Performance Output2.1 EM Waves

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Performance Output ( Module 1- EM Waves)

Deadline- Last Friday of November 2022

Choose ONLY 1 from the options

OPTION 1: Title of Activity: My EM Foldable Model (individual output)

Most Essential Learning Competency: Cite examples of practical applications of the

different regions of EM Waves, such as the use
of radio waves in telecommunications.
K to 12 BEC CG: S10FE-IIc-d-48

Directions: Create a foldable model of the uses of the different regions of the
EM spectrum in our daily life by following the steps below.

1. Take a piece of bond paper (A4 or Legal size) and fold it in half (hot dog) as shown in

the figure below.

Figure 1
2. Lay a ruler down along the top of the folded side and mark six even distance to make
it seven even flaps.

Figure 2
3. After creating six marks, fold the paper into seven even folds, and label all the parts of
the foldable.

Figure 3
4. Parts of the foldable should include:
a. Name of the different regions of the EM waves
b. A visual representation of the wavelength across the spectrum.
c. Drawings/Pictures of practical application of the different regions of the EM
5. You may paste the folded bond paper to a hard paper/card board in order to create a
more durable foldable model.

Example of a finished
foldable model
(credits from M.

6. Foldable model shall be rated using the given rubric.

EM Spectrum Model Rubric

CATEGOR 4 3 2 1
Graphics - Graphics are all in Most graphics are Most graphics are Many graphics
Clarity focus and the content in focus and the in focus and the are not clear or
is easily viewed and content is easily content is easily are too small.
identified. viewed and viewed and
identified. identified.
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the relate to the topic. relate to the topic
and make it easier to topic and most Most borrowed or several
understand. All make it easier to graphics have a borrowed
borrowed graphics understand. All source citation. graphics do not
have a source citation. borrowed have a source
graphics have a citation.
source citation.
Labels All items of Almost all items Several items of Labels are too
importance in the of importance in importance in the small to view or
project are clearly the project are project are clearly no important
labeled with labels clearly labeled labeled with items were
that can be easily read. with labels that labels that can be labeled.
can be easily easily read.
Content - At least 3 accurate At least 2 At least 1 Less than 1
Accuracy facts are displayed in accurate facts are accurate fact is accurate fact is
the project for all 7 displayed in the displayed in the displayed in the
types of project for all 7 project for all 7 project for each
electromagnetic types of types of of the 7 types of
radiation. electromagnetic electromagnetic electromagnetic
radiation. radiation. radiation.
Attractiveness The project is The project is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably messy or very
attractive in terms of of design, layout attractive though poorly designed.
design, layout, and and neatness. it may be a bit It is not attractive.
neatness. Color isused There is a good messy. Color is No color is used.
throughout the project. deal of color. scarce.
Option 2: Title of Activity: “EM” Draw in a Poem (individual output)

Most Essential Learning Competency: Cite examples of practical applications of the

different regions of EM Waves, such as the use
of radio waves in telecommunications.
K to 12 BEC CG: S10FE-IIc-d-48

Background. The illustrative advantages of a concrete poem are

obvious. Not only does the poem’s words explain and describe
its message, but the shape and arrangement of words add
additional information. The concrete poem design can be
serious or silly depending on the poem chosen for illustration. There are two
main styles or methods of designing a concrete poem. One approach is to use
the poem’s words to outline the poem’s image. The second, but more difficult
method is to use the poem’s words to fill in the shape of the poem’s main
image. This allows the students to develop literacy and art appreciation, as
well as artistic skills.
1. Choose one region of the EM wave. Write a descriptive short poem about practical
application of the chosen region of EM Waves.

2. Sketch a few simple shapes that illustrate the poem’s main images or ideas.

3. On white bond paper, lightly draw the best outline of the poem’s image (see Example

4. Still using a light pencil, write around the shape (see Example B) or fill in the shape
with the poem (see Example C).
5. Once the lightly sketched words are placed well, ink the words.

6. After inking the words. Choose and identify the color scheme that you will use in
coloring the image.

7. A complete poem on EM wave shall be rated using the given rubric.

CATEGOR Well developed Competent Underdeveloped

Y (5) (3) (1)
Visually The poem is visually The poem has some The poem is not
appealing dramatic or visual appeal. visually appealing.
Imaginative The words and visual The words and visual The words and visual
arrangement are arrangement contain arrangement are very
highly original or some fresh or obvious or
fresh. original elements. unoriginal.
Contains abstract The poem The poem There is a little or no
idea communicates a communicate a message to the poem.
thoughtful idea or simple idea or
message. message.
Coveys message The visual The visual The visual
visually arrangement greatly arrangement arrangement adds
enhance the content contributes little to the content of
of the poem. somewhat to the the poem.
content of the poem.
Adapted from:

Option 3: Choose What “EM” Shall I Use

Most Essential Learning Competency: Cite examples of practical applications of the
different regions of EM Waves, such as the use
of radio waves in telecommunications.
K to 12 BEC CG: S10FE-IIc-d-48
Directions: Make an advertisement or a campaign material citing the
significant applications of EM waves in our daily life. You may choose to
express your thoughts in the form of a song, a jingle, a picture collage, a photo
montage, or a video.
(Choose 1 only for this category)

Option A. Sing It for “EM” (solo, duet or trio)

Guideline: Time duration should be maximum of 3 minutes
Songs/Jingles shall be rated using the given rubric.
Sing It for “EM” Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Lyrics Lyrics are Lyrics are Lyrics are Lyrics are not
extremely catchy, catchy, describe somewhat catchy, lack
describe the the product and catchy and product
product well and simple. simple, but lack description and
are simple. some product are not simple.
Melody Contains two Contains two Contains one Lack the
three or more qualities of an quality of an qualities of an
qualities of an effective jingle: effective jingle: effective jingle:
effective jingle: short, catchy, short, catchy, short, catchy,
short, catchy, simple or simple or simple or
simple or repetitive. repetitive. repetitive.
Presentation Excellent Some creativity; Little creativity; Lacks
creativity; very most parts a few parts creativity; not
well throughout. appeared to appeared to very
have been have been throughout.
through out. through out.
Overall Extremely Cohesive; all Somewhat Lacks cohesion;
Effectiveness cohesive; all parts parts interrelate cohesive; parts
parts do not
interrelate very well. interrelate
well. somewhat.
Attractiveness The project is The project is The poster is
The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably
messy or very
attractive in terms terms of design, attractive
of design, layout, layout and though it may
designed. It is
and neatness. neatness. There be a bit messy.
not attractive.
Color is used is a good deal Color is scarce.
No color is
throughout the of color. used.
Adapted from:

Option B: Oh “EM” Photos (Individual output)

Picture Collage/Photo Montage/digital art shall be rated using the given rubric.
Rubric for Oh “EM” Photos

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is either
accurate and all accurate but accurate but questionable or
required some required some required incomplete.
information is information is information is Information is
presented in a missing and/or missing and/or not presented in
logical order. not presented in not presented in a logical order,
a logical order, a logical order, making it
but is still making it difficult to
generally easy to difficult to follow.
follow. follow.
Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation Presentation is
neat, clean, mostly neat and flows well. unorganized.
well- organized clean. Some tools are Tools are not
and presented in Information is used to show used in a
a creative way. organized in a acceptable relevant manner.
Presentation is logical manner understanding.
colorful and and shows some
creative. degree of
Information is creativity. The
interesting and overall
accurate. presentation is
Pictures, Clip Images, Images, Most images Images are
Art and pictures, clip art pictures, and and/or artwork inappropriate
Artwork and drawn clip art and is colorful and and artwork
artwork are drawn artwork appropriate. shows little, if
colorful, and are mostly The layout any, creativity.
appropriate to colorful and shows little The layout is
the topic. appropriate. creativity and/or messy,
Layout flows Layout may is not organized disorganized or
well, shows show some logically or cluttered.
creativity, and is degree of cluttered.
pleasing to the creativity but is
eye. not organized
logically and/or
is cluttered.
Mechanics No spelling, A few (2-3) No more than 5 No more than 7
grammar, or errors in spelling, spelling,
punctuation spelling, grammar or grammar or
errors in the grammar or punctuation punctuation
text. Text is in punctuation. errors. Several errors. Most of
the student’s Most text is in instances where the texts in not
own words student’s own the text is not in in student’s own
words. student’s own words and no
words. text included.
Overall The poster The poster The poster The poster did
Presentation fulfills all fulfills all but fulfills some of not fulfill the
requirements of one of the the requirements requirements of
the assignment requirements of of the the assignment
and represents the assignment assignment and and shows that
the student’s full and shows that shows that the the student did
potential. the student put student put forth not put forth an
forth an honest an honest effort honest effort to
effort to to complete the complete the
complete the assignment. assignment.

Option C. Film “EM” for Me (by group of 3-5 members)

Guideline: Time duration should be maximum of 3 minutes
Video shall be rated using the given rubric.
Film “EM” for Me Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content Covers topic in- Includes Includes Content is minimal
depth with essential essential or there are several
details and knowledge information factual errors.
examples. about the topic. about the topic
Subject Subject but there are 1-2
knowledge is knowledge factual errors.
excellent. appears to be
Creativity / Exceeded the Met the Barely met the No effort in the
Effort basic requirements of minimum assignment;
requirements of the assignment. requirements of presentation lacked
the assignment. Creative, shows the assignment; creativity.
Shows lots of good effort. not very
effort and creative.
Graphical Many different More variation Better use of Most shots are
Design takes, camera in takes, camera camera angles, taken from one
angles, sound angles, sound sound effects, camera angle and
effects, and effects, and and more the zoom was not
careful use of careful use of careful use of well used. Poor
zoom provided zoom provided zoom. Better quality audio and
more variety. more variety. audio and video video components.
Focus was Good audio and quality.
excellent video quality
throughout and maintained
audio quality throughout the
was loud and project.
clear at all
Organization Content is well Uses headings Content is There was no clear
organized using or bulleted lists logically or logical
headings or to organize, but organized for organizational
bulleted lists to the overall the most part. structure, just lots
group related organization of of facts.
material. topics appears
Originality Product shows a Product shows Uses other Use other people/’s
large amount of some original people's ideas ideas, but does not
original thought. Work (giving them give them credit.
thought. Ideas shows new credit), but
are creative and ideas and there is little
inventive. insights. evidence of

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