Script About AI

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Hey there I’m Ishbak, I’m a student of Prepa Madero of high school, let me start with
a question, we all use a freezer, a smartphone, but never really thought that all
electronic devices can have an AI integrated. Well I prepared with 3 important points,
the first one is call “The history of AI” and I will try to tell the origins of AI in the 50’s,
second, I will mention some types of AI can exist, in the meantime I introduce on a
last, and is all the risks as you can go through, were i want to go? well, a lot of old
people, adults or children, constantly they interact with an Ai without they know. But
i want them to realize, that they are talk or make a relationship with an Artificial
Intelligence. I was planned that the speech during only 2 minutes, so

Let me start with a little definition of AI. Artificial Intelligence is a Complex algorithmic
system that is a part of a machine or robot, and tries to imitate the same human,
intelligence, Ok, so I give they the context, but now I’ll start with the information.
According to Harvard University, by the 50s, we had a generation of scientists,
mathematicians, and philosophers with the concept of artificial intelligence. One
such person was Alan Turing; he was a British mathematician who studied the
existence of AI; Turing suggested that humans use available information as well as
reason in order to solve problems and make decisions. Unfortunately, Turing was
not rich and the "modern computers of 50's" was to many expensive and they
couldn’t store commands. Five years later, the concept was initialized through Allen
Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon’s, The Logic Theorist was a program
designed to mimic the problem solving skills of a human, but the program was a
disaster, because people didn´t respected the meeting.
so let's see, the second point that I would like to talk about it the Types of AI, and
those are separated in 4 types, the first one is a reactive machine this is basically
the main thing, which is perform basic operation, this degree of difficulty is so easy,
just only reacts to some input with some output. the first stage to any machine is
learning to identify the human face, like a facial recognition, this type of AI is included
in your smartphone, have you ever seen the little square on your camera in your
phone? well let me said that was it a AI. The second one is a AI with limited memory,
if you can see, this is referenced to an A.I.’s ability to store previous data and/or
predictions, using that data to make better predictions. With Limited Memory,
machine learning becomes more difficult than other.
The next type is call Theory of mind, these are only in their beginning phases and
can be seen in things like self-driving cars. In this type of A.I., A.I. begins to interact
with the thoughts and emotions of humans.
Current models have a one-way relationship with A.I. Alexa and Siri bow to every
command. If you angrily yell at Google Maps to take you another direction instead
Google Maps, instead, continues to return the same traffic reports and ETAs that it
had already shown and has no concern for your distress, personally, I would prefer
Alexa than Siri because, she or it, can make me feel like I’m talking to another human
being. A Theory of Mind A.I. will be a better companion.
And then we have the Self-Aware, this kind of A.I. exists only in story A self-aware
intelligence beyond the human has an independent intelligence, and likely, people
will have to negotiate terms with the entity it created. What happens, good or bad, is
anyone’s guess, this is the same AI that had been in I robot with will smith.
Finally, we come to the third and last point, which are the risks that you can go
through, Although the risks that an average person can suffer don’t go beyond
leaking data or perhaps revealing their location, there are others that are totally
devastating, such as the hacking of a car with autopilot or manipulating you in a way
that you do not realize.
The first one is behavioral impact: children treat virtual assistants like Alexa or Siri
rudely, they obey without asking for things please, this makes the child have that
behavior with people.
AI Security is for example, the video of Obama insulting Donald Trump, this can
easily generate Fake news, and promote a chaos.
TECHNICAL FAILURES, do you remember when in 2017, two Facebook chatbots
had developed their own language that their programmers did not understand, this
is very curious because two AIs had never been seen interacting with each other,
however this is chilling because they can plot something without you we realize!
*Clap* Well, Well, my little introduction. It's come to an end, so in short, we talked a
little bit about the history of artificial intelligence, about how the ideas of having an
AI capable of thinking for itself were founded.
Also, we talked about the types of AI, some are simpler than others and some are
usually more complex.
The risks that you can take are about how a simple machine can impact both
young people and adults.
In my opinion, AI is an invention that came to revolutionize the world, it brought its
advantages and disadvantages, but personally I am afraid, because they may be
able to create their own language and plan a war against humans.
This is all from me, I wish they a great day, if you have any questions please raise
your hand. Byeeee

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