Enhancement of Boiling Heat Transfer Performance Using Nano Coating - A Review

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Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid

Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Journal homepage: www.akademiabaru.com/arfmts.html
ISSN: 2289-7879

Enhancement of Boiling Heat Transfer Performance Using Open

Nano Coating - A Review
Ashish Mogra1,*, Pankaj Kumar Pandey2, Krishna Kumar Gupta3

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, MPSTME, SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Shirpur Campus,
Maharashtra 425405, India
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, AMITY University Jaipur, Rajasthan 302006, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MPSTME, SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Shirpur Campus,
Maharashtra 425405, India


Article history: In various engineering as well as non-engineering i.e. in our daily lives boiling
Received 29 January 2020 phenomenon is using. Boiling heat transfer is a systematic and essential mechanism
Received in revised form 1 March 2020 for transfer of thermal energy form one surface to the relatively lower temperature
Accepted 9 March 2020 surface. The phenomenon of boiling heat transfer is being applied in many industrial
Available online 30 April 2020
fields to require for maximization of the critical heat flux. Objective of this present
paper is to present the effect of surface coating on heat transfer coefficient and critical
heat flux in pool and flow boiling phenomenon. Present paper includes summary of
existing work on heat transfer enhancement techniques using nano coating. Effect of
surface wettability and nanoparticle deposition has been discussed.
Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC); Critical
Heat Flux (CHF); nano coating;
nanoparticle; wettability Copyright © 2020 PENERBIT AKADEMIA BARU - All rights reserved

1. Introduction

Some of the application in which boiling heat transfer involve are power plants for generation of
energy, electronic chip cooling, refrigeration and air conditioning, food processing industries,
manufacturing automobile sector, microelectromechanical and microfluidic system, atomic or fusion
reactor, marine ship power generation, heat exchanger for internal combustion engine, thermal
management of batteries, heat pipes, desalination and so on. Boiling is a process in which
vaporization takes place at solid and liquid interface, when the temperature of heater surface
exceeds the saturations temperature of liquid. Boiling phenomenon can be classified in two ways,
pool boiling and flow boiling. In pool boiling process, phase change occurs from liquid to vapor when
a liquid receives heat from the heated surface and converted into the form of vapor with the help of
bubble. Clear understanding of the bubble dynamics including formation, growth and detachment

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Ashish Mogra)


Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

mechanism of bubble from the heated surface required before applied on any engineering
The parameters of bubble dynamics such as bubble nucleation site density, bubble departure
diameter and frequency and waiting time for bubble are need to investigate for boiling heat transfer.
The boiling heat transfer can be determined from various developed correlation based on bubble
dynamic parameters [1-4].
There are mainly two important parameters or factors which are directly related with boiling
phenomenon known as Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC) and Critical Heat Flux (CHF). Heat transfer
coefficient indicates the performance efficiency and measure the heat transfer force. The critical heat
flux represents the thermal limits of the heat flux which is available due to formation of vapor blanket
over the heated surface. Critical heat flux is an important and crucial issue in boiling heat transfer.
Critical heat flux is also called as a boiling crisis or dries out. In many sections such as refrigeration
and air conditioning, cooling system, synthetic building and power plants heat transfer plays an
important part. To make system more capable and work safely, determination and enhancement of
heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux is essential. Enhancement in heat transfer coefficient
and critical heat flux significantly decreased the energy consumption [7,8].
During the flow boiling, fluid is forced to flow. In flow boiling all the phases flow simultaneously
in a confined channel such as vapor and liquid in a pipe. Flow boiling occurs when convective heat
transfer introduced by the help of a pump and it has flexibility of orientation. The flow boiling is an
effective way for heat transfer mechanism. Although, with comparison of pool boiling the flow boiling
process is affected additional by various factors such as mass flux and vapor quality of fluid.
Meanwhile, the presence of pump also creates complexity in the system which leads to the loss of
power due to pressure drop. In analysis of flow boiling, consideration of pumping system required
which affect the cost and size of the pumping system [5,6].
Heat transfer can be defined as the thermo physical phenomenon which involved conversion of
energy, its utilization in other forms and in recovery process. Enhancement of heat transfer required
physical as well as chemical involvement in the system. Applying the physical improvements in the
heat transfer system resulting in decrement in size and reducing the pumping power. Further
developments in this area would potentially lead in to the enhancement in overall energy efficiency
and reduction in size and cost of the operating system. The main advantage of boiling is the
transformation of large amount of heat energy within a stipulated time and given volume through
the phase change process.
Various techniques are available in literature for enhancement of heat transfer performance that
can be classified as active, passive and compound techniques as shown in Figure 1. Active techniques
involve the use of various external powers for enhancement of heat transfer performance, while
passive technique does not depend upon any source of power. On the other hand, compound
techniques, consider as a combination of both active and passive techniques. There is no any moving
part in passive technique so it showed more reliability over the active technique [11].

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

Fig. 1. Categorization of various techniques for heat transfer enhancement [16]

In Passive technique, treated surface showed more potential in recent years due to its
applicability for improvement in heat transfer performance. Treated surface generally deal with
modification of the surface structure or coating of various functionalized material at micro to Nano
scale. However, micro-Nano scale surface modification are normally used for two phase process like
boiling, condensation and freezing, but they are also found useful for single phase flow or single-
phase heat transfer process [12-14].
Working fluid and solid surfaces are the two main available variables for enhancement of boiling
heat transfer. Many time, modification of working fluid is not feasible due to restriction of various
industrial application such as, steam power generation, water desalination etc. Therefore,
modification on surface remains a key factor. So, here the modification of surface like surface
roughening, surface coating comes into the picture for enhancement of heat transfer performance.
In most of the industrial application, boiling is considered as a surface phenomenon, which depends
upon the surface characterization. The surface characterization includes roughness, porosity,
permeability and surface wettability.
In nucleate boiling phenomenon, bubble growth, nucleation site density, bubble departure
diameter, bubble departure frequency is strongly influenced by topology and morphology of the
surface. For specific application micro and Nano coating provides an effective solution with
optimizing different surface parameters. As compared to other passive method, surface coating
technique is simple, easy for selection on material and in geometry and quite functional to existing
system [15,16].

2. Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nano Coating

In this section the contributions of various researchers which are already done on relevant field
have been described. Basically, the literature review is organization, arranging and critically examined
the work on the relevant field of research. The main objective of this literature review is to clear
everything about the existing study or to differentiate between what is known and what needs to

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

know. This review is carried out due to rapid application of boiling phenomenon in various industrial
applications, for clear understanding of the mechanism of bubble dynamics, technique for
enhancement of heat transfer performance including heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux.
The scope of this research is focus on passive technique especially surface modification technique
i.e. coating of material on heater in boiling phenomenon.
The present literature review is basically a collection of the experiment work that has been done
on boiling phenomenon including pool and flow boiling. In present literature review the effect of
surface characterization and deposition of Nanoparticle on heated surface has also been considered.

2.1 Surface Coating for Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement

Almost 10 years before, You et al., [17] found notable enhancement in critical heat flux during
the pool boiling. Working fluid was water and concentration of Al 2O3 nano- particle less than 0.01
vol% was considered. Subsequently the research on nano particle coated surface for enhancement
of boiling heat transfer was performed. Cieslinski [18] investigated the different process parameters
of porous coating that affect the rate of heat transfer. It was found that surface with deposited metal
particle have higher heat transfer coefficient as compared to plain surface at the same heat flux.
Li and Peterson [21] performed number of experiments to investigate the effects of geometric
dimension on performance and characteristics of pool boiling. The geometric dimensions include
thickness of coating, volumetric porosity, pore size and condition of porous surface coating. They find
out the dependency of geometric parameters (i.e. thickness, volumetric porosity and mesh size) of
the porous coating on boiling characteristics and overall performance of boiling, while pressure and
size of heater held constant. Hendricks et al., [22] observed higher CHF value up to 85.2 W/cm2 when
ZnO coated on Al surface as compared with bare al surface which was about 23 W/cm 2. They also
found higher value of CHF up to 63.5 W/cm2 for ZnO on Cu with flower morphology. Feng et al., [23]
performed experiments to enhance the critical heat flux and heat transfer coefficient on alumina
coated platinum wire. It was found that CHF increased as the thickness of coating increases. The
reason for enhancement in critical heat flux was super wetting property of amorphous alumina
coating which increased the liquid film thickness and significantly enhanced the rewetting of the hot
spot. Sakashita [24] study revealed that critical heat flux of boiling of water on coated by TiO 2 surface
increased 1.8 times as compared with uncoated surface. The cause of critical heat flux enhancement
was due to formation of macro layers of TiO2 which are thicker as compared to uncoated surface.
Das and Swapan [25] found maximum heat transfer enhancement and coating thickness ranging
from 29.6 to 80.3% and 100 to 300 nm respectively for TiO2 coated surface as compared to untreated
surfaces. This was due to hydrophilic surface. There was also observed the reduction of 40.3% for
thickest surface i.e. 300 nm at lower heat flux. Das and Swapan [26] performed experiments on pool
boiling to determine the effect of coating thickness and surface roughness. Three types of test surface
are used namely, untreated, polished and Nanoparticle coated surface. They found increment of heat
transfer coefficient of 60.2, 29.6 and 11.5% for TiO2 Nano coated surface with roughness in the range
of 0.289, 0.173 and 0.0338 micrometer respectively. They also concluded that heat transfer
coefficient (HTC) increases as the coating thickness increased. Jun et al., [27] conducted experiment
and three regimes have been found namely, microporous, microporous to porous transition and
porous. The nucleate boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux increased as the coating thickness
increases in first regime. In second regimes the nucleate boiling heat transfer further increased at
minimum heat flux but as the heat flux and coating thickness increases it gets reduced. While the
critical heat flux continues increases as the thickness increased.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

Table 1
Summary of pool boiling heat transfer performance with coated surface
References Coating Material Base Working Orientation Coating Enhancement
Surface Fluid Thickness with compare to
plain surface
(HTC and CHF)
Chang and Diamond Copper FC-72 Horizontal HTC increases
You [19]
Kim et al., Diamond Copper FC-72 Horizontal HTC increased
Cieśliński [18] Al, Cu, Mo, Brass Stainless de- Horizontal HTC and CHF
steel mineralized increased
Hendricks et ZnO Al and Cu De-ionized Horizontal 82.5 W/cm2 (on
al., [22] water coated)23.2
W/cm2 (non
Feng et al., Amonina platinum De-ionized Horizontal 20 nm. HTC and CHF
[23] (Pt) micro water increased
Sakashita [24] TiO2 Nano particle water Horizontal HTC increased
1.8 times
Das and TiO2 copper Distilled Horizontal 100, 200 29.6 to 80.3%
Swapan [25] water and 300
Han Seo et graphene and indium tin FC-72 Horizontal 58% and 90%
al., [31] silicon carbide oxide
Sung-Seek MWCNT and GO Copper distilled horizontal 300 HTC and CHF
Park et al., water upward to micrometer increased
[32] horizontal
Gwang Hyeok SWCNT stainless water 290 – 1800 51%
Seo et al., steel grade nm
[33] 316
Das and TiO2 Nano particle Copper water Horizontal 300 nm 11.5%
Swapan [26]
Dharmendra CNT and Copper de- Vertical 38%
[29] intermediate layer mineralized
of diamond water
Seongchul high-temperature, copper Distilled Horizontal 49 to 283 50%
Jun et al., thermally water micro
[27] conductive, meter
coating (HTCMC)
Seunghyeon polyethylenimine stainless Distilled Horizontal 47 % to 91%.
Lee et al., (PEI)-multi-walled steel water
[28] carbon Nanotube (SS316)
Gheitaghy et Copper Copper water Horizontal Horizontal
al., [34] surface

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

Ray et al., TiO2 copper R-134a Horizontal 100 nm 36.91% and

[30] and 200 44.93%
Ray and TiO2 copper hydro- Horizontal 100, 200 87.5%
Swapan [35] fluorocarbon and 300
refrigerant R- nm thick
Joseph et al., CuO SS 316 LN water Horizontal 77-158 30%
[36] stainless micro
steel meter
Kumar et al., Gr/CNTs copper FC-72 Horizontal 155% and 40%
[37] heterostructures
Gupta and Cu-TiO2 Copper De-ionized Horizontal 13 273% and 72.5%
Misra [38] water micrometer
to 45
Meikandan et MWCNT Copper water Horizontal 2 24.2%
al., [39] micrometer

In the last regime i.e. porous, when the coating thickness increases the nucleate boiling heat
transfer and critical heat flux decreased. The magnitude of nucleate boiling heat transfer was found
nearer to 350 kW/m2K at coating thickness of 96 micrometer. The magnitude of maximum critical
heat flux was close to 2.1MW/m2 at 225 micrometer thickness. Lee et al., [28] found that heat
transfer coefficient depends upon the layer of coating material. It is found that 20 bi—layers of PET-
MWCTs coating showed the best heat transfer performance as compared to 40 bi-layers which
showed the lowest heat transfer performance. It has been concluded from the experiments that
there at an optimized number of layer one can get the enhancement in heat transfer performance.
CFH increased as the number of layer increases from 10 bi layers to 40 bi layers. It has been also
found that CHF increased up to 147%, from 912 to 1534 kW/m2.
Dharmendra et al., [29] developed a layer of diamond between CNT coating and copper surface
which provide dual benefit. Firstly, it gives the bonding strength between CNT coating and copper
surface and secondly it reduces the intermediate resistance between both the materials. As the
intermediate resistance decreased the rate of heat transfer increased by keeping the constant
temperature between the top surface and tip of the film. Surface roughness also plays an important
role for enhancement of heat transfer. As the surface roughness increases, the effective surface area
increased which in turn increased the rate of heat transfer. Ray et al., [30] conducted experiment to
investigate the heat transfer performance for pool boiling phenomenon for environmentally friendly
refrigerant R134a as a working fluid. They found highest enhancement of heat transfer coefficient
for the TiO2 coated surface of 36.91% and 44.93% on 100 nm and 200 nm respectively, over the
uncoated surface. Therefore, it can be concluded that as the thickness of coating increases the heat
transfer performance increased.

2.2 Surface Coating for Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement

Ammerman [40] examined the effects of flow velocity, inlet sub cooling, and surface coating on
heat transfer and pressure drop. They concluded that Critical Heat Flux (CHF) increased in the range
of 14 to 36% by using coating. Due to the sub cooling the vapor generated condensed quickly which
showed minor impacts on pressure drop.
Khanikar et al., [41] performed experiments on flow boiling phenomenon using coating of CNT
on surface of copper microchannel. They used water as working fluid. They found enhancement of

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

critical heat flux and boiling heat transfer coefficient. They developed monolithic
micro/Nanofabrication process to produce the silicon nanowire coated microchannel. They conduct
flow boiling heat transfer experiments for performance comparison of coated and uncoated surface
of microchannel.
Khanikar et al., [41] investigated the benefits of coating of CNT on bottom wall of the rectangular
microchannel for enhancement of heat transfer. They observed many similarities for the bare and
CNT coated surfaces which required for the boiling. It was found that boiling is always started from
the downstream region of the microchannel. The critical heat flux precipitate due to backflow into
the upstream, which in turn creates a dry out condition for the heated surface. Phan et al., [42]
performed experiments to determine the effects of surface wettability on the flow boiling heat
transfer. They found significance enhancement in heat transfer coefficient up to the 85% as
compared with smooth surface. They concluded that when the quality of vapor increases the heat
transfer first increased and then decreased. Singh et al., [43] performed experiments to compare the
effect of MWCNT coated on silicon substrate with other bare silicon surface. It was concluded that
the heat flux enhanced in the range of 30 to 80% during the fully developed nucleate flow boiling
regime. It was also observed that the level of heat transfer enhancement was maximum at minimum
values of sub cooling and flow rates.
Li et al., [44] found significantly enhancement in flow boiling heat transfer, including advanced
onset nucleate boiling (ONB), conquer oscillating amplitude of temperature and pressure drop, and
delayed in onset of flow oscillation when using coated with silicon Nanowires microchannel. Morshed
et al., [45] performed experiments on single and two phase flow boiling on rectangular microchannel
coated with copper Nanowires. They compared the convective heat transfer performance with bare
and coated surface. The enhancement of 25.2% and 23.5% for a mass velocity of 45.95 kg/m2s and
143.79 kg/m2s respectively was observed for coated Nanowires. Copper Nanowires significantly
enhanced the boiling performance. They also found experimentally that coated copper Nanowires
surface is more efficient at lower degree of sub-cooling.
Dawidowicz and Cieśliński [46] conducted experiments for determination the application of
porous coating in flow boiling phenomenon using pure and mixed refrigerant as a working fluid. They
found higher average heat transfer coefficient and low pressure drop for porous coated surface as
compared with smooth tube with the same mass flow velocity. They also proposed a correlation for
calculation of average heat transfer coefficient in flow boiling with porous coated surface.
Kousalya et al., [47] demonstrated improvement of heat transfer performance in flow boiling
from CNT coated copper surface which exposed to low intensity ultraviolet (UV) visible excitation.
They found that as compared to non-coated surface reduction of average minimum boiling
temperature up to 4.60C and enhancement of heat transfer coefficient by 41.5%. This enhancement
occurs due to augmentation of hydrophilicity for exposure of UV light and possibility of Nanoscale up
to thermal effects. Morshed et al., [48] examined the effect of Cu-Al2O3 nano composites coating on
heat transfer performance and its prospective use in various heat transfer equipment’s which can
operate in corrosive environment. They coated bottom surface of the rectangular microchannel. It
has been observed that enhancement of heat transfer rate in single phase flow was higher as
compared to two phase regimes. The enhancement was up to the range of 30% to 120%, with an
additional pressure drop of 15%. The enhancement also depends upon the flow rate and surface
temperature. Critical heat flux also has been improved by 35% to 55% for coated surface.
Sujith Kumar et al., [49] investigated the effects of alumina coating on the copper surface for the
flow boiling heat transfer. They observed higher enhancement of 28.3% in wall super heat flux using
alumina coated as compared to the bare copper sample at a lower mass flux of 88kg/m 2s. This was
mainly due to enhancement of area and reduction in local pumping action of the surface. Seo et al.,

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

[50] performed experiments for enhancement of heat transfer performance in flow boiling
phenomenon by taking R123 refrigerant as a working fluid and Al 2O3 nano particle. Experimental
result showed that by using the nano particle coated tube critical heat flux enhanced up to 17% at a
mass flux of 2400kg/m2s as compared to bare surface. Factor that was responsible for the
enhancement of heat transfer performance capillary action through porous structure, which
increased the wettability of the surface.

Table 2
Summary of flow boiling heat transfer performance with coated surface
Authors Types of Coating Base Working fluid Orientation Coating Enhancement
coating material surface Thickness with compare
to plain
surface (HTC
and CHF)
Ammerman Micro Diamond Silicon FC-87 Horizontal 14 to 36%
[40] porous Substrate
Khanikar et CNT copper Water Horizontal 54 to 60 nm HTC increased
al., [41]
Singh et al., MWCNT Silicon Demineralized Horizontal 15-30 30 to 80%
[43] wafers water micrometer
Phan et al., Nano and Titanium copper Demineralized Horizontal 3-4 85%
[42] micro- and water micrometer
surface PDMS
Dawidowicz porous ----- Stainless R22, R134a, Horizontal 55 HTC increased
and coating steel R407C micrometer
Kousalya et Nano CNT Copper Horizontal 41.5%.
al., [47] coating
Kumar et porous alumina copper Demineralized Horizontal 28.3%
al., [49] metal oxide water
Seo et al., Nano Al2O3 Stainless R1234yf Horizontal 17%
[50] coating steel
Kumar et composite Fe copper Demineralized Horizontal 19.9 to 21.3 44.11% and
al., [51] coatings doped- water micro 52.39%
Al2O3– meter
Kumar et hydrophilic ZnO- copper Demineralized Horizontal 2.96 to 26 44.6% and
al., [52] coating Al2O3 water micrometer 29.7%

Mancin et micro pure Copper R1234yf Horizontal 250%

al., [53] coating Copper
Gupta and microporous Cu-TiO2 copper Distilled water Horizontal 38 to 62 94% and 92%
Misra [54] coating micrometer

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

2.3 Deposition of Nanoparticle on The Surface

Form literature review it has been found that Nano particle after used deposited on the heated
surface and treated as a coated surface. But higher the deposition will lead to fouling phenomenon
which decreases the heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux. Some of the research has been
showed in present section.
Hegde et al., [55] performed experiments to investigate the effect of Nano coated surface on
enhancement of critical heat flux in pool boiling. They conducted experiments with CuO Nanofluid
and observed the enhancement of critical heat flux by 35.83 and 41.68% respectively at the
concentration of 0.1 and 0.5 g/l respectively as compared to bare surface. After performing rigorous
experiments on boiling in nano-fluid, the nanoparticle deposited surface was again tested with pure
water. In this way they observed the effect of deposition of nanoparticle, which was treated as a
surface coating. The critical heat flux was found increased by 29.38 and 37.53% at a concentration of
0.1 and 0.5 g/l respectively. It can be concluded that higher Nanoparticle concentration can increased
the critical heat flux with Nano coated surface as compared with uncoated surface. Hyungdae Kim et
al., [56] carried out experiments to identify the effect of nanoparticle deposited on heater surface
during the pool boiling. They used titanium (TiO2) nanoparticle in their research. They analyzed
different parameters which are responsible for deposition of nano particle including surface
wettability. They found that critical heat flux increased due to deposition of nano particle which act
as a nano coating. The enhancement in critical heat flux happened because as the nanoparticle
deposited on surface in the form of layer, the coating thickness increased which significantly induce
capillary flow of liquid toward to the dry area. During this process the condition of local dry out could
be delayed.
Hassan et al., [57] performed experiments to determine the effect of nanoparticle deposition
after several use on heat pipe surface. These deposited nano particles behave like wick porous in
nature. The aggregation of nanoparticle developed a serious capillary and thermal resistance which
result in effect of performance of heat pipes. They found about 50% enhancement of heat pipe
performance of nanoparticle deposited surface as compared with plain surface.
Mori et al., [58] conducted experiments in order to enhance heat transfer performance during
saturated pool boiling of water a honeycomb porous plate and nano fluid was used. However, it was
known that as the size of heater increased the critical heat flux decreased in case of Nanoparticle
deposition on heater surface. The nano fluid was deposited on heater surface by continues using of
nano particle on heated surface and then liquid which containing the nano particle was removed so
like that nano coating have been prepared. The critical heat flux of honeycomb porous surface coated
with nanoparticle deposition surface increased up to 3.1, 2.3 and 2.2 MW/m2 for 10 mm, 30 mm and
50 mm diameter respectively. So, by using the combination of honeycomb porous plate and Nano
fluid one can get the maximum heat performance on larger heater size.
Hu et al., [59] discussed the influence of heat flux and nanoparticle mass fraction on pool boiling
heat transfer performance. They used ethylene glycol aqueous solution which is mixture of ethylene
glycol (EG) and deionized water (DW) in the volume fraction of 60:40 respectively. By adding
graphene nanosheets (GNs) in aqueous solution increased heat transfer performance as the surface
wettability increased due to deposition of Nano particles on heated surface. however, is has been
found that increasing the concentration of graphene nanosheet boiling heat transfer get reduced due
to sedimentation of GNs and subsequently blockage of nucleation sites. Ji Min Kim et al., [60]
performed experiments to investigate the effect of water based Graphene Oxide (GO) on colloidal
suspension on silicon dioxide surface for enhancing the pool boiling heat transfer performance. They
found enhancement of CHF value by 94%, 139% and 105% for the concentration of GO as 1mg/l, 5

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

mg/l and 10 mg/l respectively as compared with bare surface and DI water. Zhen Cao et al., [61]
performed pool boiling heat transfer experiments using dielectric fluid through modified micro pin
fin silicon surfaces and by deposition of nano particles. Firstly, they performed experiments on
modified pin fin surface using nano particles and then investigate the performance using nano
particle deposited on surfaces. They observed high heat transfer coefficient for pin fin surfaces as
compared with plain surfaces. The wickability of the surface has been measured and found main
reason for enhancement of critical heat flux. A nearly 100% critical heat flux increased when Fe-Mn
oxide nano particle deposited on surfaces. Higher the bubble departure frequency and lower the
departure diameter found on micro pin fin surfaces with and without nanoparticle at low and
moderate heat flux.
Modi et al., [62] performed experiments on plain copper surface and nanoparticle deposited
surfaces. They consider water and alumina nanoparticles for their analysis in nucleate pool boiling
phenomenon. The result of experiments revealed that the alumina nanoparticles in liquid form,
suspended form or in the deposited form on heater surface increased heat transfer performance.

2.4 Effect of Wettability on Heat Transfer Performance

Surface wettability plays a crucial role for enhancement of heat transfer performance. Wettability
can be defined as the contact angle made by solid surface and fluid. A surface can be classified as
hydrophobic and hydrophilic depending upon the contact angle. If the contact angle made by surface
and liquid is greater than 90o, then the surface treated as hydrophobic surface, on the other hand if
the contact angle is less than 90o, surface is called as hydrophilic in nature. The literature review
showed that research has been also done on development of super hydrophobic and super
hydrophilic surface. It means when the contact angle is greater that 150o surface is known as super
hydrophobic, while when contact angle close to 0o it termed as super hydrophilic surface. Recent
development focused on development of smart surface which behave hydrophilic as well as
hydrophobic in nature. This surface can be developed by doing composite coating on the surface.
Present literature review focused some of the work that carried out by researchers.
Yuan-Yang Li et al., [63] conducted pool boiling experiments on plain nickel surface, nickel-based
chemical treated surface and nickel based electrochemical treated surface with nano cone array
structure. They measured effect of the surface characteristics parameters such as solid-liquid contact
angle, nano scale surface roughness on heat transfer coefficient. They proposed a correlation for
predicting the heat transfer behavior on convex structure by considering the effect of effective heat
transfer area ratio, r. They also investigated and compared the bubble dynamic behavior on nano
cone array surface as well as on chemically treated surface by taking the same contact angle between
solid and liquid.
The compared data showed that bubble departure diameter (Db) and bubble departure volume
(Vb) of nano cone array surface was 0.75 and 0.42 times of the chemically treated plain surface. The
nano cone array surface creates hydrophilic surface and found more active nucleation site on nano
structured surface, therefore heat transfer coefficient increased.
Kim et al., [64] modified the heating surface characteristics by applying atmospheric pressure
plasma (AP-Plasma) technique for investigation of critical heat flux through surface wettability. By
applying the AP-Plasma technique the static angle was reduced from 80 degree on original treated
surface to 15 degree with treated surface. As the contact angle reduced the enhancement of critical
heat flux of 18% achieved under flow boiling conditions on treated surface. Seo et al., [65] performed
substantial experiments on pool boiling heat performance to verify the effect of Fe-Cr-Al layer as
promising coating material for safety of various thermal heaters. They found maximum enhancement

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

of CHF up to 60% for sputter deposited layer on a substrate for at least 1hr at a temperature of 150 oC.
This was the first kind of study which showed the enhancement of CRH for Fe-Cr-Al material. Jo et
al., [66] investigated new coating material known accident tolerant fuel (ATF) treated as a cladding
and Cr and Fe-Cr-Al coating on zirconium alloys substrate to determine the potential effect in Critical
Heat Flux (CHF). The characterized various surface parameters such as surface roughness, surface
contact angle and morphology which directly affect the CHF in pool boiling phenomenon. They used
spray coating technology for preparation of heater surface. They found influence on CHF due to sub-
millimeter cladding thickness of ATF. Their investigation showed that after determining the thermo
physical properties of ATF it can be used as cladding or coating material for all types of boiling
Moon et al., [67] performed experiments for determination the effect on droplet dynamics
wetting for different micro structured surfaces including Micro sized pillars (MP), Micro holes (MH),
Nano size wires on pillars (MN-P) and Nano size holes (MN-H). They found Wenzel or mixed as well
as Cassie-Baxter wetting behavior on MH, MN-P, MN-H and MP surface respectively. They observed
surface energy enhanced for Nano wire. Critical Heat Flux (CHF) increased for the tested surface in
the order of MH < Bare < MN-H < MP < MN-P. Lowest value of CHF received at micro hole (MH)
surface due to activation of extremely nucleation site on the surface. The highest value of CHF occurs
at MN-P surface because of capillary pressure gradient inducted and due to presence pf nanowire
structure surface energy increased which enhanced the liquid supply on heater surface and delay the
CHF. Sarafraz et al., [68] conducted experiments on functionalized and non-functionalized carbon
nano tube under pool boiling heat transfer phenomenon. Result showed that functionalized carbon
Nano tube (FCNT) enhanced heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux and could be a promising
option for pool boiling condition. The major outcome was effect of contact angle characteristics on
heater surfaces. It has been found that contact angle for FCNT Nano particle slightly decreased and
it showed the hydrophilic surface characteristics. On the other hand, CNT Nano particle showed the
hydrophobic characteristics. Therefore, the heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux increased
for hydrophilic surface due to surface capillary wicking action.
Yang et al., [69] presented a novel Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII) method to produce
Black Silicon (BSi) which gained attention due to its Nanostructure structure. The surface
characterization showed the roughness and contact angle of the BSi surface become larger than that
of silicon, which create more nucleation sites. Although, due to higher possibility of bubble
coalescence, increased diameter of bubble departure and decreased the bubble frequency. Using
this approach critical heat flux enhanced as compared to plain silicon surface. Doretti et al., [70]
carried out experimental measurement in flow boiling condition by taking R134a as a working fluid
on a carbon/carbon surface. The objective of this study was to explore the capabilities of
carbon/carbon surface such as low density and high thermal conductivity as compared with copper
in boiling process with the refrigerants. They proposed a new model that can validate the estimation
of the heat transfer coefficient for refrigerant on carbon /carbon surface. They also observed the
wettability characteristics on carbon/carbon surface which can be linked in to heat transfer
performance. HangJin Jo et al., [71] performed experimental investigation on mixed hydrophobic-
hydrophilic surface for single bubble dynamics with distilled water as a working fluid. They consider
the hydrophobic dot diameters in the range from 50 micrometer to 6 mm. They found that the
homogeneity could affect the interfacial bubble dynamics which caused pinning phenomenon.
During this the contact angle of bubble decreased and as the contact angle decreased to receding
contact angle of bare hydrophilic surface, the triple line moves outwards which is known as slip
behavior. After that point the nucleate bubble elongated vertically and started to depart from the

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

surface. By using the bubble dynamics behavior on heterogeneously patterned surface the boiling
heat transfer coefficient increased 2.1 times as compared to bare hydrophilic surface.
Yim et al., [72] explained the influence of surface wettability on heat transfer performance in
nucleate pool boiling by coating the layer of titanium oxide (TiO2) on a cylindrical plain aluminum
6061 surface and make it hydrophilic. The result explored that nucleate pool boiling performance
enhanced up to 64.1% of TiO2 coated surface as compared to plain surface. These surfaces also depict
the mechanism for more nucleation site and bubble departure frequency on TiO2 coated surface.
Li et al., [73] investigated the effect of wetting surface and their wicking phenomenon in boiling
heat transfer during the quenching process. They fabricate both hydrophilic and super hydrophilic
surface using the deposition of nanoparticle and chemical etching technique respectively on stainless
steel spheres. They found that while performing the quenching operation, the transitional heat flux
(THF), which separate the transitional film boiling sub regime and nucleate boiling sub regime was
significantly enhanced by enhancing the surface wickability. Maximum enhancement of about 656%
in THF was found for wickable surface as compared with bare non treated surface. A new linear
correlation between enhancement ratio of THF and modified Weber number has been proposed
based on hydrodynamic instability model.
Pialago et al., [74] conducted experiments for enhancement in capillary assisted water
evaporation in semi-flooded evaporator they used ternary external composite surface coating of
copper-carbon nanotube-titanium dioxide on copper tube. The composite coating made by
electrostatic spraying and combining by sintering in electric furnace using ball milled composite
powder. The characterization showed that ternary coating i.e. Cu-CNT-TiO2 composites coating had
a higher hydrophilic surface as compared the only pure copper coated surface. Figure 2 showed the
apparent static contact angles between both the surfaces. They found enhancement in evaporation
heat transfer coefficient in the ratio of 3.15, as compared to pure copper coated surface to ternary
composite coated surface.

Fig. 2. Apparent static contact angles (h) between water droplets and coating surfaces: (a)
pure Cu coating and (b) Cu-CNT-TiO2 coating [71]

3. Conclusion and Future Scope

The outcome of literature review showed that enhancement of heat transfer coefficient and
critical heat flux are necessary requirements for any device used in boiling condition. In future,
experiments will perform for analysis of data. Some of the following point has been found for future
i. By conducting the extensive literature review it has been found that more research has been
done on coating of single layer of material but less work on composite coating in boiling

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2020) 100-116

ii. It has been found that appropriate technique for fabrication of coating on all kind of surface
for boiling heat transfer enhancement required further attention towards the development
of surface modification.
iii. It has been found that most of the researches done for pool boiling condition on porous or
coated surface less work have been performed on flow boiling condition.
iv. For prediction of boiling phenomenon most of researches have been focused on experimental
investigation less work has been done on numerical or mathematical modelling for prediction
of boiling phenomenon.
v. It has been found from the literature review that complete set of experimental data on critical
heat flux for different types of fluid and surface and comprehensible quantification of various
surface parameters i.e. porosity and the diameter of porous particle is still not researched

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