Mechanical Add-Ons Guide

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Mechanical Add-ons Guide

ANSYS, Inc. Release 2023 R1

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Table of Contents
Mechanical Add-ons ................................................................................................................................... ix
1. DesignLife Add-on .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Make the DesignLife Add-on Available .............................................................................................. 1
1.2. The Ansys DesignLife Ribbon ............................................................................................................ 1
1.3. Using the DesignLife Add-on ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3.1. Choose the Analysis Domain .................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2. Choose the Analysis Type ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3.3. Analysis Settings ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.4. Create a Loading Event ............................................................................................................. 7
1.3.5. Specify Loads for Loading Events .............................................................................................. 8 Domain Loading Events ........................................................................................... 8 Frequency Domain Loading Events ................................................................................ 11 Comparison of Frequency Domain Add-On Results to Standalone DesignLife Results ...... 17 Single Frequency Loads ........................................................................................ 18 Frequency Range Loads ........................................................................................ 19 Consistent Acceleration Loading ........................................................................... 20 Vibration Generator Properties .............................................................................. 22 Vibration Load Provider ......................................................................................... 24 DesignLife SineDwell Using Vibration Generator .................................................... 26 DesignLife SineDwell Using DesignLife Properties ................................................. 28 DesignLife SineOnRandom Using Vibration Generator ........................................... 29 DesignLife SineOnRandom Using DesignLife Properties ......................................... 32 Vibration Generator to DesignLife for Frequency Range (Sine Sweep) ................... 32
1.3.6. Materials Assignment ............................................................................................................. 34
1.3.7. Solve ...................................................................................................................................... 37
1.3.8. Post-processing ...................................................................................................................... 38 Post-processing Static Failure ......................................................................................... 39 Post-Processing Static Failure for Damage and Life Results: .................................... 39 Damage Result - Maximum Damage Displayed ...................................................... 41 Life Result - Minimum Life Displayed ..................................................................... 42 Effect of Stress Averaging on Fatigue Results .................................................................. 44 Damage and Rainflow Matrix Plots ................................................................................. 48
1.4. Limitations ..................................................................................................................................... 49
2. NVH Toolkit Add-on .............................................................................................................................. 51
2.1. Make the NVH Add-on Available ...................................................................................................... 51
2.2. The NVH Ribbon ............................................................................................................................. 51
2.3. MAC Calculator ............................................................................................................................... 53
2.3.1. Adding a MAC Calculator result .............................................................................................. 53
2.3.2. MAC Calculator Details ........................................................................................................... 54 File 2 Options ................................................................................................................ 54 MAC Calculation Options ............................................................................................... 56 Mode Pairing Options .................................................................................................... 57 Cyclic Optimization Options ........................................................................................... 58 Optimization Result ....................................................................................................... 59
2.3.3. MAC Frequency Worksheet ..................................................................................................... 59
2.3.4. UNV Node Worksheet ............................................................................................................. 60
2.3.5. MAC Calculator Generation .................................................................................................... 61
2.3.6. 2D MAC Table ......................................................................................................................... 62
2.3.7. 3D MAC Table ......................................................................................................................... 63

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Mechanical Add-ons Guide

2.3.8. Matched Nodes Table ............................................................................................................. 64

2.3.9. Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion Calculation .................................................................. 65
2.3.10. Automatic Mode Pairing Algorithm ....................................................................................... 66
2.3.11. Objective Function Formulation ........................................................................................... 67
2.3.12. Mode Animation View .......................................................................................................... 67
2.3.13. MAC Table export ................................................................................................................. 69
2.4. Stress/Strain Recovery ..................................................................................................................... 70
2.4.1. Adding a Stress/Strain recovery result ..................................................................................... 70
2.4.2. Stress/Strain Recovery Details ................................................................................................. 71
2.4.3. MCF Restrictions .................................................................................................................... 73
2.5. FRF Calculator ................................................................................................................................. 73
2.5.1. Adding an FRF Calculator Result ............................................................................................. 73
2.5.2. FRF Calculator Details ............................................................................................................. 74
2.5.3. FRF Calculation Method ......................................................................................................... 77
2.5.4. FRF Worksheet ....................................................................................................................... 78
2.5.5. FRF Plotter ............................................................................................................................. 82
2.5.6. FRAC Plotter ........................................................................................................................... 84
2.6. UNV File Restrictions ....................................................................................................................... 87
3. Forced Response Add-on ...................................................................................................................... 91
3.1. Introduction to Forced Response ..................................................................................................... 91
3.2. Make the Forced Response Add-on Available ................................................................................... 94
3.3. The Forced Response Ribbon .......................................................................................................... 94
3.4. Setting Up the Forced Response System .......................................................................................... 94
3.4.1. Setting Up the Static Structural Analysis .................................................................................. 96
3.4.2. Setting Up the Modal Analysis ................................................................................................ 97
3.4.3. Setting Up the Interference Diagram ...................................................................................... 97
3.4.4. Forced Response Analysis Settings ......................................................................................... 98
3.4.5. Pressure Settings .................................................................................................................... 99
3.4.6. Force Settings ...................................................................................................................... 100
3.4.7. Mistuning Settings ............................................................................................................... 100
3.4.8. AeroCoupling Settings ......................................................................................................... 102
3.5. Post-processing ............................................................................................................................ 104
3.5.1. Beam Section Results ........................................................................................................... 104
3.5.2. Mode Multiplier ................................................................................................................... 104
3.5.3. Displacement ....................................................................................................................... 105
3.5.4. Stress and Strain ................................................................................................................... 106
3.5.5. Expanded Results Using Data Processing Framework ............................................................ 106 Displacement (DPF) ..................................................................................................... 106 Stress (DPF) ................................................................................................................. 107 Strain (DPF) ................................................................................................................. 108
3.5.6. Frequency Response ............................................................................................................ 109
3.5.7. Export Results ...................................................................................................................... 111
3.5.8. Result Combination .............................................................................................................. 111
3.5.9. Fatigue Diagram ................................................................................................................... 111
3.5.10. Matrices ............................................................................................................................. 115
3.5.11. Command .......................................................................................................................... 115
3.5.12. 2D Chart ............................................................................................................................ 115
3.5.13. Optimize Blade Sequences ................................................................................................. 116
3.6. Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 116
4. Drop Test Add-on ................................................................................................................................ 117
5. Mechanical Toolkit Add-ons ................................................................................................................ 119

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Mechanical Add-ons Guide

5.1. Bolt Tools ...................................................................................................................................... 119

5.1.1. Make the Bolt Tools Add-on Available ................................................................................... 119
5.1.2. Bolt Tools Add-on Definitions ............................................................................................... 120 Bolt Geometry Auto-Recognition ................................................................................. 121 Object Summary Tables ............................................................................................... 121
5.1.3. Bolt Tools Modeling Buttons ................................................................................................. 121 Selection ..................................................................................................................... 122 Contact ....................................................................................................................... 123 Meshing ...................................................................................................................... 125 Coordinate Systems ..................................................................................................... 125 Preloads ...................................................................................................................... 127 Beams ......................................................................................................................... 128 Post Processing ............................................................................................................ 129 Tree Helper .................................................................................................................. 129
5.1.4. Bolt Tools Modeling Wizard ................................................................................................... 130 Wizard Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 130 Wizard Tabs ......................................................................................................... 131 Common and Reused Wizard Tabs ....................................................................... 131 Select Objects ............................................................................................ 131 External File Data Viewer ............................................................................ 131 Reaction Probes ......................................................................................... 132 Create ............................................................................................... 132 Reporting .......................................................................................... 132 Setup Wizard ...................................................................................................... 133 Coordinate Systems .................................................................................... 133 Mesh .......................................................................................................... 134 Named Selections ...................................................................................... 135 Pretension .................................................................................................. 136 Contacts ..................................................................................................... 136 Surface Body Hole Detection Wizard .................................................................... 137 Reactions Probe Wizard ....................................................................................... 138 Connections Post Wizard ..................................................................................... 138 Connection Objects .................................................................................... 138 APDL Info .......................................................................................... 138 Beams ............................................................................................... 139 Joints ................................................................................................ 139 Results Table ...................................................................................... 140 Contact Results Wizard ........................................................................................ 140 Contact Tool Results ................................................................................... 140 Create Contact Results ....................................................................... 140 Image Export Options ........................................................................ 140 Report Generation ............................................................................. 141
5.1.5. Bolt Tools Instance Manager ................................................................................................. 141 Instance Manager Properties ....................................................................................... 142 Instance Manager Geometry Selection ......................................................................... 142 Instance Groups .......................................................................................................... 142 Instance Group Properties ........................................................................................... 143 Geometry Selection ..................................................................................................... 144
5.1.6. Instances - Part Library ......................................................................................................... 145 Part Library Interface ................................................................................................... 145 Adding a Part to the Library ......................................................................................... 146

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Mechanical Add-ons Guide Referencing and Using a Part from the library ............................................................... 146 Part File Structure and Format ...................................................................................... 147 Part Auto-Recognition and Matching Criteria ............................................................... 148 Part Script Files ............................................................................................................ 148
5.1.7. APDL Bolt Modeling ............................................................................................................. 149 APDL Bolt Mechanical Tree Object ................................................................................ 149 APDL Bolt Part Files ..................................................................................................... 149 APDL Bolt Properties .................................................................................................... 151
5.2. Statistics on Structures .................................................................................................................. 151
6. Hydrodynamic Add-ons ...................................................................................................................... 153
6.1. Hydrodynamic Pressure ................................................................................................................ 153
6.2. Offshore ....................................................................................................................................... 153
7. Additive Manufacturing Add-ons ....................................................................................................... 155
7.1. LPBF Process ................................................................................................................................. 155
7.2. DED Process .................................................................................................................................. 155
7.3. Sintering Process .......................................................................................................................... 155
7.4. Distortion Compensation .............................................................................................................. 155
8. Rigid Dynamics Add-ons ..................................................................................................................... 157
8.1. Variable Load ................................................................................................................................ 157
8.2. Motion Load Transfer .................................................................................................................... 157

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List of Figures
1.1. Active DesignLife Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon ........................................................................................ 1
1.2. Ansys DesignLife Ribbon ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Modify Material Parameters ................................................................................................................... 34
1.4. Materials Properties for Strain Analysis .................................................................................................. 35
1.5. Materials Properties for Stress Analysis .................................................................................................. 36
1.6. Example of Life result where the purple band corresponds to the Static Failure ...................................... 40
1.7. Example of Damage s where the purple band corresponds to the Static Failure ...................................... 40
1.8. Calculated damage in some areas is above the specified maximum damage .......................................... 41
1.9. Maximum Damage display limit not reached ......................................................................................... 42
1.10. Calculated life in some areas is below the specified minimum life ......................................................... 43
1.11. Minimum Life display limit not reached ............................................................................................... 43
1.12. Hex mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Life .............................................................................. 44
1.13. Hex mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress ........................................ 45
1.14. Hex mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Life ...................................................................................... 45
1.15. Hex mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress ................................................ 45
1.16. Hex mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Life ................................................................................ 45
1.17. Hex mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress .......................................... 46
1.18. Tet mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Life ............................................................................... 46
1.19. Tet mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress ......................................... 46
1.20. Tet mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Life ........................................................................................ 46
1.21. Tet mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress ................................................. 47
1.22. Tet mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Life .................................................................................. 47
1.23. Tet mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress ........................................... 47
1.24. Damage Matrix ................................................................................................................................... 49
2.1. Active NVH Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon ................................................................................................ 51
3.1. Active Forced Response Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon ............................................................................. 94
4.1. Drop Test Add-on Showing Loaded Status ........................................................................................... 117
5.1. Active Bolt Tools Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon ...................................................................................... 119
5.2. Bolt Tools Ribbon ................................................................................................................................ 120
5.3. Basic Bolt Terms .................................................................................................................................. 120
5.4. Bolt Thread Partitioning ...................................................................................................................... 121
5.5. Bolt Tools Modeling Buttons ................................................................................................................ 122
5.6. Bolt Tools Selection Tools .................................................................................................................... 122
5.7. Bolt Tools Contacts Tools ..................................................................................................................... 124
5.8. Bolts Body Coordinate Systems Conventions ....................................................................................... 125
5.9. Coordinate Systems Options and Actions ............................................................................................ 126
5.10. Preloads Options and Actions ............................................................................................................ 127
5.11. Beams Options and Actions ............................................................................................................... 128
5.12. Post Processing Options and Actions ................................................................................................. 129
5.13. Tree Helper Options and Actions ....................................................................................................... 129
5.14. Bolt Tools Wizards Button .................................................................................................................. 130
5.15. Bolt Tools Wizards Menu .................................................................................................................... 131
5.16. Reaction Probes Create Tab ............................................................................................................... 132
5.17. Reaction Probes Reporting Tab .......................................................................................................... 133
5.18. Coordinate Systems Tab .................................................................................................................... 134
5.19. Mesh Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 135
5.20. Named Selections Tab ....................................................................................................................... 135
5.21. Pretension Tab .................................................................................................................................. 136
5.22. Contacts Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 137

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5.23. Hole Detection Tab ............................................................................................................................ 137

5.24. APDL Info Tab ................................................................................................................................... 138
5.25. Beams Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 139
5.26. Joints Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 139
5.27. Create Contact Results Tab ................................................................................................................ 140
5.28. Image Export Options Tab ................................................................................................................. 141
5.29. Report Generation Tab ...................................................................................................................... 141
5.30. Bolt Tools Instances Button ................................................................................................................ 142
5.31. Instances Options and Actions .......................................................................................................... 144
5.32. Accessing the Parts Library ................................................................................................................ 145
5.33. Part Library Window .......................................................................................................................... 146
5.34. Referencing and Using a Part from the Library ................................................................................... 147

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Mechanical Add-ons
The Add-ons Ribbon includes a curated selection of Ansys-provided Mechanical Add-ons, formerly referred
to as ACT extensions. This easy access eliminates the need to open the Extensions Manager. Add-ons
are grouped into related functional areas such as hydrodynamic loads, additive manufacturing, rigid
dynamics, and so on.

Loading and Unloading Add-ons

To load an add-on, simply click the desired icon in the Add-ons Ribbon. Once an add-on is loaded, its
icon in the ribbon will be highlighted in blue and a new tab is added. To unload an add-on, simply click
the icon in the ribbon again. The tab goes away.

The loaded/unloaded status of an add-on is persistent (stored in the application's appdata), meaning
an add-on will keep that status the next time you open Mechanical. You may want to unload an add-
on after each use.

It is important to note that Workbench must be free when loading or unloading add-ons, so ensure the
Extensions Manager is closed in Workbench before using the Add-ons Ribbon.

Finding Help for an Add-on

To access the documentation for any add-on, hover over the icon of the desired add-on. Once the
tooltip is displayed, press the F1 key. It will open the corresponding documentation for the selected
add-on. If you want to review all functions of the add-ons, click the Add-ons Help entry in the Support
group of the Add-ons Ribbon.

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Mechanical Add-ons

Known Limitations
Mechanical Add-ons are supported in English only.

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Chapter 1: DesignLife Add-on
The Mechanical Embedded DesignLife UI is an add-on to the Ansys Mechanical User Interface that
makes the fatigue analysis capabilities of the nCode DesignLife product available from within the
Mechanical environment. The nCode DesignLife product is a partner product from HBM Prenscia.

The DesignLife Add-on is developed to evaluate fatigue life. Using the results of finite element analysis
(FEA) from Ansys Mechanical and Ansys LS-DYNA, it accumulates damage from repetitive loading to
determine a product's predicted life. You can quickly evaluate the effects of different materials and al-
ternative geometries for new designs and optimize design variables for the product's expected usage
before exhaustive and expensive prototyping and testing.

The DesignLife UI Add-on is only available on the Windows operating system. Its use also requires an
Ansys nCode DesignLife license. If you do not already have the license, contact your Ansys Sales Rep-
resentative to obtain one.

For more information about fatigue analysis in Ansys Mechanical, see Fatigue Results.
1.1. Make the DesignLife Add-on Available
1.2.The Ansys DesignLife Ribbon
1.3. Using the DesignLife Add-on
1.4. Limitations

1.1. Make the DesignLife Add-on Available

To make the DesignLife capabilities available, click the DesignLife Icon in the Add-ons ribbon. The icon
will be highlighted in blue, indicating that the add-on is loaded.

Figure 1.1: Active DesignLife Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon

Once the add-on is loaded, the Ansys nCode DesignLife Ribbon is visible.

1.2. The Ansys DesignLife Ribbon

When the DesignLife Add-on is loaded, the Ansys DesignLife ribbon is accessible. Insert a DesignLife
analysis from within Mechanical by clicking on the DesignLife Analysis icon.

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DesignLife Add-on

Figure 1.2: Ansys DesignLife Ribbon

1.3. Using the DesignLife Add-on

DesignLife analysis options are available in Workbench as follows:
1.3.1. Choose the Analysis Domain
1.3.2. Choose the Analysis Type
1.3.3. Analysis Settings
1.3.4. Create a Loading Event
1.3.5. Specify Loads for Loading Events
1.3.6. Materials Assignment
1.3.7. Solve
1.3.8. Post-processing

After the DesignLife Add-on is loaded, a Mechanical Embedded DesignLife system appears in the

As an alternative method of inserting an DesignLife Analysis, you can drag and drop this system onto
the model cell of any existing Static or Transient Structural system:

To perform Design Points Studies, the Solution cell of the loading system must be connected to the
Setup cell of the Mechanical Embedded DesignLife system. If the Solution cell is not connected, you

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

need to include at least one value of the loading system as an output parameter so that the new
loading system results are calculated and accounted for in the Mechanical Embedded DesignLife
parameter study.

To get detailed Help on the calculations that DesignLife performs, open the DesignLife tab in Mechan-
ical and click the Help button:


• Only static or transient structural systems can be used as upstream systems for the
Mechanical Embedded DesignLife system.

• The Mechanical Embedded DesignLife system cannot be used as a stand-alone system.

• The Mechanical Embedded DesignLife system should not be connected to a downstream

Mechanical system. Only upstream systems are used in fatigue analysis.

1.3.1. Choose the Analysis Domain

Under Analysis Settings > Analysis Domain, choose an analysis domain. Choose betweeen Time
based and Frequency based.

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DesignLife Add-on

Default setting: If a Harmonic system is linked with the nCode DesignLife Add-on system, the Analysis
Domain defaults to Frequency based. Otherwise, Time based is the default.

1.3.2. Choose the Analysis Type

1. Under Analysis Settings > Analysis Type, since there is no default setting, you must choose
one of the analysis types: Strain Life, Stress Life, Shell Seam Weld, or Solid
Seam Weld.


The Shell Seam Weld and Solid Seam Weld analysis types require an Ansys nCode
DesignLife Enterprise license.


The Shell Seam Weld analysis type requires that the upstream systems be solved
with the Output > Nodal Forces Analysis Settings set to Yes.

2. Once you have selected the analysis type, Solution Group and Load Mapper options are

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

3. Under Solution Group, select the portion of the model to be analyzed. By default, the entire
model is used.


For Shell Seam Weld and Solid Seam Weld cases, ensure that the Solution Group
is scoped only to the welds.

1.3.3. Analysis Settings

Under Analysis Settings, set the desired values for:

• Mean Stress Correction (default = None).

• Multiaxial Assessment (default = Auto). If the Multiaxial Assessment option is set to None,
the Combination Method is exposed (default = Absolute Maximum Principal stress ):

• Elastic-Plastic Correction: If the Analysis Type is set to Strain Life, the Elastic-plastic
Correction option is exposed. Choose between Neuber, Hoffmann-Seeger, or None options.
The None option should be used when plastic stress or strain are present.

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DesignLife Add-on


The None option is only available for Ansys Mechanical Premium or Ansys Mechan-
ical Enterprise license.

For Stress Life analysis, if the .rst files used for loading contain plastic results, check the
results carefully. The add-on notifies you by issuing the warning message: "FE contain plastic
stress/strain results, which are invalid for SN fatigue. Check results carefully."

For Strain Life analysis, if the .rst files used for loading contain plastic results, use the None
option or check results carefully. The add-on notifies you by issuing the warning message: "FE
contain plastic stress/strain results. Set the Elastic-Plastic correction to None for accurate results.
This option is not available with PRO license. Check results carefully."

• Scale Factor (default = 1).

• Number of Analysis Threads (default = 2):

More than two threads requires an Ansys nCode DesignLife Parallel Add-on license.

• Certainty of Survival (default = 50.0). The certainty of survival is a real number that specifies
the certainty of survival based on material data scatter. The certainty of survival (in %) allows
statistical variations in material behavior to be taken into account. As mentioned in the nCode
DesignLife guide, the usual application of this is to provide a more conservative prediction to
ensure a safer design. The variability in material properties is characterized by standard error
parameters, which should be determined when fitting material curves to Strain-Life and Cyclic

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Stress-Strain test data. The certainty of survival values are converted into a number of standard
errors using the lookup table and this is used to adjust the cyclic stress-strain and strain-life
curves, as described previously.

This value must be >= 0.00003 and <= 99.99997.

1.3.4. Create a Loading Event

You can create any number of Loading Events in the following ways:

• Click Add in the Details Window of Load Mapper :

• Alternatively, you can right-click Load Mapper and choose Add Loading Event:

Multiple Loading Events create a duty cycle:

This exposes the Combination Method parameter (default = Fast):

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DesignLife Add-on

Loading Events in the Time based Analysis Domain can include multiple loadings of the same type.
Loading Events in the Frequency based Analysis Domain can only support one loading case per
loading event.

A Loading Event can be imported and exported using a .csv file.

1.3.5. Specify Loads for Loading Events

Loads can be specified for loading events in both the Time-based and Frequency-based Analysis
Domain. Domain Loading Events Frequency Domain Loading Events Comparison of Frequency Domain Add-On Results to Standalone DesignLife Results Time Domain Loading Events

To specify loads for Time Domain Loading Events:

• Click Add Load under Loading Event to add a load (Constant Amplitude, Time Step, or
Time Series) to an event:

– Alternatively, you can right-click Loading Event and choose Add Load:

– Any number of Loads can be added to an event:

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

• Details for each load are defined in the Details Window:

– Constant Amplitude Loads

– Time Step Loads

– Time Series Loads

1. For a Static analysis, Direct Transient analysis, or Modal Superposition Transient analysis
with modal combinations calculated within Mechanical:

• You should select either a Static or Transient system as the Environment for the

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DesignLife Add-on

• A time series file should be selected as the Input File.

2. For Modal Superposition Transient analysis where the modal combinations are calculated
within DesignLife:

• You should select a Modal system as the Environment for the load. This exposes addi-
tional fields in the Details view to collect information on the Modal Coordinate File.

• The Modal Coordinate File (MCF) can be passed in two ways:

– By environment - select a solved transient system that contains the MCF file.

– By manual file input - select the file containing modal coordinates information as the
Input File.

3. When using Ansys Motion:

• Select a Modal system containing the genCMS.rst file as the Environment.

• The Modal Coordinate File (MCF) can be passed as explained above.


The MCF file used by DesignLife should be mass normalized. This is the default in


You are loading a Modal Coordinates File (MCF) that could have a different unit system
from the .rst file of the Modal system. You therefore need to input the Units with
which the MCF was generated so that the appropriate conversion is done.


The signs of the modal coordinates stored in the .mcf file are not unique. To ensure
the mode shapes of the .rst and .mcf files are identical, they must be generated
from the same analysis solution. Matching .rst and .mcf files from different
solutions can produce incorrect results. If the .mcf file is imported, you must verify
that it was generated from the same solution as the .rst file.

When importing either the time series file or the MCF file, you have two ways of defining how the
imported files are stored. If you want the file to be local to your machine, load it with the Input
File Definition set to an Absolute Path. If you want the file to be contained within the project,
load it as a Relative Path.

Note that if Relative Path is used, the imported file is copied to the user_files directory. If you
are importing multiple files you should therefore make sure that they are named differently.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on Frequency Domain Loading Events

To specify loads for Frequency Domain Loading Events:

• Click Add Load under Loading Event to add a load (PSD, Single Frequency, Frequency
Range, Sine On Random) to an event:

Alternatively, you can right-click Loading Event and choose Add Load.

A frequency-based load (PSD, Single Frequency, Frequency Range or Sine On Random)

allows you to select Harmonic and Modal systems for the Environment definition.

If a Harmonic environment is selected, the MCF Environment setting is hidden and Direct
FRF analysis will be performed.

If a Modal environment is selected, the MCF Definition setting appears. Select between or
Manual File or Environment options.

Manual File

Set the option to Manual File to import the required Modal Coordinate File (MCF).
If you want the file to be local to your machine, load it as Absolute Path. If you
want the file to be contained within the project, load it as Relative Path.

Note that if Relative Path is used, the imported file is copied to the user_files
directory. Therefore, if you are importing multiple files, make sure they are named

Note that you are loading a Modal Coordinates File (MCF) that can have different
unit systems from the rst file of the Modal system. You therefore need to input the
Units with which the MCF was generated so that the appropriate conversion is


Set the option to Environment to select the linked Harmonic system from where
the MCF file is picked.

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Environment and Harmonic Step entries appear and Modal Based FRF analysis will
be performed. Select the required MCF Environment from the drop-down list
generated with all Harmonic systems.


The MCF File used by DesignLife should be mass normalized. This is the default
in Mechanical.


The signs of the modal coordinates stored in the .mcf file are not unique. To
ensure the mode shapes of the .rst and .mcf files are identical, they must be
generated from the same analysis solution. Matching .rst and .mcf files from
different solutions can produce incorrect results. If the .mcf file is imported, you
must verify that it was generated from the same solution as the .rst file.

– If the Analysis Settings for the selected Harmonic has the Multiple Steps option
set to No, the Harmonic Step entry will be hidden, as there is just a single step.

– If the Analysis Settings for the selected Harmonic has the Multiple Steps option
set to Yes, the Harmonic Step will be visible and the list will be populated with all
the steps defined in the Harmonic Analysis Settings.

– If the Analysis Settings for the selected Harmonic has the Cluster Results option
set to Yes, you should see the following warning: Clustering frequencies in harmonic
analysis is not recommended for vibration fatigue. Check results carefully.

• Details for PSD load are defined in the Details Window:


Select the system from which the .rst file will be picked for the nCode fatigue analysis.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

PSD Cycle Counting Method

Select between Lalanne, Dirlik, Narrow Band, or Steinberg.


If there is more than one loading event, all PSD loads must use the same PSD
Cycle Counting Method.

Interpolation Method

Select between Linear or Logarithmic interpolation methods. The default is Logarithmic.

This will impact both the frequency while stepping through the FRF and the PSD points
defined in the table. Therefore, it will modify both the PSD points in the csv frequency
table and the InterpolationMethod in the input.dcl.

When the local response is calculated at frequencies where the FRF or PSD loading is
not defined, the necessary values are interpolated. Interpolation can be LogLog (Log-
Log) or LinLin (Linear-Linear). Note that if data is required beyond the ends of the data,
the last data point is used.

Frequency Extrapolation Method

Method for calculating results outside input frequency ranges. UseLimits is the default

Select None to perform all calculations within a frequency range valid for all inputs.
Frequencies outside this range are ignored.

If you select UseLimits to include frequencies outside the range of the input data, the
last defined data point will be used.

Points used in PSD

Select between Program Controlled, in which 1024 points are used, and Manual
Definition in which you input the desired number of interpolation points.

Table Definition

Click Apply and enter the PSD spectrum values into the table. The spectrum values
are the Frequency versus the loading squared per unit frequency. The Value in the table
depends on the loading type. The loading type can be either force, displacement, velocity,
or acceleration, but it must match the applied loading from the Harmonic analysis. For
example, if the applied harmonic loading was 1G acceleration, then the PSD spectrum
values must be defined in G^2/Hz.

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The table entries cannot have negative values or multiple entries for the same frequency

Use Static Load Case

If Use Static Load Case is set to Yes. Select the static environment and its step from
which to consider the static load case.

• Details for Single Frequency load are defined in the Details Window:


Select the system from which the .rst file will be picked for the nCode fatigue

Frequency (Hz)

Set the frequency in Hz to a float positive value. The default value is 10 Hz. This
parameter corresponds to the SineDwellFrequency parameter in nCode.

Exposure Duration (sec)

Set the exposure duration in seconds to a float positive or equal to a zero value.
The default value is 600 sec. This parameter corresponds to the SineDwellDura-
tionSeconds parameter in nCode.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Amplitude (g)

Set the amplitude in g to a positive float value. This parameter is used to create the
table file containing the Frequency [Hz] versus Amplitude [g] values that the Single
Frequency load uses.

Use Static Load Case

If Use Static Load Case is set to Yes, select the static environment and its step
from which to consider the static load case.

• Details for Frequency Range load are defined in the Details Window:


Select the system from which the .rst file will be picked for the nCode fatigue

Number of Sweeps

How many times the spectrum of frequencies will be swept.

Sweep Rate

The velocity of the frequency sweep, defined in the units set in the Sweep Type

Sweep Type

The type of units that define the Sweep Rate. Choose between Linear (Hz/sec),
Log (sec/decades), and Log (octaves/minute).

Interpolation Method

Choose between Linear or Logarithmic interpolation methods.

The default value is Logarithmic. This will impact both the frequency stepping
through the FRF and the PSD points defined in the table. Therefore, it will modify
both the PSD points in the csv frequency table and the InterpolationMethod
in the input.dcl.

When the local response is calculated at frequencies where the FRF or PSD loading
is not defined, the necessary values are interpolated. Interpolation can be LogLog

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(Log-Log) or LinLin (Linear-Linear). Note that if data is required beyond the ends of
the data, the last data point is used.

Use Static Load Case

If Use Static Load Case is set to Yes, select the static environment and its step
from which to consider the static load case.

• Details for Sine On Random load are defined in the Details Window:


Select the system from which the .rst file will be picked for the nCode fatigue

Exposure Duration (sec)

Set the exposure duration in seconds to a float positive or to a zero value. This
parameter corresponds to the ExposureDuration parameter in the input.dcl.

Interpolation Method

Select between Linear or Logarithmic interpolation method. The default value is


This will impact both the frequency stepping through the FRF and the PSD points
defined in the table. It will therefore modify both the PSD points in the csv frequency
table and the InterpolationMethod in the input.dcl.

When the local response is calculated at frequencies where the FRF or PSD loading
is not defined, the necessary values are interpolated. Interpolation can be LogLog
(Log-Log) or LinLin (Linear-Linear). Note that if data is required beyond the ends of
the data, the last data point is used.

Table Definition

This corresponds to the PSD definition that will be used to generate the frequency
table csv file.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Sine On Random Frequencies [Hz]

This is a string property that contains a comma separated list of sine tone frequencies
to superimpose on the Random PSD for SineOnRandom vibrations.

This list must be the same length as the SineAmplitudes list. The values from the
two lists are used in pairs. The default value is not set.

Sine On Random Amplitudes [Value]

This is a string property that contains a comma separated list of sine tone amplitudes
to superimpose on the Random PSD for SineOnRandom vibrations.

This list must be the same length as the SineFrequencies list. The values from the
two lists are used in pairs. The default value is not set.

Sine On Random Cycle Counting Method

This property defines the underlying assumption to use in the cycle counter. The
narrow band approach tends to be conservative and is the default. The broad band
method is analogous to Gaussian random noise, is less conservative and is more in
agreement with results obtained from time domain equivalent calculations. The
default value is NarrowBand.

Use Static Load Case

If Use Static Load Case is set to Yes, select the static environment and its step
from which to consider the static load case.


If the Analysis Domain is set to Time based, only Time Domain loads are allowed. If
the Analysis Domain is set to Frequency based, only Frequency Domain loads are al-


If the Loading Type is set to PSD, all loading events must be PSD too. PSD Loading
events cannot be combined with other types of loading events. In addition, all PSD
loading events, must have the same PSD Cycle Counting Method. Comparison of Frequency Domain Add-On Results to Standalone

DesignLife Results
When comparing the add-on results in the frequency domain to standalone DesignLife results, the
settings for the standalone DesignLife Vibration Generator Glyph must be compatible. This section
describes how to ensure that compatibility for each vibration loading type. Single Frequency Loads Frequency Range Loads Consistent Acceleration Loading

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DesignLife Add-on Vibration Generator Properties Vibration Load Provider DesignLife SineDwell Using Vibration Generator DesignLife SineDwell Using DesignLife Properties DesignLife SineOnRandom Using Vibration Generator DesignLife SineOnRandom Using DesignLife Properties Vibration Generator to DesignLife for Frequency Range (Sine Sweep)

A fundamental understanding of standalone DesignLife is necessary to understand these settings.

The information in this section does not apply to using the add-on. Single Frequency Loads

Below is an example loading for Single Frequency analysis in the embedded add-on.

This is the equivalent DesignLife Integrated Vibration Generator configuration. In the Advanced
tab, define the Type as SineDwell.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

The table defined is as below.

The main difference in the two approaches is the Exposure Duration property, which is not ex-
plicitly defined in the Integrated workflow. The general rule is to multiply the Frequency and
Exposure Duration from the add-on load provider and use the product as input to the Number
of Cycles field in the Vibration Generator Glyph.

Go to the Vibration Load in the Analysis Glyph and ensure that the LoadingConfigSource field
is set to MetaData. Frequency Range Loads

Below is an example of Frequency Range loading in a vibration fatigue analysis in the embedded

This is the equivalent DesignLife Integrated Vibration Generator configuration. In the Advanced
tab, define the Type as SineSweep2.

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In the Vibration Generator Configuration, additional inputs are required to the StartFrequency
and EndFrequency fields. This would correspond to the frequency range defined in the upstream
Harmonic analysis. The AdditionalNumberOfSweeps field is not equivalent to the Number of
Sweeps field in the embedded add-on load. The equivalence depends on SweepType used (see
the sections below for more information).

Go to the Load Provider option in the Analysis Glyph and set LoadConfigSource to Metadata. Consistent Acceleration Loading

The excitation applied in the steady state dynamics FE analysis as a frequency sweep with ‘unit’

• Force

• Acceleration

• Displacement

must match both model units and the input PSD units.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

PSD g2/Hz

9810 mm/sec2

9.81 m/sec2

386.4 in/sec2

32.2 ft/sec2

PSD (mm/sec2)2/Hz

1.0 mm/sec2

0.001 m/sec2

PSD (m/sec2)2/Hz

1000.0 mm/sec2

1.0 m/sec2

PSD (in/sec2)2/Hz

25.4 mm/sec2

1.0 in/sec2

PSD and Swept Sine Inputs

Multicolumn Input

• CSV File


– Swept Sine

– Sine Dwell


PSD Input

• Vibration Generator


– Swept Sine

– Swept Sine 2

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• ASCII Translate

CSV Multicolumn Inputs

• Units used for display, not for conversion

• Data values used directly by DesignLife Vibration Generator Properties

Advanced tab

All properties on this form are passed out as metadata (as described in the image above):


• SineSweep2 - Sets the vibration type

Histogram Output

• StartFrequency

• EndFrequency

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

• FrequencyStep


• TestDuration

• AdditionalNumberOfSweeps

• SweepType

• SweepRate

• InterpolationMethod

• TestType

Vibration Properties tab

Data in the Vibration Properties tab is set manually and the data in this table is passed out as
metadata as a packet named VibrationTables.

This table is defined on the Advanced tab by:

• Type = SineSweep2

• VibrationTable = PropertiesTab

• TestType = Acceleration (g)

SineSweep2 Metadata Example:

<Set name="VibrationGenerator1_Properties">
<Item name="AdditionalNumberOfSweeps" type="Long" value="0"/>
<Item name="EndFrequency" type="Float" value="1000"/>
<Item name="FrequencyStep" type="Float" value="1"/>
<Item name="InterpolationMethod" type="String" value="Log"/>
<Item name="StartFrequency" type="Float" value="1"/>
<Item name="SweepRate" type="Float" value="1"/>
<Item name="SweepType" type="String" value="OctavesPerMinute"/>
<Item name="TestDuration" type="Float" value="600"/>
<Item name="TestType" type="String" value="Acceleration (g)"/>
<Item name="Type" type="String" value="SineSweep2"/>
<Item name="VibrationTable" type="String" value="PropertiesTab"/>
<Item name="XMLTables" type="String" value=“VibrationGenerator1_Properties"/>

<VibrationTables Version=""1.0"">

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<SineSweep2Item Amplitude=""0.1"" Frequency=""1""/>
<SineSweep2Item Amplitude=""5"" Frequency=""10""/>
<SineSweep2Item Amplitude=""20"" Frequency=""100""/>
<SineSweep2Item Amplitude=""10"" Frequency=""1000""/>

SineSweep2 Acceleration Histogram

The histogram output is controlled by the following Advanced tab properties:

• StartFrequency

• EndFrequency

• FrequencyStep

The amplitudes for the histogram are obtained from the table on the Vibration Properties tab.

• Any output frequencies not covered by the table will be set to zero.

• These zero amplitudes will generate an error if the InterpolationMethod is set to Log. Vibration Load Provider

The FRF can be paired up with metadata from Vibration Generator (see below).

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

When LoadingConfigSource is set to Metadata (see below), the swept sine definition in DesignLife
is calculated from the Vibration Generator metadata properties.

The histogram from the Vibration Generator is not used, the sweep range is defined by the XM-
LTable in the metadata.

When LoadingConfigSource is set to Custom, the swept sine definition in DesignLife is calculated
from the Vibration Generator histogram and properties set on the Advanced tab.

When the LoadingConfigSource is switched from Custom to Metadata and then back to Custom,
load provider properties are set to those calculated from the Vibration Generator settings.

If the frequency ranges defined on the Advanced tab and Vibration Properties tab of the Vibra-
tion Generator were not the same, a Custom run and a Metadata run will generate different

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Swept Sine Sweep Rate Calculations

Linear HZ per Sec

Sweep_Rate = (fmax – fmin)/Time(sec)

Log Secs per Decade

Sweep_Rate = Time(sec)/( log(fmax) – log(fmin) )

Log Octaves per Min

Sweep_Rate = ( ( log(fmax) – log(fmin))/log(2) )/Time(min)


Time = total duration of test

fmin = starting frequency of sweep in Hz

fmax = ending frequency of sweep in Hz

Sweep_Rate = sweep rate in sweep rate type DesignLife SineDwell Using Vibration Generator

SineDwell properties are set for:

• Amplitude

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

• Frequency

• Number of Cycles

These are passed out as metadata, with no histogram data output.

• Amplitude from metadata

Advanced Tab

LoadingConfigSource must be set to Metadata.

The analysis uses amplitude, frequency and number of cycles from the Vibration Generator

The DesignLife load provider must be set to the appropriate amplitude, SineDwellFrequency
and SineDwellDurationSeconds.

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DesignLife Add-on DesignLife SineDwell Using DesignLife Properties

Edit Loading Tab

The FRF (Frequency Response Function) is paired up with acceleration data. Load data can be
multicolumn or histogram curves of acceleration amplitude versus frequency. The dwell frequency
must be inside the range of the sine sweep contained in the load data.

Advanced Tab

SineDwell Properties

• Frequency

• Duration

The duration is the summation of:

• SineDwellDurationSeconds

• SineDwellDurationHours

• SineDwellDurationDays

• SineDwellDurationYears

When LoadConfigSource is set to Custom, the dwell amplitude is determined from the sine
sweep loading selected on the Edit Loading tab.

SineDwellDurationSeconds = (Number of Cycles)/(Frequency (Hz))

where Number of Cycles & and Frequency are set in the Vibration Generator.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on DesignLife SineOnRandom Using Vibration Generator

PSD (Power Spectral Density) is defined in Vibration Properties.

• Metadata 4 frequency points

• Histogram 1024 frequency points

SineFrequencies and SineAmplitudes are output as metadata.

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Advanced Tab

PSD is input from metadata containing 4 frequency steps.

Amplitudes and frequencies of sine tones are input as metadata.

ExposureDuration and CycleCountingMethod are DesignLife properties.

The default frequency selection method is used if:

• Direct FRF did not contain well spaced frequencies

• Answers were significantly different from the Custom solution

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Frequency Steps used in Solution

In the example below, the default frequency selection method was initially used, but the PSD
frequency steps from metadata and the FRF frequency steps from the harmonic solution did not
have enough resolution to define the stresses.

Switching the FrequencySelectionMethod to UserDefined, and specifying a 1 Hz frequency

step corrected the issue (see below).

Advanced Tab

The lack of resolution in the frequency steps (above) was not immediately obvious.

Use of a modal FRF with fine frequency spacing is recommended.

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DesignLife Add-on DesignLife SineOnRandom Using DesignLife Properties

Though the loading input is still from the Vibration Generator, with the Custom setting selected
the only input is the PSD as a histogram.

This makes the default frequency selection method an adequate choice.

As before, the ExposureDuration and CycleCountingMethod are both DesignLife properties. Vibration Generator to DesignLife for Frequency Range (Sine Sweep)

Below is the table conversion to see the DesignLife properties when setting the Vibration Gener-

Linear HZ per Sec

Sweep_Rate = (fmax – fmin)/Time(sec)

Log Secs per Decade

Sweep_Rate = Time(sec)/( log(fmax) – log(fmin) )

Log Octaves per Min

Sweep_Rate = ( ( log(fmax) – log(fmin))/log(2) )/Time(min)


Time = total duration of test

fmin = starting frequency of sweep in Hz

fmax = ending frequency of sweep in Hz

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Sweep_Rate = sweep rate in sweep rate type

See examples of conversions below:

1. Linear (Hz/sec)

2. Log (sec/decades)

3. Log (octaves/minute)

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1.3.6. Materials Assignment

Include a Materials Assignment object to modify the material used in the fatigue calculation. Be
aware that the upstream systems connected to nCode will still use the material defined in Engineering
Data. Only the material parameters for the fatigue calculation within nCode system will be modified.

1. Right-click Materials and choose Modify Material Parameters.

Figure 1.3: Modify Material Parameters

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

2. Scope the part that you would like to analyze with a different material. If elements have more
than one Materials Assignment applied to them, the first Material Assignment defined in the
tree will be used.

3. Pick a Based on Material from engineering data to base the new material on an existing material's

4. For a Strain Fatigue Type analysis, set the Strength Coefficient, Strength Exponent, Ductility
Coefficient, Ductility Exponent, Cyclic Strength Coefficient, Cyclic Strain Hardening Exponent,
Young's Modulus, Poissons's Ratio, and Tensile Ultimate Strength of the new material.

Figure 1.4: Materials Properties for Strain Analysis

5. For a Stress Fatigue Type analysis, set the S-N Curve, Stress Offset, Scale Factor, Young's
Modulus, Poissons's Ratio, and Tensile Ultimate Strength of the new material.

For Stress Analysis, the nCode Multicurve Stress-Life Parameters are set to User Defined and
populated from engineering data (if defined) when the Materials Assignment is created.

To import an S-N Curve, select a *.csv file containing the cycles data in the first column and
the alternating stress in the second column. Multiple curves must be imported separately.

If nCode Multicurve Stress-Life Parameters are not defined in the engineering data, the definition
is set to Program Controlled and default values for Nfc, SEIs, and Ne are used (see below).

Parameter Description Defau

Nfc Numerical fatigue cutoff life, in cycles. Beyond this life, damage will be assumed 1e+30
to be zero.
SEIs Standard error of log10(stress). 0.0540
Ne Endurance limit. This is the specified life in cycles. The main function of this is to 1e+7
define the point on the S-N curves where surface finish corrections are applied.

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Figure 1.5: Materials Properties for Stress Analysis

6. Set the nCode Material Type to one of Grey Cast Iron, Nodular Cast Iron, Malleable Cast Iron,
Cast Steel, Steel, Aluminum, and Cast Aluminum.

Surface Finish and Surface Treatment Settings

Surface finish and treatment can have a significant effect on fatigue behavior. Rough surface finishes
due to machining marks, for example, will in general reduce the fatigue strength, whereas surface
treatments are often applied to increase the fatigue strength.

In nCode, surface finish and treatment effects are modeled in the S-N and E-N engines by means
of a single surface factor Ksur. This works in a different way from the scale factor described above,
with which it should not be confused. The surface factor is used to adjust the material curve. The
application is slightly different for the S-N and E-N methods, but the basic principle is the same—the
surface factor is applied to the fatigue strength of the material in the high cycle (long-life) regime,
but the effect reduces in the low cycle (short-life) regime. The details of the application of the
surface factor are given in the DesignLife Help, with the sections describing the S-N and E-N
analysis engines. Ksur is the product of three factors, which can be defined via the material map.
Each of these has default value of 1.

Ksur = Ktreatment x Kuser x Kroughness

7. Set the Surface Finish to one of Polished, Ground, Machined, Poor Machined, As Rolled, or
As Cast.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

8. Set the Surface Treatment Factor to adjust the fatigue strength to take into account surface
treatment. A factor > 1 will result in an improvement in fatigue strength. The Surface Treatment
Factor should be a positive float number. The default value is 1.0.

9. Set the User Surface Factor to adjust the fatigue strength for any unspecified reason. A factor >
1 will result in an improvement in fatigue strength. The User Surface Factor should be a positive
float number. The default value is 1.0.

Materials Assignment for Seam Weld Analysis

If the Analysis Type is Solid or Shell Seam Weld (see figure below), the default material applied is
seam_steel from the iceflow_standard.mxd material database. The iceflow_standard
database can be found in the mats folder in the nCode installation.

To modify the weld material for a Solid or Shell Seam Weld analysis:

1. Insert a Materials Assignment object.

2. Set the Database by selecting the *.mxd database file where all the nCode materials are defined.

This file is copied to the current directory. The DesignLife add-on filters the materials found in
this database, and lists those that are valid for Seam Weld analysis in the Seam Weld Material
option field.

3. Select the new Seam Weld Material.

1.3.7. Solve
Solving is done as in any Mechanical System:

• While solving, selecting Solution Information will show the solver’s progress and display errors
as they are encountered:

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• If you are solving in non-SI units, you may need to move a sys file.

1.3.8. Post-processing
These operations are available in post-processing:

• You can add a result by selecting the Ansys nCode DesignLife toolbar with Solution active
in the tree:

• Alternatively, you can right-click Solution, choose Insert, and pick a result type.

• An entire loading history can be post-processed, or events may be post-processed individually

by selecting Event (default = entire load history).

• Use the Details Window to specify the maximum life or maximum damage to be displayed
in contour plots. This can be used to create more discretized contour plots:

• A result can be exported by clicking Export:

• Any DesignLife result can be plotted by selecting Other Results:

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Using the DesignLife Add-on Post-processing Static Failure

For Time Based, Stress-Life Analysis (SN), the Static Failure Damage is set to 1.234e29 in the in-
put.dcl file used by nCode solver.
SetProperty("SNEngine_Fatigue",StaticFailureDamage,"1.234E29") Post-Processing Static Failure for Damage and Life Results:

If "Static Failure" is detected, Mechanical displays a warning message:

Calculated alternating stress in some areas exceeded the UTS, which indicates
Static Failure. For those areas, Life is set to the Static Failure Life and Damage
is set to the Static Failure Damage; plotted as purple contours.

The purple band in the legend, corresponding to the Static Failure Life or Static Failure Damage
value, represents all the areas where Static Failure is reported.

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Figure 1.6: Example of Life result where the purple band corresponds to the Static Failure

Figure 1.7: Example of Damage s where the purple band corresponds to the Static Failure

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Using the DesignLife Add-on Damage Result - Maximum Damage Displayed

The next color band is represented by red. The value of the red band corresponds to the Maximum
Damage Displayed (Case 1) or the maximum damage calculated (if it is less than the limit of the
Maximum Damage Displayed (Case 2).

Case 1 — In the figure below, the Maximum Damaged Displayed is set to 1. However, the
Maximum Damage calculated is of 977.1. Therefore, Mechanical issues the following warning

Calculated damage in some areas is above the specified maximum damage.

As you restricted the Maximum Damaged Displayed to 1, all values above were set to 1 and
displayed in red.

Figure 1.8: Calculated damage in some areas is above the specified maximum damage

Case 2 — In the figure below, the Maximum Damage Displayed is set to 1e4. The warning
message is no longer displayed, as the limit is not reached. The Maximum Damage Displayed
was set to 1e4, while the maximum calculated is 977.1.

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DesignLife Add-on

Figure 1.9: Maximum Damage display limit not reached Life Result - Minimum Life Displayed

The next band color is represented by red. The value of the red band will correspond to the
Minimum Life Displayed (Case 1) or the Minimum Life calculated (if it is higher than the limit
of the Minimum Life Displayed (Case 2).

Case 1 — In the figure below, the Minimum Life Displayed is set to 700. However, the Minimum
Life calculated is of 614.4. Therefore, Mechanical issues the following warning message:

Calculated life in some areas is below the specified minimum life.

As the user restricted the Minimum Life Displayed to 700, all values below were set to 700 and
displayed in red.

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Figure 1.10: Calculated life in some areas is below the specified minimum life

Case 2 - In the figure below, the Minimum Life Displayed is set to 1. The warning message is
no longer displayed, as the limit is not reached. The Minimum Life Displayed was set to 1, while
the maximum calculated is 614.4.

Figure 1.11: Minimum Life display limit not reached

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DesignLife Add-on Effect of Stress Averaging on Fatigue Results

The calculated fatigue results using the DesignLife Add-on can differ from those calculated using
the integrated/standalone Ansys nCode DesignLife interface, because the nodal stresses may differ.

The integrated/standalone DesignLife interface calculates the surface nodal stresses by averaging
the stresses from all elements that share that node. However, the DesignLife Add-on only includes
the stresses from elements that have a face on the surface. The nodal stress averaging method
used by the DesignLife Add-on is consistent with the method used by Mechanical. For refined, well-
shaped meshes, the effect of the nodal stress averaging method should be minimal. The effect can
be more substantial for poor quality meshes, particularly those with tetrahedral elements.

Differences caused by stress averaging

The DesignLife Add-on and the integrated/standalone Ansys nCode DesignLife interfaces use the
same fatigue solver. If the settings and nodal stresses are identical, the calculated fatigue results
will be identical. However, the different interfaces use different stress averaging algorithms which
can produce different nodal stresses which will then produce different fatigue results.

This simple test case demonstrates the issue with stress averaging methods. It is a simple cantilever
beam. The nodes in the center portion of the top face are saved in a Named Selection (top_face).
The fatigue calculations use the SN method, fully reversing Constant Amplitude loading, and the
signed VonMises stress. You can create a hex or tet mesh by suppressing/un-suppressing the mesh

Hex Mesh
If a hex mesh is used, the maximum calculated alternating stress in the top_face is 45 ksi for the
add-on, the integrated/standalone interfaces, and the Mechanical Fatigue Tool (FT). The minimum
calculated fatigue life is 9999 cycles for all interfaces.

Figure 1.12: Hex mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Life

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Figure 1.13: Hex mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress

Figure 1.14: Hex mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Life

Figure 1.15: Hex mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress

Figure 1.16: Hex mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Life

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DesignLife Add-on

Figure 1.17: Hex mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress

Tet Mesh
If a tet mesh is used, the maximum calculated alternating stress is 45.02 ksi for the add-on, 45.11
ksi for the integrated/standalone interfaces, and 44.97 ksi for the FT. The minimum calculated fatigue
life is 9982 for the add-on, 9909 for the integrated/standalone interface, and 10019 for the FT. The
interfaces produce different fatigue results because they calculate slightly different nodal stresses.

Figure 1.18: Tet mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Life

Figure 1.19: Tet mesh - Mechanical Fatigue Tool - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress

Figure 1.20: Tet mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Life

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Using the DesignLife Add-on

Figure 1.21: Tet mesh - DesignLife Add-on - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress

Figure 1.22: Tet mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Life

Figure 1.23: Tet mesh - DesignLife Standalone - Top Face Equivalent Alternating Stress

For surface stresses, the integrated/standalone DesignLife interface calculates the nodal stress by
averaging the stress from all elements that share that node. This averaging scheme is similar to the
averaging scheme used by Mechanical APDL Full graphics. However, the add-on interface only av-
erages the stress from elements that have a face on that surface. This averaging scheme is similar
to the averaging schemes used by Mechanical APDL Power graphics and Mechanical.

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DesignLife Add-on

For a refined, well-shaped mesh using hex elements, the averaged surface nodal stresses should
be almost identical regardless of the averaging scheme. Thus, for those types of meshes, the calcu-
lated DesignLife fatigue results from the add-on and the integrated/standalone interface (and the
FT) should be almost identical. However, for coarse tet meshes, the averaged nodal stresses can be
affected by the averaging scheme. Thus, the calculated fatigue results may be different.

In meshes where the averaging scheme affects the nodal stresses (and therefore the fatigue results),
you can expect the add-on results to be more accurate than the integrated/standalone results.
However, a large difference in the fatigue results between the add-on and the integrated/standalone
interfaces would indicate a poor quality mesh. Damage and Rainflow Matrix Plots

Display the Damage Matrix or Rainflow Matrix by picking a node in the graphics window and
clicking one of the Matrix icons in the Ansys nCode DesignLife toolbar.

Conditions to include a Matrix Plot: If any of these conditions are not met, no matrix will be dis-
played when clicking on the Damage Matrix or Rainflow Matrix icons.

1. You must select an nCode system.

2. The nCode system must be solved.

3. The nCode system must be a Strain or Stress analysis.

If these conditions are not met, a corresponding warning message will be displayed.

Conditions for node Selected: When the nCode system is solved, a fatigue_results.csv file
is generated in the working directory. This file is used to verify the node validity.

• If you select a node that is within fatigue_results.csv file, the software plots the matrix
results corresponding to that node.

• If you select a node that is not within the fatigue_results.csv file, the software finds the
most damaged node within the fatigue_results.csv file and plots the matrix results cor-
responding to that node.

• If you do not select a node (For example if you select a surface, body, or nothing), the software
finds the most damaged node within the fatigue_results.csv file and plots the matrix
results corresponding to that node.

When the conditions are not met and software finds the most damaged node, a message will inform
you that data from the most damaged node is plotted on the matrix.

Solving nCode cycles system: Once you have a solved Stress or Strain system and selected a node,
the nCode analysis runs and returns a cycles_list_1_01.csv file containing the histogram
data that will be represented in the matrix plot.

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Figure 1.24: Damage Matrix

1.4. Limitations
The following limitations apply to the Mechanical Embedded DesignLife UI:

• Licensing limitations:

– The UI is only available on the Windows operating system.

– The UI requires an Ansys nCode DesignLife license.

→ If you do not already have the license, contact your Ansys Sales Representative to
obtain one.

→ TECS (Technical enhancements and customer support) is provided under the Ansys
nCode DesignLife Pro license. The Ansys nCode DesignLife Premium and Ansys
nCode DesignLife Enterprise licenses do not provide TECS.

– More than two threads requires an Ansys nCode DesignLife Parallel Add-on license.

– The Shell Seam Weld and Solid Seam Weld analysis types require an Ansys nCode
DesignLife Enterprise license.

• The Mechanical Embedded DesignLife system:

– Should not be connected to a downstream Mechanical system. Only upstream systems

are used in fatigue analysis.

– Can only have Static or Transient Structural systems as upstream source systems for Time
based, or Harmonic for Frequency based.

– Cannot be used as a stand-alone system.

– Does not support temperature-dependent S-N curves.

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DesignLife Add-on

– Does not support temperature-dependent EN material properties.

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Chapter 2: NVH Toolkit Add-on
The NVH Toolkit Add-on is conceived to postprocess Noise, Vibration and Harshness results. In addition,
it streamlines FEA-Experimental model comparison calculations of Vibration results, like the Modal As-
surance Criterion (MAC), Coordinate MAC, Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) or Frequency Response
Assurance Criterion (FRAC).
2.1. Make the NVH Add-on Available
2.2.The NVH Ribbon
2.3. MAC Calculator
2.4. Stress/Strain Recovery
2.5. FRF Calculator
2.6. UNV File Restrictions

2.1. Make the NVH Add-on Available

To make the NVH capabilities available, click the NVH Toolkit Icon in the Add-ons Ribbon. The icon
will be highlighted in blue, indicating that the add-on is loaded.

Figure 2.1: Active NVH Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon

Once the add-on is loaded, the NVH Ribbon is visible.

2.2. The NVH Ribbon

When the NVH Add-on is loaded, the NVH ribbon is accessible. It displays the following buttons:

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NVH Toolkit Add-on

MAC Calculator (p. 53)

Introduces a result that computes the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) between Ansys Mechanical
modal analysis results (rst) and experimental results (unv) or between two different rst results.
It offers several preprocessing/postprocessing capabilities:

• Mode selection and flip

• Mode pairing

• Node selection and position tuning of UNV nodes

• UNV model orientation

• Cyclic Optimization specific workflow

• Interactive MAC Table

• Interactive side-by-side Mode Animation

Stress/Strain Recovery (p. 70)

Introduces a result that computes the elastic Stress/Strain fields obtained of the linear superposition
of modes according to a Modal Coordinates File (mcf).

FRF Calculator (p. 73)

Introduces a result that computes the Frequency Response Function (FRF) for a given set of input
and output degrees of freedom (DOFs). It offers several preprocessing/postprocessing capabilities:

• Calculate FRF in tailored frequency intervals

• Adjust damping of individual modes

• Input/output DOFs rotated to custom reference frame

• Calculate FRF in terms of Compliance (X/F), Mobility (V/F) or Accelerance (A/F) of the input/out-
put DOFs

• Export FRFs to csv format

• Load and review UNV model FRF data, with custom orientation.

• Compute the Frequency Response Assurance Criterion (FRAC) between computational FRFs
or computational and experimental FRFs.

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52 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
MAC Calculator

2.3. MAC Calculator

The MAC Calculator introduces a result in the Tree that computes the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC)
between Ansys Mechanical modal analysis results (rst) and experimental results (unv) or between two
different rst results.


The MAC Calculator result can only be added under Modal Analyses (Modal, Coupled Field
Modal or Modal Acoustics).

2.3.1. Adding a MAC Calculator result

To Add a Mac Calculator result, you can either:

• Press the MAC Calculator button in the NVH ribbon:

• On the Solution tree object of the Project where the MAC Calculator is to be introduced, click the
right mouse button to open the context menu, then choose Insert → MAC Calculator:

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NVH Toolkit Add-on

When a MAC Calculator result is added, its default properties are populated, and the MAC Frequency
Worksheet pane is located at the left of the Geometry pane, initially empty.

2.3.2. MAC Calculator Details

The following options are available under the MAC Calculator details: File 2 Options MAC Calculation Options Mode Pairing Options Cyclic Optimization Options Optimization Result File 2 Options

File Type

Use the drop-down menu to set the File Type of File 2 to unv or rst.


The units that quantify the values in the unv file. The default value of Units appears as Dataset
164 (p. 87) in the unv file, which means that the units of the file are input through the units
dataset in the file. The rest of the options are intended for unv files without a units dataset,
and cover common length units (m, cm, mm, ft, in and µm). In addition, you can define a Custom
Length Scale to adjust the dimensions of the unv model with any positive factor. This option
is only available for unv files.


Input File 2 using a File dialog. When the file is set, the rest of the File 2 Options are populated,
the MAC Frequency Worksheet is populated, the UNV Node Worksheet appears and the
File 2 geometry is displayed in the Geometry view. If File 2 is a unv file, its format needs to
comply with the restrictions in UNV File Restrictions (p. 87).

Orient By

These options are only supported for unv files. Three options are available to orient the unv
model relative to the File 1 model with a Rigid Body (RB) transformation. Changing any of the
options automatically changes the orientation of the unv model in the Geometry view.

Coordinate System

Only supported for unv files. Orient the unv model according to the RB transformation
defined by the center and rotation of a coordinate system defined in the model. The selected
coordinate system (CS) should be the one that orients the unv model in the same way that
the global coordinate system (GCS) orients the rst model.

For example, if node A of the rst file has coordinates (xA,yA,zA) with respect to the GCS,
the local CS of the unv file is the one such that the corresponding unv node to A has co-
ordinates (xA,yA,zA) with respect to the CS.

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MAC Calculator

When Orient By is set to Coordinate System, a Coordinate System property is enabled

to select from the coordinate systems defined in the model.

Rigid Body Transformation

Orient the unv model according to the RB transformation defined by three translations (X
Translation, Y Translation, Z Translation) and three rotations expressed in the axis vector-
angle representation (Rotation X Axis, Rotation Y Axis, Rotation Z Axis, Rotation Angle).

The order of the transformations is first Translation, then Rotation. The Rotation Axis does
not need to be normalized.

3 Node Alignment

Orient the unv model according to the RB transformation defined by 3 node matches
between the rst and unv models. Each Node Pair is defined through a Tabular Data
property that is displayed when the property is clicked.

The rst node can be scoped through either a Named Selection or a Geometry Selection.
In both cases, the selection can only be formed by one node. The Geometry Selection is
directly made by graphically picking in the Geometry pane, whereas the Named Selection
is selected through a drop-down menu.

The unv node is selected through a drop-down menu that displays the unv Node Numbers
as shown in the UNV Node Worksheet (p. 60).

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NVH Toolkit Add-on

The rst-unv node alignment is produced when you press the Apply button in the property
field. MAC Calculation Options

The MAC Calculator internally employs the RSTMAC command in Mechanical APDL. Some of the
options of the command, as well as supplementary options of the MACOPT command are provided
through these options. Use the following options to customize the calculations.

Node Matching Absolute Tolerance

The absolute tolerance employed in the node-matching algorithm. Its default value is 0.01 m.
If Nearest Node match is set to No, all nodes within this tolerance potentially can be matched.

Nearest Node match

Binary property that ensures the nearest node match between each File 1 and File 2 nodes. This
option ensures consistent runs, but it is also more expensive in terms of computational time,
and this grows as the Node Matching Absolute Tolerance (p. ?) value grows.

Restrict to Nodal Named Selection

Binary property that enables restricting the MAC Calculation to the Nodal Named Selec-
tion (p. ?).

Nodal Named Selection

If Restrict to Nodal Named Selection (p. ?) is set to Yes, this property restricts the MAC calcu-
lation to only the nodes contained in the Named Selection you choose.

In order to use this option, the Mechanical APDL database must be saved.

Under Analysis Settings → Analysis Data Management → Save MAPDL db, the property
should be set to Yes. It is empty by default.

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MAC Calculator

Degrees of freedom

Dropdown property that allows the restriction of the MAC Calculation to a certain subset of
Degrees of Freedom:

All Structural DOFS

No restriction, all available Structural DOFs in the model are employed (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX,

All Translation DOFS

Only the Translation DOFs in the model are employed (UX, UY, UZ).

All Rotation DOFS

Only the Rotation DOFs in the model are employed (ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ).

Custom DOFs

Input the preferred DOFs as a comma-separated string of text.

Export MAC Plot

Binary property that enables the export of the 2D MAC Table in png format after each generation
of the MAC Calculator. When the MAC Table is exported through this option, a mac.png file
is saved to the MAC Calculator subfolder, where the rest of the MAC files are saved as described
in MAC Calculator Generation (p. 61). Mode Pairing Options

Use these options to enable and customize the automatic mode pairing algorithm (p. 66).

Pair Modes

Boolean option employed to trigger the automatic mode pairing algorithm (p. 66) after the
MAC Table is calculated.

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NVH Toolkit Add-on

MAC Limit

MAC Limit to be employed in the automatic mode pairing algorithm (p. 66).

Frequency Tolerances

The tolerances to be employed in the automatic mode pairing algorithm (p. 66). If Program
Controlled is selected, the default tolerances are employed. They can be further manipulated
employing the User Defined option, that displays the following properties:

RB Modes Cutoff Frequency

Frequency Threshold to filter a Rigid Body Mode

Relative Frequency Tolerance (%)

Relative Tolerance to pair two modes

Absolute Frequency Tolerance

Absolute Tolerance to pair two modes Cyclic Optimization Options

These options are only supported for unv files. These options are employed to enable a specific
workflow useful for models that exhibit cyclic (cylindrical) symmetry. In these cases, both rst and
unv models can produce bending modes at random azimuthal angles, and these options are enabled
to provide the best possible correlation between them. This is performed by rotating the unv
model according to the options below, and providing the best match of all the possible configura-

Cyclic Optimization

Boolean option to trigger the Cyclic Optimization workflow.

Cylindrical Coordinate System

If Cyclic Optimization is set to Yes, the cylindrical coordinate system that defines the cylindrical
symmetry of the models.

Optimize By

If Cyclic Optimization is set to Yes, choose either Number of Sectors or Sector Angle, that
are input through the remaining options.

Number of Sectors

If Optimize By is set to Number of Sectors, input the number of sectors that defines the
symmetry of the model.

Sector Angle

If Optimize By is set to Sector Angle, input the sector angle that defines the symmetry of the

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MAC Calculator Optimization Result

Configure these options to measure the correlation between File 1 and File 2 modes according to
the Objective Function Formulation (p. 67).

Alpha (Frequency Term)

Coefficient of the frequency term in the Objective Function Formulation.

Objective Function (f)

Read-only property, the result of the Objective Function Formulation.

2.3.3. MAC Frequency Worksheet

The first two tables of the MAC Frequency Worksheet are populated with the File 1 and File 2 modes
when File 2 is set. They offer a preview of the available modes in each file. By clicking the right mouse
button after selecting some modes, the following options are available:


If the mode is checked/unchecked, it gets unchecked/checked. This means that this particular
mode is employed/not employed in the subsequent MAC calculations. This option is also triggered
for individual modes if its check box is ticked/unticked.

Move Upwards

The selected modes are moved upwards by one row.

Move Downwards

The selected modes are moved downwards by one row.


The selected mode is displayed in the Mode Animation View (p. 67).

The Move Upwards and Move Downwards options are especially useful for mode shifts situations
in which two different modes can have very similar frequencies.

The changes that are done in the MAC Frequency Worksheet are instantly translated to the 2D MAC
Table (p. 62).

If you press the Reset Modes button, all modes are ticked and shown in the original order (from
lower frequency to higher frequency).

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NVH Toolkit Add-on

The third table of the MAC Frequency Worksheet shows the results of the automatic mode pairing
algorithm (p. 66). This algorithm is triggered by either pressing the Pair Modes button at the top of
the worksheet, or by setting the Pair Modes property in the Details View to Yes. When you press
the button, the modes are reordered and paired, and the third table shows the frequency error (ab-
solute and relative) and the MAC values of those mode combinations.

When the modes are paired, a third button appears at the top of the worksheet that allows you to
export the paired modes results to a CSV file.

2.3.4. UNV Node Worksheet

The UNV Node Worksheet is displayed when the unv file is set. It shows the nodes present in the
unv file, with their Node Number and Coordinates (X, Y, Z). It has the following features:

• Selected nodes are highlighted in green in the Geometry pane.

• Coordinates are editable in the Worksheet.

• A check mark in a node's check box indicates that the node will be employed in the subsequent
MAC calculations. Toggle a node's checked status by clicking its check box, or by using the
Show/Hide option on the context menu. Changing the status of any node refreshes the Geometry
pane to display only the checked nodes and hide the unchecked nodes.

• Press the Reset UNV Nodes button above the Worksheet to reset the coordinates to their original

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MAC Calculator

• Press the Show UNV Node Numbers button to display the UNV Node Numbers in labels in the
Geometry view.

• Manually editing the coordinates should be done after aligning the rst and unv models through
the properties listed under File 2 Options in the MAC Calculator Details (p. 54). If the nodes are
edited and then any option (Coordinate System/RB Transformation/3 Node Alignment) is changed,
the node location is reset.

2.3.5. MAC Calculator Generation

As any other Mechanical result, the MAC Calculator can be generated:

• By solving an Analysis that has an already fully defined MAC Calculator result.

• By right-clicking in the project tree to open the context menu, then choosing Generate.

The generation of the MAC Calculator runs Mechanical APDL in the background. Each MAC Calculator
result generates a folder under its Analysis Solver Files directory. Three types of files are
generated in each MAC Calculator subfolder:

1. rstmac.out file. This is the output file of the Mechanical APDL run, where all the employed
options can be investigated.

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NVH Toolkit Add-on

2. rstmac_unv_XXX.txt files. These are the unv files as read by the RSTMAC command. In case
of a non-Cyclic run (MACOPT and RSTMAC Options/Cyclic Optimization set to No), only one RSTMAC
run is done and therefore only one file is saved. In case of a Cyclic run, a unv file is produced for
each RSTMAC run, and therefore several files are written.

3. rstmac.err file. This file collects the errors found in the RSTMAC run (if any). If errors that prevent
the full generation of the MAC result are found, an Error message is displayed in Mechanical and
this file should be checked for troubleshooting/workarounds.

2.3.6. 2D MAC Table

If the MAC Calculator result is successfully generated, a 2D MAC Table pane is shown at the right of
the Geometry pane. The File 1 modes are displayed in rows and the File 2 modes in columns, with
the items of the table showing the MAC values of each pair of modes.

Hover in the table to inspect the individual values. Command buttons above the table enable you to
zoom, pan and reset the view of the table.

If the modes in the MAC Frequency Worksheet (p. 59) are checked/unchecked or moved upwards/down-
wards, the 2D MAC Table is automatically refreshed.

Clicking in any item in the table displays the Mode Animation View (p. 67) view.

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MAC Calculator

The 2D MAC Table pane has two buttons:

• Click the first button to Show/Hide the MAC values inside each item in the Table.

• Click the second button to Export the MAC Table to png format.

2.3.7. 3D MAC Table

The 3D MAC Table is generated when a new successful MAC Calculation is produced. It is shown
docked together with the 2D MAC Table (p. 62). The MAC value for each pair of modes is represented
in a bar, defined by its height and color. The modes are displayed in the X and Y directions.

Hover in the Table to inspect the individual values. Command buttons above the table enable you
to switch between the Zoom, Pan and Rotate mode, and to Reset the camera.

If the modes in the MAC Frequency Worksheet (p. 59) are checked/unchecked or moved upwards/down-
wards, the 3D MAC Table is automatically refreshed. In addition, when the Reset Modes or Pair

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NVH Toolkit Add-on

Modes buttons are clicked in the MAC Frequency Worksheet, the 3D MAC Table is automatically re-

2.3.8. Matched Nodes Table

The Matched Nodes Table is produced when a new successful MAC calculation has taken place. It
is shown at the same location as the 2D MAC Table (p. 62), and it displays the list of nodes that have
been matched between File 1 and File 2. The selected nodes in the table are highlighted in magenta
(File 1 Node) and green (File 2 Node) in the Geometry pane.

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MAC Calculator

You can also use the Matched Nodes Table to compute and display COMAC (p. 65) results. Trigger
the calculation by clicking the button above the table. To produce a successful set of COMAC results,
the same number of modes must be ticked in the MAC Frequency Worksheet (by either having pre-
viously run the Mode Pairing Algorithm (p. 66) or by manually ticking the modes). Calculating the
COMAC results supplements the table with COMAC columns.

Finally, the information displayed in the Matched Nodes Table can be exported to a CSV file when
the Export to CSV button is pressed.

2.3.9. Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion Calculation

Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion (COMAC) is an extension to the MAC calculation that identifies
the degrees of freedom that are the source of low correlation between the models. To compute
COMAC, the modes in both models need to be paired. In the MAC Calculator context, this can either
be accomplished using the Automatic Mode Pairing Algorithm (p. 66) or by pairing modes manually
in the MAC Frequency Worksheet (p. 59).

Once the modes have been paired, COMAC is computed as:

Where the following notation is employed:

• COMAC value for degree of freedom (dof )   .

•   number of paired modes in both models.

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• set of File 1 modes shapes at dof    for all paired modes.

• set of File 2 modes shapes at dof    for all paired modes.

• complex conjugate of , .

2.3.10. Automatic Mode Pairing Algorithm

This algorithm provides an indication of possible mode pairs between File 1 and File 2 modes. This
algorithm is triggered:

• By pressing the Pair Modes button in the MAC Frequency Worksheet (p. 59). In this case the al-
gorithm is automatically triggered.

• By setting the Pair Modes property in the project Details to Yes. In this case the algorithm is
triggered after the MAC Calculator (p. 53) is generated.

The algorithm employs the following nomenclature:

• set of modes of File 1.

• set of modes of File 2.

• Rigid Body Modes Cutoff Frequency.

• Absolute Frequency Tolerance.

• Relative Frequency Tolerance.

• MAC value between modes and .

• MAC Limit threshold.

The algorithm is outlined as:

• All modes in both and sets below are unchecked (eliminated).

• All of the surviving modes are ordered in descending order.

• All are not considered for mode pairing.

• All the surviving values are compared (starting from the highest to the lowest), and two
frequency checks are performed:

– Relative frequency check: .

– Absolute frequency check: .

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If either the relative or the absolute checks passes, modes and are considered to be paired,
and both of them are blocked to be paired with the subsequent modes.

The four parameters of the algorithm, , , and can be modified through their respective
properties under the Details (p. 54) view.

2.3.11. Objective Function Formulation

The objective function provides an indicator of the quality of the correlation between File 1 and File 2
modes. It is a minimum objective function, which means that two perfectly well-correlated models
yield an optimum value of 0. The objective function ƒ is computed as:

Where the following nomenclature is employed:

• ƒ Objective Function.

•    Weight of the frequency term.

• frequency of the -th File 1 mode in the diagonal of the MAC matrix.

• frequency of the -th File 2 mode in the diagonal of the MAC matrix.

• -th value of the diagonal of the MAC matrix.

If the automatic mode pairing algorithm (p. 66) is set, the modes in the diagonal of the MAC matrix
are the paired modes. If it is not set, the modes that happen to be in the diagonal of the MAC matrix
are the ones employed in the expression.

Therefore, if an optimization/design point analysis is to be conducted, Ansys recommends that the

Pair Modes Property of the MAC Calculator Details (p. 54) view is set to Yes. This will trigger the
automatic mode pairing algorithm before the objective function is computed.

2.3.12. Mode Animation View

Display the Mode Animation view below the Geometry pane using either of these methods:

• Choose the Preview option from the context menu in the MAC Frequency Worksheet (p. 59).
This will update the mode in the side (left or right) where you clicked the right mouse button.

• Click any item in the 2D MAC Table (p. 62). It displays the selected pair of modes (The mode
of File 1 in the left, mode of File 1 in the right).

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Each graphical window is independent of the other and works with the same controls as the main
Graphical window in the Geometry pane. They have the following controls:

• A Details view with the properties:

Visualization Options

Only the Relative Scale property is available, employed to rescale the mode displacements.
As MAC is a relative magnitude, this does not affect its value, but only the visualization.

Mode Options

A read-only property that displays the main features of the displayed mode.

For complex modes, there is an option to toggle between Amplitude display or Sweeping
Phase display (0° displays the real component, 90° shows the complex component and any
other angle projects the complex value over the selected phase).

• A Worksheet view that enables you to show and hide the element types (solid, shell, beam) in
case of rst models and tracelines in case of unv models.

There are four buttons at the bottom of the view that control both graphical windows:

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Show/Hide Mesh

For the rst models


Both models are animated


The animation is paused


The animation is stopped

2.3.13. MAC Table export

Once the MAC Table is generated, it can be exported by right-clicking the MAC Calculator object in
the tree to open the context menu, and choosing Export to .csv.

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2.4. Stress/Strain Recovery

The results recovery feature introduces a result that computes the elastic stress or strain fields obtained
from the linear superposition of modes according to a Modal Coordinates File (MCF).


The Stress/Strain recovery results can only be added under Modal Analyses (Modal, Coupled
Field Modal or Modal Acoustics).


The Stress/Strain recovery results require the Vibration Modes from the Modal Analysis to
be the same as the Vibration Modes used to build the Modal Coordinates File. Units may
differ, but the underlying modes must be the same.

2.4.1. Adding a Stress/Strain recovery result

To add a Stress/Strain Recovery result, you can either:

• Press the Results Recovery button in the NVH ribbon and choose Stress Recovery or Strain Re-
covery from the drop-down menu:

• Right-click Solution in the project tree, then choose Insert → Stress Recovery or Insert → Strain

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Stress/Strain Recovery

2.4.2. Stress/Strain Recovery Details

The following options are available under the Stress/Strain Recovery details:


Scoping property that enables you to target the recovery process to certain parts/surfaces/edges
or elements/nodes. Both named selections and geometry selections are available.

rst Options

A single property (rst file) enables you to employ a different result file than the one produced
by the Analysis.

The rst file of the Analysis is the default value. The selected rst file should have the same mesh
as the one employed in the analysis.

The stress output (for a Stress Recovery result) or the strain output (for a Strain Recovery result)
should be saved to the rst file to be recovered. This option is enabled by setting Yes in the
appropriate properties under Analysis Settings → Output Controls.

MCF Options

MCF File

Selection of the MCF employed to reconstruct stress and strain. The MCF must be formatted
according to the guidelines in MCF Restrictions (p. 73).

Skip Rows

Integer that controls the number of rows to skip while parsing the MCF.

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Normalization method employed to produce the Modal Coordinates (Mass Normalization or

Unity Normalization). This property is critical because depending on the normalization method
the dimensions of the Modal Coordinates differ, yielding to different results.


The units of the MCF, in a drop-down list.

Extract Options


The Stress/Strain result can be extracted by Time/Time Step (in case of a MCF indexed
by time) or by Frequency/Frequency Step (if the MCF is indexed by Frequency).

For each case a secondary property is displayed (Step Number, Display Time or Display
Frequency). Steps are 1-based, meaning that the first time/frequency step is step #1.

Amplitude and Sweeping Phase

If By is set to Frequency or Frequency Step, the result is complex and therefore it can
be displayed by Amplitude or Sweeping phase.

Stress/Strain Properties


The Type of result that is to be recovered:

• Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress.

• Maximum Principal Stress/Strain.

• Middle Principal Stress/Strain.

• Minimum Principal Stress/Strain.

• Normal Stress/Strain.

• Shear Stress/Strain.

In case of Normal or Shear Stress/Strain, an additional property is available to choose the

Orientation (X, Y, Z or XY, XZ, YZ, respectively).

Shell Layer

The Shell Layer employed to recover Stress/Strain (Top, Bottom, or Middle). This property
is always displayed by default although it only applies to models with shell elements.
The Top layer is enabled by default.

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2.4.3. MCF Restrictions

The MCF should include:

• A header containing any number of lines. The number of lines in the header file is input in
the MCF Options → Skip Rows property (p. 71).

• A space or tab separated list of coordinates, with the first column representing the index
variable (time or frequency) and the rest of the columns being the modal coordinates. If n is
the number of modes:

– If the MCF is indexed by time, modes are real and therefore there should be n+1
columns in total (time column and 1 coordinate per mode and time step).

– If the MCF is indexed by frequency, modes are complex and therefore there should be
(2*n)+1 columns in total (frequency column and 2 coordinates per mode and fre-
quency step, written in its real part and complex part format).

2.5. FRF Calculator

The FRF Calculator introduces a result in the project tree that calculates the Frequency Response
Function (FRF) for a given set of input and output degrees of freedom (DOFs).


The FRF Calculator result can only be added under Modal Analyses (Modal, Coupled
Field Modal or Modal Acoustics).


The FRF Calculator is valid under both Undamped and Damped Modal Analyses. If the
Analysis is Damped, however, the FRF Calculator is only supported with the Reduced
Damped Solver, and the Complex Solutions must be stored.

2.5.1. Adding an FRF Calculator Result

To add an FRF Calculator result, you can either:

• Click the FRF Calculator button in the NVH ribbon:

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• Right-click the Solution tree object of the project where the FRF Calculator is to be introduced,
then choose Insert → FRF Calculator:

2.5.2. FRF Calculator Details

The following options are available under FRF Calculator details:

FRF Definition
Frequency Minimum

The lower bound of the frequency range where the FRF is calculated.

Frequency Maximum

The upper bound of the frequency range where the FRF is calculated.

Frequency Interval

The frequency step used to sample the range between Frequency Maximum and Frequency

Nodes Definition

This property controls the way in which node pairs are introduced in the FRF Worksheet (p. 78).
It can be set to Manual (nodes can only be added directly in the worksheet) or Named Selections

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(input and output Nodal Named Selections are input through the Output Nodes and Input Nodes
properties below). In the second case, the worksheet is populated with all possible combinations
of input and output nodes when the two Named Selections are defined.

Output Nodes

The Nodal Named Selection that defines the Output Nodes of the FRF Worksheet (p. 78).

Input Nodes

The Nodal Named Selection that defines the Input Nodes of the FRF Worksheet (p. 78).

UNV Data
Include UNV Data

Binary property used to load/not load UNV Data.

File Type

Read only property automatically set to unv.


The units that quantify the values in the unv file. The default value of Units appears as Dataset
164 (p. 87) in the unv file, which means that the units of the file are input through the units
dataset in the file. The rest of the options are intended for unv files without a units dataset, and
cover common length units (m, cm, mm, ft, in, and μm). In addition, you can define Custom Length
and Force Scales to adjust the dimensions and the FRFs of the unv model with any positive factor.


Input File 2 using a File dialog. When the file is set, the rest of the UNV Data are populated. The
format of the unv needs to comply with the restrictions in UNV File Restrictions (p. 87).

Orient By

Three options are available to orient the unv model relative to the File 1 model with a Rigid Body
(RB) transformation. Changing any of the options automatically changes the orientation of the
unv model in the Geometry view.

Coordinate System

Orient the unv model according to the RB transformation defined by the center and rotation
of a coordinate system defined in the model. The selected coordinate system (CS) should be
the one that orients the unv model in the same way that the global coordinate system (GCS)
orients the rst model.

For example, if node A of the rst file has coordinates (xA,yA,zA) with respect to the GCS, the
local CS of the unv file is the one such that the corresponding unv node to A has coordinates
(xA,yA,zA) with respect to the CS.

When Orient By is set to Coordinate System, a Coordinate System property is enabled to

select from the coordinate systems defined in the model.

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Rigid Body Transformation

Orient the unv model according to the RB transformation defined by three translations (X
Translation, Y Translation, Z Translation) and three rotations expressed in the axis vector-
angle representation (Rotation X Axis, Rotation Y Axis, Rotation Z Axis, Rotation Angle).

The order of the transformations is first Translation, then Rotation. The Rotation Axis does not
need to be normalized.

3 Node Alignment

Orient the unv model according to the RB transformation defined by 3 node matches between
the rst and unv models. Each Node Pair is defined through a Tabular Data property that
is displayed when the property is clicked.

The rst node can be scoped through either a Named Selection or a Geometry Selection.
In both cases, the selection can only be formed by one node. The Geometry Selection is
directly made by graphically picking in the Geometry pane, whereas the Named Selection is
selected through a drop-down menu.

The rst-unv node alignment is produced when you press the Apply button in the property

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2.5.3. FRF Calculation Method

The FRF Calculator employs the residue formulation to estimate the FRF between two given degrees
of freedom (DOFs) using the modal parameters:

where the following notation is used:

• - FRF between the i-th and j-th DOFs, where DOF i is the output and DOF j is the input.

• - Number of modes considered in the FRF calculation.

• - r-th vibration mode, with its real part and its imaginary part:

In terms of the damping coefficient ξr and the undamped frequency , the mode can be
expressed as:

• - residue of the ij DOF pair for mode r. is calculated as:

where is the mass normalized mode shape evaluated at DOF i (a complex magnitude in

• - complex conjugate of x.

can be understood as the output generalized displacement measured in DOF i when an input
generalized force is imposed in DOF j as a function of frequency. Thus, depending on the nature of
the DOFs (whether they are displacement or rotation DOFs), is measured as Displacement/Force,
Rotation/Force, Displacement/Torque or Rotation/Torque.

The analogous relationships between generalized velocity (translational or rotational) and generalized
force, or generalized acceleration (translational or rotational) and generalized force are called Mobility
and Accelerance, respectively.

They are calculated as:

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For a given pair of input and output nodes, a 3x3 FRF matrix can be computed relating the 3 input
and 3 output DOFs measured at each node in the Global Coordinate System (GCS). If that matrix is
denoted as , the FRF matrix expressed in the DOFs along two arbitrary coordinate systems
centered in the input and output nodes is:

where and are the rotation matrices that transform from the GCS to the local output (O) and
input (I) coordinate systems (CS), respectively.

2.5.4. FRF Worksheet

The FRF Worksheet is comprised of 2 or 3 tables depending on the presence of UNV Data.

FRF Frequency Table

The first table in the FRF Worksheet is used to control the modal parameters employed in the FRF
Calculation (p. 77):

The table is populated with the modes from the analysis. If a given mode is selected/cleared, it will
be used/not used in the subsequent FRF Calculation (p. 77). This action can also be triggered by se-
lecting several rows in the table and selecting the Use/Unuse RMB action.

Damping can be tailored for each mode by modifying the value in the damping column. For undamped
analyses, damping is 2% by default for all modes. For damped analyses, damping is automatically
populated according to the value used in the analysis, and it cannot be modified.


For models that exhibit symmetries that cause mode pairs (for example, models with cyl-
indrical symmetry where bending modes are paired), damping should be changed consist-
ently for all paired modes. This ensures that the symmetry of the model is correctly applied
to the FRF calculation.

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FRF DOF Pairs Table (Computational Model)

The second table in the worksheet is used to control the DOF pairs to be calculated. The table is initially
empty. There are four RMB actions:


If the DOF pair is selected/cleared, it is displayed/not displayed in the FRF Plotter (p. 82).
This action supports multi-selection (if several rows are selected, and the Show/Hide action
is selected, all rows are shown/hidden).


Add a new DOF pair to the table. This action does not support multi-selection.


Delete all the selected rows from the table. This action supports multi-selection (if several
rows are selected, and the Delete action is selected, all rows are removed).


Duplicate all the selected rows from the table. This action supports multi-selection (if several
rows are selected, and the Duplicate action is selected, all rows are duplicated at the end
of the table).

Each column in the table can be edited in a different way:

Output Node/Input Node

The contents of these columns are modified through scoping a node from the mesh. If a cell
is clicked, the Geometry view enters Mesh Node selection mode, allowing you to scope
nodes. A set of controls appear at the top of the table allowing you to Apply or Cancel the
selection. Only one node can be scoped. In addition, the input and output nodes can be se-
lected from the Remote Points dropdown menu.

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Output DOF/Input DOF

The contents of these columns are modified through a dropdown menu inside the cell that
is populated with all the applicable DOFs for the given node. For the Output DOF, the format
of the selection explicitly indicates Displacement (UX, UY, UZ) and Rotation (ROTX, ROTY,
ROTZ). For the Input DOF, the format of the selection explicitly indicates Force (FX, FY, FZ)
and Torque (MX, MY, MZ).

Output Coordinate System (CS)/Input Coordinate System (CS)

The contents of these columns are modified through dropdown menus inside the cells that
are populated with all the active coordinates systems in the model. By default, the Global
Coordinate System is used. The Output/Input Node IDs and Local Coordinate System triads
are displayed in the Geometry view after changing the CS or Node.


The contents of this column are modified by entering text and modifying the predefined
Name. The predefined Name is a mnemonic comprised of the Output and Input DOFs and
Node IDs.


Read-only property, containing information about the origin of the FRF.

The second table has four additional actions that can be accessed through the buttons displayed at
the top:

Export Worksheet to Excel

Exports the worksheet contents to an Excel file.

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Import Worksheet from Excel

Imports worksheet contents from an Excel file. This Excel file should have the following format:

• The FRF contents should be available in the first sheet of the workbook.

• The file should have 7 columns, starting at cell A1. The columns must be in the same
order as the FRF Worksheet (Output Node, Output DOF, Output CS, Input Node, Input
DOF, Input CS and Name). Type does not need to be specified.

• Row 1 is reserved for headers.

Expand/Contract Worksheet columns

This option shows/hides the Coordinate System (CS) and Type columns from the FRF work-

Open the FRAC Calculator

Opens the FRAC Calculator (p. 84) Pane.

FRF DOF Pairs Table (UNV Model)

The third table in the worksheet is used to control the FRF pairs contained in the UNV file. It is only
displayed if the Include UNV Data Property is set to Yes in the Details view. The table is automat-
ically populated when the file is parsed, and it has the same structure as the table at the top.

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The FRFs defined in the UNV file cannot be modified, and therefore all columns are read only with
the exception of the Name. Similarly, this third table only supports one RMB action (Show/Hide),
which is used in the same way as described in the previous table. When the third table is displayed,
an additional button is shown above the second table to show/hide the UNV Node Numbers in the
Geometry view. The Input and Output CS that define the DOFs employed in the UNV FRFs are read
from the UNV file if Dataset 2420 is available (see UNV File Restrictions (p. 87)), and imported into
Mechanical. These CS are read only and should not be suppressed or eliminated. When a given
Model transformation is performed (either by another CS, by a RB Transformation or by the Alignment
of 3 Nodes), the CS are also changed to match the model update. If the UNV file does not have any
dataset, the generic GCS_unv CS is employed.

2.5.5. FRF Plotter

The FRF Plotter displays the FRF graphs of all the selected DOF pairs (rows) in the second table in
the FRF Worksheet (p. 78). It is displayed when a completely defined DOF pair is selected in a solved
FRF Calculator object.

The FRF Plotter is divided into two parts:

FRF Plot

A dynamic plot that allows hovering, zooming and panning operations. Depending on the
Plot Type, the complex plot can be shown in Magnitude/Phase or in Real/Imaginary graphs.

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FRF Options

The following properties are available:

• Physics

Allows you to change the Physics of the FRF calculation (Compliance, Mobility or
Accelerance, according to the FRF Calculation Method (p. 77)).

• Plot Type

Allows you to toggle between the Magnitude and Phase and Real and Imaginary
displays in the FRF Plot.

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An export is triggered by clicking the Export button to the right of the Details view. The
FRFs are exported using the same format in which they are plotted (Magnitude/Phase or
Real/Imaginary), and with the same Physics.

2.5.6. FRAC Plotter

The FRAC Plotter allows you to display and compute the Frequency Response Assurance Criterion
(FRAC) between computational and experimental or 2 computational FRFs previously defined and
computed in the FRF Worksheet (p. 78). The FRAC Plotter is available when the Open the FRAC
Calculator button is clicked.

The FRAC Plotter is divided into two parts:


A dynamic plot that allows hovering, zooming and panning operations. The FRFs are always
displayed in Magnitude and Phase format. The FRAC Pairs are displayed when a completely
defined FRAC pair is selected.

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FRAC Worksheet

A Worksheet with three RMB actions:


If the DOF pair is selected/cleared, it is displayed/not displayed in the FRAC Plot, and
the FRAC value is computed. This action supports multi-selection (if several rows are
selected, and the Show/Hide action is selected, all rows are shown/hidden).


Add a new FRAC pair to the table. This action does not support multi-selection.


Delete all the selected rows from the table. This action supports multi-selection (if
several rows are selected, and the Delete action is selected, all rows are removed).

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Each column in the Worksheet can be edited in a different way:


This column defines the first FRF in the FRAC Pair. It can be modified through a
dropdown menu that is populated with all the selected FRFs from the computational
model (FRFs from the first FRF DOF Pair Table from the FRF Worksheet (p. 78)).


This column defines the second FRF in the FRAC Pair. It can be modified through a
dropdown menu that is populated with all the selected FRFs from both the compu-
tational and UNV models (FRFs from the first and second FRF DOF Pair Tables from
the FRF Worksheet (p. 78)).


The contents of this column are modified by entering text, which changes the pre-
defined Name.


The FRAC value between FRF1 and FRF2. This column is read only.

In addition, there are two buttons above the Worksheet with different functionality:


This button is only available when UNV Data is available. In this case, when the
button is clicked, a 3-step algorithm is triggered: The Nodes that define the selected
UNV FRFs in the second DOF Pair Table are matched with the computational nodes.
Computational FRFs are defined with the matched nodes and the same DOFs and
CS. This computational FRFs are the computational counterparts of the selected ex-
perimental FRFs. FRAC Pairs are defined between each experimental and computa-
tional FRF counterparts, and FRAC is computed.

Export to CSV

Exports the contents of the FRF Worksheet to a CSV file.

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UNV File Restrictions

FRAC Calculation Methodology

FRAC is computed according to the following expression:

where the following notation is employed:

• , : first and second FRF.

• :number of frequency steps. If and are not expressed in the same frequency steps,
is linearly interpolated in the same steps as .

• : complex conjugate of .

2.6. UNV File Restrictions

The unv file must be formatted according to the standard developed by the SDRC in the 60s-70s that
is outlined at the University of Cincinnati – Structural Dynamics Research Laboratory (UC-SDRL) site.

The unv file is structured in datasets split by -1 symbols that can appear in any order.

The following datasets are mandatory for both MAC (p. 53) and FRF (p. 73) Calculators. If they are not
found in the unv file the MAC Calculator will not work:

• Either Dataset 15 or 2411 (Node coordinates), but not both in the same unv file.

The following dataset is mandatory for the MAC Calculator (p. 53):

• Dataset 55 (Modal Parameters). The following options are supported:

– Model Type (record 6, field 1):

→ Structural: 1

– Analysis Type (record 6, field 2):

→ Normal Modes: 2

→ Complex Modes: 3

– Data Characteristic (record 6, field 3):

→ 3 DOF Global Translation Vector: 2

→ 6 DOF Global Translation and Rotation Vector: 3

– Data Type (record 6, field 5):

→ Real: 2

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→ Complex: 5

The following dataset is mandatory for the FRF Calculator (p. 73):

• Dataset 58 (Function at Nodal DOF). The following options are supported:

– DOF Identification (record 6, field 1):

→ Frequency Response Function: 4

– Load Case Identification Number (record 6, field 4):

→ Single Point Excitation: 0

– Response (Output) Node and Reference (Input) Node (record 6, fields 6 and 9):

→ Any node number defined in the compulsory node coordinates dataset.

– Response (Output) Direction and Reference (Input) Direction (record 6, fields 7 and 10):

→ +X Translation: 1

→ -X Translation: -1

→ +Y Translation: 2

→ -Y Translation: -2

→ +Z Translation: 3

→ -Z Translation: -3

→ +X Rotation: 4

→ -X Rotation: -4

→ +Y Rotation: 5

→ -Y Rotation: -5

→ +Z Rotation: 6

→ -Z Rotation: -6

– Ordinate Data Type (record 7, field 1):

→ Real, single precision: 2

→ Real, double precision: 4

→ Complex, single precision: 5

→ Complex, double precision: 6

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UNV File Restrictions

– Abscissa spacing (record 7, field 3):

→ Uneven: 0

→ Even: 1

– Abscissa Data Characteristics (record 8, field 1):

→ Frequency: 18

→ Rpm: 19

– Ordinate Numerator (Output) Data Characteristics (record 9, field 1):

→ Displacement: 8

→ Velocity: 11

→ Acceleration: 12

– Ordinate Denominator (Input) Data Characteristics (record 10, field 1):

→ Excitation Force: 13

The following datasets are optional. If they exist in the model, the MAC (p. 53) or FRF (p. 73) Calculators
use them, and if they do not exist the default workaround applies:

• Dataset 164 (Units). If Dataset 164 is present, the Units property under File 2 Options (p. 54) in
the MAC Calculator (p. 53) or under UNV Data (p. 73) in the FRF Calculator (p. 73) should be scoped
to Dataset 164 (unv file). If it is not present, the Units property should be scoped to the applicable
length unit of the file.

• Either Dataset 2420 or Dataset 18 (Coordinate Systems). If neither is present, all Modal parameters
are assumed to be expressed in the Global Coordinate System.

• Dataset 82 (Tracelines). This dataset is only employed to display the unv model.

• Dataset 2412 (Mesh). This dataset is only employed to display the unv model. Only the display of
linear 1D, 2D and 3D elements (beams, tris, quads, tets and hexas) is supported.

If neither Dataset 82 nor 2412 are present in the unv file, the unv model is displayed as a point
cloud in the Geometry pane.

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Chapter 3: Forced Response Add-on
The Forced Response Add-on provides a comprehensive way of investigating the aeromechanics, and
ultimately, the reliability of turbomachinery blade rows. Working in conjunction with Ansys Computa-
tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools, the Forced Response Add-on accurately predicts the structural vibra-
tions of industrial components. Advanced physical phenomena such as airfoil aeroelasticity, flutter, de-
terministic and probabilistic mistuning, as well as an array of loading and boundary conditions can be
modeled and studied. Efficient high-fidelity modeling is achieved using a combination of core techno-
logies such as cyclic symmetry and mode-superposition as well as innovative techniques to model
mistuning and aeroelasticity in a reduced space. Based in Workbench Mechanical, the Forced Response
Add-on is the most intuitive, reliable, and efficient way to simulate turbomachinery blade rows.
3.1. Introduction to Forced Response
3.2. Make the Forced Response Add-on Available
3.3.The Forced Response Ribbon
3.4. Setting Up the Forced Response System
3.5. Post-processing

3.1. Introduction to Forced Response

The Forced Response application is an add-on to the Ansys Mechanical user interface that enables you
to use cyclic modeling. A cyclic symmetry analysis requires that you model a single sector, called the
base sector. A proper base sector represents one part of a pattern that, if repeated N times in cylindrical
coordinate space, yields the complete model, as shown:

Forced Response Analysis:

• Determines the blade response (motion & stresses) due to excitation from neighboring blade rows

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Forced Response Add-on

• The excitation happens at multiples of the rotation frequency of the rotor

• Resonance crossing between excitation (EO line) and mode frequency must be identified and forced
response estimation is performed

• Forced response yields blade fatigue data that can be used for blade life analysis

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Introduction to Forced Response

Forced Response of Cyclic Symmetric Model

• Cyclic Mode Superposition (MSUP) Harmonic

• Tuned: All blades are assumed identical, and are modeled on single blade


Small Stiffness Mistuning in Cyclic MSUP Analysis

In Cyclic Mode Superposition (MSUP) Harmonic analysis:

• Mistuned object takes tuned response and adds the mistuning effects of each blade in cyclic

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Forced Response Add-on

• Small mistuning — variation of in blade stiffness should not be more than 10%


The Forced Response Add-on is only available on the Windows operating system. Its use re-
quires an Ansys Mechanical Premium or Ansys Mechanical Enterprise license. If you do not
already have the license, contact your Ansys sales representative to obtain one.

3.2. Make the Forced Response Add-on Available

To make the Forced Response capabilities available, click the Forced Response icon in the Turboma-
chinery subsection of the Add-ons Ribbon. The icon will be highlighted in blue, indicating that the
add-on is loaded.

Figure 3.1: Active Forced Response Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon

Once the add-on is loaded, the Forced Response Ribbon is visible.

3.3. The Forced Response Ribbon

When the Forced Response Add-on is loaded, the Forced Response ribbon is accessible. It displays the
following buttons:

3.4. Setting Up the Forced Response System

After loading the Forced Response Add-on, a new system is present in the Toolbox within Workbench.

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Setting Up the Forced Response System

The analysis can be inserted directly from the Forced Response ribbon within Mechanical, by clicking
the Forced Response Analysis icon. When clicking Forced Response Analysis, make sure the Modal
system is activated, so that the connection in Workbench is with the Modal system upstream of the
Forced Response system.

The normal workflow will be Static Structural analysis to Modal analysis to Forced Response analysis.

The Forced Response system must be linked to a Modal analysis in Workbench.

If you are performing Parameter Set Studies, make sure the Modal Solution cell is connected to the
Forced Response Setup cell.

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If you parametrize the Forced Response analysis settings “Range Minimum”, “Range Maximum”,
or “Solution Intervals”, pay special attention to the definition of the results. If you select to
postprocess the results in a Frequency that does not exist for the selected ranges, the results
will fail to evaluate.

3.4.1. Setting Up the Static Structural Analysis

In the Static Structural analysis create a Forced Response Pressure Map load object.

Pick the surfaces on which the pressure will be applied in the Forced Response analysis.

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Setting Up the Forced Response System

Creating this load object in the Static Structural analysis will enable you to apply a surface pressure
in the Forced Response analysis.

3.4.2. Setting Up the Modal Analysis

By default, a Modal Forced Response object will be created under the Modal analysis.

Select the Modal Analysis Settings and set the Future analysis under Analysis Data Management
to MSUP Analyses.

Leave the Solver Type within the Solver Controls set to Program Controlled. Only Block Lanczos
is supported. For a better understanding see Mode-Superposition Harmonic Cyclic Symmetry Analysis.

3.4.3. Setting Up the Interference Diagram

The Rotational Speed is read from the static analysis and can be edited.

One or several engine orders may be plotted by settings values separated with commas (","). Note
that only positive values are accepted.

Click Plot to display the diagram.


The Campbell diagram does not always guarantee the true resonance. The Campbell diagram
suggests that resonance will occur whenever the natural frequency of the block matches
the excitation frequency, but due to cyclic nature of the structure, mode shape may not
match the Engine Order excitation shape coming out of the nozzles for the Campbell dia-
gram's suggested critical speed. Hence the SAFE or Interference diagram which relates the
mode shapes with speed and natural frequency will predict the true resonance and is used
by industries for reliable design.

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3.4.4. Forced Response Analysis Settings

The Excitation Engine Order refers to the Mechanical APDL command CYCFREQ,EO. For more in-
formation, see CYCFREQ.

The Damping Ratio refers to the Mechanical APDL command DMPRAT. For more information, see

Include the pressure that is mapped in the static structural analysis as an input.


If Cluster Results is set to Yes, the calculated frequencies are known after solving. If you
insert any result without the analysis solved, the list of frequencies in which to postprocess
the result will only display the Range Minimum and Range Maximum. Once the solution
is performed, you can change the results settings to postprocess in the selected Frequency.

• The frequency points will cluster around the natural frequencies.

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Setting Up the Forced Response System

• The cluster number may be between 2 and 20.

3.4.5. Pressure Settings

A pressure excitation may be created if the Forced Response Pressure Surfaces object has been
created in the Static analysis.

• The pressure may be a constant real and imaginary value, or may be mapped from a file.

• To input a constant value, set Map by to Constant Pressure and then input the real and
imaginary pressure

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• To input from a file, set Map by to File and then browse for the .csv file.

– Either pick a reference coordinate system or click Seek.

– The source points may be displayed. If they are not, set Display Source Points to Yes.

– Clicking Seek will move the coordinates of the points in the file so that they match the
selected surface. This process may take a few minutes. Once the best configuration has
been found, the points will be displayed.

• The Reference Coordinate System of the Forced Response Pressure Map object must be
selected so that the Source Points are aligned with the Geometry. You can check if they are
aligned by setting Display Source Points to Yes. If the Source Points are correctly displayed,
that means the Coordinate System definition is correct.

• Right-click the Forced Response Pressure Map object, and choose Generate to map the data.

• Changing the value of Plot to Real or Imaginary displays the mapped pressure.

3.4.6. Force Settings

A force excitation may be included at a node.

3.4.7. Mistuning Settings

Small mistuning effects (on the order of a few percent) may be included in the analysis by introducing
blade-to-blade variations in the stiffness (frequency) of each blade.

Mistuning is based on the Component Mode Mistuning methodology (see Mistuning in the Mechan-
ical APDL Theory Reference), which requires the elements making up the blade and the interface
nodes between these elements and the rest of the sector model to be in an element and nodal
component (CM) respectively. Use the CYCFREQ,BLADE command option to provide this information,
as well as how many blade modes to include and their frequency range.

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Setting Up the Forced Response System

For blades with shrouds, the nodes on the shroud boundaries should also be in the node component
(if the shroud interfaces are modeled as stuck).

The mistuning parameters are provided in a parameter array of size Ν×1, where Ν is the number of
blades. Each row represents the deviation in stiffness of each blade δn from the nominal value [Κ0]
used in the modal cyclic symmetry analysis. Equivalently, the stiffness deviation, , may

be expressed in terms of each blade's natural frequency deviation squared, , where ω is the
nominal (tuned) blade frequency and ω is the mistuned frequency of blade n.

It should be noted that the stiffness deviation is equivalent to where [Ε]

denotes the Young's modulus only in the case where there are no prestress effects. In the presence
of prestress, the nominal stiffness [Κ0] is updated, and then mistuning is applied.

You may also mistune each of the individual blade frequencies, in which case the provided array
parameter would be Ν×Μ, where each column is for the Μ blade frequencies (from the CYC-
FREQ,BLADE specification), and each entry corresponds to that blade's frequency deviation squared,
, where the subscript ι refers to the ιth frequency of blade n (such that the array location
(n,ι) contains this value).

Use the CYCFREQ,MIST command to provide this array name.

Pick the blade and blade interface. If shared topology is used, the blade interface should be selected

• The number of blade modes to include in the CMS reduction. Refers to the Mechanical APDL
command CYCFREQ,BLADE,,,value.

• The number of sectors is automatically populated and gives the number of mistuning values
to be input.

• Mistuning can be entered manually, imported from a .csv file, or be randomly generated.


Select a .csv file. This file must contain a set of mistuning parameters per column. The
Column in Mistuning Parameter File setting defines which columns will be read in the
file. Using that setting, you can parameterize the mistuning parameter for each blade. The
number of rows in the file must be equal to the number of sectors.

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Choose between Normal (Gaussian) or Uniform distribution. A new set of random mistuning
values will be generated every time the Random Mistuning Parameter Set value is
changed. You can perform several analyses using the same random mistuning value. The
random mistuning values are saved for later review.

3.4.8. AeroCoupling Settings

Aerodynamic coupling effects can be included in the Forced Response analysis. Aerodynamic coeffi-
cients account for vibration-induced pressure fluctuations on the blade surface, and contribute to
the stiffness and damping of the system. These values can be computed according to the equations
for Aerodynamic Coupling in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference and are included in the cyclic
mode-superposition harmonic response using the CYCFREQ,AERO command. The aerodynamic
coefficients can be computed directly using a CFD flutter or aero damping analysis. The aerodynamic
coupling coefficients can also be computed using CFD pressures in conjunction with the AEROCOEFF
command. For more details on computing and including aerodynamic coefficients, see Aero Coupling.

The aerocoupling or aerodamping can be included if the coupling files have been generated using

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Setting Up the Forced Response System

1. The Reference Coordinate System of the AeroCoupling objects must be selected so that the
Source Points are aligned with the Geometry. You can check if they are aligned by switching the
Display Source Points to Yes. If the Source Points are displayed correctly, that means the Coordin-
ate System definition is correct.

2. Select the faces on which the pressure is applied. By default the same faces and coordinates as
the ones selected for Force Response Pressure Map will be selected. You might also use the
Seek function after selecting the files.

3. Browse for a folder containing all the aerodamping files, or enter each file using the Tabular Data

4. Check Tabular Data to make sure that the nodal diameters are associated with the correct file.
To better understand the concept of nodal diameter refer to Modal Cyclic Symmetry Analysis.

5. The aero scaling and nodal diameter will be read from the files and may be modified.

6. If no mistuning is present (or if mistuning is suppressed), the blade, blade interface, and number
of cantilever mode shapes must be defined. If mistuning is created afterwards or unsuppressed,
select the aerocoupling object in the tree again to remove the selection.

7. Right-click the AeroCoupling object, and choose Generate to generate the aerodamping coeffi-

8. The aerodamping coefficients for each blade will be displayed.

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9. If you press Solve before generating the aerodamping, the coefficient will be calculated before

3.5. Post-processing
Refer to the following sections to refine and view the results of the Forced Response analysis.
3.5.1. Beam Section Results
3.5.2. Mode Multiplier
3.5.3. Displacement
3.5.4. Stress and Strain
3.5.5. Expanded Results Using Data Processing Framework
3.5.6. Frequency Response
3.5.7. Export Results
3.5.8. Result Combination
3.5.9. Fatigue Diagram
3.5.10. Matrices
3.5.11. Command
3.5.12. 2D Chart
3.5.13. Optimize Blade Sequences

3.5.1. Beam Section Results

The Beam Section Results should always be set to No.

3.5.2. Mode Multiplier

• Results Part: Amplitude, Real or Imaginary. Amplitude= √(Real2+ Imaginary2)

• Frequency: Drop down of evaluated frequencies

• The values correspond to the plot of the matrix fileaVec.matr.

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3.5.3. Displacement
• Frequency: Drop down of evaluated frequencies

• One sector is plotted at the time, either the sector number, the maximum value, or the sector
having the highest value may be plotted.

• The result part may be: real, imaginary, amplitude, Maximum Values Across Phase angle, or phase

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3.5.4. Stress and Strain

• The options are the same as for a Displacement (p. 105) plot.

• The type may be: Equivalent (Von-Mises), Maximum, Minimum and Middle Principal, Normal,
and Shear. Normal and Shear require a direction and coordinate system.

3.5.5. Expanded Results Using Data Processing Framework

To see expanded results using a computationally efficient method, use the DPF result options that
are available through the Forced Response ribbon. Displacement (DPF)

Click Displacement (DPF) in the Forced Response ribbon to insert a Displacement result that uses
the DPF.

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• Frequency: The frequency desired to compute the Displacement result. Note that if you are
solving with the Forced Response Analysis Settings (p. 98), Cluster Results option set to Yes,
the list of frequencies will be available after the system is solved.

• Component: Choose between X,Y, Z or Total.

• Result Part: Choose between Amplitude or Sweeping Phase. If you choose Sweeping Phase,
you must also set the Sweeping Angle [deg] property.

• Coordinate System: Choose to display the result in either the Global Coordinate System or
the Solution Coordinate System. Stress (DPF)

Click Stress (DPF) in the Forced Response ribbon to insert a Stress result that uses the DPF.

• Frequency: The frequency desired to compute the Displacement result. Note that if you are
solving with the Forced Response Analysis Settings (p. 98), Cluster Results option set to Yes,
the list of frequencies will be available after the system is solved.

• Type: Choose between Total, Equivalent (von-Mises), Principal, Normal or Shear Stress types.

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– Total: Compute element nodal component stresses.

– Equivalent (von-Mises): Computes element nodal component stresses, average it on nodes

(by default) and computes its invariants.

– Principal: If you choose a Type of Principal, you will also need to choose between:

→ Maximum: Compute element nodal component stresses 1st principal component.

→ Middle: Compute element nodal component stresses 2nd principal component.

→ Minimum: Compute element nodal component stresses 3rd principal component.

– Normal: If you choose a Type of Normal, you will also need to choose between:

→ X: Compute element nodal component stresses XX normal component (00 component).

→ Y: Compute element nodal component stresses YY normal component (11 component).

→ Z: Compute element nodal component stresses ZZ normal component (22 component).

– Shear: If you choose a Type of Sheer, you will also need to choose between:

→ XY: Compute element nodal component stresses XY shear component (01 component).

→ XZ: Compute element nodal component stresses XZ shear component (02 component).

→ YZ: Compute element nodal component stresses YZ shear component (12 component).

• Coordinate System: Choose to display the result either in the Global Coordinate System or in
the Solution Coordinate System”

• Result Part: Choose between Amplitude or Sweeping Phase. If you choose Sweeping Phase,
you must also set the Sweeping Angle [deg] property.

• Integration Points: Choose between Nodal, Elemental, or Elemental Nodal. Strain (DPF)

Click Strain (DPF) in the Forced Response ribbon to insert a Strain result that uses the DPF.

• Frequency: The frequency desired to compute the Displacement result. Note that if you are
solving with the Forced Response Analysis Settings (p. 98), Cluster Results option set to Yes,
the list of frequencies will be available after the system is solved.

• Type: Choose between Total, Equivalent, Principal, Normal, or Shear Strain.

– Total: Compute element nodal component elastic strains.

– Equivalent (von-Mises): Computes element nodal component elastic strains, average it on

nodes (by default) and computes its invariants.

– Principal: If you choose a Type of Principal, you will also need to choose between:

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→ Maximum: Compute element nodal component elastic strains 1st principal component.

→ Middle: Compute element nodal component elastic strains 2nd principal component.

→ Minimum: Compute element nodal component elastic strains 3rd principal component.

– Normal: If you choose a Type of Normal, you will also need to choose between:

→ X: Compute element nodal component elastic strains XX normal component (00 component).

→ Y: Compute element nodal component elastic strains YY normal component (11 component).

→ Z: Compute element nodal component elastic strains ZZ normal component (22 component).

– Shear: If you choose a Type of Shear, you will also need to choose between:

→ XY: Compute element nodal component elastic strains XY shear component (01 component).

→ XZ: Compute element nodal component elastic strains XZ shear component (02 component).

→ YZ: Compute element nodal component elastic strains YZ shear component (12 component).

• Coordinate System: Choose to display the result either in the Global Coordinate System or in
the Solution Coordinate System”

• Result Part: Choose between Amplitude or Sweeping Phase. If you choose Sweeping Phase,
you must also set the Sweeping Angle [deg] property.

• Integration Points: Choose between Nodal, Elemental, or Elemental Nodal.

3.5.6. Frequency Response

• You may pick one or several nodes. One line will be created per node, therefore picking a large
number of nodes at once is not recommended.

• You may plot Displacement, Stress, or Strain. For each of these options the results available are the
same as previously described.

• Plot Value Against, may be set to:

– Sector: A frequency is selected and the value for each sector is displayed.

– Frequency: A sector is selected and the value at each frequency is displayed.

• Clicking the Graphics tab will display the node number used in the plot.

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3.5.7. Export Results

Export tabular results by clicking Export in the result details. The content of the table will be exported
as a csv file in your user file directory. The csv file will then be opened in the default csv editor.

3.5.8. Result Combination

• The sum of any existing plot result in the tree may be plotted.

• Under Result Combination, pick the environment and result. A coefficient may be applied and as
many result as required may be added.

• The summation may be Square Root of Sum of the Square or Sum. The value at each node will
be added and the final value displayed.

• Units are not taken into account, therefore any result can be added in the current unit system.

3.5.9. Fatigue Diagram

• Stress Component can be either Equivalent (Von-Misses) or Maximum Principal.

• For the alternating stresses:

– One or several frequencies may be picked to calculate the alternating stresses.

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– The Result Part may be: Real, Imaginary, Amplitude, Maximum Values Across Phase Angle,
or Phase Angle.

• The static stresses come form the static structural analysis. If more than one load step is present
in static structural, different load step may be selected.

The material data strength is used to created the fatigue line and to calculate the life. The available
Mean Stress theory are:

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The formulas used are:

Where: n is the life, δα is the alternating stress, δm is the steady stress, Se is the endurance strength,
S;y is the yield strength, and Sut is the ultimate strength.

A user defined steady vs alternating stress limit:

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3.5.10. Matrices

• The Krom and Mrom matrices can be displayed.

• Open Matrices will open the Matrices in a csv format in the default editor.

• Copy Matrices will copy the matrices in a csv format to the project's user file.

• For each matrix, the real and imaginary value will be displayed or copied. Therefore 4 matrices
will be created by default. (Real Mrom, Real Krom, Imaginary Mrom, and Imaginary Krom)

3.5.11. Command
You can insert a Command object as a result. When the comand object evaluated, it will generate
the .inp input file with the text defined and the .out output file, and it will call the Mechanical
APDL program with the command line:
" -b nolist -i "+fin+" -o "+fout

Where fin and fout are the input .inp and output .out files.

3.5.12. 2D Chart

• Used to compare plots between different design points, particularly for Monte Carlo analysis
or to compare the initial and optimized blade order.

• The mistuning parameters, frequency response, and mode multiplier for all the design points
may be displayed.

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• Make sure to retain the design point, and to create at least one input and one output parameter.

3.5.13. Optimize Blade Sequences

• The goal is to optimize the order of the mistuning parameter so the maximum amplitude of
the mode multiplier across the frequencies is minimized.

• An initial mistuning needs to be present.

• The number of random shuffles define the number of times the blade order will be randomly
changed and the result evaluated.

• The best value is then taken as a first point for the iterations. The number of iterations is user

• While the iteration is running, is it possible to abort. Doing so will save the current best value
in the user directory and close Mechanical.

• Ansys recommendeds using a large number of frequencies. This will not slow down the optim-
ization process while creating better results.

3.6. Troubleshooting
Here is a list of common errors.

1. Cannot see the harmonic indices:

• Restart computer to reload the libraries.

2. All the results in the harmonic analysis are zeros:

• Make sure the pressures were mapped correctly.

• Make sure you are using the MKS unit system.

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Chapter 4: Drop Test Add-on
The Drop Test Add-on comprises a wizard to automate the setup of a drop test analysis within an Explicit
Dynamics or WB-LSDYNA analysis system from a geometry file of the object to be dropped. Once the
Drop Test Add-on is loaded, you should be able to open the Drop Test Wizard. Activate either an Explicit
Dynamics or LS-DYNA analysis and navigate to the Mechanical Environment Toolbar, then click the
Drop Test Wizard icon to launch the wizard.

Figure 4.1: Drop Test Add-on Showing Loaded Status


Once the Drop Test Add-on is loaded, you should be able to open the Drop Test Wizard.
Activate either an Explicit Dynamics or LS-DYNA analysis and navigate to the Mechanical
Environment Toolbar, then click the Drop Test Wizard icon to launch the wizard.

For more information about this Add-on, see Using the Drop Test Wizard.

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Chapter 5: Mechanical Toolkit Add-ons
The following Add-ons are available for mechanical analysis:
5.1. Bolt Tools
5.2. Statistics on Structures

5.1. Bolt Tools

The Bolt Tools Add-on provides helpers and quick actions to automate the standard modeling needs
like creating contacts and preloads. Use the Instance Manager for auto-recognition of geometry and
grouping as well as linking to user-defined modeling routines in Mechanical. User-defined APDL mod-
eling routines are linked to Mechanical coordinate systems.
5.1.1. Make the Bolt Tools Add-on Available
5.1.2. Bolt Tools Add-on Definitions
5.1.3. Bolt Tools Modeling Buttons
5.1.4. Bolt Tools Modeling Wizard
5.1.5. Bolt Tools Instance Manager
5.1.6. Instances - Part Library
5.1.7. APDL Bolt Modeling

5.1.1. Make the Bolt Tools Add-on Available

To make the Bolt Tools capabilities available, click the Bolt Tools Icon in the Add-ons Ribbon. The
icon will be highlighted in blue, indicating that the add-on is loaded.

Figure 5.1: Active Bolt Tools Icon on the Add-ons Ribbon

Once the add-on is loaded, the Bolt Tools Ribbon is visible.

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Figure 5.2: Bolt Tools Ribbon

5.1.2. Bolt Tools Add-on Definitions

Bolt geometry is described in the figures below in terminology typically used in the context of this
app. In general, a simplified representation of a bolt with cylindrical faces for the threaded section is
the only geometry that is supported. Modeling of the full thread is not supported for many of the
streamlined workflows, as this is typically not done for large models with many bolts due to computing
resources. As addressed in other sections, there is a user-configurable framework to help with this
type of modeling, but utilization of this framework will rely on user-defined scripts and inputs.

The head of the bolt can be simplified to a circular representation, or a hex or polygon can be used.

The "Bottom" and "Top" faces are the two faces that are the furthest apart along the bolt axis. The
Top face is the face closer to the centroid of the part, typically where the head would be on a
standard bolt/fastener geometry.

Figure 5.3: Basic Bolt Terms

Below are two other types of modeling that are generally supported and can be auto-recognized.
These involve geometric partitioning of the threaded region. The threads are still cylindrical faces,
but they can be split into a separate section by an edge, or by a step where the radius of the thread
section is different from the radius of the shank section.

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Figure 5.4: Bolt Thread Partitioning Bolt Geometry Auto-Recognition

A feature of the app is auto-recognition of typical bolt geometry features such as the shank, thread,
bottom, top, and head seating faces. These features can be generally recognized in geometries
described in Bolt Tools Add-on Definitions (p. 120).

For an example of auto recognition see the snippet: Script Snippets/GeometryRecogni-

To see details of the geometry recognition routines, see the code module: BoltGeometryRecog- Object Summary Tables

Object Summary Tables (OST) are available to view a summary of tree objects in tabular form. These
tables can be sorted based on values and present user-defined information. An example of an OST
is given in the app in the directory: <AppInstalldir>\SummaryTables

The example is a file that holds code to display Bolt Pretension Probe objects
for the max preload, working load, percent, user-defined allowable, and utilization. Users can add
files to this directory to create customized table data to be pulled into any Mechanical session. To
display a table in Mechanical, select the appropriate file with the specified routines for extracting
model values and performing user-defined evaluations (such as utilizations and factor of safety)

Access to select an OST file for loading into Mechanical is present in multiple menu areas.

5.1.3. Bolt Tools Modeling Buttons

This section outlines the Selection, Contact, Meshing, Coordinate Systems, Preloads, Beams, Post
Processing and Tree Helper menu buttons and actions on the Bolt Tools Ribbon. These items can be
used to help streamline the modeling of bolted connections as well as other large assembly models.

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Figure 5.5: Bolt Tools Modeling Buttons Selection
Selection tools are provided to streamline the selection of geometry across a pattern of bodies or
within a body.

Figure 5.6: Bolt Tools Selection Tools

Select Instance Bodies

Selects the bodies in the same Instance Group as the bodies associated with the current selection.

Only the first active entity is used in the selection.

Select Instance Pattern Bodies

Selects the bodies in the same Instance Group as the bodies associated with the current selection,
and attempts to identify separate patterns within the Instance Group.

Only the bodies in the identified pattern are selected.

Only the first active entity is used in the selection.

Select Bodies in Groups Active in Tree

Selects in the graphics all the bodies scoped to any of the active Instance Groups in the tree.

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Activate Group from Graphics Selection

Activates the Instance Groups in the tree based on the currently selected geometry.

Select Equal Geom across Instances

Selects the equivalent geometry entities on each body of the Instance Group.

Supports multiple selections.

Select Similar Geom on Body

Attempts to select geometry of the same size and shape within the body associated with the
current selection.

Only the first active entity is used in the selection.

Select Bolt Geometry

Opens a secondary form to select geometry associated with different parts of a bolt.

Go To Selection In Tree

Activates the tree body objects for the current graphical selection. Contact
Contacts are in integral part of bolted joint modeling and can take a significant amount of time to
setup correctly for large assemblies. Many features and tools are introduced to simplify and
streamline this process. The menu actions are quick and simple, but for more robust actions and
creating contacts refer to Bolt Tools Modeling Wizard (p. 130).

In general, a bolted connection will have two contacts: one for the threaded section and one for
the head of the fastener. The threaded section will commonly have a bonded connection, while
the head will have frictional contact.

Contact via Geometry Selection

Contact scoped with geometrical selections is the most common way to setup contacts. It is a direct
and simply process, but it does have limitations when geometry is not setup in an optimal way.

Using the Mechanical Connection Group object you can use settings for the auto-contact-detection
for cylindrical faces to parse out contacts for thread vs. Head.

Contact via Worksheet-based Named Selection

Named selections based on logical worksheet criteria are powerful objects to allow for maximum
flexibility in the selection process, but this process can be tedious when approached manually. The
Bolt Tools Modeling Wizard provides a set of user inputs to efficiently create contacts via named
selection logic. See Bolt Tools Modeling Wizard (p. 130) for more details.

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Figure 5.7: Bolt Tools Contacts Tools

Contact Options and Actions:

Show Bodies In Contact

Shows only the selected bodies and bodies that are associated via a contact pair in the

Activate Contacts from Selection

Activates all contacts in the tree that contain the given graphical selection entities.

This works on any specific entities such as faces, not just the body.

Remove Selection from All Contacts

Removes the graphical selection entities from all contacts in the tree.

Useful for globally cleaning contacts of geometrical entities that should not have contacts,
but perhaps were included in auto contact generation.

Contacts that have all entities removed from a scoping by this action will be deleted.

Remove Selection from Active Contacts

Removes the graphical selection entities from activated contacts in the tree.

Contacts that have all entities removed from a scoping by this action will be deleted.

Keep Contact Faces By Face Type

Removes any faces in the activated contacts that are not the same type as the first selected
face in the graphics.


• Select a planar face in the graphics

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• Activate any contacts for clean up

• Run the code to remove any non-planar faces from the activated contacts

Contacts that have all entities removed from a scoping by this action will be deleted.

Activate Named Sel. for Contact

For contacts scoped to Named Selections this will activate the named selections in the tree
for quick reference. Meshing
Under Mesh options you can use the Add Mesh Copy capability.

Add Mesh Copy

Add a Mesh Copy control. This is useful to copy a mesh from one bolt to others in the
pattern. Select equal faces of all bolt instances and the mesh copy scoping will be completed
on that selection. Coordinate Systems

Coordinate systems (CS) are important objects that are often used by other objects for definition.
Creation and manipulation of multiple CS along a pattern can be done via these menu commands.

Bolts Body Coordinate Systems Conventions

For a bolt body a convenient coordinate system for later use in named selections is a cylindrical
CS on the bottom face of the bolt. The convention is to point the Z axis towards the head of the
bolt. This convention is used in the creation of bolt contacts.

Figure 5.8: Bolts Body Coordinate Systems Conventions

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Figure 5.9: Coordinate Systems Options and Actions

The following methods are used for CS creation and easy manipulation:

Add CS for Selection

Adds a coordinate system for each geometrical entity selected.

Each entity will get its own cartesian coordinate system located at its centroid.

Z axis will be set to be primary and aligned with the associated geometrical entity.

Flip Z Axis

Add a CS transformation to each activated CS to flip the Z axis.

The following methods work specifically with the convention of a bolt CS being cylindrical and at-
tached to the bottom face of a bolt.

Add Bolt CS

Adds a CS based on entity selection in the graphics window. Any entity types (Faces, edges,
etc..) can be selected, but the routine will work with the associated bodies.

CS will be in the standard convention for a bolt:

• Cylindrical

• Attached to the bottom face

• The routine will attempt to determine the bolt axis, then find the furthest faces from
the centroid along that axis (top and bottom faces)

• The face that is furthest from the centroid will be designated the bottom face, and will
be the origin of the CS

CS created will be grouped into a folder in the tree.

Get Bolt CS

Activate CS for a body that fit the standard convention for a bolt CS.

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Bolt Tools Preloads
Bolt preloads are an integral part of the bolted joint analysis and simulate the tensioning assembly
of the bolt, typically, prior to other loads being applied. The bolt body is cut into two sections and
a pilot node is used to apply this modeling practice. Application of a preload can either be to a
cylindrical face, or to a body. When scoped to a body, a coordinate system must be identified in
order to establish the location of the cut section along the bolt axis.

Consideration must be taken that the split in the body is located outside of a bonded contact section,
which is typical of a bolt thread. In order to do this, often it is important to control the split of the
body based on a coordinate system.

In addition to the split, the preload values can be implemented by step. Functionality to import/ex-
port the preload table values is exposed in this menu.

Figure 5.10: Preloads Options and Actions

Assign Preload Cs

Attempt to associate the selected preloads with the closest CS to the body centroid.

Move Preload Cs

Shows small window for user input to move the coordinate system of all activated preloads in
the Z direction.

Useful for modifying the location of the cut section in the bolt to avoid any bonded contact in
the threaded section.

Get Preload From Cs

Select any corresponding preloads from the currently active coordinate systems.

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Get Cs From Preload

Select any corresponding coordinate systems from the currently active preloads.

Get Preloads From Selection

Select any corresponding preloads from the graphics window selection.

Set Selection From Preloads

Select in the graphics all the scoped entities for the active preload objects in the tree.

Get Preloads From Probes

Activate preload objects under an analysis based on the active preload probes under the solution.

Rename Preloads Based On Def

Auto-rename all selected preloads.

Export Preload Values

Export the tabular data load values to an external file (.csv) .

Import Preload Values

Import tabular data values from an external file to activated preloads. Beams
Supports modeling and evaluation of bolts as 1D beam elements.

Figure 5.11: Beams Options and Actions

Show Summary Table

Opens a dialog to select an Object Summary Table (p. 121) for display.

Create Beams from Solids

Creates beam objects with linked remote points, named selections and coordinate systems, for
current graphical selection.

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Bolt Tools Post Processing

Supports modeling and evaluation of bolts as 1D beam elements.

Figure 5.12: Post Processing Options and Actions

Show Summary Table

Opens a dialog to select an Object Summary Table (p. 121) for display.

Post Wizard

Opens a post processing wizard for viewing time history results for multiple beam, joint, or
user-element data.

Use in cases where you have exported tabular data from an APDL snippet and want to reference
the data back to Mechanical via the APDL element number. Tree Helper

Contains useful tools for navigating large tree structures and cross referencing of objects.

Figure 5.13: Tree Helper Options and Actions

Object Connections Tree

Opens a secondary object tree with referenced objects underneath it for quick cross referencing.

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Show Tree Helper

Opens secondary window of quick key options for filtering the model tree or setting visibility.

Tree Group Helper

Opens a pane for selecting objects based on group or folder in the tree.

Useful for selecting grouped objects and modifying properties in the details window in mass

Provides for user-filtering tools to get the objects desired quickly.

Object External Data Viewer

Opens the wizard interface to display external .csv files and cross reference rows to objects in
the tree (see External File Data Viewer (p. 131)). You can specify columns for the object IDs for
cross referencing.

Object Selector

Opens the wizard interface to help select objects in the tree based on user criteria (see Select
Objects (p. 131)).

5.1.4. Bolt Tools Modeling Wizard

The Bolt Modeling Wizard is a streamlined interface for model setup of typical fastener assemblies.
Similar to the main menu items, it is organized into tabs for each category of object, such as: coordinate
systems, contacts, meshing, etc. The wizard is created to allow for more complex user inputs to des-
ignate how a workflow should perform, as compared to a single button with pre-programmed as-

The controls in the wizard have contextual help tool tips that appear when the mouse is over them.
Refer to the Wizard controls and local help for case-specific help. Access for opening the panel and
getting started is directly from the app ribbon menu as shown below.

Figure 5.14: Bolt Tools Wizards Button Wizard Interfaces

There are multiple wizards that are used to streamline the user interface for adding and modifying
objects in the model. These wizards provide several different workflows and have different scopes.
Most of the wizards are used to create objects in the model tree and keep them organized, grouped,
and named easily while using bolt geometry recognition to streamline complex setups.

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Many wizards use multiple, nested tabs for different inputs and some tabs are reused across multiple

Figure 5.15: Bolt Tools Wizards Menu Wizard Tabs

Each wizard tab contains multiple controls with which you can interact. Most controls have tool
tips that appear when the mouse is over them, providing contextual help for each type of control.
Many tabs also contain sub-tabs including a Help tab that provides a short summary of the usage
and tips for the given context.

Functions are also available based on the current tree selection, such as export of a summary
report, and the tab controls streamline the selection process when the tree contains many objects. Common and Reused Wizard Tabs

These are tabs that are reused across multiple wizards: Select Objects External File Data Viewer Reaction Probes Select Objects

The purpose of this tab is to facilitate the selection of multiple objects in the tree structure. A
parent tree node can be selected, and children can be filtered by type and various other
properties. There are many workflows that utilize the current tree selection, and this tab helps
to streamline that selection process for generic downstream actions. External File Data Viewer

The purpose of this tab is to view and cross-reference data from an external file to Mechanical
objects. For example, when a file contains fatigue values for multiple beam objects/elements
in the model and you want to identify quickly all the objects that are above a certain value.

This tab has multiple sub-tabs:

Data File Format

This tab identifies the format, including the row at which the data starts and the column
used as an identifier for the Mechanical objects.

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Data Table

This tab displays the external file data and is interactive with the Mechanical interface. Reaction Probes

This tab is used to create post-processing reaction probes for forces and moments at various
locations and time points. These can then be exported easily to a summary file in .csv format.

Sub-tabs: Create Reporting

See also:

• Select Objects (p. 131) Create

The purpose of this tab is to create multiple Reaction Probes to identify forces and moments
at multiple selections. The selections can be geometry entities, contact objects or construction
surfaces that are dynamically created by the wizard. In addition to multiple locations in the
model, users can select multiple time points for reaction probe creation.

Figure 5.16: Reaction Probes Create Tab Reporting

The purpose of this tab is to export data from multiple Reaction Probes into a single file for
further viewing or manipulation using external tools. Basic data such as the location, time point
and associated values will be included in this report.

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Figure 5.17: Reaction Probes Reporting Tab Setup Wizard

This wizard is primarily focused on the setup steps and includes the following tabs: Coordinate Systems Mesh Named Selections Pretension Contacts Coordinate Systems

The purpose of this tab is to create multiple coordinate systems.

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Figure 5.18: Coordinate Systems Tab Mesh

The purpose of this tab is to create mesh controls that are typically used for meshing of bolt
hardware, including:

Mesh Copy

Copy a mesh from one body to multiple other bodies.

Axisymmetric Sweep

Create an organized mesh for components that can be swept around an axis.

Mesh Sizing

Sizing of different user or auto-identified regions of a bolt.

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Figure 5.19: Mesh Tab Named Selections

The purpose of this tab is to create Named Selections of multiple items. Named selections of
each individual entity in the selection can be created easily.

Figure 5.20: Named Selections Tab

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The purpose of this tab is to create bolt Pretension objects and associated results probes. Bolt
pretension can be created for 3D geometry or beams, and the location of the pretension split
can be directly input or inferred from geometry recognition with keyword inputs.

Figure 5.21: Pretension Tab Contacts

The purpose of this tab is to create bolt contact regions. This includes separate contacts for
the Head and Thread regions. There are many dimensional inputs for you to manually input
or auto-detect. These inputs are then used in Named Selection worksheet logic to identify the
correct regions in the model for the contacts.

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Figure 5.22: Contacts Tab Surface Body Hole Detection Wizard

This wizard is used to detect mating holes in surface body assemblies. Once identified, objects
such as Mesh (p. 134) controls, and connections such as Beams can be created to model fasteners.

Figure 5.23: Hole Detection Tab

This wizard features the following tabs:

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The purpose of this tab is to detect and create connections between holes. Beams and
Contacts can be created to make connections. Details as to how the model should be
connected are defined in the sub-tabs.


The purpose of this tab is to display the created objects from the workflow. Reactions Probe Wizard

This wizard utilizes the Reaction Probes (p. 132) tab. Connections Post Wizard

This wizard is used to display and export data on connection objects. Beams and Joints are
currently supported. This wizard does not create post objects in the Mechanical tree, but directly
accesses the analysis results file and extracts data that is displayed in the interface or exported
to a file. Connection Objects

This tab contains multiple sub-tabs: APDL Info Beams Joints Results Table APDL Info

This tab is used to identify and/or export the APDL element and Node IDs for the Mechanical

Figure 5.24: APDL Info Tab

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This tab is used to review data for Beam objects.

Figure 5.25: Beams Tab Joints

This tab is used to review data for Joint objects.

Figure 5.26: Joints Tab

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This tab is used to display the results. There are three definitions for a given result value: the
Result Type, Location or Element, and Time. For example, Axial Stress at Element 124 at
Time equals 3. Contact Results Wizard

The purpose of this wizard is to create post-processing objects related to contacts, and to export
multiple images to files as well as Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

Tabs used in this wizard include: Contact Tool Results Contact Tool Results

This tab allows you to create post-processing objects related to contacts, and to export multiple
images to files as well as Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

The tab contains several sub-tabs: Create Contact Results Image Export Options Report Generation Create Contact Results

This tab is used to create contact results such as Pressure and Status contours. These can be
created for multiple locations and time points.

Figure 5.27: Create Contact Results Tab Image Export Options

This tab is used to create images of the Contact Result contours and save them to a file.

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Figure 5.28: Image Export Options Tab Report Generation

This tab is used to export created images to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in a grid

Figure 5.29: Report Generation Tab

5.1.5. Bolt Tools Instance Manager

The Instance Manager is a custom object that can be inserted into the Mechanical tree. Only one
object of this type is allowed, as this applies to the current model geometry. Users can insert Instance
Groups under the Instance Manager to designate geometry into groupings and associate it with
standard parts from the Part Library (p. 145).

The Instance Manager can auto-create Instance groups for the entire model. This consists of identifying
bodies with the same volume and material and putting them into a group together.

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Figure 5.30: Bolt Tools Instances Button Instance Manager Properties

On Selection

Determines the behavior when selecting an Instance Group (p. 142).

Auto Creation/Tolerance

Tolerance used to compare volumes of parts.

Example: 0.001 = 99.9%-100.1% is acceptable.

Auto Creation/Min. Number

Only Instance Groups with more bodies than the Min. Number will be created.

This avoids creating Instance Groups for all bodies in the model and only focusing on bodies
in patterns of a certain size. Instance Manager Geometry Selection

Often with repetitive geometry it is efficient to select all the same entities of each individual body
in the group. When using the Instance Manager selection of geometry across the pattern is done
based on the local index of the entity. For example, if you select a face on a body, the Instance
manager can be used to extract the face index local to that body, and then select the same face
on each body in the pattern. Instance Groups

Instance Groups are created under the Instance Manager. They are associated with user-specified
bodies in the model and can be linked to standard parts.

Some key aspects of Instance Groups and how they are different from a Named Selection are:

1. Although you can specify any body in the model to be in an arbitrary group, typically In-
stance Groups are used to identify the same body that repeats in the model, like a bolt.

2. Scoping of a body from one group automatically removes it from another. Bodies
cannot belong to more than one group.

3. Instance Groups can be linked to a standard part, and therefore to a standard routine for
model setup to streamline the workflow.

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4. Instance Groups can be auto-generated for the entire model to avoid user time to set up

Users can edit groups after auto-creation.

5. Instance Groups can be used to select the same geometry across the bodies in the group.

For example, a bolt head contact face can be selected in the graphics on one bolt and then
easily extended to the same face on all other bodies in the group.

Running a Standard Script from Instance Group

One of the key features of Instance Groups is the ability to trigger user-defined scripts to fully
automate the modeling of these parts.

Once you set Is Standard Part to Yes, options will appear to select a part from the app library.
Once the part is selected, you can select a Py File to run for this group. The user also has the ability
to send user arguments to the python routine via "User Arg<x>" properties.

After selecting the proper part and routine, to trigger the actions use the menu button under In-
stancesRun Standard Part Scripts From Selected. The appropriate modules will be imported and
the method "Run", which is a required method definition in the module, will be run. The app will
also send global variables that can be used which are described in Standard Variables and Header Instance Group Properties


Determines the behavior when selecting an Instance Group,

Definition/On Selection

Determines the behavior when selecting an Instance Group

Example: 0.001 = 99.9%-100.1% is acceptable.

Definition/Is Standard Part

Toggle to determine if the Instance Group is linked to a standard part from the Part Library

If Yes the Standard Part Data property section will be visible

Linking a standard part to the Instance Group can be done manually (drop-down) or automatically
via the Part Library (p. 145) window interface.

Standard Part Data/Name

Name of the standard part from the Part Library.

Standard Part Data/Description (Read Only)

Description for the standard part from the Part Library.

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Py File

Name of the Python file you want to run.

This is based on the context of the model and what modeling approach you want for this part
in context.

User Arg 1, User Arg 2, and User Arg 3)

These are text-based arguments that are given to the global scope of the part script module
to allow users context-based options at runtime. These will be given as global variables "User-
Arg<x>" where x = 1, 2, or 3 based on the user argument used. Geometry Selection

Selection of geometry is a basic aspect of modeling that must be efficient. Patterned geometry that
includes multiple equal instances lends itself well to methods that identify the same geometry
across the pattern.

Figure 5.31: Instances Options and Actions

Select Instance Bodies

All bodies that are determined to be the equal will be selected.

Select Instance Pattern Bodies

All bodies that are determined to be equal same and in the same pattern will be selected.

A pattern is determined based on the proximity of bodies to each other.

Select Equal Geom Across Instances

Selects the same face, edge, etc. on each body that is determined to be equal.

Example: The 2nd edge of the 3rd face of each equal body

Select Similar Geom on Body

Based on context, try to select the same geometry

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Based on same length, surface area, etc.

Use this to select similar geometry on the same body. Use other methods to select geometry
across multiple bodies.

5.1.6. Instances - Part Library

Figure 5.32: Accessing the Parts Library

A part library is utilized to automate the modeling of standard parts represented as bodies in the
model. With a predefined file that contains part information like material, volume and name, you can
uniquely define criteria to identify a specific part. Once identified, this part can be mapped to standard
scripts which will control the setup. This can include meshing, loads, material selection, contacts, post
objects, or any other modeling setup. More than one script file can be used to account for different
modeling approaches taken on the same part based on the analysis context. For example, sometimes
you may want to represent a bolt with full solid elements, while other times a beam-representation
may be appropriate.

The Part Library concept works in conjunction with Instance Groups (see Instance Groups (p. 142))
objects in the model tree. Instance Groups can be inserted under the Instance Manager to link the
standard part information to specific bodies in the model. Part Library Interface

To open the Part Library use the main Bolt Tools ribbon under Instance ManagerPart Library. This
will open a new window to work with parts.

The list on the left contains all the parts in the library, and the list on the right will be all the iden-
tified Instance Groups (see Instance Groups (p. 142)) in the current model.

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Figure 5.33: Part Library Window Adding a Part to the Library

There are three main ways to add a part to the library.

Adding a Part: Manual File Creation

To add a part to the library you can directly create new files in the proper directory with the
proper format. This is described in Part File Structure and Format (p. 147). Add and modify files directly
as you would any file on your system. Since the files are simply text files, any common text editor
can be used to modify these files.

Adding a Part: Import from .csv format

In the Part Library interface, you can use Library ActionsImport Parts from .csv to import
multiple parts and create multiple files in a single operation. Note that existing files with the same
names will be overwritten in this action, and this cannot be undone.

See the example file for format: AppInstallDir\PartLibraryData\Example csv im-


Adding a Part: Add from Selection

Use the option Library ActionsAdd Selection as Part to have the current selections from the
current model list (on right) be added as a part file in the library. These files will contain the basic
data that can be extracted like material, volume, etc. Users will still need to open these files and
modify them to the correct methods and matching criteria, which cannot be set automatically from
model context.

A part will be created for each selection in the list. If no selection is active, a part will not be created. Referencing and Using a Part from the library

To reference a part from the library, open the Part Library window from Mechanical. You can use
ActionsMatch Parts to match parts from the library to your current model. Parts will be identified
according to the designated matching criteria (see Part Auto-Recognition and Matching Criteria
(p. 148)) in the part definition file. Prior to matching, or if a match is not found, the Part column
will list "None".

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Bolt Tools

Figure 5.34: Referencing and Using a Part from the Library Part File Structure and Format

The Part Library consists of Parts that are defined via a simple text file with standard format. Part
files should be placed in this directory: AppInstallDir\PartLibraryData

You can also use folders within this directory to organize files. The library will load any .txt files
in the main library directory recursively. An example file with format is located in this directory for
reference as well.

Property Description Example

Description User-description of part Bolt Example for app
Material Name Material Name Structural Steel
Number of Number of Bodies in group. 1 is only supported 1
Bodies value at this time
Number of Total number of faces on the bodies 13
Volume Total volume of all bodies 8.49471222694e-07
Script File Name Name of python script file(s) to run for standard ValveBoltsSolid,ValveBoltsBeams
part. Use "," to separate multiple file options.
User Defined Use this as any user defined data
User Defined Use this as any user defined data
User Defined Use this as any user defined data
Matching Script Name of python script file to use for matching Standard
this part to the model bodies 1 is only supported
value at this time

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Mechanical Toolkit Add-ons Part Auto-Recognition and Matching Criteria

Users can define a custom python-based routine for recognizing parts. This can be done by intro-
ducing a new module in the path: AppInstallDir\PartLibraryData\MatchingCriteria

This is not required as a module is included in the basic installation called This
module can be used as an example of how users can create additional similar modules with custom
functions for part recognition. Standard Parts without a matching script defined will use the default module criteria.

In this path a new module can be created with a function defined with the name: "IsBodyGroupThis-
Part". This function will take the arguments from the table below, and should return a boolean
True/False to determine if there is a match for the BodyGroup to the Standard Part.

Property Description
ExtAPI Extension API Global
Quantity Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity type
Part Standard Part Class Object
BodyGroup InstanceManager BodyGroup Class Object that is being evaluated. Part Script Files

Parts in the library can be mapped to one or multiple python script files, which can be run in a
batch mode by the app. The files are located in: AppDirectory\PartLibrary-

Standard Variables and Header

When running the script files, some basic information and variables will be defined globally in the
module scope. See below for an example of the header variables that should be in the global scope
of any standard part file module. The values are provided by the app internally, and should generally
be set to "None" to initialize them in the module. These are then usable in the main routine of the
ExtAPI = None #Ansys application extension objects
Ansys = None #Ansys Namespace
Enums = None #Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums
Quantity=None #Ansys.Core.Units.Quantity
Model = None #ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model

InstanceGroup = None #InstanceFinder.InstanceGroup class object

Part = None #PartLibrary.Part class object
#Text values given by user at run time via InstanceGroup Obj props.
UserArg1 = None; UserArg2 = None; UserArg3 = None

Standard Routine Name

The application will automatically trigger the function in the module named "Run" which is a
method that takes no arguments ("def Run():"). There can be other methods contained in the
module, but the method that will be run automatically by the app will only be this "Run" method.
Triggering the method via the app GUI is described in Running a Standard Script from Instance
Group (p. 143)

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Bolt Tools

5.1.7. APDL Bolt Modeling

APDL is a language/solver used by Mechanical and for parts that have a standardized method for
modeling, an APDL-based setup can greatly reduce the amount of work required in Mechanical. To
accommodate this and integrate in Mechanical, a custom object has been created to allow for users
to direct user-defined APDL input based on selected coordinate systems in Mechanical and a list of
user-defined standard parts.

The use of APDL-based modeling has the advantage of simplifying the Mechanical model, but it de-
mands that you understand how to integrate APDL commands into the main APDL input being
generated by the Mechanical model. You will have three distinct sections for which commands can
be applied:


Commands are created prior to load creation, but after geometry, contacts and other model aspects
are generated.


Commands are created at the end of load input, but before SOLVE command


Commands are input just after the SOLVE command APDL Bolt Mechanical Tree Object

The way to utilize this functionality is to introduce an APDL Bolt object in the Mechanical tree. This
object will allow you to select parts from a user-created library. There are four parts that can be
included in an APDL Bolt object: bolt, bolt washer, nut, nut washer.

Once the parts are selected, you can specify an offset for the nut/nut washer section, as this will
be case-specific to the model. To introduce multiple instances of this assembly to the model, you
can select coordinate systems. These will be used to define where in the model to show the
graphical representations, and the coordinate system information will be passed to the APDL input
file such that they can be used to create the FE entities required at the user-specified locations.

Convention: It is assumed the coordinate system is located along the bolt axis at the head of
the bolt with Z axis pointing towards the threads. APDL Bolt Part Files

An APDL Bolt part file is used to specify the APDL inputs, graphical representation in Mechanical,
and the APDL commands sent to the solver input file at solve time. The format is an XML file with
sections associated for each of these tasks.

Tag Options Value Notes

Input Send a value to the APDL input file to be used
in the standard routines to follow.

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Mechanical Toolkit Add-ons

ApdlName Text Name of the APDL variable that will be assigned.

Description Boolean User given description of the input. Does not
effect the code or APDL, only for user notes
Type Text Flag to denote what type of input it is. For a
Quantity Accepted values are: Text, Quantity,
QuantityName Text Name of the Quantity like "Force", "Length" etc...
Head Radius, Height, Text Reference to the APDL Input that drives this
HeadType graphical dimension/option. HeadType = 'Hex'
will denote Hex-head display.
Shank Radius, Height Text Shank section of a bolt
Thread Radius, Height Text Thread section of a bolt
HeadFlange Radius, Height Text Optional for a bolt. Head part that is a flange.
Height is NOT additive to the <Head> height.
Preload Radius, ZLoc Text Preload will show as a circular ring at given
radius and axial (Z) location.
Nut Radius, Height, Text Nut is only a single section. Note, that an inner
HeadType diameter is not used in the graphics.
Washer Radius, Height Washer is only a single section.Note, that an
inner diameter is not used in the graphics
File Sends the text of the file to the input stream.
CopyAs Text Will use APDL commands to copy the file to the
working directory at run time instead of
inserting the text of the file into the main input
file. Use this when you want to copy a macro
file and not put directly into the input stream.
SendOnceOnly Boolean Send the text of the file only once to the input
file stream. Use this when you need the
commands for the part, but only once in the
entire file. Example: creating a material that is
common to many parts.
IterateBlockIds Boolean If you are using pre-meshed data in the EBLOCK
and NBLOCK form, you will need to iterate the
IDs in the part files (that likely start at 1) to the
current next-available ID from Mechanical.
AttributeName Text Name for an attribute to attach to the
Mechanical object sending the information. This
attribute can be used to identify the in-creation
node, element, or type ID for a given part in the
IterateMechRefIds Iterate the IDs of Mechanical by the given
amounts in order to avoid any clash with
Mechanical as it continues to create the input

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Statistics on Structures

Node integer Update the counter for given object

Element Integer Update the counter for given object
Type* Integer Update the counter for given object
PerCoordinateSystem Boolean Option to multiply the iteration by the number
of Coord. Sys. APDL Bolt Properties

The APDL Bolt object has the following properties:



Bolt Washer

Nut Location (User-specified based on modeling context)


Nut Washer

Coordinate System Selections

Defines the coordinate systems for the APDL input.

The coordinate system Ids are sent to the APDL input file prior to the user-defined commands.

Coordinate System APDL array can be referenced to create and orient fastener nodes/elements
in the main model


Visible (Option for if graphics are visible even when object is not selected.)

Depth Test (Option for graphics to be "on top" of other graphics.)


5.2. Statistics on Structures

The Statistics on Structures (SoS) Add-on helps Ansys Mechanical to interact with SoS. It enables the
use of empirical and free-form random field models to generate random geometric imperfections. Apply
displacements to the nodes on a part of the model's boundary. Export results to SoS for statistical
analysis and Field-MOP creation. For more information about this Add-on, see Getting Started with SoS.

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Chapter 6: Hydrodynamic Add-ons
The following Add-ons are available for hydrodynamic analysis:
6.1. Hydrodynamic Pressure
6.2. Offshore

6.1. Hydrodynamic Pressure

The Hydrodynamic Pressure Add-on allows you to transfer external surface and internal tank pressures,
selected loads and structural accelerations calculated in a Hydrodynamic Diffraction or time domain
Hydrodynamic Response analysis onto panel and beam elements in a Static Structural analysis. This re-
moves the need to create, manipulate and run hydrodynamic load files external to Workbench. For
more information about this Add-on, see The Hydrodynamic Pressure Add-on.

6.2. Offshore
The Offshore Add-on exposes the OCEAN commands in Mechanical APDL, which can be used to include
the hydrodynamic loads on submerged beam and pipe elements – resulting from the motion of the
structure through the fluid, or from the fluid motion around the structure due to current or waves – in
Static Structural, Transient Structural, Modal and Harmonic Response analyses. For more information
about this Add-on, see The Offshore Add-on.

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Chapter 7: Additive Manufacturing Add-ons
The following Add-ons are available for additive manufacturing analyses:
7.1. LPBF Process
7.2. DED Process
7.3. Sintering Process
7.4. Distortion Compensation

7.1. LPBF Process

The LPBF Add-on simplifies the setup of a Laser Powder Bed Fusion process analysis. A wizard steps
through part and support identification, meshing, materials, process parameters and boundary conditions.
Completion of the wizard leaves the simulation ready to solve. For more information about this Add-
on, see Using the LPBF Setup Wizard.

7.2. DED Process

The DED Process Add-on simplifies the setup for a Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process analysis.
The DED wizard will step through part and baseplate identification, meshing, welding path definition,
material parameters, machine settings, build and cooldown conditions, and base removal setup. Upon
completion of the wizard, you will need to generate element clusters, and then solve the simulation.
For more information about this Add-on, see Introduction to DED Additive Manufacturing.

7.3. Sintering Process

The Sintering Process Add-on simplifies the setup for a sintering process for a binder-jet manufactured
part. The Add-on will add new result objects and load objects that describe the sintering process and
underlying state variables. The wizard will step through part and support identification, meshing, ma-
terial parameters. boundary conditions and recommended solver settings. Completion of the wizard
leave the simulation ready to be solved. For more information about this Add-on, see Introduction to

7.4. Distortion Compensation

The Distortion Compensation Add-on compensates the scoped geometry so that after loading or pro-
cessing, the geometry distorts into the original target geometry. For more information about this Add-
on, see Introduction to Distortion Compensation.

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Chapter 8: Rigid Dynamics Add-ons
The following Add-ons are available for Rigid Dynamics analyses :
8.1. Variable Load
8.2. Motion Load Transfer

8.1. Variable Load

The Variable Load Add-on greatly simplifies the definition of complex loading for Rigid Dynamics systems.
It allows you to create loads that depend on the state of the model and make them conditionally applied.
For more information about this Add-on, see Using the Variable Load Add-on.

8.2. Motion Load Transfer

The Motion Load Transfer Add-on allows you to apply the loads created in a Rigid Dynamics analysis
on the flexible bodies in a Static Structural analysis. For more information about this Add-on, see Using
the Motion Load Transfer Add-on.

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