Mr. Pioc General Specifications

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Second floor, R. Building, MCLL Highway
Divisoria, Zamboanga City 7000
Tel. # (062)992-3490
Email Address: [email protected]


Project Title : Proposed Two-Storey Residential

Location : Mercedes, Zamboanga City, 7000
Owner : Mr. Noel Gonzales Pioc

This specification covers the complete construction for the proposed building for both
labor and materials as per accompanying plan. It is understood however that in all cases
except otherwise mentioned, all materials shall be brand new and all works to be done shall
be in the best quality of workmanship.

The principal work to be done under these specifications includes excavation of the
building foundation, filling and backfilling, concrete works, masonry works, steel works,
carpentry works, tinsmithry, millwork, electrical and plumbing installations, painting and
others not shown in the drawings nor mentioned in the specification but necessary to
complete the construction.


A. General
1. Staking out of building, establishment of lines, grades and benchmarks.
2. All excavation works including all necessary shoring, bracing and drainage of
storm water from site.
3. All backfilling, filling and grading, removal of excess material from site.
4. Protection of property, work and structures, workmen, and other people from
damage and injury.

B. Lines, Grades and Benchmarks

1. Stake out accurately the lines of the buildings and of other structures included
in the contract, and establish grades therefore, after which secure approval by
architect before any excavation work is commenced.
2. Erect batter boards and reference marks at such places where they will not be
disturb during the construction of the foundation.
C. Excavation
1. Structural Excavations – excavations shall be to the depth as indicated bearing
value. Excavations for footing and foundations carried below required depths
shall be filled with concrete, and bottom of such shall be level. All structural
excavation shall extend a sufficient distance from the walls and footings to
allow for proper erection and dismantling of forms, for installation of service
and for inspection. All excavations shall be inspected and approved before
pouring any concrete laying underground services for placing select fill
The Contractor shall control the grading in the vicinity of all excavated areas
to prevent surface drainage running into excavations. Water that accumulates
in excavated areas shall be removed by pumping before fill or concrete is
placed therein.

D. Filling and Backfilling

1. After forms have been removed from footing, piers, foundations, walls, etc.
and when concrete work is hard enough to resist pressure resulting from fill,
backfilling may then be done. Materials excavated may be used for
backfilling; All filling shall be placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches.
The filling materials shall be properly placed by wetting, tampering and

E. Placing and Compacting Fill

1. Fill shall be placed where indicated and shall consist of crushed gravel,
crushed rock, or an approved substitute. The material shall be free from adobe,
vegetable matters and shall be thoroughly tampered after placing.
2. Before placing fill materials, the surface upon which it will be placed shall be
cleared of all brush roots, vegetable matter and debris scarified and thoroughly
wet to insure bonding between the ground.

F. Disposal of Surplus Materials

1. Any excess materials remaining after completion of earthwork shall be
disposed of be hauling and spreading in nearby spoil areas designated by the
Owner. Excavated materials deposited in spoil areas shall be graded to a
uniform surface.


A. General
1. Unless otherwise specified herein, concrete work shall conform to the
requirements of the ACI Building Code. Full cooperation shall be given to
other trades to install embedded items. Provisions shall be made for setting
items not placed in the forms.

B. Materials
1. Cement for the concrete shall conform to the requirements of specifications
for Portland Cement (ASTM C-150).
2. Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from other injurious
amount of oils, acids, alkalines, organic materials or other substances that may
be deleterious to concrete or steel.
3. Fine aggregates shall consist of hard, tough durable, uncoated particles. The
shape of the particles shall be generally rounded or cubicle and reasonably free
from flat or elongated particles. The stipulated percentages of fines in the
sands shall be obtained either by the processing of natural sand or by the
production of suitably graded manufactured sand.
4. Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel or rock, or as
approved by the architect. Coarse aggregate shall consist of hard, tough,
durable, clean and uncoated particles. The sizes of coarse aggregates to be
used in the various parts of the work shall be in accordance with the following:
Size – ¾” for all concreting work.
5. Reinforcing bar shall conform to the requirements of ASTM standard
specifications for Billet Steel Bars for concrete reinforcement (A15-625) and
to specifications for minimum requirements for the deformed steel bars for
concrete reinforcement (A305-56).
All secondary ties such as stirrups, spirals and inserts may be plain bars. The
main reinforcing bars shall be as follows:
No. 3 (3/8”) 10mm fy = 33,000 psi
No. 4 (1/2”) 12mm
No. 5 (5/8”) 16mm
Fy = 40,000 psi
f’c’ = 4,000 psi & 3,000 psi as per design

C. Proportion and Mixing

1. Proportion of all material entering into the concrete shall be as follows:
Class “A” (1:2:4) - for reinforced concrete beams, girders, cleats,
columns, slabs, top slabs, manhole and septic tanks and
for all members subjected to bending stress.
Class “B” (1:2-1/2:5) – shall be used for all members not reinforced for
bending stress.
Class “C” (1:3:6) - used for machinery foundation
2. Class of Concrete – concrete shall have a 28-day cylinder strength of 3,000 psi
and 4,000 psi as indicated in the plan, used for all concrete work.
3. Mixing – concrete shall be machine mixed. Mixing shall begin within 30
minutes after the cement has been added to the aggregates. In the absence of a
concrete mixer, manual mixing is allowed.

D. Forms
1. General
Forms shall be used whenever necessary to confine the concrete and shape it
to the required lines, and to insure the concrete from contamination with
adjacent materials and caving from excavated surfaces.
2. Cleaning and Oiling of Forms
Before placing the concrete, the contact surfaces of the form shall be cleaned
of encrustation’s of mortar, the grout or other foreign materials, and shall be
coated with a commercial form oil that will effectively prevent sticking and
will not stain the concrete surfaces.
3. Removal of Forms
Forms shall be removed in a manner, which will prevent damage to the
concrete. Forms shall be removed upon engineer’s approval. Any repairs of
surface imperfections shall be performed at once and shall be started as soon
as the surface is sufficiently hard to permit it without further damage.

E. Placing Reinforcement
1. General
Steel reinforcement shall be provided as indicated, together with all necessary
wire ties, chairs, spacers, supported and other devices necessary to install and
secure the reinforcement properly. All reinforcement, when placed shall be
free from loose, flaky rust and scale, oil grease, clay and other coating and
foreign substances that would reduce or destroy its bond with concrete.
Reinforcement shall be placed accurately and secured in place by use of metal
or concrete supports, spacers and ties. Such supports shall be of sufficient
strength to maintain operation.
2. Shop drawings for reinforcing steel detail and placement drawing shall be
submitted for approval in accordance with requirements of section “General
Conditions”. Any material fabricated before final approval of the shop
drawings will be done at the Contractor’s risk, but no materials shall be placed
until shop drawings have final approval.
3. Furnishing two (2) copies of manufactured certificate of mill test of all
reinforcing steel. This will not however replace any test on random samples as
may be required by the Architect.

F. Conveying and Placing Concrete

1. Conveying
Concrete shall be conveyed from mixer to forms as rapidly as practicable, by
methods, which will prevent segregation, or loss of ingredients. There will be
no vertical drop greater than 1.5 meters except where suitable equipment is
provided to prevent segregation and where specially authorized.
2. Placing
Concrete shall be worked readily into the corners and angles of the forms and
around all reinforcements and embedded items without permitting the
materials to segregate.
3. Time Interval Between Mixing and Placing
Concrete shall be placed before initial set has occurred and before it has
contained its water content for more than 45 minutes.
4. Consolidation of Concrete
Concrete shall be consolidated with the aid of mechanical equipment and
supplemented by handspacing and tampering. Vibrator shall not be inserted
into lower coarse that have commenced initial set; and reinforcement
embedded in concrete beginning to set or already set shall not be disturb by
5. In placing concrete through reinforcement, care shall be taken that no
segregation of the coarse aggregate occurs. On bottom of beams and slabs,
where the congestion of the stock near the form makes placing difficult.
G. Curing
1. General
All concrete shall moist cure for a period not less than seven (7) consecutive
days by an approved method or combination applicable to local conditions.
2. Moist Curing
The surface of the concrete shall be kept continuously wet by covering with
burlap plastic or other approved materials thoroughly saturated with water and
keeping the covering wet spraying or intermittent hosing.

H. Finishing
1. Concrete surfaces shall not be plastered unless otherwise indicated. Exposed
concrete surfaces shall be formed with plywood, and after removal of forms,
the surfaces shall be smooth, true to line and present or finished appearance
except for minor defects which can easily be repaired by patching with cement
mortar, can be grounded to a smooth surface to remove all joint marks of the
form works.
2. Concrete foundation consisting of subgrade and granular fill with thickness
equal to the thickness of overlaying slab as indicated otherwise.


A. Materials
1. Concrete hollow blocks shall have a minimum face thickness of 1” (0.25). Use
“Jackbuilt” or of approved quality for firewalls, front and rear walls (ground
floor to roof). Interior partitions shall be as indicated on the plans. Nominal
sizes of CHB shall be 6”x8”x16” and 4”x8”x16” minimum compressive
strength shall be 700 psi.
2. For plastering, the proportions (1:3) shall be used for cement and fine sand.
Use 2,500 psi, 3,000 psi and 4,000 psi as minimum strength of concrete.

B. Erection
1. All masonry shall be laid plumb, true to line, with level and accurately spaced

C. Scaffolding
1. Provide all scaffolding required for masonry work, including cleaning down
on completion after removal.


A. Materials
Lumber shall be of approved quality of their respective kinds required for the
various parts of the work; they shall be well seasoned, thoroughly dry and free
from all imperfections impairing strength, durability and appearance.
1. Treatment of the Lumber
a. All concealed lumber shall be sprayed or brushed with anti-anay or
b. Surface in contact with masonry and concrete coated with creosote
2. Kind of Lumber
a. All unexposed lumber for framing shall be of Yakal or Apitong.
b. All doorjambs shall be of Yakal or Apitong.

B. Forms
1. Forms shall conform to shape, lines and dimensions shown on the drawings.
They shall be substantial and designed to resist the pressure and weight of the
concrete, and properly tied and braced of shored so as maintain position of
shape. They shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar.
2. Type of form used shall be in compliance with the finished requirements as
specified of shown subject to approval before construction of the form.
3. Provide temporary opening where necessary to facilitate cleaning and
inspection immediately before depositing of concrete.


A. Quality
1. All glass panes for windows unless otherwise specified herein or otherwise
indicated on drawing shall be of good quality as approved by the Owner or
2. All glass shall bear the factory label on each pane and labels shall remain on
glass until final cleaning and after inspection and approval by the Owner.

B. Materials
1. All glass panes shall be 3/16” thick and tinted glass, and shall be of fiber glass
as specified in the drawings.
2. The Contractor shall replace any glass breakage cause in executing the work
or by faulty installation at no extra cost to the Owner.
3. Improperly set glass, which does not fully meet requirements for its grade,
shall not be accepted and shall be replaced by the Contractor at no extra cost
to the Owner.
4. All windows shall be glazed on the outside with putty; Glass shall be puttied
in neat trim line manner, with steel glazing chips.


A. General
1. All work shall be done under the direct supervision of a licensed plumber and
in strict accordance with these specifications and of the methods prescribed be
the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

B. Materials
1. Plumbing Rough-in
a. Use Neltex PVC pipes for all downspouts 3” diameter T&G ASTM-14.
C. Alternate Materials
1. Alternate materials allowed, provided such alternate is approved by the
2. Each length of pipe, fitting and device used in the plumbing system shall have
cast, stamped or indelibly mark on it, manufacturer’s trademark on the name
weight, type and classes or product when so required,

D. Installation
1. Install plumbing fixtures free and open to afford easy access for cleaning.
2. Install plumbing fixtures as indicated on drawings, furnish all brackets, cleats,
plates and anchors required to support fixtures rigidly in place.
3. Install fixtures and accessories in locations directed in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions, minimizing pipe fittings.
4. Protect all items with approved means to maintain perfect conditions. Remove
damaged or defective work and replace it with perfect work without extra cost
to Owner.
E. Note:
1. The Contractor shall secure and follow up all sanitary and plumbing permits
but Owner shall pay for necessary deposits and fees.


A. General
The work to be done under this division of the specification shall consist of the
furnishing of all labor, materials and appliances necessary for the complete
installation of the works specified herein and indicated in the drawings.

B. Scope of Work
1. Supply and installation of electrical panel boards, gutters, pull box and
accessories box as required.
2. Supply and installation of the main and sub-feeders from electrical panel
boards up to service entrance.
3. Supply of wiring device porcelain receptacles, outlets, switches, etc., complete
with suitable cover plates as per specifications.
4. Supply and installation for all branch feeders circuits from panel boards up to
all outlets, switches, controls or other loads; other wiring shown in plan.
5. Installation of all “Owner Furnished” materials such as lighting fixtures and
electrical control.
6. The Contractor shall secure and follow up all electrical installation fees and
permits, but Owner shall pay force the necessary deposits and fees.

C. Drawings and Specifications

1. All installation shall be done in a workmanlike manner and shall include all
necessary works that may not be clearly indicated in the plans and schematics
but necessary to attain the purpose or intent of the design scheme.
2. The plan indicates the general layout of the system and the locations of outlets
are diagrammatic and may be adjusted as required by the Architect before
3. The Contractor shall record all accomplishments as works progresses in a set
of record plan. Three (3) sets of as built-drawings shall be signed and sealed
be the supervisor-in-charge of constriction shall be submitted for the Owner
and Architect’s reference and maintenance purposes.

D. Materials and Workmanship

All materials to be supplied shall be new and of high quality suitable for the
location and purpose. Materials shall be standard products of reputable
Complete electrical wiring installation shall be provided for the following:
1. Panel boards and safety switches; power outlets.
2. Lighting outlets (Fixtures-OFCI)

E. Service Entrance
1. Service entrance for electrical shall be located not less than 14ft. above the
street cub thru RSC conduit, to the main panel box, PVC pipes from meter
center to panel board. The Contractor shall verify to Zamcelco for such
entrance and inform the Architect’s office for any adjustment of location.
2. Panel board load center and circuit breakers
All panel boards shall be field conditions, or recessed type provided with keys,
trim with proper capacity of main and branched circuits.

F. Materials
1. Electrical wires and cables – “Phelps Dodge or Duraflex”
2. Conduits – PVC “Atlanta” from meter center to panel boards, power, lighting
and auxiliary system. “Matsushita” or approved Japan brand for main service
entrance. See electrical layout and /or follow electrical restrictions.
3. Wiring devices – Use “National” full color modern plate.
4. Circuit breaker – use “GE”
5. All lighting shall be OFCI.
6. Electric meters – Zamcelco approved.
7. Pull boxes, outlet boxes and bushing no. 18 code gauge steel with chromate
8. Painting for all conduit exposed shall be by electrical contractor.
9. Verify plans for other necessary for the completion of electrical works.

G. Notes
1. All electrical works shall comply with the latest provisions of the Philippine
Electrical Code, rules and regulations of the local power company and existing
local authority concerned in the enforcement of electrical laws and ordinances.
2. Service voltage to the building from the power source shall be 220V, three (3)
phase, 60Hz.
3. Minimum size of wires and conduits to all branch circuits to be used shall be for grounding and 3.5 for branch circuits with 15mm
nominal diameter conduit respectively. All electrical equipment shall be
equipped with proper grounding.
4. Mounting heights
a. Light control switches - 1.40 m. above floor finished
b. Convenience Outlet - 0.30 m. above floor finished
c. Panel board - 1.40 m. above floor finished
5. All electrical works and installations herein shall be done under the direct
supervision of a duly licensed Electrical Engineer.


A. Scope of Work
1. Consist of furnishing all items, articles, materials, tools, equipment, labor,
scaffoldings, ladders, methods and other incidentals necessary and required for
the satisfactory completion of the work.
2. It covers complete painting and finishing of wood, plasters, concrete, metal or
other surfaces exterior or interior of the building.
B. General Painting and Surface Finishing shall be interpreted to mean and include
sealers, primers, fillers, intermediate and finish coats, emulsions, varnish, shellac,
stain or enamels.
1. All paint and accessory materials incorporated in or forming a part thereof
shall be subject to the prior approval and selection for color, tint, finish or
shade by the Architect.
2. In connection with the Architect’s determination of color or tint of any
particular surface, the depth of any color or tint selected or required shall in no
instance be a subject for an additional cost to the Owner.
3. Painting of all surfaces, except as otherwise specified shall be three (3) coat
work, one primer and finished coats.
C. Materials
1. All paint materials shall meet the requirements of paint materials under
classification class “A” as prepared by the Institute of Science Manila, use
“Davies Liquid Tile” or equivalent as approved by the architect.
2. All paints shall be recommended by the manufacturer for the use intended and
shall be delivered to the jobsite in original containers with seal unbroken and
labels intact.
3. Painting materials such as linseed oil, turpentine thinners, shellac, lacquer, etc.
shall be pure and of the highest quality obtainable and shall bear the
manufacturer’s label on each container or package.
4. Except for ready mixed materials in original containers, all mixing shall be
done in the jobsite. No materials are to be reduced; changed or mixed except
as specified by manufacturer of said materials.
5. Storage and Protection
The resident Architect shall designated a place for the storage of paint
materials whenever it may be necessary to change this designated storage
place, the Contractor shall be responsible for the transfer. The storage space
shall be adequately protected from damage and spill. Paints shall be covered at
all times and safeguards taken to prevent fire.

D. Workmanship
1. All surfaces to be painted shall be examined carefully before beginning any
work and see that all work of other trades, or subcontractors are installed in
workmanlike condition to receive paint, stain or particular finish.
2. Before proceeding with any painting or finishing, thoroughly clean, sand, and
seal if necessary by removing from all surfaces, all dust, dirt, grease, or other
foreign substances which would affect either the satisfactory execution or
permanency of the work. Such cleaning of shall be done after the general
cleaning executed under the separate division of the work.
3. No work shall be done under conditions that are unsuitable for the production
of road results, nor at any time when the plastering is in progress or is being
cured, or not dry.
4. Only skilled painters shall be employed in the workmanship shall be executed
in accordance with the best acceptable practices.
5. Finish hardware, lighting fixtures, plates and other similar items shall be
removed be workmen skilled in these trades, or otherwise protected during
painting operations and reposition upon completion of each space.
6. Neither paint nor any other finish treatment shall be applied over wet or damp
surfaces. Allow at least two (2) days from drying proceeding coat before
applying succeeding coat.
7. Begin work only when resident Architect has inspected and approved prepared
surfaces otherwise no credit for coat applied shall be given. The Contractor
shall assume responsibility to recoat work in question. Notify Architect when
particular coat applied is complete, ready for inspection and approval.
E. Preparation of Surfaces
1. For concrete, cement or concrete blocks; cutout scratches, cracks abrasion in
plaster surfaces, openings and adjoining trim as required. Fill flush adjoining
plaster surface. When dry and smooth and seal before priming coat
2. Tint plaster-priming coat to approximate shade of final coat. Touch up
sanction spots in plaster or cement after first coat application, before applying
second coat, to produce even result in finish coat. Secure color schedules for
rooms before priming walls.
3. In cases of presence of high alkali conditions, neutralize surfaces by washing
with zinc sulfate solution (3 pounds to a gallon of water). Allow to brush
thoroughly, brush free of crystals before priming.
4. Prime with mixture of equal parts by volume of L&S Portland cement paint
and 5244 improved Alkali proof seal or its equivalent as may be approved by
the Architect.
5. Brush one or more finish coats of L&S thinned if necessary with mineral
spirits or turpentine.


A. Waterproofing and Dampproofing

1. Toilet and Bath floor slab shall be Class “A” reinforced concrete, waterproof
integrally as specified below, poured monolithically in one operation with
beams, curbs, walls etc., and finally waterproof with the bonded membrane
type describe herein.
2. All cement mortar top finishes for this concrete shall likewise be waterproofed
integrally in the same proportion of mix and water content as specified.
3. The T&B slab shall be properly graded to slope towards the drains. Minimum
slope shall be one percent (1%).

Licenses for light connections and other miscellaneous fees for construction shall be
done by the Contractor. Application for electric and water connection shall be paid by
the owner. The Owner shall also pay for building permits and storm drain conn
ections as required by the local ordinances.

Architect : Jeffrey Roy D.S. Wee

Licensed No. : 0030703
PTR : 2344833
Placed Issue : Zamboanga City
Date Issued : January 04, 2022

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