CHN Case2
CHN Case2
CHN Case2
Submitted by:
Magtang, Irish
Submitted to:
Date Submitted:
I. Introduction
II. Demographic data
III. Family Data
IV. Family members chart
V. Monthly family income source and total
VI. Family characteristics
VII. Type of family structure
VIII. General family relationship/dynamics
IX. Ecogram
X. Home and environment
XI. Awareness of community organization
XII. Health status of each family members
A. Medical and nursing history
B. Family health status/health history (genogram)
C. Review of symptoms of systems
D. Functional assessment
E. Physical assessment of each member of the family
F. Laboratory and diagnostic findings supportive to assessment findings
XIII. Data Analysis
XIV. Family Nursing Health Condition
A. Prioritizing health condition
XV. Family Nursing Care Plan
XVI. Drug Study
XVII. Summary
XVIII. Conclusion
I. Demographic data:
Household number: 040 Brgy. House number:
Elna Pagal 34years old F Married Mother Wife 2nd year high school N/A
〇 Doctor
〇 Nurse
〇 Midwife
〇 Barangay health workers
〇 Health center
〇 Albularyo
〇 Manghihilot
〇 Others, specify:
〇 Family members
〇 Relatives
〇 Friends
〇 Priest
〇 Brgy. Officials
〇 Others, specify:
Ecogram (relationship of the family to larger community)
Health Iba,
Center Elementary
jjj (RHU) School
IV. Home and environment
A. Is your lot owned?
. yes . ✓ no
B. Is your house owned?
. ✓ yes . no
C. Type of housing materials
. ✓ Wood . Makeshift
. Concrete . others, specify:
D. Is the living space adequate?
. ✓ yes . no
E. Number of rooms used for sleeping 1 .
F. Type of lighting facilities:
. ✓ electricity (Jumper) . candle
. kerosene . others, specify:
G. What are the appliances owned by the family?
1. Refrigerator
2. Television
3. DVD
4. Speaker
H. Type of water supply:
. owned . ✓ bought (Nawasa)
I. Drinking water storage:
. ✓ covered . refrigerated
. uncovered . others, specify:
J. Containers used
. pitchers . jars or clay pots
. bottles . ✓ others, specify: Water gallon
K. Food storage/cooking facilities:
. ✓ covered . ✓ stove (electric/gas)
. uncovered . firewoods/charcoal
. ✓ refrigerator . others, specify:
L. Type of garbage disposal
. collected . burial in pit
. segregation . hog feeding
. ✓ open dumping . composting
. ✓ open burning . others, specify:
M. Type of waste disposal
. flush type . balot system (wrap and
. water-sealed latrine . pail system
. pit privy . ✓ others, specify: Chamber pots
N. Type of drainage system?
. ✓ open . closed
O. Pets/animals kept in the yard/home
1. Dog ( not vaccinated)
2. Cat
P. Common household pests found at home:
1. Cockroaches
2. Snake
4. Rat
Q. Are there breeding sites of insects, rodents, etc present?
. ✓ yes . no
R. Are there any accident hazards present?
. ✓ yes . no
S. Kind of Neighborhood: Joyful, “Marites”
Common illness encountered for the past six (6) months and the
treatment applied
Marvin Alvin Miche
Mark Joan Joan Mariss Elna Elmar Wendy
Pagal Pagal Pagal a al
Lenard Pagal Garcia Pagal Garcia Garcia
28yrs 26 yrs 23yrs 20 yrs 35 yrs Garcia 27 yrs
31yrs old 34 yrs 32 yrs
old old old old old 30 yrs old
old old
Eyes (HP-glasses/contacts)
Nose and sinuses Colds
Missing tooth in canine Missing Missing
Mouth and throat (HP dental care) part molar incisors
Respiratory system (HP-chest x-ray)
Urinary system (HP-prevention of urinary tract tract
infection) infection
sexual health
D. Functional Assessment
COMPONENTS Father Mother Child 1 Child 2
Alcohol use:
Tobacco use: ✓
history of dyspnea or fatigue
Sleep routines
Any complaints? (e.g. pain)
Manner of speaking
any significant stress in the past year 3rd party Bullying Bullying
Source of strength or meaning
Hair Inspection Hair must be Patchy areas, Scalp is Scalp is Scalp is Scalp is
/scalp moisturized loss hair, symmetrical and symmetrical symmetrical symmetrica
palpation and evenly brittle, dry and no presence of and no and no l and no
distributed no presence of lesions. presence of presence of presence of
parasite lesions. (+) lesions.(+) lesions. (+)
lice lice lice
Scalp must be
smooth, firm,
and no
presence of
Head Inspection Skull is Uneven Skull is Skull is Skull is Skull is
normocephalic, molding, symmetrical. symmetrical symmetrical symmetrica
Palpation symmetrical, asymmetrical l
features masses,
appropriate enlarged head,
for the size, the hydrocephalus,
head may have microcephaly
odd shape due
to the molding
of childbirth
Face and Inspection Shape may be face a bump or Face shape is Face shape Face shape Face shape
cranial oval soft, lumps on asymmetrical;Has is is is
nerves V Palpation or rounded; lesions no involuntary asymmetric asymmetrica asymmetric
and VII the face is observed, movements. al;Has no l;Has no al;Has no
symmetrical: asymmetrical, involuntary involuntary involuntary
no involuntary distorted movements. movements. movements
movements features. .
Nose Inspection Nose is Lesions, Nose has no Nose has no Nose has no (+)
symmetric and asymmetrical, presence of presence of presence of discharge
Palpation straight, there redness, discharge and is discharge discharge and is
is no discharge dryness, or symmetrical. The and is and is symmetrica
present and cracked, color is the same symmetrical symmetrical. l. The color
the color is the tenderness as the face and . The color is The color is is the same
same as the has no lesions. the same as the same as as the
face, no the face and the face and face and
tenderness and has no has no has no
lesions were lesions. lesions. lesions. He
observed and has a nevi
palpated. The
nasal system is
intact and in
the midline. A
red glow is
seen in the
maxillary and
sinus during
Eyes and Inspection (+) PERRLA, (-) PERRLA, (+) PERRLA (+) PERRLA (+) PERRLA (+)
Vision the sclera is asymmetrical PERRLA
Palpation white no blink, The sclera is (+)yellowis The sclera is
edema or incomplete white. h. white. The sclera
tearing, closure, rapid is white.
palpebral blinking, The eyes has no The eyes The eyes has
conjunctivae irregular involuntary has no no The eyes
are smooth shape, movements and involuntary involuntary has no
and pinkish inconsistent are symmetrical movements movements involuntary
red, no color, cloudy when blinking. and are and are movements
discharge and lens, jerky eye symmetrical symmetrical and are
tenderness movements. when when symmetrica
noted upon blinking. blinking. l when
palpation of blinking.
the lacrimal
sac, the cornea
is transparent,
shiny smooth
and blinks
when it is
Mouth Inspection Lips are moist, Asymmetrical Lips are moist Lips are Lips are Lips are
red and mouth, dry, and smooth, moist and moist and moist and
Palpation smooth, gums pale lips, gums are pink, smooth, smooth, smooth,
are pink, bleeding, white and the tongue is gums are gums are gums are
tongue is at the patches, at the center and pink, and pink, and pink, and
center and broken teeth, moves freely. the tongue the tongue is the tongue
slightly rough dental caries is at the at the center is at the
on top, it ulcers present center and and moves center and
moves freely, presents of moves freely. moves
teeth are not lesions. Note: Cavity on freely. Missing freely.
yet completely the left 2 molar
Missing tooth in Missing
erupting, soft tooth. tooth in molar. tooth in
palate is color canine incisors
pink and hard above.
palate is
lighter in color
and positioned
in the midline.
Pink and
soothing and
no discharge;
Consistency is
Ears and Inspection Ears must be Pinna Ears are equal in Ears are Ears are Ears are
Hearing equal in size positioned size and similar equal in size equal in size equal in
Palpation and similar in below a line in appearance and similar and similar size and
appearance, from a comet and have no in in similar in
auricles have of auricles presence of appearance appearance appearance
the same color have the same discharge. and have no and have no and have
with the facial color with the presence of presence of no
skin. They are facial skin. discharge.. discharge. presence of
symmetrical They are discharge.
and aligned symmetrical
with the outer and aligned
canthus of the with the outer
eye; they are canthus of the
firm and not eye;they are
tender, no firm and not
presence of tender, with no
discharges. presence of
Neck Inspection Muscles equal Muscles equal The Head is at the The Head is The Head is The Head is
in size head in size head center. at the at the at the
Palpation centered. centered. center. center. center.
muscle Coordinated Coordinated Coordinate
movement and muscle muscle d muscle
coordinated Coordinated there's no pain movement movement movement
muscle muscle when moving. and there's and there's and there's
movement movement and no pain no pain no pain
and there’s no there’s no pain when when when
pain when when moving moving. moving. moving.
Lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are not
are not palpable.
There is no
tenderness, no
palpable lumps
or masses,
color is the
same as the
Number of
fingers per
each hand is
Nails Inspectio Symmetrica Pallor Nails are Nails are Nails are Nails are
n l, equal in cyanotic symmetrical symmetrical symmetrical symmetrical
length, nails: yellow and equal and equal and equal and equal
pinkish in discoloration in length. in length. in length. in length.
color. ;
Capillary Capillary Capillary Capillary Capillary refill
refill; beau lines; refill is refill is refill is is
prompt clubbing; normal.(Turn normal.(Turn normal.(Turn normal.(Turns
return of s to pinkish s to pinkish s to pinkish to pinkish color
pink (less thickened color in less color in less color in less in less than 3
than 3 sec) nails than 3 than 3 than 3 seconds when
seconds seconds seconds pressed)
when when when
pressed) pressed) pressed)
Liver, spleen, Percussion Liver span is Liver span is Liver span is Liver span Liver Liver
kidneys 6 to 12 cm in greater than greater than is greater span is span is
the right 12cm in the 12cm in the than 12cm greater greater
MCL. Liver right MCL with right MCL with in the right than than
span is 4 to 8 enlarged liver. enlarged liver. MCL with 12cm in 12cm in
cm in Dullness Dullness enlarged the right the right
midsternal extends above extends above liver. MCL with MCL with
line: non the 6th rib. the 6th rib. enlarged enlarged
tender, no liver. liver.
Enlarged spleen.
Enlarged spleen. percussed note
percussed note become dull;
Spleen; small become dull; painful upon
area of painful upon palpation,
dullness and palpation, superficial
6th to superficial masses, spleen
10th ribs: masses, spleen enlargement
tympanic on enlargement
not normally
Kidneys: not
no masses, no
increase in
girth, level of
dullness does
not change
Angela Angelo
Musculoskeletal Inspection Skin is intact; Pallor, cyanosis, Skin is Skin is Skin is Skin is
structures spine is bulging intact and intact and intact and intact and
vertically retracting spine is spine is spine is spine is
aligned; intercostals vertically vertically vertically vertically
shoulder and spaces, aligned. aligned. aligned. aligned.
hips are at same asymmetrical;
height depressed or
sternum; spine
not aligned.
Musculoskeleta Inspection Able to do Bone Full ROM. Full ROM. Full ROM. Full ROM.
l functions flexions and deformity,
ROM muscle
atrophy, not
able to
perform ROM
limited ROM,
The Pagal Family is composed of a complete family that has six members. They
have been residing in Brgy. Iba Silang, Cavite, for 34 years, and their conflict is the
father's having another affair, she didn’t know anything about it where it was from and
how long it had been. Their dominant family member is the father, who supports his
family by being a fish vendor at Silang Wet Market. The 1st born is currently in grade 2
due to he can’t read, so the teacher decide to repeat him. Baby Shell is not yet in school
because she just turned 4years old. The family goes to a doctor, nurse, barangay health
worker, or health center when they feel something bad that can lead to illness. After all,
the family has a dog that was not vaccinated, which may lead to danger. Even the
whole family has never received an immunization or vaccination because they don't
want to. At the same time, the family's common illnesses are fever, cough, and common
colds, and wound which they treat with paracteamol, ambroxol, amoxicillin, solmux.and
The Pagal family suffers from a number of health issues, some of which we have
identified. These include the high risk of contracting diseases brought on by the lack of
vaccinations as well as the environment, the improper fluid intake that results in UTI in
their second child, and the trauma that both of their children have experienced as a
result of bullying. However, despite these issues, it is clear that the parents continue to
provide for and care. Also, the student nurses were quite successful in classifying the
acknowledged medical concerns as a health hazard, a health deficiency, or an
anticipated crisis as they were able to identify current and potential issues that could be
a factor in limiting best possible health. The pupils were likewise unable to address
every issue because of the prevailing circumstances. The family now has enough
information, nevertheless, that they can use as necessary.
For Mother:
• Encourage her to go to the RHU to check her yellowish eyes.
• Encourage them to use the shampoo Licealiz to ger rid of their louse and lice. A nit comb is an
additional choice; it has fine teeth and aids in removing both head lice and their eggs.
• Avoid dumping waste in the river.
• Maintain cleanliness and make proper waste management within household.
• Encourage her to brush her teeth daily to avoid tooth decay.
• When she has a free time , read books so that you can learn somehow.
• Always wear a protection when he is in contact with his partner or mistress to avoid HIV.
• Tell him to reduce his smoking and drinking alcohol.
• Ensure children's health through encouragement of parents and guardians in associate with
supporting purging or deworming.
• When he has a free time , read books so that you can learn somehow.
• Learn to figure out where they fit, the difference between right and wrong, and what’s acceptable.
• Provide a support system to them.
• Encourage the twins that if they experience bullying again, they will be more courageous and make it
an inspiration instead of a distraction.
• Encourage them to have a good hygiene in their body.
• Encourage them to eat a lot of healthy foods and drink a lot of clean water.