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 Web browsers are software that allow users to access and display web pages on
their screens.
 They interpret HTML sent from websites and display the results.
 Web browsers use uniform resource locators (URL) to access websites; these are
represented by a set of four numbers, such as
 Addresses like this are hard for users to remember. Instead, it is much easier to type
this into a browser using the following format:

Protocol http or https

Website address • domain host (www)

• domain name (name of website)

• domain type (.com, .org, .net, .gov, and so on)

• (sometimes) a country code (.uk, .de, .cy, .br, and so on).

Path The web page (if this is omitted then it is the root directory of the

Filename the item from the web page


http:// www.hoddereducation.co.uk/computerscience


 The domain name service (DNS) (also known as domain name system) gives domain
names for internet hosts and is a system for finding IP addresses of a domain name.
 Domain names eliminate the need for a user to memorise IP addresses.
 The DNS process involves converting a host name (such as
www.hoddereducation.co.uk) into an IP address the computer can understand (such
 Often, DNS servers contain a database of URLs with the matching IP addresses.

A Domain Name Server/Service (DNS) is used to translate a domain name into its
corresponding IP address

An example of the DNS process


1. The user opens their web browser and types in the URL (www.hoddereducation.co.uk)
and the web browser asks the DNS server (1) for the IP address of the website.
2. The DNS server can’t find www.hoddereducation.co.uk in its database or its cache
and sends out a request to DNS server (2).
3. DNS server (2) finds the URL and can map it to; the IP address is
sent back to DNS server (1) which now puts the IP address and associated URL into
its cache/database.
4. This IP address is then sent back to the user’s computer.
5. The computer now sets up a communication with the website server and the required
pages are downloaded. The web browser interprets the HTML and displays the
information on the user’s screen.

Describe how DNS is used to retrieve a web page from a website

1. browser opened and user types in url: www.exampleofaurl.co.de/computer_logic.html

2. browser asks DNS for IP address
3. if DNS server can’t find URL in its database or cache it sends out request to another
DNS server
4. second DNS server finds URL and can map it to an IP address
5. this IP address is sent back to first DNS server which now puts IP address and URL
into its database/cache; this IP address is now sent back to the user’s computer
6. computer’s web browser now sets up communication with the website and starts to
download the pages
7. web browser interprets HTML and displays pages on user’s monitor.

Difference between IP address and Domain Name

IP Address Domain Name

IP address is (physical) address of the A domain name is a memorable form for

server an IP address

An example of an IP address is An example of domain name is cambridgeinternational.org

IP address could change (dynamic) Domain name does not change

IP address can be used to address server The domain name needs translation
directly before server can be assessed

Describe the purpose of an IP address.

 IP address used to locate a device on a network

 Each address is unique within the network
 Allows a device to send data to the correct destination

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