KPMG Our Impact Report 2022
KPMG Our Impact Report 2022
KPMG Our Impact Report 2022
Report 2022
Diving into the future
KPMG in Bermuda
As we present KPMG in Bermuda’s 2022 Impact Report, our
commitment to our four pillars – Governance, People, Planet
and Prosperity – has guided us in driving positive change
within our firm and the communities we serve.
We understand that our role goes beyond providing professional services to our clients,
and we have a responsibility to use our influence, resources, and expertise to create a
more equitable and sustainable world. With this report, we hope to demonstrate our
progress and inspire others to join us in our journey towards a better future.
We would like to take a moment to express our gratitude to our staff for their constant
commitment and dedication to maximizing our Impact. Their hard work and passion
have been instrumental to our firm and the communities we serve. Without their
efforts, the achievements we are sharing in this report would not be possible. Our
values encourage our staff to be good corporate citizens, and we strive to accomplish
this by remaining committed to our youth, communities, and environment. We seek
to lead by example within society while also leading the way for a better world for
generations to come. James Berry Steve Woodward
Within our annual Impact Report, covering January to December 2022, we hope you Chief Executive Officer Chair
see the efforts we go to ensure change is being made as we work Together. For Better. Corporate Citizenship Committee
Total employee turnover by age 7 of the 10 12
$6,600 5% 70% 12% 10% 3%
available Lift Off Program Staff
Accountant positions are currently filled.
were offered.
Sponsorships and
<25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56<
Annual Memberships Scholarship values awarded in the past 5 years
UN’s 17 Sustainable
Development Goals Through our investment into educational,
Global corporations environmental, and medical organizations, we
Our Impact
Here at KPMG in Bermuda, it is vital that we align our Corporate A year in
Citizenship strategy with local and global goals, and in our
corporate culture, being a good corporate citizen and setting PHOTOS
an example within the community.
Therefore, collectively, we strive to make a positive impact by providing development and
growth opportunities for our own people and members within the wider community.
Through the committee’s support, KPMG can provide skills, influence, and business expertise
that help deliver vital information as well as lasting contributions to many local, social, and
environmental issues.
and giving
to individuals for overseas journeys and events or for
religious organizations. However, we can and are pleased
to support specific community outreach programs that Establishing strong relationships with not-for-profit
are spearheaded by religious-based organizations, for organizations to achieve lasting community impact.
example, food drives or similar initiatives that fall under
this remit. We also give to international relief efforts such
as hurricanes and other natural disasters.
Our employees, to If you would like your organization to be considered Encouraging and supporting our people to spend
citizens, aim to: Chair (Steve Woodward). Within your letter, please
provide us with information about your initiative, the
amount (in time or money) you wish to be given,
and lastly, supporting documentation (i.e., financial Generously giving our senior leadership’s time,
Be committed to our communities statements, charitable registration). advice and experience as Directors and officers of
various charities and community organizations.
Requests must be made a minimum of three months in
advance of your initiative, activity, or event. Please either
Strive towards improving local
send your requests to [email protected] or deliver them to
education, development, health,
our offices:
equitable access to resources,
and the employability of Addressed: Providing funding, volunteers, and other support
Bermuda’s youth. during emergencies.
Crown House
KPMG Corporate Citizenship Committee
Set an example within Bermuda 4 Par-La-Ville PRO-BONO POLICY
upon which our peers can be Hamilton, Bermuda HM 08
inspired and encouraged to Harnessing our people skills, experience, and
support our local environment expertise, by supporting not-for-profit organizations
and communities as well. through pro-bono work engagements.
Our ideologies and code of conduct governs us in
Our Green initiatives at KPMG seek to reduce our
what we do and how we do it. Here at KPMG, we environmental impact. We pledge to become net-zero
At KPMG, Our Impact Plan hold each other accountable for our actions. by 2030, support research and its outcomes with our
volunteer work, establish environmental partnerships,
highlights how we are and empower people, clients, and suppliers to partake
in environmental initiatives.
prioritizing our four pillars:
Governance, People, Planet
and Prosperity.
This Impact Report outlines our commitments
to make business better by managing
sustainable growth, creating new value,
and building resilience.
In the coming months and years, we will
continue to reinforce our commitment to
these four areas, not just locally in Bermuda,
We seek to prioritize, promote, and support healthy
living and continue learning within the workplace
Through our own educational outreach program as
but also across KPMG globally. through our firm’s subsidization of sporting events,
well as our administrative and financial dedication to
its own Wellness Program, and internal youth-
KPMG has pledged to invest US$1.5 billion education, environmental and health-oriented initiatives,
oriented programs such as our KPMG scholarships,
into our Environmental, Social and and organizations, we seek to improve and enrich the
summer internships, and graduates’ program.
Governance (ESG) agenda over 2021-2024, lives of many within our communities.
thus, demonstrating that we intend to stay
wholly committed to this cause.
KPMG Global’s
newly released
Impact Plan
outlines our ESG
commitments —
holding the firm
accountable as we
progress toward a more sustainable future.
At KPMG, we know that trust is earned by doing the right thing. To inspire
confidence and empower change, we need to consider the economic,
environmental and social impact of our activities, align our financial and societal
performance as part of a shift toward stakeholder capitalism, and have strong
and respects human rights.
governance in place to oversee all of our activities.
Our Purpose
By inspiring confidence in our people, clients and society, we help
empower the change needed to solve the toughest challenges and lead
the way forward. Our Values:
People • Integrity: We do what is right.
We are a people business. • Excellence: We never stop learning and improving.
Our people crave opportunities to do meaningful and impactful work while • Courage: We think and act boldly.
developing a thriving career in an inclusive, diverse and caring culture.
• Together: We respect each other and
draw strength from our differences.
We stimulate trust and confidence in business. • For Better: We do what matters.
Our clients seek our expertise to overcome vast challenges ahead and to
grow sustainably.
We have a responsibility to build a sustainable future.
Society expects a fairer, more equitable future that doesn’t come with
such deep costs to people and our planet.
KPMG firms are required to establish, communicate All KPMG firms are required to have processes to assess
and maintain clearly defined channels to allow KPMG prospective clients, third parties and suppliers in relation to
people and third parties to make inquiries about, bribery and corruption. Firms must also assess their bribery
raise concerns in relation to, provide feedback on, and corruption environment annually and establish and
and notify of reportable matters without fear of maintain processes to monitor, manage and control how their
reprisal, in accordance with applicable laws and personnel and their agents interact with government entities
regulations. and government officials so as to ensure compliance with
applicable laws and regulations and to maintain public trust.
Supporting our speak-up culture, KPMG International Find out more about our position on bribery and corruption.
has a hotline which is a mechanism for our people,
KPMG firms’ clients and other third parties to We take seriously any incidents that are inconsistent with our
confidentially report concerns they have relating to Values or in breach of the Code. As an industry we must have
any activity by KPMG International, KPMG firms or the highest standards of integrity.
KPMG people.
Investing in
Bermuda’s youth
Providing opportunities to young adults who are
Bermudian or PRC holders finishing their education and
beginning their careers is one of KPMG’s main priorities. Garita Coddington
In line with our commitment to Goal 4 of the UN SDGs, our Lift Off Program The Lift Off Program is a crucial aspect of KPMG’s
is designed to provide skills development, the opportunity to interact with commitment to supporting the next generation of
our client engagement teams, as well as exposure to professional networking Bermudian talent and future leaders. As Senior Manager of
to accelerate their careers. Within the program, we offer work shadow Learning and Development, I am passionate about working with
opportunities for high school seniors, scholarships, summer internships, co- our team to build capacity and sustainability by making this program
op placements, and the graduates program. The Lift Off Program is targeted
inviting, career development focused, exciting and engaging for
towards selecting graduates to join our training program as Staff Accountants.
Staff Accountants, as we want to attract the best and retain them.
The opportunities we provide to young people allow them to learn, The Lift Off Program offers a range of initiatives designed to
excel, and prepare for their future in the corporate sector. empower young people with practical experience and knowledge.
Every year KPMG in Bermuda offers Here are the following charity projects the interns participated in 2022:
K-Nect Scholarships
KPMG values the education of young people and seeks to Providing opportunity for Bermuda’s youth
launch hundreds, if not thousands, of careers world-wide. is in paramount to KPMG. Our scholarships
provide Bermudian undergraduates and
KPMG strives to launch the career of students in Bermuda through our internship,
co-op, and graduate programs which allow firsthand experience in their suggested postgraduates with financial assistance,
career paths. By hosting information sessions for students, teachers, and parents,
the next generation knows how they can start a career with us and what we offer.
guaranteed summer internships, co-op
This year we were able to return to an in-person K-Nect event in July where there
placements, an invitation to an exciting
was a great turnout of university students intrigued about what KPMG offers for and rewarding career through full-time
the start of their careers. Our K-Nect events are to inform, network, and encourage
rising students who want to learn more about what KPMG has to offer regarding employment with KPMG, and a future full
their future. of opportunities.
Finding out that I am the KPMG 2022 Scholarship recipient I am so honored and humbled to be chosen as the 2022 Frontier
was one of the best moments of my life. I am honored and Scholarship recipient. I would like to extend my gratitude for this
incredibly grateful to the scholarship committee for giving me generous contribution towards my academic success. After
this opportunity and cannot wait to make the most of it. interning at KPMG for the past three summers, I know for sure
that obtaining my CPA and becoming a certified accountant is the
At school, I learnt that business decisions are based on path that I am most passionate about. The Frontier scholarship not
financial information and that accountants have a crucial only provides me with the resources to do so but allows me the
role in providing it. I have always enjoyed problem opportunity to return to a world-renowned company (KPMG)
solving and working with numbers. Both of my with the guidance procedures set in place that will allow me
parents work in financial services and my father is to excel in my professional career. To me, receiving this
an accountant. These are all factors that led to me scholarship symbolizes what can be done through hard
studying Accounting and Finance at the University of Edinburgh, where I am work, perseverance, and an incredible support system
currently in my third year. This scholarship and the KPMG Graduate Program both personally and professionally. Thanks to both the
will enable me to achieve my goals obtaining my ACA-UK accounting help of Frontier and the support of KPMG I am able to
designation and enter the industry at one of the world’s leading accounting finish my education and begin on a path that will propel
firms (KPMG). me into a prosperous career in the accounting industry.
Congratulations to Charlie and Makeda. We are excited to be working Congratulations to Makeda on being selected as the recipient of the
with them over the next few years and to welcoming them into 2022 Frontier Scholarship. We were impressed with her academic
KPMG’s Lift Off Program. They can both look forward strength, leadership, her well-directed sense of community, and philanthropic
to a great future and a fantastic career with KPMG responsibility making Makeda a well deserving
when they graduate from university. We also really recipient of this award. We are proud to do our
appreciate the support from Frontier in funding part to help talented Bermudians, like Makeda,
their scholarship and in continuing to promote to continue their education and achieve their
the development of the accounting profession professional goals and we remain grateful in
in Bermuda. working with KPMG in this endeavor.
Steve Woodward Derek Winch
Partner CEO Frontier
KPMG in Bermuda Financial Services Limited
Graduate Program
Our firm ensures that our Staff Accountants are given trainings to excel and learn more during their time here.
For a total period of 30 months of study and work experience, we ensure our Staff Accountants are evolving in their career. We provide university graduates with high level
trainings, educational and finance assistance, a competing starting salary, and other benefits. In return we ask for hard work, especially towards gaining their qualifications and
their development into certified accountants.
Throughout their time within the firm there are different opportunities to grow as individuals through soft skills and training. Our first-year Staff Accountants found many benefits
within the training made available and here is what they had to say...
One of the most influential trainings KPMG provides everyone with access The trainings that were provided to me
I have had this year includes the to a huge variety of trainings available on by KPMG were helpful because they
LinkedIn profile training that was offered. This the LinkedIn Learning platform. I have found this helped me understand the basic knowledge of
training was designed to provide KPMG staff to be beneficial as I am able to tailor my trainings KPMG’s Values and ethics, code of conduct, ESG
useful tips and tricks to revamp their profile in to support my personal development. Throughout functional strategies, and many more. KPMG is a
order to increase professionalism and to reach the year, I have been able to gain useful tips and professional firm and wants to handle everything
various audiences. I learned some key pointers tricks on a range of topics, including successful internal or external in a professional manner.
going forward concerning what is effective and communication, enhancing productivity, and These trainings show us how and why this is the
impactful when marketing my own personal building relationships. These trainings have aided most important element to KPMG’s continued
brand, and when seeking to expand my in developing my soft skills to improve my ability success. The trainings have impacted me in so
connections with industry professionals alike. to deliver impact, inspire trust, while continuing to many ways and they have helped me with my
seek growth. journey through KPMG.
Global Advantage
The Global Advantage Program gathers the top KPMG talent
from around the world including 120 college students,
majority being seniors, five Partners, and twenty recruiters
and instructors.
In 2022, the program was held in Denmark where Sihlé Sharrieff-Hayward, one of
our Staff Accountants, and Owenea Roberts, an intern who started her first year of
university this year, attended the program. At Global Advantage, there was leadership
training, networking, guest speakers, client visit, and an amazing opportunity to
explore the city.
Partners with more than twenty years of experience in the industries of Tax, Audit,
Advisory, and Recruitment were able to network with the students who were
representing multiple countries around the world. Through the different training
provided to the students they were able to learn how to focus on differing professional
communication styles, the Platinum rule; treat your client the way they want to be
treated, and presentation skills.
In June 2022, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in KPMG’s Global Advantage Program in Copenhagen Denmark, along with 120 students from
across the globe.
I was able to engage in a variety of workshops focusing on the value of leadership skills, social styles, and cultural awareness. I also had the opportunity to
explore this beautiful European city in its most raw form… from getting around like the locals, getting a taste of Copenhagen’s cuisine, cruising the canals and a
client visit to Den Blå Planet (Copenhagen’s National Aquarium)! In addition to that, I was able to meet and connect with many professionals within KPMG who
were so enthused to answer any questions I may have had and to share their own experiences with me! I also cannot forget about the new friends I have made
from across the globe, and I cannot wait to reconnect with them again throughout our journeys with KPMG.
Lastly, I am so grateful to KPMG in Bermuda to have had this once in a lifetime educational and explorative experience and I’m looking forward to bringing what I
have learned with me in my global future with KPMG.
Sihlé Sharrieff-Hayward
Staff Accountant, Audit
The One Young World Summit brings
together young aspiring leaders
from all around the globe, to partake in an One Young
In September 2022, I had the
opportunity to attend the One Young
World summit in Manchester, England as a
action-packed week of panel discussions, KPMG in Bermuda delegate. I was delighted
workshops and networking. We heard from to go as the summit allows young adults, like
incredible young entrepreneurs who are myself, to come together for a higher purpose.
doing remarkable things in their communities Over the course of three days, I attended
around the world. It was a truly eye-opening presentations, and participated in action
experience and such a privilege to attend this workshops surrounding multiple subjects
summit on behalf of KPMG in Bermuda. I The annual One Young World Summit in different areas. I met young leaders from
had the opportunity to meet colleagues from brings together over 2,000 of the around the world. With limited resources,
KPMG offices across Europe, North America, some people I met created educational
and Asia, as well as network with people brightest young leaders from every devices, mental health apps, costal reef
working in completely different industries to country and sector, working to restoration plans, and different community
my own. The experience was incredible, and
I returned home to Bermuda empowered
accelerate social impact both outreach programs. All the initiatives are
helping people acquire the knowledge and
to make a difference in areas that I am in-person and digitally. support they need; but what is different with
passionate about serving. the Baucicot’s youth program initiative is he is
KPMG in Bermuda sent two individuals to the One
spearheading it with the assistance of KPMG
Young World Summit to meet, experience, and learn
Dayna Darby about different individuals’ work with community and in Canada. He was able to launch the program
Senior, Audit becoming leaders. as an intrapreneur. Intrapreneurship was a new
concept to me. An intrapreneur is a person
who is in-charge of launching a new project
or product within a company.
I hope to be an intrapreneur
for a range of community-
based projects at KPMG in
Bermuda. As I’ve been
inspired to be an active
environmentalist and
humanitarian in
Space for image
my community.
Rickie Williams
Staff Accountant,
The commitment to and wellness of our people Employee wellness program Employee assistance program
A key priority for our firm, is the mental and physical At KPMG, our Wellness Program was formed to tend While all our staff are provided with a best in class
health of people both within our local community, to and maintain our people’s health and wellbeing. health insurance program, they, as well as their family
but also within our firm. Our Wellness Committee The program provides several advantageous members, are also granted access to complimentary
plays a huge role in keeping our staff as mentally opportunities and services to our staff, these free and confidential counselling sessions. Although
and physically healthy as possible, so that they can include in-house health and wellness lunch and learn financed fully by the firm, the Employee Assistance
perform to the best of their ability professionally. sessions, reduced corporate rates for local health/ Program (EAP) is provided by a local, and independent
Over the last 12 months the Committee, despite the fitness club memberships, and firm sponsored entry counselling service. Through this service, our
challenges and restrictions that COVID has imposed, fees for sporting events. This program also seeks employees are provided a space in which they
has managed to organize several events and to ensure the safety of our people in the working address all problems ranging from personal to work
initiatives that our employees have become involved environment. To ensure this even more, employees related matters.
with, including monthly football matches, weekly are offered a security service to be accompanied to
cricket sessions, various running events, swimming their car after work if they feel unsafe.
lessons and Wellness Wednesdays. All these
events provide our staff with the chance to meet
new people, get some fresh air, push themselves
physically as well as mentally, and become educated
on food and diet.
As Head of People, I am proud to say that our commitment to the mental and physical wellbeing of our
staff goes beyond just talk. Our Wellness Committee has worked tirelessly to organize a variety of events
and initiatives that allow our employees to not only stay healthy, but also to connect with each other and learn
about healthy living. Prioritizing the mental and physical wellbeing of our staff not only benefits our employees,
but also creates a ripple effect of positive impact on the community. At KPMG, we believe that investing in the
wellbeing of our people means investing in the betterment of Bermuda as a whole.
Adam Smith
Partner, Head of People
Diversity, Equity,
As a DEI committee
member at KPMG,
I am proud to say that our
commitment to diversity,
the world through various perspectives. feels valued and respected, Barbados Rwanda
we have created a culture of Bermuda South Africa
Due to our inclusive and diverse workforce, our people can collaboration and innovation
effectively collaborate and feel empowered to voice their that enables us to deliver the Canada Spain
opinions. Only by creating an accommodating work environment best possible outcomes for our
can we reach our full potential and provide our clients and Haiti Switzerland
clients and community.
community with the best possible outcomes. India Trinidad and Tobago
We recognize that diversity
How do we define diversity, equity, and inclusion at KPMG? goes beyond race and gender, Japan Uganda
and we are committed to
Kenya United Kingdom
ensuring that all forms of
diversity are celebrated and Pakistan United States
Diversity is about difference embraced. Our focus on DEI
has helped us attract and
We commit to embracing and respecting the variety of unique retain top talent from diverse
experiences, cultures, identities, and perspectives we collectively backgrounds, which has
bring to KPMG. enriched our organization in Inclusion and diversity stats
countless ways.
Teen Haven is a charity established to empower youth, primarily at-risk girls. Some
of the items our KPMG team donated included soaps, oral hygiene products,
feminine products, and clothing amongst other things. The recipients of the
toiletries were extremely grateful and our team at KPMG enjoyed participating in
the toiletry and essential item drive.
Even on an extremely hot August day, a cohort of KPMGers took to the streets of
Hamilton to join the Pride Parade. Representing the cause with our KPMG Pride
t-shirts, family and friends walked, enjoyed, and cheered together around the city
starting at Victoria Park. The array of rainbow flags and smiles among everyone’s
faces truly showed the love and support for the community that has gone through
much turmoil through the years, now receiving the recognition and acceptance.
environmental goals
Climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution affect us all and
demands robust action.
Since we launched our Global Climate Response in 2008 as well as committed ourselves to the
UN’s 17 SDGs, we’ve been actively seeking ways to reduce our environmental impact globally. Over that
time KPMG has set ambitious targets for reducing emissions and using renewable electricity. We seek to
become Net-Zero Carbon by 2030, which would entail a 50% reduction of direct and indirect greenhouse
gas emissions by 2030.
To guarantee a high level of assurance, we have begun reporting on our carbon emissions and other
environmental-related metrics annually as reported on page 4.
Making an
Ensuring that we at KPMG do everything in our
capacity to reduce our carbon footprint is one
of our top priorities, as part of our broader
ESG commitments.
As times begin to normalize since the pandemic, the goal of being
an environmentally friendly firm remains a priority. This year we truly
encouraged change in and out of the office. This includes:
campaign created by the island’s environmental
nonprofit groups. BPB’s goal is to support the Bermuda
Government’s intended ban on single-use plastic and
to bring change into the community by educating the
public about plastic pollution. By coming Beyond Plastic
Champions, it encourages other business to ensure we
are all taking the steps to reduce single-use plastics
Reduce, reuse, and recycle is a constant mantra usage. We at KPMG took the following actions to
of KPMG’s Green Committee when it comes to become Beyond Plastic Champions:
Worked with cleaners to ensure all recyclable
sustainable living. materials are placed in blue bags or bins and not
thrown in with the regular trash.
Our Green Committee prioritizes the environment and encourages
Revamped standard drink orders to ensure all
our staff to do the same in the office and out.
beverages are in glass, aluminum, or paper cartons.
Whether it is cleaning up railroad trails, beaches, reduction of plastic All kitchens are stocked with reusable cutlery,
or energy, this has been achieved throughout the years by our Green dishes, cups, and containers.
Committee and staff who have volunteered to make in impact on our
Actively work with caterers to ensure they use
island and in our office.
minimal plastic.
Moved more catering inhouse to ensure we could
Through participation in community clean-up
control the amount of plastic purchased, could bring
efforts, lunch and learns with local environmentalists and reusable containers or bags.
making corporate commitments to reducing our single-use
plastic (SUPs), the KPMG Green committee provide staff
with the necessary education and tools to adopt long-
lasting, sustainable practices in the office and at home. The James Berry
committee is excited to continue raising awareness for local CEO
green initiatives and arming our staff with the skillsets needed
to become life-long eco-champions. Together. For Better. KPMG is excited to support the Beyond
Plastic campaign by committing to reducing
its reliance on single use plastics. We are proud to
operate in Bermuda and it is paramount that we do
our part to keep our island home beautiful, healthy,
and thriving. By becoming Corporate Champions, we
will continue to strive to make a difference as a firm as
well as encourage our staff to adopt long-lasting green
habits which they will promote and share with their
family and friends, in Bermuda and beyond.
BUEI Bermuda
Youth Climate
The Bermuda Underwater Exploration
Institute (BUEI) has been educating
and inspiring Bermuda’s community on
ocean-focused environmentalism and
marine history for nearly 25 years.
Their initiative to create the Youth Climate Summit is
to bring young people who are passionate about the
environment and participate in a week long annual event
that takes place in November. With the importance
of the environment, KPMG is proud to sponsor this
initiative and support their cause through promoting
their events and supplying them with environmentally
friendly objects such as reusable water bottles, wooden
snake puzzles, and metal cutlery packets for the
students in attendance of the events.
Make a
Difference Day
KPMG in Bermuda’s Make a Difference Day (MaDD) is
a hands-on volunteering day where our employees
give their time to make a positive difference in our
local community.
Our people get first-hand experience volunteering and gain a better
appreciation of the importance of contributing to their community.
They are also encouraged to continue the relationships with the
charitable and service organizations we support. With hundreds of
person-hours donated in a single day, we make a significant impact, in
a very short period.
November has become an important month for the men
in all different departments to participate and raise
money for the amazing ‘taches cause of MOvember.
From clean shaven to amazing ‘staches in support of the Bermuda Cancer
and Health Centre, the office was full of fellow colleagues rocking creative
KPMG would like to thank styles of mustaches.
our MObros and MOsistas To raise money throughout the month of MOvember there was a raffle, bake
sale, donations, and other fun ways which included the KPMG World Cup
for their dedication to Sweepstakes and World Cup Fantasy Football in support of Movember. With half
a great and important of the proceeds going towards the Bermuda Cancer and Health and the other
half going to the winners of each pool of first, second, and third place.
cause. Collectively, they
were able to raise $10,213
for the Bermuda Cancer Come dine with me fundraiser
and Health Centre. To support Bermuda Cancer and Health’s
MOvember initiative, KPMG did an internal
fundraiser called Come Dine with Me. The
fundraiser consisted of five themed dinners
hosted by Partners and Directors, where staff
members could bid for a seat starting at $100.
All the proceeds from the bidding went towards
MOvember. The dinner themes in 2022 included
a South African Braai, Canadian feast, Scottish
Burns night, Curry night, and a Wine and Whisky
night. Individuals could replace someone
who already secured a seat up until 48 hours
before the dinner. After attending the dinner, all
participants were required to rate the meal and
hosting. The Partner/Director with the highest
score was awarded the highly coveted Come
Dine with me Spork trophy.
Golf Day
Although COVID-19 has impacted the way we held events it
never deterred us from supporting charities. In 2022, we were
able to reunite in person in support of raising money for RFL. The
annual Charity Golf Day, which was held on April 30, 2022, is an
initiative geared to supporting Relay for Life. The event which
was held at the Turtle Hill Golf Club brought staff together from
all departments. Two tables were set up throughout the course
to raise funds by selling food, beverages, and raffling a BBQ
basket throughout the event.
Since this was the first event since the COVID-19 Pandemic, it
allowed everyone at KPMG in Bermuda to come together for a
great cause and raise money for RFL.
Ignite Bermuda was establised three years ago to support Bermudian entrepreneurs,
and since that time, the ecosystem has grown steadily to over 400 strong.
KPMG is proud to be a key partner Bermuda’s entrepreneurial leaders
in supporting the expansion of the for years to come. We are grateful to KPMG
Ignite network of entrepreneurs to for their support for
create jobs and economic growth Highlights from the Cohort 4 and Ignite since inception. The advice
and diversity in Bermuda. 5 Metrics they provide to the cohort on
financial awareness and knowing
Ignite’s Entrepreneurial Accelerator 1 The overall impact rating for the numbers has benefited the
Programme continues to be the Cohort 4 and 5 was over 80% local entrepreneur community
focal point of the team’s activities, immeasurably.”
offering two paths for successful 2 Mentor quality and impact for
Cohort 4 was 70% and it was — Don Mackenzie
applicants. The first being the
80% for cohort 5. Co-founder of Ignite and
Core Accelerator Programme
which takes up to 34 startups Chair of Ignite
through an intensive programme 3 Top ranking elements in
the ecosystem include: The importance of
of enablement, expert support, and Enablement, information collaboration of KPMG
entrepreneurial development. The sessions, and an and their volunteers is critical to
second path is a series of monthly expanded network. increasing the skills necessary to
workshops as part of the Fuel Your
build job creating and profitable
Ambition Series. Both paths are 4 When asked what statements businesses for Bermuda.
self-driven and designed to build best resonate with them, 88%
a community of support around of Cohort 5 said, “I am more The entrepreneurs and community
entrepreneurial leaders. entrepreneurial as a result of leaders highly value the time
the Program.” and expertise that the KPMG
Ignite works closely with community
volunteers contribute. Having a solid
leaders, mentors, and experts 5 NPS score was 100% for C4 understanding of the financial model
such as KPMG, who provide and C5, “I would recommend and status of their businesses is
invaluable support and guidance Ignite to someone applying.” fundamental to success.”
for the Ignite entrepreneurs who in
turn, build incredible businesses. 6 Each cohort is asked to report — Sean Reel
Ignite continues to ensure that key impact themes; Cohorts Executive Director,
their Accelerator Programme 4 and 5 shared the following: Ignite Bermuda
paths remains effective by testing “supportive”, “transformative”,
opportunities and resources so that “growth” and “inspiring.”
we meet the changing needs of
Our employee’s
Garita Coddington, Senior Troy Dort, Directory, Advisory, has
Manager, Learning and been involved with Youth Athletic
Development in Bermuda, as Organization Baseball in Bermuda
well as KPMG Islands Group- since 2014. His commitment to the
which incorporates five operating program has been unwavering, and
charity work
entities over 12 jurisdictions, he is currently coaching the 2023
approximately 2,800 total learners. YOA Longtail 10U travel team as
She is a leader who is passionate well as the T-Ball 10U team.
about assisting and supporting her
community in various ways. Troy’s passion for empowering young people
continues as he also coaches The Bermuda High
Felicia Wilsen Director, Audit Garita has been a member of the Bermuda School’s U6 Youth Soccer team. Troy spends about
Enterprise in Bermuda, has made Zoological Society since 2016, as the Chairperson eight hours each week coaching these teams, and
significant contributions to various of Education. As a former educator, with over 20 through his efforts, he has helped to develop
charitable causes in her community. years’ experience, as a teacher, mentor, coach, and children that have great potential and give them
Notably, she has donated audit principal, her love for education empowered the BZS the opportunity to have a bright future in sports.
services to 12 hand-selected charities education committee. BZS now proactively engages This leaves room for them to potentially get
approved by the Corporate with all primary and middle school science teachers sports scholarships to aid them in funding
Citizenship Committee, focusing on to work more collaboratively to enhance the their further education.
youth and education. facilitation of more hands on, project-based learning
experiences for our students. This approach also On top of his coaching, Troy is a member of the
Felicia has devoted her time to mentoring young people incorporated upskilling educations with workshops fundraising committee for the Waterstart program.
through the Ignite program. She and five others rotate and modeling teaching lessons. This approach has Waterstart is a charity whose mission is to promote
to be available for members every Thursday, answering assisted with improving student performance on the environmental awareness and personal growth
accounting questions and providing financial advice, Cambridge science curriculum. through hands-on educational opportunities in natural
guiding them through their business operations from environments. They have developed, and continue
start to finish, and checking in on them through Garita also serves on the Berkeley Institute Board to expand upon, a collection of highly successful
quarterly catchups. of Governors. She has served on the Board of her outdoor education programs. Programs typically
alma mater for a total of four years. She works involve training in snorkeling, scuba diving, boating,
In addition, Felicia volunteers at the Bermuda Zoological alongside the Chairman of the Board, former KPMG conservation, and marine science. These programs
Society (BZS) as the Assistant Treasurer. She keeps Partner, Craig Bridgewater to assist with leadership allow students to embrace new experiences and gain
the BZS Board informed about their investments and development. She was appointed the lead for the skills through experiential learning.
financial activities including managing the Society’s implementation of the Signature Programs adoption
cashflows, budgets, and committee meetings. Felicia of the Berkeley Institute - Health and social services, Currently, Waterstart is going through a
also serves on the board of CPA Bermuda, focusing on and Finance.Her goal is to develop and empower modernization and investment phase of their
education and support for young Bermudians who aspire educators and school leaders to support student campus on Burt’s Island. Troy plays an integral role
to follow a career in accounting. success for their future desired career paths. in working with corporate sponsors to generate the
necessary funding. Troy’s unwavering involvement
Felicia’s outstanding contributions to her community KPMG’s Corporate Citizenship Committee has a and dedication to these programs continues to make
demonstrate her commitment to making a positive hands-on approach to support and assist Ignite with a significant impact on the community and we hope
impact. Her actions inspire others at KPMG to follow in leadership development. Garita facilitates yearly it continues for years to come.
her footsteps and help contribute to wider community learning experiences for cohorts, on the topic of
here in Bermuda. Self-Management: The Art of Taking Control. Garita
also supports Ignite personnel by providing
Troy Dort
leadership and career coaching to support their Director, Advisory
Felicia Wilsen leadership development.
Director, Audit
Garita Coddington
Senior Manager, Learning and Development
By collecting items over the twelve days, it allows for children to get items for Ukraine Global Emergency Appeal
Christmas. As a firm, we were able to donate a variety of gifts - ranging from
non-perishable foods, toys, toiletries, school supplies, books, clothing and KPMG in Bermuda along with other KPMG firms around the world have united
more. Through the immense support of our employees, KPMG was able to to support the citizens of Ukraine who have been affected by the military action
donate over 430 items, which we hoped helped to make Christmas exciting and taking place in their country. Driven by our company values, KPMG in Bermuda
fulfilling for children. and member firms around the globe understand the importance of participating
in supporting our colleagues in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. We are committed to
doing what we can to help people and communities in need.
Other charities
we support
ABIC Education Bermuda Bermuda Junior Bermuda Bermuda
Awards Festival Cycling National Trust Philharmonic
Lions Club Bermuda Knowledge Lady Cubitt P.A.L.S. Relay For The Bermuda
Bermuda’s Lions Club got eyewear Quest Compassionate Life Society for the
from KPMG, including reading and Association Blind
sunglasses, to help those in need. Lions
Clubs worldwide gather millions of
eyewear yearly, and KPMG was happy to
participate this year.
Transitional Ukraine Appeal Windreach
Educational outreach -
The 2022 KPMG Investment Challenge was comprised of twenty teams
from the following schools:
Steve Woodward
[email protected]
Rhiannon Nanette
[email protected]
Published by:
KPMG in Bermuda | Crown House | 4 Par-la-Ville Road
Hamilton | HM 08 | Bermuda
[email protected] | +1 441 295 5063
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of the particular situation.
© 2023 KPMG, a group of Bermuda limited liability companies and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.”Partner” is a stylistic designation referring to a
shareholder, director or employee of equivalent standing of one or more KPMG group of companies in Bermuda. The use of the term “Partner” does not
connote any partnership as a matter of law.
The KPMG name and logo are trademarks used under license by the independent member firms of the KPMG global organization.