Francis Turbine
Francis Turbine
Francis Turbine
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All content following this page was uploaded by Taha Ahmed Abdullah on 22 October 2021.
Francis turbine is an inward flow
reaction turbine and used for
medium heads.
The turbine consists of:
(1) Scroll casing which is case that
contain the guide vanes and the
runner. The purpose of the scroll
casing is to prevent the eddies and to
distribute the water uniformly over
the guide vanes.
(2) Guide vanes: (wicket gate)
Fixed blades between two plates, and
fixed in the spiroll casing in order to
(a) reduce the shock as the water
enter the runner, by making the
relative tangential to guide tipe.
(b) allow water distributeed over the
runner without eddies. (c) allow the
required flowrates by adjusting the
guide vanes.
(3) Runner is a wheel made from two
plates different in diameter, and the
moving vanes are fixed in between.
For small unites, the runner is made
of cast steel, and for large units is
made of stainless steel (16-24
(4) Draft tube is conduit which connect the outlet of runner and the tail race, and is usually enlarged
in area in the direction of flow, that is to reduce the velocity of water discharge to the race.
Similar equation and diagrams used in prevous Pelton wheel are to be used for Francus.
b- breadth (width) of the blade at the inlet.
b1- breadth (width) of the blade at the outlet.
t- thickness of the blade.
r- radius of the runner of wheel at inlet.
r1- radius of the runner of wheel at outlet.
Dr Taha Ahmed Abdullah Mechanical department Mosul University 2020
vf 2 r1 − nt b1 k 1b1r1 r1
= = =
v f 1 2 r − nt b kbr r
Flow velocity ratio between the inlet and outlet of the runner.
B – Ratio of breadth (width) of vanes to runner diameter
B = b/D at inlet.
B1 = b1 / D1 at outlet.
Radial means always the velocity Vf in the direction center.
Problem (1) A Francis turbine works under a total head of 27.5 m. The velocity of the wheel periphery
at inlet is 15 m/s. The output pipe of the turbine is 0.3 m in diameter, and the turbine is supplied with
0.32 m3/s of water. The radial velocity of the flow through the wheel is the same as the velocity in the
output pipe. Determine
(a) The vane angle at the inlet.
(b) The guide blade angle.
(c) The horse power of the turbine.
Dr Taha Ahmed Abdullah Mechanical department Mosul University 2020
v w 1 = 0, v 1 = v f 1 = v f
Q 0.32
v1 = = = 3.11m / s = v f 1
d / 4 / 4(0.3) 2
Problem (2) A Francis turbine (inward flow reaction turbine) is supplied with 0.6 m3/s under a head
of 15.25 m. It develops 100 hp at 375 rpm, the inner and outer diameter of the runner are 500 mm and
750 mm respectively. The velocity of water at the exit is 3 m/s, and it leaves the wheel radially.
Determine the actual and theoretical efficiencies of the wheel. If the actual efficiency of the wheel is
84%, find the most suitable angle for the guide and wheel vanes at inlet. Assume the width of the wheel
is constant.
DN 0.75 375
= = = 14.726m / s
60 60
D 1 N 0.50 375
1 = = = 9.817m / s
60 60
if thewidth of wheel is cons .
Q = 2 rbv f = 2 r1bv f 1
r1 50
vf = v f 1 = 3 = 2m / s
r 75
v 12
Theoritical work done per weight of water per time = H −
= 15.25 − = 14.792m
2 9.81
14.792 14.792
th = = = 0.97
H 15.25
SHP 745.7 100 745.7
actual = = = 0.83
QH 9810 0.6 15.25
vw v 12 32
=H − = 15.25 − = 14.792m
g 2g 2 9.81
v w = = 9.85m / s
Dr Taha Ahmed Abdullah Mechanical department Mosul University 2020
vf 2
tan = = = 0.203 = 11.48o
v w 9.85
vf 2
tan = = = 0.41 = 22.30
−v w 14.726 − 9.85
= 180 − 22.3 = 157.70
v = v w2 + v f2 = 9.852 + 22 = 10m / s
Problem (3) A Francis turbine operating under a head of 70 m runs at 420 rpm. If the outer diameter
is 1 m and the inner diameter is 0.5 m and the discharge is radial, determine the vane angles at the inlet
and outlet. The constant velocity of the flow through the runner is 12 m/s and the hydraulic efficiency
is 80%.
Dr Taha Ahmed Abdullah Mechanical department Mosul University 2020
D= = 0.7 m
0.1 5.15
D 0.7
D1 = = = 0.35m b = 0.1D = 0.1 0.7 = 0.07 m
2 2
DN 0.7 600
= = = 22m / s
60 60
D1N 0.35 600
1 = = = 11m / s
60 60
The flow is radial v w 1 = 0
vw / g gH 0.85 9.81 60
h = vw = h = = 22.7m / s
H 22
v 5.15
tan = f = = 0.226 = 12.70
v w 22.7
vf 5.15
tan = = = 7.357 = 82.250
v w − 22.7 − 22
vf 1 5.15
tan = = = 0.468 = 25.080
1 11
since v f constant throughout
vf D1b1 Db 0.7
= = 1 b1 = = = 28 = 0.14m
v f 1 Db D1 0.35 0.07
Hint : if v f v f 1 the breadth ratio must be given at both inlet and outlet
Problem (5) An outward flow reaction turbine has internal and external diameter of 2 m and 3 m
respectively. The turbine has a radial discharge of 6 m3/s, and is running at 200 rpm. The total head on
Dr Taha Ahmed Abdullah Mechanical department Mosul University 2020
the turbine is 14 m and width of wheel at inlet and outlet is 300 mm. Neglecting the thickness of the
vanes, find:
a- Velocity of flow at inlet.
b- Velocity of flow at outlet.
c- Velocity of whirl at inlet.
v w 1 = 0 radial discharge
Q 6
Q = Dbv v = = = 2.12m / s
Db 0.3 3
vf bD bD v 3 2.12
= 1 v f = 1 f 1 = = 2.65m / s
vf 1 bD bD 2.4
DN 2.4 200
= = = 25.133m / s
60 60
vw v 12
=H −
g 2g
1 v 12 1 2.122
v w = (gH− ) = (9.81 40 − ) = 15.53m/ s
2 25.133 2
Problem (6) An outward reaction turbine is running at 200 rpm, the water supplied flowrate is 5000L/s,
under a head of 40 m. The inner and outer diameter of the wheel is 2 m and 2.5 m respectively. The
wheel width at inlet and outlet 200 mm. Assume the discharge is to be radial, determine the angles of
the turbine at the inlet and outlet.
DN 2 200
= = = 20.94m / s
60 60
D1N 2.5 200
1 = = = 26.18m / s
60 60
Q 5
Q = Dbv f v f = = = 3.97m / s
Db 2 0.2
D 2
vf 1 = vf = 3.97 = 3.188m / s
D1 2.5
since the flow is radial
at the exit v w 1 = 0, v 1 = v f 1
vw v2
=H − 1
g 2g
Dr Taha Ahmed Abdullah Mechanical department Mosul University 2020
v w = 40 9.81 − 0.5 = 18.49m / s
vf 3.97
tan = = = 0.125 = 120.8'
v w 18.49
vf 3.97
tan = = = 1.6204 = 580.32'
−v w 20.94 − 18.49
= 180 − 58.32 = 1210.67'
v r 1 = 12 −v f21 = 26.182 − 3.1882 = 25.98m / s
v f 1 3.188
tan = = = 0.122 = 60.99'
v r 1 25.98
Problem (7) A Francis turbine has a tangential velocity of 30 m/s, velocity of flow of 3 m/s and
velocity of whirl of 24 m/s at the inlet. Assuming the flow to be radial at the outlet and the hydraulic
efficiency as 78%, determine the head on the turbine and the inlet vane angle.
v 3
= 180 − tan −1 ( f ) = 180 − tan −1 ( )
−v w 30 − 24
= 180 − 26.565 = 1530.26'
v v 24 30
h = w H = w = = 94m
gH h g 0.78 9.81
Problem (8) A Francis turbine working under a head of 8 m, has a guide angle 250 and vane angle at
inlet 1050. Assuming the velocity of flow to be constant and radial discharge. Determine the hydraulic
efficiency of the turbine.
Dr Taha Ahmed Abdullah Mechanical department Mosul University 2020
( 0.4226v )
vw v2 0.9063v 1.1953v
=H − f = 8−
g 2g 9.81 2 9.81
v = 8.8m / s v w = 7.795m / s = 8.9718m / s
v w 7.795 8.9718
h = = = 0.912 = 91.2%
gH 9.81 8
Hint :this problem can be solved without given the head .i .e . H is unknown .
Problem (9) A Francis turbine works under a head of 120 m, develops 20000hp, and runs at 300 rpm.
If the diameter ratio is 0.6, the breadth of the blade is 0.1 times the corresponding diameter, the flow
ratio is 0.15, the hydraulic efficiency is 88% and the overall efficiency is 85%. Find the mean diameter
and the angles at inlet and outlet. Assuming radial discharge, velocity of flow is constant throughout
and area blocked by the blade thickness as 5% of flow area.
= 0.6; b = 0.1D ; b1 = 0.1D1 ; k = 0.95; = 0.15
= v f = 0.15 2 9.81 120 = 7.278m / s
2 gH
Since flow is const . v f = v f 1 = v 1
SHP 745.7 20000 745.7
0 = Q = = 14.9m 3 / s
gHQ 9810 120
95% flow area
Q = 0.95 Dbv f D = = 2.62m
0.95 0.1 7.278
D1 = 0.6 2.62 = 1.572m
DN 2.62 300
= =
= 41.15m / s
60 60
D1N 1.572 300
1 = = = 24.7 m / s
60 60
v 0.88 9.81120
h = w = 0.88 v w = = 25.174m / s
gH 41.15
v f −1 7.278
= tan −1 = tan = 0.2891 = 16 .12
0 '
v w 25.174
v 7.278
= 180 − tan −1 ( f ) = 180 − tan −1 ( ) = 180 − 24.5 = 1550.30'
−v w 41.15 − 25.174
vf 1 7.278
= tan −1 = tan −1 = 160.25'
1 24.7