Mike V
Mike V
Mike V
1 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
This brings me back to my point. You need to eat clean to stay lean. In order to do this,
I am not suggesting a fad diet or a calorie counting program you can only keep up with
for a week or so. I am suggesting a clean eating lifestyle change.
Your moderate day should help you fuel your body for some medium difficulty workouts
as well as workouts that may include a post workout cardio session such as high
intensity interval training. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day and
it’s important to always include a multi-vitamin balance to ensure you are getting all of
your required micronutrients.
Let’s start with the basics. In order to eat clean, you need to eat clean, healthy foods. This
includes foods like: lean protein, good-for-you carbs and fats, fresh fruits, vegetables -
at least 5-6 times a day. I am a strong believer in you can eat as much as you want to as
long as it is the right foods. I guarantee if you combine this with drinking lots of water and
regular exercise, you can turn your body into a lean mean fighting machine.
Fibrous Vegetables
just about anything your mother said you had to eat if you wanted dessert
as many servings as you want
Complex Carbohydrates
whole grains (bread, cereal, pasta), legumes (beans and peas), and tubers (potatoes & other root vegetables)
2-3 servings per day
fresh fruit only (no, Starbursts Candy doesn’t count)
2-3 servings a day
• Eat enough food per day (around 5-6 small meals a day)
• Eat 2-3 servings of complex carbohydrates every day (no refined carbohydrates)
• Drink 2-3L of water (about 12 8-oz cups) every day and have water be your primary beverage of choice
• Artificial sweeteners
• Sugary beverages
• Alcohol- Occasionally is okay but be mindful of alcohol choice (limit beer as it’s high in carbohydrate count)
Protein Shake 2 Hard Boiled Eggs Whole Wheat Grilled Chicken Wrap
Handful of Almonds Celery and Carrots
Banana 2 Spoonfuls of Hummus
1 Cup of Muesli Protein Shake Brown Rice Sushi - 6 Piece Roll
Sliced Apples and Walnuts on Top
1 Cup of Skim Milk
Coffee or Tea
2 Hardboiled Eggs Greek Yogurt Cooked Turkey Salad
2 Pieces of Turkey Sausage Honey Scoop of Cannellini Beans
Coffee or Tea 10 Almonds 1/4 of an Avocado Sliced
Salmon is an awesome food to build muscle because it has an incredible amount of protein (around 20g per 100g serving)
and natural Omega- 3 fatty acids. Wild raised and farm raised salmon options are the best (even though they are a bit
pricier). Salmon is essential for healing, growth, maintaining muscle mass, and metabolism. Also, the healthy fat content
in salmon helps you feel fuller longer.
I love me some CHICK’N! Chicken breast is lean and has the most protein by weight, making it ideal for people who want
to lose fat. It is a staple food in the clean eating lifestyle. One skinless cooked chicken breast contains 26 grams of high-
quality protein. It also contains generous amounts of B vitamins, niacin, and B6, which is very important if you are active.
Tuna is a high-quality protein source with almost no fat. It includes several essential amino acids, and it helps in the
maintenance of lean muscle tissue. One 3-ounce serving contains 20.1 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fat, and 109
calories. It is also quick, easy, and cheap to buy if you go with the canned options.
Beef is at the top of the list when it comes to the best muscle-building foods. It is packed with dense proteins, essential
amino acids, B-vitamins, minerals, and creatine. Beef also contains a mixture of saturated fat which supports healthy
testosterone levels and heart health. Also… an added benefit… beef is known to lower levels of anxiety and stress! Heck
yes. Solid choice here ladies and gents.
Whoever said you should cut all carbohydrates to lose weight was crazy. Good carbohydrates (complex carbs) are
important components of a healthy balanced diet. You need to incorporate carbohydrates in your training routine since
your body uses carbs for energy. Brown rice is great in building lean muscle mass as it packs in 5 grams of protein per
cup, it is high in branched-chain amino acids, and it is filling! Brown rice makes for a great addition to your protein
courses at dinner time.
I know this might sound weird but I love cottage cheese. Now before you start judging me, let me blow your mind with
some interesting facts! One cup of low-fat cottage cheese packs 28 grams of protein and includes the important muscle-
building amino acid, leucine. It also contains live cultures -good bacteria- that will help you breakdown and absorb all the
nutrients you need to build lean muscle mass.
Speaking of good bacteria, Greek yogurt takes the cake! Greek yogurt offers a ton of high-quality protein and gut boosting
probiotics. It also contains a mixture of fast-digesting whey protein and slow-digesting casein protein. I suggest sticking
with the plain flavors and adding a little honey or fruit to the top as it packs a lot less sugar than the flavored options.
Oh quinoa. I’ll be honest… I didn’t start eating quinoa until a few years ago. First off, I had NO idea what it was (or how to
cook it) and second, I would have never guessed the benefits it offers! Quinoa is a great carbohydrate to give your body
the energy it needs to hit a hard training day. Just 1 cup packs 8 grams of protein and a ton of magnesium and phosphorus.
Magnesium plays a huge role in the function of your muscles and nerves, which we use every time we train.
Let’s get nutttttty! Ok, I’m weird. But for real, nuts are the bomb. First off, they make a great grab-and-go snack. They are
also among one of the best sources of plant-based proteins out there (for all my vegans/vegetarians in the house). Also,
they are the perfect blend of protein, fat, fiber, and high-quality calories. If you’re having a hard time packing in enough
calories to drive your muscle gain, eating nuts could be a great way to load in those extra calories and nutrients.
I’ve developed the best and fastest way to help you build muscle, burn fat, and
transform your body to feel better and stronger than ever before.
This plan is built for any age, male and female. Don’t have
much experience in the gym? No worries! I break down every
exercise in my videos so you are never lost! Not only will
these workouts target every muscle group so you’re looking
great, but every day, we will end our training with a fun
challenging circuit that will have you going home feeling like
a million bucks or dead -which in my opinion, is the same.
So if you are looking for a quick way to shed off body fat,
build lean muscle, or start the road in becoming an athlete,
then this plan has everything you need to accomplish that and
more. It’s time to turn yourself into a warrior in fitness and in
life. Let’s begin the 6 week Ripped Warrior program!
Everyday we will be completing a warm up. In this warm up I want you going at your own pace. We
want your heart rate high but not over doing it so we aren’t leaving our workout with no energy.
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete 30 seconds of each exercise without taking a break. Once the round is complete, take 30
seconds to catch your breath and drink water. We will be performing 3 rounds total. Let’s get to work!
20 Body Squats
1 Minute Body Squat Hold
20 Lunges
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
20 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
24 Reps of Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
1 Minute Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
1 Minute Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Every other exercise, you will perfrom 30 seconds. The exercise in between will be done for 60
seconds. You will have no breaks until the entire circuit is complete. Go at your own pace and have fun!
30 Seconds of Burpees
Half-Mile Run
Rower for 5 Minutes or 1200 Meters
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
Side to Side Ball Slams
Shadow Boxing Side to Side with Sprawl
Renegade Rows
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
Sled Push
Laying Down Ball Throws
Mountain Climbers
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
Battle Rope Slams
Plank Rope Slams
Battle Rope Waves
Shadow Boxing with Ropes
During your active rest day, I recommend you staying lightly active. You have the option to go on a
light jog no more than 30 minutes or a mellow hike. We want our bodies to still be moving, but not over
doing it since rest is a vital component in transforming your body.
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
8 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
Start with 10 Reps - 2 Less Reps for Each Consecutive Set (10, 8, 6, 4)
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand, 10-15lbs each. You will be holding these dumbbells your entire circuit.
Do not place them down until after you are finished. Get ready to feel the burn!!
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
20 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 - 60 Seconds Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete 50 reps of each exercise as fast as you can. Each week for the next
3 weeks, your goal is to time and beat your previous time!
50 Reps Each
Battle Rope Slams
Standing Dumbbell Presses
Jumping Squats
Inverted Pull Ups
Chair Pose Hold for 10 seconds to Beast Wave Unload to Push-Up Plank Hold for 10 seconds
WE EK 1 : D AY 7 Rest Day
28 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
WE EK 2: D AY 1 Hybrid Training
Half-Mile Run
Rower for 5 Minutes or 1200 Meters
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
Sled Push
Laying Down Ball Throws
Mountain Climbers
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
20 Body Squats
1 Minute Body Squat Hold
20 Lunges
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
20 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
24 Reps of Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
1 Minute Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
1 Minute Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Every other exercise, you will perfrom 30 seconds. The exercise in between will be done for 60
seconds. You will have no breaks until the entire circuit is complete. Go at your own pace and have fun!
30 Seconds of Burpees
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
8 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
Start with 10 Reps - 2 Less Reps for Each Consecutive Set (10, 8, 6, 4)
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand, 10-15lbs each. You will be holding these dumbbells your entire circuit.
Do not place them down until after you are finished. Get ready to feel the burn!!
During your active rest day, I recommend you staying lightly active. You have the option to go on a
light jog no more than 30 minutes or a mellow hike. We want our bodies to still be moving, but not over
doing it since rest is a vital component in transforming your body.
WE EK 2: D AY 5 Shoulder / Abs
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
37 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
20 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 - 60 Seconds Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete 50 reps of each exercise as fast as you can. Each week for the next
3 weeks, your goal is to time and beat your previous time!
50 Reps Each
Battle Rope Slams
Standing Dumbbell Presses
Jumping Squats
Inverted Pull Ups
Chair Pose Hold for 10 seconds to Beast Wave Unload to Push-Up Plank Hold for 10 seconds
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete 30 seconds of each exercise without taking a break. Once the round is complete, take 30
seconds to catch your breath and drink water. We will be performing 3 rounds total. Let’s get to work!
10 Reps
Arm Rotations
Arm Raises
Arm Cicles
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
8 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
Start with 10 Reps - 2 Less Reps for Each Consecutive Set (10, 8, 6, 4)
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand, 10-15lbs each. You will be holding these dumbbells your entire circuit.
Do not place them down until after you are finished. Get ready to feel the burn!!
20 Body Squats
1 Minute Body Squat Hold
20 Lunges
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
20 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
24 Reps of Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
1 Minute Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
1 Minute Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Every other exercise, you will perfrom 30 seconds. The exercise in between will be done for 60
seconds. You will have no breaks until the entire circuit is complete. Go at your own pace and have fun!
30 Seconds of Burpees
Half-Mile Run
Rower for 5 Minutes or 1200 Meters
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
Sled Push
Laying Down Ball Throws
Mountain Climbers
Perform each Movement for 30 Seconds for a Total of 2 Rounds with No Breaks in Between
During your active rest day, I recommend you staying lightly active. You have the option to go on a
light jog no more than 30 minutes or a mellow hike. We want our bodies to still be moving, but not over
doing it since rest is a vital component in transforming your body.
WE EK 3 : D AY 5 Shoulder / Abs
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
51 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
20 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 - 60 Seconds Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete 50 reps of each exercise as fast as you can. Each week for the next
3 weeks, your goal is to time and beat your previous time!
50 Reps Each
Battle Rope Slams
Standing Dumbbell Presses
Jumping Squats
Inverted Pull Ups
Chair Pose Hold for 10 seconds to Beast Wave Unload to Push-Up Plank Hold for 10 seconds
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
1 Minute of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
2 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete 30 seconds of each exercise without taking a break. Once the round is complete, take 30
seconds to catch your breath and drink water. We will be performing 3 rounds total. Let’s get to work!
10 Reps
Arm Rotations
Arm Raises
Arm Cicles
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Rounds
5 Reps Each
There will be no breaks until all movements are finished. Good Luck!
Dumbbell Jabs
Dumbbell Jabs
2 Rounds of
10 Push-Ups
10 Shoulder Taps
30 Second Plank Hold (Push-Up Position)
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
After each movement is complete, take a 15 second break and repeat until each exercise is finished.
Dumbbell Rows
KB Swings
Dumbbell Thrusters
KB Clean to Squats
20 Pull-Up Jumps
10 Push Ups
20 Pull-Up Jumps
10 PushUps
3 Sets
5 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete each exercise as fast as you can. Remember to use good form and breathe.
Equipment needed: 25-45lb plate and medicine ball
3 Rounds - 10 Reps
Ball Slams
Jumping Lunges
Plate Front Presses
Plate Squat
During your active rest day, I recommend you staying lightly active. You have the option to go on a
light jog no more than 30 minutes or a mellow hike. We want our bodies to still be moving, but not over
doing it since rest is a vital component in transforming your body.
WE EK 4 : D AY 5 Full Body
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
66 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
This finisher is an EMOM which stands for “Every Minute on the Minute.”
You will perform 1 exercise on minute one and then rest until your second minute hits. This EMOM will
be 12 minutes long so pace your reps but be explosive and have good form the entire way through.
30 Seconds Each
Walking Plank to Wave Unload
Split Stance Stretch to Overhead Reach
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
68 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
60 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Dumbbell Squat
Kettlebell Swings
Mountain Climbers
2 Rounds of
10 Push-Ups
10 Shoulder Taps
30 Second Plank Hold (Push-Up Position)
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
After each movement is complete, take a 15 second break and repeat until each exercise is finished.
Dumbbell Rows
KB Swings
Dumbbell Thrusters
KB Clean to Squats
20 Pull-Up Jumps
10 Push Ups
20 Pull-Up Jumps
10 PushUps
3 Sets
5 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete each exercise as fast as you can. Remember to use good form and breathe.
Equipment needed: 25-45lb plate and medicine ball
3 Rounds - 10 Reps
Ball Slams
Jumping Lunges
Plate Front Presses
Plate Squat
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Rounds
5 Reps Each
There will be no breaks until all movements are finished. Good Luck!
Dumbbell Jabs
Dumbbell Jabs
During your active rest day, I recommend you staying lightly active. You have the option to go on a
light jog no more than 30 minutes or a mellow hike. We want our bodies to still be moving, but not over
doing it since rest is a vital component in transforming your body.
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
80 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
60 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Dumbbell Squat
Kettlebell Swings
Mountain Climbers
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
This finisher is an EMOM which stands for “Every Minute on the Minute.”
You will perform 1 exercise on minute one and then rest until your second minute hits. This EMOM will
be 12 minutes long so pace your reps but be explosive and have good form the entire way through.
30 Seconds Each
Walking Plank to Wave Unload
Split Stance Stretch to Overhead Reach
WE EK 5 : D AY 7 Rest Day
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
This finisher is an EMOM which stands for “Every Minute on the Minute.”
You will perform 1 exercise on minute one and then rest until your second minute hits. This EMOM will
be 12 minutes long so pace your reps but be explosive and have good form the entire way through.
30 Seconds Each
Walking Plank to Wave Unload
Split Stance Stretch to Overhead Reach
2 Rounds of
10 Push-Ups
10 Shoulder Taps
30 Second Plank Hold (Push-Up Position)
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
After each movement is complete, take a 15 second break and repeat until each exercise is finished.
Dumbbell Rows
KB Swings
Dumbbell Thrusters
KB Clean to Squats
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
4 Rounds
5 Reps Each
There will be no breaks until all movements are finished. Good Luck!
Dumbbell Jabs
Dumbbell Jabs
During your active rest day, I recommend you staying lightly active. You have the option to go on a
light jog no more than 30 minutes or a mellow hike. We want our bodies to still be moving, but not over
doing it since rest is a vital component in transforming your body.
20 Pull-Up Jumps
10 Push Ups
20 Pull-Up Jumps
10 PushUps
3 Sets
5 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
10 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Complete each exercise as fast as you can. Remember to use good form and breathe.
Equipment needed: 25-45lb plate and medicine ball
3 Rounds - 10 Reps
Ball Slams
Jumping Lunges
Plate Front Presses
Plate Squat
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
12 Reps Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
15 Reps Each
15 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
96 | © 2020 FitForm, LLC | www.michaelvazquez.com
3 Sets
30 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
3 Sets
60 Seconds Each
30 Seconds of Rest between Each Set
Dumbbell Squat
Kettlebell Swings
Mountain Climbers