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TP002-Joomla Template Change User Guide

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Joomla Template Change

A quick guide to effectively change the template

of Joomla 1.5

By : Manu Gupta
On : 20-Oct-2008

Growth TechnoSoft
visit us at http://www.growthtechnosoft.com/
Joomla Template Change ver 1.0


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Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

Understanding Joomla 1.5 Template Implementation: ......................................................................................4

Technology Used:...................................................................................................................................................4

Functional Understanding:.....................................................................................................................................4

• DOWNLOAD & INSTALL ......................................................................................................................................... 5

• TEMPLATE VALIDATION ......................................................................................................................................... 7
• CHECKING INSTALLED TEMPLATE ............................................................................................................................. 8
• IMPLEMENTING TEMPLATE ..................................................................................................................................... 9
• UNINSTALLING TEMPLATE .................................................................................................................................... 10
• ISSUES ENCOUNTERED ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Technical Understanding:.....................................................................................................................................12

• COMMON FILES AND PURPOSE............................................................................................................................. 12

Conclusion: ..........................................................................................................................................................12

Joomla Template Resource: .................................................................................................................................13

Other Resources:..................................................................................................................................................13


Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

Understanding Joomla 1.5 TM Template Implementation:

Joomla is among the most popular and robust Content Management System (CMS). It comes with lot of features to
manage and publish content on the World Wide Web (www).

This tutorial is an in-depth guide of how to implement new templates in Joomla, an overview of the technical
architecture of the templates, and some of the resources for downloading Joomla 1.5 templates.

Technology Used:
Joomla 1.5

Mozilla FireFox 3.0

We assume that both the applications are installed on your system and working fine.

This document is divided into two sections covering process of implementing i.e., functional part, and
understanding the basic difference between normal template and Joomla template i.e., technical architecture.

To keep the interest on in this document we begin with the functional part of Joomla template implementation.

Functional Understanding:
This section is divided into four parts which covers the complete life cycle of the template installation and

Joomla 1.5 Template Implementation Life Cycle

download uninstall

install implement

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

• Download & Install

We begin with the installation of new template into Joomla.

1. Download the desired Joomla 1.5 template from the site. Name of some of the sites are mentioned in the
“Joomla Template Resource” section of this document or you can use any of the web search engine and
look for sites with “Free Joomla 1.5 templates” keywords. Downloaded template file is a .zip file.

2. Once you have downloaded the template, place it in the desired folder.

3. Now, run browser and type the URL for the Joomla Administrator. Enter the administrator user name and
password (Screen 1).

Screen 1

4. On successful login you will see Screen 2. On menu bar click on the Extensions > Install/Uninstall.

Screen 2

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

5. You will be positioned on Install tab. In the Upload Package File section click the Browser button to select
the zip file of the Joomla 1.5 Template (Screen 3). Once selected click the Upload File & Install button to
install desired template.

Screen 3

6. Joomla will prompt a success message once the template has been installed successfully (Screen 4).

Screen 4

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

• Template Validation

Joomla has a very strong inbuilt template validation process. It accepts template setup files which satisfies it’s
internal structure.

We would display some of the error messages generated by Joomla when trying to install invalid Joomla
templates. This is additional information and if you wish you can skip this section.

a. Template other than Joomla Template

Screen 5

b. Any other file except zip file

Screen 6

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

c. Template already exists

Screen 7

• Checking Installed Template

Let’s now examine weather the template has been installed successfully or not.

On menu bar click on the Extensions > Template Manager. You will see the name of all templates installed
with a star mark in front of one of the template signifying it as a current layout.

If you take the mouse over the name of newly installed template then you will see thumbnail image of the
template (Screen 8).

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

Screen 8

• Implementing Template

Joomla has made it very simple to manage implementation of template. Let us now see how this can be done.

i. On menu bar click on the Extensions > Template Manager. You will see the name of all the templates

ii. Click on the radio button of the desired template and press Default button on the upper-right hand side
of the screen (Screen 9).

Screen 9

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

iii. You will notice that the position of star icon in the Default column has been set to the selected template
(Screen 10).

Screen 10

iv. Now click on the Preview link on the top-right hand corner of the screen to view the effect of the newly
implemented template (Screen 9).

Some of the templates come with customization options. You can view these options by clicking on the name
of the template. A new screen will open which allows you to edit the HTML code of the template, customize
the color schema of the template, and edit the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) code.

• Uninstalling Template

Like installation, uninstallation is also a simple process. Joomla does not allow you to uninstall template which
has been set as a default template (as explained in “Implementing Template”) and will always show the name
in disabled form. To uninstall a template you need to set other template as a default template and then can
proceed with the process of uninstall.

1. On menu bar click on the Extensions > Install/Uninstall.

2. Now go to Templates tab (as shown in Screen 11). You will see the name of all the templates installed.
You will notice that some of the names are disabled, this is because they have been set as default (as
explained above).

There is a column named Client with values as Site and Admin. This identifies that the respective
template is implemented for the site (which the end user sees) or for the Admin console (the same
through which you are working and managing contents). In this tutorial you have learnt to install and
implement Site template, so we will be focusing on templates which have Site as a value in Client column.

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

3. Check the check box of the templates that you want to uninstall and press Uninstall button located on the
upper-right hand corner of the screen (refer Screen 11).

Screen 11

4. You will get the message of successful uninstallation (Screen 12).

Screen 12

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

• Issues Encountered

It has been observed that some times after uninstalling templates they do not get completely removed and leave
their traces in different folders of Joomla installation in the form of files. One such instance had been explained

Issue 1 – A file named en-GB.tpl_siteground-j15-56.ini has been left in <Joomla-home>/language/en-GB/ after

uninstallation. Remove the said file manually. /en-GB/ folder is specific to the language selection you did while
installing Joomla. It may be different for different language installation. In this case it is English-Great Britain.

* You have to be completely sure that the files you are removing belong to the uninstalled template. We
recommend you to delete the files and put it in the Recycle Bin rather than deleting it completely. In future if
Joomla starts giving trouble then you have the option to roll it back.

Technical Understanding:
While playing with Joomla Template installation I kept wondering what makes a template meant for Joomla gets
installed and other gets rejected (as shown in Template Validation section).

There must be a basic architecture that every template has to follow along with add-ons. To satisfy my urge I
decompressed some of the Joomla Template zip file and started looking into the directory structure. Although, I
didn’t work out completely but tried to find out some similarities between them.

• Common Files and Purpose

File / Folder Name Purpose

templateDetails.xml It is the core of Joomla Template. It consists of details of all the files template
holds, along with the author, date of publishing, version of the template. Joomla
looks for this file while installing template and gives error (Screen 5) if not found.

template_thumbnail.png Thumbnail impression of the template. Used as shown in Screen 8

index.php It is the root file of the template.

css Folder to hold style sheets.

images Folder to hold all images used in template.

There are few more folders that were found like html, js, and admin along with some file. All these vary on the
choice of the template author. I hope to publish a detailed document on this soon.


I am sure this document will help beginner Joomla users to successfully change the desired template of their site
without facing any trouble. If, you still have any queries then please contact me at the below given email.

Joomla Template Change ver 1.0

Joomla Template Resource:

Joomlashack http://www.joomlashack.com/

SiteGround http://www.siteground.com/joomla-hosting/joomla-templates.htm

Joomla24 http://www.joomla24.com/

Best of Joomla http://www.bestofjoomla.com/component/option,com_bestoftemplate/Itemid,46/

Other Resources:

To find more about Joomla kindly visit http://www.joomla.org/


We would appreciate any constructive feedback on this document. Please let us have your Suggestions,
Corrections, or Modification at the given email.

Manu Gupta
[email protected]


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