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General Specifications Manlosa

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Prepared by:

Civil Engineer
PRC REG. NO. : 115938
DATE: 12-20-09
EXPIRY DATE: 09-13-2025
PTR NO. : 8000955
DATE: 04-01-2024
TIN NO. : 404-963-930

Approved by:




1. Staking out of building, establishment of lines, grades and bench marks.
2. All excavation work including all necessary shoring, bracing, and drainage of storm water from site.
3. All backfilling, filling and grading, removal of excess material from site.
4. Protection of property, work and structures, workmen, and other people from damage and injury.


Stake out accurately the lines of the building and of the other structures included in the contract, establishment of grades thereof, after which secure approval
before any excavation work is commenced.

Erect basic batter boards and basic reference marks, at such places where they will not be disturbed during the construction of the foundations.


Structural excavations shall be to the depths indicated bearing values. Excavations for footings and foundations carried below required depths shall be filled with
concrete and bottom of are leveled. All structural excavations shall extend a sufficient distance from walls and footings to allow for proper erection and dismantling
of forms for installation of service and for inspection. All excavations shall be inspected and approved before pouring any concrete, laying underground services
of placing selected fill materials.


After the forms have been removed from the footings, piers, foundations, walls, etc., and when concrete work is hard enough to resist pressure resulting from fill,
backfilling may then be done. Materials excavated may be used for backfilling. All fillings shall be placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in thickness, each
layer being thoroughly compacted and rammed by wetting, tamping, or rolling.


Common Fill – shall be approved site excavated materials. Free from roots, stumps, and other perishable and objectionable matter.
Select Fill – shall be placed where indicated and shall consist of crushed gravel, crushed rocks or a combination thereof. The material shall be free from adobe,
vegetable matters, and shall be thoroughly tamped after placing.
Before placing of material, the surface upon which it will be placed shall be cleared of all bush roots, vegetation and debris, scarified and thoroughly wetted to
insure good bonding between the grounds.


Any excess materials remaining after completion of the earth work shall be disposed of by hauling and/or spreading in nearby spoil areas designated by the Owner.
Excavated material deposited in spoil areas shall be uniformly graded.



Unless otherwise specified herein, concrete works shall conform to the requirements of the National Structural Code of the Philippines. Full cooperation shall be
given other trades to install embedded items. Provision shall be made for setting items not placed in the forms. Before concrete is placed, embedded items shall
have been inspected and tested before concrete aggregate and other materials shall have been done.


1. Cement for the concrete shall conform to the requirements of specifications for Portland cement. Water used for mixing concrete shall be clean and free from
other injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkaline, organic materials, or other substances that may be deterious to concrete or steel.

2. Fine Aggregate shall consist of hard, tough, durable, uncoated particles. The shape of the particles shall be generally rounded or cubicle and reasonably free
from flat or elongated particles. The stipulated percentages of fines in the sand shall be obtained either by the processing of the natural sand or by the production
of the suitable graded manufactured sand.

3. Coarse Aggregates shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel or rock, or a combination of gravel and rock. Coarse Aggregate shall consist of hard, tough, durable,
clean and uncoated particles. The sizes of coarse aggregates to be used in various parts of the work shall be accordance with the following:
Size – ¾” for superstructure concrete works
Size – 1” for substructure concrete works
4. Reinforcing Bars shall conform to the standard requirements and specification for concrete reinforcement as stipulated in the Structural Analysis of the Project.
10mm dia. Rebars shall be Grade 33 (FY = 33, 000 psi)
12mm dia. and 16mm dia. rebars shall be Grade 33 (FY = 33,000 psi)


1. Proportions of all materials entering into the concrete shall be as follows:

Class - Cement : Sand : Gravel
Class A - 1 : 2 : 4
Class B - 1 : 2 ½ : 5
Class C - 1 : 3 : 6
* If concrete shall be furnished by batching plant, follow standard engineering procedures as per pouring and testing.
2. Class of Concrete – concrete shall have 28 day cylinder strength of 3,000 psi, for all concrete work, unless otherwise indicated in the plans.
3. Mixing – concrete shall be machine mixed. Mixing shall begin within 30 minutes after the cement has been added to the aggregates. In the absence of a concrete
mixer, manual mixing is allowed, only on minor masonry works.

1. General – Forms shall be used whenever necessary to confine the concrete and shape it to the required lines, or to insure the concrete from contamination
with materials caving from adjacent excavated surfaces. Forms hall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from placement and vibration of
the concrete, and maintained rigidly in correct position. Forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete.

2. Cleaning and Oiling of Forms – Before placing the concrete, the contact surfaces of the form shall be cleaned of encrustations of mortar, the grout of other
foreign material, and shall be coated with a commercial form oil that will effectively prevent sticking and will not stain the concrete surfaces.

3. Removal of Forms – forms shall be removed in a manner which will prevent damage to the concrete. Forms shall not be removed without approval. Any repairs
of surface imperfections shall be performed at once and airing shall be started as soon as the surface is sufficiently hard to permit it without further damage.


1. General – steel reinforcements shall be provided as indicated, together with all the necessary wire ties, chairs, spacers, supported and other devices necessary
to install and secure the reinforcements properly. All reinforcements, when placed, shall be free from loose, flaky rust and scale and other coating and foreign
substances that would reduce or destroy its bond with concrete.

2. Reinforcement shall be placed accurately and secured in place the use of metal or concrete supports, spacers and ties. The supports shall be of sufficient strength
to maintain the operation. The supports shall be used in such a manner that they may not be exposed or contribute in any way, to the discoloration or the
deterioration of the concrete.


1. Conveying – concrete shall be conveyed from mixer to forms as rapidly as practicable by methods which will prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. There
will be no vertical drop greater than 1.5 meters except where suitable equipment is provided to prevent segregation and where specifically authorized.

2. Placing – Concrete shall worked readily into the corners and angles of the forms and around all reinforcements and embedded items without permitting the
material to segregate. Concrete shall be deposited as close as possible to its final position in the form so that flow within the mast does not exceed two (2) meters
and consequent segregation is reduced to a minimum near forms or embedded items, or elsewhere as directed. The discharge shall be so controlled that the
concrete may be effectively compacted into horizontal layers not exceeding 30 centimeters in depth within the maximum lateral movement specified.

3. Time interval between mixing and placing. Concrete shall be placed before initial set has occurred and before it has contained its water content for more than
45 minutes. Maximum lead time shall be one hour.

4. Consolidation of Concrete – Concrete shall be consolidated by hand scraping and tamping, with the use of proper tool or equipment.

5. Placing concrete through reinforcement – In placing through reinforcement, care shall be taken so that no segregation of the course aggregates occurs. On the
bottom of the beams and slabs, where the congestion of steel makes placing difficult, a layer of mortar with the same cement-sand ratio as used in concrete shall
be first deposited to cover the surfaces.


1. General – All concrete shall be moist cured for a period not less than seven (7) consecutive days by an approved method or combination applicable to local

2. Moist Curing – The surface of the concrete shall be kept continuously wet by covering with burlap plastics or other approved materials thoroughly saturated
with water and keeping the covering wet or interment hosing.


1. Concrete surfaces shall not be plastered unless otherwise indicated. Exposed concrete surfaces shall be formed with plywood or phenolic board, and after
removal of forms, the surfaces shall be smooth, true to line and shall present a finished appearance except for minor defects which can be easily repaired by
patching with cement mortar, or can be grounded to a smooth surface to remove all joint marks of the form work.

2. Concrete slabs on fill – The concrete slabs on fill shall be laid on a prepared foundation consisting of sub grade or granular fill with thickness equal to the
thickness of overlaying slab except as indicated otherwise.


Concrete Hollow Blocks shall have a minimum shell thickness of 1” (0.025m.) Nominal size shall be: 4” x 8” x 16” for interior masonry walls and 6” x 8” x 16” for
exterior/perimeter masonry walls.
1. Wall Reinforcement shall be No. 3 (3/8”) or 10mm dia. Deformed steel bars.
Sand shall be river sand, well screened, clean, hard, sharp, siliceous, free from loam, silt or other impurities, composed of grains approved by the Architect or Civil
2. Cement shall be standard Portland cement.
3. Mortar – Mix mortar from 3 to 5 minutes in such quantities as needed for immediate use. Retampering will not be permitted if mortar stiffens because of
premature setting. Discard such materials as well as those which have not been used within one hour after mixing.
4. Proportioning – Cement mortar shall one (1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts sand by volume but not more than one (1) part Portland cement and three
(3) parts sand by volume.

1. All masonry shall be laid plumbed, true to line, with leveled and accurately spaced courses, and with each course breaking joint with source below. Bond shall
be kept plumbed throughout; corners and reveals shall be plumbed and true. Units with greater than twelve (12) percent absorption shall be wet before laying.
Work required to be built in with masonry, including anchors, wall plugs and accessories, shall be built in as the erection progresses.
2. Masonry Units. Each unit shall be solidly bedded cement mortar. All units shall be damped when laid when all units shall be showed into place not laid, in full
bed of unfurrowed mortar. All horizontal and vertical points shall be completely filled with mortars when laid. Each course shall be bonded at each corners and
intersections. No cells shall be left open in face surfaces. All cells shall be filled up with mortars for exterior walls. Units terminating against beams or slab soffits
shall be wedge tight with mortar. Do not lay with cracked, broken, or defaced blocks.
3. Lintels shall be of concrete and shall be enforced as shown in the drawings. Lintels shall have a minimum depth of 0.15m or six (6) inches on each side of opening.


1. Plastering – Clean and evenly wet surfaces. Apply scratch coat with sufficient force to form good keys. Cross scratch coat upon attaining its initial set; keep
damp. Apply brown coat after scratch coat has set at least 24 hours after scratch coat application. Lightly scratch brown coat; keep moist for two (2) days; allow
to dry out. Do not apply finish until brown coat has seasoned for seven (7) days. Just before applying coat, wet brown coat again. Float finish coat to even surface;
trowel in a manner that will force sand particles down into plaster; with final trowelling, leave surfaces varnished, smooth, free from rough areas, trowel marks,
cheeks, and other blemishes. Keep finish coat moist for atleast two (2) days. Thereafter, protect against rapid drying until properly and thoroughly cured.


Provide all scaffolding required for masonry work, including cleaning down on completion and removal.


1. Do not start floor tiling occurring in space requiring both floor and wall tile setting has been completed.
2. Before setting spreading bed, establish border line center wires in both directions to permit laying patterns with minimum of cut tiles. Lay floor floors without
borders from centerline outward. Make adjustments at walls.
3. Clean concrete sub floor and moisten it without soaking. Sprinkle dry cement over surface. Spread setting bed mortar on concrete and tamp to assure good
bond over the entire area then screen to smooth, level bed. Set average setting bed thickness at 3/4 inch but never less than 1/2 inch.


1. Scratch coat for application as foundation coat shall be at most 1/2 inch. While still plastic, deeply score scratch coat or scratch and cross scratch. Protect scratch
coat and keep reasonably moist within seasoning period. Use mortar for scratch, float coats, within one (1) hour after mixing. Retampering of partially hardened
mortar is not permitted. Set scratch coat shall cure for atleast two (2) days before starting tile setting.
2. For float coat, use one (1) part of Portland cement, one pat hydrated lime (optional), 3 ½ parts sand.
3. Setting wall tiles – Soak wall tile thoroughly in clean water before setting. Set wall tile by trowelling neat Portland cement skim coat on float coat or apply skin
coat to black of each tile unit. Immediately float tile in place. Make joints straight, level and perpendicular. Maintain vertical joints.
4. Grouting – Grout joints in wall tile with neat white cement immediately after suitable wall area of tiles has been set. Tool joints slightly concave, cut off excess
mortar and wipe from face tile. Roughen interstices of depressions in mortar joints after grout has been cleaned from surface. Fill to line of cushion tile bases or
covers with mortar. Make joints between wall tile, plumbing and other built in fixtures with light colored caulking. Immediately after tile has had its initial set, give
wall tile surfaces protective coat of non corrosive soap.



1. Quantity of lumber – Lumber shall be the approved quality of the respective kinds of various parts of the work, well-seasoned, thoroughly dry (kiln dried), and
free from large, loose, or unsound knots, sups, shakes, and other imperfections impairing its strength, durability or appearance. All finishing lumber to be used
shall be completely dried and shall not contain more 14% moisture.
2. Treatment of lumber
a. General – All lumber shall be solignum treated hardwood; by plant or other approved procedure.
b. All concealed lumber shall be sprayed with solignum.
c. Surface in contact with masonry and concrete, coat with creosote or equivalent.
3. Door sashes – All doors shall be of kiln dried hardwood solid panel doors.
4. Kind of lumber
All unexposed lumber of framings shall be laua-an.
All window and door jambs shall be of yacal or laua-an.


1. Execute rough carpentry in best, substantial, workmen like manner. Erect framing true to line true to line, levels and dimensions squared, aligned, plumbed,
well spliced and nailed, and adequately braced, properly fitted using mortise and tenon joints.
2. Millwork – Accurately milled to details, clean cut molding profiles, lines, scrape, sand smooth; mortise tenon, splice, join, block, nail screw, bolt together, as
approved, in manner to allow free play of panels; avoid swelling, shrinkage, ensure work remaining in place without warping, splitting or opening of joints. Do not
install millwork and case until concrete and masonry work have been cured and will not release moisture harmful to woodwork.
3. Secure work to ground, otherwise fasten in position to hold correct surfaces, lines and levels. Make finished work flat, plumb, and true.



1. All toilet floors shall be of vitrified unglazed 40cm x 40cm white or beige colored tiles.
2. All exterior and interior floors shall be of unglazed 60cm x 60cm beige colored tiles or any approved earth colors.
3. Bedroom floors may be wood planks.


1. All toilet partitions shall be of 4”x8”x16” concrete hollow blocks with plain cement finish and wall tile inlay.
2. All exterior walls and firewall shall be of 6”x8”x16” concrete hollow blocks with painted plain cement finish or stucco finished as specified.
3. Toilet wall finish shall be of 60cm x 60cm glazed tiles.
4. All other partitions shall be of 4.5mm fiber cement board on 0.80mm x 50mm x 75mm metal studs system.


1. All interior and exterior ceilings shall be of fiber cement board on metal frames.

1. Toilet doors shall be of PVC door panel, unless otherwise specified by the owner.


1. All windows shall be of bronze glass on aluminum frames fabricated as specified in the plans.
2. Toilet windows shall be of bronze glass awning window with aluminum frame.


All works shall be done under the direct supervision of a duly licensed plumber and in strict accordance with these specifications and of the methods as prescribed
by the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.


1. PVC sewer pipes and fittings – For soil, waste, and vent pipes use brand “Atlanta”, or any alternative approved brand schedule 1000.
2. Water distribution – For water distribution, use GI Pipe Schedule 40 for pipes and fittings.
3. Water closets – close-coupled, dual flush tank-type; mounted by flange system.
4. Lavatory – shall be complete with fittings and accessories.
5. Faucet – Use stainless steel for faucet.


1. Alternate materials allowed, provided such alternate is approved by the Architect, Engineer, or the Owner.
2. Each length of pipe, fitting, trap, fixture, and used in plumbing system shall have cast, stamped or incredibly marked on it, manufacturer’s trade or name weight,
type and classes or product when so required.


1. Install plumbing fixtures free and open to afford easy access for cleaning.
2. Install plumbing fixtures as indicated on the drawings, furnishing all brackets, cleats, plates, and anchors required to support fixtures rigidly in place.
3. Install all fixtures and accessories in locations directed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, minimizing pipe fittings.
1. 4. Protect items with approval means to maintain perfect conditions. Remove defective and damaged work and replace with perfect work without extra cost to
4. All PVC soil and drainage pipes shall have a minimum slope of 2%.
5. Vertical pipes shall be secured strongly by hooks to building frame. Provide suitable bracket or chairs at the floors from which they start. Where an end or circuit
vent pipe from any fixture or line is connected to a vent line serving other fixtures, connection shall be at least four (4) feet or 1.20 meters above floor in which
fixtures are located to prevent use of any line as a waste. Horizontal pipes shall be supported by well secured strap hangers.
6. Make all joints air and water-tight; for joining pipes, the following shall be used.
a. PVC pipes – use solvent cement S-400cc.
b. Threaded pipes – use Teflon tape for pipes with threaded joints.
1. Provide correctly located openings of proper sizes where required in walls for passed of pipes.
2. All pipes embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly clean and free from all rust, scale, and paint.
3. All changes in pipe sizes on soil, wash and drain lines shall be provided with reduce fittings or recesses reducers. For changes in pipe sizes provide reduce fittings.
4. High corrosive nature ground within site shall be taken into account by plumber. Protective features shall be installed to prevent corrosion or all water pipes
installed underground.
5. Extend piping to all fixtures, outlets and equipments from gate valves installed in the branch near the riser.
6. All pipes shall be cut accurately to measurements, and work into place by springing or forcing.
7. Care shall be taken as not to weaken structural portion of the building.



1. The work consist of furnishing of all materials and labor, tools, equipment, and all necessary service to complete the electrical work ready for operation as
shown in the drawings and specified as follows:
a. Supply and installation of the main and sub-feeders from electrical panel boards up to service entrance.
b. Supply and installation of all panel boards, gutters, pull box, and accessories box as required.
c. Supply of wiring devices porcelain receptacles, outlets, switches, etc.
d. Supply and installation for all branch feeders circuits up to all outlets, switches, controls or other loads; other wiring as shown in plan.
e. Installation of all Owner furnished materials such as lighting fixtures and electrical controls.
f. Grounding systems as per EE requirements.


The electrical work shall be done in accordance with all requirements of the latest issue of the Philippine National Electrical Code, with rule and regulations of the
local enforcing authorities of the Municipality of Naga, and the requirements of the Local Power Company.
1. All installations shall be done in a work-man like manner and shall include all necessary works that may not be clearly indicated in the plans or schematics but
necessary to attain the purpose or intent of the design scheme.
2. The plan indicates the general layout of the system and the location of the outlets are diagrammatic, and may be adjusted as required before installation.
3. The contractor shall record all accomplishments as work progresses in a set of records plan. Three (3) sets of as built drawings shall be duly signed and sealed
by the supervisor-in-charge of construction, shall be submitted for the owner’s references and maintenance purposes.


All materials to be supplied shall be new and with high quality suitable for the location and purpose. Materials shall be standard products of reputable
All wires must be THHN.

1. Wiring methods – all power and control wiring shall be in rigid mild steel conduit.
2. Grounding – Panel boards, raceways. Gutters, metallic conduit and other non-current carrying metal parts of equipments, beaters, motor frames shall be
provided with effective grounding connection to a grounded cold center pipe.
3. Main and Branch feeders – Conductors and complete conduit systems shall be provided as in the drawings and no change in sizes shall be made without
4. Panel Boards – Furnish and install the electrical panel boards as shown in the plan. Disconnect switches and magnetic shall be provided by motor equipment
5. Receptacles, Switches, Outlets:
a. Provide as indicated in the drawing, the switches and receptacles with proper cover plates. Switches shall be of the quiet-matic type, National or its approved
b. Receptacles shall be duplex with proper cover plates. Eagle or its approved equal.
c. Lighting outlet at ceiling shall be provided with 4” octagonal box ga. 18 min.
7. Light fixtures
a. All lighting fixtures shall be furnished by owner and install by the contractor. Detail of fixture
design when not standard shall be shown in the Architectural drawings.
b. Fluorescent fixtures shall be complete set with lamps and ballast of high quality, Philips, G.E., Philec, or it’s approved equal.


1. Consist of furnishing all items, articles, materials, tools, equipment, labor, scaffoldings, ladders, methods, and other incidentals necessary and required for the
satisfactory completion of the work.
2. It covers complete painting and finishing of concrete, plasters, wood, metal, or other surfaces exterior or interior of the building.

General painting shall be interpreted to mean and include sealers, primers, fillers, intermediate and finish coats, emulsions, varnish, shellacs, stain or enamels.
1. All paint and accessory material incorporated in or forming a part thereof shall be subject to the prior approval including the selection for color, tint, finish, or
2. Painting of all surfaces, except as otherwise specified shall be three (3) coat work, one primer and a finish coat.

1. All paint materials shall meet the requirements of paint materials under classification class “A”. Use Welcoat paints or its approved equivalent.
2. All paints shall be recommended by the manufacturer for the use intended and shall be delivered to the jobsite in original containers with seal unbroken and
labels intact.
3. Except for ready mixed materials in original containers, all mixing shall be done in the jobsite. No materials are to be reduced, changed or mixed except as
specified by the manufacturer of the said materials.
4. The storage shall be adequate enough to protect paint from damage. Paints shall be covered at all times and, safeguard shall be taken at all times to prevent

1. All surfaces to be painted shall be examined carefully before any work and see that all work of other trades of subcontractor’s are installed in workmanlike
condition to receive paint, stain, or particular finish.
2. Before proceeding with any painting or finishing, thoroughly clean, sand, and seal if necessary by removing from all surfaces all dust, dirt, grease, or other
foreign substance which would affect either the satisfactory execution or permanency of the work. Such cleaning shall be done after the general cleaning executed
under the separate division of the work.
3. No work shall be done under conditions that are unsuitable for the production of good results, nor at any time when the plastering is in progress or is being
4. Only skilled painters shall be employed in the work. All workmanship shall be executed in accordance with the best acceptable practices.
5. Finish hardware, lighting fixtures, plates and other similar items shall be removed by workmen skilled in these trades, or otherwise protected during painting
operations and reposition upon completion of each space.
6. Neither paint nor any other finish treatment shall be applied over wet or damped surfaces. Allow at least two (2) days drying before applying succeeding coat.

1. For bricks, concrete, cement or concrete blocks; cut out scratches, cracks, abrasions in plaster surfaces, openings and adjoining trims as required. Fill flush
adjoining plaster surface. When dry, smooth and seal before coat operation.
2. Tint plaster priming coat to approximate shade of final coat. Touch up section spots in plaster or cement after first coat application, before applying second coat
to produce even result in finish coat. Secure color schedules for rooms before priming walls.
3. In cases of the presence of high alkali conditions, neutralize surfaces by washing with zinc sulfate solution (3 pounds to a gallon of water) allow to dry thoroughly,
brush free of crystals before priming.
4. Prime with mixture of equal parts by volume of L & S Portland cement paint and 5244 improved alkali proof seal or its equivalent as may be approved.
5. Brush one or more finish coats L & S thinned if necessary with mineral spirits or turpentine.

1. Touch up knots, pitch, streaks, and sappy spots with shellac.
2. Do necessary puttying of nail holes, cracks, etc. after first coat with putty of color to match that of finish. Bring putty with adjoining surface in neat, workmanlike
3. Wipe paste wood fillers, applied in open grain wood, when set across wood grain, then with grain to secure clean surface.
4. Cover surfaces to be stained with uniform clean surface.
5. Tiny undercoats of paint and enamel to same or approximate coat shade.
6. Sand smoothly woodwork to be finished with enamel or varnish; clean surface before proceeding with first coat application. Use fine sand paper between coats
on enamel or varnish finish applied to wood to produce even smooth finish.

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