10health - Module 1 - Dayao - July - 2021 - 4Q-21-22

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Module 4.01

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What I Need to Know (Lesson 1)

Welcome to this quarter of health-related lessons. This module introduces

lessons on health information, products, and services for learners like you
to critically make decisions on evaluating and utilizing consumer health.

Learning Objectives
- Explain the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation
of health information, products, and services.
- Discuss the various forms of health information, products and
- Select health professionals, specialists and health care services to

At this point in your life, your healthcare concerns may not much be of a concern to you. But eventually you’ll hit
a life stage wherein you would need choices which hopefully are to your best interest. Looking at the scenario in
the image, one could say that the woman’s “healthcare plan” relies on her belief on placebo effect which
according to studies has small benefits but may not bring any treatment and/or cure.

May your lesson here bring insight to you with regard to consumer health.

What I Know/ What’s In

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Dayao, K. (July 2022) 10 HEALTH | 1

Even the healthiest of people find themselves in the role of a hospital patient at
some point in their lives. Hence, learning consumer health is vital before we get
into the position of needing health products or services. Today it's possible to be
more informed about your health care options. Even so, navigating the complex
health care system is no easy task. To be a savvy health care consumer, you must
ask questions and take charge of your health.

Fortunately, more and more tools are available online to help you make smart
choices. Take advantage of these resources to make smart choices for your health.

What’s New and What Is It

This refers to decisions you make about the purchase of product and use of
Consumer Health health information and services that will have direct effect on your health. It
is designed to be educational to help individuals make decisions about
health-related behavior and medical treatments.

Who are health Anyone who uses health services


Who is a health consumer Someone who provides advice on behalf of consumers with the overall aim of
representative? improving healthcare

What is health Any concept, step, or advice that various sources give to aid the health status of
information? an individual.
Information acquired is critical as it may alter the health condition of a person.
One thing to remember is that health information is continuously changing, thus,
is should be timely, relevant, culturally appropriate, accessible, and delivered in a
relevant format. There is a great need to update oneself regarding current
research and evidence available in the field.

What is a health product? Anything that is consumed to improve our well-being such as medicine, food,
cosmetics, devices, vaccines

What is health service? Refers to health information, action, procedure, or work furnished or supplied to
help satisfy your needs and wants as a consumer
These are services and things people do to and for other people.
Examples: medical consultation and treatment, transportation payment,
communication services, insurance, complementary and alternative medicine.

Who is considered a They are the ones who maintain health in humans through the application of the
health professional? principles and procedures of evidence-based medicine and caring. Health
professionals study, diagnose, treat and prevent human illness, injury and other
physical and mental impairments in accordance with the needs of the
populations they serve.

What is a healthcare Institutions or places offering healthcare services

facility? Ex. hospital, walk-in surgery center, health center

One is highly encouraged to be knowledgeable and be educated consumers who make wise selection of
information, products and services that are scientifically proven and legally approved. It is our due diligence to
evaluate and examine our sources.

Dayao, K. (July 2022) 10 HEALTH | 2

This refers to a type of insurance coverage that typically pays for medical
Health Insurance surgical, prescription drug and sometimes dental expenses incurred by the
Types of Coverage:
 Medical Insurance pays for the fees of the health professionals, laboratory tests Choosing a health
and prescriptions drugs. insurance plan can
 Major Medical Insurance offers payments for long-term or chronic diseases such be tricky because of
plan rules regarding
as AIDS and cancer.
in- and out-of-
 Hospitalization Insurance pays for the stay of the patient inside the hospital. network services,
 Surgical Insurance pays for surgery fees. deductibles, co-pays
 Disability Insurance provides financing for members who meet accidents or and other more.
suffer from illnesses.


 public health insurance in the

 It is mandated that employees of both
public and private companies avail of
PhilHealth. Each member is required to
pay monthly contribution.

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)

 Healthcare provider that offers medical services that
are availed through prepaid.
 An HMO limits member coverage to medical care
provided through a network of doctors and other
healthcare providers.
 HMO plans require that participants first receive
medical care services from an assigned provider
known as the primary care physician (PCP).

HMO providers in the Philippines

Private Health Insurance

 Gives access to more comprehensive private healthcare networks, Republic Act No. 8423 or the
offering a lot more than HMOs do. In the Philippines, a private Traditional and Alternative
health insurance is usually bought by the individual voluntarily. Medicine Act of 1997 provisioned
There are some companies that provide this type of insurance to the creation of the Philippine
Institute of Traditional and
their employees. Alternative Healthcare (PITAHC),
 Premiums can be steep and are fully paid by the insured. Immediate which works closely with the
family members can also be insured on the policy at an additional Department of Health. The
PITAHC is also the law-making
cost. Private insurers offer many benefits and features. Their
body with regards to the effective
facilities are usually at par with international standards and some use of traditional and alternative
even extend their policy outside the country. medicine.

Dayao, K. (July 2022) 10 HEALTH | 3

The three examples of health insurances are not the only options you have when you are considering to look for
security when it comes to health. Some consider complementary and/or alternative approaches and below are
some examples.
 Traditional Alternative Medicine
This field includes the more mainstream and accepted forms of therapy, such as acupuncture,
homeopathy, and Oriental practices, naturopathy. These therapies have been practiced for centuries
 Body Therapies: Chiropractic Treatment, Massages, Body Movement Therapy
 Nutrition Therapy
Approaches treatment of a medical condition by providing a tailored diet for a patient.
 Diets and Herbs: Dietary supplements, herbal medicine, nutrition and diet
Nutritional excess and deficiency have become problems in today's society, both leading to certain
chronic diseases. Many dietary and herbal approaches attempt to balance the body's nutritional well-


Here are ten herbs that are proven and tested to have medicinal value and are approved by the DOH.
 Ampalaya - for non-insulin dependent diabetic patients
 Bawang - used as antiseptic to disinfect wounds, mouthwash or tooth decay and gum infection
 Lagundi - for cough and asthma
 Niyug-niyogan - for cough and asthma
 Akapulco - for ringworm and other skin (fungal) infections
 Sambong - for urinary stones
 Tsaang Gubat - for mouthwash, intestinal motility problems
 Pansit-pansitan - for arthritis and gout
 Yerba Buena - analgesic (relieves body pain)

What’s More (Lesson 2)

Assessment 1
Compare and contrast Philhealth, HMO and Private Health Insurance in the table below.
PhilHealth HMO Private Health Insurance

Is it required? If yes,
to whom specifically?
Age Coverage


If you are to choose a healthcare plan for your future, which one would it be and why? If no, why?

Take a look at the video below to know more about health insurance.

Video #1 Understanding Your Health Insurance Cost

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What’s More (Lesson 3)

This is a form of health fraud in any advertisement, promotion or sale of

Quackery products and services that have not been scientifically proven safe and

Quacks are individuals who have little or no professional qualifications to practice medicine. They pretentiously
use meaningless medical jargon and rely on scare tactics, paranoid accusations, and quick fixes. According to
Schaler & Carroll, there three major characteristics of health quackery. First, it is a big business – there is a huge
amount of money spent on fraudulent health products and services. Second, it multiplies and spreads fast. Lastly,
it thrives on individuals who are diagnosed with illnesses that are known to have no cure.
Forms of Quackery
 Medical Quackery includes cures, treatments and remedies of various health condition that are
drugless or bloodless in nature
 Nutrition Quackery involves promotion of food and other nutritional practices that claim to be all-
natural, these are believed to have beneficial properties of multiple plants in one
 Device Quackery makes use of miraculous gadgets that are believed to cure certain health

Many trends nowadays arising from KPop and western culture influence the lifestyle of millenials and Gen-
Z’ers. Examples of these are personal care products, make-up and diet. With all the fad and trends exploding
in social media, malls, Netflix and movies, one should learn how to filter out the plethora of choices and be
vigilant in the choice of services and/or products offered. Here are some guidelines for you to be protected
from false claims of products.

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Evaluating Health Information
Health information can be very extremely useful, empowering us to make important health decisions.
However, health information can also be confusing and overwhelming. Given the wealth of information, it’s
important to be able to assess them well.

Aside from  CREDIBILITY It has an identifiable source and/or an author. Source is

evaluating the also fair, objective and has no hidden motive. Source has
reliability of health the required related expertise and training to provide the
choosing competent
and reliable
healthcare providers  CONTENT Information is accurate and is supported by evidence from
is also important scientific studies, other data or expert opinion. One thing to
because it is crucial help you determine if information is trustworthy is if it has
to the appraisal, limitations, purpose, scope and authority. Check also if
diagnosis and information is updated or a recent study/research/discovery.
treatment of health
conditions. When  DISCLOSURE It presents the purpose and caveat of the information.
visiting a healthcare
provider, a person
 INTERACTIVITY It presents about the feedback mechanism and means of
should determine
satisfaction and information exchange between the source and the
reliability. consumer.

Activity 1
1. What are the reason/s some people fall for medical quackery? Give three reasons.
a. __________________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. What two or three things can you do to protect yourself and your family from medical quackery? Briefly
explain your answers.
a. __________________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned (Lesson 4)

Activity 2
1. Given that you are in an area with difficult or no access to hospital services, what are your other options
for basic medical care/aid? List all possible options.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

2. What are examples of consumer health products and services? List five for each.
Products Services
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
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Watch the video below to help you become smart, aware and careful in avoiding health-related fraudulent medical

Health Fraud Scams, Health Gadgets-Scam

Dayao, K. (July 2022) 10 HEALTH | 6

Acivity 3
Read the different ads and claims below then determine if they are genuine or fake. Explain your answer.

False – Losing weight without exercise may
lead to more weight control problems and
may even lead to body fat increase.


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Summative Assessment (Lesson 5)

Decisions made to purchase product and use of health information and services that will have direct
effect on one’s health refers to Consumer Health. This is designed to be educational to help individuals
in making decisions about health-related behavior and medical treatments.

Health insurance is a healthcare product that one can avail of for medical surgical use, prescription
drugs and even dental expenses. Examples of this are HMOs, private health insurance and PhilHealth
which is the public health insurance in the Philippines.

There’s also a complementary and alternative approach to deal with our health needs. These come in
the forms of traditional alternative medicine, body therapies, nutrition therapy, diet and herbs.

One focus of this module is for one to be cautious when availing of medical products or services. This
is because of the widespread cases of health fraud.

Availing health insurances and other supplementary products are means of taking initiatives for you to
secure your future. However, one important thing that you need to remember is taking good care of yourselves- be
watchful of the type of food you are eating and be vigilant with the amount of food you consume. In addition to
this, keeping an active lifestyle will promote your overall health. Interestingly, your disposition as well has an
impact to your body’s wellness. It says in Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit
dries up the bones.” Guard your heart with God’s help for what we have in your heart is reflected in what you do
and contributes to your wellness.

Reflect on your lifestyle.

Does it contribute to your well-being? If not, changes can you make for your own benefit?

Dayao, K. (July 2022) 10 HEALTH | 7

You will be answering your quiz online. Only click on or open the link to the quiz on the scheduled date. Be
guided accordingly. If you have any concerns regarding the quiz before and/or after the quiz, inform me via



Bd, Jerome Buban Nazareno April 17, & 17, A. S. A. (2020, June 4). 10 Philippine Herbal Medicines Approved

By DOH. Business Diary Philippines. https://businessdiary.com.ph/466/10-philippine-herbal-medicines-


Callo, L. F., Camiling, M. K. S., Yap, J. C., Cagulang, J. P., Doria, J. C., Deverturda, E., & Grecia, J.-A. G.

(2015). Physical Education and Health – Grade 10 (First). Department of Education.

Hayes, A. (2020, August 28). What You Should Know About Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs).


Types of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-


UCSF Health. (2020, October 6). Evaluating Health Information. ucsfhealth.org.


Warner, A. M. (2020, March 3). The Importance of Total Consumer Health. The Statement.


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