3HAC025755 PM IRB 660-En

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Product manual
IRB 660
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Product manual
IRB 660 - 180/3.15
IRB 660 - 250/3.15

Document ID: 3HAC025755-001

Revision: Z

© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors
that may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damage to persons
or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from
use of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's
written permission.
Keep for future reference.
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.
Original instructions.

© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
Table of contents

Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 9
Product documentation .................................................................................................................... 16
How to read the product manual ...................................................................................................... 18

1 Safety 19
1.1 Safety information ............................................................................................. 19
1.1.1 Limitation of liability ................................................................................. 19
1.1.2 Requirements on personnel ...................................................................... 20
1.2 Safety signals and symbols ................................................................................. 21
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual ...................................................................... 21
1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels ......................................................... 23
1.3 Robot stopping functions .................................................................................... 29
1.4 Installation and commissioning ............................................................................ 30
1.5 Operation ........................................................................................................ 33
1.6 Maintenance and repair ...................................................................................... 34
1.6.1 Maintenance and repair ............................................................................ 34
1.6.2 Emergency release of the robot axes .......................................................... 37
1.6.3 Brake testing .......................................................................................... 38
1.7 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 39
1.8 Decommissioning .............................................................................................. 40

2 Installation and commissioning 41

2.1 Introduction to installation and commissioning ....................................................... 41
2.2 Unpacking ....................................................................................................... 42
2.2.1 Pre-installation procedure ......................................................................... 42
2.2.2 Working range and type of motion .............................................................. 46
2.2.3 Risk of tipping/stability ............................................................................. 48
2.2.4 The unit is sensitive to ESD ....................................................................... 49
2.3 On-site installation ............................................................................................ 50
2.3.1 Lifting robot with fork lift ........................................................................... 50
2.3.2 Lifting robot with roundslings .................................................................... 55
2.3.3 Lifting robot with lifting accessory .............................................................. 58
2.3.4 Manually releasing the brakes ................................................................... 60
2.3.5 Lifting the base plate ................................................................................ 62
2.3.6 Securing the base plate ............................................................................ 63
2.3.7 Orienting and securing the robot ................................................................ 68
2.3.8 Fitting equipment on robot ....................................................................... 71
2.3.9 Signal lamp (option) ................................................................................. 75
2.3.10 Loads fitted to the robot, stopping time and braking distances ......................... 76
2.3.11 Extended working range, axis 1 (option) ...................................................... 77
2.4 Restricting the working range .............................................................................. 78
2.4.1 Axes with restricted working range ............................................................. 78
2.4.2 Mechanically restricting the working range of axis 1 ...................................... 79
2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option) ................................................ 81
2.5 Robot in cold environments ................................................................................. 87
2.5.1 Start of robot in cold environments ............................................................ 87
2.6 Electrical connections ........................................................................................ 88
2.6.1 Robot cabling and connection points .......................................................... 88
2.6.2 Customer connectors on the manipulator .................................................... 92

3 Maintenance 95
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 95
3.2 Maintenance schedule and expected component life ............................................... 96
3.2.1 Specification of maintenance intervals ........................................................ 96
3.2.2 Maintenance schedule ............................................................................. 97
3.2.3 Expected component life ......................................................................... 99

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Table of contents

3.3 Inspection activities ........................................................................................... 100

3.3.1 Inspecting the oil level in axis-1 gearbox ..................................................... 100
3.3.2 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axes 2 - 3 ....................................................... 102
3.3.3 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axis 6 ............................................................ 105
3.3.4 Inspecting, balancing device bearings and piston rod guide ring ...................... 107
3.3.5 Inspecting, cable harness ........................................................................ 111
3.3.6 Inspecting the information labels ................................................................ 114
3.3.7 Inspecting the axis-1 mechanical stop pin ................................................... 116
3.3.8 Inspecting the additional mechanical stops ................................................. 118
3.3.9 Inspection, dampers ................................................................................ 120
3.3.10 Inspection, position switch axis 1 ............................................................... 122
3.3.11 Inspecting the signal lamp (option) ............................................................. 124
3.4 Replacement/changing activities .......................................................................... 126
3.4.1 Type of lubrication in gearboxes ................................................................ 126
3.4.2 Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox ..................................................................... 127
3.4.3 Changing oil, gearbox axes 2 and 3 ........................................................... 130
3.4.4 Changing oil, gearbox axis 6 ..................................................................... 134
3.4.5 Replacing the SMB battery ........................................................................ 136
3.5 Lubrication activities .......................................................................................... 140
3.5.1 Lubricating balancing device bearings and piston rod .................................... 140
3.6 Cleaning activities ............................................................................................. 143
3.6.1 Cleaning the IRB 660 ............................................................................... 143

4 Repair 145
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 145
4.2 General procedures ........................................................................................... 146
4.2.1 Performing a leak-down test ...................................................................... 146
4.2.2 Mounting instructions for bearings ............................................................. 147
4.2.3 Mounting instructions for sealings .............................................................. 149
4.2.4 Cut the paint or surface on the robot before replacing parts ............................ 152
4.2.5 The brake release buttons may be jammed after service work ......................... 153
4.3 Complete robot ................................................................................................. 154
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3) ............................................. 154
4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6) ..................................... 162
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox ............................................... 168
4.4 Upper and lower arm ......................................................................................... 176
4.4.1 Replacing the turning disk ........................................................................ 176
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit .................................................................... 180
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm ........................................................................ 194
4.4.4 Replacement of linkage - upper rod ............................................................ 204
4.4.5 Replacing the linkage - lower rod ............................................................... 208
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link ..................................................................... 212
4.4.7 Replacing the parallel rod ......................................................................... 219
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm .............................................................. 224
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm ...................................................................... 232
4.5 Frame and base ................................................................................................ 240
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device .................................................................. 240
4.5.2 Replacing the SMB unit ............................................................................ 248
4.5.3 Replacing the brake release board ............................................................. 251
4.6 Motors ............................................................................................................ 255
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1 ............................................................................ 255
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3 ................................................................. 262
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6 ............................................................................ 273
4.7 Gearboxes ....................................................................................................... 280
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox ..................................................................... 280
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3 ............................................................... 291
4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6 .......................................................................... 303

6 Product manual - IRB 660

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Table of contents

5 Calibration 309
5.1 Introduction to calibration ................................................................................... 309
5.1.1 Introduction and calibration terminology ...................................................... 309
5.1.2 Calibration methods ................................................................................. 310
5.1.3 When to calibrate ................................................................................... 312
5.2 Synchronization marks and axis movement directions ............................................. 313
5.2.1 Synchronization marks and synchronization position for axes ......................... 313
5.2.2 Calibration movement directions for all axes ................................................ 314
5.3 Updating revolution counters ............................................................................... 315
5.3.1 Updating revolution counters on IRC5 robots ............................................... 315
5.4 Calibrating with Axis Calibration method ............................................................... 319
5.4.1 Description of Axis Calibration .................................................................. 319
5.4.2 Calibration tools for Axis Calibration ........................................................... 322
5.4.3 Installation locations for the calibration tools ............................................... 324
5.4.4 Axis Calibration - Running the calibration procedure ...................................... 326
5.4.5 Reference calibration ............................................................................... 330
5.5 Calibrating with Calibration Pendulum method ....................................................... 332
5.6 Verifying the calibration ...................................................................................... 333
5.7 Checking the synchronization position .................................................................. 334

6 Decommissioning 335
6.1 Environmental information .................................................................................. 335
6.2 Scrapping of robot ............................................................................................. 337
6.3 Decommissioning of balancing device ................................................................... 338

7 Reference information 341

7.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 341
7.2 Applicable standards ......................................................................................... 342
7.3 Unit conversion ................................................................................................. 344
7.4 Screw joints .................................................................................................... 345
7.5 Weight specifications ......................................................................................... 348
7.6 Standard tools .................................................................................................. 349
7.7 Special tools .................................................................................................... 350
7.8 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions .............................................................. 353

8 Spare part lists 355

8.1 Spare part lists and illustrations ........................................................................... 355

9 Circuit diagrams 357

9.1 Circuit diagrams ................................................................................................ 357

Index 359

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Overview of this manual

Overview of this manual

About this manual
This manual contains instructions for:
• mechanical and electrical installation of the robot
• maintenance of the robot
• mechanical and electrical repair of the robot.
The manual also contains reference information for all procedures detailed in the

This manual should be used during:
• installation, from lifting the robot to its work site and securing it to the
foundation, to making it ready for operation
• maintenance work
• repair work.

Who should read this manual?

This manual is intended for:
• installation personnel
• maintenance personnel
• repair personnel.

Maintenance/repair/installation personnel working with an ABB Robot must:
• be trained by ABB and have the required knowledge of mechanical and
electrical installation/repair/maintenance work.

Product manual scope

The manual covers covers all variants and designs of the IRB 660. Some variants
and designs may have been removed from the business offer and are no longer
available for purchase.

Organization of chapters
The manual is organized in the following chapters:
Chapter Contents
Safety Safety information that must be read through before performing
any installation or service work on robot. Contains general safety
aspects as well as more specific information about how to avoid
personal injuries and damage to the product.
Installation and commis- Required information about lifting and installation of the robot.
Maintenance Step-by-step procedures that describe how to perform mainten-
ance of the robot. Based on a maintenance schedule that may
be used in the work of planning periodical maintenance.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 9
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© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
Overview of this manual

Chapter Contents
Repair Step-by-step procedures that describe how to perform repair
activities of the robot. Based on available spare parts.
Calibration Calibration procedures and general information about calibra-
Decommissioning Environmental information about the robot and its components.
Reference information Useful information when performing installation, maintenance
or repair work. Includes lists of necessary tools, additional
documents, safety standards etc.
Spare part / part list Complete spare part list of the robot components, shown in
exploded views.
Exploded views Detailed illustrations of the robot with reference numbers to the
part list.
Circuit diagram Reference to the circuit diagram for the robot.


Document name Document ID

Product specification - IRB 660 Document.ID-1
Product manual, spare parts - IRB 660 3HAC049102-001
Safety manual for robot - Manipulator and IRC5 or OmniCore 3HAC031045-001
controller i
Circuit diagram - IRB 660 3HAC025691-001
Product manual - IRC5 3HAC021313-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC 639.
Product manual - IRC5 3HAC047136-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000.
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant 3HAC050941-001
Operating manual - Calibration Pendulum 3HAC16578-1
Operating manual - Service Information System 3HAC050944-001
Application manual - Additional axes and stand alone controller 3HAC051016-001
Technical reference manual - Lubrication in gearboxes 3HAC042927-001
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC050948-001
Application manual - CalibWare Field 3HAC030421-001
i This manual contains all safety instructions from the product manuals for the manipulators and the


Revision Description
- First edition
A Detailed illustrations added in some procedures.
Art. no. on tools added.
Chapter "Replacement of tilthouse unit" has been changed, in order to
make it easier to follow the procedure.

Continues on next page

10 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
Overview of this manual

Revision Description
B Changes made in:
• Prerequisites in section Overview
• Oil change in section Maintenance
This revision also includes the following additions and/or changes:
• The section "Type of oil in gearboxes" in chapter Maintenance has
been updated according to changes made in oil types and intervals
for oil change.
• Section "Replacement of Cable harness lower end" in chapter Repair
has been updated.
• Section "Replacement of Parallel rod" in chapter Repair has been
• Section "Replacement of Balancing device" in chapter Repair has
been updated.
• Section "Replacement of Gearbox axis 6" in chapter Repair has
been updated.
• Values for tightening torque on M24 screws in chapter Reference
information, added.
• New revision on Circuit diagrams.
C This revision includes the following addtions and/or changes:
• Section "Securing the robot" in Installation chapter has been re-
moved. Content is not applicable to IRB 660.
• Section What is an emergency stop? added to chapter Safety
• Section Maintenance schedule in chapter Maintenance: Intervals
for inspection activities and oilchanges have been revised
• Section Maintenance schedule in chapter Maintenance: Overhaul
of robot is new
• Section Maintenance schedule in chapter Maintenance: The inform-
ation about Service Information System (SIS) has been updated
• Section Maintenance schedule in chapter Maintenance: Intervals
for replacement of battery pack changed
• Section Expected lifetime in chapter Maintenance: The lifetime of
certain parts has been revised
• Section Cleaning of robot updated
D This revision includes the following addtions and/or changes:
• Instruction for how to inspect oil level corrected, see Inspecting, oil
level gearbox axis 6 on page 105.
• Circuit diagrams are not included in this document but delivered as
separate files. See Circuit diagrams on page 357.
• List of safety standards updated.
• Decommissioning chapter added.
• The lifetime of certain parts has been updated, see Expected com-
ponent life on page 99.
The chapter Safety updated with:
• Updated safety signal graphics for the levels Danger and Warning,
see Safety signals in the manual on page 21.
• New safety labels on the manipulators, see Safety symbols on ma-
nipulator labels on page 23.
• Revised terminology: robot replaced with manipulator.
E This revision includes the following updates:
• Maximum deviation changed, see Securing the base plate on
page 63.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 11
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
Overview of this manual

Revision Description
F This revision includes following updates:
• Added index words throughout the manual.
• Inspection method of oil level in gearbox, axis 6, is changed, see
Inspecting, oil level gearbox axis 6 on page 105.
• Position numbers in figure corrected, see Location of dampers on
page 120.
• Removed information about lubricating attachment screws, removed
tightening torque and screw dimension for axis 2 and 3 and added
screw dimension for axis 1, see Inspecting the additional mechan-
ical stops on page 118.
• Changed tightening torque of fork lift adapters, from 60 Nm to 270
Nm, see Lifting robot with fork lift on page 52.
• Changed article numbers of robot power cables, see Robot cable,
power on page 89.
• Information about restricting and extending the working range of
axis 1 is now separated, see Mechanically restricting the working
range of axis 1 on page 79 and the new section Extended working
range, axis 1 (option) on page 77. Also added signal about option
561-1 in section Inspecting the axis-1 mechanical stop pin on
page 116.
• Added detailed information about how to decommission the balan-
cing device, see Decommissioning of balancing device on page 338.
• Added new safety symbols, see Safety symbols on manipulator la-
bels on page 23.
G This revision includes the following updates:
• A new block, about general illustrations, added in section How to
read the product manual on page 18.
• Added a KM10 socket to the list of required equipment and the in-
structions when replacing the lower rod, see section Replacing the
linkage - lower rod on page 208. The tool is also added to the list of
Special tools in the Reference chapter.
• Added instructions for securing parallel arm and lower arm to each
other before removing the lower arm, see Replacing the complete
lower arm on page 224.
• Added guide sleeves to hold the axes 2/3 sealing in place when re-
fitting the lower arm, see Replacing the complete lower arm on
page 224.
• Made minor corrections and improvements in the complete instruc-
tion for how to replace the lower arm system, see Replacing the
complete lower arm on page 224.
• Made minor corrections and improvements in the complete instruc-
tion for how to replace the parallel arm, see Replacement of parallel
arm on page 232.
• Made minor corrections and improvements in the complete instruc-
tion for how to replace the axis 1 gearbox, see Replacing the axis
1 gearbox on page 280.
• Some general tightening torques have been changed/added, see
updated values in Screw joints on page 345.
• Added information about batteries.

Continues on next page

12 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
Overview of this manual

Revision Description
H This revision includes the following updates:
• The maximum allowed deviation in levelness of the base plate is
changed, see Securing the base plate on page 63.
• Reference to Hilti standard added to the foundation recommendation
for the base plate and class designation for foundation is changed
to European standard C25/C30 (previously Swedish standard
K25/K30), see Securing the base plate on page 63.
• Corrections and improvements are made in the instruction for how
to replace the axis-2 and axis-3 gearbox, see Replacing the gearbox,
axes 2- 3 on page 291.
• All data about type of lubrication in gearboxes is moved from the
manual to a separate lubrication manual, see Type and amount of
oil in gearboxes on page 126.
• Added spare part numbers for the customer connection kits and
the base plate, see Spare parts - option in Product manual, spare
parts - IRB 660.
• A new SMB unit and battery is introduced, with longer battery life-
J This revision includes the following updates:
• New article number for painted motor added to spare parts, see
Spare parts - frame to lower arm in Product manual, spare
parts - IRB 660.
• Spare part number on item 102, 104 and 107, frame to base
changed. See Spare parts - frame to Base in Product manual, spare
parts - IRB 660.
• Added information about risks when scrapping a decommissioned
robot, see Scrapping of robot on page 337.
• Spare parts and exploded views are not included in this document
but delivered as a separate document. See Product manual, spare
parts - IRB 660.
• Article number for lubrication tool changed, see Lubricating balan-
cing device bearings and piston rod on page 140
K This revision includes the following updates:
• The maximum allowed deviation in levelness of the base plate and
foundation is changed, see Securing the base plate on page 63.
• Added tightening torque for R1.SMB and 7th axis connector, ses
Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
• Minor corrections.
L This revision includes the following updates:
• Lifting tools updated (guide pin 3HAC7601-086 and guide pin
3HAC7601-087 removed)
• Special tools updated (Pressing, inner ring 3HAC023112-008 re-
• Illustrations of SMB battery RMU improved.
M Published in release R16.2. The following updates are done in this revision:
• Drawing of base plate is not available for purchase, faulty information
removed in Securing the base plate on page 63.
• Corrections due to updates in terminology.
• New standard calibration method is introduced (Axis Calibration).
See Calibration on page 309.
• Information about grounding point added. See Robot cabling and
connection points on page 88.

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Overview of this manual

Revision Description
N Published in release R17.2. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Caution about removing metal residues added in sections about
SMB boards.
• Information about minimum resonance frequency added.
• Bending radius for static floor cables added.
• Updated list of applicable standards.
• Added text regarding overhaul in section specification of mainten-
ance intervals.
• Updated the section Start of robot in cold environments on page 87.
• Updated information regarding replacement of brake release board.
• Updated information regarding disconnecting and reconnecting
battery cable to serial measurement board.
• Updated information regarding replacing of balancing device.
• Definition of reference calibration clarified.
P Published in release R18.1. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Information added about fatigue to Axis Calibration tool, see Calib-
ration tools for Axis Calibration on page 322.
• Added sections in General procedures on page 146.
• Safety restructured.
• New spare part number brake release board (was DSQC563).
• Note added to calibration chapter to emphasize the requirement of
equally dressed robot when using previously created reference
calibration values.
• Information about myABB Business Portal added.
Q Published in release R18.2. The following updates are done in this revision:
• Added locating hole position in mounting flange view.
R Published in release R18.2. The following updates are done in this revision:
• Updated references.
S Published in release 19B. The following updates are made in this revision:
• New touch up color Graphite White available. See Cut the paint or
surface on the robot before replacing parts on page 152.
• Tightening torque for oil plug axis 6 changed to 20 Nm.
• New adapter for axis-3 shaft replacement and updated article
number for KM12 socket for axis-3 and axis-2 shaft replacements.
See Replacement of upper arm on page 194.
T Published in release 19C. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Added information regarding the support rings of the upper arm
housing, see Replacement of upper arm on page 194.
U Published in release 19D. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Added press tool for installation of support rings in the upper arm
housing, see Replacement of upper arm on page 194.
• Sealing compound Permatex No. 3 replaced by Trans7 from Trans
V Published in release 20A. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Clarified and added information in mounting instructions for rotating
sealings, see Mounting instructions for sealings on page 149.
• Clarified text about position of robot and added table with depend-
encies between axes during Axis Calibration.
• Changed tightening torque for axis-2 and axis-3 shaft, see Replace-
ment of upper arm on page 194 and increased the torque span for
standard torque wrench, see Standard tools on page 349.

Continues on next page

14 Product manual - IRB 660
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Overview of this manual

Revision Description
W Published in release 20C. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Changed tightening torques on the wrist oil plugs.
• Removed lifting tool for axis-2 and axis-3 gearbox from the special
tools list (lifting method was changed in previous revision).
X Published in release 21B. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Lubrication tool number changed, see Replacement of linkage - link
on page 212.
• New number and instruction for press tool, parallel arm, see Re-
placement of parallel arm on page 232.
• New number and instruction for press tool, , see Replacement of
tilthouse unit on page 180 .
• New number and instruction for press tool, linkage - link, see Re-
placement of linkage - link on page 212.
• Number for Lubrication tool number changed, see Required equip-
ment on page 141.
• Text regarding fastener quality is updated, see Fastener quality on
page 74.
Y Published in release 21C. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Info about option Extended working range included, see Extended
working range, axis 1 (option) on page 77.
Z Published in release 21D. The following updates are made in this revision:
• New section regarding customer connectors added, see Customer
connectors on the manipulator.

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Product documentation

Product documentation
Categories for user documentation from ABB Robotics
The user documentation from ABB Robotics is divided into a number of categories.
This listing is based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of
whether the products are standard or optional.


All documents can be found via myABB Business Portal, www.abb.com/myABB.

Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware is
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists
of tools).
• Spare parts list with corresponding figures (or references to separate spare
parts lists).
• References to circuit diagrams.

Technical reference manuals

The technical reference manuals describe reference information for robotics
products, for example lubrication, the RAPID language, and system parameters.

Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, software).
• How to install included or required hardware.
• How to use the application.
• Examples of how to use the application.

Continues on next page

16 Product manual - IRB 660
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Product documentation

Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals
are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is
production cell operators, programmers, and troubleshooters.

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How to read the product manual

How to read the product manual

Reading the procedures
The procedures contain references to figures, tools, material, and so on. The
references are read as described below.

References to figures
The procedures often include references to components or attachment points
located on the manipulator/controller. The components or attachment points are
marked with italic text in the procedures and completed with a reference to the
figure where the current component or attachment point is shown.
The denomination in the procedure for the component or attachment point
corresponds to the denomination in the referenced figure.
The table below shows an example of a reference to a figure from a step in a
Action Note/Illustration
8. Remove the rear attachment screws, gearbox. Shown in the figure Location of
gearbox on page xx.

References to required equipment

The procedures often include references to equipment (spare parts, tools, etc.)
required for the different actions in the procedure. The equipment is marked with
italic text in the procedures and completed with a reference to the section where
the equipment is listed with further information, that is article number and
The designation in the procedure for the component or attachment point
corresponds to the designation in the referenced list.
The table below shows an example of a reference to a list of required equipment
from a step in a procedure.
Action Note/Illustration
3. Fit a new sealing, axis 2 to the gearbox. Art. no. is specified in Required
equipment on page xx.

Safety information
The manual includes a separate safety chapter that must be read through before
proceeding with any service or installation procedures. All procedures also include
specific safety information when dangerous steps are to be performed.
Read more in the chapter Safety on page 19.

The robot is illustrated with general figures that does not take painting or protection
type in consideration.
Likewise, certain work methods or general information that is valid for several robot
models, can be illustrated with illustrations that show a different robot model than
the one that is described in the current manual.

18 Product manual - IRB 660

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1 Safety
1.1.1 Limitation of liability

1 Safety
1.1 Safety information

1.1.1 Limitation of liability

Limitation of liability
Any information given in this manual regarding safety must not be construed as a
warranty by ABB that the industrial robot will not cause injury or damage even if
all safety instructions are complied with.
The information does not cover how to design, install and operate a robot system,
nor does it cover all peripheral equipment that can influence the safety of the robot
In particular, liability cannot be accepted if injury or damage has been caused for
any of the following reasons:
• Use of the robot in other ways than intended.
• Incorrect operation or maintenance.
• Operation of the robot when the safety devices are defective, not in their
intended location or in any other way not working.
• When instructions for operation and maintenance are not followed.
• Non-authorized design modifications of the robot.
• Repairs on the robot and its spare parts carried out by in-experienced or
non-qualified personnel.
• Foreign objects.
• Force majeure.

Spare parts and equipment

ABB supplies original spare parts and equipment which have been tested and
approved. The installation and/or use of non-original spare parts and equipment
can negatively affect the safety, function, performance, and structural properties
of the robot. ABB is not liable for damages caused by the use of non-original spare
parts and equipment.

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1 Safety
1.1.2 Requirements on personnel

1.1.2 Requirements on personnel

Only personnel with appropriate training are allowed to install, maintain, service,
repair, and use the robot. This includes electrical, mechanical, hydraulics,
pneumatics, and other hazards identified in the risk assessment.
Persons who are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicating
substances are not allowed to install, maintain, service, repair, or use the robot.
The plant liable must make sure that the personnel is trained on the robot, and on
responding to emergency or abnormal situations.

Personal protective equipment

Use personal protective equipment, as stated in the instructions.

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1 Safety
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

1.2 Safety signals and symbols

1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

Introduction to safety signals

This section specifies all safety signals used in the user manuals. Each signal
consists of:
• A caption specifying the hazard level (DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION)
and the type of hazard.
• Instruction about how to reduce the hazard to an acceptable level.
• A brief description of remaining hazards, if not adequately reduced.

Hazard levels
The table below defines the captions specifying the hazard levels used throughout
this manual.
Symbol Designation Significance
DANGER Signal word used to indicate an imminently hazard-
ous situation which, if not avoided, will result in ser-
ious injury.

WARNING Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious

ELECTRICAL Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

SHOCK situation related to electrical hazards which, if not
avoided, could result in serious injury.

CAUTION Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in slight

ELECTROSTATIC Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

DISCHARGE (ESD) situation which, if not avoided, could result in severe
damage to the product.

NOTE Signal word used to indicate important facts and


Continues on next page

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1 Safety
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

Symbol Designation Significance

TIP Signal word used to indicate where to find additional
information or how to do an operation in an easier

22 Product manual - IRB 660

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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels

1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels

Introduction to symbols
This section describes safety symbols used on labels (stickers) on the manipulator.
Symbols are used in combinations on the labels, describing each specific warning.
The descriptions in this section are generic, the labels can contain additional
information such as values.


The symbols on the labels on the product must be observed. Additional symbols
added by the integrator must also be observed.

Types of symbols
Both the manipulator and the controller are marked with symbols, containing
important information about the product. This is important for all personnel handling
the robot, for example during installation, service, or operation.
The safety labels are language independent, they only use graphics. See Symbols
on safety labels on page 23.
The information labels can contain information in text.

Symbols on safety labels

Symbol Description
Warns that an accident may occur if the instructions are not
followed that can lead to serious injury, possibly fatal, and/or
great damage to the product. It applies to warnings that apply
to danger with, for example, contact with high voltage electrical
units, explosion or fire risk, risk of poisonous gases, risk of
crushing, impact, fall from height, etc.
Warns that an accident may occur if the instructions are not
followed that can result in injury and/or damage to the product.
It also applies to warnings of risks that include burns, eye injury,
skin injury, hearing damage, crushing or slipping, tripping, im-
xx0900000811 pact, fall from height, etc. Furthermore, it applies to warnings
that include function requirements when fitting and removing
equipment where there is a risk of damaging the product or
causing a breakdown.
Used in combinations with other symbols.


Continues on next page

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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels

Symbol Description
See user documentation
Read user documentation for details.
Which manual to read is defined by the symbol:
• No text: Product manual.
• EPS: Application manual - Electronic Position Switches.

Before disassembly, see product manual


Do not disassemble
Disassembling this part can cause injury.


Extended rotation
This axis has extended rotation (working area) compared to


Brake release
Pressing this button will release the brakes. This means that
the robot arm can fall down.

Continues on next page

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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels

Symbol Description
Tip risk when loosening bolts
The robot can tip over if the bolts are not securely fastened.



Risk of crush injuries.


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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels

Symbol Description
Risk of heat that can cause burns. (Both signs are used)


3HAC 4431-1/06


Moving robot
4 6 The robot can move unexpectedly.
3 5



2 3


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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels

Symbol Description
Brake release buttons



Lifting bolt


Chain sling with shortener


Lifting of robot


Can be used in combination with prohibition if oil is not allowed.


Mechanical stop


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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on manipulator labels

Symbol Description
No mechanical stop


Stored energy
Warns that this part contains stored energy.
Used in combination with Do not disassemble symbol.


Warns that this part is pressurized. Usually contains additional
text with the pressure level.


Shut off with handle

Use the power switch on the controller.


Do not step
Warns that stepping on these parts can cause damage to the


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1 Safety
1.3 Robot stopping functions

1.3 Robot stopping functions

Protective stop and emergency stop

The protective stops and emergency stops are described in the product manual
for the controller.
For more information see:
• Product manual - IRC5
• Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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1 Safety
1.4 Installation and commissioning

1.4 Installation and commissioning

National or regional regulations

The integrator of the robot system is responsible for the safety of the robot system.
The integrator is responsible that the robot system is designed and installed in
accordance with the safety requirements set forth in the applicable national and
regional standards and regulations.
The integrator of the robot system is required to perform a risk assessment.

The robot integrated to a robot system shall be designed to allow safe access to
all spaces during installation, operation, maintenance, and repair.
If robot movement can be initiated from an external control panel then an emergency
stop must also be available.
If the manipulator is delivered with mechanical stops, these can be used for reducing
the working space.
A perimeter safeguarding, for example a fence, shall be dimensioned to withstand
the following:
• The force of the manipulator.
• The force of the load handled by the robot if dropped or released at maximum
• The maximum possible impact caused by a breaking or malfunctioning
rotating tool or other device fitted to the robot.
The maximum TCP speed and the maximum velocity of the robot axes are detailed
in the section Robot motion in the product specification for the respective
Consider exposure to hazards, such as slipping, tripping, and falling.
Hazards due to the working position and posture for a person working with or near
the robot shall be considered.
Hazards due to noise emission from the robot needs to be considered.
Consider hazards from other equipment in the robot system, for example, that
guards remain active until identified hazards are reduced to an acceptable level.

Allergenic material
See Environmental information on page 335 for specification of allergenic materials
in the product, if any.

Securing the robot to the foundation

The robot must be properly fixed to its foundation/support, as described in the
respective product manual.
When the robot is installed at a height, hanging, or other than mounted directly on
the floor, there will be additional hazards.

Continues on next page

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1 Safety
1.4 Installation and commissioning

Electrical safety
Incoming mains must be installed to fulfill national regulations.
The power supply wiring to the robot must be sufficiently fused and if necessary,
it must be possible to disconnect it manually from the mains power.
The power to the robot must be turned off with the main switch and the mains
power disconnected when performing work inside the controller cabinet. Lock and
tag shall be considered.
Harnesses between controller and manipulator shall be fixed and protected to
avoid tripping and wear.
Wherever possible, power on/off or rebooting the robot controller shall be performed
with all persons outside the safeguarded space.


Use a CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) extinguisher in the event of a fire in the robot.

Safety devices
The integrator is responsible for that the safety devices necessary to protect people
working with the robot system are designed and installed correctly.
When integrating the robot with external devices to a robot system:
• The integrator of the robot system must ensure that emergency stop functions
are interlocked in accordance with applicable standards.
• The integrator of the robot system must ensure that safety functions are
interlocked in accordance with applicable standards.

Other hazards
A robot may perform unexpected limited movement.


Manipulator movements can cause serious injuries on users and may damage
The risk assessment should also consider other hazards arising from the
application, such as, but not limited to:
• Water
• Compressed air
• Hydraulics
End-effector hazards require particular attention for applications which involve
close human collaboration with the robot.

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1 Safety
1.4 Installation and commissioning

Pneumatic or hydraulic related hazards


The pressure in the complete pneumatic or hydraulic systems must be released

before service and maintenance.
All components in the robot system that remain pressurized after switching off
the power to the robot must be marked with clearly visible drain facilities and a
warning sign that indicates the hazard of stored energy.
Loss of pressure in the robot system may cause parts or objects to drop.
Dump valves should be used in case of emergency.
Shot bolts should be used to prevent tools, etc., from falling due to gravity.
All pipes, hoses, and connections have to be inspected regularly for leaks and
damage. Damage must be repaired immediately.

Verify the safety functions

Before the robot system is put into operation, verify that the safety functions are
working as intended and that any remaining hazards identified in the risk
assessment are mitigated to an acceptable level.

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1 Safety
1.5 Operation

1.5 Operation

Automatic operation
Verify the application in the operating mode manual reduced speed, before changing
mode to automatic and initiating automatic operation.

Unexpected movement of robot arm


Hazards due to the use of brake release devices and/or gravity beneath the
manipulator shall be considered.
A robot may perform unexpected limited movement.


Manipulator movements can cause serious injuries on users and may damage

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1 Safety
1.6.1 Maintenance and repair

1.6 Maintenance and repair

1.6.1 Maintenance and repair

Corrective maintenance must only be carried out by personnel trained on the robot.
Maintenance or repair must be done with all electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic
power switched off, that is, no remaining hazards.
Hazards due to stored mechanical energy in the manipulator for the purpose of
counterbalancing axes must be considered before maintenance or repair.
Never use the robot as a ladder, which means, do not climb on the controller,
manipulator, including motors, or other parts. There are hazards of slipping and
falling. The robot might be damaged.
Make sure that there are no loose screws, turnings, or other unexpected parts
remaining after work on the robot has been performed.
When the work is completed, verify that the safety functions are working as

Hot surfaces
Surfaces can be hot after running the robot, and touching these may result in burns.
Allow the surfaces to cool down before maintenance or repair.

Allergic reaction

Warning Description Elimination/Action

When working with lubricants Make sure that protective gear
there is a risk of an allergic reac- like goggles and gloves are al-
tion. ways worn.

Allergic reaction

Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease)

When handling oil, grease, or other chemical substances the safety information of
the respective manufacturer must be observed.


Take special care when handling hot lubricants.

Warning Description Elimination/Action

Changing and draining gearbox Make sure that protective gear
oil or grease may require hand- like goggles and gloves are al-
ling hot lubricant heated up to ways worn during this activity.
90 °C.
Hot oil or grease

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1 Safety
1.6.1 Maintenance and repair

Warning Description Elimination/Action

When working with lubricants Make sure that protective gear
there is a risk of an allergic reac- like goggles and gloves are al-
tion. ways worn.

Allergic reaction
When opening the oil or grease Open the plug carefully and keep
plug, there may be pressure away from the opening. Do not
present in the gearbox, causing overfill the gearbox when filling.
lubricant to spray from the
Possible pressure
build-up in gearbox
Overfilling of gearbox lubricant Make sure not to overfill the
can lead to internal over-pres- gearbox when filling it with oil or
sure inside the gearbox which in grease.
turn may: After filling, verify that the level
• damage seals and gas- is correct.
Do not overfill kets
• completely press out
seals and gaskets
• prevent the robot from
moving freely.
Mixing types of oil may cause When filling gearbox oil, do not
severe damage to the gearbox. mix different types of oil unless
specified in the instructions. Al-
ways use the type of oil specified
for the product.
Do not mix types of oil
Warm oil drains quicker than Run the robot before changing
cold oil. the gearbox oil, if possible.

Heat up the oil

The specified amount of oil or After filling, verify that the level
grease is based on the total is correct.
volume of the gearbox. When
changing the lubricant, the
amount refilled may differ from
the specified amount, depending
Specified amount de- on how much has previously
pends on drained been drained from the gearbox.
For lifetime reasons always drain
as much oil as possible from the
gearbox. The magnetic oil plugs
will gather residual metal chips.

Contaminated oil in

Hazards related to batteries

Under rated conditions, the electrode materials and liquid electrolyte in the batteries
are sealed and not exposed to the outside.

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1 Safety
1.6.1 Maintenance and repair

There is a hazard in case of abuse (mechanical, thermal, electrical) which leads

to the activation of safety valves and/or the rupture of the battery container. As a
result under certain circumstances, electrolyte leakage, electrode materials reaction
with moisture/water or battery vent/explosion/fire may follow.
Do not short circuit, recharge, puncture, incinerate, crush, immerse, force discharge
or expose to temperatures above the declared operating temperature range of the
product. Risk of fire or explosion.
Operating temperatures are listed in Operating conditions, robot on page 44.
See safety instructions for the batteries in Material/product safety data
sheet - Battery pack (3HAC043118-001).

Unexpected movement of robot arm


Hazards due to the use of brake release devices and/or gravity beneath the
manipulator shall be considered.
A robot may perform unexpected limited movement.


Manipulator movements can cause serious injuries on users and may damage

Related information
See also the safety information related to installation and operation.

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1 Safety
1.6.2 Emergency release of the robot axes

1.6.2 Emergency release of the robot axes

In an emergency situation, the brakes on a robot axis can be released manually
by pushing a brake release button.
How to release the brakes is described in the section:
• Manually releasing the brakes on page 60.
The robot may be moved manually on smaller robot models, but larger models
may require using an overhead crane or similar equipment.

Increased injury
Before releasing the brakes, make sure that the weight of the manipulator does
not result in additional hazards, for example, even more severe injuries on a trapped


When releasing the holding brakes, the robot axes may move very quickly and
sometimes in unexpected ways.
Make sure no personnel is near or beneath the robot.

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1 Safety
1.6.3 Brake testing

1.6.3 Brake testing

When to test
During operation, the holding brake of each axis normally wears down. A test can
be performed to determine whether the brake can still perform its function.

How to test
The function of the holding brake of each axis motor may be verified as described
1 Run each axis to a position where the combined weight of the manipulator
and any load is maximized (maximum static load).
2 Switch the motor to the MOTORS OFF.
3 Inspect and verify that the axis maintains its position.
If the manipulator does not change position as the motors are switched off,
then the brake function is adequate.


It is recommended to run the service routine BrakeCheck as part of the regular

maintenance, see the operating manual for the robot controller.
For robots with the option SafeMove, the Cyclic Brake Check routine is
recommended. See the manual for SafeMove in References on page 10.

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1 Safety
1.7 Troubleshooting

1.7 Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting requires work with power switched on, special considerations
must be taken:
• Safety circuits might be muted or disconnected.
• Electrical parts must be considered as live.
• The manipulator can move unexpectedly at any time.


Troubleshooting on the controller while powered on must be performed by

personnel trained by ABB or by ABB field engineers.
A risk assessment must be done to address both robot and robot system specific


Hazards due to the use of brake release devices and/or gravity beneath the
manipulator shall be considered.
A robot may perform unexpected limited movement.


Manipulator movements can cause serious injuries on users and may damage

Related information
See also the safety information related to installation, operation, maintenance, and

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1 Safety
1.8 Decommissioning

1.8 Decommissioning

See section Decommissioning on page 335.

Unexpected movement of robot arm


Hazards due to the use of brake release devices and/or gravity beneath the
manipulator shall be considered.
A robot may perform unexpected limited movement.


Manipulator movements can cause serious injuries on users and may damage

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.1 Introduction to installation and commissioning

2 Installation and commissioning

2.1 Introduction to installation and commissioning

This chapter contains assembly instructions and information for installing the IRB
660 at the working site.
See also the product manual for the robot controller.
The installation must be done by qualified installation personnel in accordance
with the safety requirements set forth in the applicable national and regional
standards and regulations.

Safety information
Before any installation work is commenced, all safety information must be observed.
There are general safety aspects that must be read through, as well as more specific
safety information that describes the danger and safety risks when performing the
procedures. Read the chapter Safety on page 19 before performing any installation


Always connect the IRB 660 and the robot to protective earth and residual current
device (RCD) before connecting to power and starting any installation work.
For more information see:
• Product manual - IRC5
• Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.1 Pre-installation procedure

2.2 Unpacking

2.2.1 Pre-installation procedure

This section is intended for use when unpacking and installing the robot for the
first time. It also contains information useful during later re-installation of the robot.

Prerequisites for installation personnel

Installation personnel working with an ABB product must:
• be trained by ABB and have the required knowledge of mechanical and
electrical installation/maintenance/repair work
• conform to all national and local codes.

Checking the pre-requisites for installation

1 Make a visual inspection of the packaging and make sure that nothing is damaged.
2 Remove the packaging.
3 Check for any visible transport damage.


Stop unpacking and contact ABB if transport damages are found.

4 Clean the unit with a lint-free cloth, if necessary.

5 Make sure that the lifting accessory used (if required) is suitable to handle the weight
of the robot as specified in: Weight, robot on page 42
6 If the robot is not installed directly, it must be stored as described in: Storage condi-
tions, robot on page 44
7 Make sure that the expected operating environment of the robot conforms to the
specifications as described in: Operating conditions, robot on page 44
8 Before taking the robot to its installation site, make sure that the site conforms to:
• Loads on foundation, robot on page 43
• Protection classes, robot on page 45
• Requirements, foundation on page 44
9 Before moving the robot, please observe the stability of the robot: Risk of tipping/sta-
bility on page 48
10 When these prerequisites are met, the robot can be taken to its installation site as
described in section: On-site installation on page 50
11 Install required equipment, if any.
• Signal lamp (option) on page 75

Weight, robot
The table shows the weight of the robot.
Robot model Weight
IRB 660 1750 kg

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.1 Pre-installation procedure


The weight does not include tools and other equipment fitted on the robot.

Loads on foundation, robot

The illustration shows the directions of the robots stress forces.
The directions are valid for all floor mounted, suspended and inverted robots.






Fxy Force in any direction in the XY plane

Fz Force in the Z plane
Txy Bending torque in any direction in the XY plane
Tz Bending torque in the Z plane

The table shows the various forces and torques working on the robot during different
kinds of operation.


These forces and torques are extreme values that are rarely encountered during
operation. The values also never reach their maximum at the same time!


The robot installation is restricted to the mounting options given in following load

Floor mounted

Force Endurance load (in operation) Max. load (emergency stop)

Force xy ± 8.0 kN ± 11.7 kN
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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.1 Pre-installation procedure

Force Endurance load (in operation) Max. load (emergency stop)

Force z 18.0 ±4.9 kN 18.0 ±8.2 kN
Torque xy ± 23.2 kNm ± 31.2 kNm
Torque z ± 7.7 kNm ± 9.9 kNm

Requirements, foundation
The table shows the requirements for the foundation where the weight of the
installed robot is included:
Requirement Value Note
Flatness of foundation 0.3 mm Flat foundations give better repeatability of the
surface resolver calibration compared to original settings
on delivery from ABB.
The value for levelness aims at the circumstance
of the anchoring points in the robot base.
Maximum tilt 5°
Minimum resonance 22 Hz The value is recommended for optimal perform-
frequency ance.
Note Due to foundation stiffness, consider robot mass
including equipment. i
It may affect the For information about compensating for founda-
manipulator life- tion flexibility, see the application manual of the
time to have a controller software, section Motion Process
lower resonance Mode.
frequency than

i The minimum resonance frequency given should be interpreted as the frequency of the robot
mass/inertia, robot assumed stiff, when a foundation translational/torsional elasticity is added, i.e.,
the stiffness of the pedestal where the robot is mounted. The minimum resonance frequency should
not be interpreted as the resonance frequency of the building, floor etc. For example, if the equivalent
mass of the floor is very high, it will not affect robot movement, even if the frequency is well below
the stated frequency. The robot should be mounted as rigid as possibly to the floor.
Disturbances from other machinery will affect the robot and the tool accuracy. The robot has
resonance frequencies in the region 10 – 20 Hz and disturbances in this region will be amplified,
although somewhat damped by the servo control. This might be a problem, depending on the
requirements from the applications. If this is a problem, the robot needs to be isolated from the

Storage conditions, robot

The table shows the allowed storage conditions for the robot:
Parameter Value
Minimum ambient temperature -25° C
Maximum ambient temperature +55° C
Maximum ambient temperature (less than 24 hrs) +70° C
Maximum ambient humidity 95% at constant temperature
(gaseous only)

Operating conditions, robot

The table shows the allowed operating conditions for the robot:
Parameter Value
Minimum ambient temperature 0° C i

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.1 Pre-installation procedure

Parameter Value
Maximum ambient temperature +50° C
Maximum ambient humidity 95% at constant temperature
i During cold start (0° C - 5° C), see Start of robot in cold environments on page 87.

Protection classes, robot

The table shows the available protection types of the robot, with the corresponding
protection class.
Protection type Protection class I
Manipulator, protection type Standard IP 67

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.2 Working range and type of motion

2.2.2 Working range and type of motion

Working range
The following figures show the working ranges of the robot variants. The extreme
positions of the robot arm are specified at the wrist center (dimensions in mm).

IRB 660 - 180/3.15 and IRB 660 - 250/3.15

The illustration below shows the unrestricted working range of IRB 660 - 180/3.15
and IRB 660 - 250/3.15.


H Mechanical stop
J Max working range

Position x (mm) Position z (mm) Angle axis 2 (de- Angle axis 3 (de-
grees) grees)
A 1910 1833 0 0
B 972 1966 -42 -20
C 895 870 -42 28
D 866 207 50 120
E 1160 -505 85 120
F 3139 315 85 15
G 2809 1837 50 -20

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.2 Working range and type of motion

Type of motion
The table below specifies the types and ranges of the robot motion in every axis.
Axis Type of motion Range of motion
1 Rotation motion -180° to +180°
2 Arm motion -42° to +85°
3 Arm motion -20° to +120°
2-3 Arm motion 20° to 160°
6 Turn motion -300° to +300°

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.3 Risk of tipping/stability

2.2.3 Risk of tipping/stability

Risk of tipping
Do not change the robot position before securing it to the foundation.
The shipping position is the most stable position.

Shipping and transportation position

This figure shows the robot in its shipping position and transportation position.



The robot will be mechanically unstable if not properly secured to the foundation.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.2.4 The unit is sensitive to ESD

2.2.4 The unit is sensitive to ESD

ESD (electrostatic discharge) is the transfer of electrical static charge between two
bodies at different potentials, either through direct contact or through an induced
electrical field. When handling parts or their containers, personnel not grounded
may potentially transfer high static charges. This discharge may destroy sensitive

Safe handling
Use one of the following alternatives:
• Use a wrist strap.
Wrist straps must be tested frequently to ensure that they are not damaged
and are operating correctly.
• Use an ESD protective floor mat.
The mat must be grounded through a current-limiting resistor.
• Use a dissipative table mat.
The mat should provide a controlled discharge of static voltages and must
be grounded.

Product manual - IRB 660 49

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Lifting robot with fork lift

2.3 On-site installation

2.3.1 Lifting robot with fork lift

The robot may be moved using a fork lift, provided that available special aids are
This section describes how to attach the fork lift equipment to the robot.

Attachment points on robot

The attachment points for the fork lift equipment are shown in this figure.


A Attachment points on adapter and horizontal attachment screws

B Attachment points, horizontal attachment screws
C Attachment points, vertical attachment screws

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Fork lift set, incl. all required 3HAC023044-001 See figure Fork lift set, 3HAC023044-001
hardware on page 51.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.

Continues on next page

50 Product manual - IRB 660
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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Lifting robot with fork lift

Fork lift set, 3HAC023044-001

The fork lift set 3HAC023044-001, is fitted to the robot as shown in the figure below.


A Fork lift pocket (2 pcs, one long and one short)

B Adapter (2 pcs)
C Horizontal attachment screws (4 pcs / fork lift pocket)
D Attachment screw for adapter (1 pc / adapter)
E Vertical attachment screws (2 pcs)

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Lifting robot with fork lift

Lifting robot with fork lift

This section details how to secure the fork lift set to the robot in order to lift and
move the robot using the fork lift ONLY!
Action Note
If a cooling fan for the axis 1 motor is used, it
must be removed in order to use the fork lift
1 Position the robot as shown in the figure to the Release the brakes if required as de-
right! tailed in section Manually releasing the
brakes on page 60.


2 Fit the two adapters to the robot and secure. Attachment points are shown in figure
Attachment points on robot on page 50.
Attachment screws, 2 pcs, M16 x 90.
Tightening torque: 270 Nm.
3 Strap up axis 2 motor cable on the adapter.


• A: Strap, velcro

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Lifting robot with fork lift

Action Note

The fork lift pocket weighs 60 kg!

5 Secure the longer fork lift pocket to the adapter Always use original screws (or replace-
and frame with four of the horizontal attach- ments of equivalent quality: M16, qual-
ment screws and washers. ity 12.9)!
Attachment points on the robot are
shown in figure Attachment points on
robot on page 50.
The screws, which are attached horizontally
and vertically, are identical. However, they are
tightened with different torque!


A Horizontal attachment screws, 4

pcs, M16 x 60. Tightening torque:
60 Nm.
B Adapter
6 Make sure the securing screw is removed from
the fork lift pocket! It is only used for robot
model IRB 6650S.


A Securing screw

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.1 Lifting robot with fork lift

Action Note
7 Secure fork lift pocket to robot with two vertical
attachment screws and washers.

Vertically and the horizontally attached screws

are identical, but tightened with different


A Vertical attachment screws, 2

pcs, M16x60. Tightening torque:
270 Nm.
Always use original screws (or replace-
ments of equivalent quality: M16, qual-
ity 12.9)!
Attachment points on robot are shown
in figure Attachment points on robot on
page 50.

The fork lift pocket weighs 22 kg!

9 Secure the shorter fork lift pocket on the other 4 pcs, M16x60.
side of the robot with the four remaining hori- Tightening torque: 60 Nm.
zontal attachment screws.
Always use original screws (or replace-
ments of equivalent quality: M16, qual-
ity 12.9)!
Attachment points on robot are shown
in figure Attachment points on robot on
page 50.
10 Double-check that pockets are properly se-
cured to the robot! Insert fork lift forks into the

The IRB 660 robot weighs 1750 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

12 Carefully lift the robot and move it to its install-

ation site.

Personnel must not, under any circumstances,

be present under the suspended load!

Refit the cooling fan to the motor, if any.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.2 Lifting robot with roundslings

2.3.2 Lifting robot with roundslings

The robot can be lifted with roundslings according to this section.

Sling specification

Sling type Qty Lifting capacity Length / Note

Chain sling with shortener 4 pcs 4 000 kg 0.605 m
0.8 m
1.0 m (2 pcs)
Roundsling, robot 4 pcs 2 000 kg 2m
Roundsling, upper arm 1 pc 2 000 kg 1m
Secures against rota-

Lifting with roundslings

Action Note
1 Position robot in a secure transport position.
2 Attach roundslings to robot according to fig-
ure Attachment points on page 56.

The IRB 660 robot weighs 1750 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized


Personnel must not, under any circum-

stances, be present under the suspended

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.2 Lifting robot with roundslings

Attachment points
This figure shows how to attach the roundslings to the robot.
The illustration is similar with the label attached to the robot’s frame.


A Chain sling with shortener

B Roundsling, robot
C Roundsling, upper arm. Used to secure against rotation.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.2 Lifting robot with roundslings

D Note! No sharp edges!

E Shackle

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.3 Lifting robot with lifting accessory

2.3.3 Lifting robot with lifting accessory

This section contains a general overview of how to lift the complete robot using
special lifting accessory.

Illustration, lifting accessory

The following figure shows the principle for how to use and lift the entire robot with
lifting accessory. For a more detailed instruction, see the user instructions enclosed
with the accessory.


The user manual may be out of date. The latest revision is available for download
via myABB Business Portal, www.abb.com/myABB.


A Eye for lifting accessory

B Swivelling lifting eyes, 3 pcs
C Chain
D Lifting sling, short. Secures against rotation.
E Lifting slings, long
F Hook

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.3 Lifting robot with lifting accessory

Required equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Lifting accessory, robot 3HAC15607-1 Includes user instructions 3HAC15971-2

Slings attached directly onto robot

This section details how to lift and move the robot using lifting slings when these
are attached directly onto the robot frame.


Please refer to the enclosed user instruction for instruction how to place the
manipulator in an correct position. Attempting to lift a manipulator in any other
position may result in the robot tipping over, causing severe damage or injury!

Action Note
1 Run the overhead crane to a position above
the robot.
2 Position the robot as detailed in enclosed in- Article number is specified in Required
struction! equipment on page 59.
Release the brakes, if required, as de-
tailed in section Manually releasing the
brakes on page 60.
3 Shown in the figure Illustration, lifting
Note accessory on page 58.

If the robot is equipped with forklift pockets,

it is necessary to remove these in order to
reach the lower holes in the frame. These are
used to attach the hooks of the lifting slings.

4 Fit the lifting accessory to the robot as de- Article number is specified in Required
scribed in the enclosed instruction! equipment on page 59.

The IRB 660 robot weighs 1750 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-


Personnel must not, under any circumstances,

be present under the suspended load!

7 Raise overhead crane to lift the robot. Make sure all hooks and attachments
maintain their correct positions while
lifting the robot!
Always move the robot at very low
speeds, making sure it does not tip.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.4 Manually releasing the brakes

2.3.4 Manually releasing the brakes

Introduction to manually releasing the brakes

This section describes how to release the holding brakes for the motors of each

Location of brake release unit

The internal brake release unit is located as shown in the figure.


Axes 4 and 5 do not exist!


Releasing the brakes

This procedure details how to release the holding brakes when the robot is equipped
with an internal brake release unit.
Action Note
1 The internal brake release unit is equipped with Buttons are shown in figure Loca-
buttons for controlling the axes brakes. The buttons tion of brake release unit on
are numbered according to the numbers of the page 60.


Axes 4 and 5 do not exist!

If the robot is not connected to the controller, power
must be supplied to the connector R1.MP according
to the section Supplying power to connector R1.MP
on page 61.

When releasing the holding brakes, the robot axes

may move very quickly and sometimes in unexpec-
ted ways.
Make sure no personnel is near or beneath the ro-

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.4 Manually releasing the brakes

Action Note
3 Release the holding brake on a particular robot
axis by pressing the corresponding button on the
internal brake release unit.
The brake will function again as soon as the button
is released.

Supplying power to connector R1.MP

If the robot is not connected to the controller, power must be supplied to connector
R1.MP on the robot, in order to enable the brake release buttons.
Action Note

Incorrect connections, such as supplying

power to the wrong pin, may cause all
brakes to be released simultaneously!

2 Supply 0V on pin 12 and 24V on pin 11.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.5 Lifting the base plate

2.3.5 Lifting the base plate

Required equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Lifting eye, M16 3HAC14457-4 3 pcs
Lifting slings Length: approx. 2 m

Hole configuration


A Attachment holes for lifting eyes (x3)

Lifting, base plate

Action Note

The base plate weighs 353 kg. All lifting accessories

used must be sized accordingly.

2 Fit lifting eyes in specified holes. Shown in figure Hole configur-

ation on page 62.
3 Fit lifting slings to the eyes and to the lifting accessory.


Lift and move the base plate very slowly. If the base
plate starts to swing it is a risk for injuries or damage.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.6 Securing the base plate

2.3.6 Securing the base plate

Base plate, dimensions

2x R525


B 487,01

(Ø 8 455


F 12x M24 A E
2x 450 Ø1 A







2x 50x45º



(2 3x
) 45
0.3 Common Zone
E, F, G, H



A-A 45
Ø 45P7 º B-B

47 +0
0 ,5

3x R1


0,25 c

) (2x R22,5)

3x 90º 1,6



E, F, G, H Common tolerance zone (accuracy all over the base plate from one contact
surface to the other)

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.6 Securing the base plate

358 (2x)

861 (2x)
Ø16 (5x)

Ø22 (16x)

923 (4x)
813 800




137 150

45 27 (4x)
0 0

947 (2x)
37 (2x)
87 (2x)

630 (2x)

991 (2x)
450 (2x)
293 (2x)

813 (2x)



831 840,9
708,9 699,5

625 (2x)

R50 (12x) 4x Ø18.

325 (2x)

241,1 250,5
119 109,1

0 0
790 (2x)

874,6 (2x)
290 (2x)

706 (2x)


- Four holes for alternative clamping, 4x Ø18
A Color: RAL 9005. Thickness: 80-100 µm

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.6 Securing the base plate

Base plate, orienting grooves and leveling bolts

The illustration below shows the orienting grooves and attachment holes for leveling
bolts in the base plate.



A Orienting grooves (3 pcs)

B Levelling bolts, attachment holes (4 pcs)

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.6 Securing the base plate

Base plate, guide sleeve holes

The illustration below shows the orienting grooves and guide sleeve holes in the
base plate.


A Guide sleeve holes (2 pcs)

Required equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Base plate 3HAC12937-9 Includes
• guide sleeves, 3HAC12937-3
• levelling screws, 9ADA120-79
• attachment screws and washers
for securing the robot to the
base plate.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include references
be required. See references to to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.

Base plate
This section details how to secure the base plate to the foundation.
Action Note
1 Make sure the foundation is levelled.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.6 Securing the base plate

Action Note

The base plate weighs 353 kg! All lifting

equipment used must be sized accordingly!

3 Position base plate in relation to the robot Shown in figure Base plate, orienting
work location using the grooves in the base grooves and leveling bolts on page 65.
4 Lift the base plate to its mounting position. Detailed in section Lifting the base plate
on page 62.
5 Use the base plate as a template and drill at- Attachment holes: 16 pcs.
tachment holes as required by the selected
bolt dimension.
6 Fit the base plate and use the levelling bolts Shown in figure Base plate, orienting
to level the base plate. grooves and leveling bolts on page 65.
7 If required, fit strips of sheet metal underneath
the base plate to fill any gaps.
8 Secure the base plate to the foundation with
screws and sleeves.
9 Recheck the four contact surfaces on the Maximum allowed deviation all over the
base plate to make sure the base plate is base plate, from one contact surface to
levelled and flat. the other: 0.3 mm.
If it is not, use pieces of sheet metal or similar
to bring the base plate to a levelled position.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.7 Orienting and securing the robot

2.3.7 Orienting and securing the robot

This section details how to orient and secure the robot to the base plate in order
to run the robot safely.

Illustration, robot fitted to base plate

This illustration shows the robot base fitted to the base plate.


A Robot attachment bolts and washers, 8 pcs (M24 x 140)

B Orienting grooves in the robot base and in the base plate
C Levelling screws
D Base plate attachment screws

Attachment screws
The table below specifies the type of securing screws and washers to be used for
securing the robot to the base plate/foundation.
Suitable screws, lightly lubricated: M24 x 140
Quality: Quality 8.8
Suitable washer: Thickness: 4 mm
Outer diameter: 44 mm
Inner diameter: 25 mm
Tightening torque: 725 Nm

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.7 Orienting and securing the robot

Securing the robot

Use this procedure to secure robot to base plate after fitting plate to the foundation.
Action Note
1 Lift the robot. See section Lifting robot with lifting
accessory on page 58.
See section Lifting robot with round-
slings on page 55.
2 Move robot to the vicinity of its installation loca-
3 Fit two guide sleeves to the guide sleeve holes Shown in figure Base plate, guide
in the base plate. sleeve holes on page 66.


One of the guide sleeve holes is


4 Guide the robot gently using two M24 screws Make sure the robot base is correctly
while lowering it into its mounting position. fitted onto the guide sleeves!
5 Fit the bolts and washers in the base attach- Specified in Attachment screws on
ment holes. page 68.
Shown in figure Illustration, robot fitted
to base plate on page 68.


Lightly lubricate screws before as-


6 Tighten bolts in a criss-cross pattern to ensure

that the base is not distorted.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.7 Orienting and securing the robot

Hole configuration, base

This illustration shows the hole configuration used when securing the robot.


Cross section, guide sleeve hole

This illustration shows the cross section of the guide sleeve holes.


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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.8 Fitting equipment on robot

2.3.8 Fitting equipment on robot

The robot features mounting holes for additional equipment.
Access to any of the following mounting holes may be obstructed by any additional
cabling, equipment, etc., fitted by the robot user. Make sure the required mounting
holes are accessible when planning the robot cell.


All equipment and cables used on the robot, must be designed and fitted not to
damage the robot and/or its parts.


No extra equipment may be fitted on the lower arm of the robot.

Illustration, fitting of extra equipment on upper arm

The illustration below shows the mounting holes available for fitting extra equipment
on the upper arm.
For fitting of extra vacuum hose all holes shall be used (6 pcs). These holes can
only be used for extra vacuum hose!
The max. weight of the vacuum hose and fastening device on the upper arm, is
calculated to 10 kg.
Max. extra weight on the upper arm:
• IRB 660 - 180/3.15 = 35 kg
• IRB 660 - 250/3.15 = 35 kg
Note! The weight of the extra equipment on the upper arm must be deducted from
the maximal handling capacity.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.8 Fitting equipment on robot

Example: If 35 extra kg is put on the upper arm, this means that the robot only can
handle 180 - 35 = 145 kg or 250 - 35 = 215 kg (depending on model).


A Fitting holes, M10 (2 pcs)

B Fitting holes, M10 (2 pcs)
C Fitting holes, M10 (2 pcs)

Illustration, fitting of extra equipment on frame

The illustration below shows the mounting holes available for fitting extra equipment
on the frame.


Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.8 Fitting equipment on robot

Illustration, fitting on turning disk

The illustration below shows the mounting holes available for fitting equipment on
the turning disk.


- Mounting flange.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.8 Fitting equipment on robot

(A) X


- Mounting flange in bottom view

A Locating hole
B Tool coordinate system

Fastener quality
When fitting tools on the tool flange, only use screws with quality 12.9. For other
equipment use suitable screws and tightening torque for your application.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.9 Signal lamp (option)

2.3.9 Signal lamp (option)

A signal lamp with a yellow fixed light can be mounted on the robot, as a safety

See the assembly instruction delivered with the signal lamp.

The lamp is active in MOTORS ON mode.

Further information
Further information about the MOTORS ON/MOTORS OFF mode may be found in
the product manual for the controller.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.10 Loads fitted to the robot, stopping time and braking distances

2.3.10 Loads fitted to the robot, stopping time and braking distances

Any loads mounted on the robot must be defined correctly and carefully (with
regard to the position of center of gravity and mass moments of inertia) in order
to avoid jolting movements and overloading motors, gears and structure.


Incorrectly defined loads may result in operational stops or major damage to the

Load diagrams, permitted extra loads (equipment) and their positions are specified
in the product specification. The loads must be defined in the software.
• Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant

Stopping time and braking distances

The performance of the motor brake depends on if there are any loads attached
to the robot. For more information, see product specification for the robot.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.3.11 Extended working range, axis 1 (option)

2.3.11 Extended working range, axis 1 (option)

The working range of axis 1 can be extended on a floor-mounted robot, from the
default range limited by mechanical stops. The working range can be extended to


The option Extended work range enables an extension of the working range for
axis 1, through a software configuration. With this option installed, the working
range can exceed the range limited by the mechanical stop on axis 1. The working
range shall be limited through the option SafeMove.
A risk analysis must be done to ensure that no risks remain when using option
Extended work range, to limit the working range, and before removing the
mechanical stops.
For information about the option SafeMove, see Application manual - Functional
safety and SafeMove.
If the mechanical stop is removed, then the manipulator should have a marking
for this, for example, a label. If the robot is delivered with the option Extended
work range, then such a label is included on delivery.

Extending the working range

Action Note/Illustration
1 Configure the safety setup and verify it by
2 Hold the mechanical stop pin in a firm grip,
and remove it by unscrewing the attach-
ment screw.


3 In RobotWare, redefine the working range With the option Extended working range,
limitations in the system parameters, topic the maximum value for the system paramet-
Motion. The Arm parameters Upper Joint ers Upper Joint Bound and Lower Joint
Bound and Lower Joint Bound can be Bound is 3.84 respectively -3.84. The val-
changed to the values corresponding to ues are in radians, that is 3.84 radians =
the actual installation. 220 degrees.

Related information
The system parameters are described in detail in the reference manual, see
References on page 10.
For more information about SafeMove, see Application manual - Functional safety
and SafeMove2.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.1 Axes with restricted working range

2.4 Restricting the working range

2.4.1 Axes with restricted working range

When installing the robot, make sure that it can move freely within its entire working
space. If there is a risk that it may collide with other objects, its working space
should be limited.
The working range of the following axes may be restricted:
• Axis 1, hardware (mechanical stop) and software (signal from adjustable
position switch)
As standard configuration, axis 1 is allowed to move ± 180º. The working range
may however be increased to ± 220º with option 561-1 Extended working range
axis 1. Note that this option also requires installation of a position switch on axis
This section describes how to install hardware that restricts the working range.


Adjustments must also be made in the robot configuration software (system

parameters). References to relevant manuals are included in the installation

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Mechanically restricting the working range of axis 1

2.4.2 Mechanically restricting the working range of axis 1

The working range of axis 1 is limited by fixed mechanical stops and adjustment
of the system parameter configuration. The working range can be reduced by
adding additional mechanical stops giving 7.5 or 15 graduation, between 22.5°
and 135° in both directions.

Mechanical stops, axis 1

The illustration shows the mounting position of the stop pin and one of the additional
mechanical stops available for axis 1.


A Additional mechanical stop

B Stop pin

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Article number Note

Mechanical stop for axis 1, 7.5° 3HAC11076-1 Includes attachment screws and
an assembly drawing.
Mechanical stop for axis 1, 15° 3HAC11076-2 Includes attachment screws and
an assembly drawing.
Standard toolkit -
Technical reference manual - System - Article number is specified in
parameters section References on page 10.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.2 Mechanically restricting the working range of axis 1

Installation, mechanical stops axis 1

Use this procedure to fit the additional mechanical stops to axis 1 of the robot. An
assembly drawing is also enclosed with the product.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply to the robot
• hydraulic pressure supply to the robot
• air pressure supply to the robot
Before entering the robot working area.

2 Fit the additional mechanical stop to the Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
frame according to the figure Mechanical
stops, axis 1 on page 79.
3 Adjust the software working range limitations The system parameters that must be
(system parameter configuration) to corres- changed (Upper joint bound and Lower
pond to the mechanical limitations. joint bound) are described in Technical
reference manual - System parameters.

If the mechanical stop pin is deformed after

a hard collision, it must be replaced!
Deformed movable stops and/or additional
stops as well as deformed attachment
screws must also be replaced after a hard

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option)

2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option)

Position switches can be installed on axis 1. The position switches include cams
as shown in the figure below. The system parameter configuration must also be
The position switch sets may be delivered in one of two ways:
• Fitted by ABB on delivery. In this case, the cams must still be fitted and
locked by the user. For axis 1, the cover for the cams must also be fitted.
• As sets to be completely fitted to the robot and adjusted by the user.

Required equipment

Description Art.no. Note

Position switch, axis 1 3HAC15715-1 Includes position switch and
plate for customer connec-
Connector kit R1.SW1 3HAC17252-1
Plate set for customer connec- 3HAC025778-001 An additional connection
tions plate must be fitted to the ro-
bot base, if not already in-
The plate differs from the
connection plate for customer
harness in regard to the geo-
metry of the R1.SW1 connect-
or interface.
Additional cabling to and in- -
side the controller

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option)

Axis 1
The illustration below shows the position switch for axis 1. The switch is connected
directly to the connector in the base, R1.SW1.


A Position switch, axis 1

B Cam
C Set screw, cam (cam stop)
D Protection sheet
E Rail
F Rail attachment

Maximum voltage/current for the position switches:
Parameter Value
Voltage Max. 50 VDC
Current Max. 1 A

The position switch is connected to different points on the robot system:
• XT8, screw terminal in the controller cabinet when position switch cables are
• R1.SW1 at the robot base. Customer connection set is recommended. Art.no.
is specified in Required equipment on page 81.
Further information about cables and connection points, see section Robot cabling
and connection points on page 88.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option)

Plate customer connections, at base


A Plate for customer connections

B Attachment screws, 3 pcs, M6x16

Installation of cable harness for position switch

The procedure below details how to fit the complete cable harness for position
switch axis 1 to the robot.
Action Note
1 Move the robot to its calibration position.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply to the robot
• hydraulic pressure supply to the robot
• air pressure supply to the robot
Before entering the robot working area.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option)

Action Note
3 Remove the rear cover (A) from the robot base.


4 Fit the position switch to the frame of the robot.

5 Run the cabling through the notch in the base
of the robot next to the rear cover.


A: Notch for pos.switch cable

6 Connect the connector R1.SW1 to the position
switch of axis 1 (D).
7 Connect the connector R1.SW1 to the base of
the robot (B).


• A: Cable, pos.switch axis 1

• B: Connection point R1.SW1
• C: Notch for cable
• D: Position switch, axis 1
8 Refit the rear cover to the robot base.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option)

Action Note
9 Adjust the software working range limitations The system parameters that must be
(system parameter configuration) to correspond changed (Upper joint bound and
to the mechanical limitations. Lower joint bound) are described in
Technical reference manual - System
10 Recalibrate the robot! Calibration is detailed in a separate
calibration manual enclosed with the
calibration tools.
General calibration information is in-
cluded in section Calibration on
page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Fitting and adjusting cams and stops

The instruction below details how to fit and adjust the parts of the position switch:
Action Note
1 Cut the cam to a suitable length. Use a sharp knife and rubber hammer
or similair.
2 Cut the edge of the cam edge to max 30°! Shown in the figure Illustration, cutting
the cam on page 86.
If the angle is larger, this may damage
the position switch!
3 Cut the part of the cam running in the profile to
Also see the figure Illustration, cutting the cam
on page 86.
4 Make sure the ends of the profile are chamfered
to enable the cam to run through the profile.
5 Fit the cam with the M5 screw and nut. Tighten Shown in the figure Illustration, adjust
the M5 screw to secure the cam. and secure cams on page 86.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.4.3 Installation of position switch, axis 1 (option)

Illustration, adjust and secure cams

The illustration below shows how to adjust and secure the position switch cams
and profiles.


A Cam stop, M5 nut and M5 x 6 set screw

B Adjustable cam
C Profile

Illustration, cutting the cam

The illustration below shows how to cut the position switch cam.


A Remove the gray section

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.5.1 Start of robot in cold environments

2.5 Robot in cold environments

2.5.1 Start of robot in cold environments

This section describes how to start the robot in a cold environment if it is not starting
the normal way.

Problems with starting the robot

Event message from Motion Supervision
Use this procedure if an event message indicates a problem with Motion supervision
at start-up. More information about Motion Supervision is found in Technical
reference manual - System parameters.
Action Note
1 Turn off Motion Supervision.
2 Start the robot.
3 When the robot has reached normal working temper-
ature, the Motion Supervision can be turned on

Robot stopping with other event message

Use this procedure if the robot is not starting.
Action Note
1 Start the robot with its normal program but The speed can be regulated with the
with reduced speed. RAPID instruction VelSet.

Adjusting the speed and acceleration during warm-up

Depending on how cold the environment is and what program is being used, the
speed might need to be ramped up until reached maximum. The table shows
examples of how to adjust the speed:
Work cycles AccSet Speed/velocity
3 Work cycles 20, 20 v100 (100 mm/s)
5 Work cycles 40, 40 v400 (400 mm/s)
5 Work cycles 60, 60 v600 (600 mm/s)
5 Work cycles 100, 100 v1000 (1000 mm/s)
More than 5 Work cycles 100, 100 Max.

If the program consists of large wrist movements, it is possible that the reorientation
velocity, which is always high in predefined velocities, needs to be included in the
ramping up.

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.1 Robot cabling and connection points

2.6 Electrical connections

2.6.1 Robot cabling and connection points

Connect the robot and controller to each other after securing them to the foundation.
The lists below specify which cables to use for each respective application.


Connect the male and female connectors perfectly aligned horizontally to avoid
any kind of tilt or skew.


Verify that the robot serial number is according to the number(s) in the Declaration
of Incorporation (DoI).

Main cable categories

All cables between the robot and controller are divided into the following categories:
Cable category Description
Robot cables Handles power supply to and control of the robot's motors
as well as feedback from the serial measurement board.
Specified in the table Robot cables on page 88.
Position switch cables (option) Handles supply to and feedback from any position switch
on the robot.
Specified in the table Position switch cables, robot base to
controller (option) on page 90.
Customer cables (option) Handles communication with equipment fitted on the robot
by the customer, low voltage signals and high voltage power
supply + protective ground.
The customer cables also handle databus communication.
See the product manual for the controller, see document
number in References on page 10.
External axes cables (option) Handles power supply to and control of the external axes'
motors as well as feedback from the servo system.
See the Application manual - Additional axes and stand
alone controller (M2004), see document number in Refer-
ences on page 10.

Robot cables
These cables are included in the standard delivery. They are completely
pre-manufactured and ready to plug in.
Cable sub-category Description Connection Connection
point, cabinet point, robot
Robot cable, power Transfers drive power from the XS1 R1.MP
drive units in the control cabinet
to the robot motors.

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.1 Robot cabling and connection points

Cable sub-category Description Connection Connection

point, cabinet point, robot
Robot cable, signals Transfers resolver data from XS2 R1.SMB
and power supply to the serial
measurement board.

Robot cable, power

Cable Art. no.

Robot cable, power: 7 m 3HAC026787-001
Robot cable, power: 15 m 3HAC026787-002
Robot cable, power: 22 m 3HAC026787-003
Robot cable, power: 30 m 3HAC026787-004

Robot cable, signals

Cable Art. no.

Robot cable signal, shielded: 7 m 3HAC7998-1
Robot cable signal, shielded: 15 m 3HAC7998-2
Robot cable signal, shielded: 22 m 3HAC7998-3
Robot cable signal, shielded: 30 m 3HAC7998-4

Bending radius for static floor cables

The minimum bending radius is 10 times the cable diameter for static floor cables.



A Diameter
B Diameter x10

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.1 Robot cabling and connection points

Grounding and bonding point on manipulator

There is a grounding/bonding point on the manipulator base. The grounding/bonding
point is used for potential equalizing between control cabinet, manipulator and any
peripheral devices.


Position switch cables, robot base to controller (option)

These cables are not included in the standard delivery, but are included in the
delivery if the position switch option is ordered. The position switches can also be
ordered without cables. The cables are completely pre-manufactured and ready
to plug in.
Cabling to be installed on the robot is specified in section Installation of position
switch, axis 1 (option) on page 81.

Cabling between robot base and controller

In a M2004 robot system, the cables below are only used for position switch axis
Cable Art. no. Connection Connection
point, robot point, cabinet
Position switch cable, axis 1, 7 m 3HAC13175-1 R1.SW XS8
Position switch cable, axis 1, 15 m 3HAC13175-2 R1.SW XS8
Position switch cable, axis 1, 22 m 3HAC13175-3 R1.SW XS8
Position switch cable, axis 1, 30 m 3HAC13175-4 R1.SW XS8

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.1 Robot cabling and connection points

Cabling inside control cabinet

Additional cabling must be connected inside the control cabinet when installing
position switches.
Cable Art. no. Connection Connection
point 1 inside point 2 inside
cabinet cabinet
Bracket in the cabinet wall (M2004) 3HAC020813-082 - -
Harness position switch axis 1 3HAC021117-001 XS8 XT8.1 and XT8.2

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.2 Customer connectors on the manipulator

2.6.2 Customer connectors on the manipulator

The customer cables are routed internally with the manipulator cable harness. For
more information and specifications for the connections. See section Customer
connections in the Product Specification.

Location of customer connectors on manipulator

Customer connectors, base


Pos Name Description

A R3.FB7 For the 7-axis connector on the manipulator base
B FE Grounding point
C R1.CP/CS Customer power/signal
D R1.ETHERNET Bus communication Ethernet IP
E R1.PROC2 Process connector on the manipulator base.
F R1.PROC1 Process connector on the manipulator base

Continues on next page

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2 Installation and commissioning
2.6.2 Customer connectors on the manipulator

Customer connectors, wrist


Pos Name Description

A R2.CP/CS/CBUS Customer power/signal connector
R2.PROC1 Process connector on the manipulator wrist
B R2.PROC2 Process connector on the manipulator wrist
C R1.ETHERNET Bus communication Ethernet IP
D FE Grounding point

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3 Maintenance
3.1 Introduction

3 Maintenance
3.1 Introduction

Structure of this chapter

This chapter describes all the maintenance activities recommended for the IRB
It is based on the maintenance schedule found at the beginning of the chapter.
The schedule contains information about required maintenance activities including
intervals, and refers to procedures for the activities.
Each procedure contains all the information required to perform the activity,
including required tools and materials.
The procedures are gathered in different sections and divided according to the
maintenance activity.

Safety information
Observe all safety information before conducting any service work.
There are general safety aspects that must be read through, as well as more specific
safety information that describes the danger and safety risks when performing the
procedures. Read the chapter Safety on page 19 before performing any service
The maintenance must be done by qualified personnel in accordance with the
safety requirements set forth in the applicable national and regional standards and


If the IRB 660 is connected to power, always make sure that the IRB 660 is
connected to protective earth and a residual current device (RCD) before starting
any maintenance work.
For more information see:
• Product manual - IRC5
• Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller
• Robot cabling and connection points on page 88.

Product manual - IRB 660 95

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3 Maintenance
3.2.1 Specification of maintenance intervals

3.2 Maintenance schedule and expected component life

3.2.1 Specification of maintenance intervals

The intervals are specified in different ways depending on the type of maintenance
activity to be carried out and the working conditions of the IRB 660:
• Calendar time: specified in months regardless of whether the system is
running or not.
• Operating time: specified in operating hours. More frequent running means
more frequent maintenance activities.
• SIS: specified by the robot's SIS (Service Information System). A typical
value is given for a typical work cycle, but the value will differ depending on
how hard each part is run.
The SIS used in M2004 is further described in the Operating manual - Service
Information System.
Robots with the functionality Service Information System activated can show active
counters in the device browser in RobotStudio, or on the FlexPendant.

Depending on application and operational environment a complete overhaul may
be necessary in average around 40000 hours.
ABB Connected Services and its Assessment tools can help you to identify the
real stress level of your robot, and define the optimal ABB support to maintain your
robot working.
Contact your local ABB Customer Service to get more information.

96 Product manual - IRB 660

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3 Maintenance
3.2.2 Maintenance schedule

3.2.2 Maintenance schedule

The robot must be maintained regularly to ensure proper function. The maintenance
activities and intervals are specified in the table below.
Non-predictable situations also give rise to inspections of the robot. Any damage
must be attended to immediately.
The inspection intervals do not specify the life of each component. Values for these
are specified in the section Expected component life on page 99
Instructions for how to perform the different maintenance activities are found in
• Inspection activities on page 100
• Replacement/changing activities on page 126
• Cleaning activities on page 143

Activities and intervals, standard equipment

The table below specifies the required maintenance activities and intervals.
Maintenance activity Equipment Interval
Cleaning Robot -
Inspection Axis-1 gearbox, oil level Every:
• 12 months
Inspection Axes-2 and -3 gearboxes, oil Every:
level • 12 months
Inspection Axis-6 gearbox, oil level Every:
• 12 months
Inspection Balancing device Every:
• 12 months
Inspection Robot harness Every:
• 12 months i
Inspection Information labels Every:
• 12 months
Inspection Mechanical stop, axis 1 Every:
• 12 months
Mechanical stop, axis 3 (only Every:
applicable for IRB 760 - • 12 months
Inspection Dampers Every:
• 12 months
Changing Axis-1 gear oil First change when DTC ii reads:
• 6,000 hours
Second change when DTC ii reads:
• 24,000 hours
Following changes:
• Every 24,000 hours

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.2.2 Maintenance schedule

Maintenance activity Equipment Interval

Changing Axis 2 gear oil First change when DTC ii reads:
• 6,000 hours
Second change when DTC ii reads:
• 24,000 hours
Following changes:
• Every 24,000 hours
Changing Axis-3 gear oil First change when DTC ii reads:
• 6,000 hours
Second change when DTC ii reads:
• 24,000 hours
Following changes:
• Every 24,000 hours
Changing Axis-6 gear oil First change when DTC ii reads:
• 6,000 hours
Second change when DTC ii reads:
• 24,000 hours
Following changes:
• Every 24,000 hours
Overhaul Robot 40,000 hours
Replacement Battery pack, measurement 36 months or battery low alert iii
system of type RMU101 or
RMU102 (3-pole battery con-
Replacement Battery pack, measurement Battery low alert iv
system with 2-pole battery
contact, e.g. DSQC633A
Lubrication Balancing device bearings Every 12,000 hours
i Replace when damage or cracks are detected or life limit is approaching as specified in section
Expected component life on page 99.
ii DTC = Duty Time Counter. Shows the operational time of the robot.
iii The battery low alert (38213 Battery charge low) is displayed when the battery needs to be replaced.
The recommendation to avoid an unsynchronized robot is to keep the power to the controller turned
on until the battery is to be replaced.
See the replacement instruction for more details.
iv The battery low alert (38213 Battery charge low) is displayed when remaining backup capacity
(robot powered off) is less than 2 months. The typical lifetime of a new battery is 36 months if the
robot is powered off 2 days/week or 18 months if the robot is powered off 16 h/day. The lifetime
can be extended with a battery shutdown service routine. See Operating manual - IRC5 with
FlexPendant for instructions.

Activities and intervals, optional equipment

The table below specifies the required maintenance activities and intervals for
common optional equipment. The maintenance of other external equipment for the
robot is detailed in separate documentation.
Maintenance activity Equipment Interval
Inspection Signal lamp Every:
12 months
Inspection Additional mechanical stop Every:
axis 1 12 months
Inspection Position switches, axis 1 Every:
12 months

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3 Maintenance
3.2.3 Expected component life

3.2.3 Expected component life

The expected life of a specific component of the robot can vary greatly depending
on how hard it is run.

Expected component life - protection type Standard

Component Expected life Note

Cable harness 40,000 hours ii Not including:
Normal usage i • Possible SpotPack
• Optional upper arm
Cable harness 20,000 hours ii Not including:
Extreme usage iii • Possible SpotPack
• Optional upper arm
Balancing device 40,000 hours iv
Gearboxes v 40,000 hours
i Examples of "normal usage" in regard to movement: most material handling applications.
See the note in the Product specification about warrenty, when running the robot in a cold
environment (0°C to 5°C).
ii Severe chemical or thermal environments, or similar environments, can result in shortened life
iii Examples of "extreme usage" in regard to movement: press tending, very severe palletizing
applications, major use of axis 1 movement.
iv The given life for the balancing device is based on a test cycle of 4,000,000 cycles that starts from
the initial position and goes to maximum extension, and back. Deviations from this cycle will result
in differences in expected life!
v Depending on application, the lifetime can vary. The Service Information System (SIS) that is
integrated in the robot software can be used as guidance when planning gearbox service for the
individual robot. This applies to gearboxes on axes 1, 2, 3 and 6. The lifetime of gearbox axes 4
and 5 is not calculated by SIS (See the Operating manual - Service Information System). In some
applications, such as Foundry or Washing, the robot can be exposed to chemicals, high temperature
or humidity, which can have an effect on the lifetime of the gearboxes. Contact the local ABB
Robotics Service team for more information.
The SIS for an IRC5 system is described in the Operating manual - Service Information System.

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3 Maintenance
3.3.1 Inspecting the oil level in axis-1 gearbox

3.3 Inspection activities

3.3.1 Inspecting the oil level in axis-1 gearbox

Location of gearbox
The axis-1 gearbox is located between the frame and base. See oil plugs in the
following figure.


A Oil plug, inspection

B Gearbox, axis 1
C Oil plug filling
D Motor, axis 1
E Drain hose (Behind cover)

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Lubricating oil See Type and
amount of oil in Note
gearboxes on
page 126. Do not mix with other oils!

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section

Standard tools on page 349.

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.3.1 Inspecting the oil level in axis-1 gearbox

Equipment Art. no. Note

Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.

Inspecting the oil level in axis-1 gearbox

Use this procedure to inspect the oil level in the axis-1 gearbox.
Action Note

Handling gearbox oil involves several safety risks,

see Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease) on page 34.


Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

3 Make sure that the oil temperature is +25°C ±10°C. This is a precaution to reduce the
temperature dependency of the
4 Open the oil plug, inspection. Shown in figure Location of gear-
box on page 100.
5 Measure the oil level. A
Required oil level: max. 10 mm below the oil plug


A Oil plug hole

B Required oil level
C Gearbox oil
6 Adjust the oil level, if required. Where to find type of oil and total
amount is detailed in Type of lub-
rication in gearboxes on page 126.
Further information about how to
fill with oil is found in section
Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox on
page 127.
7 Refit the oil plug. Tightening torque:

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3 Maintenance
3.3.2 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axes 2 - 3

3.3.2 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axes 2 - 3

Location of gearbox, axes 2-3

The gearboxes axes 2-3 are located in the lower arm rotational center, underneath
the motor attachment.


A Gearbox, axis 2
B Oil plug, draining
C Oil plug, filling
D Ventilation hole, gearbox axis 2

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.3.2 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axes 2 - 3


A Gearbox, axis 3
B Oil plug, draining
C Oil plug, filling
D Ventilation hole, gearbox axis 3

Required equipment

Equipment etc. Art.no. Note

Lubricating oil See Type and
amount of oil in Note
gearboxes on
page 126. Do not mix with other oils!

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section

Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below

Inspecting, oil level gearbox 2 - 3

Use this procedure to inspect the oil level in gearbox axes 2 - 3.
Action Note

Handling gearbox oil involves several safety risks,

see Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease) on page 34.

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.3.2 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axes 2 - 3

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

3 Open oil plug, filling See Location of gearbox, axes 2-3

on page 102.
4 Measure oil level at the oil plug, filling.
Required oil level: max. 5 mm below oil plug hole.
5 Add oil if required. Art.no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 103.
Filling of oil is detailed further in
section Changing oil, gearbox axes
2 and 3 on page 130.
6 Refit oil plug, filling. Tightening torque: 24 Nm.

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3 Maintenance
3.3.3 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axis 6

3.3.3 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axis 6

Location of gearbox
The axis 6 gearbox is located in the tilthouse unit as shown in this figure.



A Gearbox, axis 6
B Oil plug, filling
C Oil plug, draining

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Lubricating oil 3HAC0860-1 Optimol Optigear BM 100
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.3.3 Inspecting, oil level gearbox axis 6

Inspection, oil level axis-6 gearbox

Use this procedure to inspect the oil level in the axis-6 gearbox.
Action Note

Handling gearbox oil involves several safety risks,

see Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease) on page 34.


Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded space.

3 Open oil plug, filling. Shown in figure Location of gear-

box on page 105.
4 Required oil level: max. 5 mm below the oil plug
5 Add oil if required. Art. no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 105.
Further information about how to
fill the oil may be found in the
section Changing oil, gearbox axis
6 on page 134.
6 Refit oil plug, filling. Tightening torque: 20 Nm

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3 Maintenance
3.3.4 Inspecting, balancing device bearings and piston rod guide ring

3.3.4 Inspecting, balancing device bearings and piston rod guide ring

Location of balancing device

The figure shows the location of the balancing device.


A Balancing device
B Piston rod
C Guide ring (not visible in this figure)

Required equipment

Equipment Art.no Note

Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Locking liquid - Loctite 243
Auxiliary shaft, upper 3HAC5276-1
Auxiliary shaft, lower 3HAC5275-1
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.3.4 Inspecting, balancing device bearings and piston rod guide ring

Inspecting, bearings
Use this procedure to inspect the bearings, balancing device.
Action Note
1 Move axis 2 to calibration position.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safe-
guarded space.

3 Remove locknuts (KM10), sealing rings

and support washers.


A Ear (adjustable needle bearing located

B Support washer
C Lock nut KM10 (with sealing ring)
D Piston rod
E Guide ring (not visible in this view)
F Inner ring
4 Fit the auxiliary shafts on upper and Art. no. is specified in Required equipment
lower axes of balancing device. on page 107.
The shafts should be tightened to their
bottom position.

Continues on next page

108 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.4 Inspecting, balancing device bearings and piston rod guide ring

Action Note
5 Remove the protection hood from the
M12 hole on top of the balancing device.


A Attachment (seen from above)

B Protection hood
6 Unload the bearings using a M12x50
screw, in the hole for the protective hood,
at the cylinder top.
7 Pull out the cylinder a little, in order to Shown in previous figure in this procedure.
be able to inspect the inner rings without
removing the balancing cylinder.
8 Wipe the inner rings clean and check that
there are no pressure marks or other Note
similar deformations.
It is quite normal for the bearing races to
have a darker color than the surrounding

9 Inspect the bearings, support washers Shown in previous figure.

and sealing rings.
10 If any of the parts looks abnormal, re- Detailed in section Replacing the balancing
place. device on page 240.
11 Lubricate the shafts, if needed.
12 Push the cylinder back in. Make sure that the inner support washers
and sealing rings get in the correct position.
13 Remove the auxiliary shafts.
14 Remove the M12x50 screw.
Put back the protection hood in the hole. Note

Don´t forget to remove the screw!

If the screw isn´t removed it may damage the
balancing device, when the robot starts op-

15 Apply locking liquid on the lock nuts Tightening torque on the lock nuts:
(KM10) and refit them. • 120 Nm

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 109
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3 Maintenance
3.3.4 Inspecting, balancing device bearings and piston rod guide ring

Inspecting, piston rod guide ring

Use this procedure to inspect the piston rod guide ring for wear.
Action Note
1 Move axis 2 to a position where the balancing
device is in a horizontal position.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

3 Check the guide ring for wear.

Replace if necessary.


A Guide ring
B Circlip

If there is a risk of metallic contact between the

piston rod and the end cover, the guide ring
must be replaced!

110 Product manual - IRB 660

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3 Maintenance
3.3.5 Inspecting, cable harness

3.3.5 Inspecting, cable harness

Location of cable harness, axes 1-6

The axes-1-6 cable harness is shown below.


A Cable harness robot, axes 1-6

B Connectors at base
C Motor cables
D Cable guide, axis 2
E Metal clamps

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 111
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3 Maintenance
3.3.5 Inspecting, cable harness

Required equipment
Visual inspection, no tools are needed.

Inspecting cable harness, axes 1-6

Use this procedure to inspect cable harness of axes 1-6.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

2 Make an overall inspection of the cable har-

ness in order to detect wear and damage.
3 Check the connectors at the base. Shown in figure Location of cable har-
ness, axes 1-6 on page 111
4 Check the motor cables. Shown in figure Location of cable har-
ness, axes 1-6 on page 111.
5 If the robot is equipped with a fork lift device,
check that the velcro strap that holds the motor
cable is properly attached to the adapter.


Velcro strap
6 Check the cable guide axis 2. Shown in figure Location of cable har-
Replace if damaged. ness, axes 1-6 on page 111.

7 Check the metal clamps on the lower arm. Shown in figure Location of cable har-
ness, axes 1-6 on page 111

Continues on next page

112 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.5 Inspecting, cable harness

Action Note
8 Check the metal clamps holding the cable
harness inside the upper arm, as shown in
figure to the right.


A: Metal clamp inside upper arm

9 Check the metal clamp holding the motor cable Shown in figure Location of cable har-
on axis 6. ness, axes 1-6 on page 111.
10 Replace the cable harness if wear or damage Detailed in section:
is detected! Replacing cable harness, lower end
(axes 1-3) on page 154.
Replacing the cable harness, upper end
(incl. axis 6) on page 162.

Product manual - IRB 660 113

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3 Maintenance
3.3.6 Inspecting the information labels

3.3.6 Inspecting the information labels

Location of labels
These figures show the location of the information labels to be inspected. The
symbols are described in section Safety symbols on manipulator labels on page 23.


A Warning label concerning high temperature (located on motor cover) (4 pcs)

B Warning label, symbol of flash (located on motor cover) (4 pcs)
D Warning label concerning brake release
G Warning label
J Warning label
K Warning label concerning extended working range (option)
- Information labels at gearboxes and at robot base, specifying which oil is used
in gearboxes.

Continues on next page

114 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.6 Inspecting the information labels


C Instruction label
E Instruction label concerning lifting the robot
F Warning label concerning risk of tipping
H Warning label concerning stored energy
L Information label at base, Kyodo Yushi TMO 150 in gearboxes

Required tools and equipment

Visual inspection, no tools are required.

Inspecting, labels

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded space.

2 Inspect the labels, located as shown in the figures.

3 Replace any missing or damaged labels. Article numbers for the labels and
plate set is specified in Spare part
lists on page 355.

Product manual - IRB 660 115

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3 Maintenance
3.3.7 Inspecting the axis-1 mechanical stop pin

3.3.7 Inspecting the axis-1 mechanical stop pin


Mechanical stop pin can not be fitted onto robot if option 810-1 Electronic Position
Switch is used.


Mechanical stop pin can not be fitted onto robot if option 561-1 Extended work
range axis 1 is used.

Location of mechanical stop pin

The axis-1 mechanical stop is located as shown in the figure.


A Mechanical stop pin

B Fixed stop

Required equipment
Visual inspection, no tools are required.

Inspecting, mechanical stop pin

Use this procedure to inspect the axis-1 mechanical stop pin.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

Continues on next page

116 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.7 Inspecting the axis-1 mechanical stop pin

Action Note
2 Inspect the axis-1 mechanical stop pin.
If the mechanical stop pin is bent or damaged, it
must be replaced.


The expected life of gearboxes can be reduced

after collision with the mechanical stop.

3 Make sure the mechanical stop pin can move in

both directions.

Product manual - IRB 660 117

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3 Maintenance
3.3.8 Inspecting the additional mechanical stops

3.3.8 Inspecting the additional mechanical stops

Location of mechanical stops

This figure shows the location of the additional mechanical stops on axis 1. (The
figure shows IRB 7600 but the location on axis 1 is the same on IRB 660.)


A Additional mechanical stop

B Stop pin

Required equipment

Equipment etc. Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.

Inspecting, mechanical stops

Use this procedure to inspect the additional mechanical stops.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working area.

Continues on next page

118 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.8 Inspecting the additional mechanical stops

Action Note
2 Make sure no additional stops are damaged. Shown in figure Location of
mechanical stops on page 118.
3 Make sure the stops are properly attached.
Correct tightening torque, additional mechanical
• Axis 1 = 120 Nm.
4 If any damage is detected, the mechanical stops must Article number is specified in
be replaced. Required equipment on page 118.
Correct attachment screws:
• Axis 1: M16 x 35, quality 12.9.

Product manual - IRB 660 119

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3 Maintenance
3.3.9 Inspection, dampers

3.3.9 Inspection, dampers

Location of dampers
This figure shows the location of dampers.


A Damper, lower arm, upper (2 pcs)

B Damper, lower arm, lower (1 pc)
C Damper, axis 2 (2 pcs)
- Damper, axis 3 (2 pcs). Not visible in this view.

Continues on next page

120 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.9 Inspection, dampers

Required equipment

Equipment Art.no. Note

Damper lower arm, upper See Spare part lists on To be replaced if damaged.
page 355.
Damper lower arm, lower See Spare part lists on To be replaced if damaged.
page 355.
Damper axis 2, 3 See Inspection, To be replaced if damaged.
dampers on page 120.

Inspecting, dampers
Use this procedure to inspect the dampers.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

2 Check all dampers for damage, cracks or existing Shown in figure Location of
impressions larger than 1 mm. dampers on page 120.
3 Check attachment screws for deformation.
4 If any damage is detected, the damper must be Art.no. is specified in Required
replaced with a new one. equipment on page 121.

Product manual - IRB 660 121

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3 Maintenance
3.3.10 Inspection, position switch axis 1

3.3.10 Inspection, position switch axis 1

Position switch, axes 1

The illustration below shows the position switch for axis 1.


A Position switch, axis 1

B Cam
C Set screw, cam
D Protection sheet
E Rail
F Rail attachment

Required equipment

Equipment Art.no Note

Position switch, axis 1 3HAC 024854-001
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.

Continues on next page

122 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.10 Inspection, position switch axis 1

Inspection, position switch

The procedure below details how to inspect the position switch, axis 1.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

2 Check the position switch!

• Check that the rollers are easy to push in
and that they roll freely.
3 Check the rail!
• Check that the rail is firmly attached with
the attachment screws.
4 Check the cams!
• Check that the rollers have not caused
any impressions on the cams.
• Check that the cams are clean. Wipe them
if necessary!
• Check that the set screws holding the
cams in position are firmly attached.
5 Check the protection sheets on axis 1!
• Check that the three sheets are in position
and not damaged. Deformation can result
in rubbing against the cams!
• Check that the area inside of the sheets
is clean enough not to interfere with the
function of the position switch.
6 If any damage is detected, the position switch
must be replaced!

Product manual - IRB 660 123

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3 Maintenance
3.3.11 Inspecting the signal lamp (option)

3.3.11 Inspecting the signal lamp (option)

Location of signal lamp

The signal lamp is located as shown in this figure.


A Signal lamp
B Cable straps, outdoor
C Cable
D Connection point to cable gland

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Signal lamp kit See Spare part lists To be replaced if damage is detected.
on page 355.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Stand-
ard tools on page 349.

Inspecting, signal lamp

Use this procedure to inspect the function of the signal lamp.
Action Note
1 Inspect that signal lamp is lit when motors are put in
operation ("MOTORS ON").

Continues on next page

124 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.3.11 Inspecting the signal lamp (option)

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded space.

3 If the lamp is not lit, trace the fault by: Article number is specified in Re-
• inspecting whether the signal lamp is broken. quired tools and equipment on
If so, replace it. page 124.
• inspecting cable connections.
• measuring the voltage in the connectors of
motor axis 6 (=24V).
• inspecting the cabling. Replace the cabling if
a fault is detected.

Product manual - IRB 660 125

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3 Maintenance
3.4.1 Type of lubrication in gearboxes

3.4 Replacement/changing activities

3.4.1 Type of lubrication in gearboxes

This section describes where to find information about the type of lubrication,
article number and the amount of lubrication in the specific gearbox. It also
describes the equipment needed when working with lubrication.

Type and amount of oil in gearboxes

Information about the type of lubrication, article number as well as the amount in
the specific gearbox can be found in Technical reference manual - Lubrication in
gearboxes available for registered users on myABB Business Portal,

Location of gearboxes
The figure shows the location of the gearboxes.


A Gearbox, axis 1
B Gearbox, axis 2
C Gearbox, axis 3
D Gearbox, axis 6


Equipment Note
Oil dispenser Includes pump with outlet pipe.
Use the suggested dispenser or a similar one:
• Orion OriCan article number 22590
Nipple for quick connect fitting, with o-ring

126 Product manual - IRB 660

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3 Maintenance
3.4.2 Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox

3.4.2 Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox

Location of oil plugs

The axis-1 gearbox is located between the frame and base. See oil plugs in the
following figure.
trueThe oil is drained through a hose, which is located at the rear of the robot base.


A Oil plug, inspection

B Gearbox axis 1
C Oil plug, filling
D Motor, axis 1
E Drain hose

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Amount Note

Lubricating oil See Type and See Type
amount of oil in and Note
gearboxes on amount of
page 126. oil in gear- Do not mix with other oils!
boxes on
page 126.
Oil collecting vessel - Capacity: 8,000 ml.
Continues on next page
Product manual - IRB 660 127
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3 Maintenance
3.4.2 Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Amount Note

Oil exchange equip- 3HAC021745-001 Content is defined in section
ment Special tools on page 350.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.

Draining oil, axis-1 gearbox

Use this procedure to drain the oil in gearbox axis 1.
When using oil exchange equipment, follow the instructions enclosed with the kit.
Art. no. for the kit is specified in Required equipment on page 127.

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded


Handling gearbox oil involves several safety

risks, see Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease) on
page 34.

3 Remove rear cover on the base by unscrewing

its attachment screws.
4 Pull out the draining hose from the rear of the


The hose is located beneath the base,

seen from below.
A Oil draining hose
5 Place an oil vessel close to hose end. Vessel capacity is specified in Re-
quired equipment on page 127.
6 Remove oil plug, filling in order to drain oil Shown in figure Location of oil plugs
quicker! on page 127.

Continues on next page

128 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.4.2 Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox

Action Note
7 Open the hose end and drain the oil into a
vessel. Note

CAUTION Draining is time-consuming. Elapsed

time depends on the temperature of
Drain as much oil as possible. the oil.

8 Close the oil drain hose, and put it back inside

the base.
9 Refit rear cover by securing it with its attach-
ment screws.

Filling oil, axis-1 gearbox

Use this procedure to fill gearbox axis 1 with oil.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded space.


Handling gearbox oil involves several safety risks,

see Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease) on page 34.

3 Open the oil plug, filling. Shown in figure Location of oil

plugs on page 127.
4 Refill the gearbox with clean lubricating oil. Where to find type of oil and
The correct oil level is detailed in section Inspecting total amount is detailed in Type
the oil level in axis-1 gearbox on page 100. and amount of oil in gearboxes
on page 126.
5 Refit the oil plug, filling. Tightening torque: 24 Nm.

Product manual - IRB 660 129

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3 Maintenance
3.4.3 Changing oil, gearbox axes 2 and 3

3.4.3 Changing oil, gearbox axes 2 and 3

Location of oil plugs

Gearboxes, axes 2 and 3, are located in lower arm rotational center, underneath
motor attachment.
The figure shows the position of gearbox, axis 2.


A Gearbox axis 2
B Oil plug, draining
C Oil plug, filling
D Ventilation hole plug, gearbox axis 2

Continues on next page

130 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.4.3 Changing oil, gearbox axes 2 and 3

The figure shows position of gearbox, axis 3.


A Gearbox, axis 3
B Oil plug, draining
C Oil plug, filling
D Ventilation hole plug, gearbox axis 3

Required equipment

Equipment etc. Art. no. Amount Note

Lubricating oil See Type and See Type and
amount of oil in amount of oil in Note
gearboxes on gearboxes on
page 126. page 126. Do not mix with other oils!

Oil collecting vessel Capacity: 6,000 ml

Oil exchange equip- 3HAC021745-001 Content is defined in section
ment Special tools on page 350.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.4.3 Changing oil, gearbox axes 2 and 3

Draining, axes 2 and 3

Use this procedure to drain oil in gearbox axes 2 and 3.
When using oil change equipment, follow the instructions enclosed with kit.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded


Handling gearbox oil involves several safety

risks, see Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease)
on page 34.

3 Remove the ventilation hole plug. Shown in Location of oil plugs on

page 130.
4 Remove the oil plug, draining, and drain gear- Shown in Location of oil plugs on
box using a hose with a nipple and an oil col- page 130.
lecting vessel. Vessel capacity is specified in Re-
quired equipment on page 131.
Draining is time-consuming.
Elapsed time varies depending on the
temperature of the oil.
5 Refit the oil plug, draining. Tightening torque: 24 Nm.

Filling, axes 2 and 3

Use this procedure to fill gearboxes of axes 2 and 3 with oil.
When using oil change equipment, follow the instructions enclosed with kit.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded


Handling gearbox oil involves several safety

risks, see Gearbox lubricants (oil or grease)
on page 34.

Continues on next page

132 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.4.3 Changing oil, gearbox axes 2 and 3

Action Note
3 Remove the oil plug, filling. (Ventilation hole Shown in Location of oil plugs on
plug should also be removed.) page 130.
Tightening torque: 24 Nm.
4 Refill gearbox with lubricating oil. Art.no. and total amount are specified
The amount of oil to be filled depends on the in Required equipment on page 131.
amount that was previously drained.
5 Refit oil plug,filling and ventilation hole plug. Shown in Location of oil plugs on
page 130.
Tightening torque: 24 Nm.

Product manual - IRB 660 133

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3 Maintenance
3.4.4 Changing oil, gearbox axis 6

3.4.4 Changing oil, gearbox axis 6

Location of oil plugs

Gearbox axis 6 is located in the center of the tilt house unit.



A Gearbox, axis 6
B Oil plug, filling
C Oil plug, draining

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Amount Note

Lubrication oil 3HAC032140-001 250 ml Kyodo Yushi TMO 150
Do not mix with other oil types!
Oil exchange equipment 3HAC021745-001
Oil collecting vessel Vessel capacity: 400 ml.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.

Draining, oil
Use this procedure to drain oil from gearbox axis 6.
When using oil change equipment, follow the instructions enclosed with kit.
Action Note
1 Put tilt house in a suitable position.

Continues on next page

134 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.4.4 Changing oil, gearbox axis 6

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

3 Drain oil from gearbox into a vessel by removing Shown in figure Location of oil plugs
oil plug, draining. on page 134.
Also remove oil plug, filling. Vessel capacity is specified in Re-
quired equipment on page 134.
4 Refit oil plugs, draining and filling. Tightening torque: 20 Nm.

Filling, oil
Use this procedure to fill gearbox axis 6 with oil.
When using oil change equipment, follow the instructions enclosed with kit.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded

2 Remove the oil plug, filling. Shown in figure Location of oil

plugs on page 134.
3 Refill the gearbox with lubricating oil. Art. no. and the total amount are
Amount of oil to be refilled depends on the specified in Required equipment
amount that was previously drained. Correct oil on page 134.
level is detailed in section Inspection, oil level
axis-6 gearbox on page 106.
4 Refit the oil plug. Tightening torque: 20 Nm

Product manual - IRB 660 135

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3 Maintenance
3.4.5 Replacing the SMB battery

3.4.5 Replacing the SMB battery


The battery low alert (38213 Battery charge low) is displayed when the battery
needs to be replaced. The recommendation to avoid an unsynchronized robot
is to keep the power to the controller turned on until the battery is to be replaced.
For a SMB board with 3-pole battery contact (RMU101 3HAC044168-001 or
RMU102 3HAC043904-001), the lifetime of a new battery is typically 36 months.
For a SMB board with 2-pole battery contact (DSQC), the typical lifetime of a new
battery is 36 months if the robot is powered off 2 days/week or 18 months if the
robot is powered off 16 h/day. The lifetime can be extended for longer production
breaks with a battery shutdown service routine. See Operating manual - IRC5
with FlexPendant for instructions.


See Hazards related to batteries on page 35.

Location of SMB battery

The SMB battery (SMB = serial measurement board) is located on the left hand
side of the frame as shown in the figure.

Battery pack with a 2-pole battery contact (DSQC)


A SMB battery cover

B SMB battery pack
C Battery cable

Continues on next page

136 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.4.5 Replacing the SMB battery

Battery pack with a 3-pole battery contact (RMU)


A Battery pack RMU

B Holder for battery
C SMB cover
D Battery cable
E Battry holder
F Guide pin (2 pcs)
G SMB unit

Required equipment


There are two variants of SMB units and batteries. One with 2-pole battery contact
(DSQC) and one with 3-pole battery contact (RMU). The variant with the 3-pole
battery contact has longer lifetime for the battery.
It is important that the SMB unit uses the correct battery. Make sure to order the
correct spare parts. Do not exchange battery contacts!

Equipment, etc. Spare part no. Note

Battery unit For spare part no. Battery includes protection circuits. Only re-
see: place with a specified spare part or an ABB-
• Spare part approved equivalent.
lists on
page 355
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard tools
on page 349.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 137
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3 Maintenance
3.4.5 Replacing the SMB battery

Equipment, etc. Spare part no. Note

Circuit diagram - See chapter Circuit diagrams on page 357.

Removing, battery
Use this procedure to remove the SMB battery.
Action Note
1 Move the robot to its calibration position. This is done in order to facilitate
updating of the revolution counter.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the

unit please read the safety information in the sec-
tion The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 49

4 Remove the SMB battery cover by unscrewing the Shown in figure Location of SMB
attachment screws. battery on page 136.


Clean cover from metal residues before opening.

Metal residues can cause shortage on the boards
which can result in hazardous failures.

5 Pull out the battery and disconnect the battery Shown in figure Location of SMB
cable. battery on page 136.
6 Remove the SMB battery. Shown in figure Location of SMB
Battery includes protection circuits. Only replace battery on page 136.
with a specified spare part or with an ABB- ap-
proved equivalent.

Continues on next page

138 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.4.5 Replacing the SMB battery

Refitting, battery
Use this procedure to refit the SMB battery.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the

unit please read the safety information in the sec-
tion The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 49

3 Reconnect the battery cable and install the battery Art. no. is specified in Required
pack into the SMB/battery recess. equipment on page 137.
Shown in figure Location of SMB
Note battery on page 136.
RMU batteries are installed together with a battery
holder to be properly secured inside the recess.
See figure.
Strap the battery cable to the holder.


A Battery pack RMU

B Battery holder
C Battery cable
D Strap
4 Secure the SMB battery cover with its attachment Shown in figure Location of SMB
screws. battery on page 136.
5 Update the revolution counters. Detailed in chapter Calibration -
section Updating revolution coun-
ters on IRC5 robots on page 315.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 139

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3 Maintenance
3.5.1 Lubricating balancing device bearings and piston rod

3.5 Lubrication activities

3.5.1 Lubricating balancing device bearings and piston rod

This procedure details how to lubricate the balancing device´s bearings and piston

Location of bearings and piston rod

This figure shows the location of bearings and piston rod.
Note! Balancing device must be fitted on robot when lubricating bearings!


A Ear (bearing located inside)

B Support washer
C Lock nut
D Piston rod
E Guide ring (not visible in this view)

Continues on next page

140 Product manual - IRB 660
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3 Maintenance
3.5.1 Lubricating balancing device bearings and piston rod

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Lubrication tool 3HAC5222-2
Bearing grease 3HAC042536- Equivalent:
001 • Shell Gadus S2
Cleaning agent - Isopropanol
Piston rod grease - Choose any of following equivalents:
• Shell: SRS Grease 4000
• Preem: Novatex Heavy EP 2
• Castrol: Entrepenadfett
• Statoil: Uniway 2X2N
Locking liquid - Loctite 243
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include references
be required. See references to to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.

Lubricating, bearings
Use this procedure to lubricate the balancing device bearings.
Action Note
1 Move axis 2 to calibration position.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded space.

3 Remove the locknut. Be careful not to loose the sup-

port washer in the process.
4 Fit the lubricating tool. It should be tightened to the
bottom, by hand only.
5 Grease through nipple on the lubricating tool.
6 Continue filling grease until clean grease exudes be-
hind the inner sealing ring.
Repeat this procedure at the other bearing!
7 Remove the lubricating tool and clean the threads on Also clean of old grease on the
the shaft ends of grease. inner side!
8 Apply some grease to the support washers.
9 Apply locking liquid on the lock nuts (KM10). Tightening torque on lock nuts:
• 120 Nm

Do not apply locking liquid on the shafts!

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.5.1 Lubricating balancing device bearings and piston rod

Action Note
10 Check play between support washer and bearings at Minimum play:
both bearings. • 0.1 mm

Lubricating, piston rod

Use this procedure to lubricate the balancing device piston rod.
Action Note
1 Position axis 2 so that the balancing device is hori-
zontal and the piston rod is extended to the greatest
extent possible.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded space.

3 Clean piston rod with isopropanol before applying

new grease.
4 Apply new grease. Type of grease is specified in
Required equipment on page141.

142 Product manual - IRB 660

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3 Maintenance
3.6.1 Cleaning the IRB 660

3.6 Cleaning activities

3.6.1 Cleaning the IRB 660


Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the safeguarded space.

To secure high uptime it is important that the IRB 660 is cleaned regularly. The
frequency of cleaning depends on the environment in which the product works.
Different cleaning methods are allowed depending on the type of protection of the
IRB 660.


Always verify the protection type of the robot before cleaning.

Oil spills
Oil spills from gearboxes
Use the following procedure if any oil spills are detected that can be suspected to
originate from a gearbox.
1 Inspect that the oil level in the suspected gearbox is according to the
recommendations, see Inspection activities on page 100.
2 Write down the oil level.
3 Inspect the oil level again after, for example, 6 months.
4 If the oil level is decreased then replace the gearbox.

Special cleaning considerations

This section specifies some special considerations when cleaning the robot.
• Always use cleaning equipment as specified. Any other cleaning equipment
may shorten the life of the robot.
• Always check that all protective covers are fitted to the robot before cleaning.
• Never point the water jet at connectors, joints, sealings, or gaskets.
• Do not use compressed air to clean the robot.
• Never use solvents that are not approved by ABB to clean the robot.
• Do not spray from a distance closer than 0.4 m.
• Do not remove any covers or other protective devices before cleaning the

Continues on next page

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3 Maintenance
3.6.1 Cleaning the IRB 660

Cleaning methods
The following table defines what cleaning methods are allowed depending on the
protection type.
Protection Cleaning method
Vacuum Wipe with cloth Rinse with water High pressure water or
cleaner steam
Standard Yes Yes. With light Yes. It is highly re- No
cleaning deter- commended that
gent. the water contains
a rust-prevention
solution and that
the manipulator is
dried afterwards.

Cleaning with water and steam

Instructions for rinsing with water
ABB robots with protection types Standard, Foundry Plus, Wash, or Foundry Prime
can be cleaned by rinsing with water (water cleaner). 1
The following list defines the prerequisites:
• Maximum water pressure at the nozzle: 700 kN/m 2 (7 bar) I

• Fan jet nozzle should be used, min. 45° spread

• Minimum distance from nozzle to encapsulation: 0.4 meters
• Maximum flow: 20 liters/min I
I Typical tap water pressure and flow

Movable cables need to be able to move freely:
• Remove waste material, such as sand, dust and chips, if it prevents cable
• Clean the cables if they have a crusty surface, for example from dry release

1 See Cleaning methods on page 144 for exceptions.

144 Product manual - IRB 660

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4 Repair
4.1 Introduction

4 Repair
4.1 Introduction

Structure of this chapter

This chapter describes repair activities for the IRB 660. Each procedure contains
the information required to perform the activity, for example spare parts numbers,
required special tools, and materials.


Repair activities not described in this chapter must only be carried out by ABB.

Report replaced units


When replacing a part on the IRB 660, report to your local ABB the serial number,
the article number, and the revision of both the replaced unit and the replacement
This is particularly important for safety equipment to maintain the safety integrity
of the installation.

Safety information
Make sure to read through the chapter Safety on page 19 before commencing any
service work.


If the IRB 660 is connected to power, always make sure that the IRB 660 is
connected to protective earth and a residual current device (RCD) before starting
any repair work.
For more information see:
• Product manual - IRC5
• Product manual - IRC5 Panel Mounted Controller

Product manual - IRB 660 145

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4 Repair
4.2.1 Performing a leak-down test

4.2 General procedures

4.2.1 Performing a leak-down test

When to perform a leak-down test

After refitting any motor and gearbox, the integrity of all seals enclosing the gearbox
oil must be tested. This is done in a leak-down test.

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Article number Note

Leak-down tester -
Leak detection spray -

Performing a leak-down test

Action Note
1 Finish the refitting procedure of the motor or gear in
2 Remove the upper oil plug on the gear and replace
it with the leak-down tester.
Regulators, which are included in the leak-down test,
may be required.
3 Use caution, apply compressed air and raise the Correct value:
pressure with the knob until the correct value is 0.2-0.25 bar (20-25 kPa)
shown on the manometer.


The pressure must under no circumstance be higher

than 0.25 bar (20-25 kPa). Also during the time when
the pressure is raised.

4 Disconnect the compressed air supply.

5 Wait for approximately 8-10 minutes and make sure If the compressed air is signific-
that no pressure loss occurs. antly colder or warmer than the
gearbox to be tested, a slight
pressure increase or decrease
may occur. This is quite normal.
6 If any pressure drop occurred, then localize the leak
as described in step 7.
If no pressure drop occurred, then remove the leak-
down tester and refit the oil plug. The test is complete.
7 Spray any suspected leak areas with the leak detec-
tion spray. Bubbles indicate a leak.
8 When the leak has been localized, take the necessary
measures to correct the leak.

146 Product manual - IRB 660

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4 Repair
4.2.2 Mounting instructions for bearings

4.2.2 Mounting instructions for bearings

This section describes how to mount and grease different types of bearings on the


Equipment, etc. Article number Note

Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Used to grease the bearings, if not
specified otherwise.

Assembly of all bearings

Attend to the following instructions while mounting a bearing on the robot.
Action Note
1 To avoid contamination, let a new bearing remain in its wrapping
until it is time for fitting.
2 Ensure that the parts included in the bearing fitting are free from
burrs, grinding waste, and other contamination. Cast components
must be free of foundry sand.
3 Bearing rings, inner rings, and roller elements must not be subjec-
ted to direct impact. The roller elements must not be exposed to
any stresses during the assembly work.

Assembly of tapered bearings

Follow the preceding instructions for the assembly of the bearings when mounting
a tapered bearing on the robot.
In addition to those instructions, the following procedure must be carried out to
enable the roller elements to adjust to the correct position against the race flange.
Action Note
1 Tension the bearing gradually until the recommended pre-tension is achieved.


The roller elements must be rotated a specified number of turns before pre-
tensioning is carried out and also rotated during the pre-tensioning sequence.

2 Make sure the bearing is properly aligned as this will directly affect the durab-
ility of the bearing.

Greasing of bearings


This instruction is not valid for solid oil bearings.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.2.2 Mounting instructions for bearings

The bearings must be greased after assembly according to the following

• The bearings must not be completely filled with grease. However, if space
is available beside the bearing fitting, the bearing may be totally filled with
grease when mounted, as excessive grease will be pressed out from the
bearing when the robot is started.
• During operation, the bearing should be filled to 70-80% of the available
• Ensure that grease is handled and stored properly to avoid contamination.
Grease the different types of bearings as following description:
• Grooved ball bearings must be filled with grease from both sides.
• Tapered roller bearings and axial needle bearings must be greased in the
split condition.

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4 Repair
4.2.3 Mounting instructions for sealings

4.2.3 Mounting instructions for sealings

This section describes how to mount different types of sealings.


Consumable Article number Note

Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2

Rotating sealings
The procedure below describes how to fit rotating sealings.


Please observe the following before commencing any assembly of sealings:

• Protect the sealing during transport and mounting, especially the main lip.
• Keep the sealing in its original wrappings or protect it well before actual
• The fitting of sealings and gears must be carried out on clean workbenches.
• Use a protective sleeve for the main lip during mounting, when sliding over
threads, keyways or other sharp edges.

Action Note
1 Check the sealing to ensure that:
• The sealing is of the correct type.
• There is no damage on the main lip.
2 Inspect the shaft surface before mounting. If scratches
or damage are found, the shaft must be replaced since
it may result in future leakage. Do not try to grind or
polish the shaft surface to get rid of the defect.
3 Lubricate the sealing with grease just before fitting. Article number is specified in
(Not too early - there is a risk of dirt and foreign Equipment on page 149.
particles adhering to the sealing.)
Fill 2/3 of the space between the dust lip and the main
lip with grease. If the sealing is without dust lip, just
lubricate the main lip with a thin layer of grease.


A Main lip
B Grease
C Dust lip

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.2.3 Mounting instructions for sealings

Action Note
4 Mount the sealing correctly with a mounting tool. A
Never hammer directly on the sealing as this may
result in leakage.


A Gap

Flange sealings and static sealings

The following procedure describes how to fit flange sealings and static sealings.
1 Check the flange surfaces. They must be even and free from pores.
It is easy to check flatness using a gauge on the fastened joint (without sealing com-
If the flange surfaces are defective, the parts may not be used because leakage could
2 Clean the surfaces properly in accordance with the recommendations of ABB.
3 Distribute the sealing compound evenly over the surface, preferably with a brush.
4 Tighten the screws evenly when fastening the flange joint.

The following procedure describes how to fit o-rings.
Action Note
1 Ensure that the correct o-ring size is used.
2 Check the o-ring for surface defects, burrs, Defective o-rings, including damaged
shape accuracy, or deformation. or deformed o-rings, may not be used.

Continues on next page

150 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.2.3 Mounting instructions for sealings

Action Note
3 Check the o-ring grooves.
The grooves must be geometrically correct and
should be free of pores and contamination.
4 Lubricate the o-ring with grease.
5 Tighten the screws evenly while assembling.
6 Check that the o-ring is not squashed outside
the o-ring groove.

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4 Repair
4.2.4 Cut the paint or surface on the robot before replacing parts

4.2.4 Cut the paint or surface on the robot before replacing parts

Follow the procedures in this section whenever breaking the paint of the robot
during replacement of parts.

Required equipment

Equipment Spare parts Note

Cleaning agent Ethanol
Lint free cloth
Touch up paint Standard/Foundry 3HAC067974-001 Graphite White
Touch up paint Standard/Foundry 3HAC037052-001 ABB Orange


Action Description
1 Cut the paint with a knife in the joint between
the part that will be removed and the struc-
ture, to avoid that the paint cracks.


2 Carefully grind the paint edge that is left on

the structure to a smooth surface.

152 Product manual - IRB 660

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4 Repair
4.2.5 The brake release buttons may be jammed after service work

4.2.5 The brake release buttons may be jammed after service work

The brake release unit has push-buttons for the brake release of each axis motor.
When service work is performed inside the SMB recess that includes removal and
refitting of the brake release unit, the brake release buttons may be jammed after


If the power is turned on while a brake release button is jammed in depressed

position, the affected motor brake is released. This may cause serious personal
injuries and damage to the robot.

To eliminate the danger after service work has been performed inside the SMB
recess, follow the procedure below.
1 Make sure the power is turned off.
2 Remove the push-button guard, if necessary.
3 Verify that the push-buttons of the brake release unit are working by pressing them
down, one by one.
Make sure none of the buttons are jammed in the tube.
4 If a button gets jammed in the depressed position, the alignment of the brake release
unit must be adjusted so that the buttons can move freely in their tubes.

Product manual - IRB 660 153

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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

4.3 Complete robot

4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

The cable harness 1-6 is undivided.
How to replace the cable harness is described in two steps - lower end (axes 1-3)
and upper end (axis 6). This procedure describes how to replace the lower end of
the cable harness. How to replace the upper end can be found in section Replacing
the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6) on page 162.

Location of cable harness - lower end (axes 1-3)

The cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3) is located throughout the base, frame and
lower arm as shown in the figure.


A Cable harness, lower end

B Cable harness, upper end
C Connector R1.MP
D Connector R1.SMB
E Attachment point for earth lug
F Cover plate
G Rear cover plate
H Cable gland, SMB
I Cable guide, axis 2

Continues on next page

154 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

J Metal clamp, frame

K Metal clamp, lower arm
L Metal clamp, upper arm
M Metal clamp, tilthouse


A Cable guide, axis 2

B Metal clamp
C Connector at base
D Cable guide, axis 1
E Cable harness, axes 1-6
F Cover plate
G Rear cover plate
H Attachment point for earth lug

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

The motors axes 2-3 are located on either side of the robot as shown in the figure


A Motor, axis 2
B Motor, axis 3
C Motor attachment screws and washers
D Cable gland cover (located on the lower side of the motor)
E Motor cover

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Cable harness 1-6 For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355
Gasket 3HAC3537-1 Motor, axes 1-3
Replace if damaged.
Standard toolkit - The content is defined in the sec-
tion Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and proced- - These procedures include refer-
ures may be required. See ences to the tools required.
references to these proced-
ures in the step-by-step in-
structions below.
Circuit diagram - See Circuit diagrams on page 357.

Removing the cable harness - lower end (axes 1-3)

Use this procedure to remove the cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3).
Action Note
1 Move the robot to the calibration position. This is done in order to facilitate updat-
ing of the revolution counter.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working

3 Remove the rear cover plate from the robot by Shown in Location of cable harness -
removing its attachment screws. lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
4 Disconnect the earth cable. Shown in Location of cable harness -
lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
5 Disconnect the connectors R1.MP and R1.SMB. See the figure Location of cable har-
ness - lower end (axes 1-3) on
page 154.
6 Unscrew the screws of the cable guide axis 2
inside the lower arm and loosen the cable


• A: Cable guide ax 2
7 Unscrew the screws in the metal clamps hold- Shown in Location of cable harness -
ing the cable harness in the frame and lower lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
8 Unscrew the screws of the motor covers for
axes 1, 2 and 3 and lift away the covers. This
is done in order to reach the motor connectors.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

Action Note
9 Disconnect all connectors at motors for axes See sections:
1, 2 and 3. • Replacing motor, axis 1 on
page 255
• Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3
on page 262
10 Open the SMB cover carefully.


11 Disconnect connector R1.G on the battery

cable between the battery and the SMB unit.


This causes a necessary updating of the revolu-

tion counter after refitting!

12 Disconnect connectors R2.SMB, R1.SMB1-3,

R1.SMB6 from the SMB unit.
13 Disconnect X8, X9 and X10 from the brake re-
lease unit.
14 Remove the SMB cover and put somewhere
15 Unscrew the screws for the cable gland SMB
from inside the SMB recess and lift the cable
gland out.
Perform this removal with care, in order not to
damage any of the components inside the SMB


Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

Action Note
16 Gently pull the cable harness out from the base
through the cable guide, axis 1 and frame.


17 Continue removing the cable harness in the See section Replacing the cable har-
upper arm. ness, upper end (incl. axis 6) on
page 162.

Refitting, cable harness - lower end (axes 1-3)

Use this procedure to refit the cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3).
Action Note
1 Push the cable harness and connectors down
through the cable guide axis 1 in the center of
the frame.


Make sure the cables are not twisted with each

other or with customer harness (if any)!


Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

Action Note
2 Pull out the cables and connectors of the SMB
unit through the frame and refit the cable gland
with its attachment screws from inside the SMB
Perform this refitting with care, in order not to
damage any of the components inside the SMB


3 Reconnect connectors R1.MP and R1.SMB at Tightening torque for R1.SMB: 10 Nm.
the robot base. Attachment points are shown in the
figure Location of cable harness -
lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
4 Reconnect the earth cable.


5 Refit the rear cover plate to the robot base with Shown in Location of cable harness -
its attachment screws. lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
6 Reconnect all connectors at motors axes 1, 2 See sections:
and 3 and refit the motor covers. • Replacing motor, axis 1 on
page 255
• Replacing motors, axes 2 and
3 on page 262
7 Reconnect connectors R2.SMB, R1.SMB1-3,
R1.SMB6 of the SMB unit.
Reconnect X8, X9 and X10 to the brake release
Reconnect R1.G.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.1 Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3)

Action Note
8 Secure the SMB cover with its attachment
If cabling is used for 7th axis (option), refit the
connector R2.FB7 to the SMB cover and tighten
with 6 Nm.

Before continuing any service work, please

observe the safety information in section The
brake release buttons may be jammed after
service work on page 153.

10 Push the cable harness up through the lower

11 Refit the metal clamps holding the cable har- Shown in Location of cable harness -
ness in the frame and lower arm with its attach- lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
ment screws.
12 Refit the cable guide, axis 2.


13 Continue refitting the cable harness in the upper See section Replacing the cable har-
arm. ness, upper end (incl. axis 6) on
page 162.
14 Update the revolution counter! See section Updating revolution
counters on IRC5 robots on page 315.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

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4 Repair
4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

Replacement of the cable harness is detailed in two steps - lower end (axes 1-3)
and upper end. The procedure below details replacement of the cable harness in
the upper end (incl. axis 6). The procedure for replacing the lower end (axis 1-3)
is detailed in section Replacing cable harness, lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.

Location of cable harness, upper end

The upper end of the cable harness is located as shown in the figure.


A Cable harness, lower end

B Cable harness, upper end
C Connector R1.MP
D Connector R1.SMB
E Attachment point for earth lug
F Cover plate
G Rear cover plate
H Cable gland, SMB
I Cable guide, axis 2
J Metal clamp, frame
K Metal clamp, lower arm
L Metal clamp, upper arm

Continues on next page

162 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

M Metal clamp, tilthouse

The motor axis 6 is located as shown in the figure below.


A Motor, axis 6
B Attachment screws and washers
C Cable gland cover
D Motor cover

Required equipment

Equipment, etc Art.no. Note

Cable harness, 1-6 For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355
Gasket - Motor, axis 6
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include
be required. See references to references to the tools re-
these procedures in the step-by- quired.
step instructions below.
Circuit diagram See chapter Circuit dia-
grams on page 357.

Removing cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

Use this procedure to remove the cable harness, upper arm (incl. axis 6).
Action Note
1 Move the robot to the calibration position. This is done in order to facilitate updating
of the revolution counter.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

3 If the complete cable harness is being re- Detailed in section Replacing cable har-
placed, start removal by removing the cable ness, lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154.
harness, lower end.
4 Remove the axis 6 motor cover by removing
its attachment screws, in order to reach the


Remove the cable gland cover at the cable

exit by unscrewing its attachment screw on
the inside.


Make sure the gasket is not damaged!


• A: Screw securing the cable gland

5 Disconnect connectors at axis 6 motor.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

Action Note
6 Remove the metal clamp that holds the
cable at the tilt house, by removing its nuts.


7 Carefully pull the cable harness out of motor

axis 6.
8 Remove the nuts (on the outside of the up-
per arm) that secure the cable harness
metal clamps inside the upper arm (2 + 2


9 Carefully pull out the cable harness from

the upper and lower arm.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

Refitting cable harness, upper end

Use this procedure to refit the cable harness, upper end.
Action Note
1 Start by fitting the cable harness, lower end Detailed in section Replacing cable har-
if it has been removed. ness, lower end (axes 1-3) on page 154
2 Push the cable harness through the upper
arm tube.
3 Refit the cable harness inside the upper arm
by refitting the cable clamps with the nuts
(2 + 2 pcs) from the outside of the upper


4 Refit the metal clamp at the tilthouse with

its nuts.


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166 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.3.2 Replacing the cable harness, upper end (incl. axis 6)

Action Note
5 Push the axis 6 motor cables carefully
through the cable gland.


Do not twist the cables!

6 Reconnect all connectors in motor axis 6.

7 Check the gasket. If damaged, replace it.
8 Refit the cable gland with its attachment


• A: Screw holding the cable gland

Make sure the gasket is not damaged!
Replace if damaged.
9 Refit the cover, motor axis 6 with its attach-
ment screws and washers. Make sure the
cabling is placed correctly when refitting
the cover and does not get jammed.


Make sure the cover is tightly sealed!


10 Update the revolution counter! Detailed in section Updating revolution

counters on IRC5 robots on page 315.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 167

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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

The term complete arm system used in this procedure is defined as the complete
robot excluding:
• base
• gearbox axis 1

Location of the base

The location of the base, including gearbox axis 1, is shown in the figure. It also
shows the complete arm system as defined above.


A Parallel rod
B Linkage
C Complete upper arm (incl. tilthouse)
D Balancing device
E Frame
F Gearbox, axis 1
G Base
H Base attachment screws

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168 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Guide pins M12 x 130 3HAC022637-001 Used to guide the complete
arm system when refitting.
Always use the guide pins in
Guide pins that are longer
than 140 mm will not be pos-
sible to remove because the
lack of space.
Lifting accessory 3HAC15607-1 Includes:
• user instructions,
Roundsling 1 pc: 1,5 m
Lifting capacity 1,000 kg
Hoisting block - Used to adjust the length of
the lifting chain.
Power supply - 24 VDC, max. 1.5 A
For releasing the brakes.
Crank - Used to turn the gear when
mating it to the frame.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include
may be required. See refer- references to the tools re-
ences to these procedures in quired.
the step-by-step instructions
Circuit diagram - See chapter Circuit diagrams
on page 357.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removing the complete arm system

Use this procedure to remove the complete arm system.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning
the repair procedure.
2 Move the robot to the transport position.



Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot work-
ing area.

4 Run an overhead crane to a position above

the robot.

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170 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
5 Remove the block for calibration and the axis
1 calibration plate.


A Block for calibration

B Calibration plate axis 1
6 Drain the axis 1 gearbox. See Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox on
page 127.
7 Loosen the cable connectors from the base See Replacing cable harness, lower end
and pull up the cabling from the base, (axes 1-3) on page 154.
through the hole in the center of the frame.
8 Remove the axis 1 motor. See Replacing motor, axis 1 on page 255.

The robot arm system weighs 245 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized

10 Fit the lifting accessories and adjust it as Make sure the lift is done completely
described in the enclosed user instructions. level.
This is detailed in section Lifting robot
with lifting accessory on page 58.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
11 Unfasten the arm system from the base by
unscrewing the attachment screws.


A Serrated lock washer

B Axis 1 gearbox
C Attachment screws M12x80
12 Fit two guide pins in the holes. This will facil- Article number is specified in Required
itate the removal of the complete arm system equipment on page 169.
and prevent damage on the gearbox.
13 Lift the complete arm system carefully and
secure it in a safe area. Note

Note Make sure all hooks and attachments stay

in the correct position while lifting the arm
Continue lifting even if the arm system turns system and that the lifting accessory does
out to be unbalanced despite earlier adjust- not wear against sharp edges.
ments! The risk of damaging the interface is
bigger if the load is lowered unbalanced!


Always move the robot at very low speed,

making sure it does not tip!

14 If needed, continue to remove the axis 1 See Replacing the axis 1 gearbox on
gearbox from the base. page 280.

Refitting the complete arm system

Use this procedure to refit the complete arm system.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot work-
ing area.

2 Refit the axis 1 gearbox, if it has been re- See Replacing the axis 1 gearbox on
moved. page 280.

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172 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

Action Note

The robot arm system weighs 245 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized

4 Fit the lifting accessories and adjust it as Article number is specified in Required
described in the enclosed user instructions. equipment on page 169.
Also fit a hoisting block to the front chain, Make sure the lift is done completely
used to adjust the balance of the arm system level! How to adjust the lift is described
in order to lift it completely level! in the enclosed instruction to the lifting
accessory! Follow the instructions be-
fore lifting!
This is detailed in section Lifting robot
with lifting accessory on page 58.
5 Lift the complete arm system and move it at
very low speed to the mounting site, making Note
sure it does not tip!
Make sure all hooks and attachments stay
Note in the correct position while lifting the arm
system and that the lifting accessory does
The refitting must be made completely level! not wear against sharp edges.
Make sure the roundslings are adjusted prior
to refitting the arm system.

6 Fit two guide pins in opposite holes in the



In order to make refitting easier it is recom-

mended to use two guide pins of different
lengths. Notice that longer guide pins than
140 mm will not be possible to remove after
refitting because of lack of space.


The figure above shows the frame, view

from below.
• A: Attachment holes for the guide
pins, M12
Dimension is specified in Required
equipment on page 169.


Always use guide pins in pairs.

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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
7 Look through the empty mounting hole of the
axis 1 motor to assist in aligning the as-
sembly during refitting of the complete arm
8 Lower the complete arm system with guid-
ance from the guide pins previously fitted to CAUTION
the axis 1 gearbox.
This is a complex task to be performed
Note with utmost care in order to avoid injury
or damage!
The refitting must be made completely level! Use a crank to turn the gearbox in order
Make sure the roundslings are adjusted prior to find the right position for the holes.
to refitting the arm system.

9 Place the serrated lock washers on the attach- Reused screws can be used providing
ment screws. they are lubricated as described in Screw
joints on page 345.

Check that the serrated lock washers are

turned the correct way. See figure!


A Serrated lock washer (24 pcs)
B Axis 1 gearbox
C Attachment screws M12x110 qual-
ity 12.9 gleitmo (24 pcs)
10 Fit 22 of the 24 attachment screws before the
arm system is completely lowered.
This is done in order to be able to attach all
screws into the threads correctly.
11 Replace the guide pins with the remaining
attachment screws and secure the complete
arm system to the base with its attachment
screws and washers.
12 Lower the arm system completely.
13 Secure the complete arm system with its at- Tightening torque:
tachment screws. • 115 Nm.
14 Refit the cable harness in the base and the See Replacing cable harness, lower end
frame. (axes 1-3) on page 154.
15 Refit the axis 1 motor. See Replacing motor, axis 1 on page 255.

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174 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.3.3 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
16 Refit the block for calibration and the axis 1
calibration plate.


A Block for calibration

B Calibration plate axis 1
17 Perform a leak-down test of the axis 1 gear- See Performing a leak-down test on
box. page 146.
18 Refill the axis 1 gearbox with lubricating oil. See Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox on
page 127.
19 Recalibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described in
Operating manual - Calibration Pendulum,
enclosed with the calibration tools.
Axis Calibration is described in Calibrat-
ing with Axis Calibration method on
page 319.
General calibration information is included
in section Calibration on page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

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4 Repair
4.4.1 Replacing the turning disk

4.4 Upper and lower arm

4.4.1 Replacing the turning disk

Location of turning disk

The turning disk is located in the front of the wrist housing as shown in the figure


A Turning disk
B Attachment screws (6 pcs) turning disk
C Tilthouse unit
D Gearbox, axis 6
E Attachment screws, axis 6

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Turning disk For spare part no. O-rings are not included!
see: Spare part lists
on page 355.
O-ring 3HAB3772-65 (1pc) For robot v. IRB 660 180/3.15,
Wrist, type 1 21520431-20 (6 pcs) 250/3.15
Must be replaced when replacing
the turning disk!
Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Used to lubricate the o-rings.
Flange sealant 3HAC034903-001 Loctite 574

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176 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.1 Replacing the turning disk

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include refer-
be required. See references to ences to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-
by-step instructions below.

Removing, turning disk

Use this procedure to remove the turning disk.
Action Note
1 Run the robot to a position where the tilthouse is
best positioned for the turning disk to be replaced.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working area.

3 Remove any equipment fitted to the turning disk.

4 Drain the axis 6 gearbox. See section
• Changing oil, gearbox axis
6 on page 134
5 Remove the attachment screws that secure the Shown in the figure Location of
turning disk. turning disk on page 176.
6 Remove the turning disk.
7 Foundry Plus:
Remove old flange sealant residues and other con-
tamination from the contact surfaces.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.4.1 Replacing the turning disk

Refitting, turning disk

Use this procedure to refit the turning disk.
Action Note
1 Lubricate the o-ring of the turning disk with Art. no. is specified in Required equip-
grease and fit it to the turning disk. ment on page 176.
Also fit the six o-rings, when refitting the attach-
ment screws.


• A: Sealing surface, o-ring

2 Foundry Plus:
Apply Loctite 574 flange sealant on the contact


3 Secure the turning disk with its attachment 6 pcs M14 x 25, 12.9 quality.
screws. Tightening torque: 175 Nm
Reused screws may be used, providing
they are lubricated as detailed in sec-
tion Screw joints on page 345 before fit-
4 Perform a leak-down test of the gearbox axis Detailed in the section Performing a
6. leak-down test on page 146.
5 Refill the axis 6 gearbox with oil. See section
• Changing oil, gearbox axis 6 on
page 134
6 Refit any equipment removed during disas-
sembly to the turning disk.

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178 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.1 Replacing the turning disk

Action Note

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Location of tilt house

The tilthouse unit is located as shown in the figure below.


A Tilthouse unit
B Upper arm
C Upper rod
D Screw M6x10
E Washer 6.4x12x1.6
F Ballplug
G Protection cap

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180 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Location of axes 2 and 3 sides of the robot

The figure below shows the location of the axes 2 and 3 sides of the robot. See
markings on the lower arm (axis 2) and the parallel arm (axis 3).


A Axis 2 side of the robot

B Axis 3 side of the robot

Cut away view of the assembly of the tilthouse unit

The figure below shows a cut away view of how the tilthouse unit is fitted to the
upper arm. The letters in the figure are being referred to in the step by step
procedures below.


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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

A Axis 2 side
B Axis 3 side
C VK cover, VK 19 x 6, 2 pcs
D VK cover, VK 68 x 8, 2 pcs
E Screw M6 x 10 Steel 8.8-A2F + Washers, 4 + 4 pcs (for filling bearing grease)
F Retaining ring fore bores, 2 pcs
G Rust protection, Dinitrol 490
H Upper arm
I Tilthouse
J Bearing, 2 pcs (on the outside of the tilthouse)
K Bearing, 2 pcs (on the inside of the tilthouse)
L Ring
M Shaft, 2 pcs
N Radial seal with dustlip, 2 pcs
O Lock nut, KM7 2 pcs
P Screw M6x16 + washer (for locking the shafts), 2 + 2 pcs

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Press tool, premounting 3HAC023075-001
Press tool, mounting axis 6 3HAC077982-001 Hydraulic pressing accessory.
User instructions are enclosed
with the tool.
KM7 socket 6369901-438
Shims Width = 3 mm
Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Rust protection Dinitrol 490
Locking liquid Loctite 243
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures in
the step-by-step instructions
Circuit diagram - See chapter Circuit diagrams on
page 357.

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Press tool premounting bearing

The press tool for premounting the bearing race, bearing complete, radial seal with
dustlip and ring in the tilthouse, is assembled with the parts shown in the figure


Note! The parts cannot be ordered separatly, but are inluded when ordering the
complete tool. The article numbers are given only for identification.
A Hydraulic cylinder, 3HAC 11731-1
B Mounting washer, 3HAC 023075-004
C Bushing, 3HAC 023075-006
D Screw M6x25, 2 pcs (MC6S)
E Threaded washer, 3HAC 5507-1
F Press washer, 3HAC 023075-002
G Threaded bar, M16 L = 300 mm

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removal, tilthouse
This procedure describes how to remove the tilthouse unit.
The item letters within parentheses refer to the figure Cut away view of the assembly
of the tilthouse unit on page 181.

Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning the
repair procedure.
2 Move the robot to a position where the tilthouse
rests on a workbench, pallets or similar.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working

4 Secure the tilthouse with a roundsling in an

overhead crane.
This is done in order to prevent the tilthouse
from falling down when the upper link is re-


If not secured the tilthouse will fall down when

the upper link is removed. See figure!


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184 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
5 Disassemble the upper link from the tilt house Detailed in section Replacement of
unit. linkage - upper rod on page 204


It is not needed to remove the upper link from

the link.


Upper link
6 Disconnect motor cables from motor axis 6. Detailed in section Replacing the
Place the motor cables in a way that it will not cable harness, upper end (incl. axis
be damaged. 6) on page 162

7 Remove one of the M6 screws and washer at

the cover for filling grease.


• A: Screw M6, grease filling hole

8 Be careful not to damage the ball plug! Shown in the figure Location of tilt
house on page 180.

Do not remove the ball plug!

9 Remove one shaft at a time by following the

steps below.

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
10 Use compressed air in the M6 hole for filling Put a hand with some paper over the
grease, in order to remove the VK cover. VK cover in order to catch it.


Only a very low air pressure is needed!


M6 screw in hole for filling
VK cover
11 Remove the screw that locks the shaft.


• A: Screw M6x16
• B: Shaft
• C: Upper arm

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
12 Remove the small VK cover from the inside with
the help of a punch.


13 Remove the lock nut.


14 Apply the press tool, mounting axis 6 in the Art.no. is specified in Required equip-
following way: ment on page 182.
• Push the threaded bar M16 through the
holes in the shafts.
• Apply the washer and the nut on the right
side of the right shaft.
• Put the distance ring on the bar on the
left side of the shaft
• Apply the hydraulic pump on the bar
• Secure the hydraulic pump with a nut.
Remove the shaft with the press tool, mounting
axis 6.


A longer threaded bar M16 is needed when re-

moving the shaft than the one specified when

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
15 Press out the shaft.


A Shaft
16 Remove the press tool, mounting axis 6 and
the shaft.


17 Check that the tilthouse is secured in a over-

head crane or similar before proceeding with
the next shaft.
18 Remove the other shaft in the same way. Follow steps above.

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
19 Lift the tilthouse to a safe place. Check that bearings are kept clean, if
being refitted.


20 Force away the sealing ring (N) with a screw- The sealing must be replaced with a
driver or similar. new one when refitting.
21 If needed change the bearings.

Premounting tilthouse bearings and other parts, axis 2 side

The procedure below details how to fit the bearings and other parts in the tilthouse
on the axis 2 side, before fitting the tilthouse to the upper arm.
This work is best done on a workbench or similair.
Action Note
1 Lift the tilthouse to a workbench (or similair)
with a roundsling in an overhead crane.
2 Apply some grease in the hole for the bearings Art.no. is specified in Required equip-
(J) and (K). ment on page 182.
Shown in the figure Cut away view of
the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
page 181.
3 Fit two retaining rings for bores (F). Shown in the figure Cut away view of
the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
page 181.
4 Fit the outer race of the bearing (J) facing the Shown in the figure Cut away view of
outside of the tilthouse. Use a plastic hammer the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
or similair. page 181.
5 Thread the radial seal with dustlip (N) and the Shown in the figure Cut away view of
inner bearing complete (K) on the presswasher the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
(F) of the pressing tool, premounting bearings. page 181.
Shown in the figure Press tool pre-
mounting bearing on page 183.
Art.no. is specified in Required equip-
ment on page 182.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
6 Thread the race of the outer bearing (J) on the Shown in the figure Cut away view of
bushing (C) of the pressing tool, premounting the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
bearings. page 181.
Shown in the figure Press tool pre-
mounting bearing on page 183.
Art.no. is specified in Required equip-
ment on page 182.
7 Fit the pressing tool and press the parts togeth-

Premounting tilthouse bearings and other parts, axis 3 side

The procedure below details how to fit the bearings and other parts in the tilthouse
on the axis 3 side, before fitting the tilthouse to the upper arm.
This work is best done on a workbench or similair.
Action Note
1 Apply some grease in the hole for the bearings Art.no. is specified in Required
(J) and (K). equipment on page 182.
Shown in the figure Cut away view of
the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
page 181.
2 Fit the outer race of the bearing (J) facing the Shown in the figure Cut away view of
outside of the tilthouse. Use a plastic hammer the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
or similiar. page 181.
3 Thread the radial seal with dustlip (N), the inner Shown in the figure Cut away view of
bearing complete (K) and the ring (L) on the the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
press washer (F) of the pressing tool, premount- page 181.
ing bearings. Shown in the figure Press tool pre-
mounting bearing on page 183.
Art.no. specified in Required equip-
ment on page 182.
4 Thread the race of the outer bearing (J) on the Shown in the figure Cut away view of
bushing (C) of the pressing tool, premounting the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
bearings. page 181.
Shown in the figure Press tool pre-
mounting bearing on page 183.
Art.no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 182.
5 Fit the pressing tool and press the parts togeth-

Refitting, tilt house

The procedure below details how to refit the tilthouse unit.
Before starting this procedure, prepare the tilthouse as detailed in the procedures
Premounting tilthouse bearings and other parts, axis 2 side on page 189 and
Premounting tilthouse bearings and other parts, axis 3 side on page 190.

Action Note
1 Secure the tilthouse with a roundsling in an
overhead crane and lift it to its mounting posi-
tion on the upper arm.

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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
2 Apply Dinitrol 490 (G) on the surfaces where Shown in the figure Cut away view of
the tilthouse faces the upper arm for rust pro- the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
tection. page 181.
3 Apply some grease in the holes for the shafts Art. no. is specified in Required
(M) in the upper arm. equipment on page 182.
Shown in the figure Cut away view of
the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
page 181.
4 Note! Fit the axis 2 side first. Shown in the figure Location of axes
2 and 3 sides of the robot on page 181.
5 Push the axis 2 shaft (M) into its hole, from the Shown in the figure Cut away view of
inside. the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
page 181.
6 Thread the race of the bearing (J) facing the Shown in the figure Cut away view of
outside of the tilthouse, on the press housing the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
(C) of the press tool, mounting axis 6 and fit it page 181.
on the shaft (M). Shown in the figure Press tool mount-
ing axis 6.
Art. no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 182.


Go to the user instructions enclosed with the

press tool.


Handling the tool incorrectly will cause serious

Read and follow enclosed user instructions for
the tool.

7 Fit the rest of the press tool, mounting axis 6 Art. no. is specified in Required
from the outside of the tilthouse.Secure the equipment on page 182.
parts with the flange locknut (F). Shown in the figure Press tool mount-
ing axis 6.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 191
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
8 Insert the shims in the space between the tilt- Art. no. is specified in Required
house and the upper arm on the axis 2 side. equipment on page 182.


• Shims, width = 3 mm
• A: 68 mm
9 Press the parts together.
10 Fit the axis 3 side in the same way, by following
steps 4 through 6.
11 Insert the shims in the space between the tilt-
house and the upper arm on the axis 3 side.
12 Press the parts together.
13 Apply locking liquid on the lock nut, KM7 axis Loctite 243.
2 side and fit it with the flat surface facing in- Tightening torque: 90 Nm
14 Apply locking liquid on the lock nut, KM7 axis Loctite 243.
3 side and fit it with the flat surface facing in- Tightening torque: 90 Nm
15 Apply locking liquid in the holes for the screws
locking the shafts and fit screws and washers
on both sides, locking the shafts.


• A: Screw M6x16
• B: Shaft
• C: Upper arm

Continues on next page

192 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.2 Replacement of tilthouse unit

Action Note
16 Fit the inner VK cover (C) on both axes. Shown in the figure Cut away view of
the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
page 181.
17 Fit the outer VK cover (D) on both axes. Shown in the figure Cut away view of
the assembly of the tilthouse unit on
page 181.
18 Fill bearings with grease. Specified in Required equipment on
page 182.
19 Refit the motor cable, axis 6. Detailed in section Replacing the
cable harness, upper end (incl. axis
6) on page 162
20 Refit the M6 screw and washer at the cover for
filling grease.


• A: Screw M6, grease filling hole

21 Refit the upper rod. Detailed in section Replacement of
linkage - upper rod on page 204
22 Recalibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described in
Operating manual - Calibration Pendu-
lum, enclosed with the calibration
Axis Calibration is described in Calib-
rating with Axis Calibration method on
page 319.
General calibration information is in-
cluded in section Calibration on
page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 193

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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Location of upper arm

The upper arm is located as shown below.


A Upper arm
B Motor axis 6
C Balancing device
D Lower arm
E Parallel rod
F Linkage

Continues on next page

194 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

View of the assembly of the upper arm components

Shown below is a cut away view of how the upper arm is fitted to the lower arm
(seen from above). The letters are being referred to in the following step by step


A Shaft, axis 2
B Shaft, axis 3
C Set screw, cup point (M10 x 20)
D Lubricant paste (Molycote 1000)
E Sealing ring (V-ring)
F Sealing ring
G Taper roller bearing
H O-ring
I Sealing ring
J Sealing assembly
K Lock nut (KM12)
L O-ring (Di = 54.2 mm, t = 5.7 mm)

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 195
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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Upper arm, axis 4 For spare part part num-
ber, see Spare part lists on
page 355.
Support ring For spare part part num- 2 pcs
ber, see Spare part lists on Install on a new upper arm.
page 355.
Adapter 3HAC071308-001 Used on the axis-3 shaft.
Grease filling tool -
Rust preventive 3HAC034903-001 Mercasol 3110 Waxcoat
Press tool, support ring 3HAC072616-001 Used to press in the support rings
in the upper arm housing.
Pressing tool, upper arm 3HAC023084-001 Used on the bearings.
KM12 socket 3HAC023739-001
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and proced- These procedures include refer-
ures may be required. See ences to the tools required.
references to these proced-
ures in the step-by-step in-
structions below.
Circuit diagram - See chapter Circuit diagrams on
page 357.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.

Continues on next page

196 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Action Note
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removal, upper arm

The procedure below details how to remove the upper arm.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning
the repair procedure.
2 Remove all equipment fitted to the turning
3 Move the upper arm to a horizontal position.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

5 Secure the upper arm with roundslings in

an overhead crane.
6 Remove the cable harness in the upper arm. Detailed in section

The complete upper arm with weighs 170

kg (without any additional equipment fitted).
Use a suitable lifting accessory to avoid in-
jury to personnel!

8 Raise the lifting equipment to take the

weight of the upper arm.
9 Remove the balancing device. Detailed in section Replacing the balan-
cing device on page 240
10 Remove the linkage. Detailed in section Replacement of linkage
- upper rod on page 204
Detailed in section Replacing the linkage
- lower rod on page 208
Detailed in section Replacement of linkage
- link on page 212
11 Remove the parallel rod. Detailed in section Replacing the parallel
rod on page 219

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Action Note
12 Remove the shaft, axis 3 (B): Shown in the figure View of the assembly
1 Remove the lock nut (K). of the upper arm components on page 195.
2 Remove the set screw (C) holding Perform the removal with care. Threads
the shaft. can otherwise be damaged!
3 Put the adapter on the shaft. Art.no. is specified in Required equipment
4 Remove the shaft. on page 196

13 Then remove the shaft, axis 2 (A) in the Shown in the figure View of the assembly
same order: of the upper arm components on page 195.
1 Remove the lock nut (K)
2 Remove the set screw (C) holding Note
the shaft
3 Remove the shaft axis 2. The adapter is not needed on this shaft!

14 Put the shafts in a clean and safe place.

15 Remove the upper arm.

Continues on next page

198 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Preparations before refitting, upper arm

The procedure below details the preparations which must be done before refitting
the upper arm.
Action Note
1 Prepare the shafts: Shown in the figure View of the assembly
• Put the shafts (A & B) on a workbench of the upper arm components on page 195.
and fit the sealing rings (E).
• Lubricate the sealing rings with
• Apply some grease on the shafts.


Don´t apply grease on the threads

and cones of the shafts!

• Apply lubricant paste (D) on the

threads and cones of the shafts.
Molycote 1000.
• Foundry Plus:
Apply rust preventive on the surfaces
on the shaft, according to illustration.


Apply rust preventive to the shafts on

both sides of the robot.


2 Prepare the bearings: Art. no. is specified Required equipment

Fill the bearings (G) with bearing grease. on page 196
Use grease filling tool. Shown in the figure View of the assembly
of the upper arm components on page 195.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Action Note
3 Install two support rings to the upper arm: Art. no. is specified Required equipment
1 Fit a support ring to the press tool and on page 196
lubricate with grease for easier as-
2 Press in the support ring to the upper
arm housing by screwing on the press
tool assembly. Tighten with 120 Nm.
3 Remove the press tool. The support
ring is now fitted to the upper arm
4 Repeat the procedure on the other


If the support ring is mounted askew, there xx1900001713

is a risk of play between the shaft and the
upper arm. Make sure the support rings are
aligned correctly (level) inside the upper arm



Refitting, upper arm

The procedure below details how to refit the upper arm.
Action Note
1 Secure the upper arm with roundslings in
an overhead crane.

The complete upper arm with weighs 170

kg (without any additional equipment fitted).
Use a suitable lifting accessory to avoid in-
jury to personnel!

Continues on next page

200 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Action Note
3 Lift the upper arm with an overhead crane
and move it to its mounting position.
Make sure that the upper arm is placed in
a horizontal position.

Refit the axis 3 side first!

5 Refit the axis-3 shaft: Shown in the figure View of the assembly
1 Carefully refit the shaft, axis 3 (B) by of the upper arm components on page 195.
hand only. Art. no. is specified Required equipment
Do not use force since the threads on page 196
can be damaged if fitting is not done Loctite 243.
in the correct way.
2 Put the adapter on the shaft and fit
Secure the shaft.
Tightening torque: 800 Nm.
3 Refit the sealing ring (F) on the shaft.
4 Refit the bearing (G) on the shaft with
the pressing tool, upper arm.
5 Fit an o-ring (H) on the sealing ring
(I) and fit it on the shaft.


The o-ring shall be faced against the


6 Fit the o-ring (L) on the sealing as-

sembly (J) and refit the sealing as-
sembly on the shaft.
7 Apply locking liquid (Loctite 243) on
the lock nut (K) and refit it using a
KM12 socket.
Tightening torque 90 Nm.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Action Note
6 Refit the axis-2 shaft: Shown in the figure View of the assembly
1 Carefully refit the shaft, axis 2 (A) by of the upper arm components on page 195.
hand only. Art. no. is specified Required equipment
Do not use force since the threads on page 196
can be damaged if fitting is not done Loctite 243.
in the correct way.
2 Secure the shaft.
Tightening torque: 800 Nm.
3 Refit the sealing ring (F) on the shaft.
4 Refit the bearing (G) on the shaft with
the pressing tool, upper arm.
5 Fit an o-ring (H) on the sealing ring
(I) and fit it on the shaft.


The o-ring shall be faced against the


6 Fit the o-ring (L) on the sealing as-

sembly (J) and refit the sealing as-
sembly on the shaft.
7 Apply locking liquid (Loctite 243) on
the lock nut (K) and refit it using a
KM12 socket in three steps:
a Fit the lock nut with a tighten-
ing torque of 300 Nm.
b Unscrew the lock nut.
c Fit the lock nut once again.
This time with a tightening
torque of 90 Nm.
7 Apply locking liquid in the holes for the set Shown in the figure View of the assembly
screws (C) and fit the screws. of the upper arm components on page 195
Loctite 243.
Tightening torque: 35 Nm.
8 Wipe residual grease from the shafts.
9 Refit the parallel rod. Detailed in section Replacing the parallel
rod on page 219
10 Refit the cable harness, upper end. Detailed in section
11 Refit the linkage. Detailed in section Replacement of linkage
- upper rod on page 204
Detailed in section Replacing the linkage
- lower rod on page 208
Detailed in section Replacement of linkage
- link on page 212
12 Refit the balancing device. Detailed in section Replacing the balan-
cing device on page 240
13 Recalibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described in Op-
erating manual - Calibration Pendulum,
enclosed with the calibration tools.
Axis Calibration is described in Calibrating
with Axis Calibration method on page 319.
General calibration information is included
in section Calibration on page 309.

Continues on next page

202 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.3 Replacement of upper arm

Action Note

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 203

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4 Repair
4.4.4 Replacement of linkage - upper rod

4.4.4 Replacement of linkage - upper rod

The link system consists of three basic parts - upper rod, lower rod and link. These
procedures describes how to remove and refit the upper rod.

Location of upper rod

The upper rod is located as shown in the figure below.


A Lower rod
B Upper rod
C Link

Required equipment

Equipment Spare part no. Art no. Note

Upper rod 3HAC023744-003 White RAL 9003
Needle bearing 3HAC3311-1 Replace if damaged.
Bearing grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Used to lubricate the bear-
Locking liquid 3HAB7116-1 Loctite 243

Continues on next page

204 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.4 Replacement of linkage - upper rod

Equipment Spare part no. Art no. Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and pro- These procedures include
cedures may be re- references to the tools re-
quired. See refer- quired.
ences to these pro-
cedures in the step-
by-step instructions

Removal, upper rod

The procedure below details how to remove the upper rod of the linkage.
Action Note
1 Put the robot in a position where it is possible Check especially that it is possible to re-
to reach all parts that shall be removed. move the lock nut at the link.
2 Let the tilthouse rest on a workbench, on
some pallets or similar.
This is done in order to prevent the tilthouse
from falling downwards when the upper rod
is removed.



Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot work-
ing area.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 205
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4 Repair
4.4.4 Replacement of linkage - upper rod

Action Note
4 Remove the lock nuts and support washers
holding the upper rod at each end.


5 Remove the upper rod as shown in the figure.


The support washers on the inside of the rod

can stick to the grease of the bearings when
the rod is being removed.
Remove them from the link arm!


6 Remove the support washers and the sealing

7 Remove residual grease.

Refitting, upper rod

The procedure below details how to refit the upper rod of the linkage.
Action Note
1 If needed, replace the bearings in the rod. Spare part no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 204.

The bearings are sensitive for pushes. Make

sure they are not damaged!

Continues on next page

206 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.4 Replacement of linkage - upper rod

Action Note
2 Lubricate the bearings properly with bearing Specified in Required equipment on
grease. page 204.
3 Refit the sealing rings on the shaft ends of
the link and tilthouse.
4 Refit the support washers on the shaft ends.
5 Lubricate the shaft ends lightly with grease.
6 Refit the upper rod to its place on the shafts. Check that the rod is pushed in com-
7 Refit the support washers on the outside of
the upper rod on the shaft ends.


Lock nut (2 pcs)

Support washer (2 pcs)
8 Apply locking liquid on the threads for the
lock nuts.
9 Refit the lock nuts on the link and tilthouse, Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
using locking liquid.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 207

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4 Repair
4.4.5 Replacing the linkage - lower rod

4.4.5 Replacing the linkage - lower rod

The linkage consists of three basic parts - upper rod, lower rod and link. The
procedures below details how to remove and refit the lower rod.
How to replace the upper rod and link, see:
• Replacement of linkage - upper rod on page 204.
• Replacement of linkage - link on page 212

Location of lower rod

The lower rod is located as shown in the figure below.


A Lower rod
B Upper rod
C Link

Required equipment

Equipment Art no. Note

Lower rod For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355

Continues on next page

208 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.5 Replacing the linkage - lower rod

Equipment Art no. Note

Needle bearing For spare part no. see: Replace if damaged.
• Spare part lists on
page 355
Bearing grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Locking liquid 3HAB7116-1 Loctite 243
KM10 socket - Standard
Standard toolkit Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures
in the step-by-step instruc-
tions below.

Removal, lower rod

Use this procedure to remove the lower rod of the linkage.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

2 If the upper rod is removed, secure the link

with a roundsling in a crane. Use the hole
in the middle of the link.


This is done in order to prevent the link

from moving if both the upper rod and
lower rod are removed.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.4.5 Replacing the linkage - lower rod

Action Note
3 Remove the lock nuts and support washers
that hold the lower rod at each end.


The support washers can stick to the grease

and can easily be forgotten and lost when
removing the lock nuts.


The link weighs .

All lifting accessories used must be sized

5 Remove the lower rod by lifting it straight



The support washers on the inside of the

rod can stick to the grease of the bearings
when the rod is being removed. Remove
them from the rod!

6 Remove the inner support washers and the

sealing/spacer rings.
7 Remove residual grease.

Refitting, lower rod

Use this procedure to refit the lower rod of the linkage.
Action Note
1 If needed, replace the bearings. Spare part no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 208.

The bearings are sensitive for pushes. Make

sure they are not damaged!

2 Lubricate the bearings properly with bearing Specified in Required equipment on

grease. page 208.
3 Refit the sealing/spacer rings to the shaft
ends on the link and frame.
4 Refit the support washers on the seal- Replace if damaged.
ing/spacer rings.

Putting some grease on the support

washers will keep them in position.

5 Check that the bearings in the lower rod are

fitted correctly, that is in the center of the
hole. (The same distance from bearing to
the edge of the lower rod on both sides.)

Continues on next page

210 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.5 Replacing the linkage - lower rod

Action Note

The link weighs .

All lifting accessories used must be sized

7 Place the lower rod on the shaft ends of the

link and frame.


Check that the lower rod is pushed com-

pletely in.

8 Refit the support washers on the outside of

the lower rod, on the link and frame shafts.
9 Apply locking liquid on the threads of the Specified in Required equipment on
lock nuts. page 208.
10 Refit the lock nuts on the shaft ends. Use a Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
KM10 socket.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

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4 Repair
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

The linkage consists of three basic parts - upper rod, lower rod and link. The
procedures below details how to remove and refit the link.
How to replace the upper rod and lower rod, see:
• Replacement of linkage - upper rod on page 204.
• Replacing the linkage - lower rod on page 208.

Location of link
The link is located as shown in the figure.


A Lower rod
B Upper rod
C Link

Cut away view of the assembly of the link

The figure shows a cut view of how the link is fitted.

Continues on next page

212 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Link For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355
Auxiliary shaft 3HAC023081-004 Used for bearings.
Pressing tool, link 3HAC023081-001 Used to press the link on the shaft
Pressing tool, link 3HAC077981-001 Hydraulic pressing accessory used to
press the outer rings of the bearings
in the link.
User instructions are enclosed with
the tool.
Lubrication tool 3HAC5222-1
Sealing compound 3HAC073510-001 Trans7
Locking liquid 3HAB7116-1 Loctite 243
Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Standard toolkit Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.
Other tools and proced- These procedures include references
ures may be required. See to the tools required.
references to these proced-
ures in the step-by-step
instructions below.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 213
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4 Repair
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

Action Note
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removal, link
Use this procedure to remove the link of the linkage.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning
the repair procedure.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

3 Secure the link with a roundsling in a crane.

Use the hole in the middle of the link.
This is done to prevent the link from moving
when the upper rod and lower rod are re-


4 Remove the upper rod and lower rod. Detailed in section Replacement of linkage
- upper rod on page 204
Detailed in section Replacing the linkage
- lower rod on page 208
5 Fit the auxiliary shaft on the shaft. Art.no. is specified in Required equipment
on page 213

Continues on next page

214 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

Action Note
6 Remove screw and washer in the hole for
filling grease.


7 Use compressed air to remove the VK cov-

er. Blow with a very low air pressure into
the hole for filling grease.


Only a very low air pressure is needed!


Put one hand with some paper on top of

the VK cover in order to catch it when re-

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 215
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4 Repair
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

Action Note
8 Remove the lock nut (KM8).



The link weighs approximately .

All lifting accessories used must be sized

10 Put the end of the link facing the upper rod, Normally a not too hard knock is needed
downwards in order to find room to knock to loosen the link.
on it from the inside as close to its center Note! Loosen the roundsling some before
as possible. knocking! Otherwise the link may be
locked by the lifting power.
11 Use a pair of levers, to bend the link loose.
12 Remove the link.
13 Remove the support ring with the radial
14 Wipe off residual grease.
15 If needed, replace the bearings and radial

Fitting outer races of the bearing and sealing in the link

Action Note
1 Put the link on a workbench.

Continues on next page

216 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

Action Note
2 Fit the new outer races using the mounting Art.no. is specified in Required equipment
tool. on page 213


Go to the user instructions enclosed with

the press tool.


Handling the tool incorrectly will cause ser-

ious injury.
Read and follow enclosed user instructions
for the tool.

Refitting, link
Use this procedure to refit the link of the linkage.
Action Note

The link weighs .

All lifting accessories used must be sized

2 Secure the link with a roundsling in an

overhead crane and lift it to the mounting
3 Fit the auxiliary shaft on the shaft. Art.no. is specified in Required equipment
on page 213
4 Apply sealing compound on the support Sealing compound: 3HAC073510-001
ring. (Trans7).
5 Fit the support ring, with the radial seal fit- Replace the radial seal if needed!
ted, on the shaft.
6 Lubricate and place the bearings and link
on the shaft, in the following order:
• bearing
• link
• bearing
7 Apply the pressing tool and secure the link. Art.no. is specified in Required equipment
on page 213
8 Apply locking liquid on the lock nut. Loctite 243

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 217
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.6 Replacement of linkage - link

Action Note
9 Secure the lock nut in these three steps:
1 Tighten with a torque of 300 Nm.
2 Unscrew the lock nut.
3 Tighten the lock nut finally with a
tightening torque of 90 Nm.


The recommended order of tightening the

lock nut is important to follow to avoid future
problems with the shaft.

10 Refit the VK cover.

11 Fill the link with grease. Use lubrication tool. Art.no. is specified in Required equipment
on page 213


12 Refit the screw and washer in the hole for

filling grease.
13 Refit the upper rod to the link. Detailed in section Replacement of linkage
- upper rod on page 204
14 Refit the upper rod to the link. Detailed in section Replacing the linkage
- lower rod on page 208
15 Recalibrate the robot! Pendulum Calibration is described in Op-
erating manual - Calibration Pendulum,
enclosed with the calibration tools.
Axis Calibration is described in Calibrating
with Axis Calibration method on page 319.
General calibration information is included
in section Calibration on page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

218 Product manual - IRB 660

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.7 Replacing the parallel rod

4.4.7 Replacing the parallel rod

Location of parallel rod

The parallel rod is located as shown in the figure.


A Parallel rod

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Parallel rod For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355.
Mounting/Demounting tool 3HAC5021-1
Locking liquid 3HAB7116-1 Loctite 243
Rust preventive 3HAC034903-001 Mercasol 3110 Waxcoat
Protection plug 3HAC4836-2 F21 28x22, 4x12x9
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 219
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.7 Replacing the parallel rod

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures
in the step-by-step instruc-
tions below.

Removing, parallel rod

Use this procedure to remove the parallel rod. The procedure is the same in both
ends of the parallel rod.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.


Secure the upper arm with a roundsling in

an overhead crane or similar, in order to
avoid accidents.

3 Foundry Plus:
Remove the protection plugs
4 Remove the upper lock screw and washer,
that secure the parallel rod in position.


• A: Lock screw M6x16

Continues on next page

220 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.7 Replacing the parallel rod

Action Note
5 Remove the upper shaft (A) and cover Art. no. is specified in Required equipment
washer (B), using the fitting/removing tool. on page 219.


A Shaft
B Cover washer
C Parallel rod
D Sealed spherical bearing
E Bearing grease
F Thrust washer
6 Remove the thrust washer (F). See figure above!

The parallel rod weighs .

All lifting accessories used must be sized

8 Move the parallel rod backwards from its See figure above and Location of parallel
upper connection point and let it rest rod on page 219!
against the frame and base.
9 Secure the parallel rod with a roundsling in
an overhead crane or similar.
10 Remove the lower end of the parallel rod in See figure above!
the same way as the upper end:
1 Remove the lower lock screw and
2 Remove the lower shaft (A )and cover
washer (B).
3 Remove the thrust washer (F).
11 Remove the parallel rod from the robot.
12 Replace the bearings (D), if necessary. See figure above!

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 221
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.7 Replacing the parallel rod

Refitting, parallel rod

Use this procedure to refit the parallel rod. The procedure is the same in both ends
of the parallel rod.
Action Note
1 Start by refitting the lower end.
2 Verify that the bearings are in correct posi-
tion in the parallel rod.

The parallel rod weighs .

All lifting accessories used must be sized

4 Lift the parallel rod to the mounting position

of the lower end, and let it rest on the the
frame and base.
5 Foundry Plus:
Apply rust preventive on the highlighted


Rust preventive should be applied in both

ends of the parallel rod.


6 Put the thrust washer (F) on the axis 2 side

of the parallel rod (C).


A Shaft
B Cover washer
C Parallel rod
D Sealed spherical bearing
E Bearing grease
F Thrust washer
7 Put the cover washer (B) on the axis 3 side See figure above!
of the parallel rod.

Continues on next page

222 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.7 Replacing the parallel rod

Action Note
8 Refit the shaft (A) by pressing it through the Art. no. is specified in Required equip-
parallel bar with the fitting/removing tool. ment on page 219.
See figure above!
9 Apply locking liquid in the hole of the lock Loctite 243
10 Refit the lock screw and plain washer.


• A: Lock screw M6x16

11 Lift the parallel rod up into position for fitting
the upper end.
12 Refit the upper end of the parallel rod in the
same way as the lower end.
13 Foundry Plus:
Refit the protection plugs.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 223

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Location of lower arm

The complete lower arm is located as shown in the figure below.


A Lower arm
B Parallel arm

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Lower arm For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355.
Sealing, axes 2/3 Always change the sealing.
Guide sleeves 3HAC14446-1 Used to keep the axes 2/3 sealing
in place during refitting of lower
Crank 3HAC023132-001
Lock screw - M16x90
Lifting tool, lower arm com- 3HAC8446-1

Continues on next page

224 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures in
the step-by-step instructions
Circuit diagram See chapter Circuit diagrams on
page 357.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removal, lower arm

The procedure below details how to remove the lower arm.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and take
actions accordingly prior to beginning the repair

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 225
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working

3 Secure the lower arm with a lock screw in the

hole as shown in the figure to the right.


Tighten by hand!


4 Remove the linkage. See Replacement of linkage - upper

rod on page 204
See Replacing the linkage - lower rod
on page 208
See Replacement of linkage - link on
page 212
5 Remove the balancing device. See Replacing the balancing device
on page 240
6 Remove the parallel rod. Also see
7 Remove the cable harness in the upper and Also see
lower arm.
Secure the cable harness in a way that it is pro-
tected from oil spill and damage.
8 Remove the complete upper arm. See Replacement of upper arm on
page 194.
9 Remove the axes 2 and 3 motors. See Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3
on page 262.
10 Remove the axes 2 and 3 gearboxes. Also see

The robot lower arm weighs 65 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized accord-

Continues on next page

226 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Action Note
12 Secure the complete lower arm system (includ- Specified in Required equipment on
ing the parallel arm) with a lifting tool, lower arm page 224.
complete in an overhead crane or similar.
13 Remove the lock screw that secures the lower
arm system.


14 Remove all M12 and M16 screws that hold the

lower arm, on both sides.


The axis 3 side has no M16 screws!


Secure the parallel arm to the lower arm before

lifting the lower arm system. If not secured, the
parallel arm can fall down and cause a serious



The parallel arm system weighs 118 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized accord-

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 227
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Action Note
17 Move the parallel arm and secure it to the lower
arm as shown in the figure, to prevent it from
falling down.


18 The space between the gearboxes is cramp.

Push therefor the lower and parallel arm together Note
with help of an iron bar or similar before remov-
ing them. If the parts are not pushed together,
it will be difficult to remove the com-
plete lower arm.


The robot lower arm weighs 65 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized accord-

20 Remove the complete lower arm (including the

parallel arm).


21 How to replace the parallel arm is detailed in

section Replacement of parallel arm on page 232.

Continues on next page

228 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Refitting, lower arm

Use this procedure to refit the lower arm system.
Action Note
1 Fit the parallel arm to the lower arm. See Replacement of parallel arm on
page 232.

The robot lower arm weighs 65 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized accord-

3 Fit a lifting tool, lower arm complete, to the lower Specified in Required equipment on
arm system and lift it up. page 224.


Secure the parallel arm to the lower arm before

lifting the lower arm system. If not secured, the
parallel arm can fall down and cause a serious

4 Fit two guide sleeves for the axes 2/3 sealings Art. no. is specified in Required
to the lower arm and put the sealings on them. equipment on page 224.
See figure.


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 229
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Action Note
5 Put the lower arm in its mounting position. Art. no. is specified in Required
If the hole pattern needs to be adjusted, use a equipment on page 224.
crank to move the gears in order to find the cor-
rect hole pattern.



Refit the axis 2 side first!

7 Verify that the sealings are still in place.

8 Refit all screws (both M12 and M16) and wash- Tightening torque M16: 300 Nm
ers, that are possible to fit at this stage, on the Tightening torque M12: 120 Nm
axis 2 side.
9 Push the parallel arm against the axis 3 side with
the help of an iron bar or similar.
10 Refit all screws and washers, that are possible Tightening torque M12: 120 Nm
to fit, on the axis 3 side.


The axis 3 side has no M16 screws!

11 Remove the guide sleeves and secure two

screws more.
12 Change the position of the lower arm in order to
reach the remaining attachment holes, and fit
the remaining screws.

Continues on next page

230 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.8 Replacing the complete lower arm

Action Note
13 Secure the lower arm by fitting a lock screw. Dimension is specified in Required
equipment on page 224.

Tighten by hand!


14 Refit the axes 2 and 3 gearboxes. See Replacing the gearbox, axes 2-
3 on page 291.
15 Refit the axes 2 and 3 motors. See Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3
on page 262.
16 Refit the complete upper arm. See Replacement of upper arm on
page 194.
17 Refit the cable harness. Also see
18 Refit the parallel rod. See Replacing the parallel rod on
page 219
19 Refit the balancing device. Also see
20 Refit the linkage. See Replacement of linkage - upper
rod on page 204
See Replacing the linkage - lower rod
on page 208
See Replacement of linkage - link on
page 212
21 Remove the lock screw.
22 Recalibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described in
Operating manual - Calibration Pen-
dulum, enclosed with the calibration
Axis Calibration is described in Calib-
rating with Axis Calibration method
on page 319.
General calibration information is in-
cluded in section Calibration on
page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 231

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Location of parallel arm

The parallel arm is located as shown in the figure below.


A Lower arm
B Parallel arm

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Parallel arm For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355.
VK cover
VK cover
Bearing grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Rust preventive 3HAC034903-001 Mercasol 3110 Waxcoat
Press equipment 3HAC076749-001 For replacing the bearings on
parallel arm.
User instructions are enclosed
with the tool.

Continues on next page

232 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Lifting accessory, parallel 3HAC023098-001
Lifting accessory, lower arm 3HAC8446-1
Level -
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures in
the step-by-step instructions

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removal, parallel arm

Use this procedure to remove the parallel arm.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and take
actions accordingly prior to beginning the repair

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 233
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working area.

3 Remove the complete lower arm. See Replacing the complete lower
arm on page 224.
4 Put the complete lower arm on a workbench as
shown in the figure.


Removal of the parallel arm is best performed on a



5 Remove the two VK covers.


Continues on next page

234 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Action Note
6 Fit the lifting accessory, parallel arm on the parallel Art. no. is specified in Required
arm. Lift the parallel arm to the position shown in equipment on page 232.
the figure.


7 Disassemble the parallel arm from the lower arm Art. no. is specified in Required
by using the pressing tool, lower arm. equipment on page 232.

The parallel arm system weighs 118 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized accord-

9 Remove the parallel arm.


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 235
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Action Note
10 If needed, replace bearings, using the press equip-
ment, parallel arm, according to user instructions
enclosed with the equipment.



Go to the user instructions enclosed with the press



Handling the tool incorrectly will cause serious in-

Read and follow enclosed user instructions for the

Refitting, parallel arm

Use this procedure to refit the parallel arm.
Action Note
1 Refitting of the parallel arm is best performed on a
2 Check that the assembly and the condition of the
bearing is good.
3 Apply some grease on the shafts on the parallel Specified in Required equipment
arm. on page 232
4 Refit a spacing sleeve on each shaft.


Continues on next page

236 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Action Note
5 Refit a bearing on each shaft with pressing tool, Art. no. is specified in Required
lower arm. equipment on page 232


Go to the user instructions enclosed with the press



Handling the tool incorrectly will cause serious in-

Read and follow enclosed user instructions for the


6 Foundry Plus:
Apply rust preventive on the highlighted areas.


7 Refit the protection washer on the inner shaft.

8 Refit the lock ring on the inner shaft.

The parallel arm system weighs 118 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized accord-

10 Fit the lifting accessory, parallel arm. Art. no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 232.
11 Lift the parallel arm onto the workbench where the Art. no. is specified in Required
lower arm is placed. equipment on page 232
12 Adjust the lower arm in a way that both holes are
Use a level.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 237
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Action Note
13 Apply some grease in the holes in the lower arm
(thick blue arrows).


Do not put grease on the surfaces for the VK covers

(thin red arrow)!


14 Lift the parallel arm, lower it and put it in mounting

position with the lower arm.


15 Carefully press the parallel arm onto the lower arm Art. no. is specified in Required
using the pressing tool, lower arm. equipment on page 232.
16 Fit the big and small VK cover.
17 Refit the complete lower arm. Detailed in section Replacing the
complete lower arm on page 224.
18 Recalibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described
in Operating manual - Calibration
Pendulum, enclosed with the cal-
ibration tools.
Axis Calibration is described in
Calibrating with Axis Calibration
method on page 319.
General calibration information is
included in section Calibration on
page 309.

Continues on next page

238 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.4.9 Replacement of parallel arm

Action Note

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 239

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

4.5 Frame and base

4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Location, balancing device

The balancing device is located as shown in the figure.


A Balancing device
B Hole to neutralize the spring force. (M12)
C Hole on lifting ear
D Hole for lock screw

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Balancing device For spare part num-
ber, see Spare part
lists on page 355.

Continues on next page

240 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Auxiliary shaft 3HAC5281-1 For fitting the inner rings of the bearings
Auxiliary shaft, long 3HAC5275-1
Auxiliary shaft, short 3HAC5276-1
Lock screw - M16 x 90
For securing the lower arm.
Screw 2 pcs, M12 x 50
For neutralizing the spring force of the
balancing cylinder.
Lubrication tool 3HAC5222-2
Lifting accessories -
Locking liquid 3HAB7116-1 Loctite 243
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.
Ball bearing puller -

Removing, balancing device

Use this procedure to remove the balancing device.
Action Note
1 Move the robot to a position close enough to The balancing device must be placed
its calibration position, to allow the lock screw in a 90° angle from the floor, in order
to be inserted into the hole for the lock screw. the be lifted in the most secure way.
See the figure in Location, balancing
device on page 240.
2 Lock the lower arm by inserting the lock screw
into the hole.


Tighten by hand!


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 241
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working

4 Remove the protection hood in the upper end

of the balancing device.
5 Insert two screws, M12x50 in the holes to
neutralize the spring force. Screw in the screws
until they have proper contact with the cylinder
The length of the cylinder is now locked and
the balancing device is unloaded. It should now
be possible to easily rotate the balancing
6 Attach a lifting accessories to the balancing
Use the hole in the lifting ear.


Continues on next page

242 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Action Note
7 Remove the upper and lower lock nuts and
support washers (2+2 pcs).


Make sure that the shaft between the upper and

lower arm does not rotate when unscrewing the
lock nuts! The lock nut is locked with Loctite


8 Fit the auxiliary shafts on the upper and lower Art.no. is specified in Required equip-
pivot shaft. ment on page 240
Fit the short auxiliary shaft on the upper shaft
and the longer on the lower shaft.
9 Stretch the roundsling.
10 Apply a ball bearing puller behind the lower ear
of the balancing device.


The ball bearing puller must be applied around

the spacer ring. See figure!



The balancing device weighs 70 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 243
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Action Note
12 With the help of the ball bearing puller carefully
remove the balancing device from its upper and
lower attachments.


13 Remove the balancing device and put it in a

safe place.
14 Remove the inner rings of the bearings.
15 Remove upper and lower spacer rings and
support washers (2+2 pcs).


16 Remove residual grease.

Refitting, balancing device

use this procedure to refit the balancing device.
Action Note
1 Check the bearings. Replace if needed.

Continues on next page

244 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Action Note
2 Refit the inner sealing rings and support
washers in both ends.


3 Refit the inner ring of the bearings on the upper

and lower pivot shaft with the auxialiary shaft.
4 Fit the auxiliary shafts on the upper and lower Art.no. is specified in section Required
shafts. equipment on page 240
Fit the short auxiliary shaft on the upper shaft
and the longer on the lower shaft.

The balancing device weighs 70 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

6 Attach lifting accessory to the balancing device

and lift it on to the auxiliary shafts.


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 245
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Action Note
7 Adjust the length between the upper and lower
bearings by means of the M12 screws, used to
neutralize the spring force.
This length should preferably be 0.5 mm too
short than 0.1 mm too long. If the distance is
too long the bearings may be damaged when
erecting the balancing device.


8 Carefully refit the balancing device on the upper

and lower shafts.


9 Fit the lubricating tool. Art. no. is specified in section Re-

The tool should be tightened to the bottom po- quired equipment on page 240.
sition by hand power only.
10 Fill the bearings with grease through the nipple.
Continue until grease excudes behind the inner
11 Remove the lubricating tool and wipe off pro-
truding grease.
12 Remove the auxiliary shafts.
13 Apply locking liquid on the threads of the lock Specified in section Required equip-
nuts. ment on page 240.

Continues on next page

246 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.5.1 Replacing the balancing device

Action Note
14 Refit the lock nuts and support washers. Tightening torque: 120 Nm


15 Check play (min. 0.1 mm) between support

washers and bearing seat at both bearings.
16 Remove the M12x50 screws from the balancing
device to restore the springforce.
17 Remove the lock screw.



Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 247

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.5.2 Replacing the SMB unit

4.5.2 Replacing the SMB unit

Location of SMB unit

The SMB unit (SMB = serial measurement board) is located on the left hand side
of the frame as shown in the figure.


A SMB cover
B SMB unit
C Battery cable
D SMB battery
E SMB battery, cover

Required equipment


There are different variants of SMB units and batteries. The variant with the
3-pole battery contact has longer lifetime for the battery.
It is important that the SMB unit uses the correct battery. Make sure to order the
correct spare parts. Do not replace the battery contact!

Equipment, etc. Article number Note

SMB unit For spare part number,
see: Spare part lists on
page 355.
Battery pack For spare part number,
see: Spare part lists on
page 355.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.

Continues on next page

248 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.5.2 Replacing the SMB unit

Equipment, etc. Article number Note

Circuit diagram - See chapter Circuit diagrams on
page 357.

Removing, SMB unit

Use this procedure to remove the SMB unit.
Action Note
1 Move the robot to the calibration position.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working area.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the unit

read the safety information in section The unit is
sensitive to ESD on page 49.

4 Remove the SMB cover by unscrewing its attachment Shown in the figure Location of
screws. SMB unit on page 248.


Clean cover from metal residues before opening.

Metal residues can cause shortage on the boards
which can result in hazardous failures.

5 Use caution and remove the connectors X8, X9 and

X10 from the brake release board, if need of more
6 Remove the nuts and washers from the guide pins Shown in the figure Location of
that secure the board. SMB unit on page 248.
7 Use caution and disconnect the connectors from the Connectors R1.SMB1-3,
SMB unit when pulling the board out. R1.SMB4-6 and R2.SMB
8 Disconnect the battery cable by pressing down the
upper lip of the R2.G connector to release the lock
while pulling the connector upwards.


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 249
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.5.2 Replacing the SMB unit

Refitting, SMB unit

Use this procedure to refit the SMB unit.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling the

unit read the safety information in section The
unit is sensitive to ESD on page 49.

3 Connect the battery cable to the SMB unit. Shown in the figure Location of SMB
Make sure the lock on the battery cable connect- unit on page 248.
or R2.G snaps into place during refitting.
4 Connect all connectors to the SMB board: Art. no. is specified in Required
R1.SMB1-3, R1.SMB6 and R2.SMB equipment on page 248.
Shown in the figure Location of SMB
unit on page 248.
5 Fit the SMB unit onto the guide pins.
6 Secure the SMB unit to the pins with the nuts
and washers.
7 If disconnected, reconnect the connectors X8,
X9 and X10 to the brake release board.
Be careful not to damage the sockets or pins.
Make sure the connector and its locking arms X8
are snapped down properly.


8 Secure the SMB cover with its attachment Shown in the figure Location of SMB
screws. unit on page 248.
If cabling is used for 7th axis (option), refit the
7th axis connector to the SMB cover and tighten
with 6 Nm.
9 Update the revolution counters. See Updating revolution counters on
IRC5 robots on page 315.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

250 Product manual - IRB 660

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4 Repair
4.5.3 Replacing the brake release board

4.5.3 Replacing the brake release board

Location of brake release board

The brake release unit is located together with the SMB unit on the left hand side
of the frame, right next to the gearbox, axis 2, as shown in figure below.


A SMB cover
B SMB unit
C Battery cable
D SMB battery
E SMB battery, cover

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Article number Note

Brake release board 3HAC065020- DSQC1050
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures may These procedures include references
be required. See references to to the tools required.
these procedures in the step-by-
step instructions below.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 251
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.5.3 Replacing the brake release board

Removing, brake release board

Use this procedure to remove the brake release board.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply to the robot
• hydraulic pressure supply to the robot
• air pressure supply to the robot
Before entering the robot working area.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling

the unit read the safety information in section
The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 49.

3 Remove the push button guard from the SMB Shown in the figure Location of brake
cover. release board on page 251.
The guard must be removed to ensure
a correct refitting of the brake release
4 Open the SMB cover by unscrewing the attach- Shown in the figure Location of brake
ment screws. release board on page 251.
Let the battery stay connected, to avoid the
need of synchronization of the robot!


Clean cover from metal residues before

Metal residues can cause shortage on the
boards which can result in hazardous failures.

5 Take a picture or make notes of how the robot

cabling is positioned in regard to the brake
release board.
6 Remove the complete brake release board
(including brake release board and bracket)
from the SMB recess, by removing its two at-
tachment screws.
7 Disconnect the connectors X8, X9 and X10
from the brake release board.



Location of the brake release unit is

shown in the figure Location of brake
release board on page 251.

Continues on next page

252 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.5.3 Replacing the brake release board

Action Note
8 Remove the brake release board from the
bracket by removing the four attachment

Refitting, brake release board

Use this procedure to refit the brake release board.
Action Note

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before handling

the unit read the safety information in section
The unit is sensitive to ESD on page 49.

2 Connect the connectors X8, X9 and X10 to the

brake release board.
Be careful not to damage the sockets or pins.
Make sure the connector and its locking arms X8

are snapped down properly. X9


3 Fasten the brake release board on the bracket Maximum tightening torque: 5 Nm.
with the attachment screws. Shown in the figure Location of brake
Make sure the board is positioned as straight release board on page 251.
as possible on the bracket! The push buttons
can otherwise get jammed when the SMB Art. no. is specified in Required equip-
cover is refitted. ment on page 251.

4 Refit the complete brake release board (includ-

ing brake release board and bracket) to the
SMB recess with the two attachment screws.
5 Verify that the robot cabling is positioned cor-
rectly, according to previously taken pic-


Screened cables must not get in contact with

the brake release board after installation.
Eliminate all risks of contact between screened
cables and the brake release board.

6 Refit the SMB cover with its attachment Shown in the figure Location of brake
screws. release board on page 251.

Before continuing any service work, follow the

safety procedure in The brake release buttons
may be jammed after service work on page 153.

8 Refit the push button guard to the SMB cover. Shown in the figure Location of brake
release board on page 251.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 253
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.5.3 Replacing the brake release board

Action Note
9 Press the push buttons 1 to 6, one at a time,
to make sure that the buttons are moving
freely and do not stay in a locked position.
10 If the battery has been disconnected the revolu- Detailed in the Calibration chapter -
tion counter must be updated. section Updating revolution counters
on IRC5 robots on page 315.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

254 Product manual - IRB 660

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© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

4.6 Motors

4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

Location of motor axis 1

The motor axis 1 is located on the left hand side of the robot as shown in the figure.

A Motor axis 1
B Motor attachment screws and washers
C Cable gland cover (located on the left hand side of the motor)
D Motor cover

Required equipment

Equipment, etc Art.no. Note

Motor axis 1 For spare part number, Includes:
see: • motor
• Spare part lists on • pinion
page 355
• o-ring (The old o-ring must be
replaced when replacing the
Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
For lubricating the o-ring.
Bits extension 3HAC12342-1 Used to reach the attachment
screws for the motor.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 255
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

Equipment, etc Art.no. Note

Power supply - 24 VDC, max. 1,5 A
For releasing the brakes.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Stand-
ard tools on page 349.
Other tools and proced- These procedures include refer-
ures may be required. See ences to the tools required.
references to these proced-
ures in the step-by-step
instructions below.
Circuit diagram See chapter Circuit diagrams on
page 357.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removing motor axis 1

Use this procedure to remove motor axis 1.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning the
repair procedure.

Continues on next page

256 Product manual - IRB 660
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© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working

3 Remove the motor cover to get access to the

connectors on top of the motor.

4 Remove the cable gland cover at the cable exit

of the motor.


Make sure the gasket is undamaged! Replace

if damaged.

5 Disconnect all connectors beneath the motor

6 In order to release the brake, connect the 24 Connect to connector R2.MP1
VDC power supply. • + : pin 2
• -: pin 5
7 Remove the attachment screws of the motor.
Use the bits extension.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 257
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4 Repair
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

Action Note
8 If required, press the motor out of position by Always use removal screws and tools
fitting two screws in the holes on the motor for in pairs!
pressing out the motor.


The motor weighs 29 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

10 Remove the motor by carefully lifting it straight

up to get the pinion away from gear.


Be careful not to damage the pinion in the pro-


11 Disconnect the brake release voltage.

12 Check the pinion. If there is any damage, the
pinion must be replaced.

Continues on next page

258 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

Refitting motor axis 1

Use this procedure to refit motor axis 1.
Action Note
1 Make sure the o-ring on the circumference of
the motor is seated properly. Lightly lubricate
the o-ring with grease.

A Circumference of motor
B O-ring


The o-ring must be replaced when re-

placing the motor.


The motor weighs 29 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

3 In order to release the brake, connect the 24 Connect to connector R2.MP1

VDC power supply. • + : pin 2
• -: pin 5
4 Gently lower the motor into the gear, making
sure the pinion is properly mated to the gearbox
of axis 1.


Make sure the motor is turned the right way.

See figure.


Make sure the motor pinion does not get dam-


Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 259
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4 Repair
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

Action Note
5 Secure the motor with its four attachment
screws and plain washers. Use the bits exten-

Attachment screws:
• M10x40 quality 12.9 Gleitmo
Tightening torque:
• 50 Nm
6 Disconnect the brake release voltage.
7 Reconnect all connectors beneath the motor
8 Refit the cable gland cover at the cable exit with
its attachment screws.


Make sure the cover is tightly sealed!

Replace gasket if damaged.

9 Refit the motor cover with its attachment



Make sure the cover is tightly sealed!

10 Recalibrate the robot! Pendulum Calibration is described in

Operating manual - Calibration Pendu-
lum, enclosed with the calibration
Axis Calibration is described in Calib-
rating with Axis Calibration method on
page 319.
General calibration information is in-
cluded in section Calibration on
page 309.

Continues on next page

260 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.6.1 Replacing motor, axis 1

Action Note

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 261

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© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Location of motors, axes 2 and 3

The motors axes 2 and 3 are located on either side of the robot as shown in the
The procedure is the same for both motors.


A Motor, axis 2
B Motor, axis 3
C Motor attachment screws and washers
D Cable gland cover (located on the lower side of the motor)
E Motor cover
F Hole for lock screw

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Motor axes 2-3 For spare part no. see: Includes
• Spare part lists on • motor
page 355 chapter • pinion
• o-ring (the o-ring must be re-
placed when the motor is re-
Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
For lubricating the o-ring.
Guide pins 3HAC13120-2 M10x150
For guiding the motor.
Guide pins are to be used in pairs!
Lifting accessory, motor 3HAC15534-1
axes 2-3
Lock screw - M16x90
For securing the lower arm.
Bits extension 3HAC12342-1 Used to reach the attachment
screws for the motor.

Continues on next page

262 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Power supply - 24 VDC, 1.5 A
For releasing the brakes.
Rotation tool Used to rotate the motor pinion
when mating it to the gear, when
brakes are released with 24 VDC
power supply.
Standard toolkit Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures
in the step-by-step instruc-
tions below.
Circuit diagram See chapter Circuit diagrams on
page 357.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 263
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Removing motors axes 2 and 3

Use this procedure to remove motors axes 2 and 3.
The procedure is the same for both motors.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning the
repair procedure.
2 Run the robot to a position close enough to its
calibration position, to allow the lock screw to
be inserted into the hole for lock screw.


3 Lock the lower arm by inserting the lock screw See figure above.
into the hole of the frame.
This is done in order to secure axis 2 from col-
lapsing when the axis 2 motor is being removed.


Tighten by hand!

4 Run axis 3 to the end position so that it rests

against the mechanical stop. Release the brake
of axis 3 in order to set the weight of axis 3
against the mechanical stop.
This is done in order to secure axis 3 from col-
lapsing when the axis 3 motor is being removed.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot working

6 Drain the oil from gearbox. See section

• Changing oil, gearbox axes 2
and 3 on page 130.

Continues on next page

264 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
7 Remove the motor cover.


8 Remove the cable gland cover at the cable exit



Make sure the gasket is not damaged! Replace

if damaged.


9 Disconnect all connectors beneath the motor

10 In order to release the brake, connect the 24 Connect to connector R2.MP2
VDC power supply. • + : pin 2
• -: pin 5

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 265
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
11 Unscrew attachment screws and washers of
the motor. Use the bits extension.


12 Fit two guide pins in two of the motors attach- Art. no. is specified in Required
ment holes. equipment on page 262.


Continues on next page

266 Product manual - IRB 660
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
13 If required, press the motor out of position by M12x70, fully threaded.
fitting two screws in the remaining attachment Always use the removal screws and
holes of the motor, diagonal to each other. tools in pairs!


14 Remove the two screws and fit the lifting tool, Art. no. is specified in Required
motor axes 2-3 to the motor. equipment on page 262.

The motor weighs 32 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

16 Pull out the motor on the guide pins to get the The figure shows IRB 760 but the
pinion away from the gear. principle is the same.
Make sure the pinion does not get damaged!


17 Remove the motor by gently lifting it straight

out and place it on a secure surface.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 267
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
18 Disconnect the brake release voltage!
19 Check the pinion. If there is any damage, the
motor pinion must be replaced.

Refitting, motors axes 2 and 3

Use this procedure to refit motors axes 2 and 3.
The procedure is the same for both motors.
Action Note
1 Make sure the o-ring on the circumference of
the motor is seated properly. Lightly lubricate
the o-ring with grease.


A Circumference
B O-ring
2 In order to release the brake, connect the 24 Connect to connector R2.MP1
VDC power supply. • + : pin 2
• -: pin 5
3 Fit the lifting tool, motor axes 2-3 to the motor. Art. no. is specified in Required
equipment on page 262.

Continues on next page

268 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
4 Fit the two guide pins in the two lower motor Art. no. is specified in Required
attachment holes. equipment on page 262.
The figure shows IRB 760 but the
principle is the same.



The motor weighs 32 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

6 Lift the motor and guide it on to the guide pins, The figure shows IRB 760 but the
as close to the correct position as possible principle is the same.
without pushing the motor pinion into the gear.


Make sure the motor is turned the right way,

that is connections for the cables facing down-


7 Remove the lifting tool and allow the motor to

rest on the guide pins.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 269
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
8 Use the rotation tool in order to rotate the motor
pinion when mating it to the gear (see figure).
Fit the motor, making sure the motor pinion is
properly mated to the gear of gearbox axis 2-3
and that it doesn´t get damaged.


The rotation tool is used beneath the motor

cover, directly on the motor shaft as shown in
figure above.

Rotation tool
9 Remove the guide pins.
10 Secure the motor with its four attachment
screws and plain washers. Use the bits exten-
Reused screws can be used, providing they are
lubricated as detailed in section Screw joints
on page 345 before fitting.


Attachment screws:
• M10 x 40 quality 12.9 Gleitmo
Tightening torque:
• 50 Nm
11 Disconnect the brake release voltage.
12 Reconnect all connectors beneath the motor Connect in accordance with markings
cover. on connectors.

Continues on next page

270 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
13 Refit the cable gland cover at the cable exit with
its two attachment screws.


Use a new gasket!


14 Refit the motor cover with its attachment screws

and washers.


Make sure the cover is tightly sealed!


15 Remove the lock screw from the hole for lock



16 Perform a leak-down test of the axis 2 or 3 See section Performing a leak-down

gearbox. test on page 146.
17 Refill the gearbox with oil. See section Changing oil, gearbox
axes 2 and 3 on page 130.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 271
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4 Repair
4.6.2 Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3

Action Note
18 Recalibrate the robot! Pendulum Calibration is described in
Operating manual - Calibration Pendu-
lum, enclosed with the calibration
Axis Calibration is described in Calib-
rating with Axis Calibration method on
page 319.
General calibration information is in-
cluded in section Calibration on
page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

272 Product manual - IRB 660

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© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Repair
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

Location of motor axis 6

Motor axis 6 is located in the center of the tilthouse as shown in the figure.


A Motor, axis 6
B Attachment screws and washers
C Cable gland cover
D Motor cover

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Motor axis 6 For spare part no. see: Includes
• Spare part lists on • motor
page 355 • pinion
• o-ring (the o-ring must be
replaced when the motor is
Bits extension 3HAC12342-1 Used to reach attachment screws
for motor.
Locking liquid 3HAB7116-1 Loctite 243
Power supply - 24 VDC, 1.5 A
For releasing the brakes.
Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
For lubricating the o-ring.
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures
in the step-by-step instruc-
tions below.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 273
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4 Repair
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

Equipment, etc. Art.no. Note

Circuit diagram See chapter Circuit diagrams on
page 357.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removing, motor axis 6

Use this procedure to remove motor, axis 6.
Action Information
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning
the repair procedure.
2 Run the robot to a position where it is easi-
est to remove the motor axis 6 when stand-
ing in front of the robot.


The motor axis 6 can be replaced without

draining the gear oil.

Continues on next page

274 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

Action Information

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

4 Remove motor cover.


5 Remove the cable gland cover at the cable

exit by unscrewing its attachment screw (A)
on the inside.


Make sure the gasket is not damaged!


6 Disconnect all connectors beneath the


The connection to the UL lamp, must also C

be disconnected, if the robot is equipped D

with one.


A Signal lamp (UL lamp)

B Cable straps, outdoor
C Cable
D Connection point to the cable gland

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

Action Information
7 In order to release the brake, connect the Connect to connector R2.MP6
24 VDC power supply. • + : pin 2
• -: pin 5
8 Remove attachment screws and washers.
Use the bits extension.


9 If required, press the motor out of position Always use the screws for removal in
by fitting two screws in the motor attach- pairs!
ment holes diagonal to each other
10 Lift the motor carefully to get the pinion
away from the gear.


Make sure the pinion does not get dam-



11 Disconnect the brake release voltage.

12 Remove the motor by gently lifting it straight
up and place it on a secure surface.

Continues on next page

276 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

Refitting, motor axis 6

Use this procedure to refit motor axis 6.
Action Information
1 Make sure the o-ring on the circumference of
the motor is seated properly. Lightly lubricate
the o-ring with grease.


The o-ring must be replaced when the motor is



• A: Pinion
• B: O-ring
• C: Circumference
2 In order to release the brake, connect the 24 Connect to connector R2.MP6
VDC power supply. • + : pin 2
• -: pin 5
3 Fit the two guide pins in two of the motor attach- Art. no. is specified in Required
ment holes. equipment on page 273.
4 Lift the motor carefully in place.
Make sure the motor pinion is properly mated
to the gearbox, axis 6.


Make sure the motor is turned the correct way.

See figure!


5 Remove the guide pins.

6 Apply locking liquid (Loctite 243) on the attach-
ment screws.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 277
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4 Repair
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

Action Information
7 Secure the motor with its four attachment
screws and washers.
Reused screws may be used, providing they
are lubricated as detailed in section Screw joints
on page 345 before fitting.


• 8.4x16x1.6 quality Steel-A2F
Attachment screws:
• M10 x 40 quality 8.8-A2F
Tightening torque:
• 50 Nm
8 Disconnect the brake release voltage.
9 Perform a leak-down test of the axis 6 gearbox. See section Performing a leak-down
test on page 146.
10 Reconnect all connectors in motor axis 6. Connect in accordance with markings
on connectors.
11 Refit the connections to the UL lamp, if the ro-
bot is equipped with one.
12 Check the gasket. If damaged, replace it.


Continues on next page

278 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.6.3 Replacing motor, axis 6

Action Information
13 Refit the cable gland with its attachment screw.


• A: Screw holding the cable

Make sure the gasket is not damaged!
Replace if damaged.
14 Refit the cover, motor axis 6 with its attachment
screws and washers.


Make sure the cover is tightly sealed!


15 Re-calibrate the robot! Pendulum Calibration is described in

Operating manual - Calibration Pendu-
lum, enclosed with the calibration
Axis Calibration is described in Calib-
rating with Axis Calibration method on
page 319.
General calibration information is in-
cluded in section Calibration on
page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met when

performing the first test run.

Product manual - IRB 660 279

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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

4.7 Gearboxes

4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Location of gearbox
The axis 1 gearbox is located between the frame and base as shown in the figure.


A Gearbox, axis 1
B Frame
C Base

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Gearbox For spare part no. see: Includes:
• Spare part lists on • gearbox
page 355. • all o-rings and sealing rings
O-ring 3HAB3772-54 Replace if damaged!
O-ring 3HAB3772-55 Replace if damaged!
Sealing ring 3HAC11581-4 Replace if damaged!
Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
For lubricating the o-ring.
Support, base and gear 1 3HAC15535-1
Lifting accessory, base 3HAC15560-1
Lifting accessory (chain) 3HAC15556-1
Guide pins 2 pcs, M16x150.
Used for guiding the gearbox into
place in the base.
Always use guide pins in pairs!

Continues on next page

280 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Equipment, etc. Art. no. Note

Calibration Pendulum toolkit 3HAC15716-1 Complete kit that also includes op-
erating manual.
Required if Calibration Pendulum
is the valid calibration method for
the robot.
Calibration tool box, Axis 3HAC055412-001 Delivered as a set of calibration
Calibration tools.
Required if Axis Calibration is the
valid calibration method for the ro-
Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures
in the step-by-step instruc-
tions below.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 281
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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Removal, gearbox axis 1

Use this procedure to remove gearbox, axis 1.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning
the repair procedure.
2 Move the robot to its most stable position,
shown in the figure to the right.



Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

4 Drain the axis 1 gearbox. See Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox on

page 127.
5 Remove the complete arm system. See Replacing the base, including axis 1
gearbox on page 168.
6 Unfasten the robot base from the foundation
by removing the base attachment screws.

Continues on next page

282 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
7 Attach the lifting accessory, base and gear
1 and the lifting tool (chain) to the gearbox
and base.


Specified in Required equipment on

page 280.

The base and axis 1 gearbox weighs 130

kg + .
All lifting accessories used must be sized

9 Lift the robot base including the axis 1 Art. no. is specified in Required equip-
gearbox to allow the base and gear 1 sup- ment on page 280.
port be fitted on each sides of the base.
10 Secure the support to the base and to the
Make sure the base remains in a stable
position before performing any work under-
neath the base!


A Support base (4 pcs)

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
11 Remove the bottom plate from underneath
the base in order to get access to the attach-
ment screws.
It may be necessary to also remove the rear
connector plate.



A Bottom plate
B Rear connector plate
C Attachment screw
D Groove
12 Unscrew the attachment screws and re-
move the washers.


A view from below:

• A: Oil drain hose
• B: Attachment screws, gearbox
axis 1, 18 pcs
• C: Washers, 3 pcs

Continues on next page

284 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
13 Remove the cable guide in the center of
gearbox 1 by unscrewing its attachment



The gearbox weighs .

All lifting accessories used must be sized

15 Lift the gearbox away with the already

mounted lifting tools.
16 Turn the gearbox, and remove the protec-
tion pipe by unscrewing two attachment


Move the protective pipe over to the new



Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Refitting, gearbox axis 1

Use this procedure to refit gearbox, axis 1.
Action Note
1 Fit the support, base and gear 1 to the base. Mounting of the support, base and gear
1 is detailed in section Removal, gear-
box axis 1 on page 282.


A Support base (4 pcs)

2 Make sure the two o-rings on the circumfer- Art no. is specified in Required equip-
ence of the gearbox are seated properly in ment on page 280.
their respective groove. Lubricate them with


• A: Guide pin
• C: O-ring 3HAB 3772-54
• D: O-ring 3HAB 3772-55
• E: Sealing ring 3HAC 11581-4

Continues on next page

286 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
3 Make sure the small o-ring around the oil hole
is fitted properly!


4 Attach the lifting accessory, base and gear 1 Specified in Required equipment on
and the lifting tool (chain) to the gearbox. page 280.


5 Fit two guide pins in two of the attachment Specified in Required equipment on
holes in the gearbox, parallel to each other. page 280.

The gearbox weighs .

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 287
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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
7 Lift the gearbox.
Make sure the guide pin in the bottom face of
the gearbox is properly aligned with the base.



8 Lift gearbox axis 1 onto the guide pins and Always use guide pins in pairs!
lower it carefully to its mounting position.

Continues on next page

288 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
9 Secure the gearbox with its attachment 18 pcs, M16 x 70, 12.9 quality UN-
screws and washers. BRAKO.
Tightening torque: 300 Nm
Reused screws may be used, providing
they are lubricated as detailed in sec-
tion Screw joints on page 345 before fit-


A view from below:

• A: Oil drain hose
• B: Attachment screws, gearbox
axis 1, 18 pcs
• C: Washers, 3 pcs
10 Refit the cable guide in the center of gearbox
1 with its attachment screws.


Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.1 Replacing the axis 1 gearbox

Action Note
11 Refit the bottom plate underneath the robot 1 screw: M6 x 8.
base by pushing it into the groove and fitting
the attachment screw.
If removed, also refit the rear connector plate.


Direct the bends on the bottom plate down-



• A: Bottom plate
• B: Rear connector plate
• C: Attachment screw
• D: Groove

The base and axis 1 gearbox weighs 130 kg

All lifting accessories used must be sized ac-

13 Lift the robot base and gearbox 1 and remove

the base and gear support.
14 Secure the base to the mounting site. See Orienting and securing the robot
on page 68.
15 Refit the complete arm system. See Replacing the base, including axis
1 gearbox on page 168.

This is a complex task to be performed with

utmost care in order to avoid injury or dam-

16 Perform a leak-down test. See section Performing a leak-down

test on page 146.
17 Refill the gearbox with oil. See Changing oil, axis-1 gearbox on
page 127.
18 Recalibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described in
Operating manual - Calibration Pendu-
lum, enclosed with the calibration tools.
Axis Calibration is described in Calibrat-
ing with Axis Calibration method on
page 319.
General calibration information is in-
cluded in section Calibration on
page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

290 Product manual - IRB 660

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Location of gearbox, axes 2-3

The axis-2 and axis-3 gearboxes are located on either side of the frame as shown
in the figure.


A Gearbox, axis 1
B Gearbox, axis 2
C Gearbox, axis 3
D Gearbox, axis 6

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Art.no Note

Gearbox, axes 2-3 For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355.
Sealing axes 2-3 3HAC022379-001 Always replace.
O-ring 3HAB3772-127 Replace if damaged.
Lock screw M16x55 - Use to lock the lower arm.
Screw M12x50 - 2 pcs. Use to unload the balancing
Screw M12x100 - 2 pcs, must have full thread. Use to
press the gearbox free from the
Guide pins M12 - Use guide pins in pairs.
Lifting accessory - Roundsling and a rotating lifting
Lifting capacity: 100 kg. Used to lift
the gearbox.
Guide sleeves 3HAC14628-1/2 Use to keep the sealing in place.
Grease Use to lubricate surfaces on the
gearbox for easier assembly.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Equipment, etc. Art.no Note

Bearing grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2
Option Foundry Plus
Rust preventive 3HAC034903-001 Mercasol 3110 Waxcoat
Standard toolkit Content is defined in section Stand-
ard tools on page 349.
Other tools and procedures These procedures include refer-
may be required. See refer- ences to the tools required.
ences to these procedures
in the step-by-step instruc-
tions below.

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removal, axis-2 / axis-3 gearbox

Use this procedure to remove the axis-2 or axis-3 gearbox.


Do not replace both gearboxes at the same time, unless the complete arm system
is already removed!

Continues on next page

292 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning
the repair procedure.
2 When removing axis 2 gearbox: Run the
axis 2 to -42° and all other axes to 0° (cal-
ibration position).
When removing axis 3 gearbox: Run the
axis 2 to -40°, axis 3 to +15° and all other
axes to 0°.
3 When removing axis 2 gearbox: Remove Axis 2:
all screws in the lower screw area on the
inside of the lower arm (7 pcs M12, 2 pcs
M16). See figure.
When removing axis 3 gearbox: Remove
all screws in the upper front screw area and
three screws in the upper back area.


Axis 3:


4 Run axis 2 to 0°.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
5 Fit the lock screw in the lower arm to secure
axis 2.


Tighten by hand!


6 Secure the weight of the upper arm with

roundslings in an overhead crane.
7 Raise the lifting equipment to take the
weight of the upper arm.
8 Release the brakes of axis 2 to rest the
weight of the axis against the lock screw.
9 Release the brakes of axis 3 to rest the
weight of the axis by the roundslings and
overhead crane.
10 Remove the two plastic screws in the upper
end of the balancing device.


Keep the plastic screws. They will be refit-

ted later.


Continues on next page

294 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
11 Insert two screws, M12x50 in the holes to See the previous figure!
neutralize the spring force. Screw in the
screws until they have proper contact with
the cylinder inside.
The length of the cylinder is now locked
and the balancing device is unloaded. It
should now be possible to easily rotate the
balancing device.

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

13 Drain the gearbox. Detailed in section Draining, axes 2 and 3

on page 132.


Time-consuming activity!

14 Remove the motor cables of axis-2 or axis-

3 motor, depending on which gearbox is
being removed. Protect the cables from
getting damaged and from oil spill.
15 Remove one gearbox at a time!
16 Remove the axis-2 or axis-3 motor, depend- Detailed in section Replacing motors, axes
ing on which gearbox is being removed. 2 and 3 on page 262
17 Remove all remaining attachment screws
that secure the gearbox to the lower arm
Axis 2: M16 and M12.
Axis 3: M12.


Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
18 Remove the gearbox cover by removing its
attachment screws.


19 Remove two opposite screws of the attach-

ment screws that hold the gearbox and re- Note
place them with two guide pins.
Always use guide pins in pairs!

20 Remove the remaining attachment screws.

21 Fit the lifting accessory to the gearbox. Art. no. is specified in Required equipment
on page 291.

The gearbox weighs 69 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized

23 If required, apply two screws, M12x100 to

the holes in the gearbox, in order to press
it free. (The screws need to have a full

When the gearbox comes free from the

frame and comes off the guide pins it will
tilt and there is a risk of damage to the
gearbox surfaces! Be aware of this and re-
move the gearbox carefully!

Continues on next page

296 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
25 Remove the gearbox axis 2-3 using an
overhead crane or similar, with guidance
from the fitted guide pins.


26 Remove the sealing from the lower arm and

clean it.


The sealing can hang onto the gearbox,

sticking to the oil.


Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Refitting, axis-2 / axis-3 gearbox

Use this procedure to refit the axes-2 or axis-3 gearbox.
Action Note
1 Make sure that the o-ring is fitted to the
gearbox. Lightly lubricate it with grease.


Specified in Required equipment on

page 291.
2 Fit two guide pins in the frame.
Use two of the attachment holes for the
screws that hold the gearbox.

The gearbox weighs 69 kg! All lifting

equipment used must be sized accordingly!

4 Fit the lifting accessory to the gearbox and Specified in Required equipment on
lift it with an overhead crane. page 291.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
5 Fit a new sealing to the gearbox and secure Art. no. is specified in Required equipment
it to the gearbox by using two guide on page 291.
sleeves. Axis 2:
When refitting axis 2 gearbox:Insert the
guide sleeves in the two middle holes of
the upper screw areas.
When refitting axis 3 gearbox: Insert one
guide sleeve in the middle screw hole in
the upper back area and one guide sleeve
in the middle screw hole in the the lower


Axis 3:


6 Foundry Plus:
Apply bearing grease on the highlighted
areas on both sides of the sealing.


Do not apply grease closer than 20 mm

from the edge of the holes in the sealing.


Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
Foundry Plus:
Apply rust preventive on the highlighted


7 Lubricate necessary surfaces of the gear- Specified in Required equipment on

box with grease in order to make it easier page 291.
to insert the gearbox into the frame.
8 Put the gearbox onto the guide pins and
slide it carefully into place in the frame.


Check that the sealing is in place during

the procedure.


9 Use a crank to move the gears in order to

find the holes for the attachment screws.
10 Secure the gearbox to the lower arm with Axis 2
the attachment screws and washers in two M12x60 quality 12.9 Gleitmo (6+6 pcs)
of the screw areas (the third is not reach- • Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
able at this point). Do not remove the guide
sleeves yet. M16x90 quality 12.9 Gleitmo (2+2 pcs)
• Tightening torque: 300 Nm.
Axis 3
M12x60 quality 12.9 Gleitmo
• Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
11 Remove the two guide sleeves and replace M12x60 quality 12.9 Gleitmo (1+1 pc)
them with the two remaining M12 screws. • Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
12 Secure the gearbox to the frame. M12, quality 8.8-A2F
Tightening torque: 120 Nm.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
13 Clean the gearbox of residual grease.
14 Apply locking liquid in the attachment holes Loctite 243.
for the gearbox cover.
15 Fit the o-ring in the cover.


16 Refit the cover with its attachment screws M8x35 quality 8.8-A2F (12 pcs)
and washers. Tightening torque: 24 Nm


Fit the cover so that the arrow on the cover

points upwards!


17 Refit the motors axes 2-3. See Replacing motors, axes 2 and 3 on
page 262
18 Perform a leakdown test. See Performing a leak-down test on
page 146.

Continues on next page

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4 Repair
4.7.2 Replacing the gearbox, axes 2- 3

Action Note
19 Refill the gearbox axes 2-3 with oil. See Filling, axes 2 and 3 on page 132
20 Remove the screws that unload the balan-
cing device and put back the plastic


21 Remove the lock screw from the lower arm.

22 Run the axes 2 and 3 to a position where Axis 2
the remaining screws in the lower arm can M12x60 quality 12.9 Gleitmo (6 pcs)
be fitted. • Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
M16x90 quality 12.9 Gleitmo (2 pcs)
• Tightening torque: 300 Nm.
Axis 3
M12x60 quality 12.9 Gleitmo
• Tightening torque: 120 Nm.
23 Recalibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described in Op-
erating manual - Calibration Pendulum,
enclosed with the calibration tools.
Axis Calibration is described in Calibrating
with Axis Calibration method on page 319.
General calibration information is included
in section Calibration on page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

302 Product manual - IRB 660

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4 Repair
4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6

4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6

Location of gearbox axis 6

The axis 6 gearbox is located in the center of the wrist as shown in the figure.


A Turning disk
B Attachment screws (6 pcs) turning disk
C Tilthouse unit
D Gearbox, axis 6
E Attachment screws and washers, gearbox axis 6

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Gearbox axis 6 For spare part no. see: Includes o-ring
• Spare part lists on
page 355.
Turning disk For spare part no. see:
• Spare part lists on
page 355.
Washers 3HAA1001-172 Not included in gearbox.
Replace only if damaged!
O-ring (type 2) 3HAB3772-57 Must be replaced when reas-
164.7x3.53 sembling gearbox.

O-ring (type 2) 3HAB3772-64 Must be replaced when reas-

150.0x2.0 sembling gearbox.

O-ring (type 2) 12 pcs 3HAB3772-61 Must be replaced when reas-

13.1x1.6 sembling gearbox.

Grease 3HAC042536-001 Shell Gadus S2

Used to lubricate the o-ring

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 303
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4 Repair
4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6

Equipment Art. no. Note

Guide pins - Always use guide pins in
Standard toolkit The content is defined in the
section Standard tools on
page 349.
Other tools and propcedures These procedures include
may be rquired. See refer- references to the tools re-
ences to these procedures in quired.
the step-by-step instructions

Deciding calibration routine

Decide which calibration routine to be used, based on the information in the table.
Depending on which routine is chosen, action might be required prior to beginning
the repair work of the robot, see the table.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use for
calibrating the robot.
• Reference calibration. External cable
packages (DressPack) and tools can
stay fitted on the robot.
• Fine calibration. All external cable
packages (DressPack) and tools
must be removed from the robot.
If the robot is to be calibrated with refer- Follow the instructions given in the refer-
ence calibration: ence calibration routine on the FlexPendant
Find previous reference values for the axis to create reference values.
or create new reference values. These val- Creating new values requires possibility to
ues are to be used after the repair proced- move the robot.
ure is completed, for calibration of the ro- Read more about reference calibration for
bot. Axis Calibration in Reference calibration
If no previous reference values exist, and routine on page 320.
no new reference values can be created, Read more about reference calibration for
then reference calibration is not possible. Pendulum Calibration in Operating manu-
al - Calibration Pendulum.
If the robot is to be calibrated with fine
Remove all external cable packages
(DressPack) and tools from the robot.

Removing gearbox axis 6

Use this procedure to remove gearbox axis 6.
Action Note
1 Decide which calibration routine to use, and
take actions accordingly prior to beginning
the repair procedure.
2 Jog the robot to a position where the tilt-
house unit is placed in an appropriate ser-
vice position.

Continues on next page

304 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6

Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

4 Drain the oil from the gearbox. See section

• Changing oil, gearbox axis 6 on
page 134
5 Remove the turning disk. See section
• Replacing the turning disk on
page 176
6 Remove the gearbox by unscrewing the at-
tachment screws and washers that secure
7 If required apply two M8 screws in the holes
shown in the figure, and press out the


A: M8 holes for pressing out the gearbox

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4 Repair
4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6

Action Note
8 Remove gearbox axis 6 carefully without
damaging pinion or gear.


9 Check the pinion. A damaged pinion must

be replaced!

Refitting gearbox axis 6

Use this procedure to refit gearbox axis 6.
Action Note

Turn off all:

• electric power supply
• hydraulic pressure supply
• air pressure supply
to the robot, before entering the robot
working area.

Continues on next page

306 Product manual - IRB 660
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4 Repair
4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6

Action Note
2 Make sure the o-ring is undamaged and fit- For art. no. see: Required equipment on
ted to the gearbox. If the o-ring is damaged, page 303.
Lubricate the o-ring with grease.


3 Release the brakes of the axis 6 motor See section

manually. • Manually releasing the brakes on
page 60
4 Check that the pinion is undamaged on the
axis 6 motor.
5 Carefully insert the axis 6 gearbox into the
tilthouse, using guide pins.
Make sure the gears of the gearbox mate
with the pinion of the axis 6 motor.


Do not damage pinion or gears in the pro-


6 Secure the gearbox with its attachment 8 pcs or 18 pcs (depending on wrist ver-
screws and washers. sion): M8 x 40, 12.9 quality Gleitmo,
Reused screws may be used, providing they Tightening torque: 30 Nm.
are lubricated as detailed in section Screw
joints on page 345 before fitting.
7 Refit the turning disk. See section
• Replacing the turning disk on
page 176
8 Perform a leak-down test. See section
• See section Performing a leak-
down test on page 146.
9 Refill the gearbox with oil. See section
• Changing oil, gearbox axis 6 on
page 134

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 307
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4 Repair
4.7.3 Replacing gearbox axis 6

Action Note
10 Re-calibrate the robot. Pendulum Calibration is described in Op-
erating manual - Calibration Pendulum,
enclosed with the calibration tools.
Axis Calibration is described in Calibrating
with Axis Calibration method on page 319.
General calibration information is included
in section Calibration on page 309.

Make sure all safety requirements are met

when performing the first test run.

308 Product manual - IRB 660

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5 Calibration
5.1.1 Introduction and calibration terminology

5 Calibration
5.1 Introduction to calibration

5.1.1 Introduction and calibration terminology

Calibration information
This chapter includes general information about the recommended calibration
methods and also the detailed procedures for updating the revolution counters,
checking the calibration position etc.
Detailed instructions of how to perform Axis Calibration are given on the
FlexPendant during the calibration procedure. To prepare calibration with Axis
Calibration method, see Calibrating with Axis Calibration method on page 319.
Detailed instructions of how to perform Pendulum Calibration are given in the
documentation enclosed with the calibration tools.

Calibration terminology

Term Definition
Calibration method A collective term for several methods that might be
available for calibrating the ABB robot. Each method
contains calibration routines.
Synchronization position Known position of the complete robot where the
angle of each axis can be checked against visual
synchronization marks.
Calibration position Known position of the complete robot that is used
for calibration of the robot.
Standard calibration A generic term for all calibration methods that aim
to move the robot to calibration position.
Fine calibration A calibration routine that generates a new zero posi-
tion of the robot.
Reference calibration A calibration routine that in the first step generates
a reference to current zero position of the robot. The
same calibration routine can later on be used to re-
calibrate the robot back to the same position as when
the reference was stored.
This routine is more flexible compared to fine calib-
ration and is used when tools and process equipment
are installed.
Requires that a reference is created before being
used for recalibrating the robot.
Requires that the robot is dressed with the same
tools and process equipment during calibration as
during creation of the reference values.
Update revolution counter A calibration routine to make a rough calibration of
each manipulator axis.
Synchronization mark Visual marks on the robot axes. When marks are
aligned, the robot is in synchronization position.

Product manual - IRB 660 309

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5 Calibration
5.1.2 Calibration methods

5.1.2 Calibration methods

This section specifies the different types of calibration and the calibration methods
that are supplied by ABB.

Types of calibration

Type of calibration Description Calibration method

Standard calibration The calibrated robot is positioned at calibration Axis Calibration or Cal-
position. ibration Pendulum i
Standard calibration data is found on the SMB
(serial measurement board) or EIB in the robot.
For robots with RobotWare 5.04 or older, the
calibration data is delivered in a file, calib.cfg,
supplied with the robot at delivery. The file
identifies the correct resolver/motor position
corresponding to the robot home position.
i The robot is calibrated by either Calibration Pendulum or Axis Calibration at factory. Always use
the same calibration method as used at the factory.
Information about valid calibration method is found on the calibration label or in the calibration
menu on the FlexPendant.
If no data is found related to standard calibration, contact the local ABB Service.

Brief description of calibration methods

Calibration Pendulum method
Calibration Pendulum is a standard calibration method for calibration of many of
ABB robots (except IRB 6400R, IRB 640, IRB 1400H, and IRB 4400S).
Two different routines are available for the Calibration Pendulum method:
• Calibration Pendulum II
• Reference calibration
The calibration equipment for Calibration Pendulum is delivered as a complete
toolkit, including the Operating manual - Calibration Pendulum, which describes
the method and the different routines further.

Axis Calibration method

Axis Calibration is a standard calibration method for calibration of IRB 660. It is
the recommended method in order to achieve proper performance.
The following routines are available for the Axis Calibration method:
• Fine calibration
• Update revolution counters
• Reference calibration
The calibration equipment for Axis Calibration is delivered as a toolkit.
An introduction to the calibration method is given in this manual, see Calibrating
with Axis Calibration method on page 319.
The actual instructions of how to perform the calibration procedure and what to
do at each step is given on the FlexPendant. You will be guided through the
calibration procedure, step by step.

Continues on next page

310 Product manual - IRB 660
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5 Calibration
5.1.2 Calibration methods

Article numbers for the calibration tools are listed in the section Special tools on
page 350.
The calibration equipment for Calibration Pendulum is delivered as a complete
toolkit, including the Operating manual - Calibration Pendulum, which describes
the method and the different routines further.

Product manual - IRB 660 311

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5 Calibration
5.1.3 When to calibrate

5.1.3 When to calibrate

When to calibrate
The system must be calibrated if any of the following situations occur.

The resolver values are changed

If resolver values are changed, the robot must be re-calibrated using the calibration
methods supplied by ABB. Calibrate the robot carefully with standard calibration,
according to information in this manual.
The resolver values will change when parts affecting the calibration position are
replaced on the robot, for example motors or parts of the transmission.

The revolution counter memory is lost

If the revolution counter memory is lost, the counters must be updated. See
Updating revolution counters on page 315. This will occur when:
• The battery is discharged
• A resolver error occurs
• The signal between a resolver and measurement board is interrupted
• A robot axis is moved with the control system disconnected
The revolution counters must also be updated after the robot and controller are
connected at the first installation.

The robot is rebuilt

If the robot is rebuilt, for example, after a crash or when the reach ability of a robot
is changed, it needs to be re-calibrated for new resolver values.

312 Product manual - IRB 660

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5 Calibration
5.2.1 Synchronization marks and synchronization position for axes

5.2 Synchronization marks and axis movement directions

5.2.1 Synchronization marks and synchronization position for axes

This section shows the position of the synchronization marks and the
synchronization position for each axis.

Synchronization marks, IRB 660


A Synchronization plate, axis 1

B Synchronization tab on robot
C Synchronization mark, axis 2
D Synchronization mark, axis 3
E Synchronization plate and mark, axis 6

Synchronization marks at axes 2 and 3

The synchronization marks at axes 2, 3 and 6, shown in the figure above, consist
of two single marks that should be positioned opposite to one another when the
robot is standing in its synchronization position. One of the marks is more narrow
than the other and should be positioned within the limits of the wider mark.

Product manual - IRB 660 313

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5 Calibration
5.2.2 Calibration movement directions for all axes

5.2.2 Calibration movement directions for all axes

When calibrating, the axis must consistently be run towards the calibration position
in the same direction in order to avoid position errors caused by backlash in gears
and so on. Positive directions are shown in the graphic below.
Calibration service routines will handle the calibration movements automatically
and these might be different from the positive directions shown below.

Manual movement directions, 4 axes

Note! The graphic shows an IRB 260. The positive direction is the same for all
4-axis robots


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5 Calibration
5.3.1 Updating revolution counters on IRC5 robots

5.3 Updating revolution counters

5.3.1 Updating revolution counters on IRC5 robots

This section describes how to do a rough calibration of each manipulator axis by
updating the revolution counter for each axis, using the FlexPendant.

Step 1 - Manually running the manipulator to the synchronization position

Use this procedure to manually run the manipulator to the synchronization position.
Action Note
1 Select axis-by-axis motion mode.
2 Jog the manipulator to align the synchron- See Synchronization marks and synchron-
ization marks. ization position for axes on page 313.
3 When all axes are positioned, update the Step 2 - Updating the revolution counter
revolution counter. with the FlexPendant on page 316.

Correct calibration position of axis 4 and 6

When jogging the manipulator to synchronization position, it is extremely important
to make sure that axes 4 and 6 of the following mentioned manipulators are
positioned correctly. The axes can be calibrated at the wrong turn, resulting in an
incorrect manipulator calibration.
Make sure the axes are positioned according to the correct calibration values, not
only according to the synchronization marks. The correct values are found on a
label, located either on the lower arm, underneath the flange plate on the base or
on the frame.
At delivery the manipulator is in the correct position. Do NOT rotate axis 4 or 6 at
power up before the revolution counters are updated.
If one of the following mentioned axes are rotated one or more turns from its
calibration position before updating the revolution counter, the correct calibration
position will be lost due to non-integer gear ratio. This affects the following
Manipulator variant Axis 4 Axis 6
IRB 660 - No

If the synchronization marks seem to be wrong (even if the motor calibration data
is correct), try to rotate the axis one turn, update the revolution counter and check
the synchronization marks again (try both directions, if needed).

Continues on next page

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5 Calibration
5.3.1 Updating revolution counters on IRC5 robots

Step 2 - Updating the revolution counter with the FlexPendant

Use this procedure to update the revolution counter with the FlexPendant (IRC5).
1 On the ABB menu, tap Calibration.


2 All mechanical units connected to the system are shown with their calibration status.
Tap the mechanical unit in question.


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316 Product manual - IRB 660
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5 Calibration
5.3.1 Updating revolution counters on IRC5 robots

3 This step is valid for RobotWare 6.02 and later.
Calibration method used at factory for each axis is shown, as well as calibration
method used during last field calibration.
Tap Manual Method (Advanced).


4 A screen is displayed, tap Rev. Counters.


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5 Calibration
5.3.1 Updating revolution counters on IRC5 robots

5 Tap Update Revolution Counters....
A dialog box is displayed, warning that updating the revolution counters may change
programmed robot positions:
• Tap Yes to update the revolution counters.
• Tap No to cancel updating the revolution counters.
Tapping Yes displays the axis selection window.
6 Select the axis to have its revolution counter updated by:
• Ticking in the box to the left
• Tapping Select all to update all axes.
Then tap Update.
7 A dialog box is displayed, warning that the updating operation cannot be undone:
• Tap Update to proceed with updating the revolution counters.
• Tap Cancel to cancel updating the revolution counters.
Tapping Update updates the selected revolution counters and removes the tick from
the list of axes.

If a revolution counter is incorrectly updated, it will cause incorrect manipulator posi-

tioning, which in turn may cause damage or injury!
Check the synchronization position very carefully after each update. See Checking
the synchronization position on page 334.

318 Product manual - IRB 660

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5 Calibration
5.4.1 Description of Axis Calibration

5.4 Calibrating with Axis Calibration method

5.4.1 Description of Axis Calibration

Instructions for Axis Calibration procedure given on the FlexPendant

The actual instructions of how to perform the calibration procedure and what to
do at each step is given on the FlexPendant. You will be guided through the
calibration procedure, step by step.
This manual contains a brief description of the method, additional information to
the information given on the FlexPendant, article number for the tools and images
of where to fit the calibration tools on the robot.

Overview of the Axis Calibration procedure

The Axis Calibration procedure applies to all axes, and is performed on one axis
at the time. The robot axes are both manually and automatically moved into position,
as instructed on the FlexPendant.
A fixed calibration pin/bushing is installed on each robot axis at delivery.
The Axis Calibration procedure described roughly:
1 A removable calibration tool is inserted by the operator into a calibration
bushing on the axis chosen for calibration, according to instructions on the


Calibrating the robot with Axis Calibration requires special calibration tools
from ABB. Using other pins in the calibration bushings may cause severe
damage to the robot and/or personnel.


The calibration tool must be fully inserted into the calibration bushing, until
the steel spring ring snaps into place.

2 During the calibration procedure, RobotWare moves the robot axis chosen
for calibration so that the calibration tools get into contact. RobotWare records
values of the axis position and repeats the coming-in-contact procedure
several times to get an exact value of the axis position.


Risk of pinching! The contact force for large robots can be up to 150 kg.
Keep a safe distance to the robot.

3 The axis position is stored in RobotWare with an active choice from the

Continues on next page

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5 Calibration
5.4.1 Description of Axis Calibration

Routines in the calibration procedure

The following routines are available in the Axis Calibration procedure, given at the
beginning of the procedure on the FlexPendant.

Fine calibration routine

Choose this routine to calibrate the robot when there are no tools, process cabling
or equipment fitted to the robot.

Reference calibration routine

Choose this routine to create reference values and to calibrate the robot when the
robot is dressed with tools, process cabling or other equipment.


When calibrating the robot with the reference calibration routine, the robot must
be dressed with the same tools, process cabling and any other equipment as
when the reference values were created.
If calibrating the robot with reference calibration there must be reference values
created before repair is made to the robot, if values are not already available.
Creating new values requires possibility to move the robot. The reference values
contain positions of all axes, torque of axes and technical data about the tool
installed. A benefit with reference calibration is that the current state of the robot
is stored and not the state when the robot left the ABB factory. The reference value
will be named according to tool name, date etc.
Follow the instructions given in the reference calibration routine on the FlexPendant
to create reference values.
When reference calibration is performed, the robot is restored to the status given
by the reference values.

Update revolution counters

Choose this routine to make a rough calibration of each manipulator axis by
updating the revolution counter for each axis, using the FlexPendant.

In the mentioned routines, it is also possible to validate the calibration data.

Position of robot axes

The robot axes should be positioned close to 0 degrees before commencing the
calibration program. The axis chosen for calibration is then automatically run by
the calibration program to its exact calibration position during the calibration
It is possible to position some of the other axes in positions different from 0 degrees.
Information about which axes are allowed to be jogged is given on the FlexPendant.

Continues on next page

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5 Calibration
5.4.1 Description of Axis Calibration

These axes are marked with Unrestricted in the FlexPendant window. Also the
following table shows the dependencies between the axes.

Requirements for axis positioning during calibration

Axis to calibrate
Required Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Axis 5 Axis 6
position of
Axis 1 - * * *
Axis 2 0 - 0 *
Axis 3 0 0 - *
Axis 6 * * * -

- Axis to be calibrated
* Unrestricted. Axis is allowed to be jogged to other position than 0 degrees.
0 Axis must be put in position 0 degrees.

System containing SafeMove

SafeMove will lose its synchronization to the controller if a new calibration is done.
New calibration values have to be downloaded to SafeMove, and a new SafeMove
calibration has to be done. Make sure that the user rights admit to change the
safety settings and to synchronize SafeMove.
For robots with EPS, the same applies as for SafeMove.

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5 Calibration
5.4.2 Calibration tools for Axis Calibration

5.4.2 Calibration tools for Axis Calibration

Calibration tool set

The calibration tools used for Axis Calibration are designed to meet requirements
for calibration performance, durability and safety in case of accidental damage.
The calibration tool will eventually break from fatigue after longer period of use
and then needs to be replaced. There is no risk for bad calibrations as long as the
calibration tool is in one piece.


Calibrating the robot with Axis Calibration requires special calibration tools from
ABB. Using other pins in the calibration bushings may cause severe damage to
the robot and/or personnel.

Equipment, etc. Article number Note

Calibration tool box, 3HAC055412-001 Delivered as a set of calibration tools.
Axis Calibration Required if Axis Calibration is the valid calib-
ration method for the robot.

Examining the calibration tool

Check prior to usage
Before using the calibration tool, make sure that the tube insert, the plastic
protection and the steel spring ring are present.


If any part is missing or damaged, the tool must be replaced immediately.


A Tube insert
B Plastic protection
C Steel spring ring

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5 Calibration
5.4.2 Calibration tools for Axis Calibration

Periodic check of the calibration tool

If including the calibration tool in a local periodic check system, the following
measures should be checked.
• Outer diameter within Ø12g4 mm, Ø8g4 mm or Ø6g5 mm (depending on
calibration tool size).
• Straightness within 0.005 mm.


A Outer diameter

Identifying the calibrating tools

It is possible to make the calibration tool identifiable with, for example, an RFID
chip. The procedure of how to install an RFID chip is described below.


The tool identifier is NOT delivered from ABB, it is a customized solution.

Action Note
1 It is possible to use any RFID solution, with the
correct dimensions. ABB has verifed function on
some suppliers fulfilling the requirements of NFC
compatible devices (13.56 Mhz) according to ISO
14443 or ISO 15693.


The maximum dimensions on the RFID chip must

not exceed Ø7.9 mm x 8.0 mm, Ø5.9 mm x 8.0
mm or Ø3.9 mm x 8.0 mm (depending on calibra-
tion tool size).

2 There is a cavity on one end of the calibration tool

in which the RFID chip can be installed.
Install the RFID chip according to supplier instruc-
Install the chip in flush with the tool end.

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5 Calibration
5.4.3 Installation locations for the calibration tools

5.4.3 Installation locations for the calibration tools

Location of fixed calibration items

This section shows how the robot is equipped with items for installation of
calibration tools for Axis Calibration (fixed calibration pins and/or bushings).
Installed calibration tools are not shown.
A fixed calibration pin and a bushing for the movable calibration tool are located
on each axis as follows.
If there is not enough space on an axis to install a fixed calibration pin, the axis is
equipped with two bushings instead, for installation of two calibration tools when
calibration is carried out. This is shown in the figure.


The fixed calibration pin for axis 1 is installed on a removable tower. The tower will
need to be removed if electronic position switches are fitted to the robot. Keep the
tower in a safe location for future recalibration needs and mark it with robot serial
number to ensure that the correct one is refitted.

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5 Calibration
5.4.3 Installation locations for the calibration tools

Spare parts
When calibration is not being performed, a protective cover and an o-ring should
always be installed on the fixed calibration pin as well as a protective plug, included
a sealing, in the bushing. Replace damaged parts with new.
Spare part Article number Note
Protection cover and plug set 3HAC056806-001 Contains replacement calibration
pin covers and protective plugs
for the bushing.

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5 Calibration
5.4.4 Axis Calibration - Running the calibration procedure

5.4.4 Axis Calibration - Running the calibration procedure

Required tools
The calibration tools used for Axis Calibration are designed to meet requirements
for calibration performance, durability and safety in case of accidental damage.


Calibrating the robot with Axis Calibration requires special calibration tools from
ABB. Using other pins in the calibration holes may cause severe damage to the
robot and/or personnel.

Equipment, etc. Article number Note

Calibration tool box, Axis 3HAC055412-001 Delivered as a set of calibration tools.
Calibration Required if Axis Calibration is the valid
calibration method for the robot.

Required consumables
Consumable Article number Note
Clean cloth -

Spare parts

Spare part Article number Note

Protection cover and plug set 3HAC056806-001 Contains replacement calibration
pin covers and protective plugs
for the bushing.

Overview of the calibration procedure on the FlexPendant

The actual instructions of how to perform the calibration procedure and what to
do at each step is given on the FlexPendant. You will be guided through the
calibration procedure, step by step.
Use the following list to learn about the calibration procedure before running the
RobotWare program on the FlexPendant. It gives you a brief overview of the
calibration procedure.
After the calibration method has been started on the FlexPendant, the following
sequence will be run.
1 Choose calibration routine. The routines are described in Routines in the
calibration procedure on page 320.
2 Choose which axis/axes to calibrate.
3 The robot moves to synchronization position.
4 Validate the synchronization marks.
5 The robot moves to preparation position.
6 Remove the protective cover from the fixed pin and the protection plug from
the bushing, if any, and install the calibration tool.

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5 Calibration
5.4.4 Axis Calibration - Running the calibration procedure

7 The robot performs a measurement sequence by rotating the axis back and
8 Remove the calibration tool and reinstall the protective cover on the fixed
pin and the protection plug in the bushing, if any.
9 The robot moves to verify that the calibration tool is removed.
10 Choose whether to save the calibration data or not.
Calibration of the robot is not finished until the calibration data is saved, as last
step of the calibration procedure.

Preparation prior to calibration

The calibration procedure is described in the FlexPendant while conducting it.
Action Note

While conducting the calibration, the robot needs

to be connected to power.
Make sure that the robot's working area is empty,
as the robot can make unpredictable movements.

2 Wipe the calibration tool clean. Use a clean cloth.


The calibration method is exact. Dust, dirt or color

flakes will affect the calibration value.

Starting the calibration procedure

Use this procedure to start the Axis Calibration routine on the FlexPendant.
Action Note
1 Tap the calibration icon and enter the calibration
main page.
2 All mechanical units connected to the system are
shown with their calibration status.
Tap the mechanical unit in question.
3 The calibration method used at ABB factory for The FlexPendant will give all inform-
each axis is shown, as well as calibration method ation needed to proceed with Axis
used for the robot during last field calibration. Calibration.
4 Valid for RobotWare 6
Tap Call Calibration Method. The software will
automatically call for the procedure for the valid
calibration method. If not, tap Call Routine and
then tap Axis calibration.
5 Follow the instructions given on the FlexPendant. A brief overview of the sequence
that will be run on the FlexPendant
is given in Overview of the calibra-
tion procedure on the FlexPendant
on page 326.

Continues on next page

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5 Calibration
5.4.4 Axis Calibration - Running the calibration procedure

Restarting an interrupted calibration procedure

If the Axis Calibration procedure is interrupted before the calibration is finished,
the RobotWare program needs to be started again. Use this procedure to take
required action.
Situation Action
The three-position enabling device on the Press and hold the three-position enabling
FlexPendant has been released during robot device and press Play.
The RobotWare program is terminated with Remove the calibration tool, if it is installed,
PP to Main. and restart the calibration procedure from
the beginning. See Starting the calibration
If the calibration tool is in contact the robot
axis needs to be jogged in order to release
the calibration tool. Jogging the axis in wrong
direction will cause the calibration tool to
break. Directions of axis movement is shown
in Calibration movement directions for all
axes on page 314

Axis Calibration with SafeMove option

To be able to run Axis Calibration, SafeMove needs to be unsynchronized. The
Axis Calibration routine recognizes if the robot is equipped with SafeMove and will
force SafeMove to unsynchronize automatically.
However, SafeMove may generate other warning messages anytime during the
Axis Calibration routine. When a warning message is displayed, tap Acknowledge
to confirm the unsynchronized state and continue Axis Calibration procedure.


SafeMove must be synchronized after the calibration is completed.

After calibration

Action Note
1 Check the o-ring on the fixed calibration pin.
Replace if damaged or missing.
2 Reinstall the protective cover on the fixed calibra-
tion pin on each axis, directly after the axis has
been calibrated.
Replace the cover with new spare part, if missing
or damaged.


Protection cover and plug set:


Continues on next page

328 Product manual - IRB 660
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5 Calibration
5.4.4 Axis Calibration - Running the calibration procedure

Action Note
3 Reinstall the protective plug and sealing in the
bushing on each axis, directly after the axis has
been calibrated. Ensure that the sealing is not
Replace the plug and the sealing with new spare
part, if missing or damaged.


Protection cover and plug set:


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5 Calibration
5.4.5 Reference calibration

5.4.5 Reference calibration

Brief introduction to Reference Calibration

Reference calibration is a faster method compared to Fine calibration, as it refers
to a previously made calibration.
1 Create a backup of the current robot system.
2 Check that the active calibration offset values corresponds to the values on
the silver label (on the lower arm or the base).
3 Jog the manipulator so that all axes are in zero position (ex use MoveAbsJ
instruction). Check that all axis scales are aligned with calibration marks.
4 If the scales differ from calibration marks it might depend on wrong turns of
the revolution counters. Make a marker line on the corresponding axis to be
able to validate the result of the calibration. If more than one motor revolutions
are wrong, the calibration will fail.
5 Use a verification position. This is especially recommended if all axes were
not aligned with the synchronization marks (step 3). Reuse an existing
position that is suitable and accurate so it can be used to validate the repair.
Use a position where a deviation in axis calibration gives a big deviation in
positioning. Note! Check the position after each repair in one axis.
6 Use Reference calibration to save reference values for all axes that is to be
replaced. Make sure that the values are saved in RobotStudio or FTP program.
The files are located in "Active system folder name/HOME/RefCalibFiles".
7 Perform the repair.
8 Make sure that the tooling and process equipment are the same as when
creating the reference. Use Reference calibration to update the system with
new calibration offset value for the repaired axis.
9 Check the position against the verification position (step 5).
10 Proceed with the repair of the next axis, if necessary, and repeat (step 8-9)
for every axis.
11 (For system containing SafeMove or EPS) Download new calibration values
to SafeMove. Use Visual SafeMove in RobotStudio.
12 (For system containing SafeMove or EPS) Synchronize SafeMove to activate
13 Perform test run.
14 Update the label for resolver values with new calibration values.

Manual tuning of calibration offset

Manual tuning of calibration offset is normally not needed, but can be useful in
some situations. The requirement to do manual tuning is that there is a known
accurate position, that worked accurately before the repair (step 5, see Brief
introduction to Reference Calibration on page 330).
Example "Adjust axis 4":
1 Create a backup.

Continues on next page

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5 Calibration
5.4.5 Reference calibration

2 Run the manipulator to the verification position. (The manipulator position

is now deviating from the verification position.)
3 Read and note current axis 4 value in degrees (example: 96.3 degrees).
4 Manually jog, only axis 4, so that the manipulator is correctly positioned to
the verification position.
5 Read and note current axis 4 value in degrees (example: 94.2 degrees).
6 Move the manipulator to its calibration position.
7 Calculate the angle difference (ie 96.3-94.2=2.1 degrees).
8 Manually jog axis 4 the calculated angle difference (-2.1). NOTE! The direction
+/- shall be the same direction as the direction used when axis 4 was manually
jogged to coincide with the verification process. In the example -2.1 degrees.
9 Make a new manual fine calibration of axis 4 with axis in -2.1 degrees position.
10 Check again against the verification position.
11 Repeat the manual tuning if needed.
12 Create a new reference if the intention is to use the reference in the future.

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5 Calibration
5.5 Calibrating with Calibration Pendulum method

5.5 Calibrating with Calibration Pendulum method

Where to find information for Calibration Pendulum

Detailed instructions of how to perform Pendulum Calibration are given in the
documentation enclosed with the calibration tools.

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5 Calibration
5.6 Verifying the calibration

5.6 Verifying the calibration

Always verify the results after calibrating any robot axis to verify that all calibration
positions are correct.

Verifying the calibration

Use this procedure to verify the calibration result.
Action Note
1 Run the calibration home position program twice. See Checking the synchron-
Do not change the position of the robot axes after running ization position on page 334.
the program!
2 Adjust the synchronization marks when the calibration is This is detailed in section
done, if necessary. Synchronization marks and
synchronization position for
axes on page 313.
3 Write down the values on a new label and stick it on top
of the calibration label.
The label is located on the lower arm.

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5 Calibration
5.7 Checking the synchronization position

5.7 Checking the synchronization position

Check the synchronization position of the robot before beginning any programming
of the robot system. This may be done:
• Using a MoveAbsJ instruction with argument zero on all axes.
• Using the Jogging window on the FlexPendant.

Using a MoveAbsJ instruction

Use this procedure to create a program that runs all the robot axes to their
synchronization position.
Action Note
1 On ABB menu tap Program editor.
2 Create a new program.
3 Use MoveAbsJ in the Motion&Proc menu.
4 Create the following program:
MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],
\NoEOffs, v1000, fine, tool0

5 Run the program in manual mode.

6 Check that the synchronization marks for the axes See Synchronization marks and
align correctly. If they do not, update the revolu- synchronization position for axes on
tion counters. page 313 and Updating revolution
counters on page 315.

Using the jogging window

Use this procedure to jog the robot to the synchronization position of all axes.
Action Note
1 On the ABB menu, tap Jogging.
2 Tap Motion mode to select group of axes
to jog.
3 Tap to select the axis to jog, axis 1, 2, or
4 Manually run the robots axes to a position
where the axis position value read on the
FlexPendant, is equal to zero.
5 Check that the synchronization marks for See Synchronization marks and synchron-
the axes align correctly. If they do not, up- ization position for axes on page 313 and
date the revolution counters. Updating revolution counters on page 315.

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6 Decommissioning
6.1 Environmental information

6 Decommissioning
6.1 Environmental information

ABB robots contain components in different materials. During decommissioning,
all materials should be dismantled, recycled, or reused responsibly, according to
the relevant laws and industrial standards. Robots or parts that can be reused or
upcycled helps to reduce the usage of natural resources.

The following symbol indicates that the product must not be disposed of as common
garbage. Handle each product according to local regulations for the respective
content (see table below).


Hazardous material
The table specifies some of the materials in the product and their respective use
throughout the product.
Dispose components properly according to local regulations to prevent health or
environmental hazards.
Material Example application

Aluminium Covers, synchronization brackets

Batteries, Lithium Serial measurement board
Cast iron/nodular iron Base, lower arm, upper arm
Copper Cables, motors
Neodymium Brakes, motors
Oil, grease Gearboxes
Plastic/rubber Cables, connectors, drive belts, and so on.
Steel Gears, screws, base frame, and so on.

Continues on next page

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6 Decommissioning
6.1 Environmental information

Oil and grease

Where possible, arrange for oil and grease to be recycled. Dispose of via an
authorized person/contractor in accordance with local regulations. Do not dispose
of oil and grease near lakes, ponds, ditches, down drains, or onto soil. Incineration
must be carried out under controlled conditions in accordance with local regulations.
Also note that:
• Spills can form a film on water surfaces causing damage to organisms.
Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.
• Spillage can penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.

336 Product manual - IRB 660

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6 Decommissioning
6.2 Scrapping of robot

6.2 Scrapping of robot

Important when scrapping the robot


When a robot is disassembled while being scrapped, it is very important to

remember the following before disassembling starts, in order to prevent injuries:
• Always remove all batteries. If a battery is exposed to heat, for example
from a blow torch, it will explode.
• Always remove all oil/grease in gearboxes. If exposed to heat, for example
from a blow torch, the oil/grease will catch fire.
• When motors are removed from the robot, the robot will collapse if it is not
properly supported before the motor is removed.

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6 Decommissioning
6.3 Decommissioning of balancing device

6.3 Decommissioning of balancing device

There is much energy stored in the balancing device. Therefore a special procedure
is required to dismantle it. The coil springs inside the balancing device exert a
potentially lethal force unless dismantled properly.
The device must be dismantled by a decommissioning company.

Required equipment

Equipment Art. no. Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section Standard
tools on page 349.
Protective clothing that also covers - Must protect against spatter of sparks
face and hands and flames.
Cutting torch with a long shaft - For opening housing and cutting coils.
The long shaft is a safety requirement.
Other tools and procedures may be These procedures include references
required. See references to these to the tools required.
procedures in the step-by-step in-
structions below.


Do not under any circumstances, deal with the balancing device in any other
way than that detailed in the product documentation! For example, attempting
to open the balancing device is potentially lethal!

Action on field, decommissioning

The procedure below details the actions to perform on field, when the balancing
device is to be decommissioned.
Action Note
1 Remove the balancing device from the robot. Detailed in section Replacing the balan-
cing device on page 240.
2 Send the device to a decommissioning Make sure the decommissioning com-
company. pany is well informed about the stored
energy built up by high tensioned com-
pression springs and that the device
contains some grease and plastic.
The following procedure contains useful
information about decommissioning.

Continues on next page

338 Product manual - IRB 660
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6 Decommissioning
6.3 Decommissioning of balancing device

Decommissioning at decommissioning company, balancing device

The instruction below details how to decommission the balancing device. Contact
ABB Robotics for further consultation.
Action Note

There is stored energy built up by high

tensioned compression springs inside the
balancing device! When a coil is cut the
released tension creates a spatter of
sparks and flames.
The working area must be free of flam-
mable materials. Position the balancing
device so that the spatter will be directed
away from personnel.

2 Clamp the device at the working location.

Place the device at ground level so that
the hole and spring coils are cut from a
more safe distance.

There is some grease and a plastic layer

inside the balancing device. When opening
a hole in the device, the cutting torch will
cause the plastic and the grease to start
to burn.
Wear protective clothing! Make sure that
the working area is well ventilated!


The hole must be cut as specified in the

figure. Pieces can be ejected from the cyl-
inder at high speed if the hole is cut larger
than specified!

5 Cut a hole in the housing as shown in the Use a cutting torch with a long shaft.


* Minimum measure, in millimeters.

** Maximum measure, in millimeters.

Continues on next page

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6 Decommissioning
6.3 Decommissioning of balancing device

Action Note

There is stored energy built up by high

tensioned compression springs inside the
balancing device! When a coil is cut the
released tension creates a spatter of
sparks and flames.
The working area must be free of flam-
mable materials. Position the balancing
device so that the spatter will be directed
away from personnel.

7 Cut at least eight coils of the spring inside Use a cutting torch with a long shaft.
the housing.
8 Double-check the number of coils cut and
make sure all the tension in the spring is
Cut more coils if there is still tension in the

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7 Reference information
7.1 Introduction

7 Reference information
7.1 Introduction

This chapter includes general information, complementing the more specific
information in the different procedures in the manual.

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7 Reference information
7.2 Applicable standards

7.2 Applicable standards


The listed standards are valid at the time of the release of this document. Phased
out or replaced standards are removed from the list when needed.

The product is designed in accordance with ISO 10218-1:2011, Robots for industrial
environments - Safety requirements -Part 1 Robots, and applicable parts in the
normative references, as referred to from ISO 10218-1:2011. In case of deviations
from ISO 10218-1:2011, these are listed in the declaration of incorporation which
is part of the product delivery.

Normative standards as referred to from ISO 10218-1

Standard Description
ISO 9283:1998 Manipulating industrial robots - Performance criteria and related
test methods
ISO 10218-2 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial
robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration
ISO 12100 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk as-
sessment and risk reduction
ISO 13849-1:2006 Safety of machinery - Safety related parts of control systems
- Part 1: General principles for design
ISO 13850 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design
IEC 60204-1 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part
1: General requirements

Region specific standards and regulations

Standard Description
ANSI/RIA R15.06 Safety requirements for industrial robots and robot systems
ANSI/UL 1740 Safety standard for robots and robotic equipment
CAN/CSA Z 434-03 Industrial robots and robot Systems - General safety require-

Other standards used in design

Standard Description
ISO 9787:2013 Robots and robotic devices -- Coordinate systems and motion
IEC 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2: Generic
standards – Immunity standard for industrial environments
IEC 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic
standards – Emission standard for industrial environments
ISO 13732-1:2006 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Part 1
IEC 60974-1:2012 i Arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources

Continues on next page

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7 Reference information
7.2 Applicable standards

Standard Description
IEC 60974-10:2014 i Arc welding equipment - Part 10: EMC requirements
ISO 14644-1:2015 ii Classification of air cleanliness
IEC 60529:1989 + A2:2013 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
i Only valid for arc welding robots. Replaces IEC 61000-6-4 for arc welding robots.
ii Only robots with protection Clean Room.

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7 Reference information
7.3 Unit conversion

7.3 Unit conversion

Converter table
Use the following table to convert units used in this manual.
Quantity Units
Length 1m 3.28 ft. 39.37 in
Weight 1 kg 2.21 lb.
Weight 1g 0.035 ounces
Pressure 1 bar 100 kPa 14.5 psi
Force 1N 0.225 lbf
Moment 1 Nm 0.738 lbf-ft
Volume 1L 0.264 US gal

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7 Reference information
7.4 Screw joints

7.4 Screw joints

This section describes how to tighten the various types of screw joints on ABB
The instructions and torque values are valid for screw joints comprised of metallic
materials and do not apply to soft or brittle materials.

UNBRAKO screws
UNBRAKO is a special type of screw recommended by ABB for certain screw joints.
It features special surface treatment (Gleitmo as described below) and is extremely
resistant to fatigue.
Whenever used, this is specified in the instructions, and in such cases, no other
type of replacement screw is allowed. Using other types of screws will void any
warranty and may potentially cause serious damage or injury.

Gleitmo treated screws

Gleitmo is a special surface treatment to reduce the friction when tightening the
screw joint. Screws treated with Gleitmo may be reused 3-4 times before the coating
disappears. After this the screw must be discarded and replaced with a new one.
When handling screws treated with Gleitmo, protective gloves of nitrile rubber
type should be used.

Screws lubricated in other ways

Screws lubricated with Molycote 1000 should only be used when specified in the
repair, maintenance or installation procedure descriptions.
In such cases, proceed as follows:
1 Apply lubricant to the screw thread.
2 Apply lubricant between the plain washer and screw head.
3 Screw dimensions of M8 or larger must be tightened with a torque wrench.
Screw dimensions of M6 or smaller may be tightened without a torque wrench
if this is done by trained and qualified personnel.
Lubricant Article number
Molycote 1000 (molybdenum disulphide grease) 3HAC042472-001

Tightening torque
Before tightening any screw, note the following:
• Determine whether a standard tightening torque or special torque is to be
applied. The standard torques are specified in the following tables. Any
special torques are specified in the repair, maintenance or installation
procedure descriptions. Any special torque specified overrides the standard
• Use the correct tightening torque for each type of screw joint.
• Only use correctly calibrated torque keys.

Continues on next page

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7 Reference information
7.4 Screw joints

• Always tighten the joint by hand, and never use pneumatic tools.
• Use the correct tightening technique, that is do not jerk. Tighten the screw
in a slow, flowing motion.
• Maximum allowed total deviation from the specified value is 10%!

Oil-lubricated screws with slotted or cross-recess head screws

The following table specifies the recommended standard tightening torque for
oil-lubricated screws with slotted or cross-recess head screws.


A special torque specified in the repair, maintenance or installation procedure

overrides the standard torque.

Oil-lubricated screws with allen head screws

The following table specifies the recommended standard tightening torque for
oil-lubricated screws with allen head screws.


A special torque specified in the repair, maintenance or installation procedure

overrides the standard torque.

Dimension Tightening torque (Nm) Tightening torque (Nm) Tightening torque (Nm)
Class 8.8, oil-lubricated Class 10.9, oil-lubric- Class 12.9, oil-lubric-
ated ated
M5 6 - -
M6 10 - -
M8 24 34 40
M10 47 67 80
M12 82 115 140
M16 200 290 340
M20 400 560 670
M24 680 960 1150

Lubricated screws (Molycote, Gleitmo or equivalent) with allen head screws

The following table specifies the recommended standard tightening torque for
screws lubricated with Molycote 1000, Gleitmo 603 or equivalent with allen head


A special torque specified in the repair, maintenance or installation procedure

overrides the standard torque.

Dimension Tightening torque (Nm) Tightening torque (Nm)

Class 10.9, lubricated i Class 12.9, lubricated i
M8 28 35

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7 Reference information
7.4 Screw joints

Dimension Tightening torque (Nm) Tightening torque (Nm)

Class 10.9, lubricated i Class 12.9, lubricated i
M10 55 70
M12 96 120
M16 235 300
M20 460 550
M24 790 950
i Lubricated with Molycote 1000, Gleitmo 603 or equivalent

Water and air connectors

The following table specifies the recommended standard tightening torque for
water and air connectors when one or both connectors are made of brass.


A special torque specified in the repair, maintenance or installation procedure

overrides the standard torque.

Dimension Tightening torque Nm - Tightening torque Nm - Tightening torque Nm -

Nominal Min. Max.
1/8 12 8 15
1/4 15 10 20
3/8 20 15 25
1/2 40 30 50
3/4 70 55 90

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7 Reference information
7.5 Weight specifications

7.5 Weight specifications

In installation, repair, and maintenance procedures, weights of the components
handled are sometimes specified. All components exceeding 22 kg (50 lbs) are
highlighted in this way.
To avoid injury, ABB recommends the use of a lifting accessory when handling
components with a weight exceeding 22 kg. A wide range of lifting accessories
and devices are available for each manipulator model.

Following is an example of a weight specification in a procedure:
Action Note


The arm weighs 25 kg.

All lifting accessories used must be sized accord-

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7 Reference information
7.6 Standard tools

7.6 Standard tools

All service (repairs, maintenance, and installation) procedures contains lists of
tools required to perform the specified activity.
All special tools required are listed directly in the procedures while all the tools
that are considered standard are gathered in the standard toolkit and defined in
the following table.
This way, the tools required are the sum of the standard toolkit and any tools listed
in the instruction.

Contents, standard toolkit

Qty Tool Rem.

1 Ring-open-end spanner 8-19 mm
1 Socket head cap 5-17 mm
1 Torx socket no: 20-60
1 Box spanner set
1 Torque wrench 10-100 Nm
1 Torque wrench 75-800 Nm
1 Ratchet head for torque wrench 1/2
2 Hexagon-headed screw M10x100
1 Hex bit socket head cap no. 14 socket 40 mm L=100 mm
1 Hex bit socket head cap no. 14 socket 40 mm L=20 mm To be shortened to 12 mm
1 Hex bit socket head cap no. 6 socket 40 mm L=145 mm
1 Hex bit socket head cap no. 6 socket 40mm bit L=220 mm

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7 Reference information
7.7 Special tools

7.7 Special tools

All service instructions contain lists of tools required to perform the specified
activity. The required tools are a sum of standard tools, defined in the section
Standard tools on page 349, and of special tools, listed directly in the instructions
and also gathered in this section.

Calibration equipment, Calibration Pendulum

The following table specifies the calibration equipment needed when calibrating
the robot with the Calibration Pendulum method.
The robot is calibrated by either Calibration Pendulum or Axis Calibration at factory.
Always use the same calibration method as used at the factory.
Information about valid calibration method is found on the calibration label or in
the calibration menu on the FlexPendant.
If no data is found related to standard calibration, Calibration Pendulum is used
as default.
Description Art. no. Note
Calibration Pendulum toolkit 3HAC15716-1 Complete kit that also includes operating

Calibration equipment, Axis Calibration

The following table specifies the calibration equipment needed when calibrating
the robot with the Axis Calibration method.
The robot is calibrated by either Calibration Pendulum or Axis Calibration at factory.
Always use the same calibration method as used at the factory.
Information about valid calibration method is found on the calibration label or in
the calibration menu on the FlexPendant.
If no data is found related to standard calibration, Calibration Pendulum is used
as default.
Description Art. no. Note
Calibration tool box, Axis Cal- 3HAC055412- Delivered as a set of calibration tools.
ibration 001 Required if Axis Calibration is the valid
calibration method for the robot.

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7 Reference information
7.7 Special tools

Oil exchange equipment

The following table specifies the recommended equipment for oil exchange.
Description Art. no. Note
Oil exchange equipment 3HAC021745-001 Includes:
• Vacuum pump with regulator,
hose and coupling
• Couplings and adapters
• Pump (manual) with hose and
• Graduated measuring glass
• Oil gun
• User instructions.

Basic tools
The following table specifies the tools in the basic toolkit that are used for the
current robot model. This toolkit is necessary primarily when removing and refitting
the motors.
The tools are also listed directly in the instructions.
Description Qty Art. no.
Guide pins M10 x 100 2 3HAC15521-1
Guide pins M10 x 150 2 3HAC15521-2
Lifting tool, motor ax 1 1 3HAC14459-1
Lifting tool, motor ax 2, 3 1 3HAC15534-1
Removal tool, motor M12x Fits motors axes 1, 2 and 3.
Rotation tool 1 3HAC17105-1
Bits extension 1 3HAC12342-1
Standard toolkit (content described in sec- 1 -
tion Standard tools on page 349)

Lifting tools
The following table specifies the lifting tools required during several of the service
procedures. The tools may be ordered separately and are also specified directly
in concerned instructions in the Product manual, procedures.
Description Qty Article no.
Lifting tool, tilt house 3HAC023154-001
Lifting tool, motor 3HAC15534-1
Lifting tool, frame 3HAC023308-001
Lifting tool, complete robot 3HAC15607-1
Lifting tool, parallel arm 3HAC023098-001
Lifting tool, turning device gearbox ax.1 3HAC14406-1
Lifting tool, base 3HAC14868-1

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7 Reference information
7.7 Special tools

Special tools
The following table specifies the special tools required during several of the service
procedures. The tools may be ordered separately and are also specified directly
in concerned instructions.
Description Qty Article no.
Lower arm fixture 3HAC7035-1
Pressing, link 3HAC023081-001
Pressing, outer ring on link 3HAC077981-001
KM7 socket 6369901-438
KM8 socket Standard
KM10 socket Standard
KM12 socket extended 3HAC023739-001
Pinion crank 3HAC023132-001
Press tool, support ring 3HAC072616-001
Pressing, lower arm/balancing weight 3HAC076749-001
Pressing, upper arm 3HAC023084-001
Pressing, tie rod 3HAC5021-1
Pressing, tilt house 3HAC077982-001
Pressing, outer ring, tilt house 3HAC023075-001
Auxiliary shaft, long 3HAC5275-1
Auxiliary shaft, short 3HAC5276-1
Support shaft/bearing race 3HAC5281-1
Axis 1 pinion 3HAC022436-001
Tool for lubrication 3HAC5222-1
Adapter for shaft axis 3 3HAC071308-001
Guide sleeves 3HAC14446-1

352 Product manual - IRB 660

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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7 Reference information
7.8 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions

7.8 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions

Many repair and maintenance activities require different pieces of lifting accessories,
which are specified in each procedure.
The use of each piece of lifting accessories is not detailed in the activity procedure,
but in the instruction delivered with each piece of lifting accessories.
The instructions delivered with the lifting accessories should be stored for later

Product manual - IRB 660 353

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8 Spare part lists
8.1 Spare part lists and illustrations

8 Spare part lists

8.1 Spare part lists and illustrations

Spare parts and exploded views are not included in the manual but delivered as
a separate document for registered users on myABB Business Portal,


All documents can be found via myABB Business Portal, www.abb.com/myABB.

Product manual - IRB 660 355

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9 Circuit diagrams
9.1 Circuit diagrams

9 Circuit diagrams
9.1 Circuit diagrams

The circuit diagrams are not included in this manual, but are available for registered
users on myABB Business Portal, www.abb.com/myABB.
See the article numbers in the tables below.


Product Article numbers for circuit diagrams

Circuit diagram - IRC5 3HAC024480-011
Circuit diagram - IRC5 Panel Mounted Con- 3HAC026871-020
Circuit diagram - Euromap 67, design 14 3HAC024120-005
Circuit diagram - Spot welding cabinet 3HAC057185-001


Product Article numbers for circuit diagrams

Circuit diagram - IRB 120 3HAC031408-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 140 type C 3HAC6816-3
Circuit diagram - IRB 260 3HAC025611-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 360 3HAC028647-009
Circuit diagram - IRB 460 3HAC036446-005
Circuit diagram - IRB 660 3HAC025691-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 760 3HAC025691-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 1200 3HAC046307-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 1410 3HAC2800-3
Circuit diagram - IRB 1600/1660 3HAC021351-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 1520 3HAC039498-007
Circuit diagram - IRB 2400 3HAC6670-3
Circuit diagram - IRB 2600 3HAC029570-007
Circuit diagram - IRB 4400/4450S 3HAC9821-1
Circuit diagram - IRB 4600 3HAC029038-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 6620 3HAC025090-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6620 / IRB 6620LX 3HAC025090-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6640 3HAC025744-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6650S 3HAC13347-1

Continues on next page

Product manual - IRB 660 357
3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
9 Circuit diagrams
9.1 Circuit diagrams

Product Article numbers for circuit diagrams

Circuit diagram - IRB 6660 3HAC025744-001
Circuit diagram - IRB 6700 / IRB 6790 3HAC043446-005
Circuit diagram - IRB 7600 3HAC13347-1
Circuit diagram - IRB 14000 3HAC050778-003
Circuit diagram - IRB 910SC 3HAC056159-002

358 Product manual - IRB 660

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
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Index overview of method, 332

calibration position
jogging to, 334
A scales, 313
additional mechanical stop location, 118
calibration scales, 313
allergenic material, 30
carbon dioxide extinguisher, 31
cast iron
disposal, 335
disposal, 335
ambient humidity
changing oil
operation, 44
axis 1, 127
storage, 44
axis 2, 130
ambient temperature
axis 3, 130
operation, 44
axis 6, 134
storage, 44
cleaning, 143
assembly instructions, 41
climbing on robot, 34
assessment of hazards and risks, 30
Cold environments, 87
Axis Calibration, 319
connecting the robot and controller, cabling, 88
calibration tool
article number, 322, 326
disposal, 335
examining, 322
installation position, 324 D
overview of method, 319 damage to additional mechanical stop, 118
procedure on FlexPendant, 326 damage to mechanical stop, 116
protective cover and protection plug, 324, 326 dampers, 120
B frame, 72
balancing device
turning disk, 73
inspecting bearing, 107
upper arm, 71
inspecting piston rod guide ring, 107
direction of axes, 314
lubricating bearing, 140
lubricating piston rod, 140 E
base plate environmental information, 335
guide pins, 63 EPS, 77
securing, 63 equipment on robot, 71
batteries ESD
disposal, 335 damage elimination, 49
battery sensitive equipment, 49
replacing, 136, 248 expected life, 99
battery pack extended working range, 77
replacing, interval, 98 extended working range, axis 1, 77
battery shutdown extra equipment
service routine, 136, 248 frame, 72
bearing,balancing device, 107 robot, 71
bearing, balancing device, 140 turning disk, 73
brake release, 60 upper arm, 71
brake release board, replacement, 251
brakes F
testing function, 38 fire extinguishing, 31
buttons for brake release, 60 fitting equipment on robot, 71
C jogging to calibration position, 334
cabinet lock, 31 MoveAbsJ instruction, 334
cable harness attachments, 111 updating revolution counters, 316
cabling, robot, 88 fork lift, 50
cabling between robot and controller, 88 foundation
calibrating requirements, 44
robot, 319 frame
roughly, 315 dimensions, 72
calibrating robot, 319, 332
calibration G
rough, 315 gearbox
standard type, 310 oil change axis 1, 127
verification, 333 oil change axis 2, 130
when to calibrate, 312 oil change axis 3, 130
calibration manuals, 311 oil change axis 6, 134
calibration marks, 313 gearbox axis 1, replacement, 280
Calibration Pendulum gearboxes

Product manual - IRB 660 359

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location of, 126 M

grease, 34 maintenance schedule, 97
disposal, 335 manually releasing brakes, 60
guide pins, base plate, 63 mechanical stop
guide ring, piston rod, 107 axis 1, 79
mechanical stop location, 116
H MoveAbsJ instruction, 334
installed hanging, 30 N
hazard levels, 21 national regulations, 30
hazardous material, 335 negative directions, axes, 314
height neodymium
installed at a height, 30 disposal, 335
hot surfaces, 34 nodular iron
HRA, 30 disposal, 335
operation, 44 O
storage, 44 oil, 34
amount in gearboxes, 126
I disposal, 335
information labels location, 114 type of oil, 126
inspecting oil change
additional mechanical stop, 118 axis 1, 127
balancing device bearing, 107 axis 2, 130
balancing device piston rod guide ring, 107 axis 3, 130
cable harness, 111 axis 6, 134
information labels, 114 oil level
mechanical stop, 116 gearbox axes 2-3, 102
inspecting oil levels gearbox axis-1, 100
axes 2-3, 102 gearbox axis 6, 105
axis-1, 100 operating conditions, 44
axis 6, 105 option
inspection Extended working range, 77
dampers, 120 original spare parts, 19
mechanical stop axis 1, 79 P
installing equipment on robot, 71 pedestal
instructions for assembly, 41 installed on pedestal, 30
integrator responsibility, 30 personnel
intervals for maintenance, 97 requirements, 20
piston rod, balancing device, 140
L piston rod guide ring inspectiong, 107
labels plastic
robot, 23 disposal, 335
leak-down test, 146 positive directions, axes, 314
lifting accessory, 348 PPE, 20
lifting accessory, robot, 58 product standards, 342
lifting robot protection classes, 45
with fork lift, 50 protection type, 45
with lifting accessory, 58 protective equipment, 20
with roundslings, 55 protective wear, 20
limitation of liability, 19
linkage R
replacing upper rod, 204 recycling, 335
Lithium regional regulations, 30
disposal, 335 release brakes, 37
loads on foundation, 43 replacement
lock and tag, 31 brake release board, 251
lubricants, 34 gearbox axis 1, 280
lubricating turning disk, 176
balancing device bearing, 140 replacements, report, 145
balancing device piston rod, 140 replacing
lubrication upper rod, linkage, 204
amount in gearboxes, 126 xx, 92
type of lubrication, 126 report replacements, 145
requirements on foundation, 44
responsibility and validity, 19

360 Product manual - IRB 660

3HAC025755-001 Revision: Z
© Copyright 2006-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

restricting EN ISO, 342

working range axis 1, 77, 79 start of robot in cold environments, 87
revolution counters steel
storing on FlexPendant, 316 disposal, 335
updating, 315 storage conditions, 44
risk of burns, 34 symbols
risk of tipping, 48 safety, 21
robot synchronization position, 315
labels, 23 sync marks, 313
protection class, 45 system integrator requirements, 30
protection types, 45
symbols, 23 T
rubber temperatures
disposal, 335 operation, 44
storage, 44
S testing
safety brakes, 38
brake testing, 38 tools
ESD, 49 Axis Calibration, 350
fire extinguishing, 31 Calibration Pendulum, 350
release robot axes, 37 for service, 350
signal lamp, 75 oil exchange equipment, 351
signals, 21 torques on foundation, 43
signals in manual, 21 troubleshooting
symbols, 21 oil spills, 143
symbols on robot, 23 safety, 39
safety devices, 31 turning disk dimensions, 73
safety equipment turning disk replacement, 176
mechanical stop, 79
signal lamp, 124 U
safety hazard upcycling, 335
hydraulic system, 32 updating revolution counters, 315
pneumatic system, 32 upper arm
safety signals dimensions, 71
in manual, 21 users
safety standards, 342 requirements, 20
scales on robot, 313
schedule for maintenance, 97 V
screw joints, 345 validity and responsibility, 19
securing velocity
base plate, 63 adjusting, 87
securing, robot, 68 verifying calibration, 333
securing the robot to foundation, attachment screws, 68
signal lamp, 75 W
signals weight, 42
safety, 21 base plate, 62, 67
SMB gearbox, 298
replacing, 248 robot, 54–55, 59, 171, 173, 210–211, 216–217, 221–
SMB battery 222, 226–229, 235, 237, 243, 245, 258–259, 267,
extension of lifetime, 136, 248 269, 283, 285, 287, 290, 296
replacing, 136, 248 working range, 46
special tools, 350 restricting axis 1, 79
speed X
adjusting, 87 xx
stability, 48 replacing, 92
standards, 342
ANSI, 342 Z
CAN, 342 zero position
EN IEC, 342 checking, 334

Product manual - IRB 660 361

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Robotics & Discrete Automation
S-721 68 VÄSTERÅS, Sweden
Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400

Robotics & Discrete Automation
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000

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Robotics & Discrete Automation
No. 4528 Kangxin Highway
PuDong District
SHANGHAI 201319, China
Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666

ABB Inc.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000

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Specifications subject to change without notice.

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