented? If so, underline the phrases in which
these positions are indicated.
A. We therefore recommend that colleges that wish to
prevent cheating should not emphasize the social environment
to the detriment of the intellectual environment.
In this part of the chapter we examine the sentence structure used in the
discussion section to present elements of information and to give a point of
B. It seems clear that both theories are able to explain view about that information. We also look at the verb forms that commonly
statistically significant amounts of variance in college cheating. occur in this section and at some of the special expressions authors use to
indicate their positions towards the information they present.
C. The two perspectives examined were (1) culture con-
flict theory, and (2) internal social control theory.

D. In the first case, we can expect that to the extent that SEE WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW Pretest
a student has a high level of culture conflict orientation, he or
she will have an increased probability of cheating.
Following is a portion of the discussion section from a report in the field of
E. This research has attempted to assess two theories of child psychology. The report compared the behaviors of overly competitive
deviant behavior in terms of their ability to account for cheat- and less competitive children. Fill in each blank with any appropriate word.
ing among a sample of college students (N = 650).

F. Finally, since there was a surprising lack of consensus

among the students in our sample on precisely which activities
their faculty members were likely to see as forbidden, we TYPE A BEHAVIORS BY CHILDREN, SOCIAL COMPARISON,
further recommend that faculty members would do well to
take time occasionally to clarify precisely what will be defined
as "scholastic dishonesty" in their classes.
G. On the other hand, to the extent that he has a high
level of internal social control, his tendency to engage in 1 We initially that Type A children
cheating should be correspondingly reduced. would set higher standards than Type B children in evaluating their
own performance. 2These results support that hypothesis. 3Type A
children in this study their own perform-

ance with that of a superior child even when they had been repeat- EXERCISE 8.5 Analysis
edly told that their performance represented a "pretty good" Read the following discussion section from a report in social psychology
score. 40 ne of this finding is that Type whose purpose was to identify the attitudes and opinions that affect driving
A children's awareness of high standards may trigger their behavior. Then identify the sentences that contain a complex structure like
attempts to achieve ever higher goals. SThese findings - - - - - the one shown in the preceding box.
consistent with previous research (Pepitone, 1972), and they pro-
vide support for the hypothesis ambiguous standards
(or no standards) for evaluation of performance be
one factor that leads children to adopt high performance standards. INTERPERSONAL FACTORS IN DRIVING

lThe results of the present study may be summarized by

pointing out, firstly, that respondents regarded other people, and
especially other drivers, as a major source of risk on the road.
2This was largely attributed to qualities of the other driver such as
carelessness, aggressiveness, discourtesy, selfishness, arrogance
and the like. 3Thus, the findings support the view that people think
about safety on the road in terms other than objective features
such as road conditions, state of vehicle repair, and so on. 4Judge-
ments about other drivers frequently involved interpretations about
Complex Structure in Discussion Statements their personalities and temperaments, inferred from observable
behavior. SA person might, for example, on noticing that a driver
To accommodate the information requirements of the discussion section, writers cut in sharply, conclude that he was dealing with an arrogant,
often use statements that are complex in grammatical structure-that is, that ill-mannered, impatient young devil, and react accordingly, re-
contain a main clause and a noun clause. Typically, the researcher's position is gardless of the facts of the situation. 6This suggests that reactions
carried by the main clause while the information being reported is contained in to driving situations are not fully determined by the objective facts,
the noun clause. but that they are influenced by subjective psychological factors,
including drivers' assigning attitudes and values to each other.
7The present authors would argue that future research into
driving and traffic behavior must use the insights of the full range
COMPLEX SENTENCE STRUCTURE of disciplines within the social sciences. 8The study reported in the
IN DISCUSSION STATEMENTS present paper has many shortcomings, but it does seem to demon-
strate that a previously neglected approach to driving behavior-
an approach based on concepts of social psychology-could lead
Main clause + I THAT I + I Noun clause to new important findings about the driving process.
(researcher's position)

We can conclude with that both theories are able to

certainty explain significant
amounts of variance.
Sentences with complex (noun clause) structures: _

erb Tenses Used in Discussion Statements
he verb tenses used in the discussion section depend on the type of informa- Past, Present, and Modal Auxiliaries
)0 you want to present. Remember that the first information elements of the

scussion refer specifically to the study and its findings. The verb ten~e ~ost.
)mmonly used in referring to the purpose, the hypothesis, and the fmdmgs IS I Explaining the findings I
Ie simple past.

EXAMPLE: It is possible that microbial activity caused some im-

VERB TENSES IN FIRST DISCUSSION ELEMENTS: mobilization of labial soil phosphorous. {restricted to
Simple Past Tense study}
EXAMPLE: It is possible that microbial activity causes some immo-
bilization of labial soil phosphorous. {general condi-
I Referring to the purpose I tion}

EXAMPLE: This research attempted to assess two theories of

behavior. I Limiting the findings I

EXAMPLE: Our sample was very small.

I Referring to the hypothesis I EXAMPLE: Other industries may produce different results.
EXAMPLE: We originally assumed that physical decrements
would be more apparent in speed jobs than in skill
jobs. When comparing your findings to those of other researchers, use the present

I Restating the findings

EXAMPLE: The principle of readability was not followed in the Present Tense
income tax booklet of any of the states studied except
I Comparing findings I
NOTE: In some fields the present perfect tense may be used in referring
) the purpose. EXAMPLE: These results are in substantial agreement with those
of Bates (2).
1 discussion statements that explain possible reasons for, or limitations to, the
ndings, the past, present, or modal auxiliaries may be used. The choice de-
lends on whether the explanation for the specific findings is restricted to your As you move from the specific considerations of your study to broader, more
tudy (past) or whether it refers to a general condition (present). Modal auxilia- general statements about the importance of the study as a whole, use simple
ies may also be used to emphasize the speculative nature of these statements. present tense and modal auxiliaries/tentative verbs.


results because we expected a significant difference in comprehen-
VERB TENSES IN LATER ELEMENTS: sion between the two styles. Sit is possible that comprehension
Present and Modal Auxiliaries/Tentative Verbs scores for a longer and more complex program would show a
greater difference.
6We believe future experiments should employ the measure
I Implications I of program comprehension and recommend that 9 indentation
levels (0 to 8 spaces) be studied. 7Moreover, the blocking style
should be consistent throughout a program so that users can easily
EXAMPLE: It appears that squatter housing markets behave as
find the statement or statement segment they are trying to locate.
economically rational entities.

I Recommendations and applications I

EXAMPLE: The approach outlined in this study should be repli-
Now underline the verbs and modal auxiliaries you found in the preceding
cated in other manufacturing plants.
example and complete the following chart by writing down (1) the verb(s);
EXAMPLE: We recommend that the approach outlined in this (2) the tense of the verb(s); and (3) the information element represented by
study be replicated in other manufacturing plants. each sentence. (Because this is only a portion of a discussion section, let
the verb tense guide you in identifying the information element.)


EXERCISE 8.6 Analysis Sentence 1 _
Read the following excerpt from a discussion section in the field of com- Sentence 2 _
puter science. The study tested the effect of two styles of indentation and Sentence 3 _
four levels of indentation on the ability of novice and expert subjects to
Sentence 4 _
understand a computer program.
Sentence 5 _
Sentence 6 _
Sentence 7 _

... lThe results indicate that the level of indentation has a signifi-
cant effect on program comprehension and that deeper indentation Expressions Indicating the Researcher's Position
could become more of a hindrance than an aid. 2The level of
indentation that seems to produce optimal results in comprehension The main clause of a complex sentence in the discussion section often contains
is between 2 and 4 spaces; as the number of spaces increases, the special expressions that indicate the researcher's own point of view, or position,
comprehension level decreases. 3The blocked and nonblocked towards the information contained in the noun clauses. At the beginning of the
styles of the program yielded no significant differences between the discussion section, certain expressions make it clear that you are reconsidering
experts and the novices. 4We are not sure how to explain these the hypothesis of your study.


Still other expressions are used when you wish to suggest the implication

Main clause Noun clause


Main clause
It was anticipated (position) + I THAT I + Noun clause
The theory led us to
infer older workers in speed
that jobs would have poorer
In line with this hypothe-
performance than youn-
sis, we assumed
ger workers. suggest
The results seem incon- imply
sistent with our hypothe- lend support to frost affects the pan by
These findings that breaking its massive
sis the assumption
lead us to structure.
provide evidence
Other expressions are typically used when you need to explain your findings.


:ollowin~ are a number of discussion statements from various studies. The

Main clause Noun clause informatIon element contained in each is indicated in parentheses. Rewrite
(position) + + (information) each st~tement as a. complex sentence with a noun clause by adding an
appropnate expressIon at the beginning of each element.

These results can be that skill increases with expe-

explained by assuming rience.

One reason could be that jobs in light manufactur- 1. (implication) An increase in chlorine emission is accompanied
ing do not tax older by a corresponding increase in noise, so that the detection limit
workers to their limits. remains constant.

It is unlikely that age of the subjects had

much of an effect on 2. (explain results) The addition of water to the powder diet re-
attitude. leased certain flavors and odors that enhanced palatability.


3. (refer to hypothesis) MBO would lead to an improvement in discrepancies in the estimates were quite large for individual prop-
erties. 3However, these discrepancies were largely offset when the
the quality of performance.
averages for reasonably sized samples were compared. 4This con-
firms earlier findings by Kain and Quigley (1972) for conventional
4. (recommendation) More forethought and planning are housing in the United States. 50vera ll, it appears that squatter
required before training received in developed countries can housing markets behave as economically rational entities similar to
conventional markets. 6They should be accounted for in any analy-
be optimally used in less developed countries.
sis regarding housing markets in developing countries.

5. (explain findings) The 14-day periods during which steers

were fed diets containing monensin may not have been long
enough for the full effect of the antibiotic to be expressed.

6. (explain findings, negative) Significant details, invisible to the EXERCISE 8.9 Fill-in
naked eye, and visible only to 3-D processing, could have
The discussion section from the report about squatter housing is given
been added to the Shroud of Turin.
again here. This time, without looking back at the original, fill in each blank
space with any appropriate word.

EXERCISE 8.8 Identification
lThis study data from the Philip-
Read the following discussion section from a study in the field of eco- pines to determine whether a squatter-owner's valuation of his
nomics. The study investigated the monetary value of illegal, informal own house compare with that of an independent
housing in the urban areas of developing countries. Underline the verbs
appraiser. 2The results show discrepancies in the
and modal auxiliaries in each sentence and identify the tenses. Explain
why each tense is used by indicating the information element that each estimates were quite large for individual properties. 3However,
statement represents. these discrepancies were largely offset when the averages for
reasonably sized samples were compared. 4This _
earlier findings by Kain and Quigley (1972) for conventional
housing in the United States. 50 vera ll, it _
THE VALUE OF SQUATIER DWElLINGS IN that squatter housing markets behave as economically rational
entities similar to conventional markets. 6They be
Discussion accounted for in any analysis regarding housing markets in devel-
oping countries.
lThis study has used data from the Philippines to determine
whether a squatter-owner's valuation of his own house would com-
pare with that of an independent appraiser. 2The results show that


EXERCISE 8.10 Reconstruction 3. Do the verb tenses or auxiliaries used in your example agree with the
conventions you have learned here? What differences did you find?
The selection about squatter housing is given here once again, but this 4. What special expressions did the researcher(s) use to indicate a position
time the sentences are indicated only by lists of key words. Without looking towards the information in the discussion?
back at the original, reconstruct one sentence from each list, using the cor-
rect verb tense and/or modal auxiliary in each case. It is not necessary to
change the order of the key words; however, you will need to add some
words and word endings to make complete, grammatical sentences.


l. this study 4. confirm

data from the Philippines earlier findings EXERCISE 8.12 Guided Writing: Discussion
determine whether Kain and Quigley (1972)
squatter-owner's valuation conventional housing The following research report describes a study from the field of extension
own house United States and home economics. It deals with the differences in perceptions that mar-
compare ried ~nd divorced mothers have .about the way they spend their time during
independent appraiser 5. overall a typical work day. Read the entire report carefully. Then write a discussion
appear section for the report. Keep in mind the kinds of information that can be
2. results show squatter housing markets included in a discussion section:
discrepancies in estimates behave
quite large economically rational 1. a reference to the hypotheses or assumptions that underlie the study;
entities 2. a review of the most important findings of the study, their relation to the
3. however, these similar to conventional initial hypotheses, and possible explanations for the findings;
discrepancies markets 3. a comparison with the results of other studies'
largely offset 4. the limitations of the study; ,
when averages 6. they 5. implications for practical application and suggestions for further research.
reasonably sized samples be account for
compared any analysis
housing markets
developing countries

Time is recognized as one ceptions about the adequacy of

LIBRARY EXERCISE 8.11 of the most basic resources for time resources have implications
families, but it is considered in for programming needs of all
Select one paragraph from the discussion example that you found for short supply by many people. families, but especially for one-
Library Exercise 8.4 and analyze each sentence, answering the following Individual perceptions of the parent families.
questions: adequacy of time to conduct The increase in the number
daily affairs potentially affects of one-parent families in the
1. What verb tense or modal auxiliary is used in each sentence? management of time resources. past decade has been dramatic.
2. Can you explain why each tense or auxiliary is used? How time is allocated and per- Today, over 20% of families


with children are maintained by Methodology quacy of time for various activi- is needed to do housework for
a separated, divorced, wid- ties are presented in Table 8.1. three people instead of four, we
In our study, we inter-
owed, or never-married par- Divorced mothers perceived believe the wide difference in
viewed divorced and married
ent(l). Among these families, 9 their time to help children par- time spent by the two groups
mothers in families identified
of 10 are maintained by moth- ticipate in organized youth points to differences in lifestyles
through churches and social
ers. One-fifth of children under activities and to do housework of the families.
organizations. Each family had
18 years of age presently live in to be less adequate than mar- The divorced mothers in
two children; the younger child
a one-parent family, an in- ried mothers. On other time our study averaged about two-
was in elementary school, and
crease of well over 50% in the demands, divorced and married thirds as much time in leisure
the age of the older child
past 10 years(2). mothers didn't differ in their pursuits as married mothers.
ranged through high school.
These changes in family perceptions of the adequacy of The larger proportion of em-
We conducted each interview in
structure have spurred concern time. ployed mothers in the divorced
the family's home in the spring
about everyday life experiences These results deal with group probably explains this
during the school year.
in families maintained by one perceived time and provide an difference.
The mothers were pre-
parent. Information about dys- indication of time pressures Contrary to popular myth
dominately white, Protestant,
functional aspects of life in one- divorced mothers face in regard that children in one-parent fam-
and had attended college; most
parent families is readily availa- to housework and children's ilies receive less care from
were 35 to 40 years of age.
ble(3), but there is little reliable activities. What about actual parents, divorced mothers in
Twenty of the 30 married mothers
information about day-to-day time use by mothers in the two our study didn't spend a signifi-
and 27 of the 29 divorced
activities in these families. As family structures? Results of t- cantly different amount of time
mothers interviewed were em-
Extension continues to address tests for difference in time use in family member care to mar-
ployed, with administrative and
problems of families in achieving are in Table 8.2. ried mothers. However, the way
professional occupations pre-
a quality of life, more informa- As a group, divorced that time was spent did differ.
vailing. Educational attainment
tion is needed about families in mothers spent over twice as Of the time divorced mothers
and occupational status were
alternative lifestyles. One-par- much time in employment as spent in care of family members,
higher than in the general
ent families, particularly, are married mothers. Married one-third was used for trans-
cited as a high priority audience mothers who were employed portation, while the married
We asked mothers to
for home economics programs were more likely to hold part- mothers used nearly half their
respond to a set of statements
(4). time jobs compared to em- family member care time for
about their perceived adequacy
To better understand every- ployed divorced mothers whose transportation.
of resources, including time for
day events and perception of jobs tended to be full-time. The two groups of mothers
personal and family roles. We
the adequacy of their time re- Obviously, when a large didn't differ significantly in time
also asked the mothers to recall
sources, our 1981 study com- amount of time is spent in one spent in personal maintenance,
how time was used in the previous
pared mothers in one-parent activity, time spent in some which included sleeping, eating,
24-hour period, which was al-
and two-parent families. The other activities must be re- and personal hygiene. Nor did
ways a weekday, to provide
data from this study conducted duced. Divorced mothers in our they differ in time spent in other
data for comparison of
in Oklahoma by the OSU Fam- study spent only half as much activities, which included un-
time use in the two family
ily Studies Center refute some time in housework as married paid work, school, organization
stereotypes about differences mothers. They did less food attendance, and time for which
between one-parent and two- preparation, clothing care and no accounting was given.
parent families and provide the construction, and shopping
basis for programming Results of t-tests of the compared to married mothers.
recommendations. mothers' responses on ade- Even though less time probably


Table 8.1 Mothers' Perceived Adequacy of Time 1. What assumptions or hypotheses did you have about your topic before
Mean response* you started your research?
2. Were your hypotheses confirmed?
Divorced Married
Statement mothers mothers 3. What were your most important results?
4. Why do you think you obtained those particular results?
I have enough time for myself. 3.4 3.6 5. Were there any problems with the methodology of your study that may
I have enough time for the activities limit the generalizability of the results?
that I want to do. 3.8 3.6 6. What important implications do your results have?
I have enough time to spend with my
spouse (or a friend of the opposite 7. What is the next logical question for further research to pursue in
sex). 4.0 4.1 investigating your topic?
I have enough time to spend with my
children. 4.5 5.0
I have enough time to help my children
participate in organized youth
activities. 4.6 ** 6.2**
I have enough time for housework. 3.7* * 4.5**
* Scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree.
** Indicates significant difference at the .05 level.

Table 8.2 Mothers' Actual Time Use INFORMATION

Mean minutes on
record day Include various elements of information, depending on the problems
encountered, results obtained, possible applications, and further
Divorced Married
Activity mothers mothers
research needed.
Employment 424* 179* Move from specific results to general implications.
Housework 136* 265*
Leisure 157* 227*
Family member care 76 94 LANGUAGE
Personal maintenance 571 597
Other activities 76 78 Use complex structures including noun clauses to express your posi-
*Indicates significant difference at the .05 level. tion towards the findings.
Use past tense to refer to the original hypothesis and to review your
Use the simple present, simple past, or modal auxiliaries when ex-
plaining and limiting your results.
EXERCISE 8.13 Writing Up Your Own Research Use the simple present tense to compare your findings with those of
Following the model we have presented in this chapter, write the discus-
sion section for your own research project. Use the Checklist for Chapter 8 Use the simple present and modal auxiliaries or tentative verbs to
to help you remember the information and language conventions that typify make implications or recommendations or to suggest applications.
this part of the experimental research report. Before you begin to write the Use special expressions to indicate your position towards any of the
discussion, think about the following questions: information elements included.
Many readers depend on the abstract to give them enough information about
the study to decide if they will read the entire report or not.
Read the following sample abstract from the field of computer science. It
reports on a test of a voice recognition device designed to take dictation. Notice
the kinds of information included and the order in which the information is



Abstract. 1With a listening typewriter, what an author says would

background be automatically recognized and displayed in front of him or her.
[ 2However, speech recognition is not yet advanced enough to pro-
vide people with a reliable listening typewriter. 3An aim of our
purpose experiments was to determine if an imperfect listening typewriter
would be useful for composing letters. 4Participants dictated letters,
OVERVIEW either in isolated words or in consecutive word speech. SThey did
method this with simulations of listening typewriters that recognized either a
The last major section of the experimental research report we look at is the limited vocabulary or an unlimited vocabulary. 6Results indicated
abstract. As you know, the abstract is actually the first section of a report, that some versions, even upon first using them, were at least as
results [
coming after the title and before the introduction. The abstract provides the good as traditional methods of handwriting and dictating. 7lso-
reader with a brief preview of your study based on information from the other lated word speech with large vocabularies may provide the basis
conclusion [ for a useful listening typewriter.
sections of the report. We have reserved our examination of the abstract for the
last chapter because it is often the last part of the report to be written.


1. What was the principal activity of this research project?

2. Why are the five information elements in the preceding abstract ordered
\ ~ 3.
in this particular way?
Which sentences could be eliminated from this abstract without losing

CJ critical information about the study?

CJ Ordering Your Information

/ \ FIGURE 9.1 Abstract.

Abstracts from almost all fields of study are written in a very similar way. The
types of information included and their order are very conventional. The box
that follows shows the typical information format of an abstract.


absence of an explicit standard, Type A children chose to evaluate
ORDER OF TYPICAL ELEMENTS INCLUDED their performance against the top score, whereas Type B children
IN AN ABSTRACT chose to do so only in the absence of an explicit standard.
8The implications of these results for understanding the childhood
B = some background information antecedents of Type A behavior are discussed.
P = the principal activity (or purpose) of the study and its
M = some information about the methodology used in the
R = the most important results of the study B = Sentence(s) _
C = a statement of conclusion or recommendation
P = Sentence(s) _

M = Sentence(s) _
NOTE: In some publications this section is titled "summary." Check with
your editor or professor to determine the appropriate title for you to use. R = Sentence(s) _

C = Sentence(s) _

EXERCISE 9.1 Analysis

Read the following abstract carefully. It is taken from the child psychology Reducing the Abstract
study that we saw in Chapter 8. Identify the sentences in the abstract that
correspond to the elements B, P, M, R, and C in the preceding box. Abstracts are usually written to be as brief and concise as possible. For journal
articles the editor often establishes a word limit for the abstract that authors can-
not exceed. In order to shorten an abstract to satisfy such limitations, you can
eliminate or combine much of the information shown in the previous box.
The reduced abstract typically focuses on only two or three elements, with
TYPE A BEHAVIORS BY CHILDREN, SOCIAL COMPARISON, AND the emphasis placed on the results of the study. Information concerning the
STANDARDS FOR SELF-EVALUATION purpose and method is presented first (background information is not included) .
Then the most important results are summarized. Finally, conclusions and rec-
Abstract. 1Type A behavior, an established risk factor for coronary ommendations may be included in one or two sentences.
heart disease, is characterized by extremes of competitive achieve-
ment striving, impatience, hostility, and aggression. 2As part of an
effort to understand the origins of this behavior pattern, the
present study assessed the impact of performance standards on the ORDER OF INFORMATION ELEMENTS
social behavior ofType A and Type B children. 3Children performed IN REDUCED ABSTRACTS
a five-trial task. 4Half were given an explicit standard with which
to compare their own performance; half were given no standard. P + M = purpose and method of the study
SAfter 5 trials, all subjects were informed that their total score R = results
represented the middle score of the whole group and were asked to C = conclusions and recommendations'
select one score for further comparison. 6Results showed no signifi-
cant differences among groups on the frequency of comparison. • optional
71n contrast, the results did show that regardless of the presence or

4R~TAIi~T 1A7
EXERCISE 9.2 Analysis

Read the following reduced abstract from a report in the field of business
and economics dealing with the reading difficulty of tax information book-
lets. Identify the kinds of information that are included and then answer the
Abstract. IThe consensus in the programming community is that
four questions that follow.
indentation aids program comprehension, although many studies
do not back this up. 2We tested program comprehension on a
Pascal program. 3Two styles of indentation were used-blocked
and nonblocked-in addition to four possible levels of indentation
THE READABILITY OF INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX (0, 2, 4, 6 spaces). 4Both experienced and novice subjects were
INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS IN SOUTH CAROLINA AND used. SAlthough the blocking style made no difference, the level of
OTHER SOUTHEASTERN STATES ~dentation had a signi.ficant effect on pr09ram comprehension.
2-4 spaces had the highest mean score for program comprehen-
Abstract. ITo determine the understandability of individual income sion. 7We recommend that a moderate level of indentation be
tax booklets, a Reading Ease score was calculated for the 1977 used to increase program comprehension and user satisfaction.
Federal income tax return form 1040 and tax forms of nine south-
eastern states. 2The instruction booklets of all states except Virginia
were found to be at a reading level higher than the median educa-
tionallevel of the average citizen-taxpayer in those states. 3The
South Carolina booklet was three grade levels above the median
education level for the state. 4The Federal instruction booklet was EXERCISE 9.4 Arrangement
easiest to read, falling four grade levels below the median educa-
tion level of U.S. citizens. Sif an equitable state income tax system ~ach of the foll~wing sentences is taken from the abstract to a report in the
is to be maintained, actions must be taken to reduce the disparity field of economIcs. The sentences are not in their correct order. Indicate
between median education levels and the readability of state the probable order used by the author in writing the abstract.
income tax instruction booklets.

1. Which elements are included in sentence 1? THE DECENTRALIZATION OF AMERICAN ECONOMIC LIFE:
2. Which element is represented by the most number of sentences? AN INCOME EVALUATION
3. Which element is represented by the final sentence?
4. Which element has been eliminated?
A. This investigation provides a national analysis of these
growth patterns by examining the behavior of three variables:

EXERCISE 9.3 Reconstruction change in per capita income, population deconcentration, and
growth in economic productivity.
Following is the abstract from a report in the field of computer program- B. The results suggest that the presence or absence of
ming. Read the abstract and analyze each sentence for the type of infor-
unique sets of industry factors can be used to explain growth
mation it contains. Then write out a reduced version, combining method
and purpose into one or two sentences and eliminating any nonessential variation in both the center and the periphery of the industrial-
elements. ized region.


C. National economic and demographic growth patterns
in the United States during the decade of the seventies show
marked departures from what had occurred in previous times.
D. Results of the analysis showed that a process of
decentralization occurred, best described by center- ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN
periphery concepts.
Abstract. 1 Lack of water because of erratic rainfall frequently
- - - - - - - - - - corn production in the Atlantic Coastal
Plain. 2Traditionally, wide (96 cm) row spacing and low plant
population have been used to prevent water stress, but recently
EXERCISE 9.5 Library
landowners have begun to invest in irrigation systems. 3We
In the library, find an experimental research report in your field (either a - - - - - - - - - - plant population treatments averaging
journal article, a thesis, or a dissertation). Make a photocopy of the first 7.0 and 10.1 plants m -2 in single and twin rows on a Norfolk
page and answer the following questions: loamy sand during 1980, 1981, and 1982. 4Three water treatment
1. Does the report contain a brief preview section located before the and two fertilization programs also evaluated in a
Introduction? (If there is no preview, find another example.) Is this four-factor split-plot design. 5Water management and plant
preview section titled "abstract"? If not, how is it titled? population interacted significantly. 6Planting in twin rows _
2. Look at the abstract of the report and identify each sentence using the grain production an average of 0.64 Mg ha- 1 (10 bulA), but
letters B, P, M, R, and C to indicate the kinds of information presented.
Are all five elements included? If not, how has the abstract been reduced? planting more than 7.1 plants m- 2 significantly increased grain
3. Does the abstract in your example contain more than 150 words? If it yield only in 1980. 71rrigation grain
does, how could it be reduced to meet this limit? yield by 150,161, and 8% in 1980,1981, and 1982, respectively.
81ncreasing total N, P, and K fertilizer applications beyond 200,
30, and 167 kg ha- I , respectively, not significantly
LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS influence grain yield or yield components. 9Yield advantages of
narrow rows be obtained on Coastal
The language features of the abstract correspond to those we have already seen
in the four major portions of the experimental research report. Here we briefly Plain soils by using a twin-row planting configuration. lOlrrigation
review the conventions that govern the use of verb tenses, tentative verbs, and - - - - - be scheduled using either tensiometers or a comput-
modal auxiliaries. erized water balance without significantly changing corn grain
yield, nutrient accumulation, or yield components.

An abstract from a report in the field of agronomy is given here. Fill in each
blank space with any appropriate word.


Verb Tenses in the Abstract EXERCISE 9.6 Identification

fhe verb tenses used in writing sentences in the abstract are directly related to Read the following abstract from a civil engineering study about a test of
those you used in the corresponding sections earlier in your report. For an experimental type of pavement construction. Underline each present
example, background (B) sentences in the abstract are similar to background tense verb once, each past tense verb twice, and draw a circle around any
sentences in Stage I of the Introduction: They both are written in the present (modal auxiliarie~you find.


Abstract. 1 Roadways constructed of conventional pavement are

B Background information (present tense) subject to deformations after prolonged use. 2A laboratory model
study of an anchored pavement was carried out. 3The objective of
EXAMPLE: One of the basic principles of communication is that the message the study was to investigate construction problems and to develop
should be understood by the intended audience. specifications for a full-scale test. 4The study compared 1/20-scale
anchored pavement and conventional slabs of similar dimensions.
5The model test results were compared with results from
P Principal activity (past tense/present perfect tense) finite-element analysis. 6The deformations were lower for the
anchored pavement compared with those for the conventional
EXAMPLE: In this study the readability of tax booklets from nine states was slab, and stresses in the soil were reduced and distributed more
evaluated. widely by rigid anchors. 7These findings indicate that an anchored
EXAMPLE: Net energy analyses have been carried out for eight trajectories slab offers distinct advantages over a conventional slab. 8The
which convert energy source into heated domestic water. ANSYS computer program could be used to analyze such a
soil-structure system, incorporating the environmental and
mechanical effects.
IM Methodology (past tense) I

EXAMPLE: Children performed a 5-trial task.

EXERCISE 9.7 Fill-in

IR Results (past tense) I The same abstract from the civil engineering report about pavement is
given again here. This time, fill in each blank space with an appropriate
verb or auxiliary. Do not look back at the original selection until you have
EXAMPLE: Older workers surpassed younger ones in both speed and skill finished.

C Conclusions (present tense/tentative verbs/modal auxiliaries) MODEL STUDY OF ANCHORED PAVEMENT

EXAMPLE: The results suggest that the presence of unique sets of industry
factors can be used to explain variation in economic growth. 1 Roadways constructed of conventional pavement
- - - - - subject to deformations after prolonged use. 2A


laboratory model study of an anchored pavement _ 5. deformations 7. ANSYS computer
carried out. 3The objective of the study to investigate lower program
anchored pavement be use
construction problems and to develop specifications for a full-scale
compare with analyze
test. 4The study l/20-scale anchored conventional slab such
pavement and conventional slabs of similar dimensions. 5The soil-structure system
model test results were with results from 6. findings
finite-element analysis. 6The deformations lower for
anchored slab
the anchored pavement compared with those for the conventional offer
slab, and stresses in the soil reduced and distributed distinct advantages
more widely by rigid anchors. 7These findings indicate that an conventional slab
anchored slab distinct advantages over a conven-
tional slab. 8The ANSYS computer program be used
EXERCISE 9.9 Library
to analyze such a soil-structure system, incorporating the environ-
mental and mechanical effects. Using the same abstract example that you found for Library Exercise 9.5,
analyze each sentence and answer the following questions:

1. What verb tense is used in each sentence?

2. Explain the reason for each verb tense used.
3. Do the verb tenses used in your example agree with the conventions you
EXERCISE 9.8 Reconstruction have learned here? What differences did you find?
4. Are any modal auxiliaries or tentative verbs used in your examples? Does
Use each group of key words here to form a sentence based on the their use follow the conventions we have studied in this chapter?
abstract about anchored pavement. The words in each group are in the
correct order, but you will need to add other words and word endings in
Drder to make complete, grammatical sentences. Do not look back at the
previous exercises until you have finished.
EXERCISE 9.10 Guided Writing

Read the following shortened version of a report from the field of English
language learning. In the left margin write a code letter for each sentence
to indicate what kind of information it contains (B = background, P = prin-
cipal activity/purpose, M = methodology/materials, R = results, and C =
1. roadways 3. objective
conclusion). Now answer the following questions:
conventional payment this study
subject investigate construction problems
1. Based on your coding and what you have learned about experimental
deformations develop specifications
research reports, is there any information in this report that you would
prolonged use full-scale test reorder?
2. Is there any information that you would add?
2. laboratory model study 4. model test results
anchored pavement compare Now write an abstract for the report. Do not copy directly from the report;
carry out results use your own words to express the author's ideas. Limit your abstract to
finite-element analysis 100 words.
Discussion: Language learners and teachers have long
assumed that the best way to learn a second language was by
living in an environment in which it is used. This study lends strong
empirical support to this assumption.
What this study does not do is separate the integrative moti-
vation factor which may have influenced students to choose to live
This study investigated the degree of English language with American families from the exposure factor operative during
acquisition of 83 students who were living in English-speaking that stay with the families. Future studies need to develop instru-
environments during their 14-week term of formal language study. ments which can make the distinction.
The purpose of the investigation was to compare rate of English
acquisition of these students with that of their classmates who were
living in dormitories or apartment situations, usually in close prox-
imity to other speakers of their first language.
EXERCISE 9.11 Writing Up Your Own Research
Fathman (1976) studied different sorts of second language
learning programs and found that, " ... (students) making the most In writing the abstract to your own research report, follow the procedure
marked improvement were in settings where the use of English was you have learned in this chapter. Select important information from each of
encouraged and necessary for communication." (Fathman 1976: the major sections of your report. Remember that you can write a reduced
433). Subjects of this study were living with American families-that abstract by eliminating and combining information elements. Do not copy
is, their English was encouraged and was necessary for sentences directly from the report. Synthesize the information in your
communication. major sections into clear, concise statements that will give your reader an
Additionally, "one of the most important factors (in language accurate preview of the contents of your report. Your abstract should not
learning) is the attitude of the learner to the language and its exceed 200 words.
speakers." (Spolsky 1969: 271). The fact that living in the American
family was elected by the student at slightly higher cost than other
housing situations would seem to suggest a positive attitude and CHECKLIST FOR CHAPTER 9
Hypotheses tested:
HI: Mean of TOEFL scores of homestay students = Mean of
TOEFL scores of non-homestay students. INFORMATION
H2 : Mean of classroom grades of homestay students = Mean Select and order information from previous sections of your report
of classroom grades of non-homestay students. corresponding to elements B, P, M, R, and C.
Materials and procedure: All students took Michigan A or For reduced abstracts, eliminate B statements and combine state-
Placement Tests before beginning English instruction. For purposes ments containing P and M information.
of pretest and later statistical analysis each of the 83 homestay
students was paired with a non-homestay student who had an
identical Michigan A or Placement score (±2). LANGUAGE
Results: At the end of the 14 weeks of intensive (22.5 hours
per week) English study, all students received classroom grades in Use appropriate verb tenses, tentative verbs, and modal auxiliaries,
grammar, reading, composition and spoken English. Some took the depending on which section of the report the information comes
TOEFL. In all instances scores of homestay students were higher. from.


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