Introduction To Medical Mycology

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Dr.Abbas Obaid Farhan
(Ph.D. Biotech., IIT,Roorkee,INDIA).,
College of Al-Anbar Medicine,
Deptt. of Microbiology
Fungi (yeast& molds) are eukaryotic •
organisms whereas bacteria are
prokaryotic, they differ regarding;
Size-diameter •
4 um-------1um
Nucleus. •
Cytoplasm •
Cell membrane, •
Sterol---absent in bacteria
Cell wall, •
Chitin ----peptidoglycane

Thermal dimorphism. •
Metabolism. •
Fungal cell wall
Consists of chitin not peptidoglycan like •

Thus fungi are insensitive to antibiotics as •

Chitin is a polysaccharide composed of •
long chain of n-acetyleglucasamine.

Also the fungal cell wall contain other •

polysaccharide, B-glucan, which is the site
of action of some antifungal drugs.
Fungal cell membrane
Consist of ergosterol rather than •
cholesterol like bacterial cell membrane.
Ergosterol is the site of action of antifungal •
drugs, amphtericin B & azole group
Atmospheric & carbon source
Most fungi are obligatory aerobes, some •
are facultative anaerobes, but none are
obligatory anaerobes.
All fungi require a performed organic •
source of carbon –association with
decaying matter.
Natural habitat
The environment. •
Exception Candida albicans is part of •
normal human flora.
Medical mycology is the study of
mycoses of man and their
etiologic agents. Mycoses are
the diseases caused by fungi. Of
the several thousands of species
of fungi that are known, less
than 100 are pathogenic to man.
In addition to those species which
are generally recognized as
pathogenic to man it is firmly
established that under unusual
circumstances of abnormal
susceptibility of patient, or the
traumatic implantation of the
fungus, other fungi are capable of
causing lesions. Those are called
(Opportunistic Fungi.)
These circumstances may be :

1. A debilitating condition of the

host, as Diabetes.
2. A concurrent disease such as
3. Prolonged treatment with
4.Immunosuppressive drugs or an
antibiotic for long duration.
Morphology of Fungi
Morphology of Fungi
1. Filamentous fungi (molds)

2. Yeasts

3. Yeast-like fungi

4. Dimorphic fungi
Filamentous Fungi
1.The basic morphological elements of
filamentous fungi are long branching
filaments or hyphae, which intertwine
to produce a mass of filaments or

2.Colonies are strongly adherent to the

medium and unlike most bacterial
colonies cannot be emulsified in water.
mycelium: septate mycelium: non septate
Mycelia & Conidia
3. The surface of these colonies may be
velvety, powdery, or may show a
cottony aerial mycelium.

4. Pigmentation of the colony itself and of

the underlying medium is frequently
Colony Morphology
These occur in the form of round or oval .1
bodies which reproduce by the
formation of buds known as

Yeasts colonies resemble bacterial .2

colonies in appearance and in
The only pathogenic yeast in medical .3
mycology is Cryptococcus neoformans.
Yeast colonies

Cryptococcus neoformans
1.These are fungi which occur in the form of
budding yeast-like cells and as chains of
elongated unbranched filamentous cells
which present the appearance of broad
septate hyphae. these hyphae intertwine
to form a pseudomycelium.

2. The yeast like fungi are grouped together

in the genus Candida.
Candida Colonies
Candida albicans

Thermally Dimorphic Fungi
These are fungi which exhibit a
filamentous mycelial morphology
(saprophytic phase) when grown at
room temperature 27oC, but have a
typical yeast morphology (parasitic
phase) inside the body and when
grown at 37oC in the laboratory (e.g.
Histoplasma capsulatum 27oC
Histoplasma capsulatum 37oc
Human fungal infection;

Superficial •
Subcutaneous •
Systemic •
Superficial mycoses
Subcutaneous mycoses
Systemic Mycoses
Systemic Mycoses
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