Lecture 6 Introduction To M Function Programming

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Qadri Hamarsheh

Outline of the Lecture

 Introduction to M-function programming
 Matlab Programming Example
 Relational operators
 Logical Operators
 Matlab Flow control structures

Introduction to M-function programming

• M-files:
1. Script: simply execute a series of Matlab statements.
2. Function: accept arguments and can product outputs.
• Function m-files components:
a) Function definition line.
b) H1 line.
c) Help text.
d) Function
Function body.
e) Comments.
a) Function definition form:
function [output] = function_name
function_name (input)
Example: Function to compute the sum and the product of two images

The sum Function name up to 63

image long, more than ignored.

function [s p] = sumprod (f , g)
Keyword The
product Input
image images

Must be (multiple output).
May be (one output).
Without brackets or equal sign (no outputs).
• Function calling:
>> x= imread ('someimage1.tif');
>> y= imread ('someimage2.tif ');
Dr. Qadri Hamarsheh
>> [s , p] = sumprod (f , g);
b) H1 line:
• Single comment line that follows the definition line (no blank lines) between them.
% SUMPROD computes the sum and product of two input images.
• H1 line appears when user types
>> help function_name
• H1 provides information about the M-file.
c) Help text:
• Text block follows H1 (without any blank lines in between the two).
• Help text is used to provide comments and online help for the function, when user
>> help function_name:
• Matlab displays all comments lines that appear between the function name and first
(executable or blank) line.
d) Function body:
• Matlab code that performs computation.
e) Comments.
• %- symbol used for comments declaration.
Arithmetic: numeric computations
Relational: compare operands quantitively.
Logic: perform AND,
Arithmetic operators:
Matrix arithmetic.
Array arithmetic.

Important: . (dot) operator is used for array manipulation.

>> A*B % matrix multiplication.
>> A.*B % array multiplication (A and B must be the same size).
>> C = A.*B % C(i,j) = A (i,j) * B (i,j)
• Addition and subtraction operations are the same for arrays and matrices.
. + and .- are not used.

Matlab Programming Example

Write an M-function, call it improd that multiplies two input images

and outputs the product of the images, the maximum and the
minimum values of the product, and a normalized product image
whose values are in the range [0, 1].

using the Matlab text editor, write the following code

Dr. Qadri Hamarsheh

Example 6.1
function [p, pmax, pmin, pn] = improd (f , g)
% IMPROD computes the product and other parameters of two images.
% [ P, PMAX, PMIN, PN] = IMPROD (F , G) output the
% element-by-element product of two input images,
% F and G, the product maximum and minimum
% values, and a normalized product array with values
% in the range [0 , 1]. The input images must be
% of the same size. They can be of class uint8,
% uint16, or double. The outputs are of class double.
fd = double (f);
gd = double (g);
p = fd.*gd;
pmax = max (p (:));
pmin = min (p (:));
pn = mat2gray (p);
• Note: the input images were converted to double using the function double instead of
im2double, because if the inputs were of type uint8, im2double would convert them
to the range [0, 1]. (We want p to contain the products of the original values).
Using the function (calling)
>> f = [1 2 ; 3 4];
>> g = [1 2 ; 2 1];
>> [p , pmax, pmin, pn] = improd (f , g)
p =  
pmax = 6
pmin = 1
pn =  
.  . 
>> help improd
Relational operators

< Less than
<= Less than or equal
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal
== Equal to
~= Not Equal to
Consider the following sequence of inputs and outputs: Both A and B must
>> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; be the same size
>> B = [0 2 4; 3 5 6; 3 4 9];
Dr. Qadri Hamarsheh
ans =
0 1 0
0 1 1
0 0 1
• Operation A==B produces a logical array of the same dimension as A and B with 1s in
locations where the corresponding elements of A and B match, and 0s elsewhere.
• Example2:
>> A >= B
1 1 0
1 1 1
1 1 1
• A >= B produces a logical array with 1s where the elements of A greater than or
equal to the corresponding elements of B and 0s elsewhere.
• If one operand is a scalar ⇒matlab tests the scalar against every element of the other
Logical operators

• Logical operators can operate on both logical and numeric data.

Matlab treats a logical 1 or nonzero numeric quantity as true, and logical 0 or numeric 0 as
>> A = [1 2 0 ;0 4 5];
>> B = [1 -2 3; 0 1 1]; Operators Logical
>> A & B Operator Name
ans: & AND
1 1 0
0 1 1 | OR

Matlab Flow control structures

1. if, else, and elseif
a) Single
if expression
b) Multiple
if expression1
elsif expression2
Dr. Qadri Hamarsheh
2. for
• executes a group of statements a fixed number of times:
for index = start: increment: end
Nested for
for index1 = start1: increment1: end
for index2 = start2: increments2:end
additional loop1 statements
3. while
• Executes a group of statements an indefinite number of times, based on a specified
logical condition.
while expression
Nested while
while expression1
while expression2
additional loop1 statements
4. Break
• Terminates execution of a for or while loop.
5. Continue
• Passes control to the next iteration of a for or while loop, skipping any remaining
statements in the body of the loop.
6. switch
• switch, together with case and otherwise, executes different groups of statements,
depending on a specified value or string.
Switch switch-expression
case case-expression
case {case-expressoin1, case-expression2,...}
7. return:
• Causes execution to return to the invoking function.
8. try.. catch
• Changes flow control if an error is detected during execution.

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