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Practical information

1. Student’s cafeteria (“menza”) at the Faculty of Law

You can get lunch at any of the student cafeterias of the Charles University, luckily, there is
one menza located at the Faculty of Law. All cafeterias offer at least one vegetarian option.
You may use your student card to get a discount – to do so, charge your card with the cashier
in the cafeteria prior ordering your meal. The meals in menza are cheaper than in the
restaurants, with a price about 70 to 90 CZK. The only disadvantage is that during lunch time,
it might get a little bit crowded, so be prepared to wait in a queue.

If you fancy something small and quick, there are two bistros in the faculty building – the Coffee
Break or the bistro next to the menza. They offer coffee, soft drinks, snacks, baguette
sandwiches, desserts, and cakes and even more.

Near the faculty

If you do not fancy the offer at the Faculty of Law, or you just simply need something to eat
outside of the faculty, pay a visit to some of these restaurants or pubs, there are plenty of them
within walking distance of the faculty as the faculty building is situated in the very centre of the

2. Transportation in Prague
- Transport from airport
After you arrive at Václav Havel Airport Prague you have about two ways of getting to the city.
The simpler yet more expensive way is to take a taxi. It usually takes approximately 30 minutes
to reach the centre of Prague, and it should cost you about 30,00 €.

There are bus services available if you prefer the cheaper and more ecological way of getting
from the airport. Personal transit from the airport is provided by buses number 119 and 100,
which stop in front of both terminals. Both bus lines are going to take you to a metro
(underground) station. Bus number 119 runs between Václav Havel Airport Prague and
Nádraží Veleslavín metro station (metro line A). Bus numbr 100 runs between Václav Havel
Airport Prague and Zličín metro station (metro line B). If you arrive at night, you can also take
night buses number 907 and number 910. Just remember that the metro (underground) is
closed between midnight and 5 am.

Prior to boarding the bus, you must buy your ticket. There is more about that in the “Tickets”
section. Do not forget to validate your ticket upon boarding the bus!
If you are still a bit confused, do not worry, there is a video to help you!
- Transport around Prague

Public Transport
When it comes to transportation in Prague, the most student-friendly way of getting around is
public transport. Prague has an extensive public transport network, which is affordable,
efficient, and highly integrated. Once you are in the city, it is easy to travel around by tram,
bus, or metro (the underground). Nevertheless, you have several other options, such as taxis,
shared bikes, or even shared scooters.

If you plan to use public transport on a regular basis, it is worth buying a long-term ticket. An
annual student ticket costs just 1280,00 CZK (approx. 50 €), while a 90-day ticket costs 360,00
CZK. You can buy this ticket upon your arrival at the airport or in selected metro (underground)
stations. You can also buy both short-term and long-term tickets through the official app called
Lítačka. In this app, you are going to find all the necessary information concerning prices. You
can also use this app to plan your trips around Prague.
If you prefer short-term paper tickets, you can buy them in the yellow vending machines at
various metro (underground) stations or bus stops. To avoid trouble, make sure you validate
your ticket when getting on a bus/tram or metro. You validate your ticket by inserting it into one
of the yellow boxes located either directly in a bus/tram or at the entrance to the metro
(underground) transport area. The fine for using public transport without a valid ticket is
generally 1000,00 CZK.
The pricelist to be found here.

Alternative forms of transport

It is recommended to ask the driver about the approximate price of the trip in advance and let
him know that you are going to request a bill at the end, they may sometimes be overpriced.
Shared bikes
If you would like to ride a shared bike, free bike path gps app “Prague on bike” is available for
the city. Just remember that cycling in Prague can sometimes be quite dangerous.

3. Housing in Prague
Finding accommodation in Prague may not be easy and it is one of the least pleasant parts of
the exchange experience. Exchange students can either look for university accommodation in
one of the halls of residence of Charles University, or they look for an apartment / room in
shared apartment for rent.

- Charles University Halls of Residence

Charles University provides all Erasmus exchange students with a place in one of its halls of
residence, so incoming students do not have to worry about ending up without a place to live.
Living in the halls of residence is not only less complicated, but it is also less expensive.
Dormitory place in a shared double room costs 3500 - 5000 CZK (cca 150 - 200 EUR) per
month/person. However, the accommodation is simple, usually with shared bathroom and
kitchenette. Several apartments are yet to be renovated and it is possible that you will get one
of them.

There are 5 Charles University halls of residence providing accommodation for exchange
students: Hostivař, Větrník, Hvězda, Komenského and 17. listopadu. Most of them are located
outside the city centre, but the centre is easily accessible by public transport. More details to
be found on the official Charles University website.
- Private accommodation
Finding private accommodation in Prague the more expensive option. For a room in a shared
apartment, you should count approx. 6000 – 12000 CZK per month/person depending very
much on the location.

Below some suggestions of websites where to look for private accommodation:,,,
Facebook groups: Flatshare in Prague, Flatshare in Prague and Flat Rentals, Flatshare
accommodation, Pronájem/podnájem pokojů a bytů v Praze bez realitky, Spolubydlení Praha
Halls of residence: The Fizz, DC Residence, Student Republic, Rooms 5

4. Culture
Prague is a beautiful and enchanting city, loved both by history and/or culture lovers, as well
as people who enjoy vibrant and lively events. The city houses innumerable number of
museums, art galleries, theatres, concert halls, cinemas. There are many great things to do in
Prague so be sure to spare some time for culture.

- Museums and galleries

Apart from the fact that the Prague Castle and the whole historical centre with the Old Jewish
Town are a piece of history by itself, Prague has much more to offer. If you need some escape
from the weather, or if you thirst for some history, knowledge, and art there are plenty of
museums and galleries at your disposal.

The National Museum (Národní Muzeum)

The National Museum is the largest museum in the Czech Republic, and it houses several
million items from the areas of natural history, history, arts, music, and social sciences, which
are in dozens of museum buildings. The main building of the National Museum has been
recently renovated and opened to public again.
The Czech National Gallery (Národní galerie)
The Czech National Gallery is one of the world’s oldest public galleries (precisely, the second
oldest gallery in Europe after the Louvre in Paris!) and it manages the largest collection of art
in the Czech Republic. It is in many buildings all over Prague.
The Jewish Museum (Židovské muzeum)
The Jewish Museum includes six monuments altogether - the Spanish Synagogue, the Maisel
Synagogue, the Pinkas Synagogue, the Klaus Synagogue, the Old Jewish Cemetery, and the
Ceremonial Hall.
The National Technical Museum (Národní Technické Muzeum)
The National Technical Museum is the largest museum related to the history of technology in
the Czech Republic. The National Agricultural Museum is right next to it – and its roof garden
offers a beautiful view of Prague.
Center for Contemporary Art DOX (Centrum současného umění DOX)
DOX is a multifunctional space which targets both international and Czech art, architecture,
and design. It is in a renovated complex of industrial buildings and its dominant feature, the
Gulliver Airship, which sits on the roof of the gallery, is a unique meeting place for various
The Prague City Gallery (Galerie hlavního města Prahy)
The Prague City Gallery focuses primarily on modern and contemporary art and is also
responsible for the upkeep of Prague's monuments, statues, and fountains.
The Rudolfinum Gallery (Galerie Rudolfinum)
The Rudolfinum Gallery does not have its own collections, but it operates on the principle of a
Kunsthalle. Its activity consists mainly of large exhibition projects, which mainly present
contemporary visual art. Many exhibitions are presented there as a result of a close
cooperation with foreign institutions.
Kunsthalle Praha is a a non-governmental organisation and non-profit platform/gallery, which
aim is to connect the Czech and international art scenes. Their mission is to contribute to a
deeper understanding of Czech and international art from the 20th and 21st centuries. Through
their art collection, research, and support for international artists via their artist-in-residence
programme, they hope to bridge the gap between their art scene and the world’s.

- Cinemas
Nowadays, you would find a multiplex cinema in most of the city’s shopping centres. What is
more, you can see the latest hits and blockbusters, often with original dubbing with subtitles.
Many of those offer special discounts, either for their members, students, or overall, on a
certain day of the week. Prague multiplexes include CineStar and CinemaCity.

If you fancy something cosier, and most of the time cheaper, apart from chain multiplexes, pay
a visit to some of those, mostly independent arthouse cinemas. However, be sure to check if
the movie of your choosing is English-friendly!
Aero, Lucerna, Kino Světozor, Bio Oko

- Festivals and concerts

Prague hosts events all year round, including food and drink festivals, music festivals,
exhibitions, classical music concerts, and even more.
Film festivals: Festival du Film Français, One World (Jeden svět)
Music festivals: Prague Spring Festival (Festival Pražské jaro)
Concerts: Municipal House (Obecní dům)

- Theatre, opera, and ballet

Although most of the performances might be in Czech, some theatres offer English-friendly
performances as well. On the other hand, paying a visit to an opera or a ballet performance
might be easier. In addition to the event itself you can benefit from seeing the interiors of some
beautiful historical buildings.
The National Theatre (Národní divadlo), Opera, Ballet
The Estates Theatre (Stavovské divadlo)
Švanda Theatre (Švandovo divadlo)
Divadlo Na Zábradlí
The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra (Česká filharmonie)
The Prague Symphony Orchestra (Symfonický orchestr hl. m. Prahy)
- Extra suggestions
The Prague ZOO - was rated as the seventh best zoo in the world by Forbes Travel Guide in
2007! Right next to the area of the zoo is the Chateau of Troja (Trojský zámek) and the
Botanical Garden .
If you need a quiet place to study - National Library of Technology (Národní technická
knihovna) - is the perfect place to go, thanks to its long opening hours and interesting interior

5. Sport activities
As any other major European city, Prague offers many ways to stay fit and enjoy physical
activity. The two most popular professional sports are ice hockey and football, which draw
large crowds of fans. Other popular sports include tennis, basketball and floorball.
The faculty of law has a small gym situated in the basement of the faculty building. Cost of
entry is 100 CZK. More information.

- Sporting events
Prague offers many unique and fun sporting events. Including Prague marathon and half
marathon and University ice hockey event (Hokejová bitva). Many professional sports teams
call Prague home and have their own venue where you can cheer them on and watch them
play. The most popular include Sparta, Slavia (football, hockey, track and field) and USK Praha

- Gyms
Gyms in Prague are like any other gyms in bigger cities. You can find gym chains, local gyms,
premium gyms, specialized gyms etc.

- Jogging
If you love a morning run to start your day, you will love Prague. There are dozens of parks
and other places perfect for jogging. Each of them provides a different running experience.
Great running spots: Stromovka, Ladronka, Divoká Šárka, Kunratický les, Cibulka, Parukářka,

- Rock climbing, bouldering

In recent years, bouldering in Czechia has had a massive boost in popularity because of Adam
Ondra, a Czech professional rock climber. As a result, climbing venues may be packed so it is
best to research availability in advance.
Boulder Bar, Ultraant, SmichOFF

- Disc golf
Prague has one of the fastest growing disc golf communities in Europe. With 9 courses in
Prague and many more in close proximity you will never get bored.
Map of disc golf courses, blue are public, orange are private/paid
Discgolf guide with pictures and ratings of courses
- Golf
Prague is situated in somewhat hilly terrain. This means beautiful golf courses with interesting
layouts. Golf is not particularly popular in Czechia but it still has its’ dedicated fans and players.
List of golf courses

- Bowling
If you prefer a sport which is not as physically demanding, you might enjoy bowling. Most
people in Czechia view this sport very causally and like to drink or have a party while bowling.

- Swimming
There are mainly two types of swimming venues in Prague. So called “Aquacentrum” that are
more for entertainment with water slides and other attractions. And swimming pools with
regular pools for normal swimming. Most places combine the two and offer both types of
Aqua parks and pools: Šutka, Letňany, Podolí, Pražačka, Jednáctka VS, Hloubětín

- Ice skating
Ice skating is very popular among Prague residents. There are a few stadiums which offer
indoor skating all year. From December to early March, you can visit open air skating rings
across Prague. Some are situated next to shopping malls, others are in the historical center.
Most offer skates for rent.
Outdoor skating rings
Indoor skating rings: Výstaviště, Ice arena Letňany

- Other sports
You can also enjoy and try different sports such as squash, curling, surfing and many others.

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