CWI, Centre For Mathematics and Computer Science P.O.Box 4079, 1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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CWI, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science

P.O.Box 4079, 1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands


In this paper a description is given of first and second order finite volume upwind schemes for the 2D
steady Euler equations in generalized coordinates. These discretizations are obtained by projection-
evolution stages, as suggested by Van Leer. The first order schemes can be solved efficiently by mul-
tigrid methods. Second order approximations are obtained by a defect correction method. In order to
maintain monotone solutions, a limiter is introduced for the defect correction method.


The steady state equations of inviscid flow, the steady Euler equations, are a nonlinear nonelliptic
system of equations admitting solutions with discontinuities (shocks, contact discontinuities).
An important class of difference schemes for the (steady) Euler equations are the first order upwind
schemes. These schemes are found by subdividing the domain of interest in disjunct control volumes
(finite volume technique) and by assuming that the states in the volumes (or cells) are uniform (piece-
wise constant approximation). Then at each cell boundary two uniform states meet in a discontinuity.
A unique flux, in the literature called the numerical flux [6], can be assigned after resolving the
discontinuity by a set of elementary waves moving normal to the cell boundary or, in other words,
after solving the one-dimensional Riemann-problem. This may be done exactly (Godunov [5]) or
approximately (Osher [11], Roe [12], Van Leer [15], Steger & Warming [13]). The only difference
between these schemes is the way of approximating the Riemann-problem. Therefore each first order
upwind scheme is characterized by its numerical flux function.
Succesful application of the multigrid method for the solution of the nonlinear system obtained by
first order upwind schemes has been reported by Mulder & Van Leer [10],[18] and Hemker &
Spekreijse [8],[9]. They use respectively Van Leer's and Osher's approximate Riemann-solver.
The purpose of this paper is to improve solutions of first order upwind schemes. This is highly

desirable because solutions of these schemes have some important shortcomings. Because of the hid-
den viscosity in these schemes, oblique (with respect to the mesh) shocks and contact di~ont~uities
are smeared out disastrously. Furthermore, in the smooth part of the flow ~eld t~e solution is only
first order accurate, which is too low for practical purposes. Therefore we wish to improve the order
of accuracy and to steepen oblique discontinuities without_introdu~~ over- or u~dershoot.
In the literature many second order upwind schemes with flux limiters are available [14],[ 17],[3],[l].
Without a flux limiter solutions of second or higher order schemes suffer from oscillations in the
neighbourhood of discontinuities. Therefore flux limiters have been constructed and implemented in
these schemes to prevent these oscillations. Such schemes, with their time dependent term, belong to
the class of total variation diminishing (TVD) schemes [14]. The steady state solution of a second
order TVD scheme possesses the improvements we wish to obtain.
The construction of time dependent first or second order (TVD) upwind schemes can be considered
most conveniently (as suggested by Van Leer [16],[1]) in two stages: a projection stage and. an evolu-
tion stage (MUSCL-approach). In the projection stage the states in the cells are interpolated to yield
approximations of the states at the cell boundaries. If this approximation is made by extrapolation
from both sides of a cell boundary then two unifonn states meet in a discontinuity. In the evolution
stage, at each cell boundary, an approximate Riemann solver (or equivalently a numerical flux func-
tion) is used to calculate the flux from these two uniform states. When a second order upwind
scheme is constructed by this method, a flux limiter, developed to make the scheme TVD, only needs
to be applied in the projection stage.
Because the solution of first order upwind schemes can be obtained efficiently (by the multigrid
method), it seems that an iterative defect correction (DeC) method provides a simple way to obtain
the steady state solution of a second order TVD scheme. Unfortunately however, such an iterative
DeC process will converge very slowly or might not even converge at all. On the other hand, it is
well known [2] that just one or more DeC iterations are enough to obtain a second order accurate
approximation. Therefore we shall apply the DeC iteration steps only a few times. This makes the
method cheap to apply but it also implies that the steady state solution of the second order TVD
scheme will not be achieved. The flux limiter, developed to make the second order upwind scheme
TVD, only ensures that the steady state solution will be monotone and not that a second order
approximation obtained after a few DeC iteration steps is monotone as well. It is practical experience
that wiggles may occur after a few defect corrections despite the use of a flux limiter. Therefore in the
context of the DeC method, it is not appropriate to use a flux limiter.
On the other hand, after each DeC iteration step the new solution can be considered as the sum of
the solution of the first order upwind scheme plus a correction. In order to prevent that the addition
of the correction to the first order solution creates new local extrema (wiggles), this correction has to
be modified (limited!). The modification of the correction is one of the main topics of this paper.
Because the first order upwind scheme is a monotone scheme, this strategy ensures that after each
DeC iteration step the solution will stay monotone, or in other words no over- or undershoot will
occur. Shortly, we suggest to apply a limiter in the DeC method and not in the second order upwind

In section 2 we describe the first and second order upwind discretization of the 2D steady Euler
equations in general geometries. The subdivision of the discretization by the projection and evolution
stages is applied. A proof is given of the accuracy of these discretizations.
In section 3 the DeC method is described. A description of a simple limiter used in the DeC
method is given.
In section 4 some numerical results concerning the resolution of a contact discontinuity and an
oblique shock are presented.



The 2D Euler equations can be written in conservative-vector form as

a a
ata q + ~ f (q) + ay g(q) = o, (2.1)

on an open (irregular) domain a· c llil 2, where

pu pv
q - [p:pl ,
- pu
j(q) = pu2+p
puv g(q) = puv
pv2 +p (2.2)
u(e +p) v(e +p)

Here, respectively p,u,v,p and e are density, velocity components in the x- and y-directions, pressure
and total energy per unit volume. Furthermore, e may be expressed as
e = p(£+ 1/2(u 2 +v 2 )) , (2.3)

where the specific internal energy £ , is related to the pressure and density by the perfect gas law
p=(y-l)p€, (2.4)
with y denoting the ratio of specific heats.
The physical domain a· is subdivided into disjunct quadrilateral cells Q~J , (i,j) E { 1..M, 1..N } m
a regular fashion such that
i) a· = u r;(;,

ii) n;,j , n;±l.j , a;,)±1 are neighbouring cells'

iii) (X;+1h,j+1h, Yi+'h.j+Yi) = n:.1 n n;+I.j n n;,j+l n !"2;+1.;+1 is a common vertex
of the cells a;,), n;+l,j, n;,j+l and n;+l.j+l .

It is clear that the vertices { ( xi + Yi,J +Yi , Yi+ Yi.J +in ) } define the subdivision of a· completely,
Let (~, 'IJ) and (x,y) denote the cartesian coordinates in respectively the computational and physical
space. In the computational space, we consider a rectangular domain Q subdivided into equidistant
square control volumes (or cells) Qi,J , (i,j) E { l..M, 1..N } in such a way that ( h ·i , h ·j) is the mid-
point of Q;,1 ; h denotes the length of the edges. Assume the existence of a sufficiently smooth 1-1 rela-
tion between (~,'IJ) and (x,y):
~(x,y) ** = x(~,'IJ),
{ ~:::: {
'lj :::: 'IJ(X,y) y = y(~,'IJ)
such that each cell Qi,J corresponds with a;,1 by this mapping i.e. for all (i,j) E {O .. M,O.. N}
(xi+ 1h,j+1h , Yi+'h,j+'h) = (x ai+\I, 'lli+'h), y(~;+•;,, '111+'12 )) ' (2.6)
where ~;+i;, = (i + Y2)·h and '11J+'h :::: (j + 'h)·h . It can be easily seen that in the computational space
(~, 71) the Euler equations become

ata (Jq) + Sf.a (y,,J (q) - x,, g(q)) + a;;-a (x~g(q) - yd (q)) = 0 , (2.7)

with J = x~y,, - y~x 11 • •

The discretization of (2.1) on Q' is equivalent with the discretization of (2.7) on Q. Because !J is a
rectangle subdivided into equidistant cells of lenght h, it is easier to obtain first and second order

upwind discreti.zations of (2.7) on 9 than of (2.1) on ~f. In symbolic form we write (2.7) as
(Jq), + N(q) = 0, (2.8)
and the steady Euler equations as
N(q) = 0, (2.9)
Here N:X-?Y is a nonlinear operator, XC[L 2 (9)f is the space of possible fluid states and
Y = [L 2 (0)f is the Banach space of rates of change (of states).
Define the finite dimensional vector spaces Xh and Yh by
Xh = Yh = {q;,jER4 Ii= 1..M,j = l..N}. (2.10)
!_he relation between the spaces X and Xh , Y and Yh is obtained by introducing Rh : X-+X1i and
Rh: Y-+Y1i


for any qE[L 2 (0)]4 . Thus (R11 q)i,j is the mean value of q in 9;,j· A p-order accurate discretization of
(2.9) is an associated problem
NHq)=O, (2.12)
where N~ : Xh-+ Yh has the property that for all sufficiently smooth q EX
(N~ Rh q )i,J - (R.h N q );J = O(hP). (2.13)

In this paper we will consider first and second order upwind schemes, so p = I or p = 2.
Notice that
(RhNq)i,j = J;T'{
1 f (y 11 f-x 11 g)(q((i + 1/i)·h,71))d71 -

f (hf- xT/g)( q((i -1/i)·h,1) ))d11 + f (x~g - y~f)(q a.(}+ 1h. )·h ))d~ -
r,-1;.,, r,J+I;

J(x~g-y~f)(q(~,(j-1/i)-h ))d~}, (2.14)


where r ij-\li,j ' :i;J,-\li,j ' ri,j+Yi , f;4-Yi ~enote

the boundaries of cell oi,j• defined by
f;+Yi,J = rl.;,1 n 9;+1.1 , f;,J+Yi = O;L n O;,J+I
etc. _
Now we will construct an operator Nh : X-?Yh, easier to approximate than R 11 N, but such that for
all sufficiently smooth q EX
(Nh q)i,j - (Rh Nq)i,j = O(h 2 ). (2.15)
If we are able to construct N~ : xh~yh , p =1,2 such that
(N~ Rh q);J - (Nh q)i,J = O(hP) , (2.16)

then also
(N~ R,, q)'·1. . - (Rh Nq)l,j
.. = O(hP). (2.17)

This means that !!;fter the cons_!.ruction of a Nh satisfying (2.15) we may restrict ourselves to the
approximation of Nh instead of RhN. An obvious choice for the operator Nh is

(Nhq)i,J = t·{ (y 11...,,J- x 11.+"Jg)(7j1+v.,j) - (y 11,_,J- x 11,_..,g)(q;-Y;,J)


), (2.18)


q,+\'"J = t· J
r,+ . . .J
q((i + \li)·h.11)d11. (2.18b)

Thus q,+'h.J is the mean value of q(g,1J) at the cell boundary r In a similar way
q,-.,,,J , q;,J+'h. and q;,J-"'- are defined. By (2.18a) we see that the derivatives the mapping, at the
cell boundaries, are approximated by central differences.
By elementary interpolation theory it can be seen that (2.15) holds (assuming a sufficiently
We wish to deal with upwind schemes therefore we have to introduce an approximate
solver or equivalently a .numerical flux function. This can be easily done by using the
property of
rotational invariance of the Euler equations i.e.
cos<t>J(q) + sin<t>·g(q) = T(</>)- 1 f(T(.p)q), (2.19)
l 0 0
_ [0 co&fi sin</>
T(<t>) - 0 -sin<t> CO&/i (2.20)
0 0 0
and q , f (q) and g(q) as in (2.2), <t>EIR.
Define I; + 'h.J , l;.J + y, by
/.1+Yi.1. = (Y11.+i'>J 2 + x 11,+.,..J 2 )Yi '
. , = (x
t.1 +1o1 2 + F ~""\!\ 2 l"' ,

and </>;+•n.J, </>;,J+'li by
I;+ Yi,j'COS</>; + Yi,j = y ~.+ •.;

then using (2.19)-(2.21 ), (2.18) yields
(Nhq)i,J J l;+•n.J y-
= ,;·{ 1 f ( -r - 1 ·f ( T
l1-•1,,; r 1-•o.1 -
;+'h.;' i;+v,,Jq,+v,,1 ) - 1-'n,Jq,-1;,1 .}

where T.I +l'z,j. = T("'· " ·) etc. This formula strongly suggest how to define the first and second order
'l'l + n,j
upwind schemes N~ : Xh-+Yh, p = 1,2 namely

( N~ q );,J = }·{ l;+Yi,J r,-A,1/(T;+Yi.J q,+11,J, T;+'l:,1 q,++·~.1 ) -

l;-•;.,,j T;-_1y,.Jf(T;-,,,,jq;:..,,,,J, T;-v,,d;+-v,.1) + l;,1 +;, Tij\1,,,f(T,,J+'h. q;~J+'fi., T;,1 +v> q,~+v,)-
1;,J-'h T;-:/-v,f(T;.;-'h q;"J-v,, T;.;-"' q;":ri,;)}, (2.23)

q;+'h,j -- q;,j 'q;+Yz,j
+ -- q;+l,j '
q;J+Yz = q;,j , q;j+y, = q;,j+I ' (2.23a)
for the first order approximation (p = 1 ) or
q;-+in,J = q;,J + 1h·(q;,J - q;-1,1), qt+in,J = q;+l,J + Yr(q;+i,J - q;+2,1),
qij+•lz = q;,j + /r(q;,j -
1 q;,j-1), q;j+v, = q;,j+I + 1h·(q;,j+l - q;,j+Z), (2.23b)
for the second order approximation (p 2) and q E Xh. Furthermore f ( , ) : IR 4 X IR 4 ~IR 4
is one of
the numerical flux functions found in the literature [5],(11],[12],[13],[15]. For consistency we only need
that the numerical flux f ( , ) is consistent with the physical flux i.e.
f(q , q) = j(q) (2.24)
To proof that ( N~ Rh q )1,j
.. - (Nh q ),,,.. == O(hP) , p =1,2 it is easily seen that we only need to show
that for all sufficiently smooth q EX

t·[l;+in,J T;+1v,.;{f( T;+in.J q;-+Yz,J , T;+•1i,J qt+11z.J) - /( T;+•;,., 1 q;+11z.;)} -

l;-v,,JT;-_1i;,,J{j(T;-i;,,jq;--Yz.J, T;-11z.1qt-11i.;) - f(T;-'h.,Jq;-•1i.1)}} = O(hP), (2.25)

with the same conventions as in (2.18b) and (2.23); thus q;J· = (Rhq)'·I. . in (2.23a,b). In order to prove
(2.25) first define
l 2 2
ij(E,11)= -;;r· J J q(a,/3)dadf3, (2.26)
2 2


h 2 ·JJ q( a, /3)dad/3 = (Rh q )•..., ,

= .l
q(ih , jh) (2.27)

;E ij(E,11) Iuh.Jh> = t·(ij;+11z,1 - q;-Y,,J). (2.28)

From (2.27) and (2.23a,b) we see that

t .... ....
h·(qt+'h.,J - qr:-'h.,j)
a - t I(ih,Jh) + O(hP).
= ~q(s,11) (2.29)

Thus, using (2.28), (2.29) yields

qf:t.11z.1 - iii+llz,J == qt11i.1 - q;-v.,1 + O(hP+ 1). (2.30)

Furthermore it is clear that
qf:t.'h..J - q;+'h.,J == O(hP). (2.31)
Assuming that the numerical flux function is sufficiently smooth, it follows by a Taylor expansion that

f(q;-+llz,j, q;\'h.,j) =f(q;+V,,j, q;+'h.,j) + f l (q;+'h,j. q;+'h,j )( q;-+Y,,j - q;+Yz,j) +

f 2 (-q;+v,,j. -q;+'h,j Xq;+'h,j
+ - -q;+Yz,j) + o( I q;+'h,j
- - -q;+'h,j 12 , I q;+Yz,j
+ - -q;+Yz,j 12 ). (2.32)
Due to the consistency of the numerical flux function and using (2.31), (2.32) yields

f( T;+11z,;q;-+11z.; , T;+v,,;q;++'h,J) - j( T;+i;,,1q;+11z,J) =


f I ( T;+v..iii+'h.,j , T; +1;,_,/f;+'h.,j )-T; +v,,j"( q;-+•fi,j - q;+'h.,j) +

fz ( T;+v,,ifi+'h.,J, T;+'h.,Jq;+•;,_,1 )·T;+•;,,j"(q;+H.; - q;+•;,,J) + O(h 2P). (2.33)
If the mapping is sufficiently smooth then
l;+•;,,J - l;-•;,_,J = O(h), Ti+'li,J - T;-'h.,J = O(h), T;-+\.1 - Tj_\,,J = O(h). (2.34)
From (2.33),(2.30),(2.31) and (2.34) it is easily derived that (2.25) holds. Hence, N~ , p= 1,2 are p-
order accurate approximations of N.

-The smoothness of the coordinate transformation (2.5) is necessary to obtain first and second order
accurate space discretizations.
-The equation (N~ q )y.. = 0 is equivalent with (h 2 N~ q )y.. = 0. After multiplication of (2.23) by
h2 it is clear that (h 2 N~ q ).l,j. is determined completely by the coordinates
{ (x;+'h.,J+'li , J;+•!i,j+'h.)} of the vertices of the mesh in the physical space (and, of course, by the
numerical flux function f( , ) ). This means that in the physical space on an irregular mesh, a first
and second order finite volume scheme can be constructed without the actual need of a coordinate
transformation. The finite volume space discretization on an irregular mesh behaves in a first or
second order manner only if the irregular mesh is chosen in accordance with a smooth transformation.
-Consider the steady Euler equations in the computational space N ( q) = 0 and their discretiza-
tion (N~ q ) .. = 0, p = 1,2 (see respectively (2.9),(2.23) ). Let qP EXh, p = 1,2 denote the solu-
tions of the discrete equations and q = q(g, 11) EX be the solution of the continuous equation. If the
operators N~, p = 1,2 are stable then
clf.J = q;,J + O(hP) , (2.35)

where q;,J = (Rh q- ) .. l,j

= -hI2 • 11-q(I;, 11)dgd11 . Define

Q;,1 I
= ~· fl-q(i;,11)·J(g,1J)di;d11,
l,j !l..1

Vi,J = 11 J(trt)dl;dri.

Then V;, 1 is the area of 1 in the physical space and Q;,1 is the mean value of q(x,y) in n;,1. Assum-
ing sufficient smoothness of the Jacobian J(I;, ri) it is easily seen that

h\ -j1J(g,11)q(i;,11)di;d11 = h\ ·11a. , l(i;,11)dl;d1r h\ -j j q(i;,11)dl;d11 + O(h

0,.1 ~.1
2 ).

So, Q;,j = q;,J + O(h 2 ) and (2.35) yields cj!,1 = Q;,1 + O(hP)...1 p = 1, 2. Therefore, c/!.1 may be
considered as a p-order accurate approximation of q;,1 as well as Q;,J·
-In the literature [16],[4],[1] one encounters generalizations of (2.23b) namely
l+K 1-K
q;+•h.,j = q;,j + -4-·(q;+I,j - q;,j) + -4-·(q;,j - q;-I,j)'

qt+'h.,j = q;+l,j + -l+K

4-'(q;,j - q;+I,j) + 1-K )
-4-·(q;+I,j - q;+2,j · (2.36)

and similar qfj+v. , KE[- I, I]. .

It can be easily seen that (2.29) and (2.31) hold for each "· Therefore (2.36) results rn a second

order accurate space discretization as well as (2.23b).

-Even when x(g,'IJ) = g, y(g,'IJ) = 11 it can be seen that for all smooth q EX
(Nhq) .. - (RhNq) .. -- O(h 2 ).
,,, '·'
So it is plausible that Rh N cannot be approximated more accurately than second order if the flux
computation is based on the calculation of constant states at the cell boundaries.This is due to the
fact that at a cell boundary the mean flux differs from the flux calculated in the mean state. So this
result is typical for 2 and 3 dimensional problems. A formal proof of this result can be given.


In section 2 the description of first and second order upwind space discretizations of the 20 steady
Euler equations has been given.
In this section the steady Euler equations and their first and second order space discretizations are
denoted by
Nq = r ; Nl qh = rh ; N~ qh = rh , (3.1)
with h the meshsize of the (finest) grid.
Let q}, • and qf be the solutions of respectively N}, qh =
rh and N~ qh = rh . Then q}, • can be cal-
culated efficiently by the multigrid method. We wish to use the defect correction method and the
second order space discretization operator N~ to improve qr.

In a first glance the iterative defect correction (DeC) method seems applicable:
q}, := qf'
N},qz+t = N},qg + (rh - N~qZ) n = 1,2 ....
Unfortunately, dealing with the steady Euler equations, this iteration process is impractical because
of the following reasons:

-Suppose, for the moment, that N, N}, and N~ are linear scalar operators with N}, and N~ first
and second order discretizations of N . Then the symbols N ( w) , N},( w) and N~( w) of respectively
N, N}, and N~ are defined by
N( ei"'x) = N(w)-ei"'x ; N}.-2( ei"x) = NP( w )·ei"'x ,
and the accuracy of N}, and N~ can be expressed by
N(w) - N},(w) = O(h''); N(w) - N~(w) = O(h'')
( "'fixed).
If we define the error vg = q~ • - qZ then
N}, vg+i = (N}, - N~ )vZ.
Taking vZ = ei"'x then
vz+i = {i - Nhw)}·vZ.
On a fixed r,d with w_,. 0, we see that the amplification factor goes to zero (due to the consistency
of Nl and Nh ). This means that low frequency error components are damped effectively by the
iterative DeC method. But for high frequency error components ( ~ ~ w ~ ~ ) the difference

between Nh( w) and N~( w) can be quite large, causing slow or no convergence of the iteration pro-
cess. Indeed, dealing with the Euler equations it is a practical experience that (3.2) converges very
slowly or even not at all. Thus we may not expect to reach the fixed point qf of (3.2). Therefore it
makes no sense to make N~ TVD (by a fiuxlimiter) because the TVD property only ensures that qf
is wiggle free.
On the other hand, after one defect correction iteration q~ obeys
N~cq~ := Nl(2Nh - N~)- 1 Nhq~ = rh.
Let N~"( w) denote the symbol of N~c. Then
{Nk{w) }2
Ndc(w) - -~-"-'-'-:._-
h - 2Nh(w) - N~(w) '
and it is easily seen that
N(w) _ N~"(w) = N(w)·{ N(w) - N~(w)} - { N(w) - Nk(w) }2
N(w) - 2·{ N(w) - Nl(w)} + { N(w) - N~(w)}

Because p 1 = 1 and p 2 =
2, this implies that N~c is a second order space discretization of N. So q~
is a second order accurate approximation. In the same way it can be seen that all q~ , n ;;;;., 2 are
second order accurate approximations. Therefore, one or more DeC iteration steps are sufficient to
improve the order of accuracy. This is a well known result which also holds for nonlinear problems

From these arguments it is clear that we will apply the DeC method just a few times (at most four
iteration steps). Then we will obtain a second order accurate approximation which suffers from wig-
gles in the neighbourhood of discontinuities. Because (3.2) starts with the solution of a first order
scheme, which is a monotone scheme, we can prevent these wiggles by looking more closely to the
correction oqg =
qg - qf . After each iteration in (3.2) we will change 8qg, as less as possible, but
such that adding the changed correction to qk • no new local extrema are created. In this way no wig-
gles can be introduced. This changing of oqg is in fact a limiting process, therefore we may speak of
a limited defect correction process. A simple limited defect correction process is:
step]: qh : = qh • .
- Calculate qh from
NA qh = N1 qh + (rh - N~ qh). (3.3)
- Calculate the correction
oqh : = qh - qr , (3.4)
and set
qh := q},*.
Then qh + oqh is the solution of (3.3). Now change qh and oqh by scanning the grid in several direc-
tions (for instance from north-east to south-west and vice versa and from north-west to south-east and
vice versa) and change the states qh,.1 and oqh,, in the visiting control volume O;,j by the following
qh :== q,h + oqgew l,).. ,
j.J l.J


sqr i,j ::::: H( 8qh,.,)" min c8qh.,J , I Bqt i,1 I ) +
+ { 1 - H(8qh,J) }· max (8qh, 1 , - I 8q/;;,1 I), (3.6)

8qt i,J : = max ( qh,-1.1 , qh,,1, , qh,J_, , qh,,1+1 ) - qh,,1 ,
oq/; i,j : :;::: min ( qh,-1,J ' qh,+1,J > qh,J-L > qh,J+l ) - qh,,1 > (3.7)
and H : IR _,. IR denotes the Heaviside function
I if x >0
H(x) = { O
if x <0
- Finally set qh := qh .

Formula (3.5)-(3.7) must be applied to each component of qh,,1 and 8qh,,, separately.
It can be easily seen that oq~ew lJ
. . is a smooth function of 0% and qhy . ~

Furthermore it is clear that in this way no new local extrema will be introduced in a visiting control
volume . Although it is possible that after changing the state in the visiting control volume g,;,j, a
local extrema is created in one of the four neighbouring cells f/,i::!: 1,1 , ni,j±l . This limiter neglects
this possibility, which is expected to occur rarely.
Step2 may be repeated a few times to steepen discontinuities effectively. In general, the limiter will
not work in the smooth parts of the flow field, so in those parts the correction 8qh will be added to qh
completely. Only in the neighbourhood of discontinuities this limiter will do its job; preventing oscil-
lations. Therefore this limiter also provides a way to detect discontinuities in the flow field.


The numerical flux function used in these experiments is constructed with Osher's approximate
Riemann-solver. Hence, both the first and second order upwind scheme are able to capture shocks
and contact discontinuities. To see the improvement of the capturing property after a few DeC itera-
tion steps, two model problems are considered. Problem l concerns an oblique shock reflected from a
flat plate and problem 2 concerns an oblique contact discontinuity generated by the boundary condi-
tions. The precise description of these two problems is:

Problem!: The oblique shock.

The domain g,• is (0,4) X(O, 1) . The exact solution has 3 subregions with uniform
states as given in figure 4.1.



\ ) 0)
0 77?:;~7"'"7"rrrr77~;::;.-;::;...,~~~~~-~~----+-X
Figure 4.1.
The states are respectively:
state l:u =2.9,v = 0.0,c = 1.0,p = 1.0,
state 2:u =2.6,v = -0.5,c = 1.1,p =2.1,
state 3:u =2.4,v = 0.0,c = 1.2,p =4.0.

Problem2: The contact discontinuity.

Here n• = (0,2) X (0,2) . The exact solution of the problem has a discontinuity at
x +y = 2 . In both parts of the domain the solution has a uniform state:
for x +y <2 we takep = 1.0,u =0.3,v =-0.3,c =0.6,
for x +y >2 we take p = 1.0,u =0.6, v = -0.6,c = 1.0.
For the treatment of the boundary conditions see [7].

The figures 1,2,3 and 4 concern the resolution of the oblique shock and the figures 5 and 6 of the
contact discontinuity.
Figure la, lb and le show the pressure contours on a 8X24 mesh, respectively obtained by the first
order Osher scheme and after 1 and 4 DeC iteration steps. Figure 2a,2b and 2c show the same results
but on a 16 X 48 mesh. In all cases the limiter, described in section 3, has been used. In figure 3a and
3b pressure distributions along the flat plate are shown (using the 16X48 mesh). In these figures
results are shown, again obtained by the first order scheme and after 1 and 4 DeC iterations. Figure
3a has been obtained with, figure 3b without the limiter. Figure 4a and 4b show similar results at
y=0.5. After 4 DeC iteration steps the quality of the shock capturing seems comparable with the
results obtained by a second order TVD scheme [3].
Figure 5a,5b,5c and 6a,6b,6c show density contours on respectively a 16 X 16 and a 32 X 32 mesh.
Again results of the first order scheme and after l and 4 DeC iteration steps are shown. For com-
parison see [7].
For both problems, it is clear that after a few DeC iteration steps the capturing of the discontinui-
ties has been improved considerably.


This paper is concerned with the discretization of the steady Euler equations by the finite volume
technique. On an irregular mesh it is shown in detail how to apply Van Leer's projection-evolution
stages in the discretization. Herein, the rotational invariance of the Euler equations is effectively
used. For a general numerical flux function, consistent with the physical flux, a proof is given of the
order of accuracy for a first and second order upwind scheme. Hence, the results hold for all well
known approximate Riemann-solvers.
Second order accurate approximations are obtained by a defect correction (DeC) method. A limiter,
used in the DeC method, is constructed to maintain monotone solutions. For two typical model prob-
lems (an oblique shock and a contact discontinuity), only a few (3 or 4) DeC iteration steps are

sufficient to steepen discontinuities effectively. This makes the method cheap to apply.Furthermore,
the quality of the results seems comparable with results obtained by TVD schemes.

Acknowledgement The author would like to thank P.W.Hemker, B.Koren and Zeeuw for
their cooperation and valuable suggestions.


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i ~

* Figure la.



* Figure lb.


* ~----------------------------------'

Figure le.

Pressure contours of an oblique shock on a 8X24 mesh, obtained by the first order upwind
scheme and after 1 and 4 DeC iteration steps.


0.0'1;167 3.95829

Figure 2a.



o.Oil67 3.95829

Figure 2b.

~------------·-----··----- - --------------~


C.Oil67 J.95829


Figure 2c.

Pressure contours on a 16 X 48 mesh.




' .

Figure 3a. Figure 3b.

Pressure profiles computed at the surface of the fiat plate, using the first order scheme and after I
and 4 DeC iteration steps. Figure 3a has been obtained with a limiter, figure 3b without.

Figure 4a. Figure4b.

Pressure profiles at y = 0.5.


-OfJ':l5ill --OEllSlll


e,: ~~<~'~
.. '

- ·~ _______________,
Figure Sa. Figure Sb.


Figure 6a.
Figure Sc


Figure 6b. Figure 6c.

Density contours of a contact discontinuity on a 16 X 16 (figure 5) and a 32 X 32 (figure 6) mesh,

obtained by the first order scheme and after l and 4 DeC iteration steps.

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