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4 5854898563208709653
June, 2018
Assosa, Ethiopia
First and for most, we would like to thanks the Almighty “GOD” who guide our in every
Secondly, we would like to reward my deepest gratitude to my advisor Hayelom Abrha
(Msc) for his patient guidance, encouragement and excellent advice throughout this
study. We are very fortunate to be under his supervision, as he embraced every
responsibility of a Principal supervisor to guide our research.
Thirdly, our great appreciation and enormous thanks go to our parents strived
our success in all their life.
Finally, we are thankful to our friends for all their help, support and valuable discussions
up on doing this study. We would like to acknowledge staff members in Awash
International Bank of Ethiopia, Manager.
The research is conducted on Accounting Information System and its impact on
administrative decision in Awash International Bank of Ethiopia Assosa branch. The
need for information is basic for concrete and explicit management decision to ensure the
success and survival of an organization and since the aim of any business organization is
“profitability” Accounting information is indispensable to achieving this goal. In
carrying out the work, various types of data collection methods were adopted, such as
distribution of questionnaires, interviews. These methods were adopted for gathering the
primary data .The paper used primary source of data in order to gather the required
information. Primary data is collected through interview and questionnaire distribution
to employees. These collected data is processed, analyzed and interpreted by using tables
and percentage.The major problems there is knowledge gap on the use of Accounting
information systems between different levels of management. The study concluded that
AIS are critical to the production of quality accounting information on a timely basis and
the communication of that information to the decision makers. To overcome a problem
identified a constructive recommendations was be made AIB should check the
information disperse in the company in order to minimize the knowledge gap.
Table of Contents
List of Tables......................................................................................................................V
Chapter One.........................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study...............................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem...............................................................................................2
1.3 Research Question.........................................................................................................2
1.4 Objectives of the study...................................................................................................3
1.4.1. General objective.......................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Specific objectives.....................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the study...............................................................................................3
1.6. Scope of the study.........................................................................................................3
1.7 Limitations of the study.................................................................................................4
1.8. Organization of the paper..............................................................................................4
Chapter Two........................................................................................................................5
2. Literature Review............................................................................................................5
2.1. Information systems......................................................................................................5
2.2. Accounting Information System...................................................................................5
2.3. Accounting Information System and Organizations.....................................................6
2.4. Accounting Information System and Managerial Decisions........................................7
2.5. Management concepts and their effects an Accounting Information System...............8
2.5.1. Establishing organizational Goals (a planning function)...........................................8
2.5.2. Determining non-operational Goals (typically a long range planning functions).....8
2.5.3. Determining operational Goals (typically a short range planning functions)............8
2.5.4. Accounting Information System role in achieving operational goals........................9
2.5.5. AIS contribution to non-operational goals of responsive and motivated employees.9
2.6. AIS and performance measures....................................................................................9
2.7. AIS effectiveness........................................................................................................10
2.8. AIS integration............................................................................................................11
2.9. The relationship between AIS integration and AIS effectiveness..............................11
2.10. Information Interdependence....................................................................................12
Chapter Three....................................................................................................................13
3. Research Design and Methodology...............................................................................13
3.1. Research design..........................................................................................................13
3.2. Research approach......................................................................................................13
3.3. Source of data.............................................................................................................13
3.4. Target Population and Method of sampling................................................................13
3.5. method of data collection............................................................................................14
3.6. Method of data analysis..............................................................................................14
Chapter four.......................................................................................................................15
4. Data Presentation and Analysis.....................................................................................15
4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................15
4.2 Questionnaires analysis................................................................................................15
4.3 Analysis of interview...................................................................................................25
Chapter five........................................................................................................................26
5. Conclusion and recommendation...................................................................................26
5.1. Conclusion..................................................................................................................26
5.2 Recommendation.......................................................................................................27
List of Tables
Table 1: Background information of the respondents
Table 2: This section present respondent’s attitude towards the awareness of Awash
International bank management about the use and implementation of AIS
Table 3: This part exhibits respondents’ attitude towards the use of AIS for
administrative decisions
Table 4: Respondents opinion about the effect of AIS on the effectively decisions of
their organization
Table 5: Respondents answer for question regarding the contribution of AIS for the
attainment of their organization objectives.
Table 6: This part shows respondents attitude towards the role of AIS in Awash
international bank administration.
Table 8: this part exhibits respondent’s attitude towards the standard services provided
by AIS and its contribution in the administration process over the past years.
Table 9: Respondents answer for questions regarding strategic positions and AIS
helpfulness in achieving this position
AIB: Awash International Bank
AIS: Accounting Information System
IT: Information Technology
NBE: National Bank of Ethiopia
USAID: United State Agency for International Development
Chapter One
1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study
Accounting information is a management planning and decision making. It refers to
report of relevant financial information regarding the economic activities of an
organization or business venture. Management is constantly confronted with the problem
of alternative decision making especially knowing that resources are relatively scarce and
limited. It is therefore pertinent that good accounting information be made available for
proper and accurate decision making, maximization of profitability and optimal
utilization of scarce resource. Accounting Information System is vital to all organizations
(Borthick and Clark, 1990; Curtis, 1995; Rahmanet al., 1988; Wilkinson, 1993;
Wilksonet al., 2000) and perhaps, every organization either profit or nonprofit-oriented
need to maintain the AIS (Wilkinson, 2000: 3-4).
To better understand the term “Accounting Information System”, the three words
constitute AIS would be elaborate separately, firstly, literature document that accounting
could be identified into three components, namely information system ‘‘language of
business’’ and source of financial information ( Wilkinson, 1995:6-7).Secondly,
Information is available data processed that provides basis for making decisions, taking
action and fulfilling legal obligation. Finally, system is an integrated entity where the
frame work is focused on a set of objectives ( Watts, 1999).
Accounting is the service function that seeks to provide the users with quantitative
information on the other hand, AIS is an information system that is designed to make the
accomplishment of accounting function possible. AIS process data and transactions to
provide users with the information they need to plan control, and operate their business
( Saira et Al., 2010).
1.2 Statement of the problem
The main purpose of accounting is to provide financial information to be used for
decision making. For instance, business executives and managers need the financial
information provided by the accounting system to help them to plan, control and evaluate
business operations. Outsiders such as bankers, potential investors and labor unions and
other also need accounting information. (Plunkett: 1986)
According to USAID, 2006 Accounting Information System is useful if it has a potential
for making administrative decision otherwise it misleads the users idea and also it lead
them to decide wrong decision and that may be the cause for bankruptcy or loss of the
organization. In most business organizations this problem is visible especially; they do
not utilize AIS as a tool for the administration purposes. Besides, they have no proper
AIS which help to improve the administrative quality of the organization. The research
gap which makes the research different from the other research is: based on objective,
statement of the problem, and scope of the study it differs from the other. The objective
of this study is to assess the Accounting Information System of Awash International Bank
at specific place which is called Assosa branch. The prevailing problem is; most business
organizations do not use accounting information system for administrative decision
because of this the users ideas are misleading and managers are deciding wrong decision.
(Saira et Al, 2010).This is causing bankruptcy or loss in the organizations. Since the
objective is examining Accounting Information System of Awash International Bank at
specific place in Assosa branch, it can never be exactly the same with others.
Did Awash International Bank use AIS effectively for administrative decisions?
What is the role of AIS in Awash International Bank?
Is a knowledge gap exists on the use of AIS between different levels of
management in Bank?
What is the relationship between AIS and quality of administrative in Awash
International Bank?
1.4 Objectives of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
The success of every study greatly depends on the availability of resource with
conductive environment. However some of the limiting factors that the researchers faced
up while conducting this research paper were the following. .
1. The unwillingness of the respondents to give information.
2. Lack of sufficient written document about accounting information system and its
impact on administration.
3. Time and financial constraints.
Chapter Two
2. Literature Review
Accounting Information System (AIS) as one of the most critical systems in the
organization has also changed its way of capturing, processing, storing and distributing
information. Nowadays, more and more digital and online information is utilized in the
accounting information systems. Organization need to take an action, which put such
systems at the forefront, and consider both the system and the human related factors
while managing their accounting information systems. In managing an organization and
implementing an internal control system, the role of accounting information system (AIS)
is crucial (Asse, 2007).
records with the ultimate preparation of statements, it gives less room for errors.
Moreover, many AIS have a built in means of mistakes reduction all the information is
compiled in an automated way. The communications are all electronic hence there are
minimal instances of mistakes. In addition to this the process takes less time with your
work being more efficient than before. On the other hand, the cost of the execution of an
AIS may be high however, the advantages that it promises in the long run out weights the
cost incurred. AIS provide all the equipment that is needed to keep track of one’s
financial proceedings together the data about one’s clients and dealers.
The main objective of this structure is to endow he companies with their financial status
and capabilities. Here this can assist the managers to highlight and recognize the variation
in their business. Besides this in order to decide as to whether a particular company needs
an AIS and what type is required is that key information that a user has to find out by
through scrutiny of all the accounting procedures and the assessment of the nature of
dealings. Only then one can conclude an all the clear cur necessities of an AIS of any
company (O, Brien, 2004).
2.5. Management concepts and their effects an Accounting Information System.
2.5.4. Accounting Information System role in achieving operational goals
The AIS’s major contribution to the company’s top management non-operational goals is
the development of long range as well as short range operational budgets. Because
budgets affect all organizational sub systems, the accountants must communicate with
each subsystems employees and seek their participation in planning, implementing and
controlling the budgetary system (Murphy and Katharine 2002).
Despite of some authors who postulate that the direction of the cause effect relations hops
only those companies achieve a high performance when they can afford the
implementation of certain technological developments. Other indicates that firms
performance drops just after the implementation taking several years to realize the
entities from IT adoptions. There are several study work which, in the widest sense, have
studied relationships between performance indicators and IT, and how IT impact on firm
performance achieving inconclusive results (Plunkett;1986)
There are studies which obtain a positive relationship between investment in IT and
economic profitability, financial profitability and value added. Other study shows that no
clear relationship exists between this type of investment and the performance indicators.
Their authors argue that currently, it is readily available and using them gives no
competitive advantage for achieving improved results. Similarly, they maintain that many
firms have invested in IT but they do not succeed in attaining the established performance
goals. Although study on the IT performance ratio is more abundant in large sized firms,
the analysis a of the impact an small sized ones becomes particularly important because
investment in these technologies may give them a competitive advantage and the chance
to position themselves to achieve better results since they are more flexible and have
better response capability (Borthick and Clark,1990).
In Spain, in most sectors there is a generalized opinion that using information
technologies has been decisive in expanding the business market and in saving
commercial management cost. Give that AIS are a basic component derived from
technologies in general the main issue is whether applying Accounting Information
System contributes to firms improving their results(Plunkett;1986).
make decisions which are in agreement with their organizations goals performance is one
of the most important constructs in managing research ( Richard, Devinney and Yip,
2.10. Information Interdependence
Information Interdependence is defined as the required information sharing between pairs
of organizational functions that are supported by AIS applications. Applications in AIS
were identified by a large. Scale study in the United States to relate to the following four
areas (a) accounting (b) procurement, (c) shipping /distribution, and (d) reporting/
budgeting. These areas encompass a set of interacting activities that share financial
information processed by AIS. Prior accounting studies have used a single item to
measure task interdependence or a dichotomous measure of work flow inter dependence,
where interdependence was measured as the extent of resource sharing among
organizational sub units. The present approach directly relates interdependence to
requirements for organizational coordination and control that are relevant to the design of
AIS(Romney 2003).
Chapter Three
3. Research Design and Methodology
3.5. method of data collection
From the various data collection instruments the researchers have used the primary data
collection used both open and close ended questioners, interviews to gather relevant
information from employees work in Awash International bank of Assosa branch.
Chapter four
4. Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the brief description of Awash international bank accounting
information system contribution in the effective administrative decision of the
organization. Data analysis and interpretation is also included in this chapter. The
analysis based on data collected form documents on Awash International bank and form
primary data collected by questionnaires and by holding interviews with staff at various
management and with finance department whose day to day activities mainly concerned
with accounting information system and uses it directly in the management activity so
that conclusion could be drawn based on the findings.
Questionnaires were distribution to (15) employees of Awash International bank who has
direct work relationship with management and finance department and all respondents
have completed and submitted the questionnaires. Thus, the methods used to collect the
data have enabled to get reliable information about the study area.
The educational background distributions of the respondents show that most of the
respondents have educational qualification of BA degree and some of them are diploma
The positions share by respondents constitutes 13.4% of account clerk, Internal Auditors
20%, cashier 20%, manager 13.3%, and 33.3% tellers. This has an advantage to study in
that it is mainly taller who involved in the use of accounting information system in the
routine activity of Awash International bank. As far as the distribution of service year of
respondents’ is concerned, most of the respondents’ stayed in organization from 4-7 years
and some of them, are also stayed from 1-3 years, because of the organization
established after military government down fall, so that most respondents’ did not stayed
for long years.
Table 2: This section present respondent’s attitude towards the awareness of Awash
International bank management about the use and implementation of AIS
Question 4, how is the awareness of Awash International bank Respondent
management about the use and implementation of accounting information No %
Table 3: This part exhibits respondents’ attitude towards the use of AIS for administrative
Questions5, do you believe that accounting Respondent
information system is used by Awash No %
International bank effectively for
administrative decisions?
As the annual report indicate, Awash International bank profit is increasing from the start
of its establishment, the probably results from effective administrative decisions using of
Table 4: Respondents opinion about the effect of AIS on the effectively decisions of their
Question 7, in your opinion how do you evaluate the effect of Respondent
accounting information system on quality of decision of your No %
Yes 15 100%
No 0 0
Total 15 100%
Source: Survey, 2018
Answer: All of the respondents confirm that the contribution of AIS for attainment of
organization objectives, the table will head use to, AIS is one of essential component of
organizations in order to achieve organizational objectives.
Table 6: This part shows respondents attitude towards the role of AIS in Awash
international bank administration.
Table 7: Respondents attitude towards the existence of knowledge gap between different
levels of management in awash international bank
Question 10, Does knowledge gap exist between different levels of Responden
management in Awash international bank? t
No %
Yes 10 66.7%
No 2 13.3%
Don’t know 3 20%
Total 15 100%
Source: from bank employees, 2018
The majority of respondents, to the extent 66.7% confirm that there is a knowledge gap
between different levels of management and 13.3% of the respondents do not agree in the
existence. Therefore, this is shows a knowledge gap existence between different level of
management of the organization.
Table 8: this part exhibits respondent’s attitude towards the standard services provided by
AIS and its contribution in the administration process over the past years.
Question 11, How do you rate the standard service provided by AIS over Responden
the past years? t
No %
Answer: above 46.7% of the respondent know the standard services provided by
accounting information system have shown improvement and 20% of the respondents
understand that the contribution made by AIS over the last years have little improved.
From the above table 8 the roles of AIS in providing the standard services are showing
improvement from time to time. As assistance of AIS in decision making is now widely
spread, it also helps the management of Awash international bank in order to increase
income efficiency effectiveness and enabling frequent data processing for its decision
making strategy.
Table 9: Respondents answer for questions regarding strategic positions and AIS
helpfulness in achieving this position
Question 12, what strategic positions is Awash International bank Responden
pursuing? t
No %
From the above table 9:- 53.3% of the respondents said that the organizations
management is pursuing a variety based strategic position and 26.7% answered that the
management of Awash international bank, is following need based. As it can be observed
the majority of the respondents replied the management of Awash international bank is
pursuing variety based strategic position. A variety based strategic position involves
producing providing subset of the industries products or services. Here it should be bear
in mind that Awash international bank is offering multi-channel banking that is providing
via on ATM, through the internet, or over the phone, visa card, gift card, payroll card and
debit card this shows that is using variety based strategy.
From the second question table 9 – above 66.6% of the respondents replied that the AIS
plays an essential role or very much help full in helping achievement of the strategic
position. So that AIS is crucial for the achievement of strategic position of an
Table 10 what is accounting information system problems existed in Awash international
Question 14, if there is a problem, what is accounting Respo Percent
information system problems existed in Awash ndents ages
international bank?
Inconsistence 1 6.7%
Total 15 100%
Source: Survey, 2018
Based up on the above table there is some problem existed in the organization which is
accounting information system related. Most of the respondents or 46.7% of them said
that delay in communication of the information between each department or from
manager to employee and 33.3% of them also says that there is also delay in processing
of the information. The problem of miss understanding is not there because of all related
department work interpreted using one IT serve which every organization information
Question 15, Is there any problems existed in Respondents
implementing accounting information system
in Awash international bank?
No %
2 13.3
No 11 73.4
Don’t know 2 13.3
Total 15 100%
Source: Survey, 2018
The majority of respondent 73.4% there is no problem exist in implementing accounting
information system in AIB and 13.3% the problem existed implementing accounting
information system. Therefore, it shows that a little problem implementing accounting
information system in AIB.
to make valuable discussion on study. The following are essential points that gathered
through the interviews.
1. The components parts of Awash international bank AIS. The main component part of
Awash international bank of Assosa branch that is they are using is flexible software.
Flex cube software enables the bank to simplify the processes, track and quickly
manage complex transactions, identify bottlenecks and improve customer service
There is benefit of flexible software such as:-
Sustain growth and ensure continuous improvement
Achieve a rapid return on investment, ability and ownership
Reduce the cost and time implementation with reliable methodology, standards
and best practices
2. The main inputs of awash international bank. The main inputs of AIS Awash
international bank is transaction such as: Foreign transaction, ATN tractions
purchase, deposit, withdrawals, salary payment, maintenance closing entry.
3. In the Awash international bank all related department work interpreted using one IT
serve which every organization information settled so the possibility for
misunderstanding is less.
Chapter five
5. Conclusion and recommendation
From the research the finding and from review of related literature the following
conclusions and recommendations are forwarded by taking the objective of the research
under consideration.
5.1. Conclusion
A vital role of the AIS is to supply internal decision makers with information that
relevant to their needs. The AIS major contribution to the organizations is its
helpfulness for administrative decisions.
Accounting information system is vital to all organization in decision making,
management reporting, sharing knowledge, in improving efficiency, in improving
transaction processing and so on. Every organization either profit or nonprofit
oriented need to maintain the AIS.
The accounting information systems major contribution to the company top
management objectives is the development of long-range as well as short-range
operational budgets. So that AIS is main tool for the achievement of
organizational objectives.
In our case, there is a knowledge gap on the use of AIS between different levels of
The quality of decisions in organizations is highly affected by AIS which in turn
affect the administration, in our case; AIS increased the quality of decision.
5.2 Recommendation
Based on the findings, in order to avoid or possibly reduce the problem existing in
accounting information system and its impact on administrative decision some
recommendations can be suggested like:
Awash international bank should check the information disperse in the
company in order to minimize the knowledge gap.
To increase the awareness of the management about AIS, Awash international
bank should provide training and technical support.
In order to provide good quality of decision Awash international bank should
increase the performance of AIS. For example by introducing latest AIS
Awash international bank should update and revised its AIS in order to be
competitive in the sector.
Effective communication and information flow is important for a good
accounting system, and the bank should provide communication channels
between top and lower levels of management regarding long and short term
objectives and the practical problems of implementing those objectives.
Co-ordination from the top management will ensure proper interpretation and
implementation of the accounting information in decision-making. Therefore,
I recommend that every personnel should know where he or she belongs in the
entire organization and also see him or herself as part of the corporate whole.
These individuals must take part in decision-making process, at least at the
functional levels.
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The purpose of questionnaire is to collect data and information on the impact of
accounting information system on administrative decision of Awash International
bank for the requirement of bachelor degree in accounting and finance.
Please use a () mark in the appropriate box to indicate the answer
Please write a short and precise answer for open ended questions
Multiple selection is possible among the choices
1. Educational background
Diploma BA degree MA degree
Other please specify ___________
2. How long have you been Awash international bank
1-3 4-7 8-11 Above 12 years
3. Current position __________________________________
4. How is the awareness of awash international bank management about the use and
implementation of accounting information system?
High award Award Less award No opinion
5. Do you believe that accounting information system is used by Awash international
bank effectively for administrative decisions?
Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
6. How helpful has accounting information system to your business in administrative
Very much help Helpful Not helpful No opinion
7. In your opinion, how do you evaluate the effect of accounting information system on
the quality of decision of your organization?
Increase the quality Not change its quality
Decreased the quality Not sure
8. Does accounting information system contribute for the attainment of your
organization objectives?
Yes No
9. What is the role of accounting information system in Awash international bank
Improved decision making improved efficiency
Improved management reporting improved transactions processing
In sharing of knowledge in all of the above
10. Does knowledge gap exist between different levels of management in Awash
international bank?
Yes No Don’t know
11. How do you rate the standard services provided by accounting information system
over the past years
Have improved Have Improved a little
Have deteriorated Do not know Have not change
12. What strategic positions is Awash international bank pursuing?
A variety based A need based An access based
13. How help full has accounting information system to achieve this position?
Very much helpful Helpful Not helpful No opinion
14. If there is a problem, what is accounting information system problems existed in
Awash international bank?
Delay in process Delay in communication
Data redundancy In consistency
Misunderstanding Other, please specify _______________________
15. Is there any problems existed in implementing accounting information system in
Awash international bank?
Yes No I don’t know
16. If you have any other comment __________________________________________
Thank You!!
1. What are the component parts of Awash international bank accounting information
2. What are the main inputs of accounting information system of Awash international
3. Did accounting information system help strength your business skills in the last
years? Yes/No
4. Are all related departments of the organization work integrated using accounting
information system?
5. What benefit you get from the use of AIS? In case of record keeping, decision making
and performance evaluation etc?
6. Has AIS been a source of conflict during the last years? Yes/No, if yes in what way
do you explain.
7. Did AIS help your organizations in achieving its goals? Yes/No
8. Did AIS help your organization for administrative decision? Yes/No, if yes in what
9. Has AIS been a source of new anxieties during the last years? Yes/No
10. Does in general AIS have effect or impact on the management or administration of
your organization? If yes, please describe.
11. If you have any other comment?