Argumentative Essay

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Perennial Problem in The Philippines

Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical behavior by a person entrusted with a

position of authority. It has caused political squabbles and weakened democracy and good
governance by avoiding or even subverting formal processes for each other or simply putting
every penny in their own countrymen's pockets without their knowledge. Corruption is another
major issue that our nation has faced for a long time. And over the years, there have been a few
political scandals or occurrences that the government has failed to resolve. They pervade society,
reducing tax income and undermining efforts to fight poverty. Accusations of bribery,
corruption, and favoritism are frequently leveled at all levels of government authorities. Filipinos
have grown to view corruption and the misappropriation of a small portion of wealth as natural
because these issues are so common. So why should we stop corruption? Corruption damages
the trust in government and undermines the social contract. People should be better informed
about politics so that they can be aware of and stop the rise of corruption in the government to
stop similar incidents.
The first thing we can do to stop corruption is during elections. Vote buying and election
result tampering in the Philippines are the main causes of election anomalies. A laborious
process for counting votes creates opportunities for cheating in this election. However, voters
tolerate these wrongdoings out of fear of retaliation, a lack of other methods for complaint, or a
lack of awareness of their legal rights. People should not be swayed by these; they should choose
a good leader. But corruption is not only about bribes. People especially the poor get hurt when
resources are wasted. That’s why it is so important to understand the different kinds of
corruption to develop smart responses. We should also consider Continuing professional
education requirements for politicians. Being a politician or public requires of leadership skills
and knowledge in law, economy, ethics, humanity, and others, they should be required to have a
minimum credit unit of continuing professional education every year.
Next is the transparency of the government to its people. According to former President
of the United States, Barack Obama on his memorandum, transparency promotes accountability
and provides information for citizens about what their government is doing. Transparency is a
tool used in politics to hold elected officials responsible and fight corruption. A government is
seen as transparent if its meetings are open to the press and the public, its budgets are available
for inspection by everyone, and its laws and decisions are a subject of discussion. Government
officials must act openly and with the knowledge of the public for their decisions to be
considered transparent and trustworthy. All public officials should be assessed by the BIR. The
government should examine or audit these public officials annually and make their financial
accounts available to the public in addition to requiring that they submit their financial
statements or statements of assets and liabilities. The public will then be aware of how they are
raising their net worth, whether it is through their business or their pay. Public servants ought to
serve as examples of public trust. They want to hold a position of power. Therefore, they
shouldn't be upset if they must go through an annual tax examination.
Another is the improvement of the integrity in our justice system. Good laws already
exist in the Philippines. Our justice system's lack of honesty is the issue. Because the authorities
that ought to be enforcing our laws don't respect them and protect them, our laws themselves
suffer from unfairness. Most corrupt politicians and government employees are not imprisoned.
According to Camello, the lack of a "respectable justice system" is the true cause of corruption.
Because Philippine justice cannot uphold law and order against well-known figures and
powerful, corrupt public officials, most Filipinos have lost faith in it. People experience social
injustice and sometimes gets wrongly accused of something they didn’t do. Additionally, a
stronger witness protection mechanism should be in place to guarantee the safety and protection
of all witnesses and whistleblowers, as well as their families. Moreover, they need to receive
recognition and payment to support their families while they are in a witness protection program.
To fight corruption in the Philippines, a means of implementing must be used to increase
community awareness of the issue and generate public pressure to hold public officials more
accountable for their actions. The democratic political system in the Philippines is just one of
the many positive aspects of its government system. As stated above, there are ways on how to
stop corruption. If we wish to eradicate corruption in the Philippines, we must put a halt to all
instances of it there. Whether they are politicians or just ordinary citizens, we should battle
against all corrupt Filipinos. Inefficiency and unfairness are results of corruption. It is a sign that
the political system is functioning poorly in terms of considering the interests of the public. It
suggests that the way government is set up inefficiently channels private interests. The
government should do this to stop this perennial problem in our country. I strongly believed that
doing these, can stop corruption.

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