Impeller Perfomance in Stirred Tanks

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Feature Report


Impeller Performance
in Stirred Tanks
Characterizing mixer impellers on the basis of power, flow, shear and efficiency

Richard K. ixing has been defined as “the
application of mechanical mo- A Constant in Equation (30)
and Jason J. tion in order to create fluid dy-
Giacomelli ADIS Discharge area for primary flow from impeller
namic effects that achieve a de- D Impeller diameter
Philadelphia Mixing
sired process result” [1]. The process result d32 Sauter mean droplet size
Solutions Ltd.
is the objective of the vessel operator and Fl Flow or pumping number (= Q/(ND3))
Gustavo Padron
and David A. R.
will be a transformation of the ingredients K Ratio (= MAX/)
Brown fed to the vessel into a product. The goal kMAX Maximum kinetic energy in trailing vortex
BHR Group of the equipment supplier will be to under- l0 Diameter of trailing vortex
stand the role of mixing in promoting the N Impeller rotational speed
transformation and choosing an impeller P Power
IN BRIEF that will create the appropriate fluid-dy-
namic effects to do this.
Po Power number [= P/(N3D5)]
Q Flow rate generated by impeller
TURBULENCE Processes carried out in stirred tanks can be R Impeller radius
IMPELLER GEOMETRIES generally divided into the following two classes: r Radial position in impeller discharge for estimating
• Those relying on flow generated by the velocity gradient
HYDRAULIC EFFICIENCY Re Impeller Reynolds number (= ND2/µ)
impeller creating motion throughout the
SHEAR T Vessel diameter
fluid, such as blending of pigments into
U Mean velocity in impeller discharge (= Q/ADIS)
PROCESS RESULTS a resin or emulsion in paint manufacture
VTIP Impeller tip speed
where homogeneity of the vessel contents
TRAILING VORTEX vH High velocity in impeller discharge for estimating
is critical to product quality velocity gradient
APPLICATIONS • Those relying on “shear” to reduce vL Low velocity in impeller discharge for estimating
the size of a second dispersed phase, velocity gradient
whether gas bubbles, liquid droplets or w Projected blade height
particles, such as a hydrogenation reactor x Ratio of impeller to trailing vortex diameters (= D/l0)
where smaller bubbles provide more sur- y Distance (in definition of shear rate)
face area for mass transfer from the gas  Constant (= vH/VTIP)
into the liquid phase  Constant (= vL/VTIP)
Impellers are often described qualitatively . Time-averaged velocity gradient
 Power input per mass of fluid in vessel
as, among others, high flow, high shear or
MAX Local energy dissipation rate in trialing vortex
high efficiency, and the choice of equip-  Efficiency defined as mass of fluid pumped per unit
ment required to achieve the process result energy input by impeller
most efficiently is made on this vague basis.  Shear rate constant
This article describes how the performance  Liquid density
characteristics of impellers commonly used  Efficiency defined as kinetic energy of fluid divided
in stirred tanks can be quantified, thereby by mechanical energy input by impeller
enabling engineers to make educated deci-  Constant (= rH/R)
sions about which ones to use in order to  Constant (= rL/R)
achieve their desired process results. Subscripts
AX Axial PBT Pitched-blade tur-
Turbulence HYDFL Hydrofoil bine
Turbulent flow is characterized by the pres- IMP Impeller RD Radial
ence of random fluctuations in velocity, so- HYDR Hydraulic RUSH Rushton
called eddies, that are superimposed on the MECH Mechanical
mean, time-averaged flow. There will be a
Credit for a–g: PMSL

a. Narrow-blade hydrofoil b. Wide-blade hydrofoil c. Anti-ragging hydrofoil d. Pitched-blade turbine

Credit for h:

e. Flat-blade turbine f. Rushton turbine g. Smith turbine h. High-shear disperser blade

FIGURE 1. Four general classes of impellers are used in stirred tanks operating at low to medium viscosities in the turbulent regime. These impellers primarily
generate: axial flow (a, b, c); mixed flow (d), radial flow (e, f, g) or dispersion or de-agglomeration (h)

range of eddy time and length scales associated with Pitched-blade turbines have flat blades that are usu-
a particular flow field. The size of the largest eddies will ally angled at 45 deg, although shallower and steeper
be on the order of the size of the equipment generat- angles are sometimes used.
ing the flow (for example, the blade width of an impel- 3. Radial flow. These impellers generate a strong ra-
ler). The size of the smallest eddies is the Kolmogorov dial component of velocity directed at the vessel wall. A
length scale. The eddies also have a lifetime, with the pitched blade turbine with 90-deg blade angle generates
larger eddies existing for a longer period than the small radial flow and is commonly called a flat-blade turbine
ones. Understanding the role turbulence plays in mixing (Figure 1e).
processes is critical to successful design and scaleup [2]. Impellers used for processes requiring dispersion of
gas bubbles also generate a primarily radial flow, but
Impeller geometries have blades attached to a disk. The Rushton (Figure 1f)
There are four general classes of impellers used in stirred and Smith (Figure 1g) turbines are commonly used for
tanks operating in low to medium viscosity fluids in the these processes. The disk ensures that bubbles fed into
turbulent regime (Re > 104): the vessel beneath the impeller must flow through the
1. Axial flow. The primary flow generated by an axial-flow blades where the local “shear” breaks them up, creating
impeller is directed down toward the base of the vessel. high interfacial area for mass transfer. The Rushton tur-
Hydrofoils with narrow or wide blades are in this category. bine is generally considered to be “high-shear” [4].
Hydrofoils have profiled blades that may be narrow 4. High-speed dispersers. These impellers look like
like an airplane wing (Figure 1a) or wide like a marine circular-saw blades with alternating teeth angled up and
propeller (Figure 1b). These impellers were developed down (Figure 1h). They operate at high rotational and tip
to generate the same velocity profile as a propeller, but speeds and are used almost exclusively for processes
to be fabricated rather than cast to reduce the impeller’s that require significant size reduction, such as dispersion
weight and cost. They are also easier to install since and de-agglomeration of dry powder when preparing a
they can be supplied as a hub and blades that are as- slurry from liquid and a dry powder.
sembled inside the vessel [3]. These impellers are gen-
erally considered to be “low-shear” [4]. Hydraulic efficiency
An anti-ragging hydrofoil (Figure 1c) is used in waste- Impellers in stirred tanks are machines that move fluid;
water applications. It has blades that are swept-back essentially they are pumps. Like pumps, their efficiency
preventing build-up of fibrous matter, which is commonly can be defined and calculated. The hydraulic efficiency
present in municipal wastewater, on the leading edge of of a pump is the ratio of the kinetic energy of the flowing
the blades. fluid to the mechanical energy input by the impeller.
2. Mixed flow. These impellers generate both axial and The mechanical power input by an impeller in a stirred
radial components of velocity and the distribution be- vessel is calculated from the following equation (Note: all
tween the two can be controlled by adjusting the impeller nomenclature are defined in the box on p. 46):
diameter to vessel diameter ratio. Pitched-blade turbines
(Figure 1d) are in this category. PMECH = Po N 3 D 5 (1)
Fl N D 3 Fl D
U= N D (5)
Pitched-blade turbine
w D w
Narrow hydrofoil
Wide hydrofoil
Flat-blade turbine
The energy dissipation rate, or power, of the flowing
High-shear disperser sawtooth fluid is the product of the flowrate and the head that the
Wide hydrofoil pump develops:
Narrow hydrofoil
HYDR, %

Pitched-blade turbine
20% Anti-ragging turbine PHYDR = Q H (6)

10% Where:
H= (7)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Po, dimensionless
FIGURE 2. This graph plots the hydraulic efficiency, HYDR, versus the power Combining Equations (2), (4), (6) and (7), for axial flow
number for various impellers impellers:
4Fl 8Fl 3
Po is the impeller’s power number and it is a drag coef- PHYDR = Fl N D 3
N D = N 3 D5 (8)
ficient that is determined by the geometry of the impeller 2 2

(blade width, blade angle, number of blades and so on.).

The primary flow generated by an impeller is calculated PHYDR 8 Fl 3 N 3 D 5 8 Fl 3
from Equation (2): AX = = 2 = 2 (9)
PMECH Po N 3 D5 Po
Q = Fl N D 3 (2)
Similarly, combining Equations (2), (5), (6) and (7), for
Fl is the impeller’s flow, or pumping number. radial-flow impellers:
Both the power and flow numbers are measured ex-
2 2
perimentally and typical values for commonly used im- Fl D Fl 3 D
pellers are given in Table 1. PHYDR = Fl N D 3
N D = N3
The average velocity in the impeller discharge can be 2 w 2 2 w(10)
2 2
calculated from Equation (3): Fl D Fl 3 D
N D = N 3 D5
2 w 2 2 w
U= (3) 2 2
ADIS PHYDR 1 D Fl 3 N 3 D5 1 D F
RD = = =
PMECH 2 2 w Po N D
3 5
2 2 w P
ADIS is the area through which the primary flow is pumped. (11)
2 2
For axial-flow impellers, this is a disk with diameter P
HYDR 1 D Fl 3 N 3 D5 1 D Fl 3
RD =
to the impeller diameter and for radial-flow impellers it is = =
the wall of a cylinder with diameter equal to the impeller
2 2
w Po N D
3 5
2 2 w Po
diameter and height equal to the blade width.
For axial-flow impellers: The hydraulic efficiency, , is plotted against the im-
pellers’ power numbers in Figure 2. The circular symbols
Fl N D 3 4Fl
U= = N D represent data measured by the FMP (Fluid Mixing Pro-
( 4) D 2 (4) cesses) consortium [5] using laser-Doppler anemometry
and the diamonds represent data measured in the PMSL
laboratory using particle-image velocimetry. The data are
For radial-flow impellers: in agreement showing that measurement technique has
no effect on the values of hydraulic efficiency calculated.
The hydrofoils are the most efficient impellers followed
TABLE 1. TYPICAL VALUES OF Po, Fl AND x FOR COMMON by the pitched-blade turbines, then the radial flow flat-
IMPELLERS blade and Rushton turbines. The high-shear disperser
Impeller Power number Flow number x = D / l0 impeller is the least efficient, with a hydraulic efficiency of
Narrow-blade hydrofoil 0.30 0.52 17 less than 1%. The difference in efficiency within a class of
Wide-blade hydrofoil 0.70 0.66
impellers is a result of the impeller to tank diameter ratio.
A larger impeller is more efficient and this definition of
Pitched-blade turbine 1.50 0.80 16
hydraulic efficiency does not take this into account.
Flat-blade turbine 3.00 0.80 An alternative definition of efficiency has been pro-
posed by Fort and others [6]. This is the mass of fluid

Rushton turbine 5.00 0.65 12

pumped per unit of energy input by an impeller:
HSD-Sawtooth 0.10 0.05 12
Q Fl N D 3 Fl (12)
Pitched-blade turbine
HYDR = = = 2
Narrow hydrofoil
3 5
Po ( N D ) 0.4
Wide hydrofoil
Flat-blade turbine
High-shear disperser sawtooth
0.3 Wide hydrofoil

HYDR, kg/J
This quantity has units of kilogram of fluid pumped per Narrow hydrofoil
Joule of energy input by the impeller. Pitched-blade turbine
Anti-ragging turbine
The power input per unit mass of fluid, for a vessel 0.2
where depth is equal to vessel diameter, can be calcu-
lated from: 0.1

Po N 3 D5 4 Po N 3 D 5
= = (13) 0

( 4) T 3
T3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
D/T, dimensionless
FIGURE 3. Shown here is a plot of the hydraulic efficiency, HYDR, versus
Re-arranging for impeller speed: impeller-to-vessel-diameter ratio
where vH and vL are the high and low velocities in the
T 3 gradient and rH and rL are the radial positions corre-
N= (14) sponding to the locations where these velocities were
4Po D 5 measured. Since the velocities are normalized by the
Substituting Equation (14) into Equation (12) gives the impeller tip speed and the radial positions by the impeller
following: radius, Equation (16) can be re-written as follows:
23 43
Fl 4 4Po D 5 Fl D 23
= 1.175 2 3 ( T) VTIP
HYDR = )
Po D 2 T3 Po T = (17)
(15) ( ) R R
o D5 Fl D 23
= 1.175 2 3 ( T) Values of , , ,  and  are given in Table 2. Also
T3 Po T the ratio of / HYDFL is shown and, at equal tip speed
The hydraulic efficiency data plotted in Figure 2 are and impeller diameter the Rushton generates the high-
replotted in Figure 3 using the new definition from Equa- est shear rate followed by the pitched-blade turbine and
tion (15) with a power per mass of 1 W/kg and vessel then the hydrofoil.
diameter of 1 m. The effect of impeller diameter is now Engineers are concerned with the power drawn by
taken into account and large diameter impellers (D/T the impeller since this determines the size of the agitator
≈ 0.5) are more efficient than smaller ones (D/T ≈ 0.3), needed to achieve the desired process result. Equation
pumping approximately twice the mass of fluid per unit (13) can be rearranged to express the power input by
of energy input. the impeller per unit mass of fluid in terms of tip speed:

Shear 2
D (18)
In any flowing system, the shear rate is the time-aver- = Po
aged velocity gradient [7].
Oldshue [3] has compared the time-averaged veloc-
ity gradients in the discharge of a hydrofoil and pitched- The π3 term must be introduced because VTIP = πND.
blade and Rushton turbines to show that the Rushton Comparing different impellers of equal diameter at the
generates higher shear than the pitched-blade, which same scale:
generates higher shear than the hydrofoil. This has be-
come the conventional wisdom in the mixing field. VTIP Po 1 3 (19)
Figure 4 shows the mean velocity profiles for a hydro-
foil (in green) and pitched-blade turbine (in red), which Comparing any impeller with the hydrofoil:
were measured using particle-image velocimetry in the
PMSL laboratory. The dashed lines show the average IMP IMP VIMP
velocity gradient in the discharge. Figure 5 shows the = (20)
mean velocity profile for the Rushton turbine and, again, HYDFL HYDFL VHYDFL
the dashed lines show the average velocity gradient in
the discharge. The shear rate is described by the follow- Substituting Equation (19) into Equation (20):
ing equation: 13
= H L (16) = (21)


Circle xx on p. 66 or go to
TABLE 2: MEAN VELOCITY PROFILE SHEAR RATES Rushton should create the smallest droplets and
Impeller      /HYDFL /HYDFL
the hydrofoil, the largest, with the pitched-blade
at equal VTIP at equal  turbines falling somewhere between these two. In
Narrow-blade hydrofoil 0.25 0.14 0.80 0.16 0.17 1.00 1.00
fact, the hydrofoil creates smaller droplets than the
Rushton and two pitched-blade turbines and the
Pitched-blade turbine 0.35 0.07 0.65 0.12 0.53 3.11 1.91
droplets created by the turbines are indistinguish-
Rushton turbine 0.60 0.16 0.12 0.04 5.50 24.4 9.55 able experimentally. This result has also been ob-
served by Pacek and others [9].
Table 2 also shows the ratio of the shear rates when There is another geometrical property of impellers that
the impellers operate at equal power input per mass. determines how they create the “fluid dynamic effect”
Taking power numbers from Table 1, the ranking of the that achieves this desired “process result.” This is the
impellers does not change. Therefore, so, whether com- trailing vortices that form at the tip of the impeller blades.
pared at equal tip speed or power input the Rushton
turbine generates the highest shear rate followed by the Trailing vortex
pitched-blade turbine then the hydrofoil. This ranking can As the impeller moves through the fluid, the pressure on
be tested against a process result that is dependent on the leading face of the blade is higher than on the back.
shear, namely the break-up of droplets to create a liquid- The high- and low-pressure zones meet at the tip of the
liquid dispersion. blade and the fluid moves from the high- to low-pressure
region creating the trailing vortex. This phenomenon can
Process result often be observed on airplane wings [10, 11].
Mass transfer between two immiscible liquid phases, with In a stirred tank, the velocity and size of the vortices
or without reaction, is an important process result. The in- can be measured using laser-Doppler or particle-image
terfacial area available for mass transfer is proportional to velocimetry, then the kinetic energy and energy dissipa-
the volume fraction of the dispersed phase and inversely tion rate (the local power input per mass) can be cal-
proportional to the Sauter mean droplet size [8]. culated. The kinetic energy of the trailing vortex is often
If the dispersion is agitated for a long period of time non-dimensionalized by dividing by the impeller tip speed
(several hours), an “equilibrium droplet size” is achieved squared. Grenville and others [12] have shown that for
that is stable in the mixing environment in which the impellers with blades:
droplets are being formed. This means that there is an kMAX
equilibrium between the forces breaking-up the droplets = 0.104 Po1 2 (22)
and the forces resisting break-up resulting from the inter-

facial tension between the two liquids and the viscosity of Where VTIP = πN.D.
the dispersed phase liquid. The standard deviation for this correlation is ±10%.
Figure 6 shows the Sauter mean droplet size plotted The maximum energy dissipation rate within the vortex
versus the average power input per unit mass for Rush- is given by the following equation [13]:
ton, two pitched-blade turbines, with blades angled at kMAX
45 and 60 deg, a hydrofoil and a high-shear disperser MAX = A (23)
impeller. The experiments were carried out with low vis- l0
cosity silicone oil as the dispersed phase and at a very l0 is a length scale related to the flow near the impeller
low concentration so that the effect of coalescence on and it is a fraction of the impeller diameter. Substituting
the droplet size can be ignored. Equation (22) into Equation (23) and setting l0 = D/x and
If the hydraulic efficiency and shear rate comparison A = 1:
quantify the performance characteristics of the impellers,
when compared at the same power input per mass, the = 1.04 x Po3 4 N 3 D 2 (24)

r/R, % The standard deviation for this correlation is ±15%.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Where measurements have been made, typical values
of x are given in Table 1. Again the value for the high-
— Hydrofoil
shear disperser is similar to the Rushton, but there is
10% — Pitched-blade turbine no explanation as to why this is the case. Generally, the
scale of the trailing vortex for the Rushton and pitched-
v/VTIP, %


20% blade turbines is equal to one-half of the projected

height of the blade at its tip. For hydrofoils the scale of
the trailing vortex is equal to the projected height of the
30% blade at its tip.
35% Equations (13) and (24) can be combined to show that
40% the ratio of the maximum energy dissipation rate to the
FIGURE 4. This graph shows a plot of the mean velocity profiles for pitched- average power input per mass, K, is:
blade turbine and hydrofoil impellers


1.04 x Po3 4 N 3 D 2 T3 x T25%
= = 0.82
Po N 3 D 5 Po1 4 D15%
3 (25)
D2 T3 x T 10%
= 0.82
4 Po1 4 D

wp/R, %
The ratio is weakly dependent on the type of impeller -5%
(Po), dependent on the scale of the vortex (x) and strongly -10%
dependent on the size of the impeller (D/T). The reason -15%
for this is that a small-diameter impeller must operate at -20%
a higher tip speed than a larger one to input the same -25%
power and the maximum kinetic energy is proportional to 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
v/VTIP, %
the tip speed squared.
FIGURE 5. This graph shows a plot of the mean velocity profiles for the Rush-
The droplet size data plotted versus the average power ton turbine
input per mass in Figure 6 are replotted in Figure 7 versus
the maximum energy dissipation rate in the trailing vor- as defined in Equation (26), of 15, 25 and 50 s–1. The
tex. The variations in the trailing vortex energy dissipation corresponding values of vessel-averaged power input per
rate generated by the impellers and the effects on the mass are 2.25  10–4, 6.25  10–4 and 2.50  10–3 W/
droplet size are now correctly accounted for, including kg. Grenville and Spicer [16] have re-analyzed these data
the high-shear disperser. and the floc length versus the maximum kinetic energy
The conventional wisdom in the mixing industry has dissipation rate, calculated using Equation (23), is plotted
been that hydrofoil impellers generate “low shear” and in Figure 8. This approach to the analysis correlates the
Rushton turbines generate “high shear” [3, 4] and this data and suggests that the concept of a G-value should
is true if only the time-averaged velocity gradients are work for agitator design provided that it is based on the
compared. The maximum kinetic energy dissipation rate maximum energy-dissipation rate in the trailing vortex —
within the trailing vortex, MAX, generates the stresses not the vessel averaged power per volume.
that break-up droplets, or any other second phase, in an The selectivity of competitive reactions carried out
agitated vessel. Rather than describing these impellers in semi-batch mode is determined by the local mixing
as “high shear,” it is more rigorous to call them “high dis- rate [17], the micro-mixing rate, in the region where
sipation” or “high stress.” the added reactant is introduced to the vessel [18].
Bourne and Dell’ava [19] have shown that the selec-
Applications tivity of an azo-coupling reaction can be maximized
There are many processes in which the fluid dynamic ef- by feeding the added reactant at the impeller where
fect that achieves the process result is commonly con- the trailing-vortex energy dissipation rate determines
sidered to be “shear” although, strictly, the process result the rate of micro-mixing. They, and Nienow and others
is determined by the maximum energy dissipation rate [20], have also shown that, provided the feed location
within the trailing vortex. One example of a “shear” driven is geometrically similar, the selectivity of the reaction
process is flocculation of fine particles. Agitators are de- can be maintained on scaleup if the trailing-vortex en-
signed to provide a desired shear rate, or G-value. G is ergy dissipation rate is the same at the two scales.
defined as: This has also been shown to apply to precipitation re-
actions where the particle size and morphology need
12 12 to be controlled [21, 22].
P Po N 3 D5
G= = (26) 1000
μ V μ V Narrow hydrofoil
Pitched-blade turbine, 45 deg
Pitched-blade turbine, 60 deg
This shear rate is based on the vessel-averaged
power input per volume and the fluid’s dynamic vis-
High-sheear disperser sawtooth
cosity. Equation (26) suggests that, provided that the
average power per volume is kept constant, the same
d32, µm

G-value will be generated and the flocculation perfor-
mance will be the same. Benz [14] has written a review
of the problems that will be encountered taking this
approach to agitator design, especially the fact that it
takes no account of impeller type or diameter. He con-
cludes that “G-value has no legitimate use in designing
or specifying agitators.” 10
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Spicer and others [15] have measured the size and , W/kg
structure of flocculated polystyrene particles using a hy- FIGURE 6. This graph shows the behavior of the Sauter mean diameter, d32,
drofoil, pitched blade and Rushton turbines at G-values, versus vessel-averaged power input per unit mass


ample of this.
Narrow hydrofoil In a turbulent agitated vessel, the
Pitched-blade turbine, 45 deg time-averaged velocity gradients are
Pitched-blade turbine, 80 deg of little use, and potentially mislead-
Rushton ing, for comparison of impeller perfor-
High-shear disperser sawtooth mance and agitator design. While the
term “shear” is used qualitatively to
d32, µm

100 describe impellers’ dispersing capa-

bilities, it must be recognized that the
true mechanism of break-up is deter-
mined by the maximum energy dissi-
pation rate within the impellers’ trailing
vortices. This understanding enables
engineers to select the appropriate
impellers for their processes. n
10 Edited by Gerald Ondrey
1 10 100 1000 10000
MAX, W/kg
FIGURE 7. Shown here is a plot of the Sauter mean diameter, d32, versus the trailing vortex energy- References
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rate for hydrofoil, pitched blade and Rushton turbines pp. 183–195, 1995.


19. Bourne, J. R. and Dell’ava, P., “Micro- and Macro-mix- a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the IChemE, Member of industrial research consortium at BHR Group, which
ing in Stirred Tank Reactors of Different Sizes”, Chem. the AIChE and is currently serving as president of the has been running continuously for more than 30
Eng. Res. Des., 65, pp. 180–186, 1987. North American Mixing Forum (NAMF). He has co-au- years, and has 20 years of experience in fluid mixing.
20. Nienow, A. W., Drain, S.M., Boyes, A. P. and Carpenter, thored several papers and conference presentations on He has co-authored several technical publications
K. J., “An Experimental Study to Characterize Imperfect various aspects of mixing including jet mixing, mixing of and has given presentations at international confer-
Macromixing in a Stirred Semibatch Reactor,” Ind. Eng. non-Newtonian fluids, solids suspension and education. ences on fluid mixing and nanoparticle dispersion.
Chem. Res., 36, pp. 2,984–2,989, 1997. Jason Giacomelli is a research Padron holds a bachelor’s degree from the Universi-
and development engineer at dad Metropolitana, Venezuela, a master’s degree and
21. Phillips. R., Rohani, S. and Bałdyga, J., “Micromixing in a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College
a Single-feed Semi-batch Precipitation Process”, AIChE Philadelphia Mixing Solutions Ltd.
(1221 East Main Street, Palmyra Park, all in chemical engineering.
J., 45, pp. 82–92, 1999.
PA 17078; Phone +1-717-832- David A. R. Brown is technical
22. Vicum, L. and Mazzotti, M., “Multi-scale Modeling of 8884, jgiacomelli@philamixers. director and senior technical con-
a Mixing-precipitation Process in a Semi-batch Stirred com) where he is responsible for sultant at BHR Group (The Fluid
Tank,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 62, pp. 3,513–3,527, 2007. running pilot-scale experimental Engineering Centre, Cranfield,
23. Tung, H-H, Paul, E. L., Midler, M. and McCauley, J. A. programs for both internal product Bedfordshire, MK43 0AJ. Phone:
“Crystallization of Organic Compounds: An Industrial development and process devel- +44-3301-191-775; Email:
Perspective,” ch. 6, John Wiley and Sons, New York, opment on behalf of customers. He also runs computa- [email protected]). He
N.Y., 2009. tional fluid dynamic (CFD) models to support these pro- has worked in mixing at BHR
grams. He is a member of AIChE and works with the Group for over 18 years, contrib-
Authors local chapter to help with community outreach pro- uting to the Fluid Mixing Pro-
Richard K. Grenville is director of grams, such as the Science Technology Engineering and cesses industrial consortium in both technical and
Mixing Technology at Philadelphia Math (STEM) Festival in Washington, D.C. Giacomelli managerial capacities, as well as working on a broad
Mixing Solutions Ltd. (1221 East has a B.S.Ch.E. from Rowan University and is currently range of consultancy projects relating to mixer trou-
Main Street, Palmyra PA 17078; studying for a Ph.D. on the subject of solids suspension bleshooting, design and scaleup. Brown has co-au-
Phone +1-717-202-7976, Email: in stirred vessels with professor Harry van den Akker at thored chapters on Experimental Methods (with Pip N.
[email protected]) and the University of Limerick in Ireland. He has co-authored Jones, and John C. Middleton) in the “Handbook of
has worked in the field of mixing a number of papers and conference presentations. Industrial Mixing” (2004), and on Solid-liquid Mixing
for over 30 years including 22 Gustavo Padron is a senior (with Art Etchells III) in “Advances in Industrial Mixing”
years as a consultant for DuPont technical consultant on indus- (2016). Brown has a bachelor’s degree in chemical
Engineering. He is an adjunct pro- trial fluid mixing at BHR Group engineering from Heriot-Watt University.
fessor at Rowan University and the University of Dela- (The Fluid Engineering Centre,
ware, where he co-teaches courses on mixing and reg- Cranfield, Bedfordshire, U.K.,
ularly presents seminars to customers and for AIChE Phone: +44-3301-191-902,
Student and Local chapters. Grenville has a B.Sc. in Email: [email protected].
chemical engineering from the University of Nottingham uk). He currently manages the
and a Ph.D. from Cranfield Institute of Technology. He is Fluid Mixing Processes (FMP)

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