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Core practices in practice-based teacher education: A systematic literature

review of its teaching and assessment process

Article  in  Studies In Educational Evaluation · September 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2021.101047


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2 authors:

Kiomi Matsumoto María-Soledad Ramírez-Montoya

University of Desarrollo Tecnológico de Monterrey


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Matsomoto-Royo, K. & Ramírez-Montoya, M. S. (2021). Core practices in practice-based teacher education: A systematic literature review of
its teaching and assessment process. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 70, 101047.
Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

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Core practices in practice-based teacher education: A systematic literature

review of its teaching and assessment process
Kiomi Matsumoto-Royo a, *, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya b
Facultad de Educación, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile
Escuela de Humanidades y Educación, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico


Keywords: This article presents a systematic review of the literature to identify core practices, teaching strategies and
Practice-based assessment processes used or under development in practice-based teacher education programs. It addresses
Teacher education diverse core practices used in university pedagogy of practice. A finding is that the assessment of students’
Assessment processes
learning of core practices remains incipient. Our study contributes to teacher education programs that opt for a
Evaluation methods
Core practices
practice-based curriculum to further understand teaching and assessment of core practices. This review facilitates
Higher education progress in constructing common frameworks that support pre-service teachers’ training.
Educational innovation

1. Introduction to prepare teachers adequately to educate new generations.

The teaching practices of these curricula have been called core
Several teacher education programs have transformed in recent practices. They are sets of strategies, routines, and activities that
years to improve teacher education quality, which in many cases ex­ teachers can unpack for learning (Core Practices Consortium, 2020)
periences a gap between theory and practice. According to a compara­ across subject areas, grade levels, and contexts. Teaching well depends
tive study of teacher education in developed countries with well- on having a flexible repertoire of high-leverage strategies and tech­
established systems, teacher education programs attempt to connect niques that can be deployed quickly with good judgment, depending on
theory and practice through the design of reflective work and the inte­ the specific context and situation. Thus, core practices are also known as
gration of high-quality clinical work (Darling-Hammond, 2017). In high-leverage practices (Ball & Forzani, 2009). Incorporating core
addition, some programs have increased the offering of practical expe­ practices implies rethinking how a teacher education program will
riences for pre-service teachers (PSTs) to learn essential pedagogical ensure that PSTs have adequate skills (Ball & Forzani, 2009). Teacher
skills through on-campus courses besides school fieldwork (Dalinger, Educators (TEs) must help PSTs develop relevant knowledge and
Thomas, Stansberry, & Xiu, 2020). These programs have focused disposition while, at the same time, learning to use core practices when
intensely on helping PSTs learn how to develop teaching practices that teaching (Davis & Boerst, 2014). In addition, these programs must have
promote student learning (Zeichner & Peña-Sandoval, 2015). This re­ meaningful processes to assess their students’ progress. TEs must
view focuses on literature regarding these programs, known in general communicate the innovations, teaching strategies and assessment
as practice-based teacher education. methodologies employed when teaching core practices.
Practice-based teacher education is understood as professional In this regard, there is little research synthesizing the relationship of
preparation that focuses on novices’ learning directly how to teach core practices, their teaching, and the assessment processes developed in
(Forzani, 2014). The curricula are designed specifically for teaching practice-based teaching programs. O’Flaherty and Beal (2018) analyzed
practices as part of course content (McDonald, Kazemi, & Kavanagh, studies published in refereed journals between 2000 and 2016. Their
2013). Thus, methodological courses employ teaching practices that systematic review of the literature analyzed core competencies and
support understanding everyday classroom teaching (DeGraff, Schmidt, high-leverage practices of newly qualified teachers. The authors iden­
& Waddell, 2015). Practice-based teacher education rests on critical tified eight articles that dealt with high-leverage practices or core
factors for improving teacher preparation and responds to the challenge practices (examples include dialogic teaching, discussion, and a

* Corresponding author at: Avenida Plaza 680, Las Condes, Santiago, Postal code: 7610658, Chile.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K. Matsumoto-Royo), [email protected] (M.S. Ramírez-Montoya).
Received 22 March 2020; Received in revised form 28 May 2021; Accepted 30 May 2021
Available online 9 June 2021
0191-491X/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

mathematical problem-solving approach). They suggested that careful Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR)
attention must be paid to how these practices are taught and assessed. A and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) identified through the
second literature mapping study (Matsumoto-Royo and Ramír­ consensus of special educators, 22 high-leverage practices in special
ez-Montoya, 2019) presented a synthesis of the state-of-the-art in education (McLeskey & Council for Exceptional Children & Collabora­
practice-based teacher education. It suggested providing scientific evi­ tion for Effective Educator, Development, Accountability and Reform,
dence on underdeveloped topics, such as the evaluative processes of core 2017). These practices are intended to address the most critical practices
practices teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to have more detailed, that every K – 12 special education teacher should master; they are
updated research on core practices, teaching, and assessment. broadly applicable to all subject areas and grade levels and foster stu­
This review aims to analyze the evidence in empirical studies pub­ dent engagement and learning (McLeskey & Brownell, 2015). Many of
lished from 2015 to 2019 about the core practices and teaching strate­ these practices are similar to TeachingWorks practices and vary only in
gies that have been used and the assessment processes applied to this intensity and focus (McCray, Kamman, Brownell, & Robinson, 2017).
approach in teacher education programs. The following research ques­ Besides, the Core Practices Consortium (2020), in which TEs from
tions are addressed: various institutions, disciplines, and theoretical perspectives participate,
distinguishes between general practices (for example, orchestrating
✓ Which core practices have been addressed in the literature? class discussion, modeling, providing instructional explanations and
✓ Which teaching strategies have been used? subject practices) and subject-specific practices (for example, identi­
✓ Which assessment tasks have been applied in the core practices fying inquiry-worthy ideas in science, modeling historical thinking
teaching? skills, and facilitating text-based instruction for articles). This distinc­
tion has allowed progress in developing frameworks that offer specific
This systematic review contributes to the literature with an updated, guidelines for researchers and TEs. Using common concepts is highly
in-depth examination of aspects that have not been studied. In addition, relevant because, through a common framework, researchers can build
the review contributes guidance to the orientation of teacher education on prior work and communicate their findings more powerfully to peers
programs using a practice-based curriculum. Finally, this review also and practitioners (Grossman & McDonald, 2008).
provides a common framework for teaching PSTs and innovations to
assess their learning 2.2. Pedagogy of practices

2. Conceptual framework The inclusion of core practices in teacher education programs im­
plies that TEs must implement appropriate curricular methodologies,
2.1. Core practices which may be new to some teacher training programs. Grossman,
Compton et al. (2009) and Grossman, Hammerness et al. (2009)
Practice-based teacher education can fulfill the urgency for those developed a framework based on the structure of various pedagogies
who prepare themselves as teachers to carry out quality teaching from deeply grounded in practice and used in professional education. This
the moment they enter the profession. However, learning about teaching framework identified three elements that make it possible to understand
methods is not the same as learning to put teaching methods into a pedagogy of practices fundamental to organizing and focusing the
practice (Jao, Wiseman, Kobiela, Gonsalves, & Savard, 2018) or using teaching work: decomposition of the practice, representations of the
those methods in various teaching situations. Therefore, the practice practice, and approximations of practice.
must be the focus of teacher preparation. It increases demands on To learn a complicated practice, the PSTs must identify parts or steps
teacher education programs because PSTs must learn to think and act as that constitute their performance. Decomposition of the practice is its
teachers and do their actual work (Darling-Hammond, 2006). This segmentation or division into constitutive elements to facilitate teaching
emphasis on practices implies that the curriculum deliberately focuses and learning. For example, PSTs prepare to conduct a parent interview
on specific core practices and not just school fieldwork or the fieldwork by breaking down the elements that constitute each moment (beginning,
associated with on-campus courses (Grossman, Hammerness, McDo­ development, agreements, closing). Thus, in training PSTs, the TEs must
nald, & Ronfeldt, 2008). Therefore, it is necessary for pedagogical pro­ develop and use specific vocabulary to refer to each of the practice parts,
grams to carefully select the core practices that PSTs should learn in name its elements, and encourage PSTs to use those terms. Decomposing
their training. the practice depends on a language and structure to describe it and
Facing the challenge of identifying and selecting core practices, enables PSTs to see, plan, and enact practices effectively (Grossman,
Grossman, Hammerness, and McDonald (2009) identified common Kavanagh, & Dean, 2018).
characteristics of core practices that different researchers mention: 1) Representations of practice provide novices with opportunities to see
practices that occur with high frequency in teaching, 2) practices that and understand different ways in which a practice is performed in the
novices can enact in classrooms in different curricula or instructional professional context (Grossman, Compton et al., 2009; Grossman,
approaches, 3) practices that novices can begin to master, 4) practices Hammerness et al., 2009). Videos, lesson plans, student work samples,
that allow novices to learn more about students and teaching, 5) prac­ evaluation samples, and teaching materials can be used (Grossman et al.,
tices that preserve the integrity and complexity of teaching, and 6) 2008). The selection of representations depends on the facets of practice
practices that are research-based and have the potential to improve that TEs want to present. For example, in lesson plans, PSTs can observe
student achievement. These features have provided a common frame­ the teacher’s pedagogical intentions, contents, activities, and material
work for scholars and TEs in identifying and selecting core practices. usage; still, PST cannot watch the teacher-student interactions or in­
TeachingWorks, a University of Michigan center dedicated to teractions among students in a class. For this, they can observe a video of
improving teachers’ preparation, describes high-leverage practices as an actual class. Modeling is also how TEs represent and decompose
the fundamental element of teaching because they impact student disciplinary thinking and pedagogical choices to make the underlying
learning and are necessary to advance teaching skills (TeachingWorks, reasoning and values visible (McGrew, Alston, & Fogo, 2018). The se­
2020). The center identified 19 high-leverage practices in various sub­ lection of representations requires TEs to understand the core practices
ject areas, grade levels, and contexts, including leading a group dis­ and content they want to make visible to the PSTs (Danielson,
cussion, eliciting and interpreting individual students’ thinking, Shaughnessy, & Peter Jay, 2018). These representations can vary
diagnosing common patterns of student thinking, and setting up and significantly, both in terms of comprehensiveness and authenticity, but
managing small-group work, among others. they should be relevant to authentic teaching situations and be as
Taking the framework above as a reference, the Collaboration for realistic as possible.

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

"Approximations of practice" refers to opportunities to enact prac­ tasks according to the curriculum.
tices in conditions similar to the authentic teaching practice. These
consist of bringing PSTs gradually closer to teaching, targeting specific 2.4.1. Coherence with the pedagogy of practice
elements of practice, creating conditions to reduce complexity, applying The assessment tasks should be based on procedures or activities
new strategies, and limiting the consequences of failure (Shutz, Gross­ relevant to collecting information on learning, enhance the PSTs’
man, & Shaughnessy, 2018). Such approximations must be structured learning, and be consistent with content teaching. In practice-based
and include feedback to help PSTs develop a deep understanding of teacher education, the assessment process must collect information
teaching complexity (DeGraff et al., 2015). In such rehearsals or and enhance PSTs’ learning of core practices, consistent with pedagogy
role-plays, the PST takes on and enacts the teacher’s role. The TE sup­ that integrates the cycle of practice. For example, examples of teacher
ports and gives feedback to the PST, with other PSTs playing students’ practice or case studies describing critical incidents can be used to
roles. Such approximations or rehearsals of practice will never replace provide PSTs with increasingly complex, simulated contexts that help
the need for students to engage in actual practice settings; however, the them develop and integrate the necessary knowledge, skills, and atti­
work done in courses can prepare PSTs better for practice challenges by tudes (Darling-Hammond & Snyder, 2000; Grossman, Compton et al.,
developing ways to interpret and understand professional practice 2009; Grossman, Hammerness et al., 2009). Also, assessment tasks
(Grossman, Compton et al., 2009; Grossman, Hammerness et al., 2009). should allow PSTs to rehearse and practice what they will need to do as
Therefore, it is necessary to offer PSTs multiple opportunities to future professionals and discover the connections between theoretical
approximate various practices because these bring the PST closer to learning and practical work (Virtanen, Niemi, & Nevgi, 2017). Addi­
authentic teaching. Such role-play is similar to a "dress rehearsal" to tionally, enactment analysis, written journals, diaries, and papers could
prepare the PST for real-world teaching. also constitute reflective assessment tasks. Creating portfolios helps
PSTs collect evidence of their teaching performance, including their
2.3. Cycles of practice decision-making process, analyses and reflections of their performance
and learning (Bakker et al., 2011). Innumerable evaluative tasks asso­
Pedagogy of practices involves generating opportunities to decom­ ciated with the cycle of practice can be included; such tasks can enhance
pose a practice, analyze its representations, and approximate its enact­ the PSTs’ core practices learning.
ment. When these opportunities are offered systematically and
repeatedly, following a sequence that enables the PSTs to achieve 2.4.2. Authentic tasks close to the professional world
mastery of teaching, they are called learning cycles of practice. The cycle Another assessment condition is that practice-based teacher educa­
has different phases, and the stages are related to the three elements tion should bring students closer to the professional world with
mentioned above (decompose, represent, and approximate). In this contextual, authentic tasks. This condition implies selecting and
respect, McDonald et al. (2013) describe a collective learning cycle to executing procedures found in actual or well-simulated practices, where
engage in an authentic and ambitious instructional activity with four PSTs perform tasks that require applying skills in similar or identical
phases: introducing and learning about the activity, preparing for and circumstances of professional life (Mateo, 2006). Such authentic tasks
rehearsing the activity, enacting the activity with students, and assess whether PSTs focus on meaningful processes and relate theoret­
analyzing the enactment and moving forward. ical ideas to everyday teaching work (Álvarez, 2017) for then will
In phase one, introducing and learning about the activity, the TE models integrate into their teaching habits. In this way, PSTs are expected to
a core practice or presents other resources to help PSTs better under­ engage in activities that help them address real-world problems (Ash­
stand the core practice. Then, the practice is decomposed by analyzing ford-Rowe, Herrington, & Brown, 2014). This ability of the teacher to
various representations. In phase two, preparing for and rehearsing the adapt to the situation should permanently guide the design of assess­
activity, PSTs work to plan a lesson and improve it after the rehearsal or ment tasks in practice-based teacher education.
simulation. During the planning and rehearsal process, the practice is
broken down to emphasize or provide feedback on a specific core 2.4.3. High feedback
practice component. This process allows opportunities to practice in a When observing the PSTs’ performance or tasks to improve the
low-stakes setting (Bien et al., 2018). In phase three, enacting the activity practice, TEs should also provide feedback about their competencies,
with students, PSTs finalize their lesson plan and enact it in the real highlighting their efficient practices and improvements (Allen & Wright,
context. Finally, in phase four, analyzing the enactment and moving for­ 2014). Assessment is meaningful when the participants can use the re­
ward, the TE supports the PST in thinking critically and reflecting about sults meaningfully to improve their learning (Richmond, Salazar, &
the practice and enactment, the student’s learning, and the core prac­ Jones, 2019). Feedback provides valuable information for this. Thus,
tices domain, according to the previous phases of the cycle (Cartun, feedback is a critical component advantageous to TEs, who can adjust
Shutz, Kelley-Petersen, & Franke, 2018). Thus, the cycle brings together instruction, and PSTs can improve their learning (Pastore, Manuti, &
different teaching activities organized in phases and links the compo­ Scardigno, 2019). Many essential skills cannot be developed without
nents of the pedagogy of practice. direct training, supervised practice, and rigorous feedback (Arbaugh
et al., 2015; Grossman & Pupik Dean, 2019). Therefore, TEs must learn
2.4. Assessment of the learning of core practices how to provide PSTs with feedback to develop their skills during the
learning and assessment processes (Ball & Forzani, 2010). Timely and
In the practice-based teacher education framework, learning specific feedback should cover the many tasks related to core practices
assessment processes should focus on collecting information about the learning, particularly in rehearsals and practice enactments.
PSTs’ enactment or performance in integrating their domain of core
practices. Assessment tasks tell students what they have learned about 2.4.4. Participation of different agents: peer-assessment and self-assessment
the essential elements in a course; therefore, they are at the heart of An external expert’s appraisal and the TE’s are not the only feedback
students’ learning experiences (Gibbs, 1999). The assessment helps that leads to success in learning. Peer assessment and self-assessment or
achieve coherence of what is taught, what is evaluated, and how it is self-reflection on learning are also critical (Leko, Brownell, & Sindelar,
evaluated. TEs should select tools, collect materials, and construct the 2015). Formative and active assessments, including self-assessment,
assessment tasks (Arbaugh, davin, Grossman, Heller, & Monk, 2015) to encourage students to construct knowledge and deep understanding
assess whether PSTs are learning and integrating core practices and how (Postareff, Virtanen, Katajavuori, & Lindblom-Ylänne, 2012). For future
they are doing it. Thus, the pedagogical program must determine the teachers, supplementing the self-assessment process (providing them
characteristics or conditions of the PSTs’ learning and create assessment with an intentional format and procedures for self-assessing their

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

instruction) with peer feedback leads to greater understanding and

engagement in PSTs learning. In addition, it fosters teaching skills and
knowledge of how to collect classroom data with feedback from their
future students (Snead & Freiberg, 2019). However, a gap in student
involvement in the evaluation processes remains because PSTs, gradu­
ates, and TEs typically assume that the procedures and assessment in­
struments do not need to involve students in the evaluation
(Gallardo-Fuentes, López-Pastor, & Carter Thuillier, 2017).

3. Methodology

This article analyzes the evidence from empirical studies published

from 2015 to 2019 regarding practice-based teacher education to
identify core practices addressed in the literature and recognize the
teaching strategies and the assessment tasks. The method involves
identifying, analyzing, and interpreting available evidence of specific
research questions in an unbiased and replicable manner (Kitchenham &
Charters, 2007). For this purpose, we conducted a detailed and sys­
tematic search of selected articles based on explicit criteria and their
uniformed application (Martín-Rodero, 2014). The systematicity of this
method was achieved by rigorously applying pre-established steps. Fig. 1. The process to establish the articles considered in this review.
Several references to core practice teaching and learning assessment
were previously searched to identify commonly used concepts and gain
presents the process to establish the articles considered in this review.
a comprehensive, detailed overview of the field. The references came
The following data had been previously extracted from the identified
from digital and printed books, articles, reviews, web pages, and dis­
studies: authors, title, year, country, abstract, and keywords. The re­
cussions with experts in the field. We attempted to identify the empirical
searchers used a data extraction form specifically related to the ques­
experiences of practice-based teacher education mentioned in the
tions under investigation. Each article was analyzed to answer each
literature regarding teaching and assessing core practices.
research question.
To explore core practices addressed in the literature, the teaching
First, articles that explicitly referred to core practices or high
strategies used, and the assessment tasks applied, we conducted a
leverage practices were identified. Then, a framework was sought to
bibliographic search by consulting two electronic databases: Web of
classify different core practices congruent with the core practices defi­
Science (WoS) and Scopus. Both databases ensure access to articles
nition. The framework of high-leverage practices described by Teach­
published in high-impact journals. The terms "practice-based," "prac­
ingWorks (2020) was used. Other core practices that were mentioned
tices," and "teacher education" were also used to obtain relevant articles
but did not correspond to such a framework were added. The core
in this search. For each of these terms, the condition of all fields was
practices were organized into two categories. The first category corre­
sponded to teachers’ tasks in the classroom while interacting directly
The search covered only research articles written in English and
with children (for example, leading a group discussion, eliciting and
Spanish and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Unpublished
interpreting individual students’ thinking or students, explaining and
Ph.D. theses, books, and reports were not considered. Less than a decade
modeling content, among others). The second category corresponded to
ago, various projects focused on teaching through high-leverage or core
teachers’ tasks outside the classroom that also support teaching (for
practices (Ball, Sleep, Boerst, & Bass, 2009; Grossman, Compton et al.,
example, design and planning for teaching, analyzing instruction,
2009; Grossman, Hammerness et al., 2009; Kazemi, Franke, & Lampert,
designing an appropriate assessment, among others).
2009; Lampert, 2010; Windschitl, Thompson, Braaten, & Stroupe,
In identifying core practices, the authors observed that some prac­
2012). Presumably, during the first years, the programs defined the
tices corresponded to specifications of a more general core practice or a
necessary components because research appears not to have been pub­
core practice for a particular subject or content. For this reason, we sub-
lished when the approach was just being established. Thus, although it
classified those more specific core practices and maintained the associ­
may be a limitation to this study, this review covered only research
ation with the more general core practices.
articles from 2015 to June 2019.
In all studies identified above, each research context and interven­
All search results were organized in a single Excel file, and then these
tion description were analyzed to answer the second research question.
studies were evaluated to ensure they met the inclusion criteria. Iden­
Then, we identified core-practice teaching strategies and organized the
tical results were discarded (opting for WoS in those cases), as were
findings according to the underlying descriptive categories.
results that did not correspond to research articles. Results published in
Finally, to answer the third research question, all studies that
high-impact journals were maintained (with information about impact
explicitly stated they had addressed one or more core practices in
factors). This process resulted in 199 articles. Then the abstracts of these
teacher education and explicitly referred to the evaluation or assessment
studies were examined. Only empirical articles were then preserved,
process were selected. The descriptions of learning assessment processes
resulting in 174 articles. The reading of each article continued, and ar­
mentioned in the articles were analyzed, and the findings were orga­
ticles from contexts other than teacher education (54) were excluded,
nized according to the underlying descriptive categories.
resulting in 120 articles that constituted the basis for this review.
Moreover, a relevance criterion was established to ensure relevance
4. Results
to the study’s objective. For this, some concepts were selected that were
directly associated with the practice-based approach (practice-based,
Our first study results are shown in Tables 1A and 1B, which present
core practices, high leverage practices, teaching practices, and
the revised articles list by author, year of publication, title, journal, the
rehearsal). For this purpose, we considered revised titles, keywords, and
context in which the study was developed, program duration, and pro­
abstracts for each article. If the article mentioned some of the concepts
gram type. The results of the review are presented as follows, based on
above, we assumed they were relevant for the review. The results pro­
the questions that guided this study.
vided 49 articles that can be consulted in the integrated archive. Fig. 1

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

Table 1A
List of revised articles.
Article Author Year Title Journal Institution Program Program type
number context duration

[1] Alston, C. L.; Danielson, K. A.; Dutro, 2018 Does a discussion by any other name sound Journal of Teacher University 2 years Methods
E.; Cartun, A. the same? Teaching discussion in three ELA Education course(s)
methods courses
[2] Amador, J. M. 2017 Preservice teachers’ video simulations and Research in University Not Methods
subsequent noticing: a practice-based Mathematics informed course(s)
method to prepare Mathematics teachers Education
[3] Anthony, G.; Hunter, J.; Hunter, R. 2015 Prospective teachers development of Teaching and University 4 years Methods
adaptive expertise Teacher Education course(s)
[4] Arias, A. M.; Davis, E. A. 2017 Supporting children to construct evidence- Teaching and University 2 years Methods
based claims in Science: Individual learning Teacher Education course(s)
trajectories in a practice-based program
[5] Averill, R.; Drake, M.; Anderson, D.; 2016 The use of questions within in-the-moment Asia-Pacific University 4 years Teacher
Anthony, G. coaching in initial Mathematics teacher Journal of Teacher education
education: enhancing participation, Education program(s)
reflection, and co-construction in rehearsals
of practice
[6] Baz, E. H.; Balcikanli, C.; Cephe, P. T. 2018 Introducing an innovative technology Education and University 4 years Course/
integration model: Echoes from EFL pre- Information courses
service teachers Technologies
[7] Becker, E. A.; Easlon, E. J.; Potter, S. 2017 The effects of practice-based training on CBE Life Sciences University 4 years Weekly
C.; Guzman-Alvarez, A.; Spear, J. M.; graduate teaching assistants’ classroom Education training
Facciotti, M. T.; Igo, M. M.; Singer, practices program
M.; Pagliarulo, C.
[8] Bottoms, S. A. I.; Ciechanowski, K. 2015 Learning to teach elementary Science Journal of Science University Not Methods
M.; Hartman, B. through iterative cycles of enactment in Teacher Education informed course(s)
culturally and linguistically diverse contexts
[9] Brevik, L. M.; Gunnulfsen, A. E.; 2018 Student teachers’ practice and experience Teaching and University 1 year/ 5 Teacher
Renzulli, J. S. with differentiated instruction for students Teacher Education years education
with higher learning potential program(s)
[10] Buchholtz, N. F.; Krosanke, N.; 2018 Combining and integrating formative and Zdm-Mathematics University Not Seminar
Orschulik, A. B.; Vorholter, K. summative assessment in mathematics Education informed
teacher education
[11] Canrinus, E. T.; Klette, K.; 2019 Opportunities to enact practice in campus Teachers and University 1 year/ 5 Teacher
Hammerness, K.; Bergem, O. K. courses: Taking a student perspective Teaching: Theory years education
and Practice program(s)
[12] Chou, P. I.; Su, M. H.; Wang, Y. T. 2018 Transforming teacher preparation for Teaching and University 2 years Teacher
culturally responsive teaching in Taiwan Teacher Education education
[13] Daniel, S. M. 2015 Empathetic, critical integrations of multiple TESOL Journal University 2 years Methods
perspectives: A core practice for language course(s)
teacher education?
[14] Davin, K. J.; Heineke, A. J. 2016 Preparing teachers for language assessment: TESOL Journal University Not Course/
A practice-based approach informed courses
[15] Davis, E. A.; Kloser, M.; Wells, A.; 2017 Teaching the practice of leading sense- Journal of Science University 1 year/ 2 Teacher
Windschitl, M.; Carlson, J.; Marino, making discussions in science: Science Teacher Education years education
J. C. teacher educators using rehearsals program(s)
[16] DeMink-Carthew, J.; Grove, R.; 2017 The influence of the core practices movement Studying Teacher University Not Methods
Peterson, M. on the teaching and perspectives of novice Education informed course(s)
teacher educators
[17] Dotger, B. H. 2015 Core pedagogy: Individual uncertainty, Journal of Teacher University Not Programs and
shared practice, formative ethos Education informed courses
[18] Drake, M. R. A. 2016 Learning to coach in practice-based teacher Studying Teacher University 1 year Teacher
education: A self-study Education education
[19] Dutro, E.; Cartun, A. 2016 Cut to the core practices: Toward visceral Teaching and University 3 years Methods
disruptions of binaries in practice-based Teacher Education course(s)
teacher education
[20] Francis, Olson, Weinberg & 2018 Not just for novices: The programmatic Action in Teacher University 5 years Teacher
StearnsPfeiffer impact of practice-based teacher education Education education
[21] Gardiner, W. 2018 Rehearsals in clinical placements: Scaffolding Teacher Educator School 1 year Urban
teacher candidates’ literacy instruction Teacher
[22] Goldin, S.; Flynn, E. E.; Egan, C. M. 2017 “Our greatest songs are still unsung”: SAGE Open University Not Course/
Educating citizens about schooling in a informed courses
multicultural society
[23] Gotwals, A. W.; Birmingham, D. 2016 Eliciting, identifying, interpreting, and Research in University 1 year Methods
responding to students’ ideas: Teacher Science Education course(s)
candidates’ growth in formative assessment
[24] Hammerness, K.; Kennedy, B. 2019 Teaching practices grounded in foundational New Educator University 1 year Teacher
knowledge, visions, and contexts education
[25] Husbye, N. E.; Powell, C. W.; Vander 2018 Coaching in practice-based literacy Reading Teacher University Not Course/
Zanden, S.; Karalis, T. education courses informed courses

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

Table 1B
List of revised articles.
Article Author Year Title Journal Institution Program Program type
number context duration

[26] Jenset, I. S.; Klette, K.; 2018 Grounding teacher education in practice around the Journal of Teacher University 1 year/ 5 Teacher
Hammerness, K. world: An examination of teacher education Education years education
coursework in teacher education programs in program(s)
Finland, Norway, and the United States
[27] Kademian, S. M.; Davis, E. A. 2018 Supporting beginning teacher planning of Journal of Science University 1 year Methods
investigation-based science discussions Teacher Education course(s)
[28] Kavanagh, S. S.; Rainey, E. C. 2017 Learning to support adolescent literacy: Teacher American Educational University and 1 year Course/
educator pedagogy and novice teacher take up in Research Journal alternative courses
secondary English language arts teacher preparation program
[29] Kazemi, E.; Ghousseini, H.; 2016 Getting inside rehearsals: Insights from teacher Journal of Teacher University Not Teacher
Cunard, A. & Turrou, A. C. educators to support work on complex practice Education informed education
[30] Kloser, M.; Wilsey, M.; Madkins, T. 2019 Connecting the dots: Secondary science teacher Teaching and Teacher University 2 years Methods
C.; Windschitl, M. candidates’ uptake of the core practice of facilitating Education course(s)
sensemaking discussions from teacher education
[31] Knackstedt, K. M.; Leko, M. M.; 2018 The effects of secondary special education Teacher Education and University/ Not Course/
Siuty, M. B. preparation in reading: Research to inform state Special Education School informed courses
policy in a new era
[32] Leeferink, H.; Koopman, M.; 2015 Unraveling the complexity of student teachers’ Journal of Teacher University 4 years Teacher
Beijaard, D.; Ketelaar, E. learning in and from the workplace Education education
[33] Meuwissen, K. W.; Thomas, A. L. 2016 Can studying adolescents’ thinking amplify High- Theory and Research in University Not Methods
leverage social studies teaching practice? Challenges Social Education informed course(s)
of synthesizing pedagogies of investigation and
enactment in school–institutional contexts
[34] Mitchell, D. M.; Reid, J. A. 2016 (Re)turning to practice in teacher education: Teachers and Teaching University 3 years Teacher
embodied knowledge in learning to teach education
[35] Molander, B. O.; Hamza, K. 2018 Transformation of professional identities from Journal of Science University 1 year/ 5 Teacher
scientist to teacher in a short-track Science teacher Teacher Education years education
education program program(s)
[36] Muller, M.; Álamos, P.; Meckes, L.; 2016 Teacher candidates’ perceptions of opportunities to Estudios Pedagógicos University 5 years Teacher
Sanyal, A.; Cox, P. develop core practices in a teacher education education
program program(s)
[37] Neel, M. A. 2017 Making sense and facing tensions: an investigation of Teaching Education University Not Methods
core practice complexities informed course(s)
[38] Peercy, M. M.; Troyan, F. J. 2017 Making transparent the challenges of developing a Teaching and Teacher University Not Methods
practice-based pedagogy of teacher education Education informed course(s)
[39] Reisman, A.; Kavanagh, S. S.; 2018 Facilitating whole-class discussions in History: A Journal of Teacher University 1 year Methods
Monte-Sano, C.; Fogo, B.; McGrew, framework for preparing teacher candidates Education course(s)
S. C.; Cipparone, P.; Simmons, E.
[40] Rogers, K. C.; Steele, M. D. 2016 Graduate teaching assistants’ enactment of Journal for Research in University Not Methods
reasoning-and-proving tasks in a content course for Mathematics informed course(s)
elementary teachers Education
[41] S. Piro, J.; O’Callaghan, C. 2019 Journeying towards the profession: Exploring Action in Teacher University Not Teacher
liminal learning within mixed reality simulations Education informed education
[42] Schutz, K. M.; Danielson, K. A.; 2019 Approximations in English language arts: Scaffolding Teaching and Teacher University Not Course/
Cohen, J. a shared teaching practice open access Education informed courses
[43] Shaughnessy, M.; Boerst, T. A. 2018 Uncovering the skills that preservice teachers bring Journal of Teacher University 2 years Teacher
to teacher education: The practice of eliciting a Education education
student’s thinking program(s)
[44] Stroupe, D.; Gotwals, A. W. 2018 “It’s 1000 degrees in here when I teach”: Providing Journal of Teacher University Not Methods
preservice teachers with an extended opportunity to Education informed course(s)
approximate ambitious instruction
[45] Thompson, J.; Hagenah, S.; 2015 Problems without ceilings: How mentors and novices Journal of Teacher University/ Not Field
Lohwasser, K.; Laxton, K. frame and work on problems-of-practice Education School informed experience
[46] Troyan, F. J.; Peercy, M. M. 2016 Novice teachers’ perspectives on learning in lesson International University 2 years Teacher
rehearsals in second language teacher preparation Multilingual Research education
Journal program(s)
[47] Vartuli, S.; Snider, K.; Holley, M. 2016 Making it real: A practice-based early childhood Early Childhood University 4 years Course/
teacher education program Education Journal courses
[48] Von Esch, K. S.; Kavanagh, S. S. 2018 Preparing mainstream classroom teachers of English Journal of Teacher University/ Not Math studio
learner students: grounding practice-based designs Education School informed days
for teacher learning in theories of adaptive expertise
[49] Wetzel, M.; Hoffman, J. V.; 2018 Coaching elementary preservice teachers hybrid International Journal University Not Program
Maloch, B.; Vlach, S. K.; Taylor, L. spaces for cooperating teachers and university field of Mentoring and informed
A.; Svrcek, N. S.; Dejulio, S.; supervisors to collaborate Coaching in Education
Martinez, A.; Lavender, H.

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

4.1. Which core practices have been addressed in the literature? classroom while interacting directly with children, and 2) associated
with tasks developed outside the classroom teaching. Furthermore, the
Of the 49 articles reviewed, 34 explicitly mentioned core or high table presents the association between core practice and the paper(s) in
leverage practices. The context of these 34 studies was mainly university which they were mentioned and the association between general core
teacher education programs (12), and other studies focused on specific practices and specific core practices.
courses within a teacher education program (19). Several articles (20 of We observed that the studies discussed diverse core practices in the
49) do not refer to the duration of the studied teacher education pro­ educational process of PSTs. They cover various teacher performance
gram. The remaining 29 articles are distributed among programs with a areas associated with tasks developed in the classroom while interacting
duration from one to five years. Similar duration patterns occur in the 34 directly with children and supporting teaching tasks. Some core prac­
studies that explicitly mentioned core practices. tices corresponded to a more specific core practice or a specific subject’s
The 34 articles were further analyzed to identify which core practices core practices.
were mentioned. This identification process resulted in a large number To complement this information, Fig. 2 presents core practices with
of core practices, as shown in Table 2. This table shows the articles more than one mention. Specific core practices were incorporated into
organized into two categories: 1) associated with tasks developed in the the general core practices. The core practices with more mentions were:

Table 2
Core practices in articles.
Core Practices Articles Total

Associated with tasks developed in the classroom while interacting directly with children
Conduct small group school work. [36] 1
Constructing and maintaining democratic classroom communities [24] 1
Creating meaningful and multiple oral language opportunities [16] 1
Dealing with difficult interactions [47] 1
Eliciting and interpreting individual students’ thinking [3], [8], [18], [20], [21], [23], [28], [33], [36],
[37], [39], [41], [43], [45]
Eliciting and responding to students’ ideas and orienting them to each other’s thinking and big mathematics 16
Eliciting of students’ initial ideas and experiences about the anchoring event [44]
Empathetic, critical integrations of multiple perspectives [13] 1
Explaining and modeling content, practices, and strategies [18], [20], [27], [28], [36]
Making a literacy strategy explicit by using graphic organizers [41]
Posing questions about the content [16]
Questioning for building [46]
Giving clear directions [16], [38], [47] 3
Giving appropriate scaffolding [46]
Giving opportunities for students to use English both receptively and productively [38], [46]* 3
Scaffolding argumentative historical writing [37]
Implementing organizational routines [18], [21], [24], [28], [36], [41] 6
[1], [5], [18], [19], [20], [21], [30], [36], [37],
Leading a group discussion
[39], [41], [42], [47]
Orchestrating group work and mathematical argumentation [3]
Facilitating discussions that make sense in science [15]
Facilitating investigation-based discussions [27]
Orienting students to each other’s ideas. Orienting students to the content. [28]
Orienting to students to each other’s thinking and the big ideas in mathematics [29]
Leading a text-based discussion [37]*
Positioning students as competent learners [3], [28], [47]
Involving engagement in scientific practices to construct new knowledge relevant to the phenomenon that
[44] 5
anchors the unit
Knowing students engage prior knowledge and using culturally relevant teaching materials [16]
Pressing for evidence-based explanations [4], [8], [45]
Supports students in rallying all ideas and evidence assembled during their study to make revisions to their 4
models and revisit explanations for the anchoring event.
Providing feedback to students [17] 1
Reading aloud to primary school children and engaging them with a text through questioning [34] 1
Recognizing common patterns in student thinking [18] 1
Representing mathematical thinking [3] 1
Supporting interaction and target language comprehension [46] 1
Teaching grammar using an inductive approach [46] 1
Using methods to check or to assess students understanding [18], [20], [28], [36], [46] 5

Associated with tasks developed outside the classroom and support teaching

Analyzing instruction, materials, and student learning [14], [18], [20], [36] 4
Communicating with other professionals [18] 1
Designing an appropriate assessment [14], [36], [37] 3
Engaging in strategic relationship-building conversations with students [17] 1
Initiating and engaging in critically reflective dialogue with urban school stakeholders [24] 1
Planning for teaching [36], [44], [45]
Using assessment findings to design instruction [14]
Formulating teaching hypothesis [36]* 6
Generating content and language objectives [38]
Using content and language objectives to guide instruction and measure students’ learning outcomes [46]
The article present differentiation by general and specific practice.

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

leading a group discussion (18) and eliciting and interpreting an indi­ Table 3
vidual student’s thinking (16). Teaching strategies in articles.
Teaching strategies Articles number Total
4.2. Which teaching strategies have been used? Collaborative work between [20], [33], [45], [47] 4
field and campus course
All those studies in which core practices were mentioned were Learning cycle of practice [3], [4], [8], [14], [16], [19], [23], [24], 16
[26], [28], [29], [34], [36], [37], [39],
reviewed. Of the 34 articles, 31 described some type of teaching strat­
egy. The teaching strategies referred to in each study were analyzed and Simulations or rehearsals [5], [15], [17], [18], [21], [27], [30], 11
organized. This process enabled us to recognize three teaching strate­ [41], [43], [44], [46]
gies. Table 3 presents the teaching strategies and articles that mention Total 31

to a cycle. However, they describe sequential instructional activities

4.2.1. Collaborative field and campus coursework
related to the learning cycle corresponding to the same or similar ac­
Four studies described teaching strategies developed inside and
tivities associated with the cycle.
outside the field (schools) for cooperative work among various teacher
education actors (PSTs, field supervisors, mentor teachers). These stra­
4.2.3. Rehearsal or simulation
tegies consisted of coordinated activities where the PSTs related the
Of the studies analyzed, 11 refer to a teaching process that involves
campus class content to the field experience and linked these with
activities related to those described above in the learning cycles but
mentoring teachers and school students. In this instance, PSTs who visit
focuses on the rehearsals or simulations. In this category, the studies
classrooms and schools can observe a strategy being used, discuss the
emphasize the guide provided by the TEs (and peers in some cases)
application of a strategy, conduct interviews (teachers or students), and
through rehearsal pauses, feedback, and coaching as a teaching strategy.
reflect on strategies, specific techniques, and outcomes. Some specific
The TEs mainly carry out the interventions for decomposing the prac­
strategies are rounds (visiting classrooms as part of the course sessions)
tice, clarifying a content, returning to the objective, attending to salient
and forming dyads of cooperating teachers and PSTs who analyze and
features of the activity structure of the lesson, attending to salient fea­
discuss different activities and methods.
tures of student engagement or participation, and attending to salient
features of the classroom. Two of these studies also mention a PST’s
4.2.2. Learning cycles of practices
enactment in the real classroom after the rehearsal.
Of the studies analyzed, 16 refer to a teaching process that involves
These teaching strategies have been implemented in early childhood
offering PSTs some systematic and repeated opportunities to understand
teacher education, elementary teacher education, and secondary teacher
the pedagogical practice and approximate the tasks that a teacher en­
education. In addition, they have been applied in courses or teacher
acts. The process follows a sequence. These cycles include different
education programs for diverse disciplines. Table 4 shows teaching
phases that generally are characterized as structured, iterative, and
strategies, level, and specific subject teacher education.
collaborative, with the participation of TEs, PSTs, and their peers. Most
In summary, we distinguished three types of teaching strategies in
studies in this category mention lesson planning as a constituent activity
the analyzed studies: (1) collaborative work between field and campus
of the cycles. All studies mention the stage or phase known as rehearsal,
courses, (2) the learning cycle of practice, and (3) simulations and
simulation or microteaching that primarily occur on campus and in
rehearsal. These teaching strategies have been applied in courses or
which their peers and TEs have an essential role to play. Some studies
teacher education programs for varying levels and various teacher ed­
consider enactment in fieldwork as part of these cycles. Almost all
ucation subject areas.
studies mention the analysis and reflection phase of both rehearsal and
field experiences. Some studies in this category (6) do not explicitly refer

Fig. 2. Core practices with more than one mention and the number of articles referring to them.

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

4.3. Which assessment processes have been applied in the teaching of core researchers of their learning, using the sequence of video recordings
practices? for review, reflection, and formal demonstration of their professional
development in an e-portfolio. In article [14], the portfolio contains
All studies that explicitly refer to assessment processes and describe assessment resources and pieces of evidence designed and applied by
one or more core practices have been considered. The evaluation pro­ PSTs. For each assessment, the PSTs maintained a private Google web­
cesses are described based on the types of tasks described in the articles site that included (a) an assessment description, (b) an assessment
and the participation of different agents (self-evaluation and peer rationale, (c) data and analysis, and (d) a reflection. In yet another
evaluation). article [47], the portfolios provide opportunities for an inquiry, dis­
cussion, reflection, and study of the impact of teaching processes upon
4.3.1. Assessment tasks child learning. Finally, article [20] describes an electronic ePortfolio. It
We noted that ten of the analyzed studies described a type of explains a culminating assignment for program completion, where the
assessment process involving four tasks related to three teaching stra­ PST must demonstrate the capacity to enact and produce evidence of
tegies: (1) performance observation, (2) portfolios, (3) questions/pauses proficiency with the core practices targeted throughout the program.
during rehearsals, (4) reflective texts written by the PST. Fig. 3 presents
the association between teaching strategies and assessment tasks Questions/pauses during rehearsals. As noted above, rehearsal is
described in the studies. one of the phases of practice cycles. In some studies, the TE’s in­
terventions during or after the rehearsal constitute a strategy for core Performance observation. Three of the ten articles mentioned practices teaching. Two of the ten articles mentioned assessment tasks
assessment tasks corresponding to performance observation. This corresponding to questions to PSTs or pauses during rehearsals. In this
observation is associated with a teaching enactment. It can be in person regard, article [15] studied the pauses within rehearsals to support
or by a video record and developed in an authentic situation (school) or science PSTs in meaningful discussions. Among the pauses’ purposes,
a simulation. In the article [34], the authors described developing a the most frequent was problem-solving, highlighting performance and
program in which peers and mentor teachers do the performance providing feedback about the PSTs’ enactment.
observation. In this study, each group was combined with two other Moreover, article [5] presents questions to the PSTs after rehearsals.
groups for practice performances (simulations) and recorded using a The PSTs were challenged to speak about their learning and thinking,
video camera for later review and reflection. The PSTs received feedback reconsidering and reflecting on their ideas. These discussions yielded
from their peers and more on-the-spot coaching from the mentor teacher useful formative assessment information and enabled learners to prac­
as appropriate. In article [16], the authors described one course in which tice, share their thinking, and modify their schema using others’ ideas.
each PST was recorded in three simulations throughout the semester; for
each opportunity, the PSTs provided feedback on the recorded perfor­ Reflective texts written by the PST: Journals, papers, and notes to
mances of their peers, according to established core practices. The au­ self. These assessment tasks correspond to written texts in which the
thors of article [43] focused on assessing PSTs’ skills to elicit student PST records their analyses of their enactment and reflections on their
thinking. Each PST interacts with a person (a simulated student) whose learning. Three of the ten articles described this type of task, corre­
actions and statements are guided by a carefully articulated protocol sponding to a journal, paper, or note to self. In article [3], the authors
grounded in a student’s way of thinking about a mathematics problem in focused on developing adaptive expertise in the PSTs, implementing a
a simulation that occurs on campus and is directly observed by TEs. learning cycle of practices. The journal content consists of the PSTs’
reflections in each phase of the cycle. The PSTs must record their re­ Portfolios. Among the ten articles referring to evaluation pro­ flections, and according to the authors, this journal is part of the
cesses, four describe portfolios as assessment tasks associated with core formative assessment required in the course. In article [37], the authors
practice acquisition. Those articles explain how PSTs analyze and reflect decided to work with cycles to model and deconstruct practices and
on their learning. For example, article [34] describes PSTs as co- prepare the first enactment and reflection. The PSTs watched a video of

Table 4
Teaching strategies and the level and subject teacher education in the study.
Teaching strategies Subject Early Childhood Elementary Elementary and Secondary Secondary Not specified Number of articles

Collaborative work between field and campus course 4

Science 1
Social studies 1
Different disciplines 1
Not specified 1
Learning cycle of practice 16
English Language 1 1
History 1
Literacy and English Language 1
Mathematics 1 1 1
Science 1 1 1
Social studies 1
Writing 1
Different disciplines 1
Not specified 2 1
Simulations or rehearsals 11
Science 1 3
English language 1
Literacy 1
Mathematics 1 1 1
Different disciplines 1
Not specified 1
Total 1 6 7 9 8 31

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

Fig. 3. Teaching strategies and assessment tasks.

their enactment, focused on their understanding during the lesson, and 5. Discussion
wrote a paper citing examples from the enactment that demonstrated
how effectively the student used explicit reasoning explicit (or not). Teacher education programs at universities are changing in response
Article [16] describes how PSTs wrote a short paper reflecting on their to practice-based pedagogical challenges. According to the information
learning process through collaboration, the practice approximation, presented in Tables 1A and 1B, nearly all of the studies analyzed in this
practice reflection, and feedback. The same article refers to PSTs, who review correspond to experiences developed in university contexts of
wrote reflections and notes-to-self about what they learned in other teacher education programs, their specific courses, and some subject-
education program’s courses by the teacher. specific teaching methodologies. These findings coincide with what
some authors have asserted as impossible to ensure that all PSTs have
4.3.2. Participation of different agents in the assessment processes: self- equal opportunities to practice their skills during their field experiences
evaluation and peer evaluation (Dalinger et al., 2020). Therefore, practical preparation must be present
In our review, it was possible to observe that some of the articles in university courses; learning about teaching methods is not the same as
described self-evaluation and peer evaluation processes. The self- learning to put teaching methods into practice, in other words, to do the
evaluation processes were principally associated with texts written by actual work of teaching (Jao et al., 2018). Many university programs are
the PST and portfolios. An example of this is article [3], in which PSTs adopting practice-based teacher education and are transforming their
completed a journal. In this assessment task, they wrote about their campus courses to offer PSTs various expanded practical experiences.
perceptions of group work, self-assessment of their current and future
group work and mathematical discussions, and their perceptions of the
5.1. Core practices
practice learning cycle. Two articles studied [37] [16] present self-
evaluation processes that constitute the assessment tasks content in
Undoubtedly, there has been greater incorporation of core practices
assigned papers. In the studies, PSTs work with practice learning cycles.
in recent years. The review by O’Flaherty and Beal (2018) identified
In the first article, PSTs watched the video of their enactment. They used
only eight high-leverage practices between 2000 and 2016. As shown in
assessment principles as a metric to assess their performance as they
Table 2, two-thirds of the articles analyzed explicitly mention core
critiqued the instructional activities. In the second article, PSTs reflected
practices and refer to a large number and variety. Among the core
on their practice using the class-made, shared language criteria through
practices mentioned, we recognize high-leverage practices described by
each literature cycle for adolescents and wrote a paper with their
TeachingWorks (2020), especially the frequently mentioned ones. We
reflective remarks. In both cases, the self-evaluation process was
also recognize some high-leverage practices in special education
developed from previously agreed-upon criteria.
(McLeskey & Council for Exceptional Children & Collaboration for
The peer evaluation processes principally provide feedback to PSTs
Effective Educator, Development, Accountability and Reform, 2017), e.
about task performance. These processes can be integrated into the
g., provide appropriate scaffolding and communication with other
practice learning cycles, specifically preparing and rehearsing an ac­
professionals. Identifying core practices through different frameworks is
tivity. For example, in article [16], PSTs provided feedback about the
relevant because by speaking the same language, i.e., having the same
assessment materials designed by peers. These quizzes were returned to
framework for discussion, researchers can build on prior work and
the author for review and consideration of a peer’s observations. In the
communicate their findings more powerfully to each other and practi­
rehearsal moment, peers also provided feedback, and PSTs then applied
tioners (Grossman & McDonald, 2008). Doing so may influence and
that feedback during future approximations. A similar situation was
facilitate the incorporation of findings into teacher education programs.
described in article [34], reporting how PSTs recorded their group
Some core practices described in the articles corresponded to core
simulations and then received written and oral feedback from other PST
practice specifications in a particular subject area. Table 2 presents
groups. Finally, peer evaluation and self-evaluation were associated
general core practices (e.g., conduct small-group work) and specific core
with revising an assessment task, as shown in article [47]. According to
practices in a particular subject (e.g., scaffolding argumentative, his­
the authors, this evaluation process helped students deconstruct practice
torical writing). This differentiation aligns with the Core Practices
and reflect upon teaching strategies and child learning.
Consortium (2020), distinguishing between general practices and
subject-specific practices. In other cases, a specific core practice linked
to a particular move or skill (e.g., posing questions about the content)
could correspond to a general core practice decomposition component

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

and not necessarily to a core practice per se. Although the detail speci­ closer to the professional world with authentic tasks and contexts.
fied in the core practices could contribute to more precise work by the Some studies referred to the peer and self-assessment process. Self-
TEs (e.g., focusing on teaching subject areas and the content and skills of evaluation principally involves assessment tasks where the PSTs
these areas), it could also hinder a common language that defines the analyze and reflect on their enactment in journals, notes to self, papers,
various core practices in teacher education. and portfolios. Peer evaluation involves feedback in the practice
The core practices taught in various courses and programs generally learning cycles. Unlike those indicated by Gallardo-Fuentes et al.
are associated with tasks developed in the classroom while interacting (2017), the PSTs in these studies are actively involved in the evaluation
directly with children. Many studies mentioned practices that developed processes. Feedback to the PSTs is provided by peers about their com­
students’ thinking in the classroom in this type of core practice. For petencies, highlighting what is efficient and needs improvement (Allen
example, as we can see in Fig. 2, the core practices of leading a group & Wright, 2014).
discussion and eliciting and interpreting individual students’ thinking Moreover, self-evaluation is another way to promote student
are mentioned by 18 and 16 studies, respectively. Both practices con­ participation. Self-evaluations are done per evaluation criteria with
sisted of the teacher helping students build their knowledge from others’ levels that establish what is considered well-done (García-Jiménez,
ideas or provoking and interpreting each student’s thinking. This finding 2015). These are formative, active assessments that encourage students
shows that teacher education programs encourage PSTs to learn com­ to construct knowledge and deep understanding (Postareff et al., 2012).
plex core practices and prepare them for teaching (Ball & Forzani, Thus, it appears that incorporating self-evaluation processes and peers’
2009). The focus on complex core practices favoring students’ thinking feedback offer opportunities to improve PSTs’ learning and teaching
is very encouraging for having future teachers who transmit content and skills development.
generate higher-level cognitive processes, contributing to improved Teacher education programs are changing to highlight practicing
learning among new generations. and developing the methodologies of the pedagogy of practice. Of the 49
studies analyzed, 34 made explicit mentions of core practices. Of these,
5.2. Teaching strategies 31 described the teaching strategies of core practices, but only 10
described the learning assessment process. This review found that
Practice-based teacher education is a recent addition to the teacher practice-based teacher education programs develop principally in uni­
education field; notably, the pedagogy of practices that represent, versity contexts, where learning assessment is critical. Although this
approximate, decompose and reiterate cycles of practices is being review demonstrates some innovations in the assessment processes and
developed by numerous programs. As shown in Table 3, this review high coherence with teaching, few studies provide information about
describes teaching strategies being developed. The learning cycle of learning assessment processes. The assessment process is relevant to
practices is mentioned in 16 articles. As described, the decomposition, modulate the learning process (Richmond et al., 2019) because it
representation, and approximation of practice guide the various powerfully conditions it. Therefore, no curricular innovation will be
instructional activities offered to the PSTs in these cycles. This prepa­ significant if designs do not include the ways assessment is conceived
ration is consistent with understanding a pedagogy of practice in which (López- Pastor, 2009). Thus, making advances in the implementation of
the three concepts are fundamental to organize and focus the daily work practice-based approaches must also include developing assessment
of teaching (Grossman, Compton et al., 2009; Grossman, Hammerness innovations for the learning of PSTs.
et al., 2009). In practice learning cycles, the activities organized in
phases are similar to the cycle for learning to engage in an authentic and 5.4. Limitations
ambitious instructional activity collectively (McDonald et al., 2013).
The cycles in this review describe activities such as preparing and This study aimed to determine the core practices addressed in the
rehearsing the activity, enacting it with students, analyzing it and literature and how they are taught to PSTs. The review also sought how
moving forward. PSTs and their TEs have learned to employ core practices. This review
The approximation is a pedagogy of practice component. Its simu­ does not seek to assess the coverage of core practices within teacher
lation is an approximation because it provides opportunities to enact education programs or evaluations of the quality or effectiveness of
practices similar to an authentic classroom situation. In this review, programs that have adopted a core practices approach.
simulations were mentioned in 11 articles as a teaching strategy. Although the study sought to review an exhaustive search of the
Implementing simulations into campus courses requires a high level of literature, it had limitations. Limiting the search strategy to studies
innovation from the teacher education programs and TEs. It can prepare published in English and Spanish between 2015 and 2019 was necessary
novices for challenges by developing ways to interpret and understand but may have prevented reviewing other relevant publications in other
professional practice (Grossman, Compton et al., 2009; Grossman, languages. Moreover, the review may have omitted relevant publica­
Hammerness et al., 2009). These findings of this approach are optimistic tions before or after this period. Additionally, consulting only two da­
because these teaching strategies offer the PSTs multiple opportunities tabases limited the reviewed scientific evidence. Finally, it is necessary
to approximate real practice. They are recognized and developed by to specify that, as indicated in the methods section, the information on
programs preparing teachers for a wide variety of levels and subjects. teaching strategies and assessment processes correspond to the de­
scriptions in each of the articles, which in most cases, do not focus solely
5.3. Assessment process on those aspects.

Although few studies cover explicit evaluation processes (only 10), 6. Conclusions
among those that do, assessment tasks positively linked to the teaching
strategies of core practices and pedagogical practice predominate. The Analyzing the empirical studies published between 2015 and 2019
assessment tasks are associated with enactment experience (simulations regarding practice-based teacher education enabled us to detect that
and performance observations), written reflective processes (reflective several teacher education programs at universities are changing to
journals, notes, and papers), and portfolios. The portfolios enable col­ respond to the challenges of practice integrations. The programs teach
lecting evidence of teaching performance and reflection processes many core practices, which is progress compared to the period from
(Bakker et al., 2011). Notably, all tasks are associated with the practice 2010 to 2016 but raises questions about whether this vast array of core
learning cycle, especially rehearsing the activity, enacting the activity practices hinder the construction of a common framework. The core
with students, and analyzing it. These assessment tasks also consider practices addressed in the programs and courses corresponded mainly to
what the PSTs will need to do as future professionals. They bring them teachers’ tasks in the classroom while interacting directly with children.

K. Matsumoto-Royo and M.S. Ramírez-Montoya Studies in Educational Evaluation 70 (2021) 101047

In these, the core practices that address developing students’ thinking in Arbaugh, F., davin, D. L., Grossman, P., Heller, D. E., & Monk, D. (2015). Deans’ corner:
Views on the state of teacher education in 2015. Journal of Teacher Education, 66(5),
the classroom, such as leading a group discussion and eliciting and
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