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Question Bank

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Unit 1
1 Discuss in brief VCRS
2 Discuss in brief VARS
3 Discuss in brief Aqua Ammonia
4 Discuss in brief Lithium Bromide- water system
5 Discuss in brief working of three fluid refrigerator working of vapour absorption
6 Explain the effect of super heating and sub cooling in VCRS with T-s and p-h chart.
7 Draw the neat diagram of practical vapour absorption system. What is the
function of following components in the absorption system?
i) Absorber ii) Rectifier iii) Analyser iv) Heat exchangers
8 With the help of P-h and T-S diagram, explain the effect of increase in discharge
pressure and decrease in suction pressure on COP of a VCR cycle.
9 Comment in brief about the following for vapour compression refrigeration
(i) Wet compression is not desirable
(ii) Throttling device is used in place of expander
(iii) Refrigerant after throttling should contain more liquid refrigerant
10 With schematic, compare heat engine, heat pump and refrigerating machine.
11 What are the advantages of vapour absorption refrigeration system over vapour
compression refrigeration system?
12 Define tonne of refrigeration.
13 What do you mean by Refrigerant? Explain about various desirable properties of
14 Classification
15 Nomenclature
16 Explain what is Montreal protocol and Kyoto protocol.
17 GDP and ODP
18 Alternate Refrigerant
19 Name a few ecofriendly refrigerants along with their desirable properties
20 Suggest alternate refrigerants with their important properties in light of ozone
Unit 2
1 What are the advantages of multistaging in Refrigeration systems.
2 Write short notes on compressors. Explain Hermetic compressor in brief.
3 Types of Compressor
4 Types of Condenser
5 Types of evaporators. Explain flooded evaporator.
6 Types of Expansion devices, Write short notes on Thermostatic expansion valve,
With neat sketch discuss the operation of capillary tube in a refrigeration system.
7 Method of defrosting
8 Refrigerants controls
9 Compound vapour compression refrigeration system
10 Multiple evaporator system
11 What are the advantages of multiple evaporator system over single evaporator
12 Explain charging of refrigeration system.
13 What are the advantages of compound compression with intercooler over single
stage compression?
14 What is multistaging of compressors? Why is it done

Unit 3
1 Describe the working of thermoelectric refrigeration.
2 Explain in short working of vortex tube refrigeration system
3 Explain steam jet refrigeration with neat sketch
4 Explain bootstrap system of air cycle refrigeration system with neat sketch
5 What are the advantages and disadvantages of air refrigeration system
6 What are various methods for liquefaction of air? Explain any one in brief?

Unit 4
1 Explain cascade refrigeration system with neat schematic. What are its
2 Explain the Claude’s system used for liquefaction of air.
3 What is Joule-Thompson coefficient and inversion curve?
4 Explain the linde’s system used for liquefaction of air.
5 Application of crygenics
6 Solve any
(i) Explain Claude’s cycle of liquefaction of air with T-S diagram.
(ii) Explain thermostatic expansion valve with neat sketch. (iii) Explain
charging of refrigeration
system. (iv) Joule-Thomson’s coefficient in cryogenics.
7 Sketch and explain Lindes system for liquefaction of air. How it differs from
Claude’s system ?

8 Discuss various applications of cryogenics.

Unit 5
1 Write short notes on different factors to be considered in heat load estimation
2 Explain comfort charts and its uses
3 Write short notes on air washers.
4 Define:-
i) Dry bulb temperature ii) Wet bulb temperature iii) Dew point temperature
iv) Relative humidity
5 Explain various psychometric processes.
6 Define the following psychometric terms:-
(i) Relative humidity (iii) Dew point temperature (iii) Vapour density
7 Define the following psychrometric terms:-
(i) Relative humidity (iii) Dew point temperature
(iii) Absolute humidity (iv) Specific humidity
8 Derive the expression for specific humidity of moist air.
9 Discuss the mechanism of thermal exchanges of human body with its surrounding.
10 Draw comfort chart showing clearly the comfort zone. State its use
11 Derive the expression for the bypass factor of a heating coil. What is its
12 Write short notes
i) Effective temperature with reference to human comfort
ii) Window air conditioner iii) Air washers iv) Applications of air
13 What is the difference between wet bulb temperature and thermodynamic wet bulb
14 Explain how dehumidification can be accomplished with the help of air washer.
15 Explain winter air conditioning system with neat sketch.
16 What do you mean by sensible heating and sensible cooling of air ? Derive an
expression for the by-pass factor of the cooling coil with neat sketches.
17 Give the classification of the air conditioning system
18 Discuss the mechanism of thermal exchanges of human body with its
19 Draw comfort chart showing clearly the comfort zone. State its use.
20 Derive the expression for the bypass factor of a heating coil. What is its
21 Write short notes on
(i) Friction charts (ii) Comfort charts (iii) Window air
(iv) Mechanism of body heat loss (v) Air washers.
22 Give the classification of air conditioning systems in brief.
23 Write short notes on
i) Summer air conditioning ii) Air washer iii) Window air conditioner
24 Write short notes on
i) Comfort chart ii) Desert cooler iii) Year round air conditioner

Unit 6 What are various methods used for duct design. Explain any one detail.
1 Explain the utility of duct friction charts.
2 What are grills and diffusers? Explain the criteria for choosing them for a certain
3 Explain the following
(i) throw
(ii) Drop
(iii) Spread
4 Explain in short about the selection criteria of air distribution outlets for an Air
conditioning system
5 Explain the utility of duct friction charts.
6 What do you mean by Air filter? Explain the various types of Air filter.
7 Explain grills & diffusers.
8 Discuss the static regain method of duct design
9 Discuss the types and selection criteria for air outlets

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