Unsteady Pseudoplastic Flow Moving Wall: Near A

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Unsteady Pseudoplastic Flow Near a Moving Wall


University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

n U O ) B,, rl

1/3 1 0.8660 6.57

There are available in the literature I/ 2 7r/4 1.6370 4.30
(1, I, 3) analytical solutions for the 2/3 3a/16 2.8383 3.05
power-law (Ostwald-de Waele) model for Now one anticipates that the dimension- 5/6 63x/512 5.9782 2.29
pseudoplastic non-Newtonian fluids for less velocity (bn = v,/V will be a function 1 ... ... 1.83
a number of different geometries. These of r alone. This allows Equation (4) to
solutions are however all for steady be transformed into the following ordi-
flow. Here the solution to an unsteady nary differential equation:
flow problem is given.
A semi-infinite body of pseudoplastic
fluid extends from y = 0 to y = 03 and
is bounded on one side by a solid sur- If now a new variable defined by
face imbedded in the xz plane. Initially with boundary conditions such that
the fluid is a t rest, but for time 1 2 0
the solid surface moves in the x direc-
(b,= 1 a t r = O,and(b,= O a t r = a ;
primes denote differentiation with re-
s2 = r2/(Bn r2) + (9)
tion with a constant velocity. It is de- spect to t. For n = 1 (Newtonian flow) is introduced, then integrals of the foL
sired to know the x component of the Equation (G) becomes q&'' +2r#1' = 0, lowing form appear in Equations (7)
and (8):
velocity v, as a function of the distance for which the solution (6) is = erfc r ;
from the solid surface and the time for
a pseudoplastic fluid which obeys the
following relation for the components
here r = y / d w p .
For n < 1 (pseudoplastic flow) Equa-
tion (6) may be integrated twice to give
I&) = i' (1 - U2)(?n-1)/2(1-n) du( lo)
of the momentum flux: In terms of these quantities the inte-
gration constant and the dimensionless
7ij =-m($ Ck X I A ~ z 2 (n-1)/2
Aii velocity distribution assume the final
(1) form
I n this expression Aii = (avi/dxi + + B,, = P*-
2/ < 1 + ) [ I ,(0)12 ( 1
71 1 ( 1+ n )

av,/ax,) is the ij component of the in which@, =- (1 n)*(l - n)/2n. The

rate-of-strain tensor.* For the problem constant of integration B, is determined
stated above this relationship gives from the boundary condition a t r L- 0, (bn = l>,(@/~m
which may be written as (Continued on paye 6D)
r z u - -m lav,/ayI"-' (dvr/dy) (2)
for the xy component of the momentum
The equation of motion for the system
p(dv*/W = --(dTzu/%d (3)
Substituting Equation (2) into Equa-
tion (3), taking into account the fact
that av,/ay is everywhere negative, one
obtains the partial differential equation
for the velocity distribution:

P ( W d t>

This is to be solved with the boundary

conditions v, = V a t y = 0, v, = 0 a t
y = a , and the initial condition that
vz = 0 for t < 0. According to the
method of combination of variables y
and t are combined into a new dimension-
less variable :
*The writing of the power law in the form given
in Equation (1) insures pro er behavior under coordi-
nate tramformation (4). EPquation (3) in a previous
paper (6) should have been written in this way; Fig. 1. Dimensionless velocity profiles for flow of a pseudoplastic fluid near a flat surface
clearly the unspecified form used there was adequate
for dimensional considerations. suddenly set in motion with a constant velocity.

Vol. 5, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 565

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Advertising Offkers (Continued jrom page 566.)
New York 36-Paul A. Jolcuvar, Adv. Sales I n the accompanying table numerica1
Academic Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4D Mgr., Carl G. Lassen, Asst. Adv. Sales
Mgr., Donald J. Stroop, Dist. Mgr., Robert
values needed for calculating several
velocity profiles are given; the equations
S. Bugbee, Dist. Mgr.; 25 W. 45th St., CO-
lumbus 5-7330. for the profiles are
Eimco Corporation, The
Outside Back Cover Philadelphia-lee W. Swift, Jr., Dist. Mgr.;
1207 Broad-Locust Bldg., PEnnypacker 5-5560. +1/3 = 1-s (13)
Electronic Associates, Inc.
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Robert Kliesch, Dist. Mgr.; 53 West Jackson
= 1 - (2/~)(cs + arcsins) (14)
Inside Front Cover Blv., Room 504, HArrison 7-3760.
rp2,a = 1 - (2/7r)(+c3s
Cleveland 15-Harry L. Gebauer, Dist. Mgr.,

Hevi Duty Electric Company. . . .412

1501 Euclid Ave., Superior 1-3315.
Pasadena 1, Calif.-Richard P. McKey, Dist.
+ cs + arcsin s)
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Laboratory Plasticware Dallas 18-Richard E. Hoierman, Dist. Mgr.,
Fabricators ..
. . ,.. . .. . . . . .5D 9006 Capri Drive, Dlarnond 8-1229.

c 7 s + - 2 s + $c3s
+ r35
Birmingham 9, Ala.-Fred W. Smith, Dist. 16 8
Mgr., 1201 Forest View Lane, Vesthaven,
15 (16)
Stearns-Rogers Mfg. Co., The. . . .6D TRemont 1-5762.
+ cs + arcsin s)
wherein c = (1 - s2)1/a. These curves
are presented in the accompanying
figure. From the curves one can obtain
the values of the reduced variable r for
which the fluid velocity has fallen off to
1% of the velocity of the moving wall;
this value rl given in the table is a
measure of the extent of momentum


This work was begun while the author

was the holder of a Giiggenheim research
grant at the Technische Hogeschool in
Delft (Holland). The author wishes to
thank Profwsor Hans firamem and his
staff for the hospitality accorded him at
the Laboratorium voor Physische Tech-


B,, = constant of integration

m,n = parameters characterizing a pseu-
doplastic fluid
T = reduced variable
s = variable defined in Equation (9)
t = time after wall begins to move
V = constant velocity of moving wall
y = distance from moving wall
p = Newtonian viscosity
p = fluid density
$n = dimensionless velocity distribu-


1. Reiner, Mwcus, “RhCologie Thborique,”

Ihnod, Paris (1955).
2. Philippoff, Wladimir, “Viskositiit der
Kollolde,” Steinkopff, Germany (1942).
3. Fredrickson, A. G., and R. I3. Bird, Znd.
Eng. chem., 50, 347 (1958).
4. Oldroyd, J. G., in “Rhrology,” ed. by
F. R. Eirich, chap. 16, Academic Press,
New York (1956,.
5. Bird R. B., A.Z.Ch.E. Journal, 2, 428,
85 (1956).
6. Schlichting, Hermann, “Grenzschicht-
Theorie,” p. 63, Braun, Karlsruhe,
Germany (1951).

Page 6D A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1959

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