Assessment of Budgetary Performance-33
Assessment of Budgetary Performance-33
Assessment of Budgetary Performance-33
APRIL 2015
Title Page
1. Table of Content ------------------------------------------------------I
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study ---------------------------------------1
1.2 Statement of the problem --------------------------------------3
1.3 Objective of the study--------------------------------------------4
1.3.1 General Objective---------------------------------------------4
1.3.2 Specific Objective----------------------------------------------4
1.4 Significance and Scope-------------------------------------------5
1.4.1 Significance of the study-------------------------------------5
1.4.2 Scope of the study--------------------------------------------5
1.5 Limitation of the study-------------------------------------------6
1.6 Methodology -------------------------------------------------------7
1.6.1. Source of data-----------------------------------------------7 Primary data-----------------------------------------7 Secondary data--------------------------------------7
1.7. Sampling techniques-----------------------------------------------7
1.8. Method of data analysis -------------------------------------------8
References ----------------------------------------------------------10
1.1 Background of the study
Budget is a predetermined statement of management policy during a given
period, which provides a standard for comparison with results actually
achieved (Brown and Haward 8th edition). Write here budgetary performance of
the organization against many problems such as budget deficit, unequal
distribution of budget, etc. Hence, there should be an inviting effort to
minimize budget deficit (Chandra 1998 in page 205). This study attempts to
give a good answer for why budgetary performance are assess on the
organization and why budgetary performance are needed to the office.
Most of the time budget deficit should be controlled by finance office and by
periodical performance of the office. However, taking this case into account
there is a gap created within the office system which affect the goal of the
The study will be focus to show the solution of budgetary performance, deficit
and how to assess or utilize the budget to the office. The objective of the study
is to assess the budgetary performance in Dubti woreda finance and economy
development office. If they are good position it is better to keep on, if not to
reduce them try to manage it.
The budget at the right place supports the governmental objectives. Office
performance is similar in all governmental finance offices and all need
adequate budgetary performance management, Assessment of budgetary
performance will be consistent with the finance office to utilize the planned
1.2 Statement of the problem
The office always prepare annual budget for the current year activities by
designed budget proposal and its active implementation of objectives.
Budget is one of the techniques used to control the organization activity and it
is also quantitative expression for set of time period and a proposed future plan
of action by management (Habtamu M.2011, p-9)
Budget is the formal expression of the plan and objective of management to the
organization which covers all phases of operations for a specific period of time.
(Habtamu m, 2011:p-16)
The researcher can raise the following question that will be answer in this
course of study.
What are the factors that affect budgetary performance of the office?
How to assesse budget utilization on Dubti woreda finance office?
Why budgetary performance is necessary?
What means the office use to prepare good budget system?
1.3 Objective of the study
1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of the study will be the assessment of budgetary
performance in case study of Dubti woreda finance office.
This study will help the office to have a good budgetary practice and to
properly budget the available resources and to effectively implement it. In
addition to this study will be use to provide ground line information for the
office about its budgetary performance, which is very help full for the office
advancement to provide a better service.
The study will helps to examine about the factor affecting budgetary
performance in the organization and create awareness to the office about
budget utilization and implementation, which requires improvement.
Furthermore, it will helps to identify ways and means by which the office
budgetary performance is improved to the best level expectation, in addition to
the above the following play a great role to avoid the problem of budgetary
performance for the future society
This study will Initiate the employees to undertake a great measure over the
problems concerning budgetary performance.
To come up with effective and better study, it was better if the study will be
conduct on over all office performance as compare with other similar offices
performance but due to the financial and other constraints this study will
conduct only in Dubti woreda finance there fore the study will be limit to the
1.5 Limitation of the study
In doing this research paper, the researcher may face the following problems.
- During data collection some respondent may not be willing to give information
and there may be lack of sufficient materials from the expect office and also
there may be the time and financial constrains
1.6.1 Source of data
To collect the necessary data the researcher will use both primary and
secondary source of data.
budgetary performance, like reference book, magazines, by using
internet and the office budget report document.
The research, therefore, focus on the employee of the office by using simple
random sampling techniques to acquire the necessary information and to make
clear investigation for the current research. The total population of the study
will be include 28 employees out of the total, the researcher will study only
fourteen (14) or fifty percent (50%) randomly will select employees taking this
in to account on factors it will found necessary to use personal judgment.