Canadas Go Solar Guide

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Editor-in-Chief: Isabel Payne 2018
CanSIA Staff
President and CEO:
John A. Gorman
[email protected]
Vice President:
Wesley Johnston
[email protected]
Director of Policy & Market Development:
Patrick Bateman
[email protected]
Business Development and
Member Relations Manager:
Lisa Hatina
[email protected]
Communications Coordinator:
Isabel Payne
[email protected]
CanSIA Board of Directors
Thomas J. Timmins: Chair
Chair, Global Renewable Energy Practice , Gowling WLG
Walter Buzzelli: Vice-Chair
Managing Director, Panasonic Eco Solutions Canada
Dave Rogers: Treasurer
President and CEO, AMP
Gary Thompson: Secretary
Supervisor - Engineering, Generation Planning
& System Studies
Utilia Amaral: Board Member
Consultant, C2Solutions
Brian Douglas: Board Member

8 14 20
VP of Sales, HES PV
Victoria Hollick: Board Member
VP, Conserval Engineering Inc.
Suzanne Leta Liou: Board Member
Global Market Strategy, SunPower
Ryan Tourigny: Board Member
Director Business Development, Western Canada, Energy
Group, Canadian Solar Inc. FEATURES CONTRIBUTOR’S
David Kelly: Past Chair
CEO, SkyFire Energy Inc. 8 | COVER FEATURE:

14 | SOLAR
Published by:
1200 Portage Avenue, Suite 200 DEPARTMENTS
Winnipeg, MB R3M 0A1
Toll Free: 800-665-2456
Fax: 204-947-2047
Publisher: Kim Davies BY STEPHEN MURDOCH
Editor: Shelly Neal
Project Manager: Angela Caroyannis
Marketing: Kent Agramonte 19 | CANADA’S
Sales Director: Lana Taylor
Sales Representatives: Ralph Herzberg, Judy Pringle
Design: Sharon Lynne
©2018 Naylor (Canada) Inc. All rights reserved. The
20 | SOLAR
contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any
means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent GROWING TO MEET FARMS’
of the publisher.
Published May 2018 | CSI-B0118 | 6971

Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 5


THE CANADIAN SOLAR Industries Association (CanSIA) is a national trade association that has advocated on behalf of the
solar energy industry in Canada since 1992. We proudly represent manufacturers, installers, developers, builders, owners, engineers,
consultants, and a variety of other companies and stakeholders who want to see solar energy grow in Canada. On behalf of our
members, CanSIA promotes the unique economic, environmental and technological benefits of solar energy in Canada. We believe that
our role as an industry association is not only to represent our members on issues of the day, but to position the industry for sustainable
growth for years to come.

Dear Aspiring Prosumer,
CanSIA has created this reference book for
you—the thoughtful consumer who wants to
consume, produce, and pro-actively manage your
own clean electricity. You’re not the only one. The
declining cost of solar combined with a growing
desire to save money on electricity bills has
created millions of prosumers around the world.
In fact, more money is being invested in solar
photovoltaics (PV) globally than in any other type
of electricity generating technology.
BY JOHN A. GORMAN, In Canada, every province and territory Last year we installed a few more panels and
PRESIDENT & CEO permits consumers to produce their own added a smart lithium-ion battery into the mix.
OF THE CANADIAN electricity. The regulation that enables it is called As I write this I’m looking at an app on my
SOLAR INDUSTRIES net-metering (or net-billing). Under net-metering, smartphone. Our rooftop system is producing
prosumers generate their own electricity by 7.49KW and our battery is fully charged. I expect
placing solar panels on the roof of their home that when we get home from work the system
or business. The electricity is used first by the will continue making economic decisions about
prosumer and excess electricity is sent onto the whether to use electricity from our utility, the
“grid” for others to use. Electric utilities provide solar panels or our battery storage system.
a payment or credit for electricity generated Distributed generation is driving a
and exported in different ways depending on transformation in the electricity sector similar
the jurisdiction. to the change in the telecommunications sector
Prosumers are discovering new ways to brought about by the introduction of the cellular
leverage their solar panels to do more all the phone. As with today’s telecommunications
time. Battery storage using lithium-ion batteries utilities, electric utilities are increasingly offering
coupled with smart software is enabling services to enable prosumers to better manage
prosumers to store their solar electricity while their electricity needs. It’s an exciting time for
making intelligent decisions about when to put anyone who wants more control over their
electricity back on to the grid. Electric utilities are energy future—not just homeowners but
finding that this form of distributed generation businesses, communities, farmers, and Indigenous
is creating smarter, more resilient and greener communities to name a few.
electricity systems as a result. Now that our children are preparing for
I’m a prosumer. Seven years ago, my family put university, we’ve sold our energy efficient home
solar panels on our bungalow. and have bought a “country property” that
These panels generate an amount of electricity requires renovation. The new place will have solar
equivalent to what we use during the year and has PV + storage and we’re adding geothermal to the
significantly reduced our electricity bills. It also mix. The solar PV + storage will also power the
allowed us to pay-off our solar PV system and, ground-source heat-pump that runs the heating.
as the solar panels will operate for another 18 The next step will be an electric vehicle (arrives
years or so, we have started to look at additional in May!) that works with the other systems in the
measures to better manage our energy needs. house. In the future, the electric vehicle will act

6 |
as battery storage when we need it or produce and pro-actively manage create a smart, clean and distributed
be charging on the most cost-effective electricity in an environmentally and electricity grid.
electricity available at the time, whether cost-effective way. I imagined they This guide and directory contains an
that be solar PV, stored electricity or would do this by using solar and storage, overview of solar energy and provides
electricity from our utility. electric vehicles and phone Apps. I felt recommendations about how to find
It’s amazing to see how quickly cost- the only real obstacle would be the experts and qualified contractors who will
effective solar PV and savvy consumers utilities trying to catch up to prosumer help you become a prosumer. I wish you
are driving change. Three years ago, demand and technology change. the best on your journey to take control
I gave a TED Talk on the idea of the
prosumer. I painted a picture of a
Well, the prosumer has arrived; that
prosumer is you; and, utilities and private
of your energy future.

future where consumers can consume, companies want to work with you to John A. Gorman


CORPORATE 2 MEMBERS Ellis Don KB Racking SunPower

Aird & Berlis LLP Emera LG Electronics Canada Inc. TerraGen
EPCOR Mersen Canada Toronto Inc. Environmental Group
Altus Group Limited
Essex Energy Corporation Moose Power Torys LLP
Ameresco Canada Inc.
First Solar Development Canada Newfound Energies Inc. TransAlta Corporation
ArntjenSolar NA Inc.
FortisAlberta NLS Engineering TransCanada
ATB Financial
Frankensolar Americas Inc Northwind Solutions Trina Solar Canada Inc.
ATCO Group
Fritzall Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP UGE Canada
Aura Power Renewables Ltd
Fronius Canada Ltd. PCL Constructors Canada Inc. WSP Canada Inc.
AXIS Capital
(previously GENIVAR)
Axsus, a division of Magna GP JOULE Peterborough Utilities Inc.
Zimmermann PV-Stahlbau GmbH
International Inc. Great Circle Solar Polar Racking & Co. KG
Black & McDonald Limited Management Corporation Polaron Solartech Zon Engineering Inc.
Bluearth Renewables Greengate Power Corporation Quadra Power Inc.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Guillevin Greentech RESCo Energy Inc SUPPORTER 1 MEMBERS
Borea Construction ULC Hanwha Q CELLS Canada Corp. s2e Technologies, Inc. AltaLink
CarbonFree Technology Inc. Hatch Saturn Power Inc City of Calgary
Compass Renewable Energy Hb Solar Canada Schletter Canada Inc City of Medicine Hat
Consulting Inc. Heliene Inc City of Toronto
Sentinel Solar
Connor, Clark & HES PV NB Power
Lunn SkyFire Energy Inc.
Infrastructure Hugh Wood Canada Ltd. Solar Flow-Through Funds Nova Scotia Power
Conserval Engineering Inc Innergex Renewable Solar Power Network Renewable Energy Alliance
Energy Inc. of Ontario (REAO)
Deltro Electric Ltd. Stikeman Elliott LLP
innogy Renewables Canada Inc. Rocky REA
Dillon Consulting Limited Suncor Energy Inc.
iSolara Solar Power SaskPower

Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 7


Thanks to a worldwide surge in interest in using the free energy of the sun, solar technology has
improved dramatically over the last decade, while costs have fallen sharply. There has never been a
A SOLAR better time to harness the power of the sun.
By adding solar to your home, you can earn financial benefits, improve your home’s resilience to
the event of a local power blackout or other emergency, and most importantly, reduce your home’s
CAN EASILY environmental impact.
This guide is designed to help you understand what solar can do for you. It explains various solar
technologies—from electricity-generating photovoltaics (PV) to solar water heating—and guides you
POWER FOR through the process of purchasing and installing a solar PV system.
A solar system is an investment in your future, the future of your family and the future of your
community. But as with any other significant investment, you will need to consider your options
MORE, SO carefully and understand what is involved before signing on the dotted line. CanSIA’s Consumer
Protection initiatives can help you feel comfortable about your decision to choose a CanSIA Member
company for your solar installation.
NEED TO Let’s start shining a light on the future of energy!
How does solar work?
TO DESIGN A All solar PV systems capture the free energy of the sun and convert it into electricity or heat to use
in our homes.
FITS FOR THE Solar Photovoltaics
The most commonly seen solar technology is photovoltaics (PV). PV systems use panels lined
with silicon cells that can convert sunlight directly into electricity. You will likely have seen these flat
crystalline panels on rooftops, or even in fields where they convert sunlight into power all year long.
PV panels produce direct current (DC) power, which needs to be converted to an alternating
current (AC) power, the type of current commonly used in our homes. This is done through the use
of inverters—devices that change the incoming DC current to outgoing AC current suitable for our
devices, lighting and other electrical applications.

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This AC power output can either be directly connected to your home’s electrical system or the
power can be sent to your utilitys’ electricity system via the wires attached to your home (or both).
Some PV systems can also have a storage component—usually batteries that can supply power
when sunshine is not available or sufficient. Like other solar components, these storage batteries are
rapidly improving and falling in cost, but you’ll need to talk to your installer about whether this option
makes sense for you.

Solar Heating
Solar Heating (commonly known as Solar Thermal) is another form of solar energy technology
that uses the warmth of the sun for space and water heating.
Solar water heating systems directly transfer the sun’s energy to your home’s hot water supply,
even in winter. There are two common types of water heating panels: flat plate and evacuated tube.
In both cases, energy from the sun is captured in a fluid and used to help heat the water you use for
washing dishes, or running a bath. These systems are very common outside North America —for Sunny Facts
example, there are more than 30 million solar water heaters in use in China.
There are also solar air heating systems that use the warmth of the sun to heat air that will
circulate through a home or building. This often takes the form of a hollow outer wall structure that
Calgary is the sunniest
allows warmed air to flow up the inside of the wall and into the building.
city in Canada. It even
has higher solar potential
Investing in Sunshine than Rio de Janeiro,
Deciding if a solar PV system is right for you takes a trained eye. How much roof area is available?
Brazil and Rome, Italy!
What is your sun exposure? How much electricity do you use and when do you use it most? What
are your electrical connections like? Are you looking only at electricity or are you considering solar
heating as well?
The best way to answer these questions is to talk to a qualified solar installer. We strongly
recommend seeking out a CanSIA Member company as our members are bound by our Solar
Business Code of Ethics. This means you will have someone to turn to if there are any issues with your
installation that cannot be resolved through your contractor. You can find a list of our Members at
Today, there are a few different ways to tap into the power of the sun. You can purchase a system
outright, you can “lease to own” a system, or you can take part in several other innovative financial
arrangements that are becoming increasingly available.

Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 9

If you decide solar doesn’t fit your home or budget, you can
explore joining a community power co-op, where members pool
their funds to build larger solar PV systems. Simply search online for
a community renewable power co-op for your province.

Buying your system

If you decide that buying the system outright makes the most
sense for you, it’s time to find a reputable contractor who can
supply the components and install the system.
When you are ready to contact contractors, be sure to ask
for references and chat with their customers to find out what
others think of the company’s performance. Web reviews and
recommendations can also be a great way to find the right
contractor for you, but keep in mind that there can often be two
very different stories for any review.
It is important to check if the company has experience in
dealing with local utilities and understands provincial program
rules. You will need to ensure that all applications and permits will be properly dealt with before you
start an installation. If they are not a solar specialist, ask them about their experience in successfully
completing solar projects—from permits to final connection.
Be sure that you fully understand what warranty coverage your system will have and who will be
TODAY, THERE responsible for honouring that warranty (e.g., manufacturer or installer).
ARE A FEW Also ensure that any subcontractors the installer may use have the proper qualifications and the
insurance needed to properly complete the work. Remember, work may need to be inspected for
DIFFERENT electrical or building safety, so it needs to be done right. Ask if their employees or contractors have
WAYS TO TAP specialized solar training.
Like any big purchase, be sure to get multiple quotes and don’t hesitate to ask any questions about
INTO THE experience, components and work plans.
Lease to own
SUN. YOU CAN Just like you can lease a car, some solar companies will lease you a solar system. However, just like
PURCHASE a car lease, it is important to read the fine print. How long will the lease last? What are the buyout
options at the end of the lease? How do the monthly payments stack up versus the revenue (savings)
A SYSTEM you expect to generate with the solar system? What if you decide to sell your house and need to
OUTRIGHT, YOU break the lease?
You may want a lawyer or financial advisor to review any lease documents before you sign.
CAN “LEASE TO If you don’t have enough funds in the bank to pay for a solar PV system, it is also worth considering
OWN” A SYSTEM, other financing options like home equity lines of credit. Some banks even now offer special “eco energy
loan” programs, including TD Renewable Financing, and the Scotia Eco Energy Financing programs. Just be
OR YOU CAN sure to factor application fees, interest, and monthly fees into your full cost picture.
Pricing it out
IN SEVERAL Make sure you get a written quote that covers all aspects of the components and installation, and
OTHER which makes clear any costs you will be responsible for on top of the installer’s quote.
Here are some potential additional costs you should discuss with your contractor:
INNOVATIVE • Costs of stamped engineering drawings and building permits
FINANCIAL • Maintenance costs and warranty support
• Application costs for incentives or net metering programs and the cost of assistance with
ARRANGEMENTS such applications
THAT ARE • Any additional components or materials not included in the package price
• Monitoring equipment or any subscription fees to services that let you view your system’s output
BECOMING in real time
INCREASINGLY As well, you should consider issues such as:
• Who will pay for temporarily removing and reinstalling the system if your roof needs to be repaired
AVAILABLE. or replaced? (Always check your roof condition before starting an installation.)
• Will the installation of a solar system have implications for your home insurance, income taxes
(revenues from power sales) or property taxes?

10 |
Understanding the full cost picture can help you feel a lot more comfortable with
your purchase.

How much power can you produce?

The answer to this question will depend on your roof area, any obstructions (trees, chimneys,
walls) that could shade some of the panels, as well as the orientation and pitch of your roof
(determining which direction will the panels face). A professional assessment, including the
estimation of solar irradiance (how much sunlight falls on your roof), is required to get a good
handle on your potential system production.
Take into account that solar production can fluctuate from year to year—some years are
sunnier; some years are snowier. Your installer will be able to offer some averaging factors for
this. Planning for the future can also impact your plans. Is that sapling going to be branching
Sunny Facts
over your solar panels in a decade? Are the neighbours planning an addition that will shade your
roof? It’s always a good idea to have a conversation with your neighbour about your plans before Winnipeg, Edmonton
getting started.
and Regina come
Similarly, think about your potential electricity usage. Are you thinking about adding an electric
vehicle or switching to an electric heating system? You may decide you want a larger system under close behind Calgary,
these circumstances. Or are you switching to LED lighting and taking other steps to reduce your all typically topping
electricity usage? In that case, you might be able to downsize. 2300 hours of
A solar PV system can easily produce power for 20 years or more, so you really need to think sunshine annually.
ahead to design a system that fits for the long term.

Arriving at final costs and benefits

Once you have selected a project plan, added in any additional costs and arrived at a good
understanding of expected power output over the system’s expected lifetime, you can see how
the numbers add up. What your system will “earn” will depend largely on what you pay for power
from the grid. Essentially, your system revenue will take the form of savings on your power bill for
the next 20 or more years.

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You’ll need to factor in the possibility of rising utility power costs as
well. Your contractor will be able to assist you with these calculations.

What if something goes wrong?

CanSIA Members are dedicated to providing quality products
and customer service and endeavour to ensure their customers are
satisfied. If your solar system is not working as expected, there are
installation issues or other problems, the first step is to call back your
installer and try to work with them to resolve the issue. This is why
it is important to take the time to select a reputable and experienced
contractor from the get-go. Look at the remedies available to you
under your contract or warranty if you are not satisfied with the
contractor’s response.
However, if a dispute continues and you have used a CanSIA
Member company, you can also take advantage of our Complaint
Resolution and Disciplinary Process if you believe a company has
violated the Solar Business Code of Conduct.

Final Checklist & Questions to Ask

• Have you or your solar installer discussed the solar PV system with your local or provincial utility
and received all required approvals?
• Have you checked provincial electricity rates and understand the rules for banking credits?
• Have you checked references and qualifications for the contractor you have chosen?
• How long has your contractor been in business? Will they be around if something needs fixing in
the future?
• Do you have a copy of warranty materials?
• Have you checked your roof condition and are you satisfied that it will hold up for the
next 20 years?
• How will the contractor be accessing your roof and do you need to make any special
arrangements to allow access?
• Are there any structural or electrical conditions you need to address before proceeding
with installation?
• Have you and your installer assessed and addressed any potential shading issues, now or in the
future, that may affect power production?
• Have you and/or your contractor calculated average annual power output in kilowatt-hours for
your system? This will give you a sense of how large your electricity bill savings will be.
• Is your system sized appropriately for your average annual consumption level? Remember,
in most jurisdictions you will not be able to hold on to credits for more than 12 months so
oversized systems will not be economic.
• Have you factored in any financing costs (including leasing costs) in calculating your system
costs and savings?
• Who will take care of any necessary building or electrical inspections?
• Who will apply for provincial incentives (if available) and what are the rules for accessing these?
• Do you need to inform your insurance company about this new addition to your home?

Glossary of terms
• Direct Current (DC): electricity with a constant positive polarity, the same type of power
produced by a common household battery.
• Alternating Current (AC): electricity with an alternating polarity, the most commonly used
Sunny Facts type of power in our homes.
• Kilowatt (kW): a measure of how much energy is being produced. Calculated by multiplying
the Voltage and Current values of a system.
A household rooftop • Kilowatt peak (kWp): used to describe the energy output capability of a solar electric system
solar PV system can under ideal solar energy conditions (e.g., during peak times during the middle of the day).
reduce pollution by • Kilowatt hour (kWh): the amount of power delivered over a period of one hour.
100 tonnes of CO2 in • Voltage / Volts (V): the “pressure” created by electrons flowing through a system—the
its lifetime. greater the pressure, the more power can be transported in an electrical wire.

12 |
• A mpere / Amps (A): the measure of materials or otherwise relating to such
how much electrical energy is flowing materials on our website or on any sites
in an electrical conducting wire.
• Feed in tariff (FIT): an agreement
linked to CanSIA’s website.
CanSIA assumes no liability or Sunny Facts
where the utility company buys all responsibility for any errors or omissions
the power generated from your solar in the content of this material.
More than 26,000
electric system at a set price for a set CanSIA reserves the right to make
individuals, businesses
period of years. additions, deletions or modifications
and institutions have
• Inverter(s): devices that convert to the information or materials on
installed solar systems
the direct current (DC) electricity this document at any time and in any
in Ontario!
generated by the panels into way without notice. You assume full
alternating current (AC) for use in responsibility and all risks arising from
your home or for export to the grid. your access and use of this information.
• Modules: individual solar panels
that convert sunlight to electricity.
Your system will likely be made up of
multiple modules.
• Net metering: an agreement where
the local utility company credits you
for the surplus power produced
by your solar system that is not
consumed in your home.
• Grid tie: a system that is connected
to the electrical network. This
connection type allows excess
power to be sent offsite in return for
payments/credits from your utility
• Off grid: solar generation that is
not connected to the electricity
distribution system; often associated
with remote cabins / properties and is
typically a seasonal option or requires
batteries and/or a generator.

The material contained within this
document is provided as is. CanSIA
makes no warranties, expressed or
implied, and CanSIA disclaims and
negates all other warranties, including
without limitation, implied warranties
or conditions of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, or non-
infringement of intellectual property or
other violation of rights, to the fullest
extent permitted by law. This material
is for information purposes only and
is not intended to be relied upon as
professional or expert advice or opinions.
You should seek professional advice,
opinions and recommendations before
acting or omitting to act based on any
material found in this document. Further,
CanSIA does not warrant or make any
representations concerning the accuracy,
likely results, or reliability of the use of the

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ONTARIO) AND IT’S BEEN A ROUGH FEW years for workers introducing self-driving trucks to automating
in Ontario’s manufacturing sector and Alberta’s drilling controls.
THAT BRIGHT oil patch. The 2008 recession wiped out There is a bright spot for both provinces
SPOT IS GREEN thousands of manufacturing jobs in Canada’s and that bright spot is green energy. Coming
most populous province, while collapsing from virtually nowhere prior to 2007, Ontario
ENERGY oil prices led to a similar result for oil patch has built a powerful renewable energy
workers in Alberta. industry. Thousands of jobs have been created
But even as Ontario’s economy has picked in manufacturing renewable energy system
up speed and Alberta’s oil industry has regained components—from solar panels and inverters to
some of its footing, jobs remain hard to come wind turbine towers—and in installing systems.
by in both sectors. In Ontario, manufacturing The province now boasts more than 26,000
jobs remain stuck at just above recession rooftop solar systems and interest in residential
levels, while in Alberta the talk is all about solar remains strong under its net metering
“de-manning” oil industry operations – from system. Hundreds of larger utility-scale solar

anadian Solar Institute

5-Day Solar PV Design & Installation Workshop

Better Training, Brighter Future

The Standard in Solar PV Training

14 |
687417_Canadian.indd 1 3/26/14 6:13
PM 1 4/16/18 4:18 PM
installations now dot the province. To than 240 renewable power projects Just how big is the opportunity? IRENA
keep up with demand for skilled workers, across the province. predicts there will be 24 million jobs in
a number of community colleges in the First Nations are actively looking the renewable energy sector by 2030.
province now offer renewable energy to develop training so that community That is phenomenal growth that will leave
technician training programs.
In Alberta, Iron & Earth, a worker led
members can benefit from this new
growth industry. The innovative 20/20
most other industries in the dust.

non-profit, is working to help oil sector Catalysts program, for example, is
workers transition to the province’s matching up First Nation representatives
fast growing renewable energy sector.
They note that many of the skills and
interested in developing projects in their
communities with experienced mentors
Sunny Facts
experience that workers have gained in to help them quickly develop the
oil and gas operations can be directly knowledge and skills they need around The solar industry employs
transferred to roles in the renewable project planning and development. 6,500 Ontarians.
energy sector and, in their view, now is
the time to accelerate this shift.
Alberta’s commitment to end the use
of coal combined with its excellent wind
and solar resources has created powerful
momentum for a new green energy
industry in the province.
Texas is a great example of what
could be in store for Alberta. As Iron & VERSATILE. ELEGANT. SIMPLE.
Earth reports, “Texas now has more than
16,000 MW [megawatts] of installed wind
as compared to its 2025 goal of 10,000
MW. A significant portion of the products TITAN SP—adjustable ground mount
needed for these installations were built
domestically, creating over 20,000 jobs
across 43 states, and these jobs are
beginning to attract workers from the oil
and gas sector.”
According to Clean Energy Canada’s
Tracking the Energy Revolution report, “By
2015, renewable electricity employment
is estimated to have grown to 6.7
million direct and indirect jobs globally,  Designed with minimal back coverage for bifacial gain
with solar PV the leading technology,  Supports up to 16 modules, 60 and 72-cell configurations
employing nearly 2.8 million people. It  Balanced weight enables simple angle adjustment
is estimated that in 2015 Canada was
 Single pole design reduces installation costs
home to 10,500 jobs in wind and 8,100 in
solar PV.”
Interestingly, the International 1.888.950.6601
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) says
that there are also more opportunities
[email protected]
for women in the renewable energy
Your source, Your solution 
sector than in conventional energy. The
agency surveyed 90 renewable energy
companies and found that women made
up 35% of their workforce—still lower
than other sectors, but higher than in the
old energy economy.
Indigenous communities have become
leaders in adopting solar and wind
technology. In Ontario, for example,
more than 35 First Nations and Métis
communities have partnered in more

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Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 15
4/25/18 4:56 AM


EDMONTON, TORONTO AND they have environmental goals and are He adds, “Edmonton has also invested
SUMMERSIDE, have something in accustomed to making the long-term in some solar photovoltaic technologies
common other than the fact that they are investments in capital assets these due in 2019. We’ll be implementing a
Canadian cities—these three cities are projects require. They also tend to act as sustainable business policy for our own
positive urban role models for mitigation enablers through frontline contact with civic accommodations and will collect
efforts generally—and adoption of solar consumers with things like permitting and one per cent of the overall capital cost of
energy specifically. Moreover, all the approval services.” certain projects—which will be allocated
climate change mitigation progress being to on-site renewables like solar. We’ve also
made in these locales is based on solid City of Edmonton looked at streamlining the solar permit
environmental science and economic MIKE MELLROSS (P. AG., PROGRAM process and will be launching a solar map in
prudence. MANAGER, CITY ENVIRONMENTAL the New Year that visually shows the solar
To get a sense of some of the policies STRATEGIES) potential of various buildings in Edmonton.”
and technologies now in place—and some “As a part of Edmonton’s Community
considered for the future—we interviewed Energy Transition Strategy, which was City of Toronto
Michael Mellross from Edmonton and Linda approved in 2015, we’ve been moving LINDA SWANSTON (PROJECT LEAD,
Swanston from Toronto. Some specifics forward with roughly 150 actions ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY)
regarding an innovative solar (plus storage) across seven opportunity areas. Part “Toronto has been one of the leaders in
photovoltaic installation in Summerside, of the overall strategy is funding—not the climate action space for some time and
P.E.I. rounds things out. just municipally but by other levels like one of the more ambitious jurisdictions
“It’s important to remember that local the federal government. For example, worldwide. In 2007, the council adopted
government is the level closest to the we’ve tapped into the Green Municipal the city’s first climate change action plan
electorate. Their constituents expect a lot Fund provided through the Federation which included goals of achieving an 80
from them when it comes to protecting the of Canadian Municipalities. Part of that per cent reduction of greenhouse gas
environment in the communities where funding is for feasibility studies while the emissions by 2050 from 1990 levels—
they live,” Patrick Bateman, Director other is for taking concrete actions around and an interim target of a 30 per cent
of Policy & Market Development at the climate change adaptations. Natural reduction by 2020. These early targets and
Canadian Solar Industries Association Resources Canada also provides grants resulting actions helped the city focus on
(CanSIA), says. “In addition, municipalities for anything to do with home energy important climate change mitigation steps.
typically own and operate infrastructure efficiency and through their housing That included everything from emphasis
and are large energy consumers, so their innovation fund; we pursued an energy on building efficiencies, to solar energy,
decisions and investments have direct labeling program for single family homes. to supporting sustainable transportation
environmental implications. Indirectly, their Participants are issued an EnerGuide label choices and to investments in transit
leadership positions help them serve as which gets shared on a publicly accessible and bicycling infrastructure. Of course,
role models.” platform and they’re provided a rebate we’ve been happy to see the support
On solar technologies specifically, for doing so. That allows us to create a and ambitions on this front from both
Bateman says, “Typically, municipalities critical mass of homes with the EnerGuide the province of Ontario and the federal
have been early adopters of solar because standards.” government.”

16 |
In July 2017, Toronto city council also the other $1.5 million—in anticipation of
unanimously approved an updated climate saving approximately $100,000 a year in
action plan called TransformTO. Swanston energy costs. Sunny Facts
adds, “Transform TO sets out a new
strategy and a new set of long-term, low- Solar futures
Solar panel efficiency
carbon goals. For example, we’ve now set Bateman concludes, “There’s just no
has almost doubled in
sectoral goals including that 75 per cent jurisdiction in Canada where solar doesn’t
the past 10 years.
of community-wide energy use be from make a lot of sense today. All municipalities
renewable or low-carbon sources by 2050 are important customers and partners for
Use of solar energy
and we’ve introduced a new interim target the solar industry—as rapidly improving
has increased by
with a 65 per cent reduction by 2030. competitiveness clearly makes solar the future
300% worldwide in
Swanston adds, “We also have a supply option of choice for communities from
the last five years.
number of ‘leadership by example’ goals in
Toronto. For example, we want to install
coast to coast to coast.”

24 MW of renewable energy capacity
in city-owned facilities by 2020. Our
current installed capacity includes over 40
solar photovoltaic rooftop systems, with
another 60 systems currently or soon-to-
be under construction.
“There’s no question that renewable
technologies make perfect sense in
Toronto—solar and geothermal in
particular. Even though these technologies THERE’S A LOT OF LIFE
represent a small percentage of current
mitigation measures, we’re active on
that front because of the impacts they’ll
undoubtedly have in the future.”

City of Summerside
In Atlantic Canada, the federal
government also stepped in with funding
for a large solar energy project in
Summerside, P.E.I. In March of this year,
the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
(ACOA) provided a grant of $1.5 million
for a solar energy gathering and storage
system at Credit Union Place—the major
sports facility in Summerside.
Aimed at reducing the City’s reliance
on carbon-based energy production,
the solar panels are located on green
space behind the credit union. Navdeep
Bains, the federal minister responsible
for ACOA, said in a news release, “The
city of Summerside’s Smart Storage
demonstration project is an excellent
example of the sort of innovative
solutions that will drive our economy into
the future.”
All of the 1,544 solar panels at YOUR RELIABLE OFF-GRID SOLUTION.
the location are now in place with
the storage battery phase of the ROLLSBATTERY.COM

project now underway. Estimated

at a total project cost of $3 million,
Summerside has pledged to contribute

909752_Surrette.indd 1
Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 17
5/10/18 2:10 AM


FOR MORE THAN 17 YEARS, The 13-year veteran of solar and wind conservation solutions feels a consumer-
thousands of solar panels have been expects growth in 2018 and beyond as education campaign will help shine the
installed across Canada as an increasing homeowners and especially businesses light on solar energy. “Homeowners are
number of homeowners choose to harness educate themselves on the financial interested to understand the technology,
the sun’s energy. Solar can reduce the rewards of purchasing electricity from economics and processes of going solar.
homeowners’ carbon footprint, while outside of traditional sources. “The initial That being said, homeowners are far
adding value as a long-term profitable asset. investment of using solar energy to power more educated than five years ago. Many
Mikhail Ivanchikov, president of your home and business can be high. Once of our customers do not consider solar
Dandelion Renewables, has seen a sharp the capital costs of properly designed and as alternative energy anymore. They are
increase in the number of homeowners selected solar applications are paid for, looking for a help in optimizing their power
and businesses that want to save energy there is an opportunity to make money. consumptions costs considering all possible
and access government grants and rebates. We have helped many customers to make options including solar and wanting to
“More and more Canadians are switching educated choices and some of them have make changes,” Ivanchikov concluded.
to solar power for environmental and put money into solar panels rather than COO of SkyFire Energy, David
financial reasons. Depending where you live stocks and RRSPs. With the price of grid Vonesch, notes that the potential savings
in Western Canada, the economic drivers electricity going up in all three Western from going solar scale with consumption
to switch to solar are different. In Alberta, provinces, savings may be higher than and system size. “Electricity consumers
there are a number of incentives and what you could make investing in the are able to produce up to 100% of their
solar rebates that contribute to the strong markets, while risks with investments in electrical needs with a grid-tied solar PV
interest in solar. Higher value of electricity residential and in commercial solar are system. In Alberta, residential systems
in both British Columbia and Saskatchewan lower,” he explained. receive up to 30% and commercial
is making solar economically attractive in The head of the Edmonton-based systems receive up to 25% through the
these two provinces” said Ivanchikov. provider of solar, wind and power various provincial programs available,”
Vonesch explained.
Vonesch believes that there are
pockets of Canada that can reduce their
carbon footprint quickly. “Alberta’s grid
is primarily powered by coal and natural
gas generators. This makes the province
one of the most impactful places in our
country to reduce one’s carbon footprint
by installing a solar PV system.”
While solar PV installations will offset
a homeowner’s energy consumption from
the grid, the COO of one of Western
Canada’s leading solar providers contends
more education is needed. “Homeowners
need to understand the electricity system
and electricity billing. Homeowners
that have installed solar panels are
certainly more aware of their electricity

consumption. Grid-tied solar PV systems

offer a great opportunity to reduce one’s
carbon footprint while building value in
their property,” Vonesch concluded.

18 |


IN LATE 2017, UGE INTERNATIONAL, Owner of Audi Royal Oak, Murray shopping experience. Sol Power Project’s
a global leader in solar energy solutions, Dorren, was excited about the opportunity local experience and knowledge of market
announced a new project that would see to install a solar carport. “Audi has made dynamics helped to minimize installation
the design, construction and commission sustainability an important part of their costs and take full advantage of Alberta’s
of a 300 kW DC solar PV carport system. strategy for having a third of their cars government solar rebate,” he concluded.
Working alongside local solar company Sol electric by 2025. The company looks Tod Petersen, Director with Sol Power
Power Projects, the two entities would to make all decisions with economic, Projects, is proud of his team’s efforts
install Canada’s largest solar carport at an ecological, and social aspects considered. throughout the project. “Our company
Audi dealership in Calgary. The solar carport just made sense,” was the developer of the project. We
Construction has been completed and Dorren said. found a great customer, specified some
the system is set to be energized soon. The installation of the solar energy of the major components and suppliers
“The project was a great success. Canada’s solution will provide coverage for 112 and partnered with UGE to do the
largest solar carport was built on budget Audi cars and several other benefits. electrical engineering and act as project
and to the client’s satisfaction. The Audi “We will save money on monthly electric manager and procurement manager. Our
Royal Oak carport is a high-quality build, bills, reduce our carbon footprint and relationship with UGE International is one
and a project UGE is extremely proud of. strengthen our sustainability profile. Our of collaboration versus a typical customer-
Challenges faced during the project include dealership wants to be a strong corporate supplier dynamic,” Petersen explained.
unmarked utility lines, material delays, and citizen and do our part to remain a strong The project was successful but
the bitter cold Alberta winter. The carport environmental steward.” challenging. “We had to operate within
structures will protect 112 cars from the The 32-year veteran of the automotive the constraints of a busy auto dealership
harsh elements of Alberta’s climate,” said industry encourages other to follow business, which required more contractor
Matthew Summers, project manager with suit. “In 2015, when Alberta’s Climate oversight than a typical construction
UGE International. Leadership Plan was released, we knew project. Ground conditions were also a
Summers sees this project as an we had to look for ways to become more factor, as this region of Calgary is known
opportunity to showcase the Toronto- energy efficient. As a province, we need to for rocky soils.”
based company’s talents. “In the markets look at reducing emissions and investing in Petersen is quick to credit the dealer
we serve, we target customers that innovation. Our solar carport will offer a for their role through the 12 month
have the best economics, where we can very economical solution to providing low project. “Murray Dorren and the entire
provide the biggest bang for their buck. cost energy as well as protection against Audi Royal Oak team were fantastic to
The better the economics are, the simpler the elements and the damage they can work with. Murray has a clear vision for
those conversations are, and the more cause,” Dorren went on to say. his business, including the solar energy
excited our customers will be. Canada Dorren appreciates the efforts of UGE aspect. He was very cooperative with
has many economic advantages for International and Sol Power. “We have our requests regarding scheduling and
commercial and industrial solar and is an added significant value to our dealership sequencing of operations. His staff was
extremely important market for UGE,” in terms of renewable energy, inventory always very supportive and enthused about
Summers concluded. protection, and an improved customer the project,” he concluded.

Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 19


FARMERS HAVE ALWAYS LOOKED would help meet his farm’s large energy net metering could work for his farm. “I
to the sun. It’s the source of energy for needs. With an operation that uses close originally wanted to enroll in the microFIT
their crops and, from those, for their to 220,000 kWh of power a year, Klassen program,” he explains, but the end of
livestock as well. Now, increasingly, was excited to see something that could that program did not put an end to his
it is also directly powering many farm take a big bite out of his power bills. solar ambitions. “The cost of the system
operations. The motivation was similar for required for net metering is so much less
In southern Alberta, sunshine is Thomas and Paula Meyerhans, who run that it still made good sense.”
plentiful, notes broiler egg producer a dairy farm in eastern Ontario. When Indeed, thanks to the steep decline
Mike Klassen. On the Del and Dale asked why he became interested in solar, in solar technology prices, Meyerhans
Poultry Farm about an hour northwest Thomas Meyerhans says simply “Hydro estimates he paid only about a third of
of Calgary, chickens are kept in six long One pushed me that way. Hydro is very what his system would have cost even five
barns that Klassen always thought needed expensive where we are and we were years earlier.
something extra. looking for an alternative.” The Meyerhans’ system powered up
About six months ago they got it: Both farms are enrolled in their in June 2017, but earned enough credits
dozens of solar panels on the south-facing province’s net metering programs. Under to carry the farm through until mid-
roofs of four of the barns producing net metering, the farms earn credits for December without having to pay a single
power for the farm. “I have been told it any surplus power that is sent to the grid power bill. Now, with the last snow gone,
is the biggest array on a barn in Western on sunny days. These credits are used Meyerhans says the system has been
Canada,” Klassen proudly notes. But he to offset the cost of power supplied by producing the kind of power he expected
didn’t put those panels on his barn roof the provincial power system at night or to see in mid-summer, not early spring.
just for bragging rights. “It had to make in winter. Both systems are designed to “It’s producing really well.”
sense financially,” he says, “I really had to meet the bulk of the farm’s electricity Back in Alberta, Klassen says he has
make sure I was making the right decision needs with only a small “net” draw from generally looked for projects with a
before I invested any capital.” the grid in the coldest and darkest months five-to-eight-year payback since taking
After attending a workshop put on by of the year. over the farm in 2000. “This takes it
a local municipality, Klassen felt confident Meyerhans also carefully researched out a bit further, but I felt it had a lot
about soliciting quotes for a system that his options and became convinced that of value. After all, we are paying for




20 |
power anyway,” he says. Myerhans has “I had seen the opportunity for a
a similar perspective saying he expects while” says Klassen, “so I was ready for
the system will pay for itself over eight to it. I had done a lot of homework and felt
10 years, but will produce power for at
least 25 years, meaning it has excellent
comfortable. Now there are a lot more
companies and it is really picking up
Sunny Facts
long-term value. “It depends a bit on the interest, so it is important to look around
price of hydro, but I don’t think that is and get different quotes and especially Did you know that the
going to get any cheaper in the future,” referrals.” cost of solar panels
he points out. For Meyerhasen, the only regret is has dropped by 80%
To Meyerhans, one of the beauties not having a steeper roofline to allow the since 2008?
of solar is that the technology is proven panels to draw even more energy from
and relatively straightforward, although the sun. But even so, he says “I think it will
he also notes that “the panels just keep
getting better and better.” It’s like buying

pan out quite well.”

a laptop, he chuckles, “next year is always

Your Renewable
an improvement.”
Klassen, meanwhile, often looks at
the app on his phone that tells him how
much power his system is producing and Energy Solution
is equally pleased with what he sees.
Graybar Energy is a leading supplier of electrical balance of system
“I’m very satisfied with the performance.
components for renewable energy projects including:
It has exceeded projections.” After a
snowy winter, Klassen is happy to see Bioenergy Hydro Transmission & Distribution
the system putting out up to 600 kilowatt
Biomass Nuclear
hours of power a day again – “we’re
Energy Storage Solar
building up credit again” he notes.
Geothermal Wind
Even the system for earning and
using credits on the power bill has gone
smoothly, he notes. “I was curious how
it would all work on my power bill, but
it is quite clear. It shows me how much
power we are generating and credits. It’s
quite straightforward.”
1.800.GRAYBAR [email protected]
Working with an experienced solar
contractor has served both farms well.
Meyerhans notes that he considered
914099_Graybar.indd 1 21/04/18 4:54 AM
using his own electrician to help with the
installation, but the contractor (iSolara)
“had an experienced guy.” They also
took care of all the permits and system
applications, making it essentially a turn-
key installation.
For Klassen, it is nice to know that
his installer (Skyfire) is also keeping an MINIMIZE DOWNTIME
eye on things – remotely. “We had a MAXIMIZE ASSET PERFORMANCE
problem with one panel and they picked
up on that and came out quickly and
replaced it.”
The sight of those barn roofs covered
in solar panels has not gone unnoticed by
O&M Program Design & Execution Dispatch & Troubleshooting
neighbours in either province. Klassen
Performance Analytics & Reporting Substation / Medium Voltage
says he has shown a few neighbours
around and it the same story for the Dedicated Asset Monitoring

Meyerhasens in Ontario. Both men

expect to soon see others following 1-877-809-9463
their lead.

911447_North.indd 1
Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 21
4/4/18 3:27 PM
CanSIA Member Directory
Canada ● Canadian Energy
Calgary, AB
Ellis Don
Calgary, AB
G2 Solar a division of
DC Solutions Ltd.
 Alberta (250) 863-7975 (403) 259-6627 Edmonton, AB
AltaLink EllisDon is a world-leading construction (877) 537-6527
Calgary, AB We are 100% Canadian owned and and building services company that
(403) 267-3414 operated and a leader in the distribution completes in excess of $3.5 billion worth Leading Canadian wholesale distributor of
of batteries, power management, of contracts annually, in every market solar panels, racking, inverters, batteries, sector and across the globe.
power conversion, circuit protection and battery enclosures, lighting, charge
● AltaPro Electric renewable energy products. Our national The EllisDon Renewables Team has controllers, wiring, combiners and fuses.
Edmonton, AB distribution network of over 20 coast-to- extensive experience in solar and battery
coast warehouse locations allow us to Green Cat Renewables
(780) 444-6510 storage construction and has built a
provide our customers with responsive Calgary, AB number of projects in Canada.
As electrical industry leaders for over 30 and reliable distribution, unprecedented (866) 216-2481
years, AltaPro is Alberta’s one-stop-shop support and the best backed warranties ● Empower Energy Corp.
for all Solar Installations and electrical in Canada. Grande Prairie, AB Green Cat Renewables is a specialist
services. (780) 532-3610 renewable energy consultancy providing
CIMA+ tailored development support for all stages
ATB Financial Calgary, AB Providing solar PV design, sales and of solar project delivery.
Edmonton, AB (403) 775-0100 installation to Western Canada. Greengate Power Corporation
(403) 767-6591 Our business is solar, our passion is
CIMA+ is a multidisciplinary firm that Calgary, AB people.
ATB Financial offers financing for the specializes in engineering, project (403) 930-1300
the purchase and installation of solar management, urban planning, new ● Eneray Solar
photovoltaic (PV) systems whether technologies, and the environment.  Greengate Power Corporation is a leading
Smoky Lake County, AB renewable energy company based in
you’re looking to power your home, land, City of Calgary (780) 358-2405
business or nonprofit. Calgary, Alberta. To date, Greengate
Calgary, AB has successfully developed 450 MW
Pair our customized financing options (403) 268-8931 Supply, Design, Installation & Maintenance of operating wind projects in Alberta.
with the Government of Alberta’s Energy of Solar PV Systems. Greengate Power is currently developing
Efficiency Alberta Residential and renewable energy projects including utility
Commercial Solar Program. City of Medicine Hat ENMAX Corporation
Calgary, AB scale solar photovoltaic projects and wind
Medicine Hat, AB energy projects in Alberta.
ATCO Group (403) 529-8288 (855) 514-3279
Calgary, AB Impulse Technologies Ltd.
(403) 209-6934 ENMAX Corporation, through its Calgary, AB subsidiaries, makes, moves and sells (403) 212-7113
With nearly 8,000 employees and assets electricity in Alberta. ENMAX Energy
of approximately $19 billion, ATCO is a Corporation owns diverse electricity Impulse Technologies supplies a balance
diversified global corporation delivering generation facilities throughout the of systems for residential, commercial, or
service excellence and innovative business province, and offers Albertans turn-key industrial solar installations.
solutions in Structures & Logistics;
● Crestview Electric Ltd. solutions to generate renewable energy for
Electricity; Pipelines & Liquids; and Retail Calgary, AB their homes or businesses, with purchase ● KCP Energy Inc.
Energy. (403) 279-6661 and lease options so you can own your Calgary, AB array outright or spread the cost over the (403) 800-3107
Azgard Solar Inc. Crestview Electric1is
912736_Crestview.indd a Calgary
14/04/18 04:34 term of the lease.
Calgary, AB based electrical contractor with 30 10 years of installing solar in Alberta.
(403) 236-5501 years experience serving Alberta, EPCOR
KCP Energy is an experienced full service Saskatchewan, and British Columbia. Edmonton, AB provider of turnkey sustainable solar PV
Developer of small solar projects and (780) 412-7696 solutions.
manufacturer of solar racking systems.
● Custom Electric
Calgary, AB EPCOR Utilities Inc. provides clean water, Lakeland College
Bluearth Renewables (403) 291-3303 wastewater services and safe, reliable Vermilion, AB
Calgary, AB electricity to residential and commercial (780) 853-8741
(403) 668-1575 customers. We build, own and operate ● Dandelion Renewables electrical transmission and distribution
Headquartered in Calgary, Canada, we are Edmonton, AB networks, and water and wastewater LandSolutions
a private company focused on commercial (780) 566-6058 treatment facilities and infrastructure in Calgary, AB
scale renewable energy development. both Canada and the United States. (403) 290-0008
As an independent renewable power Provider of solar, wind and power
producer, our goal is to sustainably conservation solutions. Specializing in ● Evergreen and Gold Our experts have a complete
build, own, and operate wind, run-of- feasibility studies, grid-tie and off-grid Edmonton, AB understanding of today’s renewable
river hydroelectric, and solar generation systems designs and installations. (780) 429-4731 resource business and a proven track
projects across North America. record of acquiring and managing land
DES Engineering Ltd. Full service solar power provider
Edmonton, AB assets for major international developers.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corp. specializing in grid-tied systems. We
Edmonton, AB (780) 809-2740 provide the design, installation and National Solar Distributors Inc.
(780) 454-2505 ongoing service for a solar PV power Edmonton, AB Renewable energy services focusing on system. (844) 851-2390
Campbell Scientific offers data acquisition solar PV, small scale wind and combined
systems specifically designed for solar heat and power. Offer feasibility studies, ● The Force Solar Inc. Distributor of solar PV grid tie products for
farm weather monitoring applications, system design and renewable solutions. Duchess, AB installers of residential and commercial
including utility scale solar farm (403) 826-3512 systems. Over 40 years of combined
DreamCatcher Energy Inc
monitoring systems andturnkey solutions. Calgary, AB experience. 100% Canadian owned and
(403) 809-5967 FortisAlberta operated.
DreamCatcher Energy is an Alberta based Calgary, AB ● NuEnergy Systems Inc.
Indigenous company focusing on Training, (403) 514-4000 Edmonton, AB
Employment and Economic Development (780) 443-4242
in Renewable Energy. We deliver safe and reliable electricity
Eclipse Bio-Science Corp service to more than 60 per cent of NuEnergy Group is a turn-key design-
Alberta’s total electricity distribution builder, financier and maintenance service
Crossfield, AB network. That’s electricity to 544,000
(780) 668-6320 provider of mechanical and electrical
residential, farm and business customers energy systems. like you from across central and southern
Eclipse is a professional solar contractor Alberta. We operate in 200 communities
based in Calgary, Ab. with more than 122,000 kilometres of
power lines.

22 |
● Denotes Installer

● Our Electrician ● Solarwind Renewable Energy Inc ● Terralta Inc. Elemental Energy Renewables Inc.
Cochrane, AB Lethbridge, AB Medicine Hat, AB Vancouver, BC
(403) 400-0055 (403) 329-0159 (403) 488-0404 (604) 648-6630
Our Electrician is dedicated to helping Solarwind Renewable Energy is passionate Terralta Inc. offers full service plumbing We invest in, develop, and manage
you use solar electricity in homes and about the environment and we believe and mechanical services including renewable energy projects that generate
businesses and can ensure your project that solar energy will become one of the renewable energy systems- Geothermal, long-term value for our shareholder, our
delivers clean, reliable energy from largest, if not the primary source of energy Solar PV, Solar Thermal and High- partners and the planet.
the sun. for this part of the Alberta. Efficiency Systems.
Energy Canvas LTD
Peters Energy Solutions Solas Energy Consulting Inc. TransAlta Corporation Richmond, BC
Calgary, AB Calgary, AB Calgary, AB (604) 288-7557
(403) 875-8984 (403) 454-9463 (403) 267-7110 We are a renewable energy consulting and
Peters Energy Solutions Inc. is an Solas Energy Consulting provides TransAlta is a power generation and design-build company focused on reliable
energy industry consulting company, renewable energy solutions. Our expertise wholesale marketing company currently renewable energy and integration systems. 
offering expertise, flexibility, and a highly spans project development, construction operating a portfolio in Canada, the United
professional approach. management, business services,and States and Australia. TransAlta has been Fowler Glass Inc.
climate change policy analysis. in the renewable energy business for Victoria, BC
● Phase 3 Electric 105 years. TransAlta is headquartered in (250) 893-9097
Ponoka, AB ● Solun Ltd. Calgary.
(403) 783-2199 Calgary, AB, AB Colored glass integrated with solar electric (403) 400-4660 TransCanada cells transforms the way we use glazing in
Phase 3 Electric Ponoka Ltd. is a full Solun is a solar design and installation Calgary, AB our built environment and provides visual
service electrical contractor specializing in company that aims to provide turnkey (403) 920-2000 beauty while producing electric power.
Solar supply and installation. solutions to residences and businesses
alike. With more than 65 years’ experience, ● Hakai Energy Solutions Inc
● Pronghorn Controls Ltd. TransCanada is a leader in the responsible Cumberland, BC
Calgary, AB Suncor Energy Inc. development and reliable operation of (888) 604-3128
(403) 720-2526 Calgary, AB North American energy infrastructure. (403) 296-6103 As one of Canada’s largest Independent HAKAI Energy Solutions specializes in
Electrical and Instrumentation construction Power Producers, TransCanada owns advanced integration of renewable energy
and maintenance service provider to the Suncor Energy is Canada’s premier and operates a significant amount of systems for off grid applications.
energy industry. integrated, high-growth energy company, renewable generation, including 76 MW
with the assets, people and financial of solar generation across eight facilities
Rocky REA strength to compete globally. in Ontario.
Rocky Mountain House, AB
Our operations include: VRK Solar Inc
(888) 845-4616 -oil sands development and upgrading Fort McMurray, AB
-conventional and offshore oil and gas (780) 709-0469
SAIT Polytechnic production HES PV
Calgary, AB VSK Consultancy Services Inc., established Victoria, BC
(403) 284-7056 -petroleum refining
(866) 258-0110
in 2008, provides project management 909574_Home.indd 1 4/20/18 5:22 AM -product marketing under the Petro- and inspection services in the power and
Canada brand other construction industries. HES PV is a wholesale distributor of solar
● SkyFire Energy Inc.
While working to responsibly develop electric equipment in Canada. With three
Calgary, AB   British Columbia warehouses across the country and 30
(87S) KYF-IRE1 petroleum resources, Suncor is also
developing a growing renewable energy Adelante Energy Inc. years of growth and success, HES has both the capacity and the knowledge base
SkyFire Energy is Western Canada’s portfolio. Mill Bay, BC
(250) 733-0677 to deliver your solar project on time and on
leading solar contractor providing ● Sweeney Electric Ltd. budget. Find us online at
turnkey residential, commercial and Prince Albert, AB
utility scale solar PV systems. SkyFire Adelante Energy Inc. is a Canada wide ● High Tide Industries
(306) 763-4212 developer of large-scale solar, wind and
Energy has the best trained staff in the Victoria, BC
industry with Professional Engineers, other renewable energy projects. (250) 616-4075
Sweeney Electric is a third generation
Photovoltaic Technicians and CSA certified electrical contracting company serving
Construction Electricians (NOC 7241) in ● Amray Solar
Prince Albert and northern Saskatchewan, Burnaby, BC
Solar Photovoltaic Systems on staff. installing and servicing alternative energy innogy Renewables Canada Inc.
(604) 559-4998 Vancouver, BC
Sol Power Projects Ltd. for 25 years. +49 201 12-02
Calgary, AB Tarpon Energy Services Ltd. Amray Solar is a multi-million-watts solar innogy SE is the sole shareholder of
(403) 809-7637 Calgary, AB equipment distributor in Western Canada. innogy International Participation N.V., Our main stocks include APSystems’ which owns 100% of the shares of innogy
(403) 234-8647 micro-inverter, Huawei’s string inverter,
Sol Power builds commercial solar energy Renewables Canada Inc. (innogy RC).
systems. Our team has global experience Schletter’s racking system, GNE optimizer, innogy SE is Germany’s leading energy
Tarpon Energy Services is a leading and solar panels.
having completed over 450 commercial supplier of electrical and instrumentation company, with revenue of around CAD
solar projects. services, control systems and integrated 65 billion (2016), more than 40,000
Aura Power Renewables Ltd
modular solutions. Vancouver, BC employees and activities in 16 countries
Solar Energy Society of Alberta across Europe.
Edmonton, AB ● Taurus (587) 222-2225
(780) 443-7788 Fort Saskatchewan, AB ● Okanagan Solar Ltd Aura Power Renewables is a joint- Kelowna, BC
(780) 998-5001 venture between Aura Power, a UK-based (250) 801-9464
Solar Optix Energy Services solar and storage developer and ib
Lethbridge, AB Taurus provides earthworks, excavation, Vogt, a Germany-based solar EPC and
trenching, piling, roadworks, bridges, Okanagan Solar Ltd (2009)is a family
(403) 329-6834 development specialist. We have over owned and operated company serving laydowns, trailers, snow removal, building 400MWp of solar PV projects under
erection, facilities, waste management Canada and beyond with solar PV systems.
Experienced electrical contractor development in Alberta.
specializing in PV solar design and and many other services. ● Powermax Electrical & Solar
installation across Southern Alberta. ● Blue Pond Solar Penticton, BC
Temporis Developments Vancouver, BC
Residential, commercial and agricultural Calgary, AB (250) 276-4380
customers welcome! (888) 260-0302
(587) 575-6043
● SolarFlex Energy BluePond Solar is an end-to-end service
Calgary, AB Developer provider of high-quality grid-connected
(403) 928-7061 and off-grid solar PV services and installations.

Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 23

CanSIA Member Directory
Solar Flow-Through Funds   New Brunswick ● Affordable Energy Apricity Renewables Inc
Vancouver, BC Aylmer, ON Peterborough, ON
(647) 725-3822 ● MJM SOLAR SOLUTIONS (519) 773-5754 (647) 622-5313 Mcleod Hill, NB
Solar Flow-Through Funds are a developer/ (506) 461-5221 Affordable Energy is the developer Apricity is an award winning firm
owner/operator of renewable energy of a new Rooftop Building Integrated specializing in engineering services for
projects in Canada with an emphasis MJM SOLAR SOLUTIONS installs the best Photovoltaic (BIPV) panel, designed solar and storage projects with 100MW+
on solar PV projects. They have over 50 solar energy systems available today at specifically for sloped roof installation. of C&I experience.
operating projects and over 100 under affordable prices. If you want to learn
development. more about how solar energy can save Aird & Berlis LLP ● Arcadian Projects Inc.
you money and increase the value of your Toronto, ON Baden, ON
● Stardust Solar Technologies Inc. home, look no further than MJM SOLAR (416) 865-7705 (888) 591-9010
(778) 926-7645 Aird & Berlis is a full-service business law Over 15 years of electrical, mechanical, NB Power firm based in Toronto, Ontario. With over and project installation experience, we’ve
We offer certified solar installation training Fredericton, NB 150 lawyers, we provide strategic legal developed a proven project management
and also solar energy installation services (506) 458-4886 and business advice to solar industry approach for safe, cost effective and
for home or business. participants, including developers, land efficient projects-every time.
and building owners, investors and
Synergy Cables   Nova Scotia lenders, equipment manufacturers, ● ArntjenSolar NA Inc.
Vancouver, BC Emera municipalities and utilities, and industry Woodstock, ON
(604) 628-1900 Halifax, NS regulators and industry associations. (519) 913-2346 (902) 428-6991
A global supplier of power & electrical Alderville Solar Limited Partnership The Arntjen Group was founded in Roseneath, ON
cables, Synergy Cables Ltd. has a chain Emera companies are working to 1978. With Solar as our grass roots, we
of distributors and customers in over 40 (905) 352-3187 expanded into CleanEnergy, ElectroMobilty
create cleaner energy and deliver it to
countries worldwide. market. We maintain high standards in and Conservation offering solutions to
safety, reliability, customer service and help clients find better ways to minimize
● Terratek Energy Alectra Utilities Corporation the dependency on fossil fuels. Arntjen
Kelowna, BC environmental care. Vaughan, ON Clean Energy Solutions (ACES) continues
(250) 488-6309 ● Graybar Canada (877) 963-6900 meeting the changing needs with Halifax, NS sustainability being our focus.
Since 2005, Terratek Energy has provided (519) 576-4050 Alectra Utilities is the culmination of four
design, supply and installation of solar progressive and innovative electricity Assembly Automation Alternatives, Inc.
panels and other renewable energy Graybar Energy, headquartered in distributors that came together to
systems to customers in BC. be a single trusted ally in the rapidly Woodbridge, ON
Kitchener, Ontario, is a domestic content
compliant supplier for electrical balance of changing world of energy. Our respective (905) 605-9200
● Vancouver Renewable Energy history is steeped in pioneering firsts,
Vancouver, BC system components for renewable energy
projects. groundbreaking achievements and Manufacturer of Solar Module Edge
(778) 869-8333 memorable milestones that will help serve sealing systems, Potting systems, Natural Forces the energy needs of our customers for Conveying systems, Inspection systems,
Vancouver Renewable Energy (VREC) sells, Halifax, NS the future. Laser Patterning and Marking systems for
installs and provides consulting services (902) 422-9663 the PV module manufacturing industry.
for renewable energy systems. Alltrade Industrial Contractors Cambridge, ON Axsus, a division of Magna
Wharfhouse Business Services Natural Forces delivers community scale (519) 240-3435 International Inc.
Nelson, BC RE projects across Canada. We develop,
construct, own, and operate Wind, Solar, & Bradford, ON
(250) 352-5191 (416) 624-8169 Small Hydro projects. Altus Group Limited
We provide SR&ED tax credit applications Nova Scotia Department of Energy Toronto, ON Axsus, a division of Magna International
for green energy companies. Halifax, NS (416) 641-9500 Inc., is a solar racking supplier with over 2.5GW installed in both North America
 Manitoba Nova Scotia Power Altus Group is a leading global provider and Europe (with the majority in Ontario,
● 123 Zero Energy Halifax, NS of software, data and technology-enabled Canada). Axsus has recently introduced an
(902) 428-6230 expert services to the global commercial innovative single axis tracker to the solar
Winnipeg, MB real estate industry.
(204) 977-3111 space and has been expanding further into the US market.
Ameresco Canada Inc.
123 ZeroEnergy provides affordable Green Richmond Hill, ON Belnor Engineering Inc.
Energy Solutions including solar PV, solar (416) 512-7700 Mississauga, ON
thermal, geothermal and cold weather (905) 264-6372
heat pumps. Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading
HSE Solar Energy energy efficiency and renewable energy For 30+ years, Belnor Engineering is
Rolls Battery Engineering solutions provider serving North America the North American leader in HVAC, lab
Ile Des Chenes, MB and the United Kingdom. Our energy
(204) 809-8933 Springhill, NS & building automation, and renewable
(902) 597-40121
909761_Surrette.indd 15/03/18 1:23 pm experts deliver long-term customer energy solutions. value, environmental stewardship, and
We strive to bring you the right products. Bennett Jones LLP
Established in 1935, Surrette Battery sustainability through energy efficiency
High quality is a start, and high value is services, alternative energy, supply Toronto, ON
the goal. Company Limited is proud to be one of
North America’s leading lead-acid battery management, and innovative facility (416) 863-1200
● NRG Management producers and Canada’s only remaining renewal all with practical financial
Winnipeg, MB independent battery manufacturer. solutions. One of Canada’s premier business law
(877) NRG-MGMT or (877) 674-6468 firms. 90-year history and unparalleled
Amp depth in energy, natural resources and  Ontario Port Credit, ON
NRG Management is the largest distributor project development. Over 380 lawyers
3G Energy Development Inc. (905) 271-7800 advising clients on corporate, commercial
and installer of Solar thermal systems in Ottawa, ON
western Canada. and restructuring.
(613) 832-4420 Amp is a global developer of flexible clean
● Sycamore Energy Inc. energy infrastructure. We build, own and
Winnipeg, MB 3G-Energy has designed or built over 150 operate clean energy assets that allow
(204) 691-7775 megawatts of renewable energy projects us to provide dispatchable, affordable
across Canada - enough clean, green and resilient power, enhancing system reliability and security for our customers
Solar Manitoba is an established energy to power over 70,000 homes.
and the grid.
developer of residential, commercial and
agricultural solar photovoltaic projects.

24 |
● Denotes Installer

Black & McDonald Limited CarbonFree Technology Inc. CoPower Inc ● Down-To-Earth Solar Power Inc
Scarborough, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON
(647) 749-0836 (416) 975-8800 (647) 560-0588 (416) 931-4687
(800) 670-4357 CarbonFree Technology is a recognized We provide funding to renewable energy We offer free consultation and on line leader in the development and financing and energy efficiency projects that, due to site assessments and turnkey installation
One of Canada’s largest integrated, multi- of solar projects across North America. small size or complexity, are not able to contracts direct with the installer.
trade construction and site operations and We have successfully commissioned raise finance from institutional lenders.
maintenance providers. At over 200MW’s nearly 300 MW of solar projects, providing Ecofitt Corporation
of Solar PV constructed in Ontario since enough clean energy to power more Cunningham Swan Carty Little & Mississauga, ON
2010, we possess some of the most than 37,000 homes. CarbonFree has Bonham LLP (905) 602-4981
capable and experienced resources in the also established several innovative solar Kingston, ON
market and an intimate understanding financing funds that are long-term owners (613) 544-0211 Ecofitt is a conservation focused
of installation challenges that drives of many of our projects. Cunningham Swan LLP is Southeastern manufacturer, wholesaler and supplier of
continuous improvement, innovation and Ontario’s leading full service law firm, products and programs, primarily targeting
best practices. Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP including a growing Energy Law practice. utilities, retailers and distributors across
Toronto, ON North America.
● Blackline Power (416) 869-5789 Daily Solar Energy Inc
Owen Sound, ON Richmond Hill, ON EcoPro Alliance
(888) 438-3005 Canadian law firm focused on serving the (905) 508-3778 Toronto, ON transaction, advocacy and advisory needs (800) 332-9395
Blackline Power has specialized in net of the country’s most dynamic business A company licensed to develop,
metering since 2015. Owner Rob Black is sectors. manufacture, market and service for the
a NABCEP certified solar installer. patent and patent pending solar thermal EDF EN Canada
City of Toronto technologies and products. Toronto, ON
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Toronto, ON (416) 363-8380
Toronto, ON (416) 395-6297 Dale & Lessmann LLP
(416) 360-6000 Toronto, ON EDF EN Canada is a market leader in (416) 863-1010 renewable energy with more than 1,500
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP’s Electricity ClearFlow Energy Finance Corp. MW of wind and solar power facilities in
Market Group has demonstrated Richmond Hill, ON One of Canada’s leading law practices service or under construction. EDF EN
expertise in the electricity, renewables (604) 831-4700 devoted to advising industry leaders in the Canada employs an integrated approach to
and cleantech sectors. Clients include renewable energy sector, including solar, project development covering all aspects
government-owned utilities, developers, ClearFlow makes it simple to fund the wind, biogas and hydro. from origination, development, financing,
multi-national energy trading companies, cash flow of your business and achieve construction to generation and long term
manufacturers, industrial/institutional end your full growth potential. ● Deltro Electric Ltd. operations.
users, financiers, lenders, municipalities, Mississauga, ON
LDCs, and regulators. BLG has been
Compass Renewable Energy (905) 566-9816 EDP Renewables Canada Ltd.
ranked in the top tier of Canadian law Consulting Inc. Toronto, ON
firms in the power sector by Chambers Toronto, ON Deltro Electric Ltd. is one of the largest, (416) 502-9463
Global. (416) 294-0803 non union solar contractors in Ontario doing both the DC and AC portions, with EDP Renewables is a global leader in
Borea Construction ULC Electricity, solar and renewable energy approximately 91 megs completed to date. developing, owning and operating large
Toronto, ON regulatory strategic consulting services. scale renewable projects.
(647) 252-0417 Net metering and on-site customer based storage solutions, market analysis and risk
Leading EPC contractor in renewable management.
energy construction in Canada with over
4,000 MW of projects completed and Connor, Clark & Lunn Infrastructure
under construction (30% of all renewable Toronto, ON
projects in Canada). Our organization has (416) 360-7382 ● Determination Drilling EJOT Construction Fastening
never missed a commercial operation Hamilton, ON Systems Inc.
date. As a group we deliver EPC services (905) 531-3177
CC&L Infrastructure invests in energy 913194_Determination.indd 1 4/17/18 1:00 PM Kitchener, ON
for utility-scale PV, CPV, and CSP solar infrastructure assets and companies (416) 951-4302
914755_EJOT.indd 1 21/04/18 2:00 am
projects. including power generation (e.g. hydro, Canadian Drilling Contractor
wind, solar), electricity transmission, • Geotechnical Manufacturing company for solar fastening
Bullfrog Power Inc energy conservation, district heating • Pullback/Lateral Testing systems used in commercial, industrial,
Toronto, ON and cooling, natural gas processing and • Pile Installation agricultural and residential rooftop PV
(416) 360-3464 transportation and other similar assets. • Driven Post installations on different substructures. With energy requirements continually • Helical
Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green • Rock Socket ENGIE Canada Inc.
growing along with increasing demand Markham, ON
energy provider, offers renewable energy for renewable power, we view energy • Ground Screw
solutions that enable individuals and infrastructure projects as attractive
(647) 530-6902
businesses to support the development of Dillon Consulting Limited
investment opportunities. Oakville, ON
green energy projects. ENGIE, a global energy leader with a
Conserval Engineering Inc (416) 453-0975 presence in over 70 countries, has been
Cachelan Toronto, ON active in Canada since 1998. Engie is a
Markham, ON (416) 661-7057 Dillon Consulting Limited is a national North American expert in clean energy
(905) 470-8400 company with 17 offices across Canada. generation, storage, LNG, retail services Conserval Engineering, the inventor of Our firm has fifteen years of experience and facilities management. Engie serves
Smart grid monitoring for renewable SolarWall developed and commercialized in the renewable power industry; working private businesses, universities, hospitals
energy systems. The SolarVu web energy solar air heating and PV/thermal under various procurement and regulatory and governments. In Canada, we deliver
portal enables owners to maximize cogeneration for commercial, industrial, regimes. Our national renewable energy over 800MW of renewable generation.
performance of their solar PV generation institutional, and agricultural applications. team has experience carrying out
systems. environmental, planning, stakeholder Eramosa Engineering Inc.
Clients have included private and public Guelph, ON
sector organizations like the US Army, engagement and engineering related
Canadian Solar Solutions Inc. requirements for solar projects. (519) 763-7774
Canadian Government, NASA, Ford, FedEx,
Guelph, ON Wal-Mart and 3M, as well as over 1000
(519) 837-1881 ● DNM Solar Solutions Inc. SCADA software development and
others on five continents. Markham, ON commissioning.
Founded in 2001 in Canada, Canadian Continental Automated Buildings (416) 548-9718
Solar is one of the world’s largest and Association (CABA)
foremost solar power companies, a Ottawa, ON We are a full turn-key solutions provider
leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (613) 686-1814 for your renewable energy projects.
modules and a provider of solar energy
solutions. In the past 17 years, Canadian
Solar has successfully delivered over 25
GW of premium quality modules to over
100 countries around the world.
Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 25
CanSIA Member Directory
Essex Energy Corporation ● Fred Toews Electric Inc. GP JOULE
Oldcastle, ON Kirkton, ON Toronto, ON
(888) 66E-SSEX (226) 316-0331 (416) 907-0408
Essex Energy Corporation is an energy Our company started in 1975 as electrical GP JOULE Americas is a subsidiary
management company focused on contracting and maintenance. Since then it of GP JOULE GmbH, a diversified Guillevin Greentech
delivering innovative solutions to power is expanded into generation, motor repairs renewable project developer and EPC London, ON
generation, metering & settlement, and into solar and wind energy. (519) 690-15261
with offices across Europe, the US and 913486_Guillevin.indd 4/20/18 5:14 AM
and community conservation / demand Canada. Headquartered in Toronto, GP
management. More specifically, Essex ● Fritzall JOULE specializes in ground mount PV Supplier of modules, inverters, racking
Energy develops renewable energy Chepstow, ON installations for both commercial and and balance of systems providing
projects, performs a vast array of energy (519) 366-2253 utility scale projects and offers unique competitive pricing, large inventories
consulting, provides Community Energy solutions in short and long term project and exceptional service to installers,
Plans, and develops energy / distribution Solar Sales and Installation throughout financing. contractors and EPC’s.
related software. Ontario.
● Grasshopper Solar Corporation Hammond Power Solutions
● EthoEnergy Inc. Fronius Canada Ltd. Mississauga, ON Guelph, ON
Barrie, ON Mississauga, ON (866) 310-1575 (519) 822-2441
(855) 207-5500 (905) 288-2100 Grasshopper Solar is Canada’s largest Hammond Power Solutions offers the
EthoEnergy offers complete grid-tied solar Fronius Canada Ltd. is a subsidiary of fully-integrated solar energy company, broadest variety of transformer and reactor
solutions for roof-top systems, ground Fronius International GmbH in Austria. focused on the acquisition, development, solutions for the difficult applications
mount fixed systems, and ground mount With over 3,700 employees worldwide, the EPC and long-term ownership of solar found in the solar energy market.
tracking systems. company is active in the fields of battery projects. Founded in 2007, it currently
charging systems, welding technology has CAD $500 million in assets under Hanwha Q CELLS Canada Corp.
EV FERN LTD and solar electronics. The company also operation and various stages of London, ON
Oshawa, ON provides a full range of dealer support development in Canada, the US and (519) 457-8325
(905) 404-0123 services, including local technical support, Japan. advanced repair and testing, training and Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd. is one of the
Design and build high density lithium marketing support. ● Gravity Sun Power Corp world´s largest and most recognized
battery systems - energy storage for Creemore, ON photovoltaic manufacturers for its high-
backup or continuous applications - ● Generation Solar Renewable (705) 466-5741 quality, high-efficiency solar cells and
performance bench tests - custom design Energy Systems Inc. modules. With its diverse international
Peterborough, ON Solar PV system sales, design, install and manufacturing facilities in South Korea,
Fanshawe College (705) 741-1700 maintenance, we will provide turnkey Malaysia and China, Hanwha Q CELLS is
St. Thomas, ON installations for both rooftop and tracking in a unique position to flexibly address all
(519) 633-2030 Full service solar contractor: Design, ground mounts. global markets. supply, install, service. Also provides
consulting and engineering services and Great Circle Solar Hatch
First Base Solutions Inc. contract installation. Management Corporation Mississauga, ON
Markham, ON Toronto, ON (905) 855-7600
(905) 477-3600 ● German Solar Corporation (416) 365-5052 London, ON Hatch provides power and energy
First Base Solutions provides Geospatial (519) 457-7373 Great Circle Solar Management consulting, engineering and management
data to organizations across North Corporation (GCS) is a specialized, services to clients around the globe, with
America to facilitate informed decision- German Solar Corporation offers independent provider of comprehensive more than 9,000 employees in 65 offices
making for land use applications. comprehensive turnkey services and solar management and operational on six continents. We offer services for oil
leading edge technologies. services to leading institutional investors, and gas; hydro, wind, tidal, solar and other
First Solar Development Canada with $2.5Bn or 430MW+ in operating solar renewable power generation; thermal
Sarnia, ON Gilchak Holdings assets under management in Canada. This and nuclear plants; as well as electricity
(519) 344-2078 Ottawa, ON includes 31 utility-scale ground mount transmission and distribution facilities. (613) 232-1143 facilities (10 MW+), and 125+ commercial
First Solar is a leading global provider Land Development. and industrial rooftop systems. ● The Hayter Group
of comprehensive photovoltaic solar Alvinston, ON
systems using advanced module and Goodmans LLP Green Integrations INC (519) 898-2857
system technology. Through determined Toronto, ON Toronto, ON
innovation, we have achieved a significant (416) 979-2211 (647) 930-4336 The Hayter Group is ‘Your Comfort &
milestone by delivering solar energy that Energy Experts since 1952’ - Full service
is an economically attractive alternative to Goodmans’ Cleantech practice focuses Green Integrations is a forward thinking in home sales to final connection.
fossil-fuel sourced electricity. First Solar on companies and investors looking organization working to help building
is a reliable, world-class partner for clean, for value-added legal advice in support management professionals integrate Hb Solar Canada
renewable energy generation. of solar and other clean technology energy conservation and renewable energy Concord, ON
businesses and transactions. technologies into their building operations. (905) 760-9993
● Flanagan and Sun Inc Our team is made up of professionals
Trent Lakes, ON Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP hb solar has delivered over 125 MWp of
from electrical, renewable energy, and
(705) 875-3132 Toronto, ON engineering backgrounds. We serve our engineered mounting systems for rooftop (416) 369-6678 clients with turnkey solutions designed pv in Canada, the U.S. and Caribbean. In
Flanagan and Sun is a renewable energy for industry, government, commercial, 2017, we launched an innovative Solar
company serving Peterborough, Ontario Gowling WLG delivers highly innovative hospitality, and residential markets. Carport/EV charge station. Rooftop and
and surrounding area. legal solutions to complex energy system Ground Mount systems include integrated
problems around the globe. We work Green Lion Eco Group Corp. bonding/grounding clamps and are
Frankensolar Americas Inc with a wide range of leading industry Toronto, ON UL2703 certified.
Brampton, ON stakeholders, including financiers (800) 848-0934
(289) 276-5279/(855) 2SO-LAR9 and investors, project developers, Heliene Inc manufacturers, regulators, first nations, Green Lion has developed a proven, Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Frankensolar has been specializing in communities and procurement agencies. customer- focused approach to solar (705) 575-6556
photovoltaics wholesale for over 25 years. project management and also offers post-
Our long standing partnerships with world installation system monitoring, support Heliene is a premier manufacturer of High
leading PV system component brands and maintenance services. Efficiency Photovoltaic Modules. With
and customer centric focus are second a factory in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario,
to none. Our experience in Germany and ● Guelph Solar Mechanical Inc. the location allows easy access to both
other key worldwide markets ensure we Guelph, ON Canada and the United States. Heliene
have the knowledge and expertise to (519) 994-4749 provides you the highest quality and
assist professional Canadian installers. efficiency PV modules available, evidenced
by 150% growth of the company in 2017.

26 |
● Denotes Installer

Hugh Wood Canada Ltd. ● Kawartha Solar Moose Power

Toronto, ON Little Britian, ON Toronto, ON
(416) 229-3233 (905) 424-0174 (647) 478-5438 ● Northwind Solutions
Hugh Wood is a global Insurance Broker KB Racking Developers of solar projects >100kW
Toronto, ON Oakville, ON
and Risk Management firm. We are including sourcing, building, financing and (905) 829-5757
engaged in supporting the solar industry (888) 661-3204 operating.
in Canada and worldwide to ensure Northwind is a progressive, customer-
a responsible sustainable and robust KB RACKING specializes in the engineering ● Multeps Solar Inc. 911450_Northwind.indd 1 29/03/18 04:32
and manufacturing of solar mounting Aurora, ON focused service organization delivering
industry for the future. We are experienced asset monitoring, performance analytics,
in not only standard insurance placements systems. Our rooftop and groundmount (905) 806-3857
solutions are simple and durable, designed operations and maintenance (O&M)
for real & virtual property, liability and services to the renewable energy industry.
executive protection, but also well for rapid installation and long lasting We specialize in small to medium
performance. For more information on size Solar Energy Projects design and Established in 2004 in Ontario, Canada,
versed in warranty and performance our mission is to minimize asset down
guarantee placements. With over 1000 our product line or to get in touch with a installation.
technical sales representative visit www. time and maximize the value of renewable
MW of renewable energy placements, our energy assets today, and for the long term.
expertise and knowledge of your space is N-Sci Technologies Inc.
unmatched. Sault Ste. Marie, ON Oakville Enterprises Corp
LG Electronics Canada Inc. (705) 949-1033
Internat Energy Solutions Canada North York, ON Oakville, ON (905) 825-7876
Toronto, ON (647) 253-6300 N-Sci Technologies Inc. is an energy
(416) 628-4658 industry focused firm providing a
LG Solar has conducted continued solar professional engineering and technical Develop, owner, operate of distributed, renewable and high-efficiency
Internat Energy Solutions Canada (IESC) energy research for the last 30 years, and services in both Ontario and Alberta.
by synergizing this research with more generation plants.
is an independent engineering consulting
company dedicated to the creation of a than 50 years of experience and knowhow Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
Ontario Power Generation
more sustainable economy, government in the electronics industry, has developed Waterloo, ON
Toronto, ON
and society. a premium solar module product line that (519) 725-2227
(416) 592-5000
offers longterm quality assurance and high
Invenergy Canada energy output capacity. Natural Resource Solutions Inc. is an
Toronto, ON environmental consulting firm specializing OPG is an Ontario-based electricity
Lh Solar Inc. generation company whose principal
(416) 901-9463 in biological monitoring of proposed
business is the generation and sale of Markham, ON developments across Canada.
(416) 902-9836 electricity in Ontario. OPG was established
Invenergy drives innovation in energy. under the Business Corporations
Invenergy and its affiliated companies NextEra Energy Canada
As a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing Toronto, ON Act (Ontario) and is wholly owned by
develop, own, and operate large-scale the Province of Ontario (Province or
renewable and other clean energy Huaxin Liuhe Investment Co Ltd.which (416) 364-9714
was founded in 2001,Canadian Huaxin Shareholder).
generation and storage facilities in the
Americas and Europe. Invenergy’s home LiuheTrading, a solar energy NextEra Energy Canada, LP is among ● Ontario Solar Installers
office is located in Chicago and it has company based in Ontario. We are Canada’s most disciplined competitive Toronto, ON
regional development offices in the United committed to providing complete solar power generators. Our company derives (905) 233-2567
States, Canada, Mexico, Japan and solutions for farms, commercial and 100% of its electricity from generating
residential markets with our proud brand: facilities using clean or renewable fuels
Europe. Providing highest quality solar leads
Zeus Appollo Solar. and operates across Canada. Our parent
● iSolara Solar Power company, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, for industry professionals since 2009.
Ottawa, ON ● Malina Solar Structures is North America’s largest generator of Pre-qualified requests for quotes from
Bowmanville, ON homeowners and businesses for Net
(613) 738-2646 renewable energy from the wind and sun.
Metering, microFIT, FIT, Off Grid solar PV (905) 623-5111 NLS Engineering systems.
iSolara Solar Power, created by Warren
Abar in 2003, started with off-grid Malina Solar Structures is a division Hamilton, ON Operating Engineers Training
systems, expanded into solar thermal and of Cargowall Limited, a roll-forming (800) 369-0213 Institute of Ontario
then became a grid-tied solar company company with over 25 years of continuous Morrisburg, ON
in 2009. We have more than 600 happy operation. We help companies large and small get
ahead in a fiercely competitive renewable (613) 543-2911
customers including more than 200
farmers, 350 home owners and over 50 Maxdura Battery energy sector with modern, powerful
institutional and commercial installations. Scarborough, ON SCADA automation systems. We help Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
(416) 999-1619 utilities to regulate the power that enters Toronto, ON
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited the grid, and EPCs with power plant (416) 362-2111
Ottawa, ON Maxdura Battery is a battery supplying control and telemetry. Our ultimate
company, created to supply high quality
(613) 728-3571 goal is to find the best approach for all
Osler is a leading business law firm products and services at great prices to stakeholders and allow our customers to
customers. practising nationally and internationally
Providing value-driven and results-oriented reap the rewards.
from offices across Canada and in New
design solutions for a broad spectrum of York. Our clients include industry and
national, local, and international clients for Mersen Canada Toronto Inc. North American Solar Academy
Mississauga, ON Webbwood, ON business leaders in all segments of the
over 60 years. solar market and the broader energy
(416) 252-9371 (705) 862-0469
● JAZZ Solar Solutions Inc. sector. Our team has critical project-level
Ottawa, ON Mersen is a global expert in materials and expertise in all aspects of solar projects.
(613) 288-5299 solutions for extreme environments as well Northland Power
Toronto, ON Panasonic Eco Solutions Canada Inc. as in the safety and reliability of electrical Mississauga, ON
Ontario’s leading provider of solar equipment. Mersen designs innovative (416) 962-6262
solutions, enabling clients to optimize (905) 624-5010
solutions. JAZZ provides turnkey solutions
which include the design, inspection, manufacturing process in sectors such as Northland Power Inc. is an industry-
energy, transportation, and electronics. leading independent power producer. energy-solutions
certification and the installation of solar Our mission is to become a leader in the
PV systems. Renewable energy continues to be of Our success and continuing growth
special focus by Mersen. focus on using our financing capabilities, deployment of renewable smart energy
Jones Brown Inc. engineering resources and operating systems in Canada. Our core customer
Toronto, ON Miller Thomson LLP expertise to their fullest in the design and advantage is to provide reliable, full
(416) 408-1920 London, ON development of new projects and in the service, market ready solutions enabling (519) 931-3526 operation of our existing plants. all the required elements for renewable
Jones Brown is one Canada’s largest solar and storage energy initiatives,
privately held insurance brokerages with With offices across Canada, Miller including financing and long term
offices in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary Thomson LLP offers a complete range of assurance.
and Vancouver. We work with the solar business law, advocacy and legal services
industry as a risk management partner to corporations, financial institutions,
as well as our clients individually. We entrepreneurs, governments, not-for-
are passionate about the success of the profits and individuals.
renewable energy industry and working on
industry wide issues.
Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 27
CanSIA Member Directory
PCL Constructors Canada Inc. PowerHub RESCo Energy Inc ● Sentinel Solar
Oakville, ON Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON Concord, ON
(905) 276-7600 (800) 984-5929 (416) 361-0752 (905) 532-0770
PCL’s Solar Energy construction PowerHub is a simple, cloud-based RESCo Energy is Ontario’s first solar Sentinel Solar is a leading Canadian
professionals provide you with quality asset management solution designed by focused Engineering, Procurement, manufacturer and distributor of precision
energy solutions designed to power the and for renewable energy professionals. Construction and Maintenance firm. Since solar mounting solutions, and premium
future. Our extensive experience in the By intelligently centralizing project 2006, RESCo has become one of the most solar power products. Headquartered in
EPC delivery method allows us to provide information, PowerHub unlocks experienced solar service providers in Vaughan, Ontario, with a Western division
you with a single sources contract; this efficiencies, capabilities and insights the market, providing turnkey solutions to in Calgary Alberta, Sentinel Solar provides
minimizes the administration process and that have the potential to transform your our clients. RESCo is a licensed electrical over 20 years of experience in the solar
maximizes the efficiency and quality of the business. contractor and consulting engineering firm industry throughout North America.
finished installed product. with a full staff of experienced electricians,
Prima Energy engineers and professional installers. ● Solar Brokers Canada
Perimeter Solar Inc. Burlington, ON Toronto, ON
Kincardine, ON (289) 813-0067 s2e Technologies, Inc. (416) 932-5281
(519) 385-5500 St. Jacobs, ON (519) 664-3636 Solar Brokers Canada is one of the largest
Perimeter Solar Inc. (PSI) is a Canadian ● Prowess Solar Power Inc. solar providers in Canada and the first
based solar PV project development Kleinburg, ON s2e is committed to providing, cost residential solar brokerage in the country.
company. In 2017, PSI formed a JV with (416) 335-8832 effective solutions that make a real Since its founding in 2012, the company
Obton A/S (Obton), a Danish based fund difference in fighting climate change. has experienced revenue growth of
manager and a top ten percentile solar PV Design and installation of pv solar systems Leveraging innovation, technology and over 8900%. To date the company has
owner/operator in the EU. PSI is actively for residential and commercial buildings. a network of passionate people and brokered over 30 megawatts of residential
developing and pursuing renewable energy Custom fabricated mounting systems as partners, our sustainable solutions in solar in Ontario.
assets in Canada and US. well as standard Ontario made mounting renewable energy and smart net zero
systems. energy communities create lasting benefit ● Solar ECOnomics Consulting
Peterborough Utilities Inc. for the economy and the environment. Toronto, ON
Peterborough, ON Prowind Inc. (647) 825-4851
(705) 748-9301 Hamilton, ON Samco Machinery (905) 528-1747 Toronto, ON
Peterborough Utilities Inc. (PUI) owns and (416) 285-0619 Solar FlexRack
operates renewable energy generation Prowind Inc. provides the development Brampton, ON
facilities, provides Meter Service Provider of locally-owned clean energy projects Samco provides custom rolling services (613) 366-2008
(MSP) and Meter Data Management in partnership with community groups, for both ground mount and roof top
Agency (MDMA) services and manages businesses, municipalities, and applications in the Solar Industry. Solar FlexRack manufactures ground
Rental Services including water heater indigenous communities. mount fixed tilt racking and single axis
rentals and sentinel lighting rentals. Samsung Renewable Energy Inc. tracker systems. Support services include
Quadra Power Inc. Mississauga, ON sub-surface post testing, design and turn-
Pinchin Ltd. Ottawa, ON (905) 285-1938 key installations.
Mississauga, ON (613) 454-5480
(905) 363-0678 Samsung Renewable Energy Inc. (SRE) is a Solar Kapuskasing Solaire Inc A self performing EPC, specializing in subsidiary of Samsung C&T Corporation’s Kapuskasing, ON
Pinchin Ltd., part of the Pinchin Group, is ground mounted solar projects, with team Investment and Trading Group, and is a (705) 337-4253
one of Canada’s largest environmental, experience of over 100 MW. leading project developer specializing
engineering, health and safety consulting in renewable energy and infrastructure A municipally owned enterprise, Solaire
firms. ● Quantum Renewable Energy serving utilities, industry and communities. Kapuskasing Solar Inc. owns and operates
Kingston, ON SRE is committed to creating value for our a number of projects throughout the
● Polaron Solartech (613) 546-2326 partners, stakeholders, energy consumers province of Ontario.
Scarborough, ON and local communities through investment
(647) 557-1207 Quantum designs, supplies, and installs in sustainable energy infrastructure. Solar Power Network solar and wind systems. We specialize Toronto, ON
Polaron Solartech Corp. provides turnkey in photovoltaic, solar hot water, and Saturn Power Inc (888) 737-0408
solutions for solar power systems in solar pool systems both for commercial Baden, ON
Ontario, helping individuals, businesses and residential customers. Currently the (519) 804-9163 Solar Power Network can design, build
and institutions profit from renewable majority of our focus is in Microfit and FIT and operate commercial industrial solar
energy. Polaron Solartech takes pride PV installations. Saturn Power is a Canadian renewable installations on rooftops, carports, green
in delivering competitively priced, high- energy development company based in space. We operate in Canada, Australia,
performance and expertly engineered R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited Baden, Ontario. We specialize in utility Japan, United States.
solar power systems across Ontario. Orangeville, ON scale Solar, Wind, and Energy Storage,
Solar power has always been the (519) 941-5331 with a focus on providing the lowest cost Solera Sustainable Energies
environmentally responsible choice - now of power where we do business. We strive Company Limited
with Polaron, it’s affordable and profitable. Burnside’s Renewable Energy and to create a sustainable future through the Pickering, ON
Conservation Group is focused on advancement of clean energy. (905) 421-0430
Potentia Renewables Inc. providing consulting services in support
Toronto, ON of renewable energy generation including Schletter Canada Inc Since 1991 Solera has been a leader in
(416) 703-1911 conservation. Windsor, ON renewable energy, now offering solutions (519) 946-3800 in Energy Storage an EV Charging.
Potentia Solar is an Independent Power Renewable Energy Alliance of
Producer in Ontario generating electricity Ontario (REAO) Schletter Canada Inc. offers the solar St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts
through its own 100% solar-powered Oakville, ON industry’s most extensive, highly and Technology
energy systems. Leasing rooftops from (905) 469-9299 engineered and designed solar module Kingston, ON
commercial property owners, we develop, mounting solutions. We design and (613) 544-5400
own and operate solar photovoltaic energy-alliance-of-ontario/ manufacture rooftop and ground mounted
energy systems. It’s a risk-free, hassle- systems for residential, commercial, and
free and lucrative way to harness an utility-scale installations. Operations
otherwise nonperforming asset while began in 2010 and we are located in a
doing something meaningful for the 28,000 sq. ft facility in Windsor, ON.
Power Advisory LLC
Toronto, ON
(647) 680-1154
We offer a highly qualified and focused
team that provides market-tested and
value-driven consulting support.

28 |
● Denotes Installer

Stantec Consulting Ltd Thunder Bay Hydro Renewable ● Vigor Clean Tech Inc.  Quebec
Kitchener, ON Power Inc. Petersburg, ON
(519) 579-4410 Thunder Bay, ON (519) 279-4630 Boralex Inc. (807) 343-1112 Montreal, QC
Stantec provides professional consulting In addition to fixed panel solar PV (514) 284-9890
services offered through approximately An affiliate of Thunder Bay Hydro systems, we specialize in solar tracking
10,500 employees operating out of more Electricity Distribution Inc. established to technologies for ground mount and Boralex develops, builds and operates
than 160 offices in North America. We develop renewable generation projects. roof top residential and commercial renewable energy power facilities in
support clients at every project stage applications. Canada, France and the United States.
from initial concept and feasibility to Toronto Hydro Corporation A leader in the Canadian market and
project operation and decommissioning. Toronto, ON Welland Hydro-Electric France’s largest independent producer
Services include strategic planning; (416) 542-3122 System Corp. of land-based wind power, Boralex
environmental consulting; project Welland, ON ensures sustained growth by leveraging
design; engineering; surveying; and Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited (905) 732-1381 the expertise and diversification
project/construction management owns and operates an electricity developed over the past 25 years.
services. distribution system which delivers Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp.
electricity to approximately 730,000 is responsible for the safe delivery of
Stevlin Design Enterprise customers located in the City of Toronto. electricity to homes and businesses in Montreal, QC
Mississauga, ON It is the largest municipal electricity the City of Welland. (514) 272-2175
(416) 540-6781 distribution company in Canada and distributes approximately 18% of the WSP Canada Inc. DNV GL Energy - Renewables Advisory
Future technologies will further our electricity consumed in Ontario. (previously GENIVAR) is the world’s largest renewable energy
abilities to use solar as a primary source Markham, ON advisory firm and a recognized technical
of power. We want to be there when it Torys LLP (416) 484-4200 authority.
happens. Toronto, ON
(416) 865-0400 Dunsky Energy Consulting
WSP is a multi-disciplinary engineering
Stikeman Elliott LLP and environmental services firm with
Montreal, QC
Toronto, ON Torys LLP is an international business over 5300 employees across Canada. (514) 504-9030
(416) 869-7732 law firm with offices in Calgary, Toronto For renewable energy projects, including and New York. The firm is well-known solar PV, we provide services for Dunsky Energy Consulting supports
Stikeman Elliott LLP is a global leader for its experience in renewable power resource assessment, feasibility studies, leading governments, utilities, private
in Canadian business law with offices finance and development. electrical interconnection assessments, firms and non-profits in their efforts to
in Montréal, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, REA, geotechnical, engineering and build a sustainable energy future.
Vancouver, New York, London and TREC SolarShare Co-operative approvals. We have been involved with
Toronto, ON Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.
Sydney. The firm has an exceptional over 40 solar PV projects in Ontario.
track record in major U.S. cross-border (416) 977-5093 Longueuil, QC
and multijurisdictional matters and ● Xergy Energy (450) 928-2550
ranks as a top firm in our primary Mississauga, ON
practice areas. UGE Canada (888) 947-8228 Innergex (TSX: INE) is a leading
Toronto, ON Canadian independent renewable power
Sunamp Limited (416) 789-4655 Xergy Energy develops small scale solar producer since 1990. We develop,
Oakville, ON energy, storage, and electric vehicle acquire, own, and operate run-of-river
(416) 986-4066 UGE Canada is an Ontario-based charging projects for the residential and hydroelectric facilities, wind farms, company that specializes in commercial commercial market. solar photovoltaic farms and geothermal
Sunamp Limited is a Scottish company solar solutions. With more than 600 power generation plants. We conduct
specializing in the development of projects completed and 350 MW Zon Engineering Inc. operations in Canada, the United States,
thermal energy storage systems based experience, UGE is a trusted partner for Cambridge, ON France and Iceland.
upon Phase Change Materials. commercial solar solutions, turn-key (888) 338-6363 Renewable Energy Systems (RES)
EPC projects, and engineering services.
Sussex Strategy Group UGE is well known for their world-class Zon provides best-in-class engineering
Canada Inc
Toronto, ON in-house engineering team. services to the solar industry, including Montreal, QC
(416) 961-6611 engineering design, commissioning and (514) 525-2113 ● Unconquered Sun Solar testing, as well as third party inspection
Sussex Strategy Group is one Technologies Inc. services. Since its inception, Zon has RES has been developing, constructing,
of Canada’s premier public and Tecumseh, ON engineered over 400 systems, and owning and/or operating renewable
government relations firms, exceling (519) 735-1818 provided review services for another 350 energy, transmission, and energy
at government, community, corporate systems. Their portfolio totals over 150 storage projects in Canada since
communications and media relations. Unconquered Sun Solar Technologies MW of rooftop solar projects. 2003 and are well positioned to meet
Inc. manufactures lightweight the needs and sensitivities of the
● Switch NRG Inc. photovoltaic panels with 3D modeling   Prince Edward Island communities around our projects. Our
Ottawa, ON commercial or residential developers in projects total an annual production of
(613) 422-5511 the solar industry. ● SunAir Energy Solutions 2.6 terawatt hours – providing enough Charlottetown, PE electricity for 240,000 homes and
Switch NRG Inc is a sales company Underwriters Laboratories of (844) PVS-OLAR preventing 1.8 tonnes of CO2 emissions
that specializes in Solar PV, Battery Canada Inc. every year.
Storage, Home and Commercial Energy Toronto, ON SunAir Energy Solutions is based
Monitoring and Electric Vehicle charging (416) 757-3611 in Canada’s green province, Prince  Saskatchewan
stations. Edward Island, but services residential,
commercial and agricultural clients
Anagram Solar
UL fosters safe living and working Regina, SK
TerraGen Environmental Group conditions for people everywhere throughout Atlantic Canada and into
Concord, ON Mexico. With a team of qualified, trained (306) 529-8340
through the application of science to
(905) 760-1000 solve safety, security and sustainability and certified professionals, SunAir sells and services alternative energy solutions Anagram SOLAR is proud to offer
challenges. efficient, effective & affordable
TerraGen Solar is a cost effective, customized to meet every need.
value added solar PV mounting system Viessmann Manufacturing solar energy solutions to Regina,
provider with a focus on detailed Company Inc Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta. 
engineering, creating construction Waterloo, ON First Nations Power Authority
efficiencies, and lean manufacturing. (519) 885-6300 Regina, SK
We have experience designing and (306) 359-3672
supplying mounting solutions for Viessmann offers a complete line of
all different applications and are
solar thermal products including flat
able to economically custom design plate collectors, pump stations, stainless
solutions that overcome project specific steel tanks & solar controllers.

Canada’s Go Solar | Guide & Directory 2018 | 29

CanSIA Member Directory ● Denotes Installer

● MiEnergy
Saskatoon, SK
Team Power Solutions
Saskatoon, SK
Trina Solar Canada Inc.
San Jose, CA International
(877) 539-4448 (306) 384-5552 (800) 696-7114  England Team Power Solutions services Western AXIS Capital
Solar PV sales, design & installation. Canada, providing engineering, project As the world’s leading provider of London, England
Over 1600 renewable energy systems management, procurement and smart solar solutions, Trina Solar +44 20-7877-3800
installed in Western Canada. commissioning for the solar industry. delivers PV products, applications and AXIS Insurance’s Renewable Energy
services to promote global sustainable team has extensive experience and in
● Rock Paper Sun Ltd. TruGreen Energy development.
Saskatoon, SK Emerald Park, SK depth understanding of the risks faced
(306) 290-1875 (833) 847-6527 In addition, our downstream business by the energy industry. We provide includes solar PV project development, specialised property coverage for every financing, design, construction, stage of a project from development
Established in 2007 providing TruGreen Energy is a solar power
systems provider in Saskatchewan. We operations & management and one- through operation, on risks ranging
Saskatchewan with quality solar design, stop system integration solutions for
offer full service from financing to install from stand alone projects to utility scale
install and service solutions. Hundreds customers.
to ongoing customer care and systems portfolios.
of systems from small to utility.
maintenance. Pathfinder Clean Energy (PACE)
Saskatchewan Research Council  Colorado
Saskatoon, SK Limited
AlsoEnergy London, United Kingdom
(306) 933-5400 Boulder, CO +44 (0)20 7127 4542
(866) 303-5668
Saskatchewan Research Council is
a provincial treasury board crown Pathfinder Clean Energy (PACE) is
AlsoEnergy provides the PowerTrack a developer and investor in clean
corporation conducting research and ● Vision Energy Inc. software platform for monitoring and
business on behalf of the provincial energy with a focus on utility scale
Cabri, SK asset management, available for fleet solar and storage. PACE’s global
government and private industry. (306) 587-3570 aggregations, or with integrated DAS/
914383_Vision.indd 1 4/21/18 5:20 AM team brings together market leading SCADA systems for new sites. experience and track record to create
Regina, SK Licenced electrical contractor and efficient, high performance projects.
engineering firm, specializing in the   District of Columbia PACE is headquartered in London but
(306) 566-4078 design, installation and maintenance of Solar Rating & Certification active in Canada, USA, Europe and
renewable energy systems. Corporation (ICC-SRCC) South East Asia.
● Sound Solar Systems Inc Washington, DC
Kronau, SK
(306) 586-2308
USA (202) 370-1800
hep capital AG  California Heilbronn, Germany
Diverse products, customized renewable SunPower  Illinois (403) 819-3391
energy applications & service. Sound San Jose, CA
Solar Systems Inc., bringing reliable,
meteocontrol North America
(503) 416-2930 Buffalo Grove, IL Development, Construction and
quality and renewable energy solutions. Operation of Renewable Energy
Quality. Integrity. Service. (224) 310-5700
For 30 years, SunPower has led the Power Plants.
● Suncatcher Solar Ltd. way with record-setting technologies Supporting projects in the renewable
and innovative solar solutions, and our Zimmermann PV-Stahlbau GmbH
Saskatoon, SK energy sector for more than 40 years, & Co. KG
(877) 441-2355 cutting-edge approach to sustainability meteocontrol’s monitoring solutions
is renowned for its positive impact on secure the yield of PV systems and Oberessendorf, Germany (416) 837-2557
Suncatcher Solar is dedicated to the environment and our communities. regulate feed-in management.
No other solar company offers such a
providing quality passive solar home We are your competent partner for
designs and solar energy and heating complete package.  Pennsylvania
solar panel mounting frames. Since
systems that are efficient and affordable. Tandem Solar Systems Inc. Penn Energy Renewables, LTD manufacturing our first system in 2009,
● Sunroof Energy Corp Newbury Park, CA Bala Cynwyd, PA we have supplied substructures for
Regina, SK (416) 434-5163 (610) 668-0300 systems totalling 100 MWp.
(306) 536-3771 Tandem Solar Systems is a solar Penn Energy is a developer, owner and  Ireland
equipment distributor, serving operator of utility-scale solar PV projects DP Energy Canada Ltd
Sunroof Energy Corp is a Regina
professional solar installers and DIY in North America and globally.
based company focused on design, Cork, Ireland
financing and installation of residential solar installers in the US, Canada and +353 (0) 22 23955
and commercial PV systems in the Caribbean. Tandem also offers DP Energy is a renewable energy
Saskatchewan. design and permitting services and company operating worldwide. Our
complete plug-and-play solar kits. With current portfolio includes onshore wind,
an extensive network of relationships tidal in-stream, solar PV, storage and
throughout the solar value chain, we floating wind technologies.
help connect installers with owners to
bring projects from concept to reality.

Arcadian Projects Inc�����������������������������������������������14 EJOT Solar Fastening Systems��������������������������������25 Home Energy Solutions�������������23, Inside Back Cover
Bitimec Wash-Bots, Inc.������������������ Inside Back Cover ENGIE Development Canada LP��� Outside Back Cover Northwind Solutions������������������������������������������21, 27
Cachelan�������������������������������������������������������������������11 Ev Fern Ltd.��������������������������������������������������������������11 Sentinel Solar�����������������������������������������������������������15
Canadian Solar Institute�������������������������������������������14 Fanshawe College���������������������������Inside Front Cover Stikeman Elliott LLP���������������������������������������������������4
Crestview Electric����������������������22, Inside Back Cover Graybar Energy Ltd.��������������������������������������������������21 Surrette Battery Company Limited��������������������� 17, 24
Determination Drilling�����������������������������������������13, 25 Guillevin Greentech��������������������������������������������������26 Vision Energy Inc.�����������������������������������������������������30
Hanwha QCells Canada Corp.������������������������������������3

30 |
912009_Bitimec.indd 1 17/04/18 12:33 PM

For over 30 years, Crestview Electric Ltd. has
established itself as a respected commercial,
industrial, service, and maintenance contractor in
the Calgary and Alberta construction field.
• Solar PV Design and Installation
• Building Automation and Controls
• Project Management Residential
• Electrical Subcontracts
• General Service & Maintenance
• Design/Build Projects
• Infrared Thermal Scans
• Power Analyzing
• Structured Cabling
• Telecommunications Off-Grid
• Security
• Fire Alarm

Suppliers to the Canadian Solar Industry

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