Pre Pareekshan-2 (2023) - (Set-C) - S

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TEST ID: 1105


Pre Pareekshan–2 (SET-C)

GS Paper-I: (1105)

1. Answer: (d) Balakot, Surkotada, Nageshwar, Nausharo

Explanation: and Ghazi Shah. There are also
The fact that the Harappan Civilization was settlements even smaller than these.
urban does not mean that all or even most
of its settlements had an urban character. 2. Answer: (c)
A majority were, in fact, the villages. The Explanation:
cities depended on the villages for food and The Vedic people continued to produce
perhaps, also labour, and various kinds of barley, but during the Later Vedic period,
goods produced in the cities found their rice and wheat became their chief crops. In
way into the villages. As a result of the subsequent times, wheat became the
brisk urban–rural interaction, the typical staple food of the people in Punjab and
range of the Harappan artefacts reached western Uttar Pradesh (UP). For the first
even small village sites. time, the Vedic people became acquainted
It is not easy to estimate the exact size of with rice in the doab, called Vrihi in the
ancient settlements, as they are often Vedic texts, and the remains of it recovered
spread over many mounds and buried from Hastinapur relate to the eighth
under layers of alluvium. Nevertheless, it is century BC. Rice was also grown at
clear that the Harappan sites varied a great Atranjikhera in Etah district at around the
deal in size and function, from large cities same time.
to small pastoral camps. The Later Vedic people were acquainted
The largest settlements include Mohenjo- with four types of pottery: Black-and-red
Daro, Harappa, Ganweriwala, Rakhigarhi ware; Black-slipped ware; Painted grey
and Dholavira. Lurewala in Cholistan, with ware; and Red-ware. The last type of
an estimated population of about 35,000, pottery was the most popular and is found
seems to have been as large as Mohenjo- almost all over western UP.
Daro. Other large sites are Nagoor, Tharo However, the most distinctive pottery of the
Waro Daro and Lakhueenjo-Daro in period is known as the ‘Painted Grey Ware’.
Sindh, and Nondowri in Baluchistan. It consisted of bowls and dishes that were
Recently, some very large Harappan sites used either for rituals or for eating or for
have been reported in Punjab—Dhalewan both, probably by the emerging upper
in Mansa district and Gurni Kalan I, orders.
Hasanpur II, Lakhmirwala and Baglian Da In the Later Vedic times, the Rig Vedic
Theh in Bathinda district. tribal assemblies lost importance, and
The second rung of the Harappan royal power increased at their cost. The
settlements are moderate-sized sites, Vidatha completely disappeared; the
ranging between 10 and 50 ha, such as Sabha and the Samiti continued to hold
Judeirjodaro and Kalibangan. Then, there their ground, but their character changed.
are the even smaller sites of 5–10 ha, such They were now controlled by the chiefs and
as Amri, Lothal, Chanhudaro and Rojdi. the rich nobles, and women were no longer
The many settlements in the 1–5 ha range permitted to sit in the Sabha, which was
include Allahdino, Kot Diji, Rupar,


now dominated by the warriors and the justifications for various Vedic rituals, and
Brahmanas. the attainment of salvation was made
The term ‘Rashtra’, which indicates dependent on their performance.
territory, first arose during this period. In order to attain salvation, the
During this period, collection of taxes and Mimamsa School strongly recommended
tributes seems to have become common. the performance of Vedic sacrifices,
These were probably deposited with an which needed the services of the priests
officer, called the Sangrihitri, who worked and legitimized the social distance between
as the king’s companion. The epics tell us the various Varnas.
that at the time of a grand sacrifice, large- Kapila, the exponent of the Samkhya,
scale distributions were made by the teaches that a man’s life is shaped by the
princes, and all sections of the people were forces of nature, and not by any divine
sumptuously fed. In the discharge of his agency.
duties, the king was assisted by the priest,
the commander, the chief queen and a few 4. Answer: (b)
other high functionaries. At the lower level,
the administration was possibly run by the
The Besnagar pillar inscription indicates
village assemblies, which may have been
that the Shungas continued the
controlled by the chiefs of the dominant
Mauryan tradition of entertaining the
clans. These assemblies also tried local
ambassadors from the Greek courts.
Kasiputa Bhagabhadra is identified either
However, even in the Later Vedic times,
as the fifth Shunga king Bhadraka or the
the king did not have a standing army.
ninth king Bhagavata. Amtalakita was the
Tribal units were mustered in times of war
Indo-Greek ruler Antialkidas, known from
and, according to one ritual, for success in
the coins.
war; the king had to eat along with his
What is even more interesting is that
people (Vis) from the same plate.
Heliodorus, the Greek ambassador,
describes himself as a Bhagavata, i.e., a
3. Answer: (a) worshipper of God Vasudeva Krishna, and
Explanation: that he set up this pillar in the honour of
The Vaisheshika School gives importance this God. The Garuda is a fantastic bird,
to the discussion of material elements, or the vehicle of Vishnu. The foundations of a
Dravya. They draw a line between structure near the pillar, no doubt,
particularities and their aggregate. Earth, represent the remains of the ancient
water, fire, air and ether (sky), when temple, in front of which the Greek
combined, give rise to new objects. ambassador left an inscribed record of his
The Vaisheshika School propounded the devotion.
‘Atom Theory’, believing that all material The Rabatak inscription (Afghanistan)
objects are made up of atoms. The throws important light on the Kushana
Vaisheshika, thus, marked the genealogy. The inscription states that
beginning of physics in India, but the Kanishka’s empire included Kaundinya,
scientific view was diluted by a belief in Ujjayini, Saketa, Kaushambi, Pataliputra
God and spiritualism, and this School put and Champa, and makes the exaggerated
its faith in both heaven and salvation. claim that his rule extended over the whole
Mimamsa literally means the art of of India. It suggests that the empire
reasoning and interpretation. However, extended up to Pataliputra and Champa in
reasoning was used to provide the east.


The Shungas clashed with the Bactrian Buddhist art in the Gupta times are the
Greeks. Giving an example of an event Ajanta paintings. Although these paintings
belonging to the recent past, the 2nd covered the period from the first century
century BCE grammarian Patanjali refers BC to the seventh century AD, most of
to the Yavanas coming up to Saketa (in or them relate to the Gupta times. They depict
around Ayodhya in Faizabad district, UP) various events in the life of Gautama
and Madhyamika (near Chittor in Buddha and the previous Buddhas, whose
Rajasthan). birth stories are related in the Jatakas.
These paintings are life-like and natural,
5. Answer: (d) and the brilliance of their colours has not
faded even after fourteen centuries.
However, there is nothing to show that
Vanji, or Kuravur/Karur, was the capital of
the Guptas were the patrons of the
the Chera dynasty. As many as 11 Sangam
Ajanta paintings.
poets hailed from this place.
Korkai was an important Pandya port,
celebrated for its pearls in the Sangam 7. Answer: (a)
poems and Greek accounts. Arthashastra Explanation:
also refers to the pearl fisheries of the  The Sangha was the religious order of
Pandya country. the Buddhists. It was a well-organized
Uraiyur, the capital of the early Cholas, is and powerful institution, which
identified with a site that is today part of popularized Buddhism. The
the town of Tiruchirapalli. The Sangam membership was open to all persons,
poems describe it as a great fortified city irrespective of caste, above fifteen years
with magnificent buildings. It is interesting of age. Criminals, lepers and persons
to note that the poems also mention burial affected by infectious diseases were not
grounds full of stones on its outskirts, a given admission into the Sangha.
description strongly reminiscent of the  On admission, the monks had to
megaliths. ceremonially shave their head and wear
yellow or saffron robes. The monks
6. Answer: (b) were expected to go on a daily round, in
Explanation: order to preach Buddhism and seek
alms. During the rainy season, they
Idol worship in the temples became a
took up a fixed abode and meditated.
common feature of Hinduism from the
This was called the retreat or 'Vasa'.
Gupta period onwards, and many festivals
also began to be celebrated.  According to the tradition, shortly after
the death of Buddha, the first Buddhist
Agricultural festivals, observed by different
Council was held in 483 B.C., in the
classes of people, were lent a religious garb
Saptaparni Cave near Rajagriha.
and colour, and turned into useful sources
Mahakassapa presided over the
of income for the priests.
assembly. All the teachings of Buddha
During the Gupta period, a life-size copper
were divided into two Pitakas, namely:
image of Buddha, of more than 6 feet, was
(a) Vinaya Pitaka; and (b) Sutta Pitaka.
made. It was discovered at Sultanganj near
The text of Vinaya Pitaka was
Bhagalpur, and is now displayed in
established under the leadership of
Upali and that of Sutta Pitaka was
During the Gupta period, beautiful images
settled under the leadership of Ananda.
of Buddha were fashioned at Sarnath and
Mathura, but the finest specimens of


8. Answer: (d) this bureau, Akbar aspired to "form a basis
Explanation: for a united search for truth" and "enable
Iltutmish inscribed upon his coins the the people to understand the true spirit of
proud legend, “The Mighty Sultan, Sun of their religion”.
the Empire and the Faith, Conquest laden All books in Mughal India were
Iltutmish and Aid of the Commander of the manuscripts, that is, they were
faithful”. handwritten. The centre of manuscript
He was the first who introduced a purely production was the imperial Kitabkhana.
Arabic coinage in the Indian sub-continent. Although Kitabkhana can be translated as
He adopted, as his standard coin, the library, it was a scriptorium, that is, a
Silver Tanka, the ancestor of the Rupee, place where the emperor’s collection of
weighing 175 grains. Gold Tankas of the manuscripts was kept and new
same weight were introduced later on by manuscripts were produced
Balban. Calligraphy, the art of handwriting, was
Minhaj-us-Siraj, the author of Tabaqat-i- considered a skill of great importance. It
Nasiri, was patronized by Iltutmish. The was practised using different styles.
same was the case with poets Ruhani and Akbar’s favourite was the Nastaliq, a fluid
Malik Taj-ud-Din Rezab. Muhammad Awfi Persian script with long horizontal strokes.
wrote ‘Jawami-ul-Hikayat’ during his reign. It was written using a piece of trimmed
reed with a tip of five to ten mm, called
Qalam, dipped in carbon ink (Siyahi).
9. Answer: (d)
Muhammad Husayn of Kashmir (c.1575-
1605), one of the finest calligraphers at
The main source of income of Vijayanagar Akbar’s court, was honoured with the title
was land revenue and its administration “Zarrin Qalam” (golden pen) in recognition
was under a department, called ‘Athavane’. of the perfectly proportioned curvature of
Land was divided into three parts for the his letters.
purpose of assessment: wet land, dry land,
orchards and woods.
11. Answer: (c)
In addition of land revenue, the peasants
were required to pay other taxes, such as
grazing tax, marriage tax, etc. Akbar’s quest for religious knowledge led to
interfaith debates in the Ibadat Khana at
In Vijayanagar, a copper coin, with the
Fatehpur Sikri between the learned
third of a tar, was called Dijitel.
Muslims, Hindus, Jainas, Parsis and
Christians. Padre Rudolfo Acquaviva was
10. Answer: (d) the leader of the first Jesuit mission.
Explanation: In September, 1579, Akbar forwarded a
The Maktab Khana, a bureau of records letter to the authorities in Goa, requesting
and translations, was established by them to send two learned priests. The
the Mughal emperor Akbar, in Fatehpur Church authorities in Goa eagerly accepted
Sikri, around 1574. Emperor Akbar the invitation, seeing in it a chance to
commissioned his most talented scribes convert the emperor to Christianity and
and secretaries to translate the major texts with him his court and the people. Jesuit
of India from Sanskrit into Persian and fathers, Rodolfo Aquaviva and Antonio
to illustrate the manuscripts in the royal Monserrate were selected for the purpose.
workshops. Of these texts included They reached Fatehpur Sikri in 1580.
the Mahabharata into the Razmnāma,
the Ramayana and the Rajatarangini. With


The second mission was called by Akbar in place in a wide region of Bengal and Bihar,
1590 and the third mission in 1595 in and the number of participants rose up to
Lahore. The third mission continued as a fifty thousand at the height of insurgency,
sort of permanent institution, thereby which, however, began to decline after
extending its influence on secular politics. 1800.
Fathers Jerome Xavier and Emanuel When the British took over Malabar in
Pinheiro were the leaders of the mission. 1792, they sought to revamp the land
relations by creating individual ownership
12. Answer: (c) right in land. The traditional system
Explanation: stipulated an equal sharing of the net
Peasant and Tribal Uprisings: When the produce of the land by the Janmi (The
elites of the Indian society were busy in holder of the Janmam tenure), the
initiating religious and social reforms to Kanamdar or Kanakkaran (The holder of
change their society from within to answer the Kanam tenure) and the cultivator. The
the moralistic critiques of the West, the British system upset this arrangement
rural society was responding to the by recognising the Janmi as the
imposition of the colonial rule in an absolute owners of land, with a right to
entirely different way. evict tenants, which did not exist
The peasants themselves, often on their earlier, and reduced other two
own initiative, offered resistance to the categories to the status of tenants and
British rule. The Rangpur rebellion of leaseholders.
1783, in the northern districts of Some of the peasant rebellions in pre-1857
Bengal, is an ideal example of such India were participated exclusively by the
opposition. In the early days of the tribal population, whose political autonomy
revenue farming system, the peasantry and control over local resources were
was oppressed by the revenue threatened by the establishment of the
contractors and company officials, British rule and the advent of its non-tribal
imposing high revenue demands and agents.
often collecting illegal cesses.
The Kol uprising of 1831–32 took place in
Sometimes religion defined their ideology of Chota Nagpur and the Singbhum region of
protest. The earliest of these was the Bihar and Orissa. In these areas, they
Dasnami Sanyasi and Fakir rebellion, used to enjoy independent power for
which rocked northern Bengal and centuries. But, now British penetration
adjacent areas of Bihar between 1763 and and imposition of the British law posed a
1800. Both these groups of armed threat to the power of the hereditary tribal
wandering monks were affected by the chiefs. This settlement of non-tribals
Company’s high revenue demands, and constant transfer of land to the
resumption of rent-free tenures and merchants and the money-lenders—
commercial monopoly. And then, their generally referred to as the Sud or
ranks were inflated by the sufferers from outsiders—led to a popular uprising, as
the famine of 1769–70, a large number of their plea for justice failed to move the
aggrieved small Zamindars, disbanded authorities. This penetration of the
soldiers and the rural poor. Therefore, from outsiders—called Dikus by the
the beginning of the 1760s until the middle Santhals—completely destroyed their
of the 1800s, recurrent confrontations familiar world, and forced them into
between the Sanyasi-Fakirs and the armed action to take possession of their lost
forces of the East India Company took territory.


13. Answer: (d) (MRS), an organization meant for
Explanation: mobilizing women for political activism.
Women Reform Movements during
British India: In 1882, when the Hunter 14. Answer: (b)
Commission was appointed, female Explanation:
education in India had progressed very In 1850 (during the period of Lord
little, as 98% of women in the school-going Dalhousie), despite united protests from
age remained uneducated. Hence, the the Hindus of Madras, Nagpur and
Commission recommended liberal Calcutta, the government went ahead
grants-in-aid and special scholarships with the Lex Loci Act, which gave the
for women’s education. During the next Christian converts the right to inherit
two decades, significant improvements their ancestral properties. The Act, the
were seen in women’s enrolment in both Hindus widely believed, would open
universities and secondary schools. floodgates to Christian conversion.
In 1882, Tarabai Shinde, a Marathi Behari Lal Gupta was the third Indian to
woman from Berar, published a book join the ICS in 1869 and was posted as a
titled, ‘A Comparison Between Women District Commissioner to Cachar, which
and Men’- Stri Purusha Tulana. In this was then annexed to Bengal and heavily
she protested against the fact that in a new populated with the British tea plantation
colonial society men enjoyed all the rights, owners and indigo growers. The locals,
opportunities and benefits of change, while directly or indirectly, employed or
women were blamed for all the evils and beholden to their white masters, suffered
were still bound by the old strictures of daily indignities and cruelties. Appalled
Pativrata (duty to husband). by the treatment levied towards the
Dr. Rukhmabai Bhikaji was a pioneer in Indian labourers and citizenry, horrified
the field of medicine and women's rights in by the favouritism of the courts and
the 19th century. Her efforts to be granted realising that, as an Indian, he was not
the right to choose was instrumental in privy to judge the white population,
raising the age of consent for women in Gupta — along with the Lieutenant
1891. She went on to study in the London Governor of Bengal — approached the
School of Medicine for Women in 1889. Marquess of Ripon, the then Viceroy of
When she came back to India to work in a India, about the atrocities being
hospital in 1894, she became India's first committed in the name of the British
practicing lady doctor. (Behramji Malabari Crown.
and Pandita Ramabai came to her defence Sir Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert, legal
in the Rukhmabai case (1885) and formed adviser to the Viceroy of India’s Council,
the Rukhmabai Defence Committee. The was assigned to address and correct this
case was instrumental in the drafting of injustice. A Bill written by him was
the Age of Consent Act in 1891. passed in 1883 that placed all
Subhash Chandra Bose had been magistrates and judges on the same legal
instrumental in raising under the footing regarding their jurisdiction and
leadership of “Colonel” Latika Ghosh, a powers. Sir Courtenay argued that, in
Congress women’s volunteer corps, that spite of regular crimes committed by the
had marched on the streets of Calcutta in Europeans against the natives, the
full uniform. Latika Ghosh, a teacher by injured parties were not allowed to seek
profession, based in Calcutta (Kolkata, justice from the courts on an equal basis.
West Bengal), was one of the founding The native judges were excluded from
members of the Mahila Rashtriya Sangha trying the cases in which the Europeans


were the miscreants and the European Ripon’s Resolution of 1882: For his
magistrates seldom took complaints from contributions, Lord Ripon is called the
the injured natives into cognisance. ‘Father of Local Self-Government in India’.
Behari Lal Gupta became the first Indian The resolution consisted of :
Chief Presidency Magistrate and Coroner of The development of the local bodies
Calcutta in 1872, an appointment that advocated to improve the administration,
sparked-off a serious debate on the and as an instrument of political and
legitimacy of an Indian civilian being popular education. Policy of administrating
appointed to such a senior position in the the local affairs through the urban and
British Indian administration, leading to rural local bodies, charged with definite
the Ilbert Bill controversy of 1883. duties and entrusted with suitable sources
of revenues. Non-officials to be in
15. Answer: (a) majority in these bodies, who could be
elected if the officials thought that it
was possible to introduce elections. Non-
The Royal Commission on
officials to act as the Chairpersons to these
Decentralization (1908): Pointing out the
lack of financial resources as the great
stumbling block in the effective functioning
of the local bodies, the Commission made 16. Answer: (d)
the following recommendations: Explanation:
(i) It emphasised that the Village Tilak set up the Home Rule League at the
Panchayats should be entrusted with Bombay Provincial Conference, held at
more powers, like judicial jurisdiction Belgaum in April, 1916.
in petty cases, incurring expenditure on Annie Besant’s impatient followers,
minor village works, village schools, unhappy with her decision to wait till
small fuel and fodder reserves, etc. The September, secured her permission to start
Panchayats should be given adequate the Home Rule groups. Jamnadas
sources of income. Dwarkadas, Shankerlal Banker and
(ii) It emphasised the importance of the Indulal Yagnik set up a Bombay paper,
Sub-District Boards to be established ‘Young India’, and launched an All-India
in every Taluka or Tehsil, with separate Propaganda Fund to publish pamphlets in
spheres of duties and separate sources regional languages and in English.
of revenue for the Sub-District Boards In September, 1916, as there were no
and the District Boards. signs of any Congress activity, Annie
(iii) It urged the withdrawal of existing Besant announced the formation of her
restrictions on their powers of taxation Home Rule League, with George
and also the stoppage of regular grants- Arundale, her Theosophical follower, as
in-aid from the Provincial Governments, the Organizing Secretary.
except for undertaking large projects. Tilak’s League was to work in Maharashtra
(iv) The Municipalities might undertake the (excluding Bombay city), Karnataka, the
responsibility for primary education Central Provinces and Berar, and Annie
and vernacular schools; otherwise the Besant’s League was given charge of the
Government should relieve them of any rest of India. The reason the two Leagues
charges in regard to secondary did not merge was because, in Annie
education, hospitals, relief, police, Besant’s words, ‘some of his followers
veterinary works, etc. disliked me and some of mine disliked him.
We, however, had no quarrel with each


Tilak linked up the question of Swaraj with Government . . . is that of the increasing
the demand for the formation of linguistic association of Indians in every branch of
states and education in the vernacular. the administration, and the gradual
As soon as the movement for Home Rule development of self-governing institutions,
began to gather steam, the Government hit with a view to the progressive realization of
back, and it chose a particularly responsible government in India as an
auspicious day for the blow. integral part of the British Empire’.
The 23rd of July, 1916, was Tilak’s sixtieth The importance of Montagu’s Declaration
birthday, and, according to custom, it was was that after this, the demand for Home
the occasion for a big celebration. A purse Rule or self-government could no longer be
of Rs. one lakh was presented to him. The treated as seditious.
same day, the Government offered him In keeping with the conciliatory stance of
their own present: A notice asking him to the Montagu Declaration, Annie Besant
show cause why he should not be bound was released in September, 1917.
over for good behaviour for a period of one
year and demanding securities of Rs. 17. Answer: (b)
60,000. For Tilak, this was the best gift he
could have wanted for his birthday. ‘The
C. Rajagopalachari, an erstwhile no-
Lord is with us,’ he said, ‘Home Rule will
changer, recommended the Swarajist
now spread like wildfire.’ Repression was
approach to Gandhiji with the additional
sure to fan the fire of revolt.
proviso that the Congress should itself,
Tilak was defended by a team of lawyers,
directly, undertake the Parliamentary
led by Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
work. A properly organized Parliamentary
He lost the case in the Magistrate’s Court, party, he said, would enable the Congress
but was exonerated by the High Court in to ‘develop a certain amount of prestige
November. The victory was hailed all over and confidence among the masses even as
the country. (happened) . . . during the short period
The turning point in the movement came when the Gandhi-Irwin Pact was in force.’
with the decision of the Government of Since the Government was opposed to a
Madras in June, 1917, to place Mrs. similar Pact, a strong Congress presence in
Besant and her associates, B.P. Wadia and the legislatures would serve the movement
George Arundale, under arrest. Their as ‘its equivalent.’
internment became the occasion for Accepting the basic analytical framework of
nation-wide protest. In a dramatic gesture, Marxism, Nehru put forward the Left
Sir S. Subramania Aiyar renounced his paradigm in a series of speeches, letters,
knighthood. articles and books, and his Presidential
Those who had stayed away, including addresses to the Lucknow and Faizpur
many Moderate leaders, like Madan sessions of the Congress in 1936. The
Mohan Malaviya, Surendranath Banerjea basic goal before the Indian people, as also
and M.A. Jinnah, now enlisted as the before the people of the world, he said, had
members of the Home Rule Leagues to to be the abolition of capitalism and the
record their solidarity with the internees establishment of socialism.
and their condemnation of the To Nehru, the withdrawal of the Civil
Government’s action. Disobedience Movement and Council-
The Secretary of State, Montagu, made a entry, and the recourse to constructive
historic declaration in the House of programmes represented a ‘spiritual
Commons, on 20th August, 1917, in which defeat’ and a surrender of ideals, a retreat
he stated: ‘The policy of His Majesty’s from the revolutionary to the reformist


mentality, and a going back to the pre- capture or rejection of office is not a matter
1919 moderate phase. of socialism. I would ask them to realize
What was worse, it seemed that the that it is a matter of strategy’.
Congress was giving up all social The Congress decided, at Lucknow in early
radicalism and ‘expressing a tender 1936 and at Faizpur in late 1936, to fight
solicitude for every vested interest.’ the elections and postpone the decision on
Jawaharlal also challenged the basic office acceptance to the post-election
Gandhian strategy of struggle. Under the period.
Gandhian strategy, which may be
described as Struggle — Truce — Struggle 18. Answer: (a)
(S-T-S), phases of a vigorous extra-legal Explanation:
mass movement and confrontation with the
The main drawback of the Swadeshi
colonial authority alternate with phases,
Movement was that it was not able to
during which direct confrontation is
garner the support of the mass of
withdrawn, political concessions or
Muslims and especially of the Muslim
reforms, if any, wrested from the colonial
regime, are willy-nilly worked and silent
The British policy of consciously
political work carried on among the masses
attempting to use communalism to turn
within the existing legal framework, which,
the Muslims against the Swadeshi
in turn, provides scope for such work. Both
Movement was, to a large extent,
phases of the movement are to be utilized,
responsible for this. The Government was
each in its own way, to undermine the twin
helped in its designs by the peculiar
ideological notions on which the colonial
situation obtaining in large parts of Bengal,
regime rested — that the British rule
where the Hindus and the Muslims were
benefits the Indians and that it is too
divided along class lines, with the former
powerful to be challenged and overthrown
being the landlords and the latter
— and to recruit and train the cadres and
constituting the peasantry.
to build up the people’s capacity to
struggle. It was, perhaps, in the cultural sphere that
the impact of the Swadeshi Movement was
Nehru did not subscribe to this strategy
most marked. The songs composed at that
and believed that, whatever might have
time by Rabindranath Tagore, Rajani
been the case in the past, the Indian
Kanta Sen, Dwijendralal Ray, Mukunda
national movement had now reached a
Das, Syed Abu Mohammed and others
stage where there should be a permanent
later became the moving spirit for the
confrontation and conflict with
nationalists of all hues, ‘terrorists,
imperialism, till it was overthrown.
Gandhian or Communists’, and are still
Speaking at the Lucknow session of the
Congress, J.B. Kriplani said: ‘Even in a
Rabindranath’s ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’,
revolutionary movement there may be a
written at that time, was to later inspire
time of comparative depression and
the liberation struggle of Bangladesh and
inactivity. At such times, whatever
was adopted as the national anthem of the
programmes are devised have necessarily
country in 1971.
an appearance of reformatory activity, but
they are a necessary part of all The Swadeshi influence could be seen in
revolutionary strategy.’ Nor was the issue the Bengali folk music popular among the
of socialism involved in the debate. Hindu and the Muslim villages (Palligeet
and Jari Gan), and it evoked collections of
As T. Vishwanatham of Andhra put it: ‘To
Indian fairy tales, such as, Thakurmar
my socialist comrades, I would say,


Jhuli (Grandmother’s tales) written by of ‘Purna Swaraj’ or complete
Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar, which independence as the goal of the
delights the Bengali children to this day. Congress.
In art, this was the period when Gandhiji, Motilal Nehru and many other
Abanindranath Tagore broke the older leaders felt that the national
domination of Victorian naturalism over consensus achieved with such great
the Indian art and sought inspiration from difficulty on Dominion Status should
the rich indigenous traditions of Mughal, not be abandoned in such haste and a
Rajput and Ajanta paintings. Nandalal period of two years be given to the
Bose, who left a major imprint on Indian Government for accepting this.
art, was the first recipient of a scholarship Under pressure, the grace of period for the
offered by the Indian Society of Oriental Government was reduced to a year and,
Art, founded in 1907. In science, Jagdish more important, the Congress decided that
Chandra Bose, Prafulla Chandra Ray and if the Government did not accept a
others pioneered original research that was Constitution based on Dominion Status by
praised the world over. the end of the year, the Congress would
The message of Swadeshi and the boycott not only adopt complete independence as
of foreign goods soon spread to the rest of its goal, but it would also launch a Civil
the country. Lokamanya Tilak took the Disobedience Movement to attain that goal.
movement to different parts of India,
especially Poona and Bombay; Ajit Singh 20. Answer: (d)
and Lala Lajpat Rai spread the Swadeshi
message in Punjab and other parts of
In August, 1935, the British Parliament
northern India; Syed Haidar Raza led the
passed the Government of India Act of
movement in Delhi; Rawalpindi, Kangra,
1935. The Act provided for the
Jammu, Multan and Hardwar witnessed
establishment of an All-India Federation to
active participation in the Swadeshi
be based on the union of the British Indian
Movement; Chidambaram Pillai took the
provinces and the Princely States.
movement to the Madras presidency, which
was also galvanized by Bipin Chandra Pal’s The representatives of the States to the
extensive lecture tour. Federal Legislature were to be appointed
directly by the Princes, who were to be
used to check and counter the nationalists.
19. Answer: (b)
The franchise was limited to about one-
Explanation: sixth of the adults.
Young and radical nationalists, led by Defence and foreign affairs would remain
Jawaharlal Nehru, had their own, very outside the control of the Federal
different objections to the Nehru Report. Legislature, while the Viceroy would retain
They were dissatisfied with its declaration special control over other subjects.
of Dominion Status on the lines of the self-
The provinces were to be governed under a
governing dominions, as the basis of the
new system, based on provincial
future Constitution of India. Their slogan
autonomy, under which the elected
was ‘Complete Independence.’
ministers controlled all provincial
And it was in December, 1928, at the departments. Once again, the Governors,
annual session of the Congress at appointed by the British Government,
Calcutta, that the battle was joined. retained special powers. They could veto
Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Bose and legislative and administrative measures,
Satyamurthi, backed by a large number especially those concerning the minorities,
of delegates, pressed for the acceptance


the rights of the civil servants, law and The Akali Movement also awakened the
order and British business interests. The people of the Princely States of Punjab to
Governor also had the power to take over political consciousness and political
and indefinitely run the administration of a activity.
province. Many Savarna organizations, such as the
Nair Service Society; the Nair Samajam;
21. Answer: (c) and the Kerala Hindu Sabha supported the
Explanation: Satyagraha. Yogakshema Sabha, the
leading organization of the Namboodiris
The Akali Movement made a massive
(The highest Brahmins by caste), passed
contribution to the political development of
a resolution favouring the opening of
Punjab. It awakened the Punjab peasantry.
the temples to the Avarnas. The temple
As Mohinder Singh, the historian of the
authorities and the Travancore
Akali Movement, has pointed out: ‘It was
Government put up barricades on the
only during the Akali Movement that the
roads leading to the temple and the District
pro-British feudal leadership of the
Magistrate served prohibitory orders on the
Sikhs was replaced by the educated
leaders of the Satyagraha.
middle-class nationalists, and the rural
and urban classes united on a common Immediately after the Kakinada session,
platform during the two-pronged Akali the Kerala Provincial Congress Committee
struggle.’ (KPCC) took up the eradication of
untouchability as an urgent issue. While
This Movement was also a model of a
carrying on a massive propaganda
movement on a religious issue, which was
campaign against untouchability and for
utterly non-communal. To further quote
the educational and social upliftment of
Mohinder Singh: ‘It was this idea of
the Harijans, it was decided to launch an
liberation of the country from a foreign
immediate movement to open the Hindu
Government that united all sections of the
temples and all public roads to the Avarnas
Sikh community and brought the Hindus,
or the Harijans.
the Muslims and the Sikhs of the province
into the fold of the Akali Movement.’

22. Answer: (a)

S.N. Reservoir State
1. Linganamakki Dam Karnataka
2. Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar Uttar Pradesh
3. Krishna Raja Sagar Karnataka


23. Answer: (b)


24. Answer: (a)
The Himalayas consist of three parallel ranges in its longitudinal extent. A number of valleys lie
between these ranges. The northern-most range is known as the Great or the Inner Himalayas,
or the Himadri. It is the most continuous range, consisting of the loftiest peaks with an average
height of 6,000 metres. It contains all prominent Himalayan peaks.


The folds of the Great Himalayas are asymmetrical in nature. The core of this part of the
Himalayas is composed of granite. It is perennially snow bound and a number of glaciers
descend from this range.
The range lying to the south of the Himadri forms the most rugged mountain system and is
known as the Himachal or the Lesser Himalayas. The ranges are mainly composed of highly
compressed and altered rocks. The altitude varies between 3,700 and 4,500 metres, and the
average width is of 50 km. While the Pir Panjal range forms the longest and the most
important range, the Dhaula Dhar and the Mahabharat ranges are also the prominent
ones. This range consists of the famous valley of Kashmir, the Kangra and the Kullu valley in
Himachal Pradesh. This region is well-known for its hill stations.
Besides the longitudinal divisions, the Himalayas have been divided on the basis of regions from
the west to the east. These divisions have been demarcated by river valleys. For example, the
part of the Himalayas lying between the Indus and the Sutlej has been traditionally known as
the Punjab Himalayas, but it is also known regionally as Kashmir and Himachal Himalayas
from the west to the east, respectively. The part of the Himalayas lying between the Sutlej and
the Kali rivers is known as the Kumaon Himalayas. The Kali and the Teesta rivers demarcate
the Nepal Himalayas, and the part lying between the Teesta and the Dihang rivers is known as
the Assam Himalayas.


25. Answer: (b)
The weather in the retreating monsoon is dry in North India, but it is associated with rain
in the eastern part of the Peninsula. Here, October and November are the rainiest months
of the year.


The widespread rain in this season is associated with the passage of the cyclonic depressions,
which originate over the Andaman Sea and manage to cross the eastern coast of the southern
Peninsula. These tropical cyclones are very destructive. The thickly populated deltas of the
Godavari, the Krishna and the Kaveri are their preferred targets. Every year cyclones bring
disaster here. A few cyclonic storms also strike the coast of West Bengal, Bangladesh and
Myanmar. A bulk of the rainfall of the Coromondal Coast is derived from these depressions and
cyclones. Such cyclonic storms are less frequent in the Arabian Sea.

26. Answer: (a)

Bordering the deserts, away from the Mediterranean regions and in the interiors of the
continents are the temperate grasslands. Though they lie in the Westerly wind belt, they are so
remote from the maritime influence that the grasslands are practically treeless.
These grasslands are so distinctive in their natural vegetation that, although those which occur
in the southern hemisphere, have a much more moderate climate, they are often dealt with
together. In the northern hemisphere, the grasslands are far more extensive and are entirely
In Eurasia, they are called the Steppes, and stretch eastwards from the shores of the Black Sea
across the great Russian plain to the foothills of the Altai Mountains. They are broken in a few
places, being interrupted by the highlands.
There are isolated sections in the Pustaz of Hungary and the plains of Manchuria. In North
America, the grasslands are also quite extensive and are called Prairies. They lie between the
foothills of the Rockies and the Great Lakes, astride the American-Canadian border.

27. Answer: (b)

Turkey is situated at the crossroads of the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East and eastern


Turkey is bounded by Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq Syria, Greece and Bulgaria. The
capital is Ankara, and its largest city and seaport is Istanbul.


28. Answer: (b)
 Mica mineral comprises not one mineral, but a group of phyllosilicate minerals, that exhibit
a layered or platy structure. Out of different mica, muscovite (potash or white mica) and
phlogopite (amber mica) are commercially important from an industrial point of view.
 Muscovite mineral is imbibed with elasticity, toughness, flexibility and transparency, with
high heat resistance and dielectric strength.
 Due to its unique properties, mica minerals find applicability in electrical industries as an
insulator, capacitor, etc. Besides, mica is used in paints, rubber and plastics as filler and re-
enforcer. Mica in small quantities is also employed for cosmetic applications.
 India has enormous deposits of low-grade potassium bearing minerals, like mica, glauconite
 Distribution in India: Andhra Pradesh leads in the country followed by Rajasthan,
Odisha, Maharashtra, Bihar, and a small quantity of resources is also found in
Jharkhand and Telangana.
 Mica waste, generated after cleaning and processing the mica ore that contains potassium
(K). Its potential as an alternative to costly potassic fertilizers is currently being exploited,
especially in India, where the entire demand for K fertilizers is met through imports.

29. Answer: (a)

About “Respiration”: Diverse organisms do this in different ways: Some use oxygen to break-
down glucose completely into carbon dioxide and water, some use other pathways that do not
involve oxygen.
In all cases, the first step is the break-down of glucose, a six-carbon molecule, into a
three-carbon molecule, called pyruvate. This process takes place in the cytoplasm.
Further, the pyruvate may be converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This process takes
place in yeast during fermentation.
Since this process takes place in the absence of air (oxygen), it is called “anaerobic respiration”.
Break-down of pyruvate using oxygen takes place in the mitochondria. This process breaks
up the three-carbon pyruvate molecule to give three molecules of carbon dioxide. The other
product is water. Since this process takes place in the presence of air (oxygen), it is called
“aerobic respiration”.


The release of energy in this aerobic process is a lot greater than in the anaerobic process.
Sometimes, when there is a lack of oxygen in our muscle cells, another pathway for the
break-down of pyruvate is taken. Here the pyruvate is converted into lactic acid, which is
also a three-carbon molecule. This build-up of lactic acid in our muscles during sudden
activity causes cramps.
The energy released during cellular respiration is immediately used to synthesize a molecule
called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), which is used to fuel all other activities in the cell. In
these processes, ATP is broken down, giving rise to a fixed amount of energy, which can drive
the endothermic reactions taking place in the cell.

30. Answer: (d) unlike the four that the humans have.
Explanation: They lay eggs.
Innate immunity is the first line of defence Reptilia: These animals are cold-blooded,
against pathogens that try to enter our have scales and breathe through lungs.
bodies. It is achieved through protective While most of them have a three-
barriers that prevent or limit the entry of chambered heart, crocodiles have four
pathogens. heart chambers. They lay eggs with
These barriers include – tough coverings and they do not need to
lay their eggs in water, unlike the
Skin: The skin provides a physical barrier
amphibians. Snakes, turtles, lizards and
to prevent the entry of pathogens. It also
crocodiles fall in this category.
produces anti-microbial peptides that can
kill the invading microbes. Mammals: These are warm-blooded
animals with four-chambered hearts.
Mucus: Mucus is produced by the
They have mammary glands for the
respiratory and digestive tracts and it acts
production of milk to nourish their young.
as a physical barrier to prevent the entry of
Their skin has hair, as well as sweat and
pathogens. It also contains anti-microbial
oil glands. Most mammals familiar to us
substances that can kill or neutralize the
produce live young ones. However, a few of
invading microbes.
them, like the platypus and the echidna lay
Stomach acid: The stomach produces
eggs, and some, like the kangaroos, give
hydrochloric acid that can kill many types
birth to very poorly developed young ones.
of microbes that enter the body through
contaminated food or water.
32. Answer: (b)
Enzymes: Certain enzymes, such as
lysozyme, are produced in tears, saliva and Explanation:
mucus. These enzymes can break down the The covering or protective tissues in the
cell walls of many types of bacteria, animal body are epithelial tissues. They
limiting their ability to cause infection. also form a barrier to keep different body
systems separate. The skin, the lining of
the mouth, the lining of the blood
31. Answer: (b)
vessels, lung alveoli and kidney tubules
are all made of epithelial tissues.
Pisces: These are fish. They are exclusively Cuboidal epithelium (with cube-shaped
aquatic animals. Their skin is covered with cells) forms the lining of the kidney
scales/plates. They obtain oxygen tubules and ducts of the salivary glands,
dissolved in water by using gills. The where it provides mechanical support.
body is streamlined, and a muscular tail is
Blood is a type of connective tissue. Blood
used for movement. They are cold-blooded
has a fluid (liquid) matrix, called plasma,
and their hearts have only two chambers,


in which red blood corpuscles (RBCs), 34. Answer: (c)
white blood corpuscles (WBCs) and Explanation:
platelets are suspended. The plasma The biologists have introduced a new and
contains proteins, salts and hormones. improved CRISPR 3.0 (CRISPR = Clustered
Blood flows and transports gases, digested Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic
food, hormones and waste materials to Repeats) system in the plants, focusing on
different parts of the body. Another type gene activation. This third generation
of connective tissue, cartilage, has system focuses on multiplexed gene
widely spaced cells. The solid matrix is activation that can boost the function of
composed of proteins and sugars. Cartilage multiple genes simultaneously.
smoothens bone surfaces at joints and is According to the researchers, this system
also present in the nose, ear, trachea and boasts four to six times the activation
larynx. capacity of the current state-of-the-art
Muscular tissues consist of elongated CRISPR technology, demonstrating high
cells, also called muscle fibres. This tissue accuracy and efficiency in upto seven
is responsible for the movement in our genes at once. While CRISPR is more often
body. These muscles are also called known for its gene editing capabilities that
‘skeletal muscles’, as they are mostly can knock out genes that are undesirable,
attached to the bones and help in body activating genes to gain functionality is
movement. They are found in the iris of essential to creating better plants and
the eye, in ureters and in the bronchi of crops for the future.
the lungs.
35. Answer: (d)
33. Answer: (a) Explanation:
Explanation: The bases of the MicroLED technology are
The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a large sapphires. A sapphire can shine on its own
forever. A MicroLED screen is filled with
network of membrane-bound tubes and
such small, but strong light. The picture in
sheets. It looks like long tubules or round
a MicroLED screen is generated by several
or oblong bags (vesicles). There are two
individual light-emitting diodes.
types of ER: Rough Endoplasmic
Reticulum (RER) and Smooth Endoplasmic MicroLEDs are self-illuminating diodes
Reticulum (SER). RER looks rough under a that have brighter and better colour
reproduction than the Organic Light
microscope, because it has particles, called
Emitting Diode (OLED) display technology.
ribosomes, attached to its surface. The
ribosomes, which are present in all active MicroLED displays are brighter, have
cells, are the sites of protein manufacture. better colour reproduction and provide
The SER helps in the manufacture of fat better viewing angles. They make images
appear as if they are painted on the top of
molecules, or lipids, important for cell
the device’s glass and are quite a
technological feat.
Thus, one function of the ER is to serve
MicroLEDs have limitless scalability, as
as channels for the transport of
they are resolution-free, bezel-free, ratio-
materials (especially proteins) between
free and even size-free.
various regions of the cytoplasm, or
The screen can be freely re-sized in any
between the cytoplasm and the nucleus.
form for practical usage. In addition to
The ER also functions as a cytoplasmic
being self-emissive, the MicroLEDs also
framework providing a surface for some of
individually produce red, green and blue
the biochemical activities of the cell. In the
colours, without needing the same
liver cells of the group of animals called
backlighting or colour filters as
vertebrates, SER plays a crucial role in
conventional displays.
detoxifying many poisons and drugs.


36. Answer: (b)  Three solid propulsion stages.
Explanation:  Liquid module as terminal stage.
Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) is Payload Capability:
a 3-stage Launch Vehicle, configured with  Single/Multi Satellites: Nano, Micro
three solid propulsion stages and liquid and Mini satellites.
propulsion based Velocity Trimming
 Single satellite upto 500 kg in the
Module (VTM) as a terminal stage. SSLV is
500km planar orbit.
2m in diameter and 34m in length, with
 Three multiple satellites, ranging from
lift-off weight of ~120 tonnes. SSLV is
10kg to 300kg, into the 500 km planar
capable of launching ~500kg satellite in
the 500 km planar orbit from SDSC (The
Satish Dhawan Space Centre)/SHAR Velocity Trimming Module (VTM):
(Sriharikota Range). The key features of Velocity Trimming Module based on 50N
SSLV are low cost, with low turn-around Bipropellant Thrusters, with 8 nos. of 50N
time, flexibility in accommodating multiple thrusters for RCS and 8 nos. of 50N axial
satellites, launch on demand feasibility, thrusters of velocity addition.
minimal launch infrastructure
requirements, etc. 37. Answer: (c)
Gravitational lensing occurs when a large
distribution of matter, such as a galaxy
cluster, sits between the Earth and a
distant light source. As space is warped by
massive objects, the light from the distant
object bends as it travels to us and we see
a distorted image of it. This effect was first
predicted by Einstein’s Theory of General
Strong gravitational lenses provide an
opportunity for studying the properties of
the distant galaxies, since the Hubble
Space Telescope can resolve the details
within the multiple arcs that are one of the
main results of gravitational lensing. An
important consequence of lensing
distortion is magnification, allowing us to
observe the objects that would otherwise
be too far away and too faint to be seen.

38. Answer: (c)

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is a
set of processes and methods that allows
the human users to comprehend and trust
Vehicle Configuration: the results and output created by machine
learning algorithms. Explainable AI is used
 2m diameter x 34m long.
to describe an AI model, its expected
 Lift-off mass: ~120 T.


impact and potential biases. It helps These columns of vapour move with the
characterize model accuracy, fairness, weather, carrying an amount of water
transparency and outcomes in AI-powered vapour roughly equivalent to the average
decision making. flow of water at the mouth of the
Black Boxes take input and provide output Mississippi river. When the atmospheric
with no way to understand their inner rivers make landfall, they often release this
workings. The goal of XAI is to make the water vapour in the form of rain or snow.
rationale behind the output of an algorithm Although the atmospheric rivers come in
understandable by the humans. different shapes and sizes, for one to be a
“true Pineapple Express,” the location
39. Answer: (d) matters. The tail-end, where the moisture
is pulled into the atmosphere, must start
near Hawaii. Then the river must stretch
The Central Government will roll out a
continuously through the atmosphere to
mission to eliminate Sickle Cell Anaemia
the US West Coast.
(SCA) by 2047, the Finance Minister,
Nirmala Sitharaman, announced in her
Union Budget 2023-24 speech. 41. Answer: (c)
Sickle Cell Anaemia is a common genetic Explanation:
disorder among the Indians affecting the Bombogenesis, a term used by the
red blood cells. It is transmitted by the meteorologists, occurs when a mid-
parents carrying a defective ‘beta globin’ latitude (The latitudes between the
gene. The disease starts early in life. Those Tropics and the Polar regions) cyclone
affected have persistent pain, low amount rapidly intensifies, or strengthens, over
of haemoglobin, low energy, reduced a 24-hour period. This intensification is
growth along with other abnormalities and represented by a drop in millibars, a
multiple episodes of frequent severe pain. measurement of pressure used in
Like most genetic disorders, SCA has no meteorology. The intensification required to
cure, but has symptomatic treatments for classify as "bombogenesis" varies by
pain, anaemia and vaso-occlusive crisis. latitude. At 60 degrees latitude, it is a drop
of at least 24 millibars (24 hectopascals)
The disease is well-known in the tribal
over 24 hours. At the latitude of New York
populations, as well as prevalent in general
City, the required pressure drop is about
populations in Maharashtra, Madhya
17.8 millibars (17.8 hectopascals) over 24
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
Bombogenesis can happen when a cold air
40. Answer: (a)
mass collides with a warm air mass, such
Explanation: as air over the warm ocean waters. It is
The Pineapple Express: These are the popularly referred to as a bomb cyclone.
long, narrow regions in the atmosphere
that transport most of the water vapour
42. Answer: (b)
outside the Tropics.
The Pineapple Express is an example of a
Mycorrhizae are a group of fungi. These
strong atmospheric river, because
fungi grow on the roots of the plants.
“moisture builds up in the Tropical Pacific
Seedlings that have mycorrhizal fungi
around Hawaii and can wallop the US and
growing on their roots survive better after
Canada’s West Coasts with heavy rainfall
transplantation and grow faster. The
and snow.”
fungal symbiont gets shelter and food


from the plant, which acquires an array traceable sustainable seafood, ocean
of benefits, such as better uptake of energy and ocean mapping.
phosphorus, salinity and drought  The Yellow Bonds comprise the funds
tolerance, maintenance of water balance raised for solar energy generation,
and overall increase in plant growth and and the upstream industries and
development. Mycorrhizal fungi can downstream industries associated
increase the yield by 30%-40%. It can with it.
absorb phosphorus from the soil and pass  The Transition Bonds comprise of
it on the plant. Mycorrhizal plants show funds raised for transitioning to a more
higher tolerance to high soil temperatures, sustainable form of operations, in line
various soil and root borne pathogens, and with India’s Intended Nationally
heavy metal toxicity. Determined Contributions.

45. Answer: (a)

The Wildlife (Protection) Amendment
Act, 2022:
1. Invasive alien species has been
defined as a species of animal or plant
which is not native to India and whose
introduction or spread may threaten or
adversely impact the wildlife or its
2. The zoo has been defined as an
establishment, whether stationary or
mobile, where captive animals are kept
43. Answer: (d)
for exhibiting to the public or ex-situ
conservation, and includes a circus
‘Seeds Without Borders’ is a regional seed
and off-exhibit facilities, such as rescue
policy agreement that speeds up the centres and conservation breeding
distribution of modern rice varieties across centres, but does not include an
countries in Asia, particularly in South and establishment of a licensed dealer in
South-east Asia. In 2014, the International captive animals.
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) facilitated
3. No renewal of any licence under the
the agreement signed by India, Bangladesh
Arms Act, 1959, shall be granted to
and Nepal.
any person residing within ten
Other Members: The Philippines, Vietnam, kilometres of a Sanctuary, except
Fiji, Bhutan, Cambodia and Sri Lanka.
under the intimation to the Chief
Wildlife Warden or the authorized
44. Answer: (c) officer.
Explanation: 4. Invasive Alien Species was earlier not
 The Blue Bonds comprise the funds defined under the Wildlife Protection
raised for sustainable water Act, 1972. However, the Wildlife
management, including clean water (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022 has
and water recycling, and sustainable for the first time defined "invasive alien
maritime sector, including sustainable species" as a species of animal or plant
shipping, sustainable fishing, fully which is not native to India and whose


introduction or spread may threaten or However, these Rules do not apply to:
adversely impact wild life or its habitat. (a) Waste batteries, as covered under
the Battery Waste Management
46. Answer: (c) Rules, 2022;
Explanation: (b) Packaging plastics, as covered under
The Bridgetown Initiative: The the Plastic Waste Management Rules,
Bridgetown Initiative, proposed by 2016;
Barbados Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, (c) Micro enterprises, as defined in the
seeks to break the deadlock over climate MSME (The Micro, Small and Medium
finance by using the power of the Enterprises) Development Act, 2006;
international reserve currencies in the form and
of the IMF (The International Monetary (d) Radioactive wastes as covered under
Fund)’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to the Atomic Energy Act, 1962.
drive private investment into transition The ‘Extended Producer Responsibility’
projects in the LMICs (The Low- and Framework:
Middle-Income Countries) at no direct cost  The entities shall register on the
to the rich and the poor country taxpayers. portal in any of the following: (a)
The Green Grids Initiative - One Sun, Manufacturer (b) Producer (c)
One World, One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) was Refurbisher (d) Recycler. If an entity
conceived in 2018 to develop global inter- falls in more than one category, then
connected solar energy systems. In May, the entity shall register under those
2021, India and the United categories separately.
Kingdom committed to launching the GGI  No entity shall carry out any business
at COP26. without registration, and shall not deal
The Initiative aims to build a framework for with any unregistered manufacturer,
global cooperation on the effective producer, recycler and refurbisher.
utilization of renewable resources and to Note: The consumers are not required to
help ensure that clean and efficient energy register on the portal.
is a reliable option for all nations to meet
The Responsibilities of the
their energy requirements by 2030.
Manufacturers, Producers: Register on
This project aspires to harness the Sun’s the portal, collect e-waste generated during
energy and build a global inter-connected manufacture of electrical or electronic
electricity grid to accelerate the transition equipment, and ensure its recycling or
to renewable energy. disposal, file annual and quarterly returns.
The Responsibilities of the Refurbishers:
47. Answer: (a) Register on the portal, collect e-waste
Explanation: generated during the process of
The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022: refurbishing and hand over the waste to
These Rules will apply to every the registered recycler and upload
manufacturer, producer, refurbisher, information on the portal, ensure that the
dismantler and recycler involved in refurbished equipment shall be as per the
manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, Compulsory Registration Scheme of the
refurbishing, dismantling, recycling and Ministry of Electronics and Information
processing of e-waste or electrical or Technology (MeitY) and the standards of
electronic equipment (EEE), listed in the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), file
Schedule I, including their components, annual and quarterly returns.
consumables, parts and spares.


The Responsibilities of the Bulk so adjusted, shall be automatically
Consumers: The bulk consumers of the extinguished and cancelled.
electrical and electronic equipment shall
ensure that the e-waste generated by them 48. Answer: (b)
shall be handed over only to the registered
producer, refurbisher or recycler.
The Santiago Network was established at
Reduction in the Use of the Hazardous
COP 25, in Madrid (Spain), under the
Substances in the Manufacture of EEE
United Nations Framework Convention
(Electrical or Electronic Equipment):
on Climate Change with the objective of
 Every producer of EEE and their “catalysing technical assistance of relevant
components etc., shall ensure that new organizations, bodies, networks and
EEE and its components etc., do not experts, for the implementation of relevant
contain lead, mercury, cadmium, approaches for averting, minimize and
hexavalent chromium, polybrominated addressing loss and damage at the local,
biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl national and regional levels, in the
ethers beyond a maximum developing countries that are particularly
concentration value. vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate
Management of Solar Photo-voltaic change.”
Modules or Panels or Cells: The Santiago Network for Loss and
Every manufacturer and producer of the Damage was established to connect the
solar photo-voltaic modules or panels developing countries with the providers of
or cells shall technical assistance, knowledge and
(i) ensure registration on the portal; resources.
(ii) Store the solar PV modules or panels or
cells waste generated upto year 2034- 49. Answer: (a)
35, as per the guidelines of the CPCB; Explanation:
(iii) ensure that inventory of the solar The United Nations inked the first ‘High
photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells Seas Treaty’ in a bid to protect the ocean
shall be put in place distinctly or bodies of the world that lie outside the
portal; and national boundaries and form almost two-
(iv) comply with the standard operating thirds of the world's oceans.
procedure. The High Seas Treaty now places 30% of
The Modalities of the Extended the world's international waters into the
Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regime: Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by 2030.
The extended producer responsibility shall The Treaty aims to protect against
lie entirely on the producer only. potential impacts, like deep sea mining.
Transaction of the EPR Certificates: This is the process of collecting minerals
 A producer may purchase the EPR from the ocean bed. The Treaty, amongst
certificates limited to its EPR liability of other things, will put a restriction on how
the current year, plus any leftover much fishing can be done on the high seas.
liability of the preceding years, plus 5% The Intergovernmental Conference on
of the current year liability. Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond
 As soon as the producer purchases the National Jurisdiction, better known by its
EPR certificate, it shall be automatically acronym BBNJ, decision builds on the
adjusted against its liability, and legacy of the UN Convention on the Law of
priority in adjustment shall be given to the Sea (UNCLOS).
the earlier liability. The EPR certificate, This Treaty is legally binding.


50. Answer: (b) The Convention includes regulations aimed
Explanation: at preventing and minimizing pollution
Durung-Drung and Pensilungpa, two from the ships - both accidental pollution
Glaciers in Ladakh, have retreated by 7.8 and that from routine operations.
sq. km., and 1.5 sq. km., respectively, from The "Convention on the Prevention of
1971 to 2019. The scientists hold climate Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes
change and several other factors and Other Matter, 1972", the "London
responsible for the melting of the Glaciers Convention" for short, is one of the first
that feed the Zanskar River through two global Conventions to protect the marine
tributaries. environment from human activities and
The scientists are also surprised by the has been in force since 1975. Its objective
fact that, despite being at an aerial is to promote the effective control of all
distance of just 1 km., the Glaciers are sources of marine pollution and to take all
retreating at different paces. practicable steps to prevent pollution of the
sea by dumping of wastes and other
The glaciers are located in Pensi-La pass in
The Vienna Convention was the first
Convention of any kind to be signed by
51. Answer: (b)
every country involved, taking effect in
Explanation: 1988 and reaching universal ratification
The International Energy Agency (IEA)’s in 2009. This speaks of the enormity of
latest update of its Global Methane ozone depletion at the time and the
Tracker found that the global energy willingness of the countries around the
industry was responsible for 135 million world to work together to solve it.
tonnes of methane released into the By 1985, the globe had already seen
atmosphere in 2022, only slightly below advancements in the scientific
the record highs seen in 2019. understanding of ozone depletion, and its
Presently, the energy sector accounts for impacts on the human health and the
around 40% of the total methane environment. It was then that the Vienna
emissions attributable to human activities, Convention for the Protection of the Ozone
second only to agriculture. Layer was created in response. This
Methane is responsible for around 30% of agreement is a Framework Convention that
the rise in the global temperatures since lays out the principles agreed upon by
the Industrial Revolution. It dissipates many parties. It does not, however, require
faster than carbon dioxide, but is a much the countries to take control actions to
more powerful greenhouse gas during its protect the ozone layer. This would come
short life-span. later in the form of the Montreal Protocol.

52. Answer: (c) 53. Answer: (b)

Explanation: Explanation:
The International Convention for the A few organisms can tolerate and thrive
Prevention of Pollution from Ships in a wide range of temperatures (They
(MARPOL) is the main international are called ‘eurythermal’), but, a vast
Convention covering the prevention of majority of them are restricted to a
pollution of the marine environment by the narrow range of temperatures (Such
ships from operational or accidental organisms are called ‘stenothermal’).
causes. The levels of thermal tolerance of different


species determine, to a large extent, their flower, it transfers pollen to it and thus,
geographical distribution. pollinates the flower.
In animals, the organisms, if unable to
migrate, might avoid the stress by escaping 55. Answer: (a)
in time. The familiar case of the bears Explanation:
going into ‘hibernation’ during winter is an
A constant input of solar energy is the
example of escape in time. Some snails and
basic requirement for any ecosystem to
fish go into ‘aestivation’ to avoid summer–
function and sustain. Primary production
related problems, like heat and
is defined as the amount of biomass or
dessication. Under unfavourable
organic matter produced per unit area over
conditions, many zooplankton species in
a time period by the plants during
the lakes and the ponds are known to
photosynthesis. It is expressed in terms of
enter ‘diapause’, a stage of suspended
weight (gm–2) or energy (kcal m–2). The
rate of biomass production is called
54. Answer: (c) It is expressed in terms of gm–2 yr–1 or
Explanation: (kcal m–2) yr–1 to compare the productivity
In many species of fig trees, there is a tight of different ecosystems. It can be divided
one-to-one relationship with the pollinator into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and
species of wasp. It means that a given fig Net Primary Productivity (NPP). Gross
species can be pollinated only by its Primary Productivity of an ecosystem is
‘partner’ wasp species and no other the rate of production of organic matter
species. during photosynthesis. A considerable
The female wasp uses the fruit not only as amount of GPP is utilized by the plants in
an oviposition (egg-laying) site, but uses respiration. Gross Primary Productivity
the developing seeds within the fruit for minus respiration losses (R), is the Net
nourishing its larvae. The wasp pollinates Primary Productivity (NPP).
the fig inflorescence while searching for Net Primary Productivity is the available
suitable egg-laying sites. In return for the biomass for the consumption to the
favour of pollination, the fig offers the wasp heterotrophs (herbivores and
some of its developing seeds, as food for decomposers). Secondary productivity is
the developing wasp larvae. defined as the rate of formation of new
Orchids show a bewildering diversity of organic matter by the consumers.
floral patterns, many of which have evolved Primary productivity depends on the plant
to attract the right pollinator insect (bees species inhabiting a particular area. It also
and bumblebees) and ensure guaranteed depends on a variety of environmental
pollination by it. Not all orchids offer factors, availability of nutrients and
rewards. photosynthetic capacity of the plants.
The Mediterranean Orchid Ophrys employ Therefore, it varies in different types of
‘sexual deceit’ to get pollination done by a ecosystems.
species of bee. One petal of its flower bears
an uncanny resemblance to the female of 56. Answer: (d)
the bee in size, colour and markings. The Explanation:
male bee is attracted to what it perceives
SPACES is a coalition that believes in the
as a female, ‘pseudocopulates’ with the
central role of spatial intelligence in joint
flower, and during that process is dusted
decision-making for nature, climate and
with pollen from the flower. When this
sustainable development objectives.
same bee ‘pseudocopulates’ with another


SPACES is coordinated by the UN 59. Answer: (c)
Environment Programme World Explanation:
Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP- There is no provision under the Ancient
WCMC) and SYSTEMIQ, working with the Monuments and Archaeological Sites and
UN Development Programme (UNDP), Remains Act, 1958 to declare a site as a
International Institute for Applied Systems “Water Heritage Site” under Archaeological
Analysis (IIASA) and International Institute Survey of India (ASI). However, the
for Sustainability (IIS) amongst other Ministry of Jal Shakti had constituted a
collaborators. Committee to identify 75 Water Heritage
Structure (WHS) in reference to 75 years of
57. Answer: (a) India's Independence.
SAF is a biofuel used to power aircraft that 60. Answer: (b)
has similar properties to conventional jet Explanation:
fuel but with a smaller carbon footprint. Cryomesh Technology: Scientists in
It has the greatest potential to reduce CO2 Australia have successfully used a
emissions from International Aviation. Cryomesh technology for freezing and
SAF can be blended at up to 50% with storing coral larvae. This method is
traditional jet fuel and all quality tests are expected to eventually help rewild coral
completed as per a traditional jet fuel. reefs threatened by climate change. This is
the first time that scientists have been able
SAF is currently costlier than traditional
to freeze coral larvae.
fossil jet fuel. It has the potential to provide
a lifecycle carbon reduction of up to 80% The new lightweight cryomesh can be
compared to the traditional jet fuel it manufactured cheaply and better preserves
replaces. coral. The cryomesh technology will help
store coral larvae at -196oC. The cryomesh
was previously trialled on smaller and
58. Answer: (c)
larger varities of Hawaiian corals.
The Destination Flyways Project is
61. Answer: (c)
channelling the vast potential to harness
bird-related tourism to help conserve
the migratory birds, while at the same time The Windsor Framework permits free
supporting local communities. It is led by trade between the Great Britain and
the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Northern Ireland, through the use of
together with partners with sound ‘green’ and ‘red lanes’ for goods flowing
experience in the field of conservation and into Northern Ireland. The ‘green lane
tourism. goods’ will have fewer checks and controls,
including no customs checks or rules of
The Destination Flyways Projects will
origin. The ‘red lane goods’, under the
promote sustainable tourism for the local
Framework, will be subject to full checks
communities at eight important migratory
and controls to preserve the EU’s single
bird sites in Africa, Asia and Europe, that
market. In a bid to ease the impact on the
migratory birds need to survive. The
farmers, agri-food goods, such as meat and
preliminary phase of the Project is ongoing
dairy, will have reduced checks and
with support from Federal Ministry for the
controls, and food retailers, including
Environment, Nature Conservation,
super-markets, wholesalers and caterers,
Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.
will be able to move agri-food via the green
lane. The prohibition on certain chilled


meats from the Great Britain being sold in assessments regarding the involvement
Northern Ireland will be removed. The UK of the members of the business
and the EU leaders are hoping that this communities of the SCO member states
would lead to greater availability of the in trade, economic and investment
British goods in Northern Ireland markets, interaction within the framework of the
including both foods and medicines. Organization.
The SCO Business Council's permanent
62. Answer: (b) secretariat is headquartered at Moscow.
Explanation: The SCO Interbank Consortium (SCO IBC)
Burkina Faso: It recently faced Jihadist was established by the Council of Heads
insurgency. of Government in 2005, to provide funding
and bank services for investment projects
Tunisia: Political protest against the
sponsored by the governments of the SCO
President erupted.
member states.
Lebanon: Israel and Lebanon signed a
maritime sector agreement.
65. Answer: (c)
Croatia: Croatia switched to the shared
European currency, the Euro, and removed Explanation:
dozens of border check-points to join the The Security Council of the United Nations
world’s largest passport-free travel area. can take action to maintain or restore
international peace and security under
Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.
63. Answer: (b)
Sanctions measures, under Article 41,
encompass a broad range of
Sievierodonetsk: Administratively, enforcement options that do not involve
Sievierodonetsk falls under Ukraine’s the use of armed force.
Luhansk Oblast (province).
The Security Council sanctions have taken
Saint-Tropez: France a number of different forms, in pursuit of a
Reunion Island: France variety of goals. The measures have ranged
Transnistria: Moldova from comprehensive economic and trade
sanctions, to more targeted measures,
64. Answer: (c) such as arms embargoes, travel bans and
Explanation: financial or commodity restrictions. The
Security Council has applied sanctions to
The Business Council of the Shanghai
support peaceful transitions, deter non-
Cooperation Organization was founded in
constitutional changes, constrain
2006, in Shanghai. It is a non-government
terrorism, protect human rights and
entity that unites the highly authoritative
promote non-proliferation.
business community representatives of the
SCO (The Shanghai Cooperation Today, there are 14 ongoing sanctions
Organization) member states, with an eye regimes which focus on supporting political
settlement of conflicts, nuclear non-
towards expanding economic co-operation,
proliferation, and counter-terrorism. Each
establishing direct relations and a dialogue
between the business and financial regime is administered by a Sanctions
communities, and facilitating the practical Committee, chaired by a Non-Permanent
promotion of multilateral projects. Member of the Security Council.

The SCO Business Council is an As part of its commitment to ensure that

independent institution, capable of taking fair and clear procedures exist for placing
advisory decisions and giving expert individuals and entities on sanctions lists


and for removing them, as well as for  Prominent non-members include China
granting humanitarian exemptions, the and Israel.
Security Council in 2006, adopted  India joined the Wassenaar
resolution 1730 (2006), by which the Arrangement (WA) in 2017 and became
Council requested the Secretary-General to its 42nd member.
establish within the Secretariat (Security
Council Subsidiary Organs Branch), a focal
67. Answer: (d)
point to receive de-listing requests and
perform the tasks described in the annex
to that resolution. Restrictions on the freedom of the
individuals may come from domination and
external controls. Such restrictions may be
66. Answer: (a)
imposed by force or they may be imposed
by a government through laws, which
The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export embody the power of the rulers over the
Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual- people and which may have the backing of
Use Goods and Technologies force. This was the form of constraint
 India will assume the Chairmanship of represented by the colonial rulers over
the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA), a their subjects, or by the system of
multilateral technology control apartheid in South Africa. Some form of
agreement. government may be inevitable, but if the
 “The Wassenaar Arrangement is a government is a democratic one, the
multilateral export control regime, members of a state could retain some
which, through regular information control over their rulers. That is why
exchange among the members on the democratic government is considered to be
transfers of conventional arms, and an important means of protecting the
dual-use goods and technologies, seeks freedom of the people.
to promote transparency and greater But, constraints on freedom can also result
responsibility in such transfers and from social inequality of the kind implicit
prevent destabilizing accumulations." in the caste system, or which result from
 The Wassenaar Arrangement came into extreme economic inequality in a society.
being in 1996 and has 42 members. The quotation from Subhash Chandra
The WA operates on a voluntary basis Bose on freedom draws attention to the
and the decisions are made by need for the country to work to remove
consensus. such constraints.
 Every six months, the members “We cannot live in a world where there
exchange information on the deliveries are no constraints. We need some
of conventional arms to the non- constraints or else the society would
Wassenaar members, that fall under 8 descend into chaos. Differences may exist
broad weapon categories: battle tanks, between the people regarding their ideas
armoured combat vehicles (ACVs), and opinions, they may have conflicting
large-calibre artillery, military ambitions, they may compete to control the
aircrafts/unmanned aerial vehicles, scarce resources.”
military and attack helicopters,
warships, missiles or missile systems, 68. Answer: (d)
and small arms and light weapons. Explanation:
 The WA maintains the lists of The Preamble secures to all citizens of
technologies which are of interest. India, equality of status and opportunity.


This provision embraces three dimensions 69. Answer: (c)
of equality: civic, political and economic. Explanation:
The following provisions of the Chapter on Fundamental Rights-PART-III of the
Fundamental Rights ensure civic equality: Indian Constitution –
(a) Equality before the law (Article 14). Right to Freedom of Religion:
(b) Prohibition of discrimination on  Freedom of conscience and free
grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or profession, practice and propagation of
place of birth (Article 15). religion
(c) Equality of opportunity in matters of  Freedom to manage religious affairs
public employment (Article 16).
 Freedom to pay taxes for promotion of
(d) Abolition of untouchability (Article 17). any particular religion
(e) Abolition of titles (Article 18).  Freedom to attend religious instruction
There are two provisions in the or worship in certain educational
Constitution that seek to achieve institutions
political equality: One, no person is to be Cultural and Educational Rights:
declared ineligible for inclusion in the
 Protection of language, culture of
electoral rolls on grounds of religion, race,
caste or sex (Article 325).
 Right of minorities to establish
Two, elections to the Lok Sabha and the
educational institutions
State Assemblies to be on the basis of
adult suffrage (Article 326).
The Directive Principles of State Policy 70. Answer: (d)
(Article 39) secure to men and women, Explanation:
equal right to an adequate means of All the above statements have been
livelihood and equal pay for equal work. provided for in the Rules of Procedure and
The Preamble embodies the basic Conduct of Business in the Lok Sabha.
philosophy and fundamental values– Rule 56: Subject to the provisions of these
political, moral and religious–on which the Rules, a motion for an adjournment of the
Constitution is based. business of the House for the purpose of
In the Kesavananda Bharati case (1973), discussing a definite matter of urgent
the Supreme Court rejected the earlier public importance may be made with the
opinion and held that the Preamble is a consent of the Speaker.
part of the Constitution. It observed that Rule 8: The election of the Deputy
the Preamble is of extreme importance and Speaker shall be held on such date as
the Constitution should be read and the Speaker may fix, and the Secretary-
interpreted in the light of the grand and General shall send to every member the
noble vision expressed in the Preamble. notice of this date.
Two things should be noted: Rule 43: The Speaker to decide
1. The Preamble is neither a source of admissibility: The Speaker shall decide
power to the legislature, nor a whether a question, or a part thereof, is or
prohibition upon the powers of the is not admissible under these Rules and
legislature. may disallow any question, or a part
2. The Court held that the basic elements thereof, when in the opinion of the
or the fundamental features of the Speaker, it is an abuse of the right of
Constitution, as contained in the questioning or is calculated to obstruct or
Preamble, cannot be altered by an prejudicially affect the procedure of the
amendment under Article 368.


House or is in contravention of these on being named by the Speaker, stand
Rules. automatically suspended from the service
Rule 44 - Speaker to decide if a question is of the House for five consecutive sittings,
to be treated as starred or unstarred. or the remainder of the session, whichever
If in the opinion of the Speaker any is less: Provided that the House may, at
question put down for oral answer is of any time, on a motion being made,
such a nature that a written reply would be resolve that such suspension be
more appropriate, the Speaker may direct terminated.
that such question be placed on the list of
questions for written answer: 72. Answer: (d)
Provided that the Speaker, if thinks fit, Explanation:
may call upon the member who has given Constitutional and Legal Principles to
notice of a question for oral answer to state ensure Judicial Independence:
in brief the reasons for desiring an oral  Article 141: The law declared by the
answer and, after considering the same, Supreme Court shall be binding on all
may direct that the question be included in courts within the territory of India.
the list of questions for written answer.
 Separation of Power: Article 50: The
separation of power between the
71. Answer: (a) Legislature, the Executive and the
Explanation: Judiciary is now a part of the Basic
The general principle is that it is the role Structure of the Indian Constitution.
and duty of the Presiding Officer — The  Security of the Tenure of the Judges:
Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the The judges of the Supreme Court or the
Chairman of the Rajya Sabha — to High Courts cannot be removed
maintain order, so that the House can arbitrarily by the executive and their
function smoothly. In order to ensure that removal has to undergo rigorous
the proceedings are conducted in a proper legislative scrutiny, as provided
manner, the Speaker/Chairman is under Article 124 (4). Further, Article
empowered to force a Member to withdraw 124 (5) mentions that the removal of
from the House. the judge on the grounds of
Rule Number 373 of the Rules of “misbehaviour” and “incapacity” can
Procedure and Conduct of Business be prescribed by law made by the
says: The Speaker, if he is of the opinion Parliament.
that the conduct of any Member is grossly  The Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968: It
disorderly, may direct such Member to lays down the process to remove the
withdraw immediately from the House, and judges of the Supreme Court and the
any Member so ordered to withdraw shall High Courts, including the investigation
do so forthwith and shall remain absent necessary to prove misbehaviour or
during the remainder of the day’s sitting. incapacity.
According to Rule Number 374A: (1)  The salaries of the judges cannot be
Notwithstanding anything contained in reduced: Article 125 (2): The salaries
Rules 373 and 374, in the event of grave of the judges are fixed by the
disorder occasioned by a Member coming Parliament and these cannot be
into the well of the House or abusing the reduced during the tenure of the judge.
Rules of the House persistently and wilfully Privileges, allowances, leaves and
obstructing its business by shouting pension provided to a judge cannot be
slogans or otherwise, such Member shall,


varied or reduced to his/her be remembered, is vested in a high
disadvantage. constitutional functionary. The authority
 The expenses of the Supreme Court is entrusted to the Chief Justice
charged upon the Consolidated Fund because such an entrustment of
of India: Article 146 (3): This ensures functions is necessary for the efficient
financial independence of the judiciary transaction of the administrative and
away from the Parliament’s vote on the judicial work of the Court. The ultimate
matter or executive’s pressure or purpose behind the entrustment of
influence. authority to the Chief Justice is to
ensure that the Supreme Court is able
 The jurisdiction of the Courts cannot
be diminished: The Parliament cannot to fulfil and discharge the constitutional
reduce the jurisdiction of the Supreme obligations which govern and provide
the rationale for its existence. The
Court or the High Courts, by passing
entrustment of functions to the Chief
any law on appeals or Supreme Court’s
Original Jurisdiction, under Article Justice as the head of the institution, is
131 with respect to dispute between with the purpose of securing the
the Centre and the States. position of the Supreme Court as an
independent safeguard for the
 The Constitution insulates the
preservation of personal liberty. There
judges from criticism in the
cannot be a presumption of mistrust. The
Parliament and the State
oath of office demands nothing less.
Legislatures: The Parliament or the
State Legislatures cannot discuss the
conduct of the judges in discharge of 73. Answer: (d)
their duties. Explanation:
Protection from Contempt Proceedings: Constitutional and Legal Provisions
The Supreme Court, in the Keshav against Land Acquisition of the Tribals:
Singh Case, held that Articles 121 and 211 The Scheduled Tribes (STs) have been the
also protect a judge of court from any most marginalized, isolated and deprived
contempt proceedings, which may be taken population. To protect and safeguard the
against him/her in discharge of his/her land rights of the STs and to address the
duties. issue of land acquisition and displacement
The Chief Justice of India (CJI) as the of the tribals, following Constitutional and
Master of the Roster legal provisions have been put in place:
Asok Pande vs Supreme Court of India, The Constitution of India: Under the
2018: Appointments of officers and Fifth Schedule:
servants of the Supreme Court shall be  The Governor of the State, which has
made by the Chief Justice of India or such Scheduled Areas, is empowered to
other Judge or officer of the Court as he prohibit or restrict the transfer of land
may direct: of India as the head of the from the tribals and regulate the
institution. From an institutional allotment of land to the members of the
perspective the Chief Justice is placed at Scheduled Tribes.
the helm of the Supreme Court. In the  Land, being a State Subject, various
allocation of cases and the constitution provisions of rehabilitation and
of benches the Chief Justice has an resettlement, as per the Right to Fair
exclusive prerogative. As a repository of Compensation and Transparency in
constitutional trust, the Chief Justice is an Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
institution in himself. The authority which Resettlement Act, 2013 (The RFCTLARR
is conferred upon the Chief Justice, it must


Act, 2013), are implemented by the  The Gram Sabha or the Panchayat at
concerned State Governments. the appropriate level shall be consulted
The Scheduled Tribes and Other before making the acquisition of land in
Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition the Scheduled Areas for development
of Forest Rights) Act, 2006: projects and before re-settling or
 The member of the forest dwelling rehabilitating the persons affected by
Scheduled Tribes or Other Traditional such projects in the Scheduled Areas.
Forest Dweller shall not be evicted or The Scheduled Castes and the
removed from the forest land under his Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of
occupation, till the recognition and Atrocities) Act, 1989:
verification procedure is complete.  It prevents commission of atrocities
 The Gram Sabha is empowered to against the members of the Scheduled
regulate access to the community forest Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, to
resources and stop any activity which provide for the trial of such offences
adversely affects the wild animals, and for the relief of rehabilitation of the
forests and biodiversity. victims of such offences.
The Right to Fair Compensation and  Wrongfully dispossessing the members
Transparency in Land Acquisition, of the Scheduled Castes or the
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, Scheduled Tribes from their land or
2013 (The RFCTLARR Act, 2013): premises or interfering with the
 Section 48: National Level Monitoring enjoyment of their rights, including
Committee for Rehabilitation and forest rights, over any land or premises
Resettlement has been constituted to or water or irrigation facilities or
review and monitor implementation of destroying the crops or taking away the
rehabilitation and resettlement produce therefrom, amount to offence
schemes and plans related to land of atrocities and are subject to
acquisition under the RFCTLARR Act, punishment.
2013, and the National Rehabilitation The Orissa Mining Corporation v/s the
and Resettlement Policy, 2007. Ministry of Environment and Forest &
 Section 41(1): As far as possible, no Ors.:
acquisition of land shall be made in the  The Supreme Court (SC) held that
Scheduled Areas. forest approval cannot be granted for a
 Section 41(2): Any land acquisition development project without the
shall be done only as a demonstrable informed consent of the Gram Sabhas,
last resort. given after proper consideration in a
duly convened Gram Sabha and passed
 Section 41(3): In case of acquisition or
by resolution.
alternation of any land in the
Scheduled Areas, the prior consent of  The SC stated that the Gram Sabha is
the concerned Gram Sabha or the also free to consider all the community,
Panchayat or the Autonomous District individual as well as cultural and
Councils in the Scheduled Areas under religious claims.
the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution
be obtained, in all cases of land 74. Answer: (d)
acquisition in such areas, including Explanation:
acquisition in case of urgency. Article 74 of the Indian Constitution:
The Panchayats (Extension to the Council of Ministers to aid and advise
Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996: the President:


1. [There shall be a Council of Ministers, members in the Legislative Assembly of
with the Prime Minister at the head to that state.
aid and advise the President, who shall,
in the exercise of his functions, act in 76. Answer: (d)
accordance with such advice:] [Provided
that the President may require the
In the performance of his official duties,
Council of Ministers to reconsider such
the Attorney General for India has the right
advice, either generally or otherwise,
of audience in all courts in the territory of
and the President shall act in
India. Further, he has the right to speak
accordance with the advice tendered
and to take part in the proceedings of both
after such reconsideration.]
the Houses of the Parliament, or their Joint
2. The question whether any, and if so
Sitting(s) and any Committee of the
what, advice was tendered by the
Parliament, of which he may be named a
Ministers to the President shall not be
member, but without a right to vote. He
inquired into in any court.
enjoys all the privileges and immunities
Article 75 of the Indian Constitution: that are available to a Member of the
Other provisions as to the Ministers: Parliament.
1. The Prime Minister shall be appointed Limitations placed on the Attorney
by the President and the other General for India:
Ministers shall be appointed by the  He should not advise or hold a brief
President, on the advice of the Prime against the Government of India.
 He should not advise or hold a brief in
(1A) The total number of Ministers, the cases in which he is called upon to
including the Prime Minister, in the advise or appear for the Government of
Council of Ministers shall not exceed
15% of the total number of members of
 He should not defend the accused
the House of the People.
persons in criminal prosecutions,
2. Substituted by the Constitution (Forty-
without the permission of the
Second Amendment) Act, 1976.
Government of India.
3. Inserted by the Constitution (Ninety-
 He should not accept appointment as a
First Amendment) Act, 2003.
director in any company or corporation,
without the permission of the
75. Answer: (d) Government of India.
Article 80(5): The representatives of the 77. Answer: (a)
Union Territories in the Council of States Explanation:
shall be chosen in such manner as the
The main features of the Constitution
Parliament may by law prescribe.
(Seventy-third Amendment) Act, 1992,
Article 124 (2)(a): The age of a judge of the are:
Supreme Court shall be determined by
(a) A three-tier system of Panchayati Raj
such authority and in such manner as the
at the village, block (intermediate
Parliament may by law provide.
level) and district levels for all states
Article 171: The composition of the having a population of over 20 lakhs;
Legislative Councils: The total number of
(b) To conduct Panchayat elections
members in the Legislative Council of a
regularly in every five years and
state, having such a Council, shall not
elections to be held within six
exceed one-third of the total number of


months after the dissolution of the within 90 days of his making or
Panchayat; subscribing oath/affirmation.
(c) Reservation of seats for the Scheduled Under Rule 3 of the Members of Rajya
Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, OBCs, Sabha (Declaration of Assets and
women (33%) and general seats; Liabilities) Rules, 2004, only the elected
(d) To appoint the State Finance members of the Council are liable to
Commission to make recommendations furnish the declaration of their assets and
regarding the financial powers of the liabilities, and the assets of their spouse
Panchayats; and and dependent children.
(e) To constitute the District Planning The American Senate has no nominated
Committee to prepare a draft members and all its members are elected.
development plan for the district as a The first woman nominated member of the
whole. Rajya Sabha was Smt. Rukmini Devi
78. Answer: (c)
Explanation: 79. Answer: (b)
About the Nominated Members of the Explanation:
Rajya Sabha – Important Facts: States Reorganisation
Conditions of Appointment: He should be in India:
a citizen of India, above 30 years of age  The First States Reorganisation
and possessing such other qualifications Commission (SRC) was constituted in
as may be prescribed by the law of the 1953, appointed by the then Prime
Parliament. Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru. The SRC
The nominated members enjoy all the was headed by S. Fazal Ali and had two
powers, privileges and immunities members, namely K. M. Panikkar and
available to the elected members of the H. N. Kunzru.
Parliament.  The States Reorganisation Act of 1956
They can take part in the proceedings of was followed by the Constitution
the House in a normal manner. (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, whose
While the nominated members of the Rajya statement of objects and reasons stated
Sabha have a right to vote in the election of the following:
the Vice-President of India, they are not “In order to implement the scheme of
entitled to vote in the election of the States reorganisation, it is necessary to
President of India. make numerous amendments in the
They can participate in the Constitution with effect from 1st
impeachment process of the President. October, 1956. This Bill seeks to make
A nominated member of a House shall be these amendments and also some other
disqualified for being a member of the amendments to certain provisions of
House, if he joins any political party, after the Constitution relating to the High
the expiry of six months from the date on Courts and the High Court Judges, the
which he takes his seat, after complying executive power of the Union and the
with the requirements of Article 99. States, and a few entries in the
legislative lists.”
A nominated member has also been
exempted from filing his assets and  The Constitution (Seventh Amendment)
liabilities under Section 75A of the Act, 1956, implemented states
Representation of the People Act, 1951, reorganisation and added Article 350A,
which requires the elected member to do so which facilities for instruction in the


mother-tongue at the primary stage of under the Narcotics Drugs and
education to the children belonging to Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985. India
the linguistic minority groups. has entered into many bilateral agreements
The States Reorganisation Act, 1956, to tackle the threat of drug trade. The NCB
also provided for the following: is an Indian central law enforcement and
Amendment to the First and the Fourth intelligence agency under the Ministry of
Schedules; Provision of High Courts for the Home Affairs, Government of India.
new States; Zonal Council; Delimitation of For the prevention of AIDS in the eight
Constituencies; All India Services; Services north-eastern states, the Ministry of
under the State Public Service Health and Family Welfare launched a
Commission. project, called 'Project Sunrise', in 2016.
The provision for legislative Assemblies The Project has been launched with an aim
for the Union Territories: 239AA of the to create awareness about the disease in
constitution. Special provisions with the north-eastern states. Project Sunrise
respect to Delhi – aims at bringing the people living with
1. As from the date of commencement of HIV/AIDS into the national mainstream
the Constitution (Sixty-ninth and create more awareness about the
Amendment) Act, 1991, the Union disease in these north-eastern states. It
territory of Delhi shall be called the will be implemented in the north-east, in
National Capital Territory of Delhi and addition to the existing projects of the
the administrator thereof appointed National AIDS Control Organization
under article 239 shall be designated as (NACO).
the Lieutenant Governor. For digitization of pan-India drug
2. (a) There shall be a Legislative seizure data, the Ministry of Home
Assembly for the National Capital Affairs launched an e-portal, called
Territory and the seats in such ‘Seizure Information Management
Assembly shall be filled by members System (SIMS)’ in 2019, for all the drug
chosen by direct election from law enforcement agencies under the
territorial constituencies in the mandate of the Narcotic Drugs and
National Capital Territory. Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.
Note: Above provision was inserted by the
Constitution (Sixty-ninth Amendment) Act, 81. Answer: (b)
1991. Explanation:
 The Supreme Court (SC) has the power
80. Answer: (b) to stay not only the sentence, but also
Explanation: the conviction of a person. In some rare
India’s efforts to curb drug menace – cases, the conviction has been stayed
to enable the appellant to contest an
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB): The
NCB is the primary agency responsible for
curbing trade in illicit drugs and precursor  However, the SC has made it clear that
chemicals. The NCB shares intelligence such a stay should be very rare and for
with other agencies, like the Directorate of special reasons. The Representation of
Revenue Intelligence (DRI); the Central the People Act, 1951, itself provides a
Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC); and remedy through the Election
the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), for Commission.
better co-ordination. The NCB also takes Based on the High Court’s or the
required actions to control drug trafficking Supreme Court’s Order:


When When Section 9A: Disqualification for the
Disqualification Disqualification Government contracts: A person shall be
Continues Ends disqualified if, and for so long as, there
subsists a contract entered into by him in
If the Higher Court Disqualification
the course of his trade or business with the
on appeal stays will be
appropriate government for the supply of
the operation of suspended where
goods to, or for the execution of any works
only the execution the Higher Court
undertaken by, that government.
of the sentence of stays both the
imprisonment conviction and
passed by the trial the operation of 82. Answer: (a)
court, then such sentence. Explanation:
stay on the The Ministry of Electronics and
execution of Information Technology has introduced the
sentence given by Information Technology (Intermediary
the Higher Courts Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code)
will not have any Amendment Rules, 2022.
effect on the  The new Rules have constituted the
person’s Grievance Appellate Committee, which
disqualification. will allow the social media users to
So, the register their complaints against the
disqualification decisions of the social media platforms,
continues. like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube
 Section 11 of the Representation of etc.
the People Act (RPA), 1951: The  Non-uniform grievance redressal
Election Commission (EC) may record mechanism, offered by the social media
reasons and either remove, or reduce platforms and lakhs of unresolved
the period of, a person’s complaints, have forced the government
disqualification. to come up with the idea of the
Section 11: Removal or reduction of Grievance Appellate Committee to
the period of disqualification: The regulate the social media platforms.
Election Commission may, for reasons  The decisions of the Committee can
to be recorded, remove any be challenged in the regular courts.
disqualification under this Chapter 2 What contents can be flagged by the
[(except under Section 8A)] or reduce users?
the period of any such disqualification.
o “Objectionable” content that promotes
 The EC exercised this power for “enmity between different groups on the
Sikkim’s Chief Minister, P.S. Tamang, grounds of religion or caste with the
who served a one-year sentence for intent to incite violence”.
corruption, and reduced his o Pornography or sexual abuse of the
disqualification so as to contest a by- children.
election and remain in the office. o Trademark, copyright and patent
 When Electoral Disqualification infringements.
Ends: Disqualification will be o Fake information, which can be
suspended where the Higher Court considered as a threat to the
stays both the conviction and the sovereignty of the nation.
operation of sentence.
o Misinformation or impersonation of
another person.


83. Answer: (a) 85. Answer: (a)
Explanation: Explanation:
 Balakrishnan Committee was formed When a Bill is transmitted to the Council of
in 1987. It recommended that Delhi States or is presented for the assent of the
should continue to be a Union President, it shall bear the endorsement of
Territory, but should be provided with a the Speaker that it is a Money Bill.
Legislative Assembly and a Council of A Money bill shall not be introduced in the
Ministers responsible to such Assembly Council of States.
with appropriate powers to deal with According to the Constitution, a money bill
the matters of concern to the common contains the imposition, abolition,
man. remission, alteration or regulation of any
 The Committee also recommended that,
with a view to ensuring stability and But the imposition of local taxes doesn’t
permanence, the arrangements should come under the purview of the money bill.
be incorporated in the Constitution to Money Bill Provisions (Article 110) of the
give the National Capital a special Constitution deals with the definition of
status among the Union Territories. money bills. It states that a bill is deemed
to be a money bill if it contains ‘only’
 Hence, as per the Constitution (69th
provisions dealing with all or any of the
Amendment) Act, 1991, Article 239AA following matters:
and Article 239AB were added to the
1. The imposition, abolition, remission,
Constitution to give constitutional
alteration or regulation of any tax;
status to the National Capital Territory
2. The regulation of the borrowing of
of Delhi.
money by the Union government;
3. The custody of the Consolidated Fund
84. Answer: (a) of India or the contingency fund of
Explanation: India, the payment of moneys into or
The Governor has the power to appoint the the withdrawal of money from any such
Advocate-General and the members of the fund;
State Public Service Commission. The 4. The appropriation of money out of the
Ministers as well as Advocate-General hold Consolidated Fund of India;
office during the pleasure of the Governor, 5. Declaration of any expenditure charged
but the Members of the State Public on the Consolidated Fund of India or
Service Commission cannot be removed increasing the amount of any such
by him, they can be removed only by expenditure;
the President on the report of the 6. The receipt of money on account of the
Supreme Court on reference made by Consolidated Fund of India or the
the President and in some cases, on the public account of India or the custody
happening of certain disqualification. or issue of such money, or the audit of
The Governor has no power to appoint the accounts of the Union or of a state;
Judges of the State High Court but he is
entitled to be consulted by the President in 7. Any matter incidental to any of the
the matter. matters specified above.
Note: Money Bill is required to change the
The Governor can nominate 1/6 part of the
custody of both Consolidated Fund of India
total members of Legislative Council.
and Contingency fund of India, however
The Governor is the part of the State
for appropriating moneys out of the
Legislature just as the President is a part later, Money bill is not needed (Article
of parliament. 110(1)(d)).


86. Answer: (c) the Revenue Neutral Rate under the GST
Explanation: regime should be around 15% to 15.5%.
 The Forex Reserves of a country consist
of foreign currency assets, gold, the 89. Answer: (a)
Special Drawing Rights and the Reserve Explanation:
Tranche Position (RTP) with the IMF. Additional Tier 1 Bonds (AT1 Bonds):
 The Forex Reserves are accreted in  AT1 Bonds are a type of perpetual debt
the following cases: instrument that the banks use to
o Net FPI (Foreign Portfolio augment their core equity base and
Investment) inflows. thus, comply with Basel III norms.
o Exports more than imports. These Bonds are perpetual in nature,
o Increased net remittance income. which means that they do not carry any
o Fresh allocations of the Special maturity date and the banks have a call
Drawing Rights by the International option that permits them to redeem
Monetary Fund (IMF) to the member these Bonds after a certain period.
countries.  They are ‘Contingent Convertible
 Net FPI outflows result in the Bonds’. In the event of an institutional
depletion of the Forex Reserves. failure, the rules allow the issuer to
Increased FPI outflows resulted in the convert the Bonds into equity
depletion of the Forex Reserves of India instruments, or stop paying interest or
in the year 2022. even write-down these Bonds
 Since they are riskier, these Bonds
87. Answer: (c)
offer high rate of returns.
 A bilateral currency swap is an open-
90. Answer: (b)
ended credit line from one country to
another at a fixed exchange rate. The Explanation:
country which avails itself of this loan  As a prudential measure aimed at
pays interest to the country which better risk management, the Reserve
provides it, at a benchmark interest Bank of India advises the banks to fix
rate, such as the Libor (London Inter- limits on their exposure to specific
Bank Rate). industry or sectors, and prescribes
 Such agreements provide swap support some regulatory limits on the banks’
as a backstop line of funding for short- exposure to individual and group of
term foreign exchange liquidity borrowers in India.
requirements. These swaps are agreed  The exposure shall include credit
at an interest rate lower than the exposure and investment exposure.
prevailing market rate. o Credit exposure comprises the
following elements:
88. Answer: (a)  All types of funded (loans) and
Explanation: non-funded (bank guarantee,
Letters of Credit etc.) credit
The Revenue Neutral Rate is the rate at
which the income to the states and the
Centre is not eroded in the absence of  Facilities extended by way of
pre-GST taxes. A Committee, headed by equipment leasing, hire
the then Chief Economic Adviser, Arvind purchase finance and factoring
Subramanian, in 2015, recommended that services.
o Investment exposure comprises
the following elements:


 Investments in shares and under any other mechanism, including
debentures of the companies. the GST. They include:
 Investments in PSU (Public o Central and State Excise Duty on
Sector Undertaking) Bonds. fuel for transportation of export
 Investments in Commercial goods (petrol, diesel, CNG, PNG,
Papers (CPs). etc.).
o Coal cess or duty levied by the
91. Answer: (d) states on electricity consumed for
manufacturing of the export goods.
o Mandi tax levied by the Agricultural
 Treasury Bills or T-Bills are short-
Produce Market Committees
term debt instruments, issued by the
Government of India and are presently
issued in three tenors, namely, 91 o Toll tax and stamp duties on
days, 182 days and 364 days. These import-export documentation.
are zero coupon securities and pay o Value Added Tax (VAT), wherever
no interest. Instead, they are issued at applicable.
a discount and redeemed at the face  Refunds under the scheme would be
value at maturity. issued in the form of transferrable ‘e-
 Public debt in India is primarily scrips’, which could be used for paying
contracted at fixed interest rates, the Basic Customs Duty on the import
with floating internal debt of goods, or may be transferred
constituting only 1.7% of the GDP. electronically to other party. The
benefit will not be in the form of direct
credit to the bank account.
92. Answer: (c)
94. Answer: (d)
 A Vostro Account is an account that
a domestic bank holds for a foreign Explanation:
bank in the domestic bank’s SEBI (The Securities and Exchange
currency. Board of India) Guidelines on the
 A Nostro Account is an account that Infrastructure Investment Trusts
a foreign bank holds for a domestic (InvITs):
bank in the foreign bank’s currency.  Minimum 80% of the pooled money of
 Vostro and Nostro Accounts are used to the InvITs should be invested in
settle cross-border trade between two completed revenue generating
countries in their domestic currencies. infrastructure projects, while the
Recently, the Reserve Bank of India balance 20% can be invested in under-
(RBI) permitted various Indian banks to construction projects, equity shares of
open 12 special Vostro Accounts for the infrastructure companies, G-Secs
trade in Rupees. etc.
 90% of the profits generated by the
InvITs should be distributed among the
93. Answer: (b)
investors in the form of dividend.
 The InvITs are regulated by the SEBI.
 The ‘Remission of Duties and Taxes on
Exported Products (RoDTEP) provides
refund of indirect taxes and duties, 95. Answer: (a)
which are levied at the central, state Explanation:
and local levels, and are not refunded IMF (The International Monetary Fund)’s
Reports’ List:


 World Economic Outlook  The National List of Essential
 Global Financial Stability Report Medicines, 2022, has been notified
 Fiscal Monitor by the Ministry of Health and Family
 Regional Economic Outlook
 The medicines included in the National
‘Commodity Markets Outlook’ is
List of Essential Medicines are included
published by the World Bank.
in Schedule I of the Drugs (Prices
The World Bank's Commodity Markets
Control) Order, 2013.
Outlook is published twice a year.
 The prices of drugs, included in
Schedule I (i.e., the National List of
96. Answer: (c) Essential Medicines), are fixed by the
Explanation: government, based on taking the
The Nature of the Digital Markets: average of all brands who have a
 The digital markets are driven by market share of more than 1%.
increasing returns to size, while the  The government shall revise the
traditional markets have diminishing ceiling prices of the scheduled
returns to size, leading to strong formulations as per the annual
competition among multiple players. Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for the
 Returns in the digital markets are not preceding calendar year, on or before
just from the traditional scale and 1st April of every year and notify the
scope effects, but also powerful same on the 1st day of April every year.
network and learning effects.
 Increasing returns to scale: Digital 98. Answer: (d)
businesses tend to have rapidly Explanation:
diminishing marginal costs as they It has been observed that many Indian
grow, so “scale quickly” is the best companies have been getting
strategy. headquartered overseas, especially in
 Network effects: As the number of destinations with favourable legal
users on a platform grows, so does the environments and taxation policies. The
utility of every user of that platform. technical jargon for this may be
Larger platforms with more users may identified as ‘Flipping’, which is the
provide increased efficiency to all its process of transferring the entire
users. But this leaves space for only a ownership of an Indian company to an
small number of platforms in the overseas entity, accompanied by a
market. transfer of all IP and all data hitherto
 The ‘winner takes all’ markets: These owned by the Indian company. It
powerful returns with increasing size effectively transforms an Indian company
make the digital market to peak quickly into a 100% subsidiary of a foreign entity,
(within 3 to 5 years) to monopolistic with the founders and investors retaining
dominant players with limited fair the same ownership via the foreign entity,
competition. Leading players in one having swapped all shares.
digital market can quickly unlock in
adjacent markets and increase their 99. Answer: (d)
global dominance.
The Framework for International Trade
97. Answer: (b) Settlement in Indian Rupees: The
Explanation: framework could largely reduce the net
The National List of Essential demand for foreign exchange, the US dollar
Medicines, 2022: in particular, for the settlement of the


current account related trade flows.  Reduce transaction cost for the
Further, the use of the INR (The Indian exporters at various stages of export
Rupee) in cross-border trade is expected to cycle.
mitigate currency risk for the Indian  Hand-holding and assistance to the
businesses. Protection from currency exporters by doorstep delivery of timely
volatility not only reduces the cost of doing and relevant information.
business, but also enables better business  Generate employment in the district.
growth, improving the chances for the
 Providing platforms for wide and global
Indian businesses to grow globally. It also
reach of products and services from the
reduces the need for holding the Foreign
district through e-commerce and digital
Exchange Reserves and dependence on
marketing. Promoting the farmers,
foreign currency, making the Indian
handicrafts, handlooms, tourism and
economy less vulnerable to external
other cottage industries.
shocks. Further, it could assist the Indian
Institutional Mechanism: An
exporters in getting advance payments in
institutional mechanism is being set up
the INR from the overseas clients and, in
in each district in the form of the
the longer term, promote the INR as an
District Export Promotion Committees
international currency, once the Rupee
(DEPCs) with the
settlement mechanism gains traction. One
Collector/DM/DC/District Development
of the pre-requisites for the emergence of
Officer/CDO as the Chairperson, and the
an international currency is that the said
designated DGFT (The Directorate General
currency needs to be increasingly used for
of Foreign Trade) representative as the Co-
trade invoicing.
Chairperson. The General Manager of the
District Industries Centre (DIC) is the
100. Answer: (d) Convener of the DEPCs, with
Explanation: representatives from other important
Districts as Export Hubs Initiative: The government departments.
Department of Commerce, through the Functions of the DEPCs:
Director General of Foreign Trade, is  Prepare and act on the District Specific
engaging with the State/UT Governments Export Action Plan to develop as an
to take forward the ‘Districts as Export export hub.
Hubs Initiative’, to convert each district
 Assessment of a district to identify the
into an export hub.
current export profile.
Objectives of the Districts as Export
 Identifying products and promoting
Hubs Initiative:
potential products for exports.
 Enable the MSMEs (The Micro, Small
 Entry of all district level data into a
and Medium Enterprises), farmers and
portal being developed by the DGFT.
small industries to get the benefits of
 Act as a grievance redressal forum for
export opportunities in the overseas
the exporters and follow up with the
concerned central and state agency.
 Shift focus on district-led export growth
 Facilitate in organizing buyer-seller
for self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
meets, exhibitions, trade fairs etc., in
 Attract investment in the district to
the district to encourage the industries
boost manufacturing and exports.
to showcase their products to the
 Provide ecosystem for innovation/use of world.
technology at the district level to make
 Implementing the District Export Action
them export competitive.
Plan in a phased manner to ensure that
the district achieves the targeted export


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