How To Run A C Program in Visual Studio Code

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How to run a C program in Visual Studio

A visual studio code is a lightweight software application with a powerful source
code editor that runs on the desktop. It is a free source code editor developed by
Microsoft for Windows

, Mac OS and Linux
. It is a software editor that has a rich extension of various languages like C++
, C+, C
, Java
, Python
, Go
, etc. and runtime language extensions such as .NET
and Unity. It is easy to edit, build, syntax highlighting, snippets, code refactoring and
debugging. In visual studio code, we can change the application's background theme,
keyboard shortcuts set on our preferences, install an extension and add additional

Prerequisites for running a C program in Visual

Studio Code
1. We should have a basic knowledge of C programming.
2. The Visual Studio Code Editor must be installed in the system.
3. Download the C/C++ Extension. It is an extension provided by Microsoft that
support visual studio code. It helps in IntelliSence, debugging and code
browsing of the programming code in the visual studio.
4. Download the C/C++ compilers. There are some popular compilers are:
1. GCC on Linux
2. GCC via Mingw-w64 on Windows
3. Microsoft C++ compiler on windows
4. Clang for XCode on MacOS

We have already installed the Visual Studio Code in our system. The user interface of
VS code look like the following:
Download & Install the C/C++ Extension
1. We need to click on the extension button that displays a sidebar for downloading
and installing the C/C++ extension in the visual studio code. In the sidebar, type C
2. After that, click on the C/C++

In this image, click on the Install button to install the C/C++ extension.

3. After clicking the Install button, it shows the below image.

In this image, we can see it shows the Uninstall button that means the C/C+

+ extension has been successfully downloaded in the visual studio code.

In this image, we can see it shows the Uninstall button that means the C/C+

+ extension has been successfully downloaded in the visual studio code.

Download and Install Compiler Extension

A MinGW is an advanced GCC compiler software used to compile and execute code.
It is software that supports only the window operating system.

Download the MinGW-w64 Compiler

1. Go to the We land on the following

2. After that, click on the Download button, then it starts the downloading of

the MinGW GCC compiler, as we can see in the below image.
3. MinGW software has been successfully downloaded into the system.

4. Now we double-click on the MinGW set up to install the compiler.

As we can see, it shows that it is a harmful file click on the Run button to proceed

with installing the setup.
5. Click on the Install

6. Set it defaults, or we can change the storage location of the setup. After that, click
on the Continue
7. After clicking the continue button, it shows step 2 of MinGW Installation Manager.
8. As we click on the Continue, it shows the below image. In the MinGW Installation
Manager, we need to check the Mingw32-base package and Ming32-gcc-g++
package to run and compile the C/ C++ program in the visual studio code editor.

9. After selecting the checkbox, click on the Installation tab (at the top left corner of
the dialog box).
Here we click on Apply Changes to set the package's installation in MinGW, as
given below.

10. After click on the Apply button, it shows the below image.
11. After downloading the packages, it shows the installation process of the package,
as shown below.

Here we can see all the changes have been successfully applied and then click on
the Close button.

Set the Environment Path for the MinGW Set Up

After downloading and installing the MinGW compiler, we now set the environment
path to include the C/C++ compiler directory.

1. Go to the installation directory of the MinGW Set Up. Here we installed the setup

at the C drive, as shown below.
2. Double click on the MinGW folder. It shows the below image.

3. After that, click on the bin folder and then copy the directory path, as shown
Here is the path of the MinGW folder path: C:\MinGW\bin

4. After copying the directory path, go to This PC -> Right Click on This PC -> Select/
Click on the Properties. It shows the below image.

5. After that, click on the Advanced system settings to display a popup box of

System Properties, as shown below.
6. Click on the Environment Variables to set the directory path, as shown below.
First, we have to click on the System Variables Path and then click on
the Edit button, as shown in the above image.

7. As we click on the Edit button, it shows a popup window to set a new path, as
shown below.

In the above image, first, we click on the New button and then paste the C:\MinGW\
bin path; after that, click the OK button.
8. Similarly, click the OK button to the Environment Variables and System Properties.

9. If we want to check that the MinGW has been successfully installed in the system:

go to the Command Prompt or cmd, write the gcc -version, and press the Enter

Start Coding in the Visual Studio Code Editor

1. Here we created a C Program folder to store all program code. We can create a
folder with any name in any directory.

2. Go to the VS Code and click on the Add Folder.

3. As we click on the Add Folder, it shows a popup dialog box to select the folder to
store the program.
4. After selecting the folder, click on the Add The selected folder appears in the
explorer section, as we have shown below.

5. Move the mouse over the C PROGRAM folder; it shows a + Click on the button
and write the file name as JavaTpoint.c, as shown below.
Now write and understand simple C programming in the VS Code editor.


1. #include<stdio.h> // define the header file  
2. void main()   // define the main function  
3. {  
4.     printf("Welcome to JavaTpoint");  // print the statement.  
5. }  
After writing the code, right-click on the program, as shown below.

Click on the Run Code option or press Ctrl + Alt + N from the button. It shows the
following output.

1. Welcome to JavaTpoint  

Let's write a program to calculate the area and perimeter of the rectangle in the VS
Code editor.

1. #include<stdio.h> // header files  
2. #include<conio.h>  
3. void main()  
4. {   // initialize the local variables.  
5.     int l =5, b=10, ar, pr;  
6.     printf("Length & Breadth of the rectangle is: %d & %d",l, b);  
7.     ar = l * b; // calculate area of rectangle.  
8.     pr = 2 * (l + b); // calculate perimeter of rectangle.  
9.     printf("\n Area of Rectangle is: %d", ar);  
10.     printf("\n Perimeter of Rectangle is: %d", pr);    
11. }   

We can click on the Run button or press the Ctrl + Alt + N from the keyboard. It

displays the below output.

Let's write another C program to take an input from the user in the Visual Studio
Code Editor.


1. #include<stdio.h>  
2. int main()  
3. {   // initialize the local variables.  
4.     int l, b, ar, pr;  
5.     printf("Enter the length of the rectangle");  
6.     scanf("%d", l); // take input from the user  
7.     printf("Enter the breadth of the rectangle");  
8.     scanf("%d", b);   
9.     ar = l * b; // calculate the area of rectangle.  
10.     pr = 2 * (l + b); // calculate the perimeter of rectangle.  
11.     printf("\n Area of Rectangle is: %d", ar);  
12.     printf("\n Perimeter of Rectangle is: %d", pr);    
13. }  

When we click on the Run button or press the Ctrl + Alt + N, it displays the below


In the above program, we take length and breadth as input from the keyboard. As
the program is compiled, it produces the below statement.

Here Output tab is read-only, and hence we cannot take any input from the user. So,
we need to add some steps in the code editor to take user inputs from the

Following are the steps to take input from the user.

1. First of all, we need to stop the background running the c program by

pressing the Alt + Ctrl + M from the keyboard.
2. After stopping the C file, go & click the File button at the top left corner of
the Visual Studio Code Editor, and select the Settings via Preferences, as
shown below image.
3. After clicking the Settings, it shows the image below.

In this image, select the extension button to set the settings for the C

4. Click on the Extension button and scroll the drop-down box to select the Run
Code Configuration.
5. Now scroll the right-side pane and Tick on the Run In Terminal.

6. Go to the c and again execute the program by clicking on the Run, it

produces the following results, as shown below.
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 Home  Komputer  Cara Instal dan Seting Visual Studio Code untuk C/C++ Windows

Cara Instal dan Seting Visual Studio Code untuk C/C++ Windows

Visual Studio Code adalah sebuah software code-editor gratis yang dibuat oleh
Microsoft untuk Windows, Linux, dan macOS. Layaknya software code editor, Visual
Studio Code memiliki fitur-fitur seperti debugging, syntax, highlighting, intelligent
code compeltion, snippets, code rectoring, dan embedded Git.
Saat ini Visual Studio Code telah mendukung ratusan bahasa pemrograman dan file
format. Beberapa bahasa pemrograman yang biasa digunakan sudah didukung
secara default (Javascript, HTML, CSS, dll) tanpa perlu menginstal extension.
Sementara untuk bahasa-bahasa lain kita perlu menginstal extension yang dapat kita
instal langsung melalui menu extension di VS Code.

Pada artikel ini, kita akan belajar bagaimana instal sekaligus seting atau set up visual
studio code untuk ngoding C dan C++. Mungkin step-by-step nya bisa menjadi rumit.
Tetapi jika kamu mengikuti langkah demi langkah dengan cermat, hal ini akan terasa
sangat mudah.

Instal dan Set Up Visual Studio Code untuk C/C++

Langkah 1 : Dowload dan Instal Visual Studio Code

Ketikkan saja "visual studio code" di search engine browser dan klik link website nya.
Atau kamu bisa langsung klik saja link di bawah untuk langsung ke situs visual
studio code.

Download Visual Studio Code

Selanjutnya silahkan pilih versi Visual Studio Code yang sesuai dengan OS laptop
atau PC mu. Karena pada artikel ini kita memakai OS Windows, maka pilih saja VS
Code untuk Windows. Kalau udah kedownload, lanjut instal visual studio code nya.
Instalnya mudah kok, tinggal centang dan kilk next next aja.

Semisal pada tempilan di atas, kamu ceklist aja semua opsinya atau bisa samain aja
kayak di gambar. Habis itu klik next.

Langkah 2 : Download Extension Visual Studio Code

Setelah berhasil menginstal VS Code, sekarang saatnya untuk menginstal

beberapa extension. Ada dua extension yang bakal kita instal, yaitu C/C++ dan Code
Runner. Cara instalnya gampang banget. Pertama, klik ikon yang ada di pinggir
sebelah kiri. Pada kolom pencarian, ketik "C/C++". Lalu klik extension C/C++ dari
Micosoft yang muncul. Klik Instal extension nya.

Setelah berhasil instal extension C/C++, lanjut instal Code Runner. Cara instal nya
sama persis kok kayak instal extension C/C++.
Sekarang kita telah berhasil set up visual studio code. Tapi kita masih butuh
compiler untuk meng-compile kodingan yang nanti kita buat, untuk itu kita instal dulu
compiler MinGw.

Langkah 3 : Download dan Instal MinGW Compiler

Kamu bisa download minGW dari link berikut ini.

Download mingw 64 compiler

Kemudian jalankan programnya dengan klik kanan run as administrator. Klik Next.
Sesuaikan aja setingannya seperti gambar di bawah dan klik next terus sampai
proses instal nya dimulai. Tunggu aja sampai selesai. Kalau udah klik Finish.

Baca : Cara Membuat Daftar Isi Otomatis di Microsoft Word

Langkah 4 : Copy Bin Path

Sekarang buka 'This PC' dan buka 'Local Disk C'. Pergi ke tempat dimana kamu instal
Compiler minGW tadi. Secara defaut, biasanya minGW terinstal di dalam folder
Program Files (x86). Kalau dalam folder Program Files (x86)tidak ada folder mingw-
w64 berarti folder mingw-w64 ada di folder Program FIles.

Kalau udah tahu folder mingw-w64 dimana, lanjut masuk ke folder mingw-w64
tersebut. Masuk lagi ke folder i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0, lalu mingw32, dan
terakhir ke folder bin. Kalau udah sampai ke bin copy path nya. Caranya, seperti pada
gambar di bawah.

Baca : Cara Download dan Instal Zoom di PC Windows

Langkah 5 : Edit Environment Variable

Sekarang kita perlu setup environment. Caranya, search di menu pencarian Windows
dengan keyword "Environment variables". Klik saja opsi "Edit the system environment
variable" yang muncul dari hasil pencarian.
Sekarang klik Environment Variables, maka kamu akan melihat tampilan seperti yang
ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah. Klik "Path" di System Variable dan klik Edit
seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah ini.

Klik New dan paste alamat folder bin yang sudah kita copy di langkah sebelumnya,
lalu klik Ok.

Klik OK sampai semuanya tertutup.

Langkah 6 : Cek minGW sudah berhasil terinstal

Klik tombol pencarian di dekat kiri bawah ikon Windows dan cari command prompt.
Pada command prompt ketikkan g++ --version. Dan jika muncul sesuatu di command
prompt seperti gambar di bawah, artinya sudah berhasil instal compiler nya.

Namun jika kamu mendapatkan beberapa kesalahan, jangan khawatir. Cukup instal
ulang minGW seperti yang ditunjukkan pada langkah 3 sampai 5 dan itu akan
menyelesaikan masalah.

Langkah 7 : Mari buat program sederhana dengan c++ di VS Code

Hore! kita telah berhasil mengatur vscode untuk C dan C++. Sekarang mari kita coba
dengan meembuat program pertama kita di vscode.

Buka vs code. Klik 'File' di bagian kiri atas dan pilih 'Open Folder'. Mari kita buat
folder baru di dekstop dan pilih foldernya.

Sekarang klik pada ikon dokumen di samping kiri vs code. Jika Anda tidak melihat
bilah sisi kiri, cukup tekan Ctrl + B pada keyboard. Sekarang buat file dengan ekstensi
.cpp seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah ini.
Sekarang mari tulis kode pertama kita. Kamu dapat menyalin dan menempelkan
kode yang telah saya berikan di bawah ini.

Source Code Simpel

Untuk menjalankan programnya, klik kanan dan pilih "Run". Atau juga bisa dengan
menekan shortcut Ctrl+At+N.

Dan begitulah, kamu telah berhail membuat program pertamamu dalam C++ di
Visual Studio Code. Saya harap tutorial ini bermanfaat. Jika menghadapi masalah
saat menginstal, beri tahu saya lewat kolom komentar.

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